#Th Great Red Shift
a-simple-imagine · 7 months
Nothing But Cowards
Requested by anonymous: “I was wondering if you could just write about, having a fight and then make up, fluff and angst? If not that’s totally fine”
“I'd like to request a Jordan Li x fem reader where they're dating in secret from the friend group because of everything going down but one morning they oversleep and one of their friends find them curled up in bed together and it's followed by giggles and fluff?”
Pairing: Jordan Li x fem!reader
words: 3.7k+
WARNINGS - mentions of weird hospitals and tortured kids, strong language
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GodU had always been your parents' dream. they held such high and heavy hopes for you. their perfect little superhero. a future member of the seven. when you were younger, you hated the idea. you felt... exploited. they forced this life onto you. gave you compound V and for what? so you could become some clog in a corporate machine? help sell merchandise for Vought? but as you got older and realised that you were kinda stuck with your powers, you felt more obligated to follow through with their dream. to actually be a hero. so you applied for Godolkin University. got in. and became a crime-fighting major. that is how you met Jordan Li. They were much stronger than you would ever be. both physically and mentally. the ability to shift between two forms gave them two separate skill sets all wrapped up in one identity. and they were so confident in their identity. not always a boy. not always a girl. just so confidently themselves. and you admired them so much. They were truly the strongest person you knew or at least you thought so.
it was a weird moment shrouded in the darkness of night. you were shaking a little from rage or the cold, you couldn't quite tell. everything was so incredibly fucked. Marie's roommate had gone missing because of some stupid plan of Andre's imagining. you just found out that there was some weird hospital under the school that was experimenting on people; including Sam, Luke's brother who was apparently still alive and in fact did not commit suicide. not to mention Luke was still gone. he used to give some great advice. used to kick your ass in sparring sessions but would occasionally let you win just to keep you on your toes. he was your friend. and you missed him a lot. you could never understand what happened; or why it happened. All these mysteries were piling up like old comic books. so many chapters to one confusing story that if you missed a single issue it became almost impossible to follow. this was impossible to follow. everyone was arguing. people were taking sides. Marie wanted to find Emma, who had infiltrated the woods, to help Andre who was trying to save the kids trapped down there. Jordan was more pissed about rankings than tortured kids. Cate wanted everyone to just back up and not do anything reckless. you wanted to yell at them. you knew rankings were important to Jordan. they wanted to be the best. at least Cate was worried about not dying. your parents' words hang heavy on your shoulders. this was your chance to do some good. to live up to their dreams without becoming just another vought puppet.
"don't you want to be a hero?" your voice is loud. louder than expected. the question was mainly aimed at Jordan. the person who went toe to toe with Golden Boy just to protect Marie; someone they hardly even knew at that point. that was after the club. you wish you could say you don't think about that night. everyone else seemed to just move on but it haunts your dreams. it's a cloudy memory of white powder and thick red liquid. "we almost killed someone."
there is a brief flash of something. Regret, maybe? before the expression turns dark and defensive. "we didn't do shit." and that was partly the problem. you didn't hold the weapon but you still ran. you left a woman to bleed out because you were too high. even sober, you wouldn't have been able to do much but you could have done something. anything. Nobody likes to talk about that day. the same way nobody talks about what went down with Luke. or how, if they had their way, nobody would talk about this weird hospital. If Cate and Jordan got their way, you'd just go back to school where all that mattered was who held that number one spot. currently andre. not Jordan.
"Exactly which is worse, if it wasn't for Marie we would have all been royally fucked." you articulate. irritation bubbling deep in your chest. "we can do some good here- we can help people."
"you're just gonna get yourself killed"
"at least I'm not running away again," you say. Jordan can make all the scooby doo references she wants but you wouldn't entertain the thought of leaving this down to Marie once again. "you wanna know why Andre is number one instead of you?"
"because he is the only one person here who is trying to do something." You growl. "you're just a selfish asshole." if all they cared about was their ranking then you had to explain it in terms they'd understand. Their jaw tenses.
"Okay so what does that make you?" they spit. a particular venom dripping from their tone. "I've helped people- actually saved people. can you say the same?" they ask. "you're basically scared of your own shadow."
"Jordan don't."
"no," they interrupt Cate before she can continue. "I may be selfish for not wanting to go on some stupid suicide mission but when you realise what's really at stake here, don't come crying to me." Jordan's words hang heavy in the air, how do you even reply to that? your mouth opens but nothing comes out so you just walk away. Leaving your friends to continue arguing. 
a bitter flavour lingers in your mouth. a painful feeling concealed deep inside your chest. you can't control how others perceive you but is that really how Jordan sees you? some coward who ran to them whenever things got tough? maybe they were right. you were no hero. you may have superpowers. you may spend hours studying techniques and training in the gym but that's just school. it didn't mean anything. You had never saved the day. you had never actually done anything. you haven't spoken to Jordan. Not since that night. they had texted a few times but you haven't even opened them. you don't want anything to do with them right now but you'd be lying if you said you didn't miss them. you missed them a lot. nobody knew about your situation with Jordan. you had both decided to keep it on the down low while you figured stuff out. and with everything going on, it had just never been the right time.
a knock at the door. you don't bother getting out of the bed you had been rotting in for hours; staring up at the ceiling as the sun went down and darkness enveloped the room. another knock. you bury yourself deeper in your duvet but the knocking doesn't stop. it just gets louder. a loud groan as you roll out of bed. your roommate was always forgetting their key but when the door opens, your stomach sinks. it wasn't your roommate. you instantly close the door.
"fuck off," you yell back. they knock again. yanking open the door, you spy Jordan Li once again. femme. sweaty. gym gear. duffel bag hanging off their shoulder. "fuck off," you push on the door again but they slap their hand against it.
"Just give me a chance," they probably just wanted to yell at you some more and you weren't in the mood. you shove harder. "I could stand here all night." your brow creases. Jordan probably would too. they're very persistent. with a heavy sigh, you relinquish pressure on the door and it swings open as they let themselves in.
"what do you want?" your eyes follow her as she drops the gym bag down and begins wandering around your room. they had been here before. They knew what it looked like. their hand slides over the wood of your desk. they pick up the open book, presumably glancing over the content before dropping it back down. "Jordan."
"hm," they look at you almost perplexed. like they had been lost in their own little world.
"what do you want?" you request more firmly. they just stared back like it was a crazy thing to be asking. they drop back to lean against your desk. you're waiting for them to say something. anything. but their gaze just falls to the floor. you sigh softly, still loitering by the door. you would leave if this wasn't your room. "why are you here, Jordan?"
"I wanted to see you," their shoulders rise and fall. "everything is so fucked up. a hospital under the school like what the fuck?"
a secret hospital under the school was very messed up. you can't even imagine the things they get up to down there. also, Luke's brother was down there. that's why Emma went down in the first place before she disappeared. "yeah," you nod a little. "I guess."
"And Luke's brother being alive this whole time?" you wonder where this is going. you knew all this. you were there when everyone was arguing. your brow furrows a little.
"Can you get to the point?"
"well it's a little fucked isn't it?"
"You're being weird," you state. monitoring them carefully. they still wouldn't look at you but they did push up from the desk and towards the mini fridge.
"you got anything to drink?" they question, pulling it open.
"Jordan. leave."
"What?" they ask, still looking in your mostly empty little fridge.
"I said leave," you declare firmly. "I would like you to leave."
"you know why." they sighed loudly, thrusting the fridge closed with a loud slap. "you don't get to just pretend nothing happened."
"I don't know why you're angry, you're the one who called me selfish." Jordan insists. "Said Andre was better than me."
"You are selfish. All you care about is your stupid ranking."
"It's not stupid," Jordan fires back. "It is important if I wanna get somewhere,"
"Who fucking cares," you groan "Like I get it, you wanna be a hero but this is way bigger than all that."
"And what are you gonna do exactly?" there's a bite behind her words. She's getting defensive. "Whats your plan to save the day Superman?"
"I don't..." you snap before trailing off to a much quieter tone. "know exactly,”
"It's a death wish,"
"We have to do something.”
“no, we don’t.” Jordan replies. “we don’t have to do anything. This is way above our pay grade.”
“of course, you’d say that,” you groan loudly. “can you leave now.”
"I-" They seem like they're about to bite back but they stop short. a tense jaw. they let it go. "I miss you, okay."
"I don't care," you did care. "leave." you yank open the door. For a beat, they seem taken aback but it rapidly fades. "now."
"just hear me out."
"no Jordan," you huff. "just go. I'm not arguing with you anymore."
they watch you for a second. "I don't want to argue" they clarify. "please?” there’s an unusual desperation in their voice. one you’ve never heard before. it builds a degree of sympathy amongst your anger. you let the door fall closed with a click.
“fine," you cross your arms over your chest "What do you want?"
"you were right," she declares softly. the statement alone takes you by surprise. Jordan? admitting she was wrong? you'd comically gasp if you weren't annoyed with them.
"I don't understand."
"I said you were right."
"No, I heard you," you explain. "look, Jordan-"
"I'm sorry, okay?" they reply sharply "I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"why are you making this so difficult?" Jordan asks. "I've apologised so can we just watch a movie or something?" you raise a curious brow. Surely they weren't naive enough to believe you would simply forgive them just like that? There was more to this story that they were avoiding.
"you can't be fucking serious," a humourless laugh. "you don't even really mean it."
"I do though."
"no you don't," you sigh. walking towards them. "look at me and apologise- apologise properly."
"Ugh, I already apologised," they groan loudly, pairing it with a roll of their eyes. It just annoys you even more. "why can't you just forgive me?"
"Because you don't even know why you're apologising," you stress. "it's half-baked. you don't mean it. and I'm tired so-”
"I'm fucking scared" they blurt out. "I'm scared."
A look of surprise; shock. Their very loud confession caught you off guard. Jordan Li wasn't scared of anything. They’d made that bold claim a great many times. "of what?"
"of losing you," they yell back; their hands come up to run slowly over their face. Their hair becomes shorter. They physically grow taller. Shielded by his fingertips, it's pretty apparent that he shouldn't have said that or at least hadn't meant to. You don't know what to say; your head tilts slightly to one side. how do you respond to that? it still wasn't technically an apology. "for fuck sake."
"of losing me?" you recite slowly. "why would you lose me?"
"Because you're an idiot," they urge. "who wants to help people."
"Sorry but like it's true. you're a fucking idiot," they repeat. "and I admire that."
"I'm... confused," you mumble softly.
"I admire how much you wanna help people despite knowing it’s stupid and you're probably gonna die" You can't tell if Jordan is just oblivious to what he was saying but it was far from getting him back in your good graces. "I wish I could be like that. naive enough to think I can make a difference."
"I feel like you're just insulting me," you comment.
they shrug a little. "I know this is still kinda new, the whole me and you thing but…” you can tell this is hard for them. expressing their feelings was not their strong suit. Their head hangs low. “it doesn’t matter,” they walk towards you but instead veer off towards their bag. you reach out for them; taking their hand. they were running hot, a sweaty hand.
“you can tell me,” you express, a gentle squeeze. “we’ve been friends for ages…”
“you’re just gonna call me selfish again.” their voice a whisper but they make no effort to pull away. You step closer.
“then you’ve got nothing to lose, right?” it’s a joke. a harmless one but they don’t laugh or even acknowledge it.
“I… I just don’t want you dying before we get a chance to really explore whatever this,” they use their free hand to motion between you. “is. so yeah, I lashed out because I like you or whatever and want you alive. sorry.” you watch them for a moment. their inability to meet your gaze. the light dusting of pink that graced their cheeks. it was really sweet if not a little unexpected. Jordan was so cool most of the time. it was a rarity to see them express such emotions. it makes you smile. you just laugh a little in amusement.
"Jordan," you say warmly. "you're not gonna lose me," you step even closer, reaching for their other hand; running your thumb over their knuckles. "I understand what you're saying but I don't think it's reason enough not to help,"
"I know," the express softly, finally meeting your gaze. there is something unspoken behind those eyes but you choose not to push. “I wish it was.”
you keep your eyes on there’s taking in this tender moment. a moment of vulnerability. a moment of connection. you relish in the way their hands fit so comfortably in yours. you really liked Jordan. liked their attitude. admired their strength. wished for their sense of loyalty. you were so smitten. so lucky to be their chosen person. a smile settles before you slowly lean in. It catches them off guard but they soon settle into it. “I’m scared too,” whispered against their lips. "but I think the bravest thing we can do is try anyway.“ his eyes flutter closed, letting his forehead fall against yours.
"I didn't mean it when I called you a coward," Jordan whispers, his eyes open. Lingering on yours. “You’re the bravest person I know.”
"I am a coward," you express. "I've always wanted to be a hero. it's all my parents want. but I'm scared. terrified. I never could have fought Luke like you did. but I wanna try now. I want you to try too," you ghost their lips. It's subtle; intimate. "if you really wanna protect me, Jordan, you'd help because I'm doing this with or without you."
"do I have to decide right now?" they ask quietly. You're almost disappointed by their reply but you can't really blame them. This wasn't another student hero gone rogue. This was a whole institution willing to do anything to keep its secrets. "do you forgive me?"
"do you forgive me?"
"I was never mad at you,"
"I was mad at you." you declare.
"I know," they nod. "you weren't exactly subtle about it." their expression becomes playful and bright; a strong contrast from the conversation you were just having. You can't help but smile as you pull back.
"do you wanna stay over tonight?" there's a shift in the air. all that tension fading away. you're not mad. you're not thrilled either. but you liked Jordan. a lot. and you could understand their desire to protect you. In a way, it was very sweet. You didn't realise how much they liked you. "we could watch that movie? or Property Brothers? whatever you want."
"Whatever I want, huh?" their hands vacate yours and instead move to your hips. Pulling you close. ever so close. pressing their body ever so slightly into yours "Anything at all?" masc! Jordan was taller than their male counterpart but far less intimidating. firmer. gentler. it’s a rather present contrast.
"you're such a perv,"
"you don't even know what I was gonna say," they insist.
"Anyone with half a brain could figure it out," you tease. their hands slip around to the small of your back pulling you flush against them. playing into your words. "but what Jordan wants. Jordan gets." whispered in their ear, you place a gentle kiss upon their cheek. "right?"
you can feel them practically shudder against you. A heavy sigh left their lips. "oh she wants to play tonight?" all signs of sincerity washed away by something darker. desire. you meet their eyes, lips quirk up into a smirk before they lean in once more. it’s ever so light but you’re quick to deepen the kiss; chasing that warmth that spills through your veins but they pull away instead. mischief laces their expression. their fingers sliding under the hem of your shirt. they pull back just enough to murmur, “I’m gonna make you beg for it,” their words hot against your ear. A shiver spills down your spine as you lean into them; wanting to be closer. As close as possible as they guide you back towards your bed.
it's safe to say you're smitten with the infamous Jordan Li. and when it comes down to it you're delighted when you're together. they bring out a more mischievous side of you. and you like to think you bring out a more vulnerable side of them. You shuffle further into their embrace. Basking in the feeling of their arms around you as you hide from the rising sun peeking through the blinds. A content hum as you drift in and out of consciousness. Still so early. You feel them lean more into you.
"what the fuck," a voice drags you to the land of the living. And as your tired eyes flutter open, your friends stare back. Both you and Jordan shoot up, instantly breaking any contact. Pulling the covers up to hide the fact you were both very naked. Marie stands at the end of your bed; wide eyes and a slightly agape mouth. Cate and Andre are just by the door. how the fuck did they even get in? "we should- sorry," you watch Marie scramble for the door shoving Andre out just as Cate yanks him.
you both fall back down in unison. If anyone had seen it would almost seem planned. After a moment, you roll back into them. giggling into the crook of their neck. after a moment you nip the skin. "guess we're not a secret anymore," muttered against their skin.
"This isn't funny."
"it kinda is," you shrug "Quite the shock for those three." A giggle before you sink your teeth into her neck earning yourself a satisfied sigh but they're quick to push you away. A stern look on their face
"you agreed it was best we didn't tell everyone until all this craziness was over."
"yeah but don't you feel just a little relieved," you ask. You can practically see the gears turning in their head. It's... Cute. You move so that you're now straddling them, hands drifting delicately over their chest. Their skin is so warm; and soft. Their short bob is a mess against your pillow. they looked so peaceful. so beautiful. A strip of yellow sunlight reflected off their chain. "I'm glad everyone knows now. plus," you smile mischievously. "now I can kiss you whenever I want. " You lean down slowly and place your lips against hers. "and that's all I want," mumbled against their lip.
"I guess it is one less thing to worry about," they muse, bringing their hands up to rest against your hips. her fingers apply just a little bit of pressure. you peck their lips once more before pulling away. a gentle tap on their nose, their face scrunches up.
"you shift in your sleep sometimes did you know that?"
"you were definitely a guy when we fell asleep and then suddenly I'm snuggling up to a girl? is it like a conscious choice or?" they hesitate for a moment before playfully shoving you off them.
"shut up,"
"ow!!" you groan dramatically, falling down against the bed. "ow. that hurt so much. I'm in so much pain. how could you be so mean," you groan loudly, shuffling about a little for dramatic effect.
"you’re so dramatic,” Jordan rolls their eyes but a mischievous grin spreads over their lips. “now get up we’re gonna be late.”
“for what?”
“class.” they sit up. a hand coming to settle on your stomach. you don’t move. and neither do they. and in those few seconds, everything feels at peace. “you really are beautiful,” they eventually say before finally getting out of bed.
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mistiell · 1 year
Let me Wrap my Teeth Around the World
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Summary: Saturday finally rolls around and Spencer takes you out to dinner. When he drops your off at your apartment, you ask him to stay
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Fluff, spencer being love drunk and adorable af, protected piv (18+)
A/N: PART 3!!! This is the last part for this mini series. Fair warning, this has not been proofread so I’ll probably come back to correct some things. Hope you guys like it!
Part 2
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After four whole days, Saturday finally rolls around, and to say Spencer is nervous would be an understatement. He spent approximately sixty-seven hours, forty-two minutes, and twenty seconds attempting to come up with somewhere to take you, and he thinks he finally has a rather sound proof plan.
As he stands outside of your apartment, he goes over his plan once more in his head just as you open the door.
“Spence! Hey!” You greet him with a contagious smile before taking his hand to lead him inside. You look him up and down once before grinning puckishly at him, “Someone looks handsome.”
His face flushes red as he stutters out, “Th-Thanks.”
“I just have to grab my purse.” You smile kindly before skipping off towards your bedroom.
“Okay.” He nods, taking a moment to admire your decor. The first thing he notices is the scent of pumpkin spice hanging in the air, presumably from the recently extinguished candle sitting on your coffee table. The space is cluttered in a cosy, lived-in sort of way, with a fair amount of pillows settled on the couch and at least three different throw blankets stacked hanging over the back of an armchair. It’s very you, he thinks.
“Sorry for taking so long. Took me a second to find it.” You titter, and it’s now that he notices your outfit. You’re wearing a little black dress – something between formal and casual – that hugs your waist before tapering out at your hips to flow and fall to mid thigh. The sleeves are long and flowy, and the neckline shows off a fair bit of your chest — a detail he lingers on a little too long before hastily forcing his attention elsewhere.
When you look down at the ground and start fidgeting, he realises he hasn’t said anything, “You– you look gorgeous.” 
“Thank you.” You smile shyly before taking his hand and tugging him out the door, “Now, c’mon! I want to know what you’ve got planned for us this evening.”
He follows you into the elevator down to the underground before taking the lead, opening the passenger side door to his car for you before climbing in on the other side.
“So,” You start as he shifts the car into gear and pulls out of his parking spot, “Where are we headed?”
“I thought we could go to that Italian place you liked the last time we went out with the team?” He suggests as he pulls out onto the street. 
“Sounds good to me.” You reply, pulling at your dress as it rides up a little too high for your liking.
Spencer certainly isn’t complaining though. He’s got a great view of your thighs from here. When he dares to take his eyes off the road to glance at you out of the corner of his eye, of course.
The drive to the restaurant isn’t a long one and there’s an easy flow of idle chatter as he finds a parking spot before leading you inside.
The place is on the smaller side, a family owned business that’s been there since before either of you were born. The owner recognizes the two of you and smiles kindly as she shows you to a table.
As you skim the menu, you’re rambling about a TV show you’re currently obsessing over but, as hard as he tries, only half of him is listening. The other half is fantasising about ripping that dress off your body and ravishing you the way you deserve. 
He shakes his head. Jesus, where’d that come from? He’s got to get a hold of himself.
“I don’t know if you’d really be interested in it, but maybe—,” You stop talking and when he realises he’s been staring at your chest, he knows he’s been caught. He goes bright red when you smirk, “See something you like, pretty boy?”
Fucking hell, you’re going to be the death of him. He swallows hard and smiles nervously, “Yeah, I do.”
Your gaze slides down his neck and seems to land on the sliver of his collar bone that’s visible beneath the sweater vest he’s wearing, and you look like you’re just about ready to pounce on him. Under the table, you use your foot to nudge at his ankle before reaching for his hand and raising it to kiss his knuckles, maintaining eye contact as you do. For such a sweet gesture, it feels intimate with the way you’re gazing at him through your lashes, your lips warm against his skin in a way that makes him shift a little in his seat. When you pull away, you don’t let go of his hand, instead letting them settle between you as you scrunch your nose playfully and stage whisper, “Me too.”
He fucking giggles.
It’s that flustered, I-cannot-believe-this-person-thinks-I’m-attractive kind of giggle. When someone’s just hit on you and you just can’t help but laugh a little to calm your racing heart.
You grin at the sound and he clears his throat, cheeks a bright crimson, “Th–Thanks y– Thank you.”
He sighs with a simper, a little more than embarrassed as he hides his face in his free hand. You laugh and gently take his wrist to pull his hand away. When he dares to look back up at you, your eyes are filled with such fondness that it makes him want to scream.
“Don’t hide from me.” You coo, brushing your thumb over his wrist, “You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
He doesn’t know what to say, so he thanks you again.
“‘Course.” You smile just as the waiter returns with your drinks.
You both order and chat while you wait. He starts rambling on about a classic film he went to see once, one that was in russian and was nearly four hours long. He gets halfway through explaining the plot when he realises this is usually where someone else would cut him off, so instead, he does it himself. You notice the abrupt silence and swallow a bite of your food before cocking your head to the side, “Why’d you stop?”
“Oh, well,” No one’s ever asked him that before. They normally ask him to stop. Not why he stopped, “I didn’t want to bore you.”
“You weren’t. I enjoy listening to you.” You say casually, waiting for him to continue.
It takes him a moment to register that you’re being genuine, but once he does, he beams as he continues his explanation. You listen with rapt attention. You even ask him questions! He finds himself smiling so much his cheeks start to hurt.
When he’s finished, he asks you about the show you’d been talking about earlier and you grin, speaking excitedly and animatedly about the plot and characters. You’re careful not to spoil anything, just in case he decides to watch it — which he decided he would the moment he saw how you lit up when he mentioned it.
By the time the two of you are finished with dinner, the sun has set and the time is nearing seven thirty. Nearly an hour and a half has passed and he hadn’t even noticed. He’s quick to offer to pay the bill when it comes, which starts a very small back and forth between the two of you when you also insist on paying. Eventually, you compromise and decide to split it.
He opens the door for you before walking out behind you. The air has chilled, and when a breeze blows by, you shiver. 
He quickly shrugs off his coat and holds it out to you, “Here.”
“Oh, you don’t have to.” He shakes his head and smiles kindly at you.
“I want to.”
You smile back and utter a soft, “Thank you.
He holds it open and lets you slip your arms into it, watching the way you wrap it securely around yourself and practically burrow into it fondly. Before you start walking, he offers his arm to you, “Shall we?”
Giggling, you slip your arm through his, “We shall.”
You squeeze at his bicep affectionately as you walk and he places his free hand on the back of yours. 
When you get to his car, he opens the door for you again before climbing in himself. On the drive to your apartment, he can’t help but glance at you out of the corner of his eye again. 
“Just can’t stop staring, huh?” You smirk and he immediately brings his eyes back to the road.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He smiles and you laugh.
“Uh-huh. Sure you don’t.” Carefully, you take one of his hands off the wheel and hold it in your lap, playing with his fingers. He knows the distraction is dangerous, but he really doesn’t care at this point. You’ve got his hand in your lap, so close to your thighs that he can feel the heat radiating off of your skin, “I like when you stare, you know.” “Yeah?” Is all he can manage in response as you spread his fingers and place his open palm over your inner thigh.
“Yeah.” You whisper, and when he glances at you again, you’ve got a hunger in your eyes that makes him let out a shaky breath. He takes a chance, sliding his hand up the bottom of your dress to squeeze at the soft flesh that resides further up your thigh. You sigh, leaning your head back against the headrest as you idly drag your fingertips up and down the length of his forearm. He thinks he might pass out.
As he reaches your apartment building, he squeezes you before placing his hand back on the wheel to turn into the underground. He finds your visitor spot and parks the car, getting out to open the door for you. When you get to the elevator and finally reach the door to your apartment, you turn and tentatively take his hand.
“Would you, um,” You glance down at your shoes shyly, “Would you like to,” His heart races when you look up at him through your lashes, “come inside?”
His breath stutters in his chest and it takes him a moment to come back down to earth. Unfortunately, you take this as a rejection, pulling your hand away and smiling at him apologetically, “Sorry, you don’t have to, obviously. I just thought…Well, it doesn’t matter what I thought. I’ll–.”
He doesn’t let you go any further, stepping into your space and pressing his lips to yours. He’s not about to let another misunderstanding pull you away from him. When he pulls back, he cups your cheek and strokes a line with his thumb from the corner of your eye, to your temple, and back, “I’d love to.”
You smile, quickly opening the door to your apartment and pulling him through. Shrugging off his jacket, you hang it up on your coat rack as he slips off his shoes. You struggle to get your heels off, so he kneels to undo to clasp and slip them off for you.
“Such a gentleman.” You hum as he stands back up after placing your shoes under your coats, threading your fingers in the hairs closest to his ears. His hands gravitate to your waist as you press yourself against him, leaning up to peck his lips, his jaw, before opening your mouth to roll your tongue against the sensitive skin of his pulse point, drawing a deep, shuddering sigh from his lungs. Your teeth scrape against his jaw and he can hear your breath fanning hot against his neck. He swears under his breath and you chuckle, pulling away only to take his wrists and guide him down the hall towards your bedroom.
Before you have a chance to sit, he hooks his arm around you and pulls you back to him. He captures your lips again and slides his hand up your thighs and your dress to grasp at your waist, relishing in the way your skin feels under his hands. He only breaks the kiss to ask, “Can I take this off?”
“You can take off as much as you want, handsome.” You pant and he grins, slipping your dress off before taking a moment to unabashedly ogle you.
“You are…” There are so many things he could say. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Ethereal. None of them would do you justice, “Wow.”
You giggle, and he finds himself mesmerised by the way your shoulders shake and your stomach contracts with the motion, “I’ve never known you as a man of few words, Doctor Reid.”
“I guess you just have that effect on me.” He smiles as you move to fiddle with his belt, swiftly pulling his pants down his legs and letting him lean on you a little as he steps out of them. You make quick work of his sweater vest and button down after that, leaving him standing there in his boxers, nearly bare to you. He gets a little anxious when you don’t say anything at first, but when he takes the time to actually look at the way you’re staring at him, he realises you’re just as in awe of him as he is of you.
Taking you in his arms again, he walks you backwards until the backs of your knees hit the bed, letting you shimmy up the mattress until your head rests comfortably on your pillows. You open your arms to him, parting your thighs to let him slot himself snuggly in between. Gripping your hips, he spreads his knees and — with a strength that surprises both of you — tugs you towards him so that your heat is flush with his bulge. You gasp at the sudden manhandling, but don’t seem upset. In fact, if he had to describe it, you look like you want to eat him.
He bends at the waist, sliding his hands down the backs of your thighs and holding them against his sides as he leans down to kiss you again. One hand finds his back while the other finds his hair, tugging and earning a groan in response. He’d be content to sit there and kiss you for hours, but as you grind against him, sighing into his mouth, it’s clear you’re eager to have more of him.
Letting go of your thighs, he carefully wedges his fingers between you and the mattress to guide your back into a high enough arch that he can unclasp your bra. It takes him a couple tries, throughout which you kiss at his jaw in a lovely — but also rather unhelpful — way, but he gets it and slips it off, tossing it off to some unknown corner of the room. His hands stay safely on your sides for a moment as he glances up at you, waiting until you nod before he palms at your breast, leaning down to suck a few hickeys into the skin of your neck as he rolls your nipple between his fingers. You half sigh, half moan next to his ear and he rolls his hips into yours involuntarily, making you wrap your legs around his lower back to keep him where he is.
“‘M not goin’ anywhere, lovely.” He mumbles against your skin, rolling his hips again as you grind down to meet him.
He shifts his attention lower for a moment, marking up your chest a little before pulling away, sitting back on his heels to admire his work. Dragging his fingertips over the freshly made hickeys and down the valley of your breasts, he can feel your heart beating hard and fast against your ribs. A little lower and he splays his palm over the soft flesh of your stomach. He can feel your heart there, too. He lowers his head to mouth at your sternum, and the vibrations reverberate against his lips and tongue in a steady lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub. 
He kisses and sucks a trail down your stomach, stopping a moment to nip at the swell of your abdomen before kissing at your skin apologetically when you gasp and tug on his hair. Hooking his fingers under your panties, he slips them off before biting at the meat of your inner thighs, soothing the area with his tongue before repeating the process a little further up.
“Spence,” You pant, and he hums, looking up at you from his place between your thighs, “Please.”
“Please what?” He asks cheekily, chuckling when you huff at him in frustration.
“Touch me.” You sigh, and he feels a little lightheaded, “Please.”
He dips his tongue into the well of slick at your entrance before dragging his tongue up to swirl around your clit. You choke on his name, arching your back and tugging on his hair. He lays there, eating at you like a man starved, sucking and rolling his tongue against you in a way that has you bucking your hips so much that he has to hook an arm around your thighs to hold them down. Slowly, he slips two fingers into you, earning a hissed, “Fuck” that has him rutting into the mattress. He curls his fingers and you use his hair as leverage to pull him closer.
His name sounds like music on your lips, lyrics strung together by breathy swears and blending into a chorus of moans. He finds when he flicks his tongue and curls his fingers a certain way, he can get you to whine all breathy and high pitched. He finds your body is his instrument. Your voice, his muse. 
He feels you clench around his fingers, thighs trembling and breath speeding up as you get closer, and closer, before tipping over the edge with a loud, “Oh, shit!”
He lets go of your hips and slows his pace a little to let you use him to ride out your high, only stopping when you go lax beneath him and tug him away by his hair. He takes a moment to wipe his lips with the back of his hand before you pull him up your body to kiss him slow and sweet. Your hand travels to fiddle with the hem of his boxers, and he takes your wrist, looking at you rather seriously.
“Are you sure?” He asks, searching your eyes for any sort of hesitation and finding none.
You nod and peck his lips once before locking eyes with him, “Positive.”
“Okay.” He kisses you once more before sliding his boxers down his legs. As he gets them off his ankles and makes it back onto his knees, you lean over to your side table and quickly pull out a condom, opening it and passing it to him. He’s quick to roll it on before diving back into you, guiding you to lay back against your pillows. He kisses you once, twice, before dropping his forehead to your shoulder as he aligns himself with you. He pushes in slowly, bracing himself on his elbow and he lets out a wrecked moan next to your ear. When he bottoms out, he gives you a moment to adjust, waiting until you’re ready.
You roll your hips with a whiny little, “Spence.” and he sees stars. He goes slow, tries to be gentle, grinding his hips into yours and splitting you open slowly. His head is filled with the scent of you, the sound of you, the feel of you. When he said he wanted to drown in you, he meant it. He isn’t a religious man by any means, but if it meant worshipping at your feet and allowing him the privilege of being yours, he’d abandon his principles and repent in an instant.
“Harder.” You beg, and he bends to your will, setting a near back breaking pace. 
He keeps the grinding motion, but the force at which his hips hit yours have you digging your nails into his back and throwing your head back. His mouth finds the side of your larynx, tongue laving over the area before he latches his lips to your skin and sucks another bruise into it.
The room is filled with your sinful noises, moans and the sound of skin on skin as his hips snap against yours so hard that he worries for a moment that you might bruise. 
That thought is gone as quick as it comes when you moan out, “Fuck, just like that.”
That familiar coil winds up in his abdomen and warmth spreads from his thighs to his toes. You flutter around him, and he knows that you’re getting close too. His fingers find your clit, rubbing tight circles over the little bundle of nerves until your legs tremble and his name falls from your lips like a prayer, cunt spasming around him until he’s reaching his high too. He whimpers as he spills into the condom, body going rigid before he lets his upper body rest fully on you.
There’s a moment where he just sits there, sweaty torso flush with yours as he presses his ear against your chest to listen to your heart slow. You run your fingers through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp as you let him place a few sweet kisses to the curve of your breast.
“You wanna stay the night?” You ask softly and he nods. 
He sits up to pull the condom off, tying it up and tossing it into the bin beside your bed before noticing the blissed out haze you’re in, “You want to have a shower?” 
“Mm-mm.” You hum, holding your arms out to him.
“Okay.” He whispers as he flops onto the mattress beside you, pulling you into his chest and pressing his lips to your hairline. You sigh, nuzzling your nose against the divot where his collar bones meet. It isn’t long before your breaths even out and he isn’t far behind, the sound of your breathing coaxing him into a haze. The last thing he thinks about before he falls asleep is where he’s taking you on your next few dates.
@fandomscombine @ivyflowers13 @nataratacat
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augustjustice · 7 months
Pretty in Pink
AO3 Link
I am still firmly on my Stevie Harrington agenda this week, so please enjoy below Eddie's thirsty-turned-sappy thoughts about his favorite girl, inspired by @getlost0p's absolutely delightful art as well @cherrycolasteve's very cute tags.
Eddie taps the pen against his front teeth absently, eyes flitting uncomprehendingly over the various multiple choice options of his practice test. With his brain already feeling fuzzy and unfocused, it’s easy to let his gaze drift away from the page over to the girl currently sprawled out beside him–Stevie Harrington, curled up reading the X-Men comic Dustin had strong-armed her into picking up. 
And, look–who could really blame him for getting a little distracted? There's a hot girl in his bed which is, admittedly, a rare enough occurrence–until shit went sideways last spring, at least–to still feel a little notable. Even if she is only there for moral support while he studies, his GED test date circling ever closer.
Stevie's wearing a striped white and pink polo with the buttons undone all the way to the bottom of the neckline and tight stonewash jeans. The absolute preppiest of prep attire, completed by the cherry-flavored chapstick shining red on her lips.
Eddie wants to kiss her stupid.
The jeans are high waisted, pulled up snug over the curve of her ass, and with Stevie rolled onto her stomach reading the comic, Eddie's getting quite the view.
Then she shifts, flopping over onto her back beside him, the movement followed by the sound of pages turning. The new position offers a tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage, a further hint of what her clingy polo is doing such a great job of highlighting. 
Eddie looks. Of course he looks.
Estrogen has taken to Stevie’s figure like a duck to water. In the plush spread of her hips, making her pert ass even rounder, which Eddie would have thought was damn near impossible. And in the plumpness steadily gathering at her chest, her once defined pecs softening, giving way to the gentle swell of her breasts, which grow fuller by the day. 
It’s become something of a problem for him lately–the staring. 
That was true, to some extent, even before she started to transition. Stevie's always been gorgeous, and Eddie's always been aware of that fact, harboring a hopeless, from afar crush on her since they landed in the same impossible English class his first senior year and Eddie had become painfully aware of what all the Hawkins High girls were on about. Not that he would have admitted that, at the time, not even under threat of painful, agonizing death–no, the coming terms with it came later, during his spring break from hell spent realizing that Stevie Harrington was not only surprisingly sweet but a totally badass, bonafide hero.
…The whole ripping that bat apart with her teeth thing certainly didn't hurt, either.
The point is, he's always looked at Stevie, flirted with her. Probably been too obvious about it, too. 
It's just that since she started to transition, it feels like he's gotten so much worse, like any subtlety he was holding on to by his fingernails has been ripped from his hands. Eddie can’t stop staring at her, the heat of embarrassment prickling his face, tongue-tied like a school boy with a crush each and every time he gets caught. 
And that's the worst part of it–he does get caught, far more often than he'd like.
It’d been months, now, since the first time Stevie explicitly called him out for it–a warm Saturday in the summer when they had dragged the kids down to the arcade, trying to beat the heat with the dark, air-conditioned interior of the local nerd haunt. 
Stevie had been watching Erica beat her own high score at Duck Hunt, leaned over the machine in her Daisy Duke cutoff shorts and a cropped pink jersey, ponytail swinging against her back and the scars littering her sides unashamedly on display. That’s something they had both been working themselves up to, together–not hiding their war wounds, fighting off the anxiety that came from people’s stares.
But Eddie had been staring for an entirely different reason when Stevie caught him. 
As Erica ran off to ‘pummel’ Dustin after his latest Dig Dug win, Stevie propped an elbow on the abandoned game, shooting Eddie a knowing look.
“Like what you see, Munson?” she asked coyly.
Eddie’s entire face flamed with heat. 
“I was just–your top!” he blurted. “I was just admiring your top, my lady. It’s…it’s cute. The pink–think that might be your color, Harrington.”
Stevie’s cheeks burned her own pretty pink to match it, then, which Eddie couldn’t help but preen about. 
And if he noticed she started wearing a lot more pink around him after that, well…he tried not to read too much into it.
Just like the pretty pale pink she’s wearing today, attracting his eye and forcing Eddie to hold back a twitterpated sigh as he watches her, wrapped up in the bright primary colored pages of the X-Men
…This bullshit of his is definitely gonna get his ass kicked by Robin or Nancy, one of these days, he’s sure of it. Possibly both of them at once–Buck may just hold him down while Wheeler does what she does best.
But the truth is, it's not just about how Stevie’s figure has steadily filled out. He's not gonna lie, that's definitely part of it–but also…she just has this glow about her, now, like she's settling so happily into herself. It’s like that contentment beams out of her, radiant, in every little gesture, every giddy smile. He's drawn in by it, like Icarus with the sun, like a moth to a flame–too entranced to turn away, even if it might end up burning him in the long run.
The thing is, Stevie's beautiful, and she takes his breath away.
She’s become such an intrinsic part of his life, since everything that happened, he’s not entirely sure what he would do without her. Hell, they still share a bed, some nights–fighting back the nightmares together is always easier. And in the intervening months since that started, she's grown steadily softer beside him, curves pressing against his body where there were once hard planes and sharper angles. Her presence is no less warm and comforting than it had been from the beginning, though, her weight and smell familiar, the steady rhythm of her breathing when it finally evens out the same.
Eddie wonders if they were supposed to have stopped doing that, somewhere along the way–the sleeping together part, even though they're only doing it in the most platonic, just-friends sort of way possible. Then again, he's never put all that much stock in it, what he is and isn't supposed to be doing. Besides, how much difference could stopping really have made? Not a whole hell of a lot, in his opinion, considering they've both been bi as fuck the whole damn time.
Sharing a bed all the time doesn't really help his other problem–the staring, the thinking about Stevie's plush curves and soft skin–but that's his own shit to deal with and work out. Stevie shouldn't have to suffer through the nights alone just because Eddie can't keep his hard on for her in check.
So, yeah. He thinks she’s a knockout–of course he does–but the truth is, that’s all secondary to the way he feels about her. She’s steadily grown into one of his best friends, in the time since he’s finally gotten to actually know her. And if all he ever gets to do is look–and better yet, talk to her, bicker and joke and tease, share popcorn at movie nights crammed too close together on the Harrington’s couch and laugh at all the same stupid inside jokes–well, he considers himself honored for the privilege of it. 
“What, Munson?” Stevie laughs suddenly, drawing him out of his reverie–during which he had, of course, still been staring–by smacking him lightly on the arm with her comic book. 
That had been another secret, shared between them–Stevie liked the X-Men, she’d confessed, even if she couldn’t resist pretending otherwise to Dustin. She said the Mutants made her feel…seen, in a way she really hadn’t ever before. 
"I know exactly what you mean, sweetheart," Eddie had agreed easily when she told him. 
"Kinda figured you might, Eds,” she had shot him a soft smile, which he returned in kind.
That feeling of being seen–understood–stretched out beyond the pages of the comic book to encompass them both, the way they just fundamentally got each other.
"Mystique's got nothing on you, though," he had added with a wink, falling back on his old routine of borderline flirtation just for the pleasure of seeing her blush yet again, ducking her head as she gave his shoulder an exasperated nudge.
He blinks back to reality, finds himself looking into those same mesmerizing eyes now, big and brown and staring back at him expectantly. A smile plays at the corners of Stevie’s mouth as she puts her comic aside. Scooting closer, she reaches to give one of his test booklet pages a quick shake. 
"You're supposed to be studying, you know. Believe me, I get how hard that can be, and I wasn't exactly the best in school…but I'm still like 99% sure you at least have to look at the page before you get it,” she teases. “And I haven’t got the answers to this question secretly penciled somewhere up my sleeve, promise. So, not really sure how staring at me is gonna help you here."
Eddie studies her face–the amused pink curve of her mouth, the cute little moles that dot her cheeks and throat. 
That wistful sigh finally escapes him.
“Shit, sorry,” he apologies on autopilot, and then, the confession rolls off his tongue before he can stop it, “you’re just so…fucking pretty.”
As soon as the words have left his mouth, he cringes, preparing to blurt out yet another apology–and then Stevie’s finger presses against his lips. When he glances at her, he finds that her whole face has lit up. 
Well, fuck. If she’s gonna look at him like that, he can’t even be sorry for his big mouth.
Then, surprise of all surprises–he feels a jolt as she leans in and pecks him once on the cheek, lips smooth from her cherry chapstick. 
“Thanks. You’re sweet, Eddie,” Stevie murmurs, quietly, as she pulls back. Then, her smile turns mischievous, pretty eyes giving one of her patented, exasperated eyerolls. “And good of you to finally say something about it.”
Eddie barks out a disbelieving laugh before he can help it, hiding his face for a moment between his fingers.
“Seriously, Harrington, you know you’re a total babe.”
“Yeah, sure,” Stevie agrees, a glimmer of that overconfidence she’d carried herself with in school shining out. Eddie can’t even lie–he loves it. “But a girl still likes to hear it, now and again.”
“Shit, Stevie.” Head still ducked, Eddie reaches out slowly and takes her hand, twiddling with her fingers as he looks up from beneath the fringe of his bangs. “Now that I know you want me, too–I’ll tell you anytime you want.”
Reaching forward, Stevie tucks a tuft of hair behind Eddie’s ear, not letting him hide behind the curtain of it. Then, she leans in, and this time she presses a soft kiss to his lips. 
Eddie sucks in another sharp, surprised breath, finally tasting that cherry flavor for himself. 
“I’m totally gonna hold you to that one, Eds,” she says, leaving their foreheads pressed gently together even once she pulls back, “so just get ready for it.”  
But, then, a mere moment later, Stevie is bouncing backwards on the bed, giggling when Eddie leans in, trying to chase after her lips again. He groans as she picks up his booklet and presses it against his chest. 
“You can check me out all you want later, stud,” Stevie shoots him a wink, flipping open to the page he had left off on. “But, for now…you’ve gotta get back to work.”
When she settles down beside him this time, though, she stays close, hooking her chin over his shoulder. 
“And, I’ve got an idea. A tried and true method for studying. Works every time.” 
“That right?” Eddie tilts his head to face her, cocking an eyebrow. “Well, lay it on me, then, sweetheart. Tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”
He taps a finger lightly against her temple. The playful twinkle in Stevie’s eyes as she grins at him makes Eddie’s heart skip a bit.
“How about…I give you a kiss for every question you get right?” she murmurs, close enough her warm breath ghosts over his skin. 
Eddie lets his eyes drop down to the red shine of her lips, and feels giddy, for once, knowing he can look his fill. After a long, loaded pause, he gives a sharp nod, clapping his hands together.
“You know what, Stevie? Studying never sounded so good.” Snatching up his pen again, he settles back with the test now spread across both their laps. “I’m in.” 
And, this time, whenever Stevie distracts Eddie from his studies–well. At least he can tell himself it’s all in the name of a good cause.
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astxroiid · 4 months
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new york private life // tasm! peter parker
❥ childhood crush, date nights, vigilantes, apprehension, sweet young love.
wc: 1.5k
navigation ✩ empire state of mind (II) ✩ manhattan longing (III)
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"Hey, um... I'm Peter."
A familiar face stands in front of you, one you've known all your life.
"We went to high school together. I, uh, was wondering if maybe you'd want to maybe hang out sometime." The walls of the college cafeteria seem to be closing in around Peter. His hands twitching nervously as he shifted his feet uneasily.
"Oh!" you're caught a little off guard. "Well, I'm free tomorrow. Where will we be going?"
Peter smiles to himself a little. "There's this sushi place that just opened up a few blocks over... if you like sushi, that is."
The amount of anxiety radiating off this poor boy is so potent you can practically taste it.
"I love it," you grin up at the boy from your seat. "Pick me up at 5:30? we could be there by 6."
"Th-that sounds great!" His eyes light up as an excited smile spreads across his face. He's never gotten a this positive of a response before. This feels good.
"I'll pick you up at 5:30 then. Thank you," he says, trying not to be too happy about this, but he is. Very.
“Sounds like a date to me.” you smile, stand from your seat and kiss his cheek before walking away with a bounce in your step.
A date?! A kiss to his cheek! He's never felt so alive before! His cheeks burn red as you walk away. He can't believe that you said yes.
When 5:30 comes around the next day, you’re waiting by the entrance of your house, ready to meet up with Peter. You’re a bit nervous, but mostly excited. You felt a strange flutter in your stomach, your heart beating fast and body tingling.
When 5:45 comes, you start to worry. Where could Peter be?
5:50. Your heart begins to sink. Was this all a joke?
5:55. Is he... not coming?
6:00. You're officially distraught. Your mind immediately starts running to various conclusions. Is he busy? Did something happen to him? Or did he simply change his mind?
6:15. Maybe he forgot? Maybe he's late? Maybe he lost track of time?
6:30. Your eyes are puffy and red. Tears start to stream down your face as you realize he’s probably not coming.
7:00. Anger replaces sadness. Did he do this on purpose?! What the hell?! What was the point of even asking you out?
8:00. Sadness returns. After all your emotions drained your energy and tears blurred your eyes, you cant help but come back ton the thought: Why did he do this? He can't even have the courtesy to at least call you?
Just as the thought come to mind, your phone rings. It's Peter.
Your eyes widen and you quickly pick up the phone. You desperately hope that this might just change things, but you also can't help and start to feel anxious, afraid of what he might have to say.
"Hey," Your voice cracks as you hold the phone to your ear.
Peter's heart sinks at your tone, immediately feeling at fault. "Hey," he echoes in a small tone. "I'm sorry I didn't show up today..." he says, almost inaudible for a moment. He sounds... shaky. Nervous. "Something came up..."
In what world is that a good excuse for leaving a girl waiting for you for two and a half hours? He mentally cringes, wishing he could explain better. How? 'Hey, sorry I basically ghosted you , I'm Spiderman and I had to stop a robbery?!' it almost sounds made up.
"oh..." the same, tearful tone etched into your voice from before. "it's okay, I guess."
He gulps at the sadness in your voice, feeling worse now, not sure how to handle this situation.
"My aunt called me. She had some things she needed help with," he said, trying his best to avoid giving details. "I lost track of time and only just realized how late it was. I was rushing as fast as I could but I know I missed our date. I'm sorry, I should have at least sent you a text."
“It’s okay.” you sound only slightly more cheerful. “How about you make it up to me come over with some takeout and we watch a movie?”
"Really?" he asks, sounding surprised. After the tense conversation you both just had, he didn't think the night - or relationship for that matter - would be salvageable. "I mean sure," he says, not being able to hide the joy in his voice or the smile on his face. "What kind food do you want?"
“You pick.” You smile “Come over as soon as you can.”
About 20 minutes later Peter knocks on your door. You open it to reveal the sweetest looking boy with flowers an Thai food in hand, appearing a little guilty but still excited.
You couldn't resist smiling back at him, feeling much less mad about what happened earlier.
"Sorry for the wait," Peter apologizes as he hands you the bouquet of tulips. You gladly take them.
Walking over to the kitchen and filling a vase with water, you call out to Peter, who's still standing in the doorway.  
“You can come in Pete! You can set the food down over there," you gesture to the coffee table, covered in candles and books for your college classes.
Pete?! He smiles warmly as he enters into the living room and he watches you set the flowers in the vase. Peter glances around your apartment, your home is quite cozy.
Dark blue curtains hang around each window, soft lights from the New York night glowing through. Every surface in your home is decorated with mixtures of candles, lamps, books, or cute little trinkets.
The whole place smells like cherries and coffee. The soft music playing in the background bringing the whole mood together.
He goes ahead and sets the food down on the coffee table and he looks around the room. "Your place is nice," he says softly. He loves it. he could get used to spending more time here.
“Why thank you.” You blush, placing the flowers down “Oh! I was thinking about watching some of the Star Wars movies - is that okay?” You plop on the couch, patting next to you for Peter to sit.
"Star Wars is always okay with me," Peter replies, happy that you're not upset anymore. He sits down next to you and he can't help but notice how close you're both sitting next to each other. His heart flutters.
"The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite," Peter replies excitedly, happy to be sharing one of his interests with you.
He smiles, feeling very happy with the current state of things.
"That's my favorite too!" You smile brightly, looking into his eyes.
There was an odd and almost indescribable intimacy between you two, as if your shared love of Star Wars had brought you closer together in some unknown way.
“Really?” Peter asks, feeling thrilled by this coincidence.
You nod, giggling at Peter's excitement.
"What's your favorite character?" Peter asks. He's trying to watch the movie, although it's hard to take his eyes off of you for too long.
"Hmmm..." you place your finger on your chin, feigning deep thought. "Obi Wan, hands down the best in my opinion. What about you?"
"Definitely Han Solo," he replies, smiling. You notice how his cheeks are a bit red right now.
Is he blushing?
"He's cocky and always in the middle of trouble, but so charismatic and charming," Peter adds. He leans closer, getting a little more comfortable on the couch.
"Who's your least favorite?"
You notice him moving closer but don’t mind at all “Kylo Ren, I think. His character is just too underdone - they could’ve done better. What about you, Pete? Who’s your least favorite?” You lean in close to him, placing Your hand on his shoulder.
"Totally agree," Peter says quickly, gulping. "Kylo Ren sucks."
Chills take over Peter's body as your hand rests on his shoulder.
You're sitting awfully close, and the thought of it makes his head rush. He wishes he could take his eyes off of you.
Your heart begins to pound. He's getting so lost in the atmosphere.
You smile and turn your head back to the TV watching along as Han Solo grabs Leia, kissing her deeply. There's an ache in your chest for something similar.
Please kiss me. Peter's mind races and begs. Just go for it! He silently urges himself.
He's dying to turn his head towards you. The closeness is sending him into a spiral of emotion. If only he could find the courage to make a move. As he glances your way, he notices you're not looking at him; your attention is elsewhere. A wave of disappointment washes through him.
Peter looks to his fidgeting hands, now incredibly insecure.
Is he reading the signals wrong? His heart sinks. Does she not feel the same way?
His breath is shaky and he's afraid of ruining the evening.
Peter decides it's best to focus on the movie and not his growing, aching feelings.
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I hope y'all enjoyed my first fic in a loooong time lmao, big thanks to character.ai for helping me come up with this!
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killedpink · 1 year
everyone, please take a deep breath as i present to you: phone sex with felix lee.
🏷 contains: felix x reader, phone sex, mutual masturbation, voice kink, tease felix, mutual pining, a heavy dose of dirty talk, pet names, no prominent dom/sub dynamic, heavy cussing because felix is an aussie and i refuse to ignore that!
"are.. are you getting off right now, love?" felix asked, a mixture of both uncertainty and amusement in his rich, velvety voice. your heart stopped, "no! why would you think that?" your voice wavered, your actions under the blankets halting in embarrassment. he chuckled, "you know, it's okay if you are. its kind of.. i dunno, hot.." you could imagine the thoughts in his mind right now, likely picturing you with a hand over your sex, between your thighs, fingers slowly exploring your wettening slit with your half-lidded eyes and blushing cheeks. he wasn't far off of the money, either.
you brought the phone closer to your ear to hear him better, "you think so?" your voice was uncertain, still, shifting in the bed uncomfortably. "cause if that's the case, i am absolutely getting off to the sound of your voice, lix." you heard him suck in a breath sharply, releasing it with a lazy groan. "fuck, knew you were. y'miss me that much? couldn't even have waited until i got back? what am i gonna do with you, hm?" the sheets from his end ruffled. "sounds like you're gonna do the same thing i am," you chuckled, lips curving into a lovesick grin, brimming with pride.
felix hummed in agreement, granting you the gift of hearing that gorgeous voice of his again, practically feeling the vibrations of his throat through the phone that sat ever so closely to your ear. it sent shivers down your spine, giving you goosebumps and a strong urge to stuff yourself with your fingers, merely imagining that they were felix's in place of yours. "you might be right, there, love." he responded, the cadence of his voice making you dizzy with delight. your free hand sank down between your thighs once more, softly stroking your sex like you knew felix would if he were with you. your heart fluttered against your ribcage as you heard felix curse at the feeling of his own swelling cock finally getting some well-deserved relief.
it couldn't be helped that you imagined him in the moment. was his head tipped back, jaw in the air, with his neck on display? did he still have the bites from you decorating the soft skin of his neck? was his hair tied back out of his face, or did he let it splay onto the pillow below him, and fall into his face, obscuring his ethereal features? your hips rutted into your hand at the thought, allowing the phone's microphone to capture every minuscule noise you let fall from your lips. what about his pace? was felix taking his time, leisurely stroking his hard cock; or desperately fisting himself as if his life depended on it? it made you dizzy to think about, the undeniable need for him settling in your gut. "you make such pretty fucking sounds, love. fuck, let me hear you. don't stop, okay?" felix all but pleaded into his end of the microphone, your speakers doing a great injustice to you.
your hand slipped into your underwear, finally brushing against your needy cunt, earning a lust-filled, drunken whine to bless felix's red-tipped ears. "lix, you have no idea how bad i need you right now," you sighed, fingers swiping the slick that coated your skin and made everything around you sticky and wet, and used it to rub your swollen clit. felix hummed contently when his ears caught the obnoxiously loud squelching emitting from your cunt, his cock twitching in his hands as a consequence. "want you so bad, too. wanna hear you moan for me, wanna feel your tight cunt around my fingers.. fuck, just wanna feel you up, my gorgeous girl.." felix was rousing himself up at the thought of you, raking through his memories to urge him to orgasm. you could hear it in his voice, noted how he slurred, how his australian accent thickened and enunciated certain words, and you especially noticed how his tone dipped in octaves, growing huskier and breathier by the second. he poured his desperate thoughts into the microphone, each one dirtier than the last; sending you into a frenzy.
never in your life have you ever been displeased that you were touching yourself until now. you were hyperaware of every little detail of your hands that differentiated from felix's, completely miserable that it wasn't his thick fingers filling you up and stretching you out, caressing your throbbing cunt and exploring every inch of your sex, massaging your inner walls and attentively kissing your clit, eagerly lapping up any of your slick that would leak from you. it felt so vivid you could almost feel it — although nothing would ever compare to the real man. speaking of whom, you were so concentrated on your own high that his noises almost slipped past you. luckily, he was too loud to go undetected. you heard the way his precum squelched into his palm, the utterly erotic sounds of his hands stroking the entire length of his fat cock, base of his palm slapping against his skin as they reached the hilt of his cock, consequently brushing against his pelvis. his moans grew quicker, deeper, wantoner.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head, lips parting as your body succumbed to your orgasm, your hips faltering. "fucking hell, you sound so hot when you come, gonna make me—" felix started, cutting himself off with a full-bodied, filthily pornographic moan, his voice only spurring your own orgasm on further. you could hear the audible sounds of his cum coating his hand, spreading it all around his pretty cock as he fucked into his hand excitedly. soon after, the only thing you could hear were your mixed heavy breaths of air, almost harmonising. "did you come a bit too hard at that?" you asked slowly. felix sighed in relief, "i thought it was just me.." he chuckled lightly. you grinned, "we have to do this again."
"oh, love, don't tempt me."
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1-800-imagines · 6 months
red dress. | rafe cameron
part 1
set in season 3, episode 1! part of this is literally the scene word for word with dialogue LOL
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you had been manhandled all the way into your house and ushered upstairs before you could even really get a good look. an armed guard had left a hand print on your arm from him gripping you. once you were finally in the room and he let you go, you just scoffed, "great manners."
he showed no emotion and just said, "dinner at eight. I'd clean up."
"can't you just tell me what I'm here for?" you said in a frustrated tone. after he just closed the door. you tried the handle and groaned - it was locked.
the bedroom was nice and had everything you would need including multiple of the same red dresses in different sizes with a note that said - pick your size.
after a while, you decided to put it on - not wanting to piss off whoever was keeping you captive. you were sitting on the bed, dressed way too fancy for a dinner downstairs when there was a knock and then the door opened and a woman stepped inside, "he's ready."
you followed her out of the bedroom and down the stairs, trying to get a glimpse of anything that might be useful for an escape.
the woman showed you into the dining room and you looked around, spotting a man with a buzz cut standing with his back towards you. he was pouring a drink - most likely liquor. "hey - uh," you said unsure what to say to your potential captor.
your heart flipped when the man turned around. it was rafe. it was your fucking ex-boyfriend.
rafe's eyes lingered on your body, scanning you up and down as he saw you. it was like his brain hadn't fully processed who you exactly were.
"you're fucking involved in this shit? what? did you have your dad kidnap me so i'd be forced to talk to you??" your tone was harsh. you hadn't spoken to rafe since you broke things off and jumped off the ship with john b and sarah, obviously picking their side. it had broken your heart to do it but what rafe tried to do to sarah - that wasn't the man you loved.
"what the hell are you talking about? why are you here anyway? trying to fuck up my deal?" rafe said gruffly while walking towards you.
"I wondered if your little reunion would cause sparks, you know." said a voice from the other room. your attention snapped towards the other man.
"who are you?" rafe asked, his tone shifting and his body moving closer and in front of yours.
"me? my name is carlos singh. it's a pleasure to meet you, mr. cameron," your stomach dropped at the fact that the unknown man knew rafe by name.
"and ms. y/l/n, I do apologize for the rough tactics to bring you in today." as mr. singh said that, rafe's eyes scanned over your body, his teeth gritting when he noticed the bruises on your arm. "come, I don't bite." he continued, turning on his foot to go into the other room.
before you could follow, rafe blocked the entrance and whispered, "did he hurt you?" his hand brushed against your arm.
"I'm fine rafe, but I want to leave here - like now." you said softly and continued to walk into the next room.
you could tell rafe wanted to kill the man for anyone putting his hands on you, but now wasn't the time. "rough tactics? what about me then?" rafe was seething and after every sentence his jaw clenched harder.
"yes, mr. cameron, false pretenses for you, but the ends justify the means, I'm afraid."
after sitting through singh's speech about what he wanted, him interrogating you about the diary, which you had denied knowing its whereabouts vehemently, he had walked you and rafe back to the room where you had been held earlier.
after opening the door, singh then threatened the two of you with only having one day to tell him where the diary was and that there was going to be a demonstration at the window. and with that, he left the door locking behind him.
while rafe banged on the door, you walked over to the window and pushed the curtains out of the way. rafe joined you, "who the hell is that guy?"
"he's the guy that got us off the island." you murmured, "his name is jimmy portis. he was trying to help me." your stomach dropped, yet again, when singh pulled out his gun as he looked up at the window towards you and rafe.
you and rafe both jumped when the gun fired and you turned instinctively into his chest. his arms wrapped around you and he put his face against your forehead. he put one hand in your hair on the back of your head to pull you closer.
"baby, I need to know, the diary, do you have it?" he asked, pulling away and tilting your face up towards him.
you hadn't even realized that he had called you baby at first, but there were bigger things than that going on so you just shook your head no, which was the truth, and said, "no I don't have it."
rafe nodded and kissed your forehead, "I'm so sorry. for everything."
comment if you want to be tagged for this fic OR my obx tag list in general!!
keep an eye out for part 2 where it's the rest of their night!!!!
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Know It's For The Better, Know It's For The Better
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content: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader fic warning: ANGST, ANGSTY ANGST THAT'LL MAKE YOU ANGST LIKE YOU'VE NEVER ANGST-ED BEFORE author's note: i would like to formally apologize for this one. phoebe bridgers is not the ideal thing to listen to while writing bc this is what comes out of me. i dont feel bad bc if im sad you guys have to be sad, but you should probs attend therapy after this.
“y/n?! it’s over! ha, i really thought-…” percy’s words got caught in his throat as he moved towards his sister, his smile slipping off his lips. y/n's back was to him, but as he approached, he noticed the sword sticking out from her chest. He now heard her shallow breathing and saw the tears pooling in her eyes and blood dripping from her lips.
“no, no, no, no, no, oh gods, no, please,” he repeated like a mantra, rushing towards y/n, the world fading around him. she was stumbling on her feet, falling backwards into percy’s arms. he gently lowered her to the ground, his hands gripping the sword and tugging it. a groan left y/n's lips, her teeth gritted and bloody.
“i know, i know, i’m sorry, y/n, i’m sorry,” percy muttered against her hair before removing the sword, watching the blood quickly fill the empty space. his hands rushed to the wound, pressing down as best he could with tears blurring his vision. he spun, his eyes looking around for help.
“help! help me, please! gods, i’m begging, help her!” he screamed, his face turning red at the effort.
“…percy,” y/n's voice whispered out, her eyes blinking slowly as her head rested against his chest. He instantly looked down at her, shaking his head.
“no, no, no. y/n, stop, help is coming. some-someone had to have heard me,” percy choked out, struggling to pull breath in. y/n whimpered in pain, her eyes squeezing shut and tears leaking from them.
“percy, i’m- i’m scared,” she managed to get out, more whimpers following and percy couldn’t tell if it was from pain or fear. percy’s blood ran cold at those words, ones y/n had never once uttered. it scared percy that his big sister was scared; this untouchable girl…was scared. he’d kill whatever scared his sister, he promised.
“it’s okay, y/n, don’t be scared. it…it’s okay,” percy stated, unsure what else to tell her without lying through his teeth. y/n was rapidly losing steam as she seemingly fell against him.
“…i’m…sorry,” y/n managed to get out, lifting her hand with great effort and resting it on top of percy’s. both were coated with her own blood. he hung his head, resting it against her temple, letting his tears run without any holding back.
“it’s not your fault. i love you, y/n…i'm so, so sorry,” he muttered against her hair, pressing a gentle kiss to her scalp, holding his sobs in so as to not jolt her too much. a dying smile took over y/n's blood soaked lips, her gaze turning distant as she stared ahead of her.
“lo-…look…th- sea,” y/n fought to get out, percy’s blurred vision shifting up to the nearby lake, a tide crashing against the beach. the water slammed, and slammed, and slammed against the sand, percy feeling the vibrations in the ground. his eyes drifted upwards, knowing their father was behind it; stormbringer, earthshaker, god of the sea. all for his dying daughter. percy’s eyes snapped down to y/n, noting her faded gaze and still chest. his shoulders began to shake like the earth, curling around his big sister.
“percy?! what-” annabeth asked in a panic as she saw him before stopping, her eyes drifting to y/n…y/n's body. her hand shot to her lips, tears springing into her eyes. she fell to her knees beside percy, her other hand hesitantly resting against the small of his back, in hopes to stabilize him even the slightest bit. percy glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, unable to move away from y/n anymore than that.
“i- she-”
“no…you don’t have to,” annabeth whispered back, another shake running through the earth as the waves continued to crash. surely all of camp felt that one and percy silently hoped his father brought down buildings and nations with his earthquakes and waves; it was the only amount of pain that would even be close to equaling the squeezing of his chest right now.
“guys, have you seen y/n?! i- i- i can’t find her anywhere and-…” leo asked, out of breath, as he ran up to the pair, halting to a stop as he stared and percy finally looked up, his bloodshot eyes meeting leo’s. leo’s face fell at this before his eyes jumped down to what percy was holding against his chest, a ringing filling leo’s ears. he just stared and stared, waiting for her chest to heave or her eyes to fill with that glimmer that leo loved so much.
“y/n?” leo asked, breathlessly, taking stumbling steps towards him before thudding to his knees beside her. percy watched all of this, holding y/n even closer.
“i’m sorry,” percy whispered back, waves crashing in perfect tempo. leo couldn’t hear it, he couldn’t hear any of it as his hands hesitantly reached towards her. he took her left hand into his own, tucking it firmly into his hand, feeling the cold metal of the ring he’d given her dig into his skin. the promise ring he’d given her. a million different promises, lost in a moment.
“leo?” annabeth sniffled after a few minutes, using the heel of her hand to wipe away some of her tears. leo shook his head in response, tears rolling off his cheeks.
“no, no, no. she- she promised to be safe. she…told me she was going to come back and- and-” leo choked out, coughing on his own sobs. he was wheezing, struggling to get air into his lungs, and he didn’t know how to stop it. y/n would know how to calm him down, he thought, bring a new panic to his struggle to breath.
he was already using past tense.
“leo, you need to breathe. listen to me, do you hear the waves? what do they remind you of?” annabeth asked, her eyes wide in panic as she tried to calm leo down. percy was in no state to help, his eyes back on his dead sister, his hands fruitlessly combing through her knotted hair.
“her. they remind me of her,” leo bit out, sucking a breath in through his nose as he wrapped his second hand around y/n's.
“okay, good, and what does she remind you of?”
“everything that ever mattered,” leo murmured, his heaving breaths beginning to level out as he thought about y/n.
not the pale and dead girl in front of him, but rather the girl who always smelled like an ocean breeze, the girl who’s smile was like a sun glare off water, the girl who’s laugh always reminded him of hearing the ocean in a seashell. his breath calmed, his heaving chest simply breathing now. but he could still feel it; the shatter of his heart, his ribs cracking to make space, his soul screaming and screaming and screaming.
he knew he'd never recover from this, never be the leo valdez he was with you. that man, he died the moment you breathed your final breaths. leo would never see that version of himself again, expect for when he's looking at pictures of y/n and manages to catch a glimpse of his reflection in the glass. the reflection of a boy long lost to the rolling tides of life.
I wanna be the power ballad that lifts you up and holds you down I wanna be the broken love song that feeds your misery And I can wish all that I want, but it won't bring us together Plus, I know whatever happens to me, I know it's for the better
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Spidersonas are the perfect exercise and I recommend everyone try -
Quick-Spidersona Exercises
How I use new Spidersonas as Artistic Practice
[A MEDIUM length post where I share ideas and exercises to create Spidersonas quicker and easier, while practicing your writing/art]
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Spidersonas can be a great tool for any artist!
If you're a writer looking for a way to get better at character creation, research, and world-building - Or an artist looking for a way to get better at character design:
Consider trying out Quick Spidersona exercises as a fun way to do that! I use them all the time, because seriously, who says you can only have ONE Spidersona?
(I think I have at least 15-20 now - counting the eight named kids I gave Miguel & Moche)
I usual end up making at least one a week - and I find they're amazing for learning how to make characters quickly and in a really fun way.
Everything can be canon in the Spider-verse, including a sentient piece of Lego-Plastic and a Pre-historic Spider-saur.
Plus, with the Spider-Society being full formed, and canon events at your choosing, you have a loose template for a background - making it easier to throw them into the story.
I use a couple different exercises on making Fast-Sonas, and I thought I'd share some.
Here's a couple of my favorites! If you find this helpful, let me know!
1 - Hour Sona Challenge
Ever have a half-baked Spidersona Idea or come up with a funny crack Spider?
Give yourself an hour (or two) and go at it.
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[This challenge is good for quick practice, Character Creation & Design]
Design them a suit as quick as you can, coming up with abilities and a rough personality.
You don't need to go into backstory if you don't feel like it, and it's a great way to get started
This is something you can do routinely - I do, I usually do this once or twice a week; And soon you'll have a full cast of sonas that can interact with each other!
It's great practice, and the more you do it, the easier it gets.
When you're doing it on the fly, or know it's just one hour - it can produce characters that are more natural, because you don't have time to second guess. Plus, since it's only an hour, you can get as silly as you want!
Stoner-Spider is an example of a 2-hour Sona Challenge.
This challenge is good for Character Design
Make your own cross over!
For something a bit easier - Take a Non-Spider character and make them a Spider-person.
This could be anyone, from other Marvel characters, to Disney Princesses, Celebrities, and characters from your other fandoms. You can even make some of your old OCs into Spider-people!
For Artists - this can be a real fun challenge - try and blend the characters original outfit and design into a suit suitable for swinging.
For Writers - try to adapt their current background, and shift it around so they have 'canon events'. If the character you like has lost someone, the person they lost could stand in for their Uncle Ben or Aunt May.
Example: If you're looking to adapt Ellie from The Last of Us, losing Joel could be her Uncle Ben canon event.
This works for every character (basically). What if Black Widow ACTUALLY got bit by a black widow? Now Nat Romanoff is on campus. (Every Peter thinks she's an MJ cause the red hair at first).
No matter how ridiculous, you can stretch it. In Spiderverse, everyone is Canon.
If they can write a SpiderCar - you can write ANYTHING.
Some ideas are:
Celebrities, Animals (like SpiderCat or the Dinosaur), Princesses, Greek Gods, Historical Figures, Fandom Characters,
Mundane Spider
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This challenge is good for: Character Building & Design
Not everyone is extraordinary. SOMEONE has to flip those McMiguel burgers goddamn it.
If making a huge story and traumatic canon events send daunting - just... Don't do it. Challenge yourself to make a Spidersona that's literally just a person.
Like a Target employee who got bit by a spider that came out a shipment. And now they have to work at the Society AND target. They wear the Target polo over their suit.
Pick a normal type of person, and challenge yourself to make them super.
Maybe a stay at home mom that got bit by a house spider, or a college student that got bit at the library. Any one could be a Spider-person! So don't worry that they're 'boring'.
Ideas for this:
A person based on your town/city, Random Professions, Teachers, Therapists, People based on hobbies you like to do (ex: Margo is eSports. SpiderCanada is hockey based),
History Spider
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[This is good for Research]
History Buffs WHERE U AT?????
If you love a period of history - GO ALL IN.
Take the SpiderNoir and Hobie route.
If your Spidersona was from Ancient Egypt, what would they wear? If you really like the Medieval Era, would their city want to burn them at the stake?
For Artists - What would they wear? And how would the fashion trends of their time period effect their suits?
For Writers - What would be their real name, if it were time period accurate? How would they act and speak? Consider how they would adjust to things like 2099, and how their time period would effect their fighting style.
Culture Spider
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If you're from a interesting culture or place, make a Sona for that!
[This is another great one for Research, as well as Character Design too]
I've seen it all, from my own IncaSpider, to Korean Spider-people and Romanian Spider-people.
For Artists - It's REALLY fun adapting traditional dress and colors into a Spider-suit, and you may even find yourself falling down a research hole.
For Writers - This can go DEEP. You can pick any time period of your culture and home. Things like their accent, their behaviors and traditions, and their backstory can all be reflections of your culture.
With HUNDREDS of years is material to pull from, using Culture as a back drop for a Spider can help them seem deep and natural. Plus, you can just Google clothing and use that as suit inspo
Ben Reilly - Mary Sue Spider
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Arguably my FAVORITE. Not for the faint of heart.
[This is the best for everything - Literal SELF CARE I MEAN THAT]
Write a character that's super strong and effortless about it. Pavi is. And he's still a great character.
Write a character who ALWAYS looks kick ass and rides a cool motorcycle or plays a rad guitar - Jess and Hobie are literally THAT.
Want your character to be big and super smart with deep trauma that haunts them? - Ben Reilly and Miguel. The three of them can be a trio.
Every time you draw something or write something that makes you cringe, or feels to OP or too much.
Good. Leave it in. Turn it up to 11.
Go all out. Draw your Instagram dream outfit. If you want your Sona in 12 inch heels - have at it!
'Oh but that's impractical and stup-'
They're literally a Super-Human. If Gwen can catch a helicopter like that, I think a Spidersona can manage stripper heels or Final Fantasy Hair.
What's the worst that can happen? You're doing it on purpose.
At the best, you'll make someone REALLY REALLY rad - like Hobie.
At the least, you'll make someone REALLY REALLY funny - like Ben Reilly.
Disco-Spider Diane is an example of this. She was probably supposed to be a completely self-indulgent, unhinged Sona.
So much so that she thinks she's perfect, even though she's a little bit naive, lazy, and in her own world. But because she doesn't care.. it's all good :)
No Logic Whatsoever Spider
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[This one is just funny. Great one for Character Design and getting out of your comfort zone.]
Spider-Ham, Spider-Car, Spider Cat, LegoSpider, Spiderplush and SpiderPopsicle all have a club. The No Logic Whatsoever Club.
Challenge yourself to make a new member.
Break all the laws of logic. If something can be Spiderman, then it is or duty to make it so.
What's your favorite animal? Make that.
Can they put on the suit themselves? No? Who cares they're a Spiderperson-thing now.
Is there a funny art style you like - make a Bendy's style 1930's black and white silent cartoon.
For Artists - This is a great one. It can be as simple as drawing Spider-man merch and making it sentient. Or as bizarre as drawing a Dinosaur in a Spider-man costume.
For Writers - HARD MODE. For pure crack fanatics. Enjoy trying to make logic of this. Or don't. They are what they are.
So here are just some exercises and ideas for those looking to strengthen their writing/art skills with Spidersonas.
They can be really quick to make, and you can always build on them over time, do a '1hr Sona Update' Challenge, run them through canon events and see them change.
Having multiple spidersonas can be fun, make writing easier, and it's great practice that translates everywhere - into world building, character design, research, and a lot of other creative skills.
Literally theres no need for just one! The Spiderverse is open to any Sona, no matter how bizarre, mundane, or self-indulgent!!
If this gave you and ideas or inspiration, let me know. If you try a challenge, I'd love to see too!
And as per usual if you've read this far: Here take this as a token of my gratitude
Go forth, create, and kill cringe with your bare hands. Smash it into a moving train. That usually does the trick.
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The Stag and the Dragon
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pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Female OC
summary: Aegon has to marry a Baratheon girl, what was so attractive about her?
Word count: 3,9K
Warnings: Smut, Cunnilingus, Slight dirty talk, mean Aegon at first
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
In the dimly lit chamber of the Red Keep, the king's small council gathered, their faces illuminated by the flickering candles that lined the table. King Viserys I Targaryen sat at the head of the table, his expression grave as he surveyed his most trusted advisors. Among them were Queen Alicent, his daughters Rhaenyra, and Helaena, and his sons, Prince Aegon and Aemond. The tension in the room was palpable, for the matter at hand was of great import.
Viserys cleared his throat, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "My lords and ladies, thank you for convening today. As you all know, our realm faces a time of uncertainty, and it is imperative that we secure our alliances and strengthen the bonds between noble houses."
The council members exchanged knowing glances. They were well aware of the precarious state of the Seven Kingdoms, with simmering tensions and rivalries threatening to erupt into open conflict.
Aegon, the young prince, shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He had been aware of the impending discussion, and it filled him with unease. He glanced to his left, where the Baratheons, Borros, and Olira, sat. His betrothed, Olira Baratheon, sat with an impassive expression, her stormy blue eyes fixed on the table before her.
Viserys continued, "To that end, it is my decision to strengthen our ties with House Baratheon. I have arranged a betrothal between my son, Prince Aegon, and Lady Olira Baratheon."
The announcement hung in the air, and Aegon could feel the eyes of the council turn toward him. His heart sank at the prospect of this union, a marriage arranged for political gain rather than love. He shot a quick glance at Olira, but her face remained a mask of composure.
Borros Baratheon, Olira's father and the lord of Storm's End, nodded in agreement. "A wise decision, Your Grace. This alliance will bring stability to the realm."
Aegon bit his lip, struggling to contain his frustration. He had hoped for a different future, one where he could choose his own path. But the burdens of his birthright weighed heavily upon him, and he knew that his desires were secondary to the needs of the realm.
Olira, on the other hand, gave no outward reaction. She had been prepared for this moment by her father, taught to hide her emotions behind a stoic facade. She understood the duty that came with her noble blood, even if it meant sacrificing her own desires.
Viserys concluded the meeting, "Let it be known that this betrothal is a sign of unity and strength. The wedding will take place in due time, and I expect both Houses Targaryen and Baratheon to uphold their obligations."
As the council members began to disperse, Aegon couldn't help but steal one last glance at Olira. Their fates were intertwined now, whether they liked it or not, and the weight of their responsibilities pressed heavily upon their young shoulders.
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The gardens of the Red Keep were a labyrinth of beauty, a testament to the opulence and grandeur of the Targaryen dynasty. As Aegon and Olira strolled along the winding paths, the scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves surrounded them. It was a serene backdrop for a union neither of them had chosen.
Aegon, his arms crossed and his expression sullen, walked a pace ahead of Olira. His displeasure with the betrothal was evident in every step, every furrowed brow. He had not wanted this, had not asked for it, and it was clear he had no intention of making it easy.
Olira, on the other hand, walked with a measured grace, her chin held high despite the growing tension in the air. She had been prepared for a life of duty and had resolved to meet this challenge with civility. Her father had told her that alliances between noble houses were the foundation of the realm's stability, and she was determined to do her part.
Queen Alicent, watching from a discreet distance, hoped that this walk would at least lead to some form of understanding between the betrothed. She knew that her son's disdain for the arrangement was only matched by Olira's quiet determination to make the best of it.
Aegon broke the silence, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "So, Lady Olira, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Embroidery? Singing songs of love and honor?"
Olira's patience was wearing thin, and she finally replied, her tone cool and measured. "I find solace in reading, Your Grace. History, politics, and strategies of war interest me."
Aegon scoffed. "Of course, books. Just what every young lady dreams of. I prefer the sword and the thrill of combat, something you probably find rather unladylike."
Olira's eyes flashed with irritation, but she maintained her composure. "Not unladylike, Your Grace, simply different. I believe that knowledge can be a powerful weapon as well."
The tension between them was palpable, but Queen Alicent had hoped that their shared time in the garden would lead to at least a civil conversation. She decided to intervene, approaching the young couple with a smile that barely masked her concern.
"Enjoying the garden, my dears?" the queen inquired, her voice warm but tinged with a subtle hint of authority.
Aegon and Olira exchanged a glance, both recognizing the queen's intent to bridge the gap between them. Aegon grumbled under his breath, but Olira took the opportunity to be diplomatic.
"Yes, Your Grace," Olira replied with a forced smile. "The garden is truly beautiful."
Queen Alicent nodded in approval. "Good. You have much to learn about each other, but I have faith that you will find common ground. After all, you both have the best interests of the realm at heart."
As the queen continued to speak, Aegon and Olira exchanged polite nods, masking their true feelings. The walk in the gardens had done little to change their initial impressions of each other, but they both knew that their future was inexorably tied to the success of this betrothal.
And so, they would have to find a way to navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead, one step at a time, whether they liked it or not.
Olira subtly shifted the conversation, attempting to steer it toward the subjects she knew would capture Prince Aegon's interest. As they walked through the garden, she spoke of the lavish feasts, celebrations, and wine tastings she had attended in Storm's End, emphasizing the pleasures of fine wines and the art of winemaking. She couldn't help but notice Aegon's attention wavering from his mother's discussion about politics and alliances to her words.
Aegon's eyes brightened, and he leaned in slightly, his curiosity piqued. "You enjoy wine, Lady Olira?"
Olira nodded with a warm smile, her intuition proving correct. "Indeed, Your Grace. The variety of wines and the craftsmanship that goes into making them have always fascinated me. The different flavors, the stories behind each vintage, it's like experiencing a piece of history with every sip."
Aegon's demeanor relaxed as he found himself engaged in a conversation more to his liking. "I couldn't agree more. There's something captivating about the way a good wine can transport you to another world, even if only for a moment."
Encouraged by his response, Olira continued, "Perhaps one day, we could share a fine bottle of wine and exchange stories of our favorite vintages. It would be a pleasant diversion from the weight of our responsibilities."
Aegon's initial reluctance to spend time with Olira seemed to be melting away as they discussed their shared interest in wine. He chuckled, a rare smile gracing his features. "You might be onto something, Lady Olira. I could use a distraction from all these talks of alliances and politics."
Queen Alicent observed the change in her son's demeanor, pleased that Olira had managed to capture his attention and steer their conversation in a more enjoyable direction.
As they continued their walk, Aegon and Olira discussed their favorite wines, their experiences at various feasts and celebrations, and their shared desire for moments of respite from the demands of their noble birthright.
Olira had achieved her goal of establishing a connection with Aegon, recognizing that they shared a common interest that went beyond the political union their families had arranged. It was a small victory, but one that held promise for their future together, despite the challenges that lay ahead.
As Aegon and Olira continued to discuss their shared interest in wine, the atmosphere between them lightened, and for a brief moment, it seemed they might find common ground. However, Aegon, known for his brash and sometimes thoughtless remarks, made a comment that shattered the fragile connection they had been building.
With a chuckle, he leaned in closer to Olira and said, "You know, Lady Olira, I've always found the intricacies of wine to be similar to women. Each one has its own unique flavor, and sometimes it's best to savor them all before settling for just one."
Olira's face froze, her smile vanishing. Aegon's comment had not only offended her as a lady but had also revealed his casual and somewhat disrespectful attitude towards women. The disappointment and hurt simmered beneath her stoic expression, but she knew better than to engage in an argument.
"I see," she replied, her voice cool and composed. "Well, Your Grace, I believe I've had my fill of wine and this conversation for today. Please excuse me."
With a polite nod to Aegon and a curtsey to Queen Alicent, Olira turned and gracefully retreated from the garden. Her composure remained intact, but inside, she was seething with indignation and disappointment. She had hoped for a connection, but Aegon's remark had shattered any goodwill she had felt.
As Olira made her way back to her chambers, she couldn't help but wonder how she would navigate this new challenge in her role as Aegon's betrothed. The road to understanding and acceptance seemed longer and more arduous than she had anticipated.
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The night Olira changed into her sleep wear before shooing away her handmaidens. The all left her without a word thinking she was going to sleep. She took a deep breath trying to summon as much courage as she could before walking over to the door opening it to show her sword guard, a man she did not know given to her by the king.
"Ser if you will, can you bring me a cup of water, I seem to have already drank that was left in the chamber" The guard turned to look at her. She let out a fake squeal an d hid behind the door.
"Ser please, I am underdressed, just bring me the water and place it inside by the door without looking, I am betrothed to the prince and wish not to tarnish my reputation" She faked a distressed voice, she had mastered the art of voice manipulation ever since she was a young girl. She used it to freak her sisters into thinking she was crying or get them in trouble by using it on their father to get what she wanted.
"Yes of course, my lady" He nodded before scurrying away. Olira smirked before slipping out of her room. She walked as lightly as possible on her feet down the corridors. She had been here before once and somehow still remembered some of the corridors that led to the royal family wing.
She hid behind the corner to see who was there. There was only one guard standing in front of Aegon's bedroom door. She smirked seeing that she needed only to distract him. She looked around her and found a small rock, big enough to fit in her palm, perfect. She scurried behind a huge statue of what looked like The Mother before throwing the rock to the other side of the corridor.
"Who goes there?" Seconds later came the sound of heavy feet walking over. Olira held her breath watching through the small hole between the arm and body of the statue. The guard walked over looking around in search of the intruder. He walked further and further down the corridor with his hand on the hilt of the sword.
Olira moved from behind the statue once he passed her and moved as quickly and quietly as possible. She felt pride fill her when she reached the door and no one stopped her. She opened it and threw herself in before closing it. Aegon was sat on his bed, his back against the headboard, naked as the day he was born. His eyes widened when he saw her, she stood with her back against the door, panting lightly.
"What in the seven hells...?" He pulled one of the pillows to hide his lower region. Olira was actually shocked he had the decency.
"Surprised to see me?" She smirked, cocking an eyebrow up at him. Aegon scoffed rolling his eyes at her.
"Well no shit, what do you want? Where is my guard?" He asked. He moved to stand up with the pillow tightly clutched in his hands to cover his lower parts.
"Well your guard may have gone on a small walk, he will be back soon" She shrugged her shoulders. She moved to walk closer to him slowly. Her lips high in a smirk that sent shiver down aegon's back.
"What do you want?" Aegon asked. He frowned when she moved even closer to him until they were almost chest to chest with one another.
"I want to punish you, my bad prince" She answered simply. Aegon huffed and moved to push her with one hand but she used both to push him first making him fall back onto his bed.
"Punish me? How dare you, I am the prin..." Aegon's words froze in his mouth when she kneeled down to her knees.
"You've been mean to me, my prince" She wrapped her hands around the edges of the pillow, slowly pulling it away. Aegon tried to resist but her words sent a shock of pleasure straight down to his cock.
"I do not know of what you speak" He tried to justify himself. She smirked shaking her head while clicking her tongue. The pillow now was fully away and seated on the bed.
Olira's eys moved down from his face to look at his chest then torso and lasly his hard cock, standing proud and ready to be pleasured. Aegon's breath got caught in his throat when she reached up and grabbed him at the base.
"I wish to show you the benefit of marrying me, my prince" Olira started moving her hand up and down slowly, teasingly.
"Go on then" Aegon smirked. He looked down watching her face as she slowly moved her hand up and down his shaft. He can see that she did not have much if any experience.
He placed his hand on top of her own and started guiding her. His heart soared at the feeling of her soft hands on his member. She watched the movement with caution, trying to learn. Poor thing came to seduce him ony for her to lose control without even noticing.
"Dirty girl, you came here to fuck your prince?" Aegon teased her. Her head snapped up so fast he feared she may have given herself a whiplash.
"I do not wish to fuck my prince, I simply want to show him reason" She answered. She retrieved her hand but he kapt a hold on it making sure she does not run away.
"But what if your prince wishes to fuck you?" He asked, his grip tightening on her hand. He slowly began pulling it up, watching as her eyes widened in almost fear.
"Then I advice him to go find a whore, for I am not one" She responded harshly. She tried to pull away, successfully and made her way to the door.
Aegon was quick on his feet, placing his hand on the door before she could open in and held it in place. She gasped shocked and turned to face him confused.
"Your prince shall not force you, dirty girl, but he wishes for the same luxury" Aegon placed his other hand on the door trapping her between his naked body and the door.
"What ever do you mean?" She murmured, he was so close, his nose touched her own and her eyes were fighting not to close. His body heat was engulfing her along with his smell, he smelled like flowers and wine. She had heard he rarely bathed meaning his mother had forced him to bathe before they took their walk together.
"You wanted to show me the benifit of our marriage, I want to do the same" Aegon answered. he leaned his forehead on her own, nuzzling his nose with her own sensing the way she shuddered at his touch.
"What is it you w-wish to show me" She sighed. He leaned down almost like he wanted to kiss her only to dodge her lips and move down to his knees, fully naked and against the door.
"What are you doing?" She whimpered. He pushed up her skirts making her squeal in surprise.
"If you wish for us not to be caught, you should stay quiet" Aegon delivered a slap to her exposed thigh. Olira slapped a hand to her mouth and waited.
Aegon moved her small cloth to the side exposing her cunt fully to him. He smirked seeing her so wet, she probably did not even know why she was wet, women in her station were usually taught that only the man found pleasure and to lay back and take it while the man enjoys himself.
"Aegon" Her whispered was muffled by her hand when he blew lightly on her cunt.
Aegon ignored her and dived right in without a second thought. Letting a moan at the mere taste of her lower lips. Olira felt her knees growing weak at the feel of him.
Aegon pushed his tongue inside of her knowing it will not hurt her nor will it take her virtue away. His hands wrapped tightly at her calfs. One slid up and up slowly to hold her thigh making sure it stayed open. He gripped the flesh so hard it will surely bruise soon.
Olira tried her best to hide the moans tryin to escape her lips, it was harder than she thought it to be. Her hand that was attempting to open the door snapped down to grab the bright locks of Aegon, who shook his head from side to side nudging her numb with his nose with each shake.
Aegon hummed at the taste of her arousal increasing with each swipe of his tongue. He pulled back from her cunt and moved one of his hands, he held his thumb out and ran it over her pearl. Olira's legs began to shake as he swiped over it with his thumb over and over again.
"Such a dirty girl, growing wetter with each touch as if you expected it" Aegon smirked watching her face scrunch up in pleasure. She shook her head trying to deny his words but being unable to even speak. She felt so much pleasure and pressure.
Aegon used his other hand to raise one of her legs and rest it upon his shoulder before diving right back it. Tongue swiping over her slit before sinking inside of her. Olira's head fell back against the door with a loud bang.
"Are you alright, your grace?" The guard outside asked, he must have returned during the ordeal.
Aegon removed his mouth from Olira's cunt debating if he should answer but his thumb did not cease it's movement. He decided that he was feeling merciful for her and responded "Alright, just banged my foot"
Olira's whole body tensed feeling a strong pressure in her lower region. Her hand in his hair pushed him closer to her cunt. Aegon obeyed sensing her shakiness increasing faster than normal. His eyes watched her with his tongue deep inside of her, he moved his tongue with as much speed as he could go.
Olira had to fight a shout when the most intense wave of pleasure hit her. She had never felt something like this before in her life. Aegon chuckled when she began sinking down against the door. He pushed her leg off his shoulder so she wouldn't hurt herself. Instead he pulled away and moved to stand up.
"That w-was ... what are you doing mff.." Olira looked up at Aegon about to praise whatever he had done only for him to place a hand over her mouth.
"I am not done, dirty girl, open your mouth" He ordered. She obeyed opening her mouth slightly not know what he wanted.
Aegon chuckled shaking his head but gave her the benefit of the doubt. Not noticing he had grabbed the bace of his cock too busy looking over his face, the way his eyes lit up when meeting hers. She gasped in shock when he placed the tip of his cock on her lips.
"Open up, dirty girl" Aegon tapped her lips with his cock. Olira opened her mouth enough for him to begin pushing his cock inside of her mouth. Aegon deciding to be gentle moved his cock inside slowly until the hair on the top touched her nose. She pushed him off coughing and chocking much to his amusement.
"I said open up" Aegon delivered a small yet firm tap, almost a slap, to her cheek. She gasped but obeyed his order. He pushed his cock inside of her mouth again massaging her head to comfort her while his own head fell back with a loud groan.
"Now suck, dirty girl"
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The unexpected change in Aegon's attitude did not go unnoticed in the Red Keep. The court was abuzz with whispers and speculations about the prince's sudden transformation. He had gone from being openly opposed to his betrothal to Olira Baratheon to becoming positively smitten with her.
Alicent Hightower, Queen of Westeros, observed her son's transformation with a mixture of surprise and satisfaction. She had orchestrated this betrothal for the sake of political unity and stability, but seeing Aegon genuinely taken with Olira was a pleasant surprise.
Aegon's courtship of Olira was a marked departure from his usual pursuits of wine and women. He showered her with attention, gifting her flowers of various colors and varieties, each bouquet more exquisite than the last. He composed heartfelt letters, seeking her company at every opportunity, and displayed an uncharacteristic tenderness when they were together.
Olira, who had initially been taken aback by Aegon's earlier behavior, found herself touched by his gestures and drawn to his newfound gentleness. She realized that beneath his brash exterior, there was a man capable of genuine affection and kindness.
As the wedding date drew nearer, Aegon's enthusiasm for the union only grew. The court could hardly believe the transformation in the young prince, who was now eagerly anticipating his marriage to Olira. Some whispered that love had blossomed between them, while others attributed it to Olira's charm and influence.
The queen herself was pleased with the turn of events. Aegon's affection for Olira had brought a sense of unity and harmony to the court, and she had no doubt that their union would strengthen the bonds between House Targaryen and House Baratheon.
And so, as the day of their wedding approached, Aegon and Olira stood on the precipice of a new chapter in their lives. The young prince, once opposed to the match, was now eager to become the husband of the woman who had captured his heart. Their love, unexpected as it may have been, had the potential to shape the future of Westeros in ways no one could have foreseen.
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noneorother · 7 months
It couldn't be a masquerade ball because it was an unmasked ball
The S2E5 ball symbolism seemed very prominent to me when I watched Season 2 even for the first time, but I saw @meatballlady ask this wonderful question & Neil's answer and thought : hey why not share my thoughts on the clothing at the ball as well.
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If you're reading this you probably know all about how coat lapels are an important character signifier both seasons of GO. If not, TLDR; jacket lapels align with a character's intentions, and their alignment with a faction is determined by their jacket colour (light goes up or dark goes down).
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So why do I say that this was an "unmasked" ball? Because if you follow the lapel theory, all the important participants who seem neutral in real life gain allegiances in their costumes when they enter the bookshop. Let's break it down.
Crowley & Aziraphale
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If you aren't just making everyone fancy, but actually trying to reveal intentions during this ball, then it would make sense that Aziraphale and Crowley don't change outfits : they've been wearing their hearts on their sleeves since season 1. Maggie
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In everyday life, Maggie purposely wears tops without lapels. Everything is round or crew-neck, and she never wears black. In the ball reveal, Maggie wears black for the first time, and has big pointing down lapels on her navy satin shirt, indicating alignment with Hell in both colour and intention. All of her cutesy bows and hearts and gold jewelry are gone. She wears sparkly silver only, and a prominent wristwatch (like Crowley). However, her pinkie ring is still present. (go read @indigovigilance's post about pinkie rings, it's great).
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Nina is all over the place in real life. Colours clash and she wears black and earth tones often. She also never wears jackets with lapels. When we get to the ball however, she suddenly has a golden brocade jacket with teal & crimson shoulders, and golden hair clasps. She becomes exactly what Maggie is attempting to project in real life, but her lapels are pointing out and up, so alignment with heaven in both colour and intention. No pinkie ring on Nina in the series. Under the jacket she wears green and crimson. A confused pairing as I've ever seen on the show. Who knows what that's about*. Jimbriel
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In normal life, Jim is ultra-neutral with lapels pointing out (neither up nor down) on a brown coat. (Underneath is a whole different ball game for another post.) Jimbriel gets a hilariously Liberace-fied version of the Aziraphale outfit : bowtie, poweder blue and labels pointing down and also to the side, fluffy white and details like Michael and Uriel. He's HELPING AZIRAPHALE WITH THE PLAN, wink wink nudge nudge. You go Jim. Mutt
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Mutt the magic shop owner also has a pinkie ring in real life, as does his spouse, and keeps it for the ball. He gains impressive gold details on his lapel-less tunic, and the colour shifts from base of black to a base of navy, with red and white flowers instead of orange and teal swoops. His sleeves widen, becoming almost an angelic robe-like tunic, making him kind of a mysterious mashup of symbols. Arnold
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Arnold of Arnold's music shop fame is wearing black with rainbow tie and suspenders before the ball, without much jewelry save a pinkie ring. Inside the ball, he keeps the black, but now has crimson and teal accents instead of rainbow, and lapels that are very high up, but that point out to the side, making him more neutral/Mutt the magician aligned, even if he's wearing black. Justine
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Justine wears Hellish green and black in real life on her daisy patterned dress, no lapels here. She has no pinkie ring either, but once inside the ball, all the green melts away and she's allllll black flowered lace. She also has no lapels here, making her also more aligned with Mutt & Arnold than anything, but just as mysterious. Mrs Sandwich
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Mrs Sandwich seems easier to judge. Black and gold no lapels in real life, alllll sparkly black and big downturned lapels for the ball. No pinkie ring on her in either outfit, but a prominent wristwatch. This makes total sense to me. Even if she might not be aligned with hell directly, she runs a brothel and profits off of sex workers so probably a pretty bad lady if we're weighing the odds from a biblical perspective. In other moments she also seems pretty fond of Crowley, and pretty unhappy with Nina (see above). Mr&Mrs Cheng
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Mr & Mrs Cheng are VERY interesting to me. While Cheng wears all black in real life, and we never see her partner, she is transformed in the ball into the only character (besides Nina in solid green) who wears a green pattern. She has become a plant/garden (specifically a Monsterra, like in Corwley's box), and her husband is the pollinating golden butterfly, (with neutral lapels on a black background). Neither of them wear pinkie rings, but Mrs Cheng keeps her distinctive teal earrings, and is now sporting red lipstick, making her and her husband most associated with Nina. Nina also trusts Cheng enough to mind her coffee shop whilst talking to Crowley across the street in the last dregs of E6. As an aside, they also seem to *sort of* have a pre-teen girl child at this ball. We see her briefly in the evacuation but very hidden between other characters, and never in the ball proper. Mr Brown
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Do we need to go through Mr Brown's outfit again? I don't think so. ------------------------------ * I have a feeling it's to do with other things, like Jim's sweater vest, but I'll have to dig into it later.
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stars4chratt · 2 months
Pins n' Needles p.2
Pairing: Chris x fem!reader
Warnings: Smuttttt / reader is a bit rough in the beginning / angst (kind of??) / piercing kink / public sex (sort of) / piercer!Chris / fem stimulation / cunnilingus / vibrating tongue piercing / nipple play / switch!Chris / switch!reader / chris gets jealous ;) / ‘sugar’, ‘ma’, ‘mama’ / Chris + vertical labret, eyebrow & tongue pierced
Summary: You have been seeing Chris for a while now. You and him have made a connection outside of his piercing shop. However, he’s taken aback by what you have underneath your clothes.
Author’s Note: Guys ik i haven’t posted anything proper in ages. I’m making it up to you today I promise. But i hope you enjoy this one bc i certainly did like writing this. From Maxine, with love ♡.
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“Baby, step outside your mind. You’ve been really good, you’ve been really good. You’ve been thinking ‘bout being bad ever since I put you on.” - LIFE OF THE PARTY, THE WEEKND.
A notification illuminates the dark surface area of your room from your phone. You roll over across your bed for it to be a reminder of your appointment at the piercing shop today.
The grip over your phone tightens. It had been a while since the two of you met up one on one at his workplace.
You were incredibly excited about seeing him again after what happened the last time you went for a piercing from his parlour. Your head fades into a blur for a second as you recollect everything that’s happened every single time you and your body piercer go to see each other.
Besides all the intimate times, you get along great with him. You’ve come to realise that you and him have incredibly similar interests. This has concluded to Chris latching onto you even more, although neither of you have consulted each other about taking things to the next level and trying something more serious.
Chris’ sense of style and taste in fashion has always piqued your interest ever since you first walked into his store. Ever since you first laid eyes on him you always prayed that each appointment, he’d be there working a shift. Outside of his work, you have gone over to his place from time to time. You ask him if you can borrow his clothes because you’re so obsessed with his seemingly dark yet tame aesthetic. You and him have grown to be so close.
But what you’re most fond of was the way he’d twirl and twist the metal bar clasped onto his tongue around his mouth, sliding it over the shell of his enamels, shiny from his spit.
It was your favourite piercing of his, you love it just as much as he does. You grow hot and bothered reminiscing about everything that’s happened between you and him.
You look down at the time. ‘8:30’. You rise up from your lying position and get ready for the appointment.
You breathe slowly, trying to help soothe the tingling nerves jolting down the curve of your spine. Trotting down the steep stairs to the familiar sanctuary where he resides.
Again, the place was empty. A moment of confusion floats until realisation hits you.
He’s probably cleared his schedule again…
You reach over the counter to try and peak over into the back. As per usual, the room is mostly dim. The LED lights kindled a red hue along the edges of the walls.
There’s more posters propped up around the place. Chris really does like decorating the place. It’s what he does the most when he’s not busy with an appointment.
You’re trying to find any sort of silhouette of a person coming into your vision. It’s hard to see and you have to squint to view anything properly.
“Hellooo… Chris?” You ponder out. After a few seconds, you hear tussling and rushed footsteps coming your way.
Chris, your body piercer. Who you’ve been fucking every now and again ever since you got that particular piercing on that very fateful day.
His locs, which once were dishevelled and messy, are now cut short. You can actually see his eyebrow piercing as clear as day now. You grin at the thought of him pampering himself up like that. You quite like the new change in his appearance.
“Hey, sugar! I’ve missed you.” He exclaims with sheer delight in his voice. “What can I do for you today, hm?” He slouches and rests his elbows on the desk. Your arched position across him releases and you stand upright again in embarrassment.
“Hi Chris, I’m here for another piercing today.” You grip at the zip of your grey hoodie. You start to fondle at it trying to avert your eye contact from Chris.
“Is that so?” In the corner of your eye you can see Chris lick at his lip making the top ball on his labret barbell wet.
“Did you make sure I was the only appointment today again?” You giggle sarcastically. The bitter confidence in your question made him grin feverishly.
“Mhm, like always Ma.” The nickname he’s been using on you for a while now. You’re still not sure whether you’re used to it or not. You love it either way though.
Chris gathers the waiver in his grasp and hands it to you. Veins running down from his hands all the way to the end of his forearms. Sculpting around his muscles capsuled in his black graphic tee with a deer in headlights plastered on it.
He still wears the large Vivienne Westwood orb around his neck. You never noticed before, but as his finger taps to the beat of the music playing in the background, his finger has a sigil tattoo that is plastered right below his nail bed.
From what you’ve gathered from him so far, Chris doesn’t like to appear as “normal”. But he doesn’t stick out too much either. He perks out the crowd only slightly with his few piercings and a small tattoo. He doesn’t try too hard. You like that in him. Piercings and body modifications is also something he personally and genuinely enjoys. He didn’t choose this job because it was his one and only option. He loves the idea of people being creative with their own identity and partaking in helping them with that task. It’s what makes you so attracted to him. Besides the fact he’s so handsome.
“Signature here and here please, sugar.” He gestures down at the document as he mutters offering you the pen pinched between his thumb and pointer.
You snap out of your trance. You take the pen and engrave your details in. You glance up at Chris for a second to see him staring down at you. He tilts his head to the side when he notices you look up.
You immediately break eye contact and finish writing your signature and stumble back to your feet again after leaning on the desk to hand the paper back to him.
“Come head down here in the back for me, Ma.” Chris uses the middle and pointer finger to beckon you to follow him. And you do so without hesitation, just like before.
You’re sitting on the stretcher waiting patiently and admiring Chris simply doing his job. Like always, Chris has his sterilised equipment and black latex gloves.
He breaks open an alcohol pad with his teeth and rubs it against your skin. He sets it down onto the steel tray with a large array of needles and jewellery.
“How’ve you been holding up, anyway?” You break the silence and Chris turns around after his focus has shifted. Your legs are rocking back and forth from the adrenaline pumping through your blood vessels in preparation for the piercing.
“I’ve been fine, mostly. I haven’t seen you in a while. Why don’t you stop by more often, sugar? You never come ‘visit unless it’s a new piercing you want.” Chris speaks as he has his back turned once again. Trying to look for the right needle gauge. 
“W-well, I wouldn’t really wanna bother you at your place of work. I’m pretty sure you’re busy with other customers.” You sigh hesitantly.
“Whaaat?” Chris exaggerates his confusion. You huff out a laugh and Chris turns around again, gazing at you.
“Didn’t I tell you? You’re my favourite customer. I’d love to have you over any time, Ma.” The glint in his eye matches the shine on his piercings.
“Hmm, I’ll have a think about it.” You return slyly. Chris chuckles and moves the tray closer to you.
“Is it okay if you take your jacket off?” He asks. 
You grit your teeth. You purposefully didn’t wear a bra today for the sake of the jacket being there yet you’re now starting to regret your choices. 
You hesitantly pull the sleeves and drape it down and put it beside you on the stretcher.
Chris’ lively expression sank. His jaw clenched as he looked down at your shirt. The shape of two piercings on both your nipples peeking out of the fabric of your shirt ever so slightly. You look down at the floor in shame.
He scoffs bitterly because he knows, he knows that he wasn’t the one who did those piercings for you. The unpleasant surprise made his mood change almost instantaneously.
The atmosphere between you two grows thick. You try to look the other way as Chris positions the needle onto your now pink skin.
You can feel his glare on you. It’s burning deep into your skin, he refuses to look away whatsoever.
“On three. One, two, three.” Suddenly, the needle sinches your skin as the needle and jewellery goes in. The pain is harsher and more fiery. You audibly groan and sniffle, trying to stifle the tears welling up.
You’re also upset at the sudden change in mood from Chris. He was being so warm and welcoming earlier. He definitely noticed your nipple piercings.
Chris never struck you as the jealous type. You always thought he didn’t give a shit about what happens outside of meeting up to hang out or for sex. You two aren’t dating, so it’s understandable why you thought that. Chris also seems nonchalant when it comes to stuff like this. Your assumption is dead fucking wrong on your account though.
You wipe at your cheeks trying to conceal your overwhelming emotions pouring through. 
Not a word came out of Chris’ mouth after the piercing. He’s gone cold all of a sudden. Not a single bit of praise, not even reassurance. He’s pissed off at something for sure.
“Chris? What’s wrong?” You ask him gently. He fails to look at you directly. He rushes to take the gloves off and throws them back into the tray carelessly.
“Nothing. Why?” He responds dryly. You’re still wondering if this is all because of what he saw beneath your shirt.
“Stop being so stale with me, Chris. I’m trying to communicate with you here.” Your tone hardens into stone. Your eyebrows furrow deeply and you grab Chris’ shoulder, swivelling him around so he’s now facing you properly.
Chris tries to dismiss you as much as he can. Even though he said nothing was wrong. You didn’t know he was this arrogant until now.
You take a step closer towards him. Your feet are almost stepping on his. Chris tries to inch away but hits the metal countertop with the tray resting on it clumsily. He swallows thickly and you can clearly see his Adam's apple bob up and down as he does so.
You can see his tough guy act go soft. He gets so nervous around you. And, fuck does it turn you on. You can hear the breaths coming out of his mouth both from how tense he is and how close you two are together.
Your tits practically grazing against his shirt. You take one step closer until your lips are almost touching.
You can feel the cold metal of his lip ring press against your skin. Sending shivers through your entire body. 
Your figure is now fully pressed onto his. Chris can feel the hard bars pinched in your nipples digging through his shirt onto his skin.
He stutters as he palms the countertop behind him and grips at it. You can feel his breath turn into hard and sharp pants. You smirk, you almost laugh at yourself for being so upset about him being a dick earlier.
“What’s wrong, baby? Hm? ‘You jealous that I went to a different piercer this one time? Without telling you?” You tease him. You breathe down his ear gently while spitting these harsh rhetorics at him. His body shudders and you can feel something twitch down below.
“‘You getting hard over this? Really? How pathetic.” You utter through your teeth. Chris whimpers at your sour comment. You reach down to the bulge in his sweats and palm over the fabric.
“O-oh fuck…” he chokes up quietly. You can’t help but grin maliciously over the control you have over him at this moment in time. Him trying to act all pissed off before all this has you screaming inside with fulfilment.
You’re incredibly agitated at his stubbornness. You’re riled up especially at the fact that Chris was being so stern earlier. 
He reaches down to make contact with your lips, but you refuse and glare up at him. He whines sadly with regret at your spiteful manner. He really fucking wanted to kiss you. To at least make up for his negativity towards you. Your hard stare matches his from a few moments ago. Giving him a taste of his own shitty medicine.
“P-please kiss me. I-I wanna feel your lips so bad, Mama. I’m so desperate…” He hides his lip ring in his mouth as he feeds his bottom lip inside it. His hands now clasped tightly around your waist.
“Tell me what’s wrong first, sweetheart.” You reply in his ear gently. Chris’ face fills with red as he tries to find the words to speak.
“...Y-yeah, I am jealous that you went to another piercer. Why did you do that anyway? I thought you were comfortable around me. You didn’t even tell me about it either. Kind of a dick move to be honest, Ma…”
He looks away shyly, removing his hands from your waist to rub them over his face. You sigh and wrap your arms around his neck.
“I’m sorry, baby. Honestly, I wanted it to be like a fun little surprise for when we next hooked up. I didn’t think you’d be so upset about it. I should’ve warned you beforehand.” You lean in and interlock your lips with his. The kiss is short but passionate. Chris’ hands make their way back down to your waist again.
“It’s okay, sugar. I like them a lot, actually. They’re hot as fuck.” His labret migrates slightly from the grin on his face. He cups one of your tits softly, breaking the tender moment. 
He squeezes it which makes you squirm. His dick twitches harshly against you again.
“Fuck surprises. You should’ve told me you were getting these. I would’ve jerked off so much to the thought of your tits pierced.” You whimper as Chris’ hand makes its way underneath your shirt. He pulls and tugs at the piercing just enough to send a jolt down to your slick pussy.
“I-I actually might get a Christina. Do you want me to go to a different piercer or…?” You smirk up at him. He loves how fucking dirty you are. His dick is begging to be let out of his sweats. His eyebrow ring glints and he bites his bottom lip again. Fully hiding his labret.
“Fuck no, baby. I want you all to myself. Come to me when you wanna get a Christina. ‘kay, sugar?”  Both of his hands are underneath your shirt, pinching and tugging at your nipples making you whine desperately, squeezing your legs shut.
Chris is so good at finding your sweet spots. You can’t say anything other than a pathetic “‘kay.” In response.
“That’s my good girl.” He whispers down your ear, still squeezing and pulling at your nipples. You whimper into his neck. You fucking loved Chris’ praise. Your puffy and red buds are fully hard and perked out now, sticking out your shirt to match with your slutty piercings alongside them.
“W-Want me to give you another blowjob? Just like the last time we were here alone.” You ask genuinely desperate for a breath. He looks back up at you after being severely distracted by your tits.
“Nevermind me, baby. I wanna make you feel so fucking good tonight. I wanna make you cum, Ma. Over and over. To make up for being such a dick earlier. Do you wanna help me change my tongue piercing? It’s for a good purpose, trust me, sugar.”
You’ve grown so impatient. You just wanted to shove him on the stretcher and fuck him senseless. But you oblige anyway.
Chris opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out. You twist the ball sitting right on top of his tongue and unscrew it carefully. You bite your lips in focus as he has his mouth agape, waiting patiently.
You successfully take the entire bar out. Leaving his tongue completely bare. He looks naked without it.
“Good girl. Now just sit down on the stretcher for me, baby.” 
You sit down as Chris follows behind not long after.
He leans in slowly underneath your jaw to pepper soft kisses across your neck. You can feel the tip of his nose skim gently across your skin.
The sudden feeling of the cold shard of metal on your skin mixes with his hot breath and warm hands reaching under your shirt again.
He moves his head down teasingly to the roses of your nipples. Breathing on them slightly. That was enough for you to whine out as you start to grab onto Chris’ hands. 
“You’re so sensitive, sugar…I wonder if it’s because of these slutty piercings.” He coos down into your ear connivingly. You feed your bottom lip into your mouth and bury your face into the crook of his neck.
His hands hastily tug onto the waistband of your pants. Trying to undo the button and zipper.
“Take these off, Ma… let me see that pretty pussy of yours.” As Chris pants out his words, he preps his different jewellery to put in whilst positioned in between your legs.
You sigh out a “Yes, Chris.” before twisting the button out and unzipping your pants and pulling them off completely.
You kick off your pants impatiently. You closed your legs, Chris staring down at you, completely vulnerable like this made you feel timid. What was underneath were deep, cherry red panties. Fully lace, barely hiding how fucking wet you are.
“Holy shit… you have such a perfect ass, sugar. How come you’ve never shown me this side of you before? You’re so fucking sexy.” He breathes. Worshipping the round cherries of your ass cheeks. Trying his hardest to not bite at them and leave a bruise.
“I-I like to make you feel good… because it makes me feel good.” You shiver under Chris’ touch. He rises to a full stance to lean over you, he sticks his tongue out again.
“Put the vibrator in, Ma.” With no hesitation, you screw it inside. You can already see the metal inside it start to condensate from his breathy pants. Chris pulls you into a deep kiss. The piercing feels so much more heavy. His soft and taffy tongue with the thick, steel bar in between made you so fucking turned on. You wrap your legs around Chris’ waist and he hums into your mouth in approval. Pressing his tent into your soaking wet panties.
He pulls away leaving a long and sloppy string of spit on both of your lips. He crouches down again and grips your thighs. Your hips buckle upwards in shock as he forcefully spreads your legs open.
“You’re so wet for me… such a good girl, aren’t you?” His voice echoes onto your clothed cunt. He gently rubs at your swollen clit with the pad of his finger slowly just to tease you.
He breathes on your pussy making your whole body tremble. You moan out into the air desperately wanting Chris to devour you.
He moves his head to smother gentle kisses across your thighs, his irises flushed baby pink with so much lust. He grunts into your blushing skin, glancing up at you to admire how fucking hot you look every now and again.
“Yes, baby?”
“Fucking eat me out already…”
“Of course, Ma.”
He pulls your lace panties to the side slowly. Revealing your dripping wet pussy. “Fuck…” Chris moans as he drags his hand into his sweats.
“You have such a pretty wet pussy for me, Ma.” He whimpers on your clit as he touches himself underneath the stretcher. You become agitated at his slow pace and grab his hair and force his mouth onto you.
He grunts in surprise as he laps up at your juices. “Fuck yes, baby. J-just like that…” You speak into the air. You throw your head back as your back arches. Your moans and whimpers intoxicate the atmosphere and only do nothing but make Chris harder than he was before.
“You’re doing so good for me… If you keep this up I might cum soon.” You rebutt how good you feel just for Chris to hear. He moans a quick little “Mhm.” every single time you praise him. When he sucks on your clit, your legs lock and wrap around his head tightly. Keeping him in place. 
He pulls away, suddenly. Your juices smothered all over his lips and chin. You raise your head to see Chris with his tongue out, turning on his vibrator piercing. As soon as he does, there’s a low hum sound.
He leans in and presses it against your hot pink clit. Your hips jolt up and your thighs shudder. “F-fuck! O-oh my god…” Your moans have become so rowdy that people from outside can hear. Like either you or Chris give a fuck.
He can’t help it. He loves it when you lose all control. He loves it when you let go. He grabs onto your thighs as an attempt to try and keep you still while he rubs the toy on your tight cunt.
“I-I’m so close..!” Chris’ tongue stays in the same motion as before. Your body still shaking and your eyes roll into the back of your skull with euphoria.
“I-I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum… C-cumming, c-cum-...” You feel your orgasm crawl up from the pits of your stomach to the furthest depths of your brain. The hold your thighs have around Chris’ head is incredibly tight, to the point where he can’t move.
Chris remains still as you ride out your high until you eventually calm down. He stands up fully and turns the vibrator off.
You gaze up at the ceiling, exhausted. Your head fuzzy and your chest rising and falling heavily from the amount of cum you released on Chris’ tongue.
The light you see is dimmed when Chris leans over you as he licks your juices off of his lips.
“How was it, Ma? ‘You enjoy it?” He beams down at you, you giggle at the way he’s talking because of the vibrator.
“You sound funny.” You sigh, he chuckles and leans down to peck a tender kiss on your forehead.
“I’ll take that as a yes then, sugar.”
“It felt so good.” You smile wholeheartedly up at him.
“I know it was, sugar. Sugar’s a fitting nickname for you, you know, your pussy tastes sweet, like sugar!”
“Oh, shut up. Otherwise I’m never coming here for that Christina.”
Author’s Note no.2: YAYYY PART 2 FINALLY OUTTT. I’m so happy with this one honestly and I’m sorry it took forever to come outttt. I have another Matt one planned for y’all so stay tuned ;) I’ll see you later pookies. 
༝༚༝༚, Maxine.
Taglist: @gamermattsgf @luverboychris @worldlxvlys @chrissystur @chaosisalwayscrying @bellasfavbisexual @luvmxtt @tillies33ssss @breeloveschris @mattdamunch @b2cute @stasiesturn @luvangelbreak @fmdmbaa
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spicywhenspeaking · 6 months
heaters out: noah x reader
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Just some fluff about you and Noah dealing with a little power outage during your weekend away.
“Its freezing, Noah can you check make sure the heater is on please?” you ask from the bundle of blankets you’re buried under on the bed. Noah surprised you by whisking you away for the weekend to a secluded bed and breakfast in th mountains.
“Oh shit.” You hear noah mumble from the other side of the room. “Umm, I think the power is out. Let me run down to the front desk and ask really quick.” He runs over to where you’re huddled and gives the top of your head a kiss before quickly exiting.
You get out of bed to add more layers on, one of Noahs hoodies he brought back from tour and a second pair of fuzzy socks you packed. Hoping back under your mountain of covers you wait for Noah to get back. Several minuets pass and Noah returns with a bundle of fire wood, more blankets and a thermos of something.
“Well a few things.” He begins. “The power is out and we are snowed in for at least the next day or two until the snow plows can get up to clear the roads. Good news is I have firewood, more blankets and hot chocolate.” He throws the blankets onto the already comically large lump on the bed and sets to building a fire in the fire place. Thats the great thing about staying in cute bnb’s like this. Each room has a beautiful fire place but unfortunatly the electrical work is old and apparently prone to outages when the snowfall is heavy.
Crawling out of the cave of blankets, you move to sit on the small loveseat next to Noah as he pours two mugs full of steaming hot chocolate. “There is also a huge collection of games down in the library if you want me to beat you at monopoly again.” Noah jokes and you knock into his shoulder “hey! You totally skimmed from the bank last time.”
The two of you laugh as you warm up by the fire and drink the delicious chocolaty beverage that heats you from the inside out. “This is the best hot chocolate i’ve ever had.” You groan as you finish the last sip. Noah grabs a blanket off the the bed and you cuddle closer together, watching the fire shift in orange and reds and hear the wood crack and splinter. “They said they’d bring some more wood when it’s closer to dinner time so we should stay plenty warm tonight.” Noah tells you. We spend most of the day cuddled and reading by the fire.
Before dinner, which is soup the owner of the air bnb cooked over the fireplace in the main room. We played a game of monopoly like Noah suggested and he beats you. “How!? How are you so good at this game? You- you capitalist!” You joke and he holds his hand to his chest, gripping his heart. “Capitalist? I resent that, I’m just a master strategist.” You roll your eyes and laugh “okay, okay, but next time I get to pick the game.” He holds out his hand to shake and says “you got a deal.”
“Perfect. Strip poker it is.” His eyes widen and then he gets knowing look in his eyes. “You’re just trying to get me naked arent you? Last poker night you nearly got Jolly to bet the keys to his new car.” You both laugh because you’ve always won when you played poker. “What can I say, I guess I’m just lucky.” He leans over the small table you were playing at and kisses you softly. “I think I’m the lucky one.”
After eating you decide to both bundle up and go on a walk in the snow.
“Wow, it's so beautiful. I haven’t seen snow like this since I was a kid” you pick up some of the snow in your hands and ball it up tight. Noah is looking out onto the snow covered field so he doesn’t see you when you wind up to lob a snowball right into his left shoulder.
“oh! It’s on now!” He exclaims as he rushes to make his own snowball to throw in retaliation. The two of you spend the next 20 minutes until the sun has begun to set, throwing snowballs at each other until you start to feel the cold sneaking into your coats.
“Okay, time to go in and warm up” Noah says as he wraps his arms around your shoulder and ushers you back inside the bnb.
Heading back up to the room you get inside and quickly remove the first layer of our snow covered clothes. Hanging them to dry on the coat rack while Noah goes to start up the fire again.
In your warmest pajamas you sit cuddled on the love seat in front of the fireplace as Noah opens the bottle of wine the owner gave him after dinner and pours you each a glass. “This, along with the fire should warm us up pretty fast.” I comment as I take a sip of the silky red liquid. “I can think of a few other ways we could warm up.” Noah says in a sultry voice as he leans to place a soft kiss to my neck.
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Sebastian x f!reader
Summary - Anon request for “There are so many lust potion requests and I totally get it. but I'd love it switched up where mc is the one dose, and Sebastian is quick to know without being told. I can imagine only him being such a tease before offering to help also, you're doing great! keep it up”
Word Count - 1,550
Warnings - 18+ smut
You had known better than to take one of Garreth's concoctions, but this had to be the worst one yet. Usually, they just tasted pretty awful and didn't do too much else. This time, when you drank the potion you felt the warmth as it passed through your throat and all the way through your stomach.
You felt it lower than that. You bailed on the interaction entirely, waving him off by telling him it was just one of his usual duds. You retreated to the Slytherin common room and hope like hell that it was unoccupied so you could catch your breath for a moment.
You could feel the slick between your legs and clenched your thighs together during your walk. Your cheeks felt hot and your robe felt too heavy on your shoulders. What on earth was that potion supposed to do?
You flopped down onto one of the sofas, tossing your robe over the arm. You were hyperaware of where your uniform clung to your skin. The slight sweat you'd broken into was not helping at all. You were feeling needy in a way you had only ever felt in the comfort of your bed, imagining things with your fingers moving desperately between your own legs.
You thought about doing that here and now. The rational part of you was losing against the lust you were feeling. You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths to try and calm your feelings. After a few short minutes, you heard the door open and scrambled to make yourself decent, without your legs fully on display for whoever was entering. Fuck. You weren't sure how to feel about Sebastian being the face that greeted you as you patted the wrinkles from your skirt. He was often the face of your fantasies and you weren't so sure you were ready for him to know that.
His red cheeks smattered with freckles indicated he must have been searching for you after he watch you storm away from Garreth. He eyed you suspiciously having noticed you jump at his arrival.
"Y/N? Is everything alright? What was wrong with the potion?" He put a hand to your forehead, seeing your uneasy look, and was shocked to feel how hot you were.
"Whoa!" He took a seat beside you with no idea how your stomach churned from his proximity. He brushed your hair from your forehead and rested a hand on your knee as he leaned close to you, examining your eyes.
"Merlin, you feel warm. Should I take you to the hospital wing? If that bloody Weasley had anything in there that could hurt you, I swear —"
You cut him off, placing your hand over his you fought a moan as you seemed to notice every strong detail in the back of his hand.
"No! I mean, no," your voice felt entirely too loud, "I think that I'll be okay I just. I don't exactly feel right for the moment."
You shifted in your seat, unable to keep your eyes off him. The look of concern in his eyes was endearing and it made you want to tear his clothes off even more. You studied the way some of his freckles met the plush, pinkness of his lips.
His tie was twisted all wrong as usual, and his dress clothes sat awkward and wrinkled beneath his robes. His trousers weren't wrinkled at all. He was visibly not even aroused and yet they strained against his muscular thighs, pulled tight across his sack.
Your breathing had picked up and Sebastian had been speaking to you, but you had no idea what he had said. Suddenly the situation felt like too much. You had to get to your room and get rid of your clothes and get down to business with yourself.
You stood up abruptly, mumbling some half-assed apology before you made your escape, but you were caught by a strong hand around your wrist.
"Y/N," his voice was low and gentle now and it got your attention enough to think straight for a few moments.
"Sebastian, I have to go. We can speak later," you insisted, the whine in your voice apparent, but he wouldn't release his grip on you as you tugged against him.
He repeated your name and stood in front of you, eyes gazing upon you heavily. "So this is a problem that you must go to your room to solve?" He raised an eyebrow at your behavior, putting two and two together.
Your resolve was shot at this point, so you just admitted it to him. "Yes. I — I don't know what was in that potion, but I need to go and take care of myself." Your cheeks burned, you thought he would at least let you escape at this point to save you both the embarrassment.
The realization of what was bothering you dawned on him. He couldn't hide the smirk on his lips as he walked towards you to close the gap.
"So that's what you're feeling? That's why you're practically on fire? Is this fire...somewhere else as well?" He kept his eyes on you the entire time while gliding fingers across your abdomen and hovering at your hips. You couldn't control the way your body arched into his touch, making you gasp.
"Yes," you whispered. You felt like your body was about to explode and he didn't even know how badly you had ached for him even before this day.
He leaned close to your ear and dipped a bold hand into your waistband, "Maybe I can help put that fire out?"
The moan that escaped your lips was uncontrollable as his fingers went past your undergarments and brushed over your mound to make soft contact with your bundle of nerves. Your breathing was heavy now and you wrapped your arms around his neck to steady yourself.
"Sebastian we can't right here, if someone else comes in —"
"If someone else comes in we'll simply shoo them away, alright?"
"But I want more. I need more." Your words were desperate as he circled around your clit. He dipped his fingers lower to smear your juices around for a smoother experience.
A dark laugh fell from his lips, "I'll give you more if you come to me at a time you're not...under the influence, but I am kind enough to help you with the problem at hand. You're soaking wet, were you thinking of me?" He was smug now and every reaction from you just fueled that emotion in him.
He allowed you to prop your body against his as he used his thumb to find a steady rhythm on your clit and his fingers teased at your entrance.
"If you won't indulge me by answering, I might just have to stop. You need to use your words for me, darling."
You could barely think of any words with the way you felt your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach. His fingers were slightly calloused and thick and they felt so good. You whined and grabbed at his robes when he threatened to pull away, so you did your best to form some responses.
"I think about you ah — all the time Sebastian. When I'm alone in my bed it's you that I really want."
Sebastian felt partly bad for taking advantage of your current state to pull such intimate confessions from you, but now he was really intrigued. And he couldn't wait for the effects of the potion to wear off so he could really see what you thought of him.
He thrust his fingers inside of you, curling them until he felt you stand on your tip-toes to meet him at the perfect spot. He could feel how tight you were and knew you would be cumming all over him soon. He used his other hand to press against your lower stomach and he placed wet kisses below your ear and on your neck, feeling you shudder with each other.
"Well, why don't you cum for me now, princess. There might be more for you later," he growled the last part into your ear and you could feel his breath against you. It was all too much and as he increased his speed with his fingers, thrusting into you more aggressively you fell apart against him.
You bucked your hips against him and buried your face against his chest to contain your cries of pleasure.
"You're such a good girl," he cooed, now raising a hand to pet the top of your head.
Your head felt much clearer now and the reality of what just happened sank in as you looked up at Sebastian. Of course, he had a plastered to his face. You flinched when he removed his hand from between your legs and he brought it up between the two of you. He stared you down before putting the fingers he'd had inside of you all of the way in his mouth, sucking them clean.
He wiped his own saliva on his robe and used his other hand to press your chin up and close the jaw you had opened in disbelief.
"Did that really just happen?"
"It did and I've got to say I wouldn't mind finding you in heat like that again."
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Daddy!January: Day 3
Face-Sitting w Daddy!Hongjoong
Request by @mrcarrots 
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Content Includes: Soft!Dom Hongjoong x sub!fem reader, face-sitting, reader has female anatomy, suggestive themes of sex, dirty talk, like A LOT OF IT!, kissing, praise, use of the term c*m and c*ck, banter, cum play, fingering, aftercare and of course possessiveness (because it’s fucking Hongjoong.)
This fic is the same Hongjoong from my ‘10 Days of PyeongHong November’ series. 
Word Count: 1,283
‘You did so well for me honey, such a precious angel for Daddy’ 
A gentle smile fell upon your face as Hongjoong planted messy kisses along the side of your face and jaw, his body covered in a sheen of sweat and his cock still throbbing warm inside of you. 
The sex was needier than usual, you hadn’t seen each other in awhile and there was a lot of built-up tension from Hongjoong’s end. 
Your thoughts were shifted as Hongjoong pressed a wet and noisy kiss to your lips, the plushness of his lips soothing your red and teeth-bitten ones. 
‘Did you cum?’ Hongjoong pulled away, his soft eyes filled with concern as he gently brushed the strands of hair away from your face. 
You hesitated, your eyes furrowing in hesitation and you weren’t sure if you should tell him the truth. 
Healthy relationships are about communication though, even if this is your first relationship. 
‘No’ you whispered softly, wincing lightly as Hongjoong pulled his cock out of you, the feeling of lube from the condom dripping out of you lightly and making you squirm. 
‘No?’ Hongjoong questioned, a look of disappointment on his face and you quickly scrambled as he pulled away, sitting on the side of the bed. 
‘But it’s okay, I feel good, great actually. I had a good time anyway’ You reassured, sitting up against the headboard, trying to allude your contentment with the expression on your face. 
‘It’s not okay angel, I can’t let you go to sleep without making you cum at least once’ Hongjoong spoke flatly as he removed the condom, made a knot and threw it in the trash can. 
‘I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend if you don’t cum every time we fuck’ His eyes pinned on yours, filled with ambition and need. 
The intensity of his eyes made you blush and you pulled the blanket around your chest, covering you up slightly. 
‘That’s your benchline for being a good boyfriend? How many times can you make me orgasm?’ A light chuckle filled the room, you were trying to ease the tension of the moment. 
‘Maybe you should have higher standards’ A soft giggle left your throat, your eyes sparkling with humour. 
‘Well, what would you know about having standards?’ Hongjoong quipped back, a teasing chuckle rumbled out of his chest as you playfully slapped his shoulder. 
‘Hey, don’t use my inexperience against me!’ You joked teasingly, deliberately making your bottom lip pout and pretending to be hurt. 
‘Okay, Okay, I’m sorry, that probably was too much’ He stared up at you as his head hit the pillow, reaching for your hand and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles, grazing them with his thumb. 
‘You always go on about how happy you are that you’re my first boyfriend, maybe my standards should be higher because you’re my first?’ You glanced at Hongjoong with mischief, your tongue peeking between your teeth. 
‘Well, you should have high standards, I’ve made it so no one else can satisfy you like I can’ 
He placed your hand down as he propped his head up on his head, his body facing towards you as he rubbed the outside of your thigh. 
‘Which I’m not doing right now because you haven’t cummed yet’
‘It’s okay babe, I’m fine honestly. We’re both tired to go another round and you have to get up early for tomorrow’. 
Hongjoong’s stubborn tone meant this conversation was not going to end anytime soon. 
‘What do you mean another round? I just want you to feel good’ 
Your head tilted to the side, eyebrow raised. 
Hongjoong leaned over and grabbed your hand, placing it on his chest as his voice was velvety with lust and desire. 
‘Sit on my face’ 
The blatant response caused your cheeks to blush and a surprised gasp leave your throat, the act always unnerved you but you were still needy and uncomfortable from not reaching your release. 
‘You sure?’ 
‘Yes, I am angel’ He adjusted his position so he was flat on his back, his face still turned towards your direction. 
‘Now get over here’. 
Hongjoong was so eager to taste you that you almost fell over as he manhandled you, his strong hands pulling you so you were hovering over his face. 
His gaze stared at your wet and dripping, saliva already pooling in his mouth at the sight of how aroused you were. 
‘What are you staring at?’ You looked down at him, a glint of curiosity in your eyes. 
‘Me angel? I’m staring at this pretty cunt that’s in my face, that’s what I’m doing’. 
Before you could quip back, Hongjoong’s tongue was buried against you, the wet muscle making hard and quick circles against your clit, his hands firmly pressed against your hips. 
‘Mmm, what a sweet cunt, it’s my cunt isn’t it?’ He murmured into your mound, his breath hot and panting against your core. 
A light ‘thwack’ to the curve of your arse caused you to jolt, your thighs quaking at the touch. 
‘I said it’s MY cunt isn’t it angel?’ Hongjoong demanded, his eyes darkening at the authoritative tone and awaiting an answer. 
‘Yes Daddy, this cunt is only for you’ You whined in response, grasping strands of Hongjoong’s hair and pressing his face against your clit, needing him to continue the motion from before. 
‘Good, and never forget it’ Hongjoong warned, his hands grabbing your inner thighs and helping you spread your legs further, your cunt further opening and glistening for his tongue. 
There was something about the taste of you that drove Hongjoong in a dominant frenzy, well…it was really any part of you that drove Hongjoong into a dominant frenzy but there was something about having you mewl while he was sucking the pleasure out of you that drove him insane. 
He could feel his mind drift away, his brain scattered with the thoughts of just pleasing you, he had to make you orgasm, he had to make sure you saw the fucking moon with his touch so you would never forget just how fucking GOOD he can make you feel. 
His ramblings became utter filth as he heard you let out a high-pitched whine as two of his fingers slid with ease inside of you, his lashes fluttering as he felt how warm your core was against him. 
‘Such a good fucking cunt, my pretty cunt’ His tongue flicked the underside of your clit, enhancing the intensity of the moment, ‘Scream for me angel, want to feel you soak my face, I love the way you drip for me’. 
Your thighs were shaking with the pent-up pressure, you surely would have fallen over if it weren’t for Hongjoong’s hands keeping you up-right, your back arching and your pelvis grinding as you desperately clenched around Hongjoong’s fingers, so close to your release. 
‘H-hongjoong…I’m….please…so close’ you stammered out, your elbows leaning against your headboard and your noises increasing in pitch. 
‘Cum for me pretty, let me make you feel good, want to feel you throb around my fingers’. 
A strategic nudge to your g-spot had you releasing over Hongjoong’s face, his tongue ravishly licking up your cum and wetness, the words ‘good girl’ and ‘you taste so fucking good’ were heard as you came down from your high. 
The thud of the bed resounded through the room as you flopped over on your side, dreamily looking up at Hongjoong with a soft smile on your face. 
‘Thank you’ You sighed out, your eyes closing with sleep. 
‘No need to thank me hun’ Hongjoong whispered, kissing your forehead as he covered your shoulders with the blanket. 
‘Anything for my pretty angel’. 
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blue-jisungs · 5 months
RADIO SILENCE ,, chap 02 — “that was fucking scary my heart is going pitter patter pitter patter”
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synopsis. hwang y/n and park sunghoon do not like each other. end of story. god knows why (well actually, niki is the only one who knows why). but when they’re put as co-hosts on a radio show, they’re bound to bond.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🎙️ ꒱ main masterlist
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you walked into the studio, the silence making you even more nervous. one of the producers stood up and greeted you with a warm smile.
“hello y/n! we’ll wait for your co-host so i can talk you through the basics” he explained. you nodded softly. just looking around the room: desks connected to each other but everyone has their own station. thousands of different buttons and switches, headphones laying on the countertop. you saw some people behind the glass and you waved to them happily, causing them to giggle and exchange some words to each other.
suddenly the door opened and you saw sunghoon, dressed casually. his hair was slicked back, nonchalant but somehow shy expression on his face.
“hi, i’m prouducer choi! you’re just in time” the producer said and nodded his head seriously, greeting sunghoon “please remember it’s a live radio, it is important for you to be on time. both of you. we have a schedule that we need to stick to”
you smiled softly upon seeing your co-host’s cheeks turning red. producer choi just laughed and started explaining.
“you just need to talk, basically. we’ll give you a script with the song queue so you know what comes next or when are the ad breaks. other than that we will be in charge of muting you and unmuting, so don’t worry about that. only if you wanna chime in at the end of the song there’s this red button. as long as it’s pressed, you’ll be beard by the listeners” he said and pointed at the chairs “you’ll be sitting there. and on the seat where i am right now normally we have our guests. if this sign here that says “on air” is glowing red it means, well, we’re on air. if it’s not, nada. ad breaks, done with work for today for you. finito, radio silence”
you hummed and sat down at the seat with a sign with your name on the microphone.
“obviously it’s all filmed. we have security cameras but also for people who watch it on their laptops, they’re able to see you… there” he turned around and pointed at the couple of cameras. you waved with a silly smile, causing sunghoon to scoff and do the same.
“so even when we can’t be heard by the listeners on the radio, the viewers can see us?” you asked. producer choi nodded. great, you’ll have to pretend even during breaks. all the time basically. “i’ll go check on the sound production and we’re on in 5 minutes”
you gulped as soon as the producer left, leaving you two alone. sunghoon sat down on his chair, slowly but surely shifting away from you. poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue in annoyance just from looking at him, you felt your phone buzz.
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you looked up, locking your phone and met sunghoon’s ebony eyes focused on you.
“hi” you grunted, faking a smile. he did the same “i’m y/n! nice to meet you, how are you today?”
“what are you doing?” sunghoon frowned upon seeing you reach your hand out and act like you’re strangers.
“introducing myself. i believe we haven't met yet” you hummed, actually enjoying his confused state.
sunghoon looked at you cautiously and gently shook your hand, nodding hesitantly.
“i don’t know what you’re scheming but i’m not going to–“ he started, jolting when the door suddenly opened. he squeezed your hand out of reflex and after realising, he quickly let it go.
“oh yeah, you don’t know each other yet! well, it’s going to be a perfect opportunity” producer choi, who just walked in, grinned and you watched sunghoon’a eyes widen. he realised.
you sent him a sly smile and saw his jaw tightening.
“okay, we’ll be on air in a second. just introduce yourself and exchange a quick few words, then you can announce the first song” the man nodded and sat down comfortably in the chair “i’m a speaker too so don’t worry, if things get awkward i’ll chime in”
you watched the grey sign “on air” turn red. sunghoon poked your arm and you looked at him confused. he just pointed at the headphones you forgot to put on.
letting out a soft laugh you did so, hearing a glimpse of an ad ending.
“and we’re back after the ad break! i’m so thrilled to introduce my guests today… and well, our new crew as well! it’s sunghoon and y/n’s first day as radio hosts in our station!” producer choi hummed happily
“hi, hullo” you greeted the listeners, not sure where to look “i’m hwang y/n!”
“and i’m enhypen’s park sunghoon” your co-host added, sending a shy smile towards the producer.
“so, tell our listeners something about yourself. y/n maybe you’ll go first?” producer choi asked kindly.
“well… we’re both from hybe and we’re both 20! i’m a soloist… uh, i enjoy watching tv series, eating delicious food and hanging out with my friends, who i love a lot. and of course, i love my fans!” you said, finally relaxing a bit.
“yes, that’s true. i’m the most handsome and funniest member of enhypen…” he started and you scoffed quietly, earning a annoyed look from him “i used to ice skate but i switched career paths. i love engenes, our fans and my dog, gaeul. um…”
“you two are so lovely. is this your first time being on a radio show?” manager choi asked, looking at a piece of paper in front of him. you did the same.
“well, i was on radio shows before as a guest when we had comebacks. as a host, not really. some of my members did though” sunghoon explained, fidgeting with his fingers.
“i never really… it’s my first time even being in a radio studio” you chuckled nervously. due to covid and your hiatus you didn’t have the chance to do so.
“oh!” producer choi gasped “well, i hope it will be a nice journey for you then. but with such a handsome companion i guess it’s not a problem”
you laughed and exchanged looks with sunghoon. quite the opposite, you thought, but i appreciate you for trying mr choi
“would you like to announce the next song, then? do the honours” the man asked and a wide grin bloomed on your face.
“i’d love to! our lovely listeners will sadly stop hearing our voices for a while but do not fret! taeyeon and her invu will keep you entertained!” you announced happily, earning a small applause from the producer. sunghoon clapped too.
the red sign turned grey and you let out a dramatic sigh.
“y/n, you’re a natural. don’t worry about anything! sunghoon, you too. i believe you two are a little bit awkward because it’s your first day but i see the potential” mr choi laughed. you and sunghoon faked a laugh too. exactly. “after we’re finished i’d like you to stay for a short while”
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taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ocean-minho ,, @s-e-s-a-l-e-n-e ,, @eternalgyu ,, @haecien ,, @yenqa ,, @eneiyri ,, @aaasia111
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noellefan101 · 11 months
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Bakery Love
Genshin impact, modern baker au, reader´s family owns(and works at) a bakery + reader works there, gn!reader
characters: Tighnari, Albedo, Kazuha, Cyno, Nilou, Xiao x gn!reader
Warnings: kissing, baking(duh), romantic relationship (+ planoinic in some but not with the main), kissing, , tell me if i missed anything
Note: I'm sorry if there´s any mistakes, english is not my first language and this is not prof-read yeah enjoy ;) and it feels so weird to write for Nilou when the rest is men, i didn´t think abt that. luv you all, mwah ;)
i feel like he would be there to get a birthday cake for Collei, (im sorry it just sounds too cute) and you were at the front desk in your apron talking to a customer, when he walked in and ordered. you looked at him, asked what he would like and wrote a note down so you could remember - he ordered a "healthy" cake with green frosting on one side and red on the other with Cuilein anbars on the green side and baron bunnies on the red side. and then he also leaves his number woth the order bc he thinks your cute so you start to become friends. anyway, thats how you met onto when you start dating
you would come over to his house after your shift, or when you both have time, and bring him some baked goods for him and Collei/i feel like they would live together in a modern au, like Tighnari would still be her caretaker, just like in the game/. you and Tighnari would definitely bake together, and you would teach him how to bake certain pastries and stuff, and Collei/+Cyno maybe/could join if they wanted to (it would be so cute wtf). i also think he would be like a florist or smt, like he owns a flower shop, so he would bring you flowers or just plants in general. so the bakery would have a lot of plants that he´s given you. and your family (lovingly) hates him because where tf are they gonna put all these fricking flowers and stuff he gets you every week. tho their happy for you and they also got free decor for the bakery so they don´t really complain.
to him you´re like a rose, beautiful, even if sometimes you sting, he adores you just as much
he was just there to study at first, maybe get some coffee and a piece of cake, when he saw you behind the counter he kinda.. uhm.. fell in love at first sight, yeah... anyway now/because of your beauty/he is there studying more often or when you´re there to be exact. your sibling or parent called it out but you denied it and didn´t think much of it. and then he finally asked for your number
when you finally start dating, he would still study at your bakery but it´ll be a little more often. and not only on your shifts but on other family members too, mainly bc he wants to get to know them better. he also brings his little sister, Klee, with him more often so she can meet you and your family + see the bakery. he also would make some artificial things for you, like flowers and stuff, you could either put in your room or around the bakery. yk the flower he makes in his idol or whatever its called, so like one of those or just anything you want really. he could also paint there, but he´ll just start painting you and he doesn´t want other people to think he´s stalking you.
to him you´re like a painting, pretty in many ways, and perfect in his eyes
he would visit the bakery once in a while, finding it relaxing to be there and finding great inspiration for his poems and stories. and something he has noticed is the beautiful person that is sometimes behind the corner/you hehe/and starts to slowly become his muse. he couldn´t help it its like keeping a secret from someone, but sharing it with the world at the same time. he finds himself going to the same place over and over again, only wanting to see your face one more time. (wtf happened to me) while he was unknowingly falling in love with this new muse, you were falling for him. (ok i need to fricking stop, omg)
when you two finally started dating, he still kept you as his muse, but this time you were both aware and laughed a little together because of it. anyway he would be there even more to just sit and write about something, then later in the day/or week if you both were busy/he would read them out to you. and at some point you would start giving him notebooks every few months just so he could write his poetry on something other than the tissues from the bakery(omg that would be so cute and hilarious at the same time). in return he would gift you your favorite flowers and try and learn to bake, even tho its not perfect he tries and you love it. sometimes you´ll bake something with him and teach him properly how to do something/or do it the way your family does it/and then after you eat it together.
to him you're a miracle, your his love, his life, and his muse, he doesn´t know what to do without you now
he´s a policeman (the hot kind) and there was an incident with your neighbor bc their store got robbed/in my mind it's a jewelry store but let your mind go wherever/so you got a few questions since you were on your shift at the time they came in. but you then after went into the back/your home to get your parents. and then after he started showing up more both because of the situation but also because he generally liked your pastries and cakes. even after the case ended he still came over on a lot of all of his breaks, maybe it was sometimes to see you but you ofc didn´t need to know that ;)
so when you guys started dating, he would ofc still come over but also look out for you, your family, and the bakery. also in his free time/even tho its not often/he would "help" you with baking. aka your teaching him how to bake bc he can´t for the life of him, but he brags to his friends abt it "cough". anyway, he would love to try some new recipes you find online or in your family cookbook, and help as much as he can. if you made him some pastries for him to take with him to work, he would fall even more `head over heels` in love with you, seriously do it. he would definitely stop anybody that tries to steal anything from the bakery, and get them arrested immediately.
to him your love is like a drug, addicting, but even if he knows it he will still love you for eternity
yk the cake she eats in game, that would definitely be the reason you two met. like it would be in the bakery´s window or smt and she would order that with a smile, while you where on your shift ofc. and she would get all exited and stuff. + she thinks the way you and your family make it is much better, so she´s basically a reguler bc she orders at your bakery so often. and then she starts to fall in love with one of the bakers there (you), and so she tries to find out when your shift is and stuff. (my brain couldn´t stop sry, that was a lot)
anyways, when you start dating she would definitely want to try and learn the recipe and bake it with you, but ofc she needs practice so she´ll eat your portion at the start, but you can´t complain you´ve literally done this your whole life ofc you´re better. she´d also want to meet your family early on bc you told her about some baking days when you test new recipes and stuff, so she´d be the taste tester and give tips if she could. aand you would give her discounts for some kisses. she would also dance in the bakery, with you and your family´s content ofc, so she could attract customers with her beautiful dancing.
to her you´re like cake, has many flavors, not all perfect but to her you are too perfect to enjoy only once
i see him getting dragged there by some friends/yk aether, venti, kazuha, heizou and then scara is getting dragged there too. so basically 6rezze(sry if thats wrong) or 5wirl, but they aren´t famous/and they drag him to your bakery. bc they wanted to try the cakes and stuff. and your the one behind the counter(idk if thats a good thing or not, but ig it was?). and so you had to deal with some boys yelling at each other while one of them was completely silent/xiao/he just ordered and explained what the rest/but not for heizou, kazuha cuz i feel like they would already have ordered/you just got the pastries and cakes they ordered, and they then sat down seeming to calm down.
after you started dating he wouldn´t come to the bakery often, but he´ll definitely come over like once a week/before was like once or twice a month/and he won´t order much but is just there to support you. otherwise, if he comes to the bakery he´ll just go straight to the back to see you/they know who he is ofc, but for first-time workers that might be weird/and he would be a little sad if you were too busy to give him attention. if you give him some non-sweet cake or pastries he´ll love you even more(i swear thats impossible). he´ll also feed you, and let you feed him in return. if you want him to learn how to bake he´ll do it, but only if you teach him ofc. so there you are in your kitchen with xiao, trying to teach him to bake the non-sweet cake he likes.
you´re like the cakes you make, sweet, although he doesn´t normally like sweet things, he loves you more than anything else
Author: the sweet things at the end of each one, omg how tf did i come with those aaaaahhhh i´m freaking out right now. also if you want me to do more of these pls tell me + the characters you want in it.
thank you for reading, luv ya-Masterlist
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