#Than when I shred them and try to make hash browns myself
theoogtree · 11 months
Hashed Brown Omelette
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gotjacobian · 9 months
I watched BDG's breakfast sandwich video the other day. I think the sandwich he makes is perfectly serviceable, but I know in my heart that the one I make is 1) faster, 2) tastier, and 3) vegetarian friendly and therefore better. This is one of the few areas in which I permit myself arrogance. Here is how I make it - it takes ten minutes and you *can* add meat and hash browns or whatever to it if you really want. I just think it's a superior sandwich even without those things.
Ingredients: - Bread (Usually a halved Bolo roll because they have those here, or two slices of trader joe's soft sourdough. An english muffin or bagel or whatever would also work. Once I used portuguese sweet bread, which was a pain to toast but was very tasty.) - Butter - 1-2 eggs - Shredded cheese (I basically only get the mexican three-cheese blend) + Other omelette ingredients if you want - Mayonnaise - Minced jarred garlic, roasted garlic, or garlic powder - Half a tomato (I am a tomato liker and usually just chop and eat the other half) - Salt and pepper (and optionally, MSG) 1. Toast the bread. I use a toaster or convection oven, if you don't have one, melt enough butter to thinly coat the bottom of a pan on medium heat, and put the bread on while that's bubbling.
2. While the bread is toasting, beat the egg(s) in a bowl with a large pinch of salt and pepper (plus a smaller pinch of MSG if you have/want it). Heat half a tablespoon of butter in whatever pan you have over medium heat. Once it's melted, pour on the egg mixture.
2. While that's cooking, mix the sauce - about a tablespooon of equal parts mayonnaise and jarred garlic, or two cloves roast garlic, or however much garlic powder makes you happy.
3. Wait a minute or two for the bottom of the egg mixture to solidify. The top will still look liquid. Sprinkle a small handful of shredded cheese on the top. you can add other omelette filling-type ingredients too (herbs, spinach, sundried tomato, bell pepper, whatever). I do chopped parsley pretty regularly with good results.
4. When the cheese has melted, fold the omelette over the cheese. Waiting a minute, flip it, take it off the heat, and use your utensil to cut it in half.
5. Spread your sauce on both halves of your bread. Add half your omelette to each slice of bread. Slice the tomato, sprinkle salt on it, put it on top, eat it as either open or closed-face.
(Bonus: I put Lao Gan Ma on it too sometimes and my girlfriend gives me no end of shit for it. But it's really good, so if that's something you have give it a shot too. Just spread some on top of the egg when doing final assembly, it's great)
(Double bonus: There's a place here that makes toum [blended garlic and olive oil sauce] which I steal from university events they cater. Use that instead of the garlic mayonnaise thing if you can get it. You can futz with the sauce in all kinds of ways too - I have not personally tried mixing sriracha or chopped herbs or something with the mayonnaise instead of garlic, but whatever "___ aioli" your favorite hip restaurant is serving you, try mixing that thing with it and it'll probably be good)
In an ideal world, this only dirties one pan, one fork, one knife, and one bowl, which is acceptable to me. If you have pre-cooked or cured meat you want to add, you can add them straight to the omelette. Otherwise you can cook it separately and add it at the end, though I like it just fine without. I DID try putting microgreens on it once and that was a wreck, they wouldn't stay in the sandwich and tasted bad cooked, so fair warning there. Really do try the bolo roll if you can get them, I like them way better than english muffins.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
All About the Face
What color are your eyes? Brown. Do you have big eyes or small eyes? I think they’re small. Do you or anyone you know have a lazy eye? I used to know someone with a lazy eye.
Do you need to wear glasses or contacts? Yep, I wear glasses.
Do you wear “regular-sized sunglass” or “big sunglasses”? I don’t wear sunglasses at all.
Do you pluck your own eyebrows or get them waxed/shaped by a professional? I tweeze them myself. I’ve only had them waxed once and that was when I was like 14. Do you wear eyeshadow often? If so, what colors? I haven’t worn eyeshadow in several years.  Do you make wishes on eyelashes? Nah, but I did that when I was a kid. Have you ever pulled your eyelashes out before? Yes. I sometimes mess with my eyelashes and a couple will come out. How often do you have eye boogers/crusties when you wake up? There’s usually a little. 
Have you ever had pink eye before? Nope. Name some sights that are appealing to you. Scenic views like of the ocean, mountains, etc. Oh, and Alexander Skarsgard, of course. Do you know anyone who is colorblind? Not that I know of. My chem teacher in high school was colorblind, though. Do you know anyone with two different-colored eyes? I don’t think so. Do you know anyone with a glass eye? Not that I know of. Do you know anyone who uses/wears colored contacts? Probably. Do you tend to look at people when you talk to them, or look away? I switch between both. I can’t hold eye contact the whole time or even for a long time at once before it gets awkward so I have to look away for a bit. When you cry, do tears come out? Yes. The only time they don’t is if I’m not able to cry or I’m all cried out. If I’m crying, though, then there’s definitely tears falling out
How many different parts of the eye can you name without using Google? A few offhand. Do you blink often? I guess? It’s one of those things you do absentmindedly.  Would you be any good at a staring contest? No, I’m the worst. Like I said, I can’t do it for long before it gets awkward. Do you know anyone who is blind or legally blind? Yes. Can you do any weird or creepy eyebrow-wiggles? No. Can you make yourself go cross-eyed? No. Do you enjoy watching 3D movies, or do the glasses give you a headache? I find them annoying and it’s hard to wear the glasses over my own.
Are you able to see things from multiple points of view/perspectives? Yeah, I think I’m pretty good about that. Well, except for when it comes to myself and my issues... then I tend to just see one side and it’s negative. Do you get dizzy have blurred vision, or vertigo often? It’s been a few years since I’ve had my eyes checked and I feel the strain and some of the other symptoms that go along with needing a new prescription.  Have you ever had to get something small removed from your eye or had any sort of eye surgery before? No. I do get styes now and then, though, which are just super annoying and painful. It’s a bump on my eyelid that lasts for a few days until its ready to drain and yeah, not fun. It goes away on its own, but I do some things to help the process. Do you wear eyeliner or mascara? I did when I wore makeup, which I haven’t for the past few years now.
Do you have differently-shaped ears? (ex: elfin ears) No. How often did you used to get ear infections as a child? That wasn’t something I dealt with very often. Have you ever failed a hearing test? No, I’ve always had really good hearing.  Do you know anyone who is deaf? No, but I know people who are hard of hearing. Are your ears pierced? How many times/what parts? Yes, just my earlobes. Do you have good listening ears? I’m definitely more of a listener than a talker. Have you ever lost your sense of hearing before and had it come back? (ie: had your eardrum burst) No, thankfully.
Do your ears hang low? No. Can you wiggle your ears? Nope. How do you get the earwax out of your ears? I use Q-Tips. What are some sounds that would make you cover your ears? Fireworks, for sure. I usually wear headphones because I just find them way too loud. What are some sounds that are pleasant to your ear? The ocean waves crashing in and out, rain, certain ASMR triggers, piano pieces, the words, “I brought you coffee”... haha. Do you or anyone you know have an auditory processing issue? Not that I’m aware of. Are you guilty of frequent eavesdropping? Not frequent, but I’m guilty of it sometimes. Although, like I said I have really good hearing so I tend to hear things without even trying or even wanting to. Have you ever gotten anything stuck in your ear canal before? If so, then what? Ow, no.
Do you have a large, medium, or small nose? I think it’s  small. Are your nostrils small or large? Small. Do you get seasonal allergies? I do. How often are you guilty of digging for emeralds? I just get a tissue and blow my nose if needed. What’s the highest number of sneezes that you’ve done in a row? I don’t know; a few. My dad often has sneezing fits that seem to go on forever. And he sneezes really loud, too. What are some smells that are unpleasant to you? Old food, garbage, shit, too much perfume or cologne, too much air freshener, Sharpies, seafood, skunks, alcohol, nail polish, nail polish remover, shoe cleaner, most cleaning products... What are some of the best smells, in your opinion? The ocean/beachy air, rain, patchouli, cedar wood, sandalwood, pine, coconut, lemon, vanilla, cinnamon, mint, coffee, garlic, my favorite foods, sweet smells, powder... Are there any unusual smells that you enjoy that most others do not? (ie: gasoline, Sharpies) I do like the smell of gasoline. What’s your favorite candle or air freshener scent? I like the autumnal scents from Bath & Body Works. Have you ever stuck anything up your nose before? If so, then what? No. Do you get frequent nosebleeds? Do you know what causes them? No, thankfully I’ve never had one. Do you have any nose piercings? If so, then where? Nope. Have you ever had a broken nose before? Nope. Have you ever lost your sense of smell before? How did it happen? Yeah, like when I have a horrible cold or allergies. Do you use any sort of nasal spray? Very rarely. When’s the last time that you had both nostrils close up on you at once? Almost a year ago when I got sick with a bad cold. Do you have a habit of being nosy and sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong? No. Have you ever snorted any sort of drug before? If so, then what? No. Do you snort when you laugh? Nope.
How often do you get sinus infections? Very, very rarely. It’s been years. How long does it take you to get through an entire box of tissues when you’re relatively healthy? I don’t use a box of tissues unless I have a bad cold. 
Do you have plump lips, thin lips, or one of each? Thin, but my bottom lip is a little bigger. Do you wear more lipstick or lip gloss? If you wear it, what shade do you normally choose? I haven’t in years. Do you use lip liner? Nah. I never bothered with lip liner. Do you remember those LipSmacker Chapsticks from your childhood? Which was your favorite one? Yes, I loved those. The fun ones like the ones that were supposed to taste like soda or candy were my favorite. Even better were the ones shaped like a soda bottle or various things. This store in the mall, Claire’s, has a ton of those. Years ago I had one shaped like a little Hershey’s strawberry syrup bottle, it was super cute. What brand of chapstick do you use as an adult now, if any? I like EOS. Do you have a tendency to pick at your lips or chew on them? Ugh, yes I do both. A lot. Who’s the last person you kissed? Joseph, many years ago. Do you lick your lips often? Yes. Do you make “the fish face” often in photos? No, I never liked that look. Have you ever had gingivitis in your gums? No. Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? No. How often do you brush your teeth? At least once a day. How often do you floss? I don’t. :X What brand of mouthwash do you use, if any? I don’t use any. How many teeth are in your mouth currently? I don’t know. Do you have any cavities? Yes. Have you ever had a root canal? Yes, a few times. What color are your teeth? White, but not pearly white. I could use some whitening strips. What brand of toothpaste do you use? Sensodyne. Have you ever had any teeth extracted? Yes. How old were you when your last baby tooth came out? Hm. I don’t recall. Do you grind your teeth at night in your sleep? Sometimes. Have you ever broken your jaw before? No. Have you ever swallowed something you shouldn’t have? No. Has your throat ever started to close up from something before? Noo, thankfully. That sounds terrifying.
Have you ever choked? If so, on what? Yes, I’ve gotten food and a pill stuck in my throat. How many times have you had strep throat? I think less than a handful of times. It’s been a very long time since the last time I’ve had it. What is something that causes your throat to itch? When it’s dry.
Have you ever lost your voice before? If so, when was the last time? Yeah. It’s been several years since that has happened as well. Like, over 10 years. Have you ever lost your sense of taste before? How long did it take to come back? It happens when I’m really sick. What are some of your favorite foods that taste delicious to you? Wingstop’s boneless lemon pepper and garlic parm wings, ramen, breakfast burritos or sandwiches, scrambled eggs with garlic, spinach, green onions, and shredded cheese, and scrambled eggs and biscuits smothered in country gravy with hash browns. Can you fold your tongue into a taco shape? How about a clover? Nope. Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue? Nope. What’s the last thing you licked? The spoon I used in my coffee. Can you roll your R’s? Nope. Who is the last person that you stuck your tongue out at? I don’t recall. That’s not something I tend to do. Have you ever choked on your own saliva before? Yes. It seems like I choke on just air even sometimes. How frequently do you experience dry mouth? Ugh, that’s something I really struggle with.  Have your parents ever threatened to wash your mouth out with soap before? No. Who’s the last person that you mouthed off to, and why? I don’t mouth off to people. Do you speak any other languages? A little Spanish. Have you ever worn braces or retainers? Nope.
Chin & Cheeks/The Whole Face
Do you need to shave your upper lip or chin? No, not at the moment. Do you shave your entire face? If so, how often? No. Do you have a moustache? No. Do you have a beard? No. Have you ever fractured your cheek bone? Ow, no.
Who was the last person to kiss your cheek? My mom. Do your cheeks get extra red in any of the following instances: sickness/fever, drinking alcohol, cold/windy weather, embarrassment, or infatuation? When I’m sick, hot, nervous, and when I used to drink. Do you have any relatives who are guilty of pinching your cheeks and making comments about how big you’ve grown? No.
Are you mature enough to turn the other cheek? Usually. And to just avoid confrontation and drama. I’ll stew about stuff on my own and be upset about things for awhile, but I’m not one to hold a grudge. When’s the last time that you said something cheeky, and who did you say it to? Something jokingly to my brother, probably. Has anyone ever slapped you across the face before? If so, what was the reason? No. Do you get a lot of blackheads or acne? If so, are there any special products that you use in order to combat this? No, I just get like a couple now and then. I struggled with acne back when I was a teenager and young adult, though. Do you wear blush or foundation? I rarely bothered with blush back when I wore makeup and I dabbled with foundation for a short bit. My main staples when it came to makeup was honestly just eyeliner and mascara, and maybe a tinted balm. What shape face do you have? Oval or heart shaped. Do you have any scars on your face? Yes, a few little ones. Would you ever consider getting a face lift or Botox? Nah.
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Survey #194
“i’m numb to the pleasure but still feel the pain.”
Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? Yeah. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid? I believe I first had those Flintstones ones, then later Mom got the gummy type. Have you ever gone to court? Only to explain to a judge why I thought my scheduled month-long stay in the psych hospital was unnecessarily long for my state. I was convinced all I needed to do was talk to Jason and boom, my problems would be gone. Safe to say, I was delusional. Glad I won that battle though considering I loathe that hospital for their extreme lack of therapy and activities to keep us occupied and out of our own heads. I was committed there I think five times and no stay did jack-shit. Are you friends with your neighbors? No. How long has it been since you’ve seen The Lion King? Years. But bitch when that live action remake comes out I'mma be the very first hoe at that theater. Have you ever had a crush on your siblings friend? No. What's the longest amount of time you’ve been on an airplane without changing flights? However long the flight to Michigan was. What’s the best wedding you’ve been to? My former dance instructor's. What time did you wake up this morning? Like, 7. What are you doing this weekend? There's no difference in weekends and weekdays for me. I'm sure I'm doing nothing. What’s your favorite Disney movie? TLK. Do you wear colored contacts? No, but honestly I'd love more sapphire blue ones if they're a prescription and not just cosmetic. Who was the last person you went to the movies with? I think Mom? Or did I go with Dad later? When’s the last time you spent time with your cousins? I haven't seen Robby since '15, but Audrey passed through with my uncle sometime last year. My other cousins, hell if I know. Why did you fall for the last person romantically? Good Lord, that's an essay. Just more than anything, I think it was the fact that she cares so deeply about animals and people alike and is passionate about what's right and wrong. Can you speak in a different language conversationally? If so, which language? I could maybe manage a very simple German convo? Do you ever fear falling asleep? No, but I do rather frequently don't look forward to it, or at least the process of falling asleep. I don't go quickly. What’s the last thing you had to eat? A bagel. Would you rather eat all day or exercise all day? I don't believe you physically could eat all day? And exercising, I'm assuming you'd eventually pass out? But let's be hypothetical. I'd have to choose exercise, I care way too much about not gaining weight. Does one eye tend to be weaker than the other? Yes, my right is considerably worse. What do you think of guys who ask girls out over via text message or internet? It's definitely not my preferred method, but do it if you don't have the courage to in person/just can't for whatever reason. Have you ever had a churro? I believe I have? If I'm remembering the correct treat, it was unbelievably too sweet and I didn't like the crunch. What’s one thing you like about your town? The town itself is real old-fashioned and small. Did you believe that alcohol is more dangerous then weed? I know it is. Do you drink more apple or orange juice? Orange. Are you a fan of the Grand Theft Auto series? Never played, but I highly doubt I'd enjoy it. Do you like the beach? If it wasn't for the wind, blistering heat, and sand. So basically, I don't. I only like being in the ocean. Do you or did you have a curfew at one point? No. Well, correction, if it was a school night before high school and I was out with a friend, I'm sure Mom established something, but idr. Do you peel the wrappers off of plastic bottles? No. What do you think is the youngest age someone should lose their virginity? No younger than 16. But at any age, be. Smart. Have you ever played Super Smash Brothers? I think at friends' as a kid? What do you like on your sundaes? Like, just chocolate syrup lmao. Have you done anything productive today? Well, I exercised some. Do you believe in abstaining from sex until marriage? What I care about is waiting for a person you feel truly in love with. I actually feel like abstaining could be a bad idea, as I'd assume for some people, the desire to have sex would play a factor in them wanting to get married, so marriage could potentially be rushed for the sake of that when you're not adequately prepared in other areas. What is your sexual orientation? Bi. Do you put your name on your food coverings? If I was using a fridge at a job or whatever, yeah, but I'm not in that type of situation. What is something you have acquired with age? Open-mindedness. Would you ever go out in public sporting pajamas? Depends on where I'm going. Have you ever ridden in a race car? No. Do you enjoy history? No. Have you ever changed religions? Twice. Is there anyone to whom you are afraid to stand up to? Mom. And pretty much everyone else. Do you like making lists? Sometimes. Do you play sports with your siblings? Never di- oh wait, Mom signed all three of us up for cheerleading as little kids. Hated it. Are there stairs in your house? No. Do you like onions on your burger? A small amount of minced pieces is fine. Could you ever give yourself a shot? Yeah. What is your favorite room to clean? I get the most satisfaction out of cleaning my own. Do you enjoy cleaning? Not the process of it, just the feeling afterwards. What do you consider your ideal weight? My /ideal/ would be around 120 again, but I'd be happy enough between 130-140. How many pounds do you need to lose (or gain) to be your ideal weight? LET US NOT What is your favorite thing about Valentine’s Day? Just it being a celebration of love, which to me, goes beyond just romantic. I think people should spend a little extra effort in letting one another know they really love each other. Now I believe every day you should treat people with love, but seriously focus on it and be thankful for those you have. If you wear one, what color is your wristwatch? N/A Have you ever made a pair of earrings? No. Who did you inherit your hair color from? I actually think Dad? Going through family pictures after Grampa died, I found out he was actually born dirty-blonde (I've only known him with black), like I was. Pretty sure Mom's was always brown. Have you ever wished that you were born in a different era? Woulda loved being born in the mid-early '80s. Do you prefer soft rock or hard rock? ....... I read "rock" as in like, minerals. And I was. Very confused. High on the list of my dumbest readings. Anyway, definitely hard. What was the best time of your life? As a kid. Do you prefer sunny or cloudy weather? Partly cloudy. How do you like your potatoes? For most of my life I only liked them as fries or as potato skins w/ cheese and bacon bits, but I'm gradually branching out. I like baked potatoes split with cheese and bacon inside too, and Sara's mom exposed me to the very first time I enjoyed mashed potatoes, yeet. So those have to be made a very specific, non-clumpy way. I also like hash browns, but not the shredded kind. Oh yeah, I live for the fiesta potatoes at Taco Bell too like gd good shit. Who’s your best friend? My babygirl. <3 If you don't count her, it'd be my mom, but if she's excluded too being family, I don't really have a best friend. Maybe Girt, idk. What’s a TV show you never miss? I don't watch any shows regularly. The one and only situation where I'd watch every episode ASAP is if Meerkat Manor came back. Have you ever lied about your gender? No. What are you planning on doing on your next birthday? Go out to eat with family, and though unlikely, getting a tattoo would be awwwesome. Do you know anyone else with your last name other than family? I don't think so? Is your favorite band still together? I actually just looked it up because I really wanted to know, and his band's still going, apparently! I thought this coming tour ("No More Tours 2") was the end, but apparently it's just the finale of his world tours. Where do you see most of your concerts? I've only been to one, which was in Raleigh. That's the most likely place we'd go to, though. Have you ever had escargot? Never in my life will I try it. Do you use Google every day? No. What was the last new food you tried that you thought was delicious? Oh my god in Heaven. So, for Christmas, my sis made these hot chocolate cream balls things she found on Pinterest, and literally, maybe the best thing I'd ever had. I just barely had enough discipline to not eat more than one lol. If you could invent a new holiday, what month would you put it in? Hm. Idk. Have you ever had a bedroom with a specific theme? No, I don't think so. If you had to design a room with a theme, what theme would you choose? Gothic, maybe with lil bits of pastel goth for some more personality. What was the best thing that ever happened to you? Realizing I can't just give my entire life to a person, losing any control over it myself. You have to allow yourself to be free; do not chain yourself to a single person. Have you ever given money to a homeless person? No. One, I don't have a source of income, and two, I'm perfectly aware what probably 99% do with it, especially because of my mom, who's pretty much made friends with the homeless on the side of the road, has learned each and every one use drugs or alcohol, so instead she buys them food frequently. That's something I would want to do, but I'm so paranoid of strangers, especially desperate ones, harming me for whatever reason that I probably never will. Do you like your hair better long or short? SHORT. OH MY GOOOOOD CUTTING MY HAIR SHORT WAS ONE OF MY BEST DECISIONS. Have you ever designed your own Facebook timeline cover? Yeah. What is one site that closed down that you wish would come back? Hmmmm. I don't really know. Well, the Animal Planet site still exists, but I wish there was still a dedicated MM section, y'know, with the forums and games and such. Really think it'd be nice if they kept little sections for all of their classic, better-known shows for old fans. Hell, I'm pretty sure MM was their most successful, why not keep remnants of it up there? Do you ever watch TV shows on YouTube? Rarely, if I ever watch a show. Foo Fighters vs. Red Hot Chili Peppers: Not a real fan of either, but I'd have to choose the former as I enjoy at least two of their songs. Have your parents ever complained about your hair? My mom was reeeaaally shocked and distressed when she arrived at the parlor when I got the "big" haircut and saw how much was gone (eight inches), but only because she was scared I'd hate it. Thankfully she really liked it when it was all said and done. Are you a fan of the Saw movies? Never really watched 'em. How did you decide on your Tumblr name? I'm a sucker for alliteration, and it's a survey blog. Do your friends have the complete opposite music taste as you? My closer friends, not really, actually. Do you ever forget how old your siblings are? I don't know any of my half-siblings' ages, and I forget how old Ashley is sometimes. I forget frequently if she's two or three years older than me. Do you tend to walk places more than drive? Ha, you can't walk to a destination here in the country. I only ever ride/rarely drive anywhere. Do you have any photos of you kissing someone? Yes. Do you ever hang out with your ex? Rarely with Girt. Would you like the ability to read minds? No, especially if you can't choose when it's "on" or "off." Even if you only choose when you do it, idk. Just... doesn't seem like a safe idea. Do you see the same people everyday? Lol that's usually just my mom, and yes. Have you ever made out on a couch? Yeah. Are you mad at anyone right now? No. It’s 4 in the morning, your phone rings, what do you do? Almost a guarantee I won't hear, considering it's on vibrate. Now if I did for whatever reason, ignore it unless it's a contact on my phone. Have you ever fallen backwards on a chair? I believe so, playing as a kid. Last time you laughed so hard you cried? I'm not sure, but considering I do that easily... Who last talked about kissing you? Sara. Who was the last thing/person you took a picture with? My kiiiitty. Did you speak to your father today? No. Would you ever get gauged ears? Definitely no. What aren’t you looking forward to? I really don't mean to sound all emo and whatnot, but I genuinely don't look forward to like every afternoon/early evening, as that's around when I hit my extreme boredom decline, which goes so low I feel death could maybe be more exciting. I am in no way suicidal, I just want this era of isolation, lack of purpose, and no progress towards a great future to end. My life's been at a stand-still for pretty much a year. Would you rather get your tongue or lip pierced? I already have both done. I find my snake eyes way cuter, but when I consider my outward appearance and what people generally see, I'd rather have my labret. What is your favorite personality trait? Kindness. What is the most romantic thing a significant other could do? Idk, but something with deep personal meaning for sure. When you are dating someone, what is the most important thing to you? There has to be a mutual, serious care for our relationship; my partner has to understand I'm not in for a fling. We both have to have the goal of forming and maintaining a healthy, long-lasting, meaningful relationship. If I feel being together is a game to you or just for a couple months of a bit of fun, bye. Would you be able to tell someone you love them, even if you didn’t feel it? No. Well, I do with my mom if she's pissed me off and I *feel* like I don't, but I know I do. If you were engaged, would you want a wedding as soon as possible? Not necessarily. I believe engagement is a stage where you're certain you want to get married in the not-so-distant future, but you have other important things to take care of first, like for example, buying a home and stuff like that. When in a relationship do you have to have contact with your partner on a daily basis? I wouldn't freak the hell out if you couldn't talk to me for a day, but I'd definitely want at least a little conversation, especially if we're serious. Do you believe in moving in together before engagement or marriage? Yes. You should know how you're going to handle being with your s/o every single day. Did you ever give a hickey to the last person you kissed or you guys didn’t go that far? Not yet. Is there anyone you want to come see you? Yeah. What was the last thing you saw that scared you? A video of this guy with his giant pet centipede like an idiot (super venomous) crawling all over him. Centipedes creep me the hell out, although at the same time I find them kinda cool. Is there something that’s happened today that you don’t want to ever go through again? No. Is the last person you kissed attractive? Yeah. Do you feel bored with your life? I think I've covered this enough. Who’s someone you miss that you haven’t talked to in years? Megan, more than anyone. Do you have severe withdrawals from medications? I don't think any were ever severe, but I was weaned off of them all I believed. Just honestly I've been on so many since 6th grade that I can't recall each one's ending. I only recall having shadow hallucinations when I was coming off one. What’s the most weight you’ve ever gained from a medication? Let's not talk about the subject I'm more bitter about than anything else in the entire world. Summary: Don't touch Abilify even if your fucking life depended on it. Do you have a doctor you can trust? My psychiatrist and therapist, very much so. I've only seen my new general doctor twice, so I can't make a fair judgment of her. Mom has a friend who sees her though, and she only has positive things to say about her. Do you pray? If yes, to whom? No. What do you miss about high school? A social life. Art class. What do you miss the most about college? Literally the one and only part I enjoyed at my first college was lunchtime, because Jason and I could spend time together, sometimes with his friends. Second college, nothing. It was online. Have you ever been the victim of a crime? I don't believe so? Is your life worse than you could have ever have imagined it to be? Or is it better, or just what you expected? Ohhhh man... As a kid, I was so sure I'd be amazing. Still had a bit of hope in middle school. High school and beyond, it's, so far, worse than I'd planned. What is the most beautiful landscape you have ever seen? Mountains. Driving through them is unreal. What is one place you have always wanted to visit? Idk about "always." But for the longest amount of time, it's been without a doubt South Africa. Who were your favorite celebrities as a child? Steve Irwin was and still is one of my absolute heroes. I loved Jeff Corwin, Jesse McCartney, Raven Symone, and the Sprouse twins, too. Do you prefer slow songs or fast songs? I'd say generally, faster. What color is your trash can? White. Who was your favorite family pet when you were growing up? We didn't really have a "family" pet, just ones one of us individually were particularly close to. I'd say the closest that qualifies would be Chance, our first cat. She was special. List five of your favorite YouTubers. You Already Know, GameGrumps, Shane Dawson, Daniel Howell, and Jeffree Star, but. I have so many jsfaqoweuoapsf. I wanna squeeze Rhett and Link in there, but while I still love them as people and creators, I've been losing interest in GMM over the months. What’s your favorite type of bird? Barn owls. I also love ravens though for their intelligence and personalities. What pet names do you use with your significant other? A lot, but I'd say either "sweetheart/sweetie" or "dear" are most common from me. I think. How would you describe your sense of humor? Sarcastic, I guess. Have you ever been a member in a band? No. Well, except school band. Have you ever watched yourself on video? Yeeaah, senior project was fun. But I know how I usually am well enough to say I honestly don't feel I did badly. Have you ever missed a flight? Yup. Never go to the O'Hare airport, jfc. Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? Yes, and I hope to see the one this Sunday! Are you still in touch with your best friend from high school? No. Any animals whose behaviors you find particularly interesting? AHHHHHHH SO MANY!!!!! Social species' above all. Do you like animals better than most humans? Yes. What simple things in life bring you the most joy? Long car rides when I can play my iPod through the speakers and just go to another world. Sara singing, hearing my mom laugh. Seeing old couples holding hands in public kills me. How did you meet your significant other (if you have one)? YouTube. How did you meet your best friend? She's the same person as above. Are you friends with anybody you didn't like at first? Also see Sara lmao. Are there any musicians you didn't like at first, but grew on you? The first/most recent to come to mind is In This Moment. Is there anything you used to love, but now dislike? Peas as a kid. I'm kinda on the fence of liking or disliking PewDiePie as he is now (although I haven't watched too much of his newer content). Do you have any favorite books you'd like to have signed by the author? It'd be pretty cool for Ozzy to sign my copy of his autobiography, sure. Do you enjoy any of those old black and white horror films? Any one I've ever seen has been horrid, so I haven't seen many. What is your favorite yogurt topping? I loved those ones that had M&Ms in them. Where do you shop the most: Kmart, Target, Walmart, Fred Meyer, or other? Walmart or Harris Teeter. Have you ever done a craft project you saw on Pinterest? No. What beverages do you drink that contain caffeine? Soda. What has been the best experience you've had in a church? Uhhh. Oh, Jason's brother's wedding. Do you prefer that your nachos be spicy or not spicy? Obviously spicy. Have you ever had a kiss that felt magical? Mine and Jason's first was cute, but I don't recall if I thought it was "magical" because all I was focusing on was just how shy I was. First kiss with Sara was definitely more than special. Who is your best online friend? Sara once again. Who knows more about you: online friends or offline? Online, easily. Do you think that love makes people irrational? It can. What book, movie, or TV show did you find to be total garbage? Oh, I'm positive there's something, but nothing comes to mind. Is there a topic that is a sore-spot for you? Mental health and how it may affect your loved ones. Have you ever lost a friend over a guy/girl? Pretty much. Have you ever lost a friend because of a lifestyle change? Yup. Do you like kissing? The right person. What location holds the most memories for you? My childhood home. Hypothetically let’s just say you’re a supervillain. What’s your agenda? What are you trying to destroy and why? I would never want to be, but I suppose the most suitable for me would be punishing the person to break a promise somehow. Why, because I know just how agonizing broken promises can be. What’s your go-to topic when making small talk with others? How their day's been. When you get to be in charge of the tunes on a road trip or party - do you play what you want to hear or tailor the playlist to what you think the other people in the car/room want to hear? I do a mix of both. Thankfully, Mom and I like most of the same music, but I do learn what songs she doesn't like and avoid playing them unless I really wanna hear it. You have any bad habits you shamelessly don’t care to or plan to quit? Shamelessly, idk about that. There’s an app for everything. What apps consume the most of your time and energy? Facebook. The most overrated thing ever - what is it? I literally judge you if you have a bigass, obnoxiously loud truck. Compensating for something? The most underrated? Ummmm. Talking about pointless shit and doing nothing while enjoying your favorite person's presence is surely one. What’s something you find unconventionally romantic? Teaching your s/o how to play a game together and you both are enjoying it asjfaoswuw. One of my most cherished memories with Jason was that with Little Big Planet. Just in general I find it super cute to share what you love with each other.
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lookwhatilost · 6 years
swissless swiss mac and cheese: a spite motivated recipe
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so i guess internet recipe etiquette involves writing a drawn out story about what inspired the recipe, or what relative you stole it from, or whatever. i know that nobody cares abt stuff like that, so i’m going to keep the context short and sweet and get waste 17 paragraphs on troubleshooting instead
mac and cheese is a preposterously simple dish, but almost no one seems to know how to make it well. i dnt know if people dnt have taste, or if bad advice jst keeps being regurgitated to them or what, but i’m at the point where i’m always really skeptical of homemade mac and cheese unless i’ve tasted that person’s cooking before, because i’ve had so many unfortunate experiences with it. usually i’ll make it myself for thanksgiving, but my stepsisters’s cousin insisted on bringing it this year. it was foul, like, sincerely the worst. bland, dry, questionable pasta choice, rly jst every potential fuckup that one could potentially commit. my thanksgiving dinner was jst a huge plate of grilled mushrooms bc my usual dish was no longer an option. i felt robbed so it finally motivated me to throw this together. sometimes you jst need to eat something gross to put things into perspective, and push you to refine your cooking skills a little further.
i dnt like to share my rly good recipes bc i want to maintain the illusion that i am some kind of untouchable kitchen deity, but i’ve decided to leak this one as an act of community service.
the base sauce (bechamel) without the wine and nutmeg is what i always use for mac and cheese: 3 cups of bechamel to 2 cups of cheese with a pound of pasta. you can modify it with whatever cheeses you see fit.
some general advice with mac and cheese:
you’re going to get the best results if you serve it immediately and dnt bake it. this is probably one of the only foods i can think of where the texture is more important than the taste itself, and if the sauce is too thick, it’s going to taste dry and have a weird mouth feel. most people go wrong by putting it in the oven for too long. dnt do that. if you’re insistent on having a baked breadcrumb layer on top, then dnt keep it in the oven any longer than 5 minutes or so. any longer will compromise the creaminess. this recipe has a pretty big yield, so if you have to refrigerate leftovers, add a little milk when you heat them back up.
if it doesn’t taste cheesy enough, it’s because there’s not enough salt in it. i promise. salt it and then taste test it again. if you add more cheese, you risk making the sauce too thick.
the salt you use makes a difference. iodized salt is good for baking, or adding a pinch of it to something a little bit under-seasoned, but it can add a weird metallic taste to food if you cook with it. i usually use kosher salt, or sea salt, or that stupid pink salt that my mom always used to insist on buying, depending on what’s available to me. if you dnt have kosher salt or can’t rationalize purchasing it, then cut the portion in half to avoid cyborg mac.
the age of the cheese you use is going to be one of the biggest factors in the taste. usually the longer it ages, the cheesier it tastes, but the taste profiles of aged cheese are obviously dependent on the cheese you use. it helps to read up on them when you’re hashing out cheese choices and flavor combinations. i personally always use at least two cheeses, so before i pick them out, i make sure the ages of the cheeses have similar or complimentary taste profiles. it’s a lifesaver. w cheddar specifically, i never use one that’s been aged less than 9 months.
pasta choice is a big part of it. wagon wheels are usually my go-to, but rotini looks a little bit more sophisticated if you’re serving this to other people. shells are a little bit more obvious, but effective. i like to shoot for something that has a lot of external surface texture so the cheese sauce adheres to it better. elbow macaroni and penne dnt live up to my standard, personally, but if you wanna use one of those, get something that’s ribbed. same goes for cellentani. pipette works a little better. dnt bother with rigatoni, campanelle or farfalle. dnt use spaghetti unless you want to look like an idiot.
garlic helps. i almost never omit garlic when i’m making mac and cheese unless i’m going for something sweeter (dnt knock it til you try it). unless i want something with a more noticeable garlic taste, i put two cloves in. dnt let me tell you how much garlic to use, though. we all know that garlic is measured with the soul.
skim milk is actually your best bet. when you’re making bechamel, it’ll thicken significantly when you melt the cheese into it. skim milk usually gives you an ideal creamy consistency. whole milk is too thick. fat free milk gives you something a lot thinner, but if you’re making the sauce in advance, it’s a helpful workaround for when the sauce inevitably thickens in the refrigerator.
kind of a given, but if you’re cooking with beer or wine, always read the tasting notes unless it’s something you’re familiar with. dry white wines work best in recipes like this, but a lot of them have strong citrus notes and the acidity can be overpowering. i run into the problem a lot with pinot grigio. same goes with beers––it should accentuate the taste, not dominate it. if you’re not sure, mix a tiny bit in and taste test. it’s a lot of taste testing.
you dnt have to waste your money. if you’re experimenting with fancy cheeses that you typically find on cheese plates, keep in mind that a lot of the reason why you only ever seem to see them on cheese plates is bc they’re best in small doses. this isn’t to say avoid them entirely, but unless you cut them with havarti, jack, swiss, etc, the end result is barely edible when the flavor is that concentrated. dnt let this be discouraging, but i’ve mostly found that the more accessible, available cheeses produce better end results, and never puts me in a position where i blew $11 on a piece of cheese and ended up throwing most of it out. that’s always discouraging. the only things you should definitely stay away from is mozzarella (eat one mozzarella stick to find out why) and brie (i know it seems like a good idea but pls take my word for it)
notes on this recipe specifically:
on gruyere and fontina: my main objective here was to highlight some of the nuttier flavors in the cheese (and wine!) without actually putting ground up nuts into the sauce. younger gruyere tends to have nuttier notes, so does older fontina, but older fontina is kind of difficult to find in general, let alone for a reasonable price. i picked up a 5 month gruyere for this, and hardest block of fontina i could find in the store, which only ended up being aged 3 months. not ideal, but it worked out fine.
on raclette: not gnna mince words, it smells terrible. dnt let that scare you. when it’s mixed w the garlic and the other cheeses, it’s fine. it’s kind of difficult to find too. i got mine at wegman’s, but if you’re outside of the mid atlantic, that’s not an option. if it’s too elusive or if you’re sensitive to smell, emmental is a less elusive, less offensive substitute with a similar taste.
on the wine: aim for something with notes of honey or almonds or hazelnuts. i used beaulieu vineyard carneros chardonnay 2015
1 1/2 cups gruyere, shredded
3/4 cup fontina, shredded
1/4 cup raclette, take a wild guess
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup flour
3 cups of milk
1/4 cup chardonnay
2 tsp kosher salt (or 1 tsp iodized salt)
1 tsp nutmeg
1lb rotini
green apple slices (optional)
and without any further bullshit, here’s how you make it:
cook the pasta until its a little less than al dente––a minute or two less than the box instructions dictate. strain it and put it off to the side
heat up the milk over medium heat for abt 4 minutes, until it starts to bubble (NOT BOIL) a little bit. remove it from the heat.
in a different pot, melt the butter over medium heat and add the flour. whisk it until it’s light brown. usually this only takes a minute or two.
gradually pour in the milk, abt a half cup at a time and continue to whisk it. when all the milk is in the mixture. keep whisking it until the consistency is similar to gravy. this usually takes abt 2 minutes.
add the wine, keep whisking until you get the gravy consistency back
add the salt, garlic, and nutmeg.
add the cheeses and stir until they’ve barely melted
slowly add the cooked pasta and stir it continuously until the pasta is steaming. usually this only takes a couple minutes, but it depends on how warm the pasta is when you add it
spoon it into some bowls, garnish it with the apple slices and a little bit more nutmeg if you want. or skip garnishing it and jst dip the apple slices into the sauce. surprisingly good.
i dnt know what actually defines a serving, but if you’re using it as a main dish, it should feed four people. or jst one if you try your hardest. whatever works
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kenzieam · 7 years
The Return of the Viking Daughter - Chapter 5 (Ivar X OC)
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Rating: M - Mature (angst, swearing, violence, eventual domestic violence, eventual attempted assault, eventual smut)
Genre: Drama, angst
@fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @my-emotional-self @bloodyivar @lupy22 @alex-ivar-minx @heathensisterwives @kduran04 @charliexowrite @angryschnauzer @rachiieee @ivarinleatherpants @ivars-heathen-army @neonxwitch @theheathenqueendickubus @dangerousvikings @zpandaqueen @irishhiggins @romanchronicles @didiintheblog  @mercy1997 @kawennote09  @iammarylastar @sparklemichele @son-of-anubis  @beltzboys2015-blog @paranoia-love  @captstefanbrandt  @ivars-valkyrie @fullpeanutkoala @ruler-of-hel @poopercoot @magical-mischief-makers
@angelswannawearmyredshooz @kc-7
*If you want to added or delete to the above list, let me know*
Holy shit everybody! Thank you so much for the support!!   
MY 2OOOth POST!!!!
I climbed in behind the wheel and looked over at Ivar, relieved to see he seemed to have little trouble getting into the passenger seat.  Turning to face me he carefully tucked his crutch into the back seat then faced forwards again, looking a little nervous as he pulled his seat belt on. I started the car, finding myself dazzled again, like a little kid, at all the little lights and doodads that flashed at me. I heard Ivar chuckle quietly beside me and I glanced over to see him smiling at me.
Ivar shook his head, still chuckling and turned his gaze forward again.
I’d requested a standard, for reasons I couldn’t remember now, and had been quite capable with it on the way here yesterday, but with Ivar beside me I suddenly couldn’t do anything right and winced as I managed to make the little SUV jump roughly, protesting my shoddy clutch-work. After Ivar’s neck snapped forward another two times he finally burst out laughing and looked over at me.
“Where the hell did you ever learn to drive?”
“If I remember correctly, you, Ubbe and Hvitserk took me out in Ubbe’s old Trans-Am and taught me!”
Ivar laughed harder, obviously remembering that fiasco. I’d spent the next whole weekend helping Ubbe replace his clutch, and Ragnar had finally taken me out in his trusty old Lincoln, a land yacht if there ever was one, and managed to teach me the basics. The brief looks of terror on the old viking’s face had been worth their weight in gold as I’d careened around the empty parking lot, narrowly avoiding lampposts and curbs.
His patience and gentle instruction had paid off, however, and I’d been on my way to becoming a excellent driver when I’d been uprooted and replanted in Switzerland, my only driving opportunities at the full-time boarding school being during the brief summer vacations back in California. Once I hit Oxford however, I’d had no time or opportunity for driving, riding the tube or taking a cab where I needed to go. Shit, I was hella skilled on a Vespa, but my driving practice was weak.
“Go easy on the clutch there Red, okay, shift and let the clutch out slowly, yeah... give it some gas.” Ivar instructed, and I shot him a brief dirty look as I nonetheless followed his directions. He flashed me a smug smile as the vehicle shifted smoothly and began zipping merrily down the road.
“Are you hungry too? Where did you want to eat?”
Ivar looked out the side window a moment before answering. “What about Henry’s?”
I jolted slightly, surprised that Ivar remembered... of course he’d remembered. In the last few years of my life here, we’d always gotten our driver, whoever it might be, to take us to Henry’s Diner before dropping us off at school. We’d been regulars there, stopping many days after school too; Henry’s wife Fanny, an old diner battleaxe if there was one, always doted on us, treating us like her own grand-kids while terrorizing half the other customers. I’d always imagined, if I’d stayed here, that Ivar and I would have most likely nursed our hangovers there, or stopped there after whatever party we’d been to, ordering breakfast because it was the next morning, and we’d not yet sobered up. Henry’s wife was used to that, had served breakfast to every male Lothbrok at 4 or 5 am at one point or another. In truth I hadn’t eaten such good food as Henry’s since I’d left, even the Michelin-starred chef at the boarding school hadn’t compared.
“Sure,” I agreed, turning down a familiar lane.
The look on old Fanny’s face was absolutely priceless when Ivar and I stepped inside and she stumbled back for a moment, clutching her chest. I hoped we hadn’t given her a cardiac and glanced worriedly at Ivar, who looked similarly anxious. She recovered however and enveloped me in a tight hug that smelled of bacon and coffee, cackling delightedly.
“Sera! It’s been years! My dear, it’s good to see you!” She pulled away, only to pull me back for a wet kiss on the cheek that touched me to an almost absurd level. Her voice dropped and she spoke again. “I’m sorry to hear about your father, did you ever get to see him before he passed? I know your mother hauled you out of town like a shot that night, we never heard from you again.”
Fanny’s statement hit me in the guilts and I swallowed hard. “No, I didn’t get to see him-”
“Oh well, don’t listen to an old lady, I just get to babbling.... and you!” She turned suddenly to Ivar, pointing a bony finger at him, brandishing it like a knife. “You didn’t leave town, why did you never darken my door again?”
I looked over at Ivar in shock, he’d never been back, not after I’d left? Why?
Faint circles of red stood out on Ivar’s cheeks and he looked uncomfortable, glancing at me before looking back down at Fanny, who owned every goddamn inch of her 5 feet and had brought down taller men than Ivar before.
“It uh.... just never felt right,” he finally mumbled, looking down at his feet, the counter, anywhere but at the two women staring at him.
Fanny flapped her hands at him, “oh, you Lothbrok’s... go sit down, your old booth is still there.” She bustled away and Ivar turned towards the table. I followed after a pause.
Sitting down was like coming home again, the diner hadn’t changed a bit in eight years, it didn’t even look like the selection of pies under the glass domes on the countertop had been refreshed. Fanny appeared again like magic, clutching two sweaty water glasses and two menus, but we didn’t need them. We’d always ordered the same, Fanny either didn’t remember or hoped our tastes had matured.
“Buttermilk French Toast, please Fanny,” I smiled and Ivar nodded across from me.
“You want them stuffed?” Fanny asked. Although not an official menu item, Fanny had always indulged us and stuffed our toast with homemade cherry pie filling (Ivar) and apple (me).
“Please.” Ivar answered for us this time.
“Hash browns?”
“Yep,” I replied. The hash browns were real potatoes here, cubed (barf) for Ivar and shredded for me.
Fanny bustled away, looking wildly satisfied and I turned to Ivar.
“You never came back. Ivar, why?”
He shrugged, not ready to answer. I waited, one eyebrow raised and he finally relented.
“Why? You were gone, who else was there?”
I faltered, deciding to drop it. It was too damn early, and I was too damn hungry to deal with that now.
We made semi-awkward small talk until Fanny reappeared, and then for a few minutes we were too busy swooning over our old favourites. I hadn’t eaten such wonderful greasy fare in years and my palette shrieked in delight until I shut it up with more French toast.
I was just pushing my plate away, groaning when Fanny arrived at the table, she’d been scolding some regulars at the counter while we’d been eating but had appeared again like magic just as we finished.
She reached out and grabbed my left hand, staring pointedly at it before raising her sharp gaze to Ivar. “Well, where’s the ring?”
Ivar and I impersonated a pair of fish for a few moments, opening and closing our mouths trying to formulate a response before Ivar managed to stammer a ‘what?’
Fanny huffed. “Oh please, you dragged your long face around town for months after Sera’s momma stole her away. You two always looked so good together, you complete each other. You don’t always get a second chance son, don’t waste it now.”
Fanny’s attention was mercifully stolen away right then by the sounds of breaking glass and she whirled and stormed away, ready to raise hell with whichever poor bastard that managed to drop his cup.
Avoiding each other’s eyes Ivar and I both stood and he threw some bills on the table. We managed to exit the diner before Fanny was done laying into the chastised man at the counter, his head lowered in humbled sorrow.
This certainly wasn’t an alley of conversation I was ready for, not now, maybe not ever, and I was willing to never talk about it again, but Ivar seemed to have other ideas. We’d just climbed in the car and shut the doors when Ivar decided to speak.
“Sera, I-”
“Don’t Ivar, not right now.” My hands shook slightly as I gripped the steering wheel.
“No Sera-”
“Ivar!” I slammed my hands on the wheel. My heart was pounding and I had to take a few deep breaths. “I just-” I turned to him then, ready to ask for him to just drop it, to just not say what he was about to say because goddammit I was just barely holding it together right now, but I didn’t get the chance.
Ivar had turned and was leaning towards me. I barely had time to register the tortured look in his eye before he closed the remaining distance and pressed his lips to mine. An almost painful jolt shot through me, Ivar’s lips were unbelievably soft and his hand curled against the back of my head, into my hair, pulling me hard against his mouth. He started out gentle, but deepened it rapidly, pressing his tongue at my lips for entrance, his low groan answering my shuddering moan as I opened my mouth for him and felt him press inside. I’d never felt like this before, never been kissed like this before and my heart raced, my body ignitied with desire.
We just fit together, our lips moving together with delicious tenderness, just the right amount of heated friction. Shit, the man knew how to kiss, and my body responded like it never had before. His skin was soft as I cupped his cheek, and we explored each other’s mouths with an edge of desperation, hunger born of years of want and waiting. I pulled away finally as my head began to spin from oxygen loss and Ivar rested his forehead to mine as we panted together, trying to collect ourselves. His eyes were closed but then he raised them to meet mine and I saw they were black with desire, the pupils blown wide. Still breathing hard he pulled his hand from the back of my head to my chin and brushed his thumb along my bottom lip.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.”
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jeepsister72-blog · 5 years
20 Hangover-Busting Breakfast Recipes for New Year’s Day
[Photographs: Morgan Eisenberg, J. Kenji López-Alt, Vicky Wasik]
Everything you need to make the most important meal of the day delicious.
I normally try to turn in fairly early, so any time I'm at a party past midnight, I have a tendency to overdo it on the drinks. That can make New Year's a dangerous time. The obvious solution is just to have a little self-control and alternate booze and water, but, despite my best intentions, I often wake up on January 1 a little worse for the wear.
If you, like me, can't guarantee you won't wake up hung over on New Year's Day, we can at least ensure that we have the right recipes on hand to nurse ourselves back to health. To that end, we've got 20 hangover-friendly breakfast recipes for New Year's Day, from simple, homey cures like fried eggs and pho ga to total gut-busters, like croque madames and Doritos migas.
[Video: Serious Eats Team]
If you're looking for a simple breakfast that's doable even when you're suffering, it's hard to beat a plate of fried eggs. We have a version to suit every taste: puffy, extra-crisp fried eggs (linked below); sunny-side up (for the utmost simplicity); or over easy (for perfectly cooked whites every time).
Crispy Fried Eggs Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Fried eggs aren't hard, but doing them well takes a little more finesse than I'm capable of after the wildest nights out. On the other hand, I can pretty much always muster the strength to make fluffy scrambled eggs. As with fried eggs, we have a range of scrambled-egg recipes to choose from if a classic fluffy scramble isn't what your aching brain is craving: Varying the heat level and the amount of stirring can make eggs that are just slightly soft and barely set, or super soft and spoonable.
Fluffy Scrambled Eggs Recipe »
[Photograph: Daniel Shumski]
Need something to serve with your eggs? Potatoes are a great way to bulk up your breakfast, and you can't go wrong with perfectly crispy hash browns. When we're feeling a bit too lazy to do the cooking ourselves, we like to use a waffle iron, which automatically ensures a crunchy exterior and smooth, creamy interior. Moisture is the enemy of hash browns, so squeeze as much water out of the shredded potatoes as you possibly can before cooking them.
Waffle-Iron Hash Browns Recipe »
[Photograph: Daniel Gritzer]
My signature move when I have a hangover is to make scrambled eggs with an amount of cheese that a more reasonable person might describe as insane. This recipe should give you a good idea of what I'm talking about. Here, scrambled eggs are packed with so much mozzarella (along with a little feta and dill) that you might confuse them for queso fundido at first glance, before getting sandwiched into fluffy little drop biscuits. Making biscuits might sound like too much work, especially for New Year's Day, but this version takes only 15 minutes of active work.
Scrambled Egg and Cheese Drop-Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If I happened to have a professional cook around to make me breakfast on New Year's Day, I might ask for a plate of traditional migas. But honestly, if I'm on my own at home, there's no way I'm going to fry up a batch of homemade tortilla chips. If you feel the same, go lowbrow and use crumbled Doritos instead, mixing them with scrambled eggs, onions, jalapeños, tomatoes, and plenty of pepper Jack cheese.
Doritos Migas With Pepper Jack, Tomatoes, and Jalapeño Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I love to drown a hangover in eggs and cheese, and I know many of you feel the same. But vegan eaters get drunk, too, which is where this vegan variation on migas—made with silken tofu, for a creaminess similar to what you'll find in soft-scrambled eggs—comes in. We shallow-fry the chips to make the recipe a little easier; they don't need to be perfectly crisp.
Vegan Migas (Mexican-Style Fried Tortillas With Tofu) Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
After a really debaucherous night, my stomach can't usually handle anything too intense, so I prefer a mild breakfast to a greasy plate of eggs, cheese, and potatoes. One of my top choices is yogurt topped with granola—and if you really want to treat yourself, homemade granola is the way to go. This one uses rolled oats soaked in a surprising ingredient—buttermilk, which tenderizes the oats and seeds and helps prevent excess browning—combined with raw pumpkin seeds, flax, chia seeds, almonds, pecans, dried apricots, tart cherries, and blueberries. Yes, it takes some time to make, but the effort involved is minimal, and you'll have plenty of granola left over for future mornings.
Crisp Homemade Granola Recipe »
[Photograph: Morgan Eisenberg]
More into the gut-busting side of the hangover-cure spectrum? Ignore the rest of our list and go straight for this monstrosity, an epic brunch burger constructed from a crispy smashed patty placed on a toasted, buttered English muffin with bacon, avocado, Colby Jack cheese, a fried egg (!), and spicy jalapeño Hollandaise. It's rich, messy, and over the top, and it's enough to scare any hangover into submission.
Ultra-Smashed Brunch Burgers With Quick Jalapeño Hollandaise Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Another ultra-rich option, the croque madame is a brunch classic that's made simply by setting a fried egg atop a croque monsieur. If you don't eat eggs, or just don't want to bother with the trouble of making them, the latter is itself a plenty rich sandwich, made with ham, Dijon mustard, and both grated cheese and a silky Mornay sauce.
Rich and Creamy Croques Madames Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
My not-at-all-expert opinion is that carbs are a necessity for soaking up booze, and these tacos have plenty of them. We make them by stuffing warm corn tortillas with sautéed sweet potatoes, then topping off the tacos with fried eggs. When you break into the yolk, it'll blend with the hot sauce and crema to make a simple but satisfying sauce.
Sweet Potato, Sage, and Fried Egg Tacos Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Huevos rancheros—a plate of fried tortillas, runny fried eggs, and plenty of salsa—is an easy dish that takes only half an hour, even if you include the time to make our homemade tomato and red-chili salsa. It's totally manageable on a hangover, but on New Year's Day, no one will blame you for simplifying the recipe even further by using jarred salsa.
Quick and Easy Huevos Rancheros With Tomato-Chili Salsa Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
There are times for elegant French omelettes and times for hearty American ones, and I think you know which is more appropriate after you've had one too many glasses of sparkling wine. Far from their creamy, softly set French cousins, diner-style omelettes feature big, fluffy curds; avoid overworking the eggs as they cook to achieve the right consistency. Feel free to stuff the omelette however you want, but diced ham and cheddar is a good, straightforward choice.
Diner-Style Ham and Cheese Omelette for Two Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I used to live right next door to a McDonald's, so I've eaten more Egg McMuffins in my life than I'm proud of. These days, if I'm craving those same flavors in a better-quality package, I just make the sandwich myself, using this ingenious recipe. There are a couple tricks to keep in mind: Cook the egg in a Mason jar lid ring placed in a skillet to give it the perfect round shape, and wrap the sandwich in foil after assembly, which helps melt the cheese and soften the English muffin.
Homemade Egg McMuffin Recipe »
[Photograph: Joshua Bousel]
There are few breakfast items I love as much as creamy sausage gravy, no matter what kind of night it's been. Our recipe is fairly standard—roux, pork sausage, milk—but gives you the option of adding chopped fresh sage and red pepper flakes for extra flavor. Don't forget the biscuits! Our two-ingredient cream biscuit recipe is too easy to skip.
Sausage Gravy Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Shakshuka is an impressive enough dish for a fancy brunch, yet simple enough to make on a rough morning. It's also extremely versatile—our version is made with charred onion, red pepper, and chilies; spices like paprika and cumin; and, of course, tomatoes and eggs, but you can vary the aromatics and spices in accordance with your pantry and your preferences. Spoon some of the sauce over the egg whites before covering the pan to help them cook at the same speed as the yolks.
Shakshuka (North African–Style Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce) Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Okay, not everyone is going to want to start the New Year off with raw eggs. But those who've had it before know that this Japanese dish is rich, comforting, and incredibly easy to make, so it's a great choice for New Year's Day breakfast. All you have to do is microwave leftover rice; mix it with a raw egg, soy sauce, salt, and a pinch of MSG; and top with furikake and an extra raw egg yolk.
Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg) Recipe »
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Pho is typically eaten for breakfast in Vietnam, and chicken soup is a beloved cure-all in the West, so a morning bowl of chicken pho makes perfect sense to us as a hangover cure. The traditional technique of simmering the soup for hours is a daunting prospect even on a good day, but if you have a pressure cooker, such as an Instant Pot, you can make a totally respectable version in just 30 minutes.
30-Minute Pressure Cooker Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup) Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Sometimes a sweet breakfast is just what you need to start fighting off a nasty hangover, and this upside-down blueberry muffin does the job well. It consists of a thick layer of jammy fruit complemented by a tender muffin base; once baked in a 10-inch cast iron skillet, it's ready to be cut into wedges and served warm. A pinch of lemon zest and a bit of coriander highlight the blueberries' flavor without overpowering the cake.
Upside-Down Blueberry Muffin Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
This savory French toast recipe turns out spicy and funky thanks to store-bought green curry paste, which we jazz up with fresh herbs, lime juice, and fish sauce. Combine the paste with coconut milk, then pour the mixture into a pan and soak the bread in it for at least one hour to ensure the curry flavors get right to its core. After that, there's nothing to do but fry it up, preferably with a couple of eggs on the side.
Savory Green Curry French Toast Recipe »
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
When you aren't at your best, whether due to a hangover or a persistent cold, rice porridge is a great dish to have in your back pocket. This Bengali porridge consists of jasmine rice and lentils, flavored with ginger and turmeric and simmered in chicken stock. Once the grains are tender, add potatoes and chicken thighs to the pot to cook slowly, and prepare a bright cilantro chutney to cut through and balance the rich porridge. It's a dish that will cure your hangover in record time, but you'll crave it even when you're feeling perfectly fine.
Bengali Rice Porridge With Lentils and Chicken Recipe »
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Source: https://www.seriouseats.com/roundups/hangover-breakfast-recipes
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clumsycalumblr-blog · 8 years
Would Never Call It Love 5 | Calum Hood
It’s finally here! Again I’m writing this off of the top of my head, so this could or could not be the last part of the story. I’m so happy all of you still love this story and continue to tell me your reactions which bring me genuine happiness. So thank you. Enjoy.
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(not my gif)
After days of sitting in bed with Ashton at our current venue, I decided getting up and at least showering would help wash my sorrows away. Ashton carefully helped my weak physique off the indented bed, his arm on my waist for balance, and sat me on the toilet and turned on the shower head. 
“Just wait until it warms up. I’ll set up your clothes in here as well, and we’ll get going after that. We’ll get some breakfast yeah? Any place you like.” And he grabbed the back of my head bringing it to his lips for a subtle kiss of comfort, and left. I sighed and shredded off my 5 day old sweatshirt and my stretched out black leggings, and felt the water temperature. It was perfectly warm.
I stepped in and immediately it hit my skin with a sizzle. I hoisted my hair back as my face was now drenched in water. My hands rested on the back of my neck, my eyes fixated on the shower wall in front of me. It had been a long time since I was left alone, by myself, with my thoughts. I could hear the pounding of my heart get deeper, thinking of Calum and how he was holding up as well. Was he crying? Was he sat in bed every minute he could get because the outside world was too much to bare for him as well? Or was he laughing like he never laughed with me before, was he happier than he ever felt, looking at someone else with a different light and different intention in their eyes than what I had? I hadn’t even realized I was crying at this point. The water being poured out onto me was intertwined with the water pouring out of me, and I couldn’t tell which was which. I could feel the sinking feeling hit me in my gut and chest, making it hard to catch my breathe. My hand shot out in front of me to catch my body from falling and smashing into the beige tiles. A sob escaped my mouth, loud enough to alert Ashton, who was now inside setting up my clothes. The cry lasted a few seconds, and was loud enough to crack glass. Ashton’s heart leaped out of his chest as he pulled back the shower curtain, just in time to catch me as I fell to my knees. The strength in me was gone, my everything was gone.
Ashton got on his knees on the bathroom floor, not even caring that he was getting wet, and just held me close to his chest just like he did the night Calum left. I continued to cry into his black t-shirt, clutching onto it. His hand reached up to my head and brought his mouth to it, he knew it brought a sense of protection to me. “You’re going to be okay, you’re going to be okay. I’m so sorry, I don’t know when but...you won’t have to hurt much longer in my presence.” 
After a few minutes, Ashton turned off the water and inside filled the tub for a bath. He squirted some soap into the water so it bubbled up, and brought the soap up and down my body. In reality, it was just him giving me a bath, but in my mind, he was scrubbing away any last bit of Calum lingering behind. I knew Ashton was waiting to be with me, it was killing him inside to see me worked up over someone who hadn’t been done anything good for me. But he was being patient; any other guy who would’ve been in his shoes would’ve quit by now. I was silently thanking and praying for him not to give up on me.
He brought me to a small brunch place that he claimed had the best breakfast burritos in the area, or so he read online. We sat down inside near the back corner, the furthest away from outside and people as we could. I hadn’t spoken a word since we got out of the hotel, only nodded and hummed as a response. I was just afraid of the crack in my voice from crying and yelling so much that I just decided to keep my mouth shut. Ashton’s hand snaked it’s way to my own from across the table and held my left in his right, slowly rubbing his thumb over my tense knuckles. “Anything you want okay? But I really would recommend the burrito, or you could just half it with me.” I sucked my lips in and only nodded once again, earning a quiet sigh from Ashton’s side of the table.
After ordering 1 breakfast burrito, 2 blueberry waffles, a whole stack of bacon and a plate of hash browns, we began to eat. Ashton completely inhaled his burrito within minutes while I struggled to scarf down the waffles. No doubt everything tasted and smelled delicious, but the continuously growing lump in my throat blocked anything from getting down, even water. Ashton looked up at me as he finished the last chunk of his burrito, cheeks full like a chipmunk and crumbs of egg and tortilla all over his cheeks and lips. For the first time in a while, I let a small chuckle out at this facial expression. He gave me a questionable look, before I leaned over the table and shook my head.
“Hold on lemme clean you up.” I brought my napkin up to his cheeks, softly swiping to remove the mess. He laughed, feeling like he was a little kid again, a sense of home coming back to him after being so far away for so long. I looked into his glossy eyes, a sense of home coming back to me. He was protective, comforting, loving, and warm. His aura provoked those feelings you get inside your own house. Ashton exuded feelings I had been missing for a long time now.
However, our moment was ruined when the bell on top of the restaurant doors opened up causing both of our heads to naturally turn toward the noise. The two lovebirds came walking in, hand in hand with smiles on their faces. The brown-skinned boy’s head settled on us, and his smiling mouth fell onto his girl’s head, planting a small kiss on it. She blushed and began speaking to the waiter that there was 2 of them.
Without hesitation, I hands dropped the spoon and napkin I was holding, causing a loud clinking noise, and I scooted my chair back enough to cause streaks to appear on the floor and stormed out of the restaurant, Ashton following behind me. All Ashton could do was hit Calum on his free shoulder which almost sent him back. Calum’s bottom lip sucked into his mouth letting out a ‘hmph.’ 
I slammed the door to Ashton’s car on the passenger side and just cried into my lap. After hearing the driver’s side door slam, the car’s atmosphere fell to a bitter heaviness. He just listened to me sob, for the second time today, calming down his own breathing. My hands flew to the dashboard ahead of me and I started slamming my hands against it, hitting the middle console and the sides of the door also. Ashton grabbed my wrists in his and yanked me to look at him.
“Stop letting him do this to you!”
“I can’t! I can’t! Why! Why does he get to do this to me!...” He couldn’t answer. He couldn’t tell her that he only wanted her for sex, he couldn’t tell her that he likes Nia genuinely, he couldn’t tell her that he never cared. Of course, that’s what he wanted to say because he honestly believed it was all true, but in Calum’s mind, it was the exact opposite.
Calum’s POV / before they saw Y/N and Ashton...
I laid there in the newly made hotel bed, the sheets stained in newly made tears. I let a few slip out of my eyes, the only thing on my mind being her. Seeing her underneath Ashton in lust, watching her break down in his arms, remembering her walking away from me that night when we realized we were done for. 
I’m Calum Hood for crying out loud. I don’t cry. I rarely show emotion. I’m either stone cold or happy go lucky. There’s no in between. I never cry, I never get heart broken, because I never get attached. I guess that was my mistake this time around. I lied to myself, I lied to her, now I’m lying to Nia.
“Cal! Get dressed, I’m taking you out for breakfast so you’re energized before soundcheck let’s go!” She cheerfully skipped into the room, me wiping my eyes as fast as I can pretending that I was just now waking up. She kissed my cheek before throwing a random graphic tee and black jeans at me and shut the door. I flopped back onto the bed with the tee and jeans over my face, telling myself that today was a new. I was going to get out of bed, spread a fake smile on my face, and conquer the day.
And then I laughed because that surely wasn’t going to happen, and hopped in the shower.
I was now time for the show, and I sat next to Ashton and Michael, who were both brushing their teeth and trying to speak to each other in mumbles. They knew I thought it was comical, so to get me to finally smile, they kept over exaggerating their sentences, slightly spitting toothpaste on me. I shielded myself, getting up from the couch trying my hardest not to smile and stood outside their dressing room.
After spitting and washing his mouth, Ashton appeared at the doorway and placed his hands on my cheeks.
“Sorry beautiful, was just trying to make you smile.” I bit on my tongue while looking up at him.
“Well I appreciate you guys trying. For a minute there I thought it would work but you guys aren’t that hilarious.” I crossed my arms and he scuffed at me, draping his arm around my shoulder.
“Come here you little shit, I need to talk to you before the show, seriously.” I gulped at the last word. Instead of running away in fear of what was to come, I nodded my head and followed him to the side of the stage where you could see fans walking around, finding their seats, and sitting and watching the stage with anticipation. Ashton took my hands in his before looking out into the growing crowd with a blinding smile.
“These guys,’ he gestured to the fans, ‘are the most important thing in the world to me, next to my family.” I smiled at the girls and boys with tears in their eyes, as they realized they’d be seeing and connecting with the 3 fantastic boys I knew, and Calum. “I never imagined that you would be up there with them.” I turned back to him, my eyes practically bulging out of my head. My hands started sweating in his, my mouth also becoming dry. I didn’t expect to mean this much to him, I thought that we’d have a best friend relationship come out of this, but I didn’t see this coming. He stepped closer, so close I could feel his hot shaking breathe on my forehead and nose.
“I know you’re still hurting over Calum, I get it. And I know you’re not in any shape or form ready to commit to someone again like you did him, even if it wasn’t an official thing. But I promise you, if you let me be the guy for you, I’ll mend you and help bring you back to the happy girl you once were, the one who didn’t feel broken everyday. We’ll go on more breakfast runs, and I’ll sing you new songs I write, and I’ll leave little notes for you around the hotel room to make you smile every chance you get. Please, will you be mine?” 
I didn’t have time to react or comprehend any of his words before we heard a large sigh come from the side of us in front of the hallway. I looked up quickly to see my devastated Maori boy with a bouquet of deep red roses in his hands. His shoulders slump and lips in a pout. I pulled my hands back from Ashton’s, an appalled look in his eyes.
He cleared his throat and said, “Calum, who are those for?” Calum’s eyes shot back to the flowers in his hands, and he shook his head, jutting out his chin.
“They’re for, uh, they’re for Nia. I was looking for her right now.” His face instantly read as stone cold, and his collarbones and veins in his arms were clearly visible. Ashton shook his head confused and irritated, “Ok then, go look for her else where.”
Calum pursed his lips letting his head hang low, and jogged off behind Ashton. Even though he was out of his view, he wasn’t out of mine. From the corner of my eye, I saw him stop at the silver waste bin, and angrily chucked the flowers into it, before walking to the other side of the stage. I bit my lip trying to hold back the furiously hot tears, as Ashton turned back to me.
“Now, where were we?
Calum’s POV / before seeing Ashton and Y/N...
I walked backstage toward the boy’s and I’d dressing room, hoping Y/N would be in there relaxing like she usually does. I carried about 8 roses in my hands because the flower shop I went to didn’t carry 12 rose bouquets and the next number up was 20 which in my opinion was too many at this point. I figured I wasn’t doing anything helpful for the situation her and I were in. It was only making our group hangouts uncomfortable, and every time I saw her, my chest caved in and I suddenly couldn’t speak. So, I thought about buying her some flowers as a forgiveness token, and rehearsed telling her my true feelings for her instead of yelling them at her last time. 
As I approached the room, I peered inside to see only Michael and Luke and Luke’s girlfriend. They all sat on their phones, all eyes staring up at me when I entered.
“Oooooo Cal, who the flowers for?” Arzaylea spoke up. I let out a chuckle and looked down at the beautiful set of carnations.
“Please tell me they’re not for who we think they’re for?” Luke said, Michael nodding and agreeing with him.
“It’s just a piece offering. I still love and care for her Luke, I just want the old girl I had back...” He sighed, going back to scrolling on his phone.
“She went down the hall to the side of the stage.” Michael said, and I nodded my head at him before striding off.
I could start to here voices down by the side of the stage and making out figures of bodies. I then realized she wasn’t alone. Ashton was there, hands in hers and my blood started rushing through my veins, picking up my adrenaline. 
My stomach cramped, my ears turned red, my chest felt like it had the wind knocked out of it, as I heard the dreaded words come out of Ashton’s mouth.
It all was in slow motion. His words, the crowds chatter, my own heart beat. It felt like the world had slowed down, letting the pain linger in my body and letting the pain hit me hard and slow, the worst way possible. My hands clutched onto the paper surrounding the flowers, making her head snap in my direction.
I’ll never forget the look in her eyes, the same look she had when I caught her sleeping with Ashton. She was petrified, she was heart broken, she knew she was in the wrong. I guess this was the moment in time when the universe is telling us to stop trying. To stop thinking we’d ever make it as a couple, it was all a fantasy, a dream that slowly was turning into a nightmare. 
I wouldn’t have ever called this love, if love hurt this bad.
Omg ok so obviously this is a sorta cliff hanger so if y’all want a part 6, request it! Also read my other stories in my masterlist and await the next part of Gotta Go My Own Way! :)
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unwritrecipes · 5 years
Spicy Poblano and Bean Pie with Hash Brown Crust
Thought I’d send you off into the weekend with a little fun! And when you thinking of fun, I’ll just bet you’re thinking of a spicy/cheesy/beany taco chip topped hash brown crust pie. Isn’t that what everyone equates with it? LOL! But seriously guys, this little dinner pie is totally fun and totally delicious too!
It would be the perfect addition to watching the big game. In all honesty, I’m just in it for the food. I don’t exactly know (or care) what game I’m talking about but I’m sure my darling husband will be hogging the remote and clicking between football and baseball over the next couple of days!!
Now, before I get myself in more trouble, let’s talk Spicy Poblano and Bean Pie with Hash Brown Crust. There are a bunch of steps involved but none of them are difficult and the filling can totally be made ahead if you so desire. And the reward is so, so worth it!
First up—poblano peppers. We’re gonna char them in the oven, so that their smoky flavor gets released, but before we do that, we’re gonna slice them in half and remove all the seeds. It’s easy but one note of caution: when working with any spicy peppers (and poblanos are relatively mild—I’m pretty much a spice wimp), make sure you do not touch your face until you’ve really washed your hands. Pepper juice in your eye is extremely painful—I know from personal experience!!
Anyhoo, once that pepper is charred, the skins will slip off easily and we can slice them up to use in our wonderful filling. Meanwhile we can make the hash brown crust which totally tastes as good as it sounds.
And it’s easy to do, especially if you use a food processor to grate the potatoes and onion. Once those are done, you simply mix them with eggs, salt and pepper, press into the crust and bake—
Till it emerges all golden brown and crusty.
The filling—pinto beans, canned tomatoes, water and spices, along with those sliced poblanos, basically just gets dumped into a skillet, boiled and cooked until it thickens, eventually getting layered on top of that gorgeous potato crust.
From then on it’s easy-peasy—you just sprinkle on scallions, cheese and crushed tortilla chips and bake the whole thing.
Imagine the looks on those game-watching faces, when you pull this out of the oven! There’ll be more cheers than when someone scores a touchdown!
Every bite combines the amazing combination of crispy hash browns, crunchy tortilla chips, savory tomato, pepper and bean filling and melted cheese. So many flavors and textures!! YUM!!
It might just change your life! Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating but as I said earlier, it’ll definitely change your weekend. Have fun (there’s that word again) and I’ll be back next week with more!!
Spicy Poblano and Bean Pie with Hash Brown Crust
Makes about a dozen servings
You will need a quarter sheet pan for this. It’s also really helpful to have a food processor but not absolutely necessary.
Prep Time for crust: 15 minutes; Bake Time for Crust: 45 minutes; Prep time for filling: 25 minutes; Bake Time for Pie: 20 minutes
For the crust
2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 onion
1 ½ pounds russet potatoes (about 4 large ones), cleaned and scrubbed, but not peeled
1 large egg, plus 1 egg white, beaten
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Large pinch black pepper
For the pie
2 large poblano peppers
Olive oil
One 15-ounce can pinto beans, rinsed and drained
One 15-ounce can fire roasted diced tomatoes
Pinch or two of kosher salt and black pepper
7-8 scallions, chopped
6 ounces freshly grated Monterey Jack cheese (or any cheese that you like)
5 ounces tortilla chips (about 2 cups) crushed
The Recipe
1. To prepare the poblano peppers: Heat the oven to broil. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Cut the poblano peppers lengthwise and remove and discard the stem, core and seeds. Wash your hands really well to avoid getting any of that pepper juice into your eyes! Place the pepper, skin side up on the pan and place into the oven for about 8-12 minutes, until the skins look blackened. Immediately place into a bowl and cover tightly with plastic wrap. As soon as you can handle the peppers, peel off the blackened skins and discard them. Then slice the peppers into thin strips and set aside. Wash your hands really well again. Lower the oven to 425ºF.
2. To make the crust: f you have a baking stone, place it in the oven on the center rack. If not, use an inverted rimmed baking sheet. Use 1 tablespoon of the oil to coat the quarter sheet pan, making sure you particularly get it into the corners and up the sides. Set aside.
3. If you have a food processor, grate the onion that way. Otherwise, you can use a handheld grater. Transfer the onions to a large bowl. Grate the potatoes. By handfuls, over a separate large bowl, squeeze as much water as you can from the shredded potatoes into the bowl and place the dried handfuls into the bowl with the onions. It’s ok if the potatoes start to get a little brown, but do try to work quickly. Let the potato liquid sit for 5 minutes so that the potato liquid can separate from the potato starch. Pour off and discard the liquid and add the starch that’s left at the bottom of the bowl to the onion/potato mixture. Add the beaten egg and egg white as well as the salt and pepper and mix well, using your hands or a large spoon. Press the mixture into the prepared pan evenly and brush the whole thing with the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil.
4. Place the pan into the oven on top of the baking stone or pan and bake for 45 minutes, or until the potatoes look toasted brown at the edges and across the middle. Turn the oven down to 400ºF.
5. While the crust is baking, you can make the filling: Coat a large skillet with a little olive oil and heat over medium. Add the beans, sliced peppers, tomatoes with their juices and salt and pepper. Fill the tomato can halfway with water and add to the mixture. Give everything a big stir and bring to a boil. Then lower the heat and let cook for another 20 minutes or so, until the mixture has thickened somewhat. Let the filling cool a bit (You could even make this a day ahead and keep it refrigerated). Mix the scallions and cheese together and set aside.
6. When the filling has cooled a bit and the potato crust is ready, spread the filling evenly across the crust. Sprinkle the scallion/cheese mixture evenly on top and then the crushed chips. Return to the oven for about 20 minutes, until the filling is bubbly, the cheese is melted and the chips have begun to get toasty brown. Slice and serve. Or make this earlier in the day and reheat in a low oven right before serving.
Note: Recipe adapted from Pie Squared by Cathy Barrow. I subbed in beans for the chorizo, added water and other spices, cut the cilantro and subbed in Monterey jack for the cotija.
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nielsencooking-blog · 7 years
18 Hangover-Busting Breakfast Recipes for New Year...
New Post has been published on http://nielsencooking.com/18-hangover-busting-breakfast-recipes-for-new-year/
18 Hangover-Busting Breakfast Recipes for New Year...
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik, J. Kenji López-Alt]
New Year’s Eve scares me a little bit—I normally try to turn in fairly early, so any time I’m partying past midnight I know I’m going to drink too much. The obviously solution is just to have a little self-control and alternate booze and water, but, despite my best intentions, I have a feeling I will wake up on January 1st with a hangover.
If I can’t keep myself from being hungover, at least I can make sure I have food on hand to nurse myself back to health. To that end, we’ve got 18 hangover-friendly breakfast recipes for New Year’s Day, whether you’re looking for something simple like fried eggs or granola, or a total gut-buster like a croque madame or junk-food migas.
Fried Eggs Your Way
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
If you’re looking for a simple breakfast, it’s hard to beat a plate of eggs. We have fried egg recipes to suite every taste:sunny-side up (for the ultimate simplicity), over-easy (for perfectly cooked whites every time) or really fried (for crispy edges).
Get the recipe for Crispy Fried Eggs »
Get the recipe for Classic Over-Easy Fried Eggs »
Get the recipe for Sunny-Side Up Fried Eggs »
Scrambled Eggs Your Way
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Fried eggs aren’t hard, but they take a little more finesse than I’m capable of after the wildest nights out. On the other hand, I can pretty much always muster the strength to make scrambled eggs. As with fried eggs, we have a variety of recipes to choose from—varying the heat of the pan and the amount of stirring can make eggs that are fluffy, slightly soft, or super soft and spoonable.
Get the recipe for Fluffy Scrambled Eggs »
Get the recipe for Soft-Scrambled Eggs »
Get the recipe for French-Style Soft, Spoonable Scrambled Eggs »
Waffle-Iron Hash Browns
[Photograph: Daniel Shumski]
Need something to serve with the eggs? Potatoes are a great way to bulk up your breakfast. You can’t go wrong with perfectly crispy hash browns—we like to use a waffle iron to give them a crunchy exterior and smooth interior. Moisture is the enemy of hash browns, so squeeze as much water out of the shredded potatoes as you possibly can before cooking them.
Get the recipe for Waffle-Iron Hash Browns »
Scrambled Egg and Cheese Drop-Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches
[Photograph: Daniel Gritzer]
My go-to move when I have a hangover is to make scrambled eggs with an amount of cheese that a more reasonable person might describe as insane. This recipe should give you a good idea of what I’m talking about—it has so much mozzarella that you might confuse it for queso fundido. Making biscuits might sound like too much work, but they only take 15 minutes of active work.
Get the recipe for Scrambled Egg and Cheese Drop-Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches »
Doritos Migas With Pepper Jack, Tomatoes, and Jalapeño
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If I’m letting a professional cook me breakfast on New Year’s Day, I might go with a plate of traditional migas, but if I’m at home there’s no way I’m going to fry up a batch of homemade tortilla chips. I’ll probably go low-brow and use crumbled Doritos instead, mixing them with scrambled eggs, onions, jalapeños, tomatoes, and plenty of pepper jack cheese.
Get the recipe for Doritos Migas With Pepper Jack, Tomatoes, and Jalapeño »
Vegan Migas (Mexican-Style Fried Tortillas With Tofu)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I know a lot of you like to drown your hangovers in eggs and cheese, but I’m sure our vegan readers get drunk, too. This vegan variation on migas is made with silken tofu, which has a similar creaminess to soft-scrambled eggs. We shallow-fry the chips to make them a little easier—they don’t need to be perfectly crisp.
Get the recipe for Vegan Migas (Mexican-Style Fried Tortillas With Tofu) »
BraveTart: One-Bowl, Overnight Cinnamon Rolls
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If you’re anticipating being out of commission on New Year’s Day, you might want to consider preparing breakfast ahead of time. Almost all the work for these cinnamon rolls can be done a day in advance—all you have to do when you drag yourself out of bed is throw them in the oven and pipe on the icing when they’re finished baking.
Get the recipe for BraveTart: One-Bowl, Overnight Cinnamon Rolls »
Crisp Homemade Granola
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
After a really debaucherous night my stomach can’t usually handle anything too intense—I’m more likely to be nursing something more mild. One of my top choices is yogurt topped with a homemade granola made with raw pumpkin seeds, almonds, pecans, dried apricots, tart cherries, and blueberries.
Get the recipe for Crisp Homemade Granola »
Ultra-Smashed Brunch Burgers With Quick Jalapeño Hollandaise
[Photograph: Morgan Eisenberg]
If you’re more into gut-busting hangover cures then ignore the rest of our list and go straight for this monstrosity. Enough to scare any hangover into submission, we make this epic brunch burger by serving a crispy smashed patty on an English muffin with bacon, avocado, Colby Jack, a fried egg, and spicy jalapeño Hollandaise.
Get the recipe for Ultra-Smashed Brunch Burgers With Quick Jalapeño Hollandaise »
Rich and Creamy Croques Madames
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
I hope you didn’t actually stop reading, because I’ve got another ultra-rich breakfast for you. The croque madame is a brunch classic made by setting a fried egg atop a croque monsieur, which itself is a rich sandwich made with ham, Dijon mustard, and both grated cheese and a silky Mornay sauce.
Get the recipe for Rich and Creamy Croques Madames »
Sweet Potato, Sage, and Fried Egg Tacos
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
My not-at-all-expert opinion is that you need carbs to soak up booze, and these tacos have plenty. We make them by stuffing warm corn tortillas with sautéed sweet potatoes, then topping with fried eggs. When you break into the yolk it blends with the hot sauce and crema to make a simple but comforting sauce.
Get the recipe for Sweet Potato, Sage, and Fried Egg Tacos »
Quick and Easy Huevos Rancheros With Tomato-Chili Salsa
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Huevos rancheros—fried tortillas, runny fried eggs, and plenty of salsa—is an easy dish that takes only half an hour even if you make our homemade tomato and red chili salsa. It’s totally doable on a hangover, but on New Year’s Day I won’t blame you for making the dish even simpler by using jarred salsa.
Get the recipe for Quick and Easy Huevos Rancheros With Tomato-Chili Salsa »
Diner-Style Ham and Cheese Omelette for Two
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
There are times for elegant French omelettes and times for hearty American ones, and I think you know which is more appropriate after one too many glasses of sparkling wine. Diner-style omelettes are all about the big, fluffy curds, which you get by being careful not to overwork the eggs. Feel free to stuff the omelette however you want—diced ham and cheddar is always a good choice.
Get the recipe for Diner-Style Ham and Cheese Omelette for Two »
Homemade Egg McMuffin
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I used to live right next door to a McDonald’s, so I ate more Egg McMuffins than I’m proud of. These days, though, if I’m craving those flavors, I’ll make the sandwich myself. There are a couple tricks to keep in mind: Cooking the egg in a Mason jar lid gives it the perfect shape and wrapping the sandwich in foil after assembly melts the cheese and softens the English muffin.
Get the recipe for the Homemade Egg McMuffin »
Sausage Gravy
[Photograph: Joshua Bousel]
Regardless of how much I drink the night before, there are few breakfasts I love as much as creamy sausage gravy. Our recipe is pretty standard—roux, pork sausage, milk—but gives you the option of adding chopped fresh sage and dried red pepper flakes for extra flavor. Don’t forget the biscuits—our two-ingredient recipe is too easy to skip.
Get the recipe for Sausage Gravy »
Shakshuka (North African-Style Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Shakshuka is impressive enough for a fancy brunch but simple enough for a rough morning. The dish is extremely versatile—our version is made with charred onion, red pepper, and chilies; spices like paprika and cumin; and of course tomatoes and eggs. Spoon some of the sauce over the egg whites before covering the pan to help them cook at the same speed as the yolks.
Get the recipe for Shakshuka (North African-Style Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce) »
Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Not everyone is going to want to start the New Year with raw eggs, but this Japanese breakfast dish is rich, comforting, and incredibly easy to make. All you have to do is microwave leftover rice; mix it with a raw egg, soy sauce, salt, and a pinch of MSG; and top with furikake and a raw egg yolk.
Get the recipe for Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg) »
30-Minute Pressure Cooker Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Pho is typically eaten for breakfast in Vietnam and chicken soup is a beloved cure-all in the West, so we think that a morning bowl of pho makes perfect sense as a hangover cure. The traditional technique of simmering the soup for hours probably won’t do you much good on New Year’s Day, but with a pressure cooker you can make a totally respectable version in just 30 minutes.
Get the recipe for 30-Minute Pressure Cooker Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup) »
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cucinacarmela-blog · 7 years
18 Hangover-Busting Breakfast Recipes for New Year...
New Post has been published on http://cucinacarmela.com/18-hangover-busting-breakfast-recipes-for-new-year/
18 Hangover-Busting Breakfast Recipes for New Year...
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik, J. Kenji López-Alt]
New Year’s Eve scares me a little bit—I normally try to turn in fairly early, so any time I’m partying past midnight I know I’m going to drink too much. The obviously solution is just to have a little self-control and alternate booze and water, but, despite my best intentions, I have a feeling I will wake up on January 1st with a hangover.
If I can’t keep myself from being hungover, at least I can make sure I have food on hand to nurse myself back to health. To that end, we’ve got 18 hangover-friendly breakfast recipes for New Year’s Day, whether you’re looking for something simple like fried eggs or granola, or a total gut-buster like a croque madame or junk-food migas.
Fried Eggs Your Way
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
If you’re looking for a simple breakfast, it’s hard to beat a plate of eggs. We have fried egg recipes to suite every taste:sunny-side up (for the ultimate simplicity), over-easy (for perfectly cooked whites every time) or really fried (for crispy edges).
Get the recipe for Crispy Fried Eggs »
Get the recipe for Classic Over-Easy Fried Eggs »
Get the recipe for Sunny-Side Up Fried Eggs »
Scrambled Eggs Your Way
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Fried eggs aren’t hard, but they take a little more finesse than I’m capable of after the wildest nights out. On the other hand, I can pretty much always muster the strength to make scrambled eggs. As with fried eggs, we have a variety of recipes to choose from—varying the heat of the pan and the amount of stirring can make eggs that are fluffy, slightly soft, or super soft and spoonable.
Get the recipe for Fluffy Scrambled Eggs »
Get the recipe for Soft-Scrambled Eggs »
Get the recipe for French-Style Soft, Spoonable Scrambled Eggs »
Waffle-Iron Hash Browns
[Photograph: Daniel Shumski]
Need something to serve with the eggs? Potatoes are a great way to bulk up your breakfast. You can’t go wrong with perfectly crispy hash browns—we like to use a waffle iron to give them a crunchy exterior and smooth interior. Moisture is the enemy of hash browns, so squeeze as much water out of the shredded potatoes as you possibly can before cooking them.
Get the recipe for Waffle-Iron Hash Browns »
Scrambled Egg and Cheese Drop-Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches
[Photograph: Daniel Gritzer]
My go-to move when I have a hangover is to make scrambled eggs with an amount of cheese that a more reasonable person might describe as insane. This recipe should give you a good idea of what I’m talking about—it has so much mozzarella that you might confuse it for queso fundido. Making biscuits might sound like too much work, but they only take 15 minutes of active work.
Get the recipe for Scrambled Egg and Cheese Drop-Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches »
Doritos Migas With Pepper Jack, Tomatoes, and Jalapeño
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If I’m letting a professional cook me breakfast on New Year’s Day, I might go with a plate of traditional migas, but if I’m at home there’s no way I’m going to fry up a batch of homemade tortilla chips. I’ll probably go low-brow and use crumbled Doritos instead, mixing them with scrambled eggs, onions, jalapeños, tomatoes, and plenty of pepper jack cheese.
Get the recipe for Doritos Migas With Pepper Jack, Tomatoes, and Jalapeño »
Vegan Migas (Mexican-Style Fried Tortillas With Tofu)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I know a lot of you like to drown your hangovers in eggs and cheese, but I’m sure our vegan readers get drunk, too. This vegan variation on migas is made with silken tofu, which has a similar creaminess to soft-scrambled eggs. We shallow-fry the chips to make them a little easier—they don’t need to be perfectly crisp.
Get the recipe for Vegan Migas (Mexican-Style Fried Tortillas With Tofu) »
BraveTart: One-Bowl, Overnight Cinnamon Rolls
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If you’re anticipating being out of commission on New Year’s Day, you might want to consider preparing breakfast ahead of time. Almost all the work for these cinnamon rolls can be done a day in advance—all you have to do when you drag yourself out of bed is throw them in the oven and pipe on the icing when they’re finished baking.
Get the recipe for BraveTart: One-Bowl, Overnight Cinnamon Rolls »
Crisp Homemade Granola
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
After a really debaucherous night my stomach can’t usually handle anything too intense—I’m more likely to be nursing something more mild. One of my top choices is yogurt topped with a homemade granola made with raw pumpkin seeds, almonds, pecans, dried apricots, tart cherries, and blueberries.
Get the recipe for Crisp Homemade Granola »
Ultra-Smashed Brunch Burgers With Quick Jalapeño Hollandaise
[Photograph: Morgan Eisenberg]
If you’re more into gut-busting hangover cures then ignore the rest of our list and go straight for this monstrosity. Enough to scare any hangover into submission, we make this epic brunch burger by serving a crispy smashed patty on an English muffin with bacon, avocado, Colby Jack, a fried egg, and spicy jalapeño Hollandaise.
Get the recipe for Ultra-Smashed Brunch Burgers With Quick Jalapeño Hollandaise »
Rich and Creamy Croques Madames
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
I hope you didn’t actually stop reading, because I’ve got another ultra-rich breakfast for you. The croque madame is a brunch classic made by setting a fried egg atop a croque monsieur, which itself is a rich sandwich made with ham, Dijon mustard, and both grated cheese and a silky Mornay sauce.
Get the recipe for Rich and Creamy Croques Madames »
Sweet Potato, Sage, and Fried Egg Tacos
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
My not-at-all-expert opinion is that you need carbs to soak up booze, and these tacos have plenty. We make them by stuffing warm corn tortillas with sautéed sweet potatoes, then topping with fried eggs. When you break into the yolk it blends with the hot sauce and crema to make a simple but comforting sauce.
Get the recipe for Sweet Potato, Sage, and Fried Egg Tacos »
Quick and Easy Huevos Rancheros With Tomato-Chili Salsa
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Huevos rancheros—fried tortillas, runny fried eggs, and plenty of salsa—is an easy dish that takes only half an hour even if you make our homemade tomato and red chili salsa. It’s totally doable on a hangover, but on New Year’s Day I won’t blame you for making the dish even simpler by using jarred salsa.
Get the recipe for Quick and Easy Huevos Rancheros With Tomato-Chili Salsa »
Diner-Style Ham and Cheese Omelette for Two
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
There are times for elegant French omelettes and times for hearty American ones, and I think you know which is more appropriate after one too many glasses of sparkling wine. Diner-style omelettes are all about the big, fluffy curds, which you get by being careful not to overwork the eggs. Feel free to stuff the omelette however you want—diced ham and cheddar is always a good choice.
Get the recipe for Diner-Style Ham and Cheese Omelette for Two »
Homemade Egg McMuffin
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I used to live right next door to a McDonald’s, so I ate more Egg McMuffins than I’m proud of. These days, though, if I’m craving those flavors, I’ll make the sandwich myself. There are a couple tricks to keep in mind: Cooking the egg in a Mason jar lid gives it the perfect shape and wrapping the sandwich in foil after assembly melts the cheese and softens the English muffin.
Get the recipe for the Homemade Egg McMuffin »
Sausage Gravy
[Photograph: Joshua Bousel]
Regardless of how much I drink the night before, there are few breakfasts I love as much as creamy sausage gravy. Our recipe is pretty standard—roux, pork sausage, milk—but gives you the option of adding chopped fresh sage and dried red pepper flakes for extra flavor. Don’t forget the biscuits—our two-ingredient recipe is too easy to skip.
Get the recipe for Sausage Gravy »
Shakshuka (North African-Style Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Shakshuka is impressive enough for a fancy brunch but simple enough for a rough morning. The dish is extremely versatile—our version is made with charred onion, red pepper, and chilies; spices like paprika and cumin; and of course tomatoes and eggs. Spoon some of the sauce over the egg whites before covering the pan to help them cook at the same speed as the yolks.
Get the recipe for Shakshuka (North African-Style Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce) »
Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Not everyone is going to want to start the New Year with raw eggs, but this Japanese breakfast dish is rich, comforting, and incredibly easy to make. All you have to do is microwave leftover rice; mix it with a raw egg, soy sauce, salt, and a pinch of MSG; and top with furikake and a raw egg yolk.
Get the recipe for Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg) »
30-Minute Pressure Cooker Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Pho is typically eaten for breakfast in Vietnam and chicken soup is a beloved cure-all in the West, so we think that a morning bowl of pho makes perfect sense as a hangover cure. The traditional technique of simmering the soup for hours probably won’t do you much good on New Year’s Day, but with a pressure cooker you can make a totally respectable version in just 30 minutes.
Get the recipe for 30-Minute Pressure Cooker Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup) »
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship? I’m single, but no they’ve never done that in the past. My parents aren’t like that.
Have you ever had to give someone directions before? Yeah. I’m the absolute worst, please don’t ask me.
Speaking of which, are you good at understanding driving directions? I don’t drive.
How many people do you text daily? I don’t text daily. I don’t text much at all, but if I do it’s with one of my parents or my brother.
Do you have an iPod or an MP3 player? Which brand? No, I use Spotify on my phone, which is an iPhone XR.
What was your favorite television show as a child? I’ve been asked this a few times recently. I enjoyed a lot of the kids shows of the 90s.
Do you play any instruments? Which instruments do you play? No.
Is there anyone who you call by their last name? Nope.
What did you do on your last birthday? Went on a weekend vacay to one of my favorite places. This year I’ll just be at home.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? Sloth.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re incapable of whispering? No.
What is your least favorite subject in school? I’m done with school, thankfully, but I always hated math.
Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before? No.
Do you know a couple who constantly sucks on each other’s face? No.
Who was the best kisser you’ve ever dated? Joseph.
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? I am right now. Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? No, but I helped out my parents a lot when my younger brother was born.
How many times a week do you usually see the person you love? I don’t love anyone in the romantic sense, but I love my family and I see them everyday. 
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? I hold my doggo’s hand all the time, ha.
How many meals have you eaten today, so far? Just one so far. 
Do you think it’s stupid for people to call others “hot?” No?
Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? They can be, but I wouldn’t just use that and that’s it. I’d check other sources.
Are you someone who listens to more girl or guy bands? More guy bands.
Have you ever shopped at Wet Seal before? Did you like it? I have. Some of their stuff was okay, but eh.
Do you care about spending money if it’s someone else’s money? I absolutely care.
What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, A Goofy Movie, and Toy Story. 
When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? No.
What are the color of your walls? Do you want to repaint? White. I’d love to paint them, but we rent and it’d be a hassle to do so.
Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? Hardwood.
Do you have any siblings you neglect you? No.
Who would you say is the most selfish person you know? I feel like I’ve been selfish these past few years in a lot of ways. :/
As a kid, did you ever go to camp? I went to science camp (it was a thing 6th grade classes did where I’m from, not sure about other states) and Girl Scout camp.
What were the last three movies you watched in theaters? The Invisible Man, Fantasy Island, and The Rise of Skywalker. I do miss going to the movies. :(
Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? Nope.
Are you currently trying to learn to play any instrument? No.
Do you believe in ghosts, spirits or demons? I believe in spirits and demons.
What is your favorite breakfast meal? Scrambled eggs with shredded cheese and spinach, hash browns, country gravy, and coffee.
What does the lead singer of your favorite band look like? Look up Chester Bennington. RIP. </3 :(
Who was the last person to compliment you? >> I don’t remember the last compliment I got. <<< Same. I don’t receive a lot of comments.
How old were you when you got to go on your first date? My first date wasn’t until my early 20s.
Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? They’re protective like loving, caring, supportive parents, but they’re not controlling or overbearing. 
Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? Yeah. Gah, why was that ever allowed at all? A germ and bacteria cesspool. 
What is the best movie you’ve seen in the last five years? I couldn’t choose just one, especially in that long of a span. There’s been several.
Has anyone ever called you a good kisser before? No. ha.
Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? No.
Are you the jealous type? I can be. I haven’t felt jealousy in a very long time, though.
When was the last time you felt like you were high on life? I don’t know what that feels like. Must be nice.
Do you know someone who cares about themselves more than their child? Not currently I don’t think, but I probably have before.
Do you still watch cartoons on television? I still watch Hey Arnold, Doug, and Rugrats sometimes on TeenNick.
What do you usually order at Taco Bell, if you go there? Bean burrito--no onions, extra cheese, extra sauce and a couple Doritos tacos with sour cream and guac. I haven’t had Taco Bell in like a year, but man I was obSESSED for awhile there. Some of you may remember that, haha. I’ve actually been wanting it lately, but gahhh.
Is there anyone currently annoying you? No.
What’s your favorite hairstyle you’ve had so far? I like my long, red hair. I just wish I actually styled it and maintained it better.
Do you have freckles? Yes.
How many dogs do you have, if any at all? One.
Have you ever witnessed someone being beaten up? Yes. :/ I’ve never been someone who likes watching fights, whether it be in person or a video. I don’t understand that. I remember in elementary and high school everyone would rush over and crowed around a fight and I just wanted to get as far away as possible. There’s also people who like watching fight videos. I just can’t. I don’t enjoy watching people get hurt.
Do you think biting is weird or sexy? It can be either one depending on the situation.
Would you rather be called hot or beautiful? Beautiful. But I’m not.
Have you ever had a pet turtle before? No.
Do you still sleep with your parents when you’re scared sometimes? Uh, no. A 30 year old grown ass adult crawling into bed with their parents... lmao.
Have you ever met someone with two different color eyes? No.
Have you ever felt like someone was following you? Yes. 
How many surveys on average would you say you’ve done in your lifetime? Oh jeez. I couldn’t even try to figure that out. I’ve been doing surveys since like 2005.
What color shirt are you wearing at the moment? Black.
Do you enjoy going school shopping? Not in school anymore, but yeah I loved back to school shopping.
Do you think Pug dogs are adorable or just plain ugly? Aww, they’re cute. 
Have you ever met someone who completely resembled their pet? lol no, but I’ve seen photos of pet owners and dogs who looked alike.
Has anyone ever knitted you something before? Yes.
What was the worst substance you’ve spilled on yourself before? >> I don’t recall ever spilling anything heinous on myself. Alcohol can be bad because then you smell like booze and that’s just not a good look. <<< Ugh, yeah I’ve spilled alcohol on myself on more than one occasion and just smelled awful.
Have you ever made out with more than one person in one night? No.
What three words would describe the person you love? I don’t love anyone in the romantic sense.
Do you think their is a soulmate out there for everyone? I don’t think there’s one person meant for you, but I think there’s people out there compatible for everyone. 
Do you like short or long surveys the best? Long.
Do you think hairspray is more helpful or annoying? I don’t use it.
Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real? No.
Are your siblings nice the majority of the time? Yeah, they are nice. My younger brother and I bicker sometimes like siblings do, but we’re very close. He’s not mean, just annoying at times haha. And I know I most definitely am.
How many uncles do you have? 8.
What would you say is the worst movie you’ve ever seen? I’ll just pick one that I saw recently: Fantasy Island. It was awful.
Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along? >> I freak out in excitement, lol. I did freak out pretty badly when I was a child, though. And then one day in adolescence the switch flipped. *shrug* <<< Hahah same. I love ‘em now.
What is something you’d consider yourself obsessed with? ASMR. I watch several ASMR videos every night. 
How often do you shower? Every couple of days.
Have you ever had to sell something for a school fundraiser? Yeah, like those catalogs that had candy, cookies, and other random stuff. And candy bars.
What is the absolute worst thing about high school? I think it’s mostly the time that it occurs in. Teenage years are a very difficult time. You’re going through puberty and everything is changing and you’re trying to figure out who you are. There’s also the added pressure of being expected to know what you want to do with your life. I think it’s also a time when you really figure out who your friends are.
How many sodas do you usually drink in one day? Zero, now. I used to drink a soda a day for several years until a couple years ago.
What kind of cheese do you like the most? I’m not listing all the cheese I like again, I just did that recently. I like a lot of different cheeses. Cheese is delicious. 
Have you ever met someone who was completely weird all-around? Yeah. I’m sure people think that about me, too.
Have you ever met an annorexic pregnant woman? No.  What is your favorite lyric of all time? How can you possibly choose just one favorite?? 
Do you know someone who has made their Xbox their best friend basically? I don’t know any big gamers, no.
Do you ever watch any soap operas? No. From what I’ve seen, they’re really, really bad. Like cringeworthy, secondhand embarrassment bad lol. Just the plot and acting is bad. Have you ever met someone who was mean to everyone? Yes.
If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be? I’ve wanted ‘free bird’ for several years.
If you have any piercings, who did them? *shrug* I got my ears pierced when I was a baby.
Have you ever simply looked at someone & could tell they were homosexual? I’d be lying if I said I never looked at someone and thought that they might me.
Do you have the ability to read someone without even knowing them? You could form some opinions and ideas, but you can’t really know.
Would you rather eat or sleep? Sleep. 
Are you one of those die hard Twilight or Harry Potter fans? I used to be when I was younger.
Have you ever cried while watching a movie trailor? No.
When was the last time you changed your hairstyle? It wasn’t really a change since I’ve been doing it for the last 5 years, but I got my hair done again this past February. 
Do your parents ever force you to talk to your grandparents? No,  I was always very close to my grandparents.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Gray. Do you think long surveys are broing or entertaining? Depends.
Have you ever learned that someone had lied to you all along? Yeppp.
When was the last time you had a physical injury? Hmm. It’s been awhile.
Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer? Nooo.
Have you ever had to bail someone out of jail before? No.
Is there anyone in your imediate family who was adopted? No.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have any common sense? Not personally, but there are certainly people I’ve encountered/witnessed/heard of who seemed to lack it.
When was the last time you bought something? Yesterday.
Do you think you look anything like your parents? Yeah.
Who is the skinniest person you know? Is it because of a disease? Me. I’ve always been naturally thin with a fast metabolism, but I was at a healthy weight. A few years ago I became too thin and underweight due to health reasons and I haven’t been able to put on any weight
Do you know someone who is discustingly obese who wears G-strings? What’s *disgusting is this question.
Do you know someone who insults themselves to get attention? I feel like there’s some YouTubers and social media influencers who do that. I’m very self-deprecating, but believe me I don’t want the attention. I just really don’t think much of myself. 
Is this year the best one you’ve had so far? Uh, no definitely not. I can’t imagine anyone thinking that. This year has been an ongoing nightmare.
What are your plans for this weekend? Nothing. 
What color is your significant other’s hair? I’m single.
Have you ever applied for a job at Walmart before? No.
Do you know anyone who does drugs currently? Yes.
Would you ever become a foster parent? No.
Are you ashamed of anyone in your family? No. 
What jobs do your parents have? My mom is a supervisor at Walgreens and my dad works at a car repair shop.
Would rather talk to someone on a landline or a cell phone? >> I’d rather not talk to anyone on a phone, period. <<< Hahah, SAME.
Have you ever had a Tumblr account? Are you devoted to it? What’s this Tumblr you speak of? Should I check it out?
Has anyone ever given you a psychiatric assessment? Yes.
If you got pregnant right now, would you abort the baby? I wouldn’t get pregnant to begin with.
Speaking of which, are you for or against abortion?
What is your favorite amusement park? Disneyland! What was the best Christmas gift you’ve ever gotten? All of them.
Has anyone ever called you jealous of them before? Only jokingly.
Did you ever have braces? Yes, but not for my teeth. I had them for my back and my feet when I was a kid.
Who is your favorite actor or actress? Alexander Skarsgard.
What is the most important date in your life so far? There are several significant dates in my life.
How many people your age do you know who are pregnant? Just one that comes to mind.
What is cuter: kisses on the forehead of the cheek? I thought forehead kisses were cute when Joseph did it.
Do you believe in evolution or creation? Creation. 
Would you rather take a bath or a shower? Why or why not? Shower.
What group would you say you’d normally fit into the most? The survey community with you guys.
As a child, what game did you want to play the most? I loved playing house and school. 
When was the last time you did something sexual? Virgin here.
Where was the last place you went on vacation? Disneyland.
Do you collect anything? What? Giraffe stuffed animals and key chains. 
What kind of Pringles do you like the most? The pizza flavored ones are good. I haven’t had Pringles in years, though.
Are you better at hand-drawing things or painting? I’m not an artist at all. I have no talent.
Have either of your parents ever called you a failure before? Nooo. I call myself one, though.
What do you think is the grossest taste in the world? Wasabi is definitely one of them. To me it tastes like how shoe cleaner or nail polish remover smells.
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jlcolby · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://cookingtipsguide.com/18-hangover-busting-breakfast-recipes-for-new-year/
18 Hangover-Busting Breakfast Recipes for New Year...
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik, J. Kenji López-Alt]
New Year’s Eve scares me a little bit—I normally try to turn in fairly early, so any time I’m partying past midnight I know I’m going to drink too much. The obviously solution is just to have a little self-control and alternate booze and water, but, despite my best intentions, I have a feeling I will wake up on January 1st with a hangover.
If I can’t keep myself from being hungover, at least I can make sure I have food on hand to nurse myself back to health. To that end, we’ve got 18 hangover-friendly breakfast recipes for New Year’s Day, whether you’re looking for something simple like fried eggs or granola, or a total gut-buster like a croque madame or junk-food migas.
Fried Eggs Your Way
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
If you’re looking for a simple breakfast, it’s hard to beat a plate of eggs. We have fried egg recipes to suite every taste:sunny-side up (for the ultimate simplicity), over-easy (for perfectly cooked whites every time) or really fried (for crispy edges).
Get the recipe for Crispy Fried Eggs »
Get the recipe for Classic Over-Easy Fried Eggs »
Get the recipe for Sunny-Side Up Fried Eggs »
Scrambled Eggs Your Way
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Fried eggs aren’t hard, but they take a little more finesse than I’m capable of after the wildest nights out. On the other hand, I can pretty much always muster the strength to make scrambled eggs. As with fried eggs, we have a variety of recipes to choose from—varying the heat of the pan and the amount of stirring can make eggs that are fluffy, slightly soft, or super soft and spoonable.
Get the recipe for Fluffy Scrambled Eggs »
Get the recipe for Soft-Scrambled Eggs »
Get the recipe for French-Style Soft, Spoonable Scrambled Eggs »
Waffle-Iron Hash Browns
[Photograph: Daniel Shumski]
Need something to serve with the eggs? Potatoes are a great way to bulk up your breakfast. You can’t go wrong with perfectly crispy hash browns—we like to use a waffle iron to give them a crunchy exterior and smooth interior. Moisture is the enemy of hash browns, so squeeze as much water out of the shredded potatoes as you possibly can before cooking them.
Get the recipe for Waffle-Iron Hash Browns »
Scrambled Egg and Cheese Drop-Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches
[Photograph: Daniel Gritzer]
My go-to move when I have a hangover is to make scrambled eggs with an amount of cheese that a more reasonable person might describe as insane. This recipe should give you a good idea of what I’m talking about—it has so much mozzarella that you might confuse it for queso fundido. Making biscuits might sound like too much work, but they only take 15 minutes of active work.
Get the recipe for Scrambled Egg and Cheese Drop-Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches »
Doritos Migas With Pepper Jack, Tomatoes, and Jalapeño
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If I’m letting a professional cook me breakfast on New Year’s Day, I might go with a plate of traditional migas, but if I’m at home there’s no way I’m going to fry up a batch of homemade tortilla chips. I’ll probably go low-brow and use crumbled Doritos instead, mixing them with scrambled eggs, onions, jalapeños, tomatoes, and plenty of pepper jack cheese.
Get the recipe for Doritos Migas With Pepper Jack, Tomatoes, and Jalapeño »
Vegan Migas (Mexican-Style Fried Tortillas With Tofu)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I know a lot of you like to drown your hangovers in eggs and cheese, but I’m sure our vegan readers get drunk, too. This vegan variation on migas is made with silken tofu, which has a similar creaminess to soft-scrambled eggs. We shallow-fry the chips to make them a little easier—they don’t need to be perfectly crisp.
Get the recipe for Vegan Migas (Mexican-Style Fried Tortillas With Tofu) »
BraveTart: One-Bowl, Overnight Cinnamon Rolls
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
If you’re anticipating being out of commission on New Year’s Day, you might want to consider preparing breakfast ahead of time. Almost all the work for these cinnamon rolls can be done a day in advance—all you have to do when you drag yourself out of bed is throw them in the oven and pipe on the icing when they’re finished baking.
Get the recipe for BraveTart: One-Bowl, Overnight Cinnamon Rolls »
Crisp Homemade Granola
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
After a really debaucherous night my stomach can’t usually handle anything too intense—I’m more likely to be nursing something more mild. One of my top choices is yogurt topped with a homemade granola made with raw pumpkin seeds, almonds, pecans, dried apricots, tart cherries, and blueberries.
Get the recipe for Crisp Homemade Granola »
Ultra-Smashed Brunch Burgers With Quick Jalapeño Hollandaise
[Photograph: Morgan Eisenberg]
If you’re more into gut-busting hangover cures then ignore the rest of our list and go straight for this monstrosity. Enough to scare any hangover into submission, we make this epic brunch burger by serving a crispy smashed patty on an English muffin with bacon, avocado, Colby Jack, a fried egg, and spicy jalapeño Hollandaise.
Get the recipe for Ultra-Smashed Brunch Burgers With Quick Jalapeño Hollandaise »
Rich and Creamy Croques Madames
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
I hope you didn’t actually stop reading, because I’ve got another ultra-rich breakfast for you. The croque madame is a brunch classic made by setting a fried egg atop a croque monsieur, which itself is a rich sandwich made with ham, Dijon mustard, and both grated cheese and a silky Mornay sauce.
Get the recipe for Rich and Creamy Croques Madames »
Sweet Potato, Sage, and Fried Egg Tacos
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
My not-at-all-expert opinion is that you need carbs to soak up booze, and these tacos have plenty. We make them by stuffing warm corn tortillas with sautéed sweet potatoes, then topping with fried eggs. When you break into the yolk it blends with the hot sauce and crema to make a simple but comforting sauce.
Get the recipe for Sweet Potato, Sage, and Fried Egg Tacos »
Quick and Easy Huevos Rancheros With Tomato-Chili Salsa
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Huevos rancheros—fried tortillas, runny fried eggs, and plenty of salsa—is an easy dish that takes only half an hour even if you make our homemade tomato and red chili salsa. It’s totally doable on a hangover, but on New Year’s Day I won’t blame you for making the dish even simpler by using jarred salsa.
Get the recipe for Quick and Easy Huevos Rancheros With Tomato-Chili Salsa »
Diner-Style Ham and Cheese Omelette for Two
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
There are times for elegant French omelettes and times for hearty American ones, and I think you know which is more appropriate after one too many glasses of sparkling wine. Diner-style omelettes are all about the big, fluffy curds, which you get by being careful not to overwork the eggs. Feel free to stuff the omelette however you want—diced ham and cheddar is always a good choice.
Get the recipe for Diner-Style Ham and Cheese Omelette for Two »
Homemade Egg McMuffin
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I used to live right next door to a McDonald’s, so I ate more Egg McMuffins than I’m proud of. These days, though, if I’m craving those flavors, I’ll make the sandwich myself. There are a couple tricks to keep in mind: Cooking the egg in a Mason jar lid gives it the perfect shape and wrapping the sandwich in foil after assembly melts the cheese and softens the English muffin.
Get the recipe for the Homemade Egg McMuffin »
Sausage Gravy
[Photograph: Joshua Bousel]
Regardless of how much I drink the night before, there are few breakfasts I love as much as creamy sausage gravy. Our recipe is pretty standard—roux, pork sausage, milk—but gives you the option of adding chopped fresh sage and dried red pepper flakes for extra flavor. Don’t forget the biscuits—our two-ingredient recipe is too easy to skip.
Get the recipe for Sausage Gravy »
Shakshuka (North African-Style Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Shakshuka is impressive enough for a fancy brunch but simple enough for a rough morning. The dish is extremely versatile—our version is made with charred onion, red pepper, and chilies; spices like paprika and cumin; and of course tomatoes and eggs. Spoon some of the sauce over the egg whites before covering the pan to help them cook at the same speed as the yolks.
Get the recipe for Shakshuka (North African-Style Poached Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce) »
Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Not everyone is going to want to start the New Year with raw eggs, but this Japanese breakfast dish is rich, comforting, and incredibly easy to make. All you have to do is microwave leftover rice; mix it with a raw egg, soy sauce, salt, and a pinch of MSG; and top with furikake and a raw egg yolk.
Get the recipe for Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg) »
30-Minute Pressure Cooker Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Pho is typically eaten for breakfast in Vietnam and chicken soup is a beloved cure-all in the West, so we think that a morning bowl of pho makes perfect sense as a hangover cure. The traditional technique of simmering the soup for hours probably won’t do you much good on New Year’s Day, but with a pressure cooker you can make a totally respectable version in just 30 minutes.
Get the recipe for 30-Minute Pressure Cooker Pho Ga (Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup) »
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theforkedspoon · 8 years
Sautéed Chicken and Cabbage Skillet
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Whenever this particular day of the year rolls around it always brings back memories of college. Especially my first two years, before I got serious with studies or a boyfriend (my now husband). I was very active in Alpha Psi, the local sorority at UC Santa Cruz and was always up for an excuse to go out and party.
St. Paddy's Day was always a favorite.
One of my sorority sisters, and one of my very best friends throughout my college years, was particularly fond of this holiday. She was always my favorite person to do just about anything with, but thanks to her overwhelming excitement for this one day of the year, she somehow made St. Patrick's Day one of my favorite days, too.
Jäger bombs... ohhh, how I do not miss you. But, I am so thankful for the memories we shared together.
Why am I sharing this? I can't say for sure; but it probably has something to do with the old best friend of mine and the St. Paddy's Day memories I have thanks to her. You know the memories I'm talking about- the ones that feel so recent, it's almost like you can touch them (no matter how many years have come between).
Now that I'm old, St. Patrick's Day is a whole lot different than it used to be. Now, this holiday is focused around dressing my child in green, which I failed at today, by the way. Apparently the closest green colored clothing item he owns is teal. Next year i'll be prepared since every single kid in his class was dressed head-to-toe in green. How do these parents have the time to go out and coordinate these perfectly matched outfits? Do they take their kids? I took Octavian to Carter's today because he needed summer pjs and he practically destroyed the sunglasses display (which they're asking for if you ask me) and started doing wind sprints around the store as I checked out. When I got to the checkout, the lady said to me, "Oh wow! He seems so much older than the last time you guys were in here. I remember the last time he was quite the handful". Yep, he's actually doing really well today, I say. Little does she know he and I had a big talk about behavior before going in to the store.
Meanwhile, I'm the mom who has literally never dropped off, or picked up, her child in anything other than yoga or running clothes and wears my hair in the same braid I slept in (and probably worked out in). No judging anyone here, though. At least I actually work out. Plus, if you saw Octavian's clothes after a couple hours on his body, you would probably understand why I rarely buy special outfits. 
Ok, whoa. That went way off topic. Sorry, guys. Sometimes I just start typing as if I were talking. All of that up there was just me trying to make myself feel better.
Anyway, aside from dressing my child, St. Paddy's Day also means FOOD. I can't say if any of it is traditional (corned beef and cabbage?), but I do know it's GOOD. I am also learning that there are about a million and one ways to use leftover corned beef and cabbage (Corned Beef, Potato and Egg Hash | Reuben Twice Baked Potatoes | Classic Reuben Sandwich | Irish Corned Beef Potato Pancakes). And that's nothing! The ideas I have running through my brain for next year? I can hardly wait!
Now, if you're not a huge fan of corned beef, but love cabbage (cabbage is so good, you guys!), then maybe you'll like this easy Sautéed Chicken and Cabbage Skillet. It's a definite keeper if you're looking for something a little lighter or you don't eat beef. I love this dish because it's so easy and jam packed full of vegetables. Actually, it's all vegetables except for the chicken. It is satisfying enough to eat alone, or as a side of a larger meal. Missing the carbs? Add some noodles and a sprinkle of cheese or keep it super simple and eat it with some fresh buttered bread.
Sautéed Chicken and Cabbage Skillet
Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 45 minutes Total Time: 1 hour Yield: 4-6 servings Type: Chicken, Easy Dinner, Main Dish, Healthy
3 tablespoons olive oil, divided 1 pound boneless skinless chicken thighs, trimmed of fat and cut into small pieces Salt + Pepper 2 teaspoons paprika 1 large yellow onion, diced 5 cloves garlic, minced 2 cups shredded carrots 1 cup chopped cherry tomatoes 1 cup chicken stock 1 large cabbage, chopped Fresh chopped parsley, for garnish Red Pepper Flakes, if desired
Heat a large skillet or Dutch oven over medium high heat. Add olive oil to the pan and gently swirl to coat. When pan is hot add the chicken pieces and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Continue to cook for 6-8 minutes, or until chicken is fully cooked and lightly browned. Carefully transfer chicken to a clean plate using a large slotted spoon. 
Using the same skillet or Dutch oven, place the pan over medium high heat. Add 1 more tablespoon of olive oil to the skillet and the large diced yellow onion. Stir to coat the onion in oil and scrape off any brown bits that may be stuck to the bottom of your skillet. Sautè the onion for 3-4 minutes, stirring frequently, or until onions just start to soften.
Add the minced garlic to the onions and sautè for one more minute. Mix in the shredded carrots, chopped tomatoes, chicken stock and chopped cabbage. Reduce heat to medium low and cover with a fitted lid. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
After 15 minutes, remove cover and return chicken to the pan and mix with the vegetables. Season with salt and pepper. Continue to cook on low for an additional 15-20 minutes, or until there is no liquid remaining.
Garnish with fresh chopped parsley and red pepper flakes (if desired).
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Coffee and Crayons
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
[created by: vyvyan86]
Do you use public transport regularly? I haven’t had to use it since graduating college six years ago now. I had to take the bus sometimes back then.
Who do you usually say hello or good morning first? Whoever I see first.
Do you usually have time for breakfast in the morning? What do you have? I’d have time, I just don’t get up haha. I like breakfast foods, though, and have them for a late lunch or dinner often. I like scrambled eggs with spinach, green onions, garlic, and shredded cheese with homemade guacamole on the side, biscuits and scrambled eggs smothered in country gravy with hash browns, and breakfast sandwiches or burritos. Oh, and coffee is a given and a must everyday regardless.
Have you ever had to work while there was a film crew at your work place? I’ve never had a job.
Have you ever gotten an ailment just before you were going on holiday? My body always likes to feel shitty before a vacation or anything I’m looking forward to.
What's your favorite color of carnation? Hmm. Yellow and pink.
When's the last time you got to leave work earlier than scheduled? --
Do you play any "getting to know you" type of games with a friend on FB? I take those personality quizzes sometimes.
Are the roads basically rock solid frozen slush where you live right now? No, it doesn’t snow here.
Do you/have you worked a job where you could bring leftover food home from? --
Is there a winter break/half term coming along in your part of the world? We’re past that time of year now. There’s a spring break approaching for people next month, though.
Who or what greets you at the door every time you come home? My doggo. <3
Have you had any assignments to finish lately? No. I’m done with school.
How about any long-running group assignments? --
Do you have group chats with your friends that make you laugh? I don’t have any friends. 
Do you sing or whistle while you work? I listen to music or sing along to myself if I’m cleaning or working on something.
Would you ever like a professional kitchen's dishwasher at home? The dishwasher we have works perfectly fine.
Any exciting or fun plans for the weekend? Nope.
How about for this evening? Nope.
Do you ever chat about your favorite video games with your friends? I talk about certain ones with my brother. There’s a new Mario game out that I want to get that we’ve talked about.
Have you ever supported anyone's Kickstarter? If so, what was it? Yeah.
What do you like in your omelet? Cheese, garlic, spinach, and green onions. Do you do anything physically taxing that makes your limbs or back sore? No, but it doesn’t take much for that to happen when you have my body. Just sleeping can cause that. Doing nothing can cause that.
Does a cat ever randomly jump on your desk and blocks your screen? I don’t have a cat.
Does said cat like to climb on your shoulder and kneads your arm? --
Was today surprisingly sunny where you live, too? It’s supposed to be 63F today, which isn’t out of the norm.
Did you encounter many happy people today? Did it make you happy? I haven’t encountered anyone today so far, it’s only 5 in the morning.
Has anyone put their freezing cold hands on your body today? No.
Has anyone tickled you mercilessly today? No one will be tickling me, thank you. Don’t even try it.
Has anyone hugged or kissed you today? I haven’t talked to or seen anyone yet.
When do you normally come on Bzoink? Never.
Have you had to change clothes more than twice today? I haven’t changed yet today.
What's something that makes you feel confident? Confidence? What’s that?  Do you have any presentations you have to give in the near future? No, thankfully. I don’t miss having to do those that’s for sure.
Have you ever had a shrove bun? (Look it up, they're really good!) Nope.
Do you have time for regular coffee/tea breaks throughout the day? I have coffee when I get up and then I have more at night after dinner.
Do your lips or hands go really dry in cold weather? Yes, especially my lips.
Do you have any wine or rum in your fridge? No.
Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder when you got that old? I avoid looking in the mirror as much as possible. It does trip me out that I’m in my 30s, though.
Are you currently studying a language? If so, which one? No, but I’ve been practicing my Spanish with my mom who has been doing Duolingo for the past several months. I’m helping her, but it’s helping me brush up and practice as well, which has been nice. I’m also learning as she progresses.
Are you good at word games and anagrams? I love word games.
Do you encounter eccentric looking people on a daily basis? I only leave the house once a month now since the pandemic hit, so I don’t encounter many people anymore.
Has a song been playing in your head today? What was it? “Build Me Up Buttercup” has been in my head lately for some reason. I think it might be in a commercial.
Is there anything at the movie theaters right now that you'd like to see? The movie theaters haven’t been opened here. Some new movies are being released to streaming services like HBO Max, though. Just recently I saw The Little Things. The next movie I want to see is Godzilla vs. Kong because Alexander Skarsgard is in it. ;)
Do you have free tickets for anything that need to be used soon? I don’t have any tickets to anything right now.
Do you have candy in your cupboards? No, but we have other sweets.
Are you itching to do something else now? I’m going to do another survey.
Can you hear snoring from somewhere right now? Nope.
Has the sun gone down by now? Yeah, it’s 5:23AM. It’s going to rise soon.
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