#Thank You all for the birthday wishes in my mailbox as well!!! I may not post them all but I see them and am very grateful. <3
cutewebgraphics · 5 months
Can you list the websites where you get your graphics from?
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I had another question like this and wrote a big long answer & when I went to save it as a draft, it disappeared!!! X_X I'll do my best to write it out again!
I don't actually know how I do it... I go into a blind haze and wake up hours later with dozens of tabs open and hundreds of graphics in my downloads. Not really, but it feels like it sometimes ^^'''
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Usually, I start out by reverse image searching a graphic I already have on image search engines like Google Images, Yandex, etc. and opening a bunch of sites that host that same graphic, or by going into the 'similar images' section and looking for interesting graphics, thumbnails and sites that way. I look out for text-hosting (blogging, fanfiction) sites, self-hosted websites, forums and foreign language sites - I find a lot of my favorites from Japanese, Hindi and Italian-speaking sites in particular! From there I look for hyperlinks to other sites and start going down rabbit holes. I avoid popular image-hosting sites like Giphy and Pinterest, as well as popular English social media sites like Twitter and Instagram.
Text-hosting sites like Wattpad and Asianfanfics are good for finding organized collections of graphics, mainly layout-related graphics like dividers, headers and footers.
I find a lot of my decorative text on forums.
Blogging and foreign social media sites (especially Japanese as Japan invented emoji and decomail!) support .GIFs more often and I find a lot of tiny inline-sized pixels there.
Personal sites are great for doll collections!
Finding specific user accounts on these sites and pawing through their post history, uploads and friends is my favorite way to find little 'gold mines'. I sometimes also enter a general query into image search engines i.e. 'christmas divider pixel say' and filter by Colour -> Transparent and Type -> Animated (Google Images) to look for graphics and sites that way, but I find it to be quite surface-level and don't get a lot to chew on.
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I also have a (neglected...) Discord server with a tiny lovely community of people that share their finds, help others find specific graphics, troubleshoot and pass around interesting websites and tools with one another. I've been a bit absent from the Discord during the school year but want to swallow the social anxiety & become more active now...!
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I hope this helps give a rough idea of my process, but it really isn't a science and is more just glorified web-surfing x) Have fun!
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jodilin65 · 35 years
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1989 I just finished watching a scary movie and I’m now just about ready to drop off. I’m pretty zonked.
This afternoon I saw my allergy doctor and he gave me two inhalers for my asthma and one for my nose.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1989 I am still wide awake and feeling pretty lousy. Earlier I got the urge to make my face up so I did. I took off my lipstick and blush but I still have my eyes all made up.
Linda never called. I wonder if she’s sick or something came up. I also wonder why I haven’t heard from Tammy in two days. I know it’s either shit from her mother, or she’s out with Will. Also, I haven’t spoken with Andy in two days. The only one I speak to every day is Jessie. We love to talk on the phone.
Well, I had a long talk with Nervous’s mother about him calling me and hanging up or just not saying anything and his spying. She says to take him to court if I have to. I now have absolutely no desire to see or talk to this sicko. It’s just gotten way out of hand to the point of no return and you just never know what a sicko like him is gonna do or what’s on his mind. Some friendship it’s been, huh?
I’m supposed to go to CC tomorrow for my intake, but they may be closed cuz we’re supposed to get a huge snowstorm.
This Saturday I’m supposed to return to Steiger’s, but I’ve got to think about it. Do I really want to?
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1989 Well, right now I’m a little depressed and lonely but I’m finally starting to get used to it and accept being alone. It’s always better than settling for second best.
I’m cooking some chicken rice right now, hoping Linda the cab driver calls.
I went out earlier to the Holyoke mall with Jessie. There, I bought both Tiffany and Debbie Gibson’s cassette singles.
Surprisingly enough, but then again I guess it’s no real surprise, I haven’t heard from Tammy all day yesterday or today. She’s no doubt out with Will, says Jessie.
Ma called saying she bought me this beautiful dress and it’s a size 6! What is she, crazy? She doesn’t realize how much weight I’ve lost. She hasn’t seen me in a while. She says it’s a loose-knit dress with no zippers or buttons. She’s gonna mail it to me.
There’s this guy, Bruce Y, who I ran into downtown. I’ve run into him a few times. He’s going to Holyoke Community College for the two-year music program for an associate degree in music, which I’m also thinking of doing. He’s nice and he’s not ugly either, but he’s so dull and wimpy, and of course, he turns me on in no way shape or form. Even Jessie spoke to him using my 3-way calling and she agreed.
Bruce says he thinks I’m very attractive and sensitive and seems so amazingly respectful, saying I shouldn’t be with a guy if I’m not happy and would rather be with a woman. He says don’t do anything I don’t want to do that doesn’t feel right.
I was hoping Linda would call cuz I really do like her even though she’s no beauty, and I could really use a chat with her. She really understands being gay too. I wish she’d give me her phone number.
I called Pamela at my dating service and told her our mailboxes are broken and she said she’d give me a call before she mails out anything. I’m still so skeptical about it all, though. I still fear that my type of woman isn’t meant to be.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1989 I finally got my guitar back, thank God. I got it on Andy’s birthday and rode with him in his new car. I bought Linda’s Mad Love music book and also a guinea pig, but I returned the pig. I just don’t want the hassles of changing the cage or buying bails of sawdust or the pellets anymore. Instead, I had Nervous, who’s acting really sick and always stinks and has this horrible body odor, bring Sasha back. I realize my allergies will be killing me but I love this cat to death and missed her terribly. I can’t live with no animals at all.
I saw Dr. Moshiri today at Osborne. He said I seemed much better and that all I’ve gone through has really had an impact on me but that I have amazing strength. He also agreed with me that one never forgets the past, though everyone keeps telling me to forget it. I wish I could!
I have taken half of a Deseril pill for 4 nights now and he says for me to continue that for a week or two and then take a whole one and at that point to stop the Navane.
Tammy called early this morning saying she was fed up with her mother and was leaving and we discussed her coming here but I haven’t heard from her since and she was supposed to call me early this afternoon. Tammy’s not the right person for me, though. She’s got too many problems and a lousy temper.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1989 Sure enough, my case was dismissed. The pig never showed up. I asked my lawyer why, and he said cuz he’d make a complete fool out of himself. The law is that you have to prove one guilty even if they admit they’re guilty. When I told my lawyer I was arrested he was shocked and he agreed that just cuz they’re cops and they wear that badge they think they can do anything. Whether I pleaded guilty or not, he still can’t prove it was me.
I spoke with both Jessie and Stuart today, but not yet with Tammy. She’ll probably call me later. She probably tried to get me last night but I took my phone off the hook so I could go to bed early. Andy probably tried to get me last night, too. It’s Monday, so Ma’s gonna be calling tonight.
When Nervous calls later tonight I’m gonna ask him if he’ll rent a car and bring me back the aquarium I gave him, so I can have him take me to Brightwood in Longmeadow so I can get a pig. I miss having one. The only bitch is buying them food all the time and changing their cage, but it’s worth it. I need the company of a pet.
Today I feel pretty good for a change. Since I turned the heat lower I feel much better and less feverish. I’m gonna write and really practice my piano. My guitar is in the shop cuz it needed new strings and I’m pissed at Phil. He’ll never bring it back today and it’s been ready since Saturday. I’m dying to play.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1989 Guess who I’ve been in contact with every day now on the phone? Jessica S! I went to middle school with her. She’s got a 9-month-old baby boy now named Wyatt Justin and he’s cute. Her adoptive father is Big Bird of Sesame Street. I called Jessie’s mom in Longmeadow and she told me Jessie lived in Feeding Hills so I got her number through information. And sure enough, the guy she was with took off when she got pregnant and does drugs and just wants sex. She understands me really well, though, and accepts me for the way I am and we’ve had a lot of nice talks. I even spent the night in her place and she told me it didn’t even seem like 10 years had gone by since we last saw each other and we are very close friends. She mentioned getting a place together, but I don’t know. I would definitely live with her, though, cuz I’ve known her so long and we get along so well and she’s no thief or druggie.
Tomorrow I’ve got to go to court. Lucky me. Nervous is going to wake me up. He was over here for the first time in a month and he also has a broken wrist. That’s what he gets for walking around at 2:00 in the morning buying a pack of cigarettes. He says a bunch of guys knocked him down.
I forgot to mention that last weekend I was at Tammy’s house. It was a very nice house. She still says she likes me and wants to have a relationship with me, but I still hardly ever see her. I spoke to both her and Jessie today.
I want to move so bad it isn’t funny. I’m so sick of this place, but who knows when I ever will? I also want a car at times, too.
Believe it or not, I found Jenine M’s number (she’s an entertainment agent) in an old pad of phone numbers and I called her and she did say she had tried to reach me after I changed my number and she said she’d call me either Mon. or Tues. I’m afraid to get my hopes up too high but I’m trying not to think negatively either. My voice is ok, of course, but what really brings it down is my stuffy nose and wheezing. I have finally made an appointment with my allergy doctor. I also think I may have somewhat of the flu now too, which is going around. I usually get it once a year at this time.
I’m so psyched about my piano playing. I’m getting better and better every day. I’ve learned Dr. Beat and Falling in Love and have learned much more of her other songs (Gloria’s) and also, I’m gonna work on some of Linda’s. I’ve learned some of the song Just One Look. I’d say it’s my timing that’s the hardest thing to conquer what with both the left and right hands together. Tomorrow I’m going to work on the song You Made a Fool of Me which I already have a basic idea of now.
All the songs Andy taught me are like a piece of cake now. I love to play Talk to Me most of all.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1989 I just got finished spraying a spider with Raid but I should’ve just killed it with my broom cuz now it stinks in here. Oh well.
Tammy called me today at around 11:30, asking if I’d go with her to her doctor’s appointment and if I’d meet her at 2:00 outside the front of the Civic Center. Well, I stood her up cuz of the way she’s done it to me and for not returning my hairpiece. Also, I was very tired. She called me at 6:00 wanting to know why I wasn’t there. I told her I was sick and tired. She said she waited till 3:30. She told me she was going for her second pregnancy test and that they don’t know if she’s pregnant or not.
Philip took me to Store 24 at about noontime and I got just a few things cuz of the way I’ve been feeling. He’s supposed to call me this morning around 11:00.
I spoke to Nervous and this morning. I told him Philip was coming to take me to the airport and that I’d be gone to Florida for the rest of the month. I’m so sick of him and even talking on the phone to him cuz he really is a sick person. I usually only talk for two seconds then play my game of the crossed call that comes in and he listens and says all kinds of sick, nasty and hateful stuff. I used to find it funny, but now it’s gotten old.
Earlier this evening I was really depressed and I cried the last two nights in a row cuz I haven’t in so long. It takes a lot for me to cry and I usually keep it bottled up inside till it really catches up to me, but I know I must try really hard not to take the Navane unless I absolutely have to. You know, if I get so anxious that I can’t breathe. Crying, though, really did make me feel a lot better much quicker. What I need most of all is a woman. Yeah, sure.
On Showtime last weekend Gloria had a concert special taped in Miami. It was the last concert of her tour. It was great and she looked beautiful. She was also on the music awards too, where she won an award. She looked sexy as all hell and Andy taped it for me so I could see it again. As for Gloria’s concert, it will be on several more times this month and since I don’t have a VCR I’m just gonna tape it on my box.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1989 I spoke to Tony on Monday and was about to tell him how I can’t be his girlfriend and the reasons why when he told me he’s not looking for that and that he was glad we got that out in the open. His basic reason for not wanting me is cuz I don’t have a job, and when I told him that I do have a job, he said, “You just got that job.”
He’s another one who can’t accept me for the way I am and it verifies my belief that I’ll never have anyone decent cuz I haven’t worked in so long. All I’ll get is a desperate mental case. Ma says when the right person comes along, I’ll know it, and I asked her if she thought I was only good enough for the jerks and not the decent people and she said no, that I could get someone decent. I told her it’s not going to be a man. She said that’s good. It’s like she’s happy about my being gay cuz she knows how men are and doesn’t want me getting pregnant.
Andy said that Tony’s excuse about my not working is really stupid and that most guys don’t want their girlfriends to work, cuz then they’re meeting other guys. They want them to stay home and cook and clean, but that’s basically only the assholes.
I’m sending my dating service a check for $80, so in 2 or 3 weeks I should be meeting someone. I’m so skeptical. I doubt any of these women will turn me on like Gloria, whether they’re decent or not.
I definitely cannot sit around all month waiting for work so maybe I’ll go apply at McDonald’s which sucks, but it pays a little more than $5 an hour and has better hours. I really think the first thing I need is that dream girl before I try to make it in music or a better job. Someone who believes in me. I can’t do everything alone. I need some support.
I haven’t heard from Tammy for two days. Guess I’m gonna have to get my hairpiece myself.
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choicesfanaf · 2 years
A Birthday To Remember
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For Choices September Challenge 2022, Day 10-“What are you smiling about?” (Quote highlighted in pink)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Arundhati Kulkarni, Sienna Trinh
Word Count: 833 words
Rating: General
Category: Fluff
Summary: Ethan attends Arundhati's birthday party.
A/N: Set in Open Heart Book 1
Tagging: @rookiemartin, @jamespotterthefirst, @quixoticdreamer16, @openheartfanfics, @choicesficwriterscreations, @choices-september-challenge-blog
On Arundhati's birthday, her roommates threw her a house party.
She just wanted to have a quiet and peaceful celebration with her friends. But, to her dismay, they had called all their friends to join her. However, she did not complain as she did not want to be ungrateful.
Sienna & Elijah took upon the responsibility of baking the cake and arranging the food and drinks. Meanwhile, Jackie & Landry looked after the decorations and invitations.
Landry saw this as an excellent opportunity to talk to, impress and meet his idol, Dr. Ethan Ramsey, outside the hospital. So, he sent an invitation to him separately, without letting anyone know about it.
Ethan was shocked to see a bright and colorful envelope in his mailbox. He was almost going to throw it away when he read a part of the text written in the front.
It read, "You are cordially invited to Arundhati's Birthday Party!"
That piece of text made him open the envelope with newfound interest.
After a few minutes of conflict in his mind, he decided to throw caution to the wind and attend the party.
He regretted his decision the moment he stepped into the apartment but decided to stay for a while. He thought of meeting the birthday girl and then leaving immediately so that he could avoid everyone else.
Ethan looked around, but he could not see Arundhati anywhere, so he decided to go to the balcony to get some peace and be away from the crowd and loud noises.
When he entered, he saw Aru there, nursing a bottle of wine, looking a bit gloomy.
"Rookie, I want to wish you a happy birthday. May you have a good year, full of success and happiness. Here's a little something I got for you", he said, handing her a copy of his book, consisting of his autograph. He also got her a bouquet of her favorite flowers, which were sunflowers.
"Thanks a lot for this, Dr. Ramsey. How did you know my favorite flowers?"
"Nothing but simple observation, Rookie."
"Ah, I see. Looks like I need to learn this skill from you", she said jokingly.
"What's wrong, Rookie? Why are you not celebrating your birthday with everyone outside?"
"Dr. Ramsey, what are you doing here? I mean, how did you know about this party?"
"One of your friends sent me an invitation," as soon as he said that he saw Aru give him a cute smile, which made him smile.
"What are you smiling about?" Ethan asked after he schooled back his expression.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think you want to be here and mingle with people much younger than you, that too outside of work."
"You are right about that. I figured out that meeting you and staying here for a while would be sufficient."
"Well, to answer your question. I just wanted to chill out with my friends and have a movie night. But when they thought of arranging a party, I could not refuse them."
"Aru, where are you? Come on, it is time to cut the cake!"
"Rookie, one of your friends is calling you," Ethan said when he observed that she wasn't responding.
"Yeah, I heard her. I just don't want to go in a group full of unknown faces."
"I'm coming with you, so let's get going before they start more chaos."
"Thanks, Dr. Ramsey."
Arundhati could only cut her cake in front of everyone when she saw her friends and Ethan. They gave her a lot of confidence and prevented her from being alone and missing her family.
After the cake was cut and food was served, Aru went to chat with her friends.
"Thanks a lot for arranging this party, you guys."
"Are you kidding, Aru? This is the first time you have celebrated your birthday away from home. So, we have to support you and look after you. Now, don't be sappy and enjoy the party," said Sienna.
As the night progressed, Bryce started introducing the different games he had planned to his friends.
Ethan retreated back to the balcony to avoid interacting with a bunch of interns on his time off.
"Enjoying some peace, Dr. Ramsey?" Aru's words were slurring as she came back to the balcony.
"Yeah, some much-needed peace."
"Why do you not like us interns?"
"Honestly speaking, I find interns boisterous and full of themselves even when they know nothing about the world. That really irks me."
"Do you like me?" she questioned absentmindedly, before realising what she blurted out.
"I should get going. I have an early shift tomorrow, and my hangovers are worse than they used to be before. I'll see you tomorrow at work, Dr. Kulkarni," he said, completely avoiding her question.
"Is this how you deal with your feelings, Ramsey? Pathetic. You should know better by now. How will you face her in the morning without embarrassing yourself completely?", he thought as he left the place, without looking back at Arundhati. 
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mandoalorian · 4 years
hey rach! sooo about max birthday requests could you make a love letter from max?👀 lol i know u usually don't write characters' letters but i would combust if u write a max's one🥺 lmao, anyway thank uuu, ily💓
Love letter from Max Lord
Gender neutral reader x Maxwell Lord
Not showing up in the tags so reblogs would be so appreciated<3
The envelope was the only thing in your mailbox that morning. You didn’t pay much attention to mail, it was a bad habit of yours. You took the letter and threw it haphazardly on your coffee table, freezing up when you noticed the handwriting, doted neatly on the front. It was perfect, inked black calligraphy. And you recognised it all too well.
You weren’t sure how long you were frozen to the ground. Maybe three, four, five, ten minutes? It felt like a lifetime as a thousand thoughts raced through your head at one hundred miles per hour. You were overthinking. You were definitely overthinking.
You hadn’t seen him in twenty years. Twenty whole years and not a single utterance was spoken between either of you. You were in your right mind to just shred the letter and throw it in the trash— because what could he possibly want from you?
Maxwell Lorenzano; your childhood best friend. He’d promised you, when he left to embark on his new life, he promised you he’d write, or at least call. And like the lovestruck dumb fool you were, you waited for him. You waited for him your whole life and he never came back to you. So many empty promises, but your heart felt like it might never heal.
After hours of doting, and pacing backwards and forwards, you decided to open the letter. You’d waited this long for him to reach out — and now he finally had.
Dated: July 7th 1984.
My love,
I don’t know if this letter will ever reach you, but I’m writing it anyway. I can only hope you live at the same address. Although I suppose that would also be a real shame, wouldn’t it? I know how much you wanted to leave that hell-hole of a town. It’s a cloudy day in D.C., especially for Summer. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Okay well, I think about you a lot all the time... Do you ever think about me? A lot has happened recently, I’m not sure if you’ve heard...
But I’ve been spending some time reflecting on my mistakes and regrets. I know you always said I should have no regrets but... it’s difficult, you know? Something I need to work on. Maybe you can help me? I never called or wrote to you like I promised I would, all those years ago. And I’m sorry, I really am. The truth is, I spent so much of my time trying to repress my childhood and all the trauma. Tried to focus on other things, bigger things, better things. Wanted to do better. Be better. Be the best. I guess I kind of got lost along the way.
Something happened. Maybe one day I can explain it to you, but there just isn’t enough paper in the world for me to explain it through this letter. It was... unbelievable. A phenomena. And it got me thinking about you.
I miss you. From the moment I left town, I’ve missed you. And it caused me so much pain that I just repressed my feelings. That’s why I didn’t call. I know, I can’t excuse it, and I don’t expect you to forgive me, but it’s the truth.
I’d have these dreams about you... and us... and what we could’ve been if I had never left. Because yes, amidst all my wealth and fortune and success, I still thought about what things would be like if we still lived in the same neighbourhood. Still hung out every night, walking along the river hand in hand and counting the stars above us. It’s funny, there may be distance between us, but every time I look up at the moon, I’m reminded of you and how much you loved it. And I’m comforted in knowing that although we live very different lives, we’re both living underneath the same sky. We both look up and see the same moon.
I wish you could see D.C., it’s wonderful. I think you’d really like it. All the skyscrapers and parks and places to go shopping. It’s nothing like back home.
Shit, I really do miss you. It’s been too long. I think about our final days together. When I kissed you under the big willow tree in your grandmother’s garden. Do you remember? It still haunts me. The perfect taste of your cherry lips and
Did you ever marry? Or settle down? Are you... dating right now? I married, I’m not sure if you heard. We didn’t last long, but I got a son out of it. His name is Alistair and he’s six years old. I’d love for you to meet him, I think you’d both get along really well.
Is my dad
Is my father
Is my father still alive?
I miss you. I want to see you. I need to see you. Hold you. Kiss you again. Please write back and tell me you want to see me too. Please.
I’ve made mistakes, terrible mistakes. But I know never to make the same mistake twice. If you could find it in your heart to forgive me...
Because I still love you. I never stopped, really.
I’m so sorry.
Yours forever, Max.
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @ladyjenny19 @readsalot73 @softmedics
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epitomees · 2 years
There’s a card in Naoto’s mailbox, a simple one expressing well wishes for her birthday. It says:
I heard it was your birthday today, Shirogane. I don’t know you as well as my nephew does, but I wanted to write you something.
We got off on the wrong foot when you were first called in and I was never able to formally apologize. I admit you dealt a blow to my pride, and that was a cause behind my snappy behavior during then. It might be water under the bridge between us now, but I still want to apologize for that and the other times. I’ve learned a lot from my nephew over the past year, so you can thank him for helping a stubborn old man.
My main point is: you’re a capable detective, Shirogane, and I know you’ve made your family proud. My doors are always open to you if you ever want to drop by and visit Nanako. She’s taken a shine to you and asks me when your next visit will be.
Take care, Dojima
P.S This is also a word from my nephew, but he’s expressed concern with the way you seem to forgo eating and sometimes sleep? I don’t know if what I say will change anything, but please eat and sleep a healthy amount. I don’t want you to destroy yourself when you’ve got a long life ahead of you.
Much to Naoto’s relief, birthdays lasted for a single day. Celebrations came and went with the setting sun, and just like that each day after remained just the same. Time ticked away, leaving those cherished memories in the past where they belonged. 
It’d been months since Naoto’s own celebratory event. She arrived home that day, after being dragged to a surprise party courtesy of Rise, drained of any social energy. Grandpa greeted her as any other time with a head bow and handed her a card addressed for her. A birthday card, from Dojima-san. At first glance, Naoto took it without a hint of curiosity. She didn’t bother opening it upon entering her room, or even have the desire to read what was inside. 
So it stayed hidden, piled beneath disheveled mounds of paper...forgotten...
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Until the day Naoto finally decided a much-needed summer clean up was in order. Clearing her desk of unnecessary items and dusting off her shelves found herself holding the sealed birthday card once again. The colored envelope lost some of its vibrancy since she last saw it. With a disgruntled sigh, she began carefully tearing away the glued flap. Why not take a look now in case Dojima-san asked her about it the next time they saw each other. Whenever that may be...
The front of the card was decorated with simple designs, swirls and tight curls adorning the classic message in the middle. Opening the inside, however, garnered Naoto’s attention a little more. His crude handwriting was hard to miss, considering she memorized it off of official police papers and documents. Grey-blue eyes simply skimmed his words. She didn’t pay much attention to his message...but then suddenly stopped.
‘You’re a capable detective, Shirogane, and I know you’ve made your family proud.’ 
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...Naoto started from the beginning. This time, carefully reading over each word he wrote. While the distaste of Dojima-san and his co-workers’ treatment of her assistance never left, and would never be forgotten, somehow his crafted message managed to strike her. Not many former clients or agencies ever bothered reaching out for apologies, not even of his caliber. A simply thank you card, a case being locked down or closed, even a formal handshake ended Naoto’s contracts more times than not. No one bothered taking up the responsibility for treating the young detective as a mere tool for their benefit. She’s still a kid, after all. 
‘I still want to apologize for that and the other times.’ 
While some nagging part of Naoto believed it to be Dojima covering his own tracks, she couldn’t deny the truth written down. One read-through didn’t satisfy Naoto. Two didn’t either, and neither would three. Each time made the knot in her chest tighten, her hands tightly grip the cardboard material, and her breathing resort to intaking deeper breaths. 
What was this doing to her? Why did she feel a strange satisfaction over something simple as an apology? 
Thankfully, no one other than Hercule saw the moment where Naoto’s composure broke. Several counted breaths returned her to normal, and after folding the note into equal squares she slipped it inside the top desk organizer. No longer hidden, but in sight...just in case Naoto ever felt a need to re-read it again. If that ever happened...
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Tomorrow didn’t seem quite as busy. Perhaps a visit to see Nanako was in order. 
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Under The Christmas Lights // Ashton Irwin
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Cass and I are having a blast so we hope everyone has been enjoying Hoe For The Hoe-lidays as much as we are. Her Cal blurb for the day, Baby Please Come Home, is up at @cal-puddies​ and it is one of my favorites from her, so you should definitely check it out if you haven’t already. (And as always, links to all of this week’s blurbs are in the event masterlist below!) Stay tuned tomorrow for our last set of blurbs and our grand finale on Monday: a galaxybrain co-write I guarantee you do not want to miss.
Extra thanks to Cass for helping me figure out what this story wanted to be. The overall concept remained but the structure, character details and tone of it took on a life of its own and morphed drastically as I was writing it. 
Warnings: Established slow burn with Neighbor!Ash, mentions of quarantine, a healthy helping of thirst and sexual tension, implied consensual voyeurism and exhibitionism, mutual masturbation
Word Count: 4048
Hoe For The Hoe-lidays Masterlist
Masterlist // Taglist and Ko-Fi linked above
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
"Quite the festive display you have there."
He stops at the end of his driveway, popping an earbud out as he turns towards your voice. Your next door neighbor, Ashton, stands in his yard, looking at you expectantly as you sit on your front porch, gesturing towards the freshly hung Christmas decorations all along his house.
"Oh thanks! I'm actually not even done. Waiting on a few more pieces to be delivered, really trying to merry things up, you know?" He answers, turning to collect today’s mail.
"Oh really? Everything's already so bright and eye-catching… up so early too," you punctuate your evaluation with a sip of coffee.
He smiles at you and you’re almost embarrassed to say you feel your heart skip a beat. You admit you had a bit of a crush on him when you moved in last year and for a while it seemed plausible you could’ve ended up more than just friendly neighbors. But that hope was yet another thing 2020 took from you.
Even though you were home more because of quarantine, you understandably had to interact with him less and less; gone were the days of “accidentally” baking too many cookies and walking over to offer him a plate or hoping your mail gets misdelivered so he’ll have an excuse to come visit you. These days, your visits were relegated to socially distanced greetings over the backyard fence and happenstance meetings like this.
“Yeah… I know it’s early in the season but I thought after the year we’ve all had, a little extra Christmas cheer couldn’t hurt,” he shrugs. He looks like he’s about to elaborate but then he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket; he apologetically but sincerely says, “Have a good night” and then scurries back to his house before you can get another word in.
It’s another couple of weeks before your next encounter, one night when you’re bringing the garbage can back up the drive and you hear Ash’s voice greeting you from his side of the fence.
“Those decorations certainly escalated, didn’t they?” You ask, amusedly peering up at his colorful house; the flickering icicle lights on the trim were a new addition, along with a big glowing snowflake and star sitting on his balcony.
“Does that mean you like it?” He laughs delightedly, walking up his own driveway. Your brain involuntarily appreciates how he looks with the lights reflecting off the dark wool trench coat he’s wearing; his hair is a lot longer than the last time you saw him, beard much darker and fuller. He looks good. You try not to think about it.
“Very pretty… not anything I would put up, but it suits you,” you comment, hoping your tone landed on the right side of the line between flirty and rude; you’re so out of practice at this, you’re not quite sure.
He takes it in stride. “That’s fair,” he chuckles. “No decorations for you this year?”
“Oh, I’ve got a wreath on my door,” you gesture. “May or may not get a tree. Little touches like that, things just for me; that feels appropriate but full on decorating this year… it just doesn’t feel right, doesn’t feel true to what we’re all experiencing.”
He furrows his brow. “Do you think my decorations are dishonest?” He asks, looking interested in your perspective.
“Not yours specifically, lots of people in the neighborhood are doing the same thing, some started even earlier than you did,” you carefully try to explain. “It just feels like surrounding ourselves with these crazy festive decorations… it’s like we’re working very hard to convince each other, maybe even ourselves, that this year isn’t any different when that couldn’t be farther from the truth… it is different and it feels weird not to acknowledge that.”
You look up, hoping you haven’t offended him, that you don’t see like too much of a grinch; you find yourself surprised at how relieved you feel when he nods thoughtfully as he considers your point of view.
“I actually agree, people are definitely using the decorations as a bit of a coping mechanism,” Ashton states, leaning on the fence as he ponders. “But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I know for me, after spending so much time being upset that I was trapped in my house this year, I figured I should do what I can to make my house feel happy for once. Especially if I’m gonna spend Christmas alone in it.”
You marvel at how despite the heavy turn the conversation has taken, his face never darkens, his warm and cheerful aura never falters. “Oh. I actually hadn’t thought of it like that,” you admit, playing with the drawstring of your hoodie, wondering why you care that you’re feeling vulnerable around him. “I’ll be alone this year too. I guess it just doesn’t feel like Christmas to me so I don’t like reminding myself that it is that time of year. If that makes sense.’
He gives you a sad but empathetic look. “I totally get it. I felt like that for most of the year… birthdays, seasons changing… I didn’t want to admit any of it was happening,” he shares. “But I don’t know… not to seem like I have it all figured out, but if we can’t change how we react to the environment we’re in, I think there’s something to be said for changing the environment itself. It’s important to acknowledge what you feel but also letting in even a little positivity can do wonders.”
You offer him a soft smile, letting him know you appreciate his encouragement. “Even just seeing the wreath on my door every morning is a nice moment,” you confess.
Ash smiles back and you feel warmer than if you’d gone inside and cozied up in front of your fireplace. “See? A couple strings of lights, a little tree. Maybe break out with that big yellow Minion you put out on your lawn when you moved in last Christmas,” he teases, lightening the mood.
“OK, first of all, it’s not a Minion, it’s Woodstock from the Peanuts, thank you,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I’m surprised you remember that.”
“Well, it was quite the first impression,” he shrugs and you can’t help but notice how broad his shoulders look in that coat.
You lay in bed that night, the night’s events on a loop in your mind; you ended up standing outside and chatting over the fence for more than an hour. It was nice and stirred a sense of normalcy in you that you hadn’t felt in a long time. It stirred other feelings in you as well but you knew there wasn’t any sense in dwelling on that since it’d be a long time before either of you would be able to do anything about that.
A few days later, you hear a muffled murmur that sounds a lot like your name while you’re washing dishes; you look out the kitchen window to see Ashton waving at you from his patio. He’s shirtless and sweaty, having clearly just finished his afternoon yoga session. Not that you had taken to timing your kitchen chores to coincide with his workouts.
You signal to him to give you a minute and then you head out the backdoor to chat. “What’s up?” You say as casually as possible, willing yourself to keep your eyes trained on his face and not the sweat dripping over his defined muscles or how low his athletic shorts are hanging.
“Your house is looking nice,” he gestures at the colored lights you recently hung around your window frames. “Little touches, just for you, like you said. I like it.”
You beam at him, impressed that he remembered your words from the other night. “You were right, I do feel a bit brighter having put those up,” you share, stuffing your hands in your hoodie pocket to keep from fidgeting, thinking about how much you’d like to brush the curls out of his eyes.
“I’m glad to hear it,” he replies jovially. “I actually have something for you.” He gestures for you to back up as he ducks inside his backdoor, retrieving the package off his kitchen table; he walks back out and smiles when he sees you’ve also turned around so he can surprise you. He sets the box over the fence and returns to his patio; he waits a beat longer than necessary to give you the all clear, he had to give himself a second to appreciate your ass in those leggings.
You spin around and see a box containing an inflatable light up Minion wearing a Santa hat. “Are you kidding me?!” You burst out laughing, picking up the gift to inspect.
“Figured Woodstock could use a buddy,” he laughs, shrugging. “Ordered it when I came inside after our talk the other night, just in case you changed your mind about decorating.”
You feel yourself blush. “Wish I could offer you more than a smile and a thank you,” you blurt, before realizing how forward that sounded. “I mean, like a hug or dinner or something…” You laugh nervously and look to see him trying and failing to hold back a devilish smirk.
“Well. When the time is right, I’d love to take you up on that offer… for the hug or the something,” he flirts.
The next day, you make Christmas cookies and leave some in his mailbox when he goes for his morning run. When he comes to tape a thank you note to your front door, he catches a glimpse of you through the window, decorating the tabletop Christmas tree you bought for yourself and you share a nice moment.
You gave him your phone number that time pre-lockdown when he went out of town and you watered his lemon tree; he finally starts using it, texting you on and off throughout the day and it’s nice to feel like you finally have someone to share with.
It’s when you’re in bed at night, texting away, that you always wish you could share even more with him. Your phone says he’s typing a response and you turn over to stare across the room at your bedroom window, the one facing his bedroom window. His curtains are drawn but you can see the soft glow of a bedside table lamp illuminating the room; you wonder what color the lamp is. Wonder if he sleeps on the left or right side of his bed. Wonder what he’s wearing while he’s typing his messages to you. If he’s wearing anything at all. Wonder if he wants to ask you the same thing. You lay there, wondering, until your phone buzzes again and the cycle continues.
You carry on like this for the next couple of weeks, collecting feelings and building tension. A few days before Christmas, you hurry outside to collect the packages that were just delivered by the mailbox, rushing to bring them in before the holiday Zoom party you have planned with friends.
You stop to text your pals you’ll be a few minutes late when you hear a sharp gasp behind you. You turn and see Ashton at the end of his driveway, eyes poring over you in the fitted green velvet wrap dress you’re wearing.
“You sure cleaned up for the mail delivery?” He jokes, trying to recover how clearly affected he is by the sight in front of him. You realize it’s the first time in months he’s seen you in anything besides hoodies and lounge pants.
You laugh, walking to the fence. “I have a Zoom party to attend but I didn’t want these boxes sitting out here all night,” you explain, instinctively starting to touch your face out of nervousness before stopping yourself for the sake of the dark red lipstick you have on; you’re not used to wearing makeup these days.
“Well… you look fuckin’ incredible,” he breathes, making no attempt to disguise the way his gaze is travelling up and down your body. He runs his hand through his hair and clears his throat, willing himself to move on. “I won’t keep you, then. I just wanted to ask you something.”
You lock eyes with him and feel your heart speed up; usually you’d have a quippy reply to shoot back to him but today, all you can think of is the heat you feel between the two of you. Instead, you nod attentively, trying your best to act like your mind isn’t distracting you with daydreams of walking around to his side of the fence and leaping into his arms.
“I know we’re both alone for the holidays… wish I’d thought of this sooner, so we could’ve done something about Christmas, actually… but say if we were to properly quarantine - you know, like, no outside contact at all quarantine - would you want to spend New Year’s together?” He’s speaking quickly, rushing it out as if he’s afraid he’ll lose his nerve and yet he presents his proposal with an assurance that almost hypnotizes you.
You can’t keep from grinning ear to ear but you still try to play it cool. “That could be fun,” you answer, grateful. You joke, “God, I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at a party for New Year’s, what do people even do to celebrate at home?”
Without missing a beat, he suggestively replies, “I’m sure we can think of something.”
You have fun with your friends on Zoom but in the back of your mind you can’t stop thinking about the way that Ash looked at you, the honest hunger in his eyes. You keep your curtains open much later than usual, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, wondering if the lights around the window will catch his eye and he’ll stop to try and catch a glimpse of you.
New Year’s can’t get here fast enough as far as you’re concerned but time feels like it’s moving slower than ever. Christmas finally arrives and you wake up bright and early to Zoom your family to open the presents they sent you. Afterwards, you decide to give yourself the gift of going back to sleep; when you wake up a few hours later, you tidy up the living room, gathering the trash bags of torn wrapping paper and ribbons to take out to the garbage.
You step outside and note Ashton isn’t on his patio like he is most mornings; you’re just about to head back inside when you hear a warm “Merry Christmas” from over the fence.
You turn to see him wearing a smile brighter than his extravagant Christmas lights display and yours combined. “How’s your morning?” He asks earnestly.
You smile back. “It’s good! Slept in a little, Zoomed with the fam. Lowkey but nice.”
“Ohhh. That’s why you weren’t at the window this morning,” he muses. You look at him quizzically and a sheepish look washes over his face. “I’ve maybe noticed that you seem to like tidying up the kitchen around the same time every morning… maybe sometimes when I’m ready to start my stretches, I’ll check to see if you’re at the window yet. Maybe sometimes if you aren’t there yet, I’ll wait.”
You feel yourself flush, flattered. “Here I thought I was being voyeuristic when all along you’re just an exhibitionist,” you smirk.
He chuckles knowingly. "And you're leaving your curtains open all hours of the night for aesthetic reasons?"
You're surprised you don't feel embarrassment, just a sense of pride and overwhelming desire. "You're welcome," you say coyly.
Completely devoid of self-consciousness or hesitation, Ash says seriously, "I'd give anything to come over there and kiss you right now. Touch you. Just feel you."
Your breath catches but you manage to get out, "Six days. Just gotta get through this week. Somehow."
The interaction plays over and over in your mind throughout the course of the day: the confident way he told you he wanted you, the way his gaze seemed to devour you entirely, the simultaneous relief and ache you felt knowing that the yearning that’s been threatening to overtake you has him floundering too.
Six days is a long time, especially when you’ve not so much as grazed another person since the beginning of the year, not to mention you’ve been waiting to get to this place with Ash for over a year.
The idea enters your mind while you’re cleaning up your dinner dishes, peering out the kitchen window he’d freely admitted to using to perform for you. You slip out to the garage, finding the box with your usual Christmas decorations much more easily than you expected. You glance at his living room window, ensuring he’s occupied before heading up to your bedroom to set your plan in motion.
You add as many strings of lights to your bedroom window as you can fit: colored ones, white ones, blinking ones, the ones that get slowly brighter and then dim back down. You stand back and nod to yourself, pleased with your work. You’d certainly call this eye-catching.
You feel more excited than nervous when you see it’s already around the time that Ashton usually heads upstairs for the night. You see the light in his room go on and you wait impatiently, just long enough for you to wonder if you didn’t go far enough with your display. You jump as your phone buzzes on your nightstand with a text message.
“Feeling extra festive tonight?”
You chew your lip, weighing how to play this. “Wanted to be sure I had your attention.”
He types for what feels like a lifetime but all he ends up responding with is: “Oh?”
You push yourself off your bed and go stand in front of your window, responding, “I think I’ve figured out how we get through the next week.”
You see him through his window, shirtless and in his boxers, laying on the bed with his phone. He reads your message and runs his hand over his beard, lost in thought; his head turns towards the direction of your house, pondering, when he notices your illuminated figure. You see him sit straight up and stare in disbelief as it dawns on him that you’re standing at the window, dressed in a lace lingerie set that has him almost feeling dizzy from how fast the blood is rushing to his cock.
He walks over to his own window, needing a closer look; he groans as he takes in every detail: how the red color of the bra and panties contrasts against your skin, how the black lace trim accentuates your curves, how the strappy detailing of the underwear present you as a Christmas gift meant just for him to unwrap. The lights around your window cast a glow around you, making you look like even more of a holiday fever dream come to life.
His eyes meet yours and you hold his gaze as you run your hands slowly down your body; you start by trailing down your neck to the straps of your bra, tracing along the lace outline with your fingers. You give your breasts a firm squeeze as you run your palms over the cups, stopping to use your thumbnail to tease your nipples until they poke through the thin material. Your fingers dance down your torso, swirling around the lines of your belly, pulling at the waistband of your bottoms. You tauntingly skip over your hips entirely, moving to caress your thighs.
Your phone buzzes again and you pause your show to reach for it. “Wish it were me,” Ash’s confession reads.
“In my mind, it is,” you reply, sitting your phone aside to dip into your panties. You lick your lips, in awe of how aroused you are, how aroused you’ve been since you decided to create this situation.
Ashton gulps and if he wasn’t so blinded by lust, he would’ve laughed at how audible the sound was in his ears. He wants to text you back, wants you to know how he’s dying for this week to pass so he can ravish you with the attention you deserve, the attention he should’ve given you a long time ago. But he also doesn’t want your hand to stop moving inside your underwear, so he waits.
You spread your wetness around, teasing yourself slowly. You considered bringing your bullet vibe to the window with you but you figured you were going to be overwhelmed enough and you weren’t going to need any help getting off. You close your eyes as you trace around your clit, not allowing yourself to put much pressure on it just yet, not willing to risk having this be over too soon.
He sees you throw your head back in pleasure, eyes fluttering shut, lips swollen from sucking them between your teeth and he can’t take it anymore. He pulls his cock out through the hole in his boxers and starts stroking, exhaling in relief at how instantly good it feels; he spits in his hand to ease the friction at first but it only takes a few tugs for precum to start trickling from his tip. He groans and pumps faster, knowing this won’t take long.
You press a fingertip inside yourself and moan a lot louder than you expected; you open your eyes and notice his stare remains unwaveringly focused on you, only now his hand is working his cock. He moves rapidly up and down his shaft, seemingly unconcerned with taking it slow. Part of you wishes his movements would slow down so you could get a better look at his dick but you also love that he’s seemingly so turned on by the thought of having you that he needs immediate gratification.
He tries to keep up with you, matching you stroke for stroke as you continue working yourself up, hand speeding up inside your panties, hand pawing at your clothed breast. His rough grip catches on one of the veins running down his cock and he chokes out a strained curse; he notices your mouth keeps forming a perfect O shape as you react to your self pleasure and he lets out his own whimper as he imagines how heavenly your sounds must be.
“I can’t wait to hear you when I make you cum for me.” You softly whine as you read his latest text. You’re nearly there and your head is spinning at the deliberate nature of his words: “When” he makes you cum “for him.” You rub hard at your clit and feel that familiar burning ache building in your core. You swear your wetness increases tenfold as you feel the pulsing begin.
Ashton’s cock leaps in his hand as he witnesses your body tense and shake as your orgasm washes over you; he notices your lips murmuring something and the thought enters his mind that you could be saying his name. He hopes you are.
You’re still waiting for your heart rate to settle, realizing there’s no way it will as long as you’re watching Ash pull at his cock like that. One hand flies over his length, the other firmly clutching his balls; his hips start to move, fucking into his hand as he nears the edge. You’re captivated watching his abs tense, fluttering with intensity until suddenly they’re being coated with cum. The ropes streak his skin and you decide it’s too soon to text him to share how badly you want a taste.
He hangs his head in exhaustion, briefly ducking away from the window to grab a tissue off the dresser; he cleans himself off, tucks his cock back in his boxers and finally looks back up at you. You smile softly at each other, though you’re not sure of the tone; it’s not exactly shy and it’s not entirely wistful. Whatever it is, it’s nice. Hopeful? Satisfied. For now.
You text him, “It’s after midnight now. 5 days.” 
You see him shaking his head, smiling as he types. “Still too far away. Same time tomorrow?”
You grin, shooting off your response before blowing him a kiss goodnight. “Still too far away. Meet you here after yoga tomorrow.”
Taglist issues again so my apologies if you get notif’d more than once (or not at all)
@mymindwide​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @pxrxmoore​ @loveroflrh​ @ghostofmashton​ @sexgodashton​ @feliznavidaddycal​  
@castaway-cashton​ @ashtonlftv​ @cashtonasfuck​ @megz1985​ @ashdork-irwin​ @angelicfluffs​ @findingliam-o​ @youngbloodchild​  @irwinsbetch​ @everyscarisahealingplace​
@wiildflower-xxx​ @metalandboybands​​  @realisticnotes​​  @makeamovehemmings​​ @golden166​​ @burstintocolor​​
@mfartzzz​​ @babyoria​​ @petunias-pet​ @youngblood199456​​ @notinthesameguey​​ @seanna313​​  @zhangyixingxing1​​ @stardust-galaxies​​  @zackoid​​
@lovelybonesetc​​ @xsongxbirdx​​ @justhereforcalum​​   @ashtonangst​
@laura66sos​​ @calumrose​​ @karajaynetoday​​  @pilunb​​ @jazzyangel242​​ @babylon-corgis​​  @heyheyhaleyd​​ @calmsweetcreature​​
@spicycal​​ @talkfastromance4​​  @holystxne​​
@meetmedowntown​​ @myloverboyash​​
@irwindoll​​ @cheekysos​​ @carrielfisher​​ @lukedorkyhemmings​​ @creampiecashton​​ @lovelywordsblog​​
@trix-arent-for-kids @uh-huhh-honey @tobefalling @aladyofalbion @likehuhdude
@curlycalums​​  @cxddlyash​​  @reddesert-healourblues​​
@fedorable-killjoys​​  @iamcalumswhore​​   @i-like-5sos​​   @Too-et-moi215
@photochic18  @kouska901 @Indermeow  @dantord
174 notes · View notes
in little ways
summary: "a single act of love makes the soul return to life." - saint maximillian kolbe (OR: soft moments in the relationship of patton, remus, and virgil, as a birthday gift for the lovely @bumblebeekitten​)
a/n: HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEE!!! i give you intrumoxiety being soft little shits 
CW: shedding of skin (akin to a snake), nightmare mention, bones, one (1) innuendo, nonsexual nudity
wordcount: 2.7k
ao3 link
“Babe? What - are you doing?” 
Virgil, who is busy trying to plan out the best way to strategically approach a nest of wild sirens in the middle of molt to gather their discarded feathers, opens their mouth to reply, and then the low rumbling baritone of their newest lover hits their ears. 
“I . . . you’ll laugh at me if I tell you.” 
Virgil’s one-of-my-loves-is-on-some-self-deprecating-bullshit-and-requires-reassurance, which they take pride in having almost as fine-tuned as Patton’s, begins klaxon-blaring in their mind. They mark their page and carefully untangle themselves from the web of work they’ve been doing and head into the other room. 
Patton is sitting on the kitchen table, swinging (Virgil narrows his eyes at the colored orb charm hanging around Patton’s neck) her legs back and forth, and Remus is standing in front of her, blushing. She has a small wreath of white things in her hair - are those bones? - with a bright jewel studded over her forehead. Remus is holding more small white things in his hands, claw-tipped fingers curled so delicately to avoid shattering them. 
“You - I just -”
“Honey, I promise I’m not gonna laugh at you, no matter what,” Patton says. She reaches forward, assortment of rings glinting and clinking as she touches Remus’s face. He lets out a soft rumbly noise and turns his cheek to press into the touch more, gently rubbing his nose against her palm. “We all do stuff that other people think is weird. You don’t have to worry about it.” 
Remus flicks his eyes up to look at Virgil, who slow-blinks at him in the clearest nonverbal communication of I love you, you massive idiot they can give. “I . . . uh . . . it’s a weird dragon thing.” 
“Re, we’re not gonna be species-ist towards you, that would be super mean and also stupid, considering that no one in this house is human or cisgender,” Virgil says. Remus smiles, hesitant, and then exhales out a puff of gray-black smoke. 
“It’s . . . a claiming thing. When dragons get serious about courtships, they . . . combine hoards a little? They’ll pick out choice pieces from their hoards and exchange them. So, by me putting pieces of my bone hoard on you, it’s like . . . me saying that I’m serious about this, and I want it to last.” Virgil reaches out and takes Remus’s hand, not reacting at all when their skin hisses and steams against his. The benefits of having a partner who’s half ice nymph and half selkie, they suppose. 
“Don’t I get any bones?” they tease. Remus waggles his eyebrows at them; they promptly drop his hand and smack his shoulder. “Not like that, dirty dragon.” 
“Yeah, it’s not fair for only one of us to get fancy bones!” Patton says. “Although I certainly do appreciate this . . . tiara? I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s a tiara.” 
“It was supposed to be,” Remus says, kicking the floor. “I got Ro to help me with pickin’ out the gems and stuff. That’s part of what he hoards, so we went and looked for them together. He told me that one’s a moonstone, and I thought, y’know, werewolf, perfect, right? And - and I’m working on something for you, Virge, I just didn’t wanna find anything that screamed VEE to me on that trip, y’know?” 
“Well, I absolutely love it,” Patton coos, leaning forward to kiss Remus. “Thank you for the tiara, sweetie!” She pauses. “You cleaned these, right?” 
Remus laughs, deep and echoing, and something inside of Virgil uncoils. 
Their skin itches and burns, and someone in front of them is setting their sealskin on fire, and they can hear Patton screaming high and frantic and Remus roaring deep and feral but they can’t move, they’re screaming, convulsing as they burn up with their sealskin and then then then then then -
They sit upright, ice flooding around them, and a dark shape looms in the distance and they fling their hand out to cast a massive shard of ice through the heart of their night terror, but the night terror opens its mouth and green fire rolls out like a current, licking along the ice and dissolving it into water without burning anything else. “Virgil,” the night terrors says, and why does Virgil know that voice? 
“Virgil,” the voice repeats, lower, and then again, and every time it repeats their name it drops lower and lower until they aren’t so much hearing their name as they are feeling it reverberate in their heaving chest. 
The night terror tips its head back and exhales a jet of flames towards the ceiling. It catches on a saucer of oil, spreading down troughs to ignite other saucers spread around the ceiling, and the night terror looks down with fire licking around its teeth and oh, that’s not a night terror at all, it’s Remus. His leathery wings are awkwardly stuck together behind him like he’d just woken up, his hands are up like he’s warding off an attack. 
“R - Rem?” 
BELOVED, he rumbles, mouth barely moving. Virgil sways a little under the force, blinking as Remus thumps at his chest a little with one hand. ARE YOU WELL?  
“I . . . nightmare,” they manage. “Hunters. Hurt you, hurt Patty, stole my skin . . .”
Remus takes a step forward, then another. MAY I APPROACH? Virgil is pretty sure he’s actually speaking Dracon, which would explain the oddly formal address and grammar. They nod, too out of it to speak more, and Remus carefully climbs onto the ice-covered bed. He opens his arms, and they collapse into his chest, shaking. 
“Oh . . . did I hurt you?”
“My . . . my skin?” 
Remus scoops them up into his arms, easily navigating the iced-over bedroom floor and taking them down into the basement. He exhales a plume of blue-green fire into the magical lock, and Virgil leans forward as the door spins and swirls open. The hoard room is full of perfectly-articulated skeletons, bones in cleaning vats, and the other treasures that Remus collects. He navigates through the piles skillfully until he reaches a dark wooden chest with an intricate sapphire-and-golden inlay on the top. 
Virgil traces a sigil across the chest, and it glows under their touch. The array lights up with a brilliant violet aura, and the chest pops open. They reach into the chest hurriedly, panic when they don’t feel fur, and then slide their fingers across to the latch that opens the false bottom. They flip open the false bottom and pull out their sealskin, pressing their face into the softness. 
Their sealskin is beautiful. It’s black as pitch, studded with flecks of silver and white. Remus hugs them against his chest as they rub their cheek against the fur and inhale the scent of the sea. Remus rumbles underneath them, gently rubbing his face along their hair and neck to gently scent him. 
“Thanks,” Virgil says, nearly twenty minutes later, sealskin draped around them like a blanket. “I . . . sorry I woke you.” 
“It’s alright,” Remus says, voice hoarse and growly. “I don’t mind. It’s kinda hot when you go batshit, even though I wish you hadn’t had a nightmare.” Virgil snorts, shoving at his chest. 
“I can’t believe you slipped into Dracon.” Remus ducks his head in embarrassment. 
“Yeah . . . it . . . lots of dragon moms do it to try and soothe rowdy hatchlings back to sleep. I didn’t realize I was doing it until my larynx dropped, and once it goes that far down it takes a while to relax my muscles enough to release it back to normal.” 
“I like it,” Virgil murmurs, leaning up to kiss him. “It’s . . . nice.” 
Remus rumbles with pleasure and kisses them back.
“Patton, what are you doing?” 
Patton is staring out the window, eyes narrowed, mouth set in a thin line of displeasure. Virgil pauses, arms full of books and random spell components. “I don’t trust that woman.” 
“What? What woman?” 
Virgil follows their gaze down to the end of the walkway leading up to their cottage, all the way to the woman at their mailbox. “Patton, what -”
“I don’t trust her,” they mutter, ears pinning back in their fluffy hair. 
“Patton, she’s the mailwoman. Debra’s been coming here every day for the past seven years.”
“It is literally the opposite of suspicious, you ridiculous werewolf.” 
“Poor baby,” Patton croons, pulling on thick rubber gloves and tying her hair up out of the way. Remus whines, rolling around the kitchen buck-naked. His body is almost completely covered in thick, glistening scales, with few patches of human skin peeking through.
“Why are you naked?” Virgil asks. 
“Shedding season,” Remus moans, swiping irritably at his torso. A thick sheet of scales flakes to the ground, and Virgil picks it up. “You can have whatever scales come off if you help me, it itches so baaaaaad!” 
Virgil looks at Patton, who’s carrying a bucket of magic salts and a scrub brush towards the bathroom. “You got a spare brush and gloves, Patty?” 
“Under the sink!” Virgil is quick to grab the supplies. When they return, Remus is still rolling around the kitchen floor, and Patton is prodding him with her foot. 
“Babe, if you don’t get into the tub, I can’t help you feel better. Your dad sent the special salts that your family uses during sheds from the sea caves near your family home.”
“Papa sent them?” Remus’s eyes are wide and liquid, and he almost looks like a hatchling. Virgil bends down and brushes his sweaty hair off his forehead. 
“Yeah, Reem. We asked him for the salts and the lotion so that you’d be more comfortable the next time you shed your scales. We know how much you hate the feeling, and we want you to be comfor - mmph!” 
Remus grabs the front of their shirt and drags them down into a kiss, brief and passionate. Virgil leans back, mussed and flustered, and Patton leans down and drops a kiss into their hair. “Let’s get you into the bath, mister.” 
They finally manage to get Remus into the hot bath, and the moan he lets out when Patton tips the salt into the water is positively lewd. Virgil tugs on the thick gloves and picks up their scrub brush. “I’ll take the left, you take the right?” Patton nods, picking up her rough sponge, and they get to work. 
Virgil puts their back into the scrubbing, careful around Remus’s newly healed top surgery scars. They create a transport sigil next to them and pass any large sheets of scales that flake off of Remus through it, sending them to their work desk. Remus wriggles around in the hot water, making it difficult to scrub, but finally his skin is clear and red-pink from scrubbing and the heat. 
Remus flops gracefully onto the bed, sighing in relief as he rolls around the soft comforter. Patton pulls off her gloves and picks up a tub of thick, pink goop. “Alright, buddy, it’s time for the lotion.” 
“You guys don’t have to do all this,” Remus mumbles, sleepy from his bath. “I know it’s kinda gross.” 
“We love you, Remus. It’s no trouble,” Patton says, gently stroking his hair. 
“Of course it’s not,” Virgil adds. Remus lets out a low, pleased rumble, and Virgil kisses Patton softly.
“VIRGIL! Virgil, Virgil, Virgil Virgil VirgilVirgil VirgilVirgil VIRGIL!!!!!” 
Virgil, whose name is sounding more and more like gibberish, even to their own ears, looks up from the sigil they’re constructing to see Remus bouncing eagerly in front of them. “Learn something new?” 
“Yeah! Patton’s at the grocery store, can I infodump to you?” 
Virgil looks down at the array they’re working on. “Give me two minutes to make sure this sigil won’t explode if I leave it alone, okay? Then you can talk all you want.” Remus nods, sitting down next to them. He’s practically vibrating with happy energy - flapping his hand, tapping his feet, snapping his fingers, rocking and humming. Virgil quickly changes a few of the components of their array, pulls their power out of it, and writes down where they were so they can pick their work up later. “Okay, Remus. Go ahead.” 
Remus jumps to his feet and begins pacing around the living room, telling Virgil all about the new deadly creature he’s discovered, and Virgil watches him fondly, smiling. 
“You know how Pat has his bone tiara?” 
Remus reaches into the pouch at his waist and offers something to Virgil. “For you!” Virgil takes the token from his hands, gasping when it comes into view. It’s a necklace with a braided leather cord and a dangling pendant. The pendant is painstakingly constructed of dozens of tiny bones, all arranged and articulated to form an ornate snowflake. In the very center is a gleaming piece of icy pale blue-green topaz, carved into a hexagonal facet. 
“You . . . you made this?” 
“Yep! I - do you not like it?” 
Virgil stares at the necklace, running their fingers over the edges of the snowflake and the ice-cold smoothness of the gem. They slip the pendant over their head with trembling fingers before dragging Remus into a kiss. “Bedroom, now.” 
“As you wish,” Remus purrs, scooping them into his arms. 
Virgil tightens their grip on the strap of their messenger bag as the gates swing open, revealing a tall, imposing figure. Half of his face is covered in glittering golden-green scales, and one eye is a golden brown with a slitted pupil; the other is dark brown, almost black. He wears a long-sleeved golden dress that falls to the floor, intricately embroidered with dragons and flames along the hem, and his wings are fanned loosely around him. 
“Papa!” Remus crows, sprinting up and leaping towards the figure. He catches him, managing to make it look elegant as he hugs Remus close and rubs his back with a small smile. Remus and his father press their foreheads together, rumbling softly, before Remus hops down. “Virgey, Patton, this is my papa! Papa, these are my loves!” 
Virgil flushes, seeing Patton go pale pink beside them, as Remus’s father comes forward and extends a hand. “You may call me Janus. It is a pleasure to formally meet you. My son speaks quite highly of you.” 
Virgil shakes his hand. “The pleasure is all ours, sir. Thank you for letting us use the private beach on your estate.” Janus smiles as he shakes Patton’s hand. 
“Anyone so highly beloved of my son is always welcome on our family’s ancestral home.” His eyes linger on the bone tiara and pendant before turning to Remus and asking him a low, rapidfire question in a tongue Virgil doesn’t speak. Remus turns redder than Virgil’s ever seen him and spits back a swift response, and Janus laughs. 
“The path to the beach is that way. When you are done, I will have a meal prepared in the house. Take your time. The weather will be favorable today.” 
Remus grabs their hands and drags them down towards the sea. “What did your dad say to you?” 
“He’s just being embarrassing,” Remus mutters. 
“Must have been serious if it embarrassed you,” Patton teases. 
“Shut up!” 
They crest the cliff and spot the sea, and all of Virgil’s teasing leaves them in one breath. It’s beautiful, and the longer they stare at it and smell the salt water, the stronger the call of the ocean in their bones. 
Remus goes flying down the stairs, dropping his bag in the sand and shedding all of his clothes to reveal a lime green speedo. Patton takes a little more care, spreading out the towels and setting up the umbrella, before carefully taking off their tiara and clothes and transforming into a wolf with a fluid, rippling motion. They leap into the water as Virgil descends to the beach. They set down their bag, strip down, and carefully tuck their pendant in a pocket of their bag before reaching in and pulling out their sealskin. They take a moment to watch the way the sun glitters on the ocean’s surface, listening to the crash of the waves and the call of the gulls and the shrieking laughter of Remus and Patton’s joyful barks. 
Then, they wrap their sealskin around their shoulders and join their loves in the sea. 
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the-lions-archive · 3 years
A better surprise party
This is a rewrite of a one-shot I wrote in 2020. Hopefully, this version would be better than the last.
On a warm day on September 6th, two people were driving around a neighborhood. A dark-skin man with a grey thick beard and slick hair to match, wearing a black suit and shades. “Did you find the house?” He looks at the pale woman beside him, wearing the same outfit as him. The woman looks at the GPS projected on her palm. “We will arrive soon, master Victor.” The woman shifts her gaze to Victor. “We will arrive in approximately 10 minutes.” Victor takes a deep breath and rubs his beard. “That’s good, Alya.” Alya smiles as Victor pats her head. “Thanks, master Victor.“ Victor smiles and looks at the projected map in Alya's hand. "I need you to scan the mailboxes when we arrive near the house's location to accurately pinpoint the house." Alya nods. "As you wish, master." Victor's gaze back onto the road to avoid any accidents.
A few minutes later, Victor slows down as he takes a turn to a street full of houses. "Alya, start the scan." Alya takes her shades off and scans the mailboxes as they pass each house. After scanning half the houses, Alya finds the house they are looking for. “I have found the house, master” Victor slows to a stop in front of the house. “You did well, Alya. Nothing less from my daughter.” Alya smiles as she and Victor get out of the car. “Thank you, master.” Victor locks the car and walks to the front door with Alya by his side. “What are the names of these ladies, Alya?” Alya looks at the clipboard in her hand. “Their names are Hammie and Trisha. Do you want to know their last names, master?” Victor shakes his head. "No, their first names are enough. Now, let's see if the birthday ladies are home." He briefly glances at you, the reader, before he knocks on the door.
Alya looks at Victor. “Can I do the talk, master?” Victor pats Alya's head “Sure, I don't see anything wrong with that. After all, you need to talk to more people." Alya adjusts her and changes its color from red to brown as a 4'11 ft Brown hamster lady wearing a cyan shirt and black pants looks up at her and Victor “How I may help you?” Alya looks at the hamster lady “Hello, is this Hammie Hart and Trisha Jean's house?” The hamster lady nods and notices a clipboard with the woman in front of her “Yes. Who’s asking?” Alya looks through the papers and looks back at the hamster lady. “I’m Alya and this is my father, Victor. We are here because Ms. Jean and you are invited to a private party in a secret location.” Hammie is a bit suspicious about the two people in front of her “Can you tell me where this location is at?” Victor steps beside Alya and looks at Hammie. “I'm afraid we can't tell you, Ms.Hart. Company policy.” Hammie raises a brow as she looks at Victor and Alya. “Are you two working for the same company that took me and Trisha 2 years ago?” Victor nods. "Yes, the same company." Hammie holds her finger up. "Can you give me a few moments?" Alya nods. "Take your time, Ms. Hart. My father and I will wait for you and Ms. Jean in the car." Hammie closes the door as Alya and Victor go to their car.
After some time, Hammie comes out of the house and walks to the car with Trisha behind her. “We are ready.” Victor stands by the car and opens the back passenger door. “This way ladies. There are drinks with zero alcohol and snacks." Trisha looks at Victor with a bit of confusion. “Aren't you supposed to have us cover our eyes like last?” Victor looks at Trisha and smiles “Not at the moment, but I will ask you two to blindfold each other before we arrive, Ms. Jean.” Trisha feels a bit skeptical about this. “Alright, then we will close our eyes when we get close.” She and Hammie get into the car as Victor closes the door behind them and gets into the car. The two ladies were surprised by the car's spacious interior.
Victor texts someone named LW on his phone and tells them that they are on their way as planned. “Okay, I informed our boss that our guests are with us.” He rolls the tinted window between the front seats and the back seats down. “The trip will take between half an hour to an hour depending on the traffic. So, please enjoy the snacks and the drinks until we arrive.” Hammie gets a feeling of uncertainty as Victor rolls the window up. "Thanks." Alya starts the car and looks at Victor. "Should we take the long way or the shortcut, master?" Victor rubs his chin. "The shortcut at least will save us some time. As this city has too many traffic jams." Alya smiles with excitement and drives the party's location using a magical shortcut.
Trisha feels a sudden chill as the temperature drops. "Did it become cold all of the sudden?" Hammie shivers as well. "Now, that you mention it. It is colder than before." Trisha looks around and sees a speaker button. "Hmmm." She presses and leans closer to it. "Mr. Victor, can you raise the AC's temperature?" Victor picks the speaker. "Of course, Ms. Jean. Apologies for the inconvenience." He hangs the speaker as he turns the AC and its temperature up. Alya looks at Victor. “What the issue seems to be, master?” Victor gestures for Alya to keep her eyes in front of her. “Nothing. I just forgot that our birthday ladies are affected by the sudden temperature change from the shortcut.” He rubs his temple and changes his sunglasses to his usual ones. “We need to hurry.” Alya calculates the time before they arrive. “We’ll arrive in approximately 15 minutes, father.” Victor was satisfied by what Alya said. “Good, good. Hopefully, we will arrive on time.” He grabs the speaker and puts it on his ear. “We will arrive in 15 minutes, Ms. Hart and Ms.Jean.” He puts down the speaker.
12 minutes have passed, Trisha contacts the front again via the speaker button. “Did we arrive?” Victor responses. “We will in a bit, can you and Ms. Hart blindfold each other?” Trisha looks at Hammie who has two blindfolds in her hands. “We will.” Victor thanks Trisha before hanging up. Trisha and Hammie blindfold each other and wait. The car comes to a stop as Alya and Victor get out of the car. Victor and Alya open the doors for Trisha and Hammie while they help the two ladies out of the car. Hammie's ears twitched when she heard something. “Is someone there?” Alya gives Victor a quick worried glance. “No. It’s just us four.” Hammie is not sure about what happens around her and Trisha. “Alright.” Victor takes a deep breath. “Be careful where you step, Ms. Hart. You too, Ms. Jean.” He walks beside Trisha to make sure she doesn’t fall. Victor and Alya help Trisha and Hammie sit on a picnic table. Hammie hears something again and turns her head around. “Are you sure that it’s just us, mister Victor?” Victor motions to the people around them to stay as quiet as possible. “Yes, I’m sure.” He grabs Trisha’s cake and Alya grabs Hammie’s cake while they gently put them in front of their respective birthday lady. Alya motions to everyone to come closer. “Now, you can remove your blindfolds.” Hammie and Trisha remove the blindfolds and see large versions of their favorite cakes in front of them.
Everyone around the two ladies, shouts happy birthday to them. Trisha and Hammie smile to see their friends with them as they share their cakes with everyone. Alya stands away from everyone with Victor and looks at him. "Can I join them, master?" Victor pats Alya's head. "Go ahead and have fun with them." Alya smiles and hugs Victor. "Thanks, master." Victor smiles and watches Alya join them to have fun. A hooded man approaches Victor with two plates of each cake. "Strawberry shortcake or Confetti vanilla cake?" Victor looks at the hooded man. "Strawberry shortcake." The man hands the strawberry shortcake plate to Victor. "A fun and lively party, isn't it?" Victor nods and eats a piece of the cake. "Yeah, Alya is having fun with all these people." He looks at the man with the corner of his eye. "Why don't you join them?" The man chuckles. "Birthday parties aren't my thing." He looks at you and smiles. "Besides, what matters is the fun that everyone is having." Victor glares at you as well. "True, that's what matters now." His shadow obscures your vision and everything fades.
The end
Victor and Alya belong to @lionwriters-blog/@lionwriters-ocs (me)
Hammie and Trisha (the characters) belong to @hammie-heart
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thememoriesofaqueen · 3 years
In Another Life - Part 8
Masterlist (x)      
A/N: Hello & welcome back. First of all, I want to thank you all for your continuous support and feedback. It means a lot to me ♥ Chapter 8 of 'In Another Life' is by far the longest chapter I've ever written with its 13k words and I can promise it's going to be a rollercoaster full of feelings. I also decided to update this chapter on Katherine's 548th birthday, so please enjoy and wish our queen a good birthday. Regarding the question about Nadia's whereabouts: She's not involved in this story yet. That's either because she wasn't introduced yet or because she had left after Katherine killed her boyfriend in 5x08 and told her to rot in hell. Still need to think about what option it's going to be. :) Little hints of Klaroline will be present in this chapter. I hope you enjoy it and please make sure to leave feedback ♥
 English is not my first language    
→ I do not own anything of the TVD - Universe and I’m not affiliated or                   associated with the writers etc. This is only a headcanon/fanfiction.
Pairing: Kalijah ( Katherine / Elijah )
TW: death, accident, hospitals
Word Count: 13.141
Please read also: AO3 and FFnet
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After the car stopped in the parking lot and the engine turned off, Elijah didn't immediately get out of the car. Instead, he took in a shaky breath and leaned his head back against the headrest. His eyes closed as he tried to compose. Not once had he thought that visiting a hospital would be as unnerving as it is now. And while he often donates generous sums of money to hospitals, he never really felt emotionally impacted by them. They were hospitals, people die there but people could also be healed. People are born in them, people get diagnosed with diseases in them, people are treated in them. Nothing that affects a vampire in the slightest, nothing that's even worth paying attention to. For some vampires, the blood bags stored in them were interesting but apart from that, vampires don't concern themselves with it. 
Perhaps his donations are made out of a guilty conscience to give humankind something back to lessen the evils of his family. Nonetheless, he has never dreaded to set a foot in a hospital as much as he dreads it right now, not knowing how his visit is going to turn out.
During his drive, he had tried to not think too much about the 'what if it's her'. Because he, perhaps foolishly, believed that his Katerina won't die because of a mere car crash (however, how many humans already did die because of them?). That would not be an end that befits a person like her. A person as attentive as she could not be run over by a car. But didn't the article said something about a car crash? Some accidents cannot be prevented, no matter how attentive that person is. But no! He didn't even want to consider the possibility of such a thing as the mere thought, the mere thought experiment made him sick beyond repair.
Elijah shuddered and his eyes snapped open as that dreadful imagine started to form in his mind again: Katerina's pale, petite body strained with blood that kept flushing out her gaping wounds, her bones smashed, her chocolate brown eyes wide open but empty and lifeless.
He gritted his teeth and tried to compose himself to not let his despair out on something. The horrible apprehension that his search could come to an abrupt end when he finds her dead body drove him mad and let him almost forget his confidence that it's not her the article was about. 
Nonetheless, he gulped hard, his gaze wandering down to his shaking hands which he clenched into fists in a weak attempt to get control over his body. Without success. His gaze began to become rigid as he continued to stare down at his hands, his subconscious letting him think that his hands started to be soaked with her blood, telling him that her death could have been prevented if he had just been a bit faster, a bit more forceful and energetic. If he hadn't left her, if he had made sure that Katerina was doing well after he had left.
Eventually, he found the strength to fight the inner demons, the blame he subconsciously gave himself, and he blinked, the imagined blood vanishing from his hands. Nonetheless, the guilt was still there.
"What happens if something goes wrong? You know that there are many people who'd do anything to gain power over you if they need something from you. What if someone thinks I'd made good leverage?" "Is that the reason why you refuse to officially accompany me to the meeting with the local witches?" "I'm not really keen on witches, Elijah. And a girl is going to look out after herself. I don't want to get involved with Original's drama because I certainly don't like being a weak spot." "Oh, I doubt that you're ever going to be a weak spot." "Unlike you, I can easily die. A witch doesn't even have to touch me to drive a stake through my heart." "You have nothing to fear from these witches, they are associates. Besides, I won't ever let anything happen to you or anyone harm you, Katerina. You have my word."
The memories echoed through his mind as he opened and closed his fists, still trying to prevent his hands from shaking. What a hypocrite he had been.
He went to New Orleans to prevent her from coming to harm at Niklaus' hands but at the same time, he was too mindless to properly think it through. Whatever led to Katerina's transitioning into a human, he should have been supposed to know it earlier. Not finding it out because of some unanswered calls and a conversation with his sister. He should have tried harder to keep a tap on her, no matter how much it would have broken his heart to know he cannot be with her at that time. He should have considered the other dangers, especially with the cure and Silas still being around whose intentions were unclear at the time being. Of course, he believed that Katerina could take care of herself and never get herself into a life-threatening situation because, in his eyes, Niklaus had always been the greatest threat, and with him going and being occupied in New Orleans, Elijah thought she would be safe. That she'd be safer without him. Furthermore, Elijah believed that Katerina is an extraordinary person who is very capable of fighting her own battles.
He shouldn't have assumed that everything is going to be turn out okay after he left. And that had been his mistake, his fault. The reason why blame kept weighing him down because she obviously had needed him, even called him, and he wasn't capable of helping her. Because the dagger in his heart, put there by his own brother, prevented him from protecting her and not coming sooner to her aid.
His promise, an empty shell of words if the worst comes true.
He wouldn't have caused her death directly, but her death would still be indirectly his fault if he should find out that it's indeed her that was stored in the hospital.
Elijah pressed his lips together into a thin line as he finally lifted his gaze and stared out of the windshield, directly at the hospital building. His hands closed into tight fists again and he took in a deep breath, telling himself that there's still hope. Still hope that it's not her and instead some stranger he doesn't know.
Yet he still couldn't get out of the damn car, his muscles still immobilized by the tight hold of fear that grabbed his heart.
As long as he didn't get out of the car and didn't enter the hospital, he could still hope that he'll find her alive. Oddly enough, he felt himself being reminded of the thought experiment of Schrödinger's cat that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead. Katerina still could be both, both alive and dead, although Elijah clung to the hope it's going to be the latter.
But if he's not getting out of the car, he won't find out. He can end his own torture and can either enter a different kind of torture or can get salvation. If he's being honest to himself, he's being pathetic. A man like him shouldn't be paralyzed by fear, shouldn't be frightened by results which were also to some degree his fault.
His hands slowly unclenched and despite them still being a bit shaky, Elijah blindly grabbed his phone before his gaze finally averted from the building. The pad of his thumb hovered over the contact 'Kaitlyn Sawyer' and despite knowing it better, he called her again.
It took some time until it connected and started ringing before he was being led to the mailbox again.
“Hello. I’m currently not available and my time’s precious, so whoever this is, make it short.”
Hearing Katerina's lovely voice again, gave Elijah a stab into his heart. He didn’t leave a message this time and hung up when the beep sounded before he slowly put the phone back inside of his jacket. He would have never assumed that a simple spoken text on a mailbox could elicit such feelings in him. He recalled the tone of her voice again and again, and somehow, that gave him enough strength to get out of the car.
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Entering a hospital in a haste has always been something that Elijah had only seen from afar when Rebekah had watched some of those incredibly over-dramatic doctors- and hospital shows. He had tried his best to ignore his younger sister's comments and exclamations when something apparently tragic has happened and it had happened not only once that she was in need of a handkerchief because sometimes those shows seemed to touch her to an extent that was unbelievable. Elijah himself could never comprehend those emotions his sister managed to muster up.
And yet, as he hurried towards the entrance of the hospital in which the deadly-injured woman was kept, he felt a toxic cocktail of anguish flooding his veins despite having told -no, convinced- himself on the way from the car to the entrance that it's just a routine visit. Just to make sure it's not Katerina. Just to make sure he has covered all hints.
It didn't take him too long to orientate himself after he had entered the hospital and found himself in the reception area despite the countless humans partly hurrying, partly strolling around. No, Elijah was focused on his task and would do anything possible to get fast assurance so his eyes quickly found the information center and instantly approached it.
There were a few people of different ages waiting in front of the only two staffed service desks that both suggested a longer wait because one of the visitors seemed to have communication problems whereas the other apparently had a thousand questions the woman behind the service desk couldn't answer. Elijah, however, didn't have the time nor the nerve to wait in line in front of the information center and pushed to the front, his cold stare instantly quieting all complaints that were caused by his behavior. Once he was in front, Elijah compelled the woman with the unnecessary questions to leave.
"Excuse me sir, but it's not your turn yet. Please-"
"I'm in a hurry, you understand? I need to speak to Dr. Johnson. I'm expected."
His compulsion is fast and inconspicuous, not having the nerve of having an argument. Elijah was too distressed to muster up any patience or silly chitchat and it pleased him to see that the employee paged the Dr. instantly. Nonetheless, his fingertips drummed nervously on the surface of the counter while he's waiting for Dr. Johnson to arrive, all the while mentally renewing his belief that it's not her. That it's just a routine visit. Nothing more. There's nothing to fear. Katerina can't be here.
It can't be her. No, it can't be her.
"I'm curious, how do you muster up the drive to keep going on for so long?" "What do you mean, Elijah? Why I haven't given up yet?" "Sometimes the prospect of eternity can be scary, Katerina. "It may sound strange but to me, death is scarier. All I know is that I don't want to die ... and I don't want to find out what it feels like."
The memory of a conversation he had with Katerina shortly after they started dating came into his mind. He had always wondered what kept her going for so long. Only a few people possessed the strength to endure an endless life under such circumstances as Katerina's. Many go mad or lose themselves in things that numb their pain. Most don't make it so far. Katerina, however, had a clear idea, a goal she wanted to achieve, and that had fascinated him. Somehow she managed to not dwell too much in the past but instead was forward-looking -- quite on the contrary to him who, unfortunately, did dwell too much in the past. 
The fear of dying, the fear of death was something that was essential to who Katerina is. It kept her going, it kept her making her careful and very aware of her surroundings. And although it may be foolish, Elijah tried to find an anchor in that. It's absurd that she had lost her life in a car accident ... isn't it?
Thankfully, the voice of Dr. Johnson tore him out of his thoughts.
"Mr. Mikaelson was the name, wasn't it?"
"Why do you believe you can identify the injured woman? Don't get me wrong, we would be glad if we can finally close the case but she's been here for some time and no one seems to miss her."
Elijah swallowed hard and tried to get those hideous fears out of his mind as the image of a dead Katerina flashed through his mind again.
"Unfortunately, a person is missing that shares the same traits. I hope it's not her," he sincerely hoped it's not her, "but I need to make sure."
"Has she been reported as missed, Mr. Mikaelson?"
"Of course", a lie because of course the police weren't involved with Katerina's disappearance. Yes, he could compel some officers to look for her but a sufficient search would only be successful if they make a profile and that's something he cannot risk. He can't have her data be spread around for anyone to find or see, risking that the wrong people become aware of her and her current situation (or status).
"Then I can assure you the chance is low that it's her. Otherwise, the police would have been able to identify her and notify you."
Elijah's lips curled up into a weak smile despite knowing that Dr. Johnson's well-intentioned words could not do a thing to calm his nerves and as the doors of the elevator closed, he knew that there's no running back anymore. That he has to face the truth no matter how painful it's going to be.
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His restlessness had increased since they've left the elevator and walked through the small labyrinth of corridors until eventually reaching the destination.
The premises in which the deceased people were kept until they were picked up by the undertaker were immersed in cold light, making it uninviting for any visitor.
Subconsciously, another memory came into his mind as his gaze flickered over the surroundings.
"You once mentioned you were born in the Old World but your parents settled over in the New World so you basically grew up in Mystic Falls. Have you ever visited your actual home village?" "No. I hold no memory of my birthplace. I was too young to remember. Perhaps I should have made an effort and see the place I was originally from. Have you ever been to Norway?" "No. I don't like cold places. Usually, I try to avoid all cold and windy areas. But I admit I would have visited to see what your home village looked like if it still existed."
Katerina wouldn't have liked it here. More so, she would have despised the idea that she was kept in such localities. She wouldn't have liked it to lie on an ice-cold stretcher, stored away in a cool cellar whose scent of disinfectant bites in the nose. Nevertheless, he was thankful for the circumstances because at least it would prevent the body from starting to rot. He tensed at the thought, his hands clutching into fists for a short moment in order to remain calm and focused.
"I’ve already prepared her body for your visit. Usually, we keep them stored in boxes so we can assure their safety. Sometimes it's a bit hectic down here," Dr. Johnsson explained which only elicited a slow nod from Elijah.
"Here. She's in that room. I'm not coming in so you can take all the time you need to get ready. I have to warn you, the sight of an accident victim isn't easy so please prepare yourself. I advise taking deep breaths before and during you pull back the sheet and look at her. I know it's going to be hard and I sincerely hope she's not the person you're missing." Dr. Johnson looked at him in an encouraging way before briefly touching his arm, "I'm right behind the door if you need me. Take your time."
All Elijah could do is nod. While he doesn't need to be told that the sight of the dead can be nasty (he had been the reason for many nasty deaths or at least had to clean the particular hideous messes his brothers had made), he appreciated Dr. Johnson's well-meant words because he is aware that the next steps won't be easy, no matter if it's her or not.
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The room was empty with the expectation of a simple metal treatment table on which a covered body laid. Elijah had to swallow hard as he slowly approached the table and then eventually came to a halt in front of it.
Elijah almost didn't dare to take a closer look, too afraid that it's Katerina he's going to find underneath the sheet. The fear only got worse when he noted that the person seemed to have the size of the missing brunette.
The Original couldn't remember when he had last dreaded the sight of someone deceased as much as he did now. It's like an inner barrier prevents him from going ahead, from finally allowing him to come to the knowledge of the truth.
As he slowly reached out, his hand trembled again and he took in a deep breath, praying to all gods he knows of to not let this person be his Katerina that was unlucky enough to have died under such fatal circumstances. He focused on his breath as he gently grabbed the sheet and slowly moved it away from the head of the woman.
A gasp left his lips when it revealed brown, matte curls. His heart dropped and his movement froze, a pained expression on his face.
No, no, no. Please! Please for the universe's sake don't let it be her!
He shook his head more than once, gasping as his gaze was rigidly fixed on the dull curls that lacked the rich brown tone Katerina has. A circumstance that may be due to the long stay here.
Elijah didn't want to continue moving down the sheet more to reveal the face, didn't want to have certainty. In fact, he was too afraid to go ahead -- it immobilized him.
So he stood there, frozen, not knowing what he should do.
What the revelation of her death would mean.
His world would fell apart. It would crush and crumble down. It would break him, beat him down.
Once again he's reminded how important she is to him. How much he needed her. If she's gone, what is left of him? Him, as a person, not him as the eternal redemption seeker of his brother?
He assumed, has recently discovered again and again, that he had just taken her existence for granted. That she is, to some kind, as immortal as he is. He had hoped, relied on, that someday is going to be the right time, the right place. That, if he stays patient, he'll eventually find his way back to her.
But staring at the pile of dark curls so similar to Katerina's -- whether they are hers or not -- made him realize even more that nothing can be taken for granted, that his hope, his anchor, might be gone and he wasn't even there for her.
He didn't know the last moments of this person laying in front of him. They said she was immediately dead. But what if she wasn't? Even when she spent only two minutes in agony, what torture must it have been as the life faded from this body? If this woman was afraid of what is going to come? If she wished to hear the voice, feel the touch of a loved one for the last time?
Elijah knew, although he hoped he'd never get into that situation, that he wouldn't have left Katerina's side if something had happened to her which couldn't be fixed in time. Although not overall worried, there had been a time during the search for the cure where she had been alone, potentially having to deal with Silas, a creature his brother Kol was afraid of.
He didn't believe in the nonsense his brother spread about an ancient plague should Silas be released but it had filled him with unease knowing that Katerina had to deal alone with that creature if he were to be real. She wanted to handle this on her own, insisting on it's her part of the deal she needed to fulfill. Nevertheless, he was very relieved when she called him later, telling him she had the cure and everything was alright. But if it hadn't been the case and she returned to him with a hex or something, causing her to suffer, he wouldn't have left her side.
A shake of his head followed as his mind snapped back to reality, his gaze still set on the dark curls spreading out on the treatment table.
He should man up and face reality and either find torture or salvation because it's not her.
He owed her that.
What right has he to delay the knowledge about her fate just to give him a few more minutes of 'what ifs'? To spare him the torture her death would cause him?
None, absolutely none.
And, although he wanted to think otherwise, there's no way to prepare for such a situation. No matter if he wanted a few more minutes or days, it would just hurt as much as it would hurt now.
He gritted his teeth, the muscles jumping in his tensed jaw as he reached out again, his hand trembling to grab the cover and slowly and respectfully pull it down after he had muttered another silent prayer.
His heart beat loud, it drummed in his ears all the while shudders after shudders ran down his spine.
He held his breath when the person's face finally came to light, his heart stopping when he finally could see her.
His legs gave way and he fell to his knees, a single tear managed to find its way over his cheek.
Not because of the shock, but because of relief.
Gasps left his parted lips as the realization settled in, as the relief flooded through his veins.
It's not her! It's not her! There's still a chance she's alive and well. There's still the chance he's going to see her again.
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After he had testified that he did not know the unknown deceased, he was allowed to leave Dr. Johnson's office and made his way through the hospital to go back to his car, his steps lighter than when he first stepped into the building.
The relief that it hadn't been Katerina was still present, spurred him. There's still a chance she's alive and well, as well as someone in her situation can be. There's still hope. He hadn't lost her forever, fate has still granted him a chance to reunite with her and gave him more time to find her although that wasn't an excuse to slow down his search. If anything, he became even more aware of how critical her new situation is. That, if only one other person made a mistake, her life could be ended.
Oddly enough, his thoughts and worries seemed to be confirmed when he needed to stop in his track in order to make room for a nurse that pushed a hospital bed through the hallway, occupied by someone who apparently had broken their leg. His brows furrowed as he watched her vanishing into a room shortly after.
Right after, his phone vibrated on the inside of his chest pocket but when he pulled the phone out and saw who it was, his gaze immediately darkened.
Apparently, good news was always linked with bad ones. Or, in this case, the incapability to accept someone's choice. Elijah didn't even have second thoughts when he pressed the ignore button. If he had to take a guess, the reason for this call is the same one as the previous ones he had ignored already.
It gave him a headache, really, and changed his plan of leaving the hospital immediately, just in case some spies were lurking around outside. With Niklaus, coincidences are hardly possible and the timing of the attempted call had been almost too perfect. He'd follow through with his threat of killing any possible minions he's going to send but after this day, Elijah didn't want to enact violence.
A seating area near the main entrance of the hospital caught his attention and he decided to sit down there and calm down from the anger that was flaring up again.
He closed his eyes and focused on his breath. It angered him that his brother still didn't get the message that he wanted to be left alone but his unbelievable incapability of accepting other's choices shouldn't ruin the day, especially not after what he had gone through when he feared he had lost his love forever.
Lost in thoughts, Elijah pulled out the wallet from inside of his jacket to pick out the picture of Katerina. He was still beyond relieved that the person found dead had not been his Katerina although the worry about her whereabouts and state persisted. Even more so, the relief that managed to suppress all his uneasiness and worries was only short-lived and the guilt and the dread slowly crawled back into this mind and he sighed because he hoped the good feeling he had would have lasted longer.
His gaze flickered over the passport-photograph-sized picture of Katerina that he had kept in his wallet the entire time. This way, he had ensured that a part of her will always be with him although their ways have parted and right now, it's one of the few things he still has of her.
He had never believed that it's going to be so uncertain if they ever going to see each other again. Of course, he had expected that it won't be easy, especially after he had realized that unfortunately, Katerina had interpreted another meaning behind his decision of going to New Orleans. However, he would have never assumed it's going to be uncertain if she's still alive the next time he reaches out for her.
Perhaps she's not in this hospital but who says she's not stored up somewhere else? He quivered at the thought and tried to remind himself that she's smart. That she'd hopefully had found a way, a safe one, to take care of herself.
Nonetheless, the longer he stayed in the hospital and when he had walked through it, Elijah was repeatedly reminded of how fragile human life is. How easily a human can get hurt. How easily they can get sick. He had seen a number of injured humans with bandages who were attached to hospital beds that passed him as he sat in the waiting room. He had smelled the mixture of blood and chemicals that were either pouring out of them or injected into them. He had overheard a conversation about a family father that had passed away. He had seen how overtired some humans, no matter if staff or visitors, had looked like.
Today he realized more than he had ever that humans can get sick, can get hurt. They can catch diseases some have to deal with for years, decades, or the entire life. They don't heal as quickly -- or at all -- if they get hurt. They suffer from pain and uncertainty because no one can help them or know what is happening to them. Some lose all appetite and get weaker and weaker, some cannot keep food in. Some are put into a coma no one knows if they wake up anymore again.
There are so many risks, so many things that could end a normal human life or make it unbearable. Some things can be treated, others can't.
His sister romanticizes humanity to no end but his short stay in the hospital made him realize that being human always meant vulnerability.
He had never been so aware of it, although he deals with humans and values humanity. He even did his best to keep a human side and habits.
But if he has to admit to himself, especially while for the first time really noticing and becoming aware of all the downsides of humanity, he has no idea what it's like to be human. In fact, he doesn't even remember what it's like to be a human being.
He has no idea what it means and he believes, that if he were to be suddenly human again, it would be a shock from which it would be difficult to recover. He wouldn’t know how to deal with such a sudden change. The possibility alone of catching a sinus infection seems to be from another world. Fortunately, he'll never be in that situation.
Katerina, however, is.
He can only imagine how hard it must have been for Katerina to be human again, knowing how much she loved her vampiric nature. How hard it still must be for her to adjust to the new circumstances.
Her health is something Elijah worried about as well. He assumed she doesn't have a functioning and strong immune system because it wasn't needed in the past five centuries. What if she's severely sick and is in treatment?
"Excuse me, sir, can we please have this seat?" a nurse called out and approached him with a limping woman on her arm. In an instant, Elijah raised to his feet and blindly put the picture of Katerina back into his jacket where his handkerchief was, too lost in thoughts to notice that it, in fact, slipped and glided to the ground.
Perhaps the disturbance was much needed anyway to make him become aware that he didn't have a reason to stay in that hospital any longer. He's been in here long enough to bore possible minions Niklaus had sent to spy on him. Katerina is not here, so why should he stay? Strangely enough, however, he had the feeling that he was much closer to the missing brunette in this place than anywhere else. This was probably due to the fact that this place visibly showed him what he feared the most: That his beloved Katerina is hurt, that she needed (medical) help.
And, although he had no part in her becoming human, seeing all the misery in this place, made him blame himself even more. Because if he hadn't left, she wouldn't be in this situation, she wouldn't be human. Of course, it's only an assumption. Perhaps it would have still happened as he didn't know what exactly led to the two doppelgänger's sparring. He doesn't know but at least he would have been present afterward, he could have taken care of her.
Any suffering or damage could have been prevented if he hadn't left.
"Sir? Sir?!"
At first, Elijah did not feel addressed but as the voice came closer, he finally turned around and looked at the nurse that had just brought in the limping woman. She held something tiny in her hands and waved with it.
"Sir, I believed you have lost something. Is it yours?" she questioned and showed him the pic of Katerina. His hand immediately moved up to the pocket in which he had believed to have placed the picture. It wasn't there. Not that he would have needed to check it because he doubted anyone was in the possession of a picture that looked like his picture. It just happened to be a somewhat natural movement.
"Yes, it is mine. Thank you for being so attentive. I wouldn't know what I'd have done without it." he reached out his hand so the nurse could give it back to him but she refused.
"Do you know this woman?", she asked and Elijah frowned, not knowing why she came up with such a personal question.
"Yes, I do. Can I please have the picture back?" he felt uncomfortable seeing that someone else had it. As if he couldn't protect her if someone else was in the possession of her picture. Not that a nurse could do any harm to Katerina if she’s in possession of a picture.
"I know her too...."
"I beg your pardon?", suddenly Elijah's impatience of getting the picture back turned into curiosity and interest. How did she know her? And, did she really know Katherine or does she just somehow know Elena Gilbert?
"Yeah, she was brought in several weeks ago -- perhaps it’s been even two or three months."
Elijah's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and he took a quick glance around before he pulled the nurse gently with him to a more quiet place. This was beyond important.
"Define 'brought in'"
"She came in an ambulance. I helped to bring her to Dr. Brown who checked up on her. She was unconscious so we gave her the name 'Elisa' until we found out more."
Elijah absorbed this new, unexpected information, not believing that he just found out about this coincidence. She may have been here. Was that the reason why he felt so strangely connected to this hospital?
"And where is she now?" he impatiently asked, needing to know what has happened to her.
"I don't know. Dr. Brown has his own staff, I'm not responsible for that area."
"Where can I find him?"
"3rd floor, Station C"
Elijah nodded and offered the nurse a smile. "Thank you. I'll make it worth your while," with that, and after taking back the picture, Elijah turned on his heels and quickly moved to the elevator to get to Dr. Brown.
He needed to find out what has happened and where she was. Perhaps, although he feared that would be too much luck, she was still here somewhere.
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It wasn't too hard to find the office of Dr. Brown. In contrary to his first entry into the hospital, Elijah didn't care to ask someone for arranging a meeting with the doctor. Instead, he went straight into the office and even had luck as the doctor was present. His protest was quickly silenced as he compelled the human to be quiet before he compelled him to comply and answer his questions.
"I was told this girl, patient Elisa was brought in this hospital several weeks ago." to underline his words and to make sure the doctor knew of whom he spoke, Elijah showed him the picture of Katerina, earning a nod from him.
"Yes, I remember her. She had been here but several weeks have indeed passed since that."
"Is she still here?"
"Unfortunately, no"
She's not here anymore. Elijah closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to sort his thoughts before he finally took a seat. He'd thought they could leave quickly to go to her but the reality was different. She could be anywhere by now. How comes he's always too late? Nonetheless -- and despite his worries -- his voice and tone remained calm and collected.
"What do you mean by 'unfortunately no'? I was told she was unconscious. What happened to her?"
"I cannot give away personal information to a stranger. Or are you in any kind of relationship with the patient?"
This astonished Elijah because apparently, Dr. Brown was really serious about and devoted to his job, otherwise, it wouldn't have been possible to work around the compulsion and hold information back. However, it also had to be said that perhaps the compulsion wasn't specific enough.
"I’m Elijah Mikaelson and she's my girlfriend. Unfortunately, she’s missing for quite some time by now." The lie left his lips without hesitation. Moreover, the word 'girlfriend' slipped his tongue quite naturally although he knew that they were no longer a couple, that he could no longer address her as his girlfriend or partner.
"I understand. Well, Mr. Mikaelson, under these circumstances I can give information. A moment please." He stood up and left the office only to return with a file two minutes later.
"Miss Forbes was brought in with severe hypothermia. She had collapsed on the streets and was nearly hit by a car. Fortunately, the driver was able to brake in time. She wasn’t responsive when she was brought in and in a state of unconsciousness. When I examined her I noticed that she was slightly malnutrition so we gave her some infusions to help her regain strength."
Elijah listened attentively to the doctor and frowned when he addressed Katerina as 'Miss Forbes'. How did they come up with that name? And what had happened that she'd collapsed and was brought in with severe hypothermia? His concern increased even more and he didn't know how he should put that information together because it confirmed his worst suspicions.
But why isn't she here anymore? If her state was so worse?
"Go on please, I need to know every detail," Elijah stated and leaned slightly forward to intensify the compulsion.
"After she regained consciousness, she had a panic attack and acted aggressively toward the staff. It took some time until we managed to calm her down and convince her that she's in no danger."
Elijah nodded because he can comprehend that it must have been terrifying for her to wake up in entirely new surroundings and somehow it relieved him to know that her natural survival instinct still seemed to be there if she acted so hostile towards the staff.
"She stated that her name was Katherine Forbes and that she wanted to call her sister to come to get her."
His confusion only grew because Katerina had no sister and certainly no remaining family.
"Has she called that sister?" Elijah asked because he needed to know who it was.
"Yes, she has. I also talked to her about the next steps because I wanted to keep her in for a few more days. Somehow, however, Miss Forbes found a way to leave the hospital unauthorized on the fourth night. She has no discharge papers so we cannot take responsibility if anything happens to Miss Forbes."
"And the sister wanted that?"
"No, Miss Katherine Forbes seemed to have acted on her own. Her sister agreed on having her stay a few more days until we're certain that everything's okay."
"What's the name of the sister?"
"Miss Caroline Forbes".
Caroline Forbes.
A blurry memory of a blonde girl found its way to the surface. Elijah didn't remember too much about her but he believed that she had been (or is still) friends with Elena Gilbert. And, if his memory doesn't play tricks on him, he recalled that his brother fancied her presence and companionship the night their mother threw that deceptive ball for their family.
He could not understand the connections. Neither Caroline's Forbes connection with Elena Gilbert nor her questionable connection with Niklaus made any sense in regard to Katerina as Katerina despised both Elena Gilbert and Niklaus. So how comes that Katerina would want to call her of all people?
Elijah tried to dig deeper into his memories about that Forbes girl but couldn't find anything relevant. Truth be told, he hasn't really paid attention to her. She had been an embellishment to his plans and main focus although he remembered that it had puzzled him that Niklaus was so eager on getting the blonde's attention. He could also recall that Niklaus had been keen on staying in Mystic Falls although there was nothing that could hold someone like him there.
Although Mystic Falls hasn't been Elijah's birthplace, it had been the location of his family home. All siblings after him were born there and yet none of them held a too pleasant memory of that time. Rebekah was probably the most sentimental about it but apart from her, none of them really thought much about their human days in Mystic Falls, Niklaus even less.
He didn't question Niklaus's reasons behind staying in Mystic Falls though and he certainly won't start now because it won't bring light into the darkness about Katerina's connection to the Forbes girl.
"I do recall Caroline Forbes. Do you have her number?"
"Yes, it is recorded in the file."
Elijah nodded and decided to call Caroline later on. Hopefully, she knew more about Katerina's whereabouts although he really can't comprehend why the two of them were even in contact. He, however, believed that whatever the reason was, they must have been in contact even longer if Katerina's first doing was addressing herself as Katherine Forbes which implied that she knew exactly what she's doing and that she could count on the other one.
The Original leaned forward, took the file in his hands, and opened it. A few medical terms caught his eye: Hypothermia, malnutrition, hypoglycemia, hypotension. Hematoma, probably because of the accident. A remark about older injuries, including the possibility of sprained ribs in the past, let Elijah frown but it has not been discussed in more detail.
"Allow me a question, Dr. Brown: What was your impression of Katherine and her health?"
Her health was something Elijah did worry about. He was already concerned about how she’s going to survive out there, especially after he learned that she didn’t seem to have money. After he had realized how fast something serious and fatal can happen to a human, however, his concern grew even more.
And apparently, his concerns were justified.
The doctor sighed and folded his hands on top of his desk.
"In all honesty, Mr. Mikaeson, it appeared as if Miss Forbes had a couple of rough weeks. She seemed ... paranoid when we wanted to take her blood to test it in our laboratory. It wasn't the usual fear we see from other patients when it comes to needles or blood, she seemed to not agree on being it taken in the first place. We also have reason to believe that she has suffered violence-," the doctor glanced at him sharply but Elijah ignored it, instead, his frown only deepened, "-domestic abuse perhaps."
Someone had dared to lay a finger on her. Elijah did his best to suppress a snarl.
"Are you implying someone has hurt her?"
"We have reason to believe so, yes. Although we cannot be sure because the marks were already almost healed but she had a whiff of bruises on her neck and arms. As already mentioned, it could be from an old accident perhaps but the location of them implies that it was violence against her."
Elijah inhaled sharply, his hands clenched into fists under the desk. If he learns that someone has hurt her, hell will break loose for that person!
"Anything else which may be relevant?"
"We weren't able to run the necessary tests but I suggest someone should examine her blood, her lungs, and her heart. There seemed to be irregularities but that could also be because she was under a lot of stress lately. I would also recommend a lot of rest until she's healed properly and her levels are back in the green area as well as seeing a doctor soon in order to make sure she doesn’t develop pneumonia."
Elijah nodded, hoping that her condition was better by now because he had no idea why Katerina left the hospital in a hurry despite being told that she needed to stay and rest. 
"Thank you for your time, Dr. Brown. Her bills are probably not yet paid so please send them to this address" Elijah gave him the business card of the hotel he's currently staying in but didn't hand back Katerina's file. It's better such valuable information stays with him.
"Mr. Mikaelson?"
Elijah stopped in his trails and turned around once more, having already been on his way to the door.
"I forgot to give you this", Dr. Brown surrounded his desk and handed him a white envelope. "We wanted to give it to the lost property office after Ms. Forbes didn't return to us but somehow it must have been overlooked. Unfortunately, we're often in a hurry and I apologize if it caused any inconvenience. We had to take them off because of the scans."
The Original didn't know what he was talking about but took the envelope without any further inquiry.
"Thank you, Dr. Brown."
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Elijah had pondered when it's going to be the right time to call Caroline Forbes. His impatience said immediately, his reason told him to wait until he's back in his hotel suite. He didn't want to waste time but he also needed to make sure he's calm and collected. Right now, however, he wasn't any of it.
His sorrows are riding rollercoasters. It appears as if he's never going to reach a phase in which everything seems to calm down.
Elijah hasn't studied Katerina's hospital files entirely. In fact, he had only looked for Caroline's number before he's going to indulge in more details of Katerina's report.
Nonetheless, there's something which had struck him and which wasn't good at all. The report was from two months ago, meaning that too much time has passed already to rely on the belief Katerina's still in the area, not to question in what state she is. From what he has gathered and was informed, her state was critical at the time she was brought to the hospital.
However, it's probably better if he focuses on his next step instead of worrying too much about the 'what if's' again. Perhaps Katerina is staying with Caroline by now and all his worries have been for nothing.
Before Elijah called Caroline after he finally arrived back in his suite, he changed. He felt more comfortable in a new suit that didn't smell like a hospital. In fact, his convenience increased which was a good condition for staying focused. And patient. Patience is a trait he seemed to lose the longer his search for Katerina continued although he continuously reminded himself why it's so important to act calm and with patience.
A quick glance at his watch told him that now it's an appropriate time for a serious conversation so he took in a deep breath, reminded himself of his goals and aims, and then tipped in the number of Caroline Forbes.
Mercifully, it didn’t take long until the call was answered.
"Miss Forbes?"
"Who's this?"
The Original exhaled in relief as he recognized the voice of the blonde, although admittedly, the memory of her is almost non-existent. He never thought he'd interact with her or even call her. However, despite the lack of interaction, he's aware that she'll know exactly who he is and that she's going to have reservations about talking to him. Let alone share any possible valuable information. Another reason why he needed to act smart and calm.
"Elijah Mikaelson. I know this must come very unexpected, but I require information you presumably have."
He heard her sucking in a deep breath as she went awfully quiet for a few moments.
"Wait a minute. The Elijah Mikaelson? Where did you get my freakin' number?"
He'd probably be amused by the panic and disbelief in her voice, but the reason for his call is urgent and he can't muster up any amusement.
"The same reason why I called you. It was in Katherine Pierce's medical record. Apparently, she poses as your sister nowadays and I hope you perhaps know where she is now."
Again, silence is filling the line and he could basically hear her thinking. It must come very surprising for her.
"How did you get- ... wait! Why do you think I'm going to tell you anything about Katherine Pierce?"
"I believe we have shared interests. Apparently, you don't want her dead, neither do I."
At least that's what he hoped. Katerina has had a rather troubled past in Mystic Falls, leading to her gathering a few people that weren't exactly fond of her. He hoped that his assumption was right and the relationship between Katerina and Caroline was friendly, although he still can't comprehend how it comes she seemed to trust the blonde as much as to put her on the emergency contact list. If there's anyone who knows about Katerina, it's Caroline Forbes. As unbelievable as it is.
"And I'm supposed to believe that? Even if I had knowledge about anything regarding Katherine, why should I tell you? Aren't you the one who wanted her dead for all her life?"
The accusation came unexpected and he tried to ignore the knot in his gut, his fingers tensing around the phone while he tried his best to remain calm. While he had expected some resistance, he hadn't prepared himself for such an accusation that stirred up anger within him. However, he tried his best to swallow it down and answer neutrally.
"I fear you're confusing me with my brother."
"It's still the same. I was told you locked her in the tomb. Doesn't sound like you're too interested in her well-being."
His fingers cracked as he closed his hand into a fist, his eyes narrowed while he stared out of the window that led to the balcony of his hotel suite. He did not tolerate any false allegations, didn't approve of the lack of respect Caroline voiced. Although she's of course right because he had compelled Katerina to stay in the tomb. However, his main intention had certainly not been letting her rot there. It has been the only place she had been safe from Klaus.
"And now I fear that's where you're wrong. I am concerned about Katherine's well-being, that's why I need to know where she is now."
"Is that how you Mikaelson's think the world works? You snap with your fingers, demand something, and expect you immediately get it?"
He blinked in confusion at her words, not really knowing where that came from. Apparently talking to him from a distance seemed to give her some confidence.
"Miss Forbes ... I appreciate your concern for my intentions regarding the woman known as Katherine Pierce but I assure you the information is needed. I ask you to share every information you have about Katherine's whereabouts."
"I'm not dumb if that's what you thinking. Let's say I have information about Katherine Pierce, why would I want to share it with you? A friend's loyal to their friends, I'm not going to throw her under the bus if she's my friend and I have knowledge about something regarding her life."
He relaxed because although probably not intended, Caroline has just let him know that she indeed has information about Katerina. Otherwise, she wouldn't have mentioned matters of loyalty. And loyalty was something he appreciated, something he was indeed thankful for, especially in that delicate matter.
Elijah knew that it was now up to him to convince Caroline that his intentions were true, that he didn't intend on using the information to harm her. Although that required exposing details he wasn't keen on sharing with everyone. He rather keeps his private life well ... private. However, it was needed if he wanted to find Katerina as soon as possible.
"Katherine and I ... we've been in a relationship shortly before ... before she turned human. It would ease my mind knowing she's doing okay."
There's another pause but he could fill the mood change.
"Oh my god ... you... you and Katherine? How come no one has told me about it? I mean ... you two ... you two don't really fit each other. I mean ... I mean no offense but you're this scary, intimidating, and stoic Original whereas she's this scary but very vivid and fun-loving woman. How can that work out?"
She sounded genuinely surprised which finally elicited a little smile on his lips. It had something pure and admittedly, she hit the nail on the head. Katerina and he were an unlike pairing but -- although he never admitted it out loud -- that was just what he had needed. She completed him in a way he hadn't known, gave him the things he lacked himself.
"I believe Katherine and I have always shared a certain connection. It surprises me the Salvatores didn't lack respect in that matter as they always do."
His tone didn't imply how much he missed her, how much he worries about her. Instead, he focused on the dreadful Salvatores and wondered why they haven't mentioned their little encounter around, especially because usually, they aren't that cautious.
"Wait, they knew about you two? How could I miss those things? But ... but Katherine didn't seem to be in a relationship anymore so you two broke up? Why are you even interested in her anymore? Apparently, you didn't care before?"
His lips pressed together into a thin line and he tried to swallow down the bitter taste on his tongue.
"Look, it's an understatement to say things have been complicated but I am interested in her well-being and it would help me a lot if you could share information if you have any."
"Oh -- so he was right? I swear he only mentioned it because he needed an excuse. It sounded so lied..."
Now Elijah started to frown because he has no idea what she was talking about. Who was 'he'? And what had it to do with his request?
"What are you talking about, Caroline?"
"Klaus. He came to Mystic Falls saying he wants to look for you because you're jumbled and you need to come back."
The color drained from his face at the mention of Niklaus. While it didn't surprise him that his brother attempted another poor try to get him back to New Orleans, it surprised him that he'd chosen Mystic Falls for his search. While Mystic Falls had been their home once, Elijah didn't hold much sentimentality for this place, unlike the rest of his siblings. However, Mystic Falls had been the place where he had told his brother about Katerina and his intentions with her.
"My brother was in Mystic Falls? Has he gathered any information about Katherine?"
"No, I don't think so. I think she was the latest that's been on his mind that day...."
Was she? If he knew anything about his brother, it was his boundless vengeance and need to control. If Katerina were to get into his hands ... No, he didn't want to think about it and could only hardly hold back a growl. Rebekah has assured him that Niklaus doesn't know about Katerina's new status. She wouldn't lie to him about that.
"Are you absolutely certain?"
"Yes! Oh my god, I thought you were the one who values privacy!"
His eyebrows raised in surprise at Caroline's reactions, again puzzled by how this conversation turns and twists.
"Listen, your personal matters are non of my interest," he assured her, suddenly remembering his brother's odd fascination with the blonde. Perhaps that was the reason for this unusual reaction, "All I care about is the whereabouts of Katherine. So, do you have any information or not?"
"Before I tell anything I need to make sure you're telling the truth. Is this the number I can reach you?"
"Then I call you after I verified your words. Bye."
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The ticking of the clock seemed to mock him and his malaise.
A part of him had hoped that Caroline is going to call him back in a matter of a few hours but as time passed, his phone didn't ring once, making him question the blonde's intentions.
What if she doesn't call back?
The solution is simple, although he wasn't particularly fond of the idea. He didn't want to leave and travel to Mystic Falls to compel the truth out of Caroline or anyone else that he gets his hands on, especially because he knew that it's likely they are on vervain which meant he had to wait for 24 hours until it's safe to assume the compulsion works.
Time he wasn't keen on wasting on people who better not dare to show themselves before him because he can't guarantee anything. His nerves and patience are strained to the utmost and he couldn't ensure he won't kill someone, especially if it came to the pesky Salvatore.
He can't risk causing messes right now because his main attention should be set on Katerina and her well-being.
Eventually, he managed to calm his nerves enough to study Katerina's file again because he thought that is going to help him make the right choices if he's going to find her. Furthermore, it may help him to put together the pieces of her journey.
Which, in hindsight, was probably all too optimistic.
But as he browsed through the admission and medical reports, the white envelope that he had put quickly in the file caught his attention again. He recalled the words of Dr. Brown 'we had to take them off because of the scans' but because of the important conversation he had to have with Caroline Forbes, Elijah must have forgotten about it.
He had already noted that the envelope was quite heavy for a simple letter when it was handed over to him and he noticed it again now as he took it in his hands.
Whatever it was, it belonged to Katerina and he wasn't sure if he should open it. If he was even entitled to do so. Although on the other hand, he also wasn't quite entitled to have her medical file in his possession.
Elijah's thumb brushed thoughtfully over the flap as he considered the pros and cons before he simply opened it and peeked into the content.
At first, there was nothing much to see or even identify. Just a pile of silver material. But as he carefully poured the content in his palm, Elijah's eyes widened slightly as he finally realized what it was.
Katerina's daylight jewelry!
He gently detangled the delicate necklace, careful to not break anything until it was neat again before the pad of this thumb brushed over its Lapislazuli pendant.
Although Katerina was no longer a vampire, he assumed that she mourned its loss because it certainly holds some sentimentality in it. It surprised him that Katerina hadn't taken the necklace she sometimes used as a bracelet not with her, perhaps she was in such a hurry that she either forget it or wasn't able to find it immediately. He remembered that she didn't take it off even once, not even when she was showering or taking an almost impressive long bath in the middle of the night. Something which was quite understandable because daylight jewelry is rare and especially someone like Katerina was dependent on having it as it made it possible to travel during the daytime.
Elijah watched the necklace in his hands a while longer, feeling so connected to Katerina as he had never felt before. It was different than looking at photos because this necklace is actually something that belonged to Katerina, which was a part of her.
For a short moment, Elijah wondered if this necklace would allow him to detect her whereabouts but as thrilling as the idea seemed to be, he didn't want to hand it over to a witch, potentially having it destroyed or damaged, especially not now after he had a good lead with Caroline Forbes. Furthermore, spells didn't seem to be all too clear when it came to Katherine Pierce.
Nonetheless having it with him now held importance to Elijah, even managed to bring a little smile forth as he took another paper and wrapped the necklace carefully around it so it won't get tangled again before he put it back into the envelope.
Elijah is going to make sure it's going to return to her and until then, he's keeping it safe for her.
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Two whole day have passed and it was already late in the night as Elijah's phone suddenly vibrated. The Original wasn't asleep yet (sleep was something which in general didn't seem to find him), instead, he was focused on a book of human healing arts.
Of course, he had hoped, wished, that it was Caroline that finally called him back, unfortunately, however, that wasn't the case.
It was his sister.
Elijah debated if he should answer the call or not as he had no real desire to talk to his family, knowing already how their conversation is going to turn out. In the end, however, he decided to answer the call.
"Elijah! Thank god. I feared something happened to you."
"I appreciate your concern, dear sister, but just because I chose radio silence doesn't mean something has happened to me", although she's right, of course. It wasn't like him to cancel all contacts with his family. Usually, being silent meant that their brother has stuffed them in a coffin.
"Have the two of you still not made peace?", Rebekah asked, and although she didn't mention any names, Elijah was aware that she was talking about Niklaus and him.
"As I've already told our brother, forgiveness is earned. Right now he still doesn't seem to understand the concept.", Elijah simply retorted, having his brother's several annoying attempts of luring him back to New Orleans in mind.
"Is it really just because he daggered you? Because I know I am tearing furious if he does it with me but it's been months and you aren't the unforgiving sibling if it comes to Nik."
Elijah exhaled, his gaze fixed on the open sides of the book he had previously read.
"Our brother needs to learn that there are consequences for his treacherous actions, that his siblings are no deposit for him to use as he wishes." Of course, there was more to it because Niklaus' actions had resulted in Elijah's current search for his beloved, always having to fear that he's coming too late, that she's forever lost to him. And just as if his sister could read his mind, she made the conclusion of the real reasons.
"Please don't tell me you've decided to take your time off because you're still after Katherine. Our family finally has the chance to start new, to have an almost human experience."
"What if I do prefer my own luck for once?"
"With that manipulative wench? Elijah please, she can't possibly be the one who finally makes you desire a life without being chained to Klaus. She'll burn you."
Elijah's gaze darkened and he clenched his free hand to fist.
"Watch your language, Rebekah.", his voice is calm but there's obvious disapproval in his tone. And he meant it. If his sister is going to continue to insult Katerina, he'll end their conversation.
"But it's true. You're being blinded by something that probably doesn't even exist. When she was still in Mystic Falls, she was pretty much focused on getting back into Stefan Salvatore's pants."
Elijah can't deny that a wave of jealousy swept through his veins, along with a hint of pain as he imagined the two of them together. The muscle in his jaw jumped at the thought that perhaps, Katerina preferred someone else.
"Well, Katherine can organize her private life the way she wants. I'm hardly in a position to judge her for her choices."
"Then what do you want from her?"
Yes, what did he want from her? Of course, he wanted to make sure that Katerina is safe and fine. He didn't want her to be scared and have no idea how she's supposed to survive the next day. However, there were also more selfish reasons why he needed to find her. Elijah needed Katerina. He needed her in his life to make it worthwhile. And yes, he wanted, hoped, to get her trust and perhaps even her love back.
This is, however, something that's none of Rebekah's concern so he chose to simply ignore her question and picked another topic.
"How's Hope?"
"Oh, she's doing fine. You can't believe what a lovely baby she is. I could kiss and cuddle her all time," Rebekah stated and Elijah relaxed because apparently, Rebekah let go of the previous topic. Furthermore, it relieved him to know that everything was okay with his little niece.
"I wish I could be a part of her life and see her but it's safer the way if she stays with you." Yes, Rebekah taking care of their niece somewhere far away and safe was the better option, although it filled him with regret that he wasn't there for Hope as he should be.
"Someday you're able to visit, Elijah. I really believe in that. Things just have to settle down in New Orleans so she can return to her parents." Elijah's lips pulled upwards at the thought because he is actually looking forward to finally meeting his niece properly.
"There's something else I wanted to ask you..." Elijah's eyebrows furrowed at his sister's question, hoping that she won't come to the Katerina topic again.
"Please go on"
"I was thinking about our family lately. About our siblings both alive and unfortunately already deceased." Elijah had honestly no idea where Rebekah's sudden interest in digging into their past came from. However, he continued to listen to her words.
"There's one sibling I never met, one who was hardly mentioned. I don't even know their name...."
It took some time until Elijah remembered that there was indeed another sibling. One he had also never met, despite being older than Niklaus and Rebekah.
"Mother mentioned we had an older sister. She must have died because of a disease, a plague, somewhere before I was born. Apparently, her death was the reason why our parents decided to settle over to the New World after I was born" These were old stories, so old that it certainly didn't cross his mind nowadays. Oddly enough, she must have been loved dearly by their father, and perhaps it explains why Mikael was way fonder of Rebekah than he was of his (biological) sons. It surprised him that Rebekah suddenly harbors any interest in such old stories.
"But do you know her name?"
Her question let Elijah frown even more because despite wanting to recall their older sister's name, nothing came into his mind.
"Our parents didn't like to speak about her. Actually, I don’t remember them ever talking about her any longer." Their older sister seemed to be some kind of red flag for their parents. "Is there any reason why you want to know?"
"No, Elijah. Just curiosity."
The older Original squinted his eyes slightly, something telling him that there was a reason why Rebekah had asked about their late older sister. He knew that Finn as the oldest had known their older sister but he also never spoke about her. Elijah had never questioned that, perhaps he should have. Now, however, it's too late.
He’s thought about it for a long time, even after his conversation with his sister had ended because he couldn't shake the feeling that something was odd about her request for information. He couldn't explain it, however, although he could also not tell the reason for her question.
He has been separated from his family for some time now, although, measured by their lifetime, it seemed like a mere few seconds. Elijah didn't know what Niklaus was up to, didn't know what his siblings had going on although it would be smarter to not attract attention for their niece's sake. There's certainly something going on and Elijah wished he would know what it was although he'd rather brush it off as a mere interest in family stories. Perhaps spending time with a baby and allowing it to take care of it had changed Rebekah's view on family. He certainly hoped it would.
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Another day had passed without any call back from Caroline Forbes and Elijah started to become restless because time passed without him doing anything. Something he considered as fatal because he knew how precious time was nowadays, that even a minute can make a difference. He also couldn't comprehend what took the blonde so long to verify his words because firstly, he wasn't a liar, and secondly, his relationship with Katerina seemed to have been a topic of conversation. Although he wasn't too keen on making such personal matters public, he knew that unfortunately, many people seemed to think they're allowed to have an opinion about it, even dared to question his sanity.
Elijah wasn't capable of sitting still at his desk and focusing on the lecture in front of him (another book about healing arts). His eyes flickered to his watch every few minutes while at the same time, he thought about the given possibilities. Perhaps traveling to Mystic Falls and using compulsion is the best opinion. Perhaps he should consider using Katerina's necklace. Perhaps he should call one of his witches. Perhaps he should just go on searching in the blind. Perhaps...
The vibrating of his phone tore him out of his thoughts and finally caused him to stop from his restless wandering around in his suite. Without any hesitation, perhaps even impatiently, he answered the call.
The Original exhaled in relief as he recognized Caroline's voice.
"Yes, you're having the right number, Miss Forbes. I assume you could verify my words right now?" he asked politely although his impatience ascended into the Immeasurable.
"Yes, I had. And sorry for the wait. I had to develop a tactic. Can't possibly go to Stefan and ask what had happened while they were away searching for the cure and if he can confirm Elijah and Katherine were a thing." By the tone of her voice, Elijah could tell she seemed to be amused by the thought of it. But there's also a prouder tone swinging in her words because apparently, she enjoyed having been successful in her 'detective' work. At the mention of Stefan Salvatore, however, Elijah couldn't ignore the memory of what his sister had told him about Katerina and her apparent desire for the younger Salvatore. He refused to believe it, of course, but the slight hint of jealousy couldn't be denied.
"Surely then you can grant me my desired information about Katherine's whereabouts?"
"Yes, I can. Although I still can't understand why you want to know now. Wanting to know she's safe or not. Which is actually kinda cute, I suppose." Elijah's eyebrows raised in surprise mixed with confusion at Caroline's words because it was unexpected to hear such a thing. Nevertheless, it's not what he had hoped to hear and he'd be thankful if she could quit the chitchat now and get to the point.
"Caroline, the location please..."
"Oh right ... Katherine told me she's staying with someone in Charleston, near White Point Garden."
"Do you have a name?"
"No, unfortunately not. But it's an older woman, apparently."
Elijah's eyes widened slightly at the mention of an older woman, being reminded of the locator spell done so many months ago which had shown him an elderly woman. Is that the same person? It can't possibly be because Katerina had been spotted at other places after he had started his search. If she had planned to go to Charleston the entire time, why hadn't she chosen a different route? The shortest path wouldn't have led over Charlotte or Columbia and everything that's in between, including that dreadful gas station.
The Original exhaled and pinched the bag of his nose as he tried to sort his thoughts.
"And do you know if she's still staying there?"
"No, I don't. Katherine's not exactly the type of person who gives daily updates. But I assume she's still in that area because she hasn't told me anything about moving. But I don't even know if it's right to tell you anyway, you know? Katherine hasn't told anyone but me, not even ...."
"Well.... she hasn't even told Stefan. "
"I see....", although Elijah understood nothing. He hadn't been aware that apparently, Stefan Salvatore seemed to hold such a big part in Katerina's life. But now both Rebekah and Caroline have mentioned the younger Salvatore independently of each other and he wondered if perhaps it's true what his sister had said: That Katerina had moved on.
Not that this new revelation would change anything about his mission because he still sought to find her and offer her his help in this difficult situation she was in. Nonetheless, he can't deny the sting in his heart to know that perhaps, Katerina had given her heart to someone else, to someone who can't possibly value her.
Stefan Salvatore and the doppelgänger Elena Gilbert always seemed to be an unmatchable team. He doubted Stefan's interest in Katerina -- if there even was any -- is wholehearted, therefore he can't comprehend why Katerina should be so keen on getting the younger Salvatore's attention.
"I'll make sure she won't find out from where I've gathered the piece of information. You don't have to worry about possibly betraying her trust in you," Elijah spoke and meant it, especially because he started to consider the blonde vampire as a reliable source of information. He certainly won't shy away from using every detail he can get in order to find Katerina.
"Thank you. And Elijah?"
"I can't believe I'm really saying this because she certainly can be a big bitch but ... don't hurt her. I came to like her and I don't want her to get hurt."
"You have nothing to fear, Miss Forbes. As I've already told you, it's not my intention to harm Katherine."
"That's not what I meant...."
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After having pondered about Caroline's words and the obvious meaning behind them, as well as getting other things done, Elijah started to pack his things, having a new destination in mind.
"Please bring the bags in my car, will you?" he ordered and didn't look up when the people of the hotel's staff grabbed the bags and his suits that were neatly packed in protective garment covers.
It's drawing outside, the sun is just about to rise and Elijah was ready to hopefully start the last part of his journey in his search for Katerina. He had showered and shaved. His entire appearance looked impeccable, ready to meet Katerina again.
As soon as he had finished the call with Caroline, he had ordered a few of his people to travel to Charleston in South Carolina with the order to look for a house inhabited by an old lady with flowers on the outside of the window. That's what he had remembered from the vision giving to him by his witch in Lafayette. Of course, he's aware that there're going to be plenty of homes to which the conditions would apply, but Elijah hoped he'd find it fast. And with a population of about 135.000 people, it's definitely gonna take some time. At least he had a rough direction, knowing that apparently the old lady is settled somewhere in the south of Charleston.
Elijah folded the map of the area that laid in front of him neatly after he had studied its structure. Then, he carefully took the white envelope with Katerina's necklace in his hands and placed it into the left inside of his suit jacket. He's going to make sure nothing happens to Katerina's daylight jewelry until he's having the opportunity to give it back to her.
Then, he switched off the lights and left his hotel suite, knowing that he's going to be in Charleston and therefore closer to Katerina in not even two hours.
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A/N: I hope you've liked this enormous chapter and are excited for the next one. Do you think Caroline told the truth? And how do you think is Elijah going to handle meeting Katherine again? What will he do? Will he talk to her right after he finds her? I'm also not sure if I should continue to write in Elijah's POV as I come to like it or should switch back to Katherine's POV. What do you think? Please consider leaving feedback as it keeps my muse for writing alive.♥
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jpegjade · 4 years
Take Care - Spencer
diana has made an appearance for something! i have rewritten this 3 times and i feel like this time is the one. 
Request: I’ve never seen this story anywhere written but like Spencer x reader where the reader is a caretaker of Diana’s and Diana is always talking about Reid and reading y/n the letters he sends and Diana always talks about how good spencer + the reader would be together and then they meet and fall in love ugh 🥺
Warnings: none that i can think of. 
“You look bright today, Diana.” You said, bringing her mail for the day. 
“I’m getting a letter from Spencer today.” She said, opening the letter for the day. 
“Yeah, that’s great!” You said, handing out the other residents letters from their loved ones. 
Diana was the only one who got something everyday because her son was some kind of big shot fbi guy, according to her, so he was able to tell her all this cool stuff. She reads the letters to you very formally, as you were letting her believe she was still a professor and she was just holding office hours. That always made her happy, when you played into the delusion. You weren’t on her detailed staff so you didn’t know everything but you knew enough. 
One day, a letter came in the mail, addressed to you. Your relatives didn’t write letters so you didn’t know who it could be from until you opened it. 
“Dear y/n, 
My name is Spencer Reid. I am Diana Reid’s son. I assume she has told you about me as she mentions how cute you and I would be together when I actually have the chance to talk to her on rare occasions. She speaks highly of your service to her. I wanted to thank you for that. I can not do so in person at the moment but I figured a letter is a personal way to thank someone for their service.
Spencer W. Reid”
Standing in the lobby, you read the letter a couple of times. What in the world? Why would he thank you? Why you? You must not have been special. He must have hand written a letter to all of the people who help his mom. But… You’re the one person who hangs out with his mom and isn’t on the official staff list assigned to her. You were obviously perplexed but you figured that you should write one back. 
You got out a piece of paper and started writing. Then scratching out. Then writing again. Then scratching out again. Finally, you got something solid and closed the envelope, dropping it in the building’s outgoing mailbox. 
You pushed it to the back of your mind and moved on with your day. You couldn’t wait to hear about Spencer’s “adventures,” as Diana calls them. Sure, they weren’t the most interesting things but he told her secrets that no one else knew. It was like you were in on something special without prying. 
Diana read you her letter and then you got her up and moving for lunch. After that, your morning shift was over and it was time for you to return home. You bid Diana goodbye for the day, although she wasn’t going to recognize that you were leaving. She had been in a weird space lately so it was harder for her to really know what was happening. 
Life went on, going through the motions of bringing Diana her mail of the day for a few days in a row. As suspected, she was the only one with mail today until you saw your name in the same handwriting as the last one. As you rushed to open it, something fell out. A piece of paper labeled, “read me to diana.” 
“Dear y/n, 
Yes, I am an FBI profiler with the Behavioral Analysis Unit (or BAU). Yes, I know you aren’t in my mother’s healthcare worker detail but I also know that you spend time with her every day. I may not see my mother but I might stop by every now and then to check in on her, even if she doesn’t know I’m there. And if she doesn’t know, you don’t know. But I know you. I know you were nervous to write to me, your handwriting was shaky and wouldn’t stay on a line. The way you gripped the pen was probably tighter than normal. You slant down, meaning something is weighing on you, but not low enough that you aren’t on a relatively straight line. I suspect you’re a little younger than me, based on the way you dot your i’s and cross your double t’s. It suggests that you still believe in impossible things. And of course, you’re curious because you asked me to profile your handwriting. I’ve also seen you before so I know we’re about the same age and yes, you are very cute. My mother is a schizophrenic but she’s not completely delusional. 
How did the letter reading go? 
Spencer W. Reid”
How had you never seen him? How did you never see him, as long as his mother has been here. Maybe you did see him but he was unremarkable? Diana was hardly unremarkable so her son must be of similar construct, right? 
You thought about this before you wrote him back. It was a quick message, nothing too intricate. You were a little bit more careful about how you held the pen, since he knew you were nervous last time. You wrote to him about how the letter reading went: she loved the poem. You guessed that Spencer would know that but sent it anyway to make her happy. But that still doesn’t answer the question, “why you?” 
Another few days passed but you couldn’t stop thinking of Spencer. You tried looking him up on the internet and found out he was just as brilliant as his mother. That was a plus. Negative was he was not on any social media unless it was an article about him. Eventually you gave up and just went back to trying to imagine him in your head. Was he tall? Was he short? What did he like to do in his free time? He has seen you but you haven’t seen him… That wasn’t fair. 
When you opened his next letter, you were sitting outside in the grass, across from Diana sitting on the bench. She was having a particularly tough day so she wasn’t up to reading you her letter. You told her you would still keep her company until your shift ended and she seemed to like that. 
“Dear y/n, 
You ask a lot of questions. Are you sure you’re not profiling me? And yes, I have witnessed your connection with my mother before but you wouldn’t recognize me in a crowd. I’m average, nothing special. You care for her in a way I never could… That’s why I wrote to you. I’ll see you on Friday.
Spencer W. Reid”
You didn’t think about how you interacted with Diana that made a difference. You just thought about why Spencer would want to talk to you… He said Friday. Which was today. Today was Friday… He could be anywhere! You had to find him and get some questions answered up close. 
You looked for anyone who might look remotely like Diana, frantically searching while looking nonchalant. Of course, he knows what you look like so you can’t seem desperate and like you’ve lost it. You also didn’t want to worry any of the residents. 
“Excuse me.” You said, trying to get past a guy who was standing in the doorway. He turned slightly and looked at you. He had a sad smile on his face and his hands in his pockets. He looked like someone who didn’t fit into the sea of people visiting their family members. Fridays were busier than the rest of the week so he could be anyone but you had a hunch by the way the guy was staring in the direction where Diana was sitting. 
“Spencer W. Reid?” You said, watching the sad smile get a little bigger. 
“You figured me out? How did you do it?” He said, scooting over so he wasn’t standing directly next to you. 
You didn’t take that as an offensive action. His mom did the same thing. They both had a thing about people touching them. 
“You were standoff-ish. And you’re dressed like you’re important.” You said, confidently. 
You had been googling what a profiler was and how to do it since the second letter. You thought it was the coolest job in the world but you liked where you were at, caring for people close to home. 
“So you profiled me.” Spencer turned towards you a little more.
“Yes, Dr. Reid, I did.” You triumphantly put your hands on your hips. 
“I never told you I was a doctor.” He said, knowing your nonchalant facade was going to fall apart that minute. 
“Well… Okay, I googled you.” You sighed. 
“The internet has its uses... “ He said, looking over at his mom again. 
He looked like he was getting cold feet of some sort. You saw him moving a little bit more and his eyes becoming a little flighty. 
“Do you want to step outside, into the lobby?” You asked, to which he nodded. He almost looked relieved not to be forced to go over there. 
“You don’t have to go over there. I don’t have to tell her you were here.” You said, sitting on the opposite side of the lobby bench to you. 
“No, she should know I came for her birthday.” He said, looking down at his hands. 
It wasn’t very often that the visitors got anything special on their birthdays. Unless their family did something within set guidelines, there was no celebration that happened here because it could set off one of the other residents in the facility. 
“That’s sweet. She would enjoy that.” You said smiling a little bit. 
“She’ll get her wish.” He said, wanting to chuckle. 
“And what’s that?” You wondered what he could possibly be talking about. 
“Seeing us together. I mentioned it in a letter previously, that she occasionally mentions that you and I would look cute together.” He said, finally looking up at you. 
“Oh, yeah. She has said that I needed to meet you once or twice before. We talk about you a lot. I feel like I know you.” You said, breaking eye contact. You were embarrassed that you told him that you talk about him when this is the first time you’ve ever met him. 
“Well, I don’t know much about you.” He paused. “Do you think you would want to tell me more?” 
“Oh well sure. Where do you want to start? My whole backstory is wild.” You looked up at him. 
It took a second for you to recognize what he was saying. 
“oh , you mean. Yes, that would be fun.” You said, attempting to remain calm. You just scored yourself a date and you didn’t do anything but write letters. Maybe you should be a pen-pal more often.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Graduation (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Graduation  Rating: PG-13 Length: 1700 Warnings: None Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set in May 1999. A shorty, but a goody,  Summary: Monica graduates. 
@grapemama @seawhisperer @huliabitch @pedropascalito @rogrsnbarnes@thewallpapergoesorido @twomoonstwosuns @gooddaykate @livasaurasrex @ham4arrow@plexflexico @readsalot73 @hdlynn @lokiaddicted @randomness501 @fioccodineveautunnale  @roxypeanut @snivellusim @lukesrighthand @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts@synystersilenceinblacknwhite @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @exrebelshocktrooper@awesomefandomsunited @ah-callie @swhiskeys @lady-tano @beskar-droids @space-floozy @cable-kenobi @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes @findhimfives @pedrosdoll @frietiemeloen@arrowswithwifi @random066 @uncomicalhumour @heather-lynn @domino-oh-damn​ @cyarikaaa @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​  @yabby-girl @xqueenofthecraziesx @punkass-potato @coredrive @pascalesque​@theduchessofkirkcaldy​ @queenquazar​ @sabinemorans​ @buckstaposition​ @holkaskrosnou​@yespolkadotkitty​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​ @seeking-a-great–perhaps @kochamcie​ @jaime1110​
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“Sofía, you have to sit still.” You urged as she squirmed in your lap. “Or you’re not going to get any ice cream cake.”
“Ice cream cake!” Josie leaned over and kissed Sofía’s cheek. “You’re gonna want ice cream cake.” She looked up at you. “Right mommy?”
“Yes, sweetheart. I think you’re both going to want ice cream cake after this.” You looked to Javier then. “Who thought outdoor graduations were a good idea? In Florida.”
Javier chuckled, loosening his tie as he dabbed at the back of his neck. “It’s almost time for the sociology department. And then we can bounce.”
Sofía bounced in your lap, bound and determined to escape your hold.
“Would you like me to hold her?” Nadia offered, holding out her hands.
“You sure?”
She shrugged, “I wrangle my nieces plenty.” Nadia took Sofía from you, “You look very stylish today, little miss. I wonder who got you this outfit.”
Sofía clapped her hands together as she leaned back in Nadia’s arms. 
Josie draped herself over your lap to her closer to Sofía, now that Nadia has her. “Did Monica buy it for her?”
“She did.” Nadia nodded. “But I picked it out.” She winked at her. “And if you hadn’t spilled grape juice this morning, you two would’ve been matching.”
You pushed your glasses up your nose, smirking. “Well, someone thought they didn’t have to buy white grape juice.”
“Javier.” Nadia grinned at you.
“Daddy!” Josie laughed, turning back around to look at him then. “Did you make me spill juice?”
“No princesa, you spilled the juice all by yourself.” He gave her a look. “I just bought the wrong juice.”
An older parent turned in their seat and glared at you, “Your daughter is kicking my seat.”
“She’s definitely not.” You shot back, gesturing to Josie who was practically laying on her chair with her body stretched out between you and Javier in the most ungraceful fashion. “But thanks for your concern.”
The woman huffed, turning back to face the stage of graduates as the School of Architecture started reading out names. 
You and Javier exchanged looks. 
“JoJo, why don’t you sit in my lap?”
“I’m bored.” She complained, scrambling into Javier’s lap. 
“Once that group of people walk across the stage, it’ll be Monica’s turn.” You explained, glancing at your program. “There’s only… about forty students before her.”
Nadia leaned towards you, “Better than being a ‘W’.” She bounced Sofía on her lap. “Did Monica tell you about her bio-parents?”
You frowned, “That they’re garbage human beings?”
“They sent her a graduation card. Well, to her on-campus mailbox.” Nadia made a face. “It was an extremely passive-aggressive congratulations.”
“Are you kidding me?” Javier questioned, clicking his tongue against his teeth. “They’re not here, are they?”
“No.” Nadia shook her head. “As dramatic as that would be, they made it clear they’re daughter was no daughter of theirs.” 
“That’s bullshit.” You seethed.
“Mommy!” Josie giggled.
“I know.” You reached over and gave her leg a pat. “Sometimes there’s no better word.”
“I’m sure she’ll show you the card.” Nadia told you, playing with Sofía’s curls as she sank back against her chest and sucked at her thumb. 
“Look who decided she was ready to settle down.” You said with a soft voice as you reached over to stroke her cheek. “She’s getting so big.”
“I know.” Nadia grinned. “I remember when she was just a tiny thing.”
“We’re so glad you’re part of their lives.”
“Your family means a lot to Monica, for what it’s worth.”
“I know how important it is to have a family that loves you.” You told her. You’d waited a long time to accept that fact yourself. 
But if you had come to terms to your own unexpected family, you knew you wouldn’t have the ones sitting beside you now. 
 “Congratulations, George.” Javier offered as he shook the hand of his former student. You recalled what an absolute tool he had been the first time you’d sat in on Javier’s class — a bit too similar to Chris. 
George turned towards you then, “I’ve recommended your class to a couple of the guys who are taking the slow route through the degree. I think they could really benefit from it.” He held out his hand.
You shook it, before readjusting the squirmy almost two-year-old in your arms. “I’m glad to hear that. Luckily I’ll be teaching two units of the elective next semester. The Dean seemed quite pleased with my guinea pigs.” 
“I learned a lot,” He admitted, before his eyes flickered downwards to Josie who latched onto Javier’s leg. “Why’d you bring the whole family?” 
Before either of you had a chance to answer, Monica and Nadia appeared. 
“There’s our girl!” You grinned, keeping Sofía tightly secured in your arms as you went in for a hug. “I am so proud of you.”
“I couldn’t have done it without your support!” Monica beamed as she pulled back, laughing as Sofía grabbed at the tassel hanging from her cap. 
“Give your sister a hug,” Javier urged, nudging Josie forward. 
“Congra… congrabulation.” Josie pouted when that word didn’t seem right. “Happy birthday!”
Monica crouched down to her height, “Con.”
Josie made a face, “Congrabulation.”
“Close enough.” Monica laughed before she stood back up to hug Javier. “Thank you for taking a chance on me… dad.”
Javier looked over Monica’s shoulder at you, the way his lips were purses revealing that there were tears in his eyes behind his tinted shades. 
“Dad?” George questioned, arching a brow at you.
“It’s a long story.”
“Hey, Tasha!” He called out to another student that you recognized from Javier’s classes. “Did you know Monica was Peña’s daughter?”
“What the fuck?”
“Oh, Jesus.” You rolled your eyes, looking towards Nadia. “Should I bother explaining this?”
“Not worth it.” She laughed, shaking her head. 
“Is there still ice cream cake, mommy?” Josie questioner, tugging at your hand. 
“Yes, in just a bit.” You promised her, before you turned your attention back to the students that had heard George’s pronouncement.
“Monica, you never told me your dad was Professor Peña.” Tasha said, looking more than a little shamefaced at this turn of events. 
You had a feeling she was one of the ones that had a crush on Javier. And who could blame them? Even now, he was rocking a look that made you wish you were alone with him. 
“I’m not technically—“
You were quick to interrupt her, “She’s technically our daughter where it matters.”
“She’s my sister,” Josie stated loudly, grabbing at her legs as she grinned up at Monica. “And she lets me have cupcakes before dinner.”
“Girl! You can’t be revealing all my babysitting secrets!” Monica said dramatically as she reached down and took ahold of Josie’s hands.
“Don’t you all have parents to greet?” You questioned, shooing the curious students away. “Well, we know what everyone will be talking about next semester.”
Javier grumbled, “They’re so effing nosey.”
“You’re a Peña where it matters.” You assured her, pulling her into another hug. “I’m so proud of you, Monica. I knew from the start you were destined for greatness.”
“Easy!” She squeezed you back. “I haven’t even found a job yet.”
“You will.” You gestured between Javier and yourself. “We’ll make sure of it.”
“Sending the elevator back down,” Nadia pursed her lips and nodded approvingly. “With a touch of favoritism. I can jive with that.”
“Ice cream cake!” Josie whined, swinging on Javier’s arm. “I’m hot, daddy.”
“Alright, let’s load up.” Javier clapped his hands together. “No reason to bake in this heat any longer.”
“Josie, hold your father’s hand please.” You urged, switching arms as you carried Sofía. 
“Told we should’ve brought the stroller.” Javier said as an aside. 
You nudged him the ribs, “Behave, Mr. Hot Professor.”
He groaned as you followed Monica and Nadia towards the parking lot. “I bet right now they’re trying to figure out how Monica’s my kid.”
“That’s your fault for being old,” You taunted. 
“I don’t recall you calling me old last night.”
“Alright, alright.” You laughed, nudging him again. “Was that the first time Monica’s called you dad?”
He worked his jaw, “Yep.”
“I know she’s referred to you that way with me, but I didn’t know if she’d said it sincerely before.”
“I can’t imagine our life without her.”
He shook his head, “She was such a great student in that first class. I knew she was struggling outside of class and I wanted to help her.”
“I remember she was there when I came to tell you about Sofía.” You grinned. “And when we…” You cleared your throat.”
“Yes.” Javier chuckled. 
“I think I’m gonna stay an adjunct, just to keep loitering in your office.”
“For non-nefarious reasons, I assume?”
“I certainly don’t think they’re nefarious.” You slapped his arm playfully. “You seem to enjoy them.”
He clicked his tongue against his teeth. “I’m looking forward to a summer with you at home. All the time.”
“About that…”
Javier’s head snapped towards you. “What?”
“You’ll have me about ninety percent of the time.”
“What did you agree to?”
“Steve needs an extra pair of hands working on some instruction manuals for a couple seminars he’s booked.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” You assured him. “I’ll just be working on the copy for him. And… maybe I’ll be needed for a day or two — over the entire summer.”
“You just can’t relax can you?”
“It’s a flaw.”
“I’ve noticed.” Javier chuckled as he shook his head. “Well, I guess it’s not too bad.”
“Good, cause I definitely already agreed to it.” You shot a finger gun at him before walking ahead to unlock the car. 
You hadn’t had a full summer with just the four of you or even when it was just three of you. The prospect was both exciting and daunting. You’d been working every day since you turned sixteen and now you had down time. 
But the girls would only be little for a finite period of time. You knew that in a blink of an eye, you’d be at Josie’s college graduation. 
You really didn’t want to miss a thing.
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blu-joons · 5 years
He Surprises You On Your Birthday ~ Kim Namjoon
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The morning of your birthday felt like any other day, the other side of the bed was empty, your phone was typically silent, and yet another day of work at the office was the only thing you had to look forward to. What made your day different? The scattering of four birthday cards that sat in your mailbox, waiting to be opened.
When you got to work, it was as if everyone had forgotten, as usual, you were greeted by quiet, a sheer nod of the head the only acknowledgement you got from the receptionist, until you found your best friend, sat at your desk.
“You didn’t think I’d forget your birthday, did you?” She smiled, pointing to the bouquet of white lilies she’d bought, sat beautifully next to the computer on your desk. “I know it’s not going to be the best day, but I can try and make it somewhat enjoyable for you.”
“I really don’t feel like celebrating, it just doesn’t feel right,” you replied.
Your first birthday without Namjoon was something you always dreaded, he treated you like a princess on your birthday, all expectation was exceeded. But this time, as you woke to no text, call, or present from Namjoon, all excitement for your special day had gone away, there was nothing to celebrate without him beside you, making your day as special as he could.
Your best friend smiled sympathetically; you vented enough times to her during your lunch break about how much you missed him being around. “Has he been in contact with you today?”
Your head shook, looking down to the floor. You knew he was busy, but most mornings he managed to find the time to at least send a text and check in with you that things were going well, but on your birthday, there was simply nothing.
“I just can’t wait to go home tonight and pretend today never actually happened.”
“You don’t mean that, I’m sure he’ll call when he’s got a free moment.”
“I’m trying to convince myself you’re right, but this is so out of character for him,” you complained.
Your whole day was a nightmare from start to finish, you lost count of the number of times you checked in the hope there would be a message from Namjoon, but each time, you were left a little more broken-hearted.
A few of your colleagues tried to convince you to head out with them that night, but after all the disappointments of the day, you simply couldn’t wait to get home and just forget that your birthday had ever even happened.
You walked up the stairs to your apartment, a bottle of wine in hand, a last-minute present from your boss. Unlocking the door, the same silence greeted you that had seen you off to work that morning. You reached across, switching the light on, dropping your bag to the floor.
“Happy birthday jagi,” a voice spoke, emerging from the doorway into your kitchen.
“J-joon,” you stuttered, looking up to be greeted by the wide smile of your boyfriend, open arms wide.
You ran over, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist. He stumbled back, catching you safely, peppering kisses along your cheek. It felt like a dream as he held you, all the anguish and hurt you felt throughout the day had all been forgotten about.
“Now, I’ve not had the time to get you presents you, but I hope the presence of me counts for something.”
“It’s the best present, I can’t believe you’re actually here.”
Your hands came up either side of his face, cupping his cheeks gently, studying the tired features of his face, the effort he went to, just to visit you, took you by complete surprise.
“I’m sorry I didn’t text or call sooner; I just didn’t want to risk spoiling the surprise.”
“As if I can hold that against you when you came back home, just for my birthday Joon.”
He chuckled, placing you back down on your feet, taking your hand in his, walking back into the living room where you both sat on the sofa. Your eyes were fixated on him, making sure he was real, the whole situation felt too good to be true.
His heart was pounding, he’d missed you terribly, counting down the days until your birthday. “The boys all wanted me to say hello too.”
“How are they all doing? I’ve missed all of you so much.”
It was the boys that convinced him to be with you, whilst Namjoon didn’t want to let them down by leaving, they knew how important the short reunion would be for the two of you.
“They’re happy I could come home, they miss you, all they do is ask about you.”
“It must break your heart knowing I’m secretly the favourite,” you teased, pressing a kiss to his lips. His head shook, refusing to believe such a thing.
From the start of your relationship, the boys adored you, secretly they wanted to be with you on your birthday too, but a busy schedule and adoring fans left them stuck on the other side of the world. With the promise from Namjoon that you would ring them that evening, they finally, and happily, stood back and let him come home alone.
As a silence finally came between the two of you, the realisation of Namjoon being before you hit you. You felt your cheeks darken, eyes watering, as two tears rolled down either side of your face. Namjoon quickly spotted, using his sleeve to wipe them away. “What’s with the tears?”
“I’m just trying to come to terms with the fact you’re really here, I’d given up on any good happening today,” you replied.
“It’s a good job I’m here to save the day then.”
What was looking to be the worst birthday in the world, somehow ended up being one of the best, no matter how long he was home for, being able to spend some time with Namjoon again was the only thing you could have ever wished for.
No cake or candles were needed, the one wish you ever had, had come true, your boyfriend sat before you, his hand intertwined tightly with your own.
“We may not have many hours left of your birthday, but I want to make the most of it,” he whispered, “have you eaten yet?” Your head shook before he reached across, grabbing the takeout menu that you always left on the coffee table.
“You don’t need to worry about food, I had a big lunch at work,” you spoke, not wanting him to waste any of his money on you.
He shook his head, already knowing what your favourites were, he ordered before you could protest anymore. “I was thinking of just starters and mains, I can think of a better desert that might just be the perfect finale to your day.”
You giggled anxiously, running a hand through his grey locks. “You really do know how to spoil a girl on her special day.”
His frame leant towards you, lips locking sweetly with yours, his big hands held your waist, pulling you closely to him, before he broke away, resting his forehead against yours.
“They’ll be more of that later,” he whispered, leaving you with one last peck on the lips to savour before he laid back, cuddling you closely into his side.
“Namjoon, you have no idea how thankful I am that you came all this way just for me, it means the world that you made such an effort to be with me,” you admitted.
He smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “there was no way I was going to miss your birthday, whatever it took, I was going to be here, just to see the look on your face has made all of this worthwhile. There really is no place like home.”
You nodded in complete agreement, no matter where the two of you were in the world, it was your apartment, the beige sofa that the two of you sat on that always bought the two of you back together, it was a small space, but it was your space, no matter when, and no matter why.
“I might not be able to be home for long, but I’m going to make up for missing out on today, tomorrow, you’ve already got the day of work to spend time with me.”
“Namjoon!” You shrieked, “you really didn’t have to do that.”
“I did, I wanted to spend time with you, I’ve really missed not having you around, and I don’t think there’s ever going to be a better excuse than your birthday to have some fun together.”
“Do you know what? I couldn’t agree more.”
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v0n-butch · 5 years
hidden in plain sight
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“HEY BEAUTIFUL - if I could request prompts 9 and 26 from the list you reblogged - with our favorite trash boy billy of course ❤️” requested by anonymous.
#9: “You’re in love with her.”
#26: “It was you the whole time.”
warning(s): swearing, trashboy jacking off to stuff but it’s no biggie
a/n: set in the 90s, inspired by two of my all time favorite films Pump Up the Volume & Rules of Attraction. highly recommended. thank you so much anon, hope you enjoy:)
Everything was boring in the world of the freshly graduated, young adult. Billy lacked virtually any excitement in life, also lacking any drive to pursue it. Until something, someone, exciting came to him first for a change.
It started out with a letter in his mailbox. He’d wondered if distant family members were wishing him an extremely late happy birthday, making him less than eager to get around opening it. Later that night, after cooking himself some Top Ramen, flicking through the endless channels on television, he got curious. The mail sat on his kitchen counter, waiting to be ripped open and read. To get his mind at peace, he snatched it off the counter, dragging his nail down the envelope before taking out what was inside and tossed the envelope aside. Upon opening it, he scans the letter and finds no name (besides his own) and a paragraph of black writing. With a teetering feeling in his gut, he reads thoroughly to himself.
I think I know what’s going through your mind right about now. What is this for, is this some joke one of the boys are playing... Let me just clear that nonsense right off the bat: it’s not. I’m writing to you because like all the other girls that eye you up at a bar or a club or maybe even a local store, I’m terrified of what you think of me. You’re so intimidating, Billy, and it doesn’t really make my job any easier here. You’ve got this... this way about you, I don’t know how I could ever begin to describe something so uniquely and ingeniously Billy... but I could try again in another letter if you’d like. Or I could just fuck off and you could crumble this up before throwing it away and move on to whomever else suits your druthers. Maybe go to a girl that can talk to you up front instead of communicating through a cheesy desperate letter in your mailbox. But it was important to me that you know that I care about you. And I’ll be damned if I let you go another day thinking nobody does.
By the time Billy finished reading, his cheeks hurt from smiling and his heart wouldn’t quit in his chest. Even his hands shook as they held the paper. Needless to say the letters didn’t stop, not that he wanted them to. Billy didn’t dare crumbling it up and throwing it away either like she suggested if he felt uncomfortable. Instead, he handled the note with care and pinned it to the wall in his room. The boy read it twelve more times before dreaming of what Mystery Girl has in store for him next.
It didn’t worry him too much about who it was hiding behind the curtain yet. The blushing, lovestruck boy had taken to simply basking in the thrill of living in a reality where some beautiful girl had taken time out of her day to write him a thoughtful message.
The letters became a crucial part to the boy’s routine and overall happiness. If he could make it to Friday after a hard week full of work, he would be rewarded by these special messages.
Mystery Girl never disappointed him, always the same red paper, same beautiful black writing and a kiss just for his lips at the bottom. Every week it had similarly themed scents, his favorite being when it was lathered in vanilla. Some messages made his cheeks burn and tears fall, whereas others made him claw at his jeans, desperate to drag them down his hips before rigorously fisting himself. The letter would be smothered on top of his face as he got to satisfying his aching needs, consuming him whole. He’d inhale her fresh vanilla perfume as his eyes practically rolled to the back of his head at her beautifully gifted, dirty minded secrets whispered to him through the ink on paper. Playboy mags will never have this much of a hypnotic affect on him, not by a long shot. These messages were personal.
He was starting to wish she’d cut the anonymity out already. The boy knew in the back of his brain this could lead to trouble or heartbreak. But he ignored all of that and sat back to fucking enjoy it.
It was month three receiving messages and as always had a pep in his step, even whistled with glee as he drove over the post office. He jingles the mail key between his finger and hums a happy tune, even holding the door open for an elderly woman behind him. Nothing tops the anticipation of turning the key to the lock and seeing the angelic envelope awaiting for his eyes to read and his hands to hold. Ten cups of coffee don’t even give him this feeling. No one has ever made him feel so special, so seen.
As he rips open the little silver door to his mailbox with expectancy, his mood drops in a split second from a high ten to a flat zero.
All that sat in his in his mailbox were bills and spam. Billy searches the compartment thoroughly, thinking there may have been a mix up or it could have fallen out. She couldn’t leave him high and dry like this.
On the brink of a meltdown because this wasn’t how his evening was supposed to go, he takes a deep breath to bury his insecurities. Maybe Mystery Girl was late. The disappointed blonde snatched the useless bills and the meaningless spam and slammed his box closed. He must be certain that this is all he’s got, that her precious letter didn’t get dropped in a sewer or left behind. He rues the day he ever lets that happen.
Approaching the woman behind the desk that types at her computer, Billy impatiently rings the atrocious bell to grab her attention.
“Yes, sir? How may I help you?”
Billy knocks his knuckles on the table anxiously before answering with his infamous charm.
“Hey, Miss—“
“Sue,” the woman nods to her nametag. Billy fakes a smile before going on.
“Sue, lovely name, ah... I’m supposed to get something that comes here every week and honestly, I’m pretty damn disappointed, ‘cause I didn’t see it in my box. You happen to know if this was the most recent delivery?” he asks, feigning politeness as he folds his hands together, wanting an explanation.
“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid this is the latest delivery. Looks like whoever sent what you were expecting hasn’t dropped it by,” she replies before resuming whatever business being conducted on her computer. Billy furrows his brows in worry, but nevertheless flashes Sue a tight smile. After he turned around to exit, he stumbles as his chest bumps a woman’s, making him take a step back.
“Shit, sorry,” he breathes, placing his arms on the girl’s shoulders to steady her. She lets out an innocent laugh before catching her breath. She looks to be in the middle of her own tornado of a mishap similar to Billy, stuttering as she recovers from their collision.
“It’s fine really. My fault,” she blames, pointing to herself while mocking her clumsiness before fixing another strand of hair that fell down her eyes. Billy recognizes her from somewhere but it’s not certain where yet.
“Haven’t I seen you somewhere?” he thinks aloud, filter having vanished into thin air wondering what it is that’s so familiar. She licks her red lips and pulls the hem of her sweatshirt down, fidgeting under his stare.
“I work at the record store downtown. Seen lots of faces, but I’m just a regular boring old cashier,” she chuckles. Billy’s eyes cascade down and check her out unconsciously. That would explain her familiar face, knowing he always takes trips to her work buying tapes.
“Shit, I do know you then. Well if it’s any consolation, I’m just a regular boring old customer. You off right now?”
“On lunch break,” she holds up her half eaten peanut butter and jelly in a plastic baggie. “Wasted half of it trying to race here and check my mail but ran late, s’all.”
“Sucks ass when you don’t get to enjoy yourself on break. You’re headin’ back now, then?” Billy asks. Music could get his mind off the absence of Mystery Girl’s letter tonight.
“Yeah um, after I go check my box. Why do you ask?” she wonders, nothing snippy in her tone, just thoughtful.
“I was thinkin’ maybe I could follow you back there, snag a few more records for me and my baby sister,” Billy answers, pointing to his car parked outside. She follows his eyes out then looks back at him, her ears turning a shade of red like her lips before she nods.
“Uh, of course, sounds like a plan. I’ll meet you there, sound cool?”
“Sounds awesome.”
The nameless girl smiles, waiting for the the blonde to disappear into his vehicle before sneaking the envelope into his box with the name Billy Hargrove sprawled on the front.
Sue from behind the counter pauses the task she’d been vigorously tackling. She looks over at the girl slipping the usual piece of mail into the box that belonged to the boy from earlier.
“He looked upset that you were running late today. Seems to really look forward to what you send every week,” she says. Y/N doesn’t reply, instead giving a thanks to the woman from behind the counter. She hid her crimson smile in her sleeve and shook her head at the ground before leaving the post office with a call of see you next week, Sue over her shoulder.
Billy makes it to his destination, seeing the girl from the post office park her yellow Beetle and skips over to greet her with a wave. She weakly fumbles with the cluster of keys on her keychain, scoping for the right one. After finding the desired key, she switches the sign hanging on the door from sorry, we’re closed to come in, we’re open! and takes her jacket off. Billy wanders the store with delight, eyeing the hundreds of artists and posters that litter the place.
“Never caught your name,” he called out, almost forgetting he still called her nameless in his mind.
“Oh yeah, it’s Y/N,” she replies, sauntering over to the boy that busied himself flipping through the endless choices there is in stock.
“Y/N, huh? I like that, suits you. I’m B—“
“Billy, yeah. Kinda knew that already. You’ve been coming here awhile,” she interjected, folding her arms and looking over his shoulder at what he’s interested in. “Stone Temple Pilots, nice taste. Plenty more in the back,” she offers with a shrug. Billy’s eyes light up before asking what other stuff that’s tucked away in the back, then drops his jaw to the floor when he followed her into the small space behind the counter.
“How do you even get shit done working here and not just blast this stuff all day?” he asks, practically eyefucking the Mötley Crüe section. “Jesus Christ.” Y/N giggles at his childlike wonder and stands behind as he surveys each collection, flipping through the albums and even seeing some with signatures from his favorite artists.
“Who says I don’t just blast shit all day and get paid for it?”
The blonde nods with a laugh, pointing to her. “I like your style. Man, I would too. Drove my dad nuts in high school playing these on repeat in my room, but God was it fuckin’ worth it.” He knows with the variety that Max’ll go insane just looking at it too. Dusk is settling in when he checks the time, noticing it had been awhile since he left the post office. He realizes if he leaves now he’ll get to check his mail again just in case, right before picking up his sister in time from practice.
“I should probably get goin’ soon. Gotta pick my sister up and swing by the post office one more time, but I really dig this. Might just dump the rest of my savings into more from the back,” he chuckles, heading to the register so she could ring up his purchases. Y/N hesitates before speaking up.
“You’re going to the post office for the second time today?” she clarifies.
“Hm? Oh, just usually get somethin’ every Friday didn’t come yet but I’m gonna check again,” he answers vaguely while almost dropping the goodies in his arms while fumbling for his wallet. He slaps a fifty dollar bill on the counter and gives her a smile. “Was nice seeing you again, Y/N.”
“Oh... it was nice seeing you too. Enjoy whatever you get in the mail,” she calls out.
“Yeah, hopefully,” Billy mumbles to himself as the tapes almost take a fall before he quickly swoops it up with the other hand that isn’t busy.
“Need some help?” she covers her laughs under her hand at his clumsiness, watching the boy struggle with his arms full before she takes initiative to go and grab tapes and albums that were surely about to fall. For the split second she was close to him, he smelled the scent of vanilla perfume and wanted to pass out from how that flavor drives him insane since he got a letter sprayed with it.
“Thanks,” the blonde mutters, unlocking the driver’s side before she carefully drops the mountain of shit he bought in the back.
“No problem, Billy.”
With another wave to Y/N through the window, he watches from the wheel as she switched the sign to sorry, we’re closed and close down. Snapping out of the staring contest he had with her backside, Billy heads right back to his mailbox.
Racing back just before closing and turning the key to the square silver door, he thanked the heavens that he was gifted again with a surprise waiting for him. A kiss waiting for his lips at the very end, and the same gorgeously scented paper. Billy holds it to his chest like precious cargo that isn’t to be damaged before waving to Sue. He delicately rips the envelope before snatching what’s inside and carelessly throwing the envelope in the back without a second thought. Right before he unfolds the paper he reaches into the back to find a tape to listen to while reading. He cranks Nirvana up all the way and bites his lip before reading.
Did you miss me?
I missed you. The hours and days are long, I can’t help but think of you whenever I’m alone or in a mood. I don’t understand how someone can walk into your life and nearly everything before them you forget, because nothing’s as interesting nor as important anymore. Heard around that you’ve been naughty lately; taking whatever bashful, naive, giggling pretty girl that you can find from the bar home. Do you ever think of it being me beneath you while you fuck those girls? Or is it just when you’re by yourself? Can’t blame you there, but I don’t go sharing my bed with guys. None of them compare; you are the sun among ants. You’re what my heart never stops hammering about, what I toss and turn all night thinking about. And I can’t shake this feeling away. I’m endlessly, hellaciously, a hundred percent yours. Billy... you have me wrapped around your finger and you don’t even know how bad yet; but I’m not tired pretending.
Billy’s left blushing. Of course he thinks about her when he’s with other girls. Without any more sitting around, he gets down to it by whipping his belt off and getting to work through his boxers. It’ll have to be quick, but surely it’ll satisfy the urge that lingered all day, dying for this precious moment.
Sure, he’s in his car touching himself while reading a piece of paper like some nut job outside the post office in the dark, but he doesn’t give a fuck.
Not five minutes later, the red faced boy sped up the shallow harsh strokes and splatters all over his hand and partly on his jeans. It’s embarassing how fast he always cums thinking about her while smelling that same perfume. He wipes his mess with some miscellaneous napkin tucked away and sighs dreamily. The afterglow is an experience he never forgets to enjoy basking in, the endorphins flooding from his head to his toes, never ending grin glued to his expression. After heaven slows a bit, he takes time to neatly fold the letter up and put it in his jacket pocket before starting up the vehicle.
By the time he reached Max, she’d been waiting outside. As the redhead enters she grumbles under her breath then clicks in her seatbelt doing her signature pout.
“How was practice today, squirt?”
“Shitty. What took so long?” she complains, crossing her arms stubbornly, dodging her brother’s attempt at lighting up the mood as an apology.
“Look, I just got caught up in stuff. Your mom still making you sing choir, huh?”
“Yeah. She thinks I’m gonna be the next Madonna or something. I don’t even like singing.”
“Well speaking of that, take a look in the back.” Billy nods his head as his sister squints before realizing what he meant. She glanced to find a fat stack of records then gasps before undoing her seatbelt and climbing back to look closer.
“Hey, watch it, alright!” he protests, not wanting his firecracker of a sister without a seatbelt on.
“Holy shi—“
“I know. Who loves ya?”
“These ones just came out,” she marvels, flipping through the collection and tucks her hair behind her ears as she reads what songs are on the back.
“Gee, Billy. You’re the best big brother in the whole wide world. Thank you so much,” Billy mocks, imitating her with a nasily high-pitch girl voice. Max rolled her eyes and punched her brother’s shoulder before seeing a ripped open piece of mail on the floor. Somewhat nosey, she picks it up and sees her brother’s name in a girl’s handwriting.
“What’s this?” she asks before the car pulls over with the driver in a panic, frantically reaching behind to snatch it out of the grabby twerp’s hands.
“Don’t touch it! That’s none of your business,” he argues, wrestling with her before the envelope gets torn in half due to the siblings playing tug of war. “Look what you did!” he shouts, livid at the girl holding her hands up in surrender with wide blue eyes.
“I didn’t do anything! Who cares that much about some empty envelope that fell anyways,” she bites back.
“I do, alright? Don’t go snoopin’ around shit that doesn’t belong to you ever again,” Billy warns, sending a death glare through the rear view mirror at Maxine.
“First off, it’s empty. Second off, I was just wondering. Sorry,” she apologizes with attitude, their argument having killed the excitement for all the albums still sitting in her lap. The rest of the drive back home was nothing but soul-sucking silence, Billy quiet with guilt not meshing well with his temper, Max not saying a word from her brother’s explosion and idiocracy. When he pulls up to his old home he refuses to unlock the door to let her leave and sits back as she struggles to open the door.
“What the hell! Let me out,” she shoves him, the teenager not budging.
“Would’ya let me explain—“
“Goddamit, Maxine! Look, sorry I freaked out or whatever, but these are special to me and private. I don’t want a thirteen-year-old stickin’ her nose in them, okay?”
“What kinda special private stuff?”
“It’s... it’s a girl that writes me. That answer satisfy you, brat?”
Max breaks her pout before shoving her brother’s shoulder more and grins with a daring laugh. “Dude, are you kidding? Who! You have to tell me.”
Billy throws his head back in agony, unwilling to go into these topics in detail with his little sister.
“I wouldn’t tell you even if I knew.”
“So you don’t know who she is?”
Billy remains quiet, acting nonchalant as he gives her a slight nod and avoiding her eyes conpletely. “So what you’re saying is this girl that writes you lovey dovey letters and stuff is like obsessed with you, and...” she lowers her voice like it’s a dirty word or secret. “You’re in love with her?”
“Shut up! It’s not that... that simple, okay? And it’s not obsessing. Don’t be a prick and put it that way. She just gets me s’all. I don’t know who it is but I’ll find her sooner or later. No fucking telling your little friends or Dad especially,” he orders in the deepest authoritative voice he can pull off, letting her imagine the consequences if she disobeys him.
“Okay fine, I won’t tell. I haven’t told him about Lucas either,” she salutes him before asking if she can get out. Billy pauses, snapping his head in her direction and stopping her from moving another muscle.
“What the fuck did you say?”
“Nothing! Your belt’s been undone this entire conversation by the way,” she pulls a face before reaching over to unlock the door and hop out. Billy looks down at his crotch and finds that she wasn’t fucking with him for a distraction, his stupid pants really were undone. He moans incoherent complaints under his breath while lifting his hips to fix his pants. By the time he looks fucking decent again, he jumps when there’s a sharp knock on the window. When he catches his breath from the horror movie he thought he’d just starred in, he rolls the window down to find his devious little sister laughing at his reaction.
“What now, twat?”
“You should’ve seen the look on your face,” Max giggles, pointing a finger at him before getting slapped away by her angry older brother. “I was gonna say something about your secret admirer deal.”
“Max, get inside before you-know-who whoops my ass for—“
“Shut up, you’re in the clear. But the girl that’s writing you, you probably already know her, y’know? Hiding in plain sight. Girls are way better at acting, believe me,” she concluded, shrugging before offering her brother a first bump. Billy, disinclined, still puts on a happy face for her and does the stupid handshake. She waves goodbye until next time he has to pick her up from the misery that is singing lessons and makes sure she’s inside before taking off. Max’s words stuck with him, even as he mindlessly scrolls through all the boring plots and channels on television and falls asleep with the remote still in his hand like a mope. She had to be onto something about his Mystery Girl, though. Billy never thought to consider her as being rather shy. In fact, anything she wrote to him was anything but clean or polite.
”You probably already know her, y’know? Hiding in plain sight.”
As he sips on some cheap beer half awake, he thinks just maybe he could take a whack at solving the mystery on his own.
The coincidences lined up perfectly every week for the next four letters he’d received. There Y/N would be, hustling out from the post office to her yellow Beetle before Billy could say hi. There was no mistaking the perfume he spent night after night adoring whenever she passed by. Or the lipstick, the same hue that was smooched at the end of every paper. It blew Billy’s mind that for once he could be fucking onto something.
After more visits to the record store and details about her schedule, she had to be it. Billy was bound to eat his heart out trying to approach her, but fuck if he wasn’t gonna try. It took dedication waiting outside his mailbox for two hours. When he was a hair away from getting too hungry and grumpy to wait any longer, here she comes. As if Y/N had seen a fucking ghost, her face scrunches in horror as she swiftly heads back to her car. She stumbles with her car keys like the time he visited her store and drops them by her feet. Billy can hear her desperate curses from a hundred feet away.
“Y/N, wait up!” the blonde jogs over with open arms, wanting her to know that it was okay and he wished he found out sooner. He needs her to fucking sit still and listen.
“I really need to go back to work okay? ‘M sorry Billy,” she tries laughing but it just sounds forced, so riddled with anxiety that it makes him wanna hold her to calm her down.
“I’ll follow you there, that okay?” he asks, touching her shoulders to soothe her like when they first bumped into eachother.
“Uh, I —“
“Hey, stop worrying. Deep breaths, okay? I just wanna talk a little,” he assures the poor trembling girl. He waits for a moment before she nods her head. “We don’t have to now. I can come by later, whenever you want,” Billy offers, not wanting to agitate Y/N further by making her fess up, that isn’t how this was supposed to go at all. She was gone in a flash, speeding down the highway from where Billy was left. He was all alone in the deserted parking lot of the post office, the same place he’d normally feel giddy upon arriving and even happier when leaving. This time though, he was empty handed and lost.
“Y/N, please just hear me out!” Billy begs, this close to getting on his knees to plead with her further as he pounds on the glass of the record store. His palms are sweaty, his heart is aching, and he just wants you to fucking acknowledge him. Y/N remains indifferent, not turning her back to even look his way as a set of heavy headphones lay over her ears, blocking out the sounds of his cries.
“Just let me in! I’m not mad, I swear!” he lets out an a frustrated sob, kicking the door in anger. Y/N turns her head his way at the commotion he’s stirring up. She points wordlessly to the sorry, we’re closed sign that hung on the door and asks him kindly to settle down. She changed her attitude since ditching him in the parking lot, now her mind set on pretending she doesn’t know him or care for anything he has to say. She’s in denial. “I don’t give a shit about this fuckin’ place being closed, I want you!” he shouts, knocking rambunctiously giving the girl no choice but to speak to him.
“Keep your voice down!” she threatens harshly from the other side. Billy’s gone mad trying to make her listen, so he sticks to plan B.
“You know what? Fine. I’ll piss off, ‘cause that’s what you’re tellin’ me you want. Okay?” he surrenders, taking out his own piece of paper and flattening it to make sure it’s thin enough to go through. Y/N watches curiously as he bends down to slide a piece of paper underneath the doorway and then storms off. The disoriented boy isn’t far still, now by his Camaro a few feet away from entrance lighting a cigarette. She hesitantly picks it up off the floor and wipes leftover dirt that gathered on it and eyes him outside before reading.
Look, I’m not as pretty or poetic as you are, okay? But I can’t bare you ignoring me and leaving me. You made me look forward to every fucking Friday. Made me hate the broads I took home from strange places. My head was in the clouds just knowing that there was a real cool chick somewhere out there thinkin’ of me. You’re prettier than I ever coulda thought, I’m one lucky son of a bitch. I don’t know what I did that drew you to me, whatever it was I’m happy I did it. If I could go back... I’d do lots of stuff different. But I can’t, so I just have this half assed thing I’m trying to write but everything’s tearing down on me. But my eyes are open now, I got it figured out. Well, some of it... I guess I still don’t understand how someone can walk into your life and nearly everything before them you forget.
Billy knocked on the glass once again when she finished, far less embittered and wider puppy dog eyes pleading to let him in. Y/N shakes her head with a watery smile before unlocking the front door allowing the boy’s entrance. Without a second wasted not surrounding himself with her, he reaches to cautiously cup her chin and her jaw in his warm hands.
“It was you the whole time,” he muttered.
“Caught me,” she smiles, biting her red lips clutching the note Billy wrote while gently grasps his back.
“Sick of pretending now, huh? Knew that cherry smile anywhere,” the boy whispers, placing his thumb on the pillow of her lips before surging to replace it with his lips. He doesn’t hold any emotion back, deepening his kiss until all he feels is meshing of her tongue going wild with his, lipstick smothered all over their faces. “God, you smell so good.”
“Familiar, isn’t it,” she laughs at feeling his nose tickle her as he inhales more vanilla.
“Fuckin’ waiting for this, waiting for you so long. Now that I have you though, you’re all mine,” he possessively marvels, trailing kisses further south, not caring about the mess of the crimson lipstick passed down to your skin. “Kept ‘em all. All your letters are hung up on my wall or I take them with me everywhere I go, Y/N.”
“Wanna make out in your backseat to The Smashing Pumpkins?” she offers, grinning up at the kisses up fool that lazily smiles back at her in return before going in to nip more at her neck.
Billy now knows why he didn’t care for chasing any excitement after graduating. Maybe he needed someone to seek him for a change, even if it were just through a love note sent every Friday on the same red paper, with the same black handwriting.
I was obsessed with the letters being just right, so this took me awhile. I couldn’t see him being literary/wordy about his feelings, so I had the reader write him instead:) starting on movie fics soon. thank you for everything
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crazyrandomfucker · 5 years
Fated Twins
Chapter 7: Best birthday ever! (Or so the models think so)
Summary: What at first seems to be a normal day having lunch alone turns into a surprise party held by akumas and eventually turns into an incredible fight. In the end, the cats recive an unexpected gift from their bugs and a certain model girl sees a way to approach her crush. Thought not in that order.
-Inside the Agreste Manor-
The Agreste twins finish their meal in absolute solitude and prepare to go to their fencing lessons. As usual, they stop before leaving and say goodbye to their father and his assistant and as usual, the only thing they get is silence. Both look down a bit and let an almost inaudible sigh as they open the doors to the mansion, not expecting to see their classmates in their front yard as they go outside. Suddenly, a big purple bubble descends revealing one of the latest akumas, who has a distinctive eye-like symbol on his chest that catches the attention of the twin models.
"He-He-Hey birthday twins. Guess what? Daddy's away so when cat's away the mice will play!" says the Bubbler. "What the- Nino? Is that you?" immediately says Adrien. "Where is Nina?" asks Adrienne. "I'm the Bubbler now, though you can call me DJ Bubbler for today dude" says the akuma. "As for my sister, she's picking up a certain busy boy and his clumsy sister that probably haven't received their invitation to come here". "Why is everyone here?" asks Adrien confused, seeing all the DJ equipment, food and decorations. "Because you, my dear friends,  are going to have the most awesome party of the century" says the Bubbler as a group of bubbles go up and explode like fireworks. "In that case, we should get in a nice outfit brother. Can you give us a moment to change and come down?" says innocently Adrienne. "Go nuts dudette" says with a grin the Bubbler.
The model girl grabs her brother by his arm and pulls him into the house, closing the doors after them. The two of them look to one another confused.
"What the hell are we supposed to do now?" says Adrien.
With a stressed growl, Plagg comes out of Adrien's shirt pocket at the same time that Plague floats out of Adrienne's bag, with a look on her face that clearly says how pissed is she.
"Okay, listen me here, why are you even doubting now? It's your birthday, so go outside and party like the teenagers you're supposed to be!" exclaims Plague. "Shouldn't we help the bugs to get rid of the akumas?" asks sheepishly Adrien. "Shildn't wi hilp thi- FOR THE LOVE OF KWAMIS KID! What are you? A baby?" says Plague. "You should go to the party kittens; it's your only chance to know how a real one looks like." says lazily Plagg. "Plagg's right thought. We don't know if we'll ever get to see a party for real. I think we could go to the party now and catch the akuma later" agrees Adrienne. "Hmmmm... Okay, why not?"
The twins rush to their respective closet and start to search among the vast amount of clothes in order to get something funkier than the plain dull clothes their father makes them wear. Adrien puts on grey jeans, a black jumper and a flashy orange T-shirt. Meanwhile, Adrienne carefully puts on Marinette's flowery hairpin and chooses a blue shirt with yellow, orange and pink lightnings with a black underlining are all over the shirt. Then she puts on grey skirt and black with white stripes stockings. She punches a wall and a pole descends to his brother bedroom, which she uses to go down instead of using the stairs. They look at each other, put on their respective shoes and laugh for a bit before they decide to finally go outside. Adrien begins to run and leaves behind his sister, who can't run because of her heels and glares at his brother for leaving her. When she finally manages to get to the door, her brother is already dancing at the music. She heads towards him in order to scold him, but notices what seems to be the akumatized Nina arriving with Marin on her arms, carrying him bridal style. A flare of jealousy momentarily burns inside her, questioning if Nina likes Marin, but everything disappears as soon as she sees the Bubblerette pointing to her and winking before sending Marin in her direction. Marin looks at her confused for a moment, but then he shakes his head and heads towards her.
"Happy birthday again" says Marin with a gentle smile. "Thanks again too" says Adrienne and giggles a bit. "I don't know if you've been told before, but you look good on those clothes. What's the special occasion?" asks innocently. "Well, I happened to have planned to attend to a friend's party after I finished my requests, but now I've been dramatically kidnapped and forced to dress well by this terrific akuma" say jokingly the boy. "Oh no, poor you. Perhaps something to eat would help you?" replies the girl gesturing to the table with food. "I'm pretty sure this akumas must have raided my parent’s bakery to gather all that food, so I'll pass. But I've got to say, you also have a nice outfit. It looks cute, but also has a funny side". "Thank you, it means a lot coming from such a great designer" says Adrienne teasingly. "Flattery, my weakest point" jokes Marin, gesturing dramatically as if he had been fatally hit. "Shush boy, I did mean that. I loved your scarf and I love your outfit. I wish I had someone like you to help me to choose what to wear, my father and his assistant have a horrible grown up taste" Marin snickers. "Well, it's a shame you can't have a personal designer to design for you and help you with clothes" jokes the designer. She brightens for a moment and quickly shakes her head. "Speaking of designers, where is Mari? I haven't seen her". Marin's eyes open wide and he looks worries for a second but tries to calm himself. "I'm sure she's either lost or coming here, don't worry. By the way, did she manage to give your brother his gifts?" "Uh... No, we had a photoshoot and had to leave, but I told her to bring them here and leave it on the mailbox. They probably are there" says the girl.
Suddenly, the music stops and everybody looks to the DJ, without noticing how Cleón Bourgeoise is quickly sent to the sky in a bubble. The Bubbler smiles at Chloe and a slow music starts to play, so everybody just gets on pairs with someone they have nearby and begins to dance with their head low. Marin looks nervous and tense but reminds himself to let Adrienne enjoy the party without worrying about what the akumas did in her behalf. Adrienne looks at Marin conflicted, wanting to caress his face, but also aching to kiss him, knowing that it would be too forward.
"Well, may I have this dance Adrienne?" says Marin, still a bit troubled. "It will be my pleasure" says Adrienne breathless and daydreaming. "I apologise in advance if I step on you, I've never danced before but I couldn’t let you be the only one without a partner, don't you think so?" "Then I'll have to teach you baker boy~" says Adrienne, booping his nose.
They hold close the other and start twirling around, Adrienne leading the way and Marin gently following her lead, always careful to make sure he doesn't step on her. He looks at her, with all of her hair glowing in the afternoon sunlight, with a smile from cheek to cheek on her faces as she enjoys that moment. Something inside him struggles, but he dismisses it as guilt for not telling her and letting her innocently enjoy the party. Unexpectedly, the music abruptly changes into something faster ad happier. Adrienne looks confused to Marin and he shrugs. They casually separate but keep dancing with the other.
-Ladybug side-
She had been observing everything for a while, specially noticing how Adrienne and Marin were interacting, as it melted her heart seeing her friend trying to woo his brother but also trying to not be too obvious. She gently smiled when the slow music started and Marin began to dance with her friend, clearly focusing on making Adrienne happy since it was her birthday. Everything was heart-warming until she saw Chloe dancing with Adrien and trying to kiss him, while the boy looked clearly uncomforted by that. Ladybug snapped and called on her Lucky Charm, which gives her a vinyl. She looks around until she spots the things, she needs to solve her problem. She begins to spin with the vinyl on her hand, and after accumulating the momentum necessary, she throws the vinyl to one of the walls, which perfectly bounces and ends up changing the music for one with a more upbeat rhythm. Satisfied, Ladybug observes how Adrien silently thanks god and quickly puts space between Chloe and him. The bubbler and the Bubblerette run to the DJ post and carefully observe everyone to find the one who changed the music. Ladybug ducks to avoid being seen, but the beep of her earrings warn her about her soon detransformation, so she makes sure to escape without being noticed and hides in an empty alley before detransforming.
"Phew, that was a close one" says Marinette catching Tikki. "Marinette..." begins Tikki. "It was an emergency Tikki" interrupts her Mari. "Sure thing. If by emergency, you mean jealousy" scolds her the kwami. "You know that after using your lucky charm, you'll only have a few minutes before transforming back to normal". "I know but I've figured out that these akumas will be threat less as long as the party comes around well" says the girl. "So I can just slip into the party and grab something for you to recharge, the recharge as soon as possible".
Marinette puts the kwami in her purse and discretely slips into the party unnoticed. She goes to the tables with food and puts some cookies on her purse, so Tikki will have something to recharge her energy. As soon as Mari turns away from the table, Alya notices her and rush to her.
"Girl, I'm so glad you are fine. You had me so worried" says Alya pulling her into a bear hug. "Alya!" exclaims Mari hugging her friend. "I'm also glad that you're okay. When I saw people floating in the air, it drove me nuts". "Well, we're both ok and that's all that matters. Although..." Alya shots a grin full of mischief to Mari. "I have good news for you. You can go and sign your beloved Adrien's gifts".
The ginger turns around and gestures Mari to follow her, but a barely perceptible annoyed cough stops Mari from making a single step. Tikki glares Mari clearly disapproving her actions, but Mari just shrugs and gives her a sheepish smile before she follows Alya.
-Marin side-
After dancing a bit more with Adrienne, Marin wishes her to have a great birthday party and makes an excuse to try to find a hiding spot to transform. Adrienne waves him goodbye with a sort of sad expression, which she quickly changes and turn to dance a bit more. While trying to find a hiding spot, he momentarily sees Adrien eating and chatting a bit, without realising the nervous expressions of his classmates. Marin shakes his head and tries to keep searching, but a familiar hand whisker him away. Alen puts his hand over his shoulder, lowering his head to whisper in his ear.
"Hey man. Nice to see you haven't floated and that stuff, but what was that with Adrienne back there?" asks Alen with a totally smug grin. "We were dancing for a bit dude, Bubblerette clearly implied that I had to dance with her" replies Marin. "Yeah. Right. You didn't look really disgusted or forced when you were dancing with her. And you totally stared at her for a solid minute with awestruck eyes" teases Alen. "I can't help but feeling that my man has a crushy crush on a certain blonde model~" "Bro, I'm not crushing on her. Yes, she's beautiful, super nice and stood on Cleón for me, but that's all. She's not the only one who fits in that description" says Marin. Alen laughs and covers his mouth dramatically. "I didn't know you felt that way about me". Marin laughs and gives him a soft punch on the shoulder. "I don't know how can you be my friend, idiot". "You know you love me dude" replies Alen.
Marin tried to reply, but someone screamed and Ivan floated away in a bubble, which made a complete mess as everybody scattered trying to hide asap. Marin took this chance to run to the gardens behind the manor and opened his bum bag.
"You should have transformed a while ago" says Tekke, without a single hint of emotion. "I know, I know. I tried to slip away and hide, but it was just one thing after another one and I haven't been able until now. So, can we please skip the lecture for later and transform?" says Marin anxiously. "Yes, you should transform before things get even worse" says Tekke.
There was something strange about his kwami that seemed to always calm Marin. Unlike Tikki, who was generally cheerful and really positive and supportive, Tekke was a bit more focused on duty, he was realistic and rarely showed any kind of emotion, being chill anytime. Nevertheless, Tekke always acted like a weird mix between a counsellor and a manager for Marin and that helped him a lot, just not like the help Tikki gave to his sister.
Marin calmed and transformed. He let his body move with the flow of the magic of his miraculous, guiding the transformation to perfectly tailor his superhero outfit as he does a sort of a dance, not to embarrassing for his mental sake. Once he's all suited up, he grabs his yoyo and climbs as quickly as he can all the way to the manor's rooftop. He ducks a bit to be more stealthy, but stays close enough to the border to be able to watch the akumas movements and intentions. He then notices how, despite being far from one another, the two teenage models rush at the same time and get inside the manor in just a blink. On one hand, he thinks that their behaviour was quite rude and selfish, leaving all of their classmates alone to face, not one, but two akumas. On the other hand, that must have made them realize the whole situation and made them feel horrible about not noticing earlier. Though, he was thinking about Adrien for the former and Adrienne for the latter, which could be a bit unfair with the boy, since Marin didn't know him fully. (All they had is that weird competivity between them, which none of them understood why the other had it)
Lordbug shakes his head fiercely to push those thoughts away and looks down to observe the akumas again. The Bubbler was threatening everyone to go back to dancing as if anything happened and better not disappoint the models. Meanwhile, the Bubblerette started to throw bubbles to the walls, which exploded when the bubbles hit them. Lordbug stands up, determined to fight and to try to hold off the akumas until his sister and the cats made an appearance. With absolute confidence, he jumps, does a flip and lands in the middle of the yard with a total superhero vibe while he proudly thinks 'Nailed it'.
-Marinette side-
Alya had left Mari all alone to sign the present while she guarded the door in case someone came unexpectedly. Meanwhile, Mari was writing in a post-it very eagerly, even drawing a cute piece of cake on the post-it and making a happy dance as she sticks the post-it into the present. She kisses the present one more time and lefts it where it was, hoping that Adrien will like the gifts. She feels Tikki's death glare in her neck, so she tells Alya to go without her. Suddenly, screams are heard across the whole manor and Marinette looks terrified how Ivan flies away, trapped in a bubble.
"I'm sorry Tikki! You were right! I should have transformed earlier!" exclaims Mari. "As much as I like to be recognised when I'm right, you should quickly transform and go face those bubbly akumas!" says Tiki, with a mix of pride and concern. "You're right. Tikki, spots on!" shouts the girl as she transforms.
Just after transforming, she sees how his brother does a flip mid-air and lands doing a superhero pose. She can't just help but rolling her eyes and thinking: 'That darn idotic brother of mine. It's embarrassing even to look'. She goes to the back of the building and swings to the fight, stepping into the DJ table's plugs and stopping he music.
"I'm sorry but the party is over!" shouts Ladybug confidently. "Why do you have to be such a hater?!" yells the Bubbler, mad as hell. "You locked up all the adults!" says Lordbug. "Children need adults!" says Ladybug. "Adults just tell children what to do and don't worry about their children, except for showing off!" yells the Bubblerette, controlling a few bubbles to attack the heroes.
-Agreste side-
When the twins saw how their akumatized friends send up Ivan in a bubble and everyone ran scared, they simultaneously rushed into the manor, closing the door behind them. Adrienne let a few tears fall from her cheeks, feeling horrible for not stopping the akuma previously and had fun when everyone was definitely not having fun and being forced to hang out. For kwamis' sake, she had even seen how Marin had been abducted but rubbed it off when she genuinely got to spend time with him. Adrien on the other hand, was blaming himself for listening to the destruction kwamis and not stopping the akumas before. But when he looked at his sister ad saw her crying, he hugged her immediately, knowing well how devastated she was feeling.
"I think we've just been complete idiots, haven't we?" asks the boy. "Everyone was making such an effort to make us happy. Oh god, now that I think about it, Marin even refused to tell me what was going on and rubbed it off with a joke" says Adrienne, still crying a bit. 'He better wasn't trying to cling to her with that, or I'm going to cataclysm his butt' thinks Adrien. "Don't worry sis, I'm sure everyone wanted us to have a happy birthday and did that. Now is our time to repay them, isn't it?" the girl cleans her tears and nods. "Yeah, it's time for the cats to make an appearance!"
The twins transformed, still doing their silly transformation dance just for the sake of anime and laughed at the other. Then they used Adrienne’s secret stairs to the roof to get in there without being noticed. They position themselves on the verge of the rooftop to observe how the things are going and they see Ladybug and Lordbug already fighting the akumas. Ladybug throws her yoyo at the Bubbler, but the Bubblerette sends a bubble to intercept the yoyo, making it bounce straight to Ladybug. Seeing this, Chat suddenly jumps to the scene, ignoring his sister telling him to wait and hits the yoyo with his baton, throwing it to the sky.
"Nice, I managed to get just in time" says Chat Noir. "Well, thanks for dropping in Chat, but I already had it under control" teases Ladybug as her yoyo falls on Chat's head and she picks it up. "See, I told you to wait and launch a surprise attack, but I guess the cat is out of the bag now" says Kitty landing next to Ladybug. The bugs roll their eyes at the pun and Kitty Noire smirks. "Anyway, how about you and I take on the Bubblerette and our siblings take on the Bubbler" says Ladybug to Chat. "If you don't mind M'Lady, I'd rather take on the Bubbler. And I'm sure my sister is eager to take care of the Bubblerette" says Chat. "Yeah, if M'Lord doesn't mind, I'd prefer to go against her rather than against the boy" says Kitty. "It's settled then" says Lordbug.
With a swing of his bubble sword, the Bubbler created thousands of red bubbles, but only some of them were thrown at Ladybug and Chat Noir. The later had to spin their weapons to create a shield-like defence that repelled all the attacks and occasionally try to sneak to take the bubble sword and breaking it, without any kind of success. Meanwhile, the Bubblerette was endlessly controlling red bubbles to sneak attack the other two heroes without any apparent success, since Kitty Noire and Lordbug seemed to be so in sync, that they had perfectly covered each other’s back. Frustrated, Bubblerette launched a massive bubble attack that made the heroes back off to where Ladybug and Chat where fighting as those also repelled their own massive endless bubbles attack. When the attack finished, the akumas grinned as Bubblerette snapped her fingers and all the bubbles turned green, twirling around the four heroes and sticking to them until the small bubbles formed two big bubbles around the heroes trapping them separately.
"Please, stop this. We know you're great people" says Kitty. "We're never going to stop! Adults are just controlling and abusive towards children! We're giving them what they deserve!" replies the Bubblerette. "Adults care about children and they only want to protect them!" says Lordbug. "Well, not all of them" mumbles bitterly Chat. "But you have to stop all of this!" "Since you four like adults so much, why don’t go and join them!" says the bubbler and he kicks with all his might the bubbles where the heroes are trapped. "Great, now how can we get out of this?" says Kitty while poking the bubble with her baton. "Can't you use cataclysm on it?" suggests Ladybug. "You could have said that three hundred feet earlier" says Chat. "I'm sorry but hurry up. We can't be trapped here forever!" replies Ladybug, receiving a suggestive eyebrow wiggle from Chat, making her eyes roll again.
The cats use their power at the same time and the bubbles pop, leaving the heroes falling from a couple of thousand feet from the ground. Ladybug takes Chat's hand and point to the Eiffel toward, he understands the message and throws his baton at the tower, getting it stuck for Ladybug to use as a safe point to hang her yoyo and swing them to land safely. On the other hand, after a cat landing on their feet joke, Lordbug grabs Kitty in a very much princess style and throws his yoyo to the Eiffel tower, managing to get it hooked to the top of the tower and pulling back to reduce their momentum and changing the direction of their fall to an inflatable castle, completely saving them of the fatal fall.
The heroes stood up and looked to the others, silently agreeing not to get caught again by the bubbles and to end things up quickly enough so Chat and Kitty had enough time to detransform. They climbed the walls of the Agreste manor and got cheered by the students in there. Upon that, the akumas got mad and bubbled everyone, sending them to the ionosphere with the adults. The heroes cry out a desperate no but are forced to recover to purse the now escaping akumas across the Parisian rooftops.
After a fast persecution, the akumas go back to the manor and pas it by to climb the Eiffel tower, throwing red little bubbles behind them that exploded whenever they got in contact with anything. The heroes bravely chased after them, dodging the bubbles as they used their weapons to catapult themselves to a higher spot on the tower. When they arrived to the middle floor, the akumas stopped climbing and began to mass produce bubbles to attack, Bubbler creating the bubbles and Bubblerette throwing them at the heroes as she swung her wand like a bat. The four heroes swing their weapons to shield themselves, but Lordbug suddenly stopped and hid behind Chat Noir to call upon his Lucky Charm. A big spanner falls to his hands and he looks around to spot the things he needs to win.
His eyes lie upon a big industrial fan with a tube that blew wind to make the fan move and he comes up with an idea. He runs to the fan and uses the spanner to unplug the tube while shouting to Chat to cover him. Chat jumps onto the now loose and crazy tube and firmly holds it and points it to the Bubblerette. When the akuma throws the next batch of bubbles to Chat Noir, the wind from the tube make them bounce back and explode in random places near the akumas, making them lose their balance. Ladybug then swings and takes the akumatized objects making use of the distraction and as soon as she lands, she breaks them in two halves.
The cursed butterflies get out of the broken items and try to fly away, but two yoyo's trap them and purify them. Ladybug and Lordbug then call upon their miraculous cure and once again, billions of magical ladybugs revolve around Paris, repairing all the damage caused by the akumas and leaving all the people imprisoned in bubbles in the ground. The rings of the cat twins’ beep and they turn to leave, but Ladybug holds them by their tails.
"Before you leave, I want to tell you that instead of patrolling tonight, make sure to meet us here at the top of the tower around half past ten. Both of you" says Ladybug and then leaves with her brother.
-At the Agreste manor-
Adrien and Adrienne eat their dinner half excited because of their later meeting with the bugs, but also half disappointed that their father wasn't eating with them or even bothered to give them presents at all. Unexpectedly, Nathalie gets to the dining room half running with a quite big bag on her hands. From the bag pulls out four packages and gives two to each twin, mentioning that those were their father's presents for them before she leaves the models alone once again.
Curious and excited, they open the presents together. Adrien gawks at his new scarf and his cool bracelet, wondering how his father could have got those awesome gifts, or even thought about it. Adrienne looked horrified at her presents, recognising exactly what she had told Nathalie to get for her on her birthday, but when she saw Adrien's presents and recognised them, she completely lost it. She stood up and quickly got to her room, locking her door so her brother couldn't see her. Adrien, confused, knock on her door.
"What happens, were your presents that bad?" asks Adrien confused and worried. "No, they were great. I just needed a moment because I didn't expect them and they just surprised me a lot" says Adrienne. "Well, then I'll leave you alone, but remember that we have to go out later" says Adrien before leaving.
Adrienne curls up in a ball and realises how, not only does her father ignore them, but also, he doesn't even bother to find something for them. Slowly, all the pieces of the puzzle clack in together and she agitates as she realises horrified that his father hadn't been buying them gifts, but instead he had made Nathalie to buy them on the last minute, probably threatening to fire her, making the poor assistant give up on her own gifts and ,this year, even having to steal the present from the Dupain-Cheng twins. She felt horrible for the poor Nathalie, who was probably under a lot of pressure every year, and for Marinette and Marin, who had spent god knows how much time crafting the presents by themselves. Then, she felt furious at his father. She decided that she had had enough and stormed into his office, leaving the man slightly perplexed.
"What are you doing here? I'm busy" says Gabriel demanding, quickly recovering his composure. "Well, I don't care if you like it or not, but you're going to listen very carefully to me" says Adrienne, showing clearly how mad she was at him. "What happens, do you perhaps dislike my present?" asks the man. "Your present? YOUR present? Listen here father. I know that you didn't othered to get us presents. I'm sure you were so busy, but those aren't yours" snaps Adrienne. "What are you implying?" "I'm telling you those aren't yours. First of all, it was Nathalie who bought them and looked for them, so they are hers, not yours" says the girl. "Secondly, this year you didn't tell her anything until today at lunch probably, because this time even she couldn’t find anything on time and had to improvise with what she got". "Oh, she did that? I'm going to have to speak to her later" says calmly Gabriel. "Oh no you don't! You can stop thinking about firing her if you don't want that I set the manor on fire at the exact same minute you fire her" says the girl angrily. "You would never do that, I raised no pyromaniacal" replies Gabriel. "You didn't even raise us! I'm done with you father! I'm done obeying you and trying to get recognition or love from you!" snaps the girl. "You never cared about us and kept on controlling every movement and thought we've been having, always worrying about your company and not about your own children! You made our friends get akumatized because you didn't even let them throw us a birthday party, despite working ourselves to exhaustion! Since mom disappeared, you've just become a control freak!" Her father looks at her, silently thinking. "I'm sorry Adrienne. I know I have never been really open to you nor to your brother, and that I'm a workaholic, but don't even think for a moment that I don't love you. I'm sorry I have become a control freak, but since your mother disappearance, I just focused on work and made sure to always keep you under vigilance. I couldn't lose you too, not after losing Emilie". "I'm sorry father, but I can't trust you anymore. I get you may want us to be safe, but this isn't life. And I'm leaving this company and this house, but not before telling Adrien everything" "Please don't. I'll fix your timetables to let you have more free time. I will let each of you request me anything and I am even going to formally apologise to your friends. I swear" says Gabriel, showing sorrow and desperation, surprising the girl. "If you're going to keep that promise, call Adrien here and we'll ask our request" says Adrienne doubting.
Gabriel immediately calls Nathalie to get Adrien to his office, worried that the girl will escape the moment he leaves the room. A few moments later, Adrien enters the room confused and his father tells him that, after a short discussion, he will fix their timetables and that he will listen to any request they have.
"I want to get along better with my classmates, so could you please organise a designing contest for my classmates to do, I don't know, anything and the winner's design gets on your next fashion show?" says Adrien. "My friends could have fun and you could even find a potential designer" "That's a very wise choice Adrien. I'm proud that you came with that idea and I will make sure that is done. Furthermore, you will wear the winning design yourself" says Gabriel pleased. "I also want to do a contest among my classmates, but for an entirely different reason. I want that the winner of the designing contest of my class will become the designer of everything I wear and gain an apprenticeship on Gabriel's. I'm tired of always wearing clothes always selected by you, I'd rather wear something more teenage-like, so the jury will be you, Nathalie and me" "Okay, I will keep my promise. Tell me, do you have anyone in mind, because you sound really confident" says Gabriel. "I do know that most of my classmates have each a unique talent. My friend who got akumatized is an excellent dancer, for example. A boy named Alex does great urban art and Matt is a genius with computers and science. So I'm confident that there will be someone whose designs you'll have to accept". "Then I'll be looking forward for those contests, perhaps everyone will gain something valuable" says Gabriel and the twins leave.
-At the top of the Eiffel tower-
The bugs are the first to arrive and hide their packages quickly so the cats will be surprised when they get the presents. They sit on the edge, swinging their feet as they waited for their feline partners and admiring the outstanding views of the so-called city of Lights all illuminated in the middle of the starry night. The cats stealthily break out their manor and leap to the nearest rooftop, beginning to run above the spectacular sight of the Parisian streets full of captivating lights. They smile and look to the other, before grinning and speeding up, racing to the tower where their dear teammates waited for them. They quickly arrive to the Eiffel tower, Adrienne winning by a whisker, and begin to climb it. Ladybug spots them and eagerly waves her hand to greet them, causing another race between the black cats. They finally get to the top and the bugs hug them.
"Um.... Not that I'm complaining or anything, but what's going on?" asks Chat confused, but very happy to hug Ladybug. "Well, Kitty told me that your birthday was this week and since we didn't know when and we met today, we've decide to celebrate it tonight!" says Lordbug. "You remembered?" asks Kitty to Ladybug very happy. "Of course I did! You two are our partners and friends, we'd never forget it" says Ladybug smiling. "Isn't it funny sis?" says Chat grinning. "A lot, maybe even ironic" answers Kitty. "What's funny" ask the bugs confused. "Well, you two certainly are the Lord and Lady of luck" says Kitty, amused by the situation. "You two perfectly spot our birthday without even knowing" says Chat as he laughed heartily. "No way" says Lordbug. "Your birthday is today?! Gosh, you had to battle an akuma on your own birthday! I'm sorry about that" says Ladybug. "Thank you for caring M'Lady, but it isn't your fault that Hawk Moth decided to evilize someone today" says Chat Noir. "That's right! Besides, how is a celebration supposed to be hold if you're worrying and apologising for something you didn't do?" says Kitty. "Right! We should be happy today sis! I know, let's give them their presents!" says Lordbug quickly. "Okay, let's surprise them!" says Ladybug, cheering up a bit. "Presents?" asks Chat, waving his tail excitedly. "That's right! It was difficult to come up with them thought, because of the whole secret identity thing" says Ladybug. "Yeah, we had a hard time thinking, but we've made sure to give you the best!" said the bug boy. "I can't wait to open them!" says Chat. "Don't you know that curiosity killed the cat minou?" teases Ladybug. "Maybe, but satisfaction brought it back!" says Kitty, moving her tail as well. "Okay, okay. I'm going for them" says Ladybug, heading to the hidden presents.
She picks up two paper bags with a familiar TS logo on them and hands them to Lordbug while she got two small boxes carefully wrapped. They get back with their partners, hiding the present behind them to tease the cats a bit, who are almost bouncing of excitement.
"Come ooooon~ Give them already!" says Kitty desperately, almost clinging on Ladybug. "Okay geez. We'll hand them over" says Ladybug giggling. "Yaaaay" says Chat. "Okay, first, we've brought you some pastries from the best bakery in Paris" says Lordbug, handing the paper bags to the cats. "Great! Their croissants are the best!" says Chat opening his bag. "I can't wait to taste the... Are these black and green macarons?! And there are cookies!" "Cookies?!" asks surprised Kitty as she opens her bag. "There's also a little cupcake with our faces! I love it!" "If we had known you were going to like it this much, we'd had prepared bigger bags" says Lordbug smiling. "Well, we have a very strict diet, so it's been ages since we had a treat. Luckily our friends also gave us a bag with croissants" says Chat. "And here I was wondering why the favourite cats of Paris were so skinny" says Ladybug teasing. "I guess we'll have to feed our kittens brother". "Yeah, I don't think their diet considers superhero duty" agrees Lordbug, at which the cats make a victory gesture. "If you liked that so much, wait to see what we requested to some of our friends to make" says Ladybug before giving them the boxes. "You've requested this to your friends? How? Wouldn't that be bad for the secret identity?" asks Chat. "You see" says Lordbug, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "They had discovered us. Apparently, it's painfully obvious who we are, thought they are the only ones who know. But they have promised to keep the secret and to do their best to avoid akumatization, and they are really trustworthy". "What? But you two were the most careful about this!" says Kitty. "I know right? They say that we've been friends for so long, that they simply recognised us" says Ladybug, praying that the cats would buy the lie. "Sharp friends you have there, maybe they could help us when we have clues about Hawk Moth" says Chat Noir. "No way, that would put them in danger, more than the one they already are in" says Lordbug. "Anyway, shouldn’t you open your presents? I thought you were excited about them" says Ladybug, smoothly changing the topic. "Sorry, we were so surprised that we forgot" says Kitty. "Let's see what's in here..." the cats open the boxes at the same time and pull out a small round pillow that had a ladybug in one face and a green-eyed black cat in the other. "Awesome! Your friends did this? They are really talented!" says Chat astonished yet joyful. "Who are they?" "Wouldn't you like to know kitty, so you can go and ask them who we are" says Ladybug booping Chat. "Well, I'd recognise this handicraft anywhere, so I already know. Let me guess, they are twins, a boy and a girl" says Kitty with a smug grin. "How did you know it?" says Lordbug surprised. "Well, I happen to know them and I absolutely love them, they are so sweet and kind, am I right?" "Yes" sighed Ladybug. "I knew it was a bad idea to make them craft it". "Who are they?" asks Chat confused. "I won't tell you until you learn to appreciate your surroundings better. If you payed attention to people you'd know" scolds him Kitty. "Can I talk to you for a moment Kitty?" says Ladybug. The girls go to a lower floor of the tower and sit down. "What happens m'Lady?" asks Kitty. "I just wanted to make sure of it. Who are you thinking on?" asks Ladybug warily. "Well, this is clearly something made by the Dupain-Cheng twins, isn't it? They're the best designers I know" says Kitty. "Indeed, it's from Marin and Marinette. Can you please not tell Chat? Moreover, it'd be better if my brother and I didn't know what's your relationship with them, we'd probably turn paranoid and start searching around them" asks Ladybug worried. Kitty laughs. "I bet it'd be funny to see you two doing that. But don't worry, my lips are sealed". "Thanks a lot Kitty" says Ladybug. "Well, you got me something made by the boy I like, so I guess it's just fair" says Kitty smiling at the pillow. "You like Marin? Oh no... Mari already promised someone else to help her... Well, I'll cheer you both regardless, may the best blonde win his heart no?" "Totally, but I don't think I have to worry much about the other girl, at least, my gut says so" says Kitty looking at her stomach. "Well then, we should return before Chat manages to convince my brother to tell him" jokes Ladybug. "Yeah, we should".
-In front of the school-
The reporter twins and the designers where chatting before going to school as always and the Lahiffe siblings were waiting for the models to come. They all heard how Chlóe scolded Cléon, Sabrina and Sebastián for not making sure to click the fast delivery option and saw how she went inside completely mad with the others following her. Then, the Agreste limousine arrives and Adrien and Adrienne come out wearing a big smile on their face as well as the Dupain-Cheng presents.
"Hey guys, hi girls" say Adrien and Adrienne. "Aren't those your presents?" whispers Alen. "Yeah that's my scarf. He's wearing my scarf!" whispers Mari. "Yo, nice scarf Adrien. It's a nice change" says Alya. "Yeah, can you believe that my father gave it to me after getting us a pen for three birthdays in a row? It's still an awesome scarf" says Adrien. "Wow, I guess anyone can change and be cool when you least expect it" comments Nino. "But that is-" tries to say Marin but Mari interrupts him by hitting him in the stomach with her elbow. "Don't mind him. H-He just wanted to compliment that nice bracelet and pinhair- I mean- Hairpin! F-for sure" says Mari quickly. "Thanks, I loved the hairpin Mari" says Adrienne smiling. "Wait, you did that hairpin? It's impressive and really amazing of you to be so skilled Marinette" says Adrien, wondering why only had his sister received gifts from the Dupain-Cheng. "She is, and the scarf was knot by Marin also" says Adrienne desperate to make his brother realize the fact that those are the designers they were talking about last night. "Oh, well done I guess" says Adrien momentarily squinting his eyes at Marin, before turning to the Lahiffe. "Hey Nino, Nina, I'm sorry about my father yesterday". "Hey buddy, don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault and we can't blame you for how your pops behaved. We're best buddies aren't we?" asks Nino as he and Adrien head inside. "Girl, you've got to tell him you're the one who knitted the scarf" says Alya. "Why didn't you told him?" asks Alen. "I know... I just saw how happy he was thinking his father had made it and could bring myself to break his happiness" says Marinette sheepishly. "Girl... You have a heart of gold" says Alya hugging her. "I still think you shouldn't have hit me, now my stomach will be weird for the day" complains Marin rubbing his belly. "I'm sorry about that Marin, do you need a pain-killer or something?" asks Adrienne worried. "I doubt it, our dear Marin here is tough as baked dough" says Nina. "That was horrible" says Marin. "By the way guys, I'm sorry about what happened with your gifts. I've secretly talked to my father and you'll be having a great opportunity as an apology really soon" says Adrienne mysteriously.
The bell rings and they all head inside to their respective classroom, ready to start a new day.
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Write Your Letters in the Sand
A gift for @cinnamon-freckles as a part of @dailyhaikyuu‘s Secret Santa!  I hope you enjoy!
Ship: DaiSuga Rating: T Word Count: 6,089 Summary: Sawamura Daichi and the crew of the Fukurokuju left Earth on December 29th, 2039.  They came back 87 years later to a planet they no longer recognize, but with inhabitants who recognize them. Tags: Time Travel AU, Space AU, Somewhat Scientifically Accurate Time Travel, Fluff, Comfort, Light Angst with a Happy Ending Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17238368
Fic under the cut!
Operation: Fukurokuju.  Mission Description: Deep Space Exploration to Proxima Centauri b. Launch Date: December 29th, 2039. Launch Time: 14:35.  Mission Director: Ukai Ikkei.  Mission Commander: Sawamura Daichi.
It was a cold, gray morning when Sawamura Daichi awoke early on December 29th.  His alarm gently beeped on the night stand as he cracked open one eye and then the other.  He sat up, rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and reached over to silence his alarm. The last one he'd been turning off for a while.  Well, on Earth any way.  Today was the day.  Days before his birthday, Sawamura Daichi was going to deep space.
It was an honor to be chosen for this mission.  Operation: Fukurokuju was JAXA's first manned deep space exploration mission, and he was one of eight astronauts to be selected for the team.  In fact, he had been selected for mission commander for this trip.  It wouldn't be Daichi's first trip into space; he had been on three trips to the International Space Station for a total of 90 days in space. But this time, he'd be on a deep space exploration mission, traveling at light speed to an exoplanet trillions of miles from Earth all in the name of data collection and research.  He shivered with excitement as he pulled himself out of bed.  He also shivered with nervous anticipation.
The previous night, Daichi had spent the last night he would ever have with his family.  Trillions of miles of travel meant travelling at light speed in order to reach the planet within the astronaut's lifetime. Travelling at light speed meant that there was a very real possibility of something going very, very wrong.  He didn't want to dwell on it too much, but as he prepared breakfast for one last time, he couldn't help but reflect on the first mission brief all those months ago.
"Our technology should be advanced enough that your ship should stay intact as you travel through light speed," Mission Director Ukai had told the crew on the first day of training, "and the cryogenic pods will help you maintain your body's regular functions."
Ukai had paused then, taking an unsteady breath before he added, "And because of time dilation, we can't guarantee you'll ever see your families again."
Ukai had held up a hand when the cries of shock and protest filled the room.  Once the assembled crew had quieted down, Ukai had continued, "We know that this will come as a surprise to some of you, especially those who may not have as strong of a background in physics.  However, this is a risk anyone who wants to participate in this mission must be willing to take."
"How much time would pass here on Earth?" an astronaut who would later drop the mission asked.
"Proxima b is 4.2 light years away, and you'll be spending three years in orbit around the planet collecting data," Ukai explained.  "It'll then be another 4.2 light years to return to Earth.  Not accounting for the two years in orbit, it might be about 80 years of time on Earth."
Another murmur had rippled through the assembled group.
"I know that the uncertainty of all of this is daunting," Ukai said, "but this is—quite literally—a once in a lifetime opportunity.  You get to work not only with your current generation of scientists, but future generations as well, exploring a planet that we know so little about.  This is a phenomenal opportunity for you all.  If you need to withdraw from the mission, I understand.  But I hope you'll all stay on."
In the end, they had to replace all but four crew members.  Daichi remained on as mission commander, as did his fellow astronauts and lifelong friends Azumane Asahi, Michimiya Yui, and Tanaka Ryuunosuke, the crew's physician, resident geologist and the crew's pilot respectively.  Added to the crew were Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Shimizu Kiyoko, and Ennoshita Chikara.  Hinata would act as their navigator and communications technician, Kiyoko their chief engineer, Ennoshita was an astrophysics researcher who specialized in exoplanets, and Kageyama was the systems operator for the journey.  They each had their specializations, and they knew the risks involved.  Still, they were all prepared to undertake the journey.  Daichi had nothing but respect and admiration for their dedication to space exploration.
After breakfast, Daichi took a quick lap around his apartment.  The place was bare; most of his furniture either left with his family or sold off.  He had been allowed one crate of personal effects, and those had been with JAXA for weeks now.  There was really nothing left for him there, but Daichi couldn't help but felt a twinge in his chest as he stepped into his bedroom for the last time.  His room was the only place with furnishings.  His parents would be by later to pick up his bed and dresser, taking the last of his clothes for donations and selling his remaining furniture off.  Daichi spun in a slow circle, taking in his bedroom, and his eyes fell on a lone picture frame on his dresser.  
He picked it up, turning it over to examine the picture.  It was a picture of his family during a birthday several years ago.  It must have been his sister Miko's birthday, as she was in the center of the photo.  Her wide smile had a missing tooth, placing this photo at her seventh birthday. Akane was seated to her left, his small hand reaching towards the cake, most likely in an effort to steal some frosting while Miko distracted.  Daichi in the picture had his hands resting on Miko's shoulders, eyes closed and head thrown back in laughter.  Neither of his parents were in the picture.  Daichi blinked back the tears that were welling in his eyes.  He knew that he was going to cry, but now wasn't the time.  He had other things to do.   Daichi took the picture out of the frame and folded it gently.  He tucked it into his pants pocket with a gentle pat; JAXA wouldn't mind if he brought along one more thing.
Daichi made his way back to the front room, stopping at the genkan to put on his shoes and his jacket. With one final look at his apartment, Daichi gave it a little wave, then left.  He locked the door, and dropped the key in the mailbox for his parents to find later.  Stepping out of the building into the early morning sun, Daichi checked his watch; 5:30am, just in time to watch the sunrise on the river bank.
It took Daichi about twenty minutes to make it his favorite spot on the river bank.  It was cold, but it wasn't snowing.  It rarely did in the city.  It was cold enough that he'd wished he'd brought a scarf, but he had donated his scarves a while ago.  He picked his way along the river bank, his hands shoved in his pockets as he made his way to a small alcove just behind a large boulder.  It was his favorite spot on the river bank, secluded, peaceful, empty.
Daichi sat on a large rock that sat on the edge of the water.  A gentle breeze ruffled through his short, dark hair as the sky steadily grew lighter and lighter.
"I knew I'd find you here," a familiar voice called.
Daichi turned to watch Azumane Asahi pick his way down the bank towards Daichi.  Daichi moved over to make space for Asahi to sit down. With a quiet grunt, Asahi sat on the rock, his gaze turned towards the sunrise.  They sat in silence for a few minutes, content to watch the clouds turn pink and orange as the sun finally rose over the horizon.
"Whatever you're about to say, keep it to yourself," Daichi said after a moment, reaching down to run a finger through the freezing sand.
Asahi blinked twice, his mouth dropping in shock.
"How did you-?"
"You do it every mission, Azumane," Daichi teased.  "You always make some speech about us blasting off to explore the vast unknown for the betterment of humanity like a sentimental senpai in a manga."
"Pot, meet kettle," Asahi scoffed, giving Daichi a playful shove.  "If anyone in the organization overhypes missions with sentimental speeches, it's you."
"Fair, fair," Daichi said, letting the conversation lapse back into silence. After a few minutes, he gestured for Asahi to speak.
"Oh, so now you want my sentimentality."
"Get on with it, Azumane."
Asahi sighed, pulling his knees up to his chest.  "We're going to be leaving Earth for who knows how long."
Daichi hummed in agreement.
"There's no way we're making it back to Earth while our families are still alive, and who knows what Earth will be like when we get back."
"If we get back."
"I'm trying to be optimistic here," Asahi said, glaring at Daichi.
"Sorry, go ahead."
Asahi nodded, "Thank you.  As I was saying, who knows what Earth will be like when we get back.  And frankly, that scares me.  That absolutely terrifies me.  And I'm scared about what will happen to my parents when I'm gone.  The future is uncertain, and that scares the shit out of me."
Asahi stopped, tears welling up in his eyes.  Daichi reached out and pat Asahi's hand, waiting for him to continue.  After a minute, Asahi wiped his eyes and took a shuddering breath.
"But, I know that things are going to be okay.  I'm going on this mission surrounded by people I've known for years, people that are my friends and that I love.  We're going to be gone for a long time, but I'm not going alone.  I'll be with people who have my back, and I'll have theirs. We're going to be okay."
Daichi pulled his friend into a tight hug.  Asahi wrapped his arms around Daichi without hesitation.  Daichi knew he was crying, and he knew Asahi was crying, but neither of them addressed it.  It would ruin the moment otherwise.
"Come on," Daichi said after a minute, his voice heavy with emotion, "let's go to space."
Daichi helped Asahi off of the rock.  Asahi went first, picking his way back up the bank to the road.  Daichi's gaze dropped to the sand next to the rock.  He had traced his name in the sand, just out of reach of the waves.  One last piece of himself left on Earth.  Daichi turned away and climbed the bank after Asahi.  He had a ship to catch.
The mission had been a success, in Daichi's mind, but at the same time, three years in orbit hadn't nearly been enough time to fully study the planet.  Chikara and Yui had found some interesting data on the planet, but they could have found so much more if they were allowed to stay.  The Fukurokuju had very little problems thanks to Kiyoko and Tobio's teamwork, any problem the ship may have had was fixed under their careful scrutiny. Ryuu, finding that his own job wasn't as important during the orbiting stage, learned how to navigate drones to and from the planet's surface.  Daichi, needing something to pass the time, assisted Shouyou in creating star charts and relaying communications back to JAXA.
It wasn't all work onboard the Fukurokuju.  The crew made it a point to send an over-the-top Christmas photo back to Earth once a year along with pictures of birthday parties and zero gravity antics.  As it turned out, Chikara was an excellent filmmaker and spent plenty of time documenting the day to day life of the crew.  The crew also set a record for the most amount of weddings held on a space ship outside of the Milky Way, with Kiyoko and Yui, and Shouyou and Tobio all marrying within one rotation of one another.  Daichi had officiated both weddings, and the crew held a joint reception between the two couples.  The ship's interior had been filled with makeshift decorations that hadn't come down for weeks.
But the three years were up, and the Fukurokuju hurtled back towards Earth at the speed of light.  The ship dropped out of light speed somewhere around Mars and had been on a steady course for Earth for months.  Soon enough, they were approaching Earth.
Shouyou was the first to spot Earth, dragging Tobio over to one of the ship's windows with a loud, "Tobio, you need to see this!"  Tobio tried to resist at first—citing cryopod maintenance as a top priority—but once he caught a glimpse of Earth he froze.  He wrapped an arm around his husband's shoulder and pulled him close, marveling at the blue speck that grew closer and closer.  The rest of the crew was alerted soon after and preparations for atmospheric entry began.  Within a week, the crew was strapping into place and preparing for their descent back to the planet's surface.
"Hey Daichi," Ryuu called from the pilot's chair, "I think you should let Chōfu know we're coming.  Don't want them to think we're aliens or anything."
Daichi rolled his eyes as he pressed a button on the coms board and said, "Chōfu, this is Mission Commander Sawamura Daichi of the Fukurokuju.  We're beginning our descent through Earth's atmosphere.  We'll transmit you our coordinates for pickup once we land. Over."
Silence.  Ryuu looked over at Daichi with an eyebrow raised. The rest of the crew looked on with mild concern.
"Do our coms not work anymore?" Yui asked.
Daichi pressed the button again, speaking louder this time, "Chōfu, do you copy?  This is Mission Commander Sawamura Daichi of the Fukurokuju.  We're beginning our descent and we're requesting pickup on impact.  Over."
More silence.  Then came a crackle from the coms.
"Fukurokuju, we copy," said a calm voice. "We have someone tracking your shuttle now and we'll have someone meet you at your landing point."
The crew let out a cheer of relief.  Daichi sighed as he pressed the button again, "Roger that."
"Oh, and Commander?" the voice said.
"Welcome home."
Daichi smiled. Satisfied, he sat back in his seat and nodded at Ryuu.
"Alright Ryuu, bring us home," Daichi said.
Ryuu gave Daichi a small salute.  "Yes, sir."
As Ryuu piloted the ship down through the Kármán Line, a well of emotions bubbled up inside Daichi. They had made it, they were home.
Touchdown was rockier—or rather, wetter—than the crew anticipated.  The ship overshot land by a few miles and landed in the Pacific Ocean. They'd been lucky that the ship's landing gears included floatation mechanisms, but they still had to wait for several hours for a ship large enough to pick them up from the ocean.  Daichi had radioed Chōfu again, and the person on the other end had laughed hysterically before telling Daichi that a ship was on the way.  The ship that came to get them, however, was something they weren't prepared for.  For starters, it skimmed just above the water.  No, it wasn't skimming.  It was hovering.
The crew gaped as the large gray vessel slowed to a halt in front of them.  It certainly looked like a carrier, but carriers didn't hover like that. They also didn't rise into the air high enough to open the bottom of the hull and pull the Fukurokuju inside using a tractor beam.  It was like something out of a sci-fi novel.
"I'm starting to think that Ukai was onto something with the whole 'time dilation equals time travel' thing," Asahi muttered to Daichi as they stepped off of the Fukurokuju and onto the floor of the now closed hull.
"Well, if you're thinking that it's 2044, then you're right.  Welcome to Earth, circa 2127."
The crew turned to see a group approaching their own.  They were led by a blond man with—surprisingly—piercings and his hair held back by an athletic headband.  Daichi noted that the group following him was all dressed in what appeared to be JAXA uniforms, but one in particular caught his eye.  Standing near the front of the group was the most gorgeous man Daichi had ever seen.  He was Daichi's height with the fluffiest silver hair Daichi had ever seen.  He was toned, Daichi could tell that much from the uniform.  His amber eyes seemed locked on Daichi, and Daichi felt a blush creep across his face. The silver haired man flashed him a quick smirk and Daichi groaned internally.  That was entirely unfair of this stranger; he been in space with people he considered family that he'd forgotten how to cope with attractive people.
Thankfully, the blond haired man stepped in between Daichi and the source of his torment, snapping Daichi out of his stupor.  The man held a hand out to Daichi, "Ukai Keishin.  You worked with my grandfather."
Daichi looked between the man's hand and his face before grasping it.  "Sawamura Daichi.  You look an awful lot like him," Daichi remarked.  "Wait, did you say 2127?"
Ukai shrugged, "We're going to wait to debrief you all until we're back in Chōfu.  We've set up some temporary quarters for you here on the carrier so you can freshen up and all that.  I can't imagine you've had an easy return journey."
There was a murmur of agreement amongst the crew.  Daichi knew he was probably exhausted, but he had questions.
Ukai seemed to sense this as he gave Daichi a weary smile, "Rest up, you'll find out everything you need to know later.  Tsukishima, Yachi, Yamaguchi.  Please escort the crew of the Fukurokuju to their quarters.  Takeda, with me.  The rest of you, back to work."
Two men and a woman stepped away from the group.  The girl, Yachi, pointed out a room for Kiyoko and Yui to while Tsukishima and Yamaguchi led the others to their own rooms.  The doors were opened by handprint, again, something Daichi had only seen in sci-fi.  It was a little unnerving, but then again, he had apparently spent the last 84 years living a sci-fi story, so he really he had no leg to stand on.  Tsukishima—the taller of the two—gave Daichi a solemn nod before turning to let Asahi and the others into their rooms.  As Daichi entered his room, he could hear a voice call down the hallway, "Are these the missing astronauts?"
'Missing?' Daichi thought as the door closed behind him.  'Were we missing?'
Daichi shook his head and surveyed the room before him.  It was the same gray as the rest of the ship, with a tiny window overlooking the ocean. There was a bed, a side bathroom, and a dresser up against one wall.  A single change of clothes had been placed on top of the dresser.  Otherwise, the room was bare.  Daichi crossed to the dresser and picked up the clothes – a T-shirt and a pair of jeans.
"How did they know our sizes?" Daichi wondered aloud.  "Maybe they were still on file or something."
Daichi shrugged his shoulders; one more question to add to the list.  He set the clothes down and stripped off the top of his flight suit. He peeled off the undershirt and dropped it to the floor.
"Excuse me," said a voice from behind him.
Daichi nearly jumped out of his skin, spinning on his heel to glare at the newcomer.  The silver-haired man from before stood in the doorway.  He held up his hands in a placating manner, a wide but sheepish grin plastered on his face.
"Hi, sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said.  "Can I come in?"
Daichi blinked twice, then nodded, "It's, uh… it's okay.  Come in."
The other man lowered his hands as he stepped over the threshold.  He gave the room a once over before returning his attention to Daichi. "My name's Sugawara Koushi," he told Daichi. "I was the one who gave you contacted when you started your reentry and when you landed in the ocean."
"Nice to meet you, Sugawara.  I'm Sawamura Daichi, but I guess you already knew that."
"Call me Suga, all my friends do."
"Alright then. Suga it is."
Suga's face suddenly turned a bright red and he gave a quick cough.  Daichi quirked an eyebrow, then looked down.  His own face flushed as he realized he was still shirtless.  Suga picked up the shirt from the nearby desk and tossed it at Daichi.  Daichi snatched it out of the air and pulled it over his head.  Suga was staring at him and it was making Daichi a little uneasy.
"Thank you for your help by the way," Daichi said as he tugged the shirt into place.
"What?" Suga asked, snapping out of whatever little world he had been in. "Oh, it’s nothing, really.  I imagine it'd be kind of scary to crash land in the middle of the ocean and have no one come pick you up."
"Yeah, it was a little concerning," Daichi agreed.  "Especially since we weren't expecting a helicarrier to come get us."
"A helicarrier?"
"It's from an American superhero movie, don't worry about it," Daichi said.
Suga nodded.  He opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by a sudden commotion out in the hallway.  Suga poked his head out of the door and groaned.
"I gotta get going," he said.  "It looks like Nishinoya's trying to make friends in the most destructive way possible."
Suga left before Daichi could say anything, but Daichi figured out what he meant when he looked out into the hallway.  Shouyou, Tobio, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi watched as Ryuu picked up a short man—Nishinoya, maybe?—in a JAXA uniform and lifted him over his head, much to the delight of the man.  Asahi, Chikara, Kiyoko, and Yui were suspiciously absent.
"Wow, 21st Century humans are a lot stronger than I thought they'd be," Daichi could hear him say.
"It's either that, or you're really small," Tsukishima said.
"You got something to say to me, bean pole?" Nishinoya snapped.
"I bet I could pick you up too," Ryuu said, setting Nishinoya down.
Shouyou chanted in response, "Do it, do it, do it!"
"Don't you dare," Tsukishima hissed as he took a step back.
Suga stepped forward at that point, a stern look on his face.  For the briefest of moments, Daichi thought that he was going to put an end to the shenanigans.
"You're gonna hurt your back if you try lifting him.  Let me help you."
Tsukishima gaped at Suga before turning tail and booking it out of the corridor.  Daichi smacked his head against the doorframe; it was going to be a long trip back to land.
The following week was a blur of debriefings and press conferences that left Daichi's head spinning. They'd been given rooms at a JAXA owned dormitory—a new feature as of 2115, according to Suga—and then they'd immediately been swept up in debriefings: what happened in the 87 years they were gone, what they experienced in space, general mission debriefs. But then everyone at JAXA wanted to meet with the "missing astronauts" as they were come to be known. Then every other space program wanted a meeting with the crew as well.  As did every news corporation and world politician.  It was a week of press junket after press junket after meeting after press junket.  None of the crew seemed to be handling that part well, but least of all Daichi.  As mission commander, he was the star of almost every interview.  Everyone in the 22nd Century wanted to get to know the man in charge of the Fukurokuju crew.  It was exhausting.
One good thing that came out of all of this was Suga.  Within the span of a week, the man had become a close friend and guide for Daichi and the rest of the crew.  Daichi wasn't sure how, but it felt like he'd known Suga forever, given how seamlessly he blended in with the group.  The century's difference between him and the crew was nonexistent.  He was funny, supportive, informative, and charming. He took the crew out on a tour of Chōfu their first morning back, receiving only a mild reprimand from Ukai once they got back.  He'd bring food for the crew in between press conferences and answer questions about 22nd Century life.  He always had a quip or a joke whenever someone was feeling down.  Daichi had to admit it, he was falling hard and fast. Really, it was hard not to when he made it a point to see Daichi and the crew at least three times a day, including dropping by Daichi's quarters once a day.  Aside from the blossoming feelings of infatuation, Daichi recognized something in Suga.  He was a source of comfort.
This was especially nice after a particularly brutal interview that involved way too many questions about his family and whether or not he'd been in contact with any potential relatives.  Daichi was embarrassed to say that he had stormed out of that interview, but really, who could blame him?  He may have been slowly adjusting to life on Earth almost a century after he'd left it, but his family was still a sensitive spot.  If either of his siblings had had kids, or grandkids, none of them had reached out to him.  Or maybe they had and JAXA hadn't passed on the messages.  Regardless, it wasn't something he wanted to talk about.    
Suga had been waiting for him when he left the press room, his smile fading at the look on Daichi's face. He followed Daichi back to his quarters in silence.  He waited patiently while Daichi opened the door, and then followed him inside. Daichi flopped down onto the bed with a sigh.  Suga remained by the door, tense and silent.
"I don't know how you feel about hugs," Suga began after a minute, "but you sure look like you need one."
Daichi sat up.  He studied Suga for a moment, his eyes roving over Suga's worried expression, his amber eyes flashed with empathy.  Daichi gave Suga a curt nod.  The tension seemed to drop from Suga's shoulders as he approached Daichi.  He pulled Daichi to his feet, then pulled him into a tight embrace that knocked some of the wind out of Daichi's lungs.  Suga, Daichi was pleased to discover, gave fantastic hugs.  Daichi relaxed as he wrapped his arms around Suga's waist and tucked his face into the crook of Suga's neck, the tension of a long week seeping away into nothingness as he just stood there and let himself be held.
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Suga whispered.  "But if you need to, I'm here for you."
Daichi took one long, shuddering breath, then exhaled.  "They asked about my family."
"Someone asked Kiyoko and Yui about it in their joint interview the other day," Suga remarked. "You'd think that would be on the 'Don't ask' list, but reporters are nosy."
Daichi snorted, "At least that much hasn't changed since the 21st Century."
They fell back into silence. Suga brought a hand up to run his fingers through Daichi's hair, the other rubbing small circles across his back. Daichi closed his eyes and let himself relax further into Suga's touch.  He could feel himself drifting off in Suga's arms, but he didn't care.  This felt right.  It felt like home.
"Do you wish you hadn't gone?" Suga asked.  "To space, I mean."
Well, wasn't that the question?
"I… don't know," Daichi admitted.  "Part of me wishes that I could have grown with my family, but then again, if I hadn't…"
Daichi trailed off, letting the unspoken then I wouldn't have met you hang in the air.
Suga pulled away from Daichi enough to look him in the eye.  There was a fire there as he said, "Wait here."
"I'll be right back," Suga told him, pulling away and leaving the room.
Daichi immediately missed Suga's warmth.  With a snap, Daichi realized just how much he craved Suga's company.  He was something familiar in unfamiliar territory, a piece of driftwood in the unknown sea of the 22nd Century.  In less poetic terms, Daichi was fucked.  With a groan, he collapsed back on his bed.  Falling for a guy he had met a week ago was the exact icing on top of the cake of weirdness Daichi had to deal with.
Suga's voice came from the doorway a few seconds later, "Don't fall asleep on me now.  I violated several archival rules to bring you this surprise."
Daichi sat back up as Suga crossed the room to sit next to him.  In his hands was a small JAXA tablet.  Daichi glanced between the tablet and Suga's face.  Suga beamed with excitement as he held the tablet out to Daichi.
"Since your mission was one of the most famous space exploration missions in the last century, everything about your lives was documented," Suga explained as he tapped the screen and held it out to Daichi.  "That included interviews with your families."
Daichi froze, his hand inches from the tablet.  "They interviewed our families?"
"That they did," Suga replied.  "Do you want to see yours?"
Daichi swallowed, tears rolling down his face as he whispered, "Please."
Suga brushed the tears from Daichi's face, the gentle touch more than Daichi could handle at the moment. Suga moved his hand from Daichi's face to his shoulder, then pressed the screen of the tablet.  On the screen were his parents, significantly older than they had been when he had left Earth.
"It's been hard for us, without Daichi," his mother said with tears in her eyes. "But we know that what he's doing is important.  His work has meant so much to him, I'm glad that of all of the people working with JAXA, our Daichi was the one who got to go."
"We're so proud of him, we really are," his father chimed in.  "We like to tell his nieces and nephews that if they look closely, they can track his ship across the night sky."
Daichi's heart skipped a beat; he'd had nieces and nephews.
"If you could tell Mission Commander Sawamura one thing, what would it be?" a voice off-screen asked.
His parents exchanged a loving, but pained look.  Then his mother turned back to the screen and spoke, "We love you, Daichi.  Please come back to Earth safe and sound."
"Name a crater after me if there are any on Proxima b," his father added with a chuckle.
The video ended there. Daichi didn't mind too much that it was a short clip; the tears falling from his eyes obscured the screen anyway. Suga set the tablet to the side and pulled Daichi in for another hug.
"They loved you so much," Suga whispered.  "They were so proud of you, and they loved you so much."
Daichi pressed his face into the crook of Suga's neck.  He took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, Koushi.  I… This means a lot to me."
Suga tensed for a moment, clearly caught off guard by the use of his given name.  For a moment, Daichi worried that he'd crossed a line. After a moment, however, Suga squeezed him tight.
"You're welcome, Daichi."
It took six months for the press conferences to finally stop.  By that time, the crew of the Fukurokuju had officially settled into life in the 22 Century.  Yui and Kiyoko had moved out of the dormitory and back to the small town in Miyagi they had grown up in.  They found jobs at the local university, with Yui working in the geology department and Kiyoko taking on a job in the Engineering department.  Shouyou, Tobio and Ryuu stayed on with JAXA, training future astronauts in flight, systems operations and navigation.  Chikara got a job as a science consultant for movies, as well as a teaching position at a local university in Tokyo.  Asahi found work at a local hospital near Chōfu. Daichi also stayed on with JAXA as a mission director, but moved back into his old apartment.  It was bittersweet to come back to it, but it had been his home almost one hundred years ago.  He needed the familiarity.
To his delight, Koushi continued to drop by unannounced almost every single day.  Usually he brought food, but sometimes, he just brought himself.  Whenever he'd show up, they would hang around Daichi's apartment and talk until sunset, then Daichi would take Koushi out for walks around town, showing him all of his old haunts and comparing them to how they were 87 years previous.  Koushi usually had a remark about Daichi being ancient when Daichi would complain about "new fangled technology" and Daichi would easily counter with an exasperated "kids these days".
It was in moments like that where Daichi discovered little things about Koushi that made him fall even deeper in love.  The bridge of Koushi's nose scrunched when he laughed.  Koushi's eyes would flash a little just before the delivery of a swift jab to Daichi's ribs after a terrible joke.  Koushi played with strands of his hair when he was nervous, or lost in thought.  Koushi's smile was brightest whenever Daichi used his given name.  Koushi's eyes flickered between Daichi's and Daichi's lips whenever Daichi spoke.  Koushi always hugged Daichi tightest whenever the group would split for the night. Koushi flushed a light pink whenever Daichi caught him staring.  It was all of the little things that made Daichi love Koushi more and more with each passing day.  And it was about time he did something about it.  
On Koushi's birthday, Daichi and Koushi went for one of their usual sunset walks.  They stopped by Koushi's favorite ice cream shop before Daichi led him to the river bank he'd frequent 87 years ago.  They made their way across the river bank, their hands brushing against each other.  Feeling brave, Daichi laced his fingers with Koushi's.  Koushi gave Daichi's hand a squeeze.  Warmth spread across Daichi's cheeks as he grinned.
"So, where are you taking me, Sawamura?" Koushi asked.  "You've been awfully secretive about this whole birthday adventure."
"I bought you ice cream, didn't I?" Daichi teased.
"Don't dodge the question."
"It's one of my favorite places in Chōfu."  Daichi said.
He led Koushi to the alcove. To his delight, the area remained unchanged.  He sat on the rock closest to the water's edge.  Koushi sat next to him, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his head on Daichi's shoulder.  The sun set behind them, leaving the pair to admire the twilight sky.  Daichi reached down to the sand below and traced his and Koushi's names into the sand.
"Anytime I left Earth, I'd come here to watch either the sunrise first," Daichi explained.  "It was always so tranquil here.  No one would find me; it was just me and the world around me.  Knowing that I would be coming back to this was what made me want to go to space in the first place.  I always had something to come back to."
"Thank you for sharing this with me," Koushi whispered, lacing his fingers with Daichi's again.
Daichi sat back a little, turning to look at Koushi.  He studied the other man's face for a moment before he asked, "Can I kiss you?"
Koushi blinked at Daichi, then punched him in the shoulder.  "I've been waiting for you to ask for six months, Sawamura!"
Daichi laughed as he rubbed his arm, "You know, you could have taken the initiative."
"Shut up and kiss me, asshole."
All too happy to comply, Daichi cupped Koushi's chin and pulled him into the kiss.  It was a simple thing, as far as kisses went.  It was a gentle kiss, but it had just the right amount of passion behind it to send shivers down Daichi's back.  Koushi brought his hands up to rest on Daichi's shoulders.  He tilted his head to deepen the kiss, and it was like the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place.  It felt right, being there with Koushi.  Koushi was comfort, Koushi was home.
"I love you," Daichi whispered against Koushi's lips.
Koushi pulled back to press a kiss to Daichi's forehead.  "I love you too," he replied.
They stayed that way for a while, trading gentle kisses as they watched the sky turn black.  It was exactly where Daichi wanted to be.
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subasekabang · 6 years
Joshua’s 6-Step Plan to Becoming a Vampire, Chapter 5
Author: Matt
Rating: T
Word Count: 7600; this chapter- 2131
Pairings/Characters: Josh/Neku, side Shiki/Eri; Joshua, Neku, Rhyme, Beat, Shiki, Eri
Warnings: Vampires, Blood
Summary: Joshua Decides to take over a coven cause he's bored. As you do.
Author’s Note: Chapter 6 will be posted on my Ao3 (ForCollective) after the Bang is over.
Chapter 5
Backstab Part of the Coven
Joshua walked into the house carrying the package and few cleaning supplies he had been asked to pick up. A few months ago, if you had told him he would have friends and actually be running errands for them, he wouldn't have believed you; yet here he was doing exactly that. Kicking the door shut behind himself, he flicked on the hall light. The house was eerily quiet. There were no voices, no footsteps, no music. It was still early evening, but at this point, normally someone would be awake. Setting the package and bag aside, he crept into the living room. Empty, devoid of any life or intelligence. Even the plant that normally sat near the window was gone. Though, there were some very odd decorations up.
   A few paper bats hung from the ceiling at various points, held up by string and tape. A couple of balloons were stuck here and there to the walls, attempting to escape the tape holding them. Besides that, the room was normal, though devoid of life. Backing away he noticed a couple streamers hanging beside the door frame. Were they throwing a party?
   Joshua headed towards the dining room. Was that giggling? Suspicious, he reached out and flicked the switch, only for the light to almost blind him as everyone popped out of their various hiding places, shouting “surprise!” except Neku, who was sat at the table, not hiding at all. Instead he blew one of those unrolling noise makers with a very bored expression on his face.
   “Oh Neku, you couldn't even pretend to be excited for my party?” Joshua was not sure why he was being surprised. There was a 'Happy Birthday' banner hung up on the wall opposite him with little bats stuck beside it. Balloons and streamers were again stuck up with seemingly no thought put into placement. The house plant that had originally been in the living room was in the corner. Its only purpose being there was apparently for Beat to hide behind. Said boy nearly knocking it over in his attempt to get out from corner.
   “No. It’s too early for excitement,” he responded, letting the noise maker fall to his lap. He didn't seem to bothered by the device as it rolled off his legs and onto the floor, becoming the tripping hazard it had always wished to be.
   “What do you think? Were you surprised? I bet you didn't expect this.” Eri seemed to be excited enough for both Neku and her, so maybe it made up for it.
   “Seeing as my birthday isn't for another three months, I can say I was quite surprised.” It was a perfect plan. The best way to make sure the person in question didn't expect a surprise birthday party was obviously to hold it nowhere near their birthday.
   “It’s your vampire birthday. We all talked and agreed you could finally join us,” Rhyme piped up, walking from behind the table. She was fairly short, and only her head and neck were visible above it. She took a seat at the table beside Neku, smiling at him.
   “After all, he has been very good, hasn't he Neku?” She added after a moment, nudging the other boy lightly.
   “Depends on your definition of 'good'.” Close enough as far as Joshua was concerned. He had been very well behaved for him. Which was definitely a low bar, though he wouldn't admit that out loud. He didn’t want to be seen publicly agreeing with Neku.
   Joshua was subjected to many tortures for the next couple of hours. Forced to pin a tail on a donkey, wear a silly pointed hat, beat a poor, innocent papier-mâché bat with a stick ‘till it burst, sending little trinkets spilling out instead of candy. It was quite an ordeal, he barely survived it all.
Finally, his last trial came about; a small cake was set in front of him, decorated with little icing bats around the sides. Two number shaped candles were stuck in the top, making the number fifteen. Joshua was only fifteen, the thought then occurring to him he would never get to find out what sixteen would be like. Probably for the best though. He had yet to get his teenage acne and he was running out of teenage years for it to appear.
   He stared at the tiny flickering flames as everyone around him chanted the birthday song, staring him down. It was almost like some demonic ritual, and they hadn't even gotten to the killing him part yet. This was just the human getting older part. He took a moment to reflect on his life ‘till that point. It hadn't been great. Then he moved to what he should wish for, and if would count, since it wasn't even his birthday. Technically, he was about to get what he had been hoping for after the party, so wishing for vampirism would be a waste of a perfectly good wish. The chanting ceased and everyone stared at him expectantly. Taking a deep breath, he blew out the candles without making a wish. He didn't want to disappoint everyone.
   “What did you wish for?” Shiki asked.
   “Can't tell. It won't come true. You don't want to ruin my birthday wish do you?” He grinned and brushed that annoying lock of hair from his face, to behind his ear. It quickly fell back down into place. It never listened, much like the rest of Joshua. Shiki puffed her cheeks at being denied, knowing the non-existent wish but quickly dropped it, hurrying to grab him a knife to cut his cake.
   He ate the cake as everyone argued over music and joked with each other. This was his last meal, he realised. He had been hoping for something better than a cheap store-bought cake. Where had they even gotten this stuff without asking him for it? Maybe those mysterious other helpers that never seemed to be around when he was. Maybe when he became a full member of their coven he would finally get to figure that out. Or maybe they were only messing with him about the whole sunlight hurts thing and they were fine to go out on their own, instead just preferring to send Joshua. That was something he would do if he were a vampire that could go in sunlight. But then again, the others were probably to nice for such deception.
   After he ate people began to disperse, Rhyme and Shiki chatting to other as they tidied up from the party. Joshua didn't bother helping,instead sitting at the table beside Neku staring intently at a painting on the wall, a single bat dangling in front of it. How long had it taken them to cut out all these bats?
   “Hey Neku, show Josh to his room?”
Neku stood up and motioned for Joshua to follow him.
   “I thought we were moving?” He said as Neku led him down the hall.
   “Yeah, next week. Thats seven days from now.”
   “I am well aware of how many days are in a week, Neku. As well has how many weeks are in a year.”
Neku ignored him as they walked up the stairway to the second floor.
   “It’s fifty-two.”
Neku again ignored him. It didn't bother him though. At this point he kinda expected it. The storage room had been cleared out and inside was a bed, fresh blankets were neatly folded on the end of the mattress.
   “Me and Beat cleaned this up for you, yesterday. You're welcome.”
   “I don't recall thanking you. After all, with your arms, Beat obviously did most of the work.”
   “Are you calling me weak?”
   “Very good Neku! I am glad you can understand plain English.” Joshua grinned at him and Neku rolled his eyes. He stayed in the door as Joshua entered the room looking around at the plain walls. There was no point in doing anything fancy with the room for now, what with the move so close. He would need to get his things moved here though, so he supposed he would have to live with a bunch of boxes piled in his room for a couple days.
   “I'm glad you’re staying, Josh.”
Joshua turned to stare at Neku, who avoided his gaze. Joshua didn't say anything and Neku quickly turned and hurried back into the hall and out of sight.
   Shiki, being the only one of the group who currently had her license, drove with Joshua over to his home in a car they apparently had access to, but never used? It hadn’t ever been there when he got things from the garage though, one of the mysterious other helpers that may or may not exist must own it. His parents, as usual, were not around. He wondered how long it would take them to notice he was gone.
   He pointed to the couple boxes he had packed, and one bag. Shiki grabbed the bag and one of the boxes, and he took the smaller one. She struggled slightly with the bag, it being a bit large for her, but managed to manoeuvre her way outside anyway. Joshua following close behind. He moved much slower then her, not used to such physical labour.
   “What about the rest of your stuff?” she asked when she realised he had locked the door to his home instead of going back in, shoving the key into the mailbox minus keychain.
   “This is all I want. They can keep the rest.” He had mostly only had it to fill space. Therefore, he did not want to put much effort into actually dragging it around with him. He could get new things if the empty space bothered him that much but he doubted it would.
   “Alright, if you're sure.” She seemed unsure but didn't push the matter further.
   Back at home he readied himself. It wasn't the grand affair he had expected. Neku had bit him, a fairly normal occurrence now. It was annoying at best; after the initial bite he barely felt it. After a few seconds he pulled away and handed Joshua a small glass with a dark red liquid inside that he had brought into the room with him.
   “That’ s vampire blood. Drink up,” he said, pushing the glass toward Joshua, who carefully sniffed it and scrunched his face up. It didn't smell good. In fact it smelled like something he wanted nowhere near his taste buds.
   “Its blood Josh, just drink it already.”
   “It smells low quality,” he said jokingly, staring down into the liquid again, suddenly far less sure of his choice. Not for any reason other than he wasn't sure about tasting blood. He had been assured blood tasted better after he turned, but the first time it would taste normal. The same as it would if he had just decided to drink some random person's blood. He wasn't sure why he would do that, or who had decided to try that to know that for a fact, but that was the issue he was facing at that moment; having a mouthful of the horrible drink.
   “It’s my blood,” Neku stated, sounding annoyed. It was the most common tone Joshua ever heard from him. He still wasn't sure if he sounded like that all the time or only when Joshua was around. He really had no way to find out though, so he preferred to think that it was just him. So that he was special to Neku in a way, a very annoying way, but still.
   “That just confirms it.”
Neku went to retaliate to that, but Joshua didn't catch what he said, instead putting the glass to his mouth and tossing his head back to drink the whole thing in one go. Making a noise of disgust at the taste lingering in his mouth, he shuddered.
   “Ugh, take it away,” he said shoving the glass into Neku’s hand.
   “You're on my last nerve, you know that?”
   “Always, dear.” he giggled and Neku stood to leave.
   “You're not gonna stay and keep me company while I die?” Joshua said. While he wouldn't mind it, he didn't expect the other to actually stay, and was therefore joking.
   “Did you want me to?”
Joshua froze. He hadn't expected that response. He had expected to be told he was able to look after himself. It was different here though, wasn't it? He wasn't on his own anymore.
   “I think so,” he said, and settled back onto the bed, Neku coming to sit beside him.
It was certainly weird having friends.
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