#Thank you for this!!!
angelscometrue · 11 days
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ohh the fandom has reached 3.000 fics on archive of our own in the span of less than 6 months.
Just wanna say thank you to all the people that wrote, keep writing and will write fic of dead boy detectives. You are all the back bone of this fandom
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candyheartedchy · 8 months
I like to think that Patchy is the #1 Coralbob shipper in canon
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
more vids of barzy from user jazziiiiiix3 on twitter🥵
shut up shut up shut up HE LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!!!
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Fuck, Be Bestie, Awkward 3 hour elevator conversation, Marry, Kill (Dylan characters with S name addition)
Stiles Stilinski
Sam Taylor
Stu Maxsome
Simon Tarnum
Hmmm. Interesting. I'm going to give this some serious thought. Also... so many S characters. Interesting.
Let's start with the obvious. The last two are gonna be TOUGH.
Kill - Simon Tarnum:
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As much as that character made me laugh. He's a deplorable little shit. I did like his casual outfits that showed off those yummy arms and he looked pretty damn good in a towel though ;)
Elevator Conversation - Stuart Twombly:
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Twombly after all the life experience would be less of an awkward conversation, but if he was just on his phone the entire time and like... being a hipster turd, it could be pretty awkward.
Be Bestie - Stu Maxsome:
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As much as he'd be a great elevator conversation because he's awkward. I think he would be an absolutely delightful bestie. I could hang out with him and Burt below the line and it would be the shit.
Fuck - Sam Taylor:
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THIS IS SO HARD BECAUSE I'D MARRY HIM IN A HEARTBEAT. He's so fucking yummy. Handy. Deliciously dressed in that casual carpenter kind of way that's always gotten me a little keyed up. Not to mention, him in his flatcap and vest is LITERALLY exactly what he looks like as a character in my novel... so I thirst. But listen... In my mind, I would be with him in the past (I know it doesn't make sense, just shhhh), and he'd always belong to Evelyn, so marrying him would be marrying someone who could never give you all of him, but I'd 'console' him between the sheets as many times as he'd like ;)
Marry - Stiles Stilinski:
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Stiles is one of my favourite characters ever. He's precious. Brave. Intelligent. Hilarious. Adorable. Stronger than he'd ever understand. Clumsy and dorky in the perfect ways. He's got enough of his own baggage to display real empathy. He's loyal to a fault, and absolutely the best friend you could ever ask for. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM DESERVED STILES. Change my mind. Marriage material.
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yeyinde · 2 years
hi 🥹🫶 ily. i have a question for riptide; is the "Price calls it, has known since Mesaieed" part meaning that price had speculated that one of the guys would eventually hook up with Nile? or that he suspected one of the guys was already with Nile? im sry. im kind of dumb lol. hope it's ok to ask 🫶
hi, op!!! no worries at all and you can def ask whatever you want! 🖤
there is more to it, but i was worried it was getting too big for tumblr, so i cut a lot of it out. i posted the full version on AO3 but never got around to adding it here as i wasn't sure if anyone would care since it's just ?? extra?
but here it is:
—Price calls it, has known since Mesaieed. He'd bet on Gaz, maybe even Soap. It never crosses his mind to think of Simon. And then the building is on fire. No way out. He's never seen Simon snap at the men around him, demanding answers. He shoves a militant into the wall, knife against his jugular. His voice gravel. He uses torture and interrogation tactics to get you out alive.
—then he cracks a joke when they listen to you and Gaz gasp, and wheeze, the fumes close to smothering you both on the line. A live feed to your deaths. It jars them all. Sits with them. They’ll carry it, Price knows. But no one will shoulder it all more than him.
—Soap doesn't need to be asked. He springs, gear already on. Price follows suit.
—get them outta there! is the bellow that follows.
—and then the plane. He looked his comrade in the eye, and saw a warning: don't.
—you walked away, and Simon's stare didn't leave your back. Don't, indeed. He wonders if it was meant more for himself.
—gone. Dunno where. Just… gone. It's all they had. Phone calls unanswered. Line dead. Signal wiped from the grid.
—sent on a mission… went a little… sideways. That's all Shepherd says. He'd seen Simon lose people. Saw his own choice get someone killed—many people killed. A hazard in this line of duty. Watched him shoulder the blame and become colder. Distant. A lone wolf. He'd never seen him this angry before.
—not good enough!
—he's a soldier first. The mission comes, it's shelved. They carry the brunt of you with them but they focus. Dutiful. Price doesn't bring up the hole in the wall, the perfect replica of Simon's fist.
—and then: alive, Laswell breathes. In the hospital. An injury. Got shot. Simon's eyes don't waver from the report. From Laswell. Something breaks.
—it’s Soap who says, I’ll kill him.
—An inch. That’s all. Ghost stands from the table; the first to leave.
(on the table, his glass sits. a crack running down the middle.)
—where are you headed?
—Simon's gaze didn't leave the window. Wales.
—when Price looks down, his phone shows a map to Porthmadog.
—here, he hands him a set of keys. Got a Jeep stowed in Cardiff. Will get you there quicker.
—he'd have bet money on everyone but Simon. But thinking about it now, it was obvious from the start.
("Sierra Leone. Wanna take Gaz with you–"
"No. I'll take the rookie.")
basically, the reaction from Ghost when Nile and Gaz were locked in the building in Mesaieed made him start to put the pieces together! 🖤
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readingismyhobby24 · 2 months
as im sitting here making fascinating concoctions (drinking to see if i can make dr pepper in my own home), ive been thinkin’ about the chain and such and i was wondering what your thoughts and opinions were on who (NOT including Wild) the most likely to get up to some odd shit at 3 am would be. I mean like, experimenting with desserts or drinks and such
- crazylittlejester
HEY JES!! IM DOING GOOD TODAY!!! HOW ABOUT YOU?! I've been having a lot of fun with the mini fics, which by the way, I'll be writing yours hopefully in the next couple of hours. I don't know when it will be posted, but it will be posted as soon as I finish it!
I love this question so much! Like, I make little weird concoctions of food and drinks all the time, myself. I kid you not, I was literally just sitting here and thinking of something I could make with the random ingredients I have 😅
The boring answer to your question would be all of them because I so see them all doing this, but I'll give a better answer 😂
I believe that Wind would get caught all the time making these random concoctions, but I also feel like Four would make them. He just doesn't get caught, so no one knows he does this stuff. I don't know why, I can just see this being the case. What's your opinion?
Anyways thanks for the ask!!! I hope you are having/had a great day!
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knownoshamc · 3 months
So I have been wondering about the whole seven years before car seats are mandatory scene. So seven years before 1985 makes it 1978. Do you think one of his daughters was born at that time? Because he says his ex wife reminds him he never owned a Buick and his editor reminds him about the law but neither mention him that his daughter was not born at that time.
I think his first daughter was born in 1985, because Louis says that Alice told Daniel she was pregnant in 85. His reaction sounds like it's the first kid they have. So I think these were three separate memories merged into one. One in which he glanced at his daughter at the back of his car, one with giving a random guy his last 30 bucks and one with perhaps someone else's Buick (one of the last two memories could be in 1985)? Merging memories, as he canonically did, could also explain how he confused some memories he had with Armand with Alice and as always Louis points out the holes in the story (like he was the one to read from the book), why would Daniel feel freer to hold a woman's hand in Paris?
also as I rambled in the tags, I think that Armand and Daniel broke up at the same year, Daniel got together with Alice and she was pregnant, Daniel was unreliable af with his drug addiction and not being over Armand, so instead of turning him Armand made him forget (could be a mutual decision too tbh).
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tailoredshirt · 3 months
K!!!! 11, 14 & 18 but for your own fics!!!
(Sorry if you’ve already answered some of these I’m just logged on for the first time today!!)
Sorry, I am finally able to answer this properly!
11) Most unique merch you have for a fandom?
I have a graphic novel/zine by @reallycorking from Haikyuu! fandom! I also own two prints of really beautiful Harry Potter art by @foxestacado - one of Lily Potter and one of Hermione reading. 💕
14) Fandom you keep returning to answered here.
18) All-time favorite fanfic?
I do reread my own fics a lot, both to convince myself that I can actually write things that are not awful, and also because I wrote them because I loved the idea!
Inseparable, like gravity is a cockwarming fic, and I have two others I'm working on. I love acts of extreme intimacy so it's a kink I really love. This was my first time writing sex for this fandom and it didn't seem to get much engagement, so I was left feeling like maybe 911ls fandom wasn't as into higher rated fics. But I think engagement with sex fics has risen since I posted that one.
A safe distance is about TK saving Carlos's life when Carlos is shot during a mass-shooter situation while they're broken up. I wrote it all (12k) in one week, which is not normal for me. I'm a hurt/comfort fiend, so it hits a lot of my buttons.
Sorry, I know this is just supposed to be for one fic, but I'll list one more. Every morning another chapter is pretty close to my heart because I put a lot of myself into it. It's set after 3x08 and is about TK struggling to accept Carlos's support with regard to his addiction. He pushes back against Carlos's attempts to help, as a defense mechanism, and then struggles to figure out his own rollercoaster of feelings. I tried to make it feel real and not just hurt/comfort for the sake of comfort.
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withasideofshakespeare · 11 months
Sorry this is a little random but I recently watched a fairly awful production of Macbeth that was bad for a number of reasons but it mainly pissed me off because they had a weirdly sanitised version of lady Macbeth. Like in my head she is young and angry and already slightly insane even before the play starts (the first time she's on stage she almost instantly starts talking about murder). In a way I kind of connect it a little bit with hamlet because she's just lost a child and he's lost a father and grief is one of the most potently human kinds of madness. And they both spend most of their time presenting these layers of performative personality except for hamlet his madness gradually becomes indistinguishable from his moments of lucidity even when he's alone (now I could drink hot blood etc.) which is a whole other ask but still. Lady macbeth exists as almost two separate people and she's very good at it, much better than her husband. When she's alone on stage I think she should be allowed to just go a bit feral, her voice raw her eyes wide and her clothes torn. Then when you have the banquet scenes and she transforms into this elegant eloquent hostess you can appreciate this crack down the centre of her being that must be pulling her apart from the inside. I think Macbeth as a play exists in circles of witchcraft, statecraft and politics, human psychology and battle and I think all of these intersect in lady Macbeth. Anyway basically what I'm saying is let women be at least a little insane!! And sorry this is so long I got carried away😬
GOD YOU ARE SO RIGHT. Lady Macbeth contains multitudes and is shockingly good at handling it up until the near-end of the play. She should get to be manipulative and haunting and fucked up on stage. She should elicit sympathy and terror and a lot of things in between. She SHOULD be at least a little insane!!!
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real-reulbbr-band · 7 months
Unpopular opinion: new Cats productions being all pretty, cute and nice looking makes them a little bit boring
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I understand sort of both sides of this argument- because on the one hand, we’ve gotten some really fantastical makeup and costumes over the lifespan of the show that nowadays seem more like an exception than a standard.
it can make certain characters more boring and uninteresting and fade into the background more easily- cough cough I get it you like using the color black and brown john. personally, I really dislike most recent touring productions of Tugger makeup, but they have made him less and less flamboyant over the last few years so I’m not surprised by the changes.)
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The makeup is fine, but it’s nothing special, and they’re sort of piggybacking on the actor being attractive to communicate that “this is the hot cat” but to keep the actor attractive the makeup is minimalized. And it ends up just making him look so plain compared to the other toms (purely on the face part)
And makeup IS such a big part of a performance and suspending one’s disbelief with a performance. (Which I think the more exaggerated makeup executes better then the faded and neutral ones seen in the recent uk and asia tour)
But, I understand why from a money-making standpoint they’d make cats less creepy. Especially since the 2019 movie is basically a running joke for theater fans and how “creepy” everyone looks there.
by making the cats more simplified, and nice looking it distanced itself from 2019 and the “creepiness” (consider it a light rebrand with new John Napier designs) everyone just looks warmer and more approachable for the general public to draw in ticket buyers.
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expensivemistake · 1 month
Daredevil ask: What do you think of the current run? I stopped reading Zdarsky about halfway through, but just started catching up on Ahmed's run and I think it's a definite improvement (only read the first five issues though).
OOOH good question!!! It’s a tricky one, to be honest. I like it more than Zdarsky’s for sure, and I’m keen on giving Ahmed the benefit of the doubt because he’s having to clean up Zdarsky’s messes (while dealing with detractors who really liked Zdarsky’s run) and it’s nice to get a Muslim writer on what is the most overtly Catholic Daredevil run to date.
He’s handling Matt as a priest better than I hoped, though I loathe the idea of it. It doesn’t feel like Matt chose this but he was reborn in a new life. I’ve liked a lot of the reunions, I thought the She-Hulk and Wolverine issues were exceptional, and I like what he’s doing with Elektra (though Erica Schultz is her main writer right now).
I also think anyone who says Elektra should’ve been Daredevil for a while is kidding themselves. There’s no way Marvel was going to let Matt sit out of his own book for however long ahead of his 60th anniversary year. Elektra is so much better off as a character when she’s far away from him, Gang War was refreshing.
But this run scares me. It needs to be a detour before someone comes in with the same mindset as Mark Waid and take Matt back to his roots. Hopefully Marvel’s need for comic-mcu synergy will do me a favour for once and we’ll get Matt as a lawyer again in March.
It’s also telling that my favourite story of the era so far was the Elsa Sjunneson penned one for the anniversary issue. I need Daredevil to once again focus on disability more than religion, and I thought her story was such a great return to what I love about Matt as a character.
So y’know? This current run is fine. It’d be great to move away from the same old villains and I miss Matt as a lawyer so much, but it’s for sure better than Zdarsky’s last volume.
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otaku-tactician · 6 months
2, 17 and 22 about Gilgamesh and Mori for the character ask 🌝
Hello, thank you very much for the ask! I appreciate this a lot. Hmm, both Gilgamesh and Mori! This will definitely be challenging, so I will have to work off vibes for these two guys as well.
I've written answers for Gilgamesh first and Mori second if thats ok? Thank you!
Gilgamesh Character Asks
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
I think the one Gilgamesh headcanon that I'm the most annoying about is the belief that Gilgamesh doesn't always have lofty goals behind his intentions; and that he can definitely partake in morally gray actions purely for the sake of it sometimes.
This is a VERY unpopular opinion- particularly in the wake of fate works revealing that Gilgamesh often acts as an impenetrable opponent as a means of 'fostering the growth of his people'; but at times I believe Gilgamesh can be a wanton and arbitrary King who does things based off a whim sometimes. Yes, I do understand that Gilgamesh is also an incredibly smart servant- who plans many things in advance, but some of his behaviors do strike me as very uncouth and sadistic, and they're not always for a noble end goal.
I don't believe that all he has done has to be justified. It's okay that Gilgamesh is fucked up. Acceptance and tolerance are two very different things, but I only learnt this recently.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
OOF this is a very hard question, sans for the canonical instrumental songs that are canonically associated with Gilgamesh, there are a few that make me think of him but... I'm trying to remember which ones...
LMAOO FOR SOME REASON THIS SONG RANDOMLY CAME INTO MY HEAD?! (I first heard this song during a Madara AMV for Naruto Shippuden????) This one is heavy metal.
I'm looking over the lyrics, and it's about an absolutely terrifying king of annihilation. Well... I guess there is some relevance, then.
There was also a Nier:Automata song (Song of the Ancients I think) that played in a Gilgamesh fgo gameplay video, so I tend to associate this song with him too:
But I don't really have a personal connection to this song, per se. I admit, I tend not to make playlists for my blorbos sadly. But sometimes I will see a tumblr post and go 'GILGAMESH!!!!'
22. Best Physical Feature
HIS EYES. I could drink in those pools of glistening red forever. My god, what a rich shade of red! Other than that he is handsome.
Mori Nagayoshi Character Ask
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
That there is method to his madness. Mori Nagayoshi may be very blunt and can definitely misread the atmosphere; as well as act in ways that may seem a bit 'dumb'; but deep in my heart, I believe that he is actually very intelligent. There is just something about Mori that screams to me 'he knows more than he lets on'. Maybe this is just me though, as he can appear as a bit dense XD
Maybe this is just me, but beneath all of his chaos and bloodlust, there is a chilling sense of... someone who is making the most out of what hand he's been dealt. He does seem unusually nonchalant about some hard-hitting things, but as I have grown and learnt more about the many ways in which people cope with hardship, I have learnt that this is the way how characters like him cope. They live in the moment, they go wild, they accept the reality... damn, Mori is kind of a mystery to me as well XD
ANOTHER HILL I WILL DIE ON! Sorry, this one is a bit NSFW but!!!! Although Mori is rough and wild I BELIEVE 100% DEEP IN MY HEART that Mori Nagayoshi would be very good to who he is indulging in physical intimacy with! I think he may be clumsy at times but he has the spirit, I believe in him wholeheartedly.
AND A THIRD HILL I WILL DIE ON! I love his rare meek and blushy side when he gets a bit vulnerable. MORI NAGAYOSHI IS CUTE! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE HE ISN'T CUTE! HE IS ONE OF THE CUTEST IN FGO!
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Oh crap omg a poem just came in my head
Amongst the blood-red moon, The lark sings. With spider lilies for veins He bleeds forth a river, A never-ending deluge.
Also a song? To be honest, I don't have any playlists for Mori but this GUDAGUDA fgo ost reminds me of him ^^ Just in a vibes kind of way (I was unable to complete the GUDAGUDA event with him in it, sadly!)
TT-TT It's a very moving and emotional final battle theme, definitely the kind of battle I'd love to take a guy like him to.
22. Best Physical Feature
To me personally, there is no best feature for Mori Nagayoshi. The WHOLE PACKAGE is freaking sexylicious!!!!! Phwoar, Mori Nagayoshi is very beautiful to me personally, from those fiery red locks, to those stunning ochre yellow and red ringed eyes; that bulky build and his massive teeth.
He is very pretty ^^
Thank you for the ask, my answers are completely off the wall in this one
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eddiegirls · 5 months
okay cool hi lol let's be haters together <3
so my post earlier was abt 3x01 and specifically the pregnant woman gets attacked and has her baby stolen from her body call. it annoyed me on my first watch and then REALLY annoyed me on my second bc that is such a racialized form of violence mostly perpetuated by white women (or a couple) against black and/or indigenous women.
important context i am indigenous and 2s (usamerican specifically mohawk) which is why i feel like maybe i'm overreacting a bit but also fuck that lmao
and we know that sometimes the calls on 911 are inspired by real events right (the milky way call and also maddie telling that dv caller to pretend to order pizza come to mind)? and considering it is such a visceral crime i can't help but assume that they were inspired by one of the real life women that it's happened to. or any number of them. and they're mostly indigenous or black or other women of color!!
and like there's a reason bipoc are targeted for those types of crimes! so to tell a story like that and choose to victimize a white woman... idk leaves a bad taste in my mouth
and this is kinda an ongoing thing in 911 where they either completely avoid racial stuff while still using those stories or make the most milquetoast liberal statement that boils down to "racism bad". the whole michael and may and harry getting stopped and almost being brutalized thing comes to mind!
I know I shouldn't have high expectations for a copaganda show and I wouldn't even want them to touch the topic of racialized violence against bipoc bc they will fuck it up but also. I'm pissed bc violence against native women is PERVASIVE and also never fucking acknowledged by society at large.
Idk I'm salty about it and no one probably even noticed bc it's a small moment overall and maybe I'm being sensitive but also I feel like I deserve to be sensitive about this kind of thing. all I could think of while watching were those indigenous women who probably inspired that call and it sucks
anyway thoughts? LMAO
second part:
oh also to add on to the essay i dropped in your inbox yesterday i don't think the writers were in any way being malicious or bad writers or anything like that. they didn't anything wrong per se, it just made me uncomfortable to watch bc of my perspective as an ndn so i'm being a hater abt it to feel better lol obviously i still love the show
thank you so much for these thoughts!! i've never considered this but i think it makes total sense. you're 100% right that they base calls on real life stories, like a LOT of the calls. (random but i think it's cute that in the blackout episode, the call maddie takes from someone seeing the milky way in the sky is based on real calls from the LA blackouts in the 90s)
i actually just went and rewatched the scenes from 3x01 with the kidnapped mother & stolen baby. you are absolutely not wrong to be frustrated/uncomfortable w this portrayal. they really did it in the most viscerally disturbing way too, with the kidnapper literally removing the baby from the mother herself...definitely trying to play up the sensation in a situation where they could have addressed a deeper issue. instead they just did like "haha this crazy lady is so mentally ill and insane! let's use it as an opportunity for everyone to reflect!" (which, side note - this show does not handle certain mental health issues well either, despite being all pro-therapy for the characters when they're going through stuff....). and then they just used it as a way for chim & maddie to reflect on their own want for kids (and set up the possibility of maddie getting pregnant). the story did not need to be set up that way. like it was all for shock value...but marginalized/vulnerable people's babies being stolen is a real thing that happens (both by individuals and by the state/CPS/etc).
a better way for them to address this would be like, they have a sinister CPS worker who goes rogue and uses their power to take kids away from parents when it's not needed - this would be more interesting/hard-hitting IMO bc it puts the focus more on state-sponsored violence instead of individual harm committed by 1 person, but we do still have one person who is the villain (probably a "sweet" middle-aged white lady).
that said i also completely agree that they would...not do a good job if they tried to address racialized violence against Indigenous women. i feel like we would get one offhand comment about MMIW and maybe like a 10-second black screen at the end with a hotline you can call or something. i'm just thinking about how horrifically anti-Black the Mara/abused dog comparison storyline was...the writers on this show need to be punished tbfh
and also, i totally get you - the writers aren't being malicious, but they CLEEEEEEEAAARLY have blind spots and it shows.
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fullyvisible · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love
Ooohh, I love this!!! Here we go:
Stay (Glee, Sebastian Smythe/Dave Karofsky) - this was my first-ever fanfic, written more than a decade ago, and I still have a lot of love for it!! Would I change things if I wrote it now? Sure! But I'm still damn proud of it.
Thank You for the Flowers (Legends of Tomorrow/The Flash, Barry Allen/Leonard Snart) - my first non-Glee/Smythofsky fic (... but still involving a character played by Grant Gustin lol)! It was my first time participating in a Big Bang, too, and there's lovely accompanying art by @oriley42 :)
We Deserve It (Legendborn, Bree Matthews/Nick Davis/Selwyn Kane) - you know that feeling when the characters won't get out of your head? This fic emerged from one of those times! Also, my first time writing an OT3! I'm very proud of the way I got into the heads of a new set of characters and let myself play with a world that wasn't fully built.
Secrets and Honesty (All for the Game, Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard) - this is my first REAL multi-chapter fic, and it's by FAR my most popular fic to date (seriously, it's an order of magnitude ahead of anything else I've written by pretty much whichever stat you look at). And I love it! Minyard-Josten Rivalry! Top tier Kevin Day friendship! A nice helping of Jerejean on the side, plus some Renison! I wrote EXACTLY what I wanted to read and, as a bonus, other people wanted to read it, too.
To Be Certain We'll Be Tall Again (All for the Game, Kevin Day/Jean Moreau/Jeremy Knox) - this is my longest [posted] fic so far, and, while this list is just in chronological order and while picking favorite fics is like picking favorite children ... if I had to pick just one, it might be this one. I love Kevin Day and I love angst with a happy ending and I turned all of that up to 11 in this one!! AND it helped inspire A Falling Star, the INCREDIBLE series by @knickknacksandallthat <3 So that in and of itself is enough to make this one of my favorites :)
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yet-another-heathen · 8 months
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nadeem ?
I laughed! So very, very him 💅
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frostythesnowanthry · 29 days
cracks knuckles
(also, worth mentioning that i FORGOT PIÑATA FROM THE PAN LIST! he’s panromantic! i don’t know how i missed that! there are 6 ! pan characters)
18 bisexual characters in sparklecare + cometcare. 19 if bec IS bi? on the wiki, they’re listed as lesbian, but on the toyhouse, they’re listed as bisexual. inclined to believe the th more but shh.
4 bisexual characters in darkermatters, 6 in karmageddon, and 4 in south esteam.
a total of 32 bisexual characters WOO!! 33 if bec is bisexual
19 lesbian characters in sparklecare and cometcare (20 if bec is lesbian). pretty sure that ruby from darkermatters is a lesbian? 5 in karmageddon, none in south esteam.
that means!! 25 lesbians ! 26 if bec is lesbian yk the drill..
COUNTING IS SO FUN!! again this isnt for any crit reasons i just love nunbers and counting things. so fun so !
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