#Thanks Kat!
Hi Alyssa!
I have some questions for you inspired by the Office Ladies podcast—
What was your first job?
What languages do you speak?
What is a place you have been to that you love?
What is your favorite midnight snack?
Hi Kat!! I hope you had a great weekend and that your Monday is off to a good start! Thanks so much for sending these - you always send fun asks and I appreciate it and you so much!
What was your first job?
I got my first job when I turned 16 and it was at Modell’s Sporting Goods. I worked as a cashier and an apparel department employee - even though I wanted to work the shoe department since I was a track and cross country runner and actually knew a heck of a lot about athletic shoes. I was told then that girls had to work in apparel. 2003 was a very different time. It was still a fun job though. Four of my friends from school ended up working there, too, so we kind of just turned it into our own hangout spot. 😂
What languages do you speak?
English is my first language (and my only fully fluent one) but I can get by with conversational Spanish (always trying to improve!), and I’m currently learning Portuguese. I know *some* Hebrew but truly only a handful of words and phrases. The ability to speak and understand all languages would be my second choice for the “what superpower would you want” question- only because flight is my number one.
What is a place you have been to that you love?
Rocky Mountain National Park. When we lived in Colorado we took a day trip there for my birthday and went on one of the most beautiful hikes I’ve ever taken. The park is ENORMOUS and impossible to see all of in one day, even though we did spend the whole day on the trails. We did the Alberta Falls to Timberline Falls hike - which was the highest elevation you could get to without using mountain climbing gear. These pictures were taken between the two falls:
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A VERY close second goes to Garden of the Gods (also in Colorado).
What is your favorite midnight snack?
I’m a salty snacker who never met a chip she didn’t like. Bonus points if there’s a dip involved. Extra bonus points if there’s a nacho theme.
What are your answers??
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gobackimhaunted · 1 year
haunted is also one of my fav songs AND I AM SCREAMING RIGHT ALONG WITH YOU ABOUT IT!!!
woke up hoping it was all a bad dream….it was not💔
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Lmao I meant 29 for *AO3* wrapped 😂❤️
Hahahaha, Kat! Love that you asked for *spotify* wrapped first, LOL! Also this took me soooo long to figure out the answer to and I'm not even sure this is exactly it but I do like this part so here we go!
29 - favorite line/passage you wrote this year - Like I said, this was TOUGH! I don't usually remember details of what I write so I went back and looked at a few things. This was a story I wrote for Fate the Winx Saga in which there is mind control - it's called Don't Know What You What Til You Get It.
"Because no matter how much he’s longed to hear it, no one has said that to him since his mother died when he was six, and it fucking figures the first time he’s heard it in over twelve years is because the person’s being mind-controlled. 
Worse than that even, the person who said it might be the only one he’s truly wanted to hear it from in all this time, even if he’s buried that thought so deep he’s only just now realizing it. 
He hates Beatrix. Hates her so fucking much for taking away the one thing he’s secretly coveted even if she did manage to give it to him in a roundabout way in the first place. Hates her because she did it on purpose, her taunts prior to casting the spell ringing in his ears once more, knowing now what she meant. I know your type. Don’t know what you want til you get it."!
I just had a really fun time emotionally torturing the characters in this story, so I manipulated one character telling another that she loved him, but whoops she was under a mind-control spell when it happened.
ao3 wrapped ask game
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alishamaybe · 2 years
For the fanfic ask thing: M, N, and P?
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
I was working on a Haikyuu Pacrim AU (I described it in the first bullet point in this post) to submit as part of a zine application. Even though it was unfinished, I still submitted the piece. (sadly, i wasn't selected to be a writer. unsurprising, but still sad). I want to finish and post it for me to have a fic ready if I want to apply to another Haikyuu zine, but I may not continue working on it for some time because I have other priorities at the moment (like uni and volleyball).
Also Maelstrom.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Very general, but more completely non-shippy and sfw haikyuu fics, i guess?
And also Maelstrom. As in, I would like to know what GDT's PR2 was like. Because one of my aims with Maelstrom was to put together a story that was as close as possible to what I think GDT was going for based on the info that I could find.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an "architect" or a "gardener"? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I need solid plans, but I don't do scene-by-scene, to give an example of detail level. If I don't plan the main plot points, characters, world, etc., I probably won't finish the fic.
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bladesandbhaalspawn · 2 months
🦆😳Enjoy the passing SCENERY.
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by baiyameng on X/Twitter!
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oonajaeadira · 3 months
For the ask game:
16, 30, 39
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How are you, friend? Sendin' me eyebrow wiggle Pedro I see.
What would your dream pet be, if laws of physics and reality were no obstacle?
Oh, I'd have me a red panda. They are little forces of destruction, but it would be so worth it. I used to watch this video on repeat and dreaaaaaammmmmm
What’s the strangest food combination you’ve ever tried and actually liked?
Just one? I mean, sweet-on-meat is always a good one. Cranberry sauce on turkey, lingonberry sauce on Swedish meatballs, syrup on bacon, that kind of thing. There was a food truck around here that would come by my work every Thursday and I could not turn down their jalapeño popper burger. It was topped with charred jalapeños, cream cheese, and raspberry jam and it was heavenly. I started bringing the toppings with me to cookouts and made so many converts....
But I lived in Seoul for two years and I ate a lot of things that are strange to Western palates so I'll try just about anything. And I will knock you down for a place setting of kkakdugi, fish ovary soup, and brased stingray.
Describe a non-sexual activity that turns you on unexpectedly.
Live orchestral concerts with a lot of timpani. That shit just vibrates parts of me and I can't help it.
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spill the tea questions from my kitty kat
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monttagues · 8 months
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they haven't even started yet and they're already coming straight for my neck
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intotheelliwoods · 5 months
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I have been meaning to do a crossover with the one and only @kathaynesart for such a long time! And the @tmntaucompetition has created the perfect excuse for this :)
I think Sprout and Omega would have a surprising amount in common, they have a lot they can talk about with one another!
Apologies for the cliffhanger- haha- whoops-
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willabee · 7 months
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new pompom ☺️
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lesbiangiratina · 2 years
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 5 months
Hi Alyssa!
I come to you today with a selection of questions from the Colbert Questionnert:
Favorite smell?
Least favorite smell?
You get one song for the rest of your life, what is it?
Howdy, Kat!! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Hope your week is going well and that it only gets better from here! Thanks so much for dropping by again with more fun questions! I truly get so excited every time you do!
Favorite Smell: Salty air. The beach. An ocean breeze. So clean and relaxing. 😌
Least Favorite Smell: The cleaning chemicals they use in hospitals and doctors’ offices. That “medically clean” smell. Yuck. 🤢
One Song & One Song Only: 😟 This question makes me panic. If I think too hard I’ll never be able to answer it. Even so I’m cycling between like 5 songs so I’m just gonna pick one. Tiny Dancer by Elton John.
and my favorite cover of it by surprise, surprise, Florence Welch:
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lightasthesun · 4 months
i heard there was a HUGE outcry for more codywan fic recs...(@tapemonkey21 & @dontbelasagnax lol) so here I am posting another one
As always please mind the tags before diving headfirst into any fic you read and consider sharing your unbridled joy and unhinged thoughts with the writer in the comment section 😉
Desert Box by br1ghtmouth | 7k words
With a chip in his head that has already caused the ruin for which he was made, Cody finds his way to Tatooine in the hopes of tending to the painful layers of memories left behind in his own silt.
Facile Felicity by br1ghtmouth | 14k words
Primary functions are supposed to be useful: survive against all odds; shield one’s battalion; fight until the very last breath. Cody would prefer anything besides the bleeding heart he’s been dealt.
Or: the General makes plans. Cody follows.
Good man of war by scrapathon 🔒| 16k words
During a medic’s first mission with the 212th, everything goes wrong. In the midst of it all, Cody deals with his growing feelings towards General Kenobi.
Across the path by Threebea O(ThreeBea)| 1k words
Cody is inspecting a cave system. He meets his General.
No. Not his General.
“The pathway,” Obi-Wan whispered. “I understand now. C-Commander, I owe you an apology. I am not your General.”
But Obi-Wan isn't the only one that has crossed over into his universe.
Safe in hand by Threebea O(ThreeBea) | 11k words
Cody ends up where all griefstricken people on the run end up in the galaxy far, far away. He makes a life for himself looking for scrap in the deserts of Tatooine.
He always did have a knack for finding Kenobi's lightsaber.
in the middle before I knew that I had begun by tenderjock🔒| 2k words
Obi-Wan beams at him, feeling unbearably fond. His Cody. His darling. Always looking after him.
Cody’s face is very still, just a few inches above his. Obi-Wan reaches out, touches his scar.
“What are you thinking?” he wonders.
OR: as the war stumbles to its end, Obi-Wan is forced to reassess his relationship with his commander.
Floating on a Starless Sea by shadowmaat🔒| 2k words
A cave-in leaves Cody trapped and badly injured. With another contingent of droids on the way there isn't time to try and dig him out. Obi-Wan is forced to make a difficult choice.
when the jebwa flower blooms by mxartbotboy🔒| 10k words
One year since the end of the war, and Cody still hasn’t figured out what to do about Obi-Wan. With Coruscant struggling to make the transition with the New Republic, Cody already has enough on his plate without trying to untangle the knot that is his feelings for the ex-Jedi. Will the tightly twisted flower bud finally bloom?
love without compromise by mxartbotboy🔒(ch.1) |
Cody has a panicked moment with his General and reveals more than he means to.
grip my hand through the pain by The_Last_Kenobi🔒| 2k words
It's all just happened, and yet Cody cannot stop playing it over and over in his head.
The trek into the hills, the deserted path.
His General standing like a human shield between his battalion and a wall of fire.
Panacea by MissyPup | 4k words
Cody has been falling for his General for two years. Two long, war filled years. But he's been able to stay in control of his feelings by just not acknowledging them.
But having to share a bed with the man he's been daydreaming about for two years makes Cody so tense Obi-Wan decides to give him a massage to help out.
Obi-Wan would certainly be the death of him.
Facula by MissyPup | 5k words
Obi-Wan would only be gone for a few days, Cody could handle that alone. Until his thoughts catch up to him thanks to Beru.
Or: How the Kenobi series should have gone because Cody deserves to be there.
Interrobang by MissyPup | 10k words
“I love you.” Cody blurted out so fast that even he was surprised by it.
Obi-Wan leaned back a bit, enough to touch Cody’s cheek and grin, “I love you too, Cody.”
“Keeping this a secret is hard.” Cody admitted, reaching up to grip Obi-Wan’s robes again. “But I know what would happen if anyone found out… Kriff, Rex found out on his own and I thought I was going to-”
coming full circle by catboydogma 🔒| 5k words
Or: five times Obi-Wan has handed Cody his lightsaber and one time Cody handed Obi-Wan his lightsaber
A Hush Sublime by catboydogma | 10k words
When Master Qui-Gon died, Obi-Wan had known him for half his life. He thought—sometimes, distantly, like the artificial Coruscanti sunlight—that he should have told Qui-Gon more often. They hadn’t needed words in living: Qui-Gon was a man of action more than anything else, and they both had difficulties in unspooling the thick vines of feeling inside their chests enough to speak of them. Obi-Wan had loved Qui-Gon. He’d thought, more than once, that that adoring love, of the Initiate that Obi-Wan still was at heart, had been a sign of a terrible and thorny attachment.
that is that + this is this by catboydogma🔒| 8k words
“Here. Drink, Cody. Come on. Don’t die on me now, not when you went to all the trouble to get out here.”
“Didn’t know,” Cody rasped.
“So I shouldn’t be expecting a cavalcade of Imperial stormtroopers to show up here, then?” The man asked, bland as anything.
The Commander gave this the consideration it was due. “No.” “Forgive me if I don’t immediately believe you.” The man’s voice sharpened, but his grip on the Commander stayed gentle, supporting his head even when it lolled back against his will. “When have I ever let you down?” Cody asked.
The man’s breathing hitched. He set Cody back down against the blankets and retreated to his spot several feet away, blaster and charge pack between the two of them like some strange barrier. “When you killed me,” the man said.
repeat, replay, return by Serie11🔒| 3k words
The last time he saw his General, Cody was ordering him shot off a cliff.
Ten years later, and Obi-Wan is in a bacta tank again. Some things, it seems, don’t change; Cody’s feelings among them.
all the world in my arms by biscuityskies | 5k words
A brief wry smirk flashes across his face, and as Cody meets his own eyes in the reflection of his drink, it softens. If he had to rationalise it, this anxiety most likely stems from the recent developments with the general.
Something's been off about him ever since he came back from the mission to Kadavo.
Compartment Syndrome by elwenyere | 3k words
Cody was lucky, really, that Obi-Wan had lost consciousness during the crash, because otherwise he would never have gotten away with the tender pressure building in his wrist - much less the lance of pain that sliced across his arm every time he adjusted his General’s weight over his shoulder.
I Promise by dontbelasagnax🔒| 6k words
Mace raises an eyebrow almost imperceptibly. He looks over Cody for a solid thirty grueling seconds, evaluating. "Hypothetically," he says in that dry way of his that is nearly impossible to tell whether he's making fun of Cody or teaching him a lesson, "if someone wanted to propose to their partner, they'd bring it up with said partner."
[ OR: Cody has plans. He's going to make a certain Jedi a very happy man. ]
The Lessons Not Yet Learned by meadmeinthemiddle | 23k words
The Force works in mysterious ways. Cody knows this, theoretically, but it all seems so far beyond him that he tends to not pay it any mind.
Little does Cody know, the Force has its claws buried deeper into him than he can possibly imagine - he just hasn't realized it yet.
: (Is to) :: (As) by TamerLorika | 12k words
Cody notices that Kenobi's regard for himself is always clinical and utilitarian. As he ponders a way to break the stalemate, he begins to learn more about the lightsaber that is so often in his hands, and how it relates to the subject of Kenobi's own soul.
for you, only you by dontbelasagnax | 11k words
“What's next for you, my dear, now that you’re a citizen of the Republic?” Obi-Wan tilts his head, expression alight and imploring. “You could get a job and find a place of your own amongst the many levels of Coruscant- or the stars.”
Light Will Prevail by kotekenobii | 3k words
In the aftermath of battle, an exhausted Obi-Wan slips away to watch the sunrise. Worried, Cody seeks him out.
Based on the end of Obi-Wan Kenobi #3.
You're the Only Stim I Need by Captora | 7k words
The five times Marshal Commander Cody brought General Kenobi bad GAR caf and the one time Obi-Wan showed Cody what caf was supposed to taste like.
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What can fans expect from season 4?
+ tua makeup artist comment:
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mishacakes · 11 months
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brain: hey what if after tomiko loses her home and mom in the bad timeline instead of going with other yokai she instead takes on a human disguise and joins humans, attempting to cut off a central part of herself to survive, yet that very same magic allows her to shapeshift and keep her undetected and safe.
me: yea that sounds tragic and horrible for her. let’s do it.
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katballesteros · 10 months
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Commissioned by @inusmasha for @mustardyellowsunshine
Enjoy, Robin! :)
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monttagues · 7 months
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moments that actually made me lose my mind
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