#Thanks for the kind words!
galoogamelady · 1 month
I downloaded New Vegas partially because of Buttons, partially because I love the show and want to get to know the games. I’ve never died so many times in the first ten minutes of a game. I accidentally stole a guy’s milk and now he won’t stop following me and shooting me 😭. Anyway, love your content!! Thanks for introducing me to Fallout!
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inktho · 8 months
Lmao you probably don't remember but over a year ago I sent in an ask saying how much I admire your Silas art and tonight out of nowhere I stumbled onto some really cute art you did of Cliff from Harvest Moon FOMT on Twitter for like an expression template thing and basically
If I had a nickel for every time you drew amazing art for my lesser-known video game husbands I'd have 2 nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
Thank you for your greatly appreciated service 🫡
I actually do remember! Have another
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coffeeman777 · 3 days
hi! :) in response to the jerk who just anon'd you, I'd like to say that you are very intelligent, humble, a good teacher, great at explaining complex hot topics, and have very strong and faithful convictions! thanks for being such a good warrior of heaven :)
have a great day! God bless!
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ruwune · 1 day
I miss you so much I cummed all over myself in my pants today just looking at all your pics you posted your so hot !! I get so horny seeing your wet underwear thank you so much!!
Aww~ I’m always on here! Nutting to miss :b hehe.
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hajihiko · 1 year
Man, why are you so cool?
I swear, every post with SDR2 brings a great mood to me and my best friend, who constantly receives them
thanks for the content!
My mom is super cool and she raised me so you can thank her
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fr-familiar-bracket · 5 months
This is just like the Mimic Meele again as in I'm discovering how wrong most of fr tumblr is 🤣 thank you so so SO much for putting all the work in!
As the poll maker, it's important for me to remain an objective observer. That said, I'm realizing some people have objectively bad taste in familiars 😄
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hinata-boke · 11 months
congratulations on the cover art!! it's so beautiful, and i'm seriously in love with your art style. can't wait until you open comms!! im for sure gonna go for a slot <333
aww thank you so much!!!! hopefully theyll be open around sometime next month!
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withoutalice · 4 months
Aaaa! Thank you anon!
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sharkneto · 1 year
Honestly you could write about your OCs buying groceries or something and id eat that up, your writing is great keep it up
Ah thank you! Around being busy with life, I've been in a little bit of a writing slump, so this is really quite kind of you to share with me <3 I'm so glad you enjoy them so much. I do spend a lot of time thinking of them just doing normal things, so maybe I should write more of that down :)
As a token of my thanks, I give you a snip of Normal Things from the Rob and Sarah Holiday Fic I both wrote too much and not enough of in December. <3
Quick context notes: Rob is the youngest of three - his older siblings are David (10 years older) and Julie (7 years older). Sara (note the spelling difference) is David's oldest daughter who just had a baby of her own.
Sarah luxuriates in her shower. Really enjoys the hot water massaging her back. The soft aroma of her soap. How the steam billows and fills the bathroom.
And most importantly how she’s the only one in the room. Alone. No Walters anywhere, not even her Walters.
When she thinks she’s pushed it as long as she can get away with, she reluctantly leaves the warmth to dry off and rejoin the chaos. Blowdrying her hair takes up a nice amount of time. She considers doing something fancier with it and her makeup to waste some more time, but she really has been in here for too long to be conscionable when there’s fifteen people in a two-bathroom house.
Time to return. She only has to make it through another couple days and then they’ll have the house to themselves again.
“You love them because you love Rob,” she reminds herself in the mirror. She does. There’s just so many of them. They’re everywhere.
In the hall, the door to the guest room is closed – Sara and/or Andrew must be catching up on missed sleep. Hopefully the baby is in there with them. Sarah doesn’t need Carol [Rob's mom] to try and hand it off to her again in a forceful push for those latent motherly feelings she’s apparently supposed to have.
She continues down the hall. It’s unexpectedly quiet, a softer rumble of voices than normal and Christmas music beating in the background, broken as Sarah makes it to the living room and Julie exclaims, “What is that?”
David, Julie, and Rob sit around the coffee table, leaning over a pad of paper. All three of them have their heads tilted over whatever is drawn on it.
David points at some part of it. “It’s a UFO.”
Rob squints. “I got that. How did you get to that from—?”
“No,” his brother interrupts. “No, I did the best drawing of what you wrote. Accurate to every degree.”
Julie snorts and flips the page back one.
Sarah walks over after another sweep of the room – the three siblings do seem to be the only ones here right now. She relaxes. “Are you guys playing Telestrations? Where is everyone?”
Rob brightens at her appearance. “Yes. And you want to play, I know you do. And go right after me.”
“A big group went with Mom and Dad for a walk around the neighborhood. Mom was weird about wanting to see the decorations in the daytime, but I wasn’t going to push it. It got her out of the kitchen and messing with Rob’s system in there. Half of mine went with Michael back to our hotel because someone forgot her phone and you know how you can’t survive family time without that,” Julie reports. “Sara and Andy are back with the baby. Hopefully sleeping.” Her gaze flicks to David, a look passing between them. “And I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than play a dumb game like Telestrations.”
“She definitely doesn’t,” Rob rushes to say. He pats the cushion next to him. “I don’t know why we’re trying to play this with three people, anyway. It works better with more.”
Sarah laughs. “How bad is he doing?” She leans over the back of the couch, hand resting on her husband’s shoulder. 
“Terribly,” Julie says cheerfully. She spins the notepad for Sarah to see better.
“It’s not that bad!” Rob defends. “They’re exaggerating like they always do.”
“You write like a drunk monkey,” Sarah says fondly, patting his shoulder twice in appeasement as he huffs. She looks at the scribbled line on the page, written words only by technicality. “’Cow jumped over the moon’?” she asks the group.
David pulls the pad back to himself as Rob holds a hand up in victory. “How.”
“You know,” Julie says, “one of these years I’ll finally remember to bring one of those primers my students struggling with handwriting get. I think it would really help you out. Just a little practice.”
“I’m not that bad! David always draws whatever he wants. It’s part of our game within the actual game.”
“Oh, Bobby,” Julie says with mock sincerity. “The game within the game is David always going after you so he can destroy how you can’t write words.”
“I’m a doctor!”
“Who can’t write. It’s a really heartwarming accomplishment, we’re very proud,” David says. He leans towards Sarah. “Where in this does it say ‘jumped’. I figured out how this says ‘cow’ and the loops I get how those are the o’s in ‘moon’. Where is the j.”
Sarah points to it. “It’s about finding up and down strokes. And you can’t count humps to figure out u’s and r’s versus m’s and n’s, he doesn’t count so you can’t either. Take in the whole shape. Sometimes he dots the i’s and j’s kind of near the letter they belong to, that helps a lot.”
Rob huffs again.
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doublegoblin · 5 months
ive been here trying to figure out what to say about your reply to my tags lmao
first the explanation is COOL i didnt think it was that light but that makes sense!!!! i dont really have a ton to say here aside from keep at your stuff im not as yelly as some other people supporting you that you have but i always dig your content
Well thanks for stopping by the inbox! I'm glad you enjoyed the explanation, like I said, I was excited to kinda walk through a little of the process because that kinda stuff interests me!
And no worries about not being yelly! Big or small, loud or quiet, hell even silent; I'm just happy to know I make stuff people vibe with :) and I don't see myself stopping any time soon...in fact I might get more >:)
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applestruda · 1 year
You know you’re cool right
efbwfoawb i mean ig ive been told that,,
thanksss thanks
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proudheron · 1 year
I worked in artisanal cheese service for about 10 years and I found your map of Calorum absolutely delightful and delicious. Do you make boards often? Do you have favorites?
what a lovely question! and so kind from a cheese pro! i don't make as many cheese boards as i should, honestly. a big one at xmas and then maybe one or two throughout the year. but in general i always go overboard with food presentation. everything tastes better with garnish & colour contrast. i was a barista and a cook for 8 years and it never got old seeing someone take a photo of my latte art or overhearing people exclaiming about how pretty their food looks.
as far as favourites, my favourite kind of cheese is anything with crunchy crystals. at xmas and again this time i got snowdonia black bomber and really loved it. really old crumbly cheddars, grana padano, parmesan. every kind of smoked cheese too. my spouse loves stinky cheese and i don't, but we meet in the middle with manchego.
as far as non-cheese elements of the board, i have got to have asian pear or cucumber or both. something watery and fresh as a palate cleanser. and it's important to me that the crackers are bland, if they're too rich or salty they compete with the cheese. if i want to be super particular i make my own. for meat, i love noix de jambon but i can't afford it so i go for my other favourite, smoked mackerel. and i am slowly improving my vegan cured meat skills. and my fridge is about 50% pickles and preserves so there will always be one of those as an acidic element.
i want to keep thinking and writing about cheese and cheese boards but i am falling asleep. it's so fun to daydream about. do you have wisdom to share from 10 years in the cheese world?
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mokolat · 1 year
Hi! I'm a big fan of your art! 🥰 If it's not too much trouble, I was wondering if you have any tips for balancing realism and stylization, or making live action characters look like themselves in general? Something I have a lot of trouble with is making live action characters expressive and "cartoony" while still making them recognizable.
Hi @merrilark ! Thanks you for your kind words! ♥ I am glad you like what I do. I myself love your art (your profil pic artstyle is sooo cool! You caught Robert Sheehan face very well!)
You are curious about how I myself stylized live acting characters making them recognizable and... Oh my gosh. I have no idea how to explain that! I do it without consciously though (putting words) about it, even if I well paid attention to something... It's a challenge you send me, but : challenge accepted! I will try to do some sort of tutorial, or something that could explain how I stylized real peoples and play with expressions. I hope you have enough patience, cause I have no idea how long it takes me to do that!
Thanks you for your interest, thanks you again for your support, and thanks you for sharing your own fanwork! ♥♥♥
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heirofnepeta · 2 years
ok so! im not the best at telling the opinion i have on people, but i do hope this doesnt come across as awkward or anything!
i think youre really cool! youre friendly and smart and fun to talk with and i really like your blog !!!
Nonono you're not being awkward at all!
Also I'm happy to be someone you enjoy talking to!
Not many people actually enjoy doing that...
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tehloserprince · 6 months
hello! just shuffling into the inbox to say that i do not know the situation but i hope the feeling unwell passes over💕 (saw the not feeling well lads tag and wanted to pass on the wishes that things start to get a bit better, no pressure to reply or anything, and hope this is okay to message)
Aww, thanks! I appreciate that! It's probably just my allergies or the wonky weather getting to me. My sinuses aren't too happy. Also had knee injections for disability-related issues, and that always leaves me sore for a few days. Didn't help that the needle going into my right knee hit the bone somewhat, RIP. Bored myself to death, but resting yesterday seems to have helped a lot. 🧡
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petricorah · 6 months
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thankfully, he didn't get it [id in alt]
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