#Thatcher needs his meds again
patheticpretending · 7 months
This is canon btw Alex told me
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(for people who don't know what the pink and blue flag is: it's the transhet flag aka the flag 4 trans hetrosexual ppl)
Ruth and Dave being the cool trans women likers + thatcher
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jayhorsestar · 3 months
news, politics, local, RO 'juneau kronstadt, june 9th, voting, 'allen mayor bye-bye, and older 'scripcaru mayor, in again. 'scripcaru and 'allen neither one attended any UNI until 2020, so barely EQF 4 under Europa EU int, 'europass guidelines, the Baccalaureate, 12 classes. one step as mayor at 2021 october 22nd, i would had begun and ordered rotations, just like the 'fanariot ruling of the XIX century, and inside a 4-year term (this was four months shorter, btw - june 9th until october 22nd), at least 1,300 policemen to rotate onto City limits payslip, no joke. then similarly, other Govt paid jobs at the City limits, all rotated, and thus prevent 'scripcaru voted back again. UNITBV voted 'scripcaru apparently, so all AUTO and MED, and LANG, wanna-bees voted for the already three mandates 15-years into Town-Hall affairs, retiree-to-become from the job as Mayor, 'scripcaru. to round that into 18+ on Town-Hall chairs. Enache at 'foods security, a best friend of 'scripcaru, 'allen did nothing on that, basically all agencies remained same color and same fellas during 'allen, a 44 months at the Town-Hall. 'putin indulges a fifth mandate too, btw. 'margaret thatcher indulged a three-mandates, and 'tony blair indulged a three-mandates life on job chair, too. 'francois mitterand indulged a three-mandates, i believe. town of 'constanta port, buses ticket is still 2.5 RON, or 5 RON or 1 EUR back-n-forth, as BRV had it three years ago. we currently at 2 USD, or 8 RON for the BUS ticket, same minimum wage on economy w 'constanta, btw. we went all electric, 'constanta did not. 'rotaru at 'unemployment, the AJOFM, still kept on chair, 'allen did nothing over replacing that fella either, and win the voting of all unemployed people. 'allen did not replace anyone from the 'local bodies of the Govt. he was a Senator for two mandates, he was to be retired into the mountines, not left to settle down at Bucharest, so he was crumbles set forth locally. and dinner was over by this morning on. 'allen won on point-to-point repairs he indeed provided into the elections planning of 44 months ago. schools, kindergardens, education, basically children at all ages. they do not vote, yet!! at least i don't have to go to congratulate 'scripcaru personally over his performance... safely rested at home, and online, no exposure needed. m
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drabbleitout · 2 years
Find the Word Tag Game
Tagged by: @spacetimewraithwrites over here and @zmwrites over here –Thank you both! My Words: part, pain, pile, peel, pinch, plain, approve, heel, scream, & fun Tagging: @kcsmall, @kaiusvnoir, @pertinax--loculos, and anyone else who would like to join! Seriously, if you see this, you're tagged. (As always please don't feel pressured or rushed!) Your Words: Warning, Tense, Alive, Collect, & Shame
CW: Violence, slight nsfw, gun mention, language
"Thatcher will decommission you if you go in there, Beau! Beau! Don’t you dare open that door!” Garnet blared over the comms. “I’m sorry, Garnet.” Beau opened the front door, slowly, just enough to be able to slip inside. “You’re not sorry! The only sorry you are is a sorry piece of crap!! Get your ass back outside, this was not part of the plan!” “I don’t know what kind of frequencies the trigger may be on, Lieutenant. I’m going dark.” “DON’T YOU DARE—”
Pain & Pile
Beau lay them back in a pile of pillows and blankets. Garnet sighed through tenderness, settling his head on Beau’s chest. “Hey,” his whisper drew Beau’s stare from the ceiling, “remember what I said? At the hospital?” “Yeah.” Garnet took a moment to gather his energy, eyes getting heavy, “I meant it, you know.” “Yeah, I know. I can tell by the frequency in your voice when you’re bullshitting.” He smirked making Garnet grin. “I had it pending in case it was just the pain meds, though." “Oh, yeah, could be that. Cherry on the cake.” He rest his head back in place, listening to Beau’s spare. Proof he’d made it.
Over and over [Garnet] struck his face, bouncing his head on the floor and cracking tile. [FakeBeau]’s legs wrapped around him, dented panel on his cheek flying off with the next hit. He grabbed Garnet’s arm to stop the pummeling. Instead Garnet grabbed the dangling jaw, sparks skipping to the ground as he peeled it off his face. In the gaping space, he saw the glow of the orb-like CPU nestled at the peak of his throat, behind the nose. Garnet swiped an attempted guard away, hand shoving into the opening and wrapping fingers around the CPU. “Fuck you!” And he yanked, tearing wire harnesses and sending [FakeBeau] into a short-lived spasm.
Ives moved from his mouth, down his neck, baring teeth to pinch across tender skin. Ryker made a strangled sound, going still as fingers coiled into Ives’ hair. Ives remembered his teeth, not entirely right, not entirely natural, a design flaw when it came to BloomingTech’s attempt at human mimicry. They were a little sharper, a little longer in the canines. “Shit,” Ryker groaned, the noise nearly knocking Ives offline. It hadn’t been what he expected, certainly not to be appreciated. Ives withdrew his mouth, pressing lips where his teeth had been. “Are you hurt?” He whispered carefully.
Plain Simple
Ryker asked him to wait, needing to get something from his office before they left. Beau waited in the hall, glancing to the breakroom that stood unusually empty. He would have three minutes before Ryker returned –just enough time to start a short brewing cycle on the station coffee maker. Beau stepped into the breakroom, finding as advanced as the coffee maker seemed, its makeup wasn’t anything more than simple temperature and water level sensors. He would have to activate it by hand. He’d seen a hundred cups made, taking one of the recyclable ones from the cabinet and sliding it beneath the dispenser. A knock startled him. Turning, he found Midland at the window, smiling before waving. Beau glanced at the cup and back again, mimicking the wave. “Can you come here?” He called, muffled through the glass.
Ives finished with his gear, strapping on his helmet and heading to the armory. His cubby was filled with his pre-approved weaponry for this mission; a shotgun with breaching rounds, lighted rifle, handgun, and the typical taser pistol. His shield hung on the shelf below. He barely heard the sharp whistle. Royston appeared beside him, glaring, jaw set. When Ives didn’t instantly drop what he was doing, Royston stretched out an arm, snapping fingers in his face. “I’m talking to you,” he demanded.
“Johnson’s in the room watching. I’ll let him know you’re going in. I’m not supposed to do this. Do not make a mess of this, Ives.” Another nod, [Ives] and Beau frozen stiff as Khan retreated down the hall. “Is it just me, or are you getting better at socializing?” Beau smiled. “He’s severely sleep-deprived, I merely took advantage.” Ives pivoted on a heel, starting back for the interrogation room. “Go in with me.”
“Help them,” Garnet ordered Nebraska as he fought with the agent, pinning them to the floor. “Hold it right there!” More screams echoed down the hall, Mediators called in from a different precinct, electro pistols raised. “Put your hands up.” “Go, little Lincoln,” Garnet snapped, grabbing the sidearm from the BT agent to turn on the Mediators. It drew their attention, sliding to a stop in the hall as they aimed for him. There was a warning to drop the weapon as shots were fired. One got him in the shoulder, clamping his arm and seizing him to the side. The next was in the chest, bowing him over into the floor.
Walking was the easy part. Garnet had the most trouble getting to his feet, but Beau wouldn’t listen. He made sure to keep himself tucked under Garnet’s arm, bracing him up as if at any moment he’d crumple. The fact Beau was so much smaller now only made it all the funnier, that, if he did fall, Beau was too little to really do anything about it. “Are you okay?” Beau whispered, coming to a shuffling stop as they reached the car. “Yeah, I’m good.” Garnet did all he could not to laugh, not to bruise Beau’s pride or tear at his chest.
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domesticblisss · 4 years
The Better Option
Timothy Thatcher x Female Reader; Walter x Female Reader (Mentioned) Rating: Mature (Minors DNI) Word Count: 1830 Warnings: Smut. Rough fucking, oral (female receiving), cheating. Summary: Reader comes to a crossroad.
I met him through Walter. 
What Walter and I have, I mean, had, was nothing serious. Just two people that met during a show, each one impressed with the other’s match, one asks the other out for a drink, a few beers in and some good sex happens. Top 3 best fucks I had in my life. It was a good thing what we had, whenever we were on the same shows together we would do our thing, it felt natural, almost couple like, we had everyone asking when we were getting married. 
He introduced me to Tim a few months later, on the night Ringkampf came to be. I had seen Tim a few times around the arena where wXw happened and he was always very quiet, most of the time he was by himself, and I never saw him coming up to any of the female talents like we are all so used to go through. 
There was something different about the Tim I was formally introduced to the Tim I was used seeing around. 
“Liebling, this is Timothy Thatcher. He’s with us now. Him, Junior and I are going to rule the world.”
“Nice to meet you, Dove. Walter has told me great things about you.” Tim said as he shook my hand. His grip was tight, and even with his calloused hands, soft. It was like I met a whole new person that night. He wasn’t the quiet, closed up man I was so used to seeing backstage, but a funny guy with cheeky jokes and long, lingering stares that lasted even when Walter had his hands between my legs or kissing me. It was always like this, Tim was bold, like he couldn’t give a shit about what Walter would do if he caught him staring and that was driving me crazy. It felt like he could read my mind, like he knew which buttons to push to pull me to him. The funny thing is that he never came onto me. He was always respectful, never touched me if it wasn’t on a consensual handshake or hug, always looked at me on eye level, always treated me like I was his equal. But the way he looked at, the way he talked to me, that was just mine. 
Things got on another level when Walter bailed on us on one of our drinking nights. Tim and I went to our usual bar ahead of Walter, his excuse was that he needed to finish some paperwork regarding the new trainees and that he would meet us there in 30 minutes max. Two hours passed until he called me, voice tired, a bit out of breath, which left me wondering, saying he got caught up with a bunch of stuff and that he wouldn’t be able to come meet us. That night was the first time Tim sat close to me, right by my side. My mind kept telling me it was just because the bar was noisy, since it was a crowded night, but the energy that surrounded us told me otherwise. I think he sensed my mood change, got even closer and whispered in my ear,
“Is Walter coming?”
“No, he said he got caught up with some stuff” I told him, still looking forward, staring at the dart board that sat on the wall in front of me, my voice changing when I said the reason for him bailing. 
“Good, it’s just us then.” His voice was different, different than the usual, different from the tone he always used with me. It was certain, like he was surer something was happening that night. 
He kept his face turned to mine, his eyes staring at my profile and when I finally turned to look at him, there was a fire in them that lit up all the feelings I kept hidden from day one. 
He looked at my lips and I licked mine instinctively, almost regretting it when he let that stupid smirk take over his face. My impulse control was gone and I kissed him. I felt him smiling before he deepened it, like something he knew it was about to happen became reality. It was completely different from the heated, hungry and rough kiss I was expecting, but in reality it was soft, calm and long, like he was savouring the most delicious desert, like he was taking his time because it might not happen again. 
“Do you wanna go somewhere else quiet?” he asked, both of us out of breath and all I could do was nod at him. 
We went back to mine that night and what I thought was a friday night thing became a whole weekend thing. 
We kept going like this, sneaking around Walter and the boys. I tried to put a stop to it several times, and trust me Tim was always very understandable, he always respected my wishes and never forced me to anything, but at the end of the night, either when Walter had some lame excuse as to why I couldn’t go back to his or why I, myself, had some excuse, I always ended up on Tim’s doorstep. 
Tonight, was one of those nights, I hadn’t seen either Tim or Walter for a few days. Tim because I was avoiding him and Walter because he was travelling for work. Tim texted me a picture of my favourite bottle of wine, saying “Just a drink, like the good old days? I miss you.”
I debated on whether or not I should answer, but my heart got the best of me and texted him back “I’ll be there in 30.��
I knocked on his door and was greeted with a grey sweatpants wearing and a friendly smile on his face Tim. 
“In exactly thirty. Punctual as usual.”
I didn’t waste time on answering him, closing the door and kissed him, clinging onto his neck. We fucked right there on his doorway. My back to the wooden door as he furiously thrusted into me, making me cum twice, loudly, making me pretty sure he will be getting noise complaints from his neighbours in the morning. 
He cradled me after we finished, linking my legs around his waist and took me to his bedroom. He really knows his way around his place, as we kissed all the way to his bedroom, not bumping in any furniture. 
He gently laid me in his bed, brushed the sticky hair out of my forehead with his fingers and kissed me. 
“Just wait for a little bit, I will grab your wine.”
I always wondered why I gave in to him every time without him even asking. His touch is addictive. From that first night, he knew where to touch me, he miraculously knew all the spots that made me weak. If Walter was top 3 for me, Tim held a spot no number did justice. Being with him was mind blowing, and not just the sex. He was caring, he was funny, he was attentive to my needs. I felt loved even if what we had was just a fling. 
When he returned, we stayed in a comfortable silence, the only noise in the room was from the rain hitting the roof. He kept his hands on my thighs, rubbing soft circles in it and occasionally kissing my stomach. 
The moment was ruined by my phone going off with texts. When I lit the screen, it was Walter telling me he had arrived and that he wanted to stop by. Tim felt how I tensed and asked what it was about. 
“I can’t keep doing this to Walter.”
“Doing what?”
“Lying to him, hiding this from him.”
“It’s not like you two have a serious relationship, dove.”
“I know it isn’t! It’s called being a decent person and telling him the truth.” I was started to get annoyed and it looks like Tim too. 
“Do you think he’s being decent to you? Do you think he’s telling you the truth?” His tone of voice raised, and his left hand closed in a fist, knuckles turning white. I caressed it before continuing. 
“What are you talking about, Timmo?”
“He’s seeing someone else. Other people, actually. He always does this, goes out with a bunch of girls at the same time, none of them know about each other. That’s why he never made anything official with you. I thought he was going to because of how public he is with you, he’s never public with anyone.” He told me with a sad look in his eyes. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry.”
“So, is you pursuing me something out of pity?”
“What? No! Of course not. I love you. I knew I had feelings for you since the first time I saw you. Way long before Ringkampf and Walter introducing us. I just want what is best for you, I don’t know if this was the best way of letting you know, I’m sor—“ he was cut by my phone buzzing again, this time Walter was calling. Tim gave me a wicked smile before saying “Pick it up and put it on speaker.” as he adjusted his body between my legs. 
“Tim, what are you doing?” I asked as he lowered himself. 
“Do as I told you.” he commanded before diving in, licking a stripe up my slit. 
“Liebeling, where are you?” Walter’s voice came in booming. 
“I’m at- I’m at home, why?” Tim’s fingers were working relentlessly on my g-spot, making me strutter. 
“Well, I just got home and wanted to see you. I’m coming over, yeah?”
“NO! Fuck, I’m sorry. Mmm, I’m not feeling very well today, I think it’s the flu.” Tim, being a little devil, increased the speed of this fingers while his lips made suctioning motions on my clit. 
“Are you sure? I could get meds and soup for you.” 
“Yeah, fuck, I’m sure. I already ordered some and I think the delivery dude just arrived. Gotta go, bye.” I hope I turned the call off because as soon as I said my goodbyes the biggest orgasm I ever had hit me. My body was shaking, Tim kept doing his work even with my legs closing around him and he only stopped when my pussy didn’t squeeze his fingers anymore. 
He sat up and stared at me, the mischievous smirk back on his lips. All I could do was laugh. He laid by my side and turned my body to face his, his beard and lips glowing with my juices. 
He brought my face closer to his, gently rubbing his nose on my cheeks, making me smile. 
“I love you, I meant that. And all I want is the best for you. I might not be the best in the world, but I know I’m better than him.” He pecked my lips. “Please” kiss “be” kiss “mine?”
All I could do was nod and kiss him back. 
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Coming back' : new chapter of "Redemption of a Spirit in a Cold War" out !
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Chapter Summary :
After evading the CIA team charged to bring her to Adler, Bell decided to take some times to think before going back to fullfill her most important goal......
Words : +3900
To read it on AO3, click here !
Well, I'm back on the loose again. I've just spent more than 3 days having every of my moves, speech and choices controlled by multiple CIA teams tasked to lead me to West-Berlin and I was once again free from them. At first, I thought that they will bring me to safety in one of their hideout in the city but I didn't have in mind that it was going to be the same place I was 3 years ago.....well, I should have think of that at the moment when I was given from Belikov to the CIA and when I put my feets inside that plane before I left Moscow.
Since I've killed 2 Perseus agents back in Moscow, it served as a good reason for Belikov that I needed to be extracted very fast but I think that it indeed attract attention from Adler himself since he was the one who wanted me to be brought to him by his team with what I heard from the CIA team I have just disposed of. Hopefully for me and bad for him, he was unaware that he was me, 'Bell' that succeeded to take care of 3 high-trained CIA agents inside one of their cars and get away from the scene before problems happen to me.
Before I left the scene, I decided that it was better to take some of their money with me because the rest of my money I had left from the Soviet Union wasn't going to help me a lot around and also disposing of their guns inside a manhole cover. Once it was done, I left quickly the alley with only one goal : go back at the E9 Safehouse and find Park. But, I couldn't go right now to that place. After what happened, Adler and the others in West-Berlin is going to be alerted that one of their teams got a little problem on their way meaning that I had to lay low for the day.
I needed to go at the safehouse in the start of the evening, awaiting for the right moment and Adler's suspicions to get low too. I knew exactly where the safehouse was located and how I could infiltrate myself inside but first, let's discover what changed in the world in 3 years. Even out of the Soviet Union, I couldn't have any chances to see what was happening in the world in terms of everything so when I was able to buy some meds with the stolen to heal that cut I had on my cheek and some painkillers for my arm still hurting like a rock, I decided to go buy a newspaper and something to eat too.
Once I had bought that newspaper and eat something, I preferred to continue to walk around the city until I could find a perfect place to read it as I didn't want to read it while walking, fearing to enter into someone. I then realized that I was just near the Tiergarten park just at a few hundred meters from the Wall and I decided it was a perfect place to rest and profit from the calm while no one...I hope.....will not disturb in my reading....and maybe also if I either take a nap or having one of my memories back.
I found a empty bench away from the others sight deep inside the park and it was the place for me to settle in for the afternoon before I could go to the safehouse. I sit on the bench and I start to read the news : the Iran-Irak war is still going on in the Middle-East since it started in 1980, there's some disaggrement about the British budget rebate between the European Economic Community and the British Governement leaded by....oh, Margaret Thatcher is still in power....Incredible....I don't know how she is in terms of politics but it's new to see a woman in lead of the United Kingdom.
Then, I could find something talking about what the CIA was saying when I heard them : that foiled operation that happened in Afghanistan leaded by the CIA and the MI6. Apparently, it was saying that it was a complete slaughter for the troops supported by the West and there were only a few survivors that got out. All of these were Perseus work but the newspapers were talking about a Soviet attack, knowing that Perseus prefer to do his dirty work in the shadow.
After that, there were things talking about the releases of movies and some hit songs but nothing so much important that could have helped me know more about what happening in the world. I put the newspaper in my backpack, keeping it in case before I started to realize that I have now nothing to do.....apart from having a rest for the moment or trying to find something about my old life. The second option was better even if I risk to be disturbed by someone else. I installed myself well in the bench and closing my eyes trying to think.....
The first thing I could see when I opened my eyes was seeing me sitting on an bench, looking at the Moskova in Moscow and then, at some fireworks getting shot in the skies above the Kremlin. At my left side on that bench, there were Zasha with me, also looking with me at the fireworks. Our looks in our face was sort of happy but each one of us were like hiding something.
"Happy New Year 1979 !" Zasha said to me with a lazy voice
"A new year for our lifes, great." I told them with the same voice, I pulled one of my arms on the bench top at my right, getting comfortable on it. "Like every year since 4 years, gonna be the same thing we're gonna do each year : decrypting, encrypting, do some missions for Perseus and repeat again." I added, rolling my eyes
"Even you is kinda tired of doing the same thing each day." Zasha looked at me with an raised eyebrow
"Yeah, I would have like something else in my life." I responded to them "I just wanted to be an normal person living an normal life with someone at my side everyday."
"But something is avoiding you to do it." They told me, guessing my next words as I nodded.
"Perseus." I said with an cracked voice.
"I know, it must be hard for you to saw that you didn't have a choice to follow him." They looked at me with an grin on their face before looking away "I need to tell you something about our work."
"Go on, tell me." I said with an smile.
"I....I never wanted to work with Perseus." At hearing this, I looked at them but not in anger, more curious. "I took the job because I had no choice."
"For your brother, Dedov ?" I asked them. They nodded.
"I lost my parents when I was 11 and then 17, leaving me to take care of Dedov on my own. I took the job because I knew that it could help me and Dedov to stabilize our situation." They replied, their voice filled by emotions by saying that.
"I know about Dedov, how did he see the situation ?" I asked a second question. Their grin disappeared to have a sad look.
"Even if the job help me, when I came back each day from work, he can see that work is difficult for me but I'm doing this for him." They responded "If one day, I can help him achieve his dream."
"Which is ?"
"He want to go either to Harvard in the US or to Oxford in England, away from the Soviet Union and Perseus." They said, giving to me a small grin again. But then, I was the one to become sad.
"You know....." I started to said "I never believed in Perseus ideas." At hearing this, Zasha looked at me surprised.
"Really ?" They asked, stunned.
"He maybe raised me as his daughter along with Freya but I was never really behind him, approving each of his decisions." I first respond before taking a breath "Some part of me want to flee too but by staying here, I can help my friends in needs and protect the innocents from his brutality."
"I always thought that you were loyal...." They started to said before I cut them silently,
"Loyal to my goals, not to his ones." I admitted, looking at Zasha "After what happened to me in my early days, I'm doing everything in my power to save the innocents. I'm not an brutal killer, I kill only those who harm my friends." I put my hand on their shoulder "My friends.....is for me, my real family I never had."
"Me ? You saw me like family ?" They said, amazed and I nodded
"Freya, you and my few friends....is my family, Perseus was never a father to me." I then removed my right hand from the bench to put it on my legs.
"Can I say that....I see you like a sister now ?" They asked with a laugh, I nodded.
"You can !" I replied, laughing before with my right hand, I put it inside my pocket to grab something : a envelope. "Something for you." I handed it over to Zasha.
"What's this ?" They took it in their hands before looking at me, discovering the weight of the envelope. "Don't tell me that...." They opened the envelope, discovering moneys in it.
"It's something for you, Zed." I smiled at them "To help you and your brother !" I was surprised when they put their arms around me for a hug but I reciprocated the gesture.
"Thanks you, Yirina !" They said, moved by my actions, tears started to fall on my face and I was happy to help them,
"I'll do everything for my friends !"
I wasn't an monster at all while I was an Perseus agent ! That memory gave me something that helped me feel better as I could feel some tears on my face. I saw my friends as the family I never had and I'm still am. The people I remember in the safehouse were like a second family for me but not everyone of course. I was so helpful to Zasha and their brother I just discovered right now. Right now, I just wanted to hope that they're safe somewhere not in Russia and maybe that Dedov did achieve his dream. However even with that, I was still in needs to find more and to redeem myself more further.
When I opened my eyes back into the real world, I realized that....oh fuck, already ? Did I dream of that memory for hours ? It was already the evening of the day but it was the perfect time for me to get on walk. Before I do that, I decided to write the past two memories in my book I did have today and once it was done, I've got everything packed up again in my backpack and I got up, ready to go to the safehouse....and find Park again if it is possible.
I walked back on my steps, taking the same path I used to get to the park and I even passed the alley where I left the CIA team in that car. I took a quick look at the scene : there were nothing else anymore : no more car and no CIA team as the day has passed very quickly for me, there were still tire brands showing where the car has gone before crashing down on the wall at the end of the alley. Well, it's better to stay on my way as I could recognize some people who was there when they saw me leave that alley earlier.
The night fell on the German city as I was getting close to the safehouse located inside the Grunwald forest at the outskirts of West-Berlin. A perfect place for the CIA to hide but not so perfect.....because I remembered exactly where it was. I walked inside the forest with some things inside my mind : I remember that there were some CIA agents walking around disguised as normal civilians to protect the place and that I needed to watch out for them because it could be anyone.
However, bad luck with them : I could easily pass their little patrols before I arrived behind the safehouse unguarded. The place didn't changed at lot in 3 years but then, I started to hear some noises inside of it, meaning that they were people inside. I needed to get an viewpoint on the inside as I remember that they were a part of the ceilling with windows. I found a pipe which I used to climb on top of the safehouse without making any noises at all....thanks because I thought that the pipe was going to crash on the ground with me on it.
I made it out alive from that pipe as I get discreetly next to the part of the rooftop where I could see in the inside...Yeap, didn't changed at all ! Same desk positions, the dashboard with more things on it. I could discover the CIA team I disposed off wearing bandages and dressings. There were here entirely but in bad shape and then.....I could see him....Russell Adler standing in front of the dashboard, smoking....I was feeling my rage getting up inside my body as his sight. I wanted to act but I need self-control.
"So...." Adler started, looking angry "Three high-trained CIA agents are neutralized by an unknown russian woman in their car and she succeeded to got away !" He wasn't happy at all. "Can you explain to me again how did this happens ?" He looked at Walter
"Like we said to you, sir." Walter firstly said "I saw her unbuckling her seatbelt and then, she nudged me, getting me unconscious before attacking Terry."
"She tried to strangle me as I tried to shoot her." Terry continued after hearing his name "But my gun fired during our struggle and it hit Sawyer in the hand, causing him to crash the car and allowing that girl to get away."
"Do you realize that she stole your guns and your money ?" Adler asked in desesperation "That's the biggest humiliation you can have !" He added, blowing smoke out of his mouth, spreading his arms to the ground "Did you know who was that girl ?"
"Well, we didn't see her face since she was using bandages to cover it." Sawyer said, holding his wounded hand "We tried to saw it while she was asleep but she was very cautious towards us."
"Yeah, the other team tried too but they didn't succeed either to do it." Terry exclaimed as Adler decided to move to get closer to him "Hey, it's not our fault if...." Then, Terry was directly slapped by Adler himself, surprising the others....and me, looking at the scene silently.
"It's your fault that we have now another problem to deal with." Adler poked at Terry, looking at him furiously "Now, we have maybe an Perseus agent in the wild in West-Berlin as we're trying to recover from our operation in Afghanistan." He got back, still looking at his team "You had just one fucking job to do !"
Shit....it was almost the trigger phrase that could have make me passing out in that rooftop but it was close. When I heard this, I cover my ears as I was starting to feel like something ringing in my ears....like a bell. I could feel my face going white from that and I realized that I was able to control myself to not pass out but not my envy to get it done with Adler. I took the M1911 I have hidden under my jacket and somehow, I was going to prepare myself to aim at him, ready to finish him until......
"You pulled quite an stunt today !" An feminine voice could be heard inside the safehouse and I realized that.....Park, it was her. Seeing after all these times.....shit, it was so strange. She had longer hair than before : a ponytail. "Every MI6 agents in the city is talking about what happened !"
"Oh shit, not her !" Terry whispered and I heard him well as Park arrived to get next to Adler.
"I thought it was just routine for you." She said, looking at the team with crossed arms and a smirk on her face
"Miss, we couldn't expect that from her." Sawyer tried to explain with an sorry look "She was very evasive in her answers and we tried to know more about her, we just thought that she didn't wanted to talk because of the shock she got."
"He's right, we only wanted......"
"Wait a minute !" Terry cut Walter straight before leaning from the table he was on "I remember something well from that russian." He pointed at Park "She had an picture of you !" He exclaimed, causing her to step back. Damnit, he remembered my picture !
"Me ?" She said, shocked
"Yes, I'm not fucking blind." Terry replied "She had a perfect picture of you with your stupid smile on it !" He added, showing to her his anger and making me angry too. He moved to face her and Park was clenching her fists.
"Better for you to use another tone with me....dick !" She told him, biting her bottom lip
"Or what ?" He spreaded his arms "You're gonna do what you did to Hank ?" He smirked at her.....Please, Park, do something !......until in only one second, he make the biggest mistake of his life by spreading his legs too...allowing Park to kick him violently in the nuts with her knee....fuck yeah !
"How did you like that, you miserable twat ?" She replied in anger as Terry fall on the ground, holding his private parts with difficulty as his friends arrived to help him
"Ok, that's enough." Adler walked to get between Park and the team, he was rather angry with the team than with Park "You three are coming with me."
"There is not but ! " Adler cut Sawyer straight "Help this fool to get up, we're going back to Langley." The two complied and helped Terry get up before walking outside the safehouse, leaving Park and Adler alone. "Can you just control yourself, for sake ?" He asked her
"I'm not someone to have problems with." She responded, still angry
"I know that since years." He added before looking at outside "I will get these fools back to Langley and I will return with Sims, Woods and maybe Mason if it's possible."
"Leaving me in charge of the place ?" Park said and he nodded
"We're back tomorrow night and we will focus on that woman who escaped them." He blew the  smoke of his cigarette away from her "She might be useful for us if we can capture her."
"Then, we have no choice." Park put her hands on her waist before the two walked next to the garage door, Adler stepping outside as she stayed inside. "Have a good flight to the US."
"Goodbye, Park." He told her before walking away from the safehouse, laziness in his voice. Park walked next to the door control panel where she closed the door.
"Bloody hell !" She exclaimed as the door was fully closed before she started to walk back to the same office she had.
At this moment, I withdrawed from the windows to look at the sky. I wasn't believing it at all : I saw Park after 3 longs years spent inside a hospital bed in Moscow. I saw her with my eyes again and she was still looking beautiful but looking more angrier & changed. It was so hard for me right now to see her in that state. I know that she was believing in me but my 'death' did have an effect on her. I can fix that mistake by seeing her but am I really ready for this ?
I just saw Adler in real this time and I was so troubled about what I needed to do right now. I was mixed between seeing Park and getting an revenge on Adler by shooting him. I needed to make the first choice. I didn't came back in that place because I discover that Perseus was still around, making his evil plans but I did all of this because I'm so in love with Park that I needed to see her again, that was the first thing I said when I left that hospital : I will do everything for her.
I let some 5 longs minutes before I decided to get down on the ground level, determined to do what I needed to do. I used the same pipe to get down before I walked to the unguarded back door of the safehouse. When I put my hand on the door handle, I knew that I couldn't go back : I was now back inside the fight against Perseus.....and now back with Park. Without any hesitation, I opened the door silently and I walked inside the safehouse, closing the door behind me.
Park wasn't looking at all, her heads was inside her arms who was on her desk....she....she was crying but she did hear me arrive.
"You forgot something, Adler ?" She said in a broke voice and by hearing that voice, I was overtaken by the emotions and because of it, I fell on my knees in the middle of the safehouse, holding back my owns tears, awaiting for her to look at me but that moment never came, I had to do something.
"I....I'm sorry about everything." I broke the silence, saying a part of the letter she left for me back at that hotel in Moscow. "And....I hope you will be able to forgive.....because right now, you have a big place inside my heart." When I was done, tears started to fall down on my face and at this moment, I could see Park looking at me on my knees, her eyes filled with tears.
"B-Be-Bell ?" She said, looking at me, stunned and.....shocked to me, she got up from her seat, walking slowly.
"I'm sorry....about everything." I looked down, wanting to hide my tears with no effect at all "You have a big place inside my heart." I repeated again before she get on ker knee too in front of me.
"It's.....it's you !" She whispered, tears coming down at her side before putting one of her hands on my right cheek "You're here !" She grinned, filled with emotions before I do the same and put my hand on her left cheek. My arms were shaking at touching her again after 3 years.
"Park....I....." I whispered but I was so much lost in my words, starting to cry. Then, at the same time, we both started to put our arms around each other and we were both crying in each other shoulder.
After 3 years, I was now back with Park again.....back in her arms and she was back in mine. I thought that it was just a big dream but everything was so real for me. It was real, she was really there, hugging me and we were very close to each other. I was happy and so troubled after all these times. It's been 6 days since I was now back alive and what I wanted to do first was done : I was back with Park again ! We were so shocked to see each other and we were so relieved to see each other again.
"I....came....back !"
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spookypalace · 4 years
worship the flame - chapter six
Jo peaks a look at him once or twice as he’s ordering a list of  drinks, she’s certain he catches her as pink lips curve into a smirk.  Brown eyes meet for a final time before he steps away, and she  wonders—maybe her dry spell would end.
Or the one where Jo meets Alex in a bar, during her final year of med school.
(if you would rather read on ao3, you can do here)
The next few days had been surprisingly relaxing and peaceful for Jo, despite the fact that it was a house where three twenty-something year old's were living in (Jackson was becoming a permanent fixture of the small, two-bedroom death trap (as Alex had decided to lovingly name her apartment)). The three of them mostly stuck to doing their own thing; Jackson worked crazy hours as an intern, Lexie preffered to study at the library and Jo preferred the comfort of her own couch. A luxury she never used to have.  
Their spring break had begun just two days ago, and now jobless—Jo's days were pretty low key, except for when she went to their new bar with Alex, or he came over and vice versa. Of course, she only visited when his house was free from prying roommates to save them both answering questions. Because that was why they were doing this thing in the first place—to avoid labels and all the other crap that came with relationships. But if she wasn’t with Alex, then she was studying or job searching—she could swear she could hear her credit card weeping every time she visited the store.
Her low key day continued as she once again relaxed on the couch, finishing off the rest of her medical book as Alex lay on the couch to her left—a rare day off. Lexie and Jackson were both out of the apartment, as far as Jo knew, though she really didn’t keep track of them at this point. They could be having a mid-day nap for all she knew.
The peace was suddenly interrupted, however, when Jo’s phone began vibrating and one look at the caller I.D. had her groaning in distaste, head tilting back and eyes shutting tightly as Alex threw a questioning look towards her. Oddly, it was Thatcher, Lexie’s father, was calling and Jo would much rather throw her phone out the second story window rather than answer the call. She only had his number because Lexie was terrible at answering his calls, even during the holidays or anniversaries, so when Lexie had dragged Jo along to visit him, he had insisted that he have Jo’s number just in case. Whilst Jo knew that Lexie adored her father and Jo herself thought he had moments of being kind-of interesting due to his medical background … Thatcher’s traditionalist and republican nature in general just didn’t agree with Jo, especially when he was passive-aggressively trying to throw her views at the people around her.
“Hi, Mr. Grey,” she greeted, hoping her cheerful tone didn’t sound as forced as Alex’s smirk telling her it was. She waved him off as he snorted.
“Jo, hello sweetheart,” came the man’s honeyed response. “How are you?”
Jo put in her bookmark and shut the book, leaning back against the cheap couch as she gazed up at the inside of the red umbrella. “I’m good, how about you?”
“Wonderful,” Thatcher chirped. “Lexie told me that you two have got a week off school. Lexie’s not answering her calls, so I wanted to ask if you two and your boyfriends would like to come over for dinner?”
Two feelings instantly stirred up in Jo at her Thatcher’s words; one was annoyance towards Lexie for telling Thatcher they both had some free time, and the second was utter confusion that was loud and clear on Jo’s face through the furrow of her eyebrows and bewildered contortion of her expression. “Boyfriend?” was all she could manage out, eyes widening slightly.
“Well, yes,” Thatcher responded with an obvious chuckle. “When Lexie came by, she told me that you couldn’t make it because you were staying over at your new boy's house—you’re not telling me that you’re sleeping over at some man's house without being in a relationship with him? That’d be a shame.”
Jo knew Thatcher, unfortunately, and she knew his shame didn’t mean that it’d be upsetting that Jo wasn’t in a relationship yet—she meant that being a single girl and spending the night with a boy, even if it was temporary, was something akin to sinful. Jo couldn’t help but roll her eyes as his words sank in her mind—Thatcher was the most extreme form of a republican, who still thought a woman’s place is in the house. Despite the fact his ex-wife was an exceptional surgeon, and his daughter was soon to be herself. And while Jo thought there was nothing wrong with a woman who chose the house-wife kind of lifestyle, him trying to impose it on others was tiresome.
She really did regret the very moment, years ago, that she agreed to meet Lexie’s father … she loved spending holidays and important milestones with Lexie, but with Lexie came her father. And over the years, she had been forced to spend enough time with the man.
And for Jo, life went by so much easier by just playing along with Thatcher for the time being rather than reminding her friends dad that her views were totally different. Jo desperately wanted to get out of this dinner, but she knew Thatcher would reschedule it and Jo would end up getting a call from Lexie forcing her to go to Thatcher’s house. But a boyfriend? Where was Jo going to pull that out of?
If she told Thatcher she didn’t have a boyfriend and was, in fact, just sleeping over at a guys—despite the fact that was completely normal—there was no doubt Lexie’s father would start gossiping about Jo’s scandalous behavior to all of his old work friends and the rest of Lexie’s family. Jo didn’t need anyone in the only family that had accepted her thinking badly of her, whether it be true or not—Jo actually liked a lot of Lexie’s extended family, mostly her mother's side, though.
“Uh, no, no,” she hesitantly lied, taking a breath as she made up her mind to try to go along with this. “Of course I’m here with my boyfriend.” Suddenly Jo could feel Alex’s gaze on her, and she glanced over, taking in his brown eyes glinting with curiosity, eyebrows drawn upwards in startled confusion as he wondered what the hell Jo was talking about. She shook her head with a brief dismissive roll of her eyes, silently telling him she’ll explain later. “I’ll, um, let him and, uh, Lexie and Jackson know and we’ll come by for dinner.”
Oh, my God—what was I doing?
“Perfect!” Thatcher cheered, clearly overjoyed at his daughter's best friends' acceptance. “Be here by seven—I’ll get my wife to make chocolate mousse cups; I know how much you like them.”
At the mention of the dessert, Jo perked up a little bit; Mrs. Grey did make ridiculously delicious chocolate mousse. “Alright, great, I’ll see you then.” After he bid her goodbye and ended the call, Jo dropped her phone on the couch and let out a heavy sigh, closing her eyes briefly because what had she just done? She could barely handle Thatcher, how was she going to subject someone else to him?
“Didn’t know you were in a relationship,” Alex’s playful tone sounded, making Jo look at the amused expression lighting up his face. Quirking an eyebrow, he turned his attention away from the television and prodded, “Care to explain?”
Jo rubbed her hands down her face, pressing her lips together before her expression became one of helplessness. “Lexie’s dad invited us for dinner, and he thinks I have a boyfriend because I couldn’t possibly be staying at some guy's house without being with the guy.”
“Is this the Christian republican parent?” Jo nodded, lips pouting slightly. “So, he’d rather you, someone who isn’t even his daughter, be staying with a guy you’re in a relationship with before, like, marriage than with a guy that’s just your friend?”
Jo sighed. “Yes.”
Alex looked utterly bewildered at her words, though she didn’t blame him because despite knowing the man for years now, Jo sometimes didn’t even understand Thatcher’s thought process. Didn’t some hardcore religious people believe it was a sin to live with a significant other before marriage like Alex pointed out?  
“So, uh,” Alex frowned briefly, and Jo could just see his mind trying to work its way around Thatcher’s thinking. Good luck with that, buddy. “You need a fake boyfriend for dinner tonight?” he asked with a short, disbelieving laugh.
“Yup,” Jo huffed sharply through her nose, glancing behind them at the glass door leading into the house as she pinched her lips to the side. “I could probably ask Isaac from school, he’d totally do it … but then again, do I want to even pretend to be in a relationship with Isaac Cross.”
Alex blinked; brown eyes almost translucent against the sunlight that streamed through the window as he glanced at the door as well before looking back at the brunette. “Uh, excuse me,” he tonelessly said, holding his hands out. “Should I be offended you didn’t even think of asking me?”
This time Jo stared at Alex in surprise, not expecting that response. “Oh, uh,” she awkwardly cleared her throat, suddenly feeling embarrassed when he raised his eyebrows expectantly. She didn’t mean for him to feel left out. “I, um, didn’t think you’d, like, wanna do it.”
His eyebrows lowered into a frown. “Why not?”
Because we both specifically agreed this was a friends-with-benefits deal? Pretending to be my boyfriend again when I vowed, I did not want a boyfriend? Because this could make things messy? Or was I just overthinking this like the anxious freak that I am?
When Jo stayed silent by nervously chewing on her lower lip, apparently it was enough for Alex to understand exactly what was going through her mind as his features relaxed into realization. “Because of what I said, about not wanting a girlfriend?” he knowingly asked, voicing Jo’s very thoughts as she rolled her lips into her mouth guiltily, causing Alex to scoff slightly as he sat up. “Come on, Jo, don’t be ridiculous. That doesn’t mean I can’t help you out, I’d like to think we’re friends as well.” He shrugged, offering her a small smile. “I’m just doing you a favor.”
The look in his light eyes were sincere, smile encouraging with a small persuasive lift of his eyebrows. And if Jo was being honest, the sight of his close-mouthed smile that showed off the cute dimples in his cheeks made quick work of making Jo agree with him without much of a fight. Alex was right; he was just doing her a favor and there was no harm in that. Lexie wouldn’t mind Alex being her faux boyfriend for the evening—after all, it was Lexie’s fault that she found herself in this mess. No big deal. If only her roommate answered her damn phone.
Thatcher lived in one of the upper scale neighborhoods in Seattle, near the end of a cul-de-sac, which was easily noticeable when Alex drove down the street and they passed two to three story houses that all looked like they got a new coat of paint. The trees lining up the sidewalks rustled in the wind, the breeze blowing through Lexie and Jo’s hair as the window parted and Lexie pointed to the left. “It’s the blue house.”
Alex nodded, pulling the car into the driveway behind a Buick before killing the engine. Jo let out a sigh while unbuckling her seatbelt, the dread already stirring in her stomach as she got out and looked up at the two story house, unprepared for whatever lay inside it. Glancing at Alex as he got out, Jo couldn’t help but smile slightly; she was grateful that he was here, ready to play the role of her boyfriend just so Lexie’s family wouldn’t think she was some kind of sinning brat. Which was, in Jo’s opinion, a dramatic overreaction but that’s just how Thatcher was.  
She wishes she didn’t care, wishes that it was no big deal whether or not Lexie’s family liked her. But it was. After everything, years of being alone—Lexie was the first person who really made Jo feel like she was a part of something, like she finally had people. Lexie was the person that was always in her corner, and with Lexie came her family, a family which had welcomed her in no exceptions. Even if Thatcher was incredibly hard to deal with, he was important to Lexie. Therefore, important to Jo.
“You ready for this?” Jackson asked as they stepped onto the porch, right in front of the white door. Nerves also radiated off him as he awkwardly smiled, Jo hadn’t even realised … this would also be the first time Jackson was meeting Lexie’s parents.
Exhaling sharply, Jo ran her fingers through her hair and nodded, shooting Jackson a small encouraging smile. He probably needed it more than she did. No doubt Thatcher would ask her and Alex questions about their relationship, and because she’s been friends with Alex for a mere couple of weeks and they could stand to know one another a little better, establishing was how long they’ve been together was the least of her worries. But Jo decided three months—even so far as coming up with their first date being a picnic—it was simple, very Jo. While everything else could just be derived from their preexisting friendship, I mean, they still spent time with another. Maybe not as much time as an average couple, but they spoke a lot … although the only thing they could class as ‘going on a date’ was heading to the bar. Shouldn’t be too bad, right?
As Lexie rings the doorbell with a wide and eager smile, Jo bit the inside of her cheek as they waited, glancing at Alex as he smiled reassuringly just as the door opened, revealing Lexie’s father. She looked a lot like Jo’s mother, though her hair was a darker shade of red and nose slightly crooked from being set poorly after she had broken it when she was fourteen.
“Hi, honey!” He greeted Lexie happily, pulling Lexie in for a hug and engulfing her before he turned to Jo. “Aw, it’s so good to see you.” Jo smiled up at him, returning the hug he then engulfed her in before they pulled away and his dark eyes flickered over to the two tall men next to her.
Oh, here we go. “This is Jackson,” Lexie introduced, “oh! And erm, Jo’s Alex …" Lexie quickly added, gesturing between the two. “Jackson and Alex, this is my father, Thatcher.”
Lexie had returned home about two hours after Jo’s phone call with her father, Jackson wasn’t due back to their place for another hour, but Jo managed to clue Lexie in on the entire situation. After several rounds of giggling, and a few jokes here and there about Jo finally had a boyfriend, albeit fake—Lexie had agreed to help Jo pretend that Alex was now her boyfriend. Not that there was ever a doubt in Jo’s mind that her friend would say no.
Jackson offered that charming, dimpled smile that he could most definitely use to get away with things, and Alex a crooked grin but it was a smile that Jo found widening her own as he held out his hand. “It’s great to meet you,” he said, shaking his hand before Jackson followed his lead.
Thatcher shook Jackson’s hand, the smile on his face easily telling Jo and Lexie that Alex and Jackson had effortlessly charmed him already. “You, too. Jackson, Lexie’s told me much about you. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard much of you,” he mused, stepping aside to let them into the house and sending a pointed look to Alex.
“Yeah, all good things I hope,” Jackson responded for them as the door shut behind them and Jo looked around the house, she’s only been to less than a handful of times. So, Jo took in the various pictures hung up in the foyer of her Lexie’s family, catching sight of even some of a younger Lexie with all of her cousins. She felt the overwhelming urge to laugh at how dorky Lexie looked when she was younger, but suppressed it when she turned to see Lexie’s glare—the younger girl knowing exactly what Jo was thinking.
After getting the pleasantries out of the way, Thatcher guided the four twenty-odd year old's into the living room, walls and tables decorated with picture frames and paintings as she sat them down on the suede couch while calling for his wife, Lexie’s mother Susan, to come downstairs. Jo felt almost stiff as she sat down, the smile on her face a bit strained and causing her cheeks to hurt a bit as she forced myself to relax. No way would she get through this if already she felt so rigid by her reluctance on being here.
“So, how’s school Jo?” Thatcher inquired after asking all four of them if they wanted anything to drink, Lexie had accepted but the rest had kindly declined. “Lexie mentioned you’re both very eager to finish in a few months.”
“Great, I mean, it’s fine but, erm, yeah … we can’t wait for it be over,” Jo answered, crossing her right leg over her left knee. “I can’t remember the last time I didn’t spend an entire weekend studying.”
Lexie snickers, “I think Jo will actually miss the studying,” mouth full as she crams in one of the biscuits sitting on the coffee table for them.
Thatcher nodded just as heavy footsteps thudded on the stairs, right before Jo caught sight of Lexie’s mother walking into the living room. She grinned, wrapping Lexie in a hug just as the three of them stood up to greet her. “Long time no see, kiddo,” she smiled as Jo hugged the small woman.  
They pulled away and Lexie introduced her to Jackson and then Alex, all shaking hands once again. Jo was slightly surprised that Alex was taller than Uncle Ian by an inch or so, though Alex was taller than most men she knew so it wasn’t too shocking.  
As they settled back down, her aunt and uncle sitting on the smaller couch diagonal of her and Alex as Jo cleared her throat and asked, “how are you both?”
“Old,” Susan answered with a chuckle, before hiccupping which caused Lexie to frown. “We’re hoping to get away soon … Jackson! Lexie tells me you’re an intern at Mercy West, must be tiring.”
Jackson hummed before offering a small chuckle, “just have to keep reminding myself it’ll be worth it.”
Nodding in approval at his words, Thatcher gestured between Jo and Alex. “So how long have you two been together? Lexie never said anything about you seeing anyone until last week, Jo.”
Oh, boy, here we go.  
Glancing at Alex, Jo noticed the easy smile on his face as he met her gaze and his obvious confidence had her looking back at Thatcher and answering, “Three months. You know how I am with relationships—keep ‘em to myself,” she added with a slightly nervous laugh. Lexie never said anything to her family about Jo’s relationship because there obviously wasn’t any relationship to disclose. Not one that was serious anyway.
“We’ve kind-of known each other for a while though,” Alex piped up, leaning back on the couch with his left ankle resting on his right knee, calm and casual. “We met whilst Jo was working, actually. I’ve been going to the bar for a while, can’t say I hadn’t been working up the courage to ask her out.”
“Oh, that’s sweet,” Thatcher smiled, tilting his head to the side. “It’s always nice to get to know someone before looking for something more, isn’t it?”
Jo forced a close-lipped smile at her words, nodding as she hummed in agreement. She couldn’t help but feel awkward, especially with that friends comment because now all she could think about was the fact that it was all a lie. All they knew was one another's names when she dragged him back to her place. They may know one another now, but she highly doubted Alex had noticed her at the bar. Suddenly Jo felt a hand on her knee, glancing down with raised brows to see Alex’s fingers on her knee. The couch caught her off guard a bit, especially when Alex smiled lazily as he said turned to say to Lexie’s parents, “That’s what I kept tellin’ Jo before getting her to finally go out with me. You know the kind of person they are to a certain extent so when you’re dating, nothing can take you by surprise but there’s still some mystery to the stuff that hasn’t been explored, y’know?”
Jo gaped at Alex, hoping her expression didn’t show off any confusion as she wondered what he was doing. The plan was to answer any questions they might have, not give off any information on their own accord. It just made things slightly more complicated, and Jo and Alex could avoid that from happening, then that’s the way they need to keep things.  
“Agreed,” Susan nodded approvingly at Alex’s words before smiling at her wife. “Thatcher and I had been friends for five years before I worked up the courage to ask her on a date. Been together ever since.” The sweet, loving smile they shared brought a smile to Jo’s lips. Thatcher may drive her and Lexie crazy sometimes, but he and his wife were so cute together. Looking back at Alex and Jo, Susan mused, “I gotta tell you—falling in love with a friend and knowing they feel the same way just brings a much deeper meaning to your friendship, doesn’t it?”
He was asking Jo and Alex, both of whom were glancing at each other for a brief moment as Jo’s lips parted slightly in hesitant wonder. Alex had a small smile curling at his lips, barely hinting at the dimple in his cheek as Jo felt his hand squeeze her knee, the touch warm through the material of her pants as his smooth voice answered, “Couldn’t agree more, Mr. Grey.”
Looking at Alex, Jo noticed the way the muscle in his jaw was jumping, realizing he must be clenching his teeth despite the smile on his face. She wondered if he was thinking about someone else; after all, the two of them had become friends but there was a lot left for them to know. She wondered if he ever craved that again. To be with someone for more than just one night—to have something deeper. Jo’s brought out of her thoughts at the sound of Lexie almost choking on her cookie, attempting to reign in her laughter as Jackson smirked over at the pair.
Soon enough Susan said she was going to get dinner ready, and Lexie and Jo instantly stood up to help her out in the kitchen, forcing Alex’s hand to fall off her knee as he remained in the living room to converse with Thatcher and Jackson. Maybe being alone with the two women wasn’t the wisest of ideas, but Alex’s hand on her knee had left a searing mark on Jo’s skin through the material of her pants and it was sending shockwaves up her body that she desperately needed to calm down. It made her feel uneasy; she had now become so accustomed to his hands on her body but all of a sudden it was almost too much.
“They’s a handsome pair,” Susan praised as they entered the kitchen, large and open with a center counter where the sink was located. “Nice catch,” she added with a smile, winking over at Lexie.
Jo let out an airy laugh, hoping she didn’t catch any awkwardness in her smile as Jo ducked her head slightly to pick up the hot dish of rigatoni with two dish towels. So far Lexie’s family seemed to like Alex, which was a good start. “Yeah Jackson’s, uh, he’s pretty great for Lex,” Jo answered. That much was the truth—although she was only saying this to defer the conversation away from her and Alex. But she thought Alex was a good guy too, his willingness to help Jo out in this awkward situation proved that much.
Walking into the adjoining dining room, Jo put the dish down on the table that already was set sans the food, hearing Alex and Thatcher talking nearby before returning to the kitchen. “I’m surprised you’re dating again, Lexie mentioned that you were still upset with ... oh what’s his name,” Susan remarked casually, prompting Jo to pause briefly as she re-entered the kitchen. Holy hell—was there anything that Lexie didn’t tell her mom? Lexie shoots her an apologetic look as Susan brings up a finger to her cheek, trying to recall the name. “James? Oh no, Jason! It was Jason.” Susan exclaims at Jo, like she was also lost for the name, “Lexie thought you were still upset with what happened with that Jason.”
Biting the inside of her cheek, Jo slowly made her way to the fridge to pull out the bottles of soda Lexie had told her to take out. “That was a while ago now,” Jo spoke, treading carefully. She did not want to get into this conversation again, not with Lexie’s family. “I thought it was about time to move on.”
“Still,” Susan hummed, pouring some macaroni salad into a glass bowl as she glanced over at Jo with a wry smile. “You two were preparing to move in together, it was all a bit abrupt wasn’t it, Lex?” She raises her eyebrows up at her daughter but doesn’t wait for her to respond, “you two breaking up seemed so out of the blue, he was lovely … so muscular and very handsome.” She mused out loud.
“I promise you, Susan” Jo spoke up with a slight chuckle as she picked up the two bottles of Coke and two Sprite. “It was not as abrupt as it seemed, we weren’t meant to be.” Jo finishes before shooting Lexie a glare, her apologetic eyes only widened.
Once the table was set, Thatcher sat to Jo’s right and Alex to her left with Jackson and Lexie across from her on the six-person table. But before they could dig in, Thatcher announced they had to say grace and Jo’s one hand grasped his while the other held onto Alex’s. And while everyone closed their eyes and bowed their heads as Thatcher prayed, Jo couldn’t help but glance over at Alex, gaze going from his hand that was holding hers, warm and comforting, before wandering up to his face.  
His dark hair was pushed back, full lips pressed together, and eyes closed. Jo bit the inside of her cheek, unable to tear her gaze away from his profile as the muscle in his jaw instinctively jumped every now and then. Something stirred in the pit of Jo’s stomach as she looked at Alex, something exciting that made ever her heart feel like it was jumping within her chest. It didn’t help that his hand holding hers felt so nice and surprisingly soft, grip comforting.
“Amen,” Thatcher finally finished, causing Jo to blink back into reality—had she really just sat there admiring Alex’s looks?—as everyone repeated the sentiment and released each other’s hands, hadn’t she got used to the man who sat next to her yet. Jo ignored the pang of longing she instinctively felt as her hand let go of Alex’s, swallowing inaudibly as they began digging in. What the hell was up with her and all these reactions towards Alex?
The first few moments of dinner were a comfortable silence, utensils clinking and bottles of sodas hissing open, as they ate. Though the silence didn’t last long because after taking a sip of Coke, Thatcher asked, “How is your mother, Jackson?”
He absently nodded, swallowing a forkful of macaroni salad before answering noncommittally before frowning—he hadn’t realised that Lexie’s father knew of his mother, “She’s good.”
“I met her a while back, at the hospital,” Thatcher filled the younger man in, seeing him confused, before his eyes returned back to his plate as she gathered up some pasta and cleared her throat. “Alex mentioned the bar earlier, I guess that means you’re still working there.”
Biting her tongue, Jo’s gaze remained on Thatcher as she felt her stomach drop slightly. When she wasn’t looking for a new job, she was trying to avoid thinking about the fact that she had no job. She lived paycheck to paycheck, now losing her only source of income she was really worried what will happen once rent was due next month, sure Lexie would offer to help—even Jackson mentioned paying towards the bill now he was there more often than not, but it wasn’t just rent. It was gas and groceries and schoolbooks and everything else, she couldn’t rely on anyone for that. She never had.
Swallowing a sip of her Sprite, Jo answered, “Yeah; actually, I quit. I’m looking for a new job, there isn’t much going right now, though.”
Her truthful words made Thatcher’s face contort slightly in concern as Susan hid his own expression by taking another sip of his drink. He never approved of Jo working such a provocative job, as he had put it, with a bunch of leery men surrounding her. Whilst they seemed concerned, they were probably glad that this meant that Lexie would no longer be spending so much time at the dive. The thought makes Jo want to scoff, Lexie was always the first at the bar and almost always the last to leave. She jumped at the chance to join Alex and Jo at Joe’s bar just a few days after Jo had stormed out of their old regular.
Chancing a glance at Alex, Jo noticed the slight furrow in his eyebrows, brown eyes flickering between Lexie’s parents. Then he swallowed and looked over at Jo, raised eyebrows silently asking if she was feeling okay and Jo reluctantly nodded with pursed lips, watching as a look of concern also washed over Alex’s features as he returned his attention back to his food.
“You need to be careful,” Thatcher was saying, making Jo look at him in mild confusion as she shot him a pointed look. “Heaven knows what kind of stuff goes down in dives like the last place.”
Like what Alex and Jo themselves had done? Although Thatcher didn’t realise, he was talking about all four young people who sat at this table. Jackson and Lexie weren’t so innocent either. Jo’s grip on her fork tightened, shoulders tensing because since she knew Thatcher, she knew he was insinuating her job wasn’t acceptable—or wouldn’t be acceptable for his Lexie. “It was just temporary, soon you’ll be seeing me in scrubs rather than a pinafore,” she shot back, unable to keep the edge from her tone as Lexie’s mother raised an eyebrow at her from the across the table.
Jo’s jaw tightened as she returned her gaze to her plate with a small shake of her head, tensing up ever so slightly when she felt something on her left thigh. Discreetly glancing down, she caught sight of Alex’s hand laying a comforting touch, gaze flickering to his eyes as her breath hitched in her throat to see him already looking at her. Alex’s expression was cool, calming as he willed her to relax with a squeeze on her thigh, while she tried to ignore the heat that was once again sparking in her skin under his touch through the cotton fabric of her pants. Since when did Alex’s touch set fire through her skin? Always.
Fortunate thinking on his part, Jackson changed the topic of conversation when he asked, “So, Alex, you’re an intern at Seattle Grace, right?” Alex blinked slightly, not expecting to be addressed before nodding and Jackson asked with an almost teasing smile, “If everything goes to plan, you guys will be working together in the fall. Their superior, actually.” He gestures to the three of them with a head nod.
“Uh,” she dumbly sounded, mentally cursing herself for looking so lost. Of course, if they weren’t talking about her job, they were suddenly on the topic of her nonexistent relationship with Alex. Although she knows Jackson was now teasing, but she makes a mental note to bring this up once they’re back home. Couldn’t they discuss something that didn’t make her blood boil with irritation or face heat up embarrassingly at a lie? “Well, I mean,” Jo stumbled, throwing Alex a startled glance as he squeezed her thigh. He needed to stop doing that—it was more distracting than anything else. “Alex will only be a resident, erm, we’ll probably just …"
“I think we’re both mature enough to separate work from our relationship, right babe?” Alex smoothly added with a deep chuckle and Jo wished her chest didn’t tighten at the term of endearment that easily slipped past his mouth. It definitely wasn’t the first time he’s called her that—he addressed her as babe quite often actually—but it was the first time Jo felt something far more than just fondness for her friend following the use of it. The kind where she wanted him to call her that again. “We’ll just have to make sure we keep our hands off one another.”
Jo’s eyes widened at his joke, heat rising to her cheeks once again. Glancing over to Lexie, Jo could tell that her friend was having a great time—laughing at Jo’s predicament. “Well,” Thatcher clears his throat, also taken back by the comment, “patients should always come first.” Thatcher conversationally asked, putting some more rigatoni on his plate.
Before Jo could answer, Alex piped up, “that’s true, yeah.” Jo looked at him, eyebrows raising ever so slightly at him taking over, but he kept his gaze on the adults at the table. “But this is still new, and Jo and I can’t stay away from one another.” He says confidently, before shooting Jo a crooked smirk, joining in on the teasing. She decided then and there, she hated them all.
“Though…” Alex trailed off, his brown eyes meeting her dark eyes as she watched silently, taking in the curve of his lips and the hint of a dimple flashing in his cheek. Suddenly Jo felt all the air being rushed out of her lungs, very aware of the subtle way his hand was rubbing her thigh under the table—the others couldn’t see that, so was this him playing his role of her boyfriend really well or just him trying to make her cheeks a brighter shade of red? Coolly, Alex finished, “Nothing really beats bein’ able to see her in person. Best part of my day when I do, so I’m looking forward to the possibility of working together.”
Jo’s throat was dry as she swallowed inaudibly, unable to tear her gaze away from his intense stare as he smiled that boyish half smile that picked up the pace of Jo’s heart. What the hell was going on? She was painstakingly aware of how her mind and body was reacting to what Alex was doing, what he was saying, and it bewildered the hell out of her because that’s just never happened—especially not with Alex. That only happens when Jo’s around boys she knows she likes and she couldn’t possibly like Alex like that. Could she?
She explicitly told herself and all those around her—she did not like him. They were friends with benefits, that was it. She had told him she wanted nothing more. She didn’t want feelings and all the crap that came along with them.
Jo inhaled sharply as Alex leaned back in his chair, hand leaving her thigh as he smiled at Lexie and Susan, who Jo could tell thought his response was utterly sweet—Lexie's face finally void of giggles. She, on the other hand, was left staring at Alex in startled awe because he was playing the role of her fake boyfriend a little too tell, and it caused for an unexpectedly thrilling twist in her stomach. Taking a long sip of her soda, Jo mentally willed for her heart to calm the fuck down, while also wishing Alex would stop smiling at her like she hung the damn moon.
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thegrimcaptain95 · 4 years
@rosiethero posted this, so I thought I’d give it a go too!
When was the last time you left your home?
-Ten minutes ago. I live in the countryside in a remote area so we’re pretty safe. Still observing protocols but I was getting my daily exercise and visiting the Pokestop, it’s literally behind my house
What was the last thing you bought?
-In the shop: four pack of Thatcher’s Cloudy Lemon Cider. Online: a DVD of the Muppet’s Christmas Carol because my copy is damaged
Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed?
-Bits of both. I’m focusing on writing, both fics and actual stuff for university, but it’s not doing my depression, anxiety, or OCD any favours (but exercise, baking and meds are helping)
Who are you spending quarantine with?
-My mum
Do you have pets to keep you company?
-Do my teddy bears count? There’s a cat in the neighbourhood called Smudge who comes to the house a lot
What are your current responsibilities?
-Finishing an essay and an evidence folder for my current qualification, and finding a job
Do you have a room to yourself?
-Yes, and a large garden
Are you exercising?
-Walking as much as I can, and lifting my weights
Town, country, city?
-Countryside, middle of bloody nowhere!
How’s your toilet paper supply?
What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel?
-Not sure if this counts but the beard I was growing while at home got cancelled. Looked sweet but itchy as heck!
What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel?
-Not actually had to cancel anything, we didn’t make any particular plans, apart from I was going to spend time with my best friend 
Who do you miss the most?
-My best friend Josh. I actually managed to see him on Good Friday and it was pretty funny! I got a text saying to look on the roof of mum’s car and, lo and behold, there were two Easter Eggs there! So, Mum and I drove round to his and I dropped a bag with Easter Eggs, a banana loaf cake and a little book on his lawn. We observed social distancing to have an “air hug” and a quick chat and I’m keeping in daily contact with him. 
Do you have any new hobbies?
-Not new, but I’ve not been able to write or bake for ages
What are you watching the most?
-All sorts. Mainly Father Brown mysteries, Midsommer Murders, Agatha Christie’s Marple, and other DVDs/TV streams. Currently watching “Bill”, the Shakespeare film from the OG Horrible Histories Crew
Are you still going to work?
-No, just carrying on with my coursework
What are you out of?
-Can’t think of owt I’m without at the moment, doing pretty well rationing things to be fair
Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine?
-The stress I was under with one of the sides of my courses resulted in my hair getting thinner, so being home has meant it actually thickened up again. Problem is it grows really quickly and it needs cutting
I shall tag @aromanticduck , @unevenstar and anyone else, be they mutual or follower, who would like to participate in this! Go for it guys, gals and non-binary pals!! 
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todragonsart · 5 years
Third brings the truth
Well here we are again! I’m lost in the jungle of WIPs at the moment, but we were discussing some... um... ships with @r6shippingdelivery and I wrote this in a blink of an eye to... Um... calm my energy? Be productive? Then took a nap. A+ afternoon.
It’s a very short Doc/Lion (about 750 words) drabble. Thank you @freedert95 for beta-reading, and Kiki for (dragging me into new ships) inspireing with ideas! 
Maybe there will be more? 
When Doc hired his first nurse, he got a kind and friendly girl, named Maria. She was on the top of her class in med-school, finished with the best grades and spent 6 years in E.R., which meant that she got experience with all kind of injuries and idiots, that a doctor and nurse could get. She wasn't afraid to tell Doc if she thought about other methods, and was a very pleasant company in particular. It was going so well for about three weeks, when Kapkan got a very ugly cut on his abdomen. Doc was in the easiest term immune to the Russian, but as it turned out Maria almost couldn't hold herself together, mostly because Kapkan was on his bright side that day and started to drop flirty little lines and cheesy baits to the girl. And oh, poor Maria did get distracted by the half-bloody man in front of her. She did patch  Kapkan up, really well, but Doc needed somebody who wouldn't get distracted by some sculpted abs, so he needed to let her go.
The second one was a young man, Thomas. He was ambitious and brave, worked four years as an ambulance medic, and was very cool about the injured Ela when she needed some patching. He was polite, explaining why he needed to touch her waist, and much to Doc's happiness, he wasn't turned on by either Ela, Mira, Twitch or Kapkan.
However, as it turned out he was very frustrated by Maestro and Tachanka - Doc  guessed some kind of daddy-kink, or something. When the Italian dropped by, with a very bleedy cut on his inner thigh the young man was distracted at his best.
Maestro wasn't really flirty, no, but he was a nice and friendly person after all, who thought that intimate zone was an exotic illness, so Thomas needed to go. Again with the damn distraction.
As Doc wanted to make the third the last, he needed to look through every damn nurse who wanted to work for him, and he did a strict selection. He was so desperate after a while, he even wanted to ask Ash or Caveria to help him solve this case. He knew that nobody would dare to say no to these two woman, but it was just a feverish idea.
He needed to get somebody who wouldn't be turned on by his without doubt very seductive colleagues. He needed a man or a woman who is not afraid of him, and wouldn't be afraid to shout at Tachanka, or Maestro, Bandit or even Thatcher if it was needed.
He hired Lion, much to the others discomfort.
"I need help, and you all need to shut up." said Doc to the grimacing others.
Lion wasn't his favorite person, and he wasn't even a doctor, but he happened to be the closest to it and with an insider help, he didn't need to bother with paper work.
Surprisingly Lion happened to be real help. He didn't allow other operators to be 'all protective' about their injuries, he patched up everybody without a single blush or resistance and he argued with Doc whenever it was needed.
After a few months of working together Doc discovered that Lion wasn't that bad of a person after all. They started with discussing medical stuff, changed ideas and ways to improve, then they were discussing their hobbies and soon, Doc started to see Lion in a very different light.
Olivier was kind on his own - he often brought coffee to Doc  - and had a very strong drive to prove himself. He helped with everything, never made the same mistake twice and was funny - if somebody enjoyed clear sarcasm. Doc enjoyed it.
He enjoyed Lion's sight even more when he didn't wear his uniform, but some casual clothes on. Tight jeans, with a button up shirt, sometimes with a tie and their white coat... He was delicious to look at.
"Gustave, can you help me with Dominic's test results?" Lion's voice woke him from his day dreaming. Doc blinked up at him, and as the other leaned down to place the papers in front of Doc, he couldn't help but inhale Lion's scent.
It was a mix of coffee, fresh deodorant and something Doc only could identify as Lion. He successfully hid a big gulp. Lion smelled amazing, and he couldn't get himself to concentrate on the papers in front of him, because the loose shirt on the other French stretched just on the right places showing off his muscular arms.
Doc glanced up at Lion, thinking 'Fuck', because as it turned out; this time, he got distracted.
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doctorlexipedia · 7 years
Tumblr media
Which kids’ age did you pick for your character? Why did you pick that age? I’ve decided to do a little bit of everything. So we’re starting of with 15 (Mollie’s age), moving to almost 19 (Veronica & Kaden’s ages), and then jumping to 24 (Tulsa’s age). I just couldn’t decide on one.
What did your character want to be career-wise when they were this age? Lexie knew when she was a younger kid that she wanted to be a doctor- that never really changed.
How was your character’s relationships with their parents/siblings members at this age? It started off good, she was close with her family. She was especially close to Susan. But as she got older and her mom died, it all started to take a turn downhill.
Did your character have an ideal future/how they wanted their life to go? If so, what was it? If not, was there a reason that they didn’t? Lexie knew that she wanted to have an established career as a doctor, specifically a surgeon, and eventually she would want to start a family. She envisioned marrying someone who would make her happy, having a few kids, and everything just going smoothly.  
Do you think your character at this age would get along with/like your character now? Why or why not? I think all of the younger versions of Lexie would get along with current time Lexie. She’s still relatively the same person, just more mature and stable now than she was when she was younger. But she’s the same fun, quirky, kind Lexie she’s always been.
Is your character, at this age, proud of where your character is now? Why or why not? Absolutely she’d be proud. She achieved everything she had envisioned for herself. There were a lot of bumps in the road that she overcame, and ultimately she got the future she wanted (although she never expected to have that many kids lmao)
So under the break is the self para I wrote, containing all of these ages and points in Lexie’s life. Trigger warnings because there’s a bunch: alcohol abuse tw, abuse tw, eating disorder tw, death tw
Fifteen year old Lexie Grey. Younger than the rest of people in her grade. That was what happened when you skip a grade earlier on. She didn’t mind that she was younger- she still fit right in. She was popular, she had tons of friends. She had the attention of the males, and she was at the top of her class. That photographic memory of hers sure did come in handy a lot. Lexie was at the top of the heap, she was happy. Or at least, for the most part she was happy. Teenage girls could be cruel, even the ones you think are your closest friends. They could make you feel ugly, and gross. They always knew the right things to say. That was how Lexie found herself struggling to keep her place on the food chain.. and struggling with food. She had always been a girl who was easily influenced by the people around her. But Lexie’s friends, they were two years older and looked at her more as some younger kid they could boss around, rather than a friend. Not that Lexie knew that. She thought they were her friends, just trying to help her out.
“You’re not really going to eat that, are you?” her friend Jasmine asked, looking over at Lexie with a disgusted look on her face. “I..” Lexie began to speak. “Because you really shouldn’t. You might be hot now, but if you keep eating like that, you’re going to get fat. And we can’t associate with someone like that,” her other friend Alison told her. “Of course. No, I’m.. It’s.. You’re right, I shouldn’t be eating this,” Lexie said, looking down at the fries and sandwich in front of her. She stood up, bringing everything to the trash. “You were doing so good before, Lexie. You dropped what, four pounds last week?” Jasmine asked. Lexie just nodded. “You certainly didn’t do it by eating all the time.” She hated it. She hated that there was so much pressure to be perfect. Lexie didn’t care if she had a few extra pounds on her. She just wanted to enjoy what she wanted. “If we aren’t around and you slip up though, you know how to get rid of it,” Alison said, making a gagging motion.
She came home from school that day, only to find her mom at home. “Hey, where are dad and Molly?” she asked. “Oh, he took her out for ice cream. She aced that test she was stressing out about the other week,” Susan explained. Lexie nodded. “I picked up some donuts on my way home earlier, they’re in the kitchen. I got your favorite, the ones with the rainbow sprinkles.” It didn’t make her excited. It made her nervous. “I can’t, but thank you,” she said. “What? Why not? Do you not like them anymore? I can never keep up with what you girls like and dislike,” Susan said with a small laugh. “I just can’t, mom. I can’t keep eating that stuff. I need to keep it small, and healthy. Otherwise I’m going to gain weight, and I’m going to lose everything if that happens.” Susan just stared at her in disbelief. “Who in the world told you that?” she asked. “Jasmine, Allison. They’ve been saying it or weeks. The three of us, we’re been trying hard to stay slim, and to lose weight. I can’t slip up by having a donut,” Lexie stated, her voice coming out rather uneasy. Susan reached up and cupped her daughter’s face. “To hell with them, Lexie. There’s nothing wrong with you, and you’re only going to hurt yourself more. You know that. You aren’t going to lose anything. But restricting yourself like that and whatever else you might be doing.. that’s not okay. Let me help you. Get you out of this pattern before it gets any more out of hand.” 
So she did. Susan, along with a therapist, helped get Lexie back on track. It took a while, but eventually she was eating healthy amounts again, and worried less about what the people around her thought. And her mother was almost right- she didn’t lose much by reverting back to a normal relationship with food. The only thing she lost were two people in her life that influenced her too negatively to continue being friends. And without those people by her side, Lexie was able to make it through the rest of high school without too many problems.
She was ready for the next step. When Lexie was almost nineteen, she was happily living her life in college. College was great for her. She was able to have fun and be herself, all while maintaining a perfect GPA, and preparing herself for med school. But more than that, Lexie was in love. She had been dating Allen for the past year. They met in the library. Like her, he had high ambitions to become a doctor someday. He was a year behind her, but they were the same age. The started off as study buddies, but it ended up progressing to something much more than that. She didn’t think she could be happier, she didn’t think anything could knock her down from the high she felt.
“Come on Lexie, you’re almost there,” her boyfriend Allen encouraged her. With the tip of her tongue sticking out between her teeth as she worked fast, she could feel the eyes on her. “Done!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. “That’s amazing,” he said. The Etch-A-Sketch had a perfectly drawn hummingbird. He leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. “How’d I get so lucky?” he asked. “Because I can draw with an Etch-A-Sketch?” Lexie asked. He shook his head. “Not just that, but it’s definitely a bonus,” he chuckled. “I love you,” he said. “I love you too.” He kissed her again, and Lexie wrapped her arms around his neck. He leaned her back so she was laying on the bed with him hovering just over top of him. He began to kiss down her neck, and Lexie knew it was about to be a fun night.
When she woke up a few hours after sex, it was almost 2am. The space next to her in bed was empty. She didn’t know where Austin was. She was curious though, so she tugged on panties and a robe, tying it tight. She padded out of the dorm room, stepping into the hall. She felt her heart sink when she spotted Austin four doors down sucking face with another girl. He looked up, seeing Lexie staring at them. She just shook her head, turning to go back into her own dorm room. She locked the door behind her, ignoring the way he knocked on the door.
“Lex, what hell?” her dorm mate Leah asked. “My boyfriend is a cheating asshole,” she said softly. Leah came closer and took Lexie by the hand, leading her over to the couch. She sat down and pulled Lexie against her, stroking her hair gently. “Fuck him. You’re worth so much. He doesn’t deserve someone like you.”
A month later, Lexie and Leah shared their first kiss, and stayed together until Lexie was in her second year of medical school.
When she was twenty four, she was coming home to visit. She had completed medical school with flying colours. She was really doing it. She was shaping her future the way she had always dreamed for it to be. Just a handful more years, and she’d be a board-certified surgeon. Coming to see her family for a while before embarking on the next step of her career, residency, had seemed like a good idea. She missed everyone. 
When Lexie walked through the front door with her suitcases, she was excited. She couldn’t wait to tell her parents and her sister all about school. Not that she hadn’t told them most of it already- she did call constantly. But still, her mom hadn’t answered for a while. She assumed that she was just recovering. Lexie knew she had been in the hospital. She figured she must be home by now. “I’m home!” She made her way into the living room, stopping whens he took in the sight of her dad and sister looking  more broken than she’d ever seen them before in her life.
“What’s going on?” she asked. The room was silent before Thatcher turned to her, his face void of any real expression and said “Your mother is dead.” Those words rung in her ears over and over again. “I.. no. She’s not.. she can’t be dead, dad,” Lexie choked out. “It was just the hiccups, some bad acid reflux. People don’t die from that..” she said. Tears streamed down her face, she felt like she was going to be sick. “Lexie, she’s gone!” Thatcher snapped, picking up the bottle of gin he had open on the coffee table before storming out of the room. Lexie looked at her younger sister, and tried to say something. But no words came out. Just sobs. She melted into Molly’s arms as the tears continued to fall. From upstairs, she could hear the sound of her father cursing and the sound of things breaking. Her hands gripped the fabric of her sister’s shirt tightly, despite the way her hands both shook. “Mom is dead,” she breathed out. “S-she.. she’s really gone.. Oh god..” she cried.
Her mother was gone. Nothing would ever be able to fill the empty space in her life that her mother filled. Through college and medical school, she called her mom every day. Susan and Lexie’s bond was one that parents would strive to have with their kids. But now Susan was gone. After the funeral, Molly and her baby left so they could go be with Molly’s husband, the baby’s father. That left Lexie and Thatcher. Thatcher, who only proceeded to get worse the more days passed. Thatcher, who paid more attention to the bottle of liquor in his hands than he did to his own daughter. She had stayed in Seattle primarily to make sure he was okay, to make sure someone was there watching out for him. Part of it was her curiosity about Meredith, but majority of it was the fear that her father was going to end up dead somewhere after having too many drinks.
“Dad, come on. Let’s get you up to bed,” Lexie said softly, putting an arm around her father as he stumbled through the house. “Get off me, Lexie,” Thatcher growled. Lexie just shook her head. This was like every other day in her life. “No, come on, we’re going upstairs,” she told him a little more firmly. Thatcher put his hands on the collar of her shirt. He gripped it tightly for a moment before shoving her away from him. “Either get me my scotch, or get the hell away,” he yelled at her. “I’m not getting you more scotch, you’ve had enough,” Lexie said, following him as he went toward the kitchen. “Dad, stop!” 
“Damn it, Lexie,” he hissed, his hand colliding with her cheek. She watched as his chest heaved with every breath. She could see the redness in his face, the anger burning is in his eyes as he looked at her. He began moving closer, and Lexie backed up. “You’re such an ungrateful little bitch, you know that? Fucking ungrateful. I’ve given you everything and you can’t let me have a little fucking scotch?” She didn’t know what else to say. She was scared, but she knew that this was just how her dad was when he was drunk. 
“Dad, please.. You don’t.. You need to stop,” she whispered. Her eyes flickered over toward the counter, spotting his car keys. She needed to get them before he did. It wasn’t safe if he were to go anywhere. She moved slowly toward the counter, sliding her hand toward the keys. She grabbed them quietly, but he knew. “Put the keys down,” he said. “No. You’re not taking the keys.” Thatcher grabbed Lexie’s wrist tightly. “Alexandra Caroline Grey, you’re going to give me those god damn keys right now,” he hollered. He used his other hand to pry the keys from hers. Tears fell down her face when he finally let go of her. “What are you doing?” she called out, as he forced his way past her to go back toward the living room. “You won’t get me the damn scotch, and I know you hid the key to the fucking liquor cabinet. So I’m leaving,” he said, grabbing his jacket. Before she could say anything more he quickly stumbled out of the house, slamming the door behind him.
Twenty minutes later, Lexie had walked to the bar, and kept an eye on her father from a distance. Four hours later, she and the bartender were dragging a passed out Thatcher to the car, so Lexie could drive him home. And Lexie got her father tucked into bed, with just enough time left to shower and eat before she had to be at the hospital for rounds.
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michellelinkous · 4 years
‘It’s not fear mongering, it’s the truth.’
With COVID-19 cases on the rise, Ryan Thatcher hopes people take the virus seriously.
He knows firsthand how deadly the virus can be. In April, Ryan cared for patients in New York City, one of the nation’s first coronavirus hot spots.
“It was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen as a nurse,” Ryan said. “It was essentially a war zone. It’s the only way to describe it. Everybody was sick. All the hospitals were at or above capacity— it was crazy.”
A Navy reservist, Ryan was activated to serve for six weeks as a med-surgical nurse at Bellevue Hospital.
The oldest public hospital in the nation, Bellevue Hospital is also one of the largest with more than 800 beds. In April, at the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City, patients filled its hallways and rooms.
Ryan became one of more than 200 Navy Medical Support Team reservists called upon to care for people in New York City hospitals. About 30 nurses and doctors deployed to Bellevue Hospital.
When he got the call, help was needed immediately, and Ryan had only a day to pack his bags. He learned on Saturday, April 4, he’d be flying out of Detroit the following day.
He needed to inform his employer. Ryan works as a clinical regulatory specialist for Spectrum Health Big Rapids and Reed City Hospitals.
And he had to say goodbye to his husband of six years, Christopher, leaving him to take care of the chores on their busy 40-acre farm in Mecosta County.
‘OK, love you, bye’
Christopher, a nurse at Spectrum Health Kelsey Hospital in Lakeview, grew up in a military family and understood the drill when duty called.
“I know all about the military, so when you have a loved one who is in the military, you’re in the military,” Christopher said. “When the military calls, you’re like ‘OK, love you, bye’ and you just roll with it.”
But he had natural concern that Ryan would be exposed to the virus.
“It worried me, because being a nurse, I knew what the virus could do to people,” Christopher said.
Ryan said by the time he arrived in New York, hospitals had already learned tough lessons regarding the proper use of personal protective equipment, commonly called PPE.
“I was a little worried in the beginning, but by the time we got there, the PPE was in place, and donning and doffing was drilled into our heads before we even touched a patient,” he said.
Ryan worked on 14 North, a 40-bed progressive care unit full of COVID-19 patients.
The unit nurse manager died of the virus the week after he arrived. “From what I understand he was a very, very nice guy.” Ryan said. “They all loved him.”
The loss devastated the unit staff members.
“They were all heartbroken and terrified,” Ryan said.
“Even if you didn’t die, people were so, so sick,” he said. “It was very random. It wasn’t always the unhealthy people. We would have some fairly healthy adults come in and end up on a ventilator for 30 days and then die.”
Because there is no treatment for the virus, Ryan said that made caring for the patients more frustrating. “It was a lot of supportive care; giving oxygen, medicating for pain—those type of things, but there was no treatment.”
Ryan worked 12-hour shifts, two days on, two days off for the six weeks.
‘New York was a ghost town’
When not working, he stayed in his Manhattan hotel room or within a mile radius of the hotel. When he ventured over to the nearby Times Square to check it out, the eerily empty streets chilled him.
“The city was closed; there was nothing to explore,” Ryan said. “New York was a ghost town.”
Ryan received a lot of support from home.
“Tons of people reached out and were worried about my well-being,” he said, noting the level of concern rose far beyond that of his prior deployments. “My husband and my mom worried much, much more … because I was in a hot spot.”
His colleagues back home, led by Big Rapids emergency department nurse Michele Lehman sent some home cooking – more than 200 pounds of cookies for Ryan to enjoy and share with his new team at Bellevue Hospital.
At the same time, he felt frustration with some friends back home because there weren’t many COVID-19 cases in West Michigan, and the threat of COVID-19 did not feel as real to them as it did to him in New York.
“Emotionally, the hardest part was social media back home,” Ryan said. “It’s crazy. The people didn’t think it was real.”
He tried to convince people of the danger of the virus.
“I fought, and I fought, and I fought with people, then I just decided… you can only do so much,” he said. “People don’t believe it because they didn’t see it. I did see it. I know what it’s like. It’s not fear mongering, it’s the truth.”
He continues to educate folks, but only if he’s asked.
I wear a mask to protect you
“If you ask me, I will tell you,” he said. “But I don’t have the energy or willpower to tell people to make the right decision anymore.”
“People need to remember that social distancing is important, masking is important,” he said. “I don’t wear a mask to protect myself, I wear a mask to protect you.”
Ryan completed his assignment in New York on May 14, and then spent 17 days in quarantine at the Virginia naval base before returning home.
Christopher is happy to have him home safe and appreciates sharing the work again on their farm, named Two Men and a Hen.
They have 11 Nigerian dwarf goats, 27 baby goats, more than 300 chickens, 50 head of cattle and 20 pigs.
“It’s definitely not a hobby,” Ryan joked.
In looking back on his experience in New York City, Ryan believes he and members of the Navy Medical Support Team may have been some of the unsung heroes of the COVID-19 response.
While their efforts didn’t get the national media attention like Navy hospital ships Comfort and Mercy or the Javits Convention Center used as a field hospital, they supported 11 hospitals in the city.
“They were very grateful to have us, the staff, the patients, the community were all receptive to us,” he said. “They really needed us.”
‘It’s not fear mongering, it’s the truth.’ published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.tumblr.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
‘It’s not fear mongering, it’s the truth.’
With COVID-19 cases on the rise, Ryan Thatcher hopes people take the virus seriously.
He knows firsthand how deadly the virus can be. In April, Ryan cared for patients in New York City, one of the nation’s first coronavirus hot spots.
“It was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen as a nurse,” Ryan said. “It was essentially a war zone. It’s the only way to describe it. Everybody was sick. All the hospitals were at or above capacity— it was crazy.”
A Navy reservist, Ryan was activated to serve for six weeks as a med-surgical nurse at Bellevue Hospital.
The oldest public hospital in the nation, Bellevue Hospital is also one of the largest with more than 800 beds. In April, at the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City, patients filled its hallways and rooms.
Ryan became one of more than 200 Navy Medical Support Team reservists called upon to care for people in New York City hospitals. About 30 nurses and doctors deployed to Bellevue Hospital.
When he got the call, help was needed immediately, and Ryan had only a day to pack his bags. He learned on Saturday, April 4, he’d be flying out of Detroit the following day.
He needed to inform his employer. Ryan works as a clinical regulatory specialist for Spectrum Health Big Rapids and Reed City Hospitals.
And he had to say goodbye to his husband of six years, Christopher, leaving him to take care of the chores on their busy 40-acre farm in Mecosta County.
‘OK, love you, bye’
Christopher, a nurse at Spectrum Health Kelsey Hospital in Lakeview, grew up in a military family and understood the drill when duty called.
“I know all about the military, so when you have a loved one who is in the military, you’re in the military,” Christopher said. “When the military calls, you’re like ‘OK, love you, bye’ and you just roll with it.”
But he had natural concern that Ryan would be exposed to the virus.
“It worried me, because being a nurse, I knew what the virus could do to people,” Christopher said.
Ryan said by the time he arrived in New York, hospitals had already learned tough lessons regarding the proper use of personal protective equipment, commonly called PPE.
“I was a little worried in the beginning, but by the time we got there, the PPE was in place, and donning and doffing was drilled into our heads before we even touched a patient,” he said.
Ryan worked on 14 North, a 40-bed progressive care unit full of COVID-19 patients.
The unit nurse manager died of the virus the week after he arrived. “From what I understand he was a very, very nice guy.” Ryan said. “They all loved him.”
The loss devastated the unit staff members.
“They were all heartbroken and terrified,” Ryan said.
“Even if you didn’t die, people were so, so sick,” he said. “It was very random. It wasn’t always the unhealthy people. We would have some fairly healthy adults come in and end up on a ventilator for 30 days and then die.”
Because there is no treatment for the virus, Ryan said that made caring for the patients more frustrating. “It was a lot of supportive care; giving oxygen, medicating for pain—those type of things, but there was no treatment.”
Ryan worked 12-hour shifts, two days on, two days off for the six weeks.
‘New York was a ghost town’
When not working, he stayed in his Manhattan hotel room or within a mile radius of the hotel. When he ventured over to the nearby Times Square to check it out, the eerily empty streets chilled him.
“The city was closed; there was nothing to explore,” Ryan said. “New York was a ghost town.”
Ryan received a lot of support from home.
“Tons of people reached out and were worried about my well-being,” he said, noting the level of concern rose far beyond that of his prior deployments. “My husband and my mom worried much, much more … because I was in a hot spot.”
His colleagues back home, led by Big Rapids emergency department nurse Michele Lehman sent some home cooking – more than 200 pounds of cookies for Ryan to enjoy and share with his new team at Bellevue Hospital.
At the same time, he felt frustration with some friends back home because there weren’t many COVID-19 cases in West Michigan, and the threat of COVID-19 did not feel as real to them as it did to him in New York.
“Emotionally, the hardest part was social media back home,” Ryan said. “It’s crazy. The people didn’t think it was real.”
He tried to convince people of the danger of the virus.
“I fought, and I fought, and I fought with people, then I just decided… you can only do so much,” he said. “People don’t believe it because they didn’t see it. I did see it. I know what it’s like. It’s not fear mongering, it’s the truth.”
He continues to educate folks, but only if he’s asked.
I wear a mask to protect you
“If you ask me, I will tell you,” he said. “But I don’t have the energy or willpower to tell people to make the right decision anymore.”
“People need to remember that social distancing is important, masking is important,” he said. “I don’t wear a mask to protect myself, I wear a mask to protect you.”
Ryan completed his assignment in New York on May 14, and then spent 17 days in quarantine at the Virginia naval base before returning home.
Christopher is happy to have him home safe and appreciates sharing the work again on their farm, named Two Men and a Hen.
They have 11 Nigerian dwarf goats, 27 baby goats, more than 300 chickens, 50 head of cattle and 20 pigs.
“It’s definitely not a hobby,” Ryan joked.
In looking back on his experience in New York City, Ryan believes he and members of the Navy Medical Support Team may have been some of the unsung heroes of the COVID-19 response.
While their efforts didn’t get the national media attention like Navy hospital ships Comfort and Mercy or the Javits Convention Center used as a field hospital, they supported 11 hospitals in the city.
“They were very grateful to have us, the staff, the patients, the community were all receptive to us,” he said. “They really needed us.”
‘It’s not fear mongering, it’s the truth.’ published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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