#The Arcanus Archives
arcanusarchieves-if · 4 months
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The Arcanus Archives is an upcoming 18+ modern fantasy interactive novel. Inspiration is taken from: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and The Olympians, The Mortal Instruments (and various other YA series).
[[Content Warnings]]: This story will include things such as explicit language, violence, substance use, sexual themes, etc.
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“That's the thing about magic; you've got to know it's still here, all around us, or it just stays invisible for you.” ― Charles de Lint
The allure of magicae is undeniable. It's a force so majestic that many dedicate their entire lives to its pursuit - something that most people spend their entire lives devoted to.
After all, when one can do practically anything with just a wave of their wrist, why would they even consider wasting their time on things like cooking and cleaning when they could be learning to tame dragons or inventing new spells? Most Magus don't even consider leaving the world of Magicae once they've made a life for themselves.
Of course, you aren't most Magus.
Instead of breaking curses or making potions, you've made the very practical (and totally not boring) choice of settling down in the non-magical world. An odd choice, sure, but it's not like you were exactly going to make it very far as a Magus. Not with your...condition.
Especially now that the war was over.
Honestly, spending the rest of your life as a Debilis was probably the best choice you could have made.
...or at least, that was what you thought until a certain bird flew through your window and let the parchment in their mouth flutter down onto your desk.
So now, instead of being able to live out what would've been your very happy and normal life, you are being dragged back into a world full of mystic and wonder to fight a war that you really don't want anything to do with. You'd be terrified (or perhaps thrilled) if you weren't dreading it so much.
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Have fun exploring a world of magic and wonder. Try not to get too caught up in the excitement though - after all, there is a dark side to everything.
Create your own character! Their personality, appearance, gender identity, sexuality and skills will be yours to customize!
Choose from five different houses that your MC could've been in during school!
Look back into your past and all the fun experiences and relationships that come with it. Try not to fall too deeply into it though - you still have the future to look forward to after all.
Join a secret magic organization in order to stop an upcoming war!! Yay!!
Navigate through a series of complex relationships. Will you find friendship? Fall in love? Help mentor and care for the child of your deceased friends? Join the dark side and murder everyone? It's completely up to you!
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aevumdaily · 4 months
Arcanus Archives Entries.
(This historical document, found on the second floor of the Arcanus Archives, is mostly intact. It is, however, very old, and shows its wear and tear in water damage that renders some areas of the passage unreadable.)
Hypnum Insomnis Cupressiforme (otherwise known as Nightmare Moss) was a species of plant that was once used as a sleep-inducing medicine, due to the flowers of and leaves of this plant producing powerful narcotic properties. This medicine was known as MintWhiler’s Sopite.
However, historians now know that Nightmare Moss was a direct cause of various tragedies throughout the history of Arcanus Isle. Including ——— —— . At the time, those who ingested MintWhiler’s Sopite did find that they were more quickly able to sleep soundly, but soon thereafter, it was clear for all to see that this new medicine was actually —— ——. Those who took the draught to help their insomnia progressively failed to gain the very sleep they had once gone to this medicine for. They reported an increase in nightmares and night terrors, and progressively acted more and more erratically the longer they took their required dose. 
Those who doubled their doses in the hopes of rectifying their newfound inability to sleep would later report vivid hallucinations that afflicted their sight, hearing, and state of mind. While some would continue to only grow progressively more and more drowsy (reportedly sleeping in later and later despite outside interference), others grew despondent, showing a sharp increase in depressive moods, while others still became violent with strangers on the street, allegedly being followed and ‘attacked’ by the very people they themselves assaulted. 
It quickly became apparent that the cause of these widespread afflictions was none other than the petals and pollen used in MintWhiler’s Sopite, But although the narcotic was swiftly discontinued and removed from alchemists shelves, the consequences of using MintWhiler’s Sopite would continue to become more and more apparent in rapid succession, making the medicine and the Nightmare Moss a direct, leading cause of —– ——— – terrors.
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theycallmeratt · 21 days
Scene from the newest chapter of
In which the team continues to rag on Olly and Sal.
Olly said, "Well, I got her believing that you didn't shine the light in her eyes! Told her about how you're all, you know, shy and—"
"Thanks, Olly," said Sal.
"—sort of cowardly, honestly—"
"Thanks. Olly."
"—no bollocks to speak of—"
"Oh, thinking about my bollocks, are you?" Sal snapped.
Brem whipped around right as Vol and Jarg looked up. Brem said, "Olly, quit thinking about bollocks all the time!"
"I didn't!"
"Bad enough we can't leave you alone with the dogs," Vol growled.
"But I—"
"A right fucking pervert. Have to tell Zarys about this."
"I'll have to write to Darkhold," Brem said, his "see owt, say owt" status the worst kept secret.
"Sal's bollocks?" Jarg shook his head sadly. "Have some self respect, mate."
"No, Sal—" Olly tried again.
"Now, now," Karad said. "Don't be cruel to the lad."
Olly grinned in relief. "Thank you, Ka—"
"Sal's bollocks aren't so bad, not since he got that cream for his lumps."
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magicalhideoutengineer · 10 months
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Credence & Grimmon at Irma's house. - Archive of Magic & Credence, Nagini and the Circus Arcanus
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keeperofquestions · 14 days
Update: Verse Page
So I've created a verse page to keep track of established verses for this blog. What this means is a list of shared canons and/or threads with very specific plotlines planned out. Here are the few I have set up so far in summary. I'll be tagging verses with "Verse: Name" but understand my RP partners are probably using their own tags or names.
This will likely be added to and updated somewhat consistently. If you want our threads to have a full declared "verse" just say so! I will also make a post detailing new verses/tags as they show up.
The full setup is HERE. Down below are my current setups with more to come as I hash out the details.
Arranged with @thehazbins
We still haven't set up a "real" name for this one yet. Phel has discovered he is to be married to Princess Theodora Arcanus-Custos, and his fiancé is not particularly happy to learn about her intended's memory loss.
The Constantine Conspiracy with @siempreminta
Phel has encountered a Nephilim named Dove with a similar situation to his. They soon discover their situations have more in common than they think- and are linked to a common enemy.
I've Lost My Memory but This Librarian Has Let Me Explore Her Dangerous Magical Archive for Answers with @copaceticjillybean
Tagged as "Verse: Archive Dungeon"
Duedephelon has been lead to a magical library with an endless forbidden archive to find answers to what may have happened to him with the help of its librarian. Named like a light novel because it's basically an anime dungeon crawl adventure and I'm not apologizing.
Servant to the Stars with @grimowled and @a-hell-of-a-time
The incident that cost Duedephelon his memories was orchestrated by none other than Stolas of the Ars Goetia, who saw an opportunity to swipe an ideal servant. Meanwhile, his daughter Octavia saw an opportunity to finally make a friend.
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epilvgue · 1 month
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- Loki was an adult, it was as simple as that. The man could go where he wanted, spend his time how he wanted, sleep the night where he wanted, but... Vash was pretty sure that it had been months since he'd properly seen or had a conversation spanning more than a couple of words with his roommate. He hadn't even so much as glimpsed the other man when he'd played that prank on him during Logus Pocus Day - all there had been was a pastry on the table when he got home from work.
Vash had gone to the Arcanus Archives, located his roommate, and now he was practically hauling the other man over his shoulder.
"C'mon, ya should sleep in a bed sometimes, y'know. And there's a lotta leftovers in th' fridge that need ta get eaten."
He didn't know about Loki, but the gunman thought that he could get used to having somewhere consistent to rest his head for the night. Even if it made him restless at the same time.
"'m sure your brother would like ta see ya around a lil' more often too."
@mischiefmodig // semi-plotted
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silentaura · 3 months
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−−−  ꧁ she keeps him in the corner of her vision as she peruses the isle of texts available in the arcanus archives . he seems preoccupied in something , almost transfixed , which catches her attention to what he could possibly be looking at . as finger catches onto the spine of a book on the shelf , she tries to slyly turn her vision ever so slightly to get a better read on the book's title as she pulls her book off the shelf .
but as most things , it is obscured despite her best attempts at espionage . dissatisfied , she exhales through her nose . just as him . speak to him .
but he . . . doesn't appear to want to be bothered by her questions . . . so she concocts a plan : drop her book close to his foot . 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐩 . he'd pick it up . maybe . and then . . . a perfectly natural conversation could ensue .
: ̗̀➛ @baringtccth
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darbyfrance · 2 years
hi tumblr, i’m writing my first dramione fic! it’s got a secret society fifth house, hidden identities, friends new and old, and Hermione Granger like you’ve never before seen. i am so incredibly excited, and i hope you’ll join the journey to Arcanus House with me.
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aevumisles · 5 months
is there a desert environment anywhere in the isles?
In the deepest locations of the Arcanus Archives hold old legends and historical documents of lands that expanded far beyond the borders of the Arcanus Isle. Though much of the information appears blurred, making it impossible to read, there is one thing that is for certain:
✨ nobody knows~ ✨ ( yet. )
— 🏵️ Creo
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heroicvaliant · 5 months
@epilvgue liked for a starter!
"Hey— check this out! I… got no idea what it's supposed to say. You got any luck?"
Regardless of whether they noticed or not, Charles has stopped probing the shelves of the Arcanus Archive for a while now, and spent the time squinting at a particular section instead, quietly grumbling to himself.
It took time until he'd finally call out to the other while gesturing at the blurred names that'd, usually, contain a name of a location.
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"D'you think this could be an error or somethin'? I don't think this is just, like, bad eyesight on my part."
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mischiefmodig · 7 months
It was about time Loki made his way to this place. Arcanus Archives. Massive building ( nowhere near the scale of Asgards shelves ) full of information pertaining to this Aevum realm. He felt strangely at home in this place - he always preferred the company of books to the company of those around him. In truth, it had been much time since he had been able to simply study in peace.
After a brief discussion with the librarian of the establishment, Loki meandered his way to the second floor. His mission was to find information on this land, its peoples, and more importantly, its magic.
He was determined to find answers and restore what was rightfully his and his brothers. He figured it was in his best interest to understand the origins of this civilization. Certainly nothing new for the scholar. He was barely 400 years old when he had memorized the histories of the 9 realms.
Surely this venture would be nothing be peaceful.
He searched the titles among the shelves ( the young curious boy inside his mind was excited by the challenge, the unknown ) looking for a "History Of" specifically. He found a few books he figured he might start with, however, resting on a shelf nearby was one in particular that caught his fancy.
As he reached out to take it, he found he could not. Two pale hands lay upon the guided cover, both clothed in black, both unwilling to release.
Loki glanced at the person who had taken the object ( or rather, attempted to ) seeing a figure with blackened hair, red eyes ( bags underneath ), and clothed in ancient-styled clothes, not totally similar to his own. The man physically appeared to be older, but they seemed to stand off, eyes on the other. Unrelenting.
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❝ Ah. I beg your pardon. ❞ Loki spoke first. ❝ But I'm afraid I require this book for my research. I must ask that you let go. ❞ His eyes cast upon it first.
@valeriius \ / I saw it first >:T
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arcanusarchieves-if · 4 months
Do they have wands in this world?
Wands do exist in this universe, but they're mainly used as "training wheels" and most Magus stop using them once they graduate school.
So yes, but the MC and other adult characters won't be seen using them!
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aevumdaily · 4 months
Arcanus Archives Entries.
During the earliest years of Arcanus Isle, fear and uncertainty ran rampant. Order was hard to come by as the Aercon of Arcanus Isle struggled to come together as one people. Chaos spread, and from this unrest, the Aether found itself thrust into the throes of one of its first cycles. This disquiet manifested as a ground-crawling plant that embedded itself deep into the earth of the isle, just as fear and unrest had embedded itself deep into the hearts of those who lived there.
This plant, soon to be known as Nightmare Moss, was first thought to be a blessing. Something to ease the nerves of those lucky enough to craft from its leaves and flowers, and put to slumber the uncertainties of the ‘morrow. This was quickly learned to not be the case, as sleeplessness led to the people of Arcanus Isle being subjected to horrific visions. These visions led to more violence, fear, and distrust among the Aercon, and all the while, the plant continued to spread, threatening to consume the Isle. 
At the peak of the moss’ infestation came the appearance of The Sleep Crawler. What was once thought to simply be figments of addled minds soon proved to be very real, and very deadly creatures. The Sleep Crawler was a terrible creature that could almost always be spotted around the moss. 
 It would hunt its prey by targeting those afflicted by the moss. With the spread of the moss, which sprouted even in the skin and bones of those who consumed its leaves, flowers or pollen-spread, the Aercon were easily made prey for the Sleep Crawlers. Once consumed by the very nightmares that the moss wrought upon the mind, victims would indeed become consumed by the moss’ overgrowth. Paralyzed and drowsy from the moss’ effects, the Sleep Crawlers would then consume the spirit of any captured creature, leaving behind only a husk of flesh and blood for the moss to take.
The Guardians Four gathered the people of Arcanus and ushered them through the Whispering Highlands through the Pass. They hoped to harbor those who remained sane in the safety of the Murkwood Forest. However, it did not take long for the Nightmare Moss to follow them there as well.
Faced with great turmoil and the threat of extinction, it was then that the Aercon of old were called to look deeply within themselves. To fight fear is to know fear, and to choose courage. And so although those many dangers surrounded them, they were able to overcome the nightmares that threatened to consume them whole. It was this resolve that allowed the Guardians to stabilize the Aether, and drive back the moss and the Sleep Crawlers so that neither organism would traverse the earth of the Isle ever again.
Thus concludes the history of the Pilgrimage through the Passage of Masks.
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dhr-ao3 · 2 years
Arcanus https://ift.tt/L8SdHfa by darbyfrance Hermione Granger did not expect to wake up on her eleventh birthday and find out she was a witch. Nearly a year later, her first week of Hogwarts finds her welcomed into Hogwarts most well kept and fabled secret society. With new opportunities and confusing histories running wild, Hermione has to find out just why was she chosen and who she truly was meant to be. Words: 1105, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Minerva McGonagall, Sybill Trelawney, Albus Dumbledore Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Secret Society, Hogwarts Fifth House, Dramione endgame, Secret Identity, Hiding in Plain Sight via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/dJOMvKF December 03, 2022 at 12:33AM
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Tina & Kama in the Circus Arcanus-Crimes of Grindelwald | Inside Warner, The Archive of Magic & Lights, Camera, Magic
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spiteweaver · 4 years
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They disbanded at the border.
Atsushi was the first to depart. Veering away to the west, he made for Bramble Step, a shadowy district of debauchery on the edge of the Tangled Wood. Sirius knew little of it, except that his grandfather held its proprietress in high esteem--and that Atsushi’s mate lived there.
“Good luck!” Atsushi called to the others, seemingly as an afterthought. “Try not to get yourselves killed; Dreamweaver doesn’t approve of resurrection!”
With that, it was as if the glue that had held them all together crumbled.
Yọmí and Almond turned toward Noon Point, with Xerxes setting a grueling pace ahead of them. Regular expenditure of his mismatched magic had ensured that the lightning within him remained weak, hardly more than a spark, for many eons. Now it was surging in great, looping coils all along his body as he sought the slightest trace of Lamium’s distinct presence.
Rue followed Juneau to the Sundown Spans. Her family was scattered, but it was here that she would find her mother, with any luck awake and well. From there, she would join Atsushi at Bramble Step, seeking her younger sister Morpha, and then continue on to Summerland’s Edge in search of Rubedo and his family. Finally, she would make the journey across the Continent, to Horizon’s Landing, and pray that Heaven, like their necromancer mother, was waiting to greet her.
(Atsushi hadn’t had the heart to remind her that he was a necromancer too.)
Juneau held little hope for his own family. Penitence was a dragon through-and-through, without the title of witch or magic beyond the Eleven’s control to safeguard him. He knew that his mate slept, and Artha likewise. Although she was not a dragon, had she been spared, she would have certainly come looking for him long before now.
In the end, only Tau and Asura remained steadfastly at Sirius’ side, but it was ultimately short-lived. Copernicus would be at Promenade Medical, with Haematica and their colleagues, and so the two of them bid a reluctant farewell.
So it was that Sirius found himself soaring over the Summerlands alone.
With his thoughts.
Try as he might to think only of Arcanus, he could not deny that there was another reason he had come to the Dominions. Their troubles with the Astrals had fascinated him from the very start. Since their appearance, something had been calling to him, some deep, ancient thing squirming in the furthest reaches of his mind. He had told his fathers of it, insisted that there was something that he could do, to no avail.
“All young dragons feel that way in a crisis,” Zo had informed him.
“The best place for us is here,” Junior had agreed.
Their smiles had been tight, hollow...
Never had he thought that they might hide even the most mundane of secrets from him. They had given him no reason to doubt their word, and their word had always made sense to him--how he had come to be their son, why he could never stray too near to the Seat, what had caused him to look so very different from his peers. Simple explanations. Safe.
So why did he feel like something was missing?
The Hall of Five Lights rose like a pale crown before him. As he spiraled down to land at its gates, he felt all at once fearful and hopeful. The remnants of powerful magic hung in the air, trapped, as those who had wielded it, in another time. He recognized Rebis’ unusual magical signature foremost, and recalling her peculiar relationship with time, stepped into the Hall half-expecting her to welcome him.
By the looks of things, a meeting of the Tribunal had been underway. Sirius had met many of the dragons present in passing; seeing them this way, unmoving, unchanging, was somehow far more unsettling than he’d imagined it would be. He examined them each in turn. There were no major injuries that he could see, though it appeared that poor Bestealcian had met with the business end of an Arcane blast. At least he could bring some good news home to his fathers.
Swallowing his grief, Sirius faced the drake he’d come to fetch last of all. Arcanus had changed. There was silver capping his right horn, and a hue to his eyes that was not his own. Foreign magic.
Rebis’ magic.
“What happened?” Sirius breathed, reaching shyly for Arcanus’ still hands. “Who did this to you? Why wasn’t I...?”
The Hall was silent, stale. Arcanus did not move. For a long while, neither did Sirius. He wondered, if he stood there long enough, if he might not slip into their time, into their sleep, and remain at Arcanus’ side. Rebis had been there all these eons, while he had played scholar in the archives. It should have been him.
He still wouldn’t have chosen you.
Sirius’s grip tightened. Then his hands fell away, and he stepped back. “I love you,” he said. “I thought that would be enough. I’m sorry that it wasn’t. When you wake up, I’ll tell you again. I have to tell you, because if I don’t, I won’t be able to accept that I never stood a chance. Until then, I’ll keep searching. If there’s a way to lift this spell, I’ll find it. I promise.”
It was time to go. He had lingered too long in a place not meant for him. A childish part of him wanted to kiss Arcanus then, because not even Rebis had been so lucky--but he was no longer a child. Instead, he allowed himself one final touch, the barest brush of his fingers across Arcanus’ knuckles, before turning to leave.
Only then did he notice the small, golden Gaoler at Rebis’ feet.
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