#The Atlantic Magazine
barbarian15 · 2 years
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dchan87 · 14 days
Three now infamous paragraphs from Susan Sontag stung like a slap to the face in the disorienting days that followed the 9/11 attacks. Asked by The New Yorker to reflect on what had occurred only 48 hours earlier, Sontag found “stupid” the “confidence-building and grief management” that filled the media. “Where is the acknowledgment,” she asked, “that this was not a ‘cowardly’ attack on ‘civilization’ or ‘liberty’ or ‘humanity’ or ‘the free world’ but an attack on the world’s self-proclaimed superpower, undertaken as a consequence of specific American alliances and actions?” Most anyone with a heartbeat, and certainly anyone who could smell the acrid air of Manhattan at the time, clouded with the ashes of thousands of people, took offense at Sontag’s coldness. Her first error was one of timing and tone—surely there was a deeper context for the attack worth unpacking, but maybe wait just a couple of days? But even more appalling in retrospect was the shallowness of Sontag’s context, as predictable and one-dimensional as what George W. Bush would yell through a bullhorn at Ground Zero: To her, 9/11 was not a moment of American victimhood, but actually a revelation of American malignancy, proof of the country’s own victimizing nature. In all that would transpire in the years after 9/11, Sontag and others who shared her immediate reaction would have reason to consider themselves prophets: the invasion of Iraq, carried out under false pretense; the expansion of the surveillance state; the obscene torture at Abu Ghraib and massacre of women and children in places like Haditha; the whole extrajudicial existence of Guantánamo Bay; the dangerous expansiveness of phrases such as enemy combatant and even terrorist. Throttled by fear, America lost its mind.
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geezerwench · 14 days
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The Atlantic's October cover -- likely the first ever, in 167 years, to be published without a headline or typography describing the stories inside. No words are necessary.
October 2024.
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thenewdemocratus · 4 months
Donald J. Trump On Military Veterans
Source:The Independent talking about Donald J. Trump’s past comments on American military veterans. Source:The New Democrat “Donald Trump is again denying that he called American soldiers who died in World War I in France “suckers” and “losers,” as attention has returned to the alleged comments during Joe Biden’s recently concluded state visit to the country. During a rally Sunday in Las Vegas,…
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petnews2day · 4 months
Photos From the 2024 Westminster Dog Show
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/ht1tC
Photos From the 2024 Westminster Dog Show
The 148th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show took place in New York City over the past week, showcasing more than 3,000 dogs of 200 different breeds and varieties. This year’s Best in Show was awarded to a miniature poodle named Sage. Gathered below are images from this year’s competition, held at the USTA Billie […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/ht1tC #DogNews #Analysis, #Atlantic, #BreakingNews, #Business, #Commentary, #Culture, #International, #NationalAndLife, #News, #Opinion, #Politics, #Science, #Technology, #TheAtlantic, #TheAtlanticMagazine, #TheAtlanticCom
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flipjack · 1 year
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Stephanie in Virgin Atlantic's Vera Magazine
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labyrinthofstreams · 7 months
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"Readers on a hotel terrace, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1941."
Photographed by Alfred Eisenstaedt.
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garadinervi · 11 months
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Mosab Abu-Toha, Younger Than War, «The Atlantic», November 9, 2023
Younger Than War Mosab Abu-Toha Tanks roll through dust, through eggplant fields. Beds unmade, lightening in the sky, brother jumps to the window to watch warplanes flying through clouds of smoke after air strikes. Warplanes that look like eagles searching for a tree branch to perch on, catch breath, but these metal eagles are catching souls in a blood/bone soup bowl. No need for radio. We are the news. Ants’ ears hurt with each bullet fired from wrathful machine guns. Soldiers advance, burn books, some smoke rolled sheets of yesterday’s newspaper, just like they did when they were kids. Our kids hide in the basement, backs against concrete pillars, heads between knees, parents silent. Humid down there, and heat of burning bombs adds up to the slow death of survival. In September 2000, after I had bought bread for dinner, I saw a helicopter firing a rocket into a tower as far from me as my frightful cries when I heard concrete and glass fall from high. Loaves of bread went stale. I was still 7 at the time. I was decades younger than war, a few years older than bombs.
«I wrote this poem last year, reflecting on my childhood under Israeli military occupation. I'm now staying in Jabalia, a United Nations refugee camp, with my wife and three kids. I'm reading this poem to myself and wondering if my children will be able to write poems about the bombs and explosions they are seeing. I was 8 the first time I witnessed a rocket. Now my youngest child, born in America in May 2021, is living through the third wave of Israeli bombing. Not only are he and his older brother and sister smelling death around them, but they have also lost their house in Beit Lahia 10 days ago. Luckily no one was at home. My son Yazzan, who is 8 years old, asks me, "Are our toys still alive?"» – Mosab Abu-Toha
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world-of-advice · 8 months
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sleepanonymous · 11 months
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bettie-may-page · 4 months
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Bettie Page Magazines, Covers and Inserts, #194
Photograph Repaired:
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jilllovesmike · 5 months
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The man that hates fashion.
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foxsoulcourt · 2 months
007 Fest 2024 message received! now decoding decoded, thanks to one of my cLeVeR kids
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🛫☀️🇮🇩 💜⭐️🐠
Thank you Starfish!! Who I now know is @aching-arc-reactor 😉. Thanks for organising a fun part of Fest!
How @dont-rain-on-my-solangelo solved it below read more…
P.S. I did get Love, but then got stumped 🤣
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stone-cold-groove · 5 months
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Yes’ The Yes Album promo ad - 1971.
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marta-bee · 1 year
Pressing on with Book-Omens...
"Prob'ly get run over by a big black car," said Brian, picking at a scab on a dirty knee. He brightened up. "Do you know," he said, "my cousin said that in America there's shops that sell thirty-nine different flavors of ice cream?"
This even silenced Adam, briefly.
"There aren't thirty-nine flavors of ice cream," said Pepper. "There aren't thirty-nine flavors in the whole world."
"There could be, if you mixed them up," said Wensleydale, blinking owlishly. "You know. Strawberry and chocolate. Chocolate and vanilla." He sought for more English flavors. "Strawberry and vanilla and chocolate," he added lamely.
And if that’s not the funniest thing, speaking as an American with time spent living Elsewhere. We really do have an absurd number of ice-cream flavors, and it doesn’t strike us as odd.
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jerrylewis-thekid · 7 months
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