#The Golden Touch
writebackatya · 10 months
Out of all the old-school Disney references the 2013 Mickey Mouse shorts made
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I gotta say having a short where Mickey and Minnie are small crew members that are mistreated by a jerk director who is making a movie starring the King Midas from the final Disney short directed by Walt Disney himself
was perhaps the ballsest
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rgraves1 · 5 months
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MIDAS, son of the great goddess Ida, by a satyr whose name is not remembered, was a pleasure-loving King of Macedonian Bromium, where he ruled over the Brigians (also called Moschians) and planted his celebrated rose gardens. In his infancy a procession of ants was observed carrying grains of wheat up the side of his cradle and placing them between his lips as he slept - a prodigy which the soothsayers read as an omen of the great wealth that would accrue to him; and when he grew older, Orpheus tutored him. (Midas, The Greek Myths by Robert Graves, pp 281-285).
Midas obtained his famous golden touch when after returning the lost satyr Silenus to his master the god Dionysus, he was granted a wish. Midas asked that everything he touched turned to gold. Dionysus granted the wish and at first Midas was delighted as all his possessions that he touched turned to gold, including even his roses. The double-edged nature of this gift was revealed when Midas realised that food and water would also turn to gold and he began to starve. Tragically, when his daughter ran to him to complain about the state of the roses, her father’s embrace turned the girl into a golden statue. Distraught, Midas begged Dionysus to be freed of what he now regarded as a curse. The god complied and the golden touch vanished after Midas had travelled to the source of the River Pactolus as Dionysus’ instructed.
Graves states that Midas is likely to be King Mita of the twelfth century BC Moschians, renowned for their fabulous wealth. Midas’ morality tale was to explain both the riches of the Moschians and the fact gold could be found in the River Pactolus.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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you’d think after 800 years he’d learn his lesson about taking afternoon naps. / prev comic / follow for more sleepy xie lian
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herbalnature · 4 days
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The warm glow of sunset kisses the top of Devil's Tower, standing tall against a pastel sky. Below, a field of frost-touched grass adds a layer of tranquility to this serene landscape.
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hydrattan · 2 years
I love that shittysawtraps post that's going around rn like "you can make a character playlist for any character but you can't use Mother Mother or Lemon Demon" and then every reblog is like "and for a REAL challenge, don't use any of THESE wildly popular artists, either" and then proceeds to list twenty artists I've never heard of in my life
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drnurssie · 14 days
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gang do we still fw fugio . gang. gang answer
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cyphyree · 9 months
ALSO as a note, Fugo *would* sacrifice himself for the sake of others too, as seen in the Mirror World--it was a situation in which that was his *only choice* to protect others. He chose death over ratting on his friends.
Fugo's not a coward, he's just bewildered by the fact that, in the scenario where everyone *had a choice* to remain safe, they all chose to endanger their lives and family for "some girl they just met" instead.
"We don't even know what music she likes!"
It sounds petty, but who was our torture dance trio? Who bought a radio and bugged Mista with loud music? Who had headphones on in the restaurant where we met the team?
They knew each other's taste in music. The torture dance soundtrack is called Canzoni Preferite -> literally "Favourite Songs." They were a family.
"We don't even know what music she likes!"
Why are you choosing her over us?
Over me?
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angelbaby53 · 1 month
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lucilassie · 3 months
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The King returns. 👑
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canisalbus · 7 months
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I thought I might try my hand at moodboards, too :')
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dacquoisettes · 5 months
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thatgirlsstory · 8 months
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daily-hanamura · 5 months
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Aww bancho that's such a sweet sentiment! It's really
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geopsych · 10 months
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Beautiful begonia
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I got it in a pre-made basket with this amazing variegated ivy and I don’t know either one’s name.
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People liked the Golden Guard memes so you know what. I have an addiction to making memes. I made more
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I know they all adored Flapjack. I also know they are giving him lots of treats and pets in the ghost realm I’ve decided
1, 3, 4, 5, 6
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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The smol laugh after he says "Wouldn't you like to know?"
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