#The Hollow's Curse;rp
demon-blood-youths · 2 years
The Hollow’s Curse || Closed RP
------ Ginza, Tokyo -----------
Ever since the haunting house incident in Hatagaya, Osaki Kawa was in a bad situation. But nothing like this. She had to deal with angry grieving parents whose have lost their children because of her guidance and the parents of the teenagers who came to work at the haunted house. There were hate mails, phone calls and death threats against her since she has been exposed. 
She heard Nobu made amends with parents, apologizing to them and pay the teenagers according to them. Then the teenage workers never blamed Nobu for the mess. No. They pointed the finger at her, explaining that she’s the reason and told their parents of what they done. Of course, the parents group up and bring charges against her. Junko, Sano and Hideo made statements against her. 
What’s worse. Her previous clients who caught wind of this demand for an explanation and wanted their money back. 
Assholes! It’s not her fault! 
She had to pay a good lawyer using the money that she got from Nobu to get out of jail and making sure she won’t have to refund them. Her lawyer warns her to stay away from being a medium and take up another job. 
Osaki glady does that. She can do that all. That’s no problem. She wants to move on.
But no. This is way worse than just angry parents and threatening letters. No. Someone or rather something has been harming her daughter. Roughen up when she came back from school with sratches and such. Osaki called the school wondering what’s going on. But no teachers said that no bullying was present.
At first, she thought was bullying until she saw marks on her daughter’s body. Three marks on her leg. No human did this! She knows that for sure!  Why? Because her daughter said a scary monster has been hurting her. 
“Bullshit...” She thought she was done with it. But no. This is karma. She already apologized! What else does she need to do?!
To clear her head trying to make sense of this, she had to run into a fast food restaurant with her daughter. She had her hood up so nobody will recognize her. After she ordered, she sat at the table with her daughter enjoying her happy meal. She had a coffee. She needs some fresh air. She needs to deal with this. 
But then.....everything became clear when she sees familiar faces. That pink hair, that brown-haired girl, that spiky boy, those uniforms and the girl with the orange marks on her right cheek. They were laughing amongst themselves at the table at the window. 
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archerslittlefox · 4 months
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@littlefoxs-cat my little princess fluffkins fox 🎀💕
@fatedprinceofhearts my silly boyfriend 🩷🩷
@evaismine my ex-boyfriend. i’m not yours, luc
@theunwedbride bestie! <33
@marisoltourmaline my step sister
@vampirel00rd jacks’s best friend and a sweet vampire
@theauroravalor chaos’s twin sister stay away!!
@cindetella @meridianempress the dragna sisters, very sweet!! we had tea once!
@crimsonsfavouritelover the empress’s husband
@legendarydante caraval master
@tattooed-nigel caraval’s fortune teller. i’m kinda curious
@themistressluck @the-maidendeath @solaninejestermad @the-poisoner @priestess-priestess @the-undeadqueen @the-assasinfate fates!
@kristofknightlinger i think he likes ankles
@kutlassknightlinger maybe he does too? i don’t know…
@histographeraiko i don’t know who she is, but she seems very nice!
@iminyourwallschaosvalor ghost, she lives in chaos’ walls 👀💓
@crimsonsrosegold @rosegoldscrimson @fatedprinces-favouritelover @thesailors-favouritelover @legendary-chaoss @chaotic-legend alter egos??
@the-heckler i hope i don’t get on their bad side!
@highking-cardan cardan.
@thekingofdeath death?
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fatedprinceofhearts · 6 months
Making this list so that I can roast people easier
The best person to exist @fatedprinceofhearts My pretty pretty pretty gorgeous girlfriend (who asked me to call her pink shorty instead) @balladedurenard Guy @vampirel00rd My biggest fan @the-unbittenfruit Sucker @theunwedbride Fu- I mean, get lost @princeapollothearcher Another asshole @legendarydante She whose name we do not speak @cindetella Another name we do not speak @auroravalor
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ducksbyday · 1 year
Since QSMP is all about globalisation and learning about new cultures and countries, I think this is the perfect opportunity to tell people about most known MC RP series from the Netherlands, by assigning characters from the QSMP to kingdoms!
TLDR: The Kingdom (DDG) was a minecraft survival roleplay server. The server was devided into different kingdoms (hence the name) which were ruled and inhabited by A LOT of different Dutch-speaking creators. The first episode launched in 2012 and the series ended around 2021. It played out in a medieval-fantasy type setting with magic, Goblins/orcs/gods/dragons and a lot lot of war. Most kingdoms even had their own national anthem (or multiple).
Recognised by their half black-stained skin, white glowing eyes and their extensive knowledge (and gift) of magic, the Empire was the main villain of the series. After forcefully being locked away in the Nether for decades, the civilisation made their way back to the surface with only one goal, revenge. Now with access to the Empire Wand, they quickly got damn good at it.
I see Q!BBH as someone who could've been apart of this group, but having met someone allong the way that made him change his mind about wanting everything to perish. Due to that he had to flee from the Empire, since they would've never accepted him like that.
The only ally of the Empire. Jenava, also known as the desert rats, were violent and opressive people who underwent a ritual to gain the same power as the Empire. They had access to the Scripts of Jenava: documents kept very secretive, containing secrets about kingdoms, magic and curses. (also it's the kingdom with the best songs ngl.).
BAGI (+ tazercraft & Cellbit) - JENAVA
It wasn't uncommon for people (especially women) to attempt to escape from the kingdom of Jenava. The living conditions were terrible, for registered citizen but also for the natives (Kanta Tribo) who's land was forcefully taken (also later a civil war). I think Q!Bagi could've been one of the people who forcefully underwent the Empire ritual before running away to warn other kingdoms about the situation. Further, the kingdom had ownership of the most secure prison of the whole server ("Fort Forland, the prison island") which is a place Pac, Cellbit and Mike would've fit in perfectly.
Elementos, the kingdom of the Gods. In the story, the wife of King David (Eclypsa) passed away due to illness and became a deity, joining elementos. During the war between Entropia (her husbands kingdom) and Firjen, she sided with Firjen and gifted them 'The dragons of Bovisti', making Firjen "The kingdom of dragons".
Dragons, gods, a little betrayl and siding with the enemy for funsies. Foolish the totem god with a dragon base, Do I need to say more?
A island cursed hundreds of years ago, turning everyone into werewolves during full moons. They tend to keep to themselves. They used to be a part of the kingdom of Ljord, but fled and now peacefully live on their own, away from dragons and war (kinda).
I don't really have a good reason for putting him here, it's just kinda a vibe.
Ah Entropia, the kingdom of capitalism and talking shit. With king David as their leader together with Queen/God Eclypsa their main stick was trade, being rich and doing wars. The statue of the Entropian Sword could be seen from miles away, imbedded with emeralds and other richments (making it a big eyesore for the powerhungry kingdom of Jenava). The king of this wonderful empire died once by the hands of the king of Firjen and his dragons. He was sent to Elementos to become a god, but refused because he is a little dumb and very stubborn.
With Roier putting stores all over the place and unnessicarily putting his egg in big danger, I think it's a good fit.
The kingdom of goblins and mining. They lived in a gigantic hollowed out mountain, rarely coming up to the surface. They were the only kingdom (that I know about) that had a person assigned for redstone contraptions. Tubbo being the create boy with the gigantic tubhole would do well there in my opinion. Also Pierre (and perhaps Felps) would be a very respected citizen with his extensive knowledge of big holes.
I personally know very little about Theros, except that they are known for their assassins and lack of kings/emperors. They dissapeared at some point and got taken over by a different kingdom (Magnos). I wish I could to this man more justice :'(
Probably the strangest of all the kingdoms, and also one of my personal favourites. Atla is a kingdom existing of multiple island, mostly known for worshipping chickens.
Their belief is in the two Chicken-gods Kiip & Kalf, together with the golden egg. Killing and eating chickens is illigal on the island, and the king is ready to start war on anyone who tries (besides that they're quite friendly tho :) ).
The golden egg is.. Well.. a large golden egg. It is believed that any attempt on damaging or stealing the egg will curse the person for eternity, giving them everlasting bad luck. This was evantually proven to be true, when Entropia used it to curse another kingdom (Krax).
I feel like Baghera could be a scholar from the island, perhaps a diplomat who'd travel to different kingdoms to exchange information and perhaps spread the good word.
Further, I see Charlie as one of the people that could pull the chicken=god trope of better than anyone. Also seeing the bad luck he's having on the QSMP, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to take a little nibble of the shiny egg-statue.
I have a lot more people to assign and a lot of kingdoms not mentioned yet (like Kanta Tribo (a native tribe and arch-enemy of Jenava, Firjen, Ljord etc etc.. there were.. So many.). But this would go on for ages and ages so I'll cut it here for now LMAO
I hope you enjoyed this thread and learning something about Dutch youtube culture. It's a series I watched a lot when I was younger, and always seem to stumble back to. It was very well done and to this day one of my favourite things to watch/talk about.
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Shadow Puppets AU - Sketchdump
Most of these are from a thread where Belos briefly frees the Collector using the bizarre magic of the Wailing Star, but there are side effects. I’m thinking of doing full illustrations of some of these sketches, do you have a favorite? 
Those top sketches were originally composition and framing tests for a fake screenshot sequence I was thinking of doing based on a scene we wrote. I’ve decided I’m not up for actually drawing the whole thing but the scene went like this
- 20 years into his reign as Emperor, Belos freed Astrophel (the Collector, for anyone new) with the aid of the Wailing Star, but it cost him his human form and ability to cast magic, and Astrophel’s powers were also significantly nuked - Using up so much of his power to try to free the Collector also caused Belos to go ‘Hollow’ making him incapable of feeling emotions until he consumes Palismen so they immediately go to the reserves to get him some -Said reserves are guarded by Coven Scouts with specific orders not to let Belos into the reserves when he is in his cursed form, otherwise he will devour all the Palismen, and there’s a brief battle with most of them staying to fight Belos and keep him from getting in while one went to retrieve Palismen, during this battle Belos killed one of the guards. -After he returned to his senses he dismissed the other Guards to ‘pay respects’ to the one he killed, but actually was just checking on Astrophel after losing track of him during the fight -was eventually reminded he needed to do something about the body, and after a little brainstorming, Astrophel suggested trying using glyphs, but not before he played with the blood like the little freak he is, the top right is a shot of Astrophel with blood on his hands, he licks the blood off in the RP but drawing it wasn’t working out so now he’s just looking at his bloody hands. -Belos uses the fire glyph to cremate the body, but the scent of cooking meat ends up being a bit too much for him and he stole a bite, much to his shame
Bottom left is a sketch of their first in-the-flesh meeting, totally ruined by the fact that Belos has no emotions at the moment but he tries his best, and Astrophel is certainly excited enough for the both of them.  Bottom right is from a different thread based in Philip’s childhood, in which Philip has decided to show his new friend ‘the funny tree’. Not depicted in this shot, but the tree has a face-like formation in it’s trunk and what appears to be a shapely rear which Philip finds absolutely hysterical because he has a sense of humor best described as  “I’m eight”. Actually in this particular scene, they’re making plans to sneak out after curfew so Philip can show Astrophel the fireflies- which is totally not going to go wrong in the slightest 
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swallowtailed · 4 months
palisade 50 / finalisade pt. 5
structure thoughts
okay, i have a lot of thoughts re structure this week. i had these last ep too, but i wanted to give it another episode to see how a few things shook out, because fatt tends to move quite slowly in that way. (also i had just gotten cursed with dawn work and had no brainroom for real thoughts.) i do still think there's room for some of these things to develop, and fatt tends to hang together much better in retrospect. but this is my read right now.
the reintroduction of cas'alear & co: i am content to wait a bit for some interaction with them or some explanation of why they're here, because palisade is currently being forced through seven separate funnels and a brand new problem won't fit somewhere instantly. that said. bro we better find out what's up. they're physically on the blue channel, that can't just get handwaved
and re material circumstances of blue channel & crew--to my eye the dice valuation of relationships is causing some real siloing off of characters and storylines. which is really unfortunate because the bonds between the crew were a huge strength of palisade and it just feels like an oversight to miss that in the finalisade. (this is also a factor of not doing a ton of rp in this game. one thing i'm really missing is bringing the misfortune options into the result of a scene.)
and on a similar note, i really liked august's scene with righteousness, but it could've been even better if palisade had engaged more with delegate characters and what it means to be a delegate throughout the season. instead this & a bunch of other thematic threads are being advanced way more actively than before now that it's the finalisade, which feels kind of hollow.
i also really wish eclectic was still around. having had a leap scene, i've solidly come down that it was a bad narrative decision to kill eclectic. introducing a new (to the season) character in the middle of the finalisade, on top of a bunch of other new/er pcs, was always gonna be awkward, and leap doesn't work here. his goal, to take kesh for every last cent, has a very similar problem to clem's--kesh isn't there. which is less of a direct issue when the end goal is just "steal", but it's still a goal from a partizan paradigm, not a palisade one. you know? like, leap's fixated on kesh and kesh is a shrinking speck on a planet with new and different problems.
also ideally leap's reintroduction would create contrast for the ways brnine and thisbe have changed since partizan. maybe we will get to that later.
hey i actually think talking about a justice system would be extremely relevant given how many characters have goals in that direction?
i think overall my sense is that finalisade feels disconnected from the rest of the season due to all the character changes and some rushed thematic work.
anyway obv this is fatt so there's every chance all of the above will be resolved by the end of finalisade but from here i'm feeling a little doubtful
various other notes
jesset's gun arm! i stopped to wonder which it was back when that happened, but since it wasn't addressed i figured it was intended to be his prosthetic arm. wild.
the autonomy reveal... love when a reveal is so well seeded and rings so true that you have to be like "hang on was that not already canon". very cool. very perennial. miserable, also.
taking a minute though to sit and think about perennial and loneliness. also taking a minute to think the phrase "did perennial effectively utilize girl power in creating autonomy itself".
re cori's scene: the suggestion that perennial's consecration might change the flora and fauna really caught my ear. not beating the "millennium break is also colonizing palisade" allegations. it seems like they went another direction (just the sky changing?) but that rang really weird to me, especially when the colonial angle of gardens wrt the bilats had just been raised a few episodes ago.
very much appreciated janine taking the time to explicitly bring up the framing of unction's fate as something that would, in-universe, be a question and a conversation
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weavemasters · 2 months
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TAV Appreciation Post
Name: Eol'wyn Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Race: High Elf Sexuality: Pansexual Age: 104 Height: 5'1'' Hair Color: Auburn Eye Color: Brown Scars/Freckles: Light freckles on her face and shoulders. A small scar on her right cheek, and a larger scar on her jawline. Class: Sorcerer Alignment: Lawful Neutral About:
Eol’wyn, is a sorcerer from a long line of sorcerers. She was born with a strong connection to the weave given her fae ancestry. Her relationship with magic is like her relationship with breathing oxygen. It surrounds her at all times and ebbs and flows (and sometimes explodes out of her with no warning when she’s fighting). She finds comfort in the chaos and has grown comfortable wielding the beautiful but unpredictable weave. The first spell she ever learned was Fiat lux - her mother taught it to her as a small child because she was afraid of the dark. That gentle compassion and using the weave to help others is what inspires Eol’wyn to love magic. When she was younger Eol’wyn served as a magic user with a squad of Harpers as a consultant when traversing the Shadow Cursed lands. They were grossly underprepared and their squad fell to the curse. She watched in horror as nearly every single of the Harpers were taken, twisted, and began to attack each other. In order to survive Eol'wyn had to do the unthinkable and kill them all. Her friends. She was found days later clinging to a weakening light spell, huddled in the hollows of a tree. This experience left her scarred both physically and mentally, leaving her with occasional debilitating and violent night terrors and waking flashbacks. If I had to pick a handful words for her relationship with Gale they would be: Compassion, patience, empathy, and support. She tries to help him see the worth in himself, to support him through his journey, and provide a gentle unconditional love even as she deals with her own personal demons. Act 1, 1.5, & 2 Appearance:
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Act 3 Appearance:
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RP Rules/Requests:
My DM's are open for RP requests. Please be: Over 18 (Over 25 preferred but I'm flexible) Please provide a screenshot of your TAV and a short biography (if writing your TAV). Please provide a writing example Please be prepared to write at least 1-4 paragraphs, shorter posts are acceptable in certain situations. Please write in 3rd Person, Past tense POV, NO EXCEPTIONS (Ex:"He walked down the road")
Looking for: TAV/TAV or Gale Dekarios
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“The wind has returned! Quick, let's go gliding!”
Rules! -NO NSFW, mod is a minor! Personally i find suggestive stuff okay though.
-no minority hate (or hate of any kind) or proships!
-please no ship wars, ill rp any ship (unless its a proship)
-cursing is ok!
Windy ballads - general
Aster answers asks - mod asks
Aster mod posts! = mod posts
About the mod!
Hiii! Im Aster, i use She/her pronouns mainly but im fine with they/them also. I got into genshin a few weeks ago because a friend recommended it, i just finished the mondstadt archon quests so im pretty early in game but im fine with spoilers. My other interests are hollow knight, Any and all music, sewing/fiber arts, Drawing, Acting and singing!
Other stuff
i may be ooc at times, this is my first rp/ask account
i have my own life! Including school and other things, i may not be able to get to your ask, after 2 or so days, you can resend it!
//… = mod speaking!
>…< = character thinking
“…” = character speaking
[…] = character actions
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dawn-lovelace · 4 months
So, she's really gone?
Cw: cursing, angst, spoilers for the titans curse and for @sweetxloverxx 's RP
Even though it was summer, there was a chill in the air. The chill was all Dawn could feel as they stared into the flames.
Haven's hot pink burial shroud had a silver scythe embroidered on it, for her adoptive father. Now all that was left were the ashes floating up into the sky.
Dawn twisted the pink friendship bracelet tied around their wrist as they looked up; watching the ashes float up to the stars. Her eyes were red even though she hadn't cried. He tried her best to not break down in front of everyone. They needed them to be strong. Dawn was one of the oldest campers. People looked up to them. She wouldn't dare let them see her cry.
They left the bonfire and sat alone on half-blood hill. Gazing up at the stars. They began to laugh. A hollow laugh. One with no humor behind it.
"Even when I try to stay away from them, they still get hurt. Right, Zoe?" They said, their voice breaking as they stared at the constellation of the Huntress.
They looked down at their shaking hands as their vision started to blur. The tears began to fall, there was no stopping them now. Her mascara ran down her face as her freckles began to glow.
They looked like a firefly caught in a rainstorm.
Their breathing was ragged, just gasping for air between sobs.
"I tried so hard. I tried to keep her safe. I got too close like I always do. And when she needed me most, I wasn't there." Her voice was small and weak, like a leaf trembling in a hurricane.
"I'm sorry, fuck, I'm so sorry! Haven..I" She looked up, he could see the smoke from Haven's fire from here. Swirling and dancing in the starlight.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, Zoe. I'm sorry for all the things I said. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..." his words quickly became sobs as she gazed at Zoe's constellation.
A red handprint formed on Zoe's face as Dawn looked at her with fire in their eyes.
"How dare you! Rebecca what is the matter with you!"
"THAT'S NOT MY NAME!" Dawn roared at the girl who used to be their best friend.
"Fine! Dawn, I did not know that you had become so unreasonable! I simply asked if you wanted your jacket back." Zoe said while rubbing the bruise on her cheek.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK BITCH! WHY WOULD I WANT THAT?!" Dawn gestured to the silver hoodie that was covered in dried blood.
"It belongs to you. You should have it back. I no longer want it to remind me of the incident." Zoe said 'incident' like it was a vile, disgusting word.
Dawn snatched the hoodie out of Zoe's hands, "FINE! I'LL TAKE IT!! HAVE FUN ON YOUR STUPID QUEST TO SAVE LADY ARTEMIS!"
"I doubt it will be fun, but thank you for the well wishes," Zoe said with venom behind each word.
"They were anything but well wishes. I hope you don't come back from this quest at all!" Dawn said.
The memory of their last interaction hit Dawn like a truck. She could feel the anger and regret flowing through their veins. Haven's death had made the old memories resurface again.
"I'm so sorry, Zoe. I-I didn't mean it. I'm sorry" They pulled their knees into their chest and wept.
"Haven, I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. I'm so so sorry." Their tears fell onto the pink friendship bracelet, now the only thing they had left of Haven.
@likeapriceless-wine @dionysus-god-of-all-things-wine @cabin-12-resident-daddy-issues @that-theaterkid
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moshieee · 11 months
So guess what! This an art blog
but I'm currently in... Uhh demotivation?
here are some important links to get your bearings it will still be chaos just telling you
Tadc Au: nightlight au
Currently open for questions and doodles and please ask I'm in a writers block 😔
Explanation/main info page?[reworking] who's in charge? censors?
Updated designs (sun) updated designs (moon)
Non au stuff
OCs first appearances
Taffy Tibu Trent Sparrow
(outdated art just for info) working on new ones updated below
Taffy Tibu Trent Sparrow
Story stuff?
nightmare maze "hide and seek" ice pack? Old friends
(silly) Floffis invasion
Important things (please read)
Blog rules a small request
Non fandom stuff
Mafia moshie
More stuff underneath the cut
My creations:
Current hyper fixations/fandoms
(I am obsessed, part of the fandom was part of the fandom, or am knowledgeable about them
( there are probably more buried somewhere deep in my psyche)
TADC, Rainworld, skylanders, slay the princess, Playground, our mafia au , Indigo Park
kinito pet, Omori, bendy, poppy playtime, Percy Jackson, hollow Knight, Oneshot, cult of the lamb, silksong(one day)
cup head, fnaf, bee and puppy cat, sky colt, toh, undertale, Splatoon , little nightmares, ddlc , Franbow, deltarune, seven universe, dhmis, warrior cats
animal crossing, Pokemon, baba is you, murder drones, Franbow, little misfortune , do not take this cat home
Tags I try to use to make it more organized:
Moshie Os: my art and doodles :p
Moshieee tales: just me talking
Moshieee rambles: me doing my best to give advice (please go talk to a professional if you need help i am doing my best but I don't know everything)
Mutuals: fun interactions with my friends <3
rabid jumpscare: Rabid scaring me by showing up (it's a talent)
Bun bun brother: bunsowo whoo hoo!
Dia fren: Dia wowza hia friend
Goop buddies: a surprise glitchyk appearance
Anon jokes: the anons being funny little goobers
Blog rules: stuff that pops up and I have to make a rule or explain my boundaries (please check them out if possible)
Long post: kinda clear, it's a long post (this is for people who block the tag)
Character facts: fun little tibits about the little guys I created
Others characters: fan art of other artists on tumblr OCs or AUs (technically all the tadc fan art counts but like...)
Time keeper moshie: me being pushy and making sure people get to bed on time when I'm the biggest hypocrite ever ;b
Art requests: art ideas that were given or requested (note I struggle with new characters)
Silly stuff: stuff that's just silly it's just a laugh
Story stuff: story driven and important to the characters/story/world
Comic: comics
Old post: old posts I for some reason decided to tag so we can laugh at past me being a silly little fool
If you want just random stuff or to see me curse look to @moshieee-but-evil
@mafia-moshie RP blog for the silly Mafia au 💃
@floffis-chaos blog for the floffis, full of fun facts and more info about them
@a-soon-too-be . . .
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oh-yeah-no · 1 year
Hello! Call me Pigeon. 30+ / bi / married / midwest Because this is a personal blog it's a bit of a hodgepodge! I am also a poor tagger. Interests: FFXIV - RP, Casual, Gpose, Housing! TTRPGs - Currently playing: 5e Curse of Strahd - Character: Cherish - Lancer - Character: Opal Reading - Sci-fi & Fantasy mainly! - Currently Reading: The Paladin series by T. Kingfisher.
The Characters
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| Odette Hollows | @ahollowgrave | Carrd | Twitter |
Menphina's Littlest Moonbeam
Nun Errant
Paladin Training Wheels
Grave Friend
Odette is my main for PvE and RP in FFXIV. If I am following your FFXIV RP character blog she's why!
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| Cherish | Mul/Reborn | Grave Cleric / Wild Fire Druid |
She Who Pierces The Fog
Budding Druid
The Everlight's favored Daughter
Art by @catbatart!
Cherish is my beloved Curse of Strahd character. She has her own tag on this blog! Currently having a normal and chill time in Barovia.
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| Opal | Lancer Pilot - LICH Frame | A Hoot n'Hollar |
Something about that girl ain't right.
Taught aliens how to line dance.
Was maybe once a mech
Art by SaltSimulacrum!
Although we've wrapped up the campaign (well over a year ago) some things just never leave you! My love for Opal is one of those things so she still gets a mention here!
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punkgears · 9 months
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— yo, yo, yo ! if you don't shut your mouth... i'ma shut it for you, PUNK !
DNI if: overall basic dni boundaries (transphobic, homophobic, racist, proshipper), toxic, weird in general, hate towards ocs or oc x canon content, underage *(for a specific reason i'll say down below), etc.
pls do not repost my art without credits, deem them as yours or use them for commercial purposes. you can like... use them as profile themes or even RPs, just... ask first, please. ty <33
greetings, dearest individual that has clicked on this profile! PLEASE, READ THIS RIGHT NOW BEFORE INTERACTING.
my name is kira, or kris. as you may have noticed, i am an occasional artist that will post once in a while, when remembering to. that being said, i also happen to write from time to time, although i think most likely i won't post my works here. the reason? i mostly write on RPs (out of this app) and personal works, not finding my writing that amusing at all. in fact, i am rather insecure on it. but, hey! a sometimes is not a never.
(important additions:)
nsfw also means potentially triggering topics, so here we go: my art or works may sometimes hold sensitive details from alcoholism to trauma and such. be cautious and watch your step, because this might even count as a "dead dove: do not eat" warning - even though i'll mostly not post such things?
my profile is rated as [n]sfw for a reason: i will post things with suggestive writing or a "wacky" vocabulary, such as curse words and such, but never actual 18+ works. i am highly uncertain if that still rates me "minor-friendly", so be highly aware. that being said, will also generally avoid reblogging adult works — if that boundary changes, i'll clearly alert you on a post.
[!] knowing i had previously written this, i have come to update on the matter and say that this profile is prone to nearly any sort of content. i apologize. if you are a minor, please, unfollow me and I BEG YOU to dm me so i can unfollow you back. i have quite the bad brain for things like this and i don't tend to have a rhytm with this app.
anyways, have a few things about my profile!
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a few personal info:
- 18 years old;
- he/they/it;
- trans-masc;
- brazilian;
- infj 4w5 - melancholic/sanguine.
i [might] draw and talk about...
- gachiakuta, jujutsu kaisen, dragon ball, adventure time, oyasumi punpun (no comments), hollow knight, hunter x hunter, fear & hunger (yeah, now you get the gist of the whole nsfw thing.), the boys (THAT TOO), cuphead, brawl stars, stranger things, studio ghibli in general, death note, rain world, beastars, demon slayer, breaking bad, mr. robot, one piece, jojo's bizarre adventure, gravity falls && much more.
be aware that i... (fun facts, or not):
- cuss. A LOT.
- may get too overfixated on a certain topic or character for a REALLY long time. that may grow annoying, but it depends on you... please don't judge me for it, i can't help myself.
- i am severely shy AND introvert. however, i do not bite!
- i will most likely draw and talk about oc x canon. yeah.
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fatedprinceofhearts · 4 months
Jacks, the Prince of Hearts, the best Fate. Open for bargains. Inbox open for special entry into gambling den.
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@archerslittlefox - my lovely girlfriend if you touch her I’ll make sure you don’t wake up tomorrow.
Cool guy — @lyricmerrywood
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The Greater Fates (but I'm the greatest):
@the-undeadqueen @the-maidendeath @themistressluck @the-poisoner @the-assassinfate
The Lesser Fates (losers):
@vampirel00rd @theunwedbride @priestess-priestess @ladyprisoner @thepregnantmaid JESTER MAD: OPEN
My girlfriend’s parents
Fated objects?
@theunbittenfruit @thearacle @fatedshatteredcrown
Bunch of lame people:
@empressdragna (tolerable) @julianbernadomarrerosantos @legendarydante MARISOL TOURMALINE: OPEN
@histographeraiko @tattooed-nigel @sour-purple-plums
Even lamer people:
@thefateslayer (no) @theauroravalor (no) @crownprinceofthemagnificentnorth (NO) @evaismine (NO)
Don’t listen to a word they speak or write:
@kristofknightlinger @kutlassknightlinger
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// rp is CLOSED to new characters until further notice
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cameragore · 4 months
What is rotting rabbits…
hello nonnie ...ERM!!!!! I'm assuming yr someone who I reblogged with my blorbos sso I apologize for the autism I'm about 2 spew at you. and I hope that this iss something u think is cool ❤️.... Ok. so first u need to know everymanhybrid which is a cool slenderverse series and I think if you like horror or general cool films go watch emh explained by night mind. Ok.
rotting rabbits - the pairing name for EVERY omen & habit pairing, IT IS ALSO the singular name for rr!omen and rr!habit also known as the canon emh roleplay. omen is my self insert oc for emh because I'm a system and my bff is a habit fixtive and so I do what I do w everything I like (roleeplay w it)...... every rotting rabbits is habit and omen HOWEVER. rr!omen and rr!habit aren't anything else, it's a square is a rectangle but not every rectangle is a square. habit in every rp has rabbit motifs and omen has dog ones . This is also the reason for most of the pairing names .... rotting rabbits is also our big special interest currently. everyy rotting rabbits in every form is some sort of yuri... Btw
THERE'S ACTUALLY!!! multiple omens annd mutliple habits and their own aus, all of these r roleplays and if u look at my pinned most of my posts r tagged in some way. ( 📷 - rotting rabbits / emh au omen . 🔦 - haunted hares / ghost hunter au . 📹 - cursed canines / swap au !! hollowed hybrids omen still doesn't have a erm emoji but that's. Pretty ok)
haunted hares - the ghost hunter + ghost au!!! omen is a famous ghost hunter who takes fame and ego in return for feeding habit who is a whole ass house people!!!! yep!!!! habit is literally aa house that's starved for human flesh and hes managed to live on through folktales of the house on the hill that he lives in / lives as . omen is a ghost hunter that """gets rid of habit""" and is made. Extremelyyyy famous for it ,,, this ends really dependent but they're buddy buddy . surprisingly the most normal feeling au of every one of these.
cursed canines - swap au it's. A dog based one bc omens taking the place of habit I felt extremely smart when thinking of this and honestly it is onee of my prouder moments. this is also our current system wide hyperfixtion lol ..... it was originally made out of spite because people were arguing about shipping habit being proship and I was annoyed with it so I made OMEEN worse than habit and me and my bff play with them like barbie dolls. omen kills people on stream, her and habit mutually stalk each other, omen actually kidnaps him.......... YEAHH. this is mentally ill and it's very awesome and it's what most of my posting has been recently
hollow hybrids - our animal HYRBID au!!!!! habit is a parasitic bug that crawls over and infects the hosts body + only goal is to create a hivemind, Evan and tehcinlally habit by default are a spider . Omen is a English lop, who is extremely paranoid and is forced to help habit after habit took over her house LOL!!! this is da newest one and so I don't got a lot to say with it, but I really like it.
erm.... For asking about it even if it wasn't in an "infodump pls" ask and more like "what da fuck are u saying" ask...... have some doodles of the guys.
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in order... cursed canines omen, haunted hares one and two, and a hollow hybrids omen. my pfp has rotting rabbits omen.
tl;Dr ; rotting rabbits is my everymanhybrid self ship pairing with roleplays that I do with my best friend .
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a-stoopid-person · 2 months
Fucking around with AI Harry Potter rp and made a whole thing that's basically a crossover with Hollow Knight, thought I'd write it down and get y'all's opinions on it. ((For the record, I know little to nothing about HP and that's probably gonna show))
It's gonna be long
The Kingdom of Hallownest
A sprawling kingdom hidden and isolated from the rest of the world, only recently opening it's society to the outside world, and swiftly caught by the Magical World due to the abnormal nature of their Kingdom, can't have a bunch of cave people with unknown magic interacting with the non-magic masses.
Masks and cloaks are a very important part of Hallownest's traditions, as showing your true face to strangers is taboo.
Soul Masters are the kingdoms equivalent to Wizards and Witches. They don't do crimes against humanity to get Soul powers, just a long time of learning and practicing.
Soul is what they call Magical Energy.
They seem bug-like but are mostly human, except for the whole living underground for generations. ((They do have bug genetics))
The Pale King and White Lady
The Monarchy of Hallownest are powerful figures and considered Higher Beings because of their powers. ((PK is less of an ass in this world))
PK is an engineer secretly, WL loves gardening.
They have many children. ((Totally not an experiment...))
PK surprisingly loves his children, WL is a great mother and takes care of every single child.
The children are called Vessels, but they all have individual names. ((WL went on a naming spree))
The Void and Vessels
The Void is a substance only found in Hallownest, some fear it, some revere it, but the Pale King uses it for his experiments. Vessels are a product of infusing Void into his unborn children, this was more out of curiosity than anything, they are completely mute, and have cloaks permanently attached to them, they have masks that are enchanted to bind to the Vessel and keep their inate powers under control.
The Radiance and Infection
The Radiance is another ruler, though her domain is the Crystal Peaks, which is attached to Hallownest. She and the Pale King went to war due to a misunderstanding, but the Vessel of the Void stopped them before it got really bad. The Infection was a curse put upon the citizens of Hallownest by The Radiance, but was dispelled after the Peace of Hallownest treaty.
Little Ghost and The Hollow Knight
Twin Vessels born before all the rest, Hollow Knight or just Hollow, was the strongest out of the two, while Ghost was more in-tune with the Void, ending up as The Shade Lord and revealing that the Void wasn't just a substance and was technically alive.
Deepnest and Hornet
Deepnest is a land below even Hallownest, hyper aggressive and brutal, the only way to keep his nation safe was to make a deal with the Ruler of Deepnest, Herrah the Beast, which ended with Hornet being conceived. Hornet herself was trained as a protector of Hallownest due to Deepnest's traditions saying the rulers protect their land or they are no rulers at all.
The Nightmare Heart and The Grimm Troupe
A nomadic faction who have traveled far in search of fuel for their God, which is negativity, The Grimm Troupe serve a being in between realities, and after the War of Lights ended The Radiance let the Nightmare Heart use part of her domain so that the Troupe would be able to stay in Hallownest and claim their own area.
Other Higher Beings and The Unity of Gods
Higher Beings are considered gods in the kingdom, Unn the one of Greenpath, the elusive Mushroom god, the Lifeblood beast, the Shade Lord, The Pale King, The White Lady, The Radiance, and The Nightmare Heart are the main and most powerful Higher Beings in Hallownest, while there are smaller ones they pale in comparison. The Unity of Gods was a way for all Higher Beings to have their domain and land as to not have to go to war and destroy countless lives.
The Ambassadors to the upper world
Due to the nature of Hallownest, it is considered a part of the Magical world, and isn't allowed to interact with the non-magic masses, and to integrate the kingdom, the King sends ambassadors with Soul Master status to share their culture and bring back news of the outside, some of the Kings children were even invited to join magical schools to further strengthen relations between them, which was accepted, and there are Vessels in almost every big school, usually only one or two in a school, since there is only so much space.
If you want you can use this for writing or art or stuff like that, it's just a thing that's been lingering in my small brain.
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Start of the Hollow night…
I believe you’ve heard of them…? The in-births.. those with the power of the EXS it started long ago with the Princess of the Night blade thus the curse started…
but as of now the Hollow Night now serves as a fighting ground for those with EXS some already skilled…others….
with other powers….
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*humming to herself*
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