#The King Hu Collection
superfan44 · 11 months
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These are my picks for this months Criterion Collection 50% off sale at Barnes & Noble:
Forty Guns (1957)
Dragon Inn (1967)
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
Buck and the Preacher (1972)
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two-red-lungs · 1 year
Pick Your Poison
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Content: Slow burn, stoner!Paul, he’s the Drugs Guy and I love him, unresolved tension, the Lost Boys are SO toxic
Word Count: 2.9k
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The neon sign in Saigon Soul’s window hummed, luminous and red, casting vermillion’s feather-soft hue across the rapidly cooling colors of the night. The last rays of the sun had faded less than an hour ago: but as soon as they did, like clockwork, your new favorite entertainment emerged. Just like he did every night. A reverse Cinderella.
Red looked good on Paul. It haloed his product-stiff blonde mane in a ruby glow and glittered like pomegranate seeds in a marching line down his gilded row of medallions. Turned his off-white eyes and teeth pink, too. He huffed, smacking his lips obnoxiously in an effort to puff away the heat of his extra-spicy beef noodle pho, flapping his hands about. The piles of bracelets on his wrists jangled.
“Fuck me, man. That’s good.” He said in his usual laid-back, loose tone after a gulp of iced tea from his flimsy paper cup. 
“Mmm.” You hummed and picked up a heavy shrimp spring roll with your chopsticks. Maybe it was the thick seaside summer air, or the heavenly deep-fried smells that wafted your way every time the narrow restaurant door opened, but the damn things smelled amazing. “Told ya. This place is a total hole in the wall but their food’s primo.”
“Uh-huh.” He sucked pepper oil off the pad of his thumb and scratched his stubbly cheek contemplatively. Even like this, reeking of sweat and looking like a cat got lost in his hair somewhere, he was so beautiful it was almost ridiculous. Damn those baby blues. “My man Dwayne’s gonna dig on this stuff. He’s one bona fide heat fiend. Eats the fuckin, the… the uh…” He snapped his fingers a few times, brows furrowed in utmost stupefied contemplation. “The little spoons, with the red powder on top, you know—”
“Tamarind candy?”
His face lit up like the sun. Jesus Christ. That smile was a flashbang, a dynamite stick, a stun baton. Made you go all stupid. “Yeah! Yeah, man, the tamarind candy! Gotta get him some of that stuff.”
You looked down at your paper plate of food and worried at the inside of your lip with your teeth. Somewhere down the street dance music was playing. Car lights ghosted over your and your dinnermate, lighting up the strangers that walked by on the sidewalk next to you. It was by all means a perfect night: balmy wind and the distant sound of the boardwalk rides on the air. But Paul bringing up his brother… it sent an uneasy sensation down your spine and you couldn’t quite pin down why. 
Paul had stumbled into your life three weeks ago, completely drunk on the beach. You’d been a good samaritan: held his hair back while he puked, tossed him a bottle of water while he reeled and slurred out that his brothers had dumped his ass for being too intoxicated. But the whole while, he grinned. Like he could enjoy anything. Like no matter what situation life put him in, he’d find some way to have fun. 
He sat by your little bonfire in the grassy dunes and you chatted. You showed him some of your stick-n-poke tats and he’d insisted on getting one himself. And (in a decidedly less good samaritan way) you’d given him one, india ink blackening your fingers and his inner arm skin cold under your fingers. And that’s how you’d gotten to know him, how you’d continued to know him over the last collection of days. Alone, just him. His weird, easily-distractible, impulsive, entertaining self. He mentioned he had three brothers, once or twice, and you took it in stride. 
Then you’d seen him with them. 
He was like an entirely different person. 
Across the sea of beach boardwalk heads you’d spotted him. But it didn’t feel like him. He sat lazily up on a railing surrounded by equally eccentric young men, and they watched the crowd like tigers. Like mad kings looking down on their kingdom. A beautiful young woman passed and they all jeered, whooping and whistling and clapping: even Paul. With an aggression and odd hunger in his eyes you’d never seen before. They all moved in tandem, like wolves, wordlessly communicating in a way that made your skin crawl. 
You left. 
Now he was Paul again tonight: just Paul, the Paul you knew and hoped to god was the real version. The guy who couldn’t talk and chew gum to save his life. The guy who declared a thumb war with you and proceeded to lose six times in a row. The guy who delighted in rocking the sky-glider that slowly trundled over the pier until you were shrieking and clinging to his coat.
Either way, real Paul or not, you were glad you’d yet to meet his family. 
The blonde stretched, yawned, and hopped out of his seat, digging a hand into his dingy riding pants pocket. When you moved to counter, pulling your wallet out of your bag, he uh-uhed you and flapped his own leather-bound one in your face. “Not a chance, girl. Paulie’s good for it.”
You raised your brows. As far as you knew, he was a surf bum with a penchant for partying. No way was he holding down a nine to five to pay for dinner. 
Paul scoffed at your look. “I got a freebie from a real charitable dude.” He flashed the corner of a hundred at you and stuck out his tongue with a smile before wrestling two fives out of his cash-thick wallet. 
“Uh-huh. Someone just… handed you what, looks like… six hundred bucks?”
“He didn’t need ‘em anymore.” Paul didn’t even watch his wallet fall, he just dropped it to the table, flattening the bills to presentability with his fingers. “Try not to miss me, ‘kay?” In a whirl of pungent sea salt and old-timey coattails he was inside the little eatery, the bell on the poster-covered door jingling. 
You idly scratched at the hem of his leather wallet with your thumb nail while you waited. Real charitable dude, huh? You weren’t stupid. Paul was a street fiend. Ran trades and exchanges from the pockets sewn inside his coat with practiced ease, like he was born to sell ditchweed and glass-cut coke to summer-break college students. No doubt that’s where the money came from. Hell, the way he was standing around with his brothers… you wouldn’t be surprised if they were his suppliers. 
Something crunched under the edge of your nail. You brought your thumb to your face. There was a line of red, deep and nearby brown, trapped between the keratin and your skin. Dirt, obviously. 
It was dirt. 
Had to be dirt.
Like a category three hurricane, Paul was back, and before you knew it you were on your feet and moseying down the bustling town avenue. One of his long, lithe arms was draped almost crushingly over your shoulder, holding you to his side. He jingled with every footfall. Golden strands of hair blustered in the corner of your vision and you felt his ribs, pressed against your side, swell and contract with a contented sigh.
Two could play at that overconfident, wild-child game. With a little effort you extracted a pinned arm and shoved it under his coat, grabbing his waist over his mesh top and holding him much in the same way he held you as you jaunted down the avenue. He threw his head back and laughed, his stride never wavering. 
“You kinda got guts, girl.” He cackled into the coastal breeze. 
“So, Paulie.” You ignored his needling, crossing the crosswalk and ambling past seemingly endless pizzerias and cinemas and smoke shops. “Level with your good, kind, very honest and transparent friend. How many acid tabs did you sling to get that sorta funding?”
Paule shook your shoulder with a strong hand. “Wasn’t lyin’ to you, c’mon. I really did get that green for free.” The walk sign nearby turned from stop to go and you crossed another street. “Me and my brothers, we got ways, y’know? Not gonna be strapped for cash any time soon.”
Sometimes, when Paul looked at you just right, you thought your damn heart was gonna beat out of your chest. Like he saw right through the bullshit into your soul. But other times, times like now, you realized just how little you actually knew the guy. 
“I got ‘bout an hour before I gotta jet, girl.” Paul started talking again and you blinked: you’d arrived in front of the bulb-studded Casino Arcade arched entrance at the boardwalk without even noticing it. When you looked up at him, he was already looking down at you, eyes crinkled in kiddish mischief. “You down for a puff ‘n play?”
“Just an hour?” You mockingly pouted, extracting yourself from him and crossing your arms broodingly in the small ever-flowing crowd of young adults going in and out of the noisy arcade. “Geez, Paul. What am I, a time-killer till you can go have real fun?”
He laughed and there was a bark to it. “If you could handle real fun I’d take you with me.” A little of his usual spaced-out bliss receded. “But I, uh. Don’t really think the guys would appreciate a plus one at our… parties.”
“Wow.” You deadpanned. “Not vague and condescending at all.” With a conceding huff you punched his shoulder playfully, making his body rock like an inflatable car-sale mascot. “Fine, blondie. I’m game.” Paul was grinning from ear to ear and dragged you by the sleeve off to the underside of the pier, fishing around in his inside pockets. “But none of that skunkweed, you hear me? And if I kick your butt at Speedway again you gotta gimme your ring like you promised last time!”
He stopped short so quickly you nearly collided with his tall, narrow back. Paul whirled around. “Yeah? What do I get if I win?”
You were very acutely aware of how close he was standing, nearly chest-to-chest, and how the shadow-painted back side of the arcade by the barnacle-stippled pier was much less crowded than the arcade. You swallowed and his sharp, playful gaze tracked the motion of your throat reflexively. “It’s— augh, um— mystery prize. Can’t tell you what it is till you win. Which you won’t.”
He was silent for a few seconds, sucking on the inside of his cheek. Thinking. Then he grinned. “Alright.” He flicked a lighter across his knuckles and pressed the button down. The little firelight flickered wildly in the turbulent air. “Let’s get toasted.”
Sitting down in the shadow-dark sand between the pier legs, watching him roll a joint right then and there on his narrow knee, you reeled. Sometimes you really couldn’t tell what his deal was. Were you a time-killer? A listening ear? A friend? The way he looked at you, sometimes— it didn’t feel friendly.
If it was good or bad, though… the jury was still out on that one. 
So. It wasn’t skunkweed.
It was nice and palatable and bright. Absolutely top-shelf stuff he was handing out to you pro-bono. The world was a delicious blur: arcade lights were multihued and the speaker music was pop-y and completely grooveable. Your skin prickled in the hot interior air: fabric just felt better after a few puffs. And god, Paul was the funniest, weirdest, most oddly endearing beanstalk of a man when he was on the stuff. 
He had his forehead pressed so hard to the claw machine it was going to leave a red halo: he beat the side with his fist and howled in breathy, entertained frustration when the wimpy claw let the neon green monkey plush slip from its grasp under your careful joystick management. “Ahh, you dropped it again! Unbelievable!”
“It’s not exactly made to be easy, doofus! I’d like to see you try.” You half-chuckled, half-grumbled, feeding the hungry quarter slot more change. You missed the slot a few times before you succeeded. 
Paul reeled back and rounded the machine like a big cat, waving jingly arms. “You’re an amateur, girl. Let a pro show ya how it’s done.” 
You assumed he’d push you out of the way: god knows he'd done it before. But no, of course now he decided to act exactly like the Paul you’d come to know. He pressed up behind you, chin tickling the crown of your head, and put a hand over yours on the joystick when the machine popped back to life, revitalized by the loose change. It chirped out a happy eight-bit tune and Paul hummed along to it, guiding the claw around and back. His fingers were cool over yours. You could feel his belt buckle biting into your back over your shirt. 
You held very, very still, mouth pressed into a thin line. He jammed the drop button. The claw lowered, clamped over the green monkey, and hauled it over to the prize chute. It dropped it without a hitch: the plush clunked into the deposit receptacle.
Paul’s mouth was behind your ear, cold breath on the shell of it. “See? Pro.”
Then he was gone, crouching like an animal by the chute and wrestling the monkey free, and god you were reeling again: collecting your very high nerves with hands still clutching the sweating joystick plastic. 
“What’s my prize?”
Paul doubled down, resting his weight against the Blasteroids arcade machine and wiggling the monkey at you. “I won. What’s my mystery prize, hmm?”
You collected yourself enough, finally. At least enough to scoff dismissively. “Please, I basically wiped the floor with you in Speedway and Super Mario—”
“You can’t argue with evidence, girl.” When you lunged to snatch the green ‘evidence’ out of his grip he reached upwards with it, holding it over your head mockingly, a cheshire smile on his face. “Cough it up. I want my prize.”
You jumped for the monkey and it went even higher. Grumbling and hopping and face starting to grow very flushed with an ‘I don’t have a fucking mystery prize’ panic, you rambled and cajoled at him, flipping between wheedling and threatening. It took you about fifteen seconds to realize he was no longer staring down at you, but rather over your head. 
“Paul.” A laid-back, low male voice said evenly from behind you. 
An icy knot formed in your stomach. You turned, slow as a glacier, and yep, it was exactly what you thought it was. Two of the brothers you’d spied the blonde hanging out with before. The tall, dark, and brooding one, and the peroxide-spiked trench coat model.
The latter lifted his eyebrows at you when he caught you staring. A tight, cold smile graced his lips for a moment before he turned his cutting gaze back to his brother. “Thought we all agreed to be at the statue by ten. We missed you.” His eyes slide back to you. “Who’s your friend?”
You stood as tall as you could in the given circumstances, feeling rather like a park ranger making himself as big as possible to frighten off a bear. An introduction was on the tip of your tongue. It got knocked off of it when Paul abruptly elbowed past you, shoulder-checking you hard enough to offset your balance. When he stood by his brothers, he looked exactly in place. Like he was meant to be there. 
He glanced down his nose at you. There was a different sort of smile on his face. An insider smile. One you didn’t feel like was for you. “Just some chick, David. Y’know how it is. Where’s Marko?”
“Scoping out dinner. Probably waiting on us, now.”
“Shit man, then let’s go!” Paul crowed, snapping his fingers and grinning, tongue trapped between his teeth. “I’m starvin’.”
The whole while they talked, the tall, dark-haired one watched you with crossed arms. Taking in the way your face shifted, the confused, hurt pinch in your brow. The pac-man machine illuminated half his face, like a skull of amber-yellow. You caught his eye. The intensity of his gaze forced yours down to the multicolored carpet. 
“After you.” David gestured broadly with a gloved hand towards the arcade entrance, and Paul flounced towards it without so much as a goodbye or a sparing glance in your direction, even after an entire evening together. David looked at the dark-haired one. “Dwayne. Time to roll.”
A long-drawn out pause. You refused to look up. 
“...Comin’.” Dwayne eventually said. The trio disappeared between arcade machines, tops of their heads barely visible, then vanished into the crowded Santa Carla night. 
The green monkey was abandoned on the floor, limbs splayed. You picked it up, its glassy plastic eyes blankly reflecting the arcade lights. Like it was mocking you for being there, alone, after that. 
“Fucking asshole.” You breathed in disbelief to yourself. Far more hurt than you thought you’d be. You’d hung out with him for what, six days, tops? Were you even friends? Was he not just some nighttime stranger, a weirdo who emerged from the woodwork to show you a good time once in a while? Paul was good. Paul was fun. He was a fat blunt and a shot of tequila and a roller-coaster ride all wrapped up into one person. 
You’d picked him as your poison of preference. It was a good poison. Now you were starting to wonder if you’d picked wrong. 
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zibus · 5 months
Theory time!
I dont think Blackbeard is a true D.
Blackbeard is one of my favorite characters in One Piece, and one of my favorite fictional villians of all time. Im fascinated by everything we learn about him, and by how he serves as a foil to Luffy.
The most important way he foils Luffy is the differences between their approaches. Both have increadible ambition and want to stand at the top of the New Era, but the way they approach this goal are completely opposed.
Luffy is bullheaded in the best way. He picks a goal every arc (usually punch the bad guy) and lets nothing stand in his way. He acts impulsively, based on instinct. In Fishman Island, we see how the crew plans around Luffy disrupting their plans. In Film Gold they even purposefully dont tell him the full plan. He is often also willing to risk his dream for those he considers his friends - to help them achieve their dreams. As he travels, he constantly inspires others, leading to him collecting the crew and Grand Fleet.
Blackbeard, on the other hand, is cautious and meticulous. Shanks describes how BB waited in Whitebeards shadow till the time to strike. He tells Ace he has "a plan to reach the top." Above all he his pragmatic. He recruits not by inspiring people, but by offering them something they want - as seen with Shiryu and Aokiji. Even at the moment of hus greatest triumph, when he shocks the world by obtaining the Tremor Tremor fruit, he isnt willing to do anything that might jeopardize his long term goal. When Shanks arrives, even though BB just declared he is now the strongest, he says its not time to fight and leaves.
There are lots of fascinating details about what makes BB special, but the most intriguing to me is that he doesn't sleep. Ever.
If I wanted to be King of the Pirates, and I never slept, you know what Id do? Id use that time to study and plan. I think we can say with some confidence BB does this. The first step of his plan, as far as we know, is that he studied and memorized every known devil fruit to find the perfect one - the Dark Dark fruit - for his plan. Every move he makes is calculated with the risks carefully weighed.
To get to the point: I think Marshall Teach learned about the Will of D in his studies somehow - not the full truth! - enough to recognize that pretending to be a D might give him a leg up. It might intimidate some, or bring certain allies under his banner, for instance. And so he chose to start using it. He didnt truly inherit the will.
Why I like this: the main reason is that he's the only D clan member who is without a doubt evil. Garp is complex and made choices most of us would disagree with, but he isnt selfish or corrupt like so many in the Navy. Perhaps Rocks was truly evil but we dont know enough about him. Otherwise all the other D members are clear allies of the Strawhats. Furthermore, they all seem to display a clear emotional drive to do what they believe is right. Saul betrays the Navy after meeting a single woman who cast doubt on the gov's intentions. While Vivi goes undercover, it reads more as desperation rather than some thought out plot. We all know about Ace and Luffy. Law is the most coniving among them, but in Dressrosa he goes along with Luffy and abandins his comokex plan to defeat Doflamingo, and in Wano he nearly jeopardizes the mission by turning himself over in order to save his crew. They act on insrinct and their strong moral compasses.
All except Blackbeard.
So how would this tie to the one concrete hint we have about the Will of D? That they are the enemies of the gods a.k.a. the Celestial Dragins and Imu?
Well, we know that BB is willing to work with the Navy to achieve his goals. First by becoming a Warlord, then by capuring Bonney, and currently with Coby. I think if BB thought he could achive complete personal freedom and power by being a Marine he would. And I think he will, or at least try to. He will try to usurp the World Gov. under his control while the true Ds will try to dismantle it. This will betray him as someone who doesnt truly care about freedom - only power.
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funnyfooddatabase · 9 months
Burger King’s The Nightmare King and Scary Black Cherry Frozen Fanta
Food AND Drink
Type of Funny Food: Seasonal
Introduced: October 2018
Location: Burger King
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For the 2018 season, fast food chain Burger King released a set of spooky food and drink.
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These were The Nightmare King, a grilled beef and chicken burger with American cheese, onions, mayonnaise, and bacon between two green buns, and Scary Black Cherry Frozen Fanta, a black-hued frozen beverage.
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Allegedly, according to a study conducted by Paramount Trials, Florida Sleep & Neuro Diagnostic Services, Inc., and Goldforest Inc., the collected data indicated participants were 3.5 times more likely on average to experience nightmares after eating The Nightmare King. This study was detailed in a press release, not published in any journal, nor peer-reviewed, so take this with a grain of salt.
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louisupdates · 1 year
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A lucky collector will be able to purchase one of Louis’ white label vinyls through auction to benefit the Brit Trust. [Article]
The White Label Auction in Aid of The BRIT Trust – the world’s only known auction of “white label” test pressings – takes place next week on Tuesday, 6th June 2023. This year it will have more than 200 lots of highly collectible ‘white-label’ test pressings – the most offered in the four editions of the auction to date since it began in 2019.
The online/on-site auction is once again being hosted by music memorabilia and vinyl records specialists Omega Auctions from their Newton-Le-Willows (Greater Manchester) base. The full catalogue can be accessed here.
Fans and collectors can bid from a huge selection of white label test pressings that rarely come to market, with some even signed by the artists such as The Cure, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, New Order, and Wilko Johnson.
The UK’s record labels led by Universal Music UK, who founded the event with the BPI, along with BMG, Domino Recordings, Cherry Red, Sony Music Entertainment UK, Warner Records and others, each year join forces to curate a broad selection of white label auction lots to raise funds for the vital work of music industry charity The BRIT Trust – which promotes education and wellbeing through music and the creative arts to support causes that include the BRIT School and Nordoff and Robbins.
In January the BPI reported that vinyl albums had recorded a 15th year of consecutive growth in the UK, with over 5.5m LPs purchased in 2022. This rising demand for vinyl has in turn resulted in a growing archive of white label test pressings – so called because there is no sleeve artwork at this early stage – which record labels produce ahead of the full release of an album to ensure its audio quality. With only a handful produced, these first-off-the-press copies are snapped up by collectors on the rare occasions they become available, as evidenced by the huge interest in the three White Labels Auctions to date, which between them have raised around £100,000.
White label test pressings by the following artists:
Arcade Fire / Beth Gibbons, Portishead / Black Grape / Blind Faith / Blossoms / Brian Eno / Bryan Ferry / Budgie / Buzzcocks / Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa / Calvin Harris, Katy Perry & Pharrell Williams / Calvin Harris & Sam Smith / Camel / Caravan / Celeste / The Charlatans / Chemical Brothers / Christy Moore / Corinne Bailey-Rae / Cream / The Cure / Daryl Hall & John Oates / Deep Purple / Derek and The Dominoes / Dexy’s Midnight Runners / Diana Ross / Dio / Dirty Pretty Things / Donovan / Doves / Duffy / Dusty Springfield / Ed Sheeran / Emeli Sandé / Eric Carmen / Eric Clapton / The Ethiopians / Eurythmics / The Fall / Fairport Convention / Frankie Goes To Hollywood / ightened Rabbit / Gary Moore / Gaz Coombes / Genesis / George Ezra / Graham Parker / Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five / Gregory Isaacs / Helloween / Inspiral Carpets / Iggy Pop / J Hus / Jacob Collier / Jake Bugg / The Jam / Jamie T / Joe Cocker / John Martyn / John Martyn & Beverley Martyn / John Mayall / Joni Mitchell / Julian Cope / Justin Hayward and John Lodge / Karl Hyde / Kate Nash / Katie J Pearson / Kelis / Kid Creole / Kings of Convenience / Koffee / The LA’s / Laura Marling / Level 42 / Led Zeppelin / Lindisfarne / Linton Kwesi-Johnson / Louis Tomlinson / Ludovico Einaudi / The Lumineers / McAlmont & Butler / Madness / Manic Street Preachers / Marianne Faithfull / Mark Ronson & Miley Cyrus / Mark Knopfler / Meat Loaf / Melt Yourself Down / The Members / The Mighty Diamonds / Mike and The Mechanics / Mike Oldfield / MJ Cole Moby / Monty Python / The Moody Blues / Motorhead / Mott The Hoople / Nathaniel Rateliff / Nazareth / Neneh Cherry / New Order / Nicholas Briteli / Noah and The Whale / Nothing But Thieves / Nova Twins / Orchestra Manouevres in the Dark / Pale Fountains / Paloma Faith / Paul Weller/ Penguin Café Orchestra / Pete Townshend / Pete Townshend and Ronnie Lane/ PiL / Pulp / Quincy Jones / Rag ‘n’ Bone Man / Rainbow / Rhys Lewis / Richard & Linda Thompson / Rick Wakeman / Rizzle Kicks / Robbie Williams / Robyn / Roger Waters / Ronnie James / Rory Gallagher / The Ruts / Sam Cooke / Sandie Shaw / Sandie Shaw & The Smiths / Sandy Denny / Scissor Sisters / The Scorpions / Scott Walker / Selecta’s Choice Series / Sex Pistols / Shed Seven / The Silvertones / Simple Minds / The Skatalites / Sparks / The Slits / Soul II Soul / The Specials / The Spice Girls / Squeeze / Status Quo / Stereophonics / Steve Winwood / The Stone Roses / Supertramp / T-Rex / Tame Impala / Tangerine Dream / Teardrop Explodes / Tears For Fears / The Teskey Brothers / Therapy? / Thin Lizzy / Tom Speight / Travis / UB40 / The Undertones / Underworld / UNKLE / The Vaccines / The Vamps / Van Morrison / Various: Blue Note / Various Folk / Various Dance - John Morales and others / Various – Little Big Lies / Various – NOW Yearbooks 1980 - 1985 / Various – The Wanderer / Various – Soul / Various – Sound of the Suburbs / The Verve / The Wedding Present / The Who / Wilko Johnson / You Me At Six
See here for full Omega Auctions catalogue list of featured titles.
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Teyvat's afterlife beliefs:
I've talked about this in passing and never really elaborated, but here's a vaguely holistic understanding of the various beliefs about what happens to the dead in Teyvat:
Mond is familiar with death on a scale that no other nation is, not because they are always on death's door but because their Archon acts a messenger and guide to dying. Barbatos is known and recognized for his efforts in leading spirits across the border of life and death and ensuring that their souls are safe on "the other side." It's important to note that death is not sanctified, nor is it something expected to move on from quickly ( Diluc, Hans, and Alfred as examples). Otherwise, Mondstadt doesn't really speak of death, because it doesn't impact their lives on the same level it does for other nations.
Like Mondstadt, Liyue is familiar with death but that's because they remember more recently about the people and beings they have lost. Death is a constant in Liyue, who watches their adepti die and leave, their Yakshas fall, their people falling to miamisa as a result of such a death, and their God "failing a divine trial." This nation is covered in ruins of times long gone and mossy statues of holy beings who are nameless to the modern folk. Of course, the best explanation for death is Hu Tao. Tao gives the most in depth explanation for an afterlife through the most annoying story quest domain yet, as she explains there is a space meant for spirits to stay before crossing over. This place is seen as a stasis of sorts as the spirits there don't change but don't get a relief, they are there willingly as they wait for anything tying them to the living world.
(This brings up curious implications for Mondstadt, as it is the only nation thus far to be without the dead staying for too long. Either the people's culture or Barbatos himself seems to encourage Mondstadters to easily move into the next life, thoughts for your local venti enthusiasts to consider.)
Inazuma is the only nation thus far to not have a set, region specific belief or even an opinion of what happens after life. This is partially because their own archon has yet to process her grief, and partially because they focus only on Eternity as a nation. I think perhaps they are tired of death. There are about two separate gods whose death negatively impacted the ecosystem/quality of life of two different islands, there are several mentions of lost arts and techniques and families, with the Traveler even being responsible for ending one of these lines by killing 5 specific Ronin. I have yet to finish the unspecific world quests that allows the Ghosts of Tsurumi to pass on the "boat," so I can only speculate on that aspect of an afterlife. These Ghosts are much like the father of Mingyun Village.
Inazuma also introduces two other aspects to people of the past through Raiden Ei's second story quest, spirits in the form of memories shown in the leylines and shades of people in Enkanomiya. These two are not really counted as spirits yet to pass as these are memories of people and not actual spirits.
Now Sumeru actually has very similar beliefs of death to Mondstadt. I have yet to see the Akademiya/Sumeru City perspective of death, so we will be recounting from the Aranara and the Eremites. The Aranara refer to death often in regards to Marana because it is the effects of the forest dying. They say that it is a result of the trees learning about their eventual end, growing so sad that they withered into the decayed state they are found in. Those in the desert, however, have Mondstadtian beliefs. They speak of the Winds carrying the departed home, and most curiously, King Deshret's Golden Slumber. This is an allusion to death as singing the prayer to the King's throne immediately kills the person, sending them in a collective conscience in the Eternal Dreamland. I digress, there are no spirits or Ghosts in Sumeru as of 3.5, especially not of any mortals.
Immortal/Divine Deaths are a tricky thing in Teyvat, but at least Xiao tells us that no matter the frustration of God's, no grudge can last longer than 1000 years. And really, there isn't any dead gods we meet besides Andrius and, hesitantly, Rukkhadevata and Makoto, so either all the other gods have been dead for longer than 1000 years or there hasn't been recently divine deaths. We know that the death of divinity brings a terrible burden on the land and people, that Harvia's people and domain turned entirely to salt, that Serai Island is unsafe for citizens and nothing grows on Watatsumi, that the negative miasma from Orabashi kinda fucks up the environment of Yashiori Island. I don't know if they get an afterlife, and I don't think anyone else really knows either
If we really want more concrete answers, I think we would have to corner both Tao and Venti down in one sitting/back-to-back to get them to cover everything.
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the-archlich · 1 year
Do we know why Cen Hun was despised? Do you think he deserves his negative reputation?
There's very little recorded. I think Sima Guang collected it all pretty well.
ZZTJ 80 discusses the execution of one Zhang Song.
Sun Hao was suspicious of anyone who seemed to be better than him. One such target of his suspicions was the Palace Attendant and Prefect of the Palace Secretariat, Zhang Shang. This Zhang Shang was the grandson of Zhang Hong. He was skilled at rhetoric and debate, and his petitions always resulted in discussions, so Sun Hao gradually began to hate him. At one point, Sun Hao asked Zhang Shang, "In drinking wine, whom do I take after?" Zhang Shang replied, "Your Majesty has 'the capacity of a hundred goblets'." Sun Hao said, "You know very well that Confucius was not a king, and yet you compare me to him." He became suddenly angry, and ordered Zhang Shang to be arrested. More than a hundred people, from the nobles and chief officials on down, came to the palace and kowtowed before Sun Hao, asking that he forgive Zhang Shang's offense. So Sun Hao at first spared Zhang Shang from death and merely exiled Zhang Shang to Jian'an commandary to build ships, but he soon had Zhang Shang killed anyway.
Sima Guang and Hu Sanxing elaborate in the commentary, in which they try to resolve certain contradictory accounts. This is where Cen Hun is relevant:
(Zhang Hong served under Sun Ce and Sun Quan, as seen in the part of Zizhi Tongjian dealing with the reign of Emperor Xian of Han. The 孔叢子 has this story: "Lord Pingyuan of Zhao was drinking heavily together with Confucius, and he urged strong wine on him. Lord Pingyuan said to Confucius, 'It has been said that Emperor Yao could drink a thousand 鍾 of wine. You yourself can drink a hundred goblets, and from what your disciple Zilu claims, he can drink only ten vessels himself. Since all the worthies and sages of old were skilled drinkers, Master, what is your excuse?" A 觚 “goblet” is a kind of wine vessel, which can hold two 升 of wine. Sima Guang's commentary in the Textual Analysis states, "The Annals of the Thirty Kingdoms states, 'Cen Hun and the other officials smeared their heads with mud and begged that they might suffer death in place of Zhang Shang. So Zhang Shang was able to avoid the death sentence, and was instead exiled to Guangzhou.' But I follow the account of the Biography of Zhang Shang in the Records of the Three Kingdoms (at the end of the Biography of Zhang Hong), with some additions from Master Huan's Records of Wu." As for what I (Hu Sanxing) believe, it was Zhang Shang's skill in dealing with people that allowed him to attain a position so close to Sun Hao, but it was that same skill which also brought on Sun Hao's rage against him. The people who pleaded for his life must have been Cen Hun's followers. The Annals of the Thirty Kingdoms must have been correct about this as well.)
If Sima Guang and Hu Sanxing are correct about Cen Hun and his adherents trying to save Zhang Shang, then he had at least some redeeming qualities. Wu's secondary chancellor Wan Yu was a very similar figure.
ZZTJ 81 provides the story of Cen Hun's death as the Jin armies drew close to the capital. This follows an account by Gan Bao who I don't generally trust, but the SGZ account doesn't really provide any details and Gan Bao's version (unlike his various supernatural tales) is not difficult to believe.
Sun Hao had a favored minister, Cen Hun, who was deviant and sinister, fawning and flattering. He held a position as high as the Nine Ministers, and he delighted in engaging in all sorts of plans and projects, so he was a great scourge and brought suffering to many.  When the Jin soldiers were about to arrive at Jianye, several hundred of Sun Hao's palace servants kowtowed before him and said, "The northern army is close at hand today, yet the soldiers will not lift their blades to fight. Does Your Majesty not know why this is?"  Sun Hao asked them, "What is the reason?"  They replied, "It is all just because of Cen Hun."  Sun Hao merely told them, "If it is as you say, then I shall have my slave apologize to the people!"  The crowd replied, "Indeed!"  And they all rose up to go arrest Cen Hun. Sun Hao kept sending men to pursue the crowd and stop them, but by then the crowd had already butchered Cen Hun.
Credit belongs to @fuyonggu for translating this some time ago. That's someone who really doesn't get enough appreciation.
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ooc-miqojak · 2 years
LFRP/Character Info: Lilliana Whitedawn
Name: Lilliana Whitedawn
Alias: Lily
Species: Sin'dorei (Felblood?)
(This character is very specifically not an Illidari/Demon Hunter.)
Age: (Young Adult) 140
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 6'1”
Eyes: Fel-green
Complexion: White, sun-tanned
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Build: Lean/Toned
Prominent Features:
Fel-green thorned vines tattooed about her torso and hips – not unlike an Illidari's...but not entirely like them, either. There's binding that's been done, however stylized the vines may be; perhaps in homage to her nickname, 'Lily', these tattoos have been shaped like thorned, flowering vines.
There are several notable pieces of jewelry – from a few rings, to a necklace, to several small, delicate golden earrings along her lengthy ears; the specifics are best left to RP, and though this may come across as a display of status... it is, to her, a collection of memories of those now lost to her.
Dark-hued, ridged ram's horns sweep low and close to her head, to curl behind those long, slender ears. (The in-game model is... not as sleek as I'd like, alas. Hers have moreso the shape and form of the version that male Sin'dorei get.)
Relationship Status: Single, divorced from a very brief marriage
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Children: One daughter (Caitiri Whitedawn), age 10 at the beginning of DF
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Residence: Quel'thalas apartment, Eversong Woods Estate, Eastern Plaguelands Estate
Faction: Faction neutral. The Alliance races are often accepted more readily than Horde ones. (Extremely human friendly! They were her people's first allies, after all.)
Languages: Thalassian, Common, Draconic, Demonic, Orcish (she may be able to fumble around in Darnassian). Likely in the order of how well she speaks them, to boot (she doesn't use orcish unless she must, frankly)
Noble of Silvermoon; Knight of the Argent Crusade; retired from the Blood Knights after the Cataclysm. Does some pirating as a way to 'blow off steam,' in her struggle against her corruption. Her name is also often seen in charities around Silvermoon/the Quel'thalas area – donations to rebuilding efforts, and animal shelters mostly.
Over the last decade, she's had an estate built in the Eastern Plaguelands. She's hired – and keeps on staff – a number of druids and shaman, to tend to the land and heal it... and not just for her estate, either - they are encouraged to heal the land as they see fit, and she will continue to provide housing and pay.
Other nights, she haunts a nightclub in the underbelly of Dalaran known as The Nathrezim, owned by old friends from stories long told. The towering, horned woman can often be found making deals of a many and varied sort in a VIP booth – be it for drugs, connections, a boon, or favors-to-be-paid. It's the sort of place where any and all are welcome, and almost anything can be had... for a price. Race and faction don't matter where the deal is king.
She's a woman who keeps the very different facets of her life very far apart, and intends to keep it that way.
Tall and lithe, this platinum blonde, suntanned woman seems all but crafted to draw the eye, despite - or perhaps in spite of - the curl of wicked horns that sweep behind lengthy, pierced ears. There's a subtle allure - to scent, to voice, to form, to charisma in general - that's difficult to put one's finger on. Though in light of all this, it would be difficult to miss the ripple of lean muscle, the dark shadow of markings that slash through her eyes, or the flash of small fangs in a mischievous smile. Despite the dark edges of this Blood Elf, freckles splash merrily along her nose and upper cheeks; this terribly tall, horned woman retains her somewhat-delicate-seeming features, despite the rather obvious fel aura that most would sooner attribute to a powerful warlock...or even a demon.
Scars are usually hidden beneath clothing that is finely tailored, though never gaudy - unless comfort or utility is paramount; armor consists of dark, typically roguish, leather that sports a myriad of pockets, pouches, straps, and (often unnecessary) buckles...not to mention weapons both seen, or otherwise.
Do you know your demons? With curling horns and the dark, vertical markings on her eyes that attest to a Dreadlord, one might guess at her origins. But then, what research has been done on the long-term effects of fel on elves? If you know your demons...you don't know this one.
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Personality: Impetuous; Mischievous; Distant/mistrusting; Loyal; Flippant, prone to impulse. Also, loves animals (cats mostly, but she owns birds as well)! ...and baked goods.
These days, Lily isn't the people-pleaser she once was – indeed, she's far more interested in her own goals – striving, in ways, to preserve parts of who she was... while knowing, ultimately, that she will fall to her corruption in time. (I love Vampire:The Masquerade, and I like to keep their humanity system in mind.) She still feels deeply, even if she plays it off better these days – no more heart-on-her-sleeve. Though she is a loyal friend and partner, if those attachments are to be made, it's much more difficult a task, anymore. Loyalty is important. But few are loyal, and even fewer are worth her loyalty. Once bitten, twice shy jaded.
OOC Notes:
Hey there! I've played WoW off and on since Wrath, and started Lily near the end of Wrath/beginning of Cata, so she's been through a lot! Even the demon she fell into trouble with was a player, and her current state of being was all achieved through RP – I love angst, and I love consequences. I like dark RP – dark themes, explorations of morality (what is 'right' or 'wrong'? And who says so?), explorations of the darkest (and often through that, the brightest) parts of people of all kinds of backgrounds. (Not all RP has to be dark! As a note. I like angst, but coming up for air is nice too!)
I prefer (21+) RP partners who are proactive, and aren't afraid of OOC communication! (Especially in the dark RP niche) I like RP partners who know how to keep IC and OOC separate, and those who are able to step back from emotionally intense scenes once they're over... i.e., keeping the IC drama/angst purely IC! I love to talk about scenes, and RP ideas OOC, but I'm not a fan of when IC is taken OOC. (And admittedly, I like not giving away everything about a character up front... the mystery/the journey is why we tell stories, no?)
No out of game RP for me, unfortunately, unless I specifically invite it! I simply cannot stay in character in roleplays that last for multiple days in a forum style. I will need you to work with me on scheduling RP, as well! I can't be IC at a moment's notice, and prefer to schedule RP ahead of time to make sure I'm in the right headspace (the ADHD just functions better knowing when things are going to happen).
Also, I tend to be a para-poster! I mirror as well, but I tend to be descriptive, and that results in long posts - as if this long post wasn't warning enough...
Server: Wyrmrest Accord
This playlist has been around for many years - I long ago migrated it over from Youtube, since it existed before Spotify did, even! I've been updating it throughout the years as I've played Lily, and even tacked some songs on while I wasn't actively writing for her, so it's a good look back in time at who she's been - and perhaps a bit of a look at who she's becoming.
Almost anything you've read thus far could most likely be used as a hook! That's often why I include such details.
She used to run with a less than savory crowd, post-retirement from the Blood Knights, though it's rumored that the horned young woman now stands on her own two hooves feet in the shadows of Murder Row, and similar communities beyond. Maybe you'll find her there, or at the club in Dalaran, if you're not too picky about who you ask favors of.
- She spends a lot of time at Light's Hope, and still works with the Brotherhood of the Light... though if you know of this particular sect? You know why someone like her was assigned to a sect like theirs. She began squiring during the Cataclysm era, and went on to earn her Knighthood – so Argent connections are still great!
- She's still a Silvermoon noble of quite some rank - though she's rarely comported herself as a noble woman 'ought'... and yet, despite fel trappings, she seems to go above and beyond to ease the suffering of those under her charge, after the ravages of far too many wars... she's fought in most of them, after all.
- Gets up to pirate stuff sometimes! That's always a good hook. Maybe you're intrigued by the rumors of a 'demonic pirate crew' pillaging the high seas that no one can seem to confirm.
- Lily has a passion for history – her people's history, mostly. She's spent years flying around Azeroth with her draconic best friend, scouring ancient ruins for artifacts and anything else... often laying the spirits therein to rest, as well, considering she wielded the Light for most of those travels. Talk about Elven culture/history with her, or show off some artifact of your own! She's a secret nerd.
- Light Wielders beware... she has complicated feelings about the Light - very love/hate. (Although I do think it would be a blast for her to have a Light-based confessor-type she could speak with? But I can't promise she won't be creepy about it.)
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meili-sheep · 2 years
You know, the Teyvat Detective Club is a couple of legal files, some authentications, and a small retail building away from being a legitimate force:
Yanfei has her own law firm/legal advising sthick already and will make anyone pay through their teeth for her services.
Shinobu has graduated from law school, along with all of her other certifications and her golden streak with her gigs and jobs.
Heizou was a private detective before he went to the Tenryou Commission because they had more resources.
Cyno has studied extensively and trained vigorously to be able to investigate, judge, and hunt down certain scholars.
These guys are also quite active when it comes to going to their locations and getting stuff done as well as (mostly) doing the paperwork and operating on the legal side of things, and they also know specialized people and have access to their resources as well:
Hu Tao has definitely been called upon to examine the state of victim’s bodies as well as give further details that some people can miss
Tighnari can be trusted to identify certain plants and their potential effects on the body, specifically with inhalation, consumption, and contact with skin
Kazuha is an excellent tracker, especially when it comes to more remote areas where people like to try and disappear or hide from authorities
Xiangling knows anyone that comes in, as she has a encyclopedic memory of every single order and their specifications down to the individual person
Albedo usually helps them out when the inquiry is particularly interesting as well as if there’s any signs of the use of certain types of alchemy
Sucrose is typically to one that identifies the individuals if the bodies are too far gone for simple examination, using bones and cells to find specific details concerning the person
Sayu quietly passes on small details on observations, sightings, and persons of interest as she’s going about her own jobs and tasks
The collection of these specific skills and the individuals who possess them make for a very specialized network of people that make whatever cases the detectives have that much easier. So essentially, you’ve got:
Legal Unit (original members) - Yanfei, Shinobu, Cyno, Heizou
Investigative Unit - Kazuha, Sayu, Heizou
Forensics Unit - Albedo, Tighnari
Mortuary Unit - Hu Tao, Sucrose
Informantion Unit - Sayu, Xiangling, Yanfei, Shinobu
‘Specialized’ Operations (finding people) - Cyno, Shinobu, Kazuha
So this is a whole operation if you really wanna think about it.
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While I love this. And agree with this. Each detective club member has their own little specialist that helps them, and the other solve their cases.
I am just noticing a trend of people forgetting Diluc is in this club. And y'all can't keep calling him mondstadt batman and not recognize in this club when batman is called "world's greatest detective". Now I am a champion of "batman isn't really a detective" and "Diluc is more of a Jason Todd" But that's side the point. My original Idea for this group was
Diluc, Yanfei, Heizou and Cyno.
Because these are reps of each nation that focuses on justice and truth. This is why I'm meh oh Shinobu, an official club member, because while extremely useful and qualified. She doesn't value truth like the others. If this was the full Leverage AU, then yeah, I would put Shinobu in here.
But ultimately. I am the Diluc Pain Train. And While I love talking about other characters. Diluc is the king of my heart. So Let's not For get He's here.
So If you'll let me, I'm gonna make some tweaks.
Main Crew Diluc (Boss), Yanfei, Heizou, and Cyno
Legal Unit Yanfei (Lead) and Shinobu
Investigation Heizou (Lead) and Sayu
Pursuit Unit Cyno (Lead), Beidou, and Kazuha
Forensics Unit Albedo, Sucrose, Tighnari, and Hu Tao
Now I'm very open to people playing with this idea themselves. But I just want to make clear kind of what my original intention was. And That was a weird group of characters from each nation who bond over their pursuit of the truth.
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thosearentcrimes · 9 months
Read the biography of Jan Žižka by Petr Čornej (titled Jan Žižka). Very readable, though the regular misogyny and fanatical anti-communism asides are rather unwelcome and don't seem to add anything. I've touched before on the total inability of anti-communists here to keep any sort of remotely sober perspective on the topic, but it's especially disquieting that it affects historians if anything more strongly.
We would expect a writer capable of engaging with a figure responsible for acts as horrifying as those he attributes to Jan Žižka in a objective-ish and nonjudgemental tone to be similarly capable of a similarly measured response in other cases. The issue is, the author (as he almost admits in the afterword) is not really being nonjudgemental, he is moreso engaging in apologism for a personal hero, whose "flaws" his conscience as a historian prevents him from denying or hiding outright.
To shortly resume: Jan Žižka was a member of the Czech lower nobility, who mismanaged his meager estate and turned to martial activities on the broad spectrum from highway robber to mercenary. When the band he was a part of was dissolved he found himself (perhaps as a favor from erstwhile employers) a client of the King. While serving the royal court in Prague he would have encountered preaching by reformist university professors led by Jan Hus. As the conflict between the Hussites (now profiling themselves primarily as Utraquists) and Catholics intensified, an aging Žižka became a rather radical Hussite.
Upon the death of the King and the outbreak of hostilities, he was a major leader in multiple Hussite coalitions against the new King Sigismund and his crusader allies. From the relatively few and bad sources we have on his battles, Žižka comes across as a gifted tactician, able to repeatedly escape seemingly enveloped positions with his army basically intact and in good order, select optimal defensive points, and quickly collect and effectively use recruits from the countryside. Particularly impressively, he consistently did those first two things while being blind, which should by all rights be a significant impediment. It seems to have been impossible to crush him in a decisive battle, and yet he had no trouble crushing others himself. He was also the leader of the first attested permanent army in the whole Kingdom (though his army would quickly be imitated). One thing that is however apparently not his invention was the wagon fort as field fortification, frequently attributed to him.
He mostly deployed these gifts in service of finding clerics to burn, and frankly their theological positions seem to have mattered not that much to him. He also had a variety of other fascinating ways of killing people, and aside from a handful of demonstrations of class solidarity (safeguarding captured noble children) was a notably ruthless and murderous leader, which is saying something given it's a 15th century religious war we're talking about here.
Anyway, the book flows cleanly and the contextual asides don't wear themselves out but in fact provide a welcome relief from a rather one-note personality. A lot of time, for example, is spent recounting theological disputes it is certain Žižka did not understand or care about in the slightest, though they are made relevant by the fact that he did take up arms in them.
That's not to doubt his faith, the book's argument in favor of Žižka's zeal is convincing. Other than sheer love of the game, admittedly likely a powerful motivator in his case, he really had no good reason for such strenuous activity at such a high age while blind, especially since unlike most politically engaged nobles he seems unmotivated by wealth or property. But the expression he chooses of his sincere belief makes him highly unsympathetic.
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soldier-requests · 11 months
helloooo soldier !!
can i get a playlist for Callie from Splatoon (kin) with songs kinda similar to kero kero bonito? like, upbeat and fun kinda, but not overly 'cutesy' ?
thank you in advance ! stay fresh ^_^
:D hello!! making these playlists are so fun, you people are gonna make me stay up all night XD /teasing. anyway, hope you enjoy whatever i come up with!!
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i was planning on doing less for this one, but it was surprisingly difficult to find songs that felt similar so i just put more to make up for it ToT. hopefully you'll like some of the songs even if they weren't what you were looking for XD.
songs go like "song" + "artist"
"Plastic Beach" + "Gorillaz" and "Mick Jones" and "Paul Simonon"
"Anything You Want" + "JAWNY"
"Honeypie" + "JAWNY"
"Hot Rod" + "Dayglow"
"Can I Call You Tonight?" + "Dayglow"
"Hunnybee" + "Unknown Mortal Orchestra"
"Meet Me At Our Spot" + "THE ANXIETY" and "WILLOW" and "Tyler Cole"
"Wait a Minute!" + "WILLOW"
"Paraphernalia" + "Temples"
"Sleepyhead" + "Passion Pit"
"A-Punk" + "Vampire Weekend"
"Electric Feel" + "MGMT"
"girlfriend" + "hemlocke springs"
"Notice" + "Moe Shop" and "TORIENA"
"Painting Rainbows" + "We Bare Bears" and "Sarah Bonito"
"Tomorrow And Forever With You" + "We Bare Bears" and "Sarah Bonito"
"Truly" + "Mark Redito" and "Sarah Bonito"
"Cupid" + "Jack Stauber's Micropop"
"Two Time" + "Jack Stauber's Micropop"
"Buttercup" + "Jack Stauber"
"Still Life" + "Sitcom"
"Nice Boys" + "TEMPOREX"
"Take Me" + "Donatachi" and "Kady Rain"
"Pulsewidth" + "Aphex Twin"
"Lalalatte" + "Tsundere Twintails"
"Meet Lime Cookie!" + "Tsundere Twintails"
"Head Empty" + "Tsundere Twintails"
"OTTER POP" + "Shawn Wasabi" and "Hollis"
"Spicy Boyfriend" + "Shawn Wasabi"
"princess peach" + "Shawn Wasabi"
"みっちりねこマーチ" (english: MitchiriNeko March) + "Mitchiri MitchiriNeko"
"Community Gardens" + "The Scary Jokes" and "Louie Zong"
"funfunfun" + "In Love With a Ghost"
"Go Down on You" + "The Memories"
"A Bird's Last Look" + "Macabre Plaza"
"BANANA SHAKE" (sped up version especially) + "HUS"
"Kelper-22b" + "King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard"
"Shalala" + "Moses Gunn Collective"
"Substance" + "03 Greedo"
"No Wind Resistance!" + "Kinneret"
"Heat Waves" + "Glass Animals"
"Yellow" + "Coldplay"
"Space Song" + "Beach House"
"Lazuli" + "Beach House"
"Only in My Dreams" + "The Marias"
"Yam Yam" + "No Vacation"
"idolstep Yumemi" ('19 remastered) + "Mikazuki BIGWAVE"
"Soko Kara Miteta" + "Michiko Mada" and "Ikenna"
"Go Kitty Go" + "dancing cats"
"Pretty" + "Coco & Clair Clair" and "Okthxbb"
"Pop Star" + "Coco & Clair Clair"
"S.N.U.F.F.Y" + "Metaroom"
"Your New Cuckoo" + "The Cardiagans"
"Choke" + "The Cardigans"
"Lovefool" + "The Cardigans"
"Drifting Along" (remastered) + "Jamiroquai"
"drop pop candy" + "Reol" and "Giga"
"Nekoatsume No Theme" + "Ryo Aratani"
"Butterfly" + "Smile"
"The Creativity Song" + "405kced" and "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared"
"Nuestra Canción" + "Monsieur Periné" and "Vicente Garcia"
"space girl" + "Frances Forever"
"Messages From the Stars" (specifically sped up version) + "The Rah Band"
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dividers from @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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ogradyfilm · 2 months
Recently Viewed: Dreadnaught
[The following review contains MINOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
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Although the Criterion Channel’s description neglects to advertise it as such, the 1981 kung-fu horror-comedy Dreadnaught belongs to Yuen Woo-ping’s loosely connected Wong Fei-hung series. Whereas the original Drunken Master featured the historical figure turned folk hero as a mischievous student (portrayed by the inimitable Jackie Chan) and Iron Monkey explored his childhood (as the son of professional badass Donnie Yen), this film depicts him as a wise old mentor—played, appropriately enough, by Kwan Tak-hing, who starred as the character in approximately seventy-seven movies (according to the notoriously reliable Wikipedia’s undoubtedly accurate count, anyway).
The plot (minimalistic as it is) revolves around Mousy, a meek, cowardly youth constantly terrorized by local thugs, corrupt cops, and… adorable puppies. Since it’s his job to collect on overdue bills for his sister’s struggling laundry business, his timid demeanor is a significant problem; thus, at the insistence of a sympathetic friend, he seeks tutelage under the esteemed Master Wong. The perceptive teacher quickly intuits that his reluctant disciple is a naturally gifted martial artist; he merely lacks the confidence required to effectively utilize his innate skills. When a convoluted sequence of events makes him the target of a deranged, bloodthirsty assassin, however, necessity might yet transform our pussycat of a protagonist into a courageous lion.
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Yuen’s greatest talent lies in his ability to convey story and characterization through fight choreography, and Dreadnaught certainly delivers in that regard; every punch calls back to a narrative seed introduced in an earlier scene—a deliciously satisfying display of setup and payoff reminiscent of Edgar Wright’s Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. During the climactic showdown, for example, Mousy discovers that his family’s trademark “two-fingered grasp” technique is useful for more than just drying clothes; his firm grip strength—developed from years of wringing out wet fabric—gives him an unexpected advantage whilst grappling with his savage opponent… until his foe simply rips off the tattered remnants of his shirt, at least.
That deft juggling of tones—effortlessly transitioning between humor and suspense—elevates Dreadnaught, compensating for its relatively superficial flaws (particularly its uneven pacing). Yuen is justifiably renowned for his contributions to The Matrix and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but I hope that more of his work as a director becomes (legally) available in the West; while his movies may not be conventionally “prestigious” or stylistically polished (compared to those produced by, say, King Hu), they are consistently entertaining.
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andersonvision · 3 months
Eureka Entertainment is excited to announce the release of "The Valiant Ones," a seminal work by King Hu from the golden era of wuxia cinema. On May 28, this masterpiece will be available for the first time ever on Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray, each with a brand new 4K restoration, as part of the esteemed Masters of Cinema Series. The first print run of 2000 copies in each format will come with a Limited Edition O-card slipcase, making it a prized addition to any film aficionado’s collection. https://youtu.be/ReLK3rB0hek?feature=shared A Lasting Legacy in Wuxia Cinema "The Valiant Ones" is celebrated as King Hu’s final tribute to the wuxia genre he so masterfully depicted in his earlier classics such as "Come Drink with Me," "Dragon Inn," and "A Touch of Zen." Produced alongside "The Fate of Lee Khan" but released two years later, "The Valiant Ones" is a compelling narrative set during the reign of the Jiajing Emperor. It tells the story of China's defense against the wokou, Japanese pirates led by the formidable Hakatatsu (Sammo Hung), through the assembly of a skilled warrior group by General Zhu Wan (Tu Kuang-chi). Featuring iconic historical figures and inspired by true events, "The Valiant Ones" stands out in wuxia cinema, captivating audiences with its breathtaking showdowns and complex characters, portrayed by a stellar cast including Wing Bai and Feng Hsu as the formidable husband-and-wife duo. Both the Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray editions are packed with an array of special features that dive deep into the making of "The Valiant Ones" and the legacy of King Hu. Highlights include a brand new audio commentary by Asian film expert Frank Djeng, an insightful interview with critic Tony Rayns, and a video essay by David Cairns. Additionally, interviews with key figures such as stuntman Billy Chan and actor Ng Ming-choi provide a behind-the-scenes look at the film's production. The collector’s booklet, featuring new writing on the film by Jonathan Clements, offers further exploration of its significance. Experience "The Valiant Ones" Like Never Before This release from Eureka Entertainment is not just a celebration of "The Valiant Ones" but a homage to the enduring allure of wuxia cinema. With the film presented in Dolby Vision HDR from a 4K digital restoration, viewers can experience the vibrancy, action, and drama of King Hu's vision with unparalleled clarity and depth. Prepare to immerse yourself in the world of "The Valiant Ones," a film that not only defined a genre but also showcased the genius of one of cinema's greatest directors. Mark your calendars for May 28 and get ready to add this timeless classic, in its most visually stunning format yet, to your collection.
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rakeshrajdevstuff · 5 months
Rakesh Rajdev’s Royal Escapade: Exploring the Magnificence of India’s Top 10 Palaces
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Embark on a majestic journey through India’s regal history as we accompany Rakesh Rajdev on an exclusive exploration of the country’s Top 10 Royal Palaces. These opulent structures stand as timeless testaments to the grandeur of bygone eras, and each one narrates a unique tale of heritage and architectural brilliance.
Bangalore Palace: Our journey commences in the Silicon Valley of India, where the Bangalore Palace stands as a testament to the Tudor-style architecture, with its gothic windows, imposing turrets, and lush green surroundings.
Falaknuma Palace, Hyderabad: Moving south, we arrive at the enchanting Falaknuma Palace in Hyderabad. Perched atop a hill, this “Mirror of the Sky” offers panoramic views of the city and boasts a synthesis of Italian and Tudor architecture.
Rambagh Palace, Jaipur: In the pink city of Jaipur, Rakesh Rajdev unveils the Rambagh Palace, a former residence of the Maharaja of Jaipur. Its splendid gardens, adorned with peacocks, provide a serene retreat.
Hawa Mahal, Jaipur: Adjacent to the City Palace, the iconic Hawa Mahal, or Palace of the Winds, showcases intricate latticework and 953 small windows, allowing royal women to observe street festivals without being seen.
Lake Palace, Udaipur: Floating on the serene waters of Lake Pichola, the Lake Palace in Udaipur is a vision of white marble, offering a romantic and luxurious retreat fit for royalty.
City Palace, Jaipur: Explore the heart of Jaipur with the City Palace, a majestic complex of courtyards, gardens, and buildings that seamlessly blend Mughal and Rajput architecture.
Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur: Rakesh Rajdev takes us to the sprawling Umaid Bhawan Palace, a golden-hued desert sandstone marvel that combines eastern and western architectural influences.
Laxmi Vilas Palace, Vadodara: In Vadodara, the Laxmi Vilas Palace, four times the size of Buckingham Palace, showcases Indo-Saracenic architecture and boasts an extensive collection of art.
Udai Vilas Palace, Udaipur: Returning to Udaipur, we explore the Udai Vilas Palace, a luxurious hotel that captures the essence of Rajasthan’s royal splendor against the backdrop of the Aravalli Mountains.
Mysore Palace, Mysore: Our royal odyssey concludes in Mysore, where the Mysore Palace enchants with its Indo-Saracenic architecture, vibrant colors, and a rich cultural heritage that unfolds in every corner.
Join Rakesh Rajdev on this extraordinary expedition through India’s Top 10 Royal Palaces, where each edifice tells a story of kings, queens, and the timeless allure of the royal lifestyle.
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gogacabsblog · 8 months
Seamless Travel from Udaipur to Jodhpur: Exploring Rajasthan with GoGaCab
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Introduction :
Rajasthan, with its vibrant culture, majestic palaces, and the splendor of the Thar Desert, beckons travelers from around the world. Among the most visited cities in Rajasthan are Udaipur and Jodhpur, each offering a unique blend of history, architecture, and natural beauty. When journeying from Udaipur to Jodhpur, a reliable and comfortable mode of transportation is essential to fully savor the experience. In this blog, we introduce you to GoGaCab, your trusted partner for seamless from Udaipur to Jodhpur taxi services, making your Rajasthan adventure unforgettable.
The Rajasthan Journey: From Udaipur to Jodhpur :
The journey from Udaipur to Jodhpur takes you through the heart of Rajasthan, a state often referred to as the "Land of Kings." Udaipur, the "City of Lakes," is known for its romantic ambiance and stunning lakeside palaces. In contrast, Jodhpur, the "Blue City," boasts an old-world charm with its indigo-hued houses and the magnificent Mehrangarh Fort.
This road trip is not just about reaching a destination; it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in Rajasthan's rich heritage, experience its colorful culture, and witness the ever-changing landscape from lush hills to arid deserts.
Why Choose GoGaCab for Your Udaipur to Jodhpur Journey :
GoGaCab is more than just a taxi service; we are your trusted companion for the Udaipur to Jodhpur route. Here's why you should opt for GoGaCab:
Reliability: We pride ourselves on punctuality and reliability, ensuring you reach your destination safely and on time.
Comfort: Our well-maintained fleet of vehicles provides a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience.
Safety: Your safety is our top priority. Our drivers are experienced and follow all safety protocols.
Affordability: We offer competitive rates, ensuring that quality taxi services are accessible to all.
Exploring Udaipur: The City of Lakes :
Udaipur, with its enchanting lakes and palaces, is a city of unmatched beauty and romance. When visiting Udaipur, you can:
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Visit the City Palace: Explore the grandeur of the City Palace complex, which offers a glimpse into the royal history of Udaipur.
Boat Ride on Lake Pichola: A boat ride on Lake Pichola provides stunning views of the Lake Palace and Jag Mandir.
Saheliyon ki Bari: Discover the serene beauty of the "Garden of the Maids of Honor."
Jagdish Temple: Marvel at the architecture and spirituality of the Jagdish Temple.
The Enchanting Journey: Udaipur to Jodhpur by Road :
The road journey from Udaipur to Jodhpur is a delight for travelers. As you leave the City of Lakes behind, you'll encounter the picturesque Aravalli hills and rural landscapes. The route takes you through the heart of Rajasthan, allowing you to witness the changing hues of the terrain, from lush greens to the stark beauty of the Thar Desert.
As you approach Jodhpur, the blue houses that give the city its moniker come into view. The towering Mehrangarh Fort stands proudly atop a rocky outcrop, welcoming you to the "Sun City." The Udaipur to Jodhpur taxi services road trip is a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage, offering a memorable journey that is as rewarding as the destinations themselves.
Exploring Jodhpur: The Blue City :
Jodhpur, the second-largest city in Rajasthan, offers a wealth of attractions:
Mehrangarh Fort: Explore the colossal Mehrangarh Fort, one of the largest forts in India, which boasts a museum with an impressive collection of artifacts.
Umaid Bhawan Palace: Admire the grandeur of the Umaid Bhawan Palace, which now serves as a luxury hotel and museum.
Jaswant Thada: Visit the Jaswant Thada, a beautiful marble cenotaph that stands amidst serene gardens.
Old Bazaars: Wander through the bustling bazaars, where you can shop for traditional Rajasthani textiles, handicrafts, and spices.
Conclusion: A Memorable Journey with GoGaCab :
The journey from Udaipur to Jodhpur is an adventure filled with the sights and sounds of Rajasthan's heritage and landscapes. With GoGaCab as your trusted travel partner, you can rest assured that your journey will be safe, comfortable, and memorable. Contact GoGaCab today to book your Udaipur to Jodhpur taxi and embark on a Rajasthan road trip that will leave you with cherished memories for a lifetime. Your Rajasthan adventure awaits!
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kingbread123 · 9 months
Famous King Bread And Bakery Manufacturer in Meerut
In the bustling city of Meerut, a crown jewel has emerged in the realm of bakeries: Famous King Bread. This renowned bakery has been crowned the "Best Bread and Bakery Manufacturer in Meerut," and it has etched its name into the hearts and palates of Meerut's residents. With its delectable range of baked goods and an illustrious history, Famous King Bread has truly become a king in its own right.
The Legacy of Famous King Bread
Famous King Bread did not ascend to its throne overnight. Its journey can be traced back to the roots of Meerut's bakery industry. Founded several decades ago, this bakery initially began as a humble endeavor, serving the local community with fresh, handcrafted bread. Over time, it has grown exponentially, both in terms of popularity and offerings, becoming an integral part of Meerut's culinary landscape.
Today, Famous King Bread stands as a testament to the persistence and passion of its founders, who set out with a vision to provide the city with the finest quality bread and bakery products.
The Secret Behind Their Success
What sets Famous King Bread apart from the rest is its unwavering commitment to quality. They source the finest ingredients, ensuring that each loaf of bread, every pastry, and all of their baked goods are crafted with the utmost care and precision. It's this dedication to excellence that has earned them the title of "Best Bread and Bakery Manufacturer in Meerut."
Their expert bakers, with years of experience, employ traditional baking methods alongside modern technology to create a symphony of flavors and textures in every bite. Each product that emerges from their ovens is a work of art, bearing the hallmark of their passion and expertise.
The Bread Selection
Famous King Bread's bread selection is nothing short of impressive. They offer a diverse range of bread, catering to the varied tastes and preferences of their customers. From classic white and brown bread to multigrain and specialty loaves, their bread collection is a testament to their dedication to meeting the diverse needs of their clientele.
But it's not just the variety that makes their bread special; it's the freshness and taste that set them apart. Every loaf is baked to perfection, ensuring that it's soft on the inside with a delightful crust on the outside. Whether you're making sandwiches, toast, or enjoying it on its own, Famous King Bread elevates every meal.
The bakery delights
While their bread selection is exceptional, Famous King Bread doesn't stop there. They also offer an array of delectable bakery products that leave patrons coming back for more. From scrumptious pastries and cakes to cookies and muffins, their bakery section is a treasure trove for anyone with a sweet tooth.
The bakery at Famous King Bread is a place where innovation meets tradition. Their skilled pastry chefs create mouthwatering desserts that marry classic recipes with contemporary flavors. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply indulging in a daily treat, their bakery products are guaranteed to delight you.
Community and sustainability
Famous King Bread isn't just a bakery; it's a part of the community. Over the years, they have forged strong bonds with their customers, making them an integral part of their lives. This connection is built on trust, quality, and a shared love for good food.
In addition to their commitment to quality, Famous King Bread also takes its responsibility toward the environment seriously. They have implemented sustainable practices in their operations, from sourcing locally when possible to minimizing waste through efficient production processes. This eco-conscious approach has resonated with their environmentally aware customers, further cementing their place as a beloved institution in Meerut.
In the heart of Meerut, Famous King Bread reigns supreme as the "Best Bread and Bakery Manufacturer." Their journey from a humble bakery to a beloved institution is a testament to their unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and the community they serve. With a diverse range of bread and bakery products that cater to every palate, Famous King Bread has earned its place as a true king in the realm of bakery. It's not just about the bread they bake; it's about the love and dedication they put into every bite, making them an indispensable part of Meerut's culinary heritage. So, the next time you're in Meerut, don't miss the opportunity to taste the royalty that is Famous King Bread.
Expanding upon the story of Famous King Bread in Meerut, we can delve deeper into the bakery's history, its role in the community, its commitment to sustainability, and the ever-evolving menu that keeps customers coming back for more.
A Rich History of Excellence
Famous King Bread's journey began when its founders, a passionate group of bakers, decided to create a bakery that would set new standards in quality and taste. Their dedication to their craft was evident from the very beginning, and it wasn't long before Meerut residents started to notice something special about their bread. Word of mouth quickly spread, and the humble bakery grew into a local sensation.
One aspect that has contributed significantly to Famous King Bread's success is its ability to adapt to changing times while preserving its traditional roots. The bakery has successfully combined time-honored baking techniques with modern innovations, ensuring that its products remain relevant and appealing to today's discerning customers.
A Community Staple
Famous King Bread isn't just a place to buy bread and pastries; it's a community hub. The bakery has played an essential role in the lives of Meerut's residents, becoming a place for friends and family to gather over a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. It's a place where birthdays are celebrated, anniversaries are toasted, and moments of joy are savored.
The bakery has also actively participated in community events and initiatives, giving back to the people who have supported it for so long. Whether it's sponsoring local sports teams, contributing to charitable causes, or hosting events within the bakery, Famous King Bread has shown a deep commitment to the community it serves.
A Sustainable Approach
In an era where sustainability is a pressing concern, Famous King Bread has taken significant steps to minimize its environmental impact. They source many of their ingredients locally, supporting regional farmers and reducing their carbon footprint. Additionally, they've implemented energy-efficient equipment and waste-reduction practices in their production process, making a positive contribution to environmental conservation.
Their commitment to sustainability isn't just about reducing their environmental footprint; it's also about setting an example for other businesses in Meerut. By demonstrating that a successful bakery can operate sustainably, Famous King Bread has inspired other local businesses to follow suit, creating a ripple effect that benefits the entire community.
The ever-expanding menu
Famous King Bread doesn't rest on its laurels. They continually innovate and expand their menu to cater to the evolving tastes of their customers. Whether it's introducing new bread varieties, experimenting with exotic pastry flavors, or creating seasonal delights, they keep their offerings fresh and exciting.
One of their notable innovations has been the introduction of healthier options. Recognizing the increasing demand for nutritious choices, they've developed whole-grain bread, gluten-free options, and low-sugar pastries, ensuring that there's something for everyone at their bakery.
Moreover, Famous King Bread listens to its customers and values their feedback. They often run promotions and limited-time offerings based on customer suggestions, fostering a sense of ownership among their loyal patrons.
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