#The Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor
icicle-nail-biting · 2 years
the birds are coming
Birds are not real. Birds are robots made by the government. Birds are spying on you. One day, the birds will kill us all. They will suck our blood and sing our praises. Make every meal a party!
Bird Speakers – iPod Nanos, $39.99, Amazon
Aaahhh…. I just hear the air guitars and badass drumroll. Bird Speakers are not that birdie. But they do work to make sounds that mimic the screech of birds, all from your iPod, through the help of some really cool USB dongles. I totally think I could see it working with a lot of music from Tool, Pink Floyd, U2, and Shania Twain.
Bird Walk – iPhone, $9.99, iTunes
iPod Bird Walk is a beautiful way to bring the birds into your home. Just hold up the receiver, and it will give you the clearest sounds possible from around you. Of course, the bird in my pocket is loud as hell, so I haven’t been able to really test this product yet. But it sure does sound like a bizillion birds chirping, and it’s something that I have wanted to try. Check it out!
Bird Magnet – iPhone, $14.99, Amazon
Yep, you heard me right. Bird Magnet is a yellow plastic ring that you get to stick on the back of your iPhone. It makes your phone more bird-proof and, hopefully, gives the bastards something else to peck at. They don’t like plastic much.
But one day, regardless of what you do, the birds will come for us. And they will kill us all. You know, by getting inside our ears and making our eardrums bleed. There is nothing that we can do about it. It’s happening.
Since no one can stop the birds, I propose that we will just have to use our imaginations and come up with creative ways to defeat them. I suggest Bird Pinball, Bird Mario, Bird Cops, Bird Tactics, Bird Darts, Bird Snacking, Bird Pie Eating, Bird Moth Repellent, Bird Ammo, Bird Courting, Bird Power, Bird Genes, Bird Incest, Bird Nicer, Bird Smarter, Bird Invader, Bird Thinker, Bird Insight, Bird Chef, Bird Brewmasters, Bird Drinker, Bird Grounders, Bird Zen, Bird Science, Bird Guy, Bird Quieter, Bird Hunter, Bird Navigation, Bird Scare, Bird Cubbers, Bird River Runner, Bird Time Traveler, Bird Claws, Bird CEO, Bird Genius, Bird Teacher, Bird Boss, Bird Full Cycle, Bird Brother, Bird Tender, Bird Keeper, Bird Keeper Job, Bird Planter, Bird Galler, Bird Quitters, Bird Left Behind, Bird Pants, Bird Probie, Bird High Flight, Bird Nemesis, Bird Trustee, Bird Highway Pilot, Bird Knowledge Seeker, Bird Football Coach, Bird Hero, Bird Heartbreaker, Bird Lousy, Bird Soaring, Bird Super Nova, Bird Wonder, Bird Whisperer, Bird Moralist, Bird Moralizer, Bird Nostalgia, Bird Smart. Then, we will try to put on our best when the birds come. And we will not give in, for we are the bird killers.
What new ways are you coming up with to counter the birds?
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royalchildreneurope · 8 months
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Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor and James, The Earl of Wessex attend the Christmas Day service at St Mary Magdalene Church in King's Lynn, England -December 25th 2023.
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tiny-librarian · 7 months
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Happy 60th birthday today to Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh. Born in 1964, he is the fourth and youngest child of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
His birth marked only the second time a child had been born to a reigning monarch since Queen Victoria gave birth to Princess Beatrice in 1857, with the other being his brother Andrew four years before.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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Updates in The Line of Succession 🎉
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backtonormallife · 3 months
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theroyalsandi · 2 years
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Current British Princesses of the Royal Blood
Princesses of the Royal Blood are the legitimate daughters and the legitimate male line granddaughters of a British Sovereign
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
That Eden specifically called them “William’s friend” makes me think it’s a Windsor who has friends in common with William, which is probably more likely Frederick or Gabriella, than the Yorkies. But as far as I know, the Kent branch doesn’t leak…except it was the Kent branch of Windsors that Eden referenced by name when he was talking about the crowded balconies. I think it’s from that side of the family.
I agree. A royal watcher on Twitter was oddly furious about the balcony this year and complaining that the extended family were being “disrespected”, particularly the Kents. (They weren’t this worked up the previous two years.) They’ve previously claimed to be friends with some of the Kents and tend to lose their temper very quickly whenever someone brings up Lady Amelia liking that IG post about turning BP into a gift shop. Various weak excuses such as it wasn’t her account (there’s screenshots, it WAS her handle) or suggesting she didn’t read the post first.
I think the source is a more distant relative who has absolutely no chance of becoming a working royal, and thus no chance of getting back on the balcony if it stays this way. Even if W doesn’t currently intend to have any of his first cousins, I think they do realise that there is always a small chance for them as he doesn’t have any other siblings like Charles. This is likely someone whose PR plays heavily on their adjacency to the BRF (e.g. Amelia - “the most beautiful royal”).
I agree - it’s someone whose career is heavily connected to the BRF, like Amelia and/or her siblings. And really, they’re the only ones it could be, from my perspective.
Since this topic seems to be generating some excitement from anons (going by my asks, the top 3 options are Frederick Windsor, Princess Eugenie, and Amelia Windsor). Let's dig deeper into it!
The Mountbatten-Windsors branch:
Peter and Zara couldn't give two shits if they're on a balcony or not, and their kids are too young to know what kind of "marketability" they have career-wise or attention-wise for being connected to the royal family. Not only that, their kids are very close to William's kids. They're in a pretty safe position as far as access and privilege goes. It's definitely not them.
Harry and Meghan. Well, there's a lot we could say here, but we're not going to look that deeply at them. All I'll say about them is this: Eden is not one of their usual sources when they leak, so I'm skeptical it's them but Harry does (or did) have a lot of friends in common with William so that's the most plausible "William's friend" excuse to me. But the guys who are legit still friends with William know better than to leak, so it wouldn't be those friends (like a van Straubenzee, Grosvenor, van Cutsem, or Pelly). It would be someone with a tenuous connection to William - maybe a friend of a friend who knows Harry better.
Beatrice is also close with William and she has her own career going for her. Edo also has his own career and he seems to be pretty financially set that Beatrice, and their children, probably have a super comfortable life and don't need the BRF as much. It's not her.
Eugenie is still a big question mark. She seems loyal to the crown for now and while she does have a chip on her shoulder, she does know which side of her bread is buttered. She is also probably fully aware that leaking about William guarantees a ticket of no return to Excludedville and after getting the invite to the Cousins Garden Party after being on the outs for a couple years, I don't think she's going to risk being "in," so I don't think it's her.
Louise and James have been raised with the expectation that they won't be working royals, not even part-time the way Beatrice and Eugenie were back in the day, so it's definitely not them or their friend circle (who are much too young to have friends in common with William).
Anne and Tim don't talk to the press, and neither do Edward and Sophie, like this. Andrew and Sarah do talk to the press and have leaked about the main branch before, but I don't think this is them. They wouldn't be quoted as 'William's friend' but - BUT - Eden had an exclusive from Sarah a couple days ago (about whether she and Andrew would remarry) and this nugget could've come up then, from Sarah.
The Duke of Kent branch:
The Duke and Duchess of Kent have never leaked or spoken to reporters, so I'm fairly certain it's not them. Besides, they're probably too old-school to think about going against the heir, and they probably raised their children (the Earl of St. Andrews, Lady Helen Taylor, and Nicholas Windsor) to be more ordinary than royally-privileged.
The bios for the Earl of St. Andrews and his wife (the Kents' eldest child/first son) on Wikipedia read like they enjoy the professional privilege that comes from being connected to the BRF but don't seem to be flaunting it. It's not them. And I doubt that they have friends in common with William. Edward and Andrew, sure. Not William.
Their children - Lord Downpatrick, Lady Marina, and Lady Amelia - are precisely the people who grew up with social media and thus understand how the power, access, and privilege of the BRF can further their work. Lord Downpatrick has a pretty successful outdoorsy/adventure-based travel company; he doesn't need the BRF. There isn't a whole lot known about Marina, but we do know that Amelia had/has a modeling contract and works in fashion. Marina seems unlikely to leak (since there isn't much about her), but Amelia is definitely a contender as Eden's source because much of her career is based on aesthetics and lifestyle - which she needs the BRF for.
Lady Helen Taylor, her husband, and their children. There's absolutely no easily-findable information about their four children. Even though they're the same ages as the Earl's children, and they'd be fully aware of the BRF's power with social media, the fact that they don't have Wikipedias and aren't very easily googlable hint that they're probably not the source.
Nicholas Windsor, hs wife, and their three sons. Not them. The sons aren't in the line of succession (owing to their Catholic baptisms). They have no use for the BRF because they wouldn't have had any privileges anyway.
The Prince Michael of Kent branch:
Prince and Princess Michael have complained about royal privilege before, but they also know - and respect - their places. They also wouldn't call themselves "William's friend" and I'm very skeptical that they have friends in common with William.
Frederick and Gabriella probably grew up without any expectation of royal connections and both seem to be in steady careers. They seem pretty tight with many of the Mountbatten-Windsor cousins - Eugenie is godmother to Frederick's eldest (which is odd to me but whatever), Frederick and Peter probably played together, Frederick's kids are the same ages as George and Charlotte, Lady Gabriella rode in the ascot carriage with Anne and Peter, and Lady Gabriella has been deputized by William before. It's definitely not Lady Gabriella, and I feel pretty confident saying it's not Frederick, even though he and his wife have spoken about being members of the extended royal family before (all positive, mostly about the time when Sophie was seriously injured in an accident, and Charles sent his personal chef to prepare meals for them).
Frederick's kids are too young to know any difference about what it means being related to the royal family. I do think Frederick enjoys the privilege of being related to the royal family and what it means for his career, but I don't think he cares from a publicity standpoint. Sure, he might like to go out on the balcony, but the guy's a finance executive. He doesn't need the balcony to help with his career.
The Gloucester branch:
It's not them. We don't even know a whole lot about them. The Duke and Duchess have three kids (Earl of Ulster, Lady Davina, and Lady Rose) and there's not much known about them. They enjoy the social aspects of being in the extended family but they wouldn't have had any expectation of using the BRF for career or professional connections.
The Margaret branch:
David Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon and his kids: I feel pretty confident saying it isn't the Earl since he doesn't really speak much to the press (that I'm aware of). His kids are the ages where they would be fully aware of what the BRF magic can do for them but I'm not sure. They seem to have a healthy relationship with the Elizabeth/Charles branch and I don't think they'd do anything to risk that. However, that said, Lady Margarita (David's daughter) does do some modeling work and she has her own art brands. I still don't think it's her because she was in William's wedding and if there's anyone who can profit off the royal connection, it's going to be her because all she needs to do is flash those photographs. She wouldn't complain about the balcony.
Sarah Chatto and her sons. It's definitely not Sarah. She has a safe and stable connection to the BRF and she strikes me as someone who doesn't want the attention. Her sons are of the same age who'd have grown up and know what social media could do for them, but they're not really in careers where they need publicity or the lifestyle for success; Samuel is an artist and Arthur is in the military.
So all that said, the top candidates for being Eden's source (for me) are Sarah Ferguson, Harry, Amelia Windsor, and Margarita Armstrong-Jones.
Sarah doesn't need any help getting attention for her career (or lack of it)
Harry doesn't use Eden, and
Margarita has the royal wedding pictures,
that leaves Amelia Windsor, aka the Kent branch. Who is in a publicity-hungry career, who likes social media content that criticizes the royal family, and who probably has the sour grapes of not having had any access or claim to fame with the BRF other than sharing the last name.
Also, another nail in the "it's not Margaret's side" theory for me is the Christmas walk. David and Sarah, and their kids, are often at the Christmas Walk and everyone is often being named by the press. I don't recall the Kent Windsors being on the Christmas walks recently and receiving similar treatment - so that's probably more sour grapes for whoever's the leak.
Oh, I forgot. I'm too lazy to scroll back up.
The PB branch:
Well, we know Camilla talks and talks and talks. But would she characterize herself as "William's friend"? I think that's a bit of a stretch for her.
Tom PB or Laura Lopes: Possibly. They probably do have friends in common with William, but they've never had access to or privilege from the BRF before, not even after Charles and Camilla made it official. So why would they care? I could see them caring from their kids' perspectives, but they've been around the BRF long enough to know that the affiliation to the BRF gets their foot in the door but any more than that only invites scrutiny in and they probably don't want that for their kids, and I think their kids are too young to understand the significance.
So for me, all roads lead back to Kents: it's either Amelia or Frederick, but I lean more to it being Amelia than I do Frederick.
Yes, I'm procrastinating some work stuff this afternoon. Gee, how could y'all tell?
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charlotte-of-wales · 11 months
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Happy 20th birthday to Lady Louise Windsor!
Born on November 8th 2003, Lady Louise Alice Elizabeth Mary Mountbatten-Windsor is the elder child of the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, the youngest niece of King Charles III and the youngest granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
She was born 8th in line to the British throne and is now 16th as of 2023. She is currently studying English at the University of St. Andrews, in Scotland.
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royalfashionistas · 1 year
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Beautiful Lady Louise Mountbatten Windsor❤❤
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krasivaa · 1 year
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Blood is thicker than water
~☆~royal lookalikes~☆~
Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor and her great-great grandmother, Queen Mary of Teck. -@abigaaal ❤🥳
@krasivaa's royal series
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indepwom101 · 1 year
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🇬🇧 Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor
She looks fabulous!!!
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harry-sussex · 10 months
To the anon who is asking about H&M logic, I want to point out they made a whole 6 part documentary where they compared the commonwealth to a modern form of colonialism and went as far as decontextualize a speech of QEII to make her look bad and prove their point, just to announce that their children were given HRH titles that linked (and ranked) to the racist, obsolete institution they were condemning.
Bingo. It doesn’t make sense. Their children were entitled to the HRH once QEII died, so there’s no getting rid of that, but they so easily could’ve gone the James and Louise route and simply not bothered from the beginning (like they did when they asked not to use Archie’s courtesy title at birth) and yet they’re using the Prince/Princess anyway. The website says everything we need to know - James and Louise don’t have their Prince/Princess there (because it was rejected from the moment they were entitled to it) but Archie and Lili do because their parents didn’t reject it from the moment they were entitled to it. It doesn’t make any sense. They really accepted that HRH Prince/Princess and then bitched about how it forcibly included their children in an institution they’ve actively pretended to reject since Day 1. If it was really about protecting the kids from the colonialist institution, then they would’ve rejected that entitlement from the very beginning. They could so easily be Earl of Dumbarton and Lady Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor (or even just Master Archie Mountbatten-Windsor and Miss Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor) but Harry and Meghan clearly did not want that or else they could have made it happen - there’s a very obvious precedent. They chose to link their children to that obsolete institution that apparently has not cared about the Sussexes since 2016 - why? Why would you do that? Perhaps to stay connected, which is their only true link to relevancy? It doesn’t make any sense. It’s all bullshit, honestly, and that’s why nobody believes a word they say about anything. It’s been nothing but bullshit since 2021.
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royalchildreneurope · 2 months
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The Duke of Edinburgh and Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor attend the Sandringham Horse Trials 2024, in Norfolk, England -June 30th 2024.
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aimeedaisies · 3 months
Court Circular | 15th June 2024
Buckingham Palace
His Majesty was present at The King’s Birthday Parade on Horse Guards Parade this morning at which The King’s Colour of Number 9 Company, Irish Guards was Trooped.
The King was accompanied by The Queen (Colonel, Grenadier Guards), The Duke of Edinburgh (Colonel, Scots Guards), The Prince of Wales (Colonel, Welsh Guards), The Princess of Wales (Colonel, Irish Guards) with Prince George of Wales, Princess Charlotte of Wales and Prince Louis of Wales, and The Princess Royal (Gold Stick in Waiting and Colonel, The Blues and Royals, Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons).
His Majesty was attended by Lieutenant General Sir Edward Smyth-Osbourne (Colonel, The Life Guards), Lieutenant General Sir James Bucknall (Colonel, Coldstream Guards) and Major General James Bowder (Major General Commanding Household Division).
The Lord de Mauley (Master of the Horse), Colonel Toby Browne, Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Segrave (Mounted Equerries in Waiting), Lieutenant Colonel Michael Vernon, Captain Hugh Scrope (Dismounted Equerries in Waiting) and Brigadier Mark Berry (The Life Guards, Silver Stick in Waiting) were in attendance.
Colonel Guy Stone (Chief of Staff), Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Griffin (Silver Stick Adjutant) and the Household Division Staff were present.
The Procession was led by Lieutenant Colonel James Shaw, Grenadier Guards (Brigade Major Household Division).
The troops on Parade, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel James Coleby, Coldstream Guards (Field Officer in Brigade Waiting), received The King with a Royal Salute.
The Duchess of Edinburgh with The Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, The Duke of Kent, Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence and other Members of the Royal Family drove to Horse Guards Parade and witnessed The King’s Birthday Parade.
On the conclusion of the Parade, His Majesty drove in a carriage back to Buckingham Palace at the head of The King’s Guard, preceded by The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery, under the command of Major John Baileff, the Massed Mounted Bands of the Household Cavalry, the Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, under the command of Major Thomas Stewart (The Life Guards), and the Massed Bands of the Guards Division.
On arrival at Buckingham Palace, The King’s Guard entered the Forecourt and formed up opposite the Old Guard, the remaining Guards marching past His Majesty. The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment and The King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery ranked past The King.
His Majesty, from Buckingham Palace, witnessed a fly-past by aircraft of the Royal Air Force, led by Wing Commander Andrew Shaw, to mark the official celebration of The King’s Birthday.
Royal Salutes were fired today by The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery in Green Park and from the Tower of London Saluting Battery by the Honourable Artillery Company, under the command of Captain Charles Martin.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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15 December 2022 An honour for these IGA members to meet HRH Princess Royal and HRH The Earl of Wessex last night at The London International Horse Show. Cynthia Gurrie, Darren Lake, Mel Obst, Kerry Finch and Madelene Nord along with our Executive Director Lucy Katan. — International Grooms Association - IGA
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houseofbrat · 2 years
After reading Valentine Low’s new piece in The Times, here are a few of my thoughts of things not in that piece, specifically King Charles’ future letters patent. 
Beatrice, Eugenie, Archie, & Lilibet will be stripped of their HRH style and prince & princess titles. Same for Louise & James even though they don’t use titles. All six will be styled as daughters & sons of a peer going forward, e.g. The Lady Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor and The Lady Eugenie Brooksbank. 
Harry & Andrew are going to lose their HRH style for sure because they are not “working royals,” even though they are both the sons of a monarch. Possibly even lose their prince titles as well. (If they don’t lose both their titles & styles this year, then Andrew definitely will lose them both permanently within the next three years. Harry will only get his back when he returns as a working royal years later in the future.) 
King Charles III will change the House name from Windsor to Mountbatten-Windsor. The title & style changes will further delineate the House of Mountbatten-Windsor from the former House of Windsor. 
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