#The Magnificent McCoys
lonelyzarquon · 2 years
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weirdlynotspecific · 4 months
I love looking at old pieces of media and picking some characters and going "yeah. Those ones. They're gay."
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kaznejis · 5 months
Your opal eyes are all I wish to see- Erik Lehnsherr x Reader
Professor Erik Lehnsherr was an enigma, it was undeniable to anyone who crossed his path. He emanated a magnificent presence; intelligence, authority, power. But, he was also kind, when he wanted to be. Reverent smiles when a student offered an insightful point during one of his seminars, a chuckle when a hint of true personality slipped out during their answer, a smirk when the debate prose grew heated.  A true beacon of trust, solemn kindness to all of his students; but, sometimes, in the darkest depths of the night, tucked safely into the comforts of your duvet- you felt that part of him reserved an extra sense of kindness for you. 
A/N: Hi! Thanks for reading, I (hopefully) intend to make this into a series of stand-alone but affiliated oneshots. This one can act as a form of 'introduction' to this series.
*NOTE* You ARE 18+ in this, just some innocentish, legal teacher x student happenings. If my renowned university allows it, then I guess Xavier's school would too.
Read it on AO3! / Word Count: 4.6k / Series masterlist
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Professor Erik Lehnsherr was an enigma, it was undeniable to anyone who crossed his path. He emanated a magnificent presence; intelligence, authority, power. But, he was also kind, when he wanted to be. Reverent smiles when a student offered an insightful point during one of his seminars, a chuckle when a hint of true personality slipped out during their answer, a smirk when the debate prose grew heated. 
A true beacon of trust, solemn kindness to all of his students; but, sometimes, in the darkest depths of the night, tucked safely into the comforts of your duvet- you felt that part of him reserved an extra sense of kindness for you. 
It was small at first, minor episodic moments that could have been passed off as nothing. A nod of gratitude at a correct answer, a click of thumbs when something you noted reminded him of a point, a smile as you approached him with a question after class. He had been your saving grace in the bleak sadness of those first days at the school- initially you had viewed the ‘Gifted School’ as your punishment, punishment for the twisting of cells within your body and soul; for the inherent iniquitous poison that resided upon the tips of your fingers and the tears that dripped from your eyes. At the flicker of a breath you could force a being across the bridge between living and death; make the decision for them, shove their teetering body upon the ledge their soul balanced upon. It had been too much, too much power. You had been too much of a burden to your family back home, what’s to say you weren’t one here? 
Despite those dark, dragging days; months followed your enrolment upon the school and gradually, you grew comfortable and found home in the place you had once seen as a finale to any semblance of normal life, an eternal imprisonment. So, as you came to see the school as home; you grew comfortable with the teacher that graced the presence of your studies three days per week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 
His methods of teaching were interesting- he tended to treat his students more as ‘friends’; seeing as though he opted to teach the older students over the sniffling children of the school, he saw no means for punishment or lecturing- instead opting to have what he liked to call an ‘academic discussion’. His classroom was an open, equal playing field for all- a chance to truly be understood by an, arguably, more unorthodox mutant; as compared to Professor Xavier or McCoy. Most days he would grace the classroom’s presence donning his selected dark turtle neck of the day, similarly dark chinos and his trusted, sharp lace-up loafers. 
You spent many-a-day looking forward to his sharp, attractive outfit of the day. 
On the days where you didn’t have a class with him, you prayed, hoped, begged that you would pass him at some point in the day; book yourself at least a fleeting smile into his obviously busy schedule. Some days he would provide you with just that, a genuine smile and a passing question on how you were finding his assigned reading; sometimes you would even be able to develop that into a conversation. Some days, you would be unlucky; your paths simply unfated to align on that specific day. But, some days, you do pass him; your heart picking up speed as you near him in the hallway- on those days, in those unlucky moments, he would simply pass right by you; not even sparing you a fleeting second. Leaving a grating emptiness within your stomach. It was safe to say, those successful meetings had become everything. Your own driving force to make yourself presentable on the days where you weren’t guaranteed to see him, an excuse to leave your room on the days where nightmares blurred the edges of your vision and infected the depths of your twisted soul. 
It was a Friday when it truly started, transcended past your lone imagination and your regretful dreams, past the moans and pants of Erik into the depths of your pillow beneath the blanket of night, your own hand sneaking between your thighs. It had been the average Friday at first- breakfast with Jean, mutant politics with Professor Xavier at 9, and then at 10:30: mutant history with Professor Lehnsherr. 
It had been warm- a soothing, blurring comfort laying upon the grounds of the school; there was a bonfire planned for that night, a signal to the beginning of Summer, the break from classes that would be due to come. You had practically bounced into Erik’s classroom; excitement blurring any sense of formality as you failed to wipe the grin from your face- he turned to you as you entered, pausing his conversation with a student already mobile at their desk; a confused smile instantly graced his features, his eyebrow raising in amusement. 
“Morning Y/N.” Professor Lehnsherr, unlike his counterparts, only used first names with his students- even playing field, and all. 
“Morning Professor Lehnsherr.”
To that he instantly chastised you, “How many times have I told this class that you can just call me Erik? I beg Y/N, what do you have against my god given name?” 
You shrugged, grinning earnestly as you rifled through your backpack, today was one of the good days, “Nothing, nothing at all Prof- Erik.” He chuckled at your correction, hands on his hips as he turned fully towards you now- dismissing the student he had been talking to entirely, but presumably unintentionally. 
“Well, what’s gotten you so chipper today, Y/N?” 
“Oh!” You grinned wholeheartedly towards him, practically purring at the attention he was granting you, “It’s the summer bonfire tonight, of course.” 
“The night where Y/N gets absolutely wasted with no remorse, she means.” Jean tittered beside you, winking at you as your face instantly bloomed with heat. You couldn’t even be angry at her in that moment, because the laugh that bloomed from Erik’s chest made your own embarrassment all worth it. 
“Well sounds like you all have a good night ahead of you.” He was leaned against his desk now, boundless legs crossed at the knee and hair falling upon his forehead as he grinned to himself. 
“Will you be there, Erik?” You questioned tentatively, breaking the urge to suck your lip between your teeth; a desperate attempt to silence the leaking of your own secrets in his mere presence. 
Raising his eyes to you, Erik seemed to watch you for a moment; his eyes unreadable and face expressionless as he lounged there, every length of his stature going still. Biting your tongue, you could barely breathe; silently lavishing in his gaze as your heartbeat thundered in your ears- your surrounding classmates, Jean- all succumbing to a blur as you watched each other; two beasts stricken in the wild, the string connecting your mind to his pulled taut; similar in more ways you could ever know. After what felt like forever, eternity, mere seconds- he rose, smoothed a hand over his slicked-back hair and straightened his posture, “We’ll see.” 
And at that, the moment ended, he turned away entirely- scratching his worn-down chalk against the blackboard as he began his lesson; the only part of him available to you was the harsh lines of his back as you regained your ability to breath, digging crescent moons into the skin of your thigh as the surrounding classroom came back to you in waves. Scrambling to open your book and prepare your quill- you used the familiar ministrations as a chance to even your breaths, preparing for the inevitable event of him turning back towards the classroom, turning back towards you. 
As you, finally, began to catch up with his words and write your notes- Jean’s chair scratched against the floor beside you as she leant towards you, her voice that followed was lower than a whisper, intentionally audible only to you, “What the hell was that?” 
She had noticed it too. Gulping, you shook your head, barely raising your eyes from the book  before you, “I have no idea.” 
The remainder of his lesson passed in a blur, the ache between your legs and the confusion filling your chest all too noticeable as you failed to truly focus on the lesson before you. Your lack of focus meant you had specifically been unable to understand the essay prompt Erik had presented to the class- your sudden silence was almost deafening, the other students very obviously used to you  picking up the slack in discussion as you would usually grasp the opportunity of any attention Erik would spare you. 
You made the rash decision to approach Erik at the end of class, your own strive for academic success stubbornly drowning your own nerves towards him. As the other students filtered from the classroom, you diverged from Jean with a promise to see her at the party later; to which she could only reply with a pointed grimace towards Erik. Erik, who had promptly lowered himself to the seat at his desk, his gaze laser-focused upon a stack of papers before him; his gaze did not rise as you approached.
Clearing your throat, you teetered awkwardly beside him, your fingers a constant twitch at your sides, “Erik, I was wondering-” 
“Sorry Y/N, I can’t help you today- I have an obligation immediately after this.” Oh.
You blustered for a moment, your nerves and twirling fingers reaching a screeching halt as he effectively cut you off. Oh. The twining line that you believed existed between the two of you instantly snapped, the wretched, torn fibres hanging limply at his rejection. Blinking, you could only stare as he resolutely refused to look at you; his fingers lay upon his lips, his index finger rubbing against the chapped, pink skin.
He seemed almost bored by your presence. 
At that thought, you made your exit, and did it hastily. Without even sparing him another word, you backed out of the classroom; your heart stuttering and knees quivering- the walk to your room was agonising, the eyes of students and teachers alike followed your harried figure; confusion and empathy following your form as you will yourself to just make it to your room, just make it to the safety of a closed door. 
As the door slammed behind you, you could only breath; confusion and hurt swirling within the dregs of your stomach as you heaved brokenly. Erik had never dismissed you like that; had never talked to you like that. What had you done to deserve that? Had your question of whether he would be attending the bonfire offended him? The mere thought of associating himself with a gaggle of students; immature, unaware, uninteresting students. You realised, that was all you were to him. As he had been your saving grace, the aid that motivated you to climb from your bed in the mornings; you had been nothing but apart of his job, a hindrance to his time as you only extended the time he had to endure your presence- all in your plight to force yourself upon him. Horror replaced the confusion then- the realisation that you had been nothing but an embarrassment to yourself in his presence- his esteemed, intelligent presence. 
You vowed, there and then, that you would leave him alone- contribute nothing more than what was necessary, ignore him in the hallways, direct any questions you had to your other professors. It was for his benefit more than anything, you wanted to garner nothing but a positive impression upon him. 
The remainder of daylight saw you sulking beneath your duvet; scribbles adorning your diary as you lamented your feelings for Erik, chastised your own stupidity; the happiness that had graced your presence that morning didn’t allow even the slightest linger. As evening dawned and as the dining hour passed; your door suddenly flung open, Jean at its helm; a plate of tray of food in her hand and a displeased impression upon her face. 
“Y/N! You’re going to miss dinner.” She allowed herself entrance to the room, placing the tray upon your bedside and throwing the covers from your sulking form, “You know you can’t drink on an empty stomach, eat.” 
Admittedly, the smell of the delicious meal effectively coaxed you from your dwelling; instantly, to Jean’s chagrin, you began to eat with the manners of a starving wolf, your body becoming accustomed to the feeling of hunger that had been turning your stomach for hours, “Thanks, Jean.” Stopping your tirade, you allowed her a smile; to which she instantly raised an eyebrow at how pathetic it was.
“Hey,” Frowning, she joined you upon the mattress, a hand moving to lay against your back, “What’s got you so down?” 
Placing your fork down, you huffed; a heavy exhale falling from your nostrils as you stared resolutely down at your plate, “I’m such an idiot.” 
“What? Why-” 
“Professor Lehnsherr; I tried to approach him after class today and he dismissed me completely… Oh Jean I’m such an idiot-” 
“Y/N, you’re not an idiot- why would he do that? He’s always up to have a chat after class with anyone, but especially you.” 
You paused, lowering your face into your hands; the comfort of Jean’s hand rubbing circles upon your back, coaxing your feelings forward, “I think I’ve made him uncomfortable.” 
Nodding, you turned to her then, a frown marring your features as you held back your own tears, “You know, my crush on him- I think I’ve gone too far, he feels that he can’t even speak to me anymore.” 
You could only watch in shock as Jean laughed at that, a grin lining her features as she raised an eyebrow incredulously, “Y/N, he’s a grown man and a teacher! If he was uncomfortable I’m sure he would do more than just ignore you.” Jean shrugged, a lopsided smile upon her face, “Maybe he was just having an off day- remember how weird he was at the start of today’s class?” 
You nodded, a true smile finally adorning your features, “Maybe,” You sniffled, “Well- this just provides all the more excuse to get drunk tonight.” 
“And, all the more excuse to put a pretty dress on to take your mind off of Professor Lehnsherr.” She practically sang his name, giggling as you rolled your eyes before rising, offering you her hands and dragging you towards the hellscape that was your wardrobe.
The ceremonious activities began with a bang that night, literally- Professor McCoy having added too much gasoline to the bonfire’s mass, causing the first lick of fire to essentially skyrocket upwards; causing screams of genuine terror to erupt. Howling with laughter, you and Jean had stumbled towards the drinks table- each pouring yourself a cup of punch before discreetly adding vodka, from Jean’s own trusty flask, into each of your cups. 
“To getting over crushes,” Jean grinned, though you didn’t miss the way her gaze drifted towards Scott, “Cheers!” 
“Cheers!” You crashed your cup against hers, giggling obnoxiously as some spilled from hers- only to gag upon your first sip of the apparent poison within your cup, “Jean! How much did you put in here?” 
She shrugged, a cheeky grin painting her features as she sashayed her hips to the music that had began, all the while moving backwards towards the bonfire and the crowd beginning to form. Shaking your head, you followed her; greeting your friends and fellow students as you entered the crowd- pushing forward before finding the perfect spot directly in front of the fire. You had the perfect view of the opposite side; it seems that the school’s faculty had formed their own group towards the edge of the student-crowd, mingling and laughing over bottles of beer respectively. You didn’t pay much mind towards others in the crowd as you danced and drank and laughed with Jean. That was until, a commotion erupted from the professor’s crowd as a figure joined them. 
To your shock, it was Erik. Erik, dressed in an unbuttoned plaid shirt and black jeans to match the undershirt hugging his chest; his sleeves were rolled up to the elbow. The usual pomade that held his hair in place had been forgone in favour of his natural waves; a lone strand of longer hair protruding upon his forehead as he accepted a drink from Professor Xavier, a genuine grin directed towards his friend. You could do nothing but stare, frozen in place as your cup hung limply in your palm. He turned then, his gaze scanning past the campfire, towards the crowd you stood at the forefront of; his search allowed you the split-second of grace to look away, turning hastily towards Jean as you grabbed her hands. “We should refill our drinks.” Jean agreed readily, pulling you out of the crowd, away from Erik’s waiting gaze. 
At the mere reminder of Erik, his existence- the way he had dismissed you that morning; the drinks began to flow freely. Cup after cup was downed as you lost any care for the way others were seeing you- finally, truly, you were letting go, foregoing the emotional baggage that lay upon your shoulders just for one night. 
It was well past midnight as you wandered away from the bonfire, bored of watching Jean make out with Scott, “Congratulations.” You grumbled to yourself as you shoved your way through the overgrowth, the trees casting foreboding shadows upon your vision as you trampled over stray branches. After a minute of walking, you stumbled upon an old shed; the building’s wretched curves and rotting wood illuminated beneath the moon as you stood before it. Just as you were about to turn, return to the safety of the campfire; a rustling sounded on the other side of the building. Curiosity peaked your mind as you peered round the rise, only for shock to bridle them simultaneously as your gaze fell upon Erik, sat upon the steps in front of the building, an unlit cigarette poised between his fingers. He looked up instantly upon the sound of your unconcealable gasp. 
“Oh-” You breathed, shocked at the sight of him, “I’m sorry, I’ll just-” 
“You’ve caught me,” He huffed, holding his hands up- a willing criminal succumbing to their crime, his cigarette still hung limp between his fingers, “I’ve been caught.”
Your drunken conscience only allowed for a broken giggle to form from your mouth, for your knees to tremble and your feet to stumble in his direction. He raised an eyebrow at you, mirth painting his smirk as he looked you up and down unashamedly. You could only watch as he fumbled around in his jean pocket for a moment before retrieving a lighter; turning it in his hand- once, twice; before placing the cigarette between his lips and lighting it. The blunt, ember end of the cigarette illuminated his face in the darkness; the bustle of the bonfire long behind you in the shadows of the building he sat beside- he took a prolonged drag of the cigarette then, the smoke clouding your nostrils as he exhaled. 
Chuckling, he turned towards you, the cigarette balanced upon his lips and reducing his voice to a blabbering murmur, “Don’t smoke, Y/N, nasty habit to get rid of.” You could only nod; mystified by the drink and the smoke and the heed of his gaze, his heavy eyelids and messy hair, his presence rendering you silent, mute as you could only stare right back at him. 
Your heartbeat only skyrocketed as he patted the step beside him, beckoning you over with a tilt of his head; a puff of smoke abrogating from his mouth as he did so. You complied, discreetly wiping the sweat from your hands upon your knees as you lowered yourself beside him, allowing him a polite smile as you curled your arms around the bare skin of your shins. You were dangerously close, the harsh scent of cigarette smoke and cologne lost to the administrations of the day, invading your senses- you could only breathe it in, breathe in the moment, the proximity of his form. You didn’t know what to say, what to do- you only knew the Erik that wore restricting turtle necks and had perfectly slicked back hair; not plaid shirts and battered nikes’. It seemed that he was too aware of this, opting to smoke his cigarette silently beside you, allowing you your own time to process this interaction. 
Finally, you found your voice; the sound of it a mere croak at first as you turned towards him, your knee knocking against his abrasively, clumsily. God, you were so drunk,  “Could I- could I have a try?” 
His gaze bled into yours before it dropped to the cigarette between his fingers, he gestured to it at first; to which you nodded in confirmation. His features morphed into one of amusement, impressed as he handed it towards you; tutting all the while, “Naughty.” 
You laughed, head hanging back loosely as the alcohol broke the filter that had at first clouded your, already dulled, senses, “I just want to try new things, Professor.” To which you then attempted to take a drag of the cigarette, though you failed entirely, breaking into a fit of coughs as the smoke preemptively wafted into your open mouth. 
Erik grinned, shaking his head as he plucked the cigarette from your fingers, “See, like this.” You watched as he puckered his lips around the bud, inhaling, demonstrating before exhaling smoke directly into your face. If you had moved forward only a few inches, your mouths could have met in a kiss, your mind spoke insidiously. Once he handed the cigarette back to you, you followed his administration; though you were still unable to stop the hacking coughs from rising within your lungs, practically throwing the cigarette back at him as you spluttered into your elbow. 
“How do you even get used to that?” 
He shrugged, returning to his own routine of inhaling and exhaling, “Like I said, nasty habit.” 
Exhaling quietly, you allowed silence to settle over the two of you; an embalming sense of bliss filling your senses- the sounds of the bonfire had long since calmed now, the party having wound down for the night as people presumably either left for their rooms or huddled in groups around the fire. The blurred edges of inebriation left only a residual floating sense now; your heartbeat having calmed, simply basking in the proximity of Erik’s presence, closer than ever before; closer than the dreams that awoke you at night, that plagued every day and every interaction with the man beside you. 
His own resolute silence dawned upon you then; shit, maybe he wanted to be alone? You instantly began to rise to your feet, “I’m sorry, Erik, I-” Before you could continue, a hand curled around your wrist; dexterous fingers caressing the skin there as he stared up at you; his gaze open, unabashed. However, the moment ended as soon as it started, he seemed to catch himself; his gaze darkening as he snatched his hand away- almost as if he had made contact with boiling hot coals, not the cool skin of your wrist. You stood there for a moment, shoulders taut and shock unbridled as you stared at the spot where his caress had just laid. 
Abruptly, he stood; a hand carding through his hair as he disposed of the cigarette- the bud smoking upon the ground as he began to pace; shaking his head all the while, “I’m sorry Y/N, Oh, I’m so sorry-” 
“Professor, what-” 
“Please,” He begged brokenly, his voice broken as he pleaded with you, stopping his pacing a mere step before you, “Please, don’t call me that.” 
His words were strict, final. You could only nod, regret and embarrassment fizzing within your throat as you garbled out an apology, “I’m sorry, Erik, I-” 
“God,” He sighed, his eyes practically rolling back as he stood before you, his hands clenched at his sides; as if he were holding himself back, “I wish you didn’t call me that either.” 
“I- I’m sorry, I don’t-” 
Erik turned, pacing back towards the step before lowering himself upon it, his head instantly falling to his hands as the tips of his fingers entangled into his hair; his whole demeanour clenched in distress. You sincerely did not understand what was happening. When he spoke next, his voice was low, but grating with emotion. Emotion that resided deep within his bowels, within the very vessels of his soul as he raised his head towards you, “I’m a terrible teacher.” 
The confusion ebbed and flowed through your bloodstream now, practically a part of you as you could only gape at him, “What? No-” 
“No, Y/N.” He spoke, silencing you, “I am awful, horrible. I have thoughts that no teacher, no man should have.” 
Swallowing nervously, you advanced towards him; coaxing yourself forward as if approaching a stalking predator; his gaping mouth practically waiting to engulf you, feast upon your blood and bones and soul. “Erik, I don’t understand-” 
“Y/N.” He rose, instantly crowding towards you, his hands moving to caress your shoulders and arms and waist; engulfing the feeling of your skin like a man hungry past the bounds of starvation. You could only stand there, panting. “Day and night, awake and asleep; I think of you. You reside in the light of every dream and the deep darkness of every nightmare; you are always there.” It was his turn to pant now, your hot breaths mingling upon the cold air as you willed, begged yourself not to give in, not to look down at his lips. Before you could reply, he shook his head, tears swimming in his eyes, “You don’t have to say anything, please, never feel pressured to say anything back; to return my horrible, wretched thoughts. I’ll leave, I’ll leave the school, I’ll leave you alone-” 
You swallowed the sound of his words with your own lips, a hmm the only sound that remained of his rant as you moved to clutch his cheeks, his jaw, the ends of his hair. The two of you stumbled backwards as you gasped into his mouth, your lips moving with intense fervour as he manoeuvred you backwards- encasing your neck with his arms as he propped you against a nearby tree- the bristles and branches scratching against your form allowed no solace as your lips engulfed Erik’s, your soul ricocheting against his as you moved in perfect tandem. Tongues and bodies intertwined as you gasped and moaned and panted against his mouth; your leg hitching around his waist as he dragged a hand downwards before trailing a finger across the skin of your kneecap- he was everywhere, the feeling of him electrifying as he moved down; his tongue forming shapes upon your throat as his breath burned hot against the sensitive skin there.
Just as his hand began to move south, just as his fingers intertwined with the edges of your skirt- a twig snapped in the nearby wood. Instantly the moment died, Erik disconnected himself from you entirely; his shirt half hanging from his frame and hair a mess as he panted at you, eyes wide; form trembling. You could only stare back, chest heaving and back firm against the base of the tree, your leg still hanging limp in the air as the contact point had since retreated. 
Gulping, you patted at the hair on top of your head, wiped at the moist upon your lips, “Erik-” 
He didn’t spare you the grace of another word as he retreated, moving backwards; his stricken gaze never leaving yours as he retreated into the dark of the trees, back to the bustling of the party. Once his figure disappeared, you could only collapse against the tree entirely; tears pouring from your eyes and glistening upon your cheeks as you sobbed, your whole body feeling nothing but anguish.
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hotmusketeerspoll · 28 days
Here stand the current entrants for the Magnificent Musketeer Tournament - updated
Submissions are still open, so if one of your favourite characters isn't here yet, make sure you send them in.
Also, if there's a character already here that you have strong feelings about, you can submit them yourself!
Quite a few characters have no text propaganda or photos, here's a list of those that need some help.
On to the list!
All contestants are listed chronologically, from oldest to newest
Douglas Fairbanks
Max Linder (Dart-In-Again)
Gene Kelly
Jean-Paul Belmondo
Jean-Pierre Cassel
Jeremy Brett
Michael York
Jean Valmont
Chris O’Donnell
Gabriel Byrne
Hugh Dancy
Logan Lerman
Luke Pasqualino
Tamaki Ryou
Malachi Pullar-Latchman
François Civil
Oliver Reed
Keifer Sutherland
John Malkovich
Matthew Macfadyen
Tom Burke
Uzuki Hayate
Vincent Cassel
Richard Chamberlain
Igor Starygin
Charlie Sheen
Jeremy Irons
Luke Evans
Santiago Cabrera
Miya Rurika
Romain Duris
Brian Blessed
Frank Finlay
Oliver Platt
Gerard Depardieu
Ray Stevenson
Howard Charles 
Pio Marmaï
Lana Turner
Faye Dunaway
Margarita Terekhova
Rebecca de Mornay
Milla Jovovich
Maimie McCoy
Mollie Hindle
Preeya Kalidas
Eva Green
Marguerite de la Motte
June Allyson
Raquel Welch
Julie Delpy
Gabriella Wilde
Tamla Kari
Lyna Khoudri
Nigel de Brulier
Vincent Price
Charlton Heston
Bernard Haller
Aleksandr Trofimov
Tim Curry
Christoph Waltz
Peter Capaldi
Guy Delorme
Christopher Lee
Boris Klyuev
Michael Wincott
Mads Mikkelsen
Marc Warren
Anne of Austria
Angela Lansbury
Geraldine Chaplin
Catherine Jourdan
Gabrielle Anwar
Anne Paurillard
Sheena Easton
Juno Temple
Alexandra Dowling
Vicky Krieps
King Louis XIII
Hugh O’Conor
Ryan Gage
Louis Garrel
Hugo Speer
Marc Barbé
Duke of Buckingham
Simon Ward
Orlando Bloom
Jacob Fortune-Lloyd
Roy Kinnear
James Corden
William Phillips
Matthew McNulty
Ángel del Pozo
Michael Gothard
Madame Chevreuse
Sophie Craig
Madame Coquenard
Jennifer Matter
Louis XIV
Louis Hayward
Richard Chamberlain
Leonardo DiCaprio
Robert Sheehan
Louis Hayward
Richard Chamberlain
Leonardo DiCaprio
Maria Theresa
Joan Bennett
Vivien Merchant
Kristina Krepela
Cardinal Mazarin
Gigi Proietti
Gerard Depardieu
Michael Ironside
C. Thomas Howell
Peter Sarsgaard
Lousie de la Valliere
Jenny Agutter
Michael Gothard
Kim Cattrall (Justine de Winter)
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hankmccoyhere · 22 days
When will you accept yourself for what you are, Beast? You are magnificent. It may be overwhelming at first, but you are simply now more than you were.
First of all, Erik. It is Dr McCoy, if you insist on using a title.
Second, when the time comes when I can walk outside and not hear someone screech in horror. When the time comes where I have to fear the machinations of what is happening in my dna. When the time comes when I’m in open arms on another. I see it harder now than ever. I don’t have hands anymore. A mouth. Things which are vital to such a longing I’ve had for years.
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swimmingwolf59 · 6 months
omfg how long has this been sitting in my drafts??? At least four months LMAO because I baked these from the star trek cookbook for my friends for the winter holidays!
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First was the Ha Rageel (Vulcan carrot loaf) - I loved how moist this loaf was!! Probably could've used a bit more sugar, and it did fall apart in transport lol, but otherwise I thought it was good!
It also has one of my favorite captions from the cookbook: "It has never ceased to amuse Doctor McCoy that Mister Spock, with all his logical training, cannot consider Ha Rageel a close equivalent to Tufeen Hushani. Actually, to the logical Vulcan mind, a ceremonial wedding cake is quite unrelated to an "everyday" dessert loaf. It is quite true that they contain many of the same ingredients and have a somewhat similar taste. But this no more makes them related than the same number of eyes and legs makes first cousins of horses and dogs. To a cook the difference is also important. Preparing the wedding cake requires time, attention and care to avoid a minor disaster; with Ha Rageel you can hardly go wrong."
Yes this was the inspiration for my fic. I mean, how can you tell me McCoy has teased Spock about the carrot loaf being similar to the wedding cake and NOT expect me to write a fic about it.
Also sorry McCoy, but after making both, they are WAY different, and the wedding cake is better imo 🤣
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I also made Criniti, Romulan spice cookies! These turned out sooooooo yummy, will definitely be making them again!
They also have a fun legend for the caption in the cookbook: "The name for these cookies comes from an ancient Romulan legend. The story is about how the Romulan herding wolves came to be domesticated.
"Once there was a long, hard winter, and the tribe of the boy Kalyb was short on furs. The boy was already a good hunter, but not yet old enough to go with the men. The men had caught all the meat they needed, and the tribe had stored seeds, honey, nuts, and dried fruit. But still they needed furs, or they would freeze.
"One morning Kalyb chanced on a sleeping Canis crinitus with a magnificent pelt and was about to kill it. The animal pleaded for its life and offered the following bargain. If Kalyb's tribe would prepare his favorite treat for him and his clan, they would help the boy's tribe catch all the woolly, sheep-like mountain creatures they needed.
The boy's tribe prepared cakes from seeds, dried fruits, nuts and honey and left them where the Criniti could find them. The next day, the cakes were gone, and before long, Kalyb heard a great commotion. The Criniti were sweeping down from the hills driving the woolly animals before them. Kalyb's tribe killed many of them and had enough furs to keep themselves warm all winter. Kalyb's people learned more about the habits and needs of the Criniti, and between them figured out how to keep a supply of the woolly sheep-like animals on hand for meat and fur.
"Romulans still use fruit and nut cakes for training their animals. They also make delicious spiced cookies using many of the same ingredients as rewards for their children. On certain feast days it is even proper for adults to be seen eating them."
Idk if this is based on anything in real life? Cool either way tho! Also I want a pet wolf LMAO
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plus-low-overthrow · 6 months
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ARTWORK LP: Van McCoy and his Magical Movie Machine (Hugo & Luigi)
This LP contains three Medley's across both sides with a common call out in the intro to each, "Disco Movies...", side Two for example contains a single medley mashing up; Theme from Shaft, Doctor Zhivago and the Magnificent Seven, though perhaps not prolifically nor to my taste, the potential for looping and extending sections has kind of been orchestrated for you.
arr. Van McCoy, 1977. Other musicians include Richard Tee, Cornell Dupree, Phil Bodner, Urbie Green, Gene Orloff and vocalist Zulema with female soul trio, Faith, Hope & Charity.
Cover Art by Jim O'Connell.
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pers-books · 11 months
Children of the Circus
Friday, 3 November 2023 - Reported by Marcus
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A new audio musical drama, Children of the Circus, is reuniting the cast of the seventh Doctor story, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy for a unique special.
The limited edition CD set will be released on December 14th, 2023, exactly 35 years to the day that the first episode of The Greatest Show in the Galaxy was broadcast on BBC One.
Once upon a time, there was a circus. A Psychic Circus, to be precise. A glorious haven for the misfits of the universe. But then, as is so often the way, it was hijacked by a trio of malevolent Gods. Things grew unpleasant.   Now, years later, the Gods are gone, but the scars of those who survived the Circus remain. After all, you can't change the past.   Unless you're the Children of the Circus... and you're willing to sing.
Based on the Season 25 story by Stephen Wyatt, Children of the Circus is a brand-new, original, musical play on audio from AUK Studios; written by Kenton Hall (with songs by Christopher Guard) and based on an idea by Barnaby Eaton-Jones.
The special features the return of Sylvester McCoy (the Seventh Doctor) and Sophie Aldred (who played the Doctor’s traveling companion, Ace). But not as you’d expect. McCoy plays the High Poet; all befuddled charm and with a whisper of duplicity and danger. Aldred gives two magnificently different characters in the form of Captain Gren (the gruff owner of a Time Ship) and AJ (a sentient piece of rust, who navigates the Time Ship).
McCoy himself sums it up 
To return to the worlds of Stephen Wyatt's imagination, but as a wholly new character called the High Poet, means I get to be involved with the Psychic Circus rather than fighting against it! As a lover of the circus myself, juggling this new role was a joy (though I'm sad I didn't get to play the spoons). What fun to be reunited with all the wonderful cast from 'The Greatest Show in the Galaxy' again, 35 years later, and I hope you'll all enjoy this time-sliding, sidestepping sequel from Barnaby Eaton-Jones and his bunch of clowns!
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Joining the cast in a major role is 1980’s icon (singer/actress/songwriter), Toyah Willcox. It’s long been known she was a fan of Doctor Who, as she appeared in Kevin Jon Davies’ acclaimed documentary 30 Years in the TARDIS, but to get her to create a multi-voiced role as The Band of Infinite Harmony (and get her own solo song, which can heard in full after the end credits as a bonus extra track) was something she clearly relished…
At last, I get to play all four members of the band and still have the last say…. love it. Seriously it was wonderful to play THE BAND and equally wonderful to hear this rather fab story unfold, a rock and roll odyssey of comic proportions.
Ever since producer/director Barnaby Eaton-Jones saw the original broadcast of The Greatest Show in the Galaxy, he was fascinated by the world that Stephen Wyatt had created…
There was such a wild mix of horror, science fiction, music, and fantasy, that it blew my adolescent mind; with images and characters forever stuck in my head. I wanted to revisit some of the characters and introduce new ones. With the permission of Stephen Wyatt (who came up with the title for this new production), and the help of writer Kenton Hall and actor/musician Christopher Guard, we were able to create something rather unique in the audio medium.
Kenton Hall himself says:
Like most swinging, modern people, I receive a daily deluge of emails that begin with the fateful words “would you be interested in…” As a result, I have developed a tendency to give them, at best, a brief, withering glare. In this case, however, it read “would I be interested in playing in the sandbox of Stephen Wyatt’s marvellous ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’?”  Does the lesser spotted gumblejack smell faintly of cinnamon? Spoiler: the answer to both questions is yes.
Songwriter, Christopher Guard, who played Bellboy in the original TV serial, added…
As with all the best things in life, I don't remember quite how or when it began. I think I'd sent some of my songs - recent and ancient - to Barnaby just as he was dreaming up a sequel to ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’. It was more a shooting star than a light bulb moment. Irresistible synchronicity had struck, and ‘Children of the Circus’ was a THING! It was just a question of time. Or timelessness. Stephen Wyatt blessed us, Kenton Hall seized his cosmic pen, and the rest is mystery. Unravelled. With music. How amazing to act and sing with so many of the original cast, to slip into Bellboy's loons once more, and to travel seamlessly beyond our wildest dreams.”
Starring Christopher Guard as Bellboy, Dee Sadler as Flowerchild and Ella, Sophie Aldred as Captain Gren and AJ, Toyah Willcox as The Band of Infinite Harmony, Ian Reddington as Delios and the Chief Clown, and Sylvester McCoy as the High Poet.
With Daisy Dunlop, Verity White, Kim Jones, Kenton Hall, Barnaby Eaton-Jones and Ian Kubiak.
Special guest appearances by Ricco Ross as The Ringmaster, Jessica Martin as Mags, Chris Jury as Deadbeat, Deborah Manship as Morgana, Gian Sammarco as Whizz Kid, Daniel Peacock as Nord, and Dean Hollingsworth as the Bus Conductor and Station Announcer.
Produced and directed by Barnaby Eaton-Jones, for AUK Studios.
A preview can be heard here
Limited Edition CD available to pre-order now
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heliads · 1 year
Holy crap can I ask to see the list of all the requests you got?! It has to be a lot if you’re booked all the way to July
oh you already know! here goes:
4/25: so, before you go chapter two (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
4/27: harry hook x reader (based on 'the way i loved you'' by taylor swift, was literally giggling to myself over how fun this one's going to be)
4/29: so, before you go chapter three (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
5/1: thomas x reader (set in the safe haven, newt and teresa are alive, culmination of months of mutual pining)
5/3: so, before you go chapter four (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
5/5: luke patterson reader (reader is luke's english tutor)
5/7: so, before you go chapter five (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
5/9: charles leclerc x reader (reader is in charge of social media and charles flirts at all hours of the day)
5/11: so, before you go chapter six (the darkling x child of hecate!reader)
5/13: peeta mellark x reader (reader is a friend of katniss, takes place after round 1 of the games)
5/15: so, before you go chapter seven (the darkling x child of hecate!reader)
5/17: loki x reader (reader is an empath, loki is newly forced to join the avengers)
5/19: so, before you go chapter eight (the darkling x child of hecate!reader)
5/21: leonard 'bones' mccoy x reader (star trek x grishaverse au, the thoughts and ideas i have for this >>>>)
5/23: matthias helvar x reader (enemies to friends to lovers)
5/25: charles leclerc x reader (reader is head of pr for ferrari, when ferrari strategy does ferrari strategy she helps charles w the media)
5/27: andrew peter parker x reader (simple headcanons)
5/29: clove x reader (reader is clove's bff and helping her train for the games but gets scared the closer they get to the day of the reaping)
5/31: tom peter parker x reader (male reader is fighting in wakanda during infinity war, they're worried about each other through the blip)
6/1: billy rocks x reader (the magnificent seven but a grishaverse au, i am so so excited to write this, june cannot come quickly enough)
6/3: tewkesbury x reader (both of them are lovesick idiots)
6/5: han solo x reader (escapades w han + singing to get out of a crisis)
6/7: race x reader (reader is brooklyn's second in command)
6/9: peter pevensie x reader (reader is a knight with a gay crisis, i am shrieking, raven i love you for sending this in)
6/11: jack wilder x reader (reader is a paramedic and jack keeps mildly injuring himself so she can fix him up)
6/13: newt x reader (gally's trademarked beverage as a plot device)
6/15: peter pevensie x reader (headcanons for having to live in london after spending so long in narnia)
6/17: finch x reader (the newsies are hanging out, he has a crush)
6/19: daniel atlas x reader (reader volunteers to be a part of a trick, he gets shy)
6/21: newt x reader (tmr modern au, they sit next to each other in class)
6/23: race higgins x reader (race + reader are on a date but get jumped and they must recover emotionally from that)
6/25: kai parker x reader (kai redemption era)
6/27: lucy pevensie x reader (lucy has a girlfriend and gets up the courage to introduce them to the siblings, this is when they're all kings and queens)
6/29: zoya nazyalensky x reader (reader is zoya's #1 fan bc zoya saved them from attack one time, reader is hurt by somebody and zoya nearly becomes a supervillain bc of it)
7/1: andrew peter parker x reader (male reader is peter's best friend but when peter gets bitten by the spider, he stops hanging out with reader as much, angst ensues)
plus bonus non requests that i get to tack onto the end of my queue bc i am the author and i need to clear through some of my unwritten ideas:
7/3: eric coulter x reader (reader was from amity but now tattoos, idk commentary on art surviving in a place like dauntless you get my drift)
7/5: jesper fahey x reader (this quote specifically that has been in my inbox for months: but how long? how long until i blend into the background and i'm no longer unusual? what will you do when i'm no longer a bet that calls your interest or a gamble worth the odds?)
7/7: eowyn x reader (eowyn thinks she dislikes reader bc reader is a girl and can fight but eowyn can't, in reality that's not jealousy but a repressed crush on a girl, we've all had them before)
7/9: peter pan x reader (reader can visit neverland when she's dreaming, she goes there often enough that she wants to live there forever, she asks peter to take her but he hesitates, she decides to never dream of him again, eventually he shows up in person bc he misses her)
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autixel · 2 years
Please tell me about your Dresden files head cannons and such like pls I need some one to talk about him with
Alright so. I didn't really think of much for Murphy, like my main issue is whatever Harry and Murphy had romantically going on, I don't really have problems with her as a character. And this is my first time doing headcanons so the formatting is off.
Actually kind of a bastard. He's friendly with Dresden because in the long run it's convenient. Convoluted convenient but Marcone keeps playing the long game.
I really don't think his sexuality matters to him. He has bigger problems. Life-forms are chess pieces to him. If he wants to be successful both on earth and in the never-never, it isn't really useful to contemplate that part of him.
Marcone has kinda had it with Dresden, on the outside he's so professional and so collected. I think it's customer service.
(honestly why does Marcone act vaguely flirty with Dresden? There has to be more reason to it, based on Dresden's descriptions of him (even tho Dresden is an unreliable narrator...))
Is the cold, calculating, magnificent bastard we think he is, and take it some steps further.
If I were to completely ignore canon I would say that Marcone deep down is really anxious. Maybe he shoots up from bed some nights in dread from dreaming about how badly his new enemies could plunge Chicago, the States, and the entire world. (Hehehe and he doesn't know what else would make everything so much worse). Do you think he ever gets that way?
How often does she question God? How far does her faith go?
90s pop enjoyer
I choose to believe that she has really badass scars, and also retrospectively embarrassing ones from battles.
Horny in the most inconvenient way possible.
Have you ever thought about what Dresden does with the non-human entities that come onto him? He. Says. No. Every single time. He's actually very interesting like this. He's dealing with creatures that use beauty as a weapon AND HE KNOWS IT. And because he's so lonely and touchstarved his libido is like hmmmmm potential...
I think if he were to just stop, no world to save, no one in danger from forces that he would be best against, no plots using him, he would realize how miserable he is.
So many times has he told his friends to blindly trust him even though he wants to tell them the full truth, and the guilt gets to him.
What he really wants in life is a safe place, a safe life with Maggie, Thomas, McCoy, Karrin, his other friends, and his magic. No monsters to slay, no Chicago on the verge of destruction, nothing out to harm him and his family. Just a calm, happy life.
When he loves people he really, really does love. He wiped out an entire species to save his kid. He held a torch so bright for Susan that their love still had an effect on him for over a decade.
Ignoring canon I would say that if he were real I'd beat him up. Idc if he'd wipe the floor with me I would add to the horrors inside his mind. I'll have to convene with the board (my irl friends) if I am truly that terrifying.
Mainly because I am sick of his love life idc idc he needs friends not this bs.
Now you might be thinking, Autixel, what the fuck are you doing? Writing about Mab before Thomas? Molly? Any other more shown character?
But Mab is becoming one of my favorites and it's about how she rules.
I think one facet of her mindset is ends justify the means. She does what she must for the result that matters. This is why Maeve would have never worked. She didn't get that there is a bigger game to it all, or Maeve saw it and didn't care.
When she goes to the human world I kinda imagine her in some 1950s fashion, the sleeker dresses remind me of her.
(hehe rule of 3)
Girlypop is getting on my nerves 🔪
There's nothing tremendously wrong with her I'm just sick of her crush on Dresden. Both need some hot cocoa and a good cry not whatever the fuck is going on.
Plays guitar, with her wintry promotion she can play an electric guitar, yippee!
I want to believe that she would have made my immortal levels of bad fanfic, maybe one got infamous and was never finished.
Where and who does she swing? Kinda getting pan vibes.
You cannot convince me that she didn't have a raccoon tail dye once.
Edward Cullen in the most derogatory way possible.
Bitchless but canon hates me :(
Hope that fulfills expectations :)
There's more thoughts in the tags
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amethyst-noir · 6 months
Fandom Asks
I got tagged ages ago by @gravitywonagain - thank you so much! 💜
3 Ships You Like: Chris Larabee/Vin Tanner (The Magnificent Seven, TV Show), McShep, Nielan
First Ship Ever: In retrospect it was Spock/McCoy but I was too young, offline, and didn't really know what I was doing. The first "proper" one was Duncan MacLeod/Methos.
Last Song You Heard: Hello Sunshine - Bruce Springsteen
Favourite Children Book: I don't have one, actually.
Currently Reading: Big Man by Clarence Clemons & Don Reo, Remnants of Filth, Vol. 3
Currently Watching: Nothing! But I want to start War of Faith - eventually. Maybe. Someday.
Currently Consuming: Nothing, I need to go and shop for lunch.
Currently Craving: More Coffee. Or a Vanilla Coke. Plain water. (I need to get up and get myself something to drink.)
Tagging: @descaladumidera, @turtleoftheabyss, @inthegreyspaces, @myrxellabaratheon and @dancibayo.
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@positivelybeastly || (💭) My muse wakes your muse after having a dream/nightmare. || Starters
He doesn't recall falling asleep, nor does he recall the last time he slept, which would undoubtedly explain how easy it had been to slip from consiousness.
What he does remember is sitting in Dr. McCoy's lab, watching as he worked, perched on a stool at a separate table to wait for him to conclude his work.
And before that, he knows he spent the entire morning in a magnificent library pouring over news articles and learning how to use a "computer" so he could research the issue further. All of his findings about linear time travel pointed to two doctors, and Holmes didn't think it wise to put much faith in a man named Strange.
So, he sought the help of Dr. McCoy, instead.
Holmes never shied away from the truth, however improbable it might be. Perhaps he wasn't fully aware of the consequences that might arise were he to explain his situation to the wrong crowd. Or, more likely, he was fully aware where such ravings would get him, and didn't have a qualm about being lockex up. Determines enough, he'd find his way out.
But, fortunately, he didn't have to. The X-men were apparently well versed in the bizarre, and after a rather catty discussion with the seasonally named doorman- Summers? Stupid name-, Holmes found himself in Hanks lab.
And the man was working on something, so Holmes didn't interrupt him. His issue was time displacment, ergo, any length of time could be corrected later. Instead, he sat down, for just a moment.
He dreamed of warmth. Of someone, a familiar voice, a familiar smell. Something so strong, so unfamiliar settled in the pit of chest and before he could properly place it, the warmth became real. A weight on his back, a gentle shake.
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Holmes jerks awake, hands going to his eyes to rub away the exhaustion. "Apologies, Doctor. I meant to avoid disturbing your work."
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June of Doom Day 22
22. “I’m trying!”                                     
| Humiliation | Crutches | Rage |
TW: major character deaths, major character injury, blood and gore, cut off limb, humans as prey
A/N: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (real navy boat)
Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott closed his eyes, trying his best to breathe the pain away. He couldn't give up now. He had to get away.
His injured leg gave away beneath him from time to time, yet still it was far better to walk with the self-made crutches than without them.
The Scotsman was just happy to have found two branches of about the same length in the jungle. It was the only way he had managed to get up at all and build up a distance to his pursuers.
He felt hot tears in his eyes, triggered by the severe pain in his leg, but also at the thought of the rest of his crew.
They were all dead. Every single one of them. From the beach, he had seen the beautiful USS Enterprise sink. His silver lady had met her end, hit by a torpedo.
He still wondered why he had managed to survive the disaster. What about the rest of the crew? Why had none of them made it?
His people from the engine room. The young, hopeful navigator Chekov. Or the magnificent helmsman Sulu. The pretty communications officer Uhura. The grumpy but lovable ship's doctor McCoy and his loyal second-in-command Nurse Chapel, and the rest of the medical staff. The exceptionally intelligent first officer Spock. And, of course, their courageous, self-confident Captain James T. Kirk.
Their crew had numbered no more than twenty men and women, but it was still a shame that only Montgomery Scott, called only Scotty by most, had survived.
He let out a strangled yelp as he stumbled. Once again the hellish pain shot through his leg and he wished he could just lie there and wait for his end. But he knew he couldn't. He had to keep going. He couldn't let them catch him.
He didn't know any names. He only knew that they were crazy and cruel.
They had saved him. They had let all the other injured crew members drown miserably, but they had pulled him out of the water and brought him to the island.
But if he had known what his captors intended to do with him, he would have preferred to drown with the others.
They had taken him to their camp and tied him to a tree, had provided him with food and drink, had let him sleep. And then - the next morning - they had told him what they intended to do with him.
A drive hunt. And he was the prey.
He had been given a ten-minute head start, but had quite quickly fallen into a trap.
A noose of sharp wire that had wrapped around his ankle and then tightened tighter and tighter. He had only had one chance to get free.
So he had pulled on his foot until all the tendons and muscles and bone had been cut.
A loud scream and many tears later, he had managed to provisionally bandage the stump that was left with part of his shirt.
Then he had struggled on.
With agonized groans, Scotty managed to get back to his feet and limped on. They had told him that he would be allowed to live if he managed to reach the radio tower.
And he had to make it there as fast as possible. He wanted to get out of here! He wanted to go home to his little brother.
Scotty remembered clearly the phone call in which Robbie had told him that the engineer was finally an uncle. Little Christopher Scott had seen the light of day. And Scotty wanted nothing more than to meet him.
He sobbed quietly at the thought of perhaps never being allowed to meet his nephew.
Breathing heavily, he had to stop to wipe the tears from his eyes, leaning against a tree. And that was his biggest mistake.
Scotty froze when he felt a sharp blade against his neck from behind.
No! No, no, no! They had him! They had found him!
"Please don't! Please don't kill me!"
The blade loosened a bit, but a hand found its way to his mouth.
"Shhh, be quiet," it hissed at his ear.
Scotty's body shook violently, but he tried his best not to whimper and comply with the stranger's request.
"I'm not going to kill you. I want your help. So shut up and follow me."
It took a moment for Scott to nod, and slowly the hand came away from his mouth. He turned around and caught sight of a man who looked... really terrible.
His black hair was disheveled, his clothes dirty and torn. An unkempt beard adorned the face. Apparently, the man had been here in the jungle for quite some time. His blue eyes reflected dominance.
Before Scotty could say anything, the man was already moving and leading the way.
"Keep moving. We have to hurry to avoid getting caught. Don't dawdle."
Well... that was easier said than done! Didn't the guy see his crutches and his injury?
"I'm trying!"
Their progress was slow, but as strange as it sounded, Scotty somehow felt safer with the stranger at his side.
The stranger took him to a wee cave, hidden deep in the jungle. Apparently his home.
As it turned out, the stranger's name was Khan Singh. He was also the only survivor of a disaster. His company's small private plane had been shot down as they flew over the island. He, like Scotty, had been rescued and then hunted down.
It had all been about three weeks ago. So far Khan had managed to hide and move unobtrusively through the jungle. He had collected fruits and when he had found a knife by chance, he had also started to hunt animals.
Khan had also managed to find the radio tower, but he had found that the equipment was broken.
"So... do you have any idea about technology?"
It seemed like a miracle that the ship's engineer, of all people, had been rescued.
"A-aye. I... I'm an engineer," he muttered. He felt miserable, losing far too much blood despite the bandage. Probably the wound was infected long ago.
"Well, this is perfect! You can get us both out of here!"
A hopeful smile flitted across the other man's face. But it also quickly disappeared as his eyes fell on the engineer's injury.
"Provided we can get you to the tower."
Yes... that was likely to be problematic. Scotty sighed heavily, feeling the sweat on his brow.
"I... I don't think I can walk very far. Not without help... or medication."
At that word, Khan's expression brightened again.
"I could try to get to the wreckage of my plane somehow. I'm sure I can get some meds and a first aid kit there. I'll have to be careful, but... you'll be fine."
Khan's hand closed around his and squeezed it gently.
"We're going to get out of here. For sure!"
Khan returned. He pepped Scott up as best he could and after a night and half a day, the Scotsman was ready to go. He was so incredibly grateful for the help.
They crept through the thick brush, careful not to get caught. And there it was.
The radio tower!
Scotty had never felt so relieved before! With Khan's help, he limped a little faster. They would make it! They would leave this island!
They reached the radio tower in a short time and together they managed to climb up. Scotty immediately set about repairing the machines, while Khan stood guard.
A broad smile flitted across the Scotsman's face as he got the radio working.
He laughed and cried with joy.
"I did it! We can call for he-"
That was as far as he got. He felt a blade slowly digging into his back and he coughed up blood.
From behind, an arm closed around him and held him tight. A voice whispered in his ear.
"I'm really sorry, Scotty. But you know how it is.... If you can't defeat the enemies, join them."
Scotty's eyes widened.
And suddenly it all made sense. Khan... hadn't just crashed three weeks ago. It would have been reported on the news! They would have been looking for the missing plane! It... had to have been a long time ago. And now Khan was part of the group. He inspired confidence and lured the hunted into a trap.
The knife slowly came out of his back and Scotty was spun around by Khan so he could see the radio tower filling up with the rest of the hunters.
They were all grinning broadly, their weapons in their hands.
"We won, little rabbit."
Some birds startled and flew away as several shots rang out. And far away, a baby who would never know his uncle screamed.
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thesconesyard · 1 year
When the Cactus Blooms
15. Desert Rose
Hikaru Sulu was on a mission. Well, two missions, maybe. He had promised Jim he would keep a look out for anything unusual as he rode far to the north of the ranch. Pavel and Scotty had found Jaylah to the north of the ranch when they had been searching for John Harrison. He would see if he noticed any signs of her family or the gang that had attacked them.
Sulu supposed he could keep an eye open for any sign of Harrison as well. His gun hung on his hip at the ready. Jim had been insistent no one leave the ranch without being armed after he and Spock had taken on a pair of bandits recently.
But outlaws and missing families were not what was taking Sulu to the north on a fine day.
No, Hikaru Sulu was looking for a plant.
A beautiful wild rose grew in the foothills in the north. A rose with petals the color of the setting sun. Every spring he made the journey and every year he was rewarded.
This year he planned to bring home a cutting. He’d plant it around the front gate of the ranch. Why he’d never done it before he couldn’t say. But this year he would. Bring it home, cultivate it in the house and plant it the following spring. Something was different; had changed. It was subtle, but it was big as well. It wasn’t something Sulu could explain well, but it was definitely something he could feel.
He knew, and he was pretty sure everyone else on the ranch knew too, that Jaylah was going to end up staying with them. Perhaps that was it. Their table would be filled. The ranch was a home for all of them and had been waiting for one more.
And though he couldn’t say for certain, Sulu thought something had finally changed between the doctor and Scotty as well. He was glad for them if it had. For ages he had seen McCoy’s casual glances lasting too long on Scotty during meals. Would the pair say something to the rest of them, or just keep it quiet?
Would it finally cause Jim to speak up as well? Nobody could miss the pining the ranch owner did towards Spock. Wouldn’t that finally be a relief! It was a joke between the rest of them; how oblivious could Spock be?
Sulu let out a laugh as he rode. Even knowing bandits and thieves may be hiding somewhere in the scrub and hills he was riding towards, his heart was light.
It was mid morning when he finally reached the hills he was making for. The trees grew a bit thicker in the valleys, but they were still easy enough to guide his horse through.
He breathed deep and a faint perfume in the air had him nudging his horse slightly. A few more minutes and he was out of the saddle. Loosely he tied the horse to a tree, and continued to the large rose bush in front of him.
Sulu breathed in the scent. It was nearly overpowering and he felt himself relax, as a smile spread on his face. He admired the flowers already open and the buds just beginning to spread.
Taking his time, Sulu examined the roses and selected the best ones in all stages of bloom. He always made Uhura and Christine bouquets as a gift, but this year he had one more to make. He was certain it would be an excellent welcome for Jaylah.
Nothing had been found so far of her family or the people who had attacked them. She carried the heavy grief invisibly on her shoulders. Sulu hoped she would find some closure, but he had his doubts. Either way he would bring her one of the bouquets; show her she had a home where he lived.
When he had picked all the ones he wanted, he took a quick break and ate something. The flowers had all been carefully stowed in the basket hanging from the side of his horse.
Now came his most delicate job; selecting a piece that he could take back with him to grow into a magnificent plant like its original. Sulu was thorough but was satisfied when he finally had his cutting tucked safely in the basket. By midafternoon he could have the cutting safe and sound at home.
Sulu rode home at a quicker pace than he had when he’d set out. The perfume of the roses surrounded him and he couldn’t help his broad grin.
All was well until he neared the midpoint between the ranch and the hills. A fluttering of something on the ground caught his eye. He turned towards it and slowed as he neared. He frowned as he jumped down from his horse. Before him, caught on some jagged stones was a piece of plaid yellow fabric. It had been roughly torn, and one end was stained a rusty brown. Sulu’s brow lifted at that. He knew dried blood when he saw it.
Turning he inspected the ground closely. Boot prints led to the west. Careful not to step on them, he followed them until they disappeared. He searched in a widening circle, but found no more tracks. The wind must have blown them away.
Returning to where he had found the fabric, he moved some rocks to make a marker, and pointed them the way the tracks had led. Perhaps it would be worth it to come back with Jim and the sheriff. Sulu stood looking west. The canyon was that way. Would it be a place for a gang’s hideout?
He shoved the fabric in his pocket and climbed back on his horse. He pushed the horse to a faster pace this time.
Back at the ranch, Sulu was relieved to be within the familiar fences. Alone, with possible bandits nearby, had worried him the rest of the ride back. He took care of his horse in the stable and turned her loose in the pasture. Carefully he took his basket with the roses and cutting and made for his cabin.
In a short while, with his three bouquets made, he headed for the house. His cutting was secured in his cabin.
Uhura, Christine and Jaylah were all sitting on the porch. He could hear their talk as he approached, but coming from the side of the house they didn’t notice him right away.
“What is that?” Jaylah asked.
Sulu smiled.
“What’s what?” Uhura began to ask. “Oh!” she cried with a laugh. She got to her feet as Sulu came to the stairs. “Didn’t know you’d be back already.”
“I always hurry to come back to you fair ladies,” Sulu smiled. “Miss Uhura,” he said and handed her the first of the roses from the basket.
Uhura buried her face and breathed deep.
“They smell better every year! Thank you!” She leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek.
“Miss Christine,” he turned to her with the next bouquet.
“You spoil us,” Christine said as she took the roses and smiled. “Thank you.”
“And Miss Jaylah,” Sulu said, turning to the young woman.
“Me?!” she exclaimed in surprise. She looked in awe at the flowers handed to her. “I’ve seen roses like these before,” she said slowly. “In the hills.” She pointed to the north.
“That’s where I go,” Sulu smiled. Remembering the fabric in his pocket, he pulled it out slowly. “I also found this.”
Jaylah’s eyes widened and she grabbed the strip from his hand. Sulu could see her breathing heavily, and tears forming in her eyes.
“I followed some boot tracks but they disappeared. I marked the place. We can get the sheriff out that way to investigate,” he said quietly, taking a seat next to her.
“My father…” she whispered.
“I thought it might be,” Sulu said equally quiet. “We’ll do everything we can to help.”
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OT+ Prompts:
#4 - Spock is sick and Kirk + Genesis fussing over them, please? 😌💙
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 💕
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Pairing: Spirkton (Genesis Welton + Jim Kirk + Spock).
Prompt: #4 - A is sick and everyone is fussing over them from OT+ Prompts.
Warnings: Illness, mentions of vomiting, light swearing.
(A/N: Thank you so much for this, Alexandra!! I hope you enjoy it!!)
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GENESIS WAS THE FIRST PERSON to admit that she should know better as a medic, but they somehow always managed to forget that, though Vulcans couldn’t get sick, her dear half-Vulcan boyfriend was also half-human. As such, they had nearly choked on her own saliva when Spock had stumbled rather than walked into the med bay, face flushed green with fever and looking terribly nauseous.
Beyond her initial reaction of surprised hacking, Gen’s second, horrible thought was that Spock had been poisoned and was about to collapse dead to the floor. Not a very rational thought, they could admit that as well, but she’d never seen Spock so much as have to blow his nose or clear phlegm from his throat before, so it probably made sense that they’d immediately jumped to the worse-case scenario.
Thankfully, Dr. McCoy had not jumped to any such conclusions and immediately went to check the first officer over, and it didn’t take him long to diagnose Spock with a simple case of the common flu. After prescribing some medication for the upset stomach and some good old-fashioned bedrest, the doctor had kindly released Genesis from med bay duty for the night, telling her that he’d inform Jim of Spock’s condition and tell him to come check on the half-Vulcan as soon as he could.
The captain of the Enterprise entered Spock’s quarters to find Gen attempting to pin his first officer to his bed.
“Oh, thank God,” Gen groaned, moving to once again force Spock down onto his mattress. “Can you order him to stay in bed or something? He won’t lie down, I’ve been trying for fifteen minutes.”
“I do not require bedrest,” Spock huffed in response, doing a magnificent job of pretending he didn’t still look like he was going to vomit at any moment. “I would not even have had any reason to leave the star deck if Lieutenant Uhura had not insisted I ‘get looked at’-”
“And a damn good thing she did,” Genesis snapped. “You won’t get better by staying on the star deck and working all night, you'll get better by resting. And even if you don’t agree, bedrest was the doctor’s orders.”
“You know I have very little respect for Dr. McCoy.”
“Nurse’s orders, then.”
“You I respect immensely, but you do not have the proper authority to be giving me orders.”
“Careful, Spock,” Jim piped up, trying not to smirk as Gen’s face and neck flushed redder than their hair. “I doubt the fact that you’re ill will spare you from our dear partner’s wrath.”
Letting out a long-suffering sigh, Spock went limp against Gen’s hold and slumped downwards onto his bed. “I am not ill. Dr. McCoy was mistaken.”
“Spock,” Jim replied, keeping his voice carefully even as he stepped further into his boyfriend’s room. “You look like you’re burning up, and Bones is very rarely mistaken when it comes to diagnoses. Even if you’re not actually sick, I’m taking you off duty for the night. If you won’t listen to doctor’s orders-”
“Or nurse’s orders,” Gen grumbled, slowly crawling off of Spock as if she didn’t trust him not to try and get up again.
“Or nurse’s orders,” Jim agreed, nodding to them, “then you will listen to captain’s orders. And your captain is ordering you to stay in bed, get some sleep, and allow the two of us to fuss over you for a bit."
"I do not require you to fuss over me," Spock grumbled, though he didn't make another move to sit up. "I am perfectly alri-"
The half-Vulcan broke off, his face twisting in discomfort, and Genesis reacted swiftly, snatching up Spock's waste bin from the floor and holding it in front of his face just as he pulled his body into sitting and lurched forward, retching.
Concern beginning to course through him, Jim dashed to Spock's bedside, rubbing his boyfriend's back as the first officer emptied the contents of his stomach into the waste bin. Her face impossibly soft, Gen gently smoothed Spock's hair back from his face, waiting until his shoulders had stopped heaving before they pulled the waste bin away.
"What was that you were saying about being alright?" Genesis asked, though to her credit, Jim couldn't detect a hint of smugness in their voice - just genuine care and concern.
It took a moment for Spock to answer, as if he didn't trust himself to speak without needing to vomit again. But finally he let out a breathy sigh and quietly said, "I apologize for being so stubborn. I will concede to getting some rest."
"Good," Gen said cheerfully, standing up from the bed and heading towards Spock's bathroom. "Jim, would you mind grabbing some light snacks and water from the mess? I'm just going to clean this out, and then when you get back we can all relax together. Pending an emergency, Captain, you're off-duty for the night as well."
Quirking an eyebrow, Spock gave Jim a wry look, the kind that asked, Why do we let her boss us around again?
In response, Jim chuckled, patting Spock's knee, and made his way back towards the door. "Well, you heard them, Mr. Spock. Nurse's orders."
༊*·˚ ༊*·˚ ༊*·˚
By the time Jim returned with some cracker packets and water bottles, Gen had already changed into her sleepwear and wheedled Spock into putting on his. Chuckling as he set the food and water down on the bedside table, Jim pressed a kiss to both of his partners' heads and excused himself to go put on his own sleep outfit.
When he reentered Spock's quarters for the final time that night, the first officer was already mostly asleep, lying cradled again Genesis' chest. Absently carding their fingers through his hair, Gen gave Jim an absurdly fond expression that seemed to say, How is he so cute?
Sliding into bed on Spock's other side, Jim buried his nose in the half-Vulcan's raven hair and reached over him to take Gen's free hand, linking their fingers together.
Lulled by the warmth of his lovers' bodies and the sounds of their deep, even breathing, Jim felt himself begin to slip off to sleep as well. His final thought before the pleasant darkness overtook his mind?
Spock should really get sick more often.
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @guardiansofheroes, @ocappreciationtag.
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springhillsuite · 8 months
Springtime Adventures in Vernal: A Mountain Biking Escape
Vernal, Utah, where the rugged terrain and breathtaking landscapes come alive with the arrival of spring. As the last remnants of winter melt away under the gentle touch of the sun, Vernal transforms into a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, beckoning mountain bikers from far and wide to embark on an unforgettable journey through its pristine trails and scenic vistas.
Nestled amidst the majestic beauty of Utah's wilderness, Vernal stands as a premier destination for those seeking adrenaline-pumping thrills and serene natural beauty. With its diverse terrain and perfect weather conditions, springtime in Vernal sets the stage for an exhilarating mountain biking experience like no other. Let's delve into the exhilarating experience of mountain biking in Vernal during the spring season.
Things To Do in Vernal During Spring Break
1. Springtime Awakening: Exploring Nature's Canvas
Spring in Vernal heralds a magnificent awakening of nature. The landscape transforms into a kaleidoscope of colors, with wildflowers blooming amidst the red rock formations and lush greenery adorning the valleys. The air carries a fresh, invigorating scent, beckoning adventurers to immerse themselves in the beauty of the outdoors.
2. Diverse Terrain, Endless Excitement
Vernal boasts an extensive network of trails, catering to riders of all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Whether you seek heart-pounding descents or leisurely rides through scenic vistas, Vernal has it all.
Red Fleet State Park: Embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey through the rugged terrain of Red Fleet State Park. Marvel at the towering cliffs and ancient petroglyphs as you navigate the challenging trails that wind through this natural wonder.
McCoy Flats: Lose yourself in the vast wilderness of McCoy Flats, where miles of singletrack trails offer endless opportunities for exploration. Traverse rolling hills and sagebrush-covered plateaus as you soak in panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
3. Perfect Weather, Perfect Trails
Springtime in Vernal brings mild temperatures and sunny skies, creating ideal riding conditions for mountain bikers. The trails, freshly dusted with the remnants of winter, beckon riders to embark on unforgettable adventures amidst nature's splendor.
4. Safety First: Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Ride
While exploring Vernal's trails, it's essential to prioritize safety to ensure a memorable and incident-free experience:
Gear Up: Always wear appropriate safety gear, including a helmet, gloves, and protective clothing. 
Know Your Limits: Choose trails that match your skill level and gradually progress to more challenging routes.
Stay Hydrated: Carry an ample supply of water and stay hydrated throughout your ride, especially in the desert heat. 
Respect Nature: Leave no trace and respect wildlife and vegetation along the trails.
5. Planning Your Springtime Adventure
Before embarking on your mountain biking escapade in Vernal, consider the following:
Trail Conditions: Before hitting the trails, it's crucial to check the current trail conditions and weather forecasts. Spring weather in Vernal can be unpredictable, and trails may vary in accessibility and difficulty depending on recent precipitation or snowmelt. By staying informed about trail conditions, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride while avoiding potential hazards or obstacles. 
Trail Etiquette: Familiarizing yourself with trail etiquette is essential for maintaining harmony with fellow riders and preserving the natural environment. Respect trail regulations, such as designated biking paths and yield right-of-way to other trail users, including hikers and equestrians. Additionally, practice Leave No Trace principles by staying on designated trails, avoiding littering, and minimizing your impact on the surrounding ecosystem. By following proper trail etiquette, you can contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for all trail users.
Planning your springtime mountain biking adventure in Vernal requires careful consideration to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some essential aspects to keep in mind:
1. Trail Conditions: Before hitting the trails, it's crucial to check the current trail conditions and weather forecasts. Spring weather in Vernal can be unpredictable, and trails may vary in accessibility and difficulty depending on recent precipitation or snowmelt. By staying informed about trail conditions, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride while avoiding potential hazards or obstacles.
2. Stay Near the Trails: Enhance your mountain biking experience by staying at Springhill Suites Vernal, conveniently located near the area's top trails. Springhill Suites is one of the best hotels in Utah that offers comfortable accommodations and amenities tailored to outdoor enthusiasts. This hotel provides a relaxing retreat after a day of adventure on the trails. With its proximity to Vernal's mountain biking hotspots, including Red Fleet State Park and McCoy Flats, Springhill Suites offers the perfect basecamp for your springtime escapade. Enjoy easy access to the trails and unwind in spacious suites equipped with modern conveniences, ensuring a restful stay before your next mountain biking excursion.
Guided Tours: For those seeking insider knowledge and expert guidance, consider joining a guided tour or hiring a local expert to lead your mountain biking adventure. Local guides are familiar with the area's trails, hidden gems, and points of interest, allowing you to explore Vernal's terrain with confidence and discover unique experiences along the way. Whether you're a novice rider looking to improve your skills or an experienced cyclist seeking new challenges, guided tours offer personalized attention and the opportunity to maximize your mountain biking experience in Vernal.
Conclusion: Unleash Your Inner Adventurer in Vernal
Spring in Vernal beckons with the promise of adventure, offering mountain biking enthusiasts the opportunity to explore its diverse trails and breathtaking landscapes. Whether you're seeking heart-pounding thrills or tranquil rides amidst nature's beauty, Vernal delivers an unforgettable experience that will leave you craving for more. So gear up, embrace the springtime splendor, and embark on a mountain biking journey like no other in the enchanting realm of Vernal.
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