#The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher 
wiccantwav · 2 years
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Kid (Mystery of the Meanest Teacher) - Icons
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venigni · 7 months
Lies of P Teacher AU
Mr. P: Instrumental Music
He prefers to express himself through music and conduction rather than words. He is very kind, soft spoken, and handsome, so a lot of people have crushes on him. His grey hair despite his youth is a mystery to the entire student body, who often circulate rumors about it. No one knows what the P stands for, either.
The Corday Sisters: Choir
The Cordays are a sisterly duo who teach choral classes and also manage the school's show choir.
Mr. Carlo: English Literature
He refuses to use his last name because of the association with his father who teaches at the same school. He is very casual with his students and jokes around a lot, but is also a very harsh grader and isn't afraid to be outright mean to misbehaving students, a similarity he shares with his father. However, he's so down-to-earth (and handsome) that most don't hold it against him. He's so different from Mr. P that most forget they're brothers even if they have identical faces.
Romeo: Language Arts & Drama
Romeo teaches theater history and LA to the younger students of the high school while Mr. Carlo handles the older ones. Their classrooms are next to each other and they're constantly hanging out in each other's. Some students suspect there might be something going on between the two of them. Romeo is easygoing and very casual, and asks to be called by his first name to create a more comfortable environment. He has a pride flag on his desk and also runs the drama club after school.
Signor Geppetto: Art
The second oldest but definitely meanest teacher at the school. Art is NOT a slack off elective. He runs class like a drill sergeant and has very high expectations most fail to meet. He's a world-renowned artist from Italy. It's considered a rarity to see him smiling and only a select handful can attest to ever witnessing it. People often transfer out of his class after the first week, and it's common to see students leave his classroom in tears. Some are stuck up and talented enough to get into his inner circle and always shittalk others' work while they eat their lunches in his classroom, or hang out there after school, which Signor Geppetto isn't shy about joining in on. This makes him revered to just a select few.
Mr. Giangio: Agricultural Studies
He's the newest teacher at the school and is considered very odd. He's always misplaced something and dresses overly formal. The students are convinced he has no idea what he's doing and are learning alongside them. The advanced students even seem more knowledgeable than he...Seriously, why is he at this school?
Belle & Atkinson: Physical Education & Health
A husband-and-wife duo that wear matching track suits every day. They're tough, but kind, and take what they do very seriously. Prefer to be called by their first names.
Mr. Alidoro: History
Despite his youthful appearance, this guy knows a ton and has the experience to back it up. He makes history interesting to students by tying in real-life stories about his adventures. Some insist they have to be fake, but he does have a ton of relics on display all over the classroom to prove them. He has a service dog that is with him in class every day. The kids love him!
Mr. Hugo: History - Student Teacher
Mr. Hugo is Mr. Alidoro's student teacher. He's studying to be a history teacher himself and is a big fan of Mr. Alidoro. Seems like an eager puppy himself. It makes for an interesting dynamic in the classroom that entertains students. Some people think he might have a crush on him since he seems so eager to bend over backwards. Mr. Alidoro seems oblivious to it.
Miss Monad: Basic Social Studies & Psychology
Miss Monad is very pretty and very kind. She is loved by all and students never misbehave in her presence. Those who do early on in the semester get so much hate from their peers, they never dare to do so again. She always wears a pretty butterfly brooch somewhere on her outfit. It seems very special to her, and she tells those who ask as much, but no one really knows what it means. She seems to have a very good understanding of her subject and her gentleness commands a certain respect from both kids and her peers.
Mr. Manus seems to have a crush on her and keeps visiting her classroom whenever he can since it's down the hall from his, but when he is around seems to be the only time she is a bit sharp. She's not afraid to tell him to bug off, even if it is in a very polite way.
Mr. Gemini: Robotics & Computer Sciences
Mr. Gemini is great with technology and anything computer-related. He talks a lot and is kind of a stereotypical nerd. He gets very excited when students take interest in his subject and geeks out right alongside them. He's a total chatterbox and spends his lunch hour in Mr. P's classroom listening to the music being played. They seem to be best friends and make a funny duo, since Mr. P barely says a word and Mr. Gemini can't shut up.
Mr. Venigni: Basic Sciences & Physics
A famous inventor who was invited to teach in Krat by Principal Cerasani so that he could spread his breadth of knowledge with the next generation of scientists. He dresses very eccentric, has a funny mustache, and at first, a lot of students have difficulty understanding his heavy Italian accent. Even though some can find his subject hard, he makes sure every student gets the help they need and is actually very thoughtful. He makes sure his students are prepared for Mr. Manus's classes, but something about the way his usual cheerful demeanor changes around him tells kids that they might not actually get along despite teaching in the same department.
Mr. Manus: Chemistry & Advanced Sciences
Mr. Manus is older, but is still considered one of the more handsome teachers at the school. He is very charismatic and is always friendly outside of the classroom, which encourages students to sign up for his advanced classes even if they're not the best at science. He playfully shittalks Mr. Venigni from time to time, which can rub some the wrong way. He doesn't seem to get along with the other teachers in general. He's strict but fair, and overall somehow kind of intimidating despite his outwardly gentle smile. A bit of an enigma.
Mr. Pulcinella - Home Economics
Mr. Venigni's adoptive father, though no one actually knows that. He's the oldest teacher at the school. He's soft-spoken and very kind, but a little boring to some. Others enjoy the calming and very peaceful atmosphere his classroom brings; it's a boon within an otherwise busy school day.
Miss Eugénie: Woodworking & Shop
She's young and very pretty. She teaches shop and because of her wit and general likability, a lot of students end up crafting gifts for her. Her little office is floor-to-ceiling project presents that have been given to her over the few years she's been teaching. Even people uninterested in shop take it just because they hear such good things about her. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, though, and if something is ugly--she'll tell it to your face. That doesn't mean she'll cherish it any less.
Ms. Cerasani & Mr. Polendina: Principal & Her Right-hand Associate Principal
Everyone loves Ms. Cerasani! She is very kind and has created a very loving environment in the school. She is always willing to listen to her staff and is patient with everyone. She actually was a famous pianist in her youth, and sometimes she stops by Mr. P's classroom to play a song for the students, who listen in awe and amazement. Mr. Polendina is a stickler for rules which sometimes makes him the butt of student jokes, just because he's so very uptight.
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
Thena and Gilgamesh at beach party, you choose the AU
Gil chuckled into his beer bottle. He looked over his shoulder, although Thena stepped over the log he was sitting on of her own volition anyway. "You takin' my lines, now?"
Thena settled herself on the log in front of his small little beach fire. She looked behind them, at the main - huge and roaring - bonfire most of the party was seated around. "Not a marshmallow person?"
He snorted, setting down his beer to give her ladyship his undivided attention. "Do I look like a marshmallow guy?"
"Hm," she smirked at him and his little challenge, resting her chin in her palm, "you are surprisingly soft on the inside."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, sweetheart," Gil balked at the suggestion that he was soft. He gave her his meanest look, "I give you my sweater one time, which I want back, by the way!"
Thena raised her brows at him and then looked down at that exact hoodie she was currently wearing over her sweater dress.
"Doesn't make me soft," he scoffed freely. He gave her a curious look, the fire in front of them offering a soft glow while the larger fire behind them illuminated the back of him. "So, what are you doing here anyway?"
Thena tugged her skirt over her knees, "well, Sersi wanted to come and see Dane."
"Oh," Gil gave her that stupid smug smile, "that so?"
"It is," she huffed, holding her chin high. "I let her loose into the gaggle of people over there, just so long as she doesn't reek of alcohol when I take her home."
Gil nodded, sitting up a little straighter. "And you decided to keep me company?--I'm honoured."
"Okay," Thena scoffed, pulling the hoodie around her tighter. "Get over yourself, please, for the sake of your own dignity. I don't want to be over there any more than you do."
"No, really?" Gil gasped loudly, leaning into her personal space. "Her Highness doesn't like a bunch of drunk idiots trying to convince her go skinny dipping?"
"Don't forget that they stink of cheap beer," she pointed out, even indulging in a laugh that drifted up into the air like the tiny fire's smoke. She looked at him, "what about you?"
"What about me?" Gil repeated, still not having picked up his beer since she sat down.
Thena peeked behind them again, "even if they're not your favourite people in the world, there is at least free food and beer over there."
Gil leaned back only slightly, looking up at the stars. "I mean, I mostly came because I like the beach at night anyway. I looked at what they had over there but there's nothing really good. Me and my six pack are just fine over here."
Thena tilted her head at him, her hair slipping over her shoulder. "You're much more popular than you think, given your willingness to deny the public your mysterious charms."
Gil grinned at her, "you think I'm charming?"
She froze, blinking at him, just for a second. Then she looked back at the fire, clearing her throat, "it is a figure of speech, actually. I can explain it to you, if you like."
Gil didn't mind her prickly response. If anything, he seemed excited by it. "Will you wear a sexy teacher outfit?"
"Are alcohol and sex truly the only interests you have room for in that head of yours?"
"As a matter of fact, no," he countered proudly, leaning into her space again. He even slid over closer again, this time meeting her hip with his. "I have a more recent interest I'm pursuing."
Thena shivered, although it was a funny contrast of feelings. She wasn't any colder--maybe half of her felt chilly, in comparison with the half Gil was leaning against now.
"What about you, Thena?" he asked in that softer voice he could have sometimes. "Any...interests?"
She wasn't entirely sure what he was asking, but it didn't seem like something she wanted to answer entirely honestly. She cleared her throat again. "If I do have interests, what exactly makes them your business?"
"I guess nothing," he shrugged, and the movement that left a gap between their shoulders let in the cold again. "Just asking."
Thena looked at the fire again, rendered quiet by the whirlwind of conversation, in addition to its rather abrupt end.
"Just that if you were interested in any-" Gil shimmied his shoulders, jostling her faintly, "thing...then you should follow through."
She fidgeted, left with the distinct impression that she both didn't know what he meant and knew exactly what he meant. She shifted on the log, his hoodie tucked under her posterior. "You think so?"
Gil looked at her, and despite his lazy kind of facial expression, his eyes were warm and intense, like they always were. He tucked some hair out of her view and behind her ear. "Yeah, I do. You're too kick-ass not to pursue anything you want, Thena."
She blushed. Her eyes drifted back down to the fire, unable to bear the weight of his undivided attention. She toyed with the strings of the hood. "Can I...hold onto this?--just for tonight!"
Gil chuckled, finally picking up his beer again, although it was further away than even he had thought it would be. He groaned as he stretched for it, "tell you what, Princess. You keep it for as long as you need. And when you have anything you wanna tell me - or ask me - then you can bring it back."
"Well," she squirmed, but Gil stood and dusted his butt off (from which she averted her eyes).
"Not that I'm not enjoying this," Gil chuckled, "but I think Sersi might need to be rescued."
"Oh?" Thena stood as well, looking over at where Sersi was being her ever popular self. "I thought she would have found Dane by now."
"Dane's not here, Thena."
"What?" she turned, but Gil had that look on his face that told her that he had known that this whole time.
"He's on house arrest since he was late getting home from that party last weekend," he smirked, tossing his now empty beer to the sand at their feet. Of course he would say 'house arrest' instead of calling it being grounded. "And he told me that he told Sersi that already."
"Wh-" Thena bit her tongue. It had been she who had suggested to Sersi that perhaps Dane would be at this little gathering. And now both Sersi and Gil had let her walk right into an ensnarement. "You-!"
"I'm flattered you wanted to come see me though," he grinned right in her face, showing off his teeth as the v-neck of his t-shirt billowed in the wind.
"That is not-!" Thena smacked him on the chest (which was unpleasantly hard). "I came to return your sweater! Although, since you said I could keep it, then I suppose I'll be off!"
Thena wasted no time in stepping over the log and back towards the crowd. If she looked back, Gilgamesh would just be wearing that stupid smug smirk of his. He thought he looked so good doing that. "Sersi!"
"Thena!" her younger sister jumped, startled by her war cry. She stood, unminding of the boys on either side of her.
"Come on," Thena grumbled, grabbing her by the hand and not even pausing in her step for Sersi to arrange her willow legs under her. She wanted to get out of here as fast as possible. "We're going home."
"But," Sersi sputtered, barely able to toss away the beer she wasn't allowed to have. "You still have-"
"I know I still have it, let's go!"
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jayce-the-best · 1 month
Idk, random stuff.
soo I'm just gonna send pictures from Google classroom, cause yes.
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yes my teacher broke her leg, she was the meanest teacher in the school. LIKE SHES A BI-
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and I honestly have nothing else.. SO I DONT KNOW????
No drama = no more me posting on Tumblr... :(
anyways, here's a story by me
The child that needs to go to an insane asylum
once there was a toddler called, baby Riley. she loved to eat. and eventually she would start to eat non edible things.
when she started to go to school, (SHES STILL 1) she found out about violent things. such as murdering, lighting stuff on fire, and etc.
she eventually learned to talk and walk and stand.
she soon brought matches to a mystery place past her bedtime,
To light the school on fire, until its ashes, silly!
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dollycas · 1 year
Cozy Wednesday featuring Dead Men Don't Decorate (An Old Town Antique Mystery) by Cordy Abbott #Review / #Giveaway @CordyAbbott @crookedlanebks
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Welcome to Cozy Wednesday! I am delighted to share my thoughts about Dead Men Don't Decorate by Cordy Abbott today!
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Dead Men Don't Decorate (An Old Town Antique Mystery) Cozy Mystery 1st in Series Setting - Virginia Crooked Lane Books (November 8, 2022) Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 304 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 163910125X ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1639101252 Kindle ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09S2W8NWC
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Art, murder, and a secret dating back centuries collide in Cordy Abbott’s delightful cozy mystery series debut, perfect for fans of Jane K. Cleland. Roberto Fratelli, the proprietor of the antique store Waited4You, is the meanest man in Marthasville, Virginia. So when he puts the business up for sale, the other merchants in town are overjoyed. And now the business has a prospective buyer: local resident and the newly elected mayor's mom, Camille Benson, who’s thrilled at the prospect of getting into the antique business. During a celebration in honor of Camille’s new venture, her best friend, Opal, tells her about finding a letter, purportedly from Sally Fairfax to George Washington, dated 1756, hidden under a chair in the shop. When they return to retrieve the cache, they find Roberto’s lifeless body on the floor and no letter. Police question Ella Coleman, Roberto’s ex-wife, and discover that her current husband supplied Roberto with oh-so-faux Victorian furniture. Did the two cheat the wrong customer? Or could the murder be connected to an earlier theft of rare books from the shop—a theft Roberto never reported? As Camille prepares to confront these questions and investigate the murder, she knows she might become the latest knock-off. Dollycas's Thoughts History meets mystery in Dead Men Don't Decorate when antique store Waited4You gets a new owner. Camile Benson's parents were the original owners of the store and she is thrilled to get it back into the family's hands. The other merchants around town are thrilled that they will no longer be subjected to "the meanest man in Marthasville", Roberto Fratelli's, tirades. While celebrating her purchase, Camille's best friend Opal shares that she found a letter that looks to have been sent to George Washington by Sally Fairfax in 1756 while at the store. She didn't want to draw attention to the potentially valuable piece until the previous owner was off the premises. Excited they decide to return right away but the previous owner was still there . . . dead on the floor . . . and the letter was long gone. Now as Camille updates the store to her vision she has to worry about a killer and a missing letter. Was the letter really from 1756? Is that why Roberto was killed? Could she be next? Ms. Abbott has introduced a strong cast of core characters. Dr. Camille Benson is a 55-year-old art history teacher at Northern Virginia Community College who is ready for a change. She has always had a flair for decorating and grew up with her parents running an antique store Waited4You. Finding out her parent's store was again up for sale now seems like perfect timing.  Her "wing woman" Opal Wells is excited about Camille's new venture and is willing to do anything she can to help her. She is also quirky and crazy which makes her a fun character. Camille's son Paul, a lawyer, was just elected Mayor and is always nearby when she needs him.  We also meet Brennan Adler, the landlord of the Waited4You building. With the murder, we meet commonwealth attorney Janie Fairfax, Chief Harrod, and his son Nick. Our protagonist also has two schnauzer pups, Morris and Stickley and there is a collie pup named Rizzoli in the story too. The author has caught the small-town feel in both her characters and the way she describes Marthasville, Virginia. Everyone knows everyone's business. I enjoyed the way the author plotted out the mysteries in this book. Camille has the knowledge and a great instinct for thinking clues and actions through. She shares theories and finds with the police immediately, for the most part, sometimes ruffling a few feathers. A motive for the murder was a little all over the place which made me a little crazy but Camille kept at it. When clues started to fall in place more than one person was in the wrong place at the wrong time setting up an exciting and scary conclusion. Camille really had to think on her feet. I loved that a canine character played an integral part. I do enjoy the antique store theme of this series. That Camille is able to take over the shop formerly owned by her parents is a nice touch. Dead Men Don't Decorate has engaging characters I want to get to know better and intriguing mysteries set in an interesting small town. Cordy Abbott has put forth an entertaining debut for her Old Town Antique Mystery Series. I am curious to see what she has in store for her characters next.
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Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent
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About Cordy Abbott Proud baby boomer and dog mom, Cordy Abbott, is the author of the Old Town Antique Mystery series.  She, her husband, and their Standard Schnauzer have lived in Alexandria, Virginia for over two decades. Because she enjoys everything about the city, she can’t wait to share it with readers, even a fictionalized version. When not writing she enjoys traveling and volunteering for good causes, like the American Association of University Women of Alexandria and the Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation. She has a post-graduate certificate in Antiquities Theft and Art Crime. Author Links - Website - Facebook - Twitter 
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Thanks to the publisher I have 1 Hardcover copy to give away! I am giving away my review copy! The contest is open to anyone over 18 years old with a US or Canadian mailing address. Duplicate entries will be deleted. Void where prohibited. You do not have to be a follower to enter but I hope you will find something you like here and become a follower. Followers Will Receive 2 Bonus Entries For Each Way They Follow. Plus 2 Bonus Entries For Following My Facebook Fan Page. Add this book to your WANT TO READ shelf on GoodReads for 3 Bonus Entries. Pin this giveaway to Pinterest for 3 Bonus Entries. If you share the giveaway on Twitter or Facebook or anywhere you will receive 5 Bonus Entries For Each Link. The  Contest Will End March 1, 2023, at 11:59 PM CST The Winner Will Be Chosen By Random.org The Winner Will Be Notified By Email and Will Be Posted Here In The Sidebar. Click Here For the Entry Form     Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Read the full article
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papermoonknight · 3 years
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The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel (2021)
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roesolo · 3 years
Johnny Constantine, the Early Years!
Johnny Constantine, the Early Years! @derek_charm @ryanqnorth @DCComicsKids
The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel, by Ryan North/Illustrated by Derek Charm, (June 2021, DC Comics), $9.99, ISBN: 9781779501233 Ages 7-10 More DC Comics for Kids! You know how much I love this middle grade series, and introducing hard-bitten demonologist John Constantine – one of my favorites! – to kids with a kid-friendly background makes me SO happy. Don’t…
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View On WordPress
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smashpages · 3 years
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The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel (DC, $9.99): The least “young adult” character in DC’s stable gets the young adult graphic novel treatment this week, courtesy of Ryan North and Derek Charm, and boy does it look fun. Little Johnny Constantine has pissed off the spirits of England, so his parents ship him off to a boarding school in America, where he’s convinced his home room teacher is actually a witch.
See what else is arriving in comic shops this week.
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bookbaran · 3 years
A smattering of random thoughts on upcoming releases:
Wow, I know a lot of these already!
Yes please, yes please, no thank you, yes please
Why didn't I know Cat Sebastian was publishing a new book?
A Peter Pan retelling from a female and Native American perspective? Yes please!
I have too many holds
Wow, this list is longer than I thought it would be
The synopsis of b.b. free reminds me of The Ballad of Ami Miles. Of course I want to read it so I can compare and contrast
Of course the library doesn't have b.b. free : (
why does the library never have Melissa Scott books?
New Ryan North graphic novel? Auto hold
Wait, why doesn't the library have Ryan North either???
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wiccantwav · 2 years
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Anna (Mystery of the Meanest Teacher) - Icons
Don't repost, that's not cool.
Like or Reblog if u Save.
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comicbookfx · 3 years
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The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel L: Wes Abbott A: Derek Charm W: Ryan North
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why-i-love-comics · 3 years
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The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel (2021)
written by Ryan North art by Derek Charm
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midniter · 3 years
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Kid Constantine in  The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel
written by Ryan North; art by Derek Charm
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humansofnewyork · 3 years
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(1/5) “It was my first time on a plane. A van met me at the airport and we drove 90 minutes until the paved roads end. Then we turned down a gravel road, onto a working cattle ranch, and that’s where the school was located. It was beautiful. It should have been, it cost $20,000 a year. These kids had laptops, and name brand clothes. They’d gotten cars for their sixteenth birthdays. Some of them were boarding their horses there. But more than anything, I noticed all the Moms and Dads. On that first day I saw so many Moms and Dads, helping their kids carry suitcases, hugging them goodbye. My stuff was crammed into a duffel bag. And I was all alone. I was smart enough to not tell anyone that I’d been in foster care. But it was obvious I didn’t belong. My first week I had to get a job at the convenient store with the other scholarship kids. I babysat my teacher’s kids. On weekends there’d be these off-campus trips to the shopping mall or movie theater. But the van cost $15, so I could rarely afford to go. That still bothers me today. In many ways the school saved me. It helped fill my educational gaps. I learned to ride a horse. But it was hard too. I had to change dorm rooms three times my freshman year. And I’ll never forget my bully: blonde girl, really skinny, popular. She’d say the meanest things about me within earshot. How I was too poor to pay for school. How my clothes were cheap. I never knew that they were cheap, until I got to that school. But my clothes were cheap. I still have one of the ‘quarterly reviews’ from my freshman English teacher. She wrote: ‘Charell is having a hard time, but she’s starting to adjust. And the dog has taken fondly to her.’ There was a dog named Bill that roamed freely around the campus. Bill was a girl, so Bill was a she. And she was sorta like an unofficial mascot. Bill gave me space. I think she could sense my terror. Whenever she came near, my body would tense up. My heart would start to race. I’ve always been terrified of dogs, ever since I was a little girl. And I’ve always known why. It was never a mystery to me. It wasn’t a hidden memory, or anything like that. I still remember it like it was yesterday.”
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Snover: Severus was abused by his parents
Some mysterious voice: no.his parents just teaching him
Snover: he was bullied by the marauders. He was sexual assault and nearly killed by them
The mysterious voice: he always fight back and he wasn't sexual assault.James Potter didn't interested in him
Snover: lily was a bad friend for him
The mysterious voice: screeching she was his best friend
Snover: he joined deatheaters because he had no choice
The mysterious voice: he had choices. He chose the wrong path
Snover: he mean to his students because he was under a lot of pressure. Besides the other professors are worse than him
The mysterious voice: he was mean because he was mean and he was the meanest teacher at Hogwart. Nobody worse than him
Snover: he was the bravest man and we are glad that Harry potter named his son after him
The mysterious voice: Severus was the worst name. No one should name their son like this
Snover: I can't take it anymore. Who are you. Show yourself
Severus: I am
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comicsiswild · 2 years
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The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel (2021) [Chapter 5]
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