#The Political Divide
odinsblog · 3 months
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“They are coming for your jobs” is one of the oldest divide-and-conquer strategies ever. Typically spoken by bigots and racists who don’t care about “they” nor the people whose jobs are allegedly at risk.
Donald Trump is a racist who thinks of Black people as things, not actual people. Other than using Black people as pawns and tokens (looking directly at you, Black Republicans), Trump doesn’t care about us or anyone who isn’t white and wealthy. And we all know exactly what he meant by “Black jobs” — the lowest paying, service sector jobs, and so-called unskilled menial labor jobs, with little to no benefits nor healthcare.
To be clear: there is absolutely N O T H I N G wrong with working in the labor sector or the service industry. And yes, because of structural and generational racism Black and Brown people are over represented in those jobs. But jobs do not have race. Black people can do literally anything, any job that we are given an equal opportunity to do.
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anghraine · 3 months
Speaking of the social context of P&P and Austen in general, and also just literature of that era, I'm always interested in how things like precisely formulated hierarchies of precedence and tables of ranked social classes interact with the more complex and nuanced details of class-based status and consequence on a pragmatic day-to-day level. I remembered reading a social historian discussing the pragmatics of class wrt eighteenth-century English life many years ago and finally tracked down the source:
"In spite of the number of people who got their living from manufacture or trade, fundamentally it was a society in which the ownership of land alone conveyed social prestige and full political rights. ... The apex of this society was the nobility. In the eyes of the Law only members of the House of Lords, the peerage in the strictest use of the word, were a class apart, enjoying special privileges and composing one of the estates of the realm. Their families were commoners: even the eldest sons of peers could sit in the House of Commons. It was therefore in the social rather than in the legal sense of the word that English society was a class society. Before the law all English people except the peers were in theory equal. Legal concept and social practice were, however, very different. When men spoke of the nobility, they meant the sons and daughters, the brothers and sisters, the uncles and aunts and cousins of the peers. They were an extremely influential and wealthy group.
"The peers and their near relations almost monopolized high political office. From these great families came the wealthiest Church dignitaries, the higher ranks in the army and navy. Many of them found a career in law; some even did not disdain the money to be made in trade. What gave this class its particular importance in the political life of the day was the way in which it was organized on a basis of family and connection ... in eighteenth-century politics men rarely acted as isolated individuals. A man came into Parliament supported by his friends and relations who expected, in return for this support, that he would further their interests to the extent of his parliamentary influence.
"Next in both political and social importance came the gentry. Again it is not easy to define exactly who were covered by this term. The Law knew nothing of gentle birth but Society recognized it. Like the nobility this group too was as a class closely connected with land. Indeed, the border line between the two classes is at times almost impossible to define ... Often these men are described as the squirearchy, this term being used to cover the major landowning families in every county who were not connected by birth with the aristocracy. Between them and the local nobility there was often considerable jealousy. The country gentleman considered himself well qualified to manage the affairs of his county without aristocratic interference.
"...The next great layer in society is perhaps best described the contemporary term 'the Middling Sort'. As with all eighteenth-century groups it is difficult to draw a clear line of demarcation between them and their social superiors and inferiors. No economic line is possible, for a man with no pretensions to gentility might well be more prosperous than many a small squire. There was even on the fringe between the two classes some overlapping of activities ... The ambitious upstart who bought an estate and spent his income as a gentleman, might be either cold-shouldered by his better-born neighbours or treated by them with a certain contemptuous politeness. If however his daughters were presentable and well dowered, and if his sons received the education considered suitable for gentlemen, the next generation would see the obliteration of whatever distinction still remained. The solid mass of the middling sort had however no such aspirations, or considered them beyond their reach.
"...This term [the poor] was widely used to designate the great mass of the manual workers. Within their ranks differences of income and of outlook were as varied as those that characterized the middle class. Once again the line of demarcation is hard to draw..."
—Dorothy Marshall, Eighteenth Century England (29-34)
(There's plenty more interesting information in the full chapter, especially regarding "the poor," and the chapter itself is contracted from a lengthier version published earlier.)
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So now what? The PM of this country has started directly attacking a community. I have put the whole thing together because obviously I will have "people" telling me that the majority matters or whatever they say. But are we really this blind to not notice what is happening? The ruling party is clearly using religion and communal tension (which they obviously instigated) to hide their inadequacies from the public. This is a tale as old as time: the ruling government has been using divide and rule policies to exploit and manipulate the public. Even after 10 years of their rule,  is the party's only way to gather votes? By causing division between communities? 
I am scared about the future. The rising tension between communities scares me. I await with bated breath the day it will finally burst. And you know who will be affected by this? Not the government, not the leaders, not those businessmen or celebrities. It will be you and me, no matter which community we belong to. We will be affected. 
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 2 months
As a leftist it is often frustrating how many leftists are just straight up bad at politics. Like yeah fuck the system the system sucks, but it is the system we have right now and until your revolution materialises, we have to operate within that system to achieve things but so many leftists just insist on really dumb political moves.
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spartanlocke · 7 months
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Hi so if you see this post on twitter, do not listen, do not retweet it.
I understand people think voting third party will magically solve our problems, but it won't. Mainly because the electoral college is quite literally rigged by Democrats and Republicans against third parties to prevent them from winning. And this mindset that "if just enough people vote third party we'll win!" is one of the major reasons Trump won in the first place.
And I need to you listen, ok? I need you to listen closely.
If Trump wins, we'll lose the entire Democratic party, he'll have personal control over the military to go after anyone who opposes him, including other politicians and protesters. Pornography will be criminalized alongside surrogacy, contraceptives and divorce. KOSA will be implemented and anything even slightly "unchristian" will be censored on the internet. Women will be forced to marry their rapists, immigrates will be forced out of the country, queer people will be massacred, and PoC and disabled people, all of us, will lose our rights.
This. Is. Not. The time. To be gambling. With third parties.
Additionally, Cornel West is only available on ballots in two states, meaning most people can't vote for him. On top of that he supports Russia and wants to disband NATO, praised Reagan, and owes half a million in taxes and child support. He's not going to fix our problems, and with so few states even offering the option to vote for him, he's basically already lost.
Do not vote third party. Do not gamble our future. Biden is our best chance at stopping Trump and Christofacism, just vote for him.
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sher-ee · 3 months
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hairtusk · 1 year
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Andrea Dworkin, 'The Promise of the Ultra Right', in Right-Wing Women (1983)
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ozzieinspacetime · 6 months
Yet again I'm thinking about the eradication of culture within the THG universe,, I have very complex opinions on culture wars within Panem and if they would exist at all in certain cases but like. Do you think they still speak Spanish in Ten? Do you think trans people can still change their names and wear what they please as long as they meet their daily quotas? Do families with religious ancestors remember to observe their holy days, even if it's in private, or was the eradication of religion in Panem so concrete that they don't remember anything at all? Much to think about
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idsb · 4 months
This isn’t a take about the discourse but more a take on the takes and that is: the fuckass director of that Miss Americana documentary pivoted the focus of the documentary to be political on her own, based on what she observed. Taylor said in interviews she didn’t know what the outcome was going to be. We know it was originally supposed to be a documentary about the fans, and that switch, made exclusively by that director without Taylor’s input, actually turned out to, in the long game, be the worst decision for Taylor’s career anyone has ever made.
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mastermark1960 · 2 months
I am once again so disappointed with the leftist demonazis constantly spewing nonsensical drivel every time they don't like someone elses opinion. Demonazis are so far to the left that they agree with and use the propaganda tools of the two worst extreme right ass holes that ever walked the earth. Hitler and Stalin both treated their own people with such disrespect and callousness that they created concentration camps and gulags to silence any opposition to their rule.
The following information comes from the holocaust encyclopedia. I wrote comments that are not after bullet points.
• The Nazis were skilled propagandists who used sophisticated advertising techniques and the most current technology of the time to spread their messages.
Think of CNN, MSNBC, NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC, all other "news outlets" for example the New York times, Boston globe, and Washington post are but a few. They don't report the news but continuously give us their opinions on everything. The 5ws are desperately needed to stop their propaganda. We can include the woke organizations like Disney and Hollywood movie makers for spreading propaganda for the demonazis.
• Once in power, Adolf Hitler created a Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda to shape German public opinion behavior.
▪︎Nazi propaganda played an integral role in advancing the persecution and ultimately the destruction of Europe’s Jews and all political Dissidents. It incited hatred and fostered a climate of indifference to their fate.
Think of how the demonazis allowed the likes of BLM and ANTIFA to destroy many cities. No action was taken by those in power to stop the destruction or prosecute the perpetrators. Then remember the hissy fit they had when they allowed, yes demonazis allowed, Republican protester into the capital. The demonazis prosecuted 100s of peaceful republican protesters. If the republican protesters were acting like BLM and ANTIFA the Capitol would be a smoking ruin.
• The Nazis wanted Germans to support the Nazi dictatorship and believe in Nazi ideas. To accomplish this goal, they tried to control forms of communication through censorship and propaganda. This included control of newspapers, magazines, books, art, theater, music, movies, and radio.
• When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the German constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Through decrees and laws, the Nazis abolished these civil rights and destroyed German democracy. Starting in 1934, it was illegal to criticize the Nazi government. Even telling a joke about Hitler was considered treachery. People in Nazi Germany could not say or write whatever they wanted. 
Examples of censorship under the Nazis included:
• Closing down or taking over anti-Nazi newspapers; 
• Controlling what news appeared in newspapers, on the radio, and in newsreels;
• Banning and burning books that the Nazis categorized as un-German.
• Textbooks are a good example of how propaganda and censorship worked together in the Nazi regime. The Nazis used both propaganda and censorship to control what students read in school. Nazi censors removed some textbooks from classrooms. New textbooks taught students to obey the Nazi Party, love Hitler, and hate Jews.
The demonazis took over education with the creation of the Department of education in 1979.
The Higher Education Act of 1965 introduced federal student aid and loan programs. These give away programs allowed higher education to run amuk with ever increasing cost of degrees. This needs to stop now.
Demonazis try to stop the political middle and right from voicing their opinions by controlling who can and can't post on many social media sight. Censorship at it worst. Thank God Elon Musk bought out Twitter and turned it into X. No more censorship there. Of course the demonazis scream foul.
We The People who love the United States of America must stand by her in her hour of desperate need. If we don't our great country is doomed. I know this is a long winded post but I felt it was necessary to explain how dangerous the deep state and New World Order are. This is why I call the democrats demonazis as the word fits perfectly.
Thank you for reading this post. If you like my post please repost it and start calling the democrats exactly what they are, demonazis.
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odinsblog · 1 year
🗣️ Pay very close attention!
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Please forget, for a moment, that many people live in the intersection of simultaneously being Black + LGBTQ + refugee + Asian. Instead, I am asking you to look at how the Republican culture wars are pitting one identity against the other.
DeSantis has banned any mention of Gay and Trans people, Black Lives Matter, George Floyd, Critical Race Theory, and much more… but now he is mandating Asian American history.
Florida and other Republican controlled legislators around the country are whitewashing and erasing Black history from school history textbooks, while also making Asian history a requirement. ⁉️
Please be just a little bit curious.
You must ask yourself, why?
WHY would an abjectly racist politician ban one culture’s history, but require another’s?
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DeSantis is playing Asian people, the “model minority,” against—in his eyes—all of the “less desirable” minorities: Black people, Lgbtq+ people, etc. etc. etc. It’s a classic divide and conquer strategy.
Please see his ploy for what it is. We are all stronger together. Republicans know this. It’s why they’re working so hard to drive wedges between us.
Don’t fall for the okie doke.
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deathlonging · 2 months
i LOVE what our share of night is doing with the body (and by extension autonomy) and the fear of the body. the way the initiates are encouraged to be "androgynes," rosario's friends who undergo a sex change, the way as young ppl they're encouraged to sleep w each other and bleed into each other as much as possible in an attempt to have the cult be one writhing synchronized mass of the same approach the same faiths the same goals. and then of course it's all nuclear families when they're done; it isn't rosario and juan's coupling that's so contested but their desire to build a life for themselves--its expected for them to fall into the roles society demands of them to keep the peace and hence keep the violence intact but they not only want juan to live to thirty-- heretofore unprecedented, a privilege that cannot be disconnected from his race and gender--but also want several years with their son before they begin to discuss his potential. they aren't even asking for freedom they're asking for time. and even that is so contentious, not only due to the possessive nature of a cult but also the fear of the unknown body, the desire to clutch whatever the medium has created to their chest and turn it transparent for their purposes, an impossible task. and this is without even getting started on juans chronic illness and how its exacerbated by his role as medium, which ironically is what's kept him alive thus far when no one else would've lavished such attention on him. the double bind of being owned, the curse of dependence. the way the book reiterates over and over how despite his size juan cannot fight. until, of course, the fight with eddie. and then one of the thesis statements is dropped in gaspar's section: nonconformity is only possible for those who are not slaves everyone else has to fight......when everything you do is a means of study, of exploitation. body horror fr
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bisexualseraphim · 1 year
USAmericans will literally live in a trailer working 3 jobs for $7 an hour surviving off gas station food and still call themselves ‘middle class.’
Here in the UK if you’re middle class you’re probably a neurosurgeon with a stable-barn and a mansion big enough to have its own name. US middle class is our working class.
Not got owt to say about it, just really fuckin weird innit. I’ve had a few USAmericans describe me as middle class and I’m like mate… I make half of what you do lol
EDIT: I have since been corrected on this!!! Please stop reblogging this without checking the notes first, I was quite wrong!!!
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silviakundera · 3 months
more Li Rong/Pei Wenxuan/Su Ronqing dynamic thoughts...
Ep 18, Su Rongqing: "Don't forget that if it wasn't for His Majesty's fear of the imperial relatives, you wouldn't have even been able to get close to Her Highness in your life. Not to mention to be with Her Highness."
imo it's key that SRQ is from a super prestigious land-holding family, whose wealth and power are old & deeply entrenched. He's your modern day chaebol nepo baby, smart & educated & ready to inherit his family's slice of the empire.
Because he's every insecurity PWX has, tied up in a bow and sneering dismissively at him lol. PWX whose family worked hard to get out of the countryside and entered officialdom just in his dad's generation, and who doesn't even have the backing of that family. He has had to work 40x as hard and without being the princess consort he would never in his lifetime have achieved the stuff that's just handed to SRQ.
Part of PWX being determined to fight for Li Rong and not letting SRQ get in his head is that he needs to internalize that she sincerely thinks PWX is valueable and has never thought he was inferior to SRQ. None of their problems were ever about that. She saved SRQ for her moral conscience. Then she settled for him because her husband couldn't let go of his childhood engagement crush (plus his own acknowledged pride issues about a marriage arranged by the throne). He never actively tried to repair the marriage - his insecurities overtook him and he gave up. SRQ didn't "win". There was never any contest.
But though Pei Wenxuan tells himself this and tells Su Rongqing that she'll never say yes to him.... we gotta know that it's not that easy to defeat all your inner demons. That's why I think he gets a bit erratic and overblown in his romantic moves in the succeeding episodes - subconsciously anxious to tie Li Rong further to him.
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monards · 15 days
I feel like this it’s an incredibly important time to reiterate that where you live in the united states DOESNT dictate your political, moral, or ethical values. And anybody in the South can be a Democrat, just as anyone in the North can be a Republican.
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blackbrownfamily · 1 month
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The Black Family
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