#The Remarriage Contract
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Nothing about Geonha
About Therdeo:
Truly this man is the most stoic out of any of these men that I have seen, it is so difficult to tell what he is thinking most of the time, but then he’ll do these little things that show that he’s paying attention to and cares about his temporary wife and I go insane. Seriously he is my favorite of the black haired red eyed men.
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waaanderingluna · 2 years
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🥀 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙
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shrikeseams · 2 years
once again contemplating Indis's unacknowledged and unnamed friends, faced with a choice between voicing their concerns about her choice of husband (whether for religious or practical reasons) and biting their tongues just to guarantee that they'll still be friends with her when that relationship crashes and burns one way or another.
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heartofstanding · 7 months
After reading your article, marriages like Eleanor and Humphrey, Katherine and John, Henry VIII and Ambeline are described as women seducing men, and men being victims... But marriages like Owen Tudor and Catherine, Richard Woodville and Jacqueta in Luxembourg, will have completely ignored the subjective initiative of women, and the description of men seducing women should be class/gender discrimination?
Hi anon, I think you're asking about what kind of narratives there were around the marriages between men and women of significantly higher status, the inverse of the type of relationships I was talking about in this blogpost I made on my sideblog that focused on Eleanor Cobham, where women married men of much higher status than themselves.
There seems to be comparatively little scholarship in this area and it would be fascinating to see what commonalities and links a study would produce. The marriage of men to women of significantly higher status than themselves does appear to have been fairly common but does not seem to have generated the same amount of commentary and infamy as the relationships between women who married men of significantly higher status. I don't mean that they didn't contract comment but that there was little sustained comment - who remembers Alice de Lacey and Eubulus le Strange? Katherine Woodville and Sir Richard Wingfield? The only high profile case I can think of is Joan of Kent and Thomas Holland.
From what I could find, there does not seem to be the equivalent narrative of the man of lesser status seducing or bewitching the high-status woman into marriage. Instead, what seems to be the common theme is, as Katherine J. Lewis says, "a standard medieval antifeminist notion: that women were naturally inclined to lust and rendered irrational to it."
Lewis was talking specifically about the case of Catherine de Valois. One contemporary chronicler remarked that she was "unable to fully control her fleshly passions" when she married Owen Tudor and even chastises her for keeping the marriage secret "so she did not claim honourable title [of marriage] during her lifetime". Tudor was described by another chronicle as "no man of birthe nother of lyflode", implying his unworthiness. But there seems to have been little rancour or blame directed at Tudor.
It's not until the 16th century where the image of Catherine as governed by her lust became the dominant narrative around her remarriage, perhaps because the rise of the Tudor dynasty and Henry VIII's marital life lent itself to it. One notable example is Edward Hall, who in 1548 described Catherine as:
beyng young and lust, folowyng more awne appetite, then frendely counsaill and regardyng more her priuate affecion then her open honour
He describes Tudor, on the other hand, as a "goodly gentilman & a beautyful person, garnished with many Godly gyftes, both of nature & of grace" - so the issue here is not that Tudor is a social-climber but that Catherine is at the mercy of her sexual desires. Probably the most extreme example of this is Nicholas Fox's claim that Catherine "bey[ed] like a very dronkyn whore" in bed with Tudor - a factoid often gleefully repeated by historians and commentators to proclaim Tudor's sexual prowess despite the fact that Fox made the claim in 1541 and is far from a reliable source. The fact that it has been almost universally used to celebrate Tudor by demeaning Catherine shows how long-lasting this type of narrative is. Polydore Vergil similarly describes Catherine dismissively as "yonge in yeres, and thereby of lesse discretion to judge what was decent for estates" and then focuses on Tudor's lineage and good qualities. Kavita Mudan Finn notes that he "succeeds in suppressing what on the surface to appears to be her agency - a second marriage of her own free will - by literally changing the subject to Owen, and by extension, Henry, Tudor". This same suppression of Catherine's agency appears again in Michael Drayton's Englands Heroicall Epistles where Catherine appears to be acting on her own initiative, wanting Tudor for herself, but Drayton has Tudor displace Catherine's agency by citing destiny as the impulse behind their union. Catherine "is reimagined as a 'a Royall Prize' for Tudor to claim", per Finn. In short, Catherine appears to be cast as oversexed and/or uncontrollable while Tudor's individual qualities and descent are celebrated and their union is seen as governed by destiny and fate.
Joan of Kent has fared similarly to Catherine in that she is primarily remembered as governed by her lust. Famously described as Froissart as "a woman more beautiful and amorous than any in the realm" and by Adam of Usk as a "woman given to slippery ways", Joan had married Thomas Holland clandestinely, then been convinced by her family to marry William Montagu (the son of the Earl of Salisbury). Around eight years later, Holland then petitioned the papacy to return Joan to him, resulting in a public scandal. When Holland died in 1360, Joan made another shocking match, this time marrying Edward of Woodstock, Edward III's eldest son and heir known to history as "the Black Prince". Joan was sometimes referred to the "Fair Maid of Kent" or "the Virgin of Kent", probably sarcastically. Thomas Austin's wife was alleged to claim that Joan's son with the Prince, Richard II, was "nevere the prynses son and ... his moder [i.e. Joan] was nevere but a strong hore". Froissart recorded a conversation between Richard and his usurper, Henry IV, where Henry alleged that a bastard gotten in adultery. W. Mark Ormrod also suggested that various narratives about Joan in the Peasants Revolt built on her carnal reputation and may have reflected even more salacious tales floating around. Thomas Walsingham emphasises Joan's other alleged, inordinate appetites around the time of her death - gluttony ("hardly able to move about because she was so fat") and a love of luxury.
It is, however, very difficult to determine how much of Joan's reputation was shaped to her marriage to a man of significantly lower status or how much it was shaped by her marriage to the man, at the time, was to be the next king of England and to whom her marriage was both scandalous and unconventional. Likely, her reputation was formed by both marriages, both feeding the other. The deposition of her son also meant that her reputation was used as a way of slandering him. Thomas Holland, on the other hand, barely seems to be mentioned, let alone criticised - even if he was in his mid-20s when he married the 12 year old Joan. In fact, Henry Knighton's chronicle positions Holland as seduced by her, crediting Holland's "desire for her" as the cause that she had been divorced from her second husband, Montagu.
Jacquetta and Richard Woodville do not seem to have drawn the same level of commentary. Lynda J. Pidgeon notes that "the marriage ... aroused no comment from English chroniclers until after the couple’s daughter, Elizabeth, married King Edward IV in 1464". though it was recorded in by continental chronicles, such as Enguerrand de Monstrelet, who recorded recorded:
In this year [1436], the duchess of Bedford, sister to the count de St. Pol, married, from inclination, an English knight called sir Richard Woodville, a young man, very handsome and well made, but, in regard to birth, inferior to her first husband, the regent, and to herself…
This has similar echoes to Hall's and Vergil's comments about the marriage of Catherine and Owen Tudor - Jacquetta marries from "inclination" a man inferior to herself but who is otherwise "very handsome and well-made". Hall includes the story of their marriage immediately after his account of Catherine and Tudor, which, as Finn says, "hints at a growing interest - and indeed, anxiety - about women's desires". Like Catherine, Jacquetta is described as marrying Woodville "rather for pleasure then for honour" and "without coū∣sayl of her frendes". Her family is said to disapprove but can do nothing - sentiments also found in Monstrelat and Jean de Wavrin. Rather than dwelling on Woodville's qualities as he does with Tudor's, Hall describes Woodville "lusty" and notes that he was made Baron Rivers, which may indicate . He does, however, mention the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to the future Edward IV, a subject which he promises to return to.
The continuation of Monstrelet's chronicle links Jacquetta and Woodville's marriage to that of their daughter, Elizabeth Woodville's marriage to Edward IV, "thus linking these two unorthodox women together", per Finn. Here's what this continuation says:
After the death of the duke, his widow following her own inclinations, which were contrary to the wishes of her family, particularly to those of her uncle, the cardinal of Rouen, married the said lord Rivers, reputed the handsomest man that could be seen, who shortly after carried her to England, and never after could return to France for fear of the relatives of this lady.
It is likely that Jacquetta's unconventional second marriage helped render Jacquetta's reputation suspect and tempting to speculate that that it rendered her vulnerable to the accusations that she had used witchcraft to make Edward IV marry her daughter, Elizabeth Woodville. The unpopularity in France and Burgundy of her first marriage to John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford and Regent of France may have also played into this view. Ricardians have certainly framed her as her as a seductress and her family as scheming, power-hungry social climbers in that regard - while also treating her as driven by her lust for Woodville. However, there is no evidence that this was the view of Jacquetta at the time, either in England or in France.
Richard Woodville is unique amongst the three men I've mentioned in that he seems to have been reviled as a man "brought up from nought", along with the rest of his and Jacquetta's prodigious offspring. This view has been spurred on by Ricardian historians that have reviled Elizabeth Woodville, where the entire family is depicted as a brood of grasping social climbers. An invasive species, if you will. I think it is likely that Jacquetta and Richard Woodville's marriage has helped furnish this view, particularly for Woodville himself. However, this particular image of Woodville and his children only seems to emerge with Elizabeth's marriage to Edward IV and the tensions between Edward, Woodville, George, Duke of Clarence and Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick ('the Kingmaker'), rather than Woodville's marriage to Jacquetta.
In short: the tendency seems to be depict the high-status woman as indulging in her own sexual desires and acting on her own will, disregarding reason, counsel and sense, while the man of lesser-status is considered handsome but bears little or no responsibility for seducing the woman. He is of less interest to contemporary chroniclers. Woodville seems to be an exception, rather than the norm, in being seen as guilty of social climbing and there it is the marriage of his daughter, not his own marriage, that gave that reputation. Owen Tudor, as the patriarchal originator of the Tudor dynasty, was celebrated by Tudor-era writers for his qualities and Welsh lineage - it would be easy to conclude that had he not been the grandfather of Henry VII, he would be entirely forgotten.
There do not seem to be any contemporary claims than Tudor, Holland or Woodville seduced, bewitched or raped their wives, whatever historical fiction novelists or pop historians claim. However, it should be noted that there are many cases where other high-status women could be abducted and forced into marriage. One example is Alice de Lacey, Countess of Lancaster. For those cases, I suggest reading Caroline Dunn's Stolen Women. It is far too long and complicated subject to summarise in a tumblr post.
Caroline Dunn, Stolen Women in Medieval England: Rape, Abduction, and Adultery, 1100–1500 (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
David Green “‘A woman given to slippery ways’? The reputation of Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent”, People, Power and Identity in the Late Middle Ages: Essays in Memory of W. Mark Ormrod (Routledge, 2021, eds. Gwilym Dodd, Helen Lacey, Anthony Musson)
Katherine J. Lewis, “Katherine of Valois: The Vicissitudes of Reputation”, Later Plantagenet and the Wars of the Roses Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty (eds. J. L. Laynesmith and Elena Woodacre, Palgrave 2023)    
Kavita Mudan Finn, The Last Plantagenet Consorts: Gender, Genre, and Historiography, 1440-1627 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
W. Mark Ormrod, "In Bed With Joan of Kent: The King's Mother and the Peasants Revolt", Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts in Late Medieval Britain (ed. Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Rosalynn Voaden, Arlyn Diamond, Ann Hutchison, Carol Meale, and Lesley Johnson, Brepols 2000)
Lynda J. Pigdeon, Brought Up Of Nought: A History of the Woodville Family (Fonthill 2019)
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txemptress · 2 years
𝐃𝐀𝐘 ??? ➢ Moon x Gallahan Lombardi
NOTE ➢ Sorry this is so late!! For @acuriousmoon ! I didn't know what to nickname you as so I just placed Moon! Hope you don't mind. Gallahan may be OOC here, only because I've never exactly read the manhwa yet. Hope this works out though!
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Moon was never one to think she'd ever marry anyone that wasn't fictional or whatever sort. She thought them deemed unworthy or whatever. That was until the day she died and got reincarnated into a new life she barely had an idea of!
She got reincarnated to a fascinating manhwa world. True it was fascinating, but it is also positioned in a time where killing was common and fighting was deemed a sport! Not only that but it was also the time where marriages by contract are most common amongst all.
This is where her fate lay that faithful day when she awoke in this world. Poisoned she was, they say in this body. The woman who once controlled it had died. She was killed off and Moon's spirit just so happened to be looking for a body to adjust in. Thus she found herself in this body.
A name unknown to her was what she was called. Brushing it off, she realized that if she were to survive she must find an ally in this world or die in a murderous rampage made by some jealous noble. Considering her options she chose to find an ally which incidentally was easy as it was. For this body served as the body of a man's wife. Well... Future wife that is.
Gallahan Lombardi.... Why did that name sound so familiar? As if she spoke it many times before. It struck her as she realized where she had heard it from. Gallahan Lombardi was a man and a father of Florentia Lombardi, a beautiful youth of a girl who was the female lead of one of the most talked about manhwas. At least that's what Moon remembered it to be.
Gallahan was a loving father, caring too. Unlike some fathers she knew of in manhwas who neglected their children once they arrived and killed their wives. As far as she knew, he (Gallahan) cherished his daughter and would do anything for her. Including murder. Though that was in some rare cases, instead of murder he used a face of fury and annoyance to scare off anyone bothering to do anything to his beloved daughter.
So when she realized that she was a fiancé of such a man. She knew she'd be able to live once she won his heart. But, first she'd have to win the daughter's trust.
Florentia Lombardi seemed... cheerful the first time they met. She was polite and seemed interested with everything Moon tried talking about. It was as if she, the person who once took control over this body, had already managed to make her happy and trusting her almost fully.
It was good progress either way for the two spent so much together it seemed as if they've so much as kindled their spirits.
"Daddy talks about you a lot." Moon nearly dropped her fork at the conversation starter Florentia just put out. Talk about her? A lot? Which part of her was it?
"Really..." Moon tried to keep calm. Now was not the time to wonder and panic over such a thing. "Yep!" Florentia said, eyes practically sparkling at the topic of her father.
"I see.. mind me asking what he talks about?" "Mostly about how much he enjoys you and all that!" Florentia gave a giggle. "Looks like he has a crush."
Crush? How could a kid like her be able to... Nevermind. "Interesting. I guess that is the goal y'know. I didn't become his fiancé for nothing." Moon gave a smile as she finished the last of her cake.
Those were the days before the marriage. Now she stood in front of a lot of people. From Gallahan's relatives to people of the court. They stood to bear witness to this delightful remarriage by Gallahan and herself.
Now he removes the veil from her as the priest continues to the final few sentences. The questions were asked and answered with ‘I do’s as the couple happily kissed.
Gallahan pressed his lips onto hers, causing the witnesses to clap as she kissed him back.
She found herself in the arms of her now husband as he carried her out of the church. What a joyous day for the newlyweds! May their love be forever.
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Manhwa/Manhua/WebToon recommendations I love (Part 1)
*Best Romance/Heartwarming Manhwa*
1) Duchess with an Empty Soul/The Soulless Duchess from Isekai scan
Summary: The naive Yvona is ready to do anything for her amazing fiance! Summon magical beasts and let him take the glory? Sure! Wreck her body for a powerful spell and die for him? Yes! Watch him secretly embrace her trusted cousin Tristan with passion and deride her openly? Oka-wait. What? Just then Yvona dies… and wakes up a year in the past with a burdened heart. Armed with her knowledge, Yvona's ready to fight for herself. And hmm, maybe form an alliance with the coldhearted Duke of Azentine…
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2) The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess/The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter from Isekai scan
Summary: The Speràdo family line possesses a secret: shadow magic. But it's been 100 years since someone last wielded it. When Marquis Speràdo tries to sacrifice Leslie for her favored sister Ellie, little does he know that this awakens the power of darkness in her instead. To escape her family's greed and abuse, Leslie's out to make a deal with the Monstrous Duke: adopt her, and her powers will be at the duke's disposal. Will Leslie escape her parents' cruel grip, or succumb to their evil exploits?
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3) Lady Baby from Isekai scan
Summary: Calliope has suffered through nature’s law and many accidents. Her family was murdered and an ongoing war ended her life, but she traveled back in time to when she was born?! While Calliope slowly grows, will she be able to figure out who killed her family and stop them in time?
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4) A Stepmother's Marchen from Isekai scan
Summary: The iron widow, the spider widow, male hunter, the witch of Neuwanstein castle, the embarrassment of noble ladies……. These were all the words used to describe the Marchioness, Suri Pon Neuwanstein. Despite receiving such criticism from the world, she raised her ‘children’, who were unrelated to her by blood and were old enough to be called her siblings. And finally, on the day of the first son Jeremy’s wedding, she felt that all her hard work had tied all the loose ends together. But she had been terribly mistaken. After hearing the message requesting her to not attend the wedding, she got caught up in an accident and died while leaving the castle. But when she opened her eyes, she woke up on the day of her husband’s funeral, seven years ago. I refuse to suffer any more. I won’t live as I had in the past a second time!
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5) The Evil Lady Will Change from Isekai scan
Summary: Athanasia Cloix, a woman whose elegance and beauty is akin to that of a swan lake, was the Duke’s eldest daughter and the Queen of the social circles: an existence near to perfection. Due to some rumors, however, people began to misunderstand and belittle her. As she suffered through these unfortunate events, she learned to conceal her feelings by putting on a façade and agreed to a political marriage with the Winter-comer who’s also known as the “Northern Monster”.
As the Grand Duke, I will do my best to accommodate your needs and desires. But love alone is something I can’t give to you.” Unbeknownst to her, that very man will change her life and thus a new fate is about to unfold.
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6) The Remarried Empress from Isekai scan
Summary: Navier Ellie Trovi was an empress perfect in every way -- intelligent, courageous, and socially adept. She was kind to her subjects and devoted to her husband. Navier was perfectly content to live the rest of her days as the wise empress of the Eastern Empire. That is, until her husband brought home a mistress and demanded a divorce. “I accept this divorce… And I request an approval of my remarriage.” In a shocking twist, Navier remarries another emperor and retains her title and childhood dream as empress. But just how did everything unfold?
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yetanotheremptypage · 3 months
Thoughts on Bridgerton Season 3, Part 2:
1. KANTHONY MY BELOVED WELCOME HOME. Also we are all gonna agree to retcon the India thing, right? Kate looks way too pregnant to make that journey and also like I really don’t think it makes sense for Anthony as a character either to do it *right this second*. And this brings me to my second thing:
2. The timeline of these pregnancies, man. Why is Kate so visibly pregnant while Prudence and Phillipa are not? There’s one shot in Episode 8 that makes Prudence look pregnant but otherwise nothing. And I’m going to assume that Penelope got pregnant during the mirror incident if all three Featherington babies look to be roughly the same age. And also based on that scene in Queen Charlotte of Violet with two small children I assume Daphne was pregnant all last season? Does pregnancy take less time in this show or something? Are all the men sharpshooters? Like what is this?
3. I’m intrigued by the existence of Michaela. Mostly because I think it could mean that autistic king John Stirling is going to live and Fran gets to have her two fave people by her side always. But we shall see. I do think When He Was Wicked is probably the most gender-dependent plot line in the books (infertility, Kilmartin succession, remarriage, even Michael contracting malaria while in the military, etc) so I’m curious how they will handle that. So RIP Michael but welcome Michaela (I feel like Michelle would be a more era appropriate name but what do I know)
4. There’s no way in hell Benedict isn’t next. Masquerade next season? Come on. The real question is will they do the An Offer From A Gentleman time jump (I know how they can do it if anyone at Netflix wants to give me a ring even though Jess Brownell said a lot of the eps are written already) or will they condense everything to one season (because if so, lame)
5. Marcus is a completely empty character and if he’s going to stick around I’m gonna need a reason to like him because right now his whole personality seems to be “man Violet can date” (but so glad that they addressed Lady Danbury’s affair with Lord Ledger)
6. I also thought it hilarious that they kept explaining where Kate and Anthony were and yet no one said *a word* about Daphne or Simon. My personal head canon that no one asked for is that at some point between S1 and now Simon joined the military and fought at Waterloo while Daph was with the children in Belgium because god damnit I *will* bring in one historically accurate thing to this show!
7. All in all, enjoyed this half much more, they should’ve named a different episode Romancing Mr. Bridgerton because it didn’t work for 6 (5 would’ve probably been the better option), and I can’t believe we are stuck waiting two years for the next season.
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Hi Jalebi! How are you doing? I have a slightly spicy question for you, about the early post contract marriage days. I noticed that we had multiple instances of Arnav being shirtless around Khushi and he seems to be totally fine with it, like he's all self possessed and chill and acting like it's no big deal. But isn't it kind of a big deal??? Like imagine if Khushi ran into half naked Arnav at any point before marriage, even pre-marriage flirty days. It would be such a shocking and definitely sexually loaded moment. But when it happens post marriage, Arnav acts like it's nbd. Khushi definitely gets flustered and turned on (at least once) for sure, she has a rabba ve moment, then she seems to get used to it too, with time. But he's so casual about it right from the first time we see it happen on screen. Don't get me wrong, I ain't slut shaming Arnav, I love it, apart from the sensual aspect, there's also something so domestic and husbandly about Arnav being comfortable enough to be in a towel, get dressed etc in front of her etc. But for me it doesn't make sense bc at that point in the marriage Arnav is still all "I hate her" "this is a 6 month contract" "I'll never accept her as a wife" etc. So logically as per his control freak personality he should be all about Maintaining the Boundaries and Keeping Her Away lest he lose control and also so he can squash his feelings. He does that in other ways. But in this realm he's so chill and like "sure, see me undressed if you want to, idc". Which is, nice but confusing. It's a certain level of comfort that Khushi, for example, only achieves a lot later on in their marriage, when she lets herself not wear the dupatta around him in their room. Why do you think Arnav was comfortable in this aspect much earlier than her?
Hey Anon!!!!
I'm doing well, how're you doing?
It is a big deal - more like an awkward deal. Arnav is actually pretty reluctant about coming out of the bathroom shirtless. The two times he does - it's a result of force.
At first Khushi stopped water mid-bathing, and warned him she'll keep yelling if he doesn't come out of the bathroom so he barely wears his pants and gets out cause she's being annoying AF.
During their 'honeymoon' Arnav comes out of the bathroom because he realized, much later after he removed his shirt, that he didn't take his towel. Again he was hesitant to come out, but came out cause Khushi was pretending to not understand that he wanted his towel.
She was, taken aback, as she is every single time.
Also, the last time he's shirtless in front of her is when he was bathing in Lakshmi Nagar and Khushi straight up violated his boundaries. There's nothing domestic about it. Water stopped running, there's soap in his eyes. He is without any clothes. Yet, yet he trusts Khushi enough to let her hold him and guide him to a place to get washed up. I know people see domesticity here but I see it as a violation of trust.
It's not less private because he's a man. Or because other men and kids are bathing as well. He had no idea Khushi would bring him in public.
An example of Arnav being comfortable shirtless in front of Khushi would be if he worked out in front of Khushi or changed clothes in front of her - you see this after the wedding. He's dressing up before her before taking her on a movie date. During remarriage days he always wears his shirt, just wears his suit jacket and tie in front of her (which is again more in line with him being comfortable in his own house than anything tbh).
And he draws serious boundaries with Khushi. He rips off honeymoon tickets. He doesn't want her putting blanket on him when he's about to sleep. Initially he doesn't even let her sleep in the same periphery, he only does so at first out of inconvenience (when Khushi feigns to be sick), and then he can never bring himself to put her out.
So, unfortunately, there's very little that's romantic in that phase just in my opinion.
But you know when they do start getting domestic? During Gupta house when he complains to Buaji about Khushi piling all mechanical things on him. Or when he tells khushi to step aside, he'll bring the flowers. Or when he flirts with her that nose is red. In fact the whole Gupta house thing they were very very 'married'.
Much love,
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
So because tlnd Malec are always on mind I have a question, after they remarried Magnus use Magnus bane and not lightwood-bane and it makes me think if he bring back the contract clause that he is not taking off his wedding ring in his the photo shoots
Just curious
The clause does come back. Because the ring (or rather what it symbolizes) means a lot to him (as we saw).
Do keep in mind that his legal name is Magnus Lightwood-Bane (after marriage/remarriage). It's just his 'brand' is Magnus Bane because that's what/who is known as.
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emjiroki · 11 months
Hear me out! Who do you think would take forever to get used to having stepsibling in the Todoroki family?
Like Enji does get married to someone else down the line after Rei. It’s better to be separated.
Enji allowed his kids to contract on their free will but does tell them that they do have stepsibling. Like putting the ball in their court if they want to be apart of that kids life.
Enji has been going to therapy (paying the rest of the family if they wish to that’s what he could do)
Touya and Natsuo (if in this scenario Touya is still around)
I feel like Natsuo would be more on the "I don't really care im doing my own thing and not involved" side about the kids but he would hate the remarriage (he glad his mom is away from Enji but you can tell on that boys face he never wants his dad to be happy again)
and Touya is just not happy all the way around. He doesn't like the change in the family dynamics and makes it very much known. But he eventually warms up to the step sibling if only a little bit. Affectionately calls them "little shit" when he's around them. (He's the babysitter you only pay in big bills and beer)
This was such a fun question! Thank you anon!
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khyatipareek · 2 years
These are the moments when Arnav saved Khushi from falling.
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1. Ramp walk in the beginning.
2. In the broken Guest house when Khushi fainted.
3. Teej episode one with sindoor and other while fainting in the temple.
4. Nainital trip when Khushi was talking on phone in the Dhaaba .
5. When Khushi brought cold milk for Arnav, Arnav saved her from falling into the pool.
6. After contract marriage when Khushi wanted to throw Payal's divorce papers into the pool.
7. During Heer ranjha episode, one saving her from the falling curtain rods (I love that whole scene 👍) another at the house when he was questioning her that where was she?.
8. During their honeymoon at night he saved her from... falling from the sofa ( wow he cares for her so much ❤️).
9. After Diwali when she was about to fall in the kitchen he saved her , they both decided not to talk with each other.
10. He saved her from committing suicide (jumping off the building).
11. During Pritika's marrige preparations he tried to save her but both fell down and flowers fell on them (He smiled in that scene awwwww 😍).
12. He saved her from falling before giving her a dictation in English in the office during that 15 days office challenge. ( The way he removed his blazer.....ufff 🔥).
13. When he went to the Gupta house to apologise to Khushi in the night during the remarriage track, she was shocked to see him and he saved her from a fall.
14. During their 2nd marriage when she was about to faint he holds her and his blood fall on her forehead.
15. During the bachelor party.. while dancing Khushi was saved by her husband many a times.(Namak Ishq ka).
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seeyabythemarina · 2 years
Octavia half siblings
When octavia was a child she believed she was in a happy family, but that soon broke as she got older and she was woken by screaming everyday. Her hopes that one day her parents would choose to work things out was slowly breaking as time went on. It wasn't till her 13th birthday it was truly crushed.
As the days got closer to her birthday she had to watch a weird shift in her parent demeanor. Her dad wasn't so weird but he was constantly telling her that he loved her and that wouldn't change that no matter what happened. Her mother thought was freaking her out as she hadn't screamed, thrown anything, and seemed to actually be smiling from something. Octavia was confused but thought they were working things out for her birthday. She was so happy as she actually got a few more hours of sleep and figure this was the end of the screeming.
Sitting down on the table with her cake her parent were both trembling stolas with nervousness and looking at her worries and stella with happiness as she urge octavia to blow out the candle. Thinking nothing of it octavia obeyed.
The moment the light went out was when things really got weird. Both herparent shuddered like they were suddenly free from some ropes. Then her mother stood up and shouted, "Yes its finally over I can marry a worth goetia and never see you pathetic face again" right in her dad's face.
Octavia was shocked at what her mother did and what was about to ask what was over before a portal opened up and out came both sides of her grandparents and her uncle andrephulus.
Her maternal grandparents then praised stella for completing the goal and stated everything was in order for the divorce and remarriage. That cuase stella to look happier then she seen in all her life.
Octavia wasn't focused on that thought. Goal, d8vorce, remarriage what was going on. Looking to hee dad to ask what was going on he just hugged and told octavia that he truly did love her and that everything will be okay.
Paimon then interrupted and said ofcourse everything will be okay. We have one precautionary heir, king Zagan has a duagther for stolas to marry, and stella gets to marry a distant goetia(prince gaap #got the name from talosLives imp on fire). Everyone's happy.
What octavia said as she heard the word precautionary heir and grew colder. Oh dear she looks confused said andrephlus. Oh we might as explain everything to her she 13 and should understand. That no old enough stolas said. Be quiet stolas andrephlus is right paimon said just to make sure she doesn't overreact I the future it's better to get everything out in the open. Stolas backed down but continued to hold octavia.
You see Oliva- octavia stolas interrupted annoyed-whatever you were born to be a backup to the goetia family in case one dies so your parent were arranged to be married.
Octavia mouth opened as registered what was said what she nearly screamed. Backup she was a back her parent never wanted to get married to have her she felt like she was gonna cry. But paimon wasnes done
It was just for convience really. I wanted to arrange stolas to one of king Zagans kids, but he didnt have any that were free at the time and was having trouble reproducing. Needing to arrange stolas early to have kids is when stella parent came to me. They wanted to get stella marriage to one of by more socially better sons but becuase of their status I disagreed. They then offered stella to be the carrier of an heir for stolas and I agreed. However Zagan had a duagther after the contract was finalized so we had to complete it first. If stella gave birth to an heir and stay with them till they blew the lights out on the cake of their 13th birthday she could dvorec stolss with no problem and marry prince gasp even easier. When you blew you 13th candle the contract of their marriage was broken. Zaman has had a daugyher in all this time good enough age for stolas to marry to so everyone happy
If octavia was stunned before she was full on horrified now. To hear her entire life is because her dad couldn't be married to someone else and becyase her mother wanted someone else was the worst thing ever. Octavia was then running to get away from everyone ignoring the sounds of her father calling her and her mother laughing at getting a worthy husband
Going in her room she slammed the door playing the music from that f*uck you dad band she liked. Trying to drown everything out. It now made sense why her parent hated each other more then they loved her. They didn't love her she was just born to benefit them. For the rest of her birth octavia spent the day in her room crying.
The next day octavia got up and didn't want to see her parent but she wanted breakfast. Going to the kitchen she was surprised to see her parent sitting at the table not screaming. When her mother saw her she told octavia to sit down and octavua did to tired to disobey.
Stella then talked about after she left we talked about what would happen next. Her parent are divorce and becuase octavia was born to be stolas precautionary heir he get main custody, but Stella would get every other weekend. That would start in a few months with the divorce, stella move to prince gaap, and her parent remarriage. Octavia flinched as she didn't want to hear this again, and couldn't help but ask.
Was my life really just a convience, in all you marriage together were we ever really a family she asked. Before her Dad could say some lie and say yes her mother interrupted. Of course not why would I have a family with this pathetic man but doing so would let my stay a princess and marry someone strong. Who could blame me for taking the chance. You father just had to he didn't want this family either.
That was when hee father interrupted and said it wasn't true and that he love octavai her mother then started shouting back leaving octavai to leave and cry in her room thinking that she should she just starved.
After words both remarried and octavia was stuck going back in forth. Whenever she had to switch her parent either had servants do it or when they drove them severe they yelled at each other before leaving. It sucked
One plus is that they were less yelling as her step mother and stolas got along pretty well and her step father and stella got along mostly becuase they were both socially obsessed elitist and agreed on almost everything. Still octavai was bitter that she couldn't have this when her parent were married. Her resentment increase when they both had new kids
Her paternal half sibling her dad could focus his dorkness on while still assuring octavia they she was still important to him. Her maternal half sibling was who octavai was really jealous with. With them stella was more maternal and involved with they she had every been with octavia. Her talking to Stella about is she said of course I have a kid untainted by your pathetic father that I know wont disappoint me how can I not be more loving toward them. I bet for stolas it's the same thing he hated me just a such as I hated him and he secretly wished that you were gone to forget about me. He just can't becuase your the precautionary heir of his bloodline.
Deal with octavai coping with the scenario, her parents, her step-parents, and most importantly her half-siblings. Maybe stolas still cheat with blitz your choice.
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starrysamu · 1 year
Hi Remy!!! I haven't been watching anything lately but I'm still reading webtoons lol. The one I'm currently enjoying is "My In-laws are Obsessed with Me." I almost passed over it because of the title but it's really good!!! I'm trying to figure out how to describe it. Uhh… the premise is the MC gets killed by her fiance and step mom and sister, goes back in time and to prevent herself from dying, she asks to marry a powerful duke for protection. And there's mystery behind her death and the duke's family curse and… okay I promise it's really good 😂😂😂. (As for fandoms, I'm in Genshin Impact land 🙃)
mimi HI! i'm not sure if you're still around but really great to hear from u. how has everything been?
also actually OMG i saw a tiktok about this webtoon and LITERALLY just started reading it today. i just finished the third chapter and i'm so so excited i love a good slow burn/yearning/longing/blah blah u get me
as for webtoons i also started reading this one called the remarriage contract which i feel like it's pretty obvious how i feel about exes to lovers (I'M GNA EAT IT UP EVERY SINGLE TIMEE) so i'm rlly excited to keep working thru it
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ina-shumelim · 3 months
The cruel fate of Lamassāni
I recently stumbled across the following "adoption" contract from Bronze Age Nuzi, a city near the Tigris river in modern day Iraq. Today, it is in the British Museum. It was edited by Gerfrid Müller in Londoner Nuzi Texte (1998; text no. 18) and my translation of the original Babylonian here follows his:
Contract of Zige, son of Lā-qēpu: He has entered a contract regarding his daughter Lamassāni. Into adoption and daughter-in-law-ship he has given her to Teġiptilla, the son of Puġišenni, and Teġiptilla has taken her for all of his slaves for marriage. If his first slave dies, he will give her to his second slave for marriage. If his second slave dies, he will give her to his third slave. If his third slave dies, he will give her to his fourth slave. If his fourth slave dies, he will give her to his fifth slave for marriage. As long as Lamassāni is alive, she shall not leave the house of Teġiptilla. When Lamassāni dies, the entire property of Lamassāni's shall belong to Teġiptilla. Teġiptilla has given 40 shekels of silver to Zige as her bride price; the silver has been paid. Should Zige renege, he will pay 2 minas of gold to Teġiptilla. (Followed by a list of witnesses and sealings)
In short, Teġiptilla bought Lamassāni off her father Zige in order to marry her to as many of his slaves as she survives. Any children born from these marriages will be his slaves.
Roughly half a dozen more of these contracts from Nuzi contain similar clauses regarding remarriage, as collected by Jeannette Fincke (Adoption of Women at Nuzi, 2012), many of these featuring Teġiptilla adopting yet another girl to marry to his slaves. It should be noted here, that at least up until the 70s, the archive of Teġiptilla and his family was the largest archive of textual records excavated in Ancient West Asia, speaking to the tremendous influence of the family (Maidman, The Teḫip-tilla Family of Nuzi, 1976).
What particularly shocked me upon reading this text was how thoroughly Teġiptilla pervaded Lamassāni's entire existence. And I know, selling a human, even under the guise of adoption and marriage, is horrible by itself. But seeing her life spelled out up to her fifth marriage showed the disregard for her personhood in a manner so clear as I seldom perceive it. "As long as Lamassāni is alive" being followed by "when Lamassāni dies" adds to this feeling of hopelessness. Anyway, fuck Teġiptilla, and I hope that despite all, Lamassāni found some sort of happiness in her life.
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drivinglicence2 · 5 months
How to Change/Update Name on Driving Licence in India
As an Indian resident, certain reports are quintessential to hold. This incorporates Aadhar cards, Skillet cards, and so forth. One such significant report is a driving permit in the event that you wish to drive an engine vehicle out and about. 
Whenever you have gotten the driver's permit, make a point to check every one of the subtleties imprinted on it. Getting a driving licence online with an off-base name or an incorrectly spelled name can be distressing. Nonetheless, you do want not to stress; changing/refreshing your name on your driver's permit is somewhat simple.
There are different motivations behind why a driving permit holder might need to change or refresh their name on it. In any case, you should have a substantial and legitimate explanation for it. This article will direct you on the best way to refresh your name in the driving permit.
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What Are the Various Ways of Refreshing Name on a Driving Permit?
Assuming you are thinking about how to change the name on the driving permit, underneath are the on-the-web and disconnected processes. With the digitization of the cycle, it has become very simple for individuals to profit by driving permit-related benefits rapidly:
The internet-based process provides you with the solace of Profiting administrations at the solace of your home or office. The disconnected cycle is as per the following:
• Visit the Parivahan site
• Select your state to continue
• Click on the 'driving permit' choice and pick 'Administrations on DL'
• You will be approached to enter DL number, date of birth, and manual human test
• On the following screen, select your state and RTO and complete the KYC cycle with OTP
• Presently, from the choices accessible, click on 'difference in name in DL' and enter the manual human test to continue
• An affirmation for a difference in name will show up
• Continue by transferring the necessary archives, marks, and photographs.
If you are agreeable or need to go with the disconnected interaction, it is additionally very basic. The disconnected course of progress of the name is as per the following:
• Visit your closest RTO and advance your inquiry
• Adhere to the guidelines at the workplace, such as paying expenses at the information passage office
• You will be approached to present a biometric mark, photos, and fingerprints
• After the technique is finished, you will get the receipt and the driver's permit at your referenced location.
Are the Archives' expectations to Change the Name on Driving Permit?
At the point when you apply for a difference in name on the driving permit, you want to present a couple of reports too. These include:
1. Aadhaar card
2. Aftereffects of class tenth or twelfth
3. A duplicate of identification (if accessible)
4. The birth declaration
On account of ladies candidates, keep the accompanying records convenient:
1. Recently submitted archives
2. Separate from order (assuming it is the justification for name change/update)
3. Marriage or remarriage testament (assuming that it is the justification for the name change/update)
4. Demise authentication of the mate (if it is the justification for the name change/update)
A marriage or separation declaration is expected since ladies frequently change their family name after their marriage or separation. In such a case, the reports referenced above must be introduced.
Normally, these are the main records inquired. You might be inquired as to whether required.
Recommend reading: learning licence online apply
What amount of time Does It Require to Change the Name on a Driving Permit?
The most common way of changing of name on a driving permit takes a brief period. You might get the refreshed driving permit at your referenced location in ten days or less.
How to Check the Status for Name Change on a Driving Permit?
Since it is now so obvious how to refresh your name in your driving permit, you should likewise know how to really take a look at the situation with your application. Indeed, until you accept your refreshed driving permit, you can keep a tab on the situation with your solicitation. Coming up next is this interaction:
1. Visit the authority site
2. Click on the 'Online Administrations' choice on the landing page
3. Click on the 'driving permit related administrations' starting from the drop menu
4. Enter the concerned state
5. Presently, you will be approached to enter your application number, date of birth, and the manual human test code. Click on 'Continue'
6. Your application will show up on the screen with the ongoing status.
Much of the time Got clarification on pressing issues
1. IS Referencing An Explanation Expected TO CHANGE/UPDATE THE NAME ON MY DRIVER'S Permit?
Indeed. Since a driving permit is a fundamental record, any individual who intends to change or refresh their name on the driver's permit needs to specify a legitimate justification for the equivalent.
2. Might I at any point CHANGE MY Family name ON THE DRIVING Permit AFTER MARRIAGE?
Indeed. You might change/update your driving permit last name after marriage by means of either on the web or disconnected techniques with supporting archives.
A portion of the normal purposes behind changing the name on a driver's permit can be:
• Marriage
• Separate
• Spelling blunder
• Remarriage
• Numerological or mysterious reasons
• Change of religion
• Change of orientation
4. Might I at any point look at THE Situation with THE CHANGE/UPDATE OF NAME ON MY DRIVING Permit?
Indeed. On the site of Parivahan, you can rapidly check the situation with your application regarding any driving permit-related administrations.
5. WILL I Need TO Give SUPPORTING Records To A Difference in NAME AFTER MARRIAGE?
Indeed. Under any condition, including remarriage, separation, or marriage, one needs to submit supporting reports for a difference in name in the driving permit.
Also read: permanent driving license online apply
You do want not to get restless in the event that you have gotten a driver's permit with an incorrectly spelled name. You can rapidly and effectively apply for the adjustment. There can be different explanations behind changing or refreshing a driving permit name, as examined previously. Make a point to do the needful soon. Ideally, at this point, you know how to change your name on the driving permit.
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civilcodearticles · 8 months
Article 40- The absolute nullity of a previous marriage may be invoke for purposes of remarriage on the basis solely of a final judgement declaring such previous marriage void.
The provision is clear. If a marriage is void at the beginning and you want to entered a subsequent marriage, you must secure a judicial declaration of nullity of marriage on the basis solely of final judgement.
The reason is that a person cannot decide for himself the invalidity of his/her marriage.
What is the consequence? If a person contracted a marriage without final judgement of judicial declaration of nullity of marriage?
The person will be charge with bigamy as happened in the case of Terre v Terre.
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