#The Snowball Effect Lore
profiteroleval · 2 years
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My fanfiction research is going well
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selfvalidity · 11 months
feel like i should mention that matson was kaidan's bi awakening cause kaidan thought it was hot when they had to have weird sex pollen sex. but the aftermath was yeesh
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cpn86457 · 4 months
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Mob distraught by milk after Mogami arc
/brain rot : Post Mogami arc, alternative timeline, OC included
Reading Mogami arc changed my brain. What if it actually changed Mob's psyche in the wrong ways?? What if Ekubo came in too late and he's already went ape shit, snapping and killing a student, leaving him mentally scarred. Ekubo gets him out of there with "you're in a dream, boy. This isn't real. Remember your real life, everyone loves you and you're working hard to become strong!" The usual thing and they manage to defeat Mogami. But the thought is there. If Mob managed to actually murder someone out of anger in that dream, what is he capable of in real life? What if he snaps? Mob becomes scared of himself. Milk becomes disgusting giving him nausea and he's more discreet than usual, shutting himself down. In the end, he manages to confess to Tsubomi, avoiding the truck accident but, what's the point He handles rejection extremely bad, self doubt and hate invading him. Both of his sides fighting each other and harming others around him. This is much worse than the original route. I was thinking about all of this as an alternative route of the canon story, including Mirai. I would love her to witness Mom's moral downfall while she's slowly healing in the wrong ways. Reigen in the middle of it is destined to die by Mob's hand, failing to bring him back. Mirai's presence in Asagiri's mansion somehow changed everything and triggered a snowball effect to the worst ending but the whole lore is to make her realize that even if she can see all the endings, she has to learn to stop avoiding confrontation, accept her past as a part of herself and not a mistake and open up to people to fix "bad endings" (She has a avoiding personality and runs away and shuts down the moment things go south). Reigen having to manage a depressed kid, an explosive grown woman and his mom harassing him to get married and have kids:
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+++ Now I'm thinking harder: yes Mob will be afraid to hurt people and go insane. Wait until he remembers he already did it. This could either happen while Ritsu talks too much Or Mirai reveals it by reading his past (clairvoyance) "Wait, I thought you already knew it?" Imagine not being able to remember something that happened to you and proof is shown in front of you. Diabolical. The fear of harming leads to an easier loss of control.
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n-anon · 2 years
Anomaly Found: Chase Brody Livestream Notes
-We were hacking into IRIS
-Inspired by Overnightwatch and the zoom commands
-was supposed to last 7 days, was lowered to 3 but then 2 hours went and passed so he sped it up.
-lots of technical difficulties with automod and stuff
-the crashes were unintentional but they were meant to look like they happened in universe
-Jack runs the IRIS twt account
-13 on trending on YouTube heck yeah!!!!!
-$120,000 on working on the game and hiring people for the live action and things
-IRIS is supposed to be a cold sterile environment and is supposed to feel uncomfortable
-Mark was Assistant Director
-Character playing Arin was supposed to be someone else but the person wasn't available so they got Arin
-Mark And Jack friendship wholesome times we love to see it
-HyperRPG did most of the legwork and ran the stream and made the game
-turtle easter egg was by Soph and is named Gerald :D
-This isn't the big huge one
-He has plans for a HUGE thing with lore, and at least 4 more are on the way and will trickle out as time goes on. He has plans for years of content
-Movie, TV show, Comics, everything. ANIMATION?
-No current plans for Choose your own adventure type content. Everythings on the table though.
-Jacks Chase impression is so impressive it's like he plays the character :)
-Takes place immediately after CHASE
-More and More make-up was added to make him look tired.
-Deja vu? No answers to how Chase knows this place. In this world there's a scientific explanation as to why Deja Vu happens but Jack won't tell us.
-ALTR is an acronym and stands for something.
-Arins character is supposed to be cold first to show how closed off IRIS is
-IRIS patch kept falling off
-IRIS can detect he's lying with the WTCHR
-'Very Big Brother is Watching' from Magpie
-the test is based on many actual psychological tests from various sources
-Chase projecting his divorce issues into a camera man v sad
-The ball hitting his face was totally intentional.
-Weird flex that apparently Jack can throw balls hard lmao
-The shadows were moving and encroaching on him
-have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?
-He curious about what whispers and sounds we've picked up on
-Robin and Trey did the editing we love them :D
-Jack did a weird chuckle at the shadowy glitchy form
-shoutout! To Echo. Like he did for Anti. He's not going to tell us who or what it is.
-IRIS trying to be nice :) :) but it isn't working, they're playing good cop
-He smiled at the very subtle Anti giggle how dare
-EVAN HEYYYY (marks assistant)
-Anti took control and did a snowball effect. Consequences happened. We just watched as it happened.
-Anti pulls us through the camera and goes :)))) lemme show ya what I can do.
-Cool shots yay
-Anti tootsies
-First time two egos have been on the same screen together!
-Sound design Inspired by Dune
-Antis voice is supposed to fill your head like he's everywhere, he used the binaural microphone to layer his voice with the whispers and Anti's voice.
-sequel to Overnightwatch
-Antis neck has healed
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memento-mori-twilight · 7 months
I just realized something about My Adventures with Superman.
This is the first (I say first because I have no idea if it will still be the only by the time Gunn's version comes around) iteration of a Superman story that breaks one of the few major behind-the-scenes writing rules about introducing a new Superman story:
It doesn't start the show with either Krypton exploding or the Spaceship crashing.
All other reintroductions to a "new" or "different" version of Superman in the comics, the movies, or the TV shows, all start the story with either one of the two things. So much that you can argue it's as much as a trope as audiences seeing Uncle Ben die everytime Spiderman get revamped, or every Batman movie having to show us the damned blood-covered pearls in Crime Alley.
Just 8 simple words that explain it all
"Doomed Planet. Desperate Scientists. Last Hope. Kindly Couple."
So much so that comics even lampshade it when introducing evil Superman parallels like Ultraman.
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"Doomed Planet. Desperate Scientists. Last Hope. Duplicitous Bastards."
But My Adventures with Superman very noticeably don't do that, and that's very much by design because this version of Clark is meant to know nothing and so the showrunners and writers made it so that the audience is in the dark as much as Clark is.
And it works to a wonderful degree because this means the audience spends all of Episode 1 getting to know Clark Kent: Junior Reporter first. We learn the overgrown corn-fed dork who can fly and break sinks before we get a syllable of Kryptonese. We learn about Krypton's fate in Episode 2 as Clark learns about it, but this decision also goes on to do something spectacular.
It also goes to prime the audience that this story of Krypton is going to be different from the version of Krypton and Jor-El and Lara-Lor-Van most people know, and that becomes more and more prominent as the show goes on.
And the Krypton we see hints of is fucking scary!
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The show is going wholesale in subconsciously putting us in Clark's shoes because it plays with our familiarity and curiosity of what Krypton is like until we get to Episode 8: Zero Day and we see what the visions and codenames of Nemesis Omega and Zero Day mean. And it invokes the feeling of more dread and terror than hope of seeing any more Kryptonians, and that's without introducing us to the known Evil Kryptonians in the lore. (Zod, Ursa, Faora, Jax-Ur, etc.)
Starting with us not seeing Krypton exploding or the rocket ship that Moses'd him to Earth also later leaves the ambiguity of whether Clark truly has the title of Last Son of Krypton in the last episode climax and end-credit scene. It throws a lot of what we expect into flux while still staying true to the roots of the character at the same time, because it never confirms or denies anything. We're just left to speculate and flounder as Clark is.
That's just a wonderful example of how a story choice can have such a knock-on snowball effect that can pay off in establishing an atmosphere.
And it's all because they refrained from using a proven tried-and-true intro rule to do something new, like they do for a lot of the series.
And I just think that's neat.
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haileyywrites · 2 years
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Subject two finds a lone child in Dragonspine and saves them from freezing to death. They bond over being all alone and abandoned by those who brought them to this world. Albedo is worried once he finds out about your existence...
-> "Primordial" Albedo or Subject two x reader! Platonic!
-> Reader has they/them pronouns - no specified gender! Reader is a young child! I have not played the quest where he is introduced so he might be ooc - this fic is purely fictional so might not be lore accurate! Some angst as reader is abandoned by their mother and so was subject two! Very fluffy ending!
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The snow crunched under the boots of subject two as he made his way through the icy landscape that was Dragonspine. He wasn't following any directions or had a direction he was going towards, he just walked around aimlessly. Occasionally he would watch the wildlife or keep an eye on the treasure hoarders and fatui soldiers, but otherwise he really had nothing to do. He felt cold but not due to the temperature, it was more internal - more emotional. It was a feeling he had cone to know all too well throughout his miserable life. He was lonely. So incredibly lonely...
Even Albedo had company, wherever it was one or both of his assistants or even the little girl - Klee. He was never alone for long, even if he wanted to be. Subject two hated him so much, despised him so much. He had everything he didn't... He had a name, friends and family, including his creator. Those around him admired him and called him a genius. Yet he ws left in the dark, no one could know he existed or his true "identity" - which was the lack of one. He was no one, he was nothing...
He stared at the pure white that covered the earth under him and couldn't help but feel angry and agitated. He wanted to scream and shout, but wasn't sure what he would even say... He wasn't sure if he was capable of it, but he wished to cry. He wished to let his tears fall until he was dried entirely of them, perhaps then he wouldn't wish or need to do it in the future. But the sobs and sniffles his hearing picked up wasn't coming from him...
He looked around confused, it sounded like it was coming from a child... It could be Albedo's "sister" which meant it wasn't ideal to approach the sound, but he couldn't help his curiosity. Carefully he looked around and walked towards the sound without making much noise or at least not enough to draw your attention. He was glad to see it was indeed not Klee, but a lone child out here spelled out bad news. You were clearly not even clothed enough to survive a few hours in this weather and there was no fire nearby... Where in the world were your parents?
He shouldn't intervene or even allow you to notice him, you were likely from Mondstadt - if not the city then at least from the country, Albedo could easily hear of his involvement and it would create a snowball effect into disaster. But you were surely freezing and if you weren't already suffering from hypothermia, you very soon would be... He never particularly cared for humans or their offspring, but watching and hearing your cries seemed to awaken a human response from him. You needed him, and he needed to help you.
He cautiously approached but made sure you heard him coming to not startle you. You heard the snow crunch and looked up to see the blonde man approaching, despite looking rather serious he didn't frighten you like most strangers would. He made sure to come closer slowly to show he wasn't a threat.
“Hello... Are you alone out here?” He asked in a calm manner.
“Yes.” You managed to say in between sobs.
“What about your parents? Why are you alone?” He questioned.
You paused for a moment as your sniffling quieted down, but more tears gathered in your glossy eyes. It seemed to be a touchy subject for you...
“My mother left me here. She said she didn't want me anymore and now I'm all alone, I'm so cold...” You whimpered.
It seemed you had more in common than he would have thought... It seemed human creators hadn't changed much in between the centuries since his own discarded him. The incredible ability to create life, yet they so easily throw out all their hard work for one reason or another.
“My mother didn't want me either.” He responded with a monotone voice void of any emotion, yet the hurt he felt was as deep as yours.
“Why didn't she want you?” Your question was blunt and most would consider the question rude, but you were a mere child and simply spoke your mind openly.
“She deemed I wasn't good enough, she would go on to create another who could fufil her desires abd I was discarded in the snow, like you.” His look was distant as he recalled the past.
“Oh...” You simply replied.
He snapped out of his thoughts as your body shivered violently from the icy winds. He quickly shrugged off his coat to carefully wrap it around you to shield you from the harsh weather the best he could without a fire. Right, a fire. You would need to warm up before hypothermia or the sheer cold claimed your short but tragic life.
“I have a camp nearby, you'll get warm there. Come.” He held out his gloved hand for you to take.
Though following a stranger was what you were always taught against, you didn't have any other options. You were freezing and desperately needed warmth or you wouldn't survive the next hour. So you took his hand and held onto it tightly as you traversed the snowy mountain side. It was dumb of him to show you or anyone where he was camped at, but he would think about it after you were out of the cold.
He arrived at the cave he called home at this time and laid you on the furs he would sleep on. He quickly scrambled around looking for anything to light a fire with, he didn't light fires often to avoid being found out, but this was an emergency - luckily he had some dry branches and papers to create a small fire. You pulled the coat tighter around you as you got as close to the fire as you safely could, the heat felt uncomfortable but comfortable at the same time as your freezing body began warming up.
“I'll have to get some soup for you, you must be starving.” He stated and began looking outside.
“Please do don't leave!” You shouted quickly.
The blonde was shocked by your outburst, “It's okay. I won't leave if you don't want me to.”
He sat by yourside in front of the fire and kept you company until you eventually passed out. He made sure you were in a comfortable position as you slept and made sure to not let the fire die out. He could have easily slipped out to gather ingredients now that you were asleep, but if you woke up you would surely panic if he wasn't by your side.
Being left by your mother had created a severe fear of abandonment, even if the one to abandon you was a complete stranger to you... He couldn't blame you for this, young humans were incredibly attached to their caretakers, in most cases that being their mother. It was hard not to see himself in you, being abandoned in this snowy hellscape by the one who created. It was strange to think of it as a coincidence, it felt more like fate or destiny for one unfortunate soul to come across another with that many similarities.
Subject two heard you mumbling in your sleep, but the sound of your voice was filled with fear... He gently reached to shake you awake until he snapped you out of your nightmare. Tears had once again formed in your eyes and despite lacking social skills most humans possessed, he felt the incredible urge to comfort you.
“It's okay, I'm here. I'll look after you.” He said reassuringly.
“Thank you... Then I'll look after you.” You weakly whispered.
You held out your small hand for him to hold and he accepted. He continued to hold onto your hand the entire time you slept, never moving an inch in fear of disrupting your sleep. Logically he knew you likely wouldn't, but he couldn't help himself.
When you awoke the next day it was time to get you something to eat and perhaps visit Mondstadt for some new clothes, though it was incredibly risky... But for you he was willing to take it. For someone who was always level headed and calculated every step he took to avoid risks, you changed it all. He was taking risk after risk to accommodate you... It wasn't good or smart, but he couldn't care less. Perhaps deep down it was because he wished someone - anyone would have done so for him...
Like he expected, he gained a lot of attention from the people of the City of Freedom. Albedo was surely going to hear about this one way or another, but with your new clothing you would be able to handle the cold and thus had no reason to return to Mondstadt anytime soon. Next came teaching you to live and survive out in the mountains, making food would be where to start. It didn't take long for subject two to notice someone watching the two of you...
“Good. You should go up ahead to gather some more, but be sure to remain within shouting distance.” He patted your head gently.
“Okay!” You exitedly, yet cluelessly ran off.
Thankfully you had grown to trust him rather quickly, otherwise you would have had to witness what was to come next... Subject two waved you off with a small smile before turning his head to look over his shoulder and address the uninvited person spying on the two of you. Just like he had expected for Albedo to find out and come confront him, he just didn't expect it to be so soon.
“I know you're there.” He stated coldly.
“Then you know why I'm here.” Albedo replied.
“Whatever you think this is - you're wrong.” Subject two answered.
“You're not trying to copy me by having them fill the role of Klee?” He asked sarcasticcally.
“This has nothing to do with you. I found them in the cold. They're all alone, but they don't have to be. So I'm taking care of them.” He explained.
Albedo remained silent. He was wondering if he could truly trust the words of his brother - he seemed genuine, but he could deceive and lie as simply as he breathed air. For your sake he truly hoped things were as innocent and coincidental as he said them to be. The statistics in his head told him to believe subject two's words, but after everything he really didn't want to.
“I hope you're telling the truth. Because if you're not, nothing will stop me from protecting them from you.”
With those words Albedo walked off to the direction of his own camp. Just then he could hear you running towards him with your boots crunching in the snow with each step. He looked towards you to see you smiling with arms full of pinecones, just like that the smile returned to his face as he greeted you.
“I found so many! Are these good?” You exitedly asked.
“Yes. Let's go to cook them together.” He held his hand out for you and you took it without hesitation.
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A/N: I'm working on the requests I've been sent but I wanted to throw this out since I finally finished it - it's been sitting in the drafts for a while lol Anyway feel free to like and or reblog <3
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nirogryphon · 5 months
whats ur parallel fanon
i'm assuming you saw this post, right? are you talking about that specific guy? that's adzuki. idk if you're wanting headcanons about what i think about that boss or an oc lore dump. to me they're both, so that's what you're getting. it's gonna get long, get some popcorn.
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in my splatoons world post-memverse runthrough, beans (my four) beg marina to let it out because he saw that it was sentient and wanted it to join his bf as a polycule. It's got a very similar level of kindness and whatnot to beans, but is extremely dry, blunt, and overall "emotionless" (not true, we'll get to that).
you see, i don't think parallel canon is 4, but merely a program made to mimic 4. Marina wanted one of the best in the NSS, so she asked Beans (instead of Ty, who was an elite, but then again, who got their ass handed to all those years ago again?) to offer up a brain scan to get a copy of that fighting skill of theirs for what would become the Parallel canons. Unfortunately, like with any technology, this wasn't perfect, especially with someone who was sanitized like how beans is. That scan ended up grabbing some other aspects of him, like a bit of his personality and, mainly, his fear of himself. He's gotten over it for the most part, at least that's what he thought anyways. When testing, fighting a perfect copy of yourself isn't going to pop up really at all, so this doesn't come up as an issue until Marina's released her little game for the sanitized to use, allowing the one freak scenario to arise.
The rogue code, formerly dormant, activates immediately when beans ends up confronting parallel canon. He's hesitant at first, but remembers it's not him, merely code made to look and fight like them. So, without much worry, he begins to charge at it for the fight, that code kicking in to overdrive and making it act the exact way beans would if it were the other way around. It retreats. It cries out, garbled, in supposed simulated fear. Beans stops in his tracks, staring down at the clone, only seeing his socked face staring back in the reflection of the mask.
This sparks a snowball effect of new programming being written without an author, a program learning, becoming sapient, alive. A scenario that forces one to confront something he wasn't fully ready for and another to realize what it is. Subsequent run attempts, the two keep learning about themselves and eachother in combat, regardless on if either of them like it, until eventually coming to a rather peaceful confrontation, a realization that neither want to hurt the other, and yadda yadda yadda something something long messy story short it's a reconnection with the self and learning to love oneself again. I don't want to get into detail here, I'm personally still torn on whether or not this exact part should be sfw or not, so, lol.
Regardless, it's still ultimately what the memverse was made for: helping the sanitized remember and become themselves again, and while it isn't an evil agent 4, what we got works way better with what I had already and it's just perfect.
As for adzuki itself, I'm not sure exactly the details on its anatomy when given the physical form outside of the memverse. I do want to stick to a very similar palette to what PC has in the memverse, as well as being made out of goo still, but does that mean it's a physical jelleton in the walking world? Don't know for sure yet. I'll work that out in time. Adzuki's voice is an AI recreation of Beans', sounding extremely similar, but obviously synthesized.
As for personality, Adzuki is a lot like beans in its ideals and bonds. However, due to being based off code not meant to emote or show tone, it struggles a lot in doing so, save for a few exceptions. It can only really express emotion through body language instead, and a lot of what it says is extremely clinical, blunt, and dry. Think Data from Star Trek. Of course, that doesn't mean it is emotionless, quite the opposite. Adzuki merely expresses emotions very differently than the regular inkfish. There's also a few ways to gauge how intense the emotion it's feeling is via how unstable the goo it's made out of is or by how bitcrushed its voice has gotten. Essentially: the drippier and messier it is, or the more low quality the voice is, the more intense the emotion it's feeling is.
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Some exceptions that break that stoic mask of sorts can be via substance use, like drinking or smoking weed. Once that code is overwritten inside it during these exceptions, Adzuki is almost indifferentiable from beans beyond appearance.
Adzuki, unlike canon PC, loves using the order roller the most out of all the order weapons. It's extremely annoying with it, and enjoys sneaking up on someone to vert-swing them.
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dereliction-if · 4 months
Writing Update - May 2024
Ok, I have to admit, recently I was writing mainly for my other IF @pavedinashes-if . I needed a little break from Dereliction because there are some scenes that need a rework. While I have written A LOT overall, not all of it will end up in the first Demo release. Some of it will end up in the second Demo release aka the update... and the rest will come much later.
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I think I am one of those, who dives deep into the lore early on and if certain scenes come up in my mind - even if it is for much later - and they need an introduction as a kind of foreshadowing in the beginning of the story, then I will write it down. Somehow like a snowball effect of ideas.
This is also why the overall word count is much higher than what the initial Demo will be like.
At the moment I am focussing on finishing the Paved in Ashes Demo because it is at a point where I can smell the release already...
I'll keep you updated when there's news about Dereliction though. Of course.
Did you by any chance check my last post? I did a little test of what kind of Writer I seem to be. Feel free to do the test yourself and share the result with me if you like. Also, I added a little snippet of the upcoming Demo with Child MC. TW: Racism.
Hope y'all had a splendid start into the week.
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valandhirwriter · 4 months
15, 20, 33, 34 for the writers asks 😊
Thanks for the ask @andordean
15. What is the fanfic you’ve written that you’re most proud of? 
The Raven's Blade series. I am still amazed I managed to write it, and that it turned out so well, given I wrote it in about half a year.
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear?
There's two sides - the one is simply knowing that my writing made someone happy. That someone had a bright moment, or a good distraction due to one of my stories. That's the best an author can aspire to.
The most fun feedback is someone speculating, or spotting some detail that I built in but didn't explain, or that serves just as a background hint. It's something that happens rarely, few people read analyitically.
23. How much do you stick to canon? 
Now that's a complicated one, truly, because it is a total balance with me. On the one hand, most of my stories take a "What if..." Question and roll from there, exploring the snowball effect of the events, and hence totally disregarding or changing the canon line of events as they transpire. On the other hand I try to keep the lore of the world intact, be it geography, world basics and so forth. It is a weird balance, as I tend to write stories, that will upend the line of events set forth by canon, because one thing changed, causing another change... and suddenly the world wasn't quite the same, which runs counterintuitive to keeping the world lore intact. So I usually approach it like this: it is the world that we know and love, with it's basics firmly in place, but the story that happened wasn't quite the one we read before.
I have to admit, that I also see canon als already done by the author. That's the story, the author wrote, and he wrote the master version of it, no need to re-do that version by a lesser writer. Hence I always try to tell a different story, often my stories are a kind of dialogue with canon.
34. Have you felt emotional while writing a scene before? What scene was it?
More than one, honestly. The most straining was Chapter 10: The Price of the Ring in A distant Light (Part I Raven's Blade). Kíli's confrontation with Boromir, their fight and Kíli having to delve deep into his own trauma, into having seen someone taken by evil before, to reach Boromir, to convince him to let it go, was very emotional, and the same in The Heart of the Journey (Part 4 Raven's Blade) in the chapter of the same name, when this whole topic comes fully round.
As far as my Witcher writings go, "In the darkest places" and the Epilogue of "In my father's house". If I am crying while writing, I usually know that it'll get my readers.
Would you in turn answer 7, 13, 18, 30 please?
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Disney Park: World of Frozen update
With just over a month of the opening of the gates of World of Frozen, Disney Parks has released a guide to the World of Frozen at Hong Kong Disneyland.
1. The World of Frozen is split up into two sections
Arendelle Village and Arendelle Forest. The village is where the citizens live and where Frozen Ever After*, Tick Tock Toys & Collectibles, Golden Crocus Inn and Northern Delights. Here is a map of it:
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Some landmarks are, Arendelle Castle, Friendship Fountain, Clock Tower Square, the North Mountain with Elsa’s Ice Palace and King Agnarr Bridge (which is named after Anna and Elsa’s father and “Arendelle’s one-time king” and it connects the village to the forest side where Wandering Oaken’s Sliding Sleighs, Playhouse in the Woods, Forest Fare and Traveling Traders are).
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2. Attractions
Some of the attractions are Wandering Oaken's Sliding Sleighs and Frozen Ever after (which in other Disney parks, I think, had Frozen Fever puppets of Elsa and Anna but now they're the iconic Frozen version puppets).
3. Place to eat
Places to eat are the Golden Crocus Inn, Northern Delights and Forest Faire
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4. Meeting the characters
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Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff (and Sven I assume) and Oaken can be found in the Playhouse in the Woods. This activity is the ”first-of-its-kind” engaging theatrical experience which is located in Arendelle Forest. It features singing, projection mapped content, special effects and sensory elements.
5. Merchandise
A “centuries-old” toy shop in the village has all the goodies to collect and take home, from headbands to Nordic inspired sweaters. There's even a post office called Royal Post of Arendelle, located right outside the shop.
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There even is another shop that features key chains, plushies and more.
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This was all the attraction side of stuff so no new lore yet. But to summarize all of what we know so far, the world of Frozen will open its gates on the 20th November this year. The storyline that goes through the park is set a year after the events of Frozen which is called “Summer Snow Day”. Once this opens no doubt I'm sure people will be making posts and reels of this and we must keep our eyes peeled on the story and most importantly hints for Frozen 3. We know from a previous promotional video that Elsa invited Hans' family to make peace with them but Hans was unable to attend due to injuries from the giant snowball in Frozen Fever.
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arikihalloween · 7 months
honestly you and the others should just report all those fakes
you get some fuckers who come up with stupid fish barnabys
some greyscale Wally ripoffs
and of course that retard fucking glitch barnaby
you and everyone else behind wttmv are superior
love your work hope you get rid of the stupidass copies
Wow, that is a lot of anger and frustration to process, it seems
Go to the corner to think about it while I show why this is bad fandom behavior
Now now, it's my birthday today, so I am allowed bitch ranting and I'll be a bitch for once
Hey, hi, don't fucking say that
People like that are the reason creators abandon their aus, and yeah, one of the reason wttmv is in pause
We lost motivation due to school, busy life, ect, but also because people keep coming at us with this mentality
I get that you like our work, and it would be flattering, if you didn't put others down to compliment wttmv
I can't stand this behavior
Let people tell their stories !
It's inspired from other works, so what ? Humans get inspired all the time
WTTMV itself is inspired by Underverse and X-tale, at core !!
Rippoff is a strong word, and a wrong one at that
Similar concepts are bound to happen
Heck, there is a character with the same core concept as Stitcher, a Julie destroying worlds while thinking she does the right thing
But Designer and Stitcher are different, they have different stories, different narrative themes, and that's why both are cool as fuck (also they would likely get along if they were to meet)
I don't understand why I would want to get rid of the others
The other aus and multiverser aren't competition
They never were
The multiverse concept is not new, it's not ours, it's big and full of possibilities
That's why when our snowball effect rolled early one, with the mootieverse craze and all, we quickly detached ourselves from the word "mootieverse" so everyone could use it
Idk if people noticed that we stopped calling ourselves mootieverse
Mootieverse is for anyone that has a wh multivers characters and who is mutual with the others, and all stories are worth telling
We also try to give a little lore explanation about how we see the multiverse in wttmv, so that it doesn't exclude other creators and to avoid behavior like this
I'm putting this on full blast
This is BAD fandom behavior
It's behavior like this that makes creators want to lock themselves in their private discords to just play with their friends and never show the world their amazing creations
I don't like being seen as superior than anyone
It's uncomfortable
It makes people want to attack and blame *us* for words like this, when we never even implied anything of the sort (that happened yeah)
I rant a lot, but I think it needs to be said more
Appreciate all the stories
That's what makes us unique and not like AI
If you like wttmv, just say you like it, don't put others down, don't ask us to report (it wouldn't do anything anyway cause the others didn't do anything wrong, duh)
Scroll away if you don't like something, or mute, or block, it's as easy as this
Of you want more wttmv, idk, just ask lore questions, request doodles (me and koko are open for requests), show that you love it and maybe it'll get us motivated to show what we've been working on
Do you just understand all of this
Negativity will get your favorite AUs nowhere
It will only make them disapear
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theunwellkingdom · 9 months
Design Deep-Dive #2: New Mechanics of the Unwell Kingdom
One of the first things I did when brainstorming for this set was to look for elements of our D&D campaign — be it lore, system rules, or whatever else — that would be good candidates for new card mechanics. These could give a distinct flavor to specific colors, and to the set as a whole! After lots of tinkering, I landed on these three:
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(Examples and explanations below the cut!)
1. Inspire X/Inspiration Tokens
Create X Inspiration tokens. (An Inspiration token is an enchantment with “T, Sacrifice this enchantment: Target creature you control gets +1/+1 until end of turn.”)
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Main color identity: RED
For those unfamiliar with Dungeons & Dragons, there are two mechanics called "Inspiration" and "Bardic Inspiration", which lets a bard character give a bonus to any player that they can add to one of their rolls. I've conflated them here into a new type of token, which acts like a Treasure token but for temporary stat buffs!
This mechanic is impulsive and combat focused, so it seemed like an obvious fit for red. This naturally developed a Bard sub-theme across many of the set's red creatures. Of course, other colors would have access to a few Inspire options too, but most decks that build around it will likely want to splash in some red!
This mechanic bears obvious similarities to +1/+1 counters, which are ubiquitous in real Magic cards, and one of the most fundamental mechanics to the game. However, I realized that it could get tricky to keep track of lots of temporary buffs from Inspiration alongside the permanent counters... so I decided to keep +1/+1 counters out of this set entirely! This became another mostly pointless but fascinating design constraint going forward.
You may also notice that unlike most small, crackable tokens, this one is an Enchantment rather than and Artifact. This meant I could print some cool Enchantments-matter synergies and have them function with both Inspire and...
2. Concentration
If enchanted creature is dealt damage or targeted by a spell or ability, sacrifice this enchantment.
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Main Color Identity: BLUE
Another mechanic pulled straight from D&D rules, Concentration spells demand that whoever casts them must maintain clear, steady focus or risk the spell being interrupted. I chose to translate this into a keyword for aura enchantments, as they're a perfect way to visually represent a persistent spell as well as tie it to the creature casting it.
A Concentration Aura can be knocked off whenever the creature it's attached to is damaged or merely targeted by anything (this will feel familiar to long-time Magic players, as some Spirits and Illusions have similar triggers on them). This can be a real restriction, as you could knock off your own Concentration spell by targeting your creature with an Inspiration token, or even attempting to attach an Equipment or another Concentration Aura to it!
This makes them strictly worse than ordinary Auras, but opens up some interesting design space. I can give them enters-the-battlefield effects, so they do something right away and don't feel like a waste of a card if an opponent can simply knock it off. Alternatively, I can create greedy spells with snowballing effects, which reward you for finding ways to protect your creature for as long as possible!
3. Hoard Counters
Exile one or more cards and put a hoard counter on each of them. Then cheat out hoarded cards, even from opponents!
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Main color identity: BLACK
While this may not be a strictly new mechanic (ex. Tasha the Witch Queen stealing spells by exiling them with "page" counters), I really wanted to expand this idea and build support for it across the set.
Dragons are, unsurprisingly, a pivotal part of our campaign. In our story, they are born from the coalesced anxieties of people, literal manifestations of fear which compulsively hoard whatever they lack. As such, their hoards are not the stereotypical piles of treasure and gold, but can instead be a bit more abstract: knowledge, experiences, even the souls of the dead!
For this set, I've decided to add several cards in black which can put cards into the exiled hoard, and a key payoff card in each 'black + ___' color combo which allows you to play cards from the hoard of a specific card type. Stay tuned for examples of these.
This will be a tricky sub-theme to keep an eye on in playtests. There's a fine line between recurring value and accidentally creating and infinite loop, and the shared-pot structure of hoarded cards has the potential for trouble in cases where multiple players are trying to use it. But for now, it's very flavorful, a bit fiddly, and hopefully fun!
🔮NEXT TIME — Color Identities
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soft5ku11 · 2 months
Do you know if you could show any of your ideas for Fat!Hal? I am quite arrou- I mean intrigued.
Sure, but I'm by no means a green lantern lore expert, I had to have it explained to me so you might be better off asking Bee rather than myself X'D
He seems verrry the type to take his size and run with it, but it absolutely wouldnt happen by his own doing, it'd have to be a side effect of something or someone's plan to do it to him and because of his ego, it backfires, only making him more confident in the process, but also slowing him down and forcing him to eat more due to the bigger frame, which kinda snowballs a little bit until his willpower does finally reach the end of its rope and some of that newfound greed takes over.
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48787 · 5 months
I keep misremembering singular words from setting wiki pages and then not realizing that i'm misremembering them until I've constructed labyrinthine head canons and large swaths of fan fiction under the mental pretense that what I was saying is grounded in actual canon. Worse, it also frequently is "canon" for something I haven't read through entirely yet so I don't want to look up too many details for and think that I'll be able to find more details on my weird little obsessions only to realize I literally made them entirely on my own.
All I will ever fucking have is what I fucking made up.
Even worse is the fact that I usually have all the discussions about shit like this with the people who wanted me to get into the media in the first place, and since it's singular word differences that have massive ramifications, they sometimes think what I'm saying is real too!!!
Which has a MASSIVE snowball effect where I assume they know more than me about this thing that doesn't exist so I assume there's more info on it that I can find later once I've read more, and they somehow believe me and talk about it like it exists even though it fucking doesn't and we both start constructing terribly intricate headcanons on the entirely false pretense that it's all real.
And then it fucking spreads. The web of deception grows. Its tendrils grasp at who knows how many from there.
Until I go to look it up again for one reason or another and go through the stages of "Oh, maybe I'm searching for it wrong" -> "Oh, maybe it just didn't get written down in the wiki" -> "Where is it?" -> "Oh my God, it never was real." and I have to sit with the fact that I have all this foundational setting shaping shit that only me and those in my fucking reality warping aura know about. I thought everyone knew about this. I thought I was the one who didn't know. I thought there would be more to learn.
All I will ever fucking have is what I fucking made up.
I truly live in a lucid dream within a tomb of treachery. You Are Being Deceived is all about the deceptions we allow ourselves to believe, and boy howdy am I being Deceived.
Fitting, because this time around it was the existence of the Matrix of Deception
At some point some wires got crossed between the Matrix of Conquest and the Matrix of Deception, I thought both were weird Shattered Glass things or perhaps one or the other was something brought up in a weird Transformers continuity that might have lasting ramification in the stuff I was reading... No, the Matrix of Deception never fucking existed.
I have So much lore surrounding the Matrixs (I am not calling them Matrices fuck off), I had assumed there were more than just those three, I had all these little theories about the thirteen primes...
And now they're not even theories. There are only two Matrixs, and they largely only exist in their own universes barring weird crossovers or SG invasions. My attempts to solve the mystery have warped into creating my own mystery to solve.
To my fucking credit, my wife is the main reason I bought into my own deception. She got me into Transformers and she is my primary motivating force to continue looking into it, and so when she thought it was real my descent was practically guaranteed.
But I'm entering the next inevitable stage, the "Did I Do That?" stage, with the haunting possibility that I made it the fuck up deliberately and then forgot that I did. The true horror begins. I may have posted HERE, on THIS VERY BLOG, about making it the fuck up. And I still managed to forget and then convince myself that it was real, at least in some continuity.
It's too late now. There is too much already. I just have to keep going.
I've learned that the Matrix of Conquest is sometimes called the Matrix of Chaos, which adds another Matrix to my list, if I'm already making shit up then I might as well split them into their own things. Might as well break the triune... I had to get 10 more anyway to make it to 13... even though not all of the 13 Prime's made a Matrix and instead made other shit.... Whatever.
I am in too deep. I need to start writing stuff down before I forget it, now that I'm once again the sole arbiter of this fucking nonexistent lore... I already was writing various fanfictions and had ttrpg shit planned... At least I no longer have the possibility of getting spoiled on it anymore!
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oldtvstaticwithcereal · 5 months
Louis Handler headcacon dump because he is very silly!!
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Has a tendency to be loud, energetic or even mean at times. Occasionally just enjoying to taunt people for fun (never going to far though). However he doesn't purposefully cause harm.
He isn't necessarily talkative either, he's just loud when he does talk
Loves rainy weather
Loves macaroni art
Tracks down sightings of peculiar activities around town, keeping up with missing posters. He loves solving mysteries and often gets super invested.
He's Tweek's friend and they often come up with theorys about regular oddlitys and such mysteries together. Louis is usually more enthusiastic, meanwhile Tweek is scared for his life. They have a lot absurd stuff that they document, however they're also right about some of it; mostly being ghosts and aliens (which are canon to the show). They often share their findings with Kevin Stoley. Another thing I think they do is look into Imagination Land a lot, but they wouldn't DARE sing the song. Not to say that Louis pretends he's going to sing it, just to freak out Tweek lol
Louis also collects really old newspapers that often have exaggerated story's written in them, which really helps solidify his interest in the on goings of town
Every time the kids (usally other background characters) play pretend with him, he always insists on being some sort of psychic or having mind reading powers
Thinks he's popluar, but really isn't lol
His perspective on life differs slightly from others, being one to just often stop and think. He's one to stay up really late or wake up really early just because it "hits different." He breaks basic "rules" such as reading books from back to front. Another headcanon that I have is that Louis has a hard time dealing with sadness or even just recognizing when he's sad; which is where his deep reflective mindset mostly comes from. Either way, I like to think that grew fond of just enjoying those odd, in between moments in life.
He's emotionally attached to his scarf
Fidgtes with random objects; sometimes even rocks he just finds on the ground
Has a tendency to look into abandon-looking places; what I mean by this is that he often wanders around Starks Pond or hangs by the dead mall looking for peculiar occurrences, possiblly just enjoying the nostlagic feeling
Has a stash of old comic books and is OBSESSED with them
He often thinks sounds effects like "boom" and "pow" in his head lol, or just flat out says them outloud when playing pretend games
Listens to a lot of video game OST
Makes inventions out of house hold items; such as trying to invent the perfect snowball marker
Plays with toy trucks
His favorite flavor of Cred is Purple Snowglobe but he also likes Oatmeal Nummy Nums and Candy Wandy Gummy Nums
Sometimes he likes to make snowangels and than just chill before getting up, usually to watch the clouds
Likes nostlagia (a lot)
His eyesight isn't very good, but he insists that he doesn't need glasses
I like to think that the girl in the pink coat from season 19 is actually his sister, his siblings being Chad (canon) and her (my personal idea). This adds to my own Leslie lore lol
He watches the most obscure of TV shows; Chad often joins him in watching so they have idiosyncratic inside jokes and references because of that lol
On that note, I believe that him and Chad are actually very close. I like to think that they tend to watch fireflys at night, just in their backyard together
Him and Annie Knitts have a friendship that mostly consists of them bonding over a liking for things that aren't considered "cool." What I mean is that it's mostly Annie enjoying to collect very early 2000's-like magazines and posters/having a lot of old (probably broken) flip phones, meanwhile in Louis's case he's collecting comic books/watching not very well known media. They both also talk about their old early 2010's toys lol. Another thing I like to think is that they hang by the hills right outside South Park, just sort-off "spying" on the town in a way or picking at the snow.
Other then Annie, own of his closetest friends is Douglas. They hang out by the Lost Forest sometimes, with both of them always getting startled by a wild dog. Afterwards they bolt back to Starks Pond lol.
I also like to think that Louis enjoys camping
Similar to Clyde (mostly in The List), he also tends to "flirt" with girls a lot, but has little to no success. However it would be a lot more toned down in than Clyde in that episode
He probably plays Minecraft
And is a fan of Mother/Earth Bond
Something about him makes me think he's broke, having little to no cash; maybe he's inplusive with money
He has a habit of over-using the word "and" in sentences
I headcanon that he was born somewhere in December
Gets startled easily
He wanders around the school halls a lot and after the Funny Bot episode (only the real ones know the line I'm taking about) he tends to bring a camera with him to document anything else exciting that may happen; he doesn't use his phone as the camera gives the atmosphere more ambience lol. But I'm gonna be honest, if something scary like that did happen he'd drop the camera and dip
I probably have more but thats all I can think of for now. Thanks for reading my silly Tumblr post!! Expanding on background lore is always fun in my opinion.
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iaure · 7 months
Sincerely not trying to be annoying, but do you still have plans to write your requests one day?
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ the short answer: yes and no. The longer answer:
The elden ring asks; yes! Those are headcanons and much easier to digest. i am answering the godwyn ask today, as well as working on the tanith/rykard ask. elden ring, in general, is easier for me to digest, though it's generally much slower work, as there's more lore for me to take into account. one thing i often strive for is complete accuracy, though i do not doubt i've been wrong before. they take a very long time, due to being paired against my work and other life events, but i find them much easier to do.
the cheater!miguel ask; most likely not. though the concept was good, and i would've enjoyed writing it before, full length works are MUCH harder for me to focus on these days. unless it's something i wanted to work on initially (i.e. the daryl dixon mention), it's harder to pump out something that's roughly 5k words unless the idea came to me before. this also goes with one of my rules, that hyperspecific asks would be considered. i never posted the ask, but it's about two paragraphs long! very specific, and given the situation i'm currently in, while i wanted to attempt it before, i don't see it happening.
the tall!s/o leon ask; again, this was a wonderful idea! i'm a tall lamb myself, and always appreciate the representation. but there wasn't much else added onto it aside from 'leon with a tall s/o', so i'm unsure if they were hoping for headcanons, a full length work, mere thoughts...which means it falls into the same category as the miguel ask. again, it falls under another rule i had: 'have a base idea for what you want made', and looking back i feel i could've written it more specifically, but this means more than simply character + single notion. this also means - do you want headcanons? a full work? that sort of thing!
to be very transparent on my situation: i am a store manager for an ailing company store due to malldeath, so i'm under quite a bit of pressure. i do not get off days generally, as more often than not i get called in for one reason or another. paired with health issues i won't divulge and the fact that my ram and i are in a long distance relationship with a time difference, this leaves me with very little energy at all times. my schedule oft looks like this, on a day to day basis; wake up, go to work, get off of work, get home, cook and clean for my family, speak with my ram once he gets off of work, go to bed, repeat. i do not mean to blow off asks and requests-but i did put within my bio that i'm prone to disappearing for a reason. i think some might take it as a more artsy or figurative thing, but i meant it in the most blunt way possible!
this also means that my own writing capabilities are tied directly with inspiration, as opposed to energy. i know quite prolific writers who post every day, splendid things, simply because they have the energy! but i do not have that. if i am compelled to write, it is because something has kickstarted it; usually, starting a new series, as exemplified my ram has asked me to watch the Walking Dead with him. i operate often on a snowball effect; i write one thing, then another, then another, before hitting a block and waiting for the next thing to come along to kickstart it.
allow me to be clear; i am certainly not upset by this ask, nor is it annoying! it's a very genuine question, as it's been nigh a year since most of these asks have been sent. as far as my flock sees, there is no work being done, no proof of such. i suppose it's akin to an absent mother bringing back men after my children get attached to the one prior. it is far from the best situation, but i am attempting to be as transparent as possible about my work and processes.
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