#The Trans Luxury Hotel
jennatgirl · 2 years
My jacuzzi is huge , gonna gave some fun in here xxx
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arch-dieangelo · 2 years
“nico’s full name is domenico” “no it’s niccoló” “it’s actually nicodemo” NO! you’re all wrong! nico chose the name nico literally just nico because at the lotus hotel there was this small unknown game he was obsessed with and the main character was named nico and it stuck in his head and when alecto went to retrieve the di angelos from the hotel he didn’t respond to his deadname he just said “my name is nico like the guy from [obscure game that no one can find any record of redacted]” and alecto let out a long suffering sigh and hades sent documents saying that his name is nico and that was that. it’s just nico. however he is known to fuck with people by switching between domenico, niccoló, nicodemo, etc etc when asked by others what nico stands for as it pleases him. it’s all very confusing and annoying but seriously whats nico if he isnt annoying
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zingganusantara · 1 year
Romantisme yang Menawan: Destinasi Romantis di Bandung untuk Momen Bahagia Anda
New Post has been published on https://zingganusantara.com/hobby/jalan-jalan/destinasi-romantis-di-bandung/
Romantisme yang Menawan: Destinasi Romantis di Bandung untuk Momen Bahagia Anda
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Bandung, kota yang dikenal dengan julukan “Paris van Java”, merupakan destinasi populer bagi pasangan yang ingin menghabiskan waktu romantis dalam momen bulan madu mereka. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membahas hotel-hotel romantis di Bandung dan tempat bulan madu yang mempesona.
Mari temukan tempat-tempat yang indah dan mengagumkan di Bandung yang cocok untuk momen bulan madu yang tak terlupakan. Jangan lewatkan juga kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi lebih jauh tentang pariwisata, budaya, dan kuliner Indonesia melalui situs resmi Indonesia Travel.
Rekomendasi Hotel Romantis di Bandung
Kota ini menawarkan berbagai pilihan hotel romantis di Bandung yang cocok untuk pasangan yang sedang dalam perjalanan bulan madu mereka. Berikut adalah beberapa rekomendasi hotel romantis di Bandung:
1. The Valley Resort Hotel
Terletak di kawasan Lembang yang menakjubkan, The Valley Resort Hotel menawarkan pengalaman romantis dengan pemandangan pegunungan yang memukau. Hotel ini memiliki suasana yang tenang dan menenangkan, serta kamar-kamar yang indah dengan sentuhan alami. Anda dapat menikmati waktu bersantai di balkon kamar yang menghadap ke hijaunya perbukitan, atau merasakan kehangatan di kolam renang hotel yang nyaman.
2. The Papandayan
The Papandayan adalah hotel bintang lima yang menyajikan gabungan kemewahan dan kehangatan tradisional. Dengan desain interior yang elegan dan suasana yang intim, hotel ini cocok untuk pasangan yang ingin menghabiskan waktu romantis. Nikmati kamar-kamar mewah, bersantailah di spa yang menenangkan, atau ciptakan momen indah di restoran dengan hidangan lezat.
3. The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung
The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung adalah pilihan ideal bagi pasangan yang mencari kemewahan dalam perjalanan bulan madu mereka. Hotel ini menawarkan suite mewah dengan pemandangan yang indah. Anda dapat menikmati suasana romantis di dalam suite yang elegan, berendam di kolam renang yang mewah, atau merasakan kenikmatan spa yang menyegarkan.
Rekomendasi Destinasi Romantis di Bandung
Selain hotel-hotel yang romantis, Bandung juga menawarkan tempat-tempat bulan madu yang menakjubkan. Beberapa tempat yang direkomendasikan untuk pasangan yang ingin merayakan momen bulan madu mereka adalah:
1. Kawah Putih
Dengan keindahan danau vulkaniknya yang eksotis, Kawah Putih menawarkan pemandangan yang spektakuler. Anda dapat berjalan-jalan di sekitar danau yang berwarna putih kehijauan, menikmati udara segar, dan mengabadikan momen indah bersama pasangan.
2. Curug Cimahi
Curug Cimahi adalah air terjun yang menawan di Lembang. Nikmati keindahan alam, suara air yang gemericik, dan suasana yang damai saat Anda menjelajahi air terjun ini bersama pasangan.
3. Tebing Keraton
Tebing Keraton adalah tempat yang populer untuk menikmati pemandangan matahari terbenam yang memukau. Pasangan yang sedang bulan madu dapat menikmati momen romantis saat matahari terbenam, menciptakan kenangan yang tak terlupakan.
Untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang pariwisata di Indonesia, Anda dapat mengunjungi situs resmi Indonesia Travel di indonesia.travel. Situs ini menyajikan informasi terbaru dan bermanfaat tentang tempat-tempat menarik, atraksi wisata, serta kegiatan budaya yang dapat Anda nikmati selama liburan di Indonesia. Jelajahi keindahan alam, kekayaan budaya, dan kelezatan kuliner Indonesia melalui Indonesia Travel.
Dalam rangka mendukung pariwisata, budaya, dan kuliner Indonesia, kami mengajak Anda untuk menjelajahi lebih dalam tentang Indonesia melalui Indonesia Travel. Temukan destinasi wisata yang menakjubkan, rasakan budaya yang kaya, dan nikmati kuliner lezat yang khas dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Jangan ragu untuk merencanakan perjalanan Anda ke Indonesia dan menjadikan pengalaman tersebut sebagai petualangan tak terlupakan dalam hidup Anda.
Kunjungi situs resmi Indonesia Travel di indonesia.travel dan temukan keindahan dan keunikan Indonesia. Bersama-sama, mari kita lestarikan kekayaan pariwisata, budaya, dan kuliner Indonesia untuk generasi mendatang.
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insanityclause · 6 months
The Night Manager will be returning for two more seasons with Tom Hiddleston at the helm once again, it has been reported.
The renewal of the hit adaptation of John le Carré’s 1993 novel, which aired to great fanfare eight years ago, has been greenlit by Amazon Prime and the BBC, according to Deadline.
It is understood that the new seasons about the hotel-manager-turned-spy will be filmed later this year in London and South America.
According to reports, David Farr – who wrote the original series – has been brought back to write season two.
The first series, which won two Emmys and three Golden Globes, featured an impressive cast including Olivia Colman, Elizabeth Debicki, Tom Hollander and David Harewood.
It followed Hiddleston as Jonathan Pine, the former British soldier who is recruited by the manager of a Foreign Office taskforce to infiltrate an arms dealer’s inner circle while he is the night manager of a luxury Cairo hotel.
The series quickly became one of the top-rated UK dramas of 2016 and spawned a number of subsequent le Carré adaptations from The Ink Factory, the production company run by le Carré’s sons Simon and Stephen Cornwell.
The new adaptation will be set in the present day, according to Deadline, and will follow Hiddleston’s Pine facing a new and more deadly challenge after being informed that arms dealer Richard Roper – played by Hugh Laurie – is dead.
Laurie, Colman and Hiddleston all won Golden Globes for their performances in the 2016 spy thriller, which became an international success and even led to rumours at the time that Hiddleston, 43, could be the next James Bond.
While the Bond rumours may have been put to bed, it remains to be seen where the plot may take Pine, seeing as Le Carré‘s novel has no sequel.
When Laurie was asked in 2016 whether the series would return, he said: “It’s based on a novel, we’ve got to the end of the novel and John le Carré has yet to write another novel. So in cold practical terms, no, we’re done.”
Le Carré, who died in 2020, took a very hands-off approach to the first series, but was said to be pleasantly surprised by the alterations Farr made to his novel for the script.
Charlotte Moore, the BBC TV chief, told The Telegraph in 2017 that “Le Carré is very involved” in discussions about the next series, saying: “We wouldn’t be talking with them if he didn’t think it was a good idea.”
Announcing the new series, Ms Moore said: “After years of fervent speculation I’m incredibly excited to confirm that The Night Manager is returning to the BBC for two more series.”
“Of course he wants to take part in it, it’s his work. He will definitely be involved in what we do next,” she added.
The Telegraph has contacted Le Carré’s estate for comment on the announcement of the new seasons.
Previously, Susanne Bier, who won an Emmy for directing the first series, revealed that scripts for a second instalment were “slowly being developed”, but she said writers were wary about being able to create the same hit again.
Elizabeth Debicki, Tom Hiddleston, Susanne Bier and Hugh Laurie at the premiere of the first season
Elizabeth Debicki, Tom Hiddleston, Susanne Bier and Hugh Laurie at the premiere of the first season Credit: Michael Tran/FilmMagic
Farr agreed with this sentiment at the time, telling Variety in 2016 that he was “not keen” to do a second series, adding: “I liked the fact that the story ended where the story ended.
“But that’s entirely personal. Given the characters, there is a potential for something more to happen, and I’m sure someone could find the right idea. But for me it’s done. My simple feeling is that I wouldn’t be able to make the next one as good.”
Hiddleston, 43, will be returning to executive produce the new seasons as well as play Pine.
The British actor said: “The first series of The Night Manager was one of the most creatively fulfilling projects I have ever worked on. The depth, range and complexity of Jonathan Pine was, and remains, a thrilling prospect.”
Simon and Stephen Cornwell said season one proved “a landmark moment for the golden era of television – uniting on-screen and behind-the-camera talent at the top of their game – and an audience reception which was beyond our wildest imagining”.
“Revisiting the story of Pine also means going beyond the events of John le Carré’s original work: that is a decision we have not taken lightly, but his compelling characters and the vision David [Farr] has for their next chapter were irresistible,” they added.
Vernon Sanders, the Amazon MGM Studios head of television, added: “We are elated to bring additional seasons of The Night Manager to our Prime Video customers.
“The combination of terrific source material, the wonderful team at The Ink Factory, a great writer in David Farr, an award-winning director in Georgi Banks-Davies, as well as the talented cast truly make the series the full package.”
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irradiatedrosegarden · 4 months
Benny Gecko headcanons
disclaimer: these are all my personal headcanons for him, no worries if they don't align with yours! everyone's interpretation of this guy is different, and that's pretty cool imo :3
5'7" and wishes he was taller.
Bisexual (I mean, look at him)
Trans man
Changed a lot (maybe the most, out of all the Boot Riders) after becoming the Chairmen, both mentally and physically. "Ciao to the old ways, baby - time to swing in style. If the shoes fit, you wear 'em." He adjusted the fastest out of all of the Boot Riders/Chairmen, as well, adopting his new persona flawlessly - from the wardrobe, to the vocabulary, to his new dreams of one day running the city himself. He molded perfectly with the Vegas lifestyle, gained weight once he wasn't walking through the desert for days on end and had every meal already secured, and thanks to the New Vegas Medical Clinic, was able to medically transition. He thrives off of the luxury, but has to pretend he doesn't miss the old Boot Rider days sometimes.
Mostly, what he regrets about transforming the Boot Riders into the Chairmen is the loss of some of their camaraderie. There's a different kind of companionship, of ride-or-die bonding that comes with being one of a band of nomads, relying only on themselves and each other to survive the harshness of the desert. The Chairmen are still incredibly loyal to one another; the sole reason no one other than Bingo opposed Benny's choice to move into the Tops once he was the leader - not enough to physically do anything about it, anyway. But some of that closeness they used to have was lost. Benny grew distant from the rest of his tribe, rising to great heights as the leader of the Tops, the one in charge - even being adopted as House's protégé - and leaving the others in his dust.
(this is pretty much canon but) he never had a second thought about agreeing to House's offer. He never thought for a second that the Boot Riders shouldn't become the Chairmen.
Trust Issues™
Terrible at controlling his facial expressions, often pulls involuntary faces (grimaces, scrunching his face/nose, pouting, grinning humorously, etc.) (all very briefly, just a split-second reaction to something or nothing) - often there's nothing going on that would elicit such an expression; it just happens involuntarily.
Gets random muscle spasms throughout the day, mostly in his hands or feet/legs. He'll accidentally hit/kick stuff, knock stuff over, or drop anything he's carrying.
Likes to sit on the floor while he eats, but doesn't like other people to know that. He'll sometimes lock himself in a bedroom or bathroom just to eat on the floor without being given funny looks.
Gets along best with Arcade, out of all the companions/roommates living in the Lucky 38. Has semi-frequent spitting matches with Cass that start out genuinely spiteful, but eventually transform into the one way they really bond: sibling-esque bickering. They get into a fistfight pretty early on, though, after Benny makes the mistake of calling Cass "Whiskey Rose" after learning that she hates it (dick move on his part, to be fair, but did he deserve his nose broken?).
Struggles with mental illness, has hallucinations and delusions that he takes medication for (which he gets from the New Vegas Medical Clinic), but has a very low alcohol tolerance as a side effect; he tends to avoid drinking.
One of his delusions is that the city of Vegas is somehow actually, truly alive, and it chose him specifically to rule it, to lead it to a new glory - a new independence. He believes he, and he alone, can run the city the way it was meant to be run - the way it needs to be run.
Maria was given to him as a gift from House, along with the checkered suit, the wingtip shoes, and the keys to his new home: the Tops Hotel and Casino.
Even before becoming the Chairmen, living the rich man's life in Vegas, Benny had a liking for the finer things in life. Especially nowadays, he appreciates spending the extra caps for the finest of the fine, smoking a distinctive, expensive brand of cigarettes, wearing his nice suit even on a trek through the desert, etc. His favorite food is oranges, another notably expensive thing to regularly eat (they aren't exactly common in the wasteland), part of the reason why he loves them so much.
One of his favorite ways to show affection toward someone is by peeling an orange for them, handing them slices one by one.
Speaking of affection, Benny is very showy, often cheesy, in how he shows it. The grander the gesture, and more importantly, the bigger the reaction it garners, the better. He loves surprising his partner, with anything from gifts to kisses.
His breath usually smells like cigarettes and oranges, very occasionally with a hint of alcohol.
Drinks water out of wine and champagne glasses, partly for the expensive aesthetic, partly to hide the fact that it's only water that he's drinking.
Very intelligent and cunning, but tends to be short-sighted. He has these big, great plans, but overlooks the finer details, and ultimately ends up failing more often than not. (See: plotting out the courier's ambush and murder, but neglecting to ensure they were actually dead; figuring out how to (with help) reprogram an entire Securitron, but then double crossing the person who helped him; successfully sneaking all the way into the Fort, with the Platinum Chip in hand(!!!), but getting caught because he didn't wear a helmet so as to not mess up his hair, etc.).
Sleeps around; canonically a pretty boy, very much plays into the persona of the smooth-talking, sensual, gorgeous casino-owner. Either intentionally or not, his good looks can't be denied as part of the reason the Tops is as popular as it is. Who doesn't want to patronize a casino with a charming, handsome owner - who can often be found hanging out on the ground floor, overlooking the tables, talking up whoever will listen? There are some rumors, shared in a hush underneath the rolling of the roulette wheels, the overhead swing music, that Benny is the town bicycle; rumors of people he's supposedly had a fling with. He's a regular Casanova.
this man is doomed by the narrative and it's making me insane
His hair is curly, but he styles it with so much gel (gotta look like a 1950s gentleman, y'know) you can't tell, save for the single curl that always seems to fail to remain smoothed back. Living with Daisy (my courier six!), especially during the recovery after Benny is rescued from the Fort, he wears his hair loose, which Daisy particularly appreciates (she loves when he lays his head on her lap/chest and she plays with his hair; much nicer when it's not all crusty or greasy with hair gel or spray).
Small feet
Canonically disappears for days - sometimes weeks - at a time, deciding on a whim to wander who-knows-where around the Mojave and be alone for a while. Brushed off by the others back in Vegas, namely by Swank, as "a cat needing some time to swing," but they get worried when the days turn into weeks. No one really knows where he goes. All they know is that in seven years, he hadn't ever failed to return - the Fort changed that (in my game, he was held captive there for several months).
Loves physical contact as a way to show affection, loves hugs, hand-holding, massages, and people playing with his hair. So does Daisy, which makes for a pair of absolute lovebirds once they're living together; they're inseparable, pretty much always touching one another, even if it's just a hand resting on the other's shoulder or waist, an arm around their shoulders, hand in hand and side by side. They're practically glued at the hip.
Runs his hands through his hair as an anxious habit (maybe the reason for the aforementioned loose curl), taps his feet, and bites his lip, often to the point of bleeding. He tries to be subtle in his anxious stimming, but if you know him, and know how he acts, you'll always be able to tell when he's nervous.
Used to be married to Swank, but after too much changed - after Benny changed too much - when the Boot Riders became the Chairmen, they divorced. It was Swank's idea, coming to Benny's suite one night and explaining honestly how he felt, how he felt things would continue to change moving forward, and how he realized that, in order for things to continue going smoothly, the nature of their relationship needed to change. Swank wasn't going anywhere - he had Benny's back, and nothing would change that - but he couldn't, in good conscience, continue to be Benny's husband. Too much had changed; he felt like Benny was trying to hide their relationship, treating him differently in front of others, even the other Chairmen. It didn't feel right.
Still calls Swank by the name he had before they became the Chairmen.
Never stopped wearing the wedding ring Swank gave him; switches it to his right hand after he marries Daisy.
Writes little letters, (like "Thanks, baby") and attempts to write little poems, for his partner. His . . . unique vocabulary comes across in writing, but the romance of said writing is . . . debatable.
Good leader. Like it or not, he earned his place as chief of the Boot Riders, and kept up that leadership position after the transition to the Chairmen, for seven years and still going strong when the courier comes and messes everything up.
Has big dreams, big, big ideas and hopes and ambitions. Sometimes, they're too big. Sometimes, they end up with him falling flat on his face when he tries to reach too high, to admittedly dangerous unattainable heights. Does that stop him from trying? Fuck no.
Terrible nightmares and night terrors, goes on long walks outside (usually staying within the city limits) when he's scared at night.
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iamthecomet · 11 months
can we get some fluffy phantom swiss??
feeling sad and wanting some comfort 🥺
maybe trans phantom dealing with painful cramps and swiss being there and being the amazing boyfriend he is and comforting phantom through the cramps?
Of course, Chase! I'm sorry that you're feeling sad. I hope this helps. Sending you lots of hugs too.
Just under 1k words of Trans!Aeon/Swiss. SFW. Just mentions of period cramps. ♥
Aeon wakes up in agony. Pain lancing through his belly, down his thighs, through his back. He curls in on himself. Knees drawing up tight to his chest. He wraps his arms around them, holds on tight as the wave of pain intensifies. Digs it’s claws in. 
It’s so early. The sun is barely up. Streaking pink into the hotel room. Aeon had hoped for a day to sleep in. For the opportunity to luxuriate in bed next to Swiss on an off day. Peace. Comfort. 
He should have known better than to hope for anything. 
He breathes a little easier as the pain eases. He doesn’t loosen his grip on his legs though. He knows it’ll be back before long, it always is. He thinks about stumbling to the bathroom–at least to make sure he hasn’t made a mess of himself. But it feels impossible. More work than his aching limbs can handle. 
He lays there for awhile, listening to Swiss’ soft snores. Feeling the warmth of him radiating from the other side of the bed. He opens his eyes and looks around the pre-dawn hotel room. Shadowy, still a mess from when they fell into bed last night. Half-eaten room service near the door. Their bags thrown on the other side of the room. Aeon thinks about the medicine stuffed in there. Some tea Mountain made for him that always seems to help. 
He makes a plan. If he’s fast enough he can at least get to the bathroom and grab the tea before the next cramp hits. He can probably just rip the bag open with his teeth and eat the contents right? That will do the same thing? The idea of waiting for hot water from the weird coffee machine is impossible. Besides he barely knows how to work them on a good day. 
Humans really do make everything needlessly complicated. 
He could ask Swiss, but the multighoul is sleeping so soundly next to him, he doesn’t want to disturb him. They’ve been traveling so much, barely sleeping. Aeon doesn’t want to be the reason Swiss doesn’t get enough sleep. 
He starts to push himself up, to uncurl. He gets as far as straightening his legs and pushing the blanket off before it hits him again. He swears he feels it in his bones. Dull insistent fire crawling through his body. He bites his lip until he tastes blood and even that isn’t enough to bury his whimper. 
He bites down on his tail to try to muffle it, but Swiss wakes up anyway. Making a low groggy noise, confused as he rolls towards Aeon’s body. Curled up tight on the edge of the bed. Swiss’ hand is warm and broad on his back. A grounding weight. Swiss eases himself up, folds himself over Aeons’ body to look at him. 
“Bug? You ok?” 
Aeon looks up at him, Swiss’ eyes are sleep lined, barely open. But his dark brows are twisted in concern. The hand is on his hip now, heavy. Solid. Aeon swallows, he intends to nod, to tell Swiss to go back to sleep. But his body betrays him, he shakes his head. 
“Cramps,” he mumbles in explanation. He doesn’t want Swiss to worry–there’s really nothing to worry about. He’s fine. 
He crumples beneath another cramp. Tears pricking at his eyes. He turns enough that he can cling to Swiss. Now that he’s here and awake, Aeon can’t do anything else. He buries his face in Swiss’ chest and inhales the smell of him. Sweat and weed and sandlewood. He closes his eyes tight and tries not to cry as Swiss pulls him close, cradles Aeon’s little body against his. 
Swiss kisses him between his horns, runs a comforting hand up and down his spine. Tangles the other in his hair, runs his fingers through it. He scratches at Aeon’s scalp until Aeon’s body goes lax as the cramp ebbs. 
“What can I do?” Swiss asks, lips brushing over the curve of Aeon’s horn. 
“The tea Mountain made me.” 
“Where is it, baby?” 
“Front pocket of my bag.” 
Swiss untangles himself from Aeon. Aeon lays back on the bed, flat on his back. Tears burning against his cheeks. He hears Swiss rifling around in his bag. Hears the water run. Hears Swiss messing with that weird coffee maker. 
“I hate this,” Aeon says softly. 
“I know.” 
“Just wanted to sleep in with you,” Aeon mumbles, voice cracking. 
The coffee maker hisses, Aeon hears it spit water out into the styrofoam cup. Swiss is back right away. Helping Aeon sit up and pressing the overly hot cup into his hand. The smell of the tea alone makes something in Aeon’s back loosen. 
He sips at it–it’s too hot but he doesn’t care. Doesn’t want to wait any longer. 
“We can still sleep in,” Swiss promises. Leaning over to kiss Aeon’s temple. “Sleep all day if you want.” 
Swiss curls one big arm around Aeon’s waist, pulls him close. The little ghoul leans against him. Eyes closing against another cramp. Swiss takes the cup from him so Aeon doesn’t spill. He presses his lips to the side of Aeon’s head, holds him close as the pain ravages him. 
When it’s done, Swiss hands the cup back to him. “Drink up so we can go back to sleep.” 
“I–” Aeon looks away, lilac blush coloring his cheeks. “I think I should take a shower first..” 
Swiss shrugs, buries his nose in Aeon’s hair and inhales. “Fine. Shower first. Sleep after. All day. No excuses.” 
Aeon turns his head to catch his lips on Swiss. It’s chaste, as easy as breathing. “Too good to me,” Aeon mumbles as he brings the cup back up to his mouth. Swiss grins down at him. “No such thing.” 
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beatrixstonehill2 · 12 hours
Veronica was enjoying her time at a pool in a luxurious hotel when a woman named Gina approached her, eyeing her in an accusatory way. "What do you think you're doing?" Gina asked.
"What do you mean?" Veronica asked in a soft, feminine voice.
"Disgusting, another dumb little fakegirl here to ogle us real women and fantasize about doing god knows what to us."
"Huh!? No, I think you made a mistake, I--"
Gina pulled off Veronica's clothes, starting with her top, revealing her large breasts for everyone to see, then pulled off her bottoms, sizing the disrobed girl up. "Well, well, well, look what we have here." Gina said, shaking her head at the sight of Veronica's small cock held in place with body tape.
"There's no rules against trans girls staying here! I.... wasn't ogling anyone or being a perv! I just haven't gotten around to removing my cock...."
"Uh-huh, heard it a million times, princess. You're so disgusting. I saw you when you arrived yesterday. Since you don't pass whatsoever it was obvious you were a boy. Since then I've caught you filming pregnant girls in bikinis on your phone, filming upskirts, staring at countless girls' asses and breasts, you accidentally bumped into and touched the breasts of about a dozen girls staying here, and I even caught you rubbing your cock through your bikini as you watched that group of pregnant college girls celebrating their victory in some gymnastics competition. I also followed you in the bathroom and heard you jerking off."
"Ummmm..... it's.... not true? I didn't mean to..... those girls were really hot and showing off their moves, their breasts kept falling out and oh my god their asses were so juicy and fat--oh!" Veronica covered her mouth, her cock throbbed against the tape holding it in place.
"You poor perverted boy. Let mommy take you in and take care of you. Show you some discipline. Wouldn't you like that?"
"Ummm......would I have to stop being a girl?"
"Idiot. You aren't a girl now. Just a confused, perverted boy.... Come on, let me help break you free of your confusion, OK?"
Veronica nodded, taking Gina's hand as she walked her naked through the hotel, back to her room....
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"It's been a year since I met my mistress, Gina, and detransitioned for her, finally giving up my perverted fantasy of being a girl. Gina started by making me get rid of my "breasts", which were just oversized moobs that grew unnaturally big because my parents tricked me into taking synthetic hormones because I liked dressing as a girl. Now they're growing back because my mistress funnel feeds me so much.... if they look too much like a girl's breasts Mistress Gina says she'll make me get another reduction.
I used to goon in private to so many pretty girls online, and I was something of a voyeur.... I also took a new guy home almost every night, I'd go to all kinds of nice hotels and sleep with as many men as possible, while watching all the pretty rich girls..... But now Gina controls when I'm allowed to cum. Only after I do good and meet my monthly weight gain milestones and don't complain when she pegs me with her.... intimidatingly big strap ons. I'm just her boy-toy hog who only exists to fatten for her amusement, until she gets bored of me, which she told me she will. I never get to fuck her of course, only watch her get fucked or peg other girls, as well as a bunch of other former t-girls she forced to detransition.
I have to stuff my face and eat as I watch her have an active sex life, if I slow down she stops what she's doing to scold me or paddle me if I'm really disobedient. She makes eye contact with me the whole time she pegs or gets fucked, never with her partner. She just watches me eat and encourages me to keep stuffing my dumb, hog mouth and get nice and fat so I can cum like a good boy. It's kind of funny but she's way more perverted than I ever was as as trans girl.... even if I was pretty out of control. Now I have no choice but to get as fat as possible for my mistress until she finally gets bored with me and drops me off at my parents' house.... That's going to be a fun conversation. Telling them I detransed after living as a girl since the second grade, and got so fat I can't walk.... Hope they don't mind taking care of me and keep me as well fed as Mistress Gina.... Fuck, I've got to stop thinking about it or I might accidentally cum. I've been getting punished enough lately.... Keeping Mistress Gina satisfied gets harder and harder the fatter I get, I can barely keep up with my weight gain goals, but having Mistress Gina jerk me off at the end of every month makes it all worth it. Her eyes staring into mine as she calls me a gross, disgusting boy who never passed as a girl, and a fat useless hog who's never gonna make a girl cum, who's gonna be too fat to fuck or masturbate.... I cum soooo fast, then she makes me lick the cum off her hand, afterwards she slaps me and tells me to do better next month, that I'm gaining pathetically slow.... I have to do better for my mistress. I already can't even remember ever being a fakegirl with big bouncy tits......"
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The Sydney Morning Herald: Arctic Monkeys left planet rock a while back. Is The Car the U-turn fans wanted?
Written by Michael Dwyer, 13/10/2022
Alex Turner is looking shellshocked. The man widely hailed as one of rock’s greatest lyricists is nursing a green tea he hopes will nip his European jetlag in the bud and doing his best to answer the questions I’ve flown halfway around the world to ask him.
The Arctic Monkeys frontman says he was expecting the band’s latest album, The Car, would find them back on familiar ground following the polarising sixth album that unsettled some fans in 2018. But then he admits that they may not be “completely off the moon yet”.
Some time ago, he’d hinted that this forthcoming album would mark a popular return, of sorts, to the more sinewy live band stuff that made Arctic Monkeys Britain’s fastest-selling garage rock sensation 16 years ago.
But promises count for little when the muse drapes herself across the piano in a velveteen suit and yields a fabulous lead single called There’d Better Be A Mirrorball. If the sophisticated sci-fi of the Sheffield band’s last album, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, ruffled a few hoodies, The Car signals a continued, unrepentant evolution of sound and mood.
Turner agrees in his hesitant, oblique way. “I thought if I called it The Car it meant that I was back on Earth suddenly,” he half jokes. “But I’ve found it’s not that simple.”
Sitting in an otherwise empty bar at the east end of Hollywood Boulevard that’s been opened just for us, Arctic Monkeys’ singer, writer and conceptual architect looks earthbound enough in his bright blue jeans, neatly pressed khaki shirt and casually excellent coif.
He wears the job of explaining himself in the first round of another hundred interviews with a certain stoic deliberation. He’s clearly the kind of artist more comfortable expressing himself in the act of creation than in conversation, and I’m warned in advance he takes his time answering questions.
This is probably one reason we’re face-to-face here in LA rather than stumbling on the phone. Another is doubtless a strategy to regain some of the US/ international traction that slipped with that last mould-shattering album.
In truth, there’s little Turner can say that could match the wry, eloquent observations of his lyrics. “I had big ideas, the band were so excited, the kind you’d rather not share over the phone,” he sings on Big Ideas, an especially lush new track. “But now the orchestra’s got us all surrounded and I cannot for the life of me remember how they go.”
He smiles at that. “I like the idea that it knows it’s a record,” he says.
Born to a languages teacher and a swing band musician, Turner’s trademark poetic insight into his immediate surroundings was fully formed with the first Arctics album of 2006, Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not. But a first-class trans-Atlantic rock star upgrade later, the teenaged rough and tumble of Friday night in the clubs of northern England has naturally given way to more surreal subject matter, seemingly informed by the showbiz cocoon that this city is renowned for.
“I wouldn’t rule that out,” he says at last, more mystified than evasive. “I think it sometimes takes a degree of hindsight to assess how much or how little a place has influenced something you’ve done.”
He admits that there were certain moments on that last album, a loose concept outing set in an off-world luxury hotel, that “connected with this place”. The space-age lounge setting could be read as a bemused metaphor for life among the pampered rock star elite. “I just wanted to be one of The Strokes,” went the first line to the Hollywood cocktail bar opener, Star Treatment. “Now look at the mess you made me make.”
Prosaic album title aside, The Car is another clever metaphor, as the leader of Sheffield’s most celebrated gang of youths continues his escape into lavishly arranged and lyrically layered territory with ample reference to the resistance he’s encountered en route. It’s an album that knows how much its precursor polarised fans and critics miffed by the piano-led departure from the Arctics’ electric guitar roots.
“The setting” for any record, he says not unreasonably, “is the situation that I felt I knew the best. With [the first album], that is what felt comfortable at that time and then as time goes on that becomes perhaps less comfortable. You start to ask the question, well, should it be comfortable, even, now?
“I can’t completely concede that I’m still writing about my surroundings in that same way but … I can’t completely disagree either. But then, I don’t know if it always has to be totally honest, either. There’s times when I think it makes sense to reach into some unknown and see what you can get.
“That whole idea of how to write, and what am I going to write about, that question feels like it belongs very much to that time after that first record. I can vaguely remember wondering, how much more of this am I going to do? Not how much more of writing about the taxi rank, necessarily, but … I didn’t see this place where we are now, then.”
How could he have? In a few days, Arctic Monkeys will be the climactic act at LA’s three-day Primavera Sounds Festival, one of precious few rock acts in a global pop landscape completely transformed since young Alex Turner thought he wanted to be one of The Strokes. Today he’s thrilled when I mention that parts of The Car remind me of Nelson Riddle’s work for Frank Sinatra.
As one of the flagship acts (with Franz Ferdinand) on leading British indie label Domino, he clearly feels a responsibility, probably even a desire to maintain a certain status quo, if not commercial then surely in terms of the bond he shares with school buddies Matt Helders (drums), Jamie Cook (guitar) and slightly later recruit Nick O’Malley (bass).
But surely he must also feel a growing disconnect between the business he’s expected to do with his band of brothers at music festivals and the more elegant, perhaps ironic, and frankly more isolated music he’s making in the studio?
“I think that’s something I was more concerned with with the last record. I remember feeling like we’re gonna struggle to stick some of these things in the set. How’s this going to play out? But in the end, it sort of worked itself out. And that gives me the confidence now to think that we can do this... With the strings element of this record, I’m probably not going to go down that road in the show. But I don’t know even that. At some point, maybe.”
Sting says — Turner laughs, guessing where this is going — that grown men can’t be in rock bands. Life inevitably draws gangs of boys apart as they discover who they are and what they want to do. In the bigger picture, it’s tempting to see the mutation of Arctic Monkeys as a neat illustration of the end of the rock age: from old school garage band to bruised solo act (in all but name) in one epic, final lap. It’s hardly fair to ask the shell-shocked protagonist to comment on that theory…
But “the way it comes together now is different,” he concedes after careful consideration. He alludes to the work he’s released in various solo and collaborative settings – as Last Shadow Puppets with Miles Kane and as solo acoustic soundtrack composer and other creative guises. They’ve slowly steered him away from the group rehearsal room process in favour of multi-track demos created solo, then presented to the lads.
So to quote his lyrics back to him, is the band really always so excited about his Big Ideas? He laughs again. “To be honest, I mean… I can’t say no, can I?”
Nothing about any of this at any point in the last 20 years has given me a reason to believe that you can go backwards.
The Primavera festival crowd is at peak sunburn when Arctic Monkeys take the headlining Sunday night stage a few days later. If I’m not mistaken, it’s a snazzy swing tune by the Stan Kenton Orchestra that heralds their arrival: nothing to frighten the kids, but not something likely to crop up on their Strokes Radio playlists either.
What follows is a cracker Arctic Monkeys festival set, mostly drawn from AM, their platinum-selling American breakthrough of 2013, an album still in the Top 10 vinyl records chart in Australia. There’s also a smattering of hits from the rest of the albums and just one for now from The Car, the ironically apt I Ain’t Quite Where I Think I Am.
“We’ll have more by the time we play in Australia,” Turner promises.
Sure enough, within a couple of weeks, three or four songs from The Car will have earned their place in the band’s setlist, even if the holy grail for any established rock sensation remains elusive: a brand new song with the clout to close the show.
“I’ll be totally honest,” Turner says. “There certainly was the thought at the end of the tour in 2019 about … ‘Let’s do some songs that we can close the show with’. That was in my head, where I thought I wanted to go, but then I sort of came to realise that it’s not there any more.
“In that moment, at the end of the tour, it seemed like it’d be easier to get back there for some reason. I don’t know why I was so naive, because nothing about any of this at any point in the last 20 years has given me a reason to believe that you can go backwards.”
What he says next might be a veiled clue about what lies ahead for him in relation to the band he might, according to the Sting maxim, outgrow and retire any moment now. Maybe this latest, unapologetic leap forward comes with an implicit invitation for his fans and his brand to simply take it or leave it. Or like his lyrics, it might just be him thinking aloud, leaving us to join the dots.
“What I do think,” he says, “is in essence, something about that initial idea of this kind of show-closer thing does feel like it has stuck around in the creation of this record. It’s just like an inverted version of what that meant in my mind in 2019.
“I’m not saying that any of these songs are necessarily going to close a show and be like that moment in the gig, but I do think there’s something … if I squint, there’s something about that feeling that does exist.”
It makes me think of Perfect Sense, the gorgeous, elegiac closing song on the new record. “Sometimes I wrap my head around it all and it makes perfect sense,” Turner sings. “Keep reminding me that it ain’t a race when my invincible streak turns onto the final straight. If that’s what it takes to say goodnight then that’s what it takes.”
I mean, if you could find yourself an audience that would allow you to finish with that song, that’s kind of unbeatable, I suggest. He considers that idea for a while, as if for the first time. “Right, right,” he says at last.
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mel-0n-earth · 7 months
Pinned Post
Figure it was time I make one of these. Here is some of the fanfiction I've written:
Ongoing WIPs
Phantom - A Dragon Age retelling of Phantom of the Opera set deep in the bowels of Solavellan hell. Themes include love, obsession, crises of faith, and the folly of godhood. Need not be familiar with POTO to enjoy.
Something's Gotta Give - Fallout ghoulcy sex pollen (sort of) smut, featuring an abandoned luxury hotel, extremely unethical research practices, and graphic depictions of yearning.
Completed Works
Comfort - A star-crossed lovers Solas x Josephine story. Whether it's this or another fic, I am begging you to get in on this rarepair.
The Hellion's Heart - A BG3 Dammon x Tav strangers-to-lovers story. with hidden identities, mutual pining, and lots of smut. The first installment is from Tav's POV, and the second is the same story from Dammon's POV.
Fear Me, Love Me, Do as I Say - A Durgetash story told entirely from Gortash's perspective (except for the very end). Themes include obsession, the inherent eroticism of carnage, and completely losing the plot over your estranged ex.
Sunshine from Out of the Blue - A Fallout Hancock x Sole Survivor soulmate AU, in which I confirm my love for hidden identities, haircuts as a symbol of character development, and ghoul smut.
To Fix Their Hearts - Pure, fluffy trans joy in the shape of Dammon x Tav
Pretty as a Painting - BG3 Rolan x Tav mirror sex. Pure smut.
Ask Archive - Includes some OC prompts I've responded to.
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abookishdreamer · 4 months
Character Intro: Aerin (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Illuminated One by the people of Olympius
Age- 20 (immortal)
Location- Mania district, New Olympus
Personality- She's a confident, self-assured, unapologetic artistic soul that's drawn to creative activities that involve originality, independence, & expression. She's also an effervescent dreamer. She's pansexual and is currently single.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess. As goddess of the ethereal her other powers/abilities include ethereal elemental manipulation, invisibility, cosmic energy manipulation, ethereal mimicry, photokinesis, being able to generate pyrotechnic energy plasmoids from her hands, celestial manipulation, and aether physiology.
Aerin recently moved into her own place after bouncing from hotels & rental condos- The Tauros Building, a luxury high rise apartment building in the Mania neighborhood of New Olympus. She was proud of herself for getting her place on her own with her earnings. Nothing in the apartment has been situated yet. There are dozens of boxes- the only thing unpacked being her smart flat screen iCHOR Tech television with a few glass sculptural pieces. The only furniture there is a large cream colored leather sofa along with some lucite furniture pieces, like the coffee table. Eventually, she wants to design her place with some pop art artwork.
Other members of her immediate family include her older brother Aplistos (god of avarice).
Notable physical features of Aerin include her naturally sharp cheekbones, her clear blue eyes, her honey blonde hair, & her statuesque height of 6''1.
She keeps a few photos of herself before her transition.
Aerin is one of the few openly trans deities in the pantheon with the other two being her close friend Pothos (god of longing & yearning) and Philautia (goddess of self love). Because she was the first, she has an honorary star on the Pantheon Walk of Fame.
Coming up as a god originally, she was always told how handsome and beautiful she was, possibly being competition for her friend Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge). Aerin was even nicknamed "junior" by Aplistos, dressing similar to her older brother & styling her then short hair in a pompadour fade style.
Aerin enjoyed some aspects of her life as a male deity. She modeled for and walked the runway for Platinum Alchemy, the men's fashion brand of Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning). Her and her brother went to exclusive nightclubs & she was always in the company of a beautiful being- even getting a kiss from Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty).
It always felt performative to her, artificial. It was a role she was good at playing at, but over time, she began to grow tired of it. The noise grew louder and louder to the point where she couldn't ignore it anymore. Aerin had to be totally & completely herself- truly and authentically.
She was most nervous and worried about telling her brother. Though he was taken aback & initially confused, Aplistos offered his support, saying "God or Goddess, you're Aerin."
Aerin made the conscious decision to keep her name as well as her private parts. She doesn't think that changing them will make her feel more or less like a goddess.
She was in tears when her brother's girlfriend Orthosia (goddess of wealth) threw her a "debut" celebration party after her transition. Aerin cried happy tears throughout the entire festivity.
She made her official public debut as a goddess on the cover of The Rainbow Room magazine.
Some of Aerin's favorite makeup products are the Olmorfia shimmering body oil in "Opaltini", the La Petit Amour plumping lip oil in "Jellyfish", the Ourania eyelash curler, the Olmorfia gel powder highlighter in "Moonstone", the Museology glossy blush balm stick in "Lyrical Lilac", the EverPure ice roller, & the Olmorfia cucumber detox hydra-gel eye patches.
She keeps fit through pilates, jogging, and low intensity workouts at the gym.
A go-to drink for her is a vodka tonic. She also likes cosmopolitans, flirtinis, champagne, mint mojitos, vodka sodas (with extra lime), clear & clean coladas, New Olympus Iced Teas, and rosé lemonade elderflower sangrias. Usuals from The Roasted Bean is a large caramel salted cream cold brew & an olympian sized iced green tea.
Aerin swears by the andro-cene T-Tape tuck kit. There's always an extra in her purse. She considers it a must need for photoshoots.
A typical breakfast for her is a few slices of avocado toast with a coconut almond granola parfait. She also likes scrambled egg whites with hash browns and Golly Grains vanilla spice cereal.
She keeps her nails somewhat long & manicured. Her favorite nail polish brand is Glimmer & Shimmer Glaze with her favorite colors being "Frosted Fantasy" (a bright shimmery cyan with gold glitter) and "Ethereal Escape" (a light shimmery lavender with blue glitter).
Aerin is aware of her position & privilege as a passing trans being along with her feminine sounding voice. She recently donated 50,000 drachmas to a gender affirming clinic in the city.
Every few months she sees Paean (goddess of physicians) in her office at the royal palace for ambrosia hormone therapy.
A guilty pleasure for her are the spicy lobster rolls along with miso soup from The Ocean Roll, a popular sushi restaurant.
A constant thing that has remained in Aerin's life before & after her transition is her love for modeling. She likens herself as a storyteller- telling beautiful stories through photos, fashion, makeup, and runway. She models for/endorses Museology, andro-cene, Pure Muse, Kaleidoscope Lab, Maison du Drame, Bow + Arrow, No.3 & Co., House of Muse, Diamond Ave., Luxuria, and ViVoTrack- the streetwear fashion brand of the messenger god Hermes.
For work she usually adds in hair extensions, but in her downtime, she wears her hair naturally which is a little bit past her shoulders. She loves using the Olmorfia platinum silk gloss and the Ourania PRO titanium hair straightener.
Aerin's personal style is a seemingly haphazard eclectic mix of preppy, androgynous, grunge, haute coutoure, avant-garde, & hyper feminine. One day she'll wear an oversized 1X ViVoTrack T-shirt as a dress with thigh high black platform boots- her hair in two messy buns, a spray painted chest binder, a mini-skirt made from black eletrical tape, sheer stockings, & oxford flats, or a super tight corset top with oversized high waisted baggy jeans and lucite heels- her hair decorated with hair jewels & in a sleek ponytail.
In the pantheon she's also friends with Ditus (god of bisexuality, effeminacy, & fertility), Aoide (goddess of voice & song), The Graces, Ganymede (god of homosexual love & desire), Komos (god of revelry), Phaenna (goddess of jewels), The Muses, Eupraxia (goddess of well-being & success), Iris (goddess of the rainbow), Dionysus (god of wine), and Gelos (god of laughter). Aerin's official mentor was Asteria (Titaness of falling stars, astrology, magic, necromancy, & nocturnal oracles and prophecies). They still keep in touch. In the industry she's friendly with a fellow model named Daphne, who's a naiad.
Aerin used to be really close to Aether (god of the upper atmosphere, celestial bodies, & heavenly light). She would visit him all the time in the Underworld and he even took her flying on one of his parents' dragons. Aether & Aerin even practiced their makeup skills on each other. They haven't seen or spoken to each other since her transition.
Her latest favorite accesory has been the limited edition Diamond Ave. glass handbag. Aplistos gifted it to her at her debut party. It costs 4,500 drachmas.
With her own business endeavors, Aerin is about to release her signature parfum called Yperkósmios. She came up with the design for the star shaped bottle. The fragrance has notes of pink pepper, ylang ylang, orange blossom, jasmine, amber, and vanilla. The debut will happen at the Basileus Seventh Avenue (a luxury department store) in the Skyline neighborhood. A 100 ml bottle will cost 200 drachmas.
In New Olympus, she always lookes forward to the annual All Love festival, the biggest LGBTQ+ parade in the city.
Her favorite sweet treat is coconut vanilla ice cream topped with crushed almonds.
She recently wrote an op-ed piece for Modern Olympus magazine titled "Trans-Olympius", which has recieved favorable attention & discussion.
Aerin disagrees with the narrow minded views of The Litae, Eusebeia (goddess of piety, loyalty, duty, & filial respect), and Aeschyne (goddess of modesty & honor).
She has been approached by Pheme (goddess of fame) and her production company to do an in depth docuseries about her life, but Aerin hasn't given her an answer yet.
Summerstar's song "Prismheart" is her smartphone's ringtone.
She loves getting vanilla cotton candy from Candycloud, the cotton candy shop owned by Nephele (goddess of clouds).
She's currently in talks with The Moirai to potentially be a model for their fashion brand Apokomména Nímata.
For Christmas Gelos gifted her the jeweled UFO Diamond Ave. clutch, which costs 7,000 drachmas. It came with a card which says "To my beloved alien."
Aerin is a proud pansexual. She's not seeing anyone now (due to her busy work schedule), but before, she was very friendly to anyone she connected with & found attractive- regardless of gender. Before her transition, Aerin has sex for the first time with Pothos- which was coincidentally his first time pre-transition as well. She also had a fling with Ganymede.
Another constant that remained in her life is her love of art- especially light installation pieces. Dionysus and Pothos took her to the Illumination Imagination art exhibit at the Rhodes Museum of Art. Aerin is planning on debuting her own light installation art piece at NOMMA (New Olympus Museum of Modern Art).
Her all time favorite meal is angel hair pasta with leeks in a white wine cream sauce.
In her free time Aerin enjoys glassblowing, cloud surfing, swimming, going to the cinema, writing in her journal, drawing, listening to music, shopping (especially thrift shopping), dancing (her favorites being interpretive dance & ballet), and hanging out with her friends.
"It's not about being a new person, but becoming the person you were already meant to be."
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scarletttries · 1 year
hello! it's me again, dude with request about kendall roy x trans-man!reader. i saw your wedding event, so i want to make another one request, but on the subject of this event, if possible. take your time, i wish you inspiration and the best of luck in preparing for your own wedding! i don't know what exactly to tell about myself, what kind of information will be useful, but i'll try! i'm a silly goofy ukrainian trans man. i am short, i have black short hair and sad dark blue eyes. i pretend to be a bad boy, but all my friends will say with confidence that i have a heart of gold. i'm bisexual but very gay for kendall roy kldajkljdd. i don't know for sure about my dream date, but maybe it was time in nature as far away from people as possible, just me, kendall and the forest. i don't have many ideas for my wedding too, but i think i would wear a floral print black suit and a traditional ukrainian embroidered shirt (vyshyvanka). thanks in advance and with you good luck again!
Thank you so much for this request and your well wishes for my wedding! Also I love this description of you, and I ship you with a fellow bad boy with a heart of gold.... Kendall Roy! ☺️💛
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- I picture you and Kendall meeting at a campsite in the middle of the forest somewhere in Europe. You're there to enjoy to the beautiful scenery, and he's trying to find some inner peace and sense of purpose after all the bullshit the last few years of Waystar have thrown at him.
- Kendall would be confident he could survive the wilderness alone despite having no experience doing anything for himself, so don't be surprised when you offer him some help setting up a tent and he tells you he doesn't need it, despite watching him struggle with it for several hours. Eventually as it gets dark he'll come crawling back for help, impressed by how at peace you seem out in nature and sure he could learn a lot from you.
- By the end of a weekend in the forest you and Kendall will be sharing a campfire in remote sites where no-one else will bump into you, swapping stories about why you're trying to get away from it all, bonding over all the little forest creatures that try to come up to you to steal little bits of the food you brought.
- Kendall would ask for your number, saying it's just to be camping buddies, but a few days would go by and he would know deep down it's more than that. He would miss your goofy sense of humour and the way you made him laugh with his whole body, a kind of joy he couldn't remember when he last felt.
- It's less than a week later that he's asking if he can come visit you, or fly you out to see him, quickly moving your friendship to a relationship as you start to spend more and more time together. Kendall feels like you are his perfect escape from all the stresses and pressure of his life, a safe place he can be himself and rest easy with someone he trusts.
- Kendall would love the way you appreciate nature, looking at everywhere the two of you visit in a completely new way and growing to enjoy the simple things a lot more in his own life. That doesn't mean he won't occasionally beg you to stay in a five-star hotel with him, which I'm sure you won't argue with too much!
- To propose he'd hire out one of those elaborate tree houses that let you look across the top of a rainforest and have your own private, luxury cabin in the sky.
- Kendall would be so excited to go wedding suit shopping with you, torn over whether to keep his outfit as a surprise, or embrace being able to go through this whole experience together. When he sees the traditional ukrainian vyshyvanka you've picked out he would be so incredibly moved, so proud of the way you embrace your heritage and just how gorgeous you look for your perfect day together.
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tsunflowers · 2 years
I had a really narrative heavy dream last night let's see what I can remember
there was this cool scifi island that was like a lesbian paradise utopia with all women living on it. I don't know how they were maintaining the population but the main character of the dream was a trans lesbian so? anyway it doesn't matter. the island was getting somewhat rundown and contact with the outside world had been lost but everyone still had their bread and circuses so they were willfully ignoring how bad it was getting. the main issue was you couldn't go out at night bc the security robots flipped into evil mode and would hunt you down but everyone just checked into luxury high rise hotels and partied all night
the main character was one of the only people who was concerned about all this but she was also just a worrier in general. she met this woman and they had instant chemistry and fell for each other fast but there was a legal situation going on with the other woman's ex and every time they met to deal with it the main character was like omg shes going to leave me for her ex. but that did not happen and actually her new gf was always on her side bc one day the security robots started going after the main character specifically and she had to go on the run with her gf
except the robots finally got her and dragged both of them to an abandoned warehouse outside town and the creator of the island was there as a glitchy hologram?! for some reason the person who invented lesbian island was an old guy with a white beard. I think this is bc the dna of this dream was influenced by alterna in splat3 so this was basically human cap'n cuttlefish. anyway he was like "the robots are out of my control and I've been dead for 100 years so it's hard for my holo-ghost to exert influence on the system. but I needed the robots to track you down bc there is a mutation in your dna that can save everyone" and as he was trying to explain all this he kept losing control of the robots and they would go into attack mode
so in the end they both died tragically together :( but the main character's dna did get sent out to fix everything
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meka-art · 10 months
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The HOSTENS V11 are fully synthetic androids marketed by AstraLab Phone Service from the 2930s onwards. Designed to handle customer reception within a business and manage phone calls, they can receive and process over 400 calls simultaneously thanks to their highly advanced Trans ultra headsets. The V11 model presented here is already somewhat outdated but remains very affordable in the second-hand market. Some HOSTENS units were sold without legs as they were integrated into reception furniture. The O5 series, such as the latest V47 models released after the year 3400, feature a much more refined aesthetic and even more powerful machinery (capable of handling 3000 simultaneous calls). These models are commonly found in luxury hotels or very large enterprises where offices exceed 10,000 employees within the same tower.
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thesparkwhowalks · 1 year
Elderly Celebrities Need to Keep Stupid Opinions to Themselves.
How THE FUCK can a man have an interview in which he says (shortened by me):
"I hate politics. I don’t think it belongs in rock and roll at all, only because rock and roll should be an escape from politics. ...[Why] would anybody listen to a rock star? "
Come out in the SAME WEEK he has another interview in which he repeats the same tired, ignorant, untrue anti-Trans talking points that every asshole repeats?! Note, the linked text goes to an article about him getting dropped by a makeup collaboration over his comments, not the original interview.
Goddamn it Alice Cooper. I knew you and I surely disagreed on many political/social issues, but the fact that you generally kept you policy positions to yourself - under your self-proclaimed ethos of you not being any more knowledgeable or intelligent just because you're a rockstar - kept that from being a major moral issue for me. I think it's perfectly valid to separate art from artist as long as the artist isn't taking advantage of their platform to spread their disagreeable views. But apparently trans people gaining wider acceptance is one issue you just gotta take a fucking stand.
Now I've got to call some poor hotel manager tomorrow and beg for a refund on a non-refundable room so I can officially cancel my concert plans for next week. Even if I can't cancel it, I may just go stay in the room to chillax in relative luxury and, I dunno, watch a live concert video of a band that doesn't use their platform to be shitty to trans people.
Fuckin' hell, man. Vince shoulda listened to his own advice.
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Day 1, Saturday May 27: Ladysmith, Vancouver Island to Victoria BC by land, to Port Angeles, Washington by sea, to Discovery Bay, Olympia and Tacoma, Washington by land again, 314 km.
This will be a busy first day. Early Saturday morning, Janis packs her bags for her flight to Vancouver, and I pack the bike to begin my motorcycle ride to Victoria and the Blackball Ferry docks.
We leave the hotel together for the airport where we say our goodbyes, and she heads for her departure gate and I to Trans Canada Highway 1A to start my ride to Duncan, Cowichan, Malahat and Victoria.
It's a 100 km ride, and I make it in plenty of time. I'm the first motorcycle in line, and I readily clear customs to enter the US. With time on my hands, I retire to a nearby restaurant to have lunch and watch the waterfront. It's a beautiful day, and the harbour is alive with walkers, diners, boats of all shapes and sizes, and sea planes.
I rode this ferry last year, so when they summon us to board, I know the drill - drive to the motorcycle area, strap down the bike, and clear the vehicle deck.
I find a favourable vantage point on the rear passenger deck and as we pull away and Canada starts to fade into the distance, it hits home - all the planning, all the anticipation, all the excitement, it's here, it's now, this is really happening.
It's a beautiful, uneventful 42 km, 90 minute ride across to Port Angeles. Last year, my brother and I got lost and separated, so this year I'm prepared and know exactly where to go when we dock.
I head SE on East 1st Street towards State 101 and the scenic route down alongside Olympic National Park towards Discovery Bay and Olympia.
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Past Olympia, headed NE at Lacey on Interstate 5, across Puget Sound to Tacoma
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Checked into my luxury room with my own personal bottle opener
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Ooops, forgot this one
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mostafaahmed15849 · 13 days
Why Choose Fantastic Tours for Your Russian Adventure?
Planning a trip to Russia can be overwhelming, but with Fantastic Tours, we simplify the process and offer you an experience filled with wonder and ease. Our comprehensive service packages cover everything from transportation and accommodation to exclusive tours of Russia’s iconic landmarks. Whether you're a first-time visitor or returning to explore more of this captivating country, our team is dedicated to making your journey seamless and enjoyable.
Source: أرخص شركة سياحة في روسيا
One of the standout features of Fantastic Tours is our commitment to personalized service. We create itineraries that are unique to your preferences—whether you're drawn to Russia's grand cities, like Moscow and St. Petersburg, or its hidden treasures, like the remote wilderness of Siberia. Our knowledgeable guides will take you beyond the typical tourist attractions, offering in-depth insights into Russian history, culture, and traditions.
We also provide a range of travel options, from budget-friendly packages to luxury experiences. Our partnerships with the best hotels, restaurants, and transportation providers ensure that every aspect of your trip meets the highest standards. Plus, our 24/7 support team is always available, ensuring a worry-free travel experience from the moment you book with us until you return home.
Also: أرخص مكتب سياحي في روسيا
At Fantastic Tours, we understand that every traveler is unique, which is why we offer customizable experiences. Whether you want to experience the famed Trans-Siberian Railway, cruise the majestic rivers, or immerse yourself in Russian art and music, we make it possible. Discover the magic of Russia with us—your dream vacation is just a click away.
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