#The Uninhabitable Earth
refrigeratorsong · 1 year
an extraordinary and important video essay by the incredible Sophie From Mars. this piece is on climate change, community, and fungi. it is overflowing with information and empathy.
humanity can and will kill the wyrm of capitalism.
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4of5th · 1 year
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"I sometimes call it toxic knowledge," Richard Heinberg of the Post Carbon Institute, where McLemore was a commenter, has said.
"Once you know about overpopulation, overshoot, depletion, climate change, and the dynamics of societal collapse, you can't un-know it, and your every subsequent thought is tinted."
The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells
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raroses · 1 year
BOOK REVIEW - The Uninhabitable Earth
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This book is genuinely streesful haha, tapi bikin betah buat duduk lama baca buku ini karena menyuguhkan fakta baru bahkan ramalan di masa depan. Khususnya untuk perubahan iklim, seperti kejadian luar biasa dampak dari kerusakan lingkungan yang jarang kita ketahui, dampaknya untuk dikemudian hari pada segala aspek, proses manusia dan lingkungan itu bergerak dan saling mempengaruhi, sampai pada respon yang harusnya bisa kita lakukan 'saat ini'.
Buku ini banyak berfokus pada hal yang akan terjadi apabila bumi memanas 2° (suhu bumi sekarang 1,4°) atau lebih, banyakkk sekali argumen, data, hasil penelitian yang mengatakan bahwa bumi sedang menuju kerusakan fatal apabila dibiarkan. Tidak banyak menawarkan solusi bahkan rasa optimis, streesful bukan? 🥲 Lebih ke menyadarkan kalau climate change adalah topik yang penting dan sangat urgent.
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Beberapa bulan setelah baca buku ini khususnya part ini , viral lah berita di bawah:
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Banyak hal yang akhirnya sedikit demi sedikit terjadi, dan sebagai manusia rasanya ga banyak pengaruh untuk mencegah.
Please, read this book! Setidaknya untuk bisa sedikit aware sama sekeliling dulu aja 🙈 #maksa.
Rating: kalau dari isi menyuguhkan faktanya 5/5 dan kalau dari sisi rentetan kalimatnya 3/5 karena banyak pengulangan yang diperpendek, dari sisi jenis font, ukuran font, paragraf 5/5.
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frozen-seagrass · 1 month
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The WALL-E au no one asked for
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
Ablrecht Entrati is the Y2K bug
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Can anyone figure out what the virus text says? I think it's void-related based on the eye imagery, but I'm not 100% certain whats going on with that. 👀
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Look at the clock in the background, literally a minute away from the year 2000.
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roach-works · 1 year
as a fan of the space race and the large financial black hole of musks pockets that is space X I am deeply saddened to know that I wont get any more funny haha penis rocket explosions for the next year as elons famous "rapid unscheduled dissasembly" rockets are taken of the market
elons' rockets have been environmental disasters for the land, animals, and people that the toxic chunks rain down on, and his money has been made through deeply unethical financial exploitation over a lot of markets that were made measurably worse by his participation.
also, a shit ton of the funding is from the american military industrial complex, because they want to use the technology to make better drones and missiles to kill more people more often. even if everything actually went to plan and he was able to get people to mars alive, the mars settlement project will involve generations of indentured service workers dying of radiation poisoning in sealed little bunkers on another planet while rich tourists fuck around for funsies.
it's extremely funny that the rockets go boom, but the best case scenario is he never gets to fire another one ever, dies very soon, and his assets are chopped up by competitors who never again recreate any of his work.
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manmilkers · 3 months
I know y'all not defending the guy who turned off every single life support machine on earth and every manned midflight plane in the sky and every single pacemaker in a human chest and every single ambulance its paramedic equipment and- 🤣🤣
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ranger-kellyn · 3 months
like how deep into making up the info on the geography of kyoshi island can i get in this fic
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How do the rest of the fam react when Matthew basically loses it after the whole nedcan breakup-kiku drama? I know you wrote a oneshot where Alfred gives him a puppy which was super cute! But I wonder if it freaks them all out because Matthew doesn’t usually draw attention to his suffering??
Ooooh, good question, thank you. So I've gone over like 15 different iterations of the windmill expanded universe, and I'm just using this ask as a brain dump now so buckle in folks, this got long. But the way it happened, without anyone falling out of love so much as priorities shifting and readjusting as time passes. That created a situation where no one's at fault, its not like anyone's committing adultery, but differences in age, experience, and psychology made the fallout very uneven.
So as a Pacific Nation, Zee saw it coming a thousand miles away. Mai's schedule was opening up, and there was chatter amongst the East Asian democracies from the late 80s onwards that, oh, that pointy tulip-headed fucker is in our airports a lot. Kiku has dairy in the kitchen a lot more than he used to. There's yet another new statue to some Dutch fuck in a square in Tokyo. He and Mai aren't meeting up as nearly as much as they used to. So she's sitting on Jack's back deck drinking a beer, going, "Fuck, mate, Mattie's going to be even more depressed than usual." And even Jack, who typically pays far less attention to politics, much less any other anglo's sex life, is wrangling a gator out from under the floorboards and nodding sagely in agreement because even he's fucking noticed.
But then three, four, and five years pass, and things have yet to explode. Matt is so consumed with depression and internal problems that he doesn't realize how much Jan's withdrawn until it's too late, and the not-breakup. He never fell out of love, but when it comes to where Jan wants to spend his time, it's not with Matt. And at some point, that discussion happens, and Matt's absolutely blindsided. The boy who saw Francis and then Alfred leaving him coming a thousand miles away and adjusted halfway decently because he had time to prepare is just bashed over the head with the new status quo. And he doesn't know why. Jan has never sat down and discussed what he did in the far east. Everything Matt knows, he knows second-hand, in the abstract.
So he's showing up at Arthur's in a state even his father is like, "oooh shit" and Matt just kind of lays down and doesn't get back up. Arthur doesn't know what to do with him except bring him a cup of tea and give him an awkward pat. They have a very difficult conversation about Jan and Kiku that's absolutely humiliating for Matt because how could he not know these things? But yeah, Matt just kind of goes down like a dead log and lays there cuddling the cat until he's practically growing mushrooms. Profoundly unwell. Arthur can't do shit to fix it, so he goes and collects Matt's things from Jan like he's restocking the British Museum because he has to fucking something. He gets... rather protective of Matt. He throws out Francis when he starts making pithy comments about how Frenchman doesn't take this sort of thing lying down; they take it on all fours making vigorous love to a third party.
Alfred shows up when he looks for Matt to fix his headspace again and can't find him. He and Arthur got into it because they always get into it at least a little bit, and they're suddenly silent because they realize Matt's just gotten up, hefted the cat under one arm and left the room and gone to lie down in his actual bedroom rather than intervene. And he always intervenes. His prime biological directive is to keep the peace, and he just says fuck it, you're loud; I'm going to go be depressed in another room. Alfred has a blue screen of death. He doesn't understand why Kiku fucking Jan would make any difference; he has his harem of part-time partners. He doesn't know what to fucking do. The head shrinking and emotional support is Matt's fucking job. He gives Matt a solid pat on the shoulder and tells Matt, "I love you, dude, feel better." And fucks off back to North America.
Not long after that, Matt's deep-seated embarrassment about his existence overrides the depresso long enough to eat a solid meal and book himself a flight home. But he's not back for even a month before he's lost his fucking marbles and gone feral in the woods again. And it's not a good time of the year for it. Alfred ends up picking him up from a rural ER somewhere and doesn't know what the fuck to do with a baby brother who can't get his shit together, so he shovels some anti-worm meds and a rabies shot into Matt and puts him back on a plane to England. Calling up their father like "Jan and he were your idea. You broke it; you fix it!"
Arthur does what he hates most in the world and calls Alasdair. He'd rather call in an air strike on his house than call Alasdair for help, but father's favourite knife is fucking broken, and he can't fix it, and if anyone might be able to, it's Alasdair. And lord, even if he can't do much, he does get Matt on Vitamin D and an antidepressant. And he and Arthur practically force Matt out of bed and make him start going for walks and eating more than twice a week. It's all kicked in enough that when Jan sends him some vaguely guilty tulips, Matt hurls the entire thing against the wall, and starts swearing and screaming and throwing shit; Arthur breathes a sigh of relief and starts in Jan, too because oh thank god, Matt's finally releasing an emotion! He gets better pretty rapidly after that because the pressure eases up.
And then when he finally goes home, Alfred impulse purchases the pupper.
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witchblade · 9 months
every light in the world is too bright and every sound is simply too loud
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treesbian · 11 months
i will occasionally remember there are natives who stand with "isreal" and i just can’t wrap my head around it. look at what they're doing.... that doesn't remind you of anything? the claim to someone else's ancestral lands based on religion doesn't remind you of anything?
land back to all indigenous people everywhere
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ookaookaooka · 11 months
i LOVE first contact with aliens stories, seriously it’s one of my favorite tropes, but authors writing it really need to understand that there’s no writing it without engaging with the colonial history behind it whether you intend to or not, and if your story is about humans settling on another planet you’re gonna look stupid if you don’t
#also like. idk how to put it into words but.#if your excuse for why humans are leaving earth is because it’s become uninhabitable. it will always always ALWAYS be easier#to try and fix earth than to start over somewhere else#literally even if earth has nothing but rocks it STILL has more going for it than even the most habitable exoplanet#at least earth has air we can breathe gravity we can bear and is in the habitable zone#and it’s not full of potential allergens or plants/animals that we can’t eat#and we *already know* what’s edible and useful on earth which we’ve learned over millennia#and also. hand waving all the shit like allergens and inedible flora/fauna.#if your colonial humans are scratching a living from the soil and trying to find a niche for themselves in the local ecology.#ugh what am i trying to say here#like. *mean girls meme* so you DO acknowledge that ‘primitive’ technology is the best tools for this job?#but it’s more than that. like okay these colonists are doing the best they can with what they have and so they’re not ‘primitive’?#so you admit that the best way to ensure survival for future generations is to live sustainably?#i get it. i get it. i love made up alien ecologies and i love survival stories#but there’s gotta be (there is i’ve read it) a better way to tell them that doesn’t trash indigenous people while having your characters#live like them#like??? that’s what i’m trying to say. there’s some cognitive dissonance here#i’m trying to tell a story about people doing colonizing and having them live off of and understand the land#*IN not i’m
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derelicthorror · 1 year
Have you been able to Duviri?
i have ONE word for you and it is krubies
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Thinking “I’m definitely like that post ‘guy who’s only seen x’” vs. thinking “x defined a genre and thus the tropes it established being used in subsequent media isn’t supposed to be a direct, conscious reference but rather key points integral to the theme of the original that stemmed from it, which is infinitely more interesting.”
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
Okay so Ablrecht Entrati is hopping through space-time to do something & also he's gay (while dressed like Jotaro Kujo)!? Also he killed Hayden Tenno (sorry "Arthur") & Mag (sorry "Ao") in 1999?! Screaming, shitting, farting, & crying WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH?!
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consolecadet · 2 years
I enrolled in my employer's matched 401k plan without overthinking any aspect of it. I don't even know who I am any more
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