#Climate Leviathan
refrigeratorsong · 1 year
an extraordinary and important video essay by the incredible Sophie From Mars. this piece is on climate change, community, and fungi. it is overflowing with information and empathy.
humanity can and will kill the wyrm of capitalism.
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pia-fantastic · 2 years
A major misconception in the Green, Environmentalist, Solarpunk, and adjacent movements is that Combustion Technology and other "Dirty" Technologies are necessarily damaging to our Environment.
These Technologies have become so damaging to the Environment because of their ever continually expanding Exploitative use, as a product of Capitalism.
This misconception comes from the Green movement being both a Political and Aesthetic movement. A significant part of the Green movement is imagining an Aspirational Future- in opposition to the problems of the Present and Cataclysmic Future of ongoing Climate Change.
A typical Image of a Green Future is one of whitewashed towers adorned with solar panels and geodesic domes, underneath churning wind turbines and blimps, all this broken up by corridors of green fruit bearing foliage.
Green Aesthetics aspire to a Green Future with Technology that is itself Non-Exploitative- of both Nature and Humanity, that at least appears to be Scientific, and above all "Clean".
A typical Green image of the Cataclysmic Future- the "Climate Apocalypse"- is one of thick black smog clogging up the sky, endless fields of dry cracked earth, masses of people huddled hungry sleeping outside, men in dark clothes carrying heavy guns to hold hostage the last drop of oil.
The Green imagination of the Cataclysmic Future is exaggerated reflection of the horrors of Modern Capitalism- a future in which Technology is Violent, Crude, and "Dirty".
The Cataclysmic Future is an Uncontrollable Factory of Human Suffering. The Green Future is a neatly Maintained Garden of Ecological Harmony. Our Technology then gains a mythological character of its own, it becomes a Behemoth of a deeper more powerful Nature, a Behemoth of "Human Nature" to be conquered.
This is not to say that burning Fossil Fuels doesn't create CO2 emissions that have lead to Climate Change, or that their extraction doesn't pollute local ecosystems- rather that Combustion Technology can and will continue to warm people's homes after we dismantle Capitalism, without the Exploitation.
In this myth we forget that Technology is in the hands of people, Technology is as violent as the system it is used under, and as clean as the means by which it was created. It is a mater of seizing it from the powerful.
This myth also obfuscates the ongoing nature of the Climate Crisis, that the continues to compound the stresses of Late Capitalism and Colonialism on the Global Working Class. The Factory of Human Suffering is already here, and yet it is only a Factory. It was created by people, is maintained by people, and will be destroyed by people- all we need is a Strike.
Capitalism will not survive the Climate Crisis- but we will. No one can say what the world will look like on the other side, but it wont be a Garden or a Factory- at least one that is totally in or out of our control.
We do not need any newly Invented Technology to grasp the Future, we will use whatever tools we have when we get there.
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pinkgy · 9 months
Hello there !
A few hours ago I managed to update the IPA Erolabs version of WHB.
To update the app you have to download the IPA file again, you open Sideloadly and drag the new IPA file to the icon and out your Apple ID, you connect your phone to the pc and then you press start, then you wait and una few minutes the app should be updated.
When the game gets an update, the IPA file also gets updated, you can delete the old file to save space since it’s useless.
Hope this helps !
Sorry that I haven’t posted anything, I live on a very hot island and when the seasons change, my allergies go crazy due to the sudden change of temperature, so I’ve been feeling a bit unwell, I have some drafts here and there, might finish them tomorrow.
Hope y’all have an amazing day ♡
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Ilana Berger at MMFA:
As Texas and the Caribbean recover from Hurricane Beryl, conspiracy theorists on TikTok say flooding from the Category 5 storm was actually caused by the movements of an ancient mythological sea serpent called a Leviathan. 
Rapidly intensifying from a tropical depression on June 28 to a Category 5 hurricane by July 2, Beryl was the earliest recorded Category 5 storm in Atlantic history. A recent analysis found that the hurricane was “fueled by exceptionally warm ocean temperatures,” which are directly attributable to climate change.
Between April and July, Media Matters identified several TikTok videos that accrued millions of views suggesting that the movements of a giant sea monster were responsible for the destruction caused by Hurricane Beryl, earthquakes, and atmospheric disturbances. Other videos claimed that these events were signs of a Leviathan that would ultimately bring the apocalypse. Right-wing Christian media figures and conspiracy theorists have similarly attributed past natural disasters to cosmic or religious events that are beyond human control to discredit or dismiss how human-caused climate change is fueling extreme weather events. 
Claims that natural disasters allegedly signal the “End Times” are often amplified by right-wing Christian influencers and conspiracy theorists to reject climate science. Media Matters has previously reported how right-wing Christian media figures and TikTok influencers dismiss the reality of climate change by instead citing biblical prophecy, the End Times, or “demonic attack” to explain extreme weather events. Prominent right-wing and Christian media figures have also downplayed climate links to extreme weather events by arguing God controls the weather, while some have cited their faith as a reason to reject taking action on climate change. [Media Matters, 12/11/23]
Extreme weather and conspiracies going together, especially a hurricane such as Beryl, is a sign of climate denialism.
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corvidist · 1 year
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Don't like how 2D this one turned out and the jellyfish definitely needs to be smaller, but still.
What we have here is a rendition of the largest jellyfish ever recorded, spotted just off the starboard side of a small bulk carrier sailing between mining hubs on what was once India and Sri Lanka. This species evolved in the immediate aftermath of the end of the Anthropocene, with a mixture of elevated radiation levels, abundant quantities of bleached coral, and overall extremely favorable conditions for jellyfish species leading to the fairly rapid emergence of one that would eventually rival the aquatic megafauna of the time.
With an array of white and blue tentacles, the species evolved a form of camouflage specific to the once-abundant remains of bleached coral reefs. However, the eventual decay of those reefs and recovery of non-bleached ones has begun to shift it now toward a bluish color amid an overall population decline, with, if reports are accurate, this specific specimen being nearly three times the size of the average member of its configuration. This would make it the largest living mobile configuration ever recorded. It is unknown whether or not the mariners' claims were accurate, something which has been disputed by marine biology collectives and hobbyist groups for years. Still, the image of such a leviathan continues to captivate audiences around the world, inspiring everything from radio shows to art, theatrical productions, and spinoff folklore.
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shinobicyrus · 10 months
We are joined by Antony Loewenstein — author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World — to discuss his extensive reporting on the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the policing tactics and surveillance technologies that are tested on Palestinians before sold as part of lucrative global export industry, and how the dynamics of occupation never stay within their cordoned zones but always expand to capture increasingly more people and places.
This came out five months ago, so before the current conflict. It was very enlightening and shattered a lot of the perceptions I had grown up with around Israel. Particularly, Israel's history of coopering with brutal regimes and their selling their skills and technology to the highest bidder. Oftentimes as a middle-man for the United States.
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extinctionstories · 1 year
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Another from my Carolina Parakeet series, this painting is gouache on 18x24” watercolor paper. It is a particular companion to the previously-posted ‘American Tannenbaum’, and its title is ‘The Etymology of Loss’.
The word ‘extinct’ existed for nearly four centuries before it was applied to the death of a species. Originally a variant of ‘extinguish’, the earliest use of the word can be found in the 1400s, when it was a descriptor for lights that had been doused. Within a short span, its meaning would expand to include the ending of specific family lines (i.e. “the king died without heirs, and his house became extinct”).
The progression from candle to lineage to species seems obvious in hindsight, yet it wasn’t until the early 19th century that the word became synonymous with the loss of an animal—the simple reason for this being, it wasn’t until that point that learnéd-minds accepted that species-death was possible. 
According to the prevailing philosophy, the universe had been designed in perfect, unshakable balance, from which no element could possibly be subtracted or altered—much less by the actions of mere humans. (I’ve heard similar reasoning from modern climate change deniers.) The removal of species was an inherently blasphemous concept.
Even as they watched animals like the aurochs and tarpan vanish before their eyes, people assured themselves with the knowledge that more existed…just…somewhere else (after all, wolves had). 
(Do you want to know one of my favorite stories from American history? When Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis & Clark on their expedition out west, one of his dearest hopes was that they would discover a living population of mastodons.)
It was the continued lack of any live mastodons, or mammoths, or wooly rhinos, not to mention the reptilian leviathans being uncovered by the burgeoning field of paleontology, that finally tipped the scales of common sense. In 1807, French naturalist Georges Cuvier, who had extensively studied such bones, came out strongly with the assertion that, yes, clearly, species can and do die.
Then began the task of counting the extinguished.
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cherry-bomb-00 · 7 months
Headcanos- Obey me Brothers
It's just the brothers' silly little headcanos, I did it because I had some ideas out there, I hope you like it.
-Lucifer uses makeup to hide dark circles or other imperfections. Although Luci is not a narcissist like our dear Asmo, he still cares about his appearance and since he is working all the time and with a lot of stress, it is obvious that it shows on his face, but as the proud man that he is, he is not going to let that they see him with the look of not sleeping for a week, besides come on, his representative animal is a peacock, it is not strange that he wants to look dazzling (and even more so with Mc).
-Mammo has myopia. I think It is likely that the second oldest suffers from myopia, and the glasses he uses are for seeing, only he put yellow glass in them so that it is similar to gold, and if he does not use glasses, he uses contact lenses (the most Lucifer probably also wears glasses.)
-Asmodeous insecure of himself. I know, I know, Asmo, the most narcissistic with low self-esteem?! I'll explain my point to you, this little bitch- I mean, I mean, this pretty boy feels insecure because he knows he has beauty, but only that, and he feels that he only has beauty but he's not good at other things, he's not as smart as Satan. or very strong like Beel, then he only has beauty but superficial, since he feels that inside he is rotten… and not as beautiful as his appearance.
-Belphegor with sleepwalking. Maybe not all the time, but it wouldn't be strange if Belphie sometimes walks around asleep at night. It's not strange to see that Beelzebub goes to look for his sleepwalking brother in the middle of the night, when he notices that his twin is missing (Or sometimes because he is hungry).
-Santa watches Latin American novels. I think that apart from the fact that he likes to read a lot, he has a guilty taste, he loves Latin novels, he may sometimes watch those novels, who knows how many times he saw "Betty, La fea", perhaps many. The only one who knows about this is Mammon, since he sometimes accompanies his little brother Satan to watch Latin novels.
-Levi is known to have social anxiety, but he also suffers from insomnia, so he plays late at night and may take sleeping pills (others don't know about that), and he has nervous habits, like biting his nails, scratching his skin, playing with his fingers, among others, and it is not uncommon for him to have an anxiety attack if something bothers him too much, poor child, he deserves more love.
-Beelzebub, apart from going to the Gym, also practices pole dancing, this because Asmodeous asked him to accompany him to those classes with him, and Beel accepted, now the sixth brother apart from being muscular, very flexible, he does very well in the classes and Asmo gives him food every time they finish training.
-Lucifer has a collection of vinyl records, this is not unusual, but he not only has vinyl records from the Devildom, but also from the human world, he likes to listen to music from vinyl records while he works.
-Mammon keeps it a secret, but he still remembers how to cook some foods that are from the Celestian realm, but he doesn't tell his brothers, but sometimes he sneaks out to cook those dishes with Simeon (It's not strange that he feel a little more comfortable with Simeon, since he does not insult him like his brothers)
-Leviathan is cold-blooded. I say this more because he is somewhat reptilian, so it is not unusual for him to avoid cold climates or cold things, and in certain seasons he sheds his skin, but the skin on his tail and his horns fall off when he sheds. of horns and his skin is very sensitive to cold things like ice (Mc once put ice on his back as a joke, it burned Levi's back and left a mark on his sensitive pale skin, obviously Mc I apologize for that).
-Asmodeous secretly listens to metal and rock. He like pop and he is a pop boy (maybe also k-pop) but he cannot deny that he enjoys listening to metal or rock when he is getting ready, it makes him feel alive.
-Satan may have identity problems, although he seems sure of who he is, the truth is that he doubts a lot about his identity and being compared to his older brother does not help, so Satan does not know what his identity is and He is still building it, sometimes crying with frustration and anger when he sees himself in the mirror, because he does not see himself, but instead sees Lucifer in the reflection.
-Belfegor has created his own torture for him, let me explain, do you know that in MLP, Princess Luna creates a nightmare to punish herself for the evils she did? It is very similar to what Belphie did, he still feels guilty about killing MC and that is why he created a nightmare that reminds him of what a horrible thing he did, killing MC, one of the people he loves the most and also earning the look of disappointment of his brothers, that nightmare, that little torture he suffers every time he sleeps, he does not forgive himself.
-Beelzebub suffers for his gluttony, we all see that Beel eats a lot and a lot for his sin, but the truth is, he suffers a lot, his stomach is like a black hole, he is never full or satisfied, and although he enjoys eating, it really is something torturous for our himbo, since he never fills up, and that consumes him, he feels how his insides eat away at him if he doesn't eat enough, it's horrible.
I hope do you like it
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whensilencespeaks · 1 year
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Hello Everyone! My name is Elizabeth, or just Liz for short.
In When Silence Speaks, you'll be taking on the role of an MC that isn't part of the human world but wishes to explore it. Sound familiar? This IF is a mixture of themes from The Little Mermaid with the twist of having the classic soulmate trope etched within-- the first words your soulmate says to you is tattooed onto your body.
The only catch? You've traded in your voice to be able to walk on land, but four distinct individuals have their greetings tattooed onto your skin... Will you have theirs?
🔱 Features 🔱
You can play as a mermaid, merman, or merperson. Choose your sexuality, appearance, facets of your personality, an oceanic friend, and your own special reason for wishing to go to the surface world. This story will be filled with a mixture of sweet moments, angsty dramatic ones, potentially steamy ones, as well as many more! Spend time with your potential soulmate while discovering that your deal wasn't as you once believed it to be.
The game, as one may expect, is heavily focused on relationships and romance. However, you'll be able to decide if your soulmate is a romantic one or more of a platonic one-- of course, you'll also be able to befriend anyone else you choose to! All four of the ROs are gender-selectable (male or female)!
🔱 The Romantic Options 🔱
Miran/Mira -- "The Heir"
The heir to the seaside nation of Semprya. An individual with a gentle smile and compassionate nature, with a deep fascination and love for the sea-- respecting it as it should be respected. They're slightly feared within the Court, despite their overall soft-spoken demeanor, because of the sharpness of their tongue and the keen nature behind their gaze.
With fair skin, despite the overall sunny climate of Semprya, and ice blue eyes, reminiscent of the frozen oceans of the North, they command respect with their presence alone. They stand at 6'2" with an athletic physique due to their combat training, but they still maintain an air of slender elegance as well.
Hair as golden as the sun's warm rays bring their look together, being softly curly. Miran keeps his hair semi-short, brushing his ears, and Mira keeps hers to the small of her back.
Caspian/Cassia -- "The Captain"
The infamous Captain of the dreaded ship The Leviathan is known across the seven seas. Stories follow in their wake, a living legend to all, and many believe they search the seas to find the soulmate that always seems just out of their grasp. Of course, others think they just enjoy the bloodshed that always seems to follow in their wake.
Years of life on the open ocean have given them a golden-tan complexion, that offsets the piercing green of their eyes. They stand at 5'11" with a muscular physique that still retains a sense of agility-- always being able to move from one place to the other with the greatest of ease.
Their hair is a rich golden brown that's as wavy as the place they call their home. Caspian keeps his hair to his shoulders, while Cassia keeps hers to just beneath her shoulder blades. The only thing keeping the locks in place is the classic hat denoting their position on their ship.
Evan/Eva -- "The Scholar"
The most trusted advisor, despite their young age, to the Crown Heir of the seaside country of Semprya. With a thirst for knowledge, that has pushed all thoughts of soulmates from their head, they see you as another puzzle in a world of infinite ones-- wanting nothing more than to figure you out.
They have a rich dark-skinned complexion, with a warm undertone, that brings out the brilliance of their light hazel eyes-- that look almost gold. Standing at around 5'4", what they lack in height they make up for in presence alone. With a lean body, from years of lugging around heavy tombs and scripture, they can be quite formidable when out of their usual robes.
Their hair is a rich ebony black that falls in gorgeous ringlets. Evan has his to his jawline and Eva's just barely brushes the top of her shoulders.
Alexius/Alessia -- "The Guard"
With a surly attitude, that only softens for specific people, they don't make it a secret that they don't believe in soulmates, that they don't wish to find their own-- not after what they've seen. A deeply protective nature is paramount to who they are, who they have always been, and it's only grown while in their service to the royal family.
Tanned skin brings out the silver quality of their hardened gray gaze. Standing at around 6'7", they're quite the imposing figure and don't try to be anything else. With a muscular physique, that's built for strength, they're normally seen within their armor-- you never know what could be coming after all.
Auburn hair brings out the cool undertone of their skin. Alexius keeps his hair short and Alessia keeps her to just past her shoulders, but she always has it in either a simple plait or a low ponytail.
🔱 Links 🔱
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kojitheopossum · 3 months
ur sirensong au is so cool dude i would love to know more about bdubs and etho if u have the chance. like is etho a mammal. is he so big because because of polar gigantism
Hehe tysm !!! You have no idea how excited I am to answer this one, i’m going to be majoring in biology lmao. Etho is not a mammal although that is an interesting idea. He belongs to a family of sea serpents, which evolved from a common eel like ancestors millions of years ago. These creatures all tend to be somewhat similar, varying in size, color, and hunting styles. His species is the newest evolved, but the other genus members/transitional forms died out from competition as the oceans climate warmer and pushed them further together in the north for food. This was also influenced by their solitary and very territorial behavior, which is also why they originally started attacking large boats, mistaking them for other leviathan. Quickly they learned that the creatures on these structures were a good food source. Although most sea serpents still stuck to eating either lots of small fish at a time like whale shark or hunting larger prey like whales, humans soon became a reliable food source and thus the species etho evolved quickly to become specialized at hunting them. The more human like the fish appeared, the more likely it would live to reproduce. Like I mentioned in a different ask, he mainly uses aggressive mimicry. Siren are typically depicted in this worlds media as more human sized purely because of how young they are when they are encountered by humans. Ethos size is absolutely influenced by polar/deep sea gigantism like you mentioned, but his species is also one that more or less doesn’t stop growing. That being said, his growth has become exponentially less over time, so he’s practically hit the limit.
The fact he’s stayed alive so long is competely due to him staying put in an area with few visitors. Although he is specialized to hunt humans, sirens still hunt other fish, typically sharks and tuna, and that’s what he mainly relied on. Etho is also very cautious when it comes to members of his own species. He was attacked when he was very young by a much older siren, and since then he stayed mostly hidden from fear. The only time siren are seen near each other is to mate, but etho couldn’t care less. He isn’t sure if other siren are also conscious like him, but he’s sure that there’s a large chance he’s not alone. Also, in one of my concept sketches I think I claimed etho was Wellll over 1000 years old but i’ve since retracted that, he’s actually around 800. He spent more than half of that time asleep though, spending months drifting along the bottom of the ocean half awake after hunting. If i get around to it, this is a plot point in the story, so spoilers ig, but etho while in captivity is much more awake because he is fed much much Much less, thus relying on being fed daily instead of being able to go for months without food.
Etho’s long sharp teeth resemble fangtooth moray eels, and similar to the moray uses these teeth to puncture and hold prey in place rather than actually kill. However, unlike the moray, he doesn’t have multiple sets of jaws. The one he does have splits open at the bottom, so he can open his mouth much wider when hunting then a regular human like mouth would normally allow. His jaw is also very strong, being able to crush prey once it’s captured. The spiky fins lining his dorsal and ventral region are not to aid in hunting, but as protection from other siren. He is also able to wrap around larger prey to either strangle or just hold them in place.
Sorry i just ranted about etho and didn’t mentions bdubs, he’s just a normal dude. If you are curious about him, he grew up in the country working in his family’s building business before getting bored and moving to the city to figure out what he really wants to do. The reason he’s working for the aquarium is entirely because he needs a job since getting booted from his last one at a cafe, and his friend scar knows a lot of people. That’s it lmao.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
Five Fics Friday: July 5/24
Happy Friday everyone! Let's start off the first weekend of this month with five more fics added to my MFL list this week!!! Enjoy, and as always, rec me your fics and they'll show up on this list!
full of life and full of love by Anyawen (G, 221 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, 221B Fic, Offscreen Character Death, Grief, Love Confessions, Wedding, Remix Fic) – She watches over them. Still. Inspired by Remembering Mrs. Hudson by ChrisCalledMeSweetie. Part 6 of remix fic
Misty Mountains by a_different_equation (T, 10,363+ w., 8/? Ch. || Mystery, Case Fic, Friends to Lovers, Hobbit References, Fluff, Humour, Mutual Pining, Suspense, Ghost Stories, Camping, Original Female Characters) – Out of the blue, Sherlock Holmes surprises John with a holiday. "Adventure is good for you," he promised, but is it really when you are secretly in love with your best friend?
What Hands Hath Wrought by emilycare (M, 22,520 w., 42 Ch. || Pacific Rim / Godzilla Fusion || Mutual Pining, Post-Apocalypse, Scientist Sherlock, Robot Pilot John, BAMF John, Science Fiction, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers) – On an Earth disrupted by climate change and societal collapse, Doctor Sherlock Holmes and his family built power armor to defend against monsters called Leviathan who arose amidst the chaos. These machines, Ghasts, are operated by Dreadnought pilots who must form an intimate psychic bond with one another to fight and fly. With Ghast pilot John Watson by his side, can Holmes overcome a new threat offered by eccentric genius, Professor Moriarty?
The Temper Between by Phyona(M, 26,740 w., 9 Ch. || Sick Fics, Intense Conversations, Witty Banter, First Time, Bed Sharing, Fever, First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Miscommunication) – Sherlock and John catch a fever. Sequel to The Last Drop. Part 2 of The First and Last Trilogy
Watson Is A Time Lord Series by FruitViking, happyeverafter72 & teaspoonnebula (T, 146,761+ w across 5 works || Series WiP || Doctor Who Fusion || Assorted Canons, Adventure, Time Travel, One Shot Stories, Time Lord John) – The Doctor, but not the one you're thinking of. A series of short stories.
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reader-wandering18 · 2 months
This is one of the many ideas that are floating around in my head. This is a request, whoever wants to take it and make reactions of the boys towards this Yuu would be very happy, I just want to read something like this.
I'm not good at writing reactions or mini stories so I prefer to give these ideas of Yuu from such a world.
In case you don't know him, I'll give you the context of this, it doesn't matter if you don't know the manhwa, I just need some of this and by the way, I recommend that you watch it.
I apologize since English is not my language.
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20 years ago meteorites crashed into the moon destroying 1/4 of it. Because of that, sea levels rose and rain became the normal climate of the planet.
It was only a matter of time before the continents were swallowed by water.
The prosperous civilization of man disappeared and in its place, sea creatures began to evolve into large sea monsters.
Because of that and the constant fear of sea creatures, a group of people was created as Hunters called the HARPOONEERS who hunted and killed every sea monster that threatened the ship where the little human civilization that remained was.
It was known who was a Harpooner because of the tattoo of three harpoons on their shoulders and the stars under them. One star means 100 monsters hunted.
What would be the reaction of the boys to know about Yuu's world and how he is a 4-star Harpooner?
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emo-protagonist · 3 months
final tag watches supernatural update for season 7: hey yall, just finished season 7, i liked this season, i think it was silly yk. i think bobby went out kinda anti-climatically and wouldn’t have minded if he stuck around a little bit more but whatever. i didn’t really like the leviathans, they remind me of the primary villains that the arrowverse shows on cw would have every season and i was never a fan of those. i liked how the whole “sam having being tortured by lucifer” was solved cus i was really confused how they were gonna fix that. i really liked meg this season for some reason idk i thought she was fun and like how there was an actual like demon that was their ally. i loved cas at the end of the season, he was so silly and i loved how he just wore his psych ward fit but with his trenchcoat, like that’s such a good fit bro. only thing i’m upset about is like why tf did they send dean and cas to purgatory like bro???? can they catch a break?? and then cas just left dean like huh??? does this mean dean died again???
anyways yea overall pretty banger season, it was good fun 7/10
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fathercephalon · 17 days
Might be updated later since this was a last minute thought
I don't know why. But, if I ever had the ability to go to different worlds (More specifically my favorite games) I'd take every single one of them into Subnautica, just to see what happens. The game mechanics still work so they won't die... Well they will, but not permanently.
Ever since I read this one SAGAU where Klee, Bennett, and one other person went into Pokémon. I played Subnautica right after, and after being jumpscared by a Reaper, I just couldn't stop thinking "Imagine if the Creator/us just brought the Genshin characters here." Especially after impostor AU where they will do anything to win our favor after being so rude to us... Maybe a LITTLE sadistic to bring them to that planet. But, also a fun way to spend your time together, no? I can imagine some casualties with Electro holders though... Not just to the fish either.
But would you bring them to the location of the first Subnautica game, or Below Zero? I bet the Cryo holders and the people from Snezhnaya (Harbingers) would enjoy or tolerate the cold climate. Pyro users might not be affected against the cold. Dendro and Hydro, maybe Electro characters probably wouldn't do well in the cold but they'd do well in the first game location.
Now, how do you think they'd react to Leviathans? Which ones do you think they'd like, and what ones they'd hate? Who do you think would bump into a Leviathan first? (If we decide not to tell them about their existence. PDA will eventually tell them so...)
Who will meet the Sea Emperor first? What I mean by this would be the first contact when she's in your head.
Who do you think will die first, either by drowning accidentally, or being attacked by something?... Maybe not drowning because that's a bit dark to think about and not a nice way to go and then be revived.
Who do you think would absolutely HATE the waters? (Probably Zhongli, he does mention not liking Sea food either so idk how he's gonna eat. But who else would dislike it?)
Who would you trust driving/operating any of the vehicles?
Last question, who would you trust to build the base layout? Or will there just be multiple bases?
I'll try and find the clip that inspired this. For now, have this GIF.
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jacquelynlscott · 2 years
🥉 Three Elements for Writing the Setting of Your Story
🔑 The setting of a story is where and when your book happens. Your book setting is important because almost everything your character does will be affected by when and where they do them.
The three elements for how to write your story setting are time, location, and environment.
⌛ Time
Time is the when of your story. When thinking about your book, consider these when’s:
📅 What year? Your time period affects everything about your character. What clothes they wear, the technology and language they use, and their ability to move and interact in the world. A person in 1700 Europe isn’t going to use a cell phone to call someone, just like a person in 2023 United States isn’t going to speak Middle English.
🍁 What time of year? Is it winter, spring, summer, or fall? A character living in a Canadian winter isn’t going to spend time outdoors in a t-shirt and shorts. A person visiting Arizona in the middle of summer likely isn’t going to walk around in a jacket and jeans, no matter how stylish.
⌚ What time of day? This is more significant for scenes than the book as a whole. You can use the time of day to create a particular mood, such as nighttime for a feeling of danger or mystery. You should also consider the time of day for what your character is about to do. For example, someone likely isn’t going jewelry heisting at noon on a Monday.
⏳ Is time passing? Pay attention to how time is unfolding throughout your scenes and story as a whole. You have to account for any time that passes between scenes, when characters travel, or when you insert a flashback. Make sure your reader knows when your scene is happening, or they’ll be lost.
🗺️ Location
The location of your story is as broad as the country and region and as specific as the neighborhood or house. Like the time period, the location of your setting will affect your characters in all aspects of their lives: what they wear, how they speak, if they walk or drive or take the bus, etc.
If your book is fantasy, you will need to do some very detailed world-building work. A fantastic resource for this is The World Building Leviathan from Kittyspace.
🌲 Environment
The environment of your manuscript includes the physical world and social, political, and cultural influences of the time and location.
Take into consideration the environment’s climate and how it impacts your characters. For example, a character living in the tropics will have a vastly different life than someone living in the mountains of North Carolina.
What is the cultural, political, and social environment like in your character’s time period and hometown? These aspects can impact what your character believes in and the different values they hold dear. Societal norms vary across time and place, and it will take a lot of research to make sure you’re getting it right.
🙅‍♀️ Setting Don’ts
Newer authors often think they need a lot of exposition about the setting up front. This is called a “data dump,” and they are often very difficult to read. You don’t want to bore your readers with a lot of information about your world upfront. Rather, allow your setting to reveal itself slowly, either through your character or short bits of exposition throughout.
If you’re writing a fantasy or historical novel, avoid treating everyday objects as novelties. Even if that object is unique to you, it would not be unique to your character. If something is supposed to be ordinary to your character, treat it like it’s ordinary.
Check out jacquelynlscott.com for a free downloadable setting worksheet to help you think through the setting of your book or scene.
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necronatural · 1 year
Project Moon Discourse part 6: It's Over (It's Never Over)
My project moon tag is dedicated exclusively for details on this situation make of that what you will
Last time on Project Moon: Geonggi Youth Union and Project Moon User Association (protesting fans faction) gets a legal threat from a an actual legal firm (none of them say as much, but the contents appear to be specified to the Youth Union, so likely a copy-pasted message). PMUA were asked to not ragepost until the Youth Union finished talks with Project Moon, but THAT completely fell through, so they just post it with a translated reply. Kim Jihoon gets MAD mad and says that the Geonggi Youth Union were going after PM to promote their campaign standing! Youth Union says what the fuck are you talking about, how would we do this when it was being handled internally and the public would only see us apologizing? The crux of all this legal threatening is because Vellmori resigned, therefore it wasn't 'unlawful dismissal'.
And now some new updates:
IT union vice chairman Hwanmin Kim realizes that on September 8 the Limbus Company Twitter sent him a cease and desist. Over Twitter DMs. I'm not kidding
A user has translated Hwanmin Kim's explanation of why talks broke down with the Geonggi Youth Union in this Twitter thread. In short: unless Vellmori expresses a desire to be reinstated their hands are tied, as the laws don't adequately protect workers. It seems the "political motivations" accusation is rooted in the fact that the YU is respecting that they can't represent Vellmori's worker rights unless she asks, yet are still campaigning against PM regardless.
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The surrounding climate of Korean gaming companies policing women's speech and how the PM case blew up because of that climate has been recorded in a news article that tracks situations as recent as the whole PM/YU/PMUA showdown. You can read it here. They reached Monggeu (the artist for Leviathan) for comment, and Monggeu noted "they asked me not to say anything too 'PC' when I was hired". Another staff member said PM treats workers 'not as people, but as parts'.
HamHamPangPang addresses a rumour that fan gifts are being thrown out, saying the stored items were damaged. Main response has been "with no notice though?" and "how the fuck did that happen?" with some gift-givers noting they have photo evidence of their goods being stored safely. Most people are actually rather forgiving of the manager (HHPP has been totally exempt from all the blowback towards PM's mismanagement thus far) and are casting suspicion on Kim Jihoon.
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Most importantly of all, Kim Jihoon posts an apology on the Limbus Company twitter, which is a hell of a thing after the Notes App Ragepost. He far more cordially explains that he says he posted a notice with 'vague wordings', despite the fact that it very explicitly stated 'she violated our rules, and thus we won't be working with her in the future' - the only vague aspect was how Vellmori left the company. I suppose this is a polite way to say 'we fucked her over in hopes the DCInsiders would feel they successfully drew blood and leave the company alone'. At no point does he specify the original DCInside harassment beyond 'the artist was free to go after them legally', just as Hwanmin Kim mentioned.
Also this:
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It's actually an otherwise reasonable apology and I think it's encouraging that he will finally work with his employees when they come to him with harassment, but he at no point is clear on why on earth it required international protest for him to do so.
But he had time to interject that he wants the Geonggi Youth Union, Hwanmin Kim, and the PMUA annihalated. OK dude
Personally, I support further protest and not spending money on Project Moon titles, this time strictly over refusal to denounce anti-feminist harassment or comment on their mismanagement. Also it's all but explicit the offer PM gave was "either resign and escape by letting DCInside feel they won or stay on and sue them by yourself, we don't want to rock the boat by helping you" and I'm pissed
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