#The Wiggles Poops & Pees on Toilets
delicatepainterpeach · 5 months
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The Wiggles the Toilets Song
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dontopenfairies · 23 days
“Oh no,” I hear him say quietly.
“What’s wrong?”
He nuzzles his head into my shoulder. “Mommy,” he says.
“What’s wrong, honey?”
“This is really embarrassing, but I…I just pooped a little.”
“You just have undies on.”
He lifts his head back up. “I know. I, um, kind of forgot.”
“How could you forget something like that?” I ask, rubbing his back.
“You had me in diapers for so long,” he says quietly, not looking at me.
“Are you saying it’s my fault?”
A very small nod. “Um, maybe…”
“How could it possibly be my fault that *you* went poop in your pants? And what are you doing with that naughty hand?” He’s grabbing his crotch through his pants.
“Nothing,” he says. “I, um…I really need to go pee.”
I gently slip his hand away and he buries his face in my shoulder again. There’s a wet spot forming where his hand was, like he’s been dripping for the past several minutes. “Baby, why don’t you stand up and go to the bathroom?”
“I’m scared,” he whispers. “If I stand up, it’s all going to come out.”
“No it won’t! You’re a strong boy. You can hold it together. Come on, let’s assess the damage.” I start to stand, trying to pull him up by the wrist but he twists away.
“I’m serious,” he says. “I’m really going to pee myself.” He’s squirming now, squeezing his thighs together. I sit back down with him.
“How much did you poop?”
“Only a little bit.” He covers his face with his arms, hiding in the crooks of his elbows.
“Okay,” I say. “Like, a dime-size?” He nods, and I can see the blush in his ears even with his face covered up. “Baby, do you just want me to bring you a diaper?” I lean in close and try to say it in a comforting tone. He keeps his arms up but nods vigorously. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart. Don’t move a muscle.”
When I get back I peel his limbs apart and he’s even wetter, a big round patch around his crotch. “Did you get, like, ‘I need to go pee’ signals at all, honey?”
“Um…I think so…it started to kind of hurt. But by then it was too late.”
“Aww,” I say, gently moving and helping him so that he’s lying down on the couch. “Lift up your butt so I can get your pants off. Don’t pee on my couch.” We do have a towel down, which I thought about moving today, and now I’m glad I didn’t. I ease his pants down. There’s a big brown streak down the back of his undies and the front is soaked.
“I thought you were ready for undies,” I say. “But if you’re still going to go poo-poo in your pants, I think you should stay in these.” I fluff the diaper.
“Don’t call it that,” he says.
“Which part?”
“C’mon, baby, tell me which word you don’t want me to say. I can’t read your mind.”
“Poo-poo,” he says. “It’s too, um, it’s kind of embarrassing.”
“Are you in a position to decide what’s embarrassing and what isn’t?”
“No, I guess not…Can you hurry, please??” His hips are wiggling and bucking and a long stream of pee runs down his thigh and soaks the towel under him.
“One second, honey, I need to wipe your butt.” He whines the whole time. “Shh,” I say. “Stop that. Use your words.”
“Please, mommy, I need to pee.”
“This is your last chance to tell me you want to pee in the toilet,” I tell him. No answer. “Okay,” I say, pulling the diaper up through his legs. I hear him audibly sigh in relief, and I pull him up onto my lap. His thumb slips into his mouth and he starts sucking.
“Oh wow,” I say. “You really are just a big baby, aren’t you?” He’s all red again, shaking his head. He takes his thumb out of his mouth. “Oh, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” I pull him closer in towards me. “Call me mommy again.”
“Okay, mommy,” he says quietly. I take his hand and guide his thumb back into his mouth. And I draw his head towards my shoulder and pet his hair.
“I love you,” I say, kissing his head through his hair.
“Mommy,” he says quietly.
“Are you going to need to finish going poop, too?” I ask, but I know he’s already pushing.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when you’re feeling low — kyojuro, tengen
Author’s Note: don’t mind the potty humor in Tengen’s. 🙃😂 #still cute tho
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when you’re feeling low — kyojuro, tengen
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~700
CW: explicit language
Emergency Request Fulfilled: I was wondering if I could maybe have something alone the lines of Rengoku and Tengen giving the reader a little pick-me-up when their feeling really down?
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“Sweetheart,” Kyojuro greets you—softer than usual—from the couch, brows furrowing at the sound of your backpack slamming to the ground, “Did you have a difficult day?”
“That’s one way to put it,” you snort, stomping over to the kitchen, “How was yours?”
Thank fuck you think as you turn on the electric kettle, already filled halfway.
“I am happy to focus on you,” he answers gently, standing quietly while watching your frenzied movements, “Which mug would you like?”
“I don’t know,” you mutter as he joins you in the kitchen, “The biggest mug we have?”
“Are you making a caffeinated beverage?” he chuckles, tone tinged with concern despite his teasing expression, warmth emanating from his body as he fills in the space.
You huff, glaring sarcastically as he reaches up for the biggest mug in the cabinet, “None of your business, Rengoku Kyojuro.”
“I forget my place, my sincere apologies!” he grins fondly, placing the mug on the counter beside you before bowing deeply, “However,” he continues lightly, rising once more to meet your eyes, “Might I suggest that your displeasure is my business, and that I care very much about your wellbeing?”
“You can suggest it,” you scoff, trying your best to remain pouty despite the smiling tugging at the corner of your mouth, “Doesn’t mean I’ll believe it.”
“What if I finish making your tea, and you make yourself cozy on the couch? I am certain my spot is still toasty, if you would like to claim it?”
“I suppose actions speak louder than words,” you hum with an air of indifference, unable to stop your smile from shining through, “Thank you Kyo.”
“Who is this Kyo?” he gasps, affronted, “I know only of one Rengoku Kyojuro!”
“Oh hush,” your nose crinkles, shoulders loosening as he pulls you into a suffocating hug, promptly melting into his firm embrace.
“No, you hush,” he murmurs, squeezing until you squeak, smirking with satisfaction as his hold barely loosens, “You are terribly cute, and would look even terribly cuter decompressing on the couch.”
“I think you just decompressed all the bones in my body,” you groan, wiggling helplessly, “Let me gooo.”
“Alright, alright,” he laughs brightly, distancing himself just far enough to kiss your forehead, “I love you.”
“And I love you,” you grumble, cheeks flushed, “My dearest, annoyingest, Rengoku Kyojuro.”
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“What do you need?”
“Excuse me?” you raise an eyebrow, head turning toward Tengen posturing lazily in the bathroom doorway, “I’m peeing.”
“For twenty minutes?” he smirks, “You should’ve said you were pooping,” eyes flickering downward, “And taken off your pants. Then, you might’ve convinced me.”
“Are we really doing this right now?” your eyes roll as you stand, phone slipped into your pocket, “Maybe I was about to pee.”
“I watched you come in here twenty minutes ago-”
“Stalker,” you interject playfully.
“-and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay,” he finishes, tone softening as your expression hardens.
“I’m fine. You go to the bathroom for forever, and I can’t?” you snort, “Double standard much.”
“If there’s something on your mind, then I’m happy to listen,” he offers gently, ignoring your attempt to deflect his concern.
“So maybe I had a bad day.”
“No shit,” he laughs lightly, stepping fully into the bathroom, “If you want space, then you’re welcome to take up someplace more comfortable than the toilet seat… in fact, what if I needed to pee?”
“You clearly have no qualms with interrupting me.”
“Yeeeah, but if you were actually peeing-”
“Is this supposed to be making me feel better?”
Tengen pauses, warm hand settling on your hip, his confident grin coaxing an endeared scoff from you, “Not necessarily, but I am a pretty decent distractor, wouldn’t you say?”
“I’m sure you would say,” you retort.
“This isn’t about me,” he declares, “This about you and your maybe-a-bad-day, and what I could maybe-do-to-help.”
“Honestly,” you begin, sighing fondly as you allow yourself to lean into his chest, his other arm wrapping securely around your lower back, “You’re doing a great job. Thanks love.”
He whispers You’re welcome darling as your eyes close, mouth quick and reassuring as he kisses the top of your head I love you, hang in there.
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eilai55 · 3 years
Family vacation pt1
Summary: Henry and (Y/n) get lost 
Warning: none (I think)
-Come on, we are going to miss the plane- Henry hurried Oliver. After finishing the production Henry was happy to finally have time for his family. And now even more when they were expecting a baby and (Y/n) and Oliver were having summer vacation. He had told thousands of times to (Y/n) that she didn’t have to work if she didn’t want to, but she loved her job and wasn´t going to leave it even if they had enough money for at least three lifetimes.
“Are you going to be okay?” (Y/n) reached for his arm before going in. She knew he had motion sickness when they were on a plane, but he had had some tablets with breakfast, so he nodded to calm her concern. She smiled on response, and he kissed her on her forehead.
“Mommy” Oliver called (Y/n) wiggling his little arms up so she could scoop him up.
“You okay sweetheart?” (Y/n) responded grabbing him up and kissing his cheek making him laugh.  He just wanted the attention of his mother who gave it to him delighted. Henry looked at them with a smile plastered on his face, they were everything for him. Finally, he found their seats and motioned them to follow him. Although Oliver wanted to seat near the window, they decided that it was safer for him to travel on the middle.
“No, I want window” He cried. In response Henry grabbed him and started cradling him with his knees imitating a horse.
“Come on bud, when you grow up you can have that seat but now is better for mommy to have it. Besides, she will let you have a peek if you behave.” Putting emphasis pronouncing the if, he looked at his eyes. With a defeated sight, Oliver nodded “okay daddy”. Henry smiled sweetly at him “good, now go and seat properly”
They flight was long, and Oliver wanted to pee almost every hour, he had been trying not to use diapers for the last month but every time he got nervus he had to pee, and this was his first time flying so he was super nervous.
“Again?” Henry rubbed his eyes trying to stop them from closing. He looked into his phone; it was almost 2 am. He groaned.
“Sorry” Oliver mumbled softly sensing he was doing something wrong.
“It´s okay buddy, now come here” Oliver grabbed his dad´s hand who leaded him into the bathroom. He helped him get down his pyjama´s pants and pee in the toilet but when Henry tried to put them up again, Oliver stopped him.
“I-I think I need to poop” Henry supressed a groan as he could feel tiredness on every muscle on his body, he just wanted to finish and go back to sleep. Glorious sleep.
After some time in the toilet, they went back to their sits. Henry gently sitting back Oliver and giving him a goodnight kiss for the third time on 5 hours. Then he looked at (Y/n), she was resting her head on the wall of the plane, near the window, now closed, and a pillow under her head. A hand resting on her stomach which was starting to look rounder and bigger. It has been 4 months since they discovered they were expecting and Henry couldn´t be happier.
“All right we should take that street” (Y/n) informed Henry. After arriving, they had rented a car and now they were heading to the hotel where Henry´s family was waiting. They had a tradition of going to the beach once a year with all the family, but they had arrived a day later because a problem on (Y/n) ´s work made her have to work the following day so they delayed the flight.  
Oliver was sleeping on the back seat, the sleepless night on the plane had his consequences on him and on Henry who had very little energy that day. “Are you sure you want to keep driving honey? I don´t mind doing it” (Y/n) asked noting the lack of energy on his husband´s tired eyes.
“Yeah, it´s okay” He knew she didn´t mind and was capable of doing it but he just didn´t want her to do extra work that wasn´t necessary. She nodded and looked over the window, looking at the passing buildings made her sleepy. They´ve been driving over an hour now but Henry was getting nervous that they had lost. He looked over (Y/n) who was sleeping leaning on the window, and then to Oliver who was starting to open his eyes.
“How much till we get there?” Oliver murmured still sleepy.
“Not much, go to sleep again, we will wake you up when we arrive” Henry didn´t have the patience or energy to deal with him if he started to be annoying. He knew Oliver would make him snap and shout which was a thing he didn´t want to do, especially not when Oliver hadn’t done anything bad.
“But I have to pee” Henry almost groaned, it was true that he didn´t have pee in 3 hours straight, so it was peeing now on the car sear or looking for some place to stop.
“(Y/n) …(Y/n) darling wake up” he called, smoothly moving his hand up and down on (Y/n) ´s leg. She groaned and opened her eyes a little bit. “Are we there already?” She asked softly blinking a few times before opening fully her eyes.
“Oliver has to pee and…” he lowered his voice “…I think we are lost”. (Y/n) chuckled at the troubled expression on his husband face.  “Okay, there is a gas station on the next street just turn left next time” she said checking her phone.
(Y/n) had almost to run trying to avoid Oliver peeing on himsleft.
After asking the cashier for directions and buy some water they were ready to go.
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incoherentbabblings · 4 years
Tim gets himself turned into a cat for a week and is forced to stay at Stephanie's until the spell wears off on its own. Honestly, it's not as traumatic as it sounds. For Tim.
“I refuse to take responsibility,” Damian said. He was holding a glossy short haired black cat with a long face and sharp features. It had big bat ears and lovely big blue eyes whose pupils dilated when Stephanie looked at it. Damian held it out for Stephanie to take, lower legs dangling from a slim body. Its tail whipped from side to side, irritated.
Apparently, it was Tim after one ill-informed altercation with that magician villain who the Teen Titans and the Flash fought occasionally.
Stephanie smiled tightly to the point where Damian thought she was in physical pain.
“Do you want to come in? Have a cup of cocoa maybe?”
“Not even slightly. I have a litter box and some compostable wood pellets for litter,”
Oh my God –
“and father insisted that someone within Gotham care for him until this passes whilst he is off planet. Zatanna says it will end on its own in a week and is less likely to end in permanent brain damage than trying to reverse it artificially. More brain damage than Drake already –”
“Yes, Damian, I get it.” Stephanie sighed, pouting as she inspected Tim, still patiently dangling in Damian’s outstretched arms. “Do you understand us Tim?”
The cat – Tim – yowled in a way which sounded partly like a Siamese cat and partly like an car engine struggling to start, but Damian shook his head.
“No. His brain has shrunk to the size of a peanut. Apparently, he will remember nothing, which is good, all things considered.”
Stephanie frowned, then leaned down directly into the cats eyeline.
“Would you rather stay with me over Damian?” she asked it, regardless. “I guess it makes sense, mom is visiting Florida for the week…” she mused out loud, feeling supremely stupid.
Tim yowled again, and his pupils impossibly grew bigger.
Groaning, Stephanie conceded. “Fine, but –” wasting no time, Damian practically tossed the cat into her arms. She caught Tim clumsily, and he meowed in distress, scrambling up to cling to her shoulders.
“Ow, ow, ow! Claws. Claws, Tim ow!”
She held him tight under his little bum, and as she watched Damian run back to the Alfred chauffeured car for the bits and pieces she would need. Stephanie turned, leaving the front door open, and went upstairs to her room. Tim clung to her tightly, little claws making an imprint in her skin. When she reached her bed she leaned forward, letting him turn on his own and land on his feet in the centre of the mattress. He plopped down, sitting perfectly straight with his tail still swishing, and watched her as she proceeded to help Damian move all the pieces of kit inside. She placed the litter tray in the bathroom, wondering briefly about those YouTube videos she’d seen of cats using the toilet could be applicable. She sighed as she sat the plastic tray down, wiggling little wood pellets a couple of inches deep. Tim had come over to join her in the door frame. He looked up at her, and she looked down at him.
“Tim, I’m going to be scooping up your poo and pee. You better give me a big boon when this all over.”
Tim mewled, and to Stephanie it sounded like a bargain had been struck. Damian handed her a plastic bag filled with cat food – whatever Pennyworth did not wish to eat he explained – then left her to it.
“Do not let him go outside.”
“Yes, Damian.”
His round cheeks puffed up, and the bridge of his nose turned red like it did when he was embarrassed.
“Thank you, Stephanie.”
Somewhat mollified, Stephanie said he was welcome and then Damian and Alfred were gone. Shutting the front door, she turned around to see Tim sitting on the stairs, watching her.
Stephanie jumped, unnerved.
“How much of your peanut sized brain is like… at human level smartness?” she asked.
Tim sat quietly for a moment, watching her with those unnatural icy blue eyes. His tail, disproportionately long, smacked against the floor with a heavy thump.
“None then. Well, still, let me know when you want feeding. Or bathroom breaks so I can clean it up before it stinks out the house. I have to work on college. So… go take a nap or something. You probably need one.”
Tim blinked, stepped down the stairs, went through to the living room, sat on her sofa, and rested his head down. Like the cat he was, he was soon asleep in the late afternoon sun.
Stephanie followed him curiously, peered over the back of the couch, admiring his glossy coat then shook her limbs loose.
Just another day in the life, she told herself.
Having her ex-boyfriend slash transmogrified cat living with her for a week. Sure. Cats were distant creatures, and so were her and Tim in recent years. They could get through this week, surely.
Oddly, having another creature in the house made her feel more lonely.
 Tim had enough self-awareness to realise he was in fact a cat, but also not enough self-awareness to realise that there were certain behaviours he should not indulge in.
Nobody believed him that he could understand what was being said, so he decided to just go with the flow for the next six days. Abdicate all responsibility. Be feral. Receive the occasional pat on the head. All in good fun. Bizarrely, he was enjoying the drama of it all.
The first issue came about at dinner. He had woken from his nap with a hunger that he had never in his eighteen years (did that make him around two years old in cat years?) of life felt before. It was as if he had not eaten in weeks he was starving he was voracious he –
Needed help in opening tin cans.
Honestly, Tim would have been feeling much more humiliated and more willing to jump out of a window to end it all if he was not so sure that he would instinctively land on his feet.
Just a week. And Stephanie would take care of him, loathe as he was to admit it. She would find it uncomfortable and painful with each interaction, so he would take great care in staying out of her way. Things were awkward enough between them without the knowledge that she was going to have to brush him and feed him and clean up his poops and hairballs (he loathed how easily the concept of grooming came to him). He didn’t need to inflict anymore grief on her than she had already reluctantly accepted.
None of this stopped him from being very hungry when he woke up. He needed food. Preferably ten minutes ago.
He leapt down with a solid thud from Stephanie’s sofa, shaking his head to clear any remaining nap time fuzziness, then plodded upstairs. To his own ears, it sounded very cheery.
She had left her bedroom door slightly ajar, and Tim slid in. She did not hear him enter on account of her having a giant pair of red headphones blasting music at far too loud a volume to be good for her hearing. Or rather, he assumed they were red. He knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, that his vision had been altered. Shades of red and green blended together in assorted shades of yellow and brown, and even the blues of the world was washed out and pale. Everything had a slight blur to it, especially for objects further away. When he had first been held up to Stephanie, he realised that the blue of her eyes now seemed almost grey, and her skin was sickly. Of this change, Tim hated the most.
She was leaning over piles of notes, hands stained with highlighter and pen ink. Tim noted her expression and found he did not like it.
She looked very sad.
He meowed to try and get her attention, but with her music playing as loud as it was, she did not hear him. Drastic measures were needed. He would soon be dead from starvation before too long.
He slinked up to the side of her chair, noting the convenient space between her lap, chest and desk. He looked up at her, yowling one more time to try and give her warning, but she did not notice.
Tim blinked slowly. Her eyes were wet.
He leapt up onto her lap, fully expecting her to shriek, to lift and throw him across the room reflexively. However, she just gasped gently, surprise quickly fading, and laughed. Good. The wet look in her eyes vanished with genuine joy. She paused her music, clumsily taking off the headphones and setting them on the desk. She adjusted her lap so Tim could sit more steadily and rested her hands at the base of his back and tail, scratching absentmindedly. He chittered at her and she raised her eyebrows expectantly.
“What?” she whispered conspiratorially. Oh, she was enjoying this. Tim grumbled, body vibrating, then hopped up another level onto her desk. With a purposeful tap, he smacked her wrist.
“What is it you little goblin?”
Rude. Tim yowled, and paced back and forth. Stephanie huffed, reaching to pick him up and put him down. When she turned, she saw her alarm clock on her bedside table. It was six o’clock.
“The time?” Her eyes widened with realisation. “Oh? Dinner time?”
His loud, drawn out meow made her wince, but she nodded all the same. “Alright then sir, come on. Let’s see what we can do for you.”
He merrily leapt down from her arms, jogging away down the stairs to the kitchen. Jumping up on the counter, he pawed insistently at the food still in the plastic bags Damian had brought. Food. He needed food. He was wasting away; why couldn’t she see…
“Right, what did Damian gift us with… Oh. Biscuits huh?”
Tim froze. Cat food. He was going to have to eat cat food.
He was a cat. But not that much. He was finding it difficult enough to imagine going in that litter box in not too long. He quietly made a little meow, distressed.
Stephanie opened the bag, and the smell of dry crunchy biscuits filled the air. Tim visibly gagged, and Stephanie quickly resealed the container.
“Yeah, I agree there Timbo. I can’t give you the wet food either, that jelly is disgusting... but your stomach can’t handle human stuff. You’re a carnivore now bud.”
She hemmed and hawed, opening assorted cupboards, looking for something suitable. Tim meowed mournfully. He was going to starve unless he ate the biscuits, but he so did not want to eat the biscuits.
“Oh!” Stephanie chirped, pulling a tin down. She held it up to him for inspection. “Tuna in spring water. That’ll do, right? But how much…”
Tim paced frantically back and forth as she googled portion sizes. Starving, starving, he was skin and bones, no chance for recovery. It had been eight hours since he last ate, how did she expect him to –
She placed a shallow dish in front of him, half of the can placed sweetly in front of him. She then placed down a small glass bowl, filled with fresh water. Uncaring of his dignity, he began to eat voraciously.
Stephanie leaned on the counter, watching him do so.
“I’m sorry there’s no milk. I heard cats are actually lactose intolerant, so just water for you this week.”
Tim ignored her, so delighted with the taste of fresh tuna that the lack of milk was so far down his list of priorities. It was only when Stephanie, in an apparent act of madness, reached down and ran a hand from his temple all the way along his back to the tip of his tail did he look up. Somewhere in the back of his little kitty brain, he noted that his muscles had tensed up, rising to the pressure of her hand as it made its way down his spine to make the contact firmer. Her hand was warm. He looked up from his feast, confused.
She was still smiling, but it looked melancholy to Tim.
“I don’t think you can actually understand me,” she said quietly, half speaking to herself. “Which is pretty expected for us. I think it’s just the fact that you’re a vocal kitty who isn’t going to remember anything in six days’ time. Which is just as well. I can tell you all my secrets then?”
Tim wanted to protest her falsehoods but found the taste of tuna too distracting.
Stephanie continued, “I’m going to go on patrol now. There’s been a monster of a case I’m getting nowhere with. I’m having another go tonight. Don’t sleep on my bed when I’m away okay?”
Tim wanted very much to yowl, to let her know that he could understand, and to ask her why she was being so mopey. It seemed more than just a sadness over his situation. He wanted to explain that, honestly, he was fine with it. Well, not fine. But he had endured much worse. He knew it was temporary, he knew things would return to normal soon, and he was warm, looked after and almost looking forward to a week’s peace.
So what if he was a slightly goofy looking black cat who had the sudden urge to lick himself clean every few minutes? In the grand scheme of trauma he had undergone in his short life, shitting in a box was pretty low on the list.
He tried to tell her it was fine, only to drop tuna all over the counter. In a fumbled attempt to clean up after himself, he licked the surface clean. Stephanie groaned, then rose away from him.
“Enjoy the evening Tim. Don’t bother me when I get back. Don’t puke anywhere.”
Tim, in fact, did not puke that night. He did use the litter box however and hated it. He tried very hard to make as little mess as possible, ensuring all the litter stayed within the box. He was here because of Stephanie’s good nature; he was not about to blow it.
He did, at around 3am, however, experience what he had heard Selina refer to as ‘the zoomies’. It was a frantic pent-up energy that he did not know how to expel. The only way that came to mind was to dash across the house in a desperate attempt to tire himself out so he could return to sleep. So, he ran, up and down the stairs, leaping off the banisters and hopping over chairs and coffee tables. He did so, bored out of his mind, until he saw the lights of her vehicle pull up. He ran up the stairs in time for Batgirl to crawl through her window. He sat patiently in her doorway, waiting for the right moment to greet her, when he saw she collapsed to the floor with a distinctive and heartrending cry of pain. His little heart pounded painfully at the sound, but he did not move.
He watched as she cursed up a storm, correcting her position so she could take off her costume piece by piece. She did so wincing, crying out, and swearing with each painful movement. If she had someone to help her, she would have been able to get ready for bed in much less agony. Whatever she had dealt with this night, it had been rough.
She crawled around on the floor, apparently unable to walk now that the adrenaline had worn off. She remained in her shorts and sports bra, and without showering, crawled into bed. Tim watched as she reached into her bedside table, pulled out two painkillers, and like a baby, swallowed them with some water from a sports bottle that stood nearby.
He thought he heard her very quietly cry to herself, but that couldn’t be. Stephanie did not cry. His hearing had been different since the transformation last night, sounds and noises did not compute the way they used to. The sound she was making very quickly stopped though, and instead Tim heard her very determinedly whisper to herself,
“Always better in the morning.”
It wasn’t a philosophy he completely agreed with. Sometimes the morning just brought clarity of the previous day’s horror. But her odd breathing stopped, and soon it was replaced with the deep gentle snoring of someone sleeping. Finally, Tim moved. He wanted to curl up next to her. Stephanie was warm, and he had discovered recently that he liked warm places. He wanted her hand to stroke him again.
But no. She had said to stay off her bed for sleeping. She has asked him not to bother her. She certainly would not be happy to find him sleeping next to her. Tim tried to remind himself that he was only getting away with certain behaviours because of his size, and there were some boundaries that he should not cross. What if she woke up in the morning, only to find that the spell had worn off early, and there was a naked human Tim Drake in her bed?
Oh no. That would be very embarrassing.
Besides, he didn’t have that kind of relationship with her anymore. He didn’t have the right anymore to insert himself into her space. They had decided not to pursue it. Not good for her, she’d said.
Tim could no longer remember his own reason. He suspected it was moot after she had become Batgirl.
And yet… she’d been crying. Tim wanted to help her. How could that not be good? Surely if he could provide comfort, if he wanted to provide comfort, she would allow it?
He turned away, not liking the way it felt like turning away from someone calling for help and returned to the living room sofa. He curled into a ball, and slept until the morning, whereupon the hunger pains hit him once more.
And so, a routine began. Tim would yowl like he was dying outside Stephanie’s door, reluctant to intrude whilst she slept. Eventually, Stephanie would emerge, ready to feed him chicken or another half a tin of tuna. He was not so secretly delighted at the way her eyes lit up with humour when she saw him, spinning in circles unable to contain his excitement, though Tim would note locations of bruises that had not been there the night before. She was struggling, it seemed.
She would then go take a shower, clean out his litter tray with a pithy comment, then go to class, leaving Tim bored until she would return after four, ready to clean his litter tray once more, provide dinner, then spend a couple of hours doing homework before leaving again for patrol. She would return at first light, looking more defeated with each passing sunrise. She would be smiling come the morning, but – even with a brain the size of a monkey nut – Tim saw it was shallow.
It did not escape Tim’s notice that she was going out of her way to avoid him. He understood it. She did the same thing when he was human. He would call for her help from time to time with a case, which she gave without reservation, just as she had done now for kitty him, but rarely, if ever, did she call for his aid.
Her stubborn independent streak had not abated with time it seemed, even when it came at the price of her safety.
That and she just seemed sadder than usual. Or was this usual, and he was just never around and allowed to view it?
His tiny mind whirled and churned, and with no outlet, he stewed, glaring out the window at passer-by’s and their dogs.
Regardless, on the fifth night, after hearing her stilted heart-rending sobs and half-hearted and self-inflicted words of comfort, he decided to break the one boundary she had set.
He jumped up onto the bed, moving until he had clambered on her sternum, then folded down into a loaf position. Stephanie tensed, unsure what game he was playing, until she felt him begin to purr.
She laughed brokenly, more of a whimper than a genuine expression of joy and reached up to scratch behind his ears.
Tim purred louder, to her delight.
“I’m having a bit of a rough time,” she spoke quietly in the dark, as if reluctant to break the thick, dark blanket of warmth and comfort. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to be a burden.”
Tim gave a small ripple of a meow in response. She was not a burden.
“I can’t get a crack on this case,” she explained. “I make a dent, get hurt in a fight and am fine in the morning, but then so are they. I’ve hit a wall. But I have to do it alone. Bruce and Babs expect me to now… I have to…”
Her voice broke and she cut herself off. She smiled crookedly, painfully trying to dispel her sadness. Tim began to make biscuits. He didn’t understand why, but he thought the pressure would help. She was a little furnace beneath him, and he purred loudly, drowning out her shaky breathing.
Stephanie chuckled at the sensation of his little vibrating chest. She ran a hand down his back again, enjoying the smooth coat. Contradictorily once more her eyes became wet.
“Do you think, when you are back to normal, we could talk? There’s…there’s no-one else who would understand. Though I think I’d make Cass sad if I told her that. But I miss you. And I think it’s my fault.”
Tim shifted upwards, until his nose rested under her chin. He continued to purr loudly, nearly trilling with the force of it. Steph nuzzled in close and kissed his forehead and flicked his large ears.
“Silly boy. I hope you don’t remember this. You’d hate me for it.”
Tim meowed grouchily. How she could lie to herself like that…
They’d burned their bridge long ago. He knew this. And him being a cat for a week was not going to mend it. But it made his heart ache like nothing else to see her despondent. He silently promised himself that he would extend an olive branch before the end of next week. They couldn’t continue like this, tip toeing around each other with Tim occasionally stepping too close and making Steph flinch back away.
She wasn’t flinching away now though.
She picked him up so she could sleep better and set him on the pillow next to her. Turning on her side, she reached up and placed a soft, warm hand on his shoulders, rhythmically petting the fur there.
Her quiet sniffles died off, Tim’s purring acting as a lullaby, and she fell asleep before the sun rose.
Throughout the night he shifted closer, until he was practically resting on her head. He rested his chin on the crown of her head, her long golden hair acting like a silken pillow, and kept guard for the rest of the night.
 Stephanie awoke to her nose being licked. She opened her eyes blearily, and realised it was Tim cat. She blushed, remembering what had transpired last night. She told herself it was fine, opening up like that. It was only a cat. It was only Tim. Tim, who would be blissfully ignorant come the evening. Though that reminded her, she better lay out some clothes for him. Her mother was coming back at some point in the next forty-eight hours. The idea of her walking in on a naked Tim would cause a conniption.
She smooched Tim’s head, and he meowed cheerily at the wet smack, and continued to press up against her.
She had kept her distance at first, struggling to reconcile Tim with the little sleek gremlin cat meowing at her feet. It felt weird, so she – for a lack of a better term – ignored him. He would be so angry when he changed back, she wanted to avoid anything which he could extrapolate from the week as her being mocking or patronising.
Bruce’s anger she had learned to ignore, Tim’s she hadn’t figured out a knack for yet. It hurt, in a physical manner that she could not explain. Like he was kicking her in the gut again. She found herself actively taking steps now to avoid it. Avoid the concept of it.
But she was exhausted, physically, and emotionally. Years ago, when she would reach such a state, Tim would somehow figure it out and slink in through her window or take her on a quiet date. The two would hold on to each other, and let Stephanie catch her breath and perspective with a warm pillar of support behind her.  
Despite Tim now being a cat, it seemed he still had this perception, and had sought her out to give comfort. Weird how animals could sense those sorts of things.
Fuck it, she thought. It was the last day, she was feeling miserable, and there was a perfectly cuddly vibrating fluff ball in her arms, who showed no signs of irritation and instead was offering comfort that she didn’t get much of in recent years. She was going to milk this for all it was worth. Maybe she could take some photos and videos later – humiliate or blackmail Tim later. All in good fun, of course. She never wanted to genuinely upset him.
She continued to give him sweet pecks on his head back and sides, which she thought he liked, as he meowed and headbutted her.
“Sweetie,” she praised, and she picked him up to cradle him properly. He flipped over, being held like a baby, as she continued to croon, “Last day as a kitty. Tomorrow you won’t remember a thing, and we won’t be able to talk like I am now… isn’t that sad? I think we should spoil you today. Lap of luxury and all that. It’ll keep my brain busy, if nothing else.”
He pawed at her chin, and she kissed his toe beans.
She spent an embarrassingly long amount of the day starfished on the floor, playing with Tim. He was a chatty little cat, more so than he ever was as a person. His meows sounded like a revving engine and were as long as he could hold his breath. He was graceful though, despite his lanky limbs and giant ears. He leapt from surface to surface and straight into her arms with seemingly no effort, and whenever she let him roll out of her embrace, he landed neatly on his feet every single time.
Stephanie couldn’t help it, but when she pulled out a little laser from her Batgirl belt, she recorded Tim’s feral delight, chasing a speck of red across the house. She laughed more than she had in a long while, partly because it had been so long since she had seen anything so unabashedly goofy as Tim as a cat, shaking his little bum, pupils dilated larger than dinner plates, in preparation to jump a red point of light.
It was delightful and made her wonder if she could convince Crystal to adopt a cat once she returned. Poor Tim, he’d have no clue what he’d endured come the morning, but at least in that moment, he seemed happy.
When it reached eight pm, Stephanie sighed, realising she had another night of patrol to face. Selfishly, she wanted to linger, to keep company with the cat, but she quickly shook that thought off. People needed her. She wanted her case over and done with.
“One last go,” she whispered. “I can do it tonight. I’m nearly there.”
Tim hopped up onto her lap and she was sliding on her gloves. She chuckled lightly and scratched under his chin. He purred, craning his neck to allow her better access.
“I’ll lay your human clothes out for you on my bed, okay? If it’s not fixed by the time I’m back… I’ll put you in your boxers and jeans and hopefully come morning…” She got up, hoisting Tim to rest on her shoulders, and tugged one of the plastic bags Damian had left for her. To her growing dismay, she realised there was only a pair of underpants. She looked sideways, Tim peering over her left shoulder. “Oh dear, Tim. Damian really is out to get you, huh?”
He chuffed, like he was grumbling to himself. She pecked him once more, and he meowed more firmly, hopping off her shoulders as she made her way to rummage through her wardrobe.
“I don’t want my mom to come back and find you in your undies in my room and me being AWOL. That would just be one step too much for her, I think. I still have some baggy sweatshirts…pants though… pants…”
She tossed clothes haphazardly, at one point burying Tim under a pile of bras and underpants that she shrieked at, loudly and joyously, when she realised what she had done. Eventually she found a pair of jeggings which she hoped would suffice. Tim looked almost suspicious. If he had eyebrows, they would have been raised.
“You have skinny legs,” Stephanie justified, feeling insane talking to the cat. “It’s fine. Just until the morning. I’ll drive you back and no-one will see your shame. Not even Damian. We’ll sneak. Promise.”
She carefully laid out the clothes, and shoved what she had carelessly tossed out her closet back in with equal zeal. Pecking Tim once more on the head, she moved the litter box into her bedroom and shut the door.
“I can’t have mom coming back to a half naked boy in my living room and a box of used kitty litter. You’ll have to stay in here. Hopefully, I’ll be back before she is. She said she’ll drive the whole way and not stop. So, maybe by seven in the morning? Fingers crossed.”
She opened up the windowsill, slinking her leg over. Tim hopped up on her desk, as if to follow her out.
“Uh-uh,” she warned, pressing on his wet nose firmly. “You have to wait here. Damian made me promise you’d stay inside. I can’t risk losing you.”
She caught herself speaking more desperately than she intended and shuddered. “You know what I mean. Naked boy CEO found running through the streets of Gotham is not the kind of attention the family needs right now. Be good, Tim. And thank you. You cheered me up so much today.”
One more kiss, then she was out the window, sliding it definitively shut. As she mounted the bike, Tim perched himself at the windowsill, watching her shoot off down the street.
When she was out of sight, he jumped down and paced endlessly, stressed and worried. She had been struggling so much with patrol, and he was unable to help her. Feeling utterly helpless, he jumped up onto her bed and settled on her main pillow. Curling up into a ball, he settled in to wait, praying that she would return home safely, and before Crystal arrived back.
He awoke, briefly, when he felt a soft pair of hands lifting him up. He chirped and chuffed, and it was Stephanie hushing him. She wrapped him up in his boxers and sat him next to her under the covers.
She was smiling, albeit a tired smile.
“I did it,” she whispered, scratching his ears. “Tim, I did it.”
Tim meowed a congratulatory chitter, and Stephanie smiled wider.
“Sleep now. I’ll explain more in the morning.”
In an act which utterly took Tim off guard, she pulled him closer, curling around him in a crescent moon shape. Under the covers in the dark, surrounded by her scent and soft breath, Tim began to purr once more.
 “Steph? Steph…”
Stephanie grumbled, then opened her eyes when cold fingertips pressed against her cheek. Looking at him with an expression Tim could not decipher (relief? Disappointment? Fright?) Stephanie inspected Tim up and down. He had put on his boxers and her sweatshirt but had yet to touch her trousers. Nevermind. He was kneeling on the floor next to her bed. According to her clock, it was just after six in the morning.
Right, Tim needed context.
“I suppose you are very confused right now… Being in my room in your undies… so let me explain—”
She yawned then, arms emerging from her duvet to stretch dramatically. Tim watched the muscles in her neck, then chuckled to himself.
“No, Steph. I remember.”
“Oop.” She froze, watching him anxiously, like an antelope faced with a lion. “Everything?”
“Everything.” He then snorted defiantly, “despite what Damian insisted, I was still me. Shockingly, he is not omnipotent.”
Chewing her tongue, Stephanie narrowed her eyes, not having it at all.
“Oh c’mon, you are lying out your butt.”
“Am not.”
“Are too! There’s no way you’d lower yourself to chasing my laser pen across my living room. Oh gosh, Tim, it must have been horrible…”
Tim shrugged, making a noncommittal noise.
“Maybe I wanted to catch that point of light, huh?” he teased. He then conceded, “Maybe I had a bit of trouble keeping cat me and human me straight in my head.”
“Yeah, that I believe.”
“But honestly, having a week where my biggest concern was whether I was getting tuna or chicken for my next meal was sort of refreshing.”
“I can find a way to turn you back if you like.”
“Hmm. Pass.”
Stephanie giggled, but cut off abruptly when Tim shuffled closer. She felt herself grow cross eyed as she watched him move in so intimately. Tim’s warm breath blew over her as he continued,
“Yeah well, having said that… You mentioned that I helped you. Cheered you up.”
Tim’s teasing look softened, and in that moment looked at Stephanie with such unabashed and unfiltered affection that she felt incredibly self-conscious. Tim was only in his boxers and her sweatshirt, and she was only in a baggy nightgown that she had tossed on when she had arrived home; the first time in weeks she had been uninjured enough to change her clothes.
“Maybe,” Tim continued, “I wanted to see you smile. You were so sad all this week… I needed to help you. Even if it was as dumb as chin scratches – as good as they felt – and chasing lasers. I… I heard you crying, Steph.”
Her arms came down from their stretch, and rested on his shoulders, fingers gently stroking back and forth.
“I’m okay,” she promised, like she was the one comforting him.
Tim’s eyebrows furrowed. “I could have helped you before now.”
There was no chiding in his tone, only pleading, but it made Stephanie feel guilty, nonetheless.
“I had to do it alone.”
“No, no you didn’t. You don’t have to be alone for anything.”
“You’re such a big softie.”
Tim laughed gently, “With you, sure.” Taking a deep breath, he moved even closer until he was practically leaning over her, tips of their noses touching. “Steph… I need to ask you something.”
Stephanie nodded, eyes growing damp. “Shoot,” she whispered, voice cracking and betraying the nonchalant words.
“Could we –”
Crystal opened Stephanie’s bedroom door, and the pair froze. Instinctively, Stephanie raised an arm with a shocked cry, slamming Tim in the face. He wheezed and shot up into standing, which only proved to give Crystal a good view of him in his underwear and daughter’s clothes. Looking somewhat dazed and yet unsurprised, she looked to Stephanie for whatever lie of an excuse her daughter could conjure up.
“Mommy!” Steph cried out. “I did not hear you get back. How was Florida?”
“I was being quiet since it was still early,” Crystal grumbled, unamused by Stephanie’s glib tone. “But then I heard talking.”
Crystal glared at Tim, who fidgeted, finding no dignity in any pose he maintained. Stephanie scrambled upwards so she was sitting, thankfully she had managed to put on pyjamas last night, and clambered for some excuse, any excuse.
“Tim was… It’s not… ”
Seeing her daughter fail to come up with some vaguely plausible non incriminating reasoning, Crystal turned to Tim, glaring holes through his head. He would crack in a way that Stephanie would not.
“Why are you here, Tim?” she demanded.
“I… I…” Tim began to shiver with nerves, face flushed red and eyes bright with panic.
“Where are your pants?”
Tim choked on air. “…I don’t have any. With me.”
“And no shirt either?”
Tim very much wished the ground would swallow him up.
Stephanie groaned, throwing herself face down into her pillow. “Good job, Tim.”
“It’s the truth, Stephanie!”
Crystal’s fingers twitched on the door handle, and Stephanie could see one of her pressure headaches building, like a throbbing in her mother’s temple.
“You know what – just leave Tim. And we won’t discuss it again.”
Tim would take that and run. At least this time he wasn’t being chased out of a house with a shotgun like Ariana’s uncle had done.
“Sure. Sure. Can… Steph. Can I borrow your phone?”
“So someone can come pick you up?” Crystal snorted. “What? Don’t you have shoes either?”
Tim realised if Crystal had her way he would have been forced to run back to the manor. Death at this point really would have been preferable. Weakly, he just stated, “No, Mrs. Brown.”
Stephanie spoke at her mother and into her pillow, unable to look the embarrassing situation in the eye.
“Mom, please. The guy’s dignity has already been shot. Please don’t make him walk back to Wayne Manor in his tidey-wideys. I can give you a lift Tim, I said I would.”
“No, no,” Crystal insisted. “I’m sure you’ve done enough Stephanie.”
Stephanie shrieked, muffled but distressed. Dramatically, with exaggerated movements, she removed her phone form under her pillow and unlocked it without looking, then tossed it up the air. Tim scrambled to catch it, then dialled for the manor. Crystal stood aside, indicating it was time for Tim to leave the room. He looked back to Stephanie, still buried in her bed sheets. It was a look of desperation on his features that made Crystal feel almost guilty for separating the pair, but honestly, she did not trust her daughter, and she did not trust Tim, however soft spoken he may have been.
When Tim exited the room, Crystal shut the door with a definitive slam behind him. Turning back to Stephanie, she saw her daughter’s shoulders shaking with quiet crying. This only served to befuddle Crystal more, but before she could say or do anything else, a shallow container on the floor by her daughter’s desk caught her eye.
“Is that a litter tray?” she asked, confusion reaching fever pitch.
Stephanie raised her head to stare at her mother, eyes wet and pout overwhelmingly sad.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you the truth.”
 “Alfred washed it. Got rid of all the cat hairs.”
Tim held up the blue sweater for Stephanie to take on her doorstep. She took it reverently and inhaled deep. Alfred always used an excess of fabric conditioner that made clothes smell lush. Tim, for his part, looked apologetic.
“I’m sorry you got drawn into all of that. I’m sorry I made you and your mom fall out.”
Stephanie said nothing, keeping Tim on the doorstep as she set down the sweatshirt. When she looked back to Tim, closing the front door behind her, she was struck by the thought that he seemed much younger than eighteen. He was scuffing his feet on the concrete, hands behind his back, like a bashful child.
“It was all because I was careless with Abra Kadabra and it bit me in the butt and Damian didn’t want to have to deal with me so he burdened you with it. I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t a burden,” she replied quietly. “I liked it. The last day.”
“Oh,” Tim blushed, looking anywhere but in her eye. “Me too. For what it’s worth. Honestly, it was actually really nice. Relatively. In context. You know. In a not creepy way.”
“It must have been a bit weird. Like, don’t pretend it wasn’t. All that chicken and tuna you ate for one thing…”
Tim chuckled to himself, finding something very funny.
“Yeah my digestion has been wild the past week and... too much information. Sorry.”
Stephanie tried to catch his eye, but Tim kept his head stubbornly down. His feet must have been very interesting.
“You… you were going to ask me something, before my mom walked in,” she pushed.
He coughed, choking on nothing but his nerves.
“Was I?”
“Tim.” She reached out and took his hand. Tim flinched, then relaxed and finally gathered the courage to look her in the eye. She smiled, beautifully, always beautifully, and he squeezed her fingers.
“I’m sorry if it took me being turned into a cat to actually ask.”
“That’s okay. It happens for people like us. In a way I think it puts things into perspective. So, please ask.”
He stared at her, admiring her, before finding words couldn’t do the job well enough. Instead, he leaned forward, meeting Stephanie who was also moving closer, and the two kissed on Stephanie’s front doorstep. She broke away with such a delighted laugh that Tim chuckled himself.
“Ask me,” she insisted.
Tim shook his head and kissed her again. Falling back against her front door, the two made out for a moment too long before Stephanie regained her senses. She pushed him back, laughing louder and more hysterically.
“Tim! No! You need to ask!”
Another kiss, this time accompanied by him picking her up and swinging her in a circle. Finally, Stephanie gave up and held him tight. Tim made a noise that she could only describe as a chirp of delight in response.
“You’re a little gremlin,” she muttered into his mouth. “Cat or otherwise.”
33 notes · View notes
namelessthirst · 5 years
So this is straight up gonna be a compilation of gross, silly, and funny domestic moments of various characters. And of various things. If you’re easily grossed out, maybe don’t read this. I’ll try to list all yucky things ahead, but be warned. Just a snack while I work on rqs and wips!
I’m not listing every character on here like usual and you can’t make me.
3k and some change words total.
Butt zits, pregnancy, vomit, snot/sneezing, blackheads, farts, burps, poop, periods, yeast infections, B.O., Testicular cancer, pee, pubic hair, teeth goop, bad breath, and some smut.
You were shimmying your shirt on, trying to avoid staining the edges with your deodorant, when your boyfriend hurried to you from the bathroom.
"[Name], is this a blackhead or a freckle?"
You sighed as you spoke, paying little mind to Izuku as you checked the shirt's edges for marks, "It's a freckle, Izzy."
When you were met with silence, you looked up into his fervent pout.
"Don't give me that look, that's the same tone you gave me when I asked you that a week ago!"
"Just- check, please? I might have an interview later," he wheedled.
You huffed without malice, "Yeah and they're definitely going to do an HD zoom check on your pores."
"Ow owww, your nails are sharp!" For a guy who got his bones broken on the regular before, he sure did whine about little things.
"It wasn't a freckle."
"I TOLD YOU." ---------------------------------------------------
"Hi babe," you called from the living room, your voice raised over the sound of the TV.
Eijiro headed past the living room to dump his gym bag on the bedroom floor, "Heey."
"Have fun?"
"Well, you weren't there so..." His voice came through more clearly as he walked back toward you.
"Awww," You cooed with puckered lips in a mock kissy-face.
He flopped heavily down beside you on the couch, tucking his arm behind your head.
"Tetsu says hi," he notes cheerfully, leaning in to mouth at your neck.
It takes a second for the prickle of teeth to pull your eyes away from the screen and into a lidded stare, "Mmm."
You can feel Eiji nudging his leg up under yours, trying to settle you more into his lap.
The firm pressure of his thigh under your ass didn't stay comfortable for long.
"Eiji..." You almost didn't want him to stop the tickle of hot breath on your throat.
"Yeah, baby?"
"You're stinky." -----------------------------------------------
You heard your husband's feet hurried across the floor to the bed, "Yeaaaah?"
"Feel my balls."
"Are we really already past the sweet-talk phase?"
"No, really."
You sighed, seeing the wavering smile on Neito's face that tended to show up when he was worried, and sat up away from your book to cup the presented scrotum.
"Do you...feel anything?"
"I feel balls."
"No, sweetie, I don't feel anything. Why?"
"I just...thought I felt something."
With another sigh, you smiled fondly, "No baby, they feel just like they always do. Come lay down?"
Without a smug comment or cocky look, he climbed in beside you as you made room. He must have been really freaked out.
Nothing a few kisses can't fix.
--------------------------------------------- It was moments before disaster.
The calm before the storm.
The gentle hugs and rubs before movie night was rudely interrupted.
The sneeze caught you off-guard, even caught Katsuki off guard, his hand coming to your side when you jerked from the force.
When you stilled, nose still buried in your arm, he raised a brow.
"Babe, let me up."
"What? Why?"
Despite his protests you moved his arms from around you and lifted yourself up off his lap, revealing the wet spot left on his poor soft sweat pants.
He ended up following you out to change pants. -------------------------------------------- "Ow, babe, careful!"
"I'm trying! This isn't exactly a clear process."
Untangling your boyfriend's pubes was not exactly how you expected your evening of intimacy to go.
Things had been so sweet, naked and cozy in bed, gently running your fingers through the black tufts above his cock while you sucked tongue together...
And now the damn thing was in the way. His half hard dick trying to spring up with every shift while you tried to pull apart the knot.
"That’s it, I'm getting the scissors."
"No!" -------------------------------------------- Tetsu nearly ironed up on reflex when you jumped him immediately outside of the locker room.
"Whoa, babe!"
You snickered at him, comfy even with his firm grip on your biceps. "Whats with that look? Don't tell me you really got spooked by me."
"I just didn't expect you here! I'm not off duty for another few hours, y'know," He huffed.
You wiggled free of his grasp to dip your hand into the satchel on your hip, tugging out a yellow lunchbox, "Yeah, but now's about your lunchtime, right? I thought we could eat together."
He looked curiously at the meal once you'd opened the box, steam wafting out from the pan-fried spinach and egg. Little strips of cooked beef took up more of the box, along with some rice and lemon.
He was drooling with as much intensity as his heart throbbed for you.
With a relieving snort, he wrapped his arms around you, tight and firm.
You got the box closed just in time to keep his pressing from spilling the food, "I take it that's a positive response?"
"It would be stupid of me to say no," he spoke into your hair while his hands rubbed into your sides.
With his chin untucked from your head, you peered up as he leaned in for a kiss. Butterflies were still frequent, though they laid forgotten when you spotted green against pearly white.
He expected your lips on his mouth, not your thumb, picking at leftover spinach from the morning. The butterflies were well and alive in his chest. ---------------------------------------------- Your muscles ached wonderfully as you stretched out in bed. You knew you needed to get up and get going for the day soon, you had things to get done.
Waiting for Katsuki to be done in the bathroom was just taking way too long. You could feel the sog in your panties from your night-time pad. Nasty.
So off you rolled from the bed, shuddering when your bare feet touched the cold floor.
"Katsukiiiiii," you called through the bathroom door.
All it garnered was a grunt.
"Are you gonna be much longer?"
"Go back to bed!"
That was definitely a yes.
"No, I'm coming in. I have shit to do," you fussed as you opened the door. Neither of you had bothered locking the door in ages.
"So do I!" He huffed at you from the toilet.
You wheezed slightly when the brick wall of stink hit you. Goddamn his love for bowel ruining food.
He glared up at your wrinkled nose as you leaned over him to the cabinet above, tugging a pad out, "Explosive sweat, explosive attitude, explosively rank farts. A triple threat."
You squirmed when he took to nipping at your exposed belly, "Shut up."
He quit when you whacked him in the head with the pad, "Brat."
He didn't bat an eye when you stripped off your panties to free and roll up the used pad, stuffing it into the trashcan beside the toilet.
He did however rip another deafening fart with a smug grin.
You only half-mocked the gag you let out, deciding to grab your toothbrush and paste with your panties still around your thighs.
"Fuck you I'm gonna use the kitchen sink."
"Told you to wait."
"I'm gonna spit in your favorite mug." ----------------------------------------------- Candlelight danced against the walls, rolling in just the same as how your lover's hips did with yours.
The scent of them was a bit overwhelming, Izuku having dug into your stockpile and grabbing a bunch of random types.
Still, with your nose buried in his neck, most of it was drowned out.
You bit and moaned into his skin as the tip of his cock ground against your sweet spot, "God- yes! Right-Right there, Izzz-Izuku!"
He leaned back enough to lick into your panting mouth, clearly just as lost in the pleasure.
Your nails carved into his back, toes curling, as you came on his fat dick. And he didn't stop, chasing his own release while the flutters and pulses were still strong around him.
So, you were very caught off guard when a lustful groan broke into a screaming sneeze.
Usually, it was his face getting splashed on during sex.
"O-Oh my god I'm so sorry!" His hips abandoned their assault while he took the sheet to quickly wipe your face. You tried to ignore the snot trail on his nose.
So were the risks of mixing candles. ----------------------------------------------- It wasn't terrible often that you got to top. Denki was usually too restless to just lie back and take you like he should, even when he wanted to!
But tonight he moaned and keened for you so sweetly, legs spread wide and hips twitching off the bed with each suck to his taint.
"Yes, yesyesyes, god yes! Right there!"
Your fingers were a bit sidetracked, their objective to simply spread the lube and stretch Denki out forgotten once they'd found his prostate.
You let your fingers grind into that spot until Denki was fucking himself back on them. Oh, how he whined when you took them out, the pleasure leaving with them.
You gave the back of his thigh a slap, lifting it as you nudged the tip of your strap against his slick asshole.
He sighed happily when you slid it in, but you only made it a few inches before your warmup thrusting was interrupted.
His moans cut out suddenly and his eyes were wide. You were sure it must have hurt when he scrambled up off your cock and bolted off the bed toward the bathroom.
You caught onto the issue and belted out laughing, "You didn't go beforehand?!" ----------------------------------------------- These weren't exactly the sighs of pleasure Hanta expected to hear tonight, but they were pleasant all the same.
It was a lover's duty to love and care for one another, and one he was happy to perform.
"God, yes, Hanta. Right there."
When the vaginal cream appliques proved too short for his sweetheart's vagina, his dexterous and long fingers were the perfect thing to assist.
"Feel better, babe?" He asked softly.
You hummed approval, already feeling relief from the damn surge of yeast, even more so when he pressed a soft kiss to your temple before he went to go clean off his hands. ----------------------------------------------------- It felt like Eijiro's cock was in your throat with the way he had you bent. Knees up so far and hips off the bed while his thick cock stretched you so deliciously.
His breath was hot on your neck, panting and groaning against you with each hungry clench your pussy gave around him.
You were giving him similar treatment, cracked moans of pleasure each time his pelvis brushed and pressed to your clit.
You could tell he was peaking, thrusts getting spastic and hurried, so you egged him on, crying his name in his ear and digging your nails into his back.
He was so close, you were sure.
You weren't quite as sure after another thrust shoved a belch out of you and into his ear.
He was snorting and laughing as he came. -------------------------------------------------- It'd been a bit since Izuku was willing to be atop you.
The swell of your belly either simply getting in the way, or his worry of accidentally pressing against it too much doing the same.
But with you laid down in the bed, Izuku's hips moving slowly above you while he dented the bedframe with his grip, you found it was a wonderful compromise.
You'd missed his cock, finding that with your positions limited, it'd been hard to get him as deep into you as you'd have liked. Especially for oral. The height wrong to simply sit on the bed and let him stand, your stomach being an issue for laying down, and you just couldn't kneel for long anymore without pain.
So finally having the weight of his dick in your throat, the taste of his skin heavy on your tongue, was a blessing.
He was still being so gentle, keeping his thrusts smooth and his eyes glued to your expression, a hand tangled in your hair. Even so, your hands were pinned to his ass, nails leaving crescents beside the freckles.
Another moan around him was all he needed to chase his peak, cock twitching as he fucked his cum into your throat a bit faster.
The next few seconds were too dizzying to be anything more than a blur.
The taste of his cum was never great; it was cum after all. But it'd always been on the better side and had the bonus of it being his. Plus, you were kind of a cumslut.
And yet, you yanked off of his cock in a blink, leaning around his thigh to the trashcan beside the nightstand, cum and some of dinner coming violently from your mouth.
Izuku panicked, climbing off you and rubbing your back as you coughed, "[N-Name], are you okay?"
He reached past you to pull the tissues closer, bringing one to your leaking nose, "I haven't forgotten to eat the fruit..."
You let him wipe your snot and misdirected vomit, "It's not that, baby..."
Apparently, you had to add spunk to the list of things your body rejected during pregnancy. ----------------------------------------------------- It was almost a quiet evening.
A satisfying dinner, and love-making a bit later even more so.
Neito had a glass of water in one hand, a book in the other, smiling contentedly as you scrolled your phone and laid your head on his lap.
The way your fingers combed through his soft curls almost made him want to go again, and he thought nothing of it when your phone fell out of view.
After a few tugs at the carpet and the distinct sensation of your hand on his dick, he moved the book aside to actually look at what you were doing.
You snickered, gently placing another fallen out pube on the tip of his cock, "Look babe, it's got a toupee!" ---------------------------------------------------- You were so cozy. It was a sunday morning, and for once Tetsu wasn't rushing off to work, or an emergency call, or to go train at the gym.
It was just you, him, and the sleep-warmed bed.
It was so quiet and calm, you didn't quite want to even roll over into your lover's arms, lest it disturb the peace and summon something to ruin the day.
At the sound of Tetsu's phone going off, you damned your thoughts for drawing the attention of the universe.
He shifted sleepily, a deep breath against your hair as he reached for his phone. You pressed back against him a bit insistently, holding his free arm tight against you with an unquiet whine.
But, instead of a groggy and admittedly pleasant sleep-roughed greeting to whoever was on the phone, you were met with silence, and his arm coming to rest back over you.
"You're not gonna answer?"
Tetsu turned toward you, rolling that gruff voice that you loved into your ear, "It'd be shameful to spoil our time like that."
His nose brushed up over your ear and at last you let yourself turn in his grasp to tangle into him properly.
"Aww, babe," You cooed.
His hair was messy, his eyes half closed and clearly ready to go back to sleep, but you couldn't help a kiss, just one to settle yourself.
The texture and warmth did just that, though the heavy smell of dry mouth and iron kind of ruined it.
At your wrinkled nose and retreat from the kiss, Tetsu huffed, "That bad?"
"Like a dying car."
"Now that's just rude," He snorted. "Guess I'll just have to do something else."
With his pearly daggers looming over you, suddenly it wasn't his bad breath you worried about. ----------------------------------------------------- Denki had been looking oddly smug all day. Since the moment he woke up, till the moment he was shucking his clothes for bed.
"Y'know, you really did me in last night."
You looked up from where you had your phone balanced on your breast, "Yeah?"
He kicked his briefs across the floor, climbing in with you to lay on his belly, "Yeaaah. My assholes been sensitive all day. If I sit wrong, I can feel it."
You snort, "Is that why you were wiggling around all damn day?"
He just gave you a sly grin, utterly pleased as he shifted his bare hips around on the sheets.
You roll your eyes fondly and lean in to play his game, bringing a hand down on his ass-cheek loudly and going in for a kiss.
"Been thinkin' about that ache all day, honey? Just couldn't get my cock out of your head?" You tease, both by word and by the fingers brushing over the swell of his ass. You tug a cheek open and let it snap back against the other.
Denki groans softly, wagging his ass against your touch.
You coo a bit of praise and lust into his ear while you slip a finger between his cheeks, running them over his well-loved hole.
"...Denki, pull your butt open for me?"
With a smile he obeys, not picking up on your less than lustful expression.
After a bit of shuffling, you click your tongue, "Yeah, that ache you kept feeling, hon?"
He hummed in acknowledgement, though it cut off into a yelp when he felt a pinch near very sensitive skin.
"Yeah, it was a zit." --------------------------------------------------- Sometimes you amused yourself with the idea that your husband's hair was made specifically for you. For your hands to grip and tug at the perfectly tall and available peaks.
But that thought is as fleeting and light as Katsuki's tongue on your clit.
It would surely be easier for him if he'd just use a hand to part you, but he really did seem to prefer merely bullying his mouth between your folds and keeping his hands pinned under your ass, rolling the flesh in his rough palms. Each time he slipped out, your slick pussy making it hard to keep inside, he'd suck noisily to each labium before diving back inside.
As soon as he took his tongue from your hole, you were using his hair like reigns to grind yourself on his tongue. Lips, nose, chin- it was all fair game when he let you use him like this.
You earned a sharp smack to your arched ass when you ground a bit too much on his nose, sure he'd be snorting your arousal for at least a good hour.
Regardless, he tucked his nose back against your clit, tongue finding its way back in to thrust quick and heavy in your entrance.
It would be your love's undoing, as another grip to your ass spurned your guts to release air.
A rolling fart, as well, one that would often leave you shifting uncomfortably for a good while as you tried to press the air bubbles out.
Instead, it slipped right into your lover's face.
He recoiled fast, coughing and wiping his face as if the smell and butt particles would merely wipe away.
An apology was on the tip of your tongue, until you remembered last week's interruption in the bathroom.
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🏰⚔️😜🐲 DMODT 62 - Full draft
Waking groggy and disorientated, Eren needed a moment to adjust. His whole body hurt, an uncomfortable niggling ran the length of his throat, his arse felt full of razor blades, his head throbbing violently with the brightness of Levi's room painfully assaulting his eyes. He felt revolting, so why was it that when he looked down to see his sleeping baby, all that went from his head. His baby. His and Levi's pup... they were finally here, and his heart swelled with pride. Eagerly, and carefully, Eren lifted his baby to his chest. The weight in his arms solid and heavy, his sons small lips yawning sleepily as bright eyes blinked up at him "Hey baby... I'm your mumma..." Tears filled his eyes, it felt so much like a dream. His child was perfection personified. Most parents probably thought that of their child, yet Eren knew his child was. Readjusting the towel the pup had been wrapped in, he smiled at his son's chubby belly and legs, not this proud since Luca had broken free of his egg "My baby boy. My second baby boy. Luca's your big brother... I've waited so long to meet you... too long" Smacking his lips, his son wiggled as he stretched with another yawn "Does that mean your hungry? Shall we try feeding my love? I can't believe I fell asleep without telling you how much I love you" His son took a few attempts to latch, Eren's tears turning to those of frustration. His breasts hurt. Hanging heavy and tender, swollen with milk for his child. It took nearly a dozen attempts for the pup to take his nipple, Eren not expecting his other breast to leak as he fed his child. He wanted Levi to see this. He'd done this on his own. He'd gotten their son to feed "Levi... wake up" Groaning at him, Levi was curled up with Luca. His family all in Levi's bed rather than their nest. He didn't like that. For some reason the bed felt far too big "Levi, come on. Wake up. Luca, wake your daddy" Luca was up to the challenge, his tongue flicking out to run up Levi's cheek "Luca, gross! Stop it!" Luca kept licking until Levi pushed himself up, wiping at his face in disgust "Levi, you're missing it" "What... oh! You're awake? How long have you been awake?" Eren smiled at his baby, his pup drinking down his milk happily "Not very long... I got him to feed" "I can see that. You two look good together. How do you feel? Are you in pain?" "You have no idea... everything hurts" "Do you still feel sick?" "I don't feel good" "I swear you said that a hundred times yesterday... can I help?" "My head's pounding, and my everything feels gross down there... I'm sorry you had to see that" "No. Don't be sorry. You did so good. I need to check you soon. The healer came, do you remember?" "No... I remember seeing him, but that's about all. What did the healer say?" "That you tore. You lost a lot of blood, and honestly you scared me with your fever. It wasn't breaking" "I still feel clammy" "You used a lot of magic. Obsydin said it may take time for you to regain full use of it. You need to take it slow" "I'm taking it slow. I want to savour this... he's so perfect, Levi. Thank you... thank you for him" "You did all the hard work... I'm so relieved you're both ok" "You delivered him" "Your magic made it interesting" Looking up, Eren blinked, the light leaving him squinting but what he could see had him groaning "I'm so sorry" "It was an experience. Moblit wasn't sure what to make of all it" "Moblit?" He didn't remember Moblit being there "He helped... you... god, you tore. You tore so badly, I though you were going to bleed out" Levi's scent was filled with guilt, his alpha reduced to tears. Balancing their son with one arm, he reached for Levi, pulling him in against him. Levi nuzzled into neck as he cried softly. His mate must have been so scared trying to deliver their baby alone "I'm ok. Tired as hell. Sore as hell. Gross as hell. But so happy. So, so happy. Looking at him, it makes it all worth it" "I thought you'd die. You were coughing. Does your chest still hurt?" "A little. My breasts were filled with milk for our son, but now it's draining I can feel the lingering pain. Not having magic isn't going to be fun" "I'm sorry" "No... I put you in an impossible position... because I was scared" "I know. You mentioned why. I love you so much, Eren. So much" "I love you too. Did you introduce Luca to his brother?" "I did. He was pretty scared by the whole thing" "Luca, baby boy, come here" Crawling over to Eren, Luca placed his head on his leg, cooing softly as he did. He knew there would be times Luca felt neglected and his heart hurt at the thought of him experiencing that "My handsome boy. This baby changes nothing. I love you. You're my treasure, and my son. You're a big brother now. You're going to have to teach this little one so many things as you both grow. I couldn't ask for a better son or brother than you" Luca looked up at him, his eyes wide as he digested Eren's words "I love you" Letting out a long trill, his son flapped his wings happily "That's my boy. Mummy isn't going to be able to take you for walks or to play while he recovers. But when I can, I'll take you to play as much as I can. It's not fair you've been cooped up in here. Daddy might even take you for a walk before I get a chance to. No matter what happens, your my first born, and I am so proud to be your mum" Nuzzling harder, Levi was still crying "I'm so proud to be your alpha. I love you" "I love you, too. Will you burp him when he's finished feeding? I'm falling back to sleep" "Of course. You need to rest. I tried not to fall asleep..." "Levi, no. You need your rest. We have two perfect sons that need all our attention. You have to rest when you can" "You were bleeding. Eren, it... I can't get it out my head" He'd thought Levi would be able to cope after helping deliver his clutch, now he was scared of how much he'd bled "Was... it... was it worse than the first time?" "Y-yes... Obsydin told me not to let anyone but you destroy the sheets and towels with the blood and birth on them... there were so many" "Ok... we'll deal with it. Is that why I'm in bed?" "You deserved a made bed. It's the least you deserve" "Thank you. With how I feel, it'll probably be easier for me to move like this" "I was worried you'd be angry over the nest" "I'm... I want my nest. Like I really want my nest, the bed feels too big and open, but I understand..." "It's a mess" "I don't want our son sleeping in a mess. We need a cot" "We do. Moblit knows that. He'll probably talk to Hanji. An announcement over the birth would have been made by now" "The castle was probably awash with rumou...rs" Yawning widely, Eren made the mistake of trying to move, sending pain flaring across his arse and up his spine. Whimpering, he wasn't doing that again "Eren?" "Moving is bad... god... my arse is fucking wrecked" "Oi. Don't swear in front of the baby" "I'm in pain... I was going to have herbs ready for this, so it wouldn't be so bad. Oh... god. Do you realise what happened? We ruined another public function. We're going to be banned from them for causing too much drama" Levi finally snorted out a laugh "We really do have terrible luck at public functions" "I wouldn't allow us out in public again" "I'm fine with that. I could live in a world with just the four of us" "I couldn't. I want them to meet Isabel and Farlan. I want our boys to know their aunt and uncle" "You're too good for me" "No. I think at this point we're both about even. I think he's nearly done" "I've got him. You rest... I'm so proud of you" "As I am, of you" * Getting a few more hours sleep, Eren was happy to let Levi handle nappy and clean up duty. He wasn't coordinated enough to, and a hot shower was calling his name. Helping Eren into the bathroom, Eren literally screamed as his arse touched the chair in the shower. The pain far worse than he'd thought it would be. It didn't get any better as hot water began to rain down on his sensitive body, peeing felt as if his internal organs were about to fall out through his arse. No one had warned him about that, and his magic had healed him straight away after the clutch. Crying in the shower, Levi tried to usher him out as he prepared a bath in the bathroom basin for their son. The tap high enough that it wasn't in the way for when Levi would settled him down. Watching his mate from the shower, he was less than gentle as he cleaned himself, accidentally reopening his delicate scabs, and causing a fresh wave of blood to run down the dream. His son wasn't even having his first bath, but Eren didn't want to miss a single moment. By the end of the shower, he wasn't sure he was much cleaner. Dressing in the one remaining bathrobe, a trail of blood followed Eren's shuffled steps. He'd always respected those who'd given birth, that respect only growing by the second. Maybe he was just horrible at recovering, but he felt horrid. The hot water only made his headache worse, he'd thrown up, which thankfully Levi hadn't noticed. Watching Levi bath their son, their baby boy didn't love it. Crying loudly, they were serenaded with his cries, breaking Eren's heart though he knew his pup needed to be cleaned. Levi had obviously cleaned him up at some point, yet he assured him that this was their son's first real bath. As one tiny hand flailed, Eren took it in his. The pups fingers impossibly tiny in his hands, curling around his thumb and hanging on for dear life, despite having nothing to fear. The water wasn't overly warm. Levi using his hands to softly wash him clean of his mess. His first poop was something neither of them would forget thanks to how gross it was, but after an extended diet and no toilet facilities, they should be counting their blessings that it wasn't much worse. Rinsed and carefully dried with a towel that had a suspicious stain on it, their boy was ready to return to bed, falling asleep in Levi's arms before they even reached the bed. The next bit wasn't so great for Eren. Laying on his side, Levi was panicking over the amount of blood he was oozing as his mate applied a medicinal ointment to his delicate arse. It burnt so badly that Eren nearly bit through his lip in pain, while Levi was upset that Eren had made himself bleed. The situation ended with the bathrobe between Eren's legs to catch the blood. The towel he'd sat on previously soaked with all kind of things he didn't wish to think of. Yeah. He was a terrible sick person. He'd rather suffer in silence than cause Levi more work, even lying to his alpha when Levi asked what he wanted down with the ruined linen and birth. He had no idea if he could summon his magic, yet he had Levi throw the bundle into the fireplace where it snuffed out half the flame. He was lucky that his magic did rise for him, only for the instant it took to incinerate the mess into oblivion, then falling so low he felt as if he had no magic at all. Things would be hard with no magic. It triggered feelings of being confined against his will. His mess of emotion from a painful birth, and his weakened, sick, state, reduced him to tears. Levi was soft through all of it. He didn't push for an answer, instead he covered Eren with the sheets, making sure he and both their son's were comfortable. Eren knew he was disappointing Levi as his eyes slid closed. He knew Levi wanted him to eat and drink, but sleep was too alluring to deny. He'd get a few more hours, then their pup would be ready for his next feed. No matter what happened, he'd force himself to eat. He needed to regain his strength as soon as possible to protect his family, and maybe if he ate, he'd have the brain power to think without his head feeling as if it'd implode. * Sending for supplies, Levi watched over Eren sleeping. They'd been forced to share a towel in the bathroom, leaving him worried of possible causing an infection. Eren's wounds were deep, his magic seemed to have half healed them at best before fading out. As his omega slept, Levi kept a hand on his shoulder. The guards in front of their door had been changed, the pair before probably heard every single moment of Eren giving birth, but that wasn't his problem. He couldn't find the energy to be worried or concerned for anything that wasn't in his bed right now. Each time he looked to his son, he smiled. He was smiling so much he was starting to creep himself out, even if he wasn't able to control how damn proud he was. No doubt Hanji would come to check on them soon, or possibly all their friends, and the fact they'd been left alone for so long was a blessing. She'd probably turn up with the requested blankets and towels, in order to lecture them over something or other and ruin the moment. She had absolutely no chance of even touching their child. His alpha simply would not allow anyone other than him or Eren to do so. It'd been a stretch to allow the healer to examine him, and Moblit had been smart enough not to ask. No. The longer they all stayed away, the better it was, as far as he was concerned. He didn't wish for Eren to be exposed to so many people in such a vulnerable state, nor would he allow these small moment so peace to be carelessly ruined. This was his family, and his family needed to rest further, the guards at his door would see to that. Despite no longer being prince, his words still carried weight. It allowed them time to bond with their pup. To experience his first feed, first bath and nappy change as a family unit, rather than having one of the castle physicians force their personal preferences upon them. To him, Eren was a natural mother, his poise, grace, love, and unending forgiveness was like any other omega he'd ever met. He knew the omega would struggle, like all mother's did, but he'd be there with him. His emotions would probably be out of character for his mate, even more so than before the birth as now they had their pup to consider and they needed to work out a new routine around a child who was innocent to the demands placed on society by shitty idiots. Eren was feeding their son when they received their first visitor. Eren had eaten first, Levi somewhat cruel in telling him he had to eat before he could feed their son, Eren had insisted he'd intended to eat, but Levi wasn't completely convinced. His mate trying to mask his pain, like Levi couldn't smell it all over him. Knocking on their still broken door, Historia was the last person he expected see, the princess shyly poking her head into the room "May I please come in?" Eren instantly perked up, his voice low and ruff with exhaustion. Levi wasn't sure he wanted anyone near his mate, but Eren clearly wanted her there, and what Eren wanted, he got "Historia! Yes, please" Letting herself into the room, Historia smiled widely, her arms filled with soft clothes. Keeping her voice low, she moved to place the bundle on the bed "Eren, I'm so happy for you. And for you, Levi. I'm sorry for intruding, the moment the news reached me, I selfishly had to be here" "No. No, it's fine. I'm sorry I won't be much company" "Labour is exhausting... and I can feel how weak you are. You look stunning" Eren blushed and ducked his head "He made it worth it" "Congratulations on your baby boy, I sincerely mean that. I have brought blankets from home, I hope you don't mind the gift" "Not at all. Though now I'll have to think harder on what to gift you when your clutch is birthed" "Nonsense. The only thing you need to think of is your child. How do you feel" Eren opened his mouth, but Levi wasn't about to let him off easily "He had major tearing and bleeding. He's also had a fever, nausea, vomiting, and fresh bleeding this morning" Eren shot him daggers, Historia simply nodding understandingly "It's because of your magic. I hope you don't mind me speaking openly. When you passed your first clutch, they were unfortunately empty, your body was preparing to pass them, and that's why you healed immediately. Bringing a new life into this world is hard, more so when you're a human male. Until your magic returns and evens out, your healing will be slow. Your body cannot take being healed by another right now, even though your magic isn't working, it's not as if you've lost it completely. It's working to protect you from outside forces, I can feel it rejecting my magic. I cannot heal you, neither can a castle healer" Levi growled, that's not what the shitty arsehole in his mind had said. All he got was a mental frown from the elder dragon "Obsydin told me he needed a healer, that they would help" "He probably honestly thought they would. But Eren is a slightly special case. He is both storm dragon and omega Mage. His magics have a mind of their own, and storm dragon tend to be renowned for their crankiness after birth, and long recovery times. Their bodies carry huge burdens after all. I am sorry that my attempting to use magic to heal you would only come to nothing" Long recovery time? How long was long? And was the human long, or dragon long? "Historia, ignore Levi. He had... it wasn't the best birth. And he's going to need some time to settle" "Of course he is. Trust me, nothing either of you say or do could offend me right now. I'm simply too happy to see you holding your son" "I'm happy too. Do you want to see his face, I don't think I'm up for letting anyone else hold him... I don't ever want to let him or Luca go" Luca was still firmly glued to Eren, he too was clearly enthralled with his new brother "Luca had a rough birth too. I would love to see him" Levi couldn't help but growl when Historia moved the side of the towel their son was swaddled in. They had fresh blankets now, though they really weren't the ones he'd thought they would receiving. Letting out a small gasp, Historia melted at the sight of their son "Oh Eren, he's simply perfect" "I haven't thought of a name" Whispering it like a bad thing, Eren's smile fell to guilt "You must not be so hasty to name him. You're mentally exhausted, you need rest and this little one is far more important than a name at this stage. Trust me, some dragons take months, then come out with something very plain, that doesn't suit their child at all" "That actually makes me feel better" Leaning in, Historia kissed Eren's forehead "Good. Now, I've brought blankets and I brought you some herbs dragons use after birth. I also brought with me a gift for your son" "Now I feel even worse than when you said it was blankets" "Nonsense. You need a real nest around you. I would have brought more with me, but Ymir told me I couldn't" "Where is she?" "Down with Armin and Mikasa, Armin was the one who wrote. He said you went into labour at Erwin's funeral" That was surprising to both of them. Eren bit his lip, then looking away instead of chasing the topic "I thought you'd not like to be crowded right now. Why don't you finish feeding him while I clean up a little? I don't have your flare for washing, but I can do something about all these roses and the shattered window" "No, you're our guest" "Eren, if I was in the same circumstance, I know without any hesitation that you would do the same for me" "I hate you" Historia poked her tongue out "I hate you too" "I don't really hate you" "I know you don't. You're like a brother to me, and I'm honoured to meet your son" "You're the fifth. Levi and Moblit were the first... wait... sixth, I forgot about Obsydin. Levi, Obsydin, Moblit, me, Luca, you" Historia looked to Levi, he couldn't tell if she was mad or not "Moblit helped deliver him, Eren was too weak to stand, but Eren did meet our son before Moblit" "You don't need to explain. My curiosity was just getting the better of me" "Moblit was sent because of all the screaming. Hanji isn't really talking to us, and neither is Armin. I don't really want to talk about it right now. Levi, can you come take him? I'm falling back to sleep. Sorry, Historia" "No, you must rest. Would you mind if I told the others you are both resting, yet doing well? Mikasa is honestly a bit of a wreck. She feels as if she should have noticed" Eren bit his lip again, his hands moving slightly to adjust their hold on their son as he finished up the very last of his feed "You won't tell them it's a boy?" "The rumours say it's a boy, but I promise that is your news to formally announce" "Then thank you. I know we cannot hide in here, but my instincts..." "I know very well how your instincts are. Don't worry. I shall explain things to them from a dragon and riders point of view. You're not only alpha and omega, having those two instinct rule you for the moment, but dragon and rider with is... complicated. I doubt anyone else should cross into this threshold for at least another two days" Eren pouted, their son done with their feed and ready to be burped "But... I want Mikasa to meet her nephew" Levi was fine with no more disturbances, even Historia was starting to get to him "Then remake your nest. Give yourself that comfort you deserve. Follow all of your instincts, it'll only be too uncomfortable to deny them. That goes for both of you. I'll see you soon Eren" Historia kissed Eren's forehead again, the princess then climbing off the bed. She'd probably seen Eren's magical talents like this far more times than she letting on, given the ease at which she repaired everything, including the windows. Yeah. He was stupid, of course she'd seen Eren's out of control magic, they'd both mentioned it before. Maybe he also needed to do the sleep, after his son was burped and settled, naturally... oh the room... His fingers itches to clean it. Some of the rose petals and vines remained, but compared to the windowless war zone it'd been, Levi could easily handle the rest once Eren fell back to sleep. * It took Eren another day to be able to stay awake for longer than a feed or a tear inducing shower. Hard surfaces were not his mate's friend, and as an omega who hated being "down", his love had grown restless, ignoring his own body's demands to rest in the nest Levi had made for him from the fine blankets Historia had brought. Curled up in their bed opposite him, Luca was laying along Eren's back with his head against Eren's nape, while Eren was drawing soft circles on their son's chubby belly. Half a dozen times Eren had opened his mouth, only to close it again. A blind man could see he was thinking far too hard over something, something Levi probably wasn't going to like. He hadn't liked it when Eren had asked for a purely liquid diet, his mate needed rich foods. He also hadn't liked it when Eren didn't let him tend to his bleeding arse, only for the omega to wind up in more pain. He was cranky and being stubborn over the wrong things. Historia has said Eren would be cranky, but Levi wasn't sure that there was a difference between stubborn and cranky at the moment. "Spit it out already. I'm sick of you not saying whatever is on your mind" "I want to talk to Armin" Levi groaned, rolling onto his back and covering his face with his hands, the tips of his fingers rubbing at the inner corners of his tired eyes "I want them to meet our baby" "Historia said to rest" "I am resting. I feel better in this nest you made... I want... I don't want to hide" There was nothing wrong with their son, so why should they have to show him to the world? Eren was still so vulnerable, and allowing the others entrance to their room would bring their shitty scents with them "Eren..." "Please, I don't want to hide our baby away like there's something wrong with him. I want them to see him..." Eren's eyes filled with tears, his lip trembling "Eren... my instincts aren't under control. Each time the guard knocks on the door, I have to remind myself not to cut them down" "I don't want him to die without meeting them" Levi growled "He's not going to die" "We weren't supposed to be able to have him to begin with... I'm scared. I want people to meet our baby. I want them to see how beautiful he is..." Eren's eyelashes fluttered as tears rolled down his face "I don't mean to upset you. You're so vulnerable right now. You're exhausted and in pain. You've barely eaten and you won't eat a proper meal" "Of course I won't! Do you really think I want anything coming out my arse right now!" Oh... oh... that... he hadn't thought of what happened once Eren had actually eaten "I..." "You're not the one who had to push a baby thought a tiny hole. It was like pushing a cantaloupe through the eye of a needle" Levi winced. He'd seen it. He'd seen their baby crown... and the way their shoulders had grown stuck... "I know. I saw... everything. You're not well. You're still feverish, and..." "A five minute visit to put the minds of our friends at rest, shouldn't lead to us fighting like this!" "I don't want to fight" "Then let me introduce our baby to our friends" "I'm not saying never, I'm saying..." "Levi, they're are our family. They don't need to touch our son, or even come close. We can leave the door open, and open the windows to air the room. I want to show the people who supported us, how perfect our family is. How perfect this baby boy you gave me is" He wasn't going to win. Not with Eren looking at him the way he was. Their son was perfect. His mother just as perfect "After dinner? Before we prepare for bed, and only for a few moments. But in exchange you must make a deal" "A deal?" "Let me take care of your bleeding. You hurt yourself and I can't stand it" Eren's cheeks reddened "I don't think I can" "Why not?" "It's embarrassing" "Birth is not embarrassing" "No... I... why do you have to keep making me so embarrassed? Can't you just accept my word?" "How can I accept anything if I don't understand" His omega groaned his sentence one long string that took Levi a moment to process "I...get hard when you touch me, and I'm so sensitive that it really hurts" "Oh" "Please don't make me explain anything else" Levi was pretty sure he couldn't he handle anything else overly graphic at the moment. No solid foods, and no tending to Eren's arse... He'd just have to admire it from afar "No. I won't. I'm sorry you're suffering" "It's ok, because he's here. May I still have visitors?" Eren couldn't help the medical side of things, and Levi didn't want a repeat of him shitting blood. That shit was going to haunt his nightmares for years to come "Yes, but not everyone. Historia seems to be fine with my instincts, perhaps because she's also a dragon rider, or because she showed you no harm. I don't know how I would handle Mikasa. Even though..." "I'm not asking you to. I want to thank Moblit properly. Then talk to Mikasa and Armin. Not everyone all at once" "You thanked Moblit" "I can barely even remember Historia has been here, I probably wouldn't without the silks" "Our son is swaddled in the blanket she brought as a gift" "That's true... I still want to talk to Moblit... and I want to Historia. I want to know what's going on with Dina in Draecia. I doubt she went so easy..." "No. You're not talking politics. Historia will inform us when the time is right" Eren shook his head. Seriously, why could he just not rest? "I don't like being out of the loop" "I know. You're getting cranky" "I'm in too much pain to be cranky" "I don't know about that" Wriggling closer to their son, Eren stroked his wispy black hair "I'm sorry if I'm being cranky. I'm enjoying being him and with you, but I really want everyone to see this beautiful baby you gave me" "He's our son. We don't need to rush" "I still feel he needs a name" "Unlike Luca, he didn't come right out and say that" "You remember Luca's birth?" "I could never forget. You were so excited and so worried for him. The pride on your face when he finally emerged... I'll never forget it" "Our baby boys are too perfect. I'm so proud of them" Hearing his name, Luca raised his head, dropping in on Eren's ear as if to remind them he was right there "Yes, we're talking about you. So you wish to see Moblit separately?" "Just to thank him" "Alright. I'll inform the guards" "Thank you. And thank you for trusting me" "I don't own you Eren. I love you" "I love you too" Moblit arrived within the hour, the man blushing as Eren thanked him again. That was all Levi really got hear and see, as Eren asked for a moment alone with him. By the time he'd run a bubble bath for Luca and returned, Moblit had left and Eren was smiling happily. Climbing into their nest, Levi took the space Luca had been occupying, peppering kisses to Eren's exposed shoulders and nape. With his lover's hair so long, he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Eren's vow across the back of his neck, or the bonding mark he'd given him. Mouthing a soft kiss to the scar, Eren actually giggled. The sound glorious and unexpected "Something wrong?" "Not at all. It's just ticklish. Is Luca ok?" "He's fine. You know what he's like when it comes to bubbles. How was your talk with Moblit? He left so soon" "He didn't want to make either of us uncomfortable. He's going to inform our family of that a visit after dinner is permitted" "You make it sound so formal" "It kind of is. Mmm, I've missed you spooned up behind me" Kissing their mark again, Levi nodded "Luca took my spot" "I know. And I like you protecting our pup. It's feel like it's been ages since you held me like this" "You do realise I held you through your fever, and after" "It's all cloudy. It feels so weird no longer having our pup inside of me. I feel empty" "I can't imagine" "It's weird" "Do you want another baby?" "I... I would give you a whole clutch if I could. I don't know if I can conceive again..." "I don't mean this very moment. And I do not mind adopting. Adopting gave us our first son. I just mean, one day" "Yes. Luca shall be one in a few months. I wish I knew the date he hatched" "Your birthday is in just a few weeks" It was the 18th of March now. How that happened, Levi didn't know "Really?" "Yes. We were with Hannes for a month, and you fell pregnant some time after that. Obsydin said he feels it wasn't long after you used your breath on his sword, but he isn't certain" "Captivity stripped my ability to tell time from me. Every day has seemed to roll into the next, combining into a blur. If you say my birthday is soon, I believe you" "Do you want to do anything for it this year?" "Sleep?" "Not quite what I meant" "Then no. No royal ball. No trips to Europe. No attending the festival of dragons. I don't want to do anything" That wasn't going to happen. It didn't have to be a huge celebration, but with the last three years they'd had, Eren would have a party "We'll see" "Levi, I feel fat and weird. Sleep is like the perfect gift" "You can't sleep all the time" "You push out a baby next time, and we'll see. Now stop ruining my good mood" Brushing Eren's hair back behind his ear, Levi propped himself up enough to kiss the soft skin just below "Am I the reason for this good mood?" "Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see" "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means I know something you don't know" "I'm sure there are plenty of things you know, that I don't" "I know you owe Moblit a thank you. Maybe... Now go check on Luca. I don't want him left alone right now" "He's a big boy" "My baby boy isn't even one yet, and now he has a little brother. I really don't want him to feel neglected" "If anything, he's probably going to be feeling smothered by the attention" "We all know Luca thrives on attention. Now go give a proper bath, and make sure you scrub between his toes" "I'm not as ok with his claws as you seem to be" "You get used to it. It shouldn't be too bad, he loves being handled and cuddled" "I don't have a choice, do I?" "Nope. I can't bend down right now without feeling like I'm losing my organs" "I thought we agreed to ease up on the imagery" "Shut up, I'm tired" "You win this time" "I won the moment you become mine" * Holding their baby boy, Eren couldn't contain his excitement. He'd eaten the broth served with dinner, taken his herbs from Historia, not complained about the pain when the three of them cleaned up, and now was bouncing his leg as he fed his son. Historia had gifted them the most beautiful blanket for their son, the outside a green silk, similar to his original scale colour, while the inside was lined with soft wool. She'd really raised the bar on presents, but with the news Moblit had given him, Eren was quietly confident in his return gift "Eren, you're humming" Grinning up at Levi, his alpha had Luca bundled up in his arms. When he'd carried Luca out, wrapped in a towel and against his chest, his heart had melted at the sight. Even if Luca was uncoordinated enough that one foot had escaped towel, along with his tail "I can't wait for them to see him" "I gathered, but you're not usually a hummer" "The song came into my head... How long after dinner do we have to wait?" "Not much longer. The others have to have their own dinner first" "But I don't want to waaaait. He's fallen back to sleep again" "I never would have guessed" "What they he was asleep, or that I'm tired of waiting" "Both. Your eyes light up each time he does something" "You're just as bad. He yawned and you got all teary" Levi raised an eyebrow, readjusting Luca "It was definitely dust in my eye" "Right... oooh, I think I hear footsteps" Levi was far too cute for his heart when the alpha got flustered or embarrassed. Trying to keep his cool, yet knowing Eren saw right through him... He was so very stupidly in love with his mate "Do you actually hear footsteps?" He'd heard dinner being brought up and had been ready for Levi's surprise, yet then had to quickly cover his excitement when it turned out to be just food "I do... can you open the door?" "You want me to open door?" "Yep!" "You've got something planned" "Maybe" It was worth the wait "Big Brother!" Yelling happily, Isabel launched herself on Levi. Trying to escape being crushed, Luca's shirt in weight caused Isabel, Luca and Levi all to fall back. Eren couldn't help but howl with laughter as Luca shot across the room to hide behind him "What the fuck, Isabel!" "Why didn't you tell us you were back with Eren?! Or that he was having your baby!?" Pushing Isabel off, Levi climbed off the floor with a growl "What are you two even doing here?" Noticing he was watching, Farlan gave Eren a small wave "Moblit wrote to inform us of Erwin's funeral, we only made it back this morning! Hey, Eren! Oh my gosh, is that your baby?!" Isabel was smiling just as widely as Eren was "Hello, Isabel. Armin, Mikasa, Farlan, you can all come in. Levi will be on his best behaviour in front of our sons" Stalking over, Levi angrily whispered "What are they all doing here?" He didn't expect such anger. He'd been so sure Levi would be happy to see both Isabel and Farlan were safe and alive. They'd come all the way to Mitras. It wasn't like he'd invited them, he'd just thought Levi would be much more happy than he was "Moblit told me they arrived. He asked if you were up for a visit, and seeing they're your family, I thought you'd want them to meet the baby?" "You couldn't have warned me?" "I thought you'd be happy" "I told you I couldn't handle my impulses and you invite everyone in" "Because I didn't know when you'd allow visitors again" His heart was starting to race. He didn't mean to upset his mate... he'd thought Levi would be proud to show his sons off "Is everything alright?" Blinking the tears out his eyes, Eren gave their "family" a watery smile "Yeah. Hormones have been horrible. Any way. Isabel and Farlan, I don't think you met our first son, Luca. Luca, baby, this is your Aunty Isabel, and your uncle Farlan" Luca poked his head out from behind Eren, Isabel squealing in excitement "He's a dragon!?" "He is. He's normally not this shy either... Luca, it's ok. Isabel is Levi's little sister and Farlan is his brother. Like how Uncle Armin and Aunty Mikasa are my brother and sister. Why don't you say hello?" Cautiously climbing off the bed, Isabel looked ready to explode with joy. Still sitting on the floor, she held her and out until Luca got close enough to sniff at her fingers "He's so cute! Levi, why didn't you tell me he was your son?!" "Don't touch him!" Growing Levi grabbed Luca, pulling him back. He'd really fucked this up... "Sorry guys. Levi's in protect overdrive. I really just wanted to introduce you all to our baby boy" Moving their son, Eren tucked the blanket down so they could all see the baby boy's face "Levi and Moblit help delivered him. He's perfectly healthy. Absolutely nothing's wrong with him at all. It's just been my dragon instincts and Levi's rider instincts that's made it hard to have anyone else in our room. That's why today's just a quick visit to check in" Grabbing Isabel under the armpits, Farlan pulled her up "It's nice to see you're all doing well. We'll come back at another time" Eren felt even shittier. He'd wanted them both there "Faaaarlan. Baby!" "Isabel, protective mate and angry Levi" Isabel let out a long "oh". They would have seen how mad Levi could be "Farlan's right. Armin said we could stay here until it was safe to go back to the shop. I like him better than Erwin already" "Sorry Eren, she talks way too much. Congratulations on the baby" "Thanks Farlan. I want to talk to both of you some more, is that ok?" "Absolutely. Big Brother can be so cranky. Can we see Luca too?" "He's your nephew too" Luca would have been happy to be patted by Isabel. He'd have loved lapping up the attention and Levi had mentioned how good with animals Isabel was "Aw, Eren! I'm so happy you're back with Levi. He talked about you all the time when he was staying with us. I'm sorry your husband died..." Putting his hand over Isabel's mouth, Farlan dragged her out the room. With space cleared up, Mikasa and Armin moved in closer. Levi letting out a warning growl. Rolling his eyes, Eren patted the spot on the beside him, Mikasa and Armin coming closer but not disturbing his precious nest "If you're going to keep growling, you can fuck off. These people are here to congratulate your dumb arse on being a father" "Don't swear in front of my nephew" Ducking his head, Eren moved his son so his baby boy was now facing Mikasa and Armin. Armin was tugging nervously on the sleeve of his shirt, while Mikasa's eyes hadn't left the tiny pup since she'd set eyes on him "Sorry, Aunty Mikasa. And I'm sorry you guys can't have a hold yet. I'm not quite up to that" Mikasa shook her head, wiping at her eyes. He could smell how happy and proud she was, as well as a profound scent of relief. Historia had said she'd taken things hard, which was another reason he wanted her to meet his son as soon as possible "It's fine, Historia explained everything to us. I'm... he's... he's perfect Eren. He looks so much like you" "Thanks. Levi got me through the labour. He's been wonderful, apart from the last 5 minutes" "Excuse me if I'm worried about you. I told you I didn't want too many people in here because I can't control my need to keep you safe, then you bring the second biggest loud mouth in the whole kingdom in, and act like it was a nice surprise" Mikasa clearly wanted to yell at Levi, his sisters hands clenching into fists "Can we not? Please. I wanted you all to meet my baby, and now you're fighting..." He'd thought when he family met his baby it'd be some kind of magical moment. Instead he'd upset Levi, probably upset Farlan and Isabel. Mikasa was ready to hit Levi, and Armin kept staring at the floor. He'd been happy. He'd been finally, truly happy again. He'd wanted to share that with everyone. Fat tears rolled down his face, his omega was mentally cowering from Levi's anger. His mate wasn't supposed to be angry at him... "I'm sorry, Eren. You're right. I'm happy I got to meet him, and I can't wait until I can hold. It looks like you were right, and I didn't get to put him straight on a horse" Eren snorted, momentarily feeling slightly better at the memory "Levi put me on a horse on the way back from the cathedral. It felt like the baby was going to fall right out. I don't think I feel like going riding again for a long time" Mikasa sucked her lips in, avoiding letting out her laugh. Levi cutting in before she could reply "Not to mention you've destroyed your arse. You won't be riding anything for some time" And the moment was over. Eren's face reddened with embarrassment. Why was Levi saying that? He'd been so soft and caring... Just because his instincts were giving him trouble didn't mean he had to keep lashing out at him. Ignoring Levi's anger, Mikasa moved to squat down in front of him, placing her hand on Eren's, she squeezed gently "Eren?" "I'm sorry guys. You should go. This was a bad idea. Our instincts are ruining everything" "You've ruined nothing. I'm proud of you, and I'm proud of him. He's incredible. When you're up for it, I'll come by again. Maybe give you your present?" Nodding quickly, Eren sniffled. He hated being able to smell Levi's anger, each sniffle was like a slap "You didn't have to get me anything" "Of course I did. I'm an Aunty now. This should be celebrated. With how things have been, this, this is the first good thing to happen for all of us. Mum would be so proud" Whispering, he was so lucky to have Mikasa "Th-thank you, Mikasa. I'm sorry about Levi. He really has been good to me" "I know. I cornered Moblit for information, but he wouldn't tell me if it was a boy or a girl" "My second baby boy... You've got been an Aunty for months now" "Luca is such a good boy, that I haven't spoiled him as much as I should. Do you want me to take him for a bit?" "Yes, but I need him close right now" "Eren, shhh. You don't need to sound so guilty. Whatever you need. Armin's not sure what to say. He was yelling and worried something was wrong and that no one would tell us. He may have also yelled at Erwin's funeral" "Please tell him we're ok. I wish he'd come closer, but my baby boy is ok. I'll be in bed a bit longer. My magic can't really heal me at the moment. Some dragon bullshit" "Stop swearing in front of my baby" "I can't help it. I feel so crap right now. I thought he'd be happy to see Isabel and Farlan" "I'll make sure everything is alright with them. They brought plenty of game, and furs with them. They've been a huge help" "Make sure they get paid properly. And that they know I'm sorry. Maybe Historia can talk to them?" "Don't worry about that. I'm going to go. If he hurts you, or keeps insulting you, send a guard for me" "It's just instincts... but it... doesn't feel great" "I'm sorry. I saw how happy you were when we came in. I love you, Eren" "I love you too, 'Kasa" When Mikasa and Armin left, Eren laid his son back down in his nest. Luca jumping up to take up his favourite spot along Eren's back, while Levi remained silent. It'd felt weird to be touched by Mikasa, his hand tingling where hers had rested, as he tried to stop his tears as they turned to sobs. Levi couldn't help his instincts. He couldn't help but want to protect them, so why had his anger been directed at him? He'd only wanted to make Levi happy. He'd thought he'd be proud to show his son to Farlan and Isabel. If Levi hadn't wanted them so close to their pup, or didn't trust him to hold him, he would have let him take him from his hold. Instead he'd yelled at Isabel, when Isabel only wanted to say "hello" to Luca. Dropping down heavily on the end of the bed, Eren curled himself in much as possible, to escape Levi's touch. He was going to be furious that Mikasa touched him... "I didn't mean to lose my temper" What did he say to that? He felt like fucking shit. Levi had literally spent the day being everything he could ever want, then he'd suddenly snapped "Eren, I said I'm sorry for losing my temper" Closing his eyes, Eren buried his face next to his son. His baby boy was starting to wiggle next to him "I don't know what came over me. I didn't expect to see Isabel and Farlan. I didn't expect you to invite them here, to see... us together" So that was it? Levi was ashamed of him? He'd forced his body into pants, despite how bad the fabric irritated his skin. He'd pulled his hair back, pulled a shirt on, and tried to look good for Levi's sake. Everything was supposed to be a happy reunion. Their friends were supposed to smile. Levi was supposed to stand near where he sat, keeping his anger to himself and accepting their friends congratulating them. God. He was being so stupid. Of course Levi saw him as something to be ashamed of. He hadn't been able to make it through the day for weeks now without crying. Levi didn't want him when he was like this. Ugly and fat. He couldn't even heal himself "Eren?" Levi wanted his forgiveness... He needed to apologise... "I'm sorry. I wanted you to be happy too" Levi let out a deep sigh. He'd only meant to apologise to his alpha "I lost my cool at having so many people near you. We agreed Mikasa and Armin. I spent the late afternoon trying to settle my instincts" He got it. He'd messed up... He kept messing up "I'll apologise to the others once my instincts settle. Do you need anything right now?" He could smell Mikasa on his hand. Levi wouldn't like it "I need to use the bathroom. Stay with him?" "Do you need help?" "N-no" "Ok. Take your time. I really am fucking sorry" Despite not being said sarcastically, his omega took it that way. Luca didn't want him moving off the bed, then looked heartbroken when Eren shut him out the bathroom. He couldn't stuff up in the bathroom. He couldn't make Levi even madder at him. He couldn't ever fuck up again like that. No one wanted a miserable mate. * Levi felt like shit. He hadn't meant to lose his cool, yet when Isabel had jumped on him, his alpha had screamed at him that the girl was a threat. Eren didn't understand how hard it was for him. When Mikasa had gotten close to Eren, he'd wanted to break her hand for touching his omega. He'd suspected it would be, given Mikasa's dynamic, despite her approval of their relationship. And he'd known his alpha was put off by the fact that Mikasa had once looked at Eren with children in mind... But she'd just found a level footing with him, only for him to ruin it because he was furious Eren had kept from him that Isabel and Farlan were there. He didn't doubt for a moment that Eren had wanted to surprise him, and that his heart was in the right place... Now he'd be lucky if Eren even wanted him in his nest with him. He hadn't missed the way Eren curled in on himself, attempting to get away from him. He'd really fucked up. Letting Eren cool down, and attempting to give him space to prevent upsetting him further, half an hour passed by slowly. Luca was still sitting at the bathroom door, closed away from his hurting mother. He'd scared his son. He'd felt it when he pulled Luca from Isabel. Out of all of them, the only one he hadn't seemed to upset was his newborn pup. Gradually half an hour turned to an hour, Luca starting to scratch at the bathroom door. Whatever Eren was doing, it shouldn't have taken an hour. Ignoring his omega's right to privacy and going back on his own attempt to give Eren space, Levi let he and Luca into the bathroom. Eren was laying in the bathtub, snoring softly. His omega had said baths were a complete no go for now, given the pain... Apparently not. Walking over to the bath, Levi pulled the plug, able to smell traces of lavender and rosemary salts in the water. That had to hurt. Open bleeding wounds and salt, he flinched at the mere thought of it. Not waking at the loss of mostly cold water, Levi grabbed a towel from the rack, then lifted Eren out the bath. His mate was completely out of it. His eyes still wet, his scent undeniably distressed under the scent of the bath salts. His rings had been removed from his fingers, both his wedding ring and the engagement ring from him "Don't let him out of your sight" Nearly dropping Eren as Obsydin spoke into his mind, Levi growled "Don't do that" "He's not in a fit mental state" "What does that mean?" "It means you deeply hurt him" Was that all? He hadn't fucking noticed. His voice matching the scowl on his face "I know I did" "I don't think you understand" "Eren is my mate" Continuing to reply, he carried Eren out to their nest, then having to start drying him down "You ruined the moment for him. He was happy" "I know I did" "You scared and hurt him" "Would you either tell me how to apologise properly, or fuck off. You're not making me feel any better" "Your job is to be by his side. He is the dragon, he makes the choices" "It doesn't work like that. I'm his alpha. Everyone outside that door is an enemy" "Do you honestly believe that I would allow harm to befall him?" "You're not taking my body over again. We're back with him... Shit... he's still bleeding" Blood was staining the brown towel. He'd requested coloured towels for Eren in order to hide the staining "Some bleeding is natural. Not everything passed instantly from his womb" "When will his magic come back?" "In my time, all dragons healed faster after birth. Things have certainly changed" "So you're clueless?" Obsydin huffed, ending their small argument with "Watch over him closely". Like he wouldn't. He'd hurt Eren and felt awful for it.
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Get an introduction to the importance of training dogs, both for owners and the dogs themselves. Through some powerful analogies, Professor Donaldson will put you in the mindset of your dog to show you why certain training methods don’t work and others do. Learn the three key principles of dog training that will provide the foundation for every lesson moving forward. She’ll also recommend some important tools to have on hand. x At the Smithsonian Magazine Photos Videos Games The best dog food Top Services + I find that smaller dogs do this far more than larger ones. Smaller dogs just can’t hold it that long so you need to potentially let your dog out more often. It is also important to catch the dog in the act because if you scold him afterwards he knows you’re upset but some dogs don’t make the connection as to why. Hope that helps! Potty Training in an Apartment: 3 Easy Indoor Specific Solutions How can you housebreak a dog that has been tied up till time to go out to potty? More in Lifestyle The video content is inappropriate Now over the next few days, reduce the area of the floor that is covered with puppy pads by half. Follow this method to successfully housebreak your puppy indoors. This new improved method takes over from puppy paper training and dog litterbox training. Setting a Potty Training Schedule Ideal places are any little used room: A spare room, the laundry room or a little used bathroom. Respond immediately and consistently to the bad behavior. As soon as you see your puppy acting up, remove it to the time-out spot. Be sure to do this every time you notice the bad behavior. How To Train A Puppy Yourself At Home Train your puppy. Teach your puppy a few basic commands (like “come,” “sit,” “stay”). This way, when you notice your puppy engaging in bad behavior, you can immediately redirect his attention. For example, if you notice your puppy running up and jumping on someone, you can quickly command it to “come.” Your dog should stop jumping up on the person and come to you instead.[13] Change the mat often, but leave a little spot of dried urine there. The scent of the urine will help your dog remember that the mat is the place to go to the bathroom. Remove feces right away, but leave a sheet of newspaper or a small bit of padding with urine on the clean mat so your dog will naturally know where to go. Puppy Training: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crat… Jump up ^ Burch 1999, p. 162. LTHQ March 11, 2016 at 11:57 am Chinchilla advice 28 training games and activities, 40 videos 26 Quick & Simple Ways To Relieve Dog Boredom Doggles Staff & Board Accept that this, like all training, is a process. Look for what’s working and keep building on your wins and focus on getting better over time Canaan Dog $2.99 Make sure you know the signs that your dog is about to go, and take him outside when appropriate. When she feels an urge, the puppy will usually let you know by whining and scratching. That’s her signal that she has to go and wants out of her little den. Now! Don’t delay because if you let your pup lose control in her crate, she’ll get the idea that it’s OK to mess up her living space. Then she’ll think nothing of leaving little packages around where you live, too. Terrariums HAWS Dog and Puppy Training in Waukesha ht-pet (1) In the article I discuss traditional methods that should never be used, why they shouldn’t and what you should do instead. Tom and Curley Pet Cloud Code of Ethics Read for Free Hill’s® Science Diet® Baked Light Biscuits with Real Chicken Small Dog Treat Don’t worry, you won’t still be doing this in four years time – this is a new puppy problem – it will pass. Hannah Foote March 27, 2017 at 12:25 am Home Labrador Puppies Articles How To Potty Train A Puppy I’m sorry this is such a nightmare for you. So you’ve tried putting him in for short periods of time while he eats a treat and he still freaks out? Housetraining ground rule No. 1: Never leave your un-housetrained dog unattended. Not even for a minute. If you aren’t actively engaged with your dog, having her in the same room with you doesn’t count. It’s very important not to give her opportunities to fail at housetraining. If you can’t engage with your dog, which of course isn’t possible every minute of every day, she should be in her crate. Yes, I said crate! To make the first step easier and less scary for your puppy, close the crate door most of the way, but keep your hand inside. Hold onto their toy or food puzzle while they play with it, and praise and talk to them in a comforting voice. Do this until your puppy is comfortable playing even when your hand is out of the crate. Home / Starting your puppy off right! ©Copyright VCA Hospitals all rights reserved. PURINA.COM.AU Dog Training Central The essence of house training is to prevent mistakes and praise your puppy heavily when they potty in the right place. It’s best to use confinement to teach your dog that he has to wait to go to the bathroom outside the house. You can do this by purchasing a crate, so the puppy has just enough space to turn around and lie down. Another alternative, if possible, is to keep the puppy by your side at all times while clipped to a four- to six-foot leash. Career Advice Items you will need Aspen Pet “Here are some of the basics we are given on how to potty train a puppy from our guide dog puppy training manual: Jump up ^ Lindsay 2000, p. 247–248 How to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth Service Dogs: by this age, puppies are being introduced to tracks, trails and working trials Hi there, please do join the forum https://thelabradorforum.com where we can have a proper conversation and help you. 🙂 Dogs are instinctual Skip to Content This 6-week introductory group class focuses on socialization and is designed to teach your puppy basics including “sit”, loose leash walking and to come when called. This dog training class also covers problem-solving ideas for potty training, chewing, teething, digging and more. Select just one spot in the yard for toileting. Trust me, you will thank me for this when the kids break their promise to faithfully always clean up the poo in the yard. Select an area away from the main play area in the yard that will be the toilet spot. This will stop those brown patches on the lawn and make it much easier for the poo patrol. iStock/ROMAOSLO Smit/Shutterstock Biscuits & Bakery NFL Scoreboard Spay & Neuter Services Private Puppy In-home or Board and Train programs (8-14 weeks old). Potty training can take time. It can take anywhere from 4 to 6 months for your pup to be fully house trained. Some dogs can even take up to a year. Small dogs tend to be more difficult and take longer to train because they have smaller bladders and higher metabolisms, which means your pup will need more trips outside. 414-264-6257 Oversee your dog when you let her outside or when on a walk. Instagram A delicious complement to the superior nutrition of Science Diet dry dog food DogsFrisco Puppy Pads and Paper Training Save up to $200.00 Starting at $29.95 $69.95 $29.95–$69.95 Sitting and looking to you is how your puppy should learn to ask permission to join you. Philanthropic Partners TODAY 9AM-9PM View Larger Image Keep your puppy on a short leash. Keeping the dog on a leash, even while indoors, allows you to move more freely while still keeping a close eye on your puppy.[11] • Reward the pup for peeing or pooping in the right place – use a special treat. © Depositphotos.com / domako Puppies learn very quickly with proper instruction. The first few days at home are extremely important for puppies and the precedents you set now will last a lifetime. All family members must agree upon responsibility and rules for the new pup.
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Are you wondering what your puppy’s adorable antics will be like when they get bigger? Would you like a dog that is welcome anywhere? A perfectly behaved puppy starts with Puppy School at Wags & Wiggles.  Good puppy habits will give you a reliable, obedient, friendly dog as an adult. Our Website Each email address will be obfuscated in a human readable fashion or (if JavaScript is enabled) replaced with a spamproof clickable link. Gift Certificates Find a Trainer Time to start shopping! Valid 6/3/18 THROUGH 7/31/18 on a training boot camp course at the Petshotel. Proof of current parvovirus, distemper & parainfluenza vaccinations for all dogs is required. We also require proof of current rabies vaccination for any dog over 4 months old. training a puppy | potty training older dog training a puppy | potty training dogs outside training a puppy | potty training a dog in an apartment Legal | Sitemap
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secretary-shizue · 7 years
this is suggestion 2 of three that @mysticsapphireskies graciously gave to me. Imma be lazy in this one and do it in point form because i’m the worst.
first diaper change with the chocobros
Wants to put the baby over the toilet to go to the washroom. Insists he’s joking (s/o can’t tell if he really is).
Doesn’t know how a onesie works, since he doesn’t usually dress the baby.
Gets baby stuck in the onesie. Doesn’t realize you can just open up from the bottom.
Stands at an arms length from the baby
“Please don’t pee on me, please don’t pee on me...”
Baby relieves themselves again. Noctis loses will to go on. S/O encourages them through laughter.
Is surprisingly good at putting the diaper back on. Maybe he just wants to finish as fast as possible.
Vows to never change another diaper. Will change diapers if you ask him in the cutest voice possible followed by ‘pleeeeeeeeeease.’
Doesn’t get fully comfortable with diapers until it’s time for potty training
Starts out pumped
Knows how to work baby clothes due to copious amounts of ‘costume’ changes for pictures
Is thrown for a loop when he realizes the baby has had a ‘blowout’ for his first time doing a change.
“That is a LOT of poop.”
“Do babies eat that much?”
“Where did all this poop come from?!”
Complains through the whole thing, but insists he doesn’t need help and he’s going to do it himself
Holds the diaper and dirty onesie as far away from himself as possible as it is ‘transported’
Uses a million wipes. Looks like he’s going to cry when you tell him he could have just used the bath.
Is all smiles as soon as it’s over with like nothing had ever happened.
Tells everyone he is a diaper pro. Nothing phases him anymore.
Talks big through the whole pregnancy that he’s going to be fine doing the gross stuff like diapers.
Has no problem stepping up to change a diaper for the first time.
Although he does advocate for the ‘natural’ life for babies (aka let the kid run around naked. who cares as long as they’re happy right?) 
Goes through it like a pro until the smell hits.
“Damn, that smells worse than a Malboro. Are you sure you’re a baby?”
Can’t seem to keep the baby from wiggling. It seemed like ‘one step foreword two steps back’ for him.
“Put your leg...no stop...wait...stop moving...I’ve got to..don’t do that...”
Is convinced the dirty diaper goes with the toxic waste
Starts talking to the baby in a baby voice when he thinks you’ve stopped paying attention
Tells everyone he was amazing at it. Eventually he does get good at it, but he likes to tell everyone he was amazing from the get go
Doesn’t seem to bothered by the idea of diaper duty
Is the first person to change the baby’s diaper after it’s born
Asks a lot of questions about the best way to go about it
Does some extensive hand washing before and after (that goes out the window when diaper changing becomes a regular every day occurrence)
Talks to the baby about everything he’s doing
“Alright, I’m going to take your diaper off now..there you go, not so bad right?”
Is the only one not bothered by the sight or smell, or at least he doesn’t show it on the outside. He won’t tell you if you ask him.
Won’t let anyone else touch the baby after that (except for his s/o of course)
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lilithrevised · 6 years
My Mum called at 7am on Sunday morning just as I was about to go to bed.  I’m a night owl, and have repeatedly asked my Mum not to call that early because I both work and stay up late, so my day doesn’t generally start until about 11 am or noon.  But she doesn’t listen and calls at 8 or 9 am all the time, and wakes up my Hubby (he’s the lighter sleeper).  
Sunday morning I happened to stay up until about 7am playing video games.  This is way later than I normally stay up, but I was playing ARK with my bff because we hadn’t met up in several weeks, and lost track of time.  We finally called it a night, and I was about to go to bed when my cell rang.  It was my Mum.  I wasn’t in the mood to explain why I was going to bed after 7am, and didn’t really want to encourage her to call even earlier then she was prone to doing, so I ignored the call.  And as she usually does when she doesn’t get me on my cell, she called the house phone too.  I didn’t answer that either because it’s usually something about going out somewhere, and I clearly wasn’t doing that after an all-nighter.
But I have one of those old fashioned answering machines.  You know the ones where you can listen to the caller as they leave their message?  So as I was putting away my mess from the night before I listened to her leave the message.  It went a little something like this:
“Hi.  I woke up and I can’t get out of bed.  I am dizzy and I think I am having a stroke.  I can’t get a hold of your sister.  Can you call me back please?”
*insert sound of screeching vinyl here*
I yelled at my hubby to get dressed and why, called my Mum back immediately and told her we were on our way.  Called my sister,  and told her what was happening, and that I was getting her key because she was on the way and I couldn’t find mine, threw on my bra and pants from the day before and Hubby and I flew out the door.
My sis stayed on the phone with Mum until we got there.  When we did, Mum had a bit more mobility then what she described, but she still couldn’t stand or walk without keeling over.
A few things I learned about my Mum (bless her heart):
1. Even when she thinks she’s dying, she still wants to make sure you get her the pretty shoes, and wants to make sure she has a nice shirt on~not the perfectly serviceable plaid shirt that didn’t even look like she slept in it.
2. She might think she’s having a stroke and not be able to walk, but she’ll damn well crawl through the house to make sure her dog gets his epilepsy meds on time then drag her ass back to bed to try to sleep it off (this was part of the story she omitted when she first called~wtf).
3. My Mum might think she’s dying, but she’s calm as shit about it (I’ve seen my Mum pick up my sister and rush Canada Customs when my sister had an allergic reaction and couldn’t breath while crossing the border ~my Mum is bawls as shit when one of her offspring are in danger.  Seeing her calm was terrifying).
Long story short:  She’s been in the hospital since Sunday morning, but it looks like it might have been an aura migraine.  I was at the hospital with her while she was talking to the neurologist today before work. The doc is pretty sure it wasn’t a stroke.  She has to wait for Tuesday to get an MRI (holiday weekend) but if all is well they will release her tomorrow.
So I helped her shower, and into clean jammies.  Helped her back down the hall to her room.  Sat and had coffee with her (note the importance of this below).  We had a few laughs.
Fuck I’m never going to ignore a call from my Mum again.  
Some highlights though, because waiting to find out why your Mum is suddenly less mobile then a toddler shouldn’t be completely grim~at least not in my family:
Triage Nurse: [talking about tests being run and other stuff] It may have also been a cardiac event...*other private medical info here*
Mum: [immediately after leaving triage nurse] I want a coffee.
Me: No you can’t have coffee, it has caffeine and they are checking that you didn’t have a cardiac event. 
Mum: I think I can get onto that seat over there.
Me: Don’t get out of the wheel chair! You can’t walk! You are going to fall! 
Mum: But see I can wiggle [proceeds to show me how she can wiggle back and forth in her wheel chair
Mum: There’s a Tim Horton’s in here isn’t there? Can you get me a coffee? 
Me: No Mum, we have to wait to find out if you can have a coffee
Mum: I think I can stand up.
Me: Sit back in the chair, you can’t walk, the last thing you need to add is a concussion!
Mum: [laughs]
Me: [while helping her in the washroom] “Just wait for me to lock the chair so I can hel...[Mum gets up, stumbles, and flops hard on toilet] aaaaaaaaand your on the toilet.” 
Me: Let me know when you are done peeing.  I’ll help you up and to the sink.
Mum: I have to poop. Sorry. [laughs]
Me: [laughs] it’s okay, don’t worry about it.
Me:  You can’t have a coffee until the doctor says it’s okay. I’ll get you one as soon as I know it’s okay.
Mum: [to lab assistance pushing her gurney back to the ER after her CT Scan] Can I have a coffee?
Lab Assistant: Looks between us awkwardly.
Me:  NO Mum!  You can’t have a goddam coffee!” (FYI she laughed at me~I’m pretty sure she was just bored).  
*My middle sister gets to the ER and I go out to meet her, but they can’t let us in for 10 mins because the police just brought someone in and it’s blocked off*
Me: *catches her up*
Sis: Well...guess I’m not bringing her to the fireworks tonight
Random guy in waiting room: Oooo where are the fireworks?
Sis: *tells him*
Random guy: Cool.  I got stabbed [shows bloody arm]. I was protecting a girl, and I didn’t see his knife.  He’s lucky I didn’t have a knife or I woulda stabbed him 4 times.
Sis: [to me] Can you check if we can go in now??!
Mum: [after my sister got to the hospital] I wasn’t expecting to have to deal with this kind of thing for another 40 years.
Me: Mum you’re 65.  You didn’t expect anything like this until you were 105?
Mum: I expect to live to 130. [We all had a good laugh at that]
Aaaaaand just before I left to go home, take a nap, and get her dogs to keep them overnight because she was being admitted
Mum: “Make sure when you come to see me tomorrow you bring me a coffee”
Me: *smh*
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dogntreats · 7 years
New Post has been published on Dog N Treats
New Post has been published on https://dogntreats.com/dog-wont-stop-peeing-house/
My Dog Won't Stop Peeing In The House
When I first got my dog as a puppy, she simply won’t stop peeing in the house. Stopping her from peeing is literally the toughest thing that we have to manage. It took us quite some time before she is properly trained to stop peeing in the house. While I might be lucky that my dog is pretty easy to train, I cannot say the same for dogs who are out of the puppy stage. We all know that it is easier to train a puppy than an adult dog. But before you tear your hair out, you should be glad to know that the adult dog can still be trained not to pee in the house. Le’s find out more about how to solve the problem of “my dog won’t stop peeing in the house”.
My Dog Won’t Stop Peeing In The House
Over the years of working with dogs and owners alike, we notice that many of their problems are exactly the same. In addition, some of them also experienced the following:
Pulling out your hair every time your dog soils your floor or pee around the house.
Stopping your family or friends from visiting you, because there is a pungent smell coming from random pee and poop in the house.
Stepping on the floor, assuming its same, only to feel like you have stepped onto an ocean full of pee.
Paranoid about every water stain that you see on the floor.
If the above resonates with you, then you are in the right place. As mentioned, after working for years with dogs and their owners, the problems faced by them are generally the same. Just ask yourself this question: How many times have you apologized to family or visitors who accidentally stepped on pee or poo? How many times were you embarrassed by the lingering pungent smell? If you are worried about it, then the following section will be important to you. Do you know exactly what causes the dog to pee randomly in the house?
Top Reasons Why Dog Pee Randomly In The House
There are many different reasons that cause the dog to pee randomly around the house. While some are medical conditions, others can be simply attributed to their character. By knowing exactly the real reason behind the random peeing, you can better administer any rectifications, if any. Lets find out some of the common, and perhaps some uncommon, causes.
This is one of the top reasons why dogs pee around in the house without any apparent reason. If you notice, there is a pattern that follows just before the random pee occurs. I first noticed that the dog pees whenever I am just home from work. I can see my dog wiggling its tail vigorously, while at the same time jumping about. Hence, I reach the conclusion that if the dog is overly excited, they will excrete some pee in the midst of their overzealousness in expressing their emotions.
Fearful Or Stressed
If you have seen enough horror movies, there are plenty of scenes whereby the actor pee in their pants after encountering something particularly scary. This is a sign of fear. When we are extremely fearful of an event, we might momentarily lose the function of controlling or holding in our pee. This goes the same for dogs too.
When dogs are feeling fearful, they will want to submit to the fear. In the process of submission, they will let go of their pee. While this is a natural process, it is a cause for concern as your dog should not be feeling fearful, at least not most of the time.
Another possible scenario is that the dog is stressed after you bring it out for a walk. It can be stress due to a larger animal chasing or barking at them, or it can also be an injury that it suffered during the walk that went unnoticed by you. In either case, the dog will start to pee randomly as a natural reaction in coping with stress.
Some dogs love to leave their mark all over their place. Is it common knowledge that dogs love to leave their sniff and leave their mark at places, so as to mark their territory. If you have just one dog, this problem might not be commonplace. However, if you have more than 1 dog, this might be an issue if both dogs do not get along with one another. By leaving their mark around the house, they are inevitably saying that these are territories that other dogs shouldn’t intrude into.
If the dog loves to do this, you should quickly identify the reason behind the behavior and administer rectification as soon as possible. This will prevent the problem from perpetuating to a blown up one.
Improper Conditioning
I have a personal experience that perhaps some of you can relate to. When I got my dog, I put her in her crate just before I go to bed. This is because I fear that she might urinate anywhere in the house when I am asleep. When I wake up the next morning, I will usually see her urine and/or poo in the crate. It is then that I let her out of the crate. So this became a routine.  Until one day, I decided to let her roam around in the house because I assumed that she understood that we have designated the crate to be her toilet.
I would wake up the next day, seeing urine and poop just outside my door (I close my door when I sleep). This situation carried on until I put her back in the crate at night. I was perplexed by this, as it seems very strange to me that the crate training process failed. There was once, I let the dog roam around the house. As the entire family left the house, we could hear the dog whining behind the door. We decided to bring the dog out too. After I open the door, to my horror, there was urine on the floor!
It then struck us that the dog has been improperly conditioned to urine or poo, hoping that we will open locked doors to her. Once we identified the cause of this, we actually made full use of the conditioning. She never randomly pees or poops around the house again.
How To Stop Dog From Peeing In The House
Now that we have identified some of the known causes or reason why dogs tend to pee or poop randomly in the house, we can better rectify them using the following recommendations.
Crate Training
The best way to actually stop the dog from peeing around in the house is actually by crate training them. When you crate train the dog, you are effectively limiting the areas at which the dog can pee. This can be done via conditioning training. This is actually the best way to get your dog to stop peeing in the house itself. Crate training will bring multiple benefits to your dog too.
For example, should your dog be constantly afraid of being alone (and hence the random pee or poop), it will be awesome if you can purchase a crate for them. This is because crates act like a safe haven to dogs, and they often seek refuge in it when depressed. It does help to provide a calming effect on the dog itself.
Neutralizing Lingering Marks
It is common knowledge that dogs have a better sense of smell than humans. Hence, even if you wipe off the existing territorial marks, the dogs will still be able to sniff them out. One of the best ways to stop this is actually to use a very special solution to wipe the marks away. What we do is that we will dilute the vinegar with water, and contain them in a spray bottle. We will then go about spraying at the affected areas The solution itself is able to mask the smell or any other lingering marks completely, and the dog will not be able to find them at all.
Keeping Them Occupied
If you think of dogs as toddlers who want attention every time, then this is an easy one for you. All you have to do is to keep them occupied, right? Correct! But how do you exactly keep them occupied when you are busy working, or you are at work? You can’t switch on the television for them as they probably cannot discern the images and sounds coming out fro the screen.
Luckily for you, there are Interactive Toys that allows you to engage your dogs in activities even when you are away. You can also use the Food Dispensing Toys to help you keep the dog busy!
Avoid Exciting The Dog Until Businesses Are Done
Similar to managing a child, avoid exciting your dog before they have completely finished with their business. This will prevent them from accidentaly excreting waste.
Bring The Dog To The Vet
If all else fails, then there might be some underlying medical conditions that you are not aware of. If that is the case, then you might want to bring your dog to the vet for immediate attention.
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🏰⚔️🐲👑🐲 DMODT 62 update
Waking groggy and disorientated, Eren needed a moment to adjust. His whole body hurt, an uncomfortable niggling ran the length of his throat, his arse felt full of razor blades, his head throbbing violently with the brightness of Levi's room painfully assaulting his eyes. He felt revolting, so why was it that when he looked down to see his sleeping baby, all that went from his head. His baby. His and Levi's pup... they were finally here, and his heart swelled with pride. Eagerly, and carefully, Eren lifted his baby to his chest. The weight in his arms solid and heavy, his sons small lips yawning sleepily as bright eyes blinked up at him "Hey baby... I'm your mumma..." Tears filled his eyes, it felt so much like a dream. His child was perfection personified. Most parents probably thought that of their child, yet Eren knew his child was. Readjusting the towel the pup had been wrapped in, he smiled at his son's chubby belly and legs, not this proud since Luca had broken free of his egg "My baby boy. My second baby boy. Luca's your big brother... I've waited so long to meet you... too long" Smacking his lips, his son wiggled as he stretched with another yawn "Does that mean your hungry? Shall we try feeding my love? I can't believe I fell asleep without telling you how much I love you" His son took a few attempts to latch, Eren's tears turning to those of frustration. His breasts hurt. Hanging heavy and tender, swollen with milk for his child. It took nearly a dozen attempts for the pup to take his nipple, Eren not expecting his other breast to leak as he fed his child. He wanted Levi to see this. He'd done this on his own. He'd gotten their son to feed "Levi... wake up" Groaning at him, Levi was curled up with Luca. His family all in Levi's bed rather than their nest. He didn't like that. For some reason the bed felt far too big "Levi, come on. Wake up. Luca, wake your daddy" Luca was up to the challenge, his tongue flicking out to run up Levi's cheek "Luca, gross! Stop it!" Luca kept licking until Levi pushed himself up, wiping at his face in disgust "Levi, you're missing it" "What... oh! You're awake? How long have you been awake?" Eren smiled at his baby, his pup drinking down his milk happily "Not very long... I got him to feed" "I can see that. You two look good together. How do you feel? Are you in pain?" "You have no idea... everything hurts" "Do you still feel sick?" "I don't feel good" "I swear you said that a hundred times yesterday... can I help?" "My head's pounding, and my everything feels gross down there... I'm sorry you had to see that" "No. Don't be sorry. You did so good. I need to check you soon. The healer came, do you remember?" "No... I remember seeing him, but that's about all. What did the healer say?" "That you tore. You lost a lot of blood, and honestly you scared me with your fever. It wasn't breaking" "I still feel clammy" "You used a lot of magic. Obsydin said it may take time for you to regain full use of it. You need to take it slow" "I'm taking it slow. I want to savour this... he's so perfect, Levi. Thank you... thank you for him" "You did all the hard work... I'm so relieved you're both ok" "You delivered him" "Your magic made it interesting" Looking up, Eren blinked, the light leaving him squinting but what he could see had him groaning "I'm so sorry" "It was an experience. Moblit wasn't sure what to make of all it" "Moblit?" He didn't remember Moblit being there "He helped... you... god, you tore. You tore so badly, I though you were going to bleed out" Levi's scent was filled with guilt, his alpha reduced to tears. Balancing their son with one arm, he reached for Levi, pulling him in against him. Levi nuzzled into neck as he cried softly. His mate must have been so scared trying to deliver their baby alone "I'm ok. Tired as hell. Sore as hell. Gross as hell. But so happy. So, so happy. Looking at him, it makes it all worth it" "I thought you'd die. You were coughing. Does your chest still hurt?" "A little. My breasts were filled with milk for our son, but now it's draining I can feel the lingering pain. Not having magic isn't going to be fun" "I'm sorry" "No... I put you in an impossible position... because I was scared" "I know. You mentioned why. I love you so much, Eren. So much" "I love you too. Did you introduce Luca to his brother?" "I did. He was pretty scared by the whole thing" "Luca, baby boy, come here" Crawling over to Eren, Luca placed his head on his leg, cooing softly as he did. He knew there would be times Luca felt neglected and his heart hurt at the thought of him experiencing that "My handsome boy. This baby changes nothing. I love you. You're my treasure, and my son. You're a big brother now. You're going to have to teach this little one so many things as you both grow. I couldn't ask for a better son or brother than you" Luca looked up at him, his eyes wide as he digested Eren's words "I love you" Letting out a long trill, his son flapped his wings happily "That's my boy. Mummy isn't going to be able to take you for walks or to play while he recovers. But when I can, I'll take you to play as much as I can. It's not fair you've been cooped up in here. Daddy might even take you for a walk before I get a chance to. No matter what happens, your my first born, and I am so proud to be your mum" Nuzzling harder, Levi was still crying "I'm so proud to be your alpha. I love you" "I love you, too. Will you burp him when he's finished feeding? I'm falling back to sleep" "Of course. You need to rest. I tried not to fall asleep..." "Levi, no. You need your rest. We have two perfect sons that need all our attention. You have to rest when you can" "You were bleeding. Eren, it... I can't get it out my head" He'd thought Levi would be able to cope after helping deliver his clutch, now he was scared of how much he'd bled "Was... it... was it worse than the first time?" "Y-yes... Obsydin told me not to let anyone but you destroy the sheets and towels with the blood and birth on them... there were so many" "Ok... we'll deal with it. Is that why I'm in bed?" "You deserved a made bed. It's the least you deserve" "Thank you. With how I feel, it'll probably be easier for me to move like this" "I was worried you'd be angry over the nest" "I'm... I want my nest. Like I really want my nest, the bed feels too big and open, but I understand..." "It's a mess" "I don't want our son sleeping in a mess. We need a cot" "We do. Moblit knows that. He'll probably talk to Hanji. An announcement over the birth would have been made by now" "The castle was probably awash with rumou...rs" Yawning widely, Eren made the mistake of trying to move, sending pain flaring across his arse and up his spine. Whimpering, he wasn't doing that again "Eren?" "Moving is bad... god... my arse is fucking wrecked" "Oi. Don't swear in front of the baby" "I'm in pain... I was going to have herbs ready for this, so it wouldn't be so bad. Oh... god. Do you realise what happened? We ruined another public function. We're going to be banned from them for causing too much drama" Levi finally snorted out a laugh "We really do have terrible luck at public functions" "I wouldn't allow us out in public again" "I'm fine with that. I could live in a world with just the four of us" "I couldn't. I want them to meet Isabel and Farlan. I want our boys to know their aunt and uncle" "You're too good for me" "No. I think at this point we're both about even. I think he's nearly done" "I've got him. You rest... I'm so proud of you" "As I am, of you" * Getting a few more hours sleep, Eren was happy to let Levi handle nappy and clean up duty. He wasn't coordinated enough to, and a hot shower was calling his name. Helping Eren into the bathroom, Eren literally screamed as his arse touched the chair in the shower. The pain far worse than he'd thought it would be. It didn't get any better as hot water began to rain down on his sensitive body, peeing felt as if his internal organs were about to fall out through his arse. No one had warned him about that, and his magic had healed him straight away after the clutch. Crying in the shower, Levi tried to usher him out as he prepared a bath in the bathroom basin for their son. The tap high enough that it wasn't in the way for when Levi would settled him down. Watching his mate from the shower, he was less than gentle as he cleaned himself, accidentally reopening his delicate scabs, and causing a fresh wave of blood to run down the dream. His son wasn't even having his first bath, but Eren didn't want to miss a single moment. By the end of the shower, he wasn't sure he was much cleaner. Dressing in the one remaining bathrobe, a trail of blood followed Eren's shuffled steps. He'd always respected those who'd given birth, that respect only growing by the second. Maybe he was just horrible at recovering, but he felt horrid. The hot water only made his headache worse, he'd thrown up, which thankfully Levi hadn't noticed. Watching Levi bath their son, their baby boy didn't love it. Crying loudly, they were serenaded with his cries, breaking Eren's heart though he knew his pup needed to be cleaned. Levi had obviously cleaned him up at some point, yet he assured him that this was their son's first real bath. As one tiny hand flailed, Eren took it in his. The pups fingers impossibly tiny in his hands, curling around his thumb and hanging on for dear life, despite having nothing to fear. The water wasn't overly warm. Levi using his hands to softly wash him clean of his mess. His first poop was something neither of them would forget thanks to how gross it was, but after an extended diet and no toilet facilities, they should be counting their blessings that it wasn't much worse. Rinsed and carefully dried with a towel that had a suspicious stain on it, their boy was ready to return to bed, falling asleep in Levi's arms before they even reached the bed. The next bit wasn't so great for Eren. Laying on his side, Levi was panicking over the amount of blood he was oozing as his mate applied a medicinal ointment to his delicate arse. It burnt so badly that Eren nearly bit through his lip in pain, while Levi was upset that Eren had made himself bleed. The situation ended with the bathrobe between Eren's legs to catch the blood. The towel he'd sat on previously soaked with all kind of things he didn't wish to think of. Yeah. He was a terrible sick person. He'd rather suffer in silence than cause Levi more work, even lying to his alpha when Levi asked what he wanted down with the ruined linen and birth. He had no idea if he could summon his magic, yet he had Levi throw the bundle into the fireplace where it snuffed out half the flame. He was lucky that his magic did rise for him, only for the instant it took to incinerate the mess into oblivion, then falling so low he felt as if he had no magic at all. Things would be hard with no magic. It triggered feelings of being confined against his will. His mess of emotion from a painful birth, and his weakened, sick, state, reduced him to tears. Levi was soft through all of it. He didn't push for an answer, instead he covered Eren with the sheets, making sure he and both their son's were comfortable. Eren knew he was disappointing Levi as his eyes slid closed. He knew Levi wanted him to eat and drink, but sleep was too alluring to deny. He'd get a few more hours, then their pup would be ready for his next feed. No matter what happened, he'd force himself to eat. He needed to regain his strength as soon as possible to protect his family, and maybe if he ate, he'd have the brain power to think without his head feeling as if it'd implode. * Sending for supplies, Levi watched over Eren sleeping. They'd been forced to share a towel in the bathroom, leaving him worried of possible causing an infection. Eren's wounds were deep, his magic seemed to have half healed them at best before fading out. As his omega slept, Levi kept a hand on his shoulder. The guards in front of their door had been changed, the pair before probably heard every single moment of Eren giving birth, but that wasn't his problem. He couldn't find the energy to be worried or concerned for anything that wasn't in his bed right now. Each time he looked to his son, he smiled. He was smiling so much he was starting to creep himself out, even if he wasn't able to control how damn proud he was. No doubt Hanji would come to check on them soon, or possibly all their friends, and the fact they'd been left alone for so long was a blessing. She'd probably turn up with the requested blankets and towels, in order to lecture them over something or other and ruin the moment. She had absolutely no chance of even touching their child. His alpha simply would not allow anyone other than him or Eren to do so. It'd been a stretch to allow the healer to examine him, and Moblit had been smart enough not to ask. No. The longer they all stayed away, the better it was, as far as he was concerned. He didn't wish for Eren to be exposed to so many people in such a vulnerable state, nor would he allow these small moment so peace to be carelessly ruined. This was his family, and his family needed to rest further, the guards at his door would see to that. Despite no longer being prince, his words still carried weight. It allowed them time to bond with their pup. To experience his first feed, first bath and nappy change as a family unit, rather than having one of the castle physicians force their personal preferences upon them. To him, Eren was a natural mother, his poise, grace, love, and unending forgiveness was like any other omega he'd ever met. He knew the omega would struggle, like all mother's did, but he'd be there with him. His emotions would probably be out of character for his mate, even more so than before the birth as now they had their pup to consider and they needed to work out a new routine around a child who was innocent to the demands placed on society by shitty idiots. Eren was feeding their son when they received their first visitor. Eren had eaten first, Levi somewhat cruel in telling him he had to eat before he could feed their son, Eren had insisted he'd intended to eat, but Levi wasn't completely convinced. His mate trying to mask his pain, like Levi couldn't smell it all over him. Knocking on their still broken door, Historia was the last person he expected see, the princess shyly poking her head into the room "May I please come in?" Eren instantly perked up, his voice low and ruff with exhaustion. Levi wasn't sure he wanted anyone near his mate, but Eren clearly wanted her there, and what Eren wanted, he got "Historia! Yes, please" Letting herself into the room, Historia smiled widely, her arms filled with soft clothes. Keeping her voice low, she moved to place the bundle on the bed "Eren, I'm so happy for you. And for you, Levi. I'm sorry for intruding, the moment the news reached me, I selfishly had to be here" "No. No, it's fine. I'm sorry I won't be much company" "Labour is exhausting... and I can feel how weak you are. You look stunning" Eren blushed and ducked his head "He made it worth it" "Congratulations on your baby boy, I sincerely mean that. I have brought blankets from home, I hope you don't mind the gift" "Not at all. Though now I'll have to think harder on what to gift you when your clutch is birthed" "Nonsense. The only thing you need to think of is your child. How do you feel" Eren opened his mouth, but Levi wasn't about to let him off easily "He had major tearing and bleeding. He's also had a fever, nausea, vomiting, and fresh bleeding this morning" Eren shot him daggers, Historia simply nodding understandingly "It's because of your magic. I hope you don't mind me speaking openly. When you passed your first clutch, they were unfortunately empty, your body was preparing to pass them, and that's why you healed immediately. Bringing a new life into this world is hard, more so when you're a human male. Until your magic returns and evens out, your healing will be slow. Your body cannot take being healed by another right now, even though your magic isn't working, it's not as if you've lost it completely. It's working to protect you from outside forces, I can feel it rejecting my magic. I cannot heal you, neither can a castle healer" Levi growled, that's not what the shitty arsehole in his mind had said. All he got was a mental frown from the elder dragon "Obsydin told me he needed a healer, that they would help" "He probably honestly thought they would. But Eren is a slightly special case. He is both storm dragon and omega Mage. His magics have a mind of their own, and storm dragon tend to be renowned for their crankiness after birth, and long recovery times. Their bodies carry huge burdens after all. I am sorry that my attempting to use magic to heal you would only come to nothing" Long recovery time? How long was long? And was the human long, or dragon long? "Historia, ignore Levi. He had... it wasn't the best birth. And he's going to need some time to settle" "Of course he is. Trust me, nothing either of you say or do could offend me right now. I'm simply too happy to see you holding your son" "I'm happy too. Do you want to see his face, I don't think I'm up for letting anyone else hold him... I don't ever want to let him or Luca go" Luca was still firmly glued to Eren, he too was clearly enthralled with his new brother "Luca had a rough birth too. I would love to see him" Levi couldn't help but growl when Historia moved the side of the towel their son was swaddled in. They had fresh blankets now, though they really weren't the ones he'd thought they would receiving. Letting out a small gasp, Historia melted at the sight of their son "Oh Eren, he's simply perfect" "I haven't thought of a name" Whispering it like a bad thing, Eren's smile fell to guilt "You must not be so hasty to name him. You're mentally exhausted, you need rest and this little one is far more important than a name at this stage. Trust me, some dragons take months, then come out with something very plain, that doesn't suit their child at all" "That actually makes me feel better" Leaning in, Historia kissed Eren's forehead "Good. Now, I've brought blankets and I brought you some herbs dragons use after birth. I also brought with me a gift for your son" "Now I feel even worse than when you said it was blankets" "Nonsense. You need a real nest around you. I would have brought more with me, but Ymir told me I couldn't" "Where is she?" "Down with Armin and Mikasa, Armin was the one who wrote. He said you went into labour at Erwin's funeral" That was surprising to both of them. Eren bit his lip, then looking away instead of chasing the topic "I thought you'd not like to be crowded right now. Why don't you finish feeding him while I clean up a little? I don't have your flare for washing, but I can do something about all these roses and the shattered window" "No, you're our guest" "Eren, if I was in the same circumstance, I know without any hesitation that you would do the same for me" "I hate you" Historia poked her tongue out "I hate you too" "I don't really hate you" "I know you don't. You're like a brother to me, and I'm honoured to meet your son" "You're the fifth. Levi and Moblit were the first... wait... sixth, I forgot about Obsydin. Levi, Obsydin, Moblit, me, Luca, you" Historia looked to Levi, he couldn't tell if she was mad or not "Moblit helped deliver him, Eren was too weak to stand, but Eren did meet our son before Moblit" "You don't need to explain. My curiosity was just getting the better of me" "Moblit was sent because of all the screaming. Hanji isn't really talking to us, and neither is Armin. I don't really want to talk about it right now. Levi, can you come take him? I'm falling back to sleep. Sorry, Historia" "No, you must rest. Would you mind if I told the others you are both resting, yet doing well? Mikasa is honestly a bit of a wreck. She feels as if she should have noticed" Eren bit his lip again, his hands moving slightly to adjust their hold on their son as he finished up the very last of his feed "You won't tell them it's a boy?" "The rumours say it's a boy, but I promise that is your news to formally announce" "Then thank you. I know we cannot hide in here, but my instincts..." "I know very well how your instincts are. Don't worry. I shall explain things to them from a dragon and riders point of view. You're not only alpha and omega, having those two instinct rule you for the moment, but dragon and rider with is... complicated. I doubt anyone else should cross into this threshold for at least another two days" Eren pouted, their son done with their feed and ready to be burped "But... I want Mikasa to meet her nephew" Levi was fine with no more disturbances, even Historia was starting to get to him "Then remake your nest. Give yourself that comfort you deserve. Follow all of your instincts, it'll only be too uncomfortable to deny them. That goes for both of you. I'll see you soon Eren" Historia kissed Eren's forehead again, the princess then climbing off the bed. She'd probably seen Eren's magical talents like this far more times than she letting on, given the ease at which she repaired everything, including the windows. Yeah. He was stupid, of course she'd seen Eren's out of control magic, they'd both mentioned it before. Maybe he also needed to do the sleep, after his son was burped and settled, naturally... oh the room... His fingers itches to clean it. Some of the rose petals and vines remained, but compared to the windowless war zone it'd been, Levi could easily handle the rest once Eren fell back to sleep. * It took Eren another day to be able to stay awake for longer than a feed or a tear inducing shower. Hard surfaces were not his mate's friend, and as an omega who hated being "down", his love had grown restless, ignoring his own body's demands to rest in the nest Levi had made for him from the fine blankets Historia had brought. Curled up in their bed opposite him, Luca was laying along Eren's back with his head against Eren's nape, while Eren was drawing soft circles on their son's chubby belly. Half a dozen times Eren had opened his mouth, only to close it again. A blind man could see he was thinking far too hard over something, something Levi probably wasn't going to like. He hadn't liked it when Eren had asked for a purely liquid diet, his mate needed rich foods. He also hadn't liked it when Eren didn't let him tend to his bleeding arse, only for the omega to wind up in more pain. He was cranky and being stubborn over the wrong things. Historia has said Eren would be cranky, but Levi wasn't sure that there was a difference between stubborn and cranky at the moment. "Spit it out already. I'm sick of you not saying whatever is on your mind" "I want to talk to Armin" Levi groaned, rolling onto his back and covering his face with his hands, the tips of his fingers rubbing at the inner corners of his tired eyes "I want them to meet our baby" "Historia said to rest" "I am resting. I feel better in this nest you made... I want... I don't want to hide" There was nothing wrong with their son, so why should they have to show him to the world? Eren was still so vulnerable, and allowing the others entrance to their room would bring their shitty scents with them "Eren..." "Please, I don't want to hide our baby away like there's something wrong with him. I want them to see him..." Eren's eyes filled with tears, his lip trembling "Eren... my instincts aren't under control. Each time the guard knocks on the door, I have to remind myself not to cut them down" "I don't want him to die without meeting them" Levi growled "He's not going to die" "We weren't supposed to be able to have him to begin with... I'm scared. I want people to meet our baby. I want them to see how beautiful he is..." Eren's eyelashes fluttered as tears rolled down his face "I don't mean to upset you. You're so vulnerable right now. You're exhausted and in pain. You've barely eaten and you won't eat a proper meal" "Of course I won't! Do you really think I want anything coming out my arse right now!" Oh... oh... that... he hadn't thought of what happened once Eren had actually eaten "I..." "You're not the one who had to push a baby thought a tiny hole. It was like pushing a cantaloupe through the eye of a needle" Levi winced. He'd seen it. He'd seen their baby crown... and the way their shoulders had grown stuck... "I know. I saw... everything. You're not well. You're still feverish, and..." "A five minute visit to put the minds of our friends at rest, shouldn't lead to us fighting like this!" "I don't want to fight" "Then let me introduce our baby to our friends" "I'm not saying never, I'm saying..." "Levi, they're are our family. They don't need to touch our son, or even come close. We can leave the door open, and open the windows to air the room. I want to show the people who supported us, how perfect our family is. How perfect this baby boy you gave me is" He wasn't going to win. Not with Eren looking at him the way he was. Their son was perfect. His mother just as perfect "After dinner? Before we prepare for bed, and only for a few moments. But in exchange you must make a deal" "A deal?" "Let me take care of your bleeding. You hurt yourself and I can't stand it" Eren's cheeks reddened "I don't think I can" "Why not?" "It's embarrassing" "Birth is not embarrassing" "No... I... why do you have to keep making me so embarrassed? Can't you just accept my word?" "How can I accept anything if I don't understand" His omega groaned his sentence one long string that took Levi a moment to process "I...get hard when you touch me, and I'm so sensitive that it really hurts" "Oh" "Please don't make me explain anything else" Levi was pretty sure he couldn't he handle anything else overly graphic at the moment. No solid foods, and no tending to Eren's arse... He'd just have to admire it from afar "No. I won't. I'm sorry you're suffering" "It's ok, because he's here. May I still have visitors?" Eren couldn't help the medical side of things, and Levi didn't want a repeat of him shitting blood. That shit was going to haunt his nightmares for years to come "Yes, but not everyone. Historia seems to be fine with my instincts, perhaps because she's also a dragon rider, or because she showed you no harm. I don't know how I would handle Mikasa. Even though..." "I'm not asking you to. I want to thank Moblit properly. Then talk to Mikasa and Armin. Not everyone all at once" "You thanked Moblit" "I can barely even remember Historia has been here, I probably wouldn't without the silks" "Our son is swaddled in the blanket she brought as a gift" "That's true... I still want to talk to Moblit... and I want to Historia. I want to know what's going on with Dina in Draecia. I doubt she went so easy..." "No. You're not talking politics. Historia will inform us when the time is right" Eren shook his head. Seriously, why could he just not rest? "I don't like being out of the loop" "I know. You're getting cranky" "I'm in too much pain to be cranky" "I don't know about that" Wriggling closer to their son, Eren stroked his wispy black hair "I'm sorry if I'm being cranky. I'm enjoying being him and with you, but I really want everyone to see this beautiful baby you gave me" "He's our son. We don't need to rush" "I still feel he needs a name" "Unlike Luca, he didn't come right out and say that" "You remember Luca's birth?" "I could never forget. You were so excited and so worried for him. The pride on your face when he finally emerged... I'll never forget it" "Our baby boys are too perfect. I'm so proud of them" Hearing his name, Luca raised his head, dropping in on Eren's ear as if to remind them he was right there "Yes, we're talking about you. So you wish to see Moblit separately?" "Just to thank him" "Alright. I'll inform the guards" "Thank you. And thank you for trusting me" "I don't own you Eren. I love you" "I love you too" Moblit arrived within the hour, the man blushing as Eren thanked him again. That was all Levi really got hear and see, as Eren asked for a moment alone with him. By the time he'd run a bubble bath for Luca and returned, Moblit had left and Eren was smiling happily. Climbing into their nest, Levi took the space Luca had been occupying, peppering kisses to Eren's exposed shoulders and nape. With his lover's hair so long, he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Eren's vow across the back of his neck, or the bonding mark he'd given him. Mouthing a soft kiss to the scar, Eren actually giggled. The sound glorious and unexpected "Something wrong?" "Not at all. It's just ticklish. Is Luca ok?" "He's fine. You know what he's like when it comes to bubbles. How was your talk with Moblit? He left so soon" "He didn't want to make either of us uncomfortable. He's going to inform our family of that a visit after dinner is permitted" "You make it sound so formal" "It kind of is. Mmm, I've missed you spooned up behind me" Kissing their mark again, Levi nodded "Luca took my spot" "I know. And I like you protecting our pup. It's feel like it's been ages since you held me like this" "You do realise I held you through your fever, and after" "It's all cloudy. It feels so weird no longer having our pup inside of me. I feel empty" "I can't imagine" "It's weird" "Do you want another baby?" "I... I would give you a whole clutch if I could. I don't know if I can conceive again..." "I don't mean this very moment. And I do not mind adopting. Adopting gave us our first son. I just mean, one day" "Yes. Luca shall be one in a few months. I wish I knew the date he hatched" "Your birthday is in just a few weeks" It was the 18th of March now. How that happened, Levi didn't know "Really?" "Yes. We were with Hannes for a month, and you fell pregnant some time after that. Obsydin said he feels it wasn't long after you used your breath on his sword, but he isn't certain" "Captivity stripped my ability to tell time from me. Every day has seemed to roll into the next, combining into a blur. If you say my birthday is soon, I believe you" "Do you want to do anything for it this year?" "Sleep?" "Not quite what I meant" "Then no. No royal ball. No trips to Europe. No attending the festival of dragons. I don't want to do anything" That wasn't going to happen. It didn't have to be a huge celebration, but with the last three years they'd had, Eren would have a party "I mean it. I don't want to be celebrated. I don't want to have to be nice. This is nice. Me, you, our boys"
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🏰⚔️👑🐲 DMODT 62 - update
Waking groggy and disorientated, Eren needed a moment to adjust. His whole body hurt, an uncomfortable niggling ran the length of his throat, his arse felt full of razor blades, his head throbbing violently with the brightness of Levi's room painfully assaulting his eyes. He felt revolting, so why was it that when he looked down to see his sleeping baby, all that went from his head. His baby. His and Levi's pup... they were finally here, and his heart swelled with pride. Eagerly, and carefully, Eren lifted his baby to his chest. The weight in his arms solid and heavy, his sons small lips yawning sleepily as bright eyes blinked up at him "Hey baby... I'm your mumma..." Tears filled his eyes, it felt so much like a dream. His child was perfection personified. Most parents probably thought that of their child, yet Eren knew his child was. Readjusting the towel the pup had been wrapped in, he smiled at his son's chubby belly and legs, not this proud since Luca had broken free of his egg "My baby boy. My second baby boy. Luca's your big brother... I've waited so long to meet you... too long" Smacking his lips, his son wiggled as he stretched with another yawn "Does that mean your hungry? Shall we try feeding my love? I can't believe I fell asleep without telling you how much I love you" His son took a few attempts to latch, Eren's tears turning to those of frustration. His breasts hurt. Hanging heavy and tender, swollen with milk for his child. It took nearly a dozen attempts for the pup to take his nipple, Eren not expecting his other breast to leak as he fed his child. He wanted Levi to see this. He'd done this on his own. He'd gotten their son to feed "Levi... wake up" Groaning at him, Levi was curled up with Luca. His family all in Levi's bed rather than their nest. He didn't like that. For some reason the bed felt far too big "Levi, come on. Wake up. Luca, wake your daddy" Luca was up to the challenge, his tongue flicking out to run up Levi's cheek "Luca, gross! Stop it!" Luca kept licking until Levi pushed himself up, wiping at his face in disgust "Levi, you're missing it" "What... oh! You're awake? How long have you been awake?" Eren smiled at his baby, his pup drinking down his milk happily "Not very long... I got him to feed" "I can see that. You two look good together. How do you feel? Are you in pain?" "You have no idea... everything hurts" "Do you still feel sick?" "I don't feel good" "I swear you said that a hundred times yesterday... can I help?" "My head's pounding, and my everything feels gross down there... I'm sorry you had to see that" "No. Don't be sorry. You did so good. I need to check you soon. The healer came, do you remember?" "No... I remember seeing him, but that's about all. What did the healer say?" "That you tore. You lost a lot of blood, and honestly you scared me with your fever. It wasn't breaking" "I still feel clammy" "You used a lot of magic. Obsydin said it may take time for you to regain full use of it. You need to take it slow" "I'm taking it slow. I want to savour this... he's so perfect, Levi. Thank you... thank you for him" "You did all the hard work... I'm so relieved you're both ok" "You delivered him" "Your magic made it interesting" Looking up, Eren blinked, the light leaving him squinting but what he could see had him groaning "I'm so sorry" "It was an experience. Moblit wasn't sure what to make of all it" "Moblit?" He didn't remember Moblit being there "He helped... you... god, you tore. You tore so badly, I though you were going to bleed out" Levi's scent was filled with guilt, his alpha reduced to tears. Balancing their son with one arm, he reached for Levi, pulling him in against him. Levi nuzzled into neck as he cried softly. His mate must have been so scared trying to deliver their baby alone "I'm ok. Tired as hell. Sore as hell. Gross as hell. But so happy. So, so happy. Looking at him, it makes it all worth it" "I thought you'd die. You were coughing. Does your chest still hurt?" "A little. My breasts were filled with milk for our son, but now it's draining I can feel the lingering pain. Not having magic isn't going to be fun" "I'm sorry" "No... I put you in an impossible position... because I was scared" "I know. You mentioned why. I love you so much, Eren. So much" "I love you too. Did you introduce Luca to his brother?" "I did. He was pretty scared by the whole thing" "Luca, baby boy, come here" Crawling over to Eren, Luca placed his head on his leg, cooing softly as he did. He knew there would be times Luca felt neglected and his heart hurt at the thought of him experiencing that "My handsome boy. This baby changes nothing. I love you. You're my treasure, and my son. You're a big brother now. You're going to have to teach this little one so many things as you both grow. I couldn't ask for a better son or brother than you" Luca looked up at him, his eyes wide as he digested Eren's words "I love you" Letting out a long trill, his son flapped his wings happily "That's my boy. Mummy isn't going to be able to take you for walks or to play while he recovers. But when I can, I'll take you to play as much as I can. It's not fair you've been cooped up in here. Daddy might even take you for a walk before I get a chance to. No matter what happens, your my first born, and I am so proud to be your mum" Nuzzling harder, Levi was still crying "I'm so proud to be your alpha. I love you" "I love you, too. Will you burp him when he's finished feeding? I'm falling back to sleep" "Of course. You need to rest. I tried not to fall asleep..." "Levi, no. You need your rest. We have two perfect sons that need all our attention. You have to rest when you can" "You were bleeding. Eren, it... I can't get it out my head" He'd thought Levi would be able to cope after helping deliver his clutch, now he was scared of how much he'd bled "Was... it... was it worse than the first time?" "Y-yes... Obsydin told me not to let anyone but you destroy the sheets and towels with the blood and birth on them... there were so many" "Ok... we'll deal with it. Is that why I'm in bed?" "You deserved a made bed. It's the least you deserve" "Thank you. With how I feel, it'll probably be easier for me to move like this" "I was worried you'd be angry over the nest" "I'm... I want my nest. Like I really want my nest, the bed feels too big and open, but I understand..." "It's a mess" "I don't want our son sleeping in a mess. We need a cot" "We do. Moblit knows that. He'll probably talk to Hanji. An announcement over the birth would have been made by now" "The castle was probably awash with rumou...rs" Yawning widely, Eren made the mistake of trying to move, sending pain flaring across his arse and up his spine. Whimpering, he wasn't doing that again "Eren?" "Moving is bad... god... my arse is fucking wrecked" "Oi. Don't swear in front of the baby" "I'm in pain... I was going to have herbs ready for this, so it wouldn't be so bad. Oh... god. Do you realise what happened? We ruined another public function. We're going to be banned from them for causing too much drama" Levi finally snorted out a laugh "We really do have terrible luck at public functions" "I wouldn't allow us out in public again" "I'm fine with that. I could live in a world with just the four of us" "I couldn't. I want them to meet Isabel and Farlan. I want our boys to know their aunt and uncle" "You're too good for me" "No. I think at this point we're both about even. I think he's nearly done" "I've got him. You rest... I'm so proud of you" "As I am, of you" * Getting a few more hours sleep, Eren was happy to let Levi handle nappy and clean up duty. He wasn't coordinated enough to, and a hot shower was calling his name. Helping Eren into the bathroom, Eren literally screamed as his arse touched the chair in the shower. The pain far worse than he'd thought it would be. It didn't get any better as hot water began to rain down on his sensitive body, peeing felt as if his internal organs were about to fall out through his arse. No one had warned him about that, and his magic had healed him straight away after the clutch. Crying in the shower, Levi tried to usher him out as he prepared a bath in the bathroom basin for their son. The tap high enough that it wasn't in the way for when Levi would settled him down. Watching his mate from the shower, he was less than gentle as he cleaned himself, accidentally reopening his delicate scabs, and causing a fresh wave of blood to run down the dream. His son wasn't even having his first bath, but Eren didn't want to miss a single moment. By the end of the shower, he wasn't sure he was much cleaner. Dressing in the one remaining bathrobe, a trail of blood followed Eren's shuffled steps. He'd always respected those who'd given birth, that respect only growing by the second. Maybe he was just horrible at recovering, but he felt horrid. The hot water only made his headache worse, he'd thrown up, which thankfully Levi hadn't noticed. Watching Levi bath their son, their baby boy didn't love it. Crying loudly, they were serenaded with his cries, breaking Eren's heart though he knew his pup needed to be cleaned. Levi had obviously cleaned him up at some point, yet he assured him that this was their son's first real bath. As one tiny hand flailed, Eren took it in his. The pups fingers impossibly tiny in his hands, curling around his thumb and hanging on for dear life, despite having nothing to fear. The water wasn't overly warm. Levi using his hands to softly wash him clean of his mess. His first poop was something neither of them would forget thanks to how gross it was, but after an extended diet and no toilet facilities, they should be counting their blessings that it wasn't much worse. Rinsed and carefully dried with a towel that had a suspicious stain on it, their boy was ready to return to bed, falling asleep in Levi's arms before they even reached the bed. The next bit wasn't so great for Eren. Laying on his side, Levi was panicking over the amount of blood he was oozing as his mate applied a medicinal ointment to his delicate arse. It burnt so badly that Eren nearly bit through his lip in pain, while Levi was upset that Eren had made himself bleed. The situation ended with the bathrobe between Eren's legs to catch the blood. The towel he'd sat on previously soaked with all kind of things he didn't wish to think of. Yeah. He was a terrible sick person. He'd rather suffer in silence than cause Levi more work, even lying to his alpha when Levi asked what he wanted down with the ruined linen and birth. He had no idea if he could summon his magic, yet he had Levi throw the bundle into the fireplace where it snuffed out half the flame. He was lucky that his magic did rise for him, only for the instant it took to incinerate the mess into oblivion, then falling so low he felt as if he had no magic at all. Things would be hard with no magic. It triggered feelings of being confined against his will. His mess of emotion from a painful birth, and his weakened, sick, state, reduced him to tears. Levi was soft through all of it. He didn't push for an answer, instead he covered Eren with the sheets, making sure he and both their son's were comfortable. Eren knew he was disappointing Levi as his eyes slid closed. He knew Levi wanted him to eat and drink, but sleep was too alluring to deny. He'd get a few more hours, then their pup would be ready for his next feed. No matter what happened, he'd force himself to eat. He needed to regain his strength as soon as possible to protect his family, and maybe if he ate, he'd have the brain power to think without his head feeling as if it'd implode. * Sending for supplies, Levi watched over Eren sleeping. They'd been forced to share a towel in the bathroom, leaving him worried of possible causing an infection. Eren's wounds were deep, his magic seemed to have half healed them at best before fading out. As his omega slept, Levi kept a hand on his shoulder. The guards in front of their door had been changed, the pair before probably heard every single moment of Eren giving birth, but that wasn't his problem. He couldn't find the energy to be worried or concerned for anything that wasn't in his bed right now. Each time he looked to his son, he smiled. He was smiling so much he was starting to creep himself out, even if he wasn't able to control how damn proud he was. No doubt Hanji would come to check on them soon, or possibly all their friends, and the fact they'd been left alone for so long was a blessing. She'd probably turn up with the requested blankets and towels, in order to lecture them over something or other and ruin the moment. She had absolutely no chance of even touching their child. His alpha simply would not allow anyone other than him or Eren to do so. It'd been a stretch to allow the healer to examine him, and Moblit had been smart enough not to ask. No. The longer they all stayed away, the better it was, as far as he was concerned. He didn't wish for Eren to be exposed to so many people in such a vulnerable state, nor would he allow these small moment so peace to be carelessly ruined. This was his family, and his family needed to rest further, the guards at his door would see to that. Despite no longer being prince, his words still carried weight. It allowed them time to bond with their pup. To experience his first feed, first bath and nappy change as a family unit, rather than having one of the castle physicians force their personal preferences upon them. To him, Eren was a natural mother, his poise, grace, love, and unending forgiveness was like any other omega he'd ever met. He knew the omega would struggle, like all mother's did, but he'd be there with him. His emotions would probably be out of character for his mate, even more so than before the birth as now they had their pup to consider and they needed to work out a new routine around a child who was innocent to the demands placed on society by shitty idiots. Eren was feeding their son when they received their first visitor. Eren had eaten first, Levi somewhat cruel in telling him he had to eat before he could feed their son, Eren had insisted he'd intended to eat, but Levi wasn't completely convinced. His mate trying to mask his pain, like Levi couldn't smell it all over him. Knocking on their still broken door, Historia was the last person he expected see, the princess shyly poking her head into the room "May I please come in?" Eren instantly perked up, his voice low and ruff with exhaustion. Levi wasn't sure he wanted anyone near his mate, but Eren clearly wanted her there, and what Eren wanted, he got "Historia! Yes, please" Letting herself into the room, Historia smiled widely, her arms filled with soft clothes. Keeping her voice low, she moved to place the bundle on the bed "Eren, I'm so happy for you. And for you, Levi. I'm sorry for intruding, the moment the news reached me, I selfishly had to be here" "No. No, it's fine. I'm sorry I won't be much company" "Labour is exhausting... and I can feel how weak you are. You look stunning" Eren blushed and ducked his head "He made it worth it" "Congratulations on your baby boy, I sincerely mean that. I have brought blankets from home, I hope you don't mind the gift" "Not at all. Though now I'll have to think harder on what to gift you when your clutch is birthed" "Nonsense. The only thing you need to think of is your child. How do you feel" Eren opened his mouth, but Levi wasn't about to let him off easily "He had major tearing and bleeding. He's also had a fever, nausea, vomiting, and fresh bleeding this morning" Eren shot him daggers, Historia simply nodding understandingly "It's because of your magic. I hope you don't mind me speaking openly. When you passed your first clutch, they were unfortunately empty, your body was preparing to pass them, and that's why you healed immediately. Bringing a new life into this world is hard, more so when you're a human male. Until your magic returns and evens out, your healing will be slow. Your body cannot take being healed by another right now, even though your magic isn't working, it's not as if you've lost it completely. It's working to protect you from outside forces, I can feel it rejecting my magic. I cannot heal you, neither can a castle healer" Levi growled, that's not what the shitty arsehole in his mind had said. All he got was a mental frown from the elder dragon "Obsydin told me he needed a healer, that they would help" "He probably honestly thought they would. But Eren is a slightly special case. He is both storm dragon and omega Mage. His magics have a mind of their own, and storm dragon tend to be renowned for their crankiness after birth, and long recovery times. Their bodies carry huge burdens after all. I am sorry that my attempting to use magic to heal you would only come to nothing" Long recovery time? How long was long? And was the human long, or dragon long? "Historia, ignore Levi. He had... it wasn't the best birth. And he's going to need some time to settle" "Of course he is. Trust me, nothing either of you say or do could offend me right now. I'm simply too happy to see you holding your son" "I'm happy too. Do you want to see his face, I don't think I'm up for letting anyone else hold him... I don't ever want to let him or Luca go" Luca was still firmly glued to Eren, he too was clearly enthralled with his new brother "Luca had a rough birth too. I would love to see him" Levi couldn't help but growl when Historia moved the side of the towel their son was swaddled in. They had fresh blankets now, though they really weren't the ones he'd thought they would receiving. Letting out a small gasp, Historia melted at the sight of their son "Oh Eren, he's simply perfect" "I haven't thought of a name" Whispering it like a bad thing, Eren's smile fell to guilt "You must not be so hasty to name him. You're mentally exhausted, you need rest and this little one is far more important than a name at this stage. Trust me, some dragons take months, then come out with something very plain, that doesn't suit their child at all" "That actually makes me feel better" Leaning in, Historia kissed Eren's forehead "Good. Now, I've brought blankets and I brought you some herbs dragons use after birth. I also brought with me a gift for your son" "Now I feel even worse than when you said it was blankets" "Nonsense. You need a real nest around you. I would have brought more with me, but Ymir told me I couldn't" "Where is she?" "Down with Armin and Mikasa, Armin was the one who wrote. He said you went into labour at Erwin's funeral" That was surprising to both of them. Eren bit his lip, then looking away instead of chasing the topic "I thought you'd not like to be crowded right now. Why don't you finish feeding him while I clean up a little? I don't have your flare for washing, but I can do something about all these roses and the shattered window" "No, you're our guest" "Eren, if I was in the same circumstance, I know without any hesitation that you would do the same for me" "I hate you" Historia poked her tongue out "I hate you too" "I don't really hate you" "I know you don't. You're like a brother to me, and I'm honoured to meet your son" "You're the fifth. Levi and Moblit were the first... wait... sixth, I forgot about Obsydin. Levi, Obsydin, Moblit, me, Luca, you" Historia looked to Levi, he couldn't tell if she was mad or not "Moblit helped deliver him, Eren was too weak to stand, but Eren did meet our son before Moblit" "You don't need to explain. My curiosity was just getting the better of me" "Moblit was sent because of all the screaming. Hanji isn't really talking to us, and neither is Armin. I don't really want to talk about it right now. Levi, can you come take him? I'm falling back to sleep. Sorry, Historia" "No, you must rest. Would you mind if I told the others you are both resting, yet doing well? Mikasa is honestly a bit of a wreck. She feels as if she should have noticed" Eren bit his lip again, his hands moving slightly to adjust their hold on their son as he finished up the very last of his feed "You won't tell them it's a boy?" "The rumours say it's a boy, but I promise that is your news to formally announce" "Then thank you. I know we cannot hide in here, but my instincts..." "I know very well how your instincts are. Don't worry. I shall explain things to them from a dragon and riders point of view. You're not only alpha and omega, having those two instinct rule you for the moment, but dragon and rider with is... complicated. I doubt anyone else should cross into this threshold for at least another two days" Eren pouted, their son done with their feed and ready to be burped "But... I want Mikasa to meet her nephew" Levi was fine with no more disturbances, even Historia was starting to get to him "Then remake your nest. Give yourself that comfort you deserve. Follow all of your instincts, it'll only be too uncomfortable to deny them. That goes for both of you. I'll see you soon Eren" Historia kissed Eren's forehead again, the princess then climbing off the bed. She'd probably seen Eren's magical talents like this far more times than she letting on, given the ease at which she repaired everything, including the windows. Yeah. He was stupid, of course she'd seen Eren's out of control magic, they'd both mentioned it before. Maybe he also needed to do the sleep, after his son was burped and settled, naturally... oh the room... His fingers itches to clean it. Some of the rose petals and vines remained, but compared to the windowless war zone it'd been, Levi could easily handle the rest once Eren fell back to sleep. * It took Eren another day to be able to stay awake for longer than a feed or a tear inducing shower. Hard surfaces were not his mate's friend, and as an omega who hated being "down", his love had grown restless, ignoring his own body's demands to rest in the nest Levi had made for him from the fine blankets Historia had brought. Curled up in their bed opposite him, Luca was laying along Eren's back with his head against Eren's nape, while Eren was drawing soft circles on their son's chubby belly. Half a dozen times Eren had opened his mouth, only to close it again. A blind man could see he was thinking far too hard over something, something Levi probably wasn't going to like. He hadn't liked it when Eren had asked for a purely liquid diet, his mate needed rich foods. He also hadn't liked it when Eren didn't let him tend to his bleeding arse, only for the omega to wind up in more pain. He was cranky and being stubborn over the wrong things. Historia has said Eren would be cranky, but Levi wasn't sure that there was a difference between stubborn and cranky at the moment. "Spit it out already. I'm sick of you not saying whatever is on your mind" "I want to talk to Armin" Levi groaned, rolling onto his back and covering his face with his hands, the tips of his fingers rubbing at the inner corners of his tired eyes "I want them to meet our baby" "Historia said to rest" "I am resting. I feel better in this nest you made... I want... I don't want to hide" There was nothing wrong with their son, so why should they have to show him to the world? Eren was still so vulnerable, and allowing the others entrance to their room would bring their shitty scents with them "Eren..." "Please, I don't want to hide our baby away like there's something wrong with him. I want them to see him..." Eren's eyes filled with tears, his lip trembling "Eren... my instincts aren't under control. Each time the guard knocks on the door, I have to remind myself not to cut them down" "I don't want him to die without meeting them" Levi growled "He's not going to die" "We weren't supposed to be able to have him to begin with... I'm scared. I want people to meet our baby. I want them to see how beautiful he is..." Eren's eyelashes fluttered as tears rolled down his face "I don't mean to upset you. You're so vulnerable right now. You're exhausted and in pain. You've barely eaten and you won't eat a proper meal" "Of course I won't! Do you really think I want anything coming out my arse right now!" Oh... oh... that... he hadn't thought of what happened once Eren had actually eaten "I..." "You're not the one who had to push a baby thought a tiny hole. It was like pushing a cantaloupe through the eye of a needle" Levi winced. He'd seen it. He'd seen their baby crown... and the way their shoulders had grown stuck... "I know. I saw... everything. You're not well. You're still feverish, and..." "A five minute visit to put the minds of our friends at rest, shouldn't lead to us fighting like this!" "I don't want to fight" "Then let me introduce our baby to our friends" "I'm not saying never, I'm saying..." "Levi, they're are our family. They don't need to touch our son, or even come close. We can leave the door open, and open the windows to air the room. I want to show the people who supported us, how perfect our family is. How perfect this baby boy you gave me is" He wasn't going to win. Not with Eren looking at him the way he was. Their son was perfect. His mother just as perfect "After dinner? Before we prepare for bed, and only for a few moments. But in exchange you must make a deal" "A deal?" "Let me take care of your bleeding. You hurt yourself and I can't stand it" Eren's cheeks reddened "I don't think I can" "Why not?" "It's embarrassing" "Birth is not embarrassing" "No... I... why do you have to keep making me so embarrassed? Can't you just accept my word?" "How can I accept anything if I don't understand" His omega groaned his sentence one long string that took Levi a moment to process "I...get hard when you touch me, and I'm so sensitive that it really hurts" "Oh" "Please don't make me explain anything else" Levi was pretty sure he couldn't he handle anything else overly graphic at the moment. No solid foods, and no tending to Eren's arse... He'd just have to admire it from afar "No. I won't. I'm sorry you're suffering" "It's ok, because he's here. May I still have visitors?" Eren couldn't help the medical side of things, and Levi didn't want a repeat of him shitting blood. That shit was going to haunt his nightmares for years to come "Yes, but not everyone. Historia seems to be fine with my instincts, perhaps because she's also a dragon rider, or because she showed you no harm. I don't know how I would handle Mikasa. Even though..." "I'm not asking you to. I want to thank Moblit properly. Then talk to Mikasa and Armin. Not everyone all at once" "You thanked Moblit" "I can barely even remember Historia has been here, I probably wouldn't without the silks" "Our son is swaddled in the blanket she brought as a gift" "That's true... I still want to talk to Moblit... and I want to Historia. I want to know what's going on with Dina in Draecia. I doubt she went so easy..." "No. You're not talking politics. Historia will inform us when the time is right" Eren shook his head. Seriously, why could he just not rest? "I don't like being out of the loop" "I know. You're getting cranky" "I'm in too much pain to be cranky" "I don't know about that" Wriggling closer to their son, Eren stroked his wispy black hair "I'm sorry if I'm being cranky. I'm enjoying being him and with you, but I really want everyone to see this beautiful baby you gave me" "He's our son. We don't need to rush" "I still feel he needs a name" "Unlike Luca, he didn't come right out and say that" "You remember Luca's birth?" "I could never forget. You were so excited and so worried for him. The pride on your face when he finally emerged... I'll never forget it" "Our baby boys are too perfect. I'm so proud of them" Hearing his name, Luca raised his head, dropping in on Eren's ear as if to remind them he was right there "Yes, we're talking about you. So you wish to see Moblit separately?" "Just to thank him" "Alright. I'll inform the guards" "Thank you. And thank you for trusting me" "I don't own you Eren. I love you" "I love you too" Moblit arrived within the hour, the man blushing as Eren thanked him again. That was all Levi really got hear and see, as Eren asked for a moment alone with him. By the time he'd run a bubble bath for Luca and returned, Moblit had left and Eren was smiling happily. Climbing into their nest, Levi took the space Luca had been occupying, peppering kisses to Eren's exposed shoulders and nape. With his lover's hair so long, he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Eren's vow across the back of his neck, or the bonding mark he'd given him. Mouthing a soft kiss to the scar, Eren actually giggled. The sound glorious and unexpected "Something wrong?" "Not at all. It's just ticklish. Is Luca ok?" "He's fine. You know what he's like when it comes to bubbles. How was your talk with Moblit? He left so soon" "He didn't want to make either of us uncomfortable. He's going to inform our family of that a visit after dinner is permitted" "You make it sound so formal" "It kind of is. Mmm, I've missed you spooned up behind me" Kissing their mark again, Levi nodded "Luca took my spot" "I know. And I like you protecting our pup. It's feel like it's been ages since you held me like this" "You do realise I held you through your fever, and after" "It's all cloudy. It feels so weird no longer having our pup inside of me. I feel empty" "I can't imagine" "It's weird" "Do you want another baby?" "I... I would give you a whole clutch if I could. I don't know if I can conceive again..." "I don't mean this very moment. And I do not mind adopting. Adopting gave us our first son. I just mean, one day" "Yes. Luca shall be one in a few months. I wish I knew the date he hatched" "Your birthday is in just a few weeks" It was the 18th of March now. How that happened, Levi didn't know "Really?" "Yes. We were with Hannes for a month, and you fell pregnant some time after that. Obsydin said he feels it wasn't long after you used your breath on his sword, but he isn't certain" "Captivity stripped my ability to tell time from me. Every day has seemed to roll into the next, combining into a blur. If you say my birthday is soon, I believe you" "Do you want to do anything for it this year?" "Sleep?" "Not quite what I meant" "Then no. No royal ball. No trips to Europe. No attending the festival of dragons. I don't want to do anything" That wasn't going to happen. It didn't have to be a huge celebration, but with the last three years they'd had, Eren would have a party "We'll see" "Levi, I feel fat and weird. Sleep is like the perfect gift" "You can't sleep all the time" "You push out a baby next time, and we'll see. Now stop ruining my good mood" Brushing Eren's hair back behind his ear, Levi propped himself up enough to kiss the soft skin just below "Am I the reason for this good mood?" "Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see" "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means I know something you don't know" "I'm sure there are plenty of things you know, that I don't" "I know you owe Moblit a thank you. Maybe... Now go check on Luca. I don't want him left alone right now" "He's a big boy" "My baby boy isn't even one yet, and now he has a little brother. I really don't want him to feel neglected" "If anything, he's probably going to be feeling smothered by the attention" "We all know Luca thrives on attention. Now go give a proper bath, and make sure you scrub between his toes" "I'm not as ok with his claws as you seem to be" "You get used to it. It shouldn't be too bad, he loves being handled and cuddled" "I don't have a choice, do I?" "Nope. I can't bend down right now without feeling like I'm losing my organs" "I thought we agreed to ease up on the imagery" "Shut up, I'm tired" "You win this time" "I won the moment you become mine" * Holding their baby boy, Eren couldn't contain his excitement. He'd eaten the broth served with dinner, taken his herbs from Historia, not complained about the pain when the three of them cleaned up, and now was bouncing his leg as he fed his son. Historia had gifted them the most beautiful blanket for their son, the outside a green silk, similar to his original scale colour, while the inside was lined with soft wool. She'd really raised the bar on presents, but with the news Moblit had given him, Eren was quietly confident in his return gift "Eren, you're humming" Grinning up at Levi, his alpha had Luca bundled up in his arms. When he'd carried Luca out, wrapped in a towel and against his chest, his heart had melted at the sight. Even if Luca was uncoordinated enough that one foot had escaped towel, along with his tail "I can't wait for them to see him" "I gathered, but you're not usually a hummer" "The song came into my head... How long after dinner do we have to wait?" "Not much longer. The others have to have their own dinner first" "But I don't want to waaaait. He's fallen back to sleep again" "I never would have guessed" "What they he was asleep, or that I'm tired of waiting" "Both. Your eyes light up each time he does something" "You're just as bad. He yawned and you got all teary" Levi raised an eyebrow, readjusting Luca "It was definitely dust in my eye" "Right... oooh, I think I hear footsteps" Levi was far too cute for his heart when the alpha got flustered or embarrassed. Trying to keep his cool, yet knowing Eren saw right through him... He was so very stupidly in love with his mate "Do you actually hear footsteps?" He'd heard dinner being brought up and had been ready for Levi's surprise, yet then had to quickly cover his excitement when it turned out to be just food "I do... can you open the door?" "You want me to open door?" "Yep!" "You've got something planned" "Maybe" It was worth the wait "Big Brother!" Yelling happily, Isabel launched herself on Levi. Trying to escape being crushed, Luca's shirt in weight caused Isabel, Luca and Levi all to fall back. Eren couldn't help but howl with laughter as Luca shot across the room to hide behind him "What the fuck, Isabel!" "Why didn't you tell us you were back with Eren?! Or that he was having your baby!?" Pushing Isabel off, Levi climbed off the floor with a growl "What are you two even doing here?" Noticing he was watching, Farlan gave Eren a small wave "Moblit wrote to inform us of Erwin's funeral, we only made it back this morning! Hey, Eren! Oh my gosh, is that your baby?!" Isabel was smiling just as widely as Eren was "Hello, Isabel. Armin, Mikasa, Farlan, you can all come in. Levi will be on his best behaviour in front of our sons" Stalking over, Levi angrily whispered "What are they all doing here?" He didn't expect such anger. He'd been so sure Levi would be happy to see both Isabel and Farlan were safe and alive. They'd come all the way to Mitras. It wasn't like he'd invited them, he'd just thought Levi would be much more happy than he was "Moblit told me they arrived. He asked if you were up for a visit, and seeing they're your family, I thought you'd want them to meet the baby?" "You couldn't have warned me?" "I thought you'd be happy" "I told you I couldn't handle my impulses and you invite everyone in" "Because I didn't know when you'd allow visitors again" His heart was starting to race. He didn't mean to upset his mate... he'd thought Levi would be proud to show his sons off "Is everything alright?" Blinking the tears out his eyes, Eren gave their "family" a watery smile "Yeah. Hormones have been horrible. Any way. Isabel and Farlan, I don't think you met our first son, Luca. Luca, baby, this is your Aunty Isabel, and your uncle Farlan" Luca poked his head out from behind Eren, Isabel squealing in excitement "He's a dragon!?" "He is. He's normally not this shy either... Luca, it's ok. Isabel is Levi's little sister and Farlan is his brother. Like how Uncle Armin and Aunty Mikasa are my brother and sister. Why don't you say hello?" Cautiously climbing off the bed, Isabel looked ready to explode with joy. Still sitting on the floor, she held her and out until Luca got close enough to sniff at her fingers "He's so cute! Levi, why didn't you tell me he was your son?!" "Don't touch him!" Growing Levi grabbed Luca, pulling him back. He'd really fucked this up... "Sorry guys. Levi's in protect overdrive. I really just wanted to introduce you all to our baby boy" Moving their son, Eren tucked the blanket down so they could all see the baby boy's face "Levi and Moblit help delivered him. He's perfectly healthy. Absolutely nothing's wrong with him at all. It's just been my dragon instincts and Levi's rider instincts that's made it hard to have anyone else in our room. That's why today's just a quick visit to check in" Grabbing Isabel under the armpits, Farlan pulled her up "It's nice to see you're all doing well. We'll come back at another time" Eren felt even shittier. He'd wanted them both there "Faaaarlan. Baby!" "Isabel, protective mate and angry Levi" Isabel let out a long "oh". They would have seen how mad Levi could be "Farlan's right. Armin said we could stay here until it was safe to go back to the shop. I like him better than Erwin already" "Sorry Eren, she talks way too much. Congratulations on the baby" "Thanks Farlan. I want to talk to both of you some more, is that ok?" "Absolutely. Big Brother can be so cranky. Can we see Luca too?" "He's your nephew too" Luca would have been happy to be patted by Isabel. He'd have loved lapping up the attention and Levi had mentioned how good with animals Isabel was "Aw, Eren! I'm so happy you're back with Levi. He talked about you all the time when he was staying with us. I'm sorry your husband died..." Putting his hand over Isabel's mouth, Farlan dragged her out the room. With space cleared up, Mikasa and Armin moved in closer. Levi letting out a warning growl. Rolling his eyes, Eren patted the spot on the beside him, Mikasa and Armin coming closer but not disturbing his precious nest "If you're going to keep growling, you can fuck off. These people are here to congratulate your dumb arse on being a father" "Don't swear in front of my nephew" Ducking his head, Eren moved his son so his baby boy was now facing Mikasa and Armin. Armin was tugging nervously on the sleeve of his shirt, while Mikasa's eyes hadn't left the tiny pup since she'd set eyes on him "Sorry, Aunty Mikasa. And I'm sorry you guys can't have a hold yet. I'm not quite up to that" Mikasa shook her head, wiping at her eyes. He could smell how happy and proud she was, as well as a profound scent of relief. Historia had said she'd taken things hard, which was another reason he wanted her to meet his son as soon as possible "It's fine, Historia explained everything to us. I'm... he's... he's perfect Eren. He looks so much like you" "Thanks. Levi got me through the labour. He's been wonderful, apart from the last 5 minutes" "Excuse me if I'm worried about you. I told you I didn't want too many people in here because I can't control my need to keep you safe, then you bring the second biggest loud mouth in the whole kingdom in, and act like it was a nice surprise" Mikasa clearly wanted to yell at Levi, his sisters hands clenching into fists "Can we not? Please. I wanted you all to meet my baby, and now you're fighting..." He'd thought when he family met his baby it'd be some kind of magical moment. Instead he'd upset Levi, probably upset Farlan and Isabel. Mikasa was ready to hit Levi, and Armin kept staring at the floor. He'd been happy. He'd been finally, truly happy again. He'd wanted to share that with everyone. Fat tears rolled down his face, his omega was mentally cowering from Levi's anger. His mate wasn't supposed to be angry at him... "I'm sorry, Eren. You're right. I'm happy I got to meet him, and I can't wait until I can hold. It looks like you were right, and I didn't get to put him straight on a horse" Eren snorted, momentarily feeling slightly better at the memory "Levi put me on a horse on the way back from the cathedral. It felt like the baby was going to fall right out. I don't think I feel like going riding again for a long time" Mikasa sucked her lips in, avoiding letting out her laugh. Levi cutting in before she could reply "Not to mention you've destroyed your arse. You won't be riding anything for some time" And the moment was over. Eren's face reddened with embarrassment. Why was Levi saying that? He'd been so soft and caring... Just because his instincts were giving him trouble didn't mean he had to keep lashing out at him. Ignoring Levi's anger, Mikasa moved to squat down in front of him, placing her hand on Eren's, she squeezed gently "Eren?" "I'm sorry guys. You should go. This was a bad idea. Our instincts are ruining everything" "You've ruined nothing. I'm proud of you, and I'm proud of him. He's incredible. When you're up for it, I'll come by again. Maybe give you your present?" Nodding quickly, Eren sniffled. He hated being able to smell Levi's anger, each sniffle was like a slap "You didn't have to get me anything" "Of course I did. I'm an Aunty now. This should be celebrated. With how things have been, this, this is the first good thing to happen for all of us. Mum would be so proud" Whispering, he was so lucky to have Mikasa "Th-thank you, Mikasa. I'm sorry about Levi. He really has been good to me" "I know. I cornered Moblit for information, but he wouldn't tell me if it was a boy or a girl" "My second baby boy... You've got been an Aunty for months now" "Luca is such a good boy, that I haven't spoiled him as much as I should. Do you want me to take him for a bit?" "Yes, but I need him close right now" "Eren, shhh. You don't need to sound so guilty. Whatever you need. Armin's not sure what to say. He was yelling and worried something was wrong and that no one would tell us. He may have also yelled at Erwin's funeral" "Please tell him we're ok. I wish he'd come closer, but my baby boy is ok. I'll be in bed a bit longer. My magic can't really heal me at the moment. Some dragon bullshit" "Stop swearing in front of my baby" "I can't help it. I feel so crap right now. I thought he'd be happy to see Isabel and Farlan" "I'll make sure everything is alright with them. They brought plenty of game, and furs with them. They've been a huge help" "Make sure they get paid properly. And that they know I'm sorry. Maybe Historia can talk to them?" "Don't worry about that. I'm going to go. If he hurts you, or keeps insulting you, send a guard for me" "It's just instincts... but it... doesn't feel great" "I'm sorry. I saw how happy you were when we came in. I love you, Eren" "I love you too, 'Kasa"
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Not wanting to pee outside is a common toilet training puppy problem and one we look at in more detail in this article. Keeping your puppy company is the key. Litter Pans Nassau County AKC Working Dog Detection Conference PODCASTS Tags: Fri, Jul 27 National News Having a puppy is about having time and patience. If you don’t actively participate in your puppy’s training, your puppy will train on his own. Any dog, especially a young one has to create certain behaviors to respond to his environment, and if not properly trained, those behaviors may become big issues once the puppy grows up. I know of many grown up dogs that still have housebreaking or chewing issues because these things were never addressed in the first place. Puppy Training I Thursday 6:30pm Sep 6 1. You must go with your dog to the potty area so you can reward the deed when it occurs. By delivering an immediate reward, your dog quickly comes to understand that “Oh my gosh, going pee or poop in this location is nothing short of brilliant!” Plan for playtime! Please remember this, expect it even, because it’s perfectly normal and you shouldn’t get worried or think your dog is being naughty. Just stick to your plan and they WILL eventually get it. Once your puppy reliably lowers her bottom when you say “sit,” start increasing the length of time between when her bottom hits the floor and when you reward her with a treat. This teaches her that “sit” means “keep sitting.” The important thing is to add time gradually. De-sexing Heated Beds American Literature Organic Consumers Association By day five, your dog should be having fewer accidents inside the house (with help from you guiding him outside when you see the signs he needs to go). There will still be the occasional accident, however, especially if he is less than a year old. Urgent Care “THE CORE Excellence” LEAVE A REPLY Step 3 Cardigan Welsh Corgi First Trimester Print Icon Why you should not punish your puppy for potty training accidents 5. Keep Up The Praise & Watch For Signals How Did You House Train Your Dogs? Snap on the leash and go for a walk, keeping your dog close to your side. If he starts to tug or get ahead of you, stop, ask him to sit. Then wait a second or two before you begin walking again. Repeat the command, heel or with me as you walk. Stop at all intersections or crosswalks and have him sit. When you begin walking again, make sure he’s looking at you and staying at your heel while you walk. How To Housetrain Your Dog Your puppy deserves the best and with 20 years of experience Wags & Wiggles is ready to meet you. Dora Zett/Shutterstock.com Once your new puppy has successfully gone outside, it is important to reward the good behavior. It doesn’t have to be a big, loud celebration, but a simple quiet approval or a treat can get the message across of a job well done. KOMO News viewer’s tip leads Bellevue police to serial groping suspect Washington DC Swimming Give her a couple more treats and continue to praise her before you go back inside. Don’t wait until you’re back inside to give your dog a treat, because you’ll teach her to associate coming back indoors with treats rather than relieving herself outside. That’s why it’s critically important that you remember the treats when you take her outside, and then reward her within three seconds after she completes the desired behavior. Money & Finance The area should be large enough for the puppy to play in, but small enough that you can see it at all times. A small room or sectioned off area of a room is ideal. Rehoming a Pet 5 star Yelp Reviews The Testing Phase – Once you’re sure that your Dog has achieved almost 90% success….he responds correctly almost every time you give a command, you must start testing his accuracy in newer locations with a lot of distractions. Literature & Language (105) nutramax pet vitamins It is unfair to expect your puppy to go right through the night when it is very young. Leashes & Collars (59) Tile (3) Heart Disease The drawback here is that eventually you won’t want to keep using a chime or bell every time your dog goes to the bathroom. Initially phasing it out might be confusing to the dog. It’s MY House: 5 Solutions to Solve Territorial Aggression in Dogs We’ve designed a series of basic puppy training stages that follow the natural development of canine behaviors. Pet Hug Pack® Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Find by Dog Size In Stock. Reviews Stainless Steel (5) Health & Medicine Your Puppy To Walk On A Loose Leash Ad Content I recommend you read that article so you have realistic expectations of your puppy and yourself, to know what you can both achieve in what time frame. By Juliana Weiss-Roessler Start praising as soon as your dog starts running toward you, rather than standing still and waiting for him to arrive. 1.0 out of 5 starsKate hates! How To Play With A Puppy It is not acceptable for puppies to bite people, or other animals, unless they are in true physical danger and need to defend themselves. Most importantly, follow all the advice in this guide so far for the times that you are home. Supervise them, correct any mistakes, set feeding and elimination schedules and everything else I have advised. Then, what follows are your choices of what you can do to cover when you aren’t at home. San Ramon © Depositphotos.com / adogslifephoto Harnesses & Travel Carriers Nestle “Waiting” is also a common belief where I live, and many new puppy owners will delay obedience training until six months. It is wrong though, and not the best thing for a puppy. Puppies can actually start training when only a few weeks old. I have begun basic training as early as 5 weeks, and since most new dog owners will not bring their puppy home until 8 weeks of age, their puppy is plenty old enough to start training. Terms and Conditions Navigation Stick to a Schedule 79452 Get Double Points on Prescriptions Train at the Dog Psychology Centers! https://www.karenpryoracademy.com/ Subscribe Shop Travel With Us SmartNews History Science Innovation Arts & Culture Travel At the Smithsonian Photos Video Games Magazine Newsletters Mental Health En español: ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de entrenar a un perro para defecar? Photo Galleries Basic Household Manners (19+ weeks) Cooking 101 (Photo Credit: Shutterstock) Decided on and marked out a suitable bathroom spot? The employees shown and heard in this video are no longer in our employ or have been reassigned. Straw-bale gardening Contest Rules See the visual Course Guide. Mouthing
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); XPOWER Receive 25% off your next order when you share your testimonial with us! Link AKC (1) Local Start your puppy off on the right paw with this comprehensive • An exercise pen that your puppy cannot jump out of. Put the exercise pen in a central location where you spend most of your time at home. You may want to put a tarp down first then set the pen on top of it. INFOBITES According to The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior’s website, trainers for many years have relied on this type of training, adding that research has shown reinforcing desirable behaviors and understanding the animal’s state and motivations is key to training the animal without damaging behavior. Sign InJoin You’ll want to have the following items as you begin potty training your dog: What do I do to stop a puppy biting when I put its collar and leash on? If you have any questions about how to potty train your puppy then please feel free to leave us a comment in the comments section below. Bought a UV light to find hidden spots of urine that must be removed to prevent repeat accidents? News In Pictures Sign up for the Most Popular email Videos You May Like Library Q: I don’t want to send downloads. How do I gift DVDs or CDs? Dog Savvy Los Angeles, 1817 Bellevue Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90026, United States(213)[email protected] Four Methods To Choose From For House Training Your Puppy When supervising your puppy’s free time, the signs you need to look out for that they need to eliminate are: Diabetes Adv. Clicker Training Oral Care Puppy Training I Thursday 6:30pm Aug 2 Join the waiting list Puppies need to toilet much more frequently than adult dogs. They have small bladders and no instinct to ‘hold on’. Older dogs usually toilet after waking up, 10-20 minutes after eating, drinking and playing and sometimes after being outside.  Don’t assume that your dog will know to toilet while outside unless they have learned to do so. Mike in Sonoma GROOMING Tip #2: Honor the 15-Minute Rule Professor Donaldson spends an entire lecture demonstrating how to train tricks including distance drop, fugitive frisk, and sit pretty. She explains that, from here, you can string these tricks together to make a chain of tricks, or use the same principles to train your dog to do any trick he is physically capable of doing. x Basic training could also save your puppy’s life – knowing a simple command, like coming when called, could help keep your puppy out of danger. Breed Info Leash Reactivity A quick word of caution: Don’t use a word for your elimination command that gets used at other times. For instance, many people use the words ‘hurry up!’, but if you say this to your spouse when heading late out the door, this could get very messy if your dog hears and reacts. Image: Paul David / via Flickr How to Toilet Train Your Puppy in 3 Days Advertise Post Log in Available classes Swheat Scoop October 28 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm products The Grandoozy music festival is aiming to please food truck fanatics, gourmet eaters and beer connoisseurs alike with its newly released food lineup. Answer this question Flag as… So to answer the most frequently asked questions I wrote the following article: Basic need to know facts before you start. Horses Do you know what one of the most important and underrated aspects of positive dog training is? It is learning how to … Preventing aggression Shy Pups Snohomish County Animal Services said in June, an anonymous person sent them the video recorded at the Academy of Canine Behavior, so an animal control officer went to investigate unannounced. By Dr. Marty Becker DVM | June 22, 2015 Australia New York City – (212) 785-8200 Verbal Cues: Developing Discrimination If a puppy dips their nose to the floor and wanders away from where the activity is happening in the house. This method is the most effective and flexible. Your pup needs to develop his natural “den instinct” and learn where to eliminate – and where not to. To potty train our puppy we must condition a desire in the pup to avoid soiling the “den” – your house. Confinement and your due diligence in providing access outside the “den” to potty and poop will develop this instinct and eventual desire. When and how to use confinement is described in detail below. train puppy to walk on leash | puppy training classes seattle train puppy to walk on leash | agility training for puppies train puppy to walk on leash | puppy training methods Legal | Sitemap
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