#how to teach a puppy to catch a frisbee
tricksforclicks · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any tips for disc training? My puppy LOVES playing frisbee with me but is really struggling to bring it back (even though she had no trouble with it in the beginning) she’s been catching them about 30-50% of the time, depending on the day, and pretty consistently catches rollers. I have noticed her becoming less interested in picking them up if she misses too. Also - she keeps jumping Really High even when she doesn’t need to, which accounts for most of her misses.
This is the-thistle-missile btw
Is this for the 4 month old puppy? She is most likely teething and her mouth hurts which makes her not want to bring it back as much. I'd just give her a break until her teeth come in, or swap to a softer cloth disc like the chuckit paraflights.
Normally I reward returns with tugs, but that doesn't work with sore growing mouths. Instead I'd reward her touching the disc to your hand with soft easy to eat treats with maybe a no pull both you hold the disc depending on how she is feeling that day.
She is still a baby so there is no need to push things at this time.
At her age, jumping should be limited and discs should not be put in places that encourage jumping. Rollers are fine, but I also limit them to make sure you don't get the obsessive head down driving towards them since that can cause issues teaching collection and tracking later.
Once her teething is done, you can start with baby collection and tracking exercises using takes from hands - takes give you better control. You want to look for a slight rock back onto her rear legs. Adjust the position of the disc so she has different approaches, but always keep it low so she isn't launching herself uncontrolably. You can also do small in place tiny tosses to get her used to catching in air and adjusting to the spin.
Also, Hopper wanted to add the following tip: b2q[x227]w
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Get an introduction to the importance of training dogs, both for owners and the dogs themselves. Through some powerful analogies, Professor Donaldson will put you in the mindset of your dog to show you why certain training methods don’t work and others do. Learn the three key principles of dog training that will provide the foundation for every lesson moving forward. She’ll also recommend some important tools to have on hand. x At the Smithsonian Magazine Photos Videos Games The best dog food Top Services + I find that smaller dogs do this far more than larger ones. Smaller dogs just can’t hold it that long so you need to potentially let your dog out more often. It is also important to catch the dog in the act because if you scold him afterwards he knows you’re upset but some dogs don’t make the connection as to why. Hope that helps! Potty Training in an Apartment: 3 Easy Indoor Specific Solutions How can you housebreak a dog that has been tied up till time to go out to potty? More in Lifestyle The video content is inappropriate Now over the next few days, reduce the area of the floor that is covered with puppy pads by half. Follow this method to successfully housebreak your puppy indoors. This new improved method takes over from puppy paper training and dog litterbox training. Setting a Potty Training Schedule Ideal places are any little used room: A spare room, the laundry room or a little used bathroom. Respond immediately and consistently to the bad behavior. As soon as you see your puppy acting up, remove it to the time-out spot. Be sure to do this every time you notice the bad behavior. How To Train A Puppy Yourself At Home Train your puppy. Teach your puppy a few basic commands (like “come,” “sit,” “stay”). This way, when you notice your puppy engaging in bad behavior, you can immediately redirect his attention. For example, if you notice your puppy running up and jumping on someone, you can quickly command it to “come.” Your dog should stop jumping up on the person and come to you instead.[13] Change the mat often, but leave a little spot of dried urine there. The scent of the urine will help your dog remember that the mat is the place to go to the bathroom. Remove feces right away, but leave a sheet of newspaper or a small bit of padding with urine on the clean mat so your dog will naturally know where to go. Puppy Training: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crat… Jump up ^ Burch 1999, p. 162. LTHQ March 11, 2016 at 11:57 am Chinchilla advice 28 training games and activities, 40 videos 26 Quick & Simple Ways To Relieve Dog Boredom Doggles Staff & Board Accept that this, like all training, is a process. Look for what’s working and keep building on your wins and focus on getting better over time Canaan Dog $2.99 Make sure you know the signs that your dog is about to go, and take him outside when appropriate. When she feels an urge, the puppy will usually let you know by whining and scratching. That’s her signal that she has to go and wants out of her little den. Now! Don’t delay because if you let your pup lose control in her crate, she’ll get the idea that it’s OK to mess up her living space. Then she’ll think nothing of leaving little packages around where you live, too. Terrariums HAWS Dog and Puppy Training in Waukesha ht-pet (1) In the article I discuss traditional methods that should never be used, why they shouldn’t and what you should do instead. Tom and Curley Pet Cloud Code of Ethics Read for Free Hill’s® Science Diet® Baked Light Biscuits with Real Chicken Small Dog Treat Don’t worry, you won’t still be doing this in four years time – this is a new puppy problem – it will pass. Hannah Foote March 27, 2017 at 12:25 am Home Labrador Puppies Articles How To Potty Train A Puppy I’m sorry this is such a nightmare for you. So you’ve tried putting him in for short periods of time while he eats a treat and he still freaks out? Housetraining ground rule No. 1: Never leave your un-housetrained dog unattended. Not even for a minute. If you aren’t actively engaged with your dog, having her in the same room with you doesn’t count. It’s very important not to give her opportunities to fail at housetraining. If you can’t engage with your dog, which of course isn’t possible every minute of every day, she should be in her crate. Yes, I said crate! To make the first step easier and less scary for your puppy, close the crate door most of the way, but keep your hand inside. Hold onto their toy or food puzzle while they play with it, and praise and talk to them in a comforting voice. Do this until your puppy is comfortable playing even when your hand is out of the crate. Home / Starting your puppy off right! ©Copyright VCA Hospitals all rights reserved. PURINA.COM.AU Dog Training Central The essence of house training is to prevent mistakes and praise your puppy heavily when they potty in the right place. It’s best to use confinement to teach your dog that he has to wait to go to the bathroom outside the house. You can do this by purchasing a crate, so the puppy has just enough space to turn around and lie down. Another alternative, if possible, is to keep the puppy by your side at all times while clipped to a four- to six-foot leash. Career Advice Items you will need Aspen Pet “Here are some of the basics we are given on how to potty train a puppy from our guide dog puppy training manual: Jump up ^ Lindsay 2000, p. 247–248 How to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth Service Dogs: by this age, puppies are being introduced to tracks, trails and working trials Hi there, please do join the forum https://thelabradorforum.com where we can have a proper conversation and help you. 🙂 Dogs are instinctual Skip to Content This 6-week introductory group class focuses on socialization and is designed to teach your puppy basics including “sit”, loose leash walking and to come when called. This dog training class also covers problem-solving ideas for potty training, chewing, teething, digging and more. Select just one spot in the yard for toileting. Trust me, you will thank me for this when the kids break their promise to faithfully always clean up the poo in the yard. Select an area away from the main play area in the yard that will be the toilet spot. This will stop those brown patches on the lawn and make it much easier for the poo patrol. iStock/ROMAOSLO Smit/Shutterstock Biscuits & Bakery NFL Scoreboard Spay & Neuter Services Private Puppy In-home or Board and Train programs (8-14 weeks old). Potty training can take time. It can take anywhere from 4 to 6 months for your pup to be fully house trained. Some dogs can even take up to a year. Small dogs tend to be more difficult and take longer to train because they have smaller bladders and higher metabolisms, which means your pup will need more trips outside. 414-264-6257 Oversee your dog when you let her outside or when on a walk. Instagram A delicious complement to the superior nutrition of Science Diet dry dog food DogsFrisco Puppy Pads and Paper Training Save up to $200.00 Starting at $29.95 $69.95 $29.95–$69.95 Sitting and looking to you is how your puppy should learn to ask permission to join you. Philanthropic Partners TODAY 9AM-9PM View Larger Image Keep your puppy on a short leash. Keeping the dog on a leash, even while indoors, allows you to move more freely while still keeping a close eye on your puppy.[11] • Reward the pup for peeing or pooping in the right place – use a special treat. © Depositphotos.com / domako Puppies learn very quickly with proper instruction. The first few days at home are extremely important for puppies and the precedents you set now will last a lifetime. All family members must agree upon responsibility and rules for the new pup.
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how to potty train a dog
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Five
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
December 23rd, 1985
“I’m so sorry that I had to do that, sweetie, but you know it’s for your own good,” his mom said. “You can’t go around hugging everyone you see, it will give someone the wrong impression.”
Remy sniffled a little but pulled up his pants and nodded. He had only hugged his older cousins because he was happy to see them, he didn’t understand what the big deal was. But maybe it was some super secret adult thing. Remy didn’t know. If hugging people got him in trouble with a spanking, though, he definitely wasn’t going to hug them anymore. Even if Magenta begged, even if Nate chased him around the house.
He wasn’t going to get in trouble again.
October 14th, 2000
“I really don’t think this is a good idea, Emile...” Remy said. His heels were digging into the grass as Emile dragged him by the arm over to where a group of people were already chatting and laughing.
“Come on, Remy. You don’t have to be friends with any of these people, but as my friend I want to introduce you to my other friends,” Emile said.
“But...but you know what happened with Clara, what if it turns out that I insulted more of your friends?” Remy asked.
“Then you can apologize and work to make amends, Remy, it’s not that hard,” Emile said, tilting his head to the side with puppy-dog eyes. Remy hated those puppy-dog eyes; they were near impossible to say no to. “Please? Just give this a shot.”
Remy inwardly sighed. “I’ve...I’ve never really gotten in trouble before for what I’ve said. At least, not in the regular way most kids do when they backtalk. I...I don’t have experience with ‘proper apologies’ as you called them.”
Emile stopped and turned to face Remy fully, and Remy scratched the back of his neck. He was still terrified of Emile going ballistic over something Remy did. Even if last time they had fought Emile only left the situation, what would happen if that wasn’t possible? What would happen if Remy pushed beyond the point of no return? Emile was proving to be a good friend, someone who Remy could trust with the little things. He didn’t want to lose that. “Remy, I’m not mad with you, okay? If you need help apologizing, then I can help you. But I don’t want you shying away from talking to people just because you said some things you shouldn’t have while trying to defend yourself.”
Remy sighed again, outwardly this time, and nodded. Emile had a point. He always had a point. “Just...just promise me that you won’t leave me alone with these guys if I don’t feel comfortable with that?”
“Of course,” Emile assured. “I would never dream of hurting you, and that includes scaring you.”
Remy knew that was true, much as it confused him. He nodded, and together they walked over to Emile’s friends, who grew quiet when they all saw Remy. Remy cringed—had he really given off that much of a bad impression? “Guys, this is Remy,” Emile said, gesturing to him. “I invited him to play frisbee with us today. I hope you don’t mind?”
“I don’t know, Emile. You know we love you, but...sometimes the ‘friends’ you pick up off the street and take home with you aren’t the best. You don’t have the best judgement for who will or won’t hurt you,” one of the guys said.
Remy flinched. “You’re...Xavier, right?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Xavier said, leveling Remy with a glare. “And I don’t appreciate what you said about my girlfriend.”
“I’m...I’m really sorry about that,” Remy said. “I don’t have any good reason to have said what I did, because there is no good reason to insult anyone. Emile’s been teaching me that. Um. I...never really had a lot of friends growing up—”
“—Shocker,” Xavier said.
Remy’s eyes stung with tears. “Which means that I don’t know where the lines I shouldn’t cross are. You don’t have to be friends with me. That’s fine. But Emile was trying to be nice to me by inviting me to play with you guys. Don’t insult his judgement just because I’ve been a real...well, you can fill in the blank with whatever word you choose. They’re all pretty accurate.”
Xavier stared him down and Remy wanted to crawl under a rock and die right then and there. “Emile, I’m starting to think this was a bad idea,” Remy said in a pained whisper.
“Oh, yeah, you definitely shouldn’t have shown up,” Xavier growled, taking a step forward.
Remy flinched back and away, bringing his hands up to block an attack. His breathing was picking up, and he was wondering if this was it. Would Emile decide that Remy was a lost cause? Would Xavier punch him in the face? He certainly deserved it. He was so stupid—he should have stood his ground when Emile first invited him to this and said no. His foot slipped on a small rock as he tried to get away, sending him crashing to the ground. And great, now he was definitely crying, and panicking, and he didn’t see a way out of this. He was supposed to stay unattached so this sort of thing wouldn’t happen. This was why he didn’t make friends, he was too much of a crybaby, no one would ever take him seriously if he just kept crying at every obstacle he faced.
Now there were hands on him and Remy couldn’t get away, his whole body hurt from hitting the ground and he was having a panic attack and this was officially the worst day ever. Someone was saying his name, but it sounded distorted, like he was stuck underwater, or maybe behind a pane of glass. He kept his eyes screwed shut tight and rode out the wave of panic the best he could, and when he felt like he could breathe again he opened his eyes, just a crack. It was Emile who had put hands on his shoulders, and all of Emile’s friends were staring at him, including Xavier. “You good, man?” Xavier asked.
“Fine,” Remy lied. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine,” Clara said.
“Clara,” Emile warned.
“Just tripped, I’ll be fine. Just a little sore,” Remy said.
“Yeah...no. You looked like you were convinced Xavier was gonna slug you,” another guy said. “Which, I mean, maybe he gets angry but he doesn’t hit people.”
Remy sat up, but noticed that Emile’s hands didn’t leave his shoulders. “Okay, everyone, your concern is touching, but I’m fine,” Remy insisted. “It was a tiny panic attack. It happens sometimes. We can all move on.” Stop pressing the issue, please.
“If you’re sure?” Emile asked.
Remy gave him a smile and a nod. “Yeah. I’m gonna hurt for like, twenty minutes, but I can still play, if you guys will have me. If you don’t, though, I get it.”
“Nah, man,” Xavier said. “I was letting a grudge override my better judgement. You apologized for your actions, that’s the end of that.”
“Really?” Remy asked, unable to hide his surprise.
Xavier nodded. “I might not be happy with you for a little while yet, but you can play with us if you want to.”
“Huh.” Remy blinked. “I’m not used to that, but sure, let’s play.”
Emile lightly touched Remy’s arm as everyone spread out while Clara grabbed a frisbee. Remy followed Emile to where he was starting as Clara tossed the frisbee in the air a few times. “You know, I think you scared Xavier pretty bad. Scared all of us, really.”
“Oh. Sorry,” Remy grimaced.
“Not something to apologize for,” Emile said softly. “But are you okay? Remy, that sort of response, the panic attack and the flinching away...you wouldn’t happen to...have a history of abuse? You don’t have to answer, but I worry.”
“I wasn’t abused, Emile,” Remy said, watching as Clara threw the frisbee across the quad and Xavier caught it. “Never had that sort of problem growing up, don’t worry. I just...had a panic attack from slipping and falling. It startled me more than I anticipated, I guess.”
Emile bit his lip. “You know, I worry about you Remy.”
Remy bristled. “I know. It’s honestly a little annoying. It was endearing at first, but I feel like you’ve been crowding into my space lately.”
“Have I?” Emile asked. “I’ll back off if you want me to. But you know, I’m always here if you want to talk.”
“I know,” Remy said as the frisbee got tossed their way and Remy caught it, before flinging it across the quad, causing several of Emile’s friends to rush after it. “You constantly remind me of that fact.”
Emile looked...not hurt, and not worried, but some combination of the two. Remy ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. “What did I do this time?” he asked.
“You just...called me caring annoying. I don’t mind backing off if I’m crowding you, but friends caring about other friends isn’t annoying,” Emile explained.
“Ah,” Remy said. “I...don’t know how to respond to that, in all honesty.”
“It’s okay, you don’t have to,” Emile said. “Just...make sure that you’re not pushing everyone away, preferably sooner rather than later.”
Remy idly nodded before the frisbee flew wide and both him and Emile rushed after it. Remy certainly wasn’t left alone to his introspection, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t thinking. Everything he had been through, the yelling, the spanking, the neglect...that wasn’t abuse. Not in the sense that he had ever heard of. Spanking was discipline. Yelling just happened when people lost their temper. And the neglect...well, his parents had three kids. Someone had to get lost in the shuffle every once in a while. That didn’t point to abuse, right?
Sure, he may have been scared of Xavier hitting him, but he wouldn’t admit that to the others. They didn’t need to know about his problems, he didn’t need to burden them. And besides, if Emile had a real reason to worry, Remy doubted he would ever be left alone, when sometimes, that was exactly what he wanted.
He ran a hand through his hair again before catching the frisbee and tossing it to Emile, who was halfway across the quad. Playing around was fun, he had to admit, but none of these people were his friends, save Emile. He didn’t want friends beyond Emile, though. He barely wanted Emile to be his friend, half the time. He was nosy, constantly asking questions, and getting excited over things Remy didn’t understand. But then he’d hug Remy after they had talked for a while, or offer Remy half of the giant cookie he had gotten in the cafeteria when he noticed Remy’s stomach snarling, or even do something dorky like show Remy how to make flower crowns so once spring came around they could “be prepared,” and yeah, Remy had to admit that being friends with Emile also had its perks.
When everyone was pretty much done playing for the time being, they all reconvened at the edge of the quad, and chatted with each other for a little while. Apparently, half the people in this group were part of Emile’s DnD game, and the other half were those friends’ friends. Xavier came over to Remy and asked him softly, “You sure you’re okay, man? I didn’t mean to give you a panic attack.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Remy brushed off. “It takes a little more than some aggression to hurt me. I was more startled about falling than I was at you being angry. And you had every right to be angry.”
“Bea is the love of my life, so yeah, I was more than a little upset when you insulted her. But Emile has talked about you before. He says that you don’t make friends easy. For whatever reason, you mostly prefer to be alone. And I respect that because you obviously have your reasons. But if you’re trying to isolate yourself, man, that’s not healthy,” Xavier said.
“I’m not trying to isolate myself,” Remy shrugged off. “At least not on a conscious level. Friends are a lot of work, and I usually don’t have the energy to put in what other people want to get out of it. It saves both parties a little time and energy.”
“Okay, edgelord,” Xavier said with a little laugh. “But if you ever want to, like, hang out with people without really needing to know them, a friend of a friend is gonna be throwing a killer Halloween party, and I know Emile’s going. The two of you could hang out, maybe he could introduce you to someone you get on with. Who knows? Point is, everyone’s invited to the party, and between you and me,” Xavier’s voice dropped to a whisper, “They’re bringing the good booze.”
Remy hummed. “I might go. Especially if I can see Emile drunk. That would be hilarious.”
“Yeah, man,” Xavier laughed. “Between you and me I’m bringing a video camera, just so that I can show people how trashed they get at parties.”
Remy chuckled. “Sounds like fun, you’ve got me. I’m in.”
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puppyexpressions · 3 years
Dog Bucket List: 45 Fun Things to Do With Your Dog to Make Him Happy
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It’s not for nothing that our furry friends are often referred to as human’s best friend. They’re incredibly loyal, caring and earnest, and their love is unconditional like no other. Thus, it’s only fair we also treat our doggies like they’re our best friends; it’s a spot they’ve rightfully earned, after all. And that means there’s so much more we could be doing together with our dogs to make them (and you) happy beyond the basics. That’s why I have put together this fun bucket list of things to do with your dog, so that you and your furry best friend can get into some awesome dog-friendly activities together!
1. ✧ Stay at a Pet-Friendly Hotel
There are plenty of places where your pooch is welcome to stay, just do a simple search for pet-friendly accommodations. You will find hotels and log cabins, as well as a cottages and cute glamping tents. Pick one and have a memorable getaway with your pup.
2. ✧ Learn a New Trick
Depending on how long you’ve been training him, your pup likely already knows how to play fetch and roll over. Those are just the most basic of tricks that you could teach him though. There is also the army crawl, the salute, and the handstand which can leave other owners impressed once your doggy has mastered them.
3. ✧ Dress Up for Halloween
Halloween can be a fun holiday to enjoy together with your pup. The stores are bursting with simple costumes for dogs, like different kinds of cute headbands that’ll easily transform them into a dog-dragon or the like for the night. A quick search for dog costumes on Amazon will pop up a ton of different options as your dog’s costume, such as reindeer ridden by Santa, mail carrier, ghostbuster, dinosaurs, Maleficent, and the list goes on.
And naturally, it is a must to take a million photos of you and your pup in your Halloween outfits for the world to see.
4. ✧ Walk on the Beach
With the summer season well under way, there’s no excuse not to schedule a fun day out frolicking on the sand. There are plenty of dog-friendly beaches around the US that you could visit.
5. ✧ Have a Doggy Birthday Party
You should be able to lookup your pooch’s birthday on his pedigree. But, if your dog is a rescue or doesn’t have an exact birthdate, you can pick a date that’s convenient to you, so he can check off this activity on his dog bucket list. It would be wise to send out your invitations and make the cake early so you won’t end up going crazy over last-minute arrangements.
Don’t forget to buy a cute birthday hat and you can easily bake your own doggie cake with the Wheat-Free Peanut Butter Puppy Cake Mix.
6. ✧ Take Your Dog to Work With You
While not all workplaces allow it, for security, hygiene and other reasons, surprisingly many companies these days allow for their employees to bring their dog to work with them. And why not? A furry friend in the office makes the working day so much more fun and breezy!
Your dog will also enjoy the extra time spent with you, not to mention all the attention they’ll be getting throughout the day from your colleagues who won’t be able to keep their hands off from petting your doggy.
7. ✧ Ride in a Convertible
Just like you, your pup loves to feel the wind in his hair when cruising down the highways. The usual coupe or pickup is boring and confining though, so go on a drive in a convertible instead. Accessorize with cool sunglasses (like the QUMY dog goggles) as you bask in the sun and you will feel like celebrities who have all the time in the world.
8. ✧ Go Shopping Together at a Dog-friendly Store
Shopping no longer has to be an activity that you love to do but need to leave your furry bestie home for! Although certain stores, such as supermarkets, continue to be quite inaccessible to dogs, a wider range of stores accepting dogs, outside of pet shops, are beginning to arise all over. Just check online before you get going on your epic shopping trip!
9. ✧ Stand Up Paddle Board
If you haven’t already noticed, a stand-up paddle board just happens to fit more than one person, you can easily have room for a smaller sized dog. Honestly, teaching your pet to SUP may be one of the more challenging things to do on this list, but in the end it’ll be so much fun to paddle down a scenic river or on a smooth lake.
10. ✧ Do a Police Car Ride Along
Another one for extra special dog activities–for both you and the dog–is to go on a ride along in a police car. It can’t get much more exciting than that! It’s also totally safe to do, giving you a ton of first hand insight on what it’s actually like to be a police officer for a day.
11. ✧ Play Frisbee
If your dog already knows how to fetch a stick or a ball, it can be easy to advance a level with a Frisbee. Though Fido might have some difficulty with catching a flying disc at first, this is one thing to do with your dog that will require a little patience.
You can easily find a frisbee on Amazon, but the KONG Classic Flyer is one of the best-rated across the board.
12. ✧ Sleep on the Bed
Sleeping on the bed can be such a treat for your pooch, but don’t give into the temptation too much or they won’t sleep in their own dog bed! Some dogs will even chew up their beds so that they can spend more time on your bed—a very smart trick. Everybody knows that having your pooch lie in your bed with you is one of the best feelings in the world for you (and him), but once they start snoring, it might be time to kick them out of the bedroom!
13. ✧ Watch the Puppy Bowl
As tempting as it might be to switch the channel to watch your favorite American football teams going at each other, Super Bowl Sunday is the best time for you to binge-watch the Puppy Bowl with your pooch. Not only will you see puppies, but also other cute animal “tweeters” and “commentators”. You never know, you might find that squealing at fluffy furballs is a more enjoyable annual thing to do than screaming at sweaty athletes.
14. ✧ Have Breakfast in Bed
Is it your pup’s birthday? Or perhaps just a rainy and gloomy morning where you could both use a little pick me up? Having breakfast in bed together, all the while cuddling and maybe catching something comforting on the TV, sounds like a great way to treat yourself – and your pupper!
If you’re skilled with your hands and in the kitchen, try to whip up a breakfast that looks like you’re both having the same thing, but will be totally safe for your furry friend to eat. Some ideas for a dog friendly breakfast are cauliflower muffin bites, pancake puffs or these mini omelettes. Perhaps you’d like to enjoy the same treats for your breakfast – or at least the human version of them?
15. ✧ Take a Nap Together
Although a simple activity, apart from a good and long walk around the neighborhood, this is what you and your pup will love to do together the most! If possible, why not make it a regular thing even? It’s such an excellent way for both of you to recharge your batteries mid-day. So cuddle up and get to snoozing!
16. ✧ Visit a Nursing Home
There’s no denying the fact that playing with dogs can be therapeutic, especially to those who live in nursing homes. This is because friendly canines can encourage residents to leave the confines of their room and to recover faster from surgery or a stroke. Watching the older generation having fun with your pet is always worth the effort of driving to your nearest care home and it will be such a rewarding thing to do for everyone.
17. ✧ Eat a Gourmet Meal
I have eaten many incredible meals at memorable restaurants in my lifetime, but finding a restaurant that serves gourmet meals for dogs can be a challenge. Sometimes, it would be better off to prepare the food yourself, which should be fairly easy to do. There are several delicious dog friendly recipes on the web that can be easy to make, like peanut butter cookies, gourmet whole wheat dog biscuits and chicken jerky. 
18. ✧ Have a Steak Dinner
If breakfast in bed sounds like it could get messy or complicated really quick, you can’t go wrong with a steak dinner. And since your dog actually can eat the same dish as you this time around—though they may prefer it on the raw side—it’s an especially fun ‘date night’ between you and your best friend. Your doggie doesn’t need much more than a juicy hunk of meat to feel special and loved, and you’ll love to share a good steak with them, too.
19. ✧ Get a Doggy Massage
You’re not the only one who can benefit from a trip to the spa every once in a while; your canine friend can too! Many owners believe that a doggy massage can help to provide strengthened immunity, increased circulation, stress relief and improved digestion in their pets. You may not be able to get him a Thai massage, but definitely something more gentle will be available for your deserving best friend. So, schedule an appointment with your nearest animal massage parlor today to give your pup a well-deserved break after a hard day at the park of learn how to massage your dog yourself.
20. ✧ Get a ‘Pawicure” (AKA: Doggie Manicure)
Unlike us humans, our dogs probably don’t appreciate getting their nails cut as much as we do. But if you make an event of it, you might survive through it with less hassle. Google around for shops in your local area where you can go get a pawicure at, or follow these instructions to pamper and groom your pup from the comfort of your home. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to treat yourself to a mani-pedi as well!
21. ✧ Play Hide n’ Seek
Well, a dog friendly version of hide n’ seek, at least! Your pup may not understand the rules of the original hide and seek, but if you play it in a way that your dog can enjoy and easily follow the rules, you’ll both end up having a great time.
In the dog friendly version, instead of ordering your dog to go hide, or hiding yourself, you’ll hide his or hers favorite toy. Start with easy hiding spots and, as your pet gets the gist, you can increase the difficulty of where you hide the toy.
22. ✧ Play in the Leaves
Cleaning up your yard from the fallen leaves just got a whole lot more fun with the pup joining in on the game. You might not get a lot of actual work done, but you’ll get plenty of laughter out of it! And if you don’t have a yard, find a park or equivalent where there’ll be leaves to play around in.
23. ✧ Play Sock Tug-of-War
Got a pair of socks to spare? Tug-of-War is a fun game that you’ll be able to enjoy together, and you don’t even need to let your pup win! All you need are some socks that have seen their best days. You can play either with one simple sock, or you can use your socks to build a homemade version of a tug toy. If you don’t have some old socks, get him a squeaky sock monkey instead.
24. ✧ Be the Star in a Dog Calendar
Lots of organizations make calendars where owners can proudly display their pooches. The requirements for getting your pet in on the action can vary from place to place. Some clubs make it a contest to find suitable cover dogs while others are willing to print submissions. With companies like Shutterfly it’s also possible to create your own calendar with your favorite photos.
25. ✧ Swim in the Ocean
If Rover doesn’t already know how to swim, now is the best time for you to teach him. To make the training process easier and safer, make the necessary preparations such as providing clean water to drink, bringing a flotation vest, and establishing rest areas with a lot of shade. Start in a shallow part of the water then just coax him in farther with a toy or a treat. Using a positive tone of voice and giving lots of verbal praise can go a long way too. The Teaching Your Dog to Swim video with help you out!
26. ✧ Warm Up in Front of the Fire
This is an ultimate way for a human to cozy up on a cold evening, especially after a few hours spent outdoors getting your cheeks red in chilly weather. But you can count on your pooch to enjoy it every bit as much as you; the heat of the burning flames will warm him up, too, and it’s a great moment to spend together with you. Lay a towel, mat or a blanket on the floor, sit down and instruct your pup to come sit next to you, then wrap another blanket around the both of you, and enjoy some relaxing time together. 
27. ✧ Play in the Sprinklers
Owning a lawn can do more than just boost the curb appeal of your home. It also gives you plenty of opportunities to frolic with the furballs, particularly when you have a sprinkler system installed. Take note though that some doggies find it more interesting to chew, bite or dig your sprinklers so you might want to buy a few sprinkler toys,  like an inflatable shallow pool sprinkler or the crazy Tidal Storm Hydro spinning sprinkler that will have him entertained for hours!
28. ✧ Play With Your Favorite Toy Together
Every pup has a toy that they love and adore more than any other. It may be one that the doggy can enjoy playing with by herself, but it’s also one of the easiest things to do with your dog – and she’ll totally love having a buddy to pay with!
29. ✧ Have a Doggie Play Date
If you’ve noticed that your pup seems to want playmates of his own species, you can find him one by setting up play dates with other people’s pooches. This shouldn’t be a problem when you know a few pet owners in your area, but if you don’t you can search for one in dog parks or at doggy daycares. Should you decide to meet outside of those places, do it in neutral territory as you don’t want to end up having to break up any fights.
30. ✧ March in a Parade
Did you know that, especially around the holidays, there are dog parades arranged all around the country? How much fun does that sound like?! Your pup will get to don a costume and you’ll have a blast walking in the crowds, making new friends, both human and the four-legged kind. As parades are quite hectic, you may want to do some preparing and training with the pupper to get ready for the big day and have it go over smoothly and successfully.
31. ✧ Romp Around in the Snow
Although the winter time may feel cold and uncomfortable for going out for walks, there’s plenty of fun that can be had when there’s some snow on the ground. You’ll likely get to take the lead, but your pup will have the best time romping and jumping around in the snow with you, especially if you live in a region where you regularly get loads of it.
32. ✧ Hike a National Park
Generally, pets are permitted in National Parks (check each ones website to be sure!) but they typically have to be restrained on a leash not exceeding 6 feet in length. There are several reasons behind this NPS policy but the main point is to protect your dog along with park resources. To avoid any mishaps, remember to maintain proper trail etiquette including observing the rules for the right-of-way.
33. ✧ Have a Social Media Fanpage
You’ve probably heard of Boo the Pomeranian who has over 17 million fans on Facebook. Just like him, your pooch can become a social media superstar too! Start by taking lots of fun photos of your furry pal and post them on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. Or possibly even start a travel blog for your dog, but make sure you don’t make the beginning blogging mistakes I did! Take note to update the page on a regular basis and if there’s a high cuteness factor you should see the list of followers grow.
34. ✧ Take a Picture with Santa
A bit of a controversial opinion to some, but as a dog owner, at least one reading through this list, you definitely think of them as part of your family. Specifically, as one of the youngsters in the household. And therefore, getting a picture of the pup with Santa becomes a memory you’ll want to have and to keep!
35. ✧ Attend the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
There is no better way to show off your amazing canine friend than by having him join this prestigious dog show. Apparently, cuteness alone won’t cut it in the big leagues though so you have to focus on improving other aspects such as cosmetic features and structure. This gives you all the more reason to drop by the animal spa every now and then, doesn’t it?
36. ✧ Try Something New Together
New ways to spend time together with our puppies keeps being thought of, so there will be plenty for you to choose from and try out to find the activities you and your dog will enjoy. Have you ever gone roller blading together? Or tried out dog yoga? Search Google a bit for some suggestions, possibly even list down all the best sounding ideas, and get started on trying out those new things to do with your dog!
37. ✧ Go on a Picnic
Some days you just want to relax rather than chase after Fido. The problem is that it’s highly unlikely that your pet will want to stay still for a long period of time. A picnic is the best way for you to meet in the middle. As he romps around in the grass, you can chow on some cake and roll on the blanket.
38. ✧ Dine on the Patio of a Dog Friendly Restaurant
When the weather gets great, you’ll want to meet with your friends for some great brunch or dinner on a gorgeous patio of one of your favorite restaurants. What about, if the restaurant is also a dog friendly spot, you took your pup with you the next time? It’ll be a fun experience and memory for both of you to have, and if it goes well you might want to even make it a regular thing, perhaps with just the two of you.  
39. ✧ Go Camping
Want to embark on a camping adventure in the wild but don’t want to leave Spot behind? No problem-just bring him along! That is, if he is trained well enough to handle the activity. If he barks a lot or tends to snatch food from other people, you will want to rethink your camping plans.
The How to Camp With Your Dog article will help to get you wilderness ready, and the check out these pet friendly campgrounds around the world.
40. ✧ Be an Extra in a Movie
Whether it’s just your pretty pup, or the both of you together, it’s surprisingly easy to find a spot for an extra in a movie (or a TV show). It’s also rather easy and simple thing to do, so there’s no need to worry about how to be an extra in a movie or that it’d be too much for the pup to handle. Instead, it could be quite fun and will serve as a unique opportunity and activity – and not just to you but to the doggy as well!
41. ✧ Go to a Dog Park
It can be a whole lot of fun to get your furry friend to socialize with other pets at a dog park. However, you need to have established a calm-assertive leadership over him by then. With this, along with remaining vigilant, you can rest assured that your dog will not become a fight magnet. For an extra addition to you dog park bucket list visit these 10 Amazing Dog Parks You Need to See in Your Lifetime.
42. ✧ Take a Boat Ride
Now that you’re done swimming in the ocean, you’ll want to drop by a lake too for a ride on a boat. But you have to realize that not all dogs may enjoy the experience. What you need to do is get him acclimated to the boat before the trip to minimize his distress about not having his feet planted on solid ground.
43. ✧ Take Obedience Classes
Even if your pup isn’t quite as bad as Marley from Marley & Me, no harm will come from taking some obedience classes. In fact, it may teach you things about your dog on a new level. And, additionally, it will also be of aid in committing to the other dog activities on this bucket list, with the pup as obedient and polished as can be.
44. ✧ Do Doga (Dog Yoga)
Now that you’ve ticked massages off the dog bucket list, you should also give doga a go. Though you may not be able to find a doggy yoga retreat and hot Bikram yoga is out of the question, doga is not limited to just doing a variety of poses together. It may also include eye-gazing to enhance the human-canine bond. Overall, it’s an experience that can help both of you to relax.
45. ✧ Eat a Doggy Ice Cream
OK, maybe you won’t want to switch to eating doggy ice cream yourself and instead stick to your regular flavors of Ben & Jerry’s. But thanks to the great creation of doggy ice cream, your beloved pup can now join in on enjoying the icy treat together with you. You can find sometimes find doggy ice cream at the freezer section of the supermarket, or you might want to try your own hand at making some?
These fun dog activities should definitely keep you busy and active with some of the best things to do with your dog. Try them out to see what makes him or her happiest, then you can keep repeating and rotating between the best ones! Most of all, have a blast going through this bucket list together with your best friend!
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nickpakin · 4 years
You’re like a fucking golden retriever, don’t you give up?
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Charlie gets Alex an actual golden retriever as a present for their one-year anniversary, but then gets jealous when he starts to see that Alex has been spending way too much time with his pet.
Charlie’s POV:
I have always loved when my beloved boyfriend, Alex Standall, would call me a golden retriever in a human body. So to show him how much I appreciate him using that label on me, I decided to adopt an actual golden retriever puppy as an anniversary present for Alex. After finishing up with work, I drive straight to Alex's apartment. Once I headed to the front door and rang the doorbell, I begin to pose comically with some balloons and the box with our new pet in it as Alex answers the door.
"Happy anniversary, honey bear!" I beamed as I saw Alex's pretty face.
"Charlie, we've talked about honey bear." Alex groaned in embarrassment.
"But it's an adorable nickname." I pouted.
"On Mars, maybe." He joked.
Alex elevates himself on his tiptoes to kiss me. There was never a day where I didn’t miss the taste of Alex's soft, cherry-flavored chapstick. I give a few more cheeky kisses to the most handsome man in existence before settling down on his living room couch.
"Look what I got you." I said as I handed Alex the box.
I watch my boyfriend as he roughly tears off the wrapping paper until the mystery in that box was finally revealed before him.
"Oh. my. god." Alex gasped. "It's so so cute!"
The puppy pops up from the box and jumps right into Alex's arms. My smile widens as I looked at Alex absolutely gushing over the cuteness of the tiny golden retriever.
"Wow it's so fluffy!" Alex said. "Where did you get it?"
"PetSmart." I chuckled.
"Thank you so much, babe.” Alex smiled. “What’s its name? I am already obsessed."
"His name is Max, and you're welcome." I said as I lay my arm around his shoulder. "I love you, baby."
"I love you too, Charles." He says before kissing my lips.
Me and my adorable boyfriend relax on the couch while we both welcome the newest member of our little family in our arms.
"We’re gonna get along real well, huh Max?" Alex gushed while ruffling his fingers through Max’s fur.
"Yes we will." I said, mimicking Max.
In this moment in time, I knew he was right. Max, Alex and I are gonna be one, big, happy family. What could possibly go wrong?
I wake up from my good night's sleep and proceed to text my boyfriend to see if he had any plans for today. After celebrating our anniversary, it had gotten complicated for us to see each other these past few weeks because of Alex being busy with work and preparing for his college final exams all while taking care of Max. As much as I wanted to be there to keep him company, Alex really cares about studies and I want him to thrive and succeed. But at the same time I wish I was there to help him relax from all the stress he had been through.
CHARLIE: Are you up, babe? 👀😊
ALEX: i am now
CHARLIE: So Tyler and Estela invited us to go to the movies with them today. You wanna come?
ALEX: Can’t. Have to study for this stupid college algebra final tomorrow.
CHARLIE: Aww that sucks. 🥺 Well... maybe I could take you out to the mall after you're done?
ALEX: Nope, history exam the next day sadly. anyways gotta go practice with my quadratic equations :(
CHARLIE: ok good luck! Luv you honey bear! ❤️😘
Several minutes pass and Alex leaves me with no reply. My boyfriend has never ended our conversations without texting 'I love you' back. The more I waited, the more worried I became which made me think that something was up. After picking up Tyler and Estela, I decide to stop by his place to see if he was okay. As I parked near the curb, I glance out the window to observe his residence. Just when I thought I would see my boyfriend looking all pretty and studious, I see him running around playing with Max in the front lawn.
"What the hell?" I said, clenching my fist on the wheel.
Alex literally said he had to study tonight, but from what I was seeing right in front of my eyes it seems my so-called boyfriend has somehow completely fallen in love with that dog. He has never lied to me; not even once, until I let Max enter the picture. I started to think that maybe I should never have given Alex that dog for his birthday. Seeing the love of my life avoiding me while being with that monstrosity made my positive energy deplete.
"I guess it's just us, Tyler." I said.
"Okay, cool." Tyler said.
"Can we watch A Dog's Purpose?" Estela begged. "I've been dying to watch it."
"What do you think, Charlie?" Tyler said.
"Uhh... sure. Sounds fun." I nodded. "Tickets are on me."
I start my car and proceed to drive our way to The Crestmont.
"So what happened with Alex?" Tyler asked.
"He's..." I paused. "I don't... I don't think he loves me anymore."
"What?" Tyler gasped. "Why would you think that?"
"Ever since I got him that puppy, we haven't been talking as much as we used to." I grumbled. "Alex told me he had been studying non-stop but turns out he's been spending way too much time with that golden retriever. It's like Max is his second husband. Like, hello? I'm your boyfriend not him, you should be paying attention to me!"
"Um... I think you're being way overdramatic." Tyler pointed out.
"Am not!" I yelled. "Ty, you're not helping."
"Wasn't the reason you gave him Max in the first place was because you wanted to show how much you loved him?" Tyler mentioned.
"Well... yeah." I said as I calmed down my voice.
Maybe Tyler was right. I could be overreacting. But ever since I heard about Alex kissing Zach that one time long before we officially dated, I had gotten more worried about how there could be other guys out there who would be brave enough to steal my precious Alex Standall away from me. Now I'm literally competing with an animal. A human golden retriever V.S. an actual golden retriever. Never have I ever thought I'd end up in this kind of situation.
"Look, before you know it, Alex will come crawling right back to you." Tyler said.
"Yeah, right." I sighed.
The next day I attempted to call and text Alex again, but with no surprise, no answer. Good thing I have him on Snapchat to see what he's actually doing when I'm not around. I open his snapchat story to see a video of him teaching Max how to catch a frisbee. Knowing exactly where he's at, I decide to take a trip to the park to have a nice, little chat with my nerdy liar of a boyfriend and his adorable, yet deceiving minion.
"Charlie, hey!" Alex waved while holding Max with a leash.
"Alex. Didn't expect to see you and... him here." I said as my eyes shifted to Max. "How were you finals?"
"Stressful, but I made B's on my english, psychology, and history finals and got a C+ on my algebra exam." Alex grinned.
"Right..." I said longingly.
"Wait why did you say that so long?" Alex said suspiciously. "You okay, babe?"
"Oh now you call me babe." I gagged. "Funny since you've been so busy with your other one."
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Alex asked. "What's up with you?"
I tried my best to avoid answering the question but the more I looked at Max being beside Alex, the more I wanted to let all my frustrations out.
"Charles Hayden Brixton Saint George, answer me." Alex commanded.
Whenever Alex says my full name, I automatically know that he's in a bad mood.
"Because you’ve been spending way too much time with Max." I finally confessed.
Alex puts his hands on his hips in a sassy manner.
"That’s why you’ve been so grouchy?" Alex said. "Because you were jealous of the dog that YOU gave me?"
"Well…" I shrugged.
Just when I thought Alex was going to put me in my place, he laughs tremendously and playfully pushes my shoulder.
"You can be such a drama queen, you know that?" Alex laughed.
"So you love me again?" I teased.
"Always have, always will, you dork." Alex chuckled.
Alex presses his palms over my cheeks and I finally get to kiss his sweet lips again after what felt like a whole lifetime. Then Max runs towards me and lands his paws on my ankles.
"Oh hey, my little one!" I said, picking Max up.
"Don't you have something to say to Max?" Alex said.
"Alright, I'm sorry for my unnecessary behavior." I murmured. "And for thinking you stole Alex from me. You can't understand a word I'm saying anyway."
Max stares at me with those mesmerizing puppy dog eyes, but after a while he begins licking my face very menacingly.
"I guess he forgives you." Alex smiled.
Right after making up, the three of us run towards the open grass, letting Max take the lead. Alex hands me a frisbee and I proceed to throw it towards as hard as I could. Max starts running in its direction while Alex and I follow him. The two of us cheer our golden retriever on as he successfully catches the frisbee. We continue to play and chase each other around in circles until all of our energy got drained. Me and my beloved honey bear were left smiling happily on the green grass, with Max laying down comfortably between us. Despite having second thoughts about bringing that puppy into our lives, it turns out that Max brought me and Alex much closer than ever. I guess having not one, but two golden retrievers in the life of Alex Standall was not such a bad thing after all.
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teacherunicorn · 4 years
Chapter Six
The snowy forest was dense, but felt empty, like walking through a graveyard. You could tell something was waiting to jump out and attack you. hurt trying to survive
Rook had had Shadow in her life for just over six years now. Appearing at what was perhaps her lowest low, the entity had been harsh with her at first, it's words faint and migraine inducing.
The one thing that had come through clearly was the lullaby it sang when Rook was crying herself to sleep. The song was clearly old -- it wasn't your standard nursery rhyme and no one she'd mentioned the lyrics to had known what she was talking about. But her strange follower knew them by heart; never once missing a step or loosing the melody.
Perhaps it was her dependence on that song that allowed other things to come in clearly, not that they were as helpful. It was mostly gruesome threats to people she got angry at and a desire to take supplies from others at food banks and homeless shelters.
While tempting at times, such actions were simply not who Rook was. She continually frustrated Shadow with her goodwill and giving nature, and arguing with them led to further migraines.
The two weren't....friends, not really. They just happened to be stuck with each other -- literally. It didn't matter if Rook knew she could trust Shadow's instincts when it came to dangerous situations, or if Shadow's malice seemed to ebb away anytime they sang their lullaby to a crying Rook.
It wasn't until that good karma came back around; a woman she had shared her food with and given up her bunk at the homeless shelter for supplying her with pain medicine and teaching her how pads worked; as she had been unfortunate enough to experience puberty on her own, that Shadow finally gave pause.
"Sometimes kindness is enough." She'd told the spirit.
This gave way to a new form of communication between the two; an open one that involved proper conversation instead of trading insults. Shadow seemed very good at being aware of their -- and by extension Rook's -- surroundings at all times. They'd offer tips, warn of danger, and catch details that would normally go unnoticed.
Rook still wouldn't say the two were friends....part of her was still convinced that Shadow was just some trauma induced hallucination.
Until today at least.
"So lemme see if I've got this right." She said, piling up the driest twigs she could find for a fire. "You're an actual, proper ghost. You're dead."
More or less, yeah.
"Then how come you keep following me around?"
I'm stuck in limbo unless I find a soul to match to....a cracked one.
Rook paused. "So when...." a forced swallow past the lump in her throat. "when he died, you're saying it cracked my soul?"
She huffed. "Can't say I'm surprised. Okay, you're here, I'm here, now what?"
Well.... The spirit sighed. You already know by now that I'm not an optimistic person. But when I was alive I was....less pessimistic. I had hope for something; this place.
"This place?" Rook echoed in surprise.
Yeah. It was less broken in my time, but yeah.
"....What happened?"
Thought I could be the hero. The barrier keeps the monsters in, they're trapped. I thought I could be their angel. the air seemed to scoff Course that was before being down here got me killed.
"What does that have to do with me?"
Shadow had no physical form, and therefore no face, but somehow Rook could still feel the puppy dog stare being aimed at her.
How far do you think your kindness can really go?
Rook didn't bother trying to track down the skeleton brothers. Snowdin was clearly not the sort of place to just go wandering around, and she had no doubt one or both of them would eventually find her.
So, gathering the driest twigs she could find, she sparked a small fire and went about making herself something to eat.
Filling her collapsible pot with snow, she set it over the flame to boil, making sure to keep the smoke as small as possible so as not to alert anything unsavory.
Crossing her legs as she sat down, she held her hands out to warm them. Pausing a moment, she pulled her left one back.
The cut she had received from the strange glowing artifact in the ruins hadn't been deep by any means, but it really ought to have left at least a scratch. But looking at her palm now Rook couldn't even tell she'd been injured.
Sighing to herself, she dug into her backpack for some oatmeal, taking out the teal colored shard as she did. She studied it as her food cooked. It didn't seem all that peculiar; it wasn't even glowing any more. It was just a stupid shard of glass.
So why had she felt so drawn to it in the ruins?
"HUMAN!" the sudden sound jolted Rook from her thoughts. She looked up to see the taller of the skeleton brothers standing a few paces away from her. (measured in his giant steps anyways) "SO SANS WAS TELLING THE TRUTH. DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU COULD ESCAPE ME?"
"No, I was pretty sure you or your brother would turn up." She shrugged. "You hungry? Oatmeal should be ready by now."
The bravado of the skeleton seemed to seep away. "....Food?"
"Yeah. I mean, it's just oatmeal -- I've figured out a lot of ways to mix it up over the years though!" pulling her backpack onto her lap Rook began to dig through her stash. "I've got cinnamon, ketchup, honey...."
For as loud as he had once been, the tall skeleton's voice seemed quiet now, despite it being a normal speaking volume as he inched closer to her. "There Was A Time When I Enjoyed Oatmeal That Hatched Creatures In It."
Rook blinked and stared at him a moment before looking back to her bag. Pushing a few things this way and that, she produced a small box with a cartoon dinosaur on it.
"These?" She questioned, holding them out to him.
Perhaps she imagined it, but at that moment Rook could've sworn that the small pecks of light in his sunken eye sockets turned into miniature stars. He crossed the space between them in three large strides, but stopped short of taking the box from her hand.
He looked between her and the box a moment, prompting Rook to push it closer to his outstretched hand.
"Go ahead, it's all yours."
He finally took it from her like she was handing him the holy grail. "...Why?"
"Why not?" Rook shrugged and went back to her own oatmeal. "If people didn't share with me, I wouldn't be alive." She looked up at the tall skeleton. "My name's Rook, by the way. You're Papyrus right?"
The sound of his name seemed to snap him out of whatever daze he was in. "YES! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! I HAVE DEVISED SEVERAL PUZZLES AND TRAPS TO CAPTURE YOU HUMAN ROOK!"
Rook smiled at him. "I like puzzles, that sounds fun."
There was something laughably insane about watching the two skeleton brothers interact. They explained the puzzle well enough, but then got sidetracked as they started arguing about frisbees.
In a strange way, it comforted Rook to observe the classic siblings dynamic.
Looking away from the still arguing pair, she turned her eyes to the orb she'd been given. It looked like a regular nick-nack, but supposedly it would guide her through the skeleton brother's first puzzle.
Watch yourself. Shadow muttered in her ear. I don't like this.
For the record, neither did she. The expanse of snow between her and the monsters looked far too innocent and unassuming.
Hang on. Was that...?
Something Rook had taken notice of in this strange underground forest was that the snow didn't shine. Not that there was any sunlight to reflect off of the frozen crystals, but whatever was lighting this place didn't do it either. The slush was matte and blank, like dust rather than water.
But was there? There was! Just about two feet in front of her something was sparkling under the snow. Only noticable if you had been looking for it, and clearly not meant to be there.
The sparkling looked odd, and not just because it was out of place. She wondered....
Rook gasped and jumped backwards, falling flat on her butt as her feet slipped from under her. Tossing the orb in the sparkle's direction had indeed yield result; a huge bear trap had popped out from the snow and clamped shut. It's razor teeth were rusty, but certainly effective enough to chop her in half.
The noise had caught the skeleton's attention, both turning to stare at her in shock.
"Wait...how did she know...."
"GASP!" the taller skeleton said, putting his gloved hands on his cheeks. Cheekbones? "ONLY FOUR PUZZLES LEFT! AND STILL WITH THREE FREEBIES! HURRY SANS! WE MUST PREPARE THR NEXT CHALLENGE!" Papyrus took off, dragging his brother behind him by the hood of his jacket.
Rook laughed in spite of everything. Take away the fear for her life, and that was kinda cool.
How did you do that?
"By getting extremely lucky." Rook muttered, rubbing at her neck subconsciously. Kindness or no, Papyrus hadn't seen it to make his 'puzzles' any less deadly.
Not that she blamed him, logically. One act of kindness certainly didn't make up for whatever these two had been through. Statistics didn't follow an outlier after all.
Sha had been like that once, but it hadn't stopped the people she met from being kind to her.
Least she could do was pay it forward while she tried to stay alive.
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sian22redux · 5 years
A Puppy in the Family-ch 2
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Finally!  @theycallmebecca  has been so patient.  Travelling for work this month is done and I can concentrate.  This has taken so long it is consolation for her and @nomadicpixel ‘s Bosox and my Indians being out (:( how many injuries can one team take).  Here you go my dear.  Fenway and Dodger await the big day!  Boy are they in for a surprise. 
You can find Chapter 1 here.  Rated G--for gooey tooth-rotting fluff.  (Don’t say you haven’t been warned) and real warning:  Mild description of labour pains.  Jealousy.  Vague comments about new baby poop. 
It’s really puzzling how they don’t know.
The sloppy ‘brella weather has turned to sunshiny and mostly fair and we’re out for a long, slow waddle as the warm sun rays kiss my fur.  
Dodger is trotting on ahead at the end of his bungee leash. I am circling Chris and Y/N stealthily as they walk hand in hand, trying my very best to trap them with my lead because if I do they'll have to kiss.  It’s the law.
They kiss twice before we make it back to Lorel home and as I bound indoors I take a good long sniff.  
Still happy. Still expecting.  Really expecting in fact.  Y/N is pink-cheeked and pretty and even, I think, a little rounder in the tummy.  She is working from the household today. Usually my mission is to allow as little wurk as possible, but not these days.  Chris is home and she wants to be ‘fficient’, keep wurk quick while he reads a top secret Superhero script (for a superhero he sure gets banged up a lot).  
I am good. I give her time, and though she says she’ll  “stop soon” her wurk must be fun.   She talks excitedly on the phone a lot, tapping on the ‘puter.  Dodger, who says it’s boring, sneaks up on the big white couch to keep Chris’s bare feet warm.   I do have a strategy.  I flop over to show my better side and think < I love you> really hard.  
But still she doesn’t get it.
For some weird reason when her smell gets strong it makes her sleepy.  Dodger and Chris catch her snoozling after wurk and Chris stands there, hands on hips, brows crashed together.  “Babe, you ok?”
Y/N yawns and sleepily pats my head.  “Yeah. It’s just a little bit too much right now, you know?”
Chris isn’t sure he knows.   He worries. A lot.   It’s the job of the alpha dad.   “Maybe,” he frowns, sitting down on a sliver of couch to put a hand on her head.  “You sure you aren’t getting sick?”
Sick???   Good grief. <Expecting!!!!!!>  I yip, a bit louder than maybe I should but its making me crazy because they don’t know!
This goes on for weeks.  Y/N snoozles at funny times and Chris frowns and frets and sometimes he completely forgets to throw Dodger’s frisbee.  I don’t know how much Dodger or I can take but finally, finally, Y/N goes into the bedroom bathroom and comes out through the screen.  
She’s waving a little white wand (it’s far too small for cooling much) and trying hard to speak through tumbling tears and then Chris is crying too.  
“For real?” he asks. He’s brushing the tears off her cheeks and I can smell him panicking and happy and well, everything.  
“A baby?”
Y/N just nods cuz her words are watered out.  Chris is crying and laughing and hugging her so hard.  “A baby!   Oh my god this is best birthday present ever!”  
It is his birthday-- I know cuz there is cake where I shouldn’t touch.   Both Y/N and Chris are talking quick and excited and he spins her faster than even a duper hug before setting her down so gentle and apologizing.
She says it is ok.   Dodger and I wag our tails but we are most definitely ignored.  
<That’s how it is going to be.>
<You sure, Dodger?>
<Yup.  Bitch gets all the attention and extra food.>
He’s right.  In the weeks to come it seems they talk super fast all the time.  It’s a little exhausting.  And mysterious.    
I’m not sure why this is, but now there’s a picture of a tadpole on the fridge.
Then, we wait.  
Growing human puppies takes a really, really long time.
Chris is happy and stressed and angsty a bit like me.  Y/N is happy and sleepy and a little loopy.  The best thing I can do is watch. I set the perimeter threat to grey and investigate every little thing that moves. Or doesn’t.  The grape under the fridge stays there for weeks getting drier and smaller each time I check. It hasn’t moved so I think that it’s ok, but the big yellow floppy moth that infiltrates the household is another thing.  It doesn’t seem to want any trouble and I think it may be lonely, so I follow it around, slowly and carefully, waiting to make friends.  
Much of the next hot months are spent outside by the pool.  I decide that petting lazily with a foot only counts as half so I try to climb onto Chris’s lap (not Y/N’s. I don’t want to squash the puppy).
“Fenway! You great big oaf.  You don’t fit!”  Chris laughs but I do!  It’s magic.   Dodger corners a red squirrel in the tree and it chitters down at him from halfway up.  I race over to help but I am too big to leap so high. I wave my frondy tail while Dodger almost gets it.  
These are mostly good times.   The great thing about puppy waiting is that we get waffles more. And ice cream.  And cinnamon bunds.   The not so great thing is that the hoomans feel angsty and a little confused at times.
Sometimes I will go outside only to realize it is inside that I wanted all along.  Y/N’s like that, she doesn’t know what she wants or not. Those nights we are out in the car late at night with Chris.  The days she knows—she really knows.  
Ice cream is good but not coffee. Or orange juice.  And definitely not eggs.  
Puppy waiting is Not Quick.   68 days. So many X’s.    Y/N gets wider and tireder.  She’s sick, and grumpy, and weepy, and there are days we (and Chris) just didn’t know what to do.   Dodger and I try to pretend we need to tell a secret and when Y/N leans in close, we lick her ear instead.  That makes her smile, but only for a while. Sometimes my snuggles help and sometimes I make her too hot and sometimes I make it worse.  I may be bigger (almost full grown!) but my desire to be held is constant.
<I love you> 
<I love you>
<I love you>
When Y’N’s weepy I put my snout upon her lap and wuff out warm happy breath while she strokes my fur.  I will look up to be sure it’s working and get confused because it makes her cry more.
<What did I do wrong??!!>
Dodger sighs and thumps his tail on the carpet. <Don’t worry, Fenway. It’s ‘mones.>
Oh.   The things that Chris says (when we have snuck away to the park) make her grumpy too.
They are very powerful.  When she’s grumpy I bring her my squeaky hotdog, and blanket, and then, cuz I am getting really worried, my comb.  She brushes all my fur hard and sleeks the feathers in my tail but it never works for long.
I don’t get it and Chris doesn’t either but he keeps trying 
I don’t always work but neither do the duper hugs.
One time she even barked at him.
The too too hot summer, becomes just hot fall.  I have toasted my coat enough.  It’s the time of parties and mmmm pumpkin and TIFF (whatever that is).    
At the Hello ‘Ween party Y/N the Witch bumps into Jeremy’s back (he’s just himself cuz time) with her tum.  She blushes red like a tomato and Jeremy laughs and says
“You’re just like Fenway.  He doesn’t know where his body is either.”
(I yip ‘oopsie’ but secretly I am proud.)  
After that things change really FAST.
Y/N and Chris go out for ‘classes’ and sometimes when they get home, Y/N goes right to bed (it takes energy to make a puppy) and Chris takes his fancy glass and fancy yellow water and sits down on the ‘ounge chair.   He looks kinda scared and kinda worried, sighing a little bit, just looking at the moon 
I sit down beside and lean in hard as I can,  thinking <everything. is going to be alright. Because guess I love you.>
“Thanks pal.”
The second office gets made over into the puppy’s room.  It’s white and bright and has lots of small colours everywhere.    I knock over a packing box—<oopsie> that holds a  tall thing that looks like a robot.
“Yikes,” says Chris. “Better you do that now than when it’s full. 
Full? Of what?!
No one answers. Dodger doesn’t know.  He’s trying to help by biting at the packing tape and I take the other end.  
Y/N is exasperated. “FENWAY you are NOT HELPING!”
I go lie by the door and supervise, crossing my paws cuz i’ figure feeling fancy will make the moving faster.
The Baby’s room has SO MUCH STUFF.  There’s a sleeping jail and a travel sleeping jail;  bouncing things that make noise, rattles that make noise (but nothing squeaky like my hot dog), cupboards for tiny clothes, tons and tons of tiny sausage covers.  I am not sure why Chris and Y/N want their puppy covered like a sausage but they are there, white and green and I think <oh well, maybe it makes them feel comfy like my crate?>  
The little socks won’t fit even on my nose.  
I wander later all through the piles of stuff getting a little worried.
<Relax, Fenway> says Dodger, where he lies on his side upon the floor in front of the hallway mystery hole.  (It’s our favourite place to flop cuz it blows cool air over us.  It won’t be not-hot until Santa time.)  
<You aren’t worried, Dodger?  Will they remember we exist, even notice us in this?>
< oh yeah.> he says, scritching a sudden scratch.  <A puppy can’t howl like I do with Lion.  It can’t give licks like you.  We’ll be teaching them everything we know.>
Right. I feel better and go back to watching the grape all shrivel up.
Fri Nov 23.
It’s Y/N’s birthday month and we have good times.  Chris takes us for lots of walks. Y/N sits everywhere, puppy is heavy and she has no lap. Lots of friends visit and slip us treats—its hard but somebody has to do it 
One morning we wake up and there are few X’s left on the fridge.  The circled big red X is days away and oh boy Y/N seems extra, extra fussy cause she washes EVERYTHING 
(I hide, out of the way under the big front bush.  My hotdog tastes like soap.)
Dodger is not too concerned.  We trot in from the yard to find Chris pacing, hair sticking straight up and looking really stressed.
“Mom, oh god, do you think this could be it?!”
Whatever Lisa says, it helps.  He waits, carefully, while Y/N cleans around and I go sit beside The Bag that’s been waiting excitedly by the front door.
<I’m ready too!>  I think to them both but nothing happens.  
Two more days. Ugh, two more of soap, and then, Y/N just doesn’t get up??�� 
I follow Dodger out. Chris is in the backyard and we are pacing with him, round and round,  but he’s nearly shaking, talking to everyone on the telephone and not seeming very happy.
Y/N isn’t either. We check.  She’s whining sometimes, sitting in the big bed and kinda looking hot but she doesn’t want us near so we go back to the living room.
<We need a distraction.> says Dodger watching Chris pace.  He hasn’t stopped and the phone may be growing into his beard.
<I could spin in circles. Or blow bubbles in my water dish again?> I offer.  
<Naw.. too short.>
<Naw, too tricky.>
Dodger settles for bringing him the slobbery Bosox ball.
“Sorry pal, not now.”
Hoo boy, this is serious.  
By the time I get back from burying the ball below the hedge, Y/N is up and they are walking around the back yard-- Y/N in front, Chris behind.    We waddle along.   I am patrolling in front for intruders and spiders cuz Chris hates them and Dodger has the rear.
We do five circuits and then we are walking shower on the path (even it is really clean)  and suddenly Y/N is gasping, bending right over to her knees.  (This is really hard with a big puppy up in front).  Chris murmurs soothing noises and presses his big warm hands on the center of her lower back.  I have no idea why, but it must help because Y’N’s  whining is a little less at first, but then it changes.  She’s whining and growling and keening.
Whelping sounds like it hurts.
The crisis ends. Y/N flops down on the ‘ounge chair panting hard and I lay my muzzle along her thigh, whining helpfully in sympathy, licking at her hand.  I hate to see her in pain.  So does Dodger.
“You’re both good boys,” she says through a small half smile.
This happens—walk-gasp-keen-flop—lots of times.  We’re getting tired.  Chris is getting tired. Y/N is more tired than I’ve ever seen.  
Finally the two-bell sounds 
Scott and his new boyfriend come right in and the friend (Dirk? why is he named for a knife?) bounces up to us and says hi while Chris carries Y/N through the hall. Scott takes The Bag and puts it in the trunk.  Y/N sits up front with the seat pushed way far back, eyes closed and concentrating.  She whines and Chris, who is standing in the driveway, whines too, before trying to sit down.  
Scott blocks the driver seat, hand out, shaking his head.
“Nope.  Give me your keys, man.  You are waay too freaked out to drive.”
<You are> adds Dodger, wisely from the front step 
Scott glares at Chris until he shakes himself, opens the back door and folds into the tiny backseat.
Y/N would laugh but she’s too busy gasping
Finally the biggest, most leaping, exciting day arrives.  
The puppy is coming home.
My feets are a tippy tappin’.  I am bouncing and so is Dodger.  We know not to trip Chris up but still our hearts are way too full.
“Dodger, Fenway, down!”
We both sit at once.   Y/N steps in and she looks very, very tired but so, so happy to be home.  Chris has a special puppy seat and is holding it like a glass.  There’s a pink blankie, and a cover and we can’t really see.  
He sets the seat on the floor and crouches down, one hand in our furs to keep us back.
“Hey guys, say hi to Lily.”
What kind of name is that?
<A flower name> whispers  Dodger, <because the puppy is a bitch.>
Ohhhh.  It’s hard to see much of anything but pink hat and nose and wrap.  I tip toe everywhere, hushed and quiet like a Good Boy, but inside I am all excited.  Chris says MomLisa is coming soon, but for now it is our time.   
“Hey baby” says Y/N.  At the couch Chris lays her ever so gentle on Y/N’s lap lengthwise.   I sniff and wiggle in excitement.  She smells new and happy and good and…
then the wrappings come off.
She’s bald.  
And tiny.  
And looks nothing the little person next door at Gina’s.
<Is there something wrong?> I ask Dodger anxiously.  I would  HATE for there to be a problem.
He thinks carefully and cocks his head.   <Human puppies look a bit like Hairless Cats.> 
They do?  Weird. < How do you know?>
<I looked in The Book.>
Oh. Ohhh.  The Book. It is part of Y/N these days.  
<For long?>
<A while.>  
I am thinking maybe even Dodger doesn’t really know but it’s ok because when she gets bigger she will be our fren, and throw sticks and balls and…   
It’s hard to imagine because in the weeks to come she smells milky and poopy and sometimes both.
Chris is being super careful.  His hands are big. He trips over Dodger twice; loses where his feet are and we see that he is tired.  
Midnight and early morning snacks for all don’t give the hoomans enough rest.  
Chris gets so tired one morning he puts kibble into my water.  (Actually it wasn’t so bad…so I didn’t say anything.).
Y/N never seems to put Lily down and it makes me angsty.. a bit like she doesn’t want me anymore.  Dodger gets to be closer—he’s better at holding himself safe.  I watch from a body length away, trying to be soo good, her big brother, littermate, but it feels a little sad.
(I did, when Y/N wasn’t looking, lick one of her little feets.)
Dodger tells me not to worry.  They are so happy.  There’s soft music and tons of visits and tons of presents and Dodger and I get a picture proudly sitting by her jail-bed.  
Sometimes she cries and sometimes she toots and sometimes we go hours without a pat.  
I am sad.  And worrying.  What if she doesn’t like me?  What if I can’t hold still?  What if she never gets big enough to play?  
One day when Lily lies (just like a sausage) on a blankie (and I am near, within what Chris calls the ‘blast radius’??) I can’t take it anymore.
I Woof.  Not loud, but real, because I’ve been sooo good and quiet for so long.
No one scolds.  
Lily is wriggling like a wriggly worm and giggling and she smells new and fresh and I want to get a better look.  I shuffle forward on my tummy, stop near her blankie’s edge where if I stretch my neck I might be close enough to lick.    
I woof again. She turns her (bald!) head and looks at me. Blue eyes a little blurry, frowning as she focuses.  Y/N and Chris giggle when a little (strong!) hand bops me on my nose, and I blink in surprise.  
Pink wriggle-worm fingers have grabbed a hank of fur.  
She holds me. Hard. Smiling and cooing.  And then I know it.
I am gonna be her fren.   Her fren and best protector and biggest brother.  And now I am grown and better at remembering I am just right.  I will give rides and warm cuddles and snuggles and…  
be her everything.
I think that I’m love. 
tagging:  @theycallmebecca @nomadicpixel @pegasusdragontiger @arizonapoppy @mycapt-ohcapt  @3Dsaunt  @heather-lynn @neutralchaos1
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random-snippets · 7 years
For the headcanon prompt thingy I’m a sucker for LAMP (romantic or platonic doesn’t matter) so how about each of the sides sharing something they’re passionate about w/ each other? Like Roman tries to get the others to go adventuring with him, Virgil takes them to a MCR concert, etc.
God I love this? 
- Logan takes them out to look at stars. They all pack overnight bags and warm clothes and head into Logan’s room, then head outside. While the others have created their rooms and the outside world beyond purely for aesthetic, Logan has meticulously recreated the night sky, basing it on hundreds of books and pictures and star charts he’s accessed over the years. They head out to a small hill overlooking Logan’s domain, and spread blankets and picnic baskets and listen as Logan tells them about the constellations and the ancient navigational practices used by sea voyagers, and the way science has been able to use visible light from the stars to determine the exact chemical composition. He tells them about dwarfs and giants and black holes. He talks until his voice is hoarse, but not once do they interrupt him, far to captivated by the passion in his voice and the way the starlight glints off the frames of his glasses. 
When he finally does tire, they all curl up together on the blanket, eat the snacks they brought along, sip cocoa conjured steaming hot in huge mugs courtesy of Roman, and snuggle together to watch the northern lights until sunrise. 
- Patton’s request is fairly simple: he wants them all together. He’s passionate about his family, and they are his family. But since the others insist he picks the activities, they go to a bright and sunny dog park and play with the puppies for hours, laughing and throwing frisbees and tennis balls and petting every single thing on four legs that wanders by. They break for a picnic lunch of sandwiches and doritos and cookies, then go to the zoo and look at all the animals. Patton squeals at every single one and Logan teaches them what he knows about the ones that are there. 
At the end of the day, at twilight, they chase fireflies, catching them and letting them go again, then head inside to bake cookies and play board games. After dinner (and cookies), they watch movies until they all fall asleep, cuddled in together, Logan and Virgil leaning on either side of Patton and Roman resting with his head in his lap. Patton stays awake much longer than the others, watching the credits roll and cherishing his family in his arms. 
- Roman brings them to his realm to show them the worlds he’s created. When they enter, they are each greeted by four enormous (and gorgeous) horses--a black Friesian for Virgil; a palomino dapple gypsy vanner for Patton; a sensible chestnut quarter horse for Logan; and of course, for Roman, a gorgeous white shire stallion. This means that the first hour and a half in Roman’s realm is spent teaching the other three how to ride, but they catch on quickly enough with Roman’s help (and the help of the somewhat smarter-than-typical horses). When they’re proficient, Roman gives them a riding tour of his kingdom, showing off his castle, the sweeping vistas from the mountains, the sparkling lakes and, in the distance, the sweeping arm of the sea. They partake in a feast in the castle, then a ball, where Roman gets them all dressed to the nines in outfits tailored specifically for them and teaches them a number of waltzes and royal dances. 
Afterward, they’re all tuckered out (and Virgil’s more than a little anxious after such an active and social day), so Roman takes them to the top of the tallest tower, where he has outfitted the large room with a crackling fireplace, velvety cushions and sofas, a chaise lounge, and--because magic--a huge TV. They settle in and watch Disney movies, roasting marshmallows and hot dogs in the fireplace when they get hungry, and finish out the day cuddled together on a huge pile of cushions in front of the fire. 
- Everyone expects Virgil’s day to be spent at a variety of concerts. Instead, Virgil asks them to all join him in the living room of the commons, where he sits them all down with headphones and plays them a variety of songs he likes to use when he’s feeling anxious. He’s nervous at first, but after awhile, he opens up and starts talking about what each song means to him, and how it helps him calm down. He starts getting passionate after awhile and Logan even chimes in with some musical theory backing up the fact that a steady rhythm emulating a calm heartbeat is a fantastic way to treat panic. Virgil is incredibly excited about this and runs to his room to download more songs to show them. With every hour that passes where they don’t get bored or ask him to stop, he gets more open and enthusiastic, and soon they’re wondering how this excitedly rambling boy who keeps blowing his bangs absently away from his face could be their anxious emo boy. They’re wondering how they never realized how much passion he was hiding from them, for fear of being mocked or belittled. Each of them silently and independently vows to try to draw him out more often. 
After the day of shared music and shared pizza, they ask Virgil if he might tell them stories about times he used anxiety to protect them, or protect Thomas. While Virgil is uncomfortable and shy about it at first, he does indulge them, and they absorb it all thoroughly, wanting to make sure they never, ever take him for granted again. Afterward they thank him, and then they watch Tim Burton movies until it gets dark. Virgil then wants to tell ghost stories, but when he sees Patton looking nervous, he makes sure none of them are too scary. They end the night with cookies and cuddles. 
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lpdwillwrite4coffee · 6 years
So. What if the Castles get a dog? They’ve been talking about it for awhile but after one of Frank’s tours ends they go and adopt one for real. (½)  (2/2) Maria is trying to be strict about the rules, like ‘don’t give him extra treats, don’t let him up on the couch’ etc because she doesn’t want the kids to spoil the dog but actually Frank’s the worst. One night he hears the dog whining in the living room so he brings him back to their bed and ends up cuddling him instead of Maria and she wants to yell in the morning but can’t stay mad at him because they’re too adorable <3 I hope this is ok! Thanks for hearing me out! <3 -LFA
(Loyal Frank Anon, I hope this did your prompt justice!! I went a little on the side of Maria and the dog learning to bond, I hope you like it!! And as always, thank you for popping up in my inbox with the best Frank and Maria ideas, you’re a treasure <333)
The adoption posting read as follows: Meet Rosco! He’s a big boy with lots of love to give. He’s a Pit bull mix as sweet as pie and will do great in any family. 13 weeks old and growing, he’ll need a household equipped to handle a large dog. You won’t be disappointed!
Frank had been the one to find it, scrolling endlessly on the countless adoption sites. He’d always had a soft spot for ‘bully breeds’, perking up the second he saw the unmistakable block head and broad chest when they were at the park.
They’d agreed to go visit him. Just to see, they said. To think it over. Let the kids have a fun afternoon playing with a puppy.
Three hours later Frankie was being yanked down the aisles of Petsmart, his father rushing after to teach him how to hold the leash while Rosco yipped and knocked a canister of tennis balls off the shelf.
Maria sighed, turning back to the selection of puppy chow.
This would either be the best thing for their family, or the most destructive. She’d find out sooner rather than later, she guessed.
Rosco was pretty damn cute though. Which was lucky for him, given his penchant for getting into everything, chewing everything, peeing everywhere, barking at every noise, and somehow managing to spill more kibble on the floor than he was given.
He was great with the kids, playing frisbee and catch and running around with them in the yard for hours. Never once nipped at their little hands or heels. He seemed particularly endeared to Frankie, probably because he knew the kid was a sucker and would give him as many treats as he could stomach.
Rosco clearly loved Frank too. Would rush to greet him at the door when he came back from working out. Followed him around the house, room to room, as Frank got ready or did chores or just did something like go to the bathroom. Rosco was right there, tail wagging, big brown eyes looking up at him.
In fact, Rosco seemed to love everyone in their family except for Maria.
At first she thought it was because she wasn’t as easily swayed by the literal puppy eyes routine. Dogs needed rules, and Maria had plenty of them. No extra treats, no getting on the furniture, and definitely no sleeping in the bed with her and Frank. Boundaries were paramount.
Or so she thought.
But everywhere she looked, rules were being broken, bent, or completely disregarded. Lisa would haul Rosco up onto the couch to cuddle while she watched TV. Frankie was overfeeding the puppy left and right, and Frank… Jesus, Frank was just a sap.
Maria tried being more affectionate with the dog, giving him as many pets and behind-the-ear scratches as possible. She’d talk to him in a soothing tone, would take him for walks around the neighborhood when she’d go to the market or to get coffee. Every day she did what she could to bond with Rosco, to make him love her.
And yet every day she found more evidence to the contrary—Pee puddles in the middle of the kitchen, her sweater torn up and made into a makeshift bed, covered in Rosco fur, and the final straw was finding him casually chewing the heel off her favorite pair of pumps, staring at her like it was perfectly normal.
“That dog hates me,” she grumbled, tossing another pair of ruined shoes into the trash.
Frank chuckled over the edge of his coffee mug. “Baby, he’s a puppy, he doesn’t know any better.”
“Oh yeah? How many shoes of yours has Rosco destroyed?”
Frank was quiet, sipping his coffee.
“That’s what I thought.”
“Maybe he likes you too much,” Frank tried. “Dogs go after stuff that smells good to ‘em.”
“I’d rather he just lick my hand instead.”
That night, after their nightly romp in the backyard with the kids and the puppy, Maria took Rosco for a walk.
“Look, it’s not that I don’t like you,” she whispered to him as he sniffed a tree. “I’m just not much of a dog person. Frank is, but you knew that.”
An elderly couple in matching jogging suits powerwalked by, and she waved sheepishly.
“Great, I’m talking to a dog in public…”
Rosco shifted his attention to a rose bush, looking like he wanted to pee right on it.
“Oh, not that one, it belongs to Mrs. Trevor, and she’s a real crank so…” Maria paused. “Actually, go right ahead.”
Rosco lifted his leg and Maria smirked.
“Good boy.”
Maybe they were making progress.
As she lay in bed, however, she was back to believing Rosco hated her and never wanted her to sleep ever again.
I’m not getting up, she thought. He has to learn to sleep through the night. I can’t coddle him or we’ll never have any peace in this—
Frank quietly slipped out of bed, padding into the living room where Rosco’s crate was.
Maria was gonna kill him.
“Shh, shh, hey, what’s the fuss, huh?” Frank soothed. “Yeah, okay…”
Three seconds later Maria heard the jangle of a dog tag and collar and felt the wiggles on the pillow top.
Too angry to bother with yelling, she rolled over and squeezed her eyes shut, forcing herself to sleep while Frank murmured comforting words to the puppy until he calmed down.
Around three in the morning, Maria woke up to something wet on her cheek.
Wet and cold.
Rosco scooted closer, wriggling out from under Frank’s arm to nose at her chin and cheeks, licking her.
“Is this an apology or an I love you?”
Rosco whined until he had his head tucked under her chin, little paws folded and pressed as close as he could to her chest.
Maria smiled. “Alright, I accept.”
When her alarm went off at 7, Rosco was still curled up against her, but Frank had moved closer in the night, wrapping an arm around both of them. His face was buried in Rosco’s fur, snoring loudly.
For the first time since they got the puppy, Maria finally had the warm fuzzies about him.
And after that, Rosco miraculously never chewed her shoes again.
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puppy training pads | potty training at 18 months
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puppy training pads | potty training at 18 months
Know Your Pet + – Miniature Schnauzer Coton de Tulear We are always available to help dogs that have completed our training. Arizona’s Premier Training Facility Of course, not everything’s covered there! So some things that may apply… Paper Training Helps handlers understand the body language of their dogs & identify signs of stress eCurmudgeon Remember that, early in training, your puppy does not know the meaning of the word. Therefore you could just as easily teach your puppy to sit with the word bananas (or sit in any other language) as you could with the word sit. The key is to associate the word, in this case “sit,” with the action of placing the hind end on the floor. LEAVE A REPLY (21) Litter & Nesting Get personal recommendations & stay informed Meow Mix sq Ft. Indoor Facility How To Housetrain Your Dog AKC Pet Insurance How to handle your small pet Settle It’s never too early to train Call Toll Free: 877-985-2695 9.86 ARF Emergency Medical Fund® Having a trained dog isn’t the same as having a balanced dog, but if your dog knows a few basic commands, it can be helpful when tackling problem behaviors — existing ones or those that may develop in the future. Happiness Guarantee Amazon Inspire Jump up ^ McKinley, S.; R. J. Young (2003). “The efficacy of the model-rival method when compared with operant conditioning for training domestic dogs to perform a retrieval-selection task”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 81 (4): 357–365. doi:10.1016/S0168-1591(02)00277-0 During the first week, be particularly observant. Notice what types of activities (like digging or chewing) interest your puppy. With that information, you can brainstorm ways she can do those activities safely and within acceptable parameters. But you will still need to supervise him when his bladder starts to get full, or when the time is approaching for his next trip outdoors. 12. How To Feed Your Puppy Thank you – I totally agree, but putting in the hours, in the beginning, will pay off the rest of your dog’s life. It is so worth it 🙂 You then slowly move the paper toward the outside where another set is placed and you begin to encourage your puppy to go outside only, before completely removing the papers inside. At this point they will have made the transition. Dog’s Name, Breed, Age (approximate)* Dog Trainers in Tustin To make the first step easier and less scary for your puppy, close the crate door most of the way, but keep your hand inside. Hold onto their toy or food puzzle while they play with it, and praise and talk to them in a comforting voice. Do this until your puppy is comfortable playing even when your hand is out of the crate. 5 Pack Leadership Techniques Keep in mind that accidents are likely, even inevitable. Your dog is learning what is expected of him and can only be expected to “hold it” for so long. Very young puppies in particular have extremely limited control of when they go. Master advanced behaviors & tricks What are the hottest destinations in the Denver area this summer? Well, according to Lyft, the city has become a playground for sports fans and festival goers. Re: how to start Perhaps you have a brand new pup or a newly adopted teen or older dog. One thing that is vitally important to building a happy interspecies household is that your new dog becomes housetrained as quickly and reliably as possible. You should be equipped and ready to start housetraining your new dog from the moment that you bring him home. SUBSCRIBE (Left) Dog Gift Guides Email Address* our career opportunities Prevention is worth an ounce of cure. That’s why it’s a good idea to stick to a limited “roaming-free” schedule, meaning that you will only let your puppy roam free for about 20-45 minutes before putting them back in their “no mistake” zone. This also gives a puppy parent a break to go back doing other things without worrying about what their puppy is up to. Todd Herman In the wild, dogs stare at each other until one backs down or makes a challenge, so you should never attempt to outstare your puppy, especially if he’s nervous. Payment Due Some dogs are smarter than others – but which are the smartest? Do not let your dog stay in his crate for too long before taking him outside. If you wait too long, he’ll have no choice but to relieve himself in the crate. Dogs need plenty of exercise and playtime too, so you should never leave them crated for more than a few hours at a time or overnight. 12 External links Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Business Insider’s Insider Picks team. We aim to highlight products and services you might find interesting, and if you buy them, we get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners. We frequently receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. We operate independently from our advertising sales team. We welcome your feedback. Have something you think we should know about? Email us at [email protected]. Initially, you will have to build your routine around your puppy’s needs, and these are reliably predictable when they are very young. Puppies need to urinate immediately after waking up, so you need to be there to take your puppy straight into the garden without any delay. Trimming Your Dog’s Coat Hi there, please do join the forum https://thelabradorforum.com where we can have a proper conversation and help you. 🙂 Between 8 and 12 weeks (when weeing seems spontaneous), my puppy spends a fair bit of time in there and I paper train them to use puppy pads. How to Clearly Communicate With Your Puppy Delegate Meeting Dates Even small breed puppies can cause damage. Do not ignore puppy biting when you have a small breed dog by thinking that it does not matter because they are small. Large or small, this behavior needs to be stopped early on. This will prevent even more serious biting later on. World Literature Described by breed enthusiasts as… Give me a call! DROP-IN, START ANYTIME! $29.99$39.99 See Our Testimonials Live Pet Nose-to-hand target. Why? Because it’s easy and you can get in a lot of clicks and treats early on. It’s the “low-hanging fruit” behavior, so to speak. Most puppies can learn a hand target in one session easily. With this training, you are making it easy for her to earn treats, quickly building a reinforcement history and putting “cookies in the bank.” (See How to Teach Your Pet to Target). The Canine Strategies Workbook: For People Who Love Their High-Energy, Fearful, Wil… Corporate Volunteer Opportunities Ladders Broncos unveil impressive Dove Valley training center renovations Find a Dog ^ Jump up to: a b c Miller, Pat (July 2004). “Young Dogs Can Learn From Older Well-Behaved Dogs”. The Whole Dog Journal. Retrieved 1 December 2012. Pet Portal Female Dogs in Season Anne & Nelson  Preparing Your Pets for the Holidays Elimination is a natural function, and new puppies in particular can be expected to relieve themselves whenever and wherever the impulse strikes until they are: 1) old enough to control the urge physiologically, and 2) appropriately motivated to pee and poop outdoors. Both factors must be in play before puppies are capable of becoming housetrained. Shop by Pet For dogs that have graduated from Adult Dog Level 1 Seattle Mariners © Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved Powered by WordPress | Designed by Bdayh 356 Nordic SE In the past it was traditional for trainers to use punishment or dominance to establish a “respect hierarchy for the pack.” But recent research is in favor of a style of training called “positive reinforcement.” Clean up accidents with an enzymatic cleanser rather than an ammonia-based cleaner to minimize odors that might attract the puppy back to the same spot. Don’t be late for class: View our Class-Schedule-At-A-Glance for upcoming classes and socials. Learn More > GIVE A GIFT (Left) What to do if you catch him in the act 16.10 ©2006-2018 Ahimsa Praise Dog Training, LLC. All rights reserved. Content and images may not be reproduced without permission. Partner Spotlight In 1848 W. N. Hutchinson published his book Dog Breaking: The Most Expeditious, Certain and Easy Method, Whether Great Excellence or Only Mediocrity Be Required, With Odds and Ends for Those Who Love the Dog and the Gun. Primarily concerned with training hunting dogs such as pointers and setters, the book advocates a form of reward-based training, commenting on men who have “a strong arm and a hard heart to punish, but no temper and no head to instruct” and suggesting “Be to his virtues ever kind. Be to his faults a little blind.”[6] Stephen Hammond, a writer for Forest and Stream magazine, advocated in his 1882 book Practical Training that hunting dogs be praised and rewarded with meat for doing the correct behavior.[7] 7. Think Las Vegas, baby! Slot machines do not deliver a payoff with each grab of the handle. If ever time you played a slot machine, it paid you exactly the amount you put in, you would quickly become bored and stop playing. Gamblers are attracted to slots because of the hope of hitting a jackpot. Psychologists call this “intermittent reinforcement.” Apply this theory to training your young canine student. Once you’ve taught the basics, bolster compliance by offering a treat intermittently. Keep your pup guessing about when he’ll be rewarded – and how much — and he’ll work harder for that tasty “jackpot.” You could try some bitter apple or bitter cherry spray, but usually when dogs are chewing at night it’s because they’re not tired enough to sleep, I’d recommend upping their daily exercise. After all, a tired puppy is a happy puppy! Archives Packages & Rates Read this book for free with Kindle Unlimited For example, if you don’t want your puppy on the furniture, say ‘No’ loudly and guide him off every time he climbs up. Then praise him every time he gets on the floor.
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stark-park · 7 years
Once Upon a Child (2/9)
Chapter: 2 - Bless Ma Soul, Snowing’s On a Roll
Other Chapters: 1  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Summary: With their daughter enjoying her happy beginning and their infant son still young, Snowing decide they need a hobby, or at least, a way to help Storybrooke in the ways they used to with their kingdom in the Enchanted Forest. Therefore they decide to help those most unfortunate: the orphaned and lost children at Misthaven Home for Children. But when one child is unlike the others, their hearts and their home go out to him in the hopes they can help.
Rating: U? (The one under PG? Or just PG? I don’t really know: harmless in my opinion) there’s nothing horrifying, mostly fluff
Disclaimer: Based on ABC’s Once Upon A Time and I do not own any of their characters, plots or locations. I am but a loyal fan, loving of the show and simply borrowing the beautiful characters.
Meanwhile, Snow and Charming made the necessary preparations for the upcoming weekend. When it finally arrived, they were all set with fresh ingredients for baking, clean bedsheets in the spare bedrooms and a few extra bits and bobs.
“Hey buddy.” David said as Joe and Blue met him on the front steps to the orphanage. “Thanks for doing this Blue.”
“It’s you and Snow who should be thanked, as we keep telling you: you’re doing wonderfully with all the children. We really appreciate it.” She replied.
He nodded back before tilting his head towards the little boy, “Ready to go?”
No response, as expected.
“You got everything you need?” David asked anyway. Disregarding the question, Joe looked to the ground for comfort.
“Everything’s packed.” Informed Blue, handing over a rucksack.
The journey would have been too quiet had it not been for the cassette filling the car with the soft tunes of The Beatles. While Joe stared nonchalantly through the passenger window, David tapped his fingers on the steering wheel in tune to Here Comes The Sun.
“I thought that after lunch we could do some baking, but we need to get some eggs first.” Snow suggested to the boy after his bag was settled in the spare bedroom.
“That sounds great! Why don’t me and the boys go gather them?” Charming said, joining them by the bedroom door with Neal in arms.
“While I make the sandwiches.” Snow agreed.
And so a plan was hatched.
Once the eggs were collected and a variety of sandwiches eaten - because love knows if Snow doesn’t know what a child will eat, she will provide everything - it was onto her favourite activity: baking. No matter how many times she held a baking session, she’d found that the children always wanted to get involved. Apparently, the way to a child’s heart was through their stomach.
Snow wrapped her favourite apron around herself. It wasn’t her favourite because of the cute mother hen design; it was her favourite because it was a Mother’s Day gift from Emma. Having copious experience with previous children, Snow knew full well that baking without aprons was not an option. She tied Charming’s Father’s Day apron, another gift from Emma, around Joe. He squirmed for a second before realising the apron would not harm him.
While the pair greased baking trays, weighed ingredients and snuck a few chocolate chips from the bag, David tended to the farm animals before retiring in the living room to play with Neal. He’d thought about joining in with the baking but some instinct told him otherwise, though he could still hear and see them through the open doorway joining the kitchen to the living room. Even from the other room, David noticed a certain warmth in the moment. The sun shone through the open windows and engulfed the boy in a soft yellow hue, as if he was glowing.
Snow noticed too. They had just poured the chocolate chips into the mixture when Joe gave a smile. He was relaxed and Snow couldn’t help smiling at how happy he was. However, the moment was lost as soon as it had arrived and the small boy winced as if he was afraid to share his happiness with the couple.
Once the cupcakes were slid into the oven and the pair had washed their hands, they settled in the living room where Neal fumbled on a blanket on the floor with a stuffed animal. Charming lay on his side, his head propped up by his arm, watching his little prince. Snow nestled on an armchair with her cup of tea in hand, grinning at the wholesome sight. Joe stood awkwardly in the doorway, as if he didn’t want to intrude.
“Hey,” David greeted, “Why don’t you come take a seat, huh?”
The blank reply warranted a hand gesture from him to sit down before the boy actually moved.
“How about we play a game?” David suggested, nodding towards the games console beneath the television.
“That sounds great, why don’t you set it up while I put Neal down for his nap?” Snow agreed.
He began fumbling about with wires before exiting the room. After a few moments, a creaking noise came from the kitchen then Wilby plodded into the living room and pounced upon the child.
“Hey Snow,” David called from the bottom of the stairs, “Could you, maybe, bring Shoots and Ladders down with you? It’s on the shelf in Emma’s room.”
“I thought you were-” She started, until she realised that the old school game was much easier to set up than a Playstation… or an Xbox… or, well, whatever it was that Henry liked to play.
Her husband replied with sorrowful eyes; he wasn’t accustomed to defeat but it appeared as though modern technology had won this time.
That’s when the couple heard a distinct noise from the living room. They shuffled their way to peek around the doorframe, setting eyes upon a heartwarming scene. Joe battled against Wilby as the dog continued to pounce on the boy with a mission to smother him in puppy kisses. The raging war resulted in the most innocent of giggling.
The couple could have sworn the boy was sparkling with happiness but it soon faded as they entered the room.
“Here,” Charming pointed to the board game, “Fancy a go?”
They moved the coffee table and set the board on top, Charming opting for the red counter, Snow the blue and Joe the yellow. It was a simple game to teach a mute child, the couple simply hoped he knew how to count.
If he didn’t at the beginning, Joe surely understood as the game went on. It wasn’t until half way through that there came a bizarre smell in the air. Neal was still asleep upstairs -a quick check on the baby monitor confirmed that- so he wasn’t around to provide… a pong.
“What is that?” David asked, sniffing the air again and heavily furrowing his brow.
That’s when Snow’s mouth dropped, “Oh no!” She shot up from the room and dashed to the oven.
The kitchen welcomed a cloud of black smoke as she opened the oven and to her horror: she had forgotten all about the baking cupcakes!
“Oh no! Oh no!” She repeated, swatting the smoke with the oven gloves unsuccessfully, no matter how much she tried.
“Hey, why don’t… uh,” Charming wracked his brains for ideas. “Oh! Why don’t we watch a movie?”
He wasn’t sure if Joe would even understand what a movie was, but it was better than nothing and it gave them time to sort out the wreck in the kitchen. He gave the child the pick of the films, quite a few now they had a growing toddler in the family, though all the options consisted of Disney animations.
An hour later, the kitchen was clear of smoke and burnt cupcakes. Snow had even whipped up some replacements with added buttercream icing and Magic Star chocolates on top. When she delivered one to Joe, who was parked way too close to the television screen, she was pleased to see him enjoying Hercules battle through one of his daring quests.
David perched on the sofa with a half conscious Neal, attempting to stir him awake, but their baby prince was stubborn (like his mother the rest of the family). Wilby lay at David’s feet, relaxing whilst his master struggled with the infant.
As A Star Is Born sang, initiating the credits, Neal had fully awoken with boundless energy and it was time to give him some fresh air. Snow watched her baby trifle through piles of leaves while Charming showed Joe just how intelligent Wilby was with a game of Hide and Seek. He threw a ball for the dog to fetch whilst pulling another toy out of the basket on the back porch.
“Wanna see what Wilby can do?” He asked Joe with a grin. Spreading his hands over the new toy, a dalmatian-print bone courtesy of their grandson, David proceeded to hide it behind a nearby plant pot.
When the dog sprinted back ready for more fun, David instructed the dog to drop the ball then offered his hands for the dog to sniff.
“Find it.” He said.
Wilby fell calm before his nose began twitching. He followed the scent and in no time, he was bounding back with the bone gripped between his teeth. Joe was flabbergasted. He had no idea an animal could be taught to play such a game. He fetched a new toy from the basket, a blushing cartoon carrot, then sprinted round the house to leave the carrot teetering in the mailbox. Coming full circle, the dog sat impatiently waiting to sniff Joe’s hands and find his prize.
Charming didn’t even have to utter the words,“Find it,” before Wilby darted off in pursuit of his carrot. Whilst the pup was occupied, the man sought out another hiding place for the toy bone.
The game carried on for a few more turns before the trio began a simple game of frisbee instead. David held Neal and helped him to catch the frisbee while Wilby leapt about the people, playfully trying to catch it himself.
After a little while, the adults had to take a break, opting for a rest on the porch steps whilst watching over their boys. They were engaged in a bout of fetch; Joe chucked the ball whilst Wilby bolted across the yard trailing after it. Neal, bless him, found more enjoyment in mirroring Wilby’s part of the game rather than Joe’s. It was as they perched on the steps, Snow realised how chilly it had begun to feel. That’s when the drops started to fall.
Snow hurried inside to gather towels whilst Charming ran to save the tiny prince from an impromptu shower. Through whistling, he got Wilby’s attention. The dog scurried towards the home along with his master as Joe, noticing Wilby’s change in direction, followed suit. The rain hammered down upon them before they were able to reach the porch. Despite the drab weather, the two boys giggled at the adults’ reaction; it was only a bit of rain after all.
Snow opened the back door to three soaked humans and a soggy pup. Wilby sprayed them all with water as he shrugged it off his coat, before settling down in his outdoor basket. Chuckling, Joe endured his second unwanted shower of the day. As his clothes darkened with dampness, his blonde hair only seemed to get brighter.
David tended to Neal, giving time for Snow to drape a towel around Joe’s shoulders. She wasn’t sure if his jerk reaction was due to shivering from the cold, or a worried flinch from her touch, but it wiped away his smile and Snow felt as if she’d tarnished everything.
“Why don’t we go upstairs to dry off properly?” David suggested, flicking water droplets from his hair as he ran his hand back and forth.
“I could make us some nice hot soup.” His wife offered.
“Sounds great,” he replied.
“Brrrrrrrrrrr.” Charming growled as he dried his son before dressing him.
“Grr.” Neal imitated.
Joe stood at the end of the changing table with Neal glancing up at him once or twice. For the orphan, he was stood incredibly close and Charming was hoping this was a break through.
Wrapping a fluffy blanket around the infant Charming said, “Mmm, you’re like a little burrito. I could just eat you up.” He then pretended to chomp on Neal’s nose, making the baby giggle. Unbeknownst to the adult, this alarmed Joe.
“Why don’t you get changed into your spare clothes?” He asked the boy, pointing to the bedroom. He didn’t need to ask twice: Joe left the nursery and headed as far away from David as he could get. He didn’t go into the bedroom though, he crept down the stairs and snuck out the front door, racing for the cover of the woods surrounding the farm.
Other Chapters: 1  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
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weneverfreeze · 8 years
Sam/Natasha and a puppy :)
This got so much longer than I was expecting haha. Thanks for the ask Marlee :)
If Nothing Else
It’s Nat’s idea.
“Are you sure?” Sam asks, looking around. “We forgot to do the dishes for three days last week. We forget every week, actually.”
Nat crouches to pick up a goldendoodle and smushes her face into its fur. It licks her cheek. “Those’re dishes. This is a puppy,” she says.
Sam scratches the puppy behind its ear. It’s very, very soft. He presses their noses together and he knows Nat’s looking at them both with crinkled eyes. She holds his hand.
He takes a breath.
He says, “How much?”
It’s a lot more work than both of them had thought. Phil doesn’t go outside easily, he doesn’t seem to know that jumping on people (even highly trained super-soldiers) is a no-no, and for the life of them they can’t figure out a way to stop Phil from overturning his water dish every few hours. They’ve had a substantial increase in the number of socks in their laundry hamper.
Phil loves the park, so when their schedules line up Nat and Sam take him to chase frisbees and squirrels. Phil loves Steve the most (“What’d you ever do for him?” Sam asks, complaining; his socks are wet again. Steve just shrugs) because Steve throws frisbees the farthest.
One day Steve throws a frisbee into a tree, and Phil barks at it and a squirrel pokes out to see what’s going on. Sam has to carry Phil around the park five times before he calms, and even then he only stops barking because Nat gives him jerky.
“He might be hopeless,” Bucky observes, holding a huge ice cream cone in one hand and Phil in the other. There’s a splatter of rocky road on his shirt.
Nat says, grinning, “I’ve always liked hopeless cases.” She puts her arm around Sam’s waist and looks up at him. Her eyes crinkle. “Why d’you think we started dating?”
“Oh, that’s cold,” Sam says. But he’s laughing along with Bucky.
At night when he can’t sleep Sam wonders how much of this is about not being able to biologically have kids.  They’ve talked about it a little but only in the most glancing of terms, and even more vaguely about adoption. He thinks they’d be okay parents. At the very least, they’d know nothing’s getting to their child.
But at the same time, adopting as superheroes is not the easiest thing. Steve and Bucky have been on the list for years, and Sam knows how much it cuts them up to be rejected time and time again. They check off every box—being superheroes, they know how to protect a child, they’ve got the money, they’ve got a stable home—but, being superheroes, there isn’t really ever a safety guarantee. For all anyone knows, Steve and Bucky could adopt and then be killed in some accident, and their kid would be parentless again.
Dogs are a different story. Nat’s curled around him, and he’s got his arm around her (she called being little spoon tonight), and Phil kicks in his sleep by their feet. Sam pulls her closer to him and she sleepily mumbles something about a puffer fish running a driving school. Phil whines at something in his dream.
Dogs are different. If nothing else, they can have this.
“He’s looking better,” Steve comments one day in June. They’re at the park again, a rare day when the four of them aren’t on call unless absolutely necessary, and Phil just came when called for the eighth time.
“Isn’t he?” Nat says. “Isn’t he the best puppy you’ve ever seen?” She fluffs Phil’s fur and he licks her palm and she laughs.
She’d had a nightmare that morning. She’d slipped out from bed at some point before six; he’d found her and Phil on the couch watching Say Yes to the Dress around six fifteen.
Sam draws a pattern on her back. “He is the best puppy.”
He thinks Bucky and Steve exchange a worried look, but he can’t tell.
They ask him about it later.
“Is she okay?” Bucky asks, his voice low. “Are you?”
Steve crosses his arms in concern, waiting.
Sam says, “It happens fairly often. For both of us. Hers are quieter than mine.”
Steve does the thing where his eyebrows pinch together and make his smile a million times sadder than usual. He takes Bucky’s hand and squeezes Sam’s shoulder. “If you want to talk,” he says.
“Chinese?” Sam asks over the phone.
There are explosions on her end. “Sounds good,” she says, a little breathless.
He puts the remote down and sits up. Phil jumps into his lap, and he pets him absently. “Nat, are you okay?”
“I’ve got it handled.”
“I know. Wasn’t the question.”
Phil noses his hand; he’d stopped petting him. Sam closes his eyes and scratches behind his ear. “Nat?”
Gunshots. “I’m fine,” and she sounds exasperated enough that he believes her. “Just a minor drug bust.” More gunshots. “Okay, maybe a major one.”
“Be safe,” he says, because it has to be said.
“I will be,” she replies.
They hang up. He orders Chinese.
Every other Friday is their date night, which used to mean candlelit dinners in a new city every night. Now, however, they’ve gotten into the habit of taking Phil to a picnic in the park when the weather’s nice enough.
It’s only fair to repay him, Sam thinks. Nat blows bubbles for Phil while Sam watches from the blanket. It’s only fair. They haven’t had as many nightmares recently; Sam’s most recent one was on the Fourth of July (fireworks), but he hasn’t had any since then. He’s pretty sure it’s thanks to Phil.
Nat’s have decreased in frequency too, and he knows it’s thanks to Phil. She’s so much calmer now.
She’s laughing and the sky’s so blue, and they’re together, and they can have this. He smiles.
“Come play!” Nat calls, her eyes crinkled, and he hops to his feet.
He runs toward them and Phil yips at him and jumps at his chest, and Sam catches him and Nat all at once. She shrieks, laughing, and Phil barks madly. Sam pats Phil on the head.
Sam can hold them both for a while, probably, but Nat shifts to look at him and they tumble to the ground before he can readjust.
“Sorry,” Nat says, her voice breathless. She landed on his chest.
Phil sniffs around Sam’s head as he says, “Nothing to be sorry for.”
Nat smiles. She snuggles close to his chest, and they would’ve fallen asleep like that if Phil hadn’t peed on Sam’s shoes.
Sam hasn’t told her yet. He watches as Nat alternates between baking a pie and throwing knives at their dartboard, and Steve and Bucky are coming over soon, and he’s just realized he hasn’t told her yet.
Her fifth knife shivers in the bulls-eye before she says, “What?”
“What what?” He hurriedly pushes off from the counter to check the fridge. Phil trots up to him, and he pets him.
Nat does her superspy thing where she makes her voice all neutral and narrows her eyes a little. She opens the oven and says, “You’re looking at me funny. Not the good kind of funny, you know, the ‘oh, teach me your ways’ funny. Weird funny.”
“I love you,” Sam blurts out.
The kitchen grows heavy somehow.
He looks at her, and she’s biting her lip.
Great, he’s messed up—
“What?” He thinks she might be about to cry; her voice sounds tight. Phil plods over to her now and she picks him up, even though he’s too big now to be properly picked up.
Sam closes the fridge and leans against it. “That’s what I was thinking,” he says, and it’s a lot to keep his voice stable. “I hadn’t told you, but I wanted to. I love you.”
“Sam,” Nat says, and she’s definitely crying a little now. But her eyes are crinkling. “We’ve been dating for seven months.” She closes the distance between them, still carrying Phil, and says, “I figured. And you talk in your sleep.”
“Oh.” He rubs the back of his neck, sheepish. His heart is beating very, very fast.
Phil whines until Nat brings him close enough to lick Sam’s hand. She’s smiling. There are still some tears in her eyes, but he thinks they’re happy tears.
The timer goes off for the oven. Nat hands him Phil and pulls out the pie and tilts her head. It’s wonky; one half of the crust crumbled in the oven somehow, and some of the filling spilled over the edge.
“It’s just like us,” she comments. Then: “When are Steve and Bucky coming over?”
He checks the clock on the stove, heart still pounding. “In five minutes.”
The doorbell rings. Phil charges to it like he’s going to break it down.
“We brought pizza!” Bucky calls. They hear something plastic shuffling outside, and then Steve’s voice.
“And thumbprint cookies, and soda!”
Nat looks at the pie and then at him and quirks a smile. “I love you, too,” she says, and runs over quickly to kiss him, and then goes to open the door.
Steve and Bucky almost get stuck in the door (“Get off me,” Bucky says, and pretends to elbow Steve in the ribs) and set their bags on the counter, Phil wagging his tail behind them. Sam scoops him up even though he’s too big, and Nat comes up next to him. They listen to Bucky tell them about a plum pie recipe and Sam takes her hand. He presses a kiss to her palm, and she leans into his side.
If nothing else. If nothing else, he thinks, their kitchen full of food and friends, his arms full of her and Phil; if nothing else, this is pretty damn good.
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anaxolotladay · 8 years
i miss childhood summers.
(unfinished nostalgic aesthetic from like 2003; self-reference purpose)
i miss the sun and smell of cheap plastic sandals. i miss the slush puppy shop my neighbor’s mom drove us to. i miss hikes in the woods between my neighborhood and the park. i miss the soft grass under my toes and catching crickets next to my school, a walkable distance from my house. i miss playing with my neighbor’s rabbit, the one whose cage she left outside her garage. i miss sneaking between the trees of our backyards and stealing vegetables from their garden. i miss the other neighbor’s the magnolia bush that we cut flowers from, using the petals as raincoats on our toys (neopets). i miss decapitating dandelions to a jingle my dad taught us, and teaching it to the kids in my class.
i miss how warm the breezes felt, and standing in the middle of a green yard to appreciate them. i miss way our side door slammed shut into the kitchen when i came back inside, windows open to circulate the wind. i miss billy joel and james taylor encouraging our entrepreneurial ventures from the stereo as my siblings and i worked together to mix lemonade in pitchers (and i miss waving the “25c” sign and shouting about it being “free if you don’t have money!” The money was never the point). i miss walking across the street to play at my best friend’s house, whose place smelled like cigarettes in every hall, except out back by the pool, which we played badminton next to (our families were on low, unstable incomes, but the cheapo badminton set her mom bought at Duffy’s made us feel fancy to use).
i miss rollerskating every saturday or so at the local roller joint when school was out. i miss the twins’ tire swing, in their backyard three streets over. i miss knowing everyone in my neighborhood, and walking with them to synagogue on the holidays (all the friday yeshiva ladies in their fancy getup and nike sneakers on shabbat). i miss driving past the brick and brownstone colonial townhouses on a rainy day, with Aaliyah and Corinne Bailey Rae on the radio in the background. i miss going on walks to identify tree leaves, and riding my bike down the big hill of our neighborhood. i miss watching tacky 90′s chickflicks during warm nights, leaving the windows open after a shower while my friends braided eachother’s wet hair. i miss staying in during the summer days, shutting all the shades and eating clementines in front of the Pokemon tv show. i miss shooting hoops with “the big kids” and playing on the tire swing. i miss summer camp hikes and braiding boondodggle stitches and buying airheads to eat next to the lake. i miss roasting marshmallows over the BBQ grill and only setting the marshmallows ablaze to smithereens if we were gonna put them in a s’more. i miss spontaneous frisbee games with parkgoers, and pausing them to clamor for the ice cream truck’s arrival. i miss picking buttercups by the handful, making impromptu bouquets with other wildflowers. i miss retro diner brunches and going for a walk downtown afterwards. 
i miss picking blackberries in grandma’s backyard and rationing them out-- “eating portions” versus “to freeze” cookie sheets. i miss hunting for four-leaf clovers in the baseball fields with friends (i never found one). i miss sparklers in our backyard on the fourth of july, and picnic blankets to watch the light show. i miss building foam model airplanes next and sending potato bugs on adventures in aviation across the yard. i miss trying to get the dog to stay still while we hosed her down with shampoo. i miss sunbathing in the middle of the road during the quiet times of day, and racing back to the sidewalk when my friends shouted, “CAR!”. i miss trying to catch the minnows in the shallows at the beach, using broken goggles just long enough to glance under for them. i miss rootbeer floats and popsicles on the porch.
by no means would i say that we had it easy--- it was never easy. it was never carefree. we were never really safe. but the summertime was so beautiful, you could get lost in it. there was magic around us-- we sought it out, and we took some for ourselves, and i find myself longing for a piece of it again, sometimes.
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c64 · 8 years
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The Ultimate C64 Games List Have you ever wondered about the amazing Commodore 64 game list? Yes, we have too - there were loads of them. Problem is that is was a while ago now. This list was compiled to jog the memories:
Operation Wolf
roger frames buys budjiit games
fox fightsback
ace & ace II combo
bubble bobble
tantric mouse wars
home office
salsa con artist
commando ninjas
world flee
blood sparse
ruby of thermogington
jettison railway
ice band
spiderman vs magoo
caravan madness
hulk vs hogan
hunk attack
jet set billy
monkey tennis
score me
addis abbaba karate international +
balloon wars
cloud paste
live at budokan
boris yeltsin vodka challenge
banjo time constructor
emelyn hughes ‘super’ soccer
opium fright
shoot em up penelope
lagoon of carabon harbungo
open heart burglary
frost bandage
diamonds are for women
car spike wheel burst adventure
crazy communists
square man runs up ladder III
treasure island kittens
barrell falls down IV
spoke damage
princess kidnapped 8
undercarriage catastrophe
reminder PRO
Jazz North
Pub Golf
Avalon - Land of the Rust
Pregnant Gymnastics
Womb Cook-up
Animal Olympics
NASA Pinball Fantasy
Jed saves christmas
Horace goes Knifing
Time Orifice
Axe-wielding Comedians
Karate Blister
Ornament Erector
Building Smoke Out
Q Bert the Revenge
Trellis Abundance
Titchmarsh v Oddie - Greenkeeper Challenge 88
Co-op Warriors
Sand Veterans
Grass feathers
Morose Wind
Scube Whackey
Escape from Liverpool
Puppy Smoker The Outburst
Roll yer Own Challenge
Hackney Masterblaster
Connect One
Purple Chins
Cotton Developer
Haircut Zest Fair
Trophy Masser
Race Kings Alive
Hazel Irvine’s Whirlwind Badminton
Jazz Rasta VI
Jensen Buttons Nipple Dash
Maze Bomber 909
Speed Chess
Curling Avenger
Rope Twisting Example
Scourge of Daxus
Roy Castle’s Record Breakers
Organ Flexology
Cliff Richard’s Ambiguous Soccer
Revenge of the Feminists
Wax cluedo
Tennis Trumpeteer II
Maximise the Point
Sheep Monopoly
Weight Gain Olympics
Travel Guise
Roger Mellie’s Ice Darts
The Legend of Les Dawson
Blanket Snitch
Tales of the Underformed
Grave Digger 6
Onion Pro 2
Moon Ship
Turbo Trousers
Turbo Walking
Welcome back to the Island of Penny Farthing
Breathing Challenge
Run for President [Ukraine Edition]
F1 Parcel
Awning Inventor
Cello Beat
Super Accelerator Fridge
Crazy Ambulance
Burst Kidney Mopup
Save China
Chemistry Ninja Teacher
Boat Painter Design
Dogs of Fury
Furry Dog*
Beyond the Forbidden Biscuit
The Handlebars of Hashani
Bird Mother
Audio Frenzy Piano Lessons
Short’s Lair
Chun King Farm Life
Jimmy White Teaches Typing
Cif Blaster
Defenders of the Fish
Sandal Behaviour
Alien Food
Thatcher goes to School
Bob Dillons Boxing Farce
Gorbachev plays Chicken
Wayne Gretsky’s Ice Wallet Charity Challenge
Armalyte III - Springburn
Popcorn Death
Vast Salt EU
Virtual Drudgery
Chain of Accordions
Runner Cities
Yellow Bist
Lost Sandals
Train Slow
Sherlock Holmes in The Year 2047
Lost and Profound: Darkness Shop
Dust Police
Borrowed Money
Internet Maze
Slipstream Cowboys
Guns of Dryness
Alpha Scabs
Crusty The Friendly Chimp
Rice Inflator (Super Pack)
Archie McPherson’s Weetabix Head
Denis Law’s Accent Challenge
Dougie Donnelly Dune of Hair
Graeme Souness Must Be Barking
Boon - The Game
Taggart Teens
Emmerdale Goes to Pitlochry
Coping with Eastenders for the under 5’s
Death in the Family Joke
Coloured Fights
Outdoor Darts
Wrist Truffle
White Water Snooker
Sea Quest Powder Seeker
Copious Spandex Run
Mr Motivators’ Taxi Challenge
David Dimbleby's Amazon Adventure 12
Frost on Sunday
TV:AM The Early Years
Moira Stuart’s Music Creator
Upside Down Ice Cream Revolt
Vat of Galt Toys
Fist of Fireflies
Tunnel Browner
Stocking Ladder Bless
Lingerie Tycoon
Up & Down with Freddy Mercury
Guitar Slayer
Drum Shake Friends
Wacky Traffic Lights
Oreo Frisbee Games
Hedgehog Relax
Bent Angler
Super Horses
Fishing for Tims
Ketamine Kraziness
Shout Appeal
Daz Crime Alert
Tension Ramble
Monitor Crossbones
Stookey Chase
Cardinal Hippos
Marigold Mincers IV
Shane Ritchie’s Up For Everest
War Kind
Question Slime
Bishop Sailor
Grudge Chess
Shoplifter 6
Bed trapper
Saloon Swingers 5
Yells of Tallmouth
Athletic Trombones
Wheel Smicer
Trends of Fashion-hope
Wacky Prostate
Bag A Cow
Pronunciation Fun
with Jackie bird
Landlord Dodge
Stuart Tipney’s Bread Throw Out
Date Checker
Gary Glitter’s Subliminal Message
Frozen Bibs of Babylon
Bricklaying Challenge
Wall Tidy
Reverse a Unicycle
Pick Pocket Champion 1983
Glorified Yungs
Hungry Hungry Hernias
Marble vest
Ship To Shore
What’s My Rake
View My Braces
Burp: Deluxes
Romeo and Juliet Bravo
North vs South 2 : west vs East
Corner of Flatland
Spherical Eye Bless
Under the Oceans of Armpit Forest
Outrun Birmingham (Spaghetti Junction Edition)
Sweat like a bahookey
Developer Roundabout: Salt Lake Boredom Factor
Wig Breathe
Telecoms Tycoon
Window Sparkler
Martian Crotchet
Bin Race: Baghdad to Bucks
Limpet Picker 4
Bout of Gout
Fist of Starfish Cave
Revenge of The Ponchoed Ponces
Peruvian Mountain Rally
Pyramid Scheme
Wheelchair Rollers
Disabled Relay
Plastic Bellamy
Escape From The Care Home
Quest Far There
Sigmund Freud’s Phallic Challenge
Location Location Location
Pharmaceutical Births
Fun Run
The Shat Cat Strikes Back
Poo Displease
Oxymoron - School Clown Dress
Nuns on The Run
Rub a Dug
Girl Demander
Tiny Fire Use
Spell Cracker
Horse and Cabbage
Bug Wrestler
Elmer Fudd’s Bugle Fun
Sesame Street for Mute
Vaccine Madness
Virgin Wedding
Carry Me Right
Existential Spam
Professor Caressor
Blind Spot
Dowary 4
Backwards Todel
Austrian Summer Fun
Think Game
Mum’s Gone To Iceland
Dad Ravage
Record Deal Blunderer
Vinyl Earth
Pork Love
Candid Carrots
Testament of God
Jasper Carrot’s Comedy Puke
Slug Slugger
Javelin Jackson
Action Babes 7
Deniable Door Whizz
What’s My Remainder
Shave Me Doris
Ferrari Shaving Adventure
Fire Ski
Trowel Turmoil
Soap Detector
Permit Chief
Wander Beyonder - Galaxy of Hands
Foot Small
Failed Janine Nurse Player
Bonnie Langford’s Dive of DEath
Cheesy Cheeks 9
Teryaki Throw Throw
Organised Library
Chrome Crunch
Defeat The Dragon XII
Sleeve Beast
Snorkel of Skeleton Mask
Bilge Crusader
Derivative Nonsense
Chip Shop Challenge
Fallopian Tube Gatherer
Short Sharp Shock
Public Pool 2
The Remorse of King Tooth Prize
Mobile Shop Catch
Dentist Revival
Return of the Shoulder
Attack of the Maharajah
Farm Variety
Ring Sting VI
Pokey Barracus O
Pyromania [Schools Edition]
Canteen Calamity
Scratch My Scurvy
A Team of Guys
Commercial Insertion
Alien Bold
Walk to Run
Talk Show Live
Tickle Me Hazel
Get to Doctor Green Helmet Arrival
Kirsty Gallacher’s Pony Tail
Bube Tube
Stu’s News
Finger By Jove
SPinach Wars
TrolleyDash IV
Coco Bianco
Can Lift Channel 4: The Game
Spider and Kite
Really Big, Really Small Advent of Tetrapak
Drainblock: Plumber Hero Chronicles
Clammy Elbow
Rinse, Spin and Wash-o-matic
Virtual Carving
Aqua Fridge 4
Milk Charge: None Today Edition
Dose of Lactose
Fruit for Fuel
World Cup Baking
Trauma Recentness
Void of Linda
Calculate My Room
Slow Slow Slow, Now Fast
Myrtle’s Spongy Threat
Round the Town: Hull
KLIX Vending Machine Panic
Suitable Suit
Trinidad vs Tobago
Coma Dream Alert
Lose Your Tail
Sudden Trump
Castle of Rugs
Dreadful Quincy
Murder You Write
Salt n Pepa: My First Lyrics
Ferry to the Island of Bins
Up to Maximum
Thanks Goth: Black It Out Decision for Survival
Thorax and King: Temple of 10 Thumbs
Shave or Swim
Spar - Double Time Price Wars
Wooden Office
Windbush: the Quest for Haribo
Thing Commander
Gusset Sweeper II
Military Cocktails: An Interactive Guide
Spillers Winalot
Gus Hiddink: Ladies-Man
Spinal Injury 4
Dungrudder II
Alan Titchmarsh’s International Samba Karaoke
Gluehead 2 - Back to the Bag
Virtual Biscuit Pro Edition
Future Boots
Horace gets an enema
Goth v Ned - The Reckoning
Roy Hudd’s hut folding 3
fondant wheelbarrow challenge
squat thrusting in high denmark with Mr. T
git that skateboard oot ma bed
2 fast and furious - the angry diet
skeptics ranch 4
whippet trigger
cod’s extreme bass fishing
Meatloaf’s leotard attack
smashing gantry with len ganley
cornish nuisance III
janitor pleaser
janitor pleaser II
janitor pleaser III
interactive janitor pleaser 3D
belgian ring stretch 4
heather mills dance off
sulk or bulk
extreme rabbit riding 9
tony roper’s pope trophy
ship shape and bristol fashion (twin pack)
dan hipgrave’s hip grave
catarrh hero 2
Joseph Holt’s cow safari
barking cats 3
Debbie Gebbie
Rally through Tesco
Piano Catcher
Harold Bishop’s Hutch Touching Compendium
Cardboard Harbour
Guess What’s in the Baxterbox
Extreme Welsh Dentistry
10 Disciples Tickly Bits [denmark edition]
Zebra Dancing 2
Tractor Painting 3
Cindy Crawford’s Virtual Cooperage Pro
Anderson Shelter Designer International
Ambulance Neglecting
Pigeon Surprise!
Chilly B’s Cartography Masterclass
Paralympic Legends 1985
Angry Sue’s Penthouse Disaster
Amazing Mace
Grimsby Love-In
Trilby Mechanic
Karl Lewis’s 6 Meter Dash Pro
Smoker 8
Collateral Ramage
Horse Drawn Prawn
Firebomb Kirkcudbright
Space Huff
Star Wars: Jedi High Street
Ooft Ooft 2
Nadeem the Hamster
Bucky Bash II
Schnitzel Wars
Derrick Organ’s Calamity Chinfest
Malky Malky II: The Chib
Venison Crayola
Peter Shilton’s Saucey Canary
French Letter of the Law
Penguin Squeezing
Sodastream Challenge
Arthur C Clarke’s Mysteries of Dunfermline
Skin Complaint 2
Felicity Kendal’s Migratory Kennel
Thigh Trouble III
Pebbledash Apprentice
Thrush Reduction School
Alan Randy Tanner Shows You How
Sim 9 O’clock News
Adult Colostomy
Ray Mears’ Survival Chimney
Brunch Arranger
Pro Pencil Throw
The Continuing Adventures of Nice ‘n’ Soapy
Lunchy Munchy
Snack bar etiquette
arm harm 4
saucy haulage 9
swimming with trousers on
Thora The Exploder
High Jinks on Highway
Wrist Exposure
Looking After God’s Neck 6
Frog Polishing
Harrison Ford Harrassment
Shampooing Buffalo with Betty Murchie
Unravelling Scobie’s Quotient
Alistair’s Wheels
High Speed Loaf Assembly - Knead For Speed 2
Detolionia - A World of Disinfectant
Coal Punishment
Table with Bilston Glen
Who Is Douglas Bader?
Sharpen Your Trowel with Baden Powell
Bambi Leg Stabilisation
Pimp My Sideboard
Crematorium Capers
The Burning Coupon
Fireplace Customiser featuring Annette Benning
Force 8 Golfing Atrocity Pro-Am
Trout Swiping (Mexican Edition)
Village Idiot Racing 2
Fridge Racer 4
Parrot Force 7
Amish Disease Aversion
Pro-Am Celebrity Road Kill 3
Major James Hewitt’s Blew It Game
Advanced German For Industrial Foundries with Keith Chegwin
I’m A Celebrity, Shave My Arms 8
Mortar Mixing With Fiona Bruce
Self Harm with Hartley’s Jam Jam, Arm, Harm, Barn (Farm Edition)
Deadly Riddles with Bo Diddley, Nicolas Ridley, Ken Dodd, Dodi al Fayed and the Cast of Grease
Not Poodles but Pot Noodles 2
Shed Holder vs. Vijay Singh Sing-a-long a Hitler Hillman Hunter 2
Hearing Aid
Beige Chevette 5
Ian Botham’s County Balls
PramFace: The Revenge
Nebulous Nockers
Hot Knifin’
Anton Rogan’s Potato Scone
Monotonous Madness
Sally Magnuson’s Nicotine Buzz
Doncaster Moose Pulling
Beer Goggle Challenge- Ultimate Edition
Pebble Mill - The Platform Game
Davro Goes West
Jelly Fish Juggling with Jilly Cooper
Ballroom Thighs - A Game For All The Family
Dog Plop Monopoly
Frank Tibbs’ Unanimous Cave  
Tripping Over Thimbles 4
Pebble Mill Pebble Dash
Humourous Toilet Noises 3
Carry On Corduroy 5
Drain Savage 2
Radio 4 Hoar Sampler
Binman Challenge
Boris Becker’s Jazz Complaint
Callcentre Supervisor Pro
Timpsons Manager 1986
Volcano Cheese
The Lemon Vampires of Dudley
Pablo Balloon’s Hernia Diagnosis
Virtua Social Carer
Eric Gluttony
Trouser Press Sabbatical
Alarm! Run! Knit!
Whitly Bay Mesh Collector
Martini Hinge Challenge
Vole Puncher 3
Tropical Slavery 3
Slattery Battery Chat
The Ambivolent Miner’s Chin Problem
Dog Warmer 9
Piano Stroker 2
Brian Hater
Brian Massacre
The Eyes of Salamine
Ruthless Removal of Wind
Egg Rugby 5
International Spine Swapping
Grand Prix - Live from Borehamwood
Farmed Nicaraguan Debris - Collector’s Edition
Spongy Marmite
Fun N Games in Chernobyl with Cheryl Baker
Fun N Games in Chernobyl II without Cheryl Baker
Semi-Pro Badger Excuses 5
Face Biter III
Eric Clapton’s Dead Shoes
Stop! Or my Mom will Shoot Ike
Kate Stits
Dawn French’s Fantasy Football
Giant Priority
Extendable Alien Hairdriers
A Masterclass with Ruud Hullit
Greggs Tycoon
Nail Filing with Stefan Edberg
Aardvark Juggling
Any Swedgers?
Civil Engineering Attack Force
Bible Edit III
Cactus Comparing with Terry Waite
Gunther’s Tasty Leather
Health Challenge
Catastrophe Pants
Superhero Draughts
SimJanitor 8: Smooth Moperator
Breath Club
Biting and Chewing
The Goose 3
Sangsters 2
Extreme Chinese
Ned Poultry Farmer
Diabolical Gran Odour 6
Camp Action Man
Topless Skateboard Nun 2
Solving Simultaneous Equations Under Water (Bridlington Edition)
Hake Take with Less Than Jake (Celebrity Edition)
The Paul Anka Diaries
Makeover : Wallpapering Your Face 5
Blackhead Removal with Scaffolding Poles 8
High School Musical Shoot Out
Bad Air Hockey (Rotten Egg Edition)
Failed Airport Terrorism Attempt 2
International Banana Terrorist 3
Conventional Bra Wearing
Terrapin 2
split pea glee
gaseous monkey
Cheddarfest revival
moonfaced lung toucher 4
attack of the angry jam ballast
relentless margarine 3
clutter game
wasp wing clasp assembly
futurismysticalismism presented by Kenny Leveritt
pork chop aftermath
strict rector workings 5
detected vim spillage 2
Gale Force
Pike Gardening
Ribble Valley Larvae Attraction
Marmite Spite
Sarah Brightman’s Secret Pro-Am Celebrity Tench Cremation
High Speed Paralympic Disasters 5
Savoury Tights 4
Advanced Scone Vandalism with Ruth Maddock
Workplace Victimisation Art 2
Egg Poaching with Prince Charles
Varnishing with Confidence Iggy Pop versus Eggy Pope (Slovenian Edition)
Sloth Pinching with Ewan McGregor
Shoot Deirdre Off Coronation Street As Many Times As You Like
Polished Ginger Bison Falling Over 3
Lego Smashing
Snorting-A-Surgically-Removed-Spaghetti Line Back Through Your Nose Championships with Keith Floyd
Slippery Cats Finger Sizery
Vernacular Spectacular - Regional Heats - Norway Vs Newcastle
Register Maniacs 4
Disabled Horse Fury 5
Turtle Hurlers
Des Lynam’s Mum
Horse v Dolphin: Requiem
rentokil bill 2
rat boy 9
cardboard harbour 9
vote for a wine side dish
Ministry of Justice: Writing the Constitution Sim Local Councilor
Puggy Paradise
Pan-London Kid Chase
Pirates on the Pond
Junior Project Manager III
Decide to Read Again
Nokia vs Motorola: Find the Phone Charger
Feed the Kids Coal (Bono Demo)
Tom Clancy’s Splintered Bell
Jellied babies
Shave the Llama
Jew Harp Hero (Harp not included)
Mum Trashers 4
Square Peg Round Hole Challenge
Blockman vs DragonThing
Menopausal Madness
Ringbinder II
Equine Manouevers
The Mysteries of Michael Elphick’s Port in a Storm
Haberdasherie Heat
Half a Cider And You’re Laughing
Humourless Hags Return to Castle Frottage
Hungry Hungarian Housewives
Fake Tan Dylan
Super Who Did That Thunder in Tannadice
Swollen River Wheelchair Uh-Oh
Ruby Murray’s Curry from Anything
How Clean is your Mouth
Cilit Bangers
Why’s Dad in the Furnace: HD
R Kelly’s Gotham City
Gerard Kelly’s Diet City
Kendal Misery
Buff Women Crush
Supermarket Nuts
Dry Off - You’re Wet Too!
Xenophobic Elderly Home
Easy Rider: Trikes and Quads
Rise Up and Get Back To Bedford
Alan Sugar’s Finger Fiasco
Private Investigator: Carbon Footprints
Snakes on a Phone
Phone a Snake
Phoney Snake
Children In Need: One Can Survive
The Canterbury Compendium Featuring: Sinister Minister
The Godies ft. Hymn Brooke Taylor
Virtual Nun
Cheeses Of Nazareth
Nun Surfing: Birds of Pray
Dogs drink wine
nacho panic
ostrich borstal
bombscare in sacred cities of spain
spiral binding awards
biro spinning awards
spiro binning awards
Thora Hird’s Extreme Stairlift
Gammy Dodger 2
Hell Monger 5
Tag Nutter 8
Mayonnaise Babies 2
Kissing With Incontinence
Dances With Wolverines
Come Dancing 3D
Dumb Dating 4D
Interactive Pylon Climbing
Fundamental Dish Cloth Equations
Haulage Wars 1 - Norbert Dentressangle vs. Eddie Stobbart
Haulage Wars 2 - David Heeps vs. C. Hinds Potato Merchants
White Van Driver Fashion Show
Greasy Dinosaurs Almanac
Terrible Tearing Sounds
Baste The Family
B&Q BBQ Standoff
May’s Rotary Chuckling
Spontaneous Fury
Induced Tap Dancing with Andy May
Your Lip’s Burst 2
Attack of the 40 foot Gingerbread Postman
The Dalgleish Index Escalator
Arthur Askey’s Crop Spraying
Alsatian Alien
Cow Painter 5
Impossible Cornering Technique with Ayrton Senna
Ann Frank 3D
Chop: Stand: Force: Interactive Cumnock Gala Day with Obie Trice
Dougie Donnelly’s Battenberg Cake Jumper Confusion Game
Mince Rinsing with Peter Alice
Wife Swab 3
Knife Swap 4
Gnome Drool Collecting for Beginners
Anger Manager IV
Uncle Tony’s Special Cupboard
Spilt Milk
Virtual RAC Guy Challenge
Michael Ballack’s Ludo Madness
Archie McPherson’s Apron of Chance
Gulls of Fury
Monty Don’s Embroidery Masterclass
Spammy the Dog
Windows C64 edition
Mr. Minit’s Key Cutting Japes
Saved By The Bell End 3
Asp The Family - Snakecharmer Edition
Snoop Doggy Dog’s Dance Studio Workout
Taming The Shrew with Lena Zavaroni
Sectarian Dolphin 4
Fly Phishing by J.R. “Hacker” Hartley
The Goth Temple of Gloom
The Hannible Lectures
simBiscuit (bourbon special)
Evostick Party
Bri-Nylon Guy 3
Skinflat Survival
Eaglesham Startrek
Bees In The Loft
Sandra Sandra
Justin and Colin’s Guide To Deep Sea Pipe Welding
Wayne Rooney Loony Toon Room for Kids
Pheasant Milkfloat Run
Late Ex in Latex 6
Dick Advocaat’s guide to coctkail mixing
To The Manor Braun
Tandoori Roti 3
Murder She Roti
Silence of The Prams
Emlyn Hugh’s Omelette Challenge
Josh Wink’s Tiddleywinks
Elvanfoot Butterfly Massacre
Monster Metros
Fuzzy-Felt Masterclass with Yuri Gagarin
Predator Paint
Eel Chair Regatta
Big Pants Comedy Skydiving
Bang! Bang! Bang! Oops…
Swindlin’ Yokels with Roman Abramovich
Outrun Bolton
Tony Blair’s Prole Crusher
Heather The Weather’s Fishnet Frenzy
Nick Drake’s Morose Warblings
Ape Attack!: Wishaw
Patrick Moore’s Tedium Personified
Chicken Gun
Barry Robson’s Beguiling Napper
C5 Grand Prix
Roll Me A Fat One and Get They Dishes Done
Brahim Hemdani’s Unremarkable Competence
Virtual Soup of the Day
The Rancid Horns of Leith
Ask Me A Graham
Undercarriage Return
Steve Ovette’s Erratic Frog
Tennis Stuart
Bomb Acrobat
Girth Alarm 3
Alan Hanson’s Amatuer Granny Revival
Pickpocket Pro
Chinchilla Wrestling
Crouching Greyhound Hidden Danger
Poodle Judo with Judith Chalmers
Hedge Availability
Overwhelmed Whelk Farmer 2
Cupboard of Lentils 7
Sloth Borstal 2
Pro-Am Prawn Wrestling
Custard, Mustard and Other Rhyming Condiments
Cat Litter Lego
Jimmy Nail’s Book Corner
Navigating Cumbernauld Whilst Aggrevated
Hanah Barbera’s Meat Collective
Tensile Strengthometer
Betty Boothroyd’s Hooverathon
Attack of The Four Lipped Maneater
The Wizard’s Sleeve
J-Lo’s Bum Shelf Warm
Salad Dressing with Trinny and the Bigger One
Keith Floyd’s Damp Side of the Moon
Soviet TicTacs: Taste of War
World Cup Eczema
Mum vs Dad: Grab a Plate
Upside of Death VI
Ulti-Mugger: Wallet and Watch, Ta
Soft and Gentle 3: Roll On
MC Hammer’s World of Pantaloons
Restore Pet Cemetary
Audible Charm: Legend of the Gentle Trump
That’s Not My FInger!
Zoo of ham-fed Gibbons
Wake Up! You’re Not Dead Yet
Wake Up! I’m Limbless and There’s a Fire
Drifting Away: Grandad’s Final Slumber Party
Pyjamas.. At School?
Neil Buchanan’s Antler Attack
Cash In the Attic, Now In My Attic
Get Pregnant 5 - Civilised Scamming
Soda Stream: Hunt for the Gas Canister
Soda Stream II: But It Says Cola Flavoured!?
Invest in Me, I’m a Maniac
London Tube Track Scraper
Armitage Shanks
Virtual Log
Death Row Buckaroo
Labour Backbench Cage Fighting
Floaty The Finless Waterbeast
Vauxhall Advert Creator
Dragged 150 Yards: Bradford Joyride
Old Spice: She’s Yours
Unicycling for Pensioners
Unmentionable Chalky Taste 6
Island Pancake Mixing with Seb Blatter
Filthy Ventriloquist Stories
Eddie Vedder’s World Of Shreddies
Camp Ramp
Tobogganing with Wogan
Annie Mack’s Caramac Slacks
Irene Maiden 10
Sausage Jockey 3
Cured Ham and Other Medical Miracles
Mud Wrestling with Thora Hird
Sim Haulage
Sim Heelage
Sim Cabbage
Sim Charles Babbage
Sim Gym
Liquor & Poker - Rude Casino Edition
Pass The Dutchy of Cornwall From The Left Hand Side
High Heel Teeterage 3
Esther Rantzen’s Root Vegetable and Tuber Hilarity Fest
Nun Paintball 4
Arm Wrestling Dentist 9
Julie Andrew’s Liver Salts 3
Sanitary Owl Radio 4
Bus in a Leotard
World’s Strongest Nan
Hector Sylvester’s Turquoise Noise
Ambulance Chaser 2
Foam Party at The Foam Centre
Press and Mend
Touch the Hutch
Mastic Badger
Surname Challenge ft. Yvonne Goolagong vs. Peter Oosterhouse
Mast Blast Bomb Scare 3
Going Through At The Back 3
Pinball Lizard 5
Dancing With Oxygen
The Dimbleby Conundrum
Virtua Council Gritter
Rampant Carpark
Icarus Manifold’s Welsh Poster Collection
Religious Gardening with Moses and his Hoses
Air Rifle Chooser with Bishop Desmond’s .22
Ballet Dancing with Bishop Desmond’s TuTu
Slurry Avoidance ft. Alvin Stardust
Celebrity Quinine
Abatoir Jubilee Beef
Geek Orthodox
Fudge Assembly
Relax, Prance, Peel
Paul Ince’s “What’s in the Fridge?”
Super Kennel Admin
Attack, Sleep, Trapeze!
Verify My Post
Saral Ping’s Finch Adjuster
Intermediate Curve Basting
Combustable Constable 5
Fancy Cheese 3
Hazel Butters 2
Lloyd Cole’s Motion Commotion
Vermin Descriptor 2
Tray Balance in Ballantray
Fluid Choppery with Glen Blantyre
Predatory Tory Trap
Inflatable Vatican
Marzipan Tarzan
That’s Barry, Eh?
Marmite Termite
Octogenerian Hair Piece 5
Caustic Frog 3
Fridge Racer
Flouride Jockey
Algae Mechanic
The Baghdad Irritation
Crazy Meerkat Forklift Racing
Zak Marvel’s Gaseous Print Revival
Easter Toolbox
Winkle Picker II
Virtua Morrisons
Face Camp
Holy Moly - the unluckiest Mole in the Field
Kays - Catalogue of Errors
Look Out! Too Late.
Pleasant Pheasant
Mike Tyson’s Rapid Wrestling
Reservoir Logs
An Audience With Kirk Broadfoot
Salami Origami
Who’s in the Pot?
Deep-Sea Monopoly
Frank Lampard’s Mousetrap Masterclass
Aztec Leg
Kitchen Thespian
Scaffolding Terror
Somalian Pirates
Take Guernsey
Treacle or Turnip?
Olympic Jail
Sweat on Me and I’ll Vomit
Dubious Quality Controller 5
Quiff Aligner
Re-pot That Geranium, You Fool
Soft Furnishing Spectacular
Dad! You’re My Brother!
Peter Kincaid. Now you Try
12lbs of Something
Vosene - The Forgotten Chemical
Viv Lumsden’s Pit of Terror
Halfords: Den Of Incompetence
Rubber Stamp Misery
The Beechgrove Garden Presents: High Tedium
Monks On A Bus
Gordon The Gopher’s Amsterdam Exploits
Imaginary Futures: President Trump
DIY Watercolor: Pylons of Tyneside
Paradise Lumbago
Post Office Manager: Bungled or Burgled
Crass Bandicoot 
Chequered Flag F1 Racist Challenge
Err, That’s Not Shampoo
BANG! Search For The Dirt, Limescale & Rust
These are all available to buy on Ebay, apart from 619 which they actually forgot to produce. 
37 notes · View notes
Dog Games: 10 Fun Ways to Learn & Bond for Puppy and Child
10 Great Dog Games Kids Can Play With Dogs
There are few things more joyful than the relationship between a child and their pet.  Most of us animal lovers have memories of bonding with the family dog, spending hours talking with our horse, or curled up for nap time and cuddles with our cat.
But the relationship between pets and kids can open up the door for much more than celebration: they provide emotional, physical, and social benefits to your developing puppy… and your child.  And playing dog games is one of the best ways to do that! 
You don’t have to overthink it. Play is the best way to explore the wonderful synergy between your two young loved ones, both for the dog and child.
Introduce these simple dog games into your family’s routine, ones that your child can easily master. But first, let’s explore the benefits of puppy-child play.
Dog games aren’t just child’s play.
If you’ve ever observed a preschool or primary school class, you’ll know that there’s a great deal of play going on. It’s easy to assume children are just killing time. But in fact, parents and educators know that play is a crucial aspect of cognitive development. 
Kids are learning about spatial relationships, manual dexterity, cause and effect, social norms like sharing and turn-taking, as well as physical and mental boundaries and how to overcome or adapt to them.
The same goes for your dog. They are wired for learning – some breeds are keener for a challenge than others, like German Shepherds and Border Collies for example.  Good trainers know that dog games go hand-in-hand with obedience and even advanced levels of training. Even police dogs have playtime during their training and their workday.  
In fact, training should always be fun for you AND your dog.  Because if either of you isn’t having fun, then you won’t want to play. And why should you?  
So above all else, keep it simple and remember to make it fun! 
Playtime with a dog can: 
Relieve anxiety and stress – for your child and the dog.
Create puppy training opportunities wrapped in “fun”.
Provide exercise for both the child and the dog.
Give your child an opportunity to be the teacher instead of a perpetual student.
Reduce boredom – bored kids and bored dogs get up to no good, as a rule.
Provide your child a way to become a leader of the pack, and to practice asking for what they want in a clear way. 
Strengthen the bond and understanding between child and dog.
10 simple and fun dog games your child can master.
You don’t want to leave your child in charge of obedience training, but you can engage them in the process by teaching them these ten simple games to play with their furry companion.
Remember to teach them the simple commands you have for your dog: sit, wait, come, etc. so they can be reinforcing them while they play. Puppies, like kids, need and crave rules and boundaries.  
They need to know what’s appropriate to do or not do, and how to behave properly in different situations, which improves their confidence.  And that is a life skill they’ll put to good use for the rest of their life.  
So here are the games:
1. Follow me
As the name suggests, your puppy is going to follow your child… but you’re going to add a layer of fun with obstacles. In the early going you’re going to keep the puppy on a leash until he or she is comfortable with the course. As they become more proficient you can add obstacles – things for the puppy to climb or jump over, wiggle through. Let your imagination go wild! The world famous dog Skidboot was known as the World’s Smartest Dog!  And it all started with games just like this one.  Watch and you’ll see why in this wonderful interview with Skidboot and his dad on the show Pet Star:  
2. Clean up
A parents dream come true, what better skill for both puppy and your child to develop than putting away their toys! You can make it a “timed tidy” with a countdown, a counting game, or just a clean-up of the living room. Dogs, like kids, can be taught to return their belongings to a central place, like this darling dog toy box, so their toys are not underfoot just waiting to trip you up as you walk by. If you have elderly people, or anyone who’s unstable on their feet in your home, this is an especially wonderful trick to encourage in both your dog and your child.  Again, you’re teaching a lifetime skill of valuing and maintaining a clean, neat space.
3. Hide & Seek
This is great fun for puppy and child alike.  You’ll find out that your child gets more and more creative with their hiding spots as the dog becomes better at sniffing them out! This is an excellent dog game if you’re looking for some quiet time and want to keep your little troublemakers busy.
There’s a hidden benefit to this game that’s serious and very important.  If you don’t play any other games, then play this one.  Why? 
Because if your child ever goes missing, you can ask your dog to find them.  They’ll know how to do that if they’ve been taught!  Fido could be your child’s HERO in a big way by saving the day! If you’re a first-time puppy owner be sure there aren’t any hazards for inquisitive hands, paws or mouths tucked away in closets or in little nooks you thought were “out of range” because that could hurt. Nothing ends a fun game faster than OUCH and an unplanned race to the doctor’s office. 
4. Frisbees
Dogs innately love to chase things… but catching a frisbee – like this one for stronger chewers, or this softer version for sensitive puppy mouths – out of mid-air takes some skill and training. Playing frisbee is a wonderful game for eye/hand/paw coordination and agility and will tucker out both of your little bundles of energy.  
5. Fetch
Another great game for letting off some steam. Choose balls, special dog bones, and toys that are safe for your child to handle and don’t have any choking hazards attached that your pup might swallow. Your child’s plushies might be appealing, but they won’t necessarily be safe, so choose toys designed for your dog. Like this one, Lambchop, it’s one of my dogs favorites. Or this great set of crinkly dog toy flyers, easy for little hands to catch and throw, and super fun for pups to toss around too.  For stronger jawed canines, get something like this. 
6. Racing
If you’ve got space to spare and your little ones have the energy to burn, some foot races are just the ticket. You’ll need to supervise carefully in the early going, especially if you have a younger child or an enthusiastic puppy who still thinks nipping is appropriate contact. But it’s a great teaching opportunity for your puppy to learn manners while still having fun.
7. Tug-of-War
Make sure you learn the right rules of tug-of-war before introducing this game to your duo. Your child must know how to begin and end the game, because in the early going your puppy will have no clue and bad habits can come from an out-of-control game. Again, this is an opportunity to teach your dog some manners. It will make socializing easier… and your child and puppy will build up their strength and balance! It’s recommended for kids older than 10 years of age so that they can be careful and safe.
8. Pet tricks
Teaching their four-legged friends to dance, speak, shake, rollover, howl or kiss is a great way for kids to spend quality time with the pets. Dogs love to be challenged, and love to please…they’re ready to tackle new skills and will be open to all sorts of creative ideas that might inspire your child. Keep in mind that accolades, rewards, and inspiration are the best methods that lead your pooch to learn and remember tricks.
9. Catch the bubbles
This is another simple outdoor game that dogs and kids too just love. It’s easy and fun, and feeds off the fact that dogs have a sense that makes them chase anything. Kids aged 3-8 love this game the most. They even offer flavored bubbles these days that don’t give your dog an upset stomach.  Be sure to find a safe version for dogs, like this one! 
10. Hide the dog treats
Here’s a wonderful dog game you’ll have so much fun with! 
Your child probably loves an Easter egg or treasure hunt… your dog will too! This is a wonderfully versatile game you can play inside or out in the yard. You’ll be enriching your dog’s sense of smell, their problem-solving abilities, their sense of adventure, and their analytical skills. All that just with buying a bag of treats!  Our favorites are Wag More Bark Less, or Dog Mama’s Biscuits, or Full Moon’s Training Treats.   
For more great games for kids and dogs check out Kyra Sundance’s 10 Minute Dog Training Games!  
Playing dog games enriches the relationship between your child and your pet and will create hours of memories you can smile about for years. Capture the joy and innocence of play and watch your child and your puppy thrive.
Another great way to encourage your dog and child to bond, communicate and understand each other is to help them learn how to talk to each other! It’s easy as 1-2-3!  Start here at The Heart School of Animal Communication with your free ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Pets 
Thanks to Lauren, a fellow dog lover, for all these great ideas!
Enjoyed this article? Here are three more to help you:
Are You Highly Sensitive and/or Empathic?
Do You Know How to Identify Dog Seizure Symptoms?
TV for Dogs: Does Your Dog Even Care?
The post Dog Games: 10 Fun Ways to Learn & Bond for Puppy and Child appeared first on Val Heart.
from Val Heart https://valheart.com/10-games-that-kids-can-play-with-dogs/
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carasueachterberg · 4 years
Everyone wants a puppy.
I get that.
Puppies are cute and fun and at least at this age (seven weeks) they are highly entertaining.
photo by Ian Achterberg
  These puppies are no exception and already, eight of nine have approved adopters waiting to take them home in just another week!
With every litter there are people who wait until they see the puppies on the site to apply, most times they are too late, but not always. There is an inevitable shifting around as people re-think the idea of a puppy. Which they should – puppies are a LOT of work. (They aren’t cheap, either.)
  What they require more than anything is time and commitment. If you don’t put the time in while a puppy is young, it will grow up to be a difficult dog.
At the rescue every year we get a few returned dogs who were adopted out as puppies and now are somewhere between one and two years old. Their adopters can no longer deal with their lack of manners, their destructive habits, their reactivity to other dogs or people or any number of issues that should have been dealt with while the dog was a puppy. Remember Bugs?
While, yes, just like people, dogs are individuals and there are some inherently challenging dogs; many of the issues for which dogs are returned could have been averted if the adopters had put in the time to raise their puppy well.
After the puppies are fully vaccinated, socialization is critical. With the current conditions, new adopters will have to get creative. These puppies are tiny, so you could literally carry them everywhere with you. Home Depot is a great place to take dogs for socialization (Tractor Supply too), visiting other families, and walking dogs in public areas, parks, and trails are great ways to work on socialization despite the pandemic. Praise and treats should be used copiously on these adventures.
New experiences and challenges help puppies grow into confident dogs. I try to expose puppies to lots of new noises – the vacuum cleaner, music on my phone, the nail Dremel, dropping loud objects nearby, popping plastic packaging, pretty much anything I can think of. We definitely don’t tiptoe around the puppy pen. These puppies were raised while Nick installed a hardwood floor next door to them – they heard the nailer, the compressor, and lots of hammering.
Over the weekend, the puppies met our foster cat, Neville. They met our dogs, Fanny and Gracie. They also got to race through the agility tunnel, learn to go up and down stairs, and pounce on a noisy, crinkly, empty feed bag that smelled like the barn.
[Side note: These are experiences that puppies raised in puppy mills do not have and likely account for some of the anxiety issues they may have down the road. If you decide to buy a puppy for personal or health reasons, be sure to find a breeder who raises their puppies intentionally.]
There is so much that puppy adopters can do now, while their pups are young and impressionable.
For example, if you don’t want your puppy to react negatively when someone comes to the door, ring the doorbell or knock on the door and give them treats and praise. Do this every day, multiple times. Eventually, you can teach them to go to their ‘place’ (like a crate, mat, or dog bed) when they hear those sounds to receive their treats and praise.
You can also do this with your older dogs. Whenever my dog Fanny hears a work truck or delivery truck in our driveway, she runs to me because she knows that if she sits quietly now she will get rewards. I can then leash her and put her in one of her ‘safe zones’ before dealing with the visitor.
Training doesn’t end with the puppy phase. It is even more critical during the teenage phase (6 months – 2 years). That’s when doubling down and perhaps enlisting professional help is important. Taking your pup to classes – manners, obedience, agility, nosework, even frisbee or dock-diving will challenge them and give you opportunities to reinforce their good behaviors.
Consistency and commitment are absolutely vital. I tell my adopters to use positive reinforcement methods of training. Too many people are quick to resort to negative reinforcement because it can get an immediate reaction, but it is the wrong approach and can backfire creating an anxious or aggressive dog. I learned this lesson in the most heart-breaking way possible and it haunts me every day, so now I am passionate about positive and force-free training methods.
Science has proven that dogs do not need an ‘alpha’ to lead them. Now that we know better, we should do better.
Instead of punishing a dog that is ‘misbehaving,’ redirect them to something else or get their attention with an impromptu manners lesson reinforcing what they know like ‘sit’ or ‘down’. A horse trainer told me once that you should help the animal by making the right the decision, the easy decision.
Not everybody has the time (or the commitment) for a puppy. They are cute and tempting, but if you are not ready to make the effort, adopt a dog instead. There are so many good dogs deserving of a good home. I am not saying they will not also require time and effort, they will, but it is exponentially less than with a puppy. Plus, if you adopt from a foster home, many times we can tell you what your new dog’s needs are and where you will need to focus your training.
Okay, enough puppy lecture. You have been warned. All of that said, it is incredibly rewarding to adopt a puppy and raise it well.
These puppies are thriving and getting bigger every day. It remains to be seen whether they will ‘catch up’ after their hookworm episode. The smallest puppy is just over four pounds and the largest is seven and a half pounds! The puppy charts put them all between 18 and 36 pounds, which is larger than the first calculation I made two weeks ago, so they are definitely jumping their curve now that we’ve rid them of the hookworms. I hope their adopters will let us know how big they ultimately get.
Their little personalities are blooming. They are bonded with me and follow me everywhere when I’m out in the puppy yard with them. To a pup, they are loving and people-centered. When they get too crazy, I scoop one up and snuggle it and it immediately calms right down.
Kiss Me Kate
Calamity Jane
Hello Dolly
Evan Hanson
Evan Hanson
Even Millie, one of the most outgoing pups (and the one still available for adoption!) is putty in my arms. I’ve been watching her lately because she has so much energy and I want to start channeling it in the right way, and I’ve come to realize that yes she does have a lot of energy, but so do some of the others. The difference with Millie is that she is vocal. She communicates with the other puppies (and me) with her voice more than they do.
All of them are starting to find their big dog voices, though, and it is no longer possible for my kids to sleep through the ruckus when the pups are ready for breakfast. (Which is a good thing since all three still need to ‘go’ to school and work virtually.)
In just over a week, we will be foster-free at this house. Rockee left with his adopter on Sunday. He was smitten from the moment they met and jumped in her car without a backward glance. Here’s hoping the third time is the charm. I’m pretty certain it is. Check out these pictures his new mom sent:
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Processed with VSCO with v6 preset
  Thanks for reading!
If you’d like regular updates of all my foster dogs past and present, plus occasional dog care/training tips from OPH training, be sure to join the Facebook group, Another Good Dog.
For information on me, my writing, and books, visit CaraWrites.com. I have a new book, One Hundred Dogs and Counting: One  Woman, Ten Thousand Miles, and a Journey into the Heart of Shelters and Rescues, coming out in July. If it sounds like something you’d like to read, I’d be beyond grateful if you’d consider preordering it. Preorders contribute to the success of the book, not only giving me and my publisher some peace of mind but hopefully attracting media attention.
And if you’d like to know where all these dogs come from and how you can help solve the crisis of too many unwanted dogs in our shelters, visit WhoWillLetTheDogsOut.org.
Our family fosters through the all-breed rescue, Operation Paws for Homes, a network of foster homes in Virginia, Maryland, D.C., and south-central PA.
If you can’t get enough foster dog stories, check out my book: Another Good Dog: One Family and Fifty Foster Dogs . It’s available anywhere books are sold.
I love to hear from readers and dog-hearted people! Email me at [email protected].
Many of the pictures on my blog are taken by photographer Nancy Slattery. If you’d like to connect with Nancy to take gorgeous pictures of your pup (or your family), contact: [email protected].
      CAUTION: Puppies are not for everyone. positive, consistent, #fearfree training makes a #gooddog Everyone wants a puppy. I get that. Puppies are cute and fun and at least at this age (seven weeks) they are highly entertaining.
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