#The World Tumbles Down
the-bi-space-ace · 22 days
I just had a terrible thought pop into my head while I was thinking about the remaining chapters of The World Tumbles Down.
What if Rex dies before him and Echo patch things up? What then?
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gratuiciel · 2 months
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the fact that these two panels happen in the span of 20 minutes at most
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cata-strophes · 2 years
Sorry i feel like that was too rude lol. Can u do Tubbo and 72 pls :)) your arts rlly cool
lol dont worry it wasnt rude!! its ok :} (and thank you!! <3)
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acting on your best behaviour. turn your back on mother nature. everybody wants to rule the world
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chambers003 · 1 year
thinkin about my ‘tumble town is the remains of the grimlands crater’ theory/headcanon again. the sand is stained red from the redstone fallout. the creepers produce the best quality gunpowder there from the residue of the old farms and factories. it’s rumoured to be cursed, which is why it’s the emptiest of all the empires. you can even go as far as to say the fossil from one of the early episodes is the remains of one of the crystal cliffs dragons, if you want.
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wario-land · 5 months
- It all returns to nothing -
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vigilskeep · 8 months
What's current Morghaine's backstory? How did they end up hunting mages?
instead of the original morghaine’s archfey warlock patron, the questionable motherly figure in morghaine’s life was their high elf parent, from an influential family of morally dubious enchantment wizards. their mother claimed to be different from the rest, and perhaps she was... but with their memory repeatedly modified to keep them from leaving the “safety” of their home for the dangerous outside world, morghaine wouldn’t even know. after their stumbling attempts at wizardry summoned a familiar who led them on an escape, a young morghaine found themself in the middle of a baldur’s gate they didn’t even recognise, with nothing but a slowly clearing head and the need to get out.
morghaine might never have had quite their family’s gift for the arcane, but they learned enough about casters to know how to stop one in their tracks. plenty of mercenary bands know exactly the standoffish, intimidating gloomstalker to call when the fight ahead involves someone with a few too many magical tricks up their sleeve. morghaine always figured it was good training for the hunt ahead. they might not remember much, but they remember enough to know that one day, their family needs to be stopped
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handfulofmuses · 22 days
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Skunk shenanigans 3.0 aka the rest of everything they have to offer so far:
Question: Rough and Tumble vs (80's cartoon) Bebop and Rocksteady. Discuss.
Flynn: It would be a comedy of errors, it would be delightful. Each one of them trying to upstage the other, forgetting why they are fighting to begin with and kind of get distracted by that fact and what were they even setting out to do to begin with? They don’t even remember. They tore up a city block and it’s like …. why? Anything that could go wrong will go wrong and it would be delightful.
Question: So, Rough and Tumble have already met Zavok and I think their interactions were pretty interesting. So, what would the skunk bros reaction be to the rest of the D6? Can they keep with the Zeti?
Flynn: It’s more like can the zeti keep up with them.
Kyle, laughing: They just get exhausted by their constant obnoxiousness.
Flynn: Oh yeah. Like, Zik would have no patience for their idiocy. They’d be picking on Zor way too much, they would be raiding the kitchen and pissing off Zomom. They would be picking fights with Zazz all the time which would make HIM happy. And then Zeena, they would be kinda into her and then fight over her and she wouldn’t want either of them and they would hate her and they get distracted by something else and go off somewhere.
Flynn: And Zavok would wonder why he would bring them along, did he bring them along? Did they just follow him, he cannot remember.
Kyle, laughing: Well …. knowing them, they probably just followed him.
Flynn: That should be like a one off or something. Rough and Tumble come to Lost Hex and just inadvertently accidentally stopped the next invasion by the deadly six.
Flynn: Just by being such nuisances.
I came again, sorry to be humble but I thought of another question for Rough and Tumble. How memey or trendy are they?
Flynn: They are the type of guys who once they catch onto the meme it is already a little stale. And they ride it until it’s well past its expiration date.
Kyle: Oh. So me and you. -laughing-
Flynn: Mhm. MHMHM. MHMHM.
Kyle: Ah no we were at the forefront of big oof man -laughing-
Flynn: oh god
Question: Quick! The IDW Sonic cast are playing a match of Team Fortress 2 in 2Fort on their PCs! Tangle, Whisper and Jewel on team blue, the bash brothers Rough and Tumble, Starline, Kit and Surge in team red. Think they'll do the objective and work together as proper classes, or will they muck up and have everything end in "Failure!"
Flynn: It’s gonna be a mess, that’s for sure. I mean, Tangle’s gonna go-
Kyle: Why are there so many people on team red compared to team blue I mean I guess Rough and Tumble only count as one because they only have one brain cell to share between the two of them and I guess Kit and Surge are a package deal it’s kinda required okay fine nevermind i found it out
Flynn: You got Tangle playing scout and Jewel playing medic but she can barely keep up with Tangle as she is flipping around the map. That’s the worst possible thing you can do expect Whisper’s sniper and nobody can get across the bridge or into the base
Kyle: -Laughing-
Flynn: Surge and Kit have the exact same thing she is playing scout he is playing medic so they just keep bouncing into Tangle and Jewel and not getting anywhere or doing anything productive
Flynn: Rough and Tumble are constantly swapping between Demoman and soldier, arguing over which one is better and blowing each other up, launching each other off of the map
Flynn: And Starline built his base and he refuses to move. If he moves somebody might blow it up he has to be there to maintain it. No one can get to the intelligence he’s FINE you go do your job he’s doing his.
Kyle: -LAUGHTER- He is just sitting there strumming that acoustic guitar. This is like the most terrible game of Team Fortress 2.
Flynn: It works by saying it’s a highlander match where there is only one of each class. So Rough and Tumble are arguing over who plays heavy and they never actually get into the match.
Kyle: Wait are they arguing over who plays heavy or soldier or demo man? Or all three?
Flynn: It kinda goes in the circle.
Kyle: Right.
Flynn: “FINE YOU CAN PLAY HEAVY I’M GONNA MOVE OVER TO SOLDIER” “wait why are you on this side” “because he can shoot and he can rocket jump well” “well then I WANT to be him” “YOU WERE GOING TO BE HEAVY” “I DONT WANNA BE HEAVY NO MORE” and so on and so forth
Question: Rough and Tumble find Erazor Djinn’s lamp and he has to grant them three wishes. What do they wish for?
Flynn: -laughing-
Kyle: -laughs along-
Kyle: They just argue over who gets the wishes, don’t they?
Flynn: Rough wishes for unlimited wishes. Tumble wishes for more wishes than Rough had and they fight over it and at some point they managed to rub the lamp all screaming “WELL I WISH NOBODY GOT NO WISHES”
Kyle: Mhm. And they wouldn’t get any wishes ultimately is what you are saying.
Flynn: Yeah.
Kyle: Good. -laughs-
Question: What would happen if Rough and Tumble went into the haunted house from Night of the Werehog? The one with the ghost girl and two ghost photographers.
Flynn: -amused laughter-
Flynn: There would be a great deal of screaming and running into things Because the ghost girl cracks up at people being terrified. And the two other ghosts who just live to serve love to frighten people take photographs. Rough and Tumble would spend the entire night running from these ghosts, running into walls, getting turned around, not escaping, flash bulb in the face repeatedly and it’s a good thing Law is already a ghost otherwise she would laugh herself to death.
Question: what would Rough and Tumble do on Valentine’s Day? I assume they would look for pretty girls, flirt with them in a rude, obnoxious way, get rejected over and over, and blame it on bad luck and say “Whatever. Their loss.”. What do you think?
Flynn: I think you are right for the money expect for the “whatever” part. Because after they spend most of the day getting rejected, they ruin it for everyone else. Outdoor cafes? Stink bomber.
Flynn: Any kind of delivery van full of flowers? It’s getting upended.
Flynn: Romantic walks in the park? No sorry you are getting thrown off the bridge and into the river.
Kyle: Sounds good to me. Just absolute insanity. Just complete conquest from them over anybody else.
Flynn: Well, you broke their hearts. They really did crumble. So your day is gonna be ruined by Rough and Tumble.
Kyle:-laughing- Oh NOOO! OH NOOO! Now I kinda feel bad for them.
Question: Did Rough and Tumble ever steal a rhyming dictionary as mentioned in the beginning of the Zombot arc? I need to know if mine is in danger of being stolen from them.
Flynn: -laughs-
Kyle: It’s a big problem.
Flynn: I feel like there was actually a line about them having one but unfortunately it got cut for some reason, I can’t remember the details as to why.
Flynn: But yes, they absolutely have a rhyming dictionary. They have a thesaurus and it usually gets destroyed in an argument how to complete their signature rhyme and they have to steal another one. So yes yours is absolutely in danger. Be on the lookout for very angry skunks, looking for literature.
Question: Rough and Tumble are cool and funny, how do you think they would react to their fanbase?
Flynn: First they would be surprised that they have a fanbase. That people pay attention to them in a positive way at all. And they wouldn*t necessarily know how to handle that. At first. And then they would just revel in it. Entirely too much. They like, coast on that to all the unhealthy degrees try to grift their fanbase. Like, they - is cafe press still a thing? They be turning out their own merch left and right and selfies just plastered on clocks and socks and whatnot
Kyle: And live streaming Q & A on instragram.
Flynn: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Question: I know Rough and Tumble are a duo, but who would you throw on their team to make it a trio even if it was only temporary, and what would their team name be? There’s something so fascinating about sticking to a hard number, in this case 3, and matching who fits which type and what the team name is.
Flynn: That is the hard thing. Their entire gimmick is that they are a duo so anyone who comes in would be a third wheel. And it’s just the question of who would be the funniest third wheel to have at any given time. And who fits into their rhyming scheme the easiest. I will admit, in bad guys, I cracked myself up with them trying to create rhyme that included the entire team and everyone is just kind of rolling their eyes “why are we even with these people in that car” Rough was “THIS WAS INSPIRED COME ON” they are trying so hard to be team players and good boys
Kyle: They’re not bad. They just like to cause destruction and mayhem.
Question: I know Rough and Tumble are afraid of curses and Mummies, but do they have a huge fear of other paranormal activities like ghosts, monsters and other strange Inexplicable things?
Flynn: Of course not. They are MANLY men they ain’t scared of nothing they don’t fear no ghost or mummies and - what was that? What was that sound why is that door - that door was not open before ITS THE THING AT THE CLOSET RUN.
Flynn: Yeah, they are absolutely Scooby Doo and Shaggy level of jumpy at the paranormal.
Flynn: Now which one of them says zoinks I leave up to you.
Question: When they get the ball, they won't fumble! It's Football time, with Rough and Tumble! Rough and Tumble learn how much money the average United Federation Football player makes and decide to make their own team. First, they have to kidnap-… I mean, DRAFT team members! As many or as few as you'd like, as they probably wouldn't know how many members make up an official team anyway. And thus, The Seaside City Skunks are born and make it into the league (somehow)! How does it go? Who do they try to draft? Do they make it to the Superbowl (legality be darned)? Does Seaside City file a lawsuit for using their name without permission? WHO IS THEIR MASCOT??
Flynn: Yeah so Seaside City actually has a team. It’s just they are like bottom tier. super lame, they have the bare minimum number of players to constitute a team but all of them kinda phone it in cause they know that they are just there to fill out the season so Rough and Tumble take it over no problem.
Flynn: But they realize real quick that they ARE the team at this point so they decide recruit more and they are sitting there thinking: Who can we get thats like fast and and strong and enjoys hurting people?
Flynn: “was that one…there was that one guy we worked with…” “YEAH TOTALLY”
Flynn: So they go to the Lost Hex
Flynn: They recruit the deadly six.
Flynn: And initially they are like -KYLE KEEPS LAUGHING IN THE BACKGROUND-
Flynn: “What’s wrong with you guys”
Flynn: And Zavok is like: this is stupid enough to actually have my interest. Let’s see this through. And sure enough they work well enough together just to defeat the enemy and they steamroll everyone else in the league.
Kyle: -laughing- Yeah. So it’s Space Jam.
Kyle: -can’t stop laughing- Do they hire anybody else? Or is it just those eight?
Flynn: Those eight? That’s all you really need.
Question: Rough and Tumble meet Team Rocket. What happens, and how peeved do each team get that those other guys have clearly stolen their motto gimmick?
Flynn: -laughs-
Flynn: There was this episode where Jessie and James go into a motto off with their rivals, basically shouting at each other trying to overrule the other. I imagine something like that with Rough and Tumble.
Flynn: But ultimately, they would lose out because they don’t have a Meowth. Like, that’s just the cherry on top.
Flynn: And they are just “we don’t have a hyp man to end our little spiel wow these guys are good”
Flynn: Meanwhile Jessie and James are having a team huddle going. “They can actually change their slogan on the fly? We have to stick to a script! They are so versatile we really need to think varying things!”
Flynn: And that’s how Rough and Tumble joins Team Rocket.
Question: - Seeking employment, Rough & Tumble are hired by none other than DuckTales 2017's Flintheart Glomgold! Their mission? Just help him bust up Scrooge's mansion and take all his stuff! How do they lose to the McDuck Family, and how long before R&T get fed up with Glomgold's heart of flint?
Flynn: -laughs-
Kyle: -laughs-
Flynn, laughing: What an episode.
Kyle: Yeah.
Flynn: I mean first sure, they would be on board. All they have to do is bust up some rich guys place and take whatever they want, easy peasy.
Flynn: Huey has some kind of junior woodchuck guide book way of laying traps through the manor to catch one of them.
Flynn: Louie just cons the other. He’s like “hey you taking our stuff?” “Yeah what are ya gonna do about it?” “oh nothing you can take the cheap stuff” looking at this solid gold “this is cheap???” “yeah you want the real stuff? come with me” and is leading him through the manor through trap after trap “keep coming the real stuff is down this way” leads him to the back exist “well here you thanks for the tour” “WAIT A MINUTE” and you know the third or fourth time they manage to get expelled from the manor, Glomgold is completely done with their antics “IM NOT EVEN GONNA INCLUDE MY NAME IN YOUR INTRO ANYMORE”
Flynn: They are crawling back into the manor out of spite and Scrooge is like “what do you even want in here look I give you each five dollars just to make Glomgold’s day worse”
Flynn: Webby kicks them out at some point.
Flynn: Dewey got his own subplot and is oblivious to the entire ordeal.
Question: Tail swap! Tumble gets Tangle's tail while Tangle gets Tumble's… lack of a tail. How do they handle this?
Flynn: Tangle is perfectly fine, what are you talking about? She does not need a tail for balance - whoops. No, she meant to trip. Oh, she is dizzy. She will be fine, she can get used to this. One less thing to worry about no more brushing she will be fine JEWEL HELP
Flynn: Meanwhile, Tumble is having the time of his life. (Singing voice) “Floof, glorious floof! Tail goes on for miles now~ Here jump roof to roof!” he is doing cartwheels, gymnastic dance displays, he has not moved from a 5 radius he is just revving in it.
Kyle: Wraps it around himself like a scarf. Then accidentally chokes himself.
Flynn: And when they come to take it back he remembers oh wait, it can punch too. And he becomes one of the most formidable multi-med fighter you have ever seen.
Question: How would they react if someone asks for a picture and an autograph?
Flynn: They demand you pay them. After you do, they sign the autograph, mug you, and steal the autograph!
Kyle: I was thinkin' they would just end up just arguing with each other over who has the better signature, or something like that, y'know? Kyle: And they just get into a fight, and, y'know, would end up… your picture would be destroyed. You'd have no autograph, but they would still abscond with your money, because of course they would!
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Leander // Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
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dewitty1 · 9 months
and the world is tumbling down
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter Additional Tags: Getting Together, Head Auror Harry Potter, Writer Draco Malfoy, Drarry in their 30s, Romance, Smut, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Old Magic, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Forced Bonding, Forced Proximity, Trapped In A Building, Gay Draco Malfoy, Bisexual Harry Potter, Falling In Love, Happy Ending, Drinking, H/D Erised 2022, Reedemed Draco, Floor Sex, Love Confessions, Matchmaking, Mystery, Malfoy Manor, Sentient Malfoy Manor, Harry Potter Has Long Hair, Draco Malfoy Cooks
Draco is thirty-five and content. He’s a writer, a painter, and has built a life for himself totally separate from the one he envisioned as a sullen, fearful boy at Hogwarts. Everything is calm—until his house begins trying to kill him.
This time Draco actually laughs. "You think the Manor is playing matchmaker?"
"Yes," Harry says somewhat sheepishly. He doesn’t know if he wants to be right about this or not, but it is what he’s been thinking since the previous night.
"Why do you say that?"
Draco narrows his eyes. "Alright, let's make a big jump in reasoning and say that my ancestors bewitched the Manor to make sure the Malfoy line continues. And let’s say that the problems currently happening at the Manor are caused by the fact that I’m not married, and I don’t have kids. Which is by the way, already a theory based on almost nothing. How would you possibly fix that?" Draco stares at him coldly. "If the Manor were to set me up with anyone, don’t you think it would choose a woman, and a pure-blood at that?"
"Well," Harry hesitates. He’d encountered that train of thought before, and Draco’s right it doesn’t make sense, but none of this makes sense, so what is one more fault in the logic? "Maybe it knows you don’t like women."
Again Draco laughs. "Do you hear yourself? You think my ancestors took my gender preferences into account when enchanting the Manor."
"It’s possible, isn’t it?"
"No, it’s crazy, Harry."
It’s the first time he’s ever called him by his first name but Draco doesn’t even appear to notice. Harry expected this reaction from him, but it’s still annoying. He knows he’s right. He knows it. "I think we should kiss," he says, in his best attempt at diplomacy.
Draco shoots him a bewildered stare. "What?"
"To test the theory out," Harry adds quickly. "One quick kiss. If I’m right the Manor might let us out of here, and if you're right then I promise I’ll shut up about this and never mention it again."
A cocky grin comes onto Draco’s face. "Is that why you made up that stupid theory? You want me to kiss you? Merlin, Potter…"
"I don’t want it," Harry says emphatically. "I really do think it’s what the Manor wants."
"Sure, sure, my house wants us to kiss, whatever," says Draco, and he rises gracefully from the seat.
Without knowing why, Harry takes a step back from him. "You’re actually going to do it?"
"Yeah, why not? We gotta test your theory right?" he says mockingly, and Harry wishes he could slap that smirk straight off his face.
Draco takes a step closer to him and all at once Harry realizes what is that he asked for. He finds himself blushing. He can’t help it. This isn’t like kissing a stranger, or kissing a friend, both of which Harry has done before. Despite all their animosity, or perhaps because of it, he and Draco’s relationship is different than any Harry has ever had. He used to hate him. He grew to pity him. And now he finds that there’s something pleasant in Draco’s company.
He stands his ground as Draco comes closer. Time seems to move slowly, and even before the kiss has happened Harry can feel the weight of it in the air. He has the peculiar sensation that he was anticipating this, that his body expected this. Draco is taller than him, and his face has become serious, the smirk melted off his lips. His hand touches Harry’s shoulder lightly and as he leans in Harry closes his eyes.
His lips are soft, and the kiss is brief, no more than a peck between them, like schoolboys. Except it’s not enough. Suddenly, it’s like his body is acting of its own accord. His hand goes to Draco’s hip, and pulls him forward, kissing him hard. The world quiets and their unique situation dims. Harry forgets about his theories, in fact he forgets all about Malfoy Manor.
He’s kissing Draco Malfoy. And it feels like something within himself bursts open. It was never logical. It was never something he would admit to himself. But isn’t this something that he secretly yearned for? Isn’t this something that always lurked right underneath the surface of his dislike?
His mind is buzzing. His body is on fire. His world is tumbling down. And they're still kissing. Arms wrapped around each other they stumble until Harry’s pressed up against the bookshelf and Draco is pressed up against Harry.
And he can’t breathe, and he doesn’t want to breathe, and the only question lurking in his mind is why the hell they’re still wearing clothes?
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the-bi-space-ace · 4 months
A snippet from what I'm working on today:
“Were you good?” Trick asked with a playful tilt of his head. Crosshair shot a menacing glare at the medic plaguing him. “Yes.” The folded arms really sold it. There was only one way to confirm that. Trick turned to Echo who was enjoying the grumpiness far too much. “Was he good?” Echo made a big show of tapping his scomp against his chin, humming in thought. Crosshair grumbled, already pissed from having to sit still and rest while everyone else got their energy out, muttering something under his breath that Echo wouldn't be repeating. Echo smirked, proud of his momentary win. “Yes. He was good. I’d even say well behaved. I was in awe.”
I love them, your honor.
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bl00dst41ned · 11 months
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guys...just found out zayn was not talking about a toxic relationship fighting than going back to loving each other in PILLOWTALK but straight up SMUT
this cannot be real
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theood · 7 months
Sorry to beat the dead horse I live in lately but I'm so tired. A break from social media probably could help. If I figure out how else to occupy my time doing absolutely nothing. It's what I say every fucking day. Just wish I had friends. People my age around here to talk too. Even younger. Anything. I'm so fucking lonely. I love everyone I talk to online, I have meaningful connections with so many of you but I also haven't had meaningful conversation IRL in idk. Years probably. I haven't seen any of my old friends because we moved and I had to isolate myself because no one really wanted to hang out with me or could get here. And I really don't do anything, I can't be stressed. I can't be depressed I can't. I can't. I can't. Just like every adult in my life says. I don't know. I just wish I could actually see it's going to get better. Be better for me
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visxionaries · 1 year
who: @omerflorent​  setting: the white tower, the apartments holding the former king, alaric tyrell as he awaits his trial. it is the middle of the night, when the lord commander is escorted from his bedchambers and escorted to the white tower with other members of the kingsguard. they do not join him as cedric opens the chamber door; only, for how long?
"come inside."
and the man stepped aside. there was not a part of him that looked dishevelled, or as though not a bit of sleep had come over him; aside from his usual curls that fell slightly over striking hues. the same that looked back at him, slightly incredulous, no doubt wondering what was going on. the very same notion cedric had been wondering for months, years; what was going on? the man was tired of wondering. he was tired of contemplating the chessboard. he would control it.
"open the window."
his words were directed to a single steward that stood within the room, a sense of nerves clearly apparent on his face. the window was opened, and the night air revealed the distant sounds of the night taking hold and power over highgarden. the moon ruled the skies.
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and it was a room that was nothing special in earnest. some chairs, a bed in the corner, more ornate than the lodgings one would find deeper in the tower, or the dungeons. someone had been here, or moved here in the dead of the night. a glimmer of hope that even trees could reunite, and branches could regrow, and roots could be mended. little did alaric know, those roots had been ripped out. the reach was delving into another issue, that of faith, that of the high septon; and the king of thorns and roses knew he could not let this go on any further. he could not focus, and he needed to focus. the high septon was a bigger issue. he had decided it, less than an hour ago. and now, here they were.
"leave us." and the steward quietly left, and cedric waited. waited to see if omer saw the noose.
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killjoygem · 2 years
I'm in a rare tenth doctor loving mood today. He was just so baby.
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hj-skb · 2 years
Hello i’m posting on this site again maybe
(and also cohost, the cool 4th website)
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prettybbychim · 2 months
consulting my mom for my stories is so embarrassing bc i gotta simplify the details for layman consumption and it makes it seem very lame like pls mom im cool i swear but where else could i get in-depth firsthand experience on various types of falls and the subsequent bruising
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