#sentient malfoy manor
dewitty1 · 6 months
and the world is tumbling down
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter Additional Tags: Getting Together, Head Auror Harry Potter, Writer Draco Malfoy, Drarry in their 30s, Romance, Smut, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Old Magic, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Forced Bonding, Forced Proximity, Trapped In A Building, Gay Draco Malfoy, Bisexual Harry Potter, Falling In Love, Happy Ending, Drinking, H/D Erised 2022, Reedemed Draco, Floor Sex, Love Confessions, Matchmaking, Mystery, Malfoy Manor, Sentient Malfoy Manor, Harry Potter Has Long Hair, Draco Malfoy Cooks
Draco is thirty-five and content. He’s a writer, a painter, and has built a life for himself totally separate from the one he envisioned as a sullen, fearful boy at Hogwarts. Everything is calm—until his house begins trying to kill him.
This time Draco actually laughs. "You think the Manor is playing matchmaker?"
"Yes," Harry says somewhat sheepishly. He doesn’t know if he wants to be right about this or not, but it is what he’s been thinking since the previous night.
"Why do you say that?"
Draco narrows his eyes. "Alright, let's make a big jump in reasoning and say that my ancestors bewitched the Manor to make sure the Malfoy line continues. And let’s say that the problems currently happening at the Manor are caused by the fact that I’m not married, and I don’t have kids. Which is by the way, already a theory based on almost nothing. How would you possibly fix that?" Draco stares at him coldly. "If the Manor were to set me up with anyone, don’t you think it would choose a woman, and a pure-blood at that?"
"Well," Harry hesitates. He’d encountered that train of thought before, and Draco’s right it doesn’t make sense, but none of this makes sense, so what is one more fault in the logic? "Maybe it knows you don’t like women."
Again Draco laughs. "Do you hear yourself? You think my ancestors took my gender preferences into account when enchanting the Manor."
"It’s possible, isn’t it?"
"No, it’s crazy, Harry."
It’s the first time he’s ever called him by his first name but Draco doesn’t even appear to notice. Harry expected this reaction from him, but it’s still annoying. He knows he’s right. He knows it. "I think we should kiss," he says, in his best attempt at diplomacy.
Draco shoots him a bewildered stare. "What?"
"To test the theory out," Harry adds quickly. "One quick kiss. If I’m right the Manor might let us out of here, and if you're right then I promise I’ll shut up about this and never mention it again."
A cocky grin comes onto Draco’s face. "Is that why you made up that stupid theory? You want me to kiss you? Merlin, Potter…"
"I don’t want it," Harry says emphatically. "I really do think it’s what the Manor wants."
"Sure, sure, my house wants us to kiss, whatever," says Draco, and he rises gracefully from the seat.
Without knowing why, Harry takes a step back from him. "You’re actually going to do it?"
"Yeah, why not? We gotta test your theory right?" he says mockingly, and Harry wishes he could slap that smirk straight off his face.
Draco takes a step closer to him and all at once Harry realizes what is that he asked for. He finds himself blushing. He can’t help it. This isn’t like kissing a stranger, or kissing a friend, both of which Harry has done before. Despite all their animosity, or perhaps because of it, he and Draco’s relationship is different than any Harry has ever had. He used to hate him. He grew to pity him. And now he finds that there’s something pleasant in Draco’s company.
He stands his ground as Draco comes closer. Time seems to move slowly, and even before the kiss has happened Harry can feel the weight of it in the air. He has the peculiar sensation that he was anticipating this, that his body expected this. Draco is taller than him, and his face has become serious, the smirk melted off his lips. His hand touches Harry’s shoulder lightly and as he leans in Harry closes his eyes.
His lips are soft, and the kiss is brief, no more than a peck between them, like schoolboys. Except it’s not enough. Suddenly, it’s like his body is acting of its own accord. His hand goes to Draco’s hip, and pulls him forward, kissing him hard. The world quiets and their unique situation dims. Harry forgets about his theories, in fact he forgets all about Malfoy Manor.
He’s kissing Draco Malfoy. And it feels like something within himself bursts open. It was never logical. It was never something he would admit to himself. But isn’t this something that he secretly yearned for? Isn’t this something that always lurked right underneath the surface of his dislike?
His mind is buzzing. His body is on fire. His world is tumbling down. And they're still kissing. Arms wrapped around each other they stumble until Harry’s pressed up against the bookshelf and Draco is pressed up against Harry.
And he can’t breathe, and he doesn’t want to breathe, and the only question lurking in his mind is why the hell they’re still wearing clothes?
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acanadianmuggle · 2 months
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Oneshot - 10k - complete - rated M
Malfoy Manor has decided that the heir should be wed.
Cue a line of possible suitors taken to the Manor quite against their will, an unspeakable visitor and a quite ingenious solution to all of Draco's problems.
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rarepears · 2 years
The Malfoy Manor X Weasley Burrow fic idea you never asked for...
But KK (aka @keyboardkn0t) proposed the idea in the first place. So blame her.
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@marbelcrossovers is calling the kettle black when she's 100% the pot
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. A Little Menace by DarknessAboundsHere [M, 4k]
►James Sirius Malfoy-Potter has a problem. And Draco Malfoy has a confession. Harry is just an innocent bystander.
1. Listening to the Manor by Anonymous [T, 11k]
►When Dudley gets turned into a bird on a roadtrip, Harry has to save his cousin. He meets a mysterious blond man and a sentient manor house that needs his help. But first he has to do his new job at the Magical Creature spa, the only reason he can stay... ★ Lights Camera Drarry 2024 | @lcdrarry
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hdowlpost · 6 months
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OWL GIFTS for @apricitydays-lazynights
An Almost Kiss Summary: They both turned at the exact right moment, their lips almost brushing… Art Medium: Backstitching on cotton. Rating: G Contains: no warnings Notes:apricity, your signup mentioned that you like fibre arts, so when I got this pattern, I immediately thought of you! I hope you like it!
Breakfast in Bed Summary: True love means making your husband's favourite breakfast. Art medium: digital, procreate Rating: General audiences Contains: breakfast in bed, warm fuzzy feelings, domestic fluff, digital art. Notes: A small holiday gift for the lovely apricity. I was so pleased to be given you to make art for. I love spending time with you on the drarry discord and I'm glad to share a fandom with you. I hope next year is a great one, both for you and your family. Thank you to the mods of this lovely fest.
A Hand to Hold (in the dark) Summary: It started small. It didn't end that way. A quick tale of falling in love while you piece yourself back together. Word Count: 5,109 Rating: Teen Contains: (Highlight to view) *Malfoy Manor is sentient, magical house theory, panic attacks, Malfoy family dynamics (sort of!), patient Harry Potter, falling in love* Notes: Merry Christmas Apricity! I loved writing this, I love magical house shenanigans so ran with that! I hope you enjoy. Thank you AGAIN to the mods for your endless patience, which I have needed!
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tackytigerfic · 7 months
๋࣭ ⭑☔ for the ask game please! ๋࣭ ⭑
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Hello, dear Apri! thanks so much for asking. I have quite a few of these. I would never say never and in fact I have started writing all of these, to various extents, but they have been languishing in my docs for many years now so may never see the light of day.
First we have the Theo Knot fic (my eternal thanks to the Theo Knot anon) and I do really want to write this one because I think it would be really fun to tease out the tone? Like, would it be more cracky or more angsty? I think in my planning doc for this one I had the idea to bring adult Teddy into it too, with a werewolf inheritance and maybe him having a crush on Theo and that would bring tension between him and Harry... Or maybe he even has a crush on Harry and his wolfy instincts just make things worse. anyway I am mentioning this here because I really want it to happen sometime!
I also had an idea for a sentient homes fic where Harry finds out he has a country house (also left to him by Sirius) but that the house is actually "mated" or paired in some way with Malfoy Manor. Harry and Draco hate each other, and their house start ruining their lives by trying to shove them together. Lots of potential fun for healing/ redemption arc/ post-war reparation stuff. Plus country squire deliciousness.
Aaaand one other fic I have a good few thousand words written of is a multi-POV quidditch fic where Harry is a washed up somewhat slutty Quidditch star, and Draco comes back from France and buys the team Harry plays for in a last-ditch attempt to save them from relegation. I had eight scenes planned in the POVs of people like Pansy, Lee Jordan, an OC who is a young French seeker Draco recruits, Oliver Wood, Ron, and so on. I think I also had a scene with Draco wearing... gold... shorts? and then the final sex scene would be in Harry/Draco POV. anyway. i think that would be fun as I've never done a full multi POV fic.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Dronarry Fest - 5 fics I loved
Finally done with my @dronarryfest marathon and oh boy, what a ride it was! Lots of brilliant characterization, excellent UST, top gardening aesthetics, possessive sharing galore, mouth watering smut - 20 tasty gems across different tropes and genres! I’m beyond impressed with the fest’s quality, found some instant favorites that will certainly feature in my end of the year wrap up list, and am very excited to share them below with you. I can’t wait for reveals so I can properly shower these authors with love. We still have a couple days before it so go feast and make sure to leave kudos + comments at your heart’s content. You can (and should!) read the full catalogue here. Enjoy!
🤐 All the good things and the bad things that may be by @maesterchill (M, 5.7k) - hilarious and sweet, truth serum confessions, hung!Ron cause that’s the gospel truth, pre Dronarry and a phenomenal Draco making an appearance at the end. This is your obligatory no-angst pit stop to make your Monday better!
The one where Harry and Ron are forced to talk to each other loudly and honestly about their sex lives for The Greater Good. Or at least for the thwarting of evil.
🧪 Let Be, Let Be by @tackytigerfic (M, 10k) - VEELA Ron!!!!! That’s all, that’s why you should go read this right away. And also for this delicious established Drarry, protective/possessive Ron, competent Healer Draco, hurt Harry being loved and cared for as he deserves, and a sexy get together so full of tenderness and understanding👌🏼
Ron's never had a place to really call his own, so when the deeds to an ancient magical house in Bulgaria appear in his Gringotts vault, he ropes in his Curse-Breaker best friend (and his Curse-Breaker best friend's Field Healer boyfriend) to come and check the place out with him. What he doesn't expect is wanton destruction, a Veela transformation, and the need for some serious conversations between friends. And whoever said Draco Malfoy was bad at sharing?!
🌸 Trillium by @wolfpants (E, 13k) - gardener Harry owns my heart! I immediately fell in love with this sweet pining Ron lusting after sneaky boyfriends Drarry; lots of ogling and dancing around each other with tender brOTP moments and the softest cottagecore vibes you’ll see today
Harry and Draco are shagging. Ron’s got a hunch, and the only way to find out is to volunteer his services alongside Harry’s in the Big Malfoy Manor Cleanup of 2010. What could possibly go wrong? The one where Harry owns a gardening business, Draco is an aspiring National Trust property owner, and Ron is far too invested in the fit of Draco’s lovely clothes and the smell of Harry’s hair. But he doesn’t fancy them or anything like that.
🐉 The Sun, Shining Above You by @oknowkiss (E, 14.5k) - poly established Drarry ftw and a brilliant flashback that will def make you ship Dron like there’s no tomorrow, my heart was in my mouth waiting for their reunion. I’m very much here for dragontamers orgy shenanigans and sneaky sex at the Burrow, and if you’re a hoe for soft pining Draco and past Drarry + Charlie then run don’t walk towards this one!
Since joining up with the dragontamers, Draco counts his days in nights. Nights spent drinking in the commune mess, making poor choices he doesn't regret, for once. Nights he doesn't remember, and nights he wishes he could stop remembering. Then there's that night in Spain, caught in the circle of Ron's arms. A year of nights in Norway, caught in the heat of Harry's gaze. His first night at the Burrow, caught in between them both.
🪴 Silhouettes by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 16.7k) - one of my favourite fics of the year with heartbreaking sentient Burrow, established Rarry, exquisite POV multiple narrative, more gardening aesthetics and hands down the hottest UST and threesome sex you’ll see today. This grieving and perceptive Ron is a triumph, everyone else can go home
Draco's trying to fix the Burrow, Ron's trying to grieve, and Harry... well, just what is Harry actually doing, anyway? A tale of grief, gardening, and ghouls, bad memories, bad puns, and bad flirting, and nudity both accidental and very, very deliberate. Cw: minor character death.
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longdaytogo · 1 year
Hi! Please forgive me if this is kind of a weird question but I am sort of new to fandom and I am not sure what the appropriate “etiquette” is :-) I happened to see one of your lovely Drarry art pieces and I realized that I have been working for several months on writing something that has a very similar beginning to your sweet (and sad!) story about the portrait of Draco as a child. My thing definitely goes in a different direction (Draco is alive, Harry and the painting work together to find him, it gets into the magic of the sentient paintings in detail, etc.) but it very much starts out in an eerily similar way, with Harry being part of the Auror crew cleaning out the manor prior to a reparations auction (the Malfoys appear to have been revenge-murdered during house arrest) and finding a painting of Draco as a child and talking to it. The painting even recognizes Harry due to his scar and having read stories about him as a child. Harry takes the painting to prevent it being auctioned to some rando and things go from there. I swear this is just a weird coincidence—there are a number of portrait fics but I had not seen anything with this premise until now (and maybe this is common and I just haven’t seen them) but since your work is posted I just wanted to see if you would mind if I continued to work on mine? I don’t want to continue if it would be inappropriate to have something so similar or take away from your work in any way. I don’t even know if I will finish but I’m about 5,000 words in at this point so it’s an actual possibility. It’s my first attempt at a fic and I am sure it’s not great but if it turns out to be not a total disaster I was planning to post it on ao3. Let me know if that would be ok (if you respond could you respond directly?). Thank you so much and so sorry to bother you.
Hi thanks so much for taking the time to ask, etiquette wise it means a lot! All the ideas/hc's I post are free to use as reference or inspiration since I don't claim any of them as solely my own (since I believe anyone could have come up with it as well). This goes for any ideas from my artworks too. If anything is directly inspired from my works, I'd appreciate a credit but it's absolutely not necessary, especially if you add your own creative take on it. Please feel free to go ahead with your fic and I would love to read it when you publish it 🩷
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anisethefiaadmin · 2 months
There was no point in knocking on the door of Malfoy Manor. Ginny knew that perfectly well. She also knew that she was going to do it anyway, because nothing relieved her feelings like a good hammering on a door. Not that this was going to help, particularly, when it came to an issue like this.
She flung open the gate and stomped down the winding front drive, glaring fiercely at the beautiful spreading cedar trees lining either side. The manor itself was a massive block of honey-colored stone, Jacobeathean style, its towers, gables, parapets, balustrades, and chimneystacks glowing softly in the afternoon sunlight. A flag with the Malfoy dragon crest flew from a turret. The beauty of the home only made her angrier. She strode up to the huge front door, casting the bronze dragons on either side a suspicious glance, and banged the knocker up and down as hard as she could.
Truth be told, she wouldn’t have been surprised to get no answer at all. She was already a bit shocked that the entire grounds weren’t spelled to specifically keep Weasleys out. Alternately, she might have expected a supercilious butler elf sniffily informing her that no blood traitors were allowed. But the door opened on her first knock. And on the other side stood no other than Draco Malfoy, hands casually thrust into his pockets, favoring her with a slight, amused smile.
“Why did you answer the door?” she blurted.
He raised one elegantly sculpted eyebrow. “It is my house, a fact of which you surely must be aware, Weasley.” “
Well—er—never mind that.” Ginny was already feeling flustered. He’d caught her off guard, which was something that Malfoy seemed capable of doing all too often.
“Care for a biscuit?” he asked. “It’s almost teatime.”
“No, I don’t want a biscuit! You KNOW what I want.”
He looked her up and down in leisurely fashion, which gave her just enough time to curse her choice of words. “And that would be…?”
“I want to talk to you about this stupid witch’s curse! The one that’s forcing me to date my worst enemy’s sibling.”
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broomsticks · 1 year
Heyy! I was wondering, can you help me out with some drarry recs? I read a few drarry fics YEARS ago and honestly don't remember them at all, and the past few years, I've only read marauders era fics. I want to explore drarry a bit, but in a lot of the fics i try out the pairing seems kinda illogical. Yk like the fic just pushes them together bc it's a drarry fic but it doesn't really make sense beyond that. Maybe I've just had bad luck. But that's why i wanted to ask whether you have any recs that could get me into the pairing again. I think i mostly want canonish stuff (no crazy AUs), and lengthwise im alright with whatever, but a longfic would be nice!!
so first off - thank you for thinking of me hahaha, but I'm not the best person to ask because I don't read a ton of Drarry! (I say that and it's my third most bookmarked ship, behind Wolfstar and Jily.) it's not a ship I'm particularly wild about either, for similarrrr reasons to you it sounds like (not a huge fan of postwar redemption arc and if I'm going to read that I usually would rather read lightning gen femslash, and most of the AUs tend to read sorta 'any two guys' to me), but I have read a bunch I enjoyed and I do have a couple faves:
Listening for the Angels by @hawksquill // 12k, M
The trials are over. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy are in Azkaban, the Ministry has seized Malfoy Manor, and Draco is banished to live among Muggles. His exile brings Draco more than he ever bargained for: a Squib therapist, Muggle friends, a new career, and a mysterious pen pal who helps him come to terms with what it means to grow, heal, and make amends.
lmao I know I just said postwar redemption not my jam blah blah, but the writing of this one is just lovely. it's Draco-centric and more pre-slash gen than relationshippy, but the character growth is so well done.
What We Pretend We Can't See by @gyzym // 131k, M
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
the plot. the relationships. the conflict. the humanity. I remember this one totally sweeping me away! gyzym also wrote one of my favorite aziraphale/crowleys (build me a city, call it jerusalem, 3.5k, T), pre-show/dated 2012, give this a try if you'd like a quick taste of their writing, it's what motivated me to start reading that Drarry longfic!
I found the sentient house magic intriguing in this one:
The Claiming of Grimmauld Place by bixgirl1 // 75k, E
When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home — but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge. However, as Malfoy and Harry get closer, Harry comes to understand that expectations aren’t always the best path by which to guide his heart — and in the process learns just what is needed to make a house a home.
I will say this ship has a lot of a) magical theory, particularly sentient house magic, b) auror partner casefics, and c) mysterious medical maladies, so if that's something that interests you I can rec a couple more!
last but not least I know you said no crazy AUs, but you did also say Wolfstar, and I was just rereading this to rec it elsewhere: here's an online romance Drarry AU with HIV+ Remus and Wolfstar raising Harry. Angst, smut, fluff, family... this fic is lovely.
Dragons Don't Know Paradise by @teacup-tai // 51k, E
In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon. This is a story about falling in love online and about facing the reality of death, but above all, this is a story about hope, finding love and acceptance. (Non-magical / bookshop AU, written for the 25 days of Drarry 2020)
a couple more recs here for Wolfstar + Drarry!
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dhr-ao3 · 3 months
Do Stop Trying to Seduce Me
Do Stop Trying to Seduce Me https://ift.tt/b6UN0GY by haydenly16 A continuation of the Murdery Domestic Fluff. There is a sentient Manor and the Keeper. Slytherins. The Malfoy parents. And smut. This one is mostly smut. Words: 7462, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Domestic Murdery Fluff Time Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Sentient Manor - Character, The Keeper Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: marriage law, Fluff and Smut, The slytherins are here too, Smut getting progressively smuttier, No Beta, I just be typing stuff, Murdery Domestic Fluff, badass witches, Once again they discuss murder, POV Draco Malfoy, No first person tho, Y'all they be getting spicy up in here via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/kuapLbo March 16, 2024 at 06:11PM
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Hi! I'm looking for a fic I read a little while ago, but I cannot remember the name of it for the life of me and I can't find it anywhere. I remember it was post war, Draco was wanting to burn down the manor and Hermione ends up being there and she's the one who ends up burning it down. If I remember correctly, the manor was almost sentient, and it was attacking them both as well. Thank you!
Lost Images By: EvilGu - M, 51 chapters - Epilogue up! MARRIAGE LAW Hermione must marry Draco Malfoy- the only wizard that (begrudgingly) petitioned for her who is not actively trying to kill her. If only there was some loop-hole… Can the unlikely pair survive marriage, in-laws, ghosts, murderous enemies, and their own traitorous feelings?
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rarepears · 2 years
Oct 2022 Masterpost
made up fic title ask game
just bullying astranne again
shen qingqiu has an emotional support parrot and hijinks happen au
endeavor x gin
thoughts about dabi's hair dying regime au
checkerface decides to recruit sung jinwoo as the cloud arcobaleno au
PIDW reborn as cats and Shen Jiu is the lucky cat owner au
malfoy manor x weasley burrow au
in which everyone thinks shen yuan got engaged to luo binghe before endless abyss au
the married life of sung jinwoo and wen ruohan au
Shen Yuan’s bumpy carriage ride with his husband
people think shen jiu is an airbender
shen yuan and luo binghe are aizawa’s adoptive parents au
pidw!luo binghe sees a except it's really a peak of the svsss happily ever after world and it changes things au
shen yuan and luo binghe’s vacation in mdzs au
of the raccoons and rabbits in gusu lan au
the terrifying ordeal of being known: where SVSSS cast already know that Airplane is the Creator upon his transmigration au
behold king Ichigo of westeros and his queen sandor clegane with urahara as Hand of the king au
tywin lannister x sung jinwoo 
aerys targaryen becomes less of a mad king with the steady application of harry potter's magical healing cock au
Shen Yuan transmigrates into Qiu Haitang (when Shen Jiu is still a slave) au
wei wuxian controls not just corpses but also broken down corpses aka fossil fuels au
liu qingge has a conspiracy theory that shen qingqiu made a deal to forget his memories in order to gain the ability to see his future au
toji x endeavor au
cang qiong ensures next gen of peak lords get along via coparenting baby dolls except these are actual babies and sj has a harem now au
shen qingqiu: qing jing peak lord by day and crime lord by night au
Ichigo (Bleach) consumes Sukuna's finger au
the great ancestor SVSSS AU
sung jinwoo becomes luo binghe's stepfather au
house targaryen actually tamed their dragons by seducing their dragons and become basically dragon-husband and human-wife au
malfoy manor x weasley burrow au sentient magical houses have personalities and sentienceyes we can ship anything
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hd-wireless · 2 years
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
🎵 Across My Memory
🎵 Explicit, 4458 words ❗ Warnings/Tags: Light Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Malfoy Manor, Sentient Magical Houses (Harry Potter), The Drawing Room, Memories, Mention of Minor Character Death, Flashbacks, Sadness, Established Relationship, Harry Potter Saves the Day, loving Harry potter, physical touch, Hugging, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, A lot of comfort, Explicit Sexual Content, Blow Jobs, Body Worship, Riding, Anal Sex, post-sex cuddling, Pure Fluff after that, Porn with a little bit of Plot, Dark Mark (Harry Potter), Draco Malfoy Has Long Hair, Consent, fantasies 🎵 Song Prompt: Once Upon A December by Christy Altomare
🎵 Summary
Malfoy Manor holds a lot of memories in its corners. Memories Draco would rather forget. Or would he?
Read on AO3
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fanficspringboard · 2 years
House Proud
Status: Complete
Wordcount: 23k
Rating: Mature
The war has ended and it's time of reconciliation. Harry Potter fights futilely with the gloomy, oppressive atmosphere of Grimaud Place but nothing he does improves its dilapidated state. Meanwhile the formal ceremonies to commemorate the war end are held at the splendorous  Malfoy's Manor and Draco plays the role of gracious and attentive host. This just adds confecting emotions Harry feels towards the house - e hates it for not obeying its wishes, associates if with the unhappy childhoon of Sirius yet he is not willing to sell to to Malfoy who made a very generous offer.
Things slowly start to change when one day all exits from the house disappear trapping a guest inside. Harry slowly and reluctantly learns what it means to be the owner of wizarding home and what duties does he have. After years of having been denied comforts both during life at Private drive and later horcrux hunt, he learns to appreciate traditional wizarding culture he associated only with bigotry and elitisms. The change happens gradually through small changes and putting effort into the house renovation - changing a piece of furniture, choosing a new color scheme, staining floors or weaving fabric.
The concept of a sentient, magically-powerful house is a very creative concept seamlessly fitting into the overall HP worldbuilding. The author also shows that taking pride in family heritage and possessions does not equal becoming a pureblood fanatic - the canon oversimplified it vilifying the tradition-oriented characters.
There is are elements of mystery in the story, some paragraphs make you lough, there is also a growing tension between Harry and Draco. Although Harry's transformation into someone who follows wizarding traditions may seem a bit too abrupt, it's a must read.
Link to AO3: click
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Image from Unsplash by Bethany Opler
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tackytigerfic · 2 years
Three parts of your fics I remember you by:
Draco's cold thighs
"Myne owne hertis rote"
Harry talking to Hogwarts castle
Hello darling mai, it is so good to see your name popping up again! Thank you so much for these, it's a real delight to get to hear about the things that have stuck with you.
Draco's cold thighs were one of the first things i thought of for that ficlet (which is Through the Window) because you know that feeling of being so in shock about something that your whole body gets that shivery rush of cold? plus of course he was in just his pants as he was trying to get some socks and draco is a socks before trousers man.
"Myne owne hertis rote" (which is a real medieval endearment btw, I MEAN) is from my first toe-dip into multiverse fic and i sort of have it to thank for being 120k into another multiverse fic. Delightful. Our Little Life is one of my own favourites though, just because them getting to be in love in every universe just means they can be as romantic as they want in however many ways they want:
A long time after—years later—he had asked Malfoy, lying across Malfoy’s big bed with his head resting in the scooped-out curve of Malfoy’s hip, “Do you know how to use a sword?” and Malfoy had half-laughed in surprise, and told him about years of fencing lessons, and the suits of armour he used to plunder at the Manor as a child, and Harry had buried his face in Malfoy’s skin and whispered, “My own heart’s root,” so quietly that Malfoy never even heard it. 
But all that came much later.
And the talking to Hogwarts I actually had to look up! As i wrote that a good while ago - so touched that you remember that! i think sentient buildings are such a great trope and that's something i would always have loved to read which is why I wrote it for A Lick and a Promise.
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