#The antennas to pick up CBS
dontmeanyoudontmissit · 8 months
Analog TV would never do me dirty like digital TV does
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eschatology-zihua · 8 months
Collective Consciousness :WHO AM I
--Another name for WHO am I is also called consciousness set
--Collective consciousness is based on Optimus Prime jumping into a well, where the original body is retrieved from the well but returns in the form of a juvenile Orian Pax
--The Orian Pax was picked up from the fire pit and has been staying at the Autobots base ever since. The Autobots are very united and have not publicly announced anything about the Orian Pax. The Orian Pax also has a natural sense of closeness to the Autobots, especially to the Ultra Magnus and Ratchet
--The term "Optimus Prime" in the article comes from every machine in the Autobots, a collection of Optimus Prime in consciousness. Therefore, to be precise, the term "Optimus Prime" here refers to collective consciousness, which truly exists but not truly. It can only remember a portion of what everyone remembers, so its memory has always been chaotic
--Released all energy and contained the energy of the Hammer of Saitianjiao, so the image of Optimus Prime is in a state of 0.1
--In the text, umop is a brother without any connection to fire. Yes, the brothers Dion and Orian Pax assume
--The entire article is written about CB because my friend wants to read it, so I probably wrote about it. However, I can also brainstorm the CP I want to read on my own, after all, this is your freedom, isn't it
--If you can accept it, please continue to read. If there is anything illogical, it is normal, it is all a stream of consciousness
"Have you successfully regained consciousness?"
Ratchet knocked out the recessed part while not raising his head to ask Tian Xiao, although he knew it was for nothing to ask, after all, everyone knew what the answer was
"... No," Ultra Magnus replied briefly, and his gaze never left the body in the treatment pod. He could give any command, but he really couldn't wake up, or in other words, no Autobots could wake up to accept the leader's departure
"Ultra Magnus, are you okay?" Smokescreen opened the door to the medical room and leaned out half of his body. To be honest, Smokescreen initially thought that among all the machines, Ultra Magnus was definitely the most rational and least volatile. However, as soon as he woke up, he found out from other machines that the boss had punched him, which really scared him
"Is there anything wrong? Soldier" Ultra Magnus didn't pay any attention to Smokescreen, but kept his gaze fixed on the healing chamber. "Is there any progress in the investigation into the generation of leader hallucinations?" Yes, it's not just Ultra Magnus who occasionally experiences leader hallucinations, but the entire base is experiencing this phenomenon. They haven't investigated whether there is such a phenomenon on the Decepticons side, And they are also afraid that this is a Decepticon or a virus specially created by the parliament... but everyone is very consistent in only investigating the source, not... investigating how to eliminate it
"Um... not really, sir. We have expanded the scope of our investigation once again, and..." Smokescreen unconsciously laughed as he spoke. Then, under the dual gaze of Ultra Magnus and Ratchet, he put the corner of his mouth back in place. Smokescreen quickly coughed twice, adjusted his attitude, "The little leader is very worried about you," and walked into the door, making way for it
"... Br... Brother?" The red and blue little boy walked unsteadily, holding the door and slowly poked his head out. The bright blue optical mirror searched for the machine he wanted to see in the room. When he locked the target, the long antennas on both sides of his head also involuntarily swayed with his mood
"Br.. Brother!" The red and blue little creature gritted its teeth and shouted at the target it was looking for, running over at an unsteady pace. No matter who saw this scene, they would feel adorable to death, especially when this little creature was still growing like a leader, its adorable attack power doubled
"Orian?" As soon as he heard the sound, Ultra Magnus sat up and quickly got off the repair bed, hugging Orian who stumbled and ran towards him. When he saw Orian, he really felt that all his troubles had been cleared. But then, Ultra Magnus shook his head, suppressed the uncontrollable emotions in his heart, and kept himself in a serious state watching Ultra Magnus, Although the corners of his mouth still involuntarily raised, "Why brought him over?" Ultra Magnus believed that he had specifically instructed everyone not to let Orian Pax know about his injuries
"Well... the little leader kept looking for you as soon as he woke up, sir, and then... he also learned about your injury from other TFs..." Smokescreen scratched his head and said with great concern. He really stopped you seriously, but who could refuse Orian? Under Orian's watery blue optical mirror, no machine could successfully refuse any of his requests, so Orian came over
Ultra Magnus also reluctantly replaced it. Indeed, no Autobots present could refuse any request from Orian. To be honest, even if Orian wished to obtain any celestial body in the sky, dozens of Autobots would be willing to modify themselves and turn them into flying vehicles to take them off from the sky. However, Orian would not have such hope. "5000 word review, soldier, tomorrow I will see it from my desk."
Smokescreen was in pain, and he shed tears. Smokescreen felt that it was worth a 5000 word review to replace Orian's brother. Later, Smokescreen left the infirmary in three steps and one turn
"Brother... pain?" The touch on his cheeks brought Ultra Magnus back to his senses. He looked at the small Orian in his arms, tilted his head, and asked himself with concern in his eyes. This caring look was so similar to "him"
"... Brother!" After finally regaining the attention of Ultra Magnus, Orian looked at him in a daze again and patted his face with a little anger. Orian really felt that his brother was clumsy and would hurt his face. He also felt that he needed to take good care of him. Orian's small CPU was gradually going to protect everyone. He remembered this and worked hard to pull down the face of Ultra Magnus, But he didn't know where the injury was, so he could only kiss the cheek closest to him, "Pain flies away~" The still unclear sound of a little nipple, no matter who heard it, felt like he was about to be hit
Ratchet looked at Ultra Magnus speechlessly, unable to hold back his lips due to a kiss and adorable concern. Although he should have turned off the recording function first, he shook his head, picked up the wrench next to the table, and walked over to tap Ultra Magnus' head. "Alright, give me Orian now, I need to check him, and you go prepare Orian's breakfast," he said
After a while, Ultra Magnus finally calmed down. He handed Orian to Ratchet and looked at the two red and blue organisms in the room again. After calming down his emotions, he left the medical room
On the road, many car enthusiasts came to inquire about his condition, and he replied one by one, wearing a rare smile. However, this led to a greater misconception among car enthusiasts about this illusion, which is what happened afterwards
Upon arriving at the energy block warehouse, just as he was about to open the door, bumblebee opened it. "Ah! Captain Ultra Magnus! What a coincidence!" bumblebee saluted with one hand and held a prepared juvenile energy block in the other hand
Ultra Magnus nodded in greeting and also noticed the energy block. Bumblebee immediately explained, "Because it's my turn to take care of Orian today, come and prepare breakfast... Hmm... sir, have you seen Orian? I went to his room to look for him, but I didn't see him." Although his tone was calm, it was fake to say that he wasn't in a hurry. Bumblebee was almost frantic, Pu Shen knew how devastated he was when he opened the door and saw the empty room. He almost wanted to rush out of the room and tell everyone at the base that Orian had lost it, but soon he noticed the note left on the table
It was written by Smokescreen, who carefully wrote about how he was peeping at Orian at the door. He found out that Orian wanted to go out and find Ultra Magnus, and after hearing about his injury, he kept hoping to take him to find Ultra Magnus. After reading it quickly, Bumblebee calmed down a bit, and he also knew how much Smokescreen admired leaders and cared about Orian, That's why he came calmly to pick up Orian's breakfast
Ultra Magnus nodded and said, "Orian is currently undergoing a medical examination in the infirmary, just give me breakfast." His tone was almost the same as usual, but he unconsciously smiled, probably in a good mood? It seems that Orian is doing nothing... Bumblebee's advantage as a scout was immediately evident. He nodded and handed the plate containing the energy blocks of the young body to Ultra Magnus. Then, just as he wanted to go to the infirmary with Ultra Magnus to pick up Orian's Bumblebee, he received Arcee's insider information within two steps. After reading the content quickly, he signaled to Ultra Magnus and quickly left
On the way back to the infirmary, Ultra Magnus also received Ratchet's insider information, stating that Wheeljack had blown up the laboratory again and injured some personnel. He had to go check on it himself. Orian had already finished the examination and was eating candy in the room. Ultra Magnus was asked to hurry back
After reading, Ultra Magnus not only quickened his pace, but also quickly arrived at the door as the distance from the medical room to the energy block warehouse was not far
"Is that right! Really?" The voice of Orian from the infirmary, who couldn't pronounce clearly but was full of joy, spoke
"... organic?" Ultra Magnus was a bit puzzled and curious. Who made Orian smile so happily? He grabbed the door handle and twisted it
The "click" door opened, and two red and blue bodies sat side by side in front of the eyes. The smaller one kept emitting cheerful laughter, while the larger one only spoke in a low voice with a hint of laughter
"Click!" The sound of the broken plates made two red and blue bodies turn their heads at the same time. The same blue optical mirror looked at the dead body at the door. The small one raised his hand and waved happily, the big one just smiled a little
Ultra Magnus feels like all the functions of his body have come to a halt, or does he feel like he's still dreaming? Otherwise, how could he have seen such a magical scene, and even now he has an urge to punch himself, no, two punches... maybe three punches?
"Ultra Magnus, long time no see"
Okay, the door handle for the infirmary needs to be replaced again, Ultra Magnus thought, and now he needs to find more energy candies to soothe the frightened Orian, or should he first find some energy blocks for the leader?
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breakerwhiskey · 1 year
004 - FOUR
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey.
Transcript under the cut.
[click, static]
Alright, different channel today. Different channel and different state. I have made my way into West Virginia. And good lord, is it beautiful. I’m definitely avoiding all the flat just the way I wanted, but I am a little worried now that the mountains are going to make these signals even less likely to reach anyone. 
I’m keeping my eye out for a better antenna, something I could boost the signal with. I don’t know much about this thing–radios aren’t my specialty–but I’ve always been good at tinkering with things and I pick stuff up quick. It’s why I got into the line of work I did. You need to be able to improvise, figure things out fast, and you’ve gotta be good with your hands. 
I like discovering the way things work. In that sense, I bet you’d think this whole situation these past years has been my paradise. How do you improvise when the power’s out and the water stops being clean and you can’t get emergency services for shit because there might not be any kind of services at all anymore? I mean, sounds like a fun fair to me. 
The reality got old fast. But I think I was able to build a pretty decent existence. It’s why I think I can do it again. I take comfort in the knowledge that if this car breaks down, I can fix it, and if it really breaks down, I can get another one going. There’s certainly enough of them scattered around. 
Though not as many as I thought there’d be. I also expected the stores to be a lot more picked over. The gas stations, yeah, are mostly empty, but I think my odds of getting a stronger antenna are actually pretty good. I dropped into a hardware store late yesterday to get a tire gauge and air pump and the place felt…if not fully stocked, partly. And it’s not like I’m in the middle of absolutely nowhere, I’m still on a major highway. So why isn’t everything completely picked over? 
[click, static]
I have seen a couple of lights on here or there, which I can’t make any sense of. One of them was a roadside burger joint–their neon ‘open’ sign was glowing like it was new. So I went in and…well, I didn’t expect to see anyone, I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but I thought maybe…maybe there’d be a phone that still worked or a water heater or a working gas line.
It was the strangest thing. The neon sign was on. And the jukebox. And one of the lights over the counter. But nothing else. The phone was dead, none of the light switches seemed to do anything.
I did try playing a tune on the jukebox but…I don’t have any quarters. Why would I? I haven’t used money for anything in years.
But anyway, it all got me thinking…if I could find a working radio tower, could I boost this signal? As it stands, I’ve just got to keep driving round and round and round until I get lucky enough to come into range with another CB. But if parts of the grid are still working, then maybe—
[click, static]
Maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe it wouldn’t make a difference because maybe there is no one to find. And I’ll just keep tuning into a new frequency every single day and talking to the air. 
[click, static]
But I think it’s…helping. Even if I’m not talking to anybody.
[click, static]
Maybe because I’m not talking to anybody. If no one can hear me, there’s no consequence to anything I say. And talking to yourself isn’t embarrassing or sad if no one knows it’s happening. Right?
So, who knows, maybe I’ll keep going on this no matter what happens. I’ve got nothing to lose.
Signing off. 
[click, static]
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rotworld · 2 years
24: The Art of War
in humanity's hopeless war against ruthless alien invaders, your work as an interceptor and codebreaker managed to buy some time. it's also put a target on your back.
->contains discussion of war and war prisoners, implied kidnapping and captivity, discussion of servitude and power imbalance.
The proximity alarm starts beeping at two in the morning. You sleep in the studio these days, curled up on the concrete floor with a sleeping bag and a lumpy pillow, so it’s just a short, groggy lurch to the equipment piled in the middle of the room. You can’t see much of anything—power’s cut to everything but the essentials, which is the security system and frankensteined abomination of scrap metal salvaged from the old studio setup—but the console’s like your third arm. You know every knob and dial by touch.
Could be deer. Nothing but you and the wildlife out here since the city was abandoned, and sometimes a coyote or something will saunter right up to the front door. You’ve never had the time or resources to get a camera system set up so there’s nothing to do but wait in the dark. You grope around blindly under the desk for your food stash, fishing out a stale energy bar to chew on. Might as well get some work done while you’re up. 
You check for invader chatter first. They use different frequencies than friendlies and it takes a bit to tune your equipment for it, rotating your asymmetric, homemade antennae until the squeal of white noise turns into words. Glaldrikthian is hard on the ears. The inhuman consonants are harsher, fricatives like nails on a chalkboard. You can’t quite remember where you left your pen and paper, still shaking off the fog of sleep, but there’s thankfully nothing crucial to jot down. They’ve been clogging up their own airwaves with smalltalk and misdirection since they realized someone started listening in. 
A creaking sound down the hall makes your heart skip a beat and you turn down the volume on your equipment, holding your breath. Nothing follows. You exhale shakily. You slump against the desk, massaging your temples. You haven’t had a full night’s sleep in a while and it’s starting to take a toll. 
The CB radio sitting on the edge of the desk suddenly flares to life and a transmission comes through in a smooth, smug-sounding voice. “Good morning, Resistance. How do you feel about a peaceful surrender today?” 
You smile wryly, picking up the cord mic. “Go fuck yourself, Nloshe.” 
“Human obscenity is so suggestive. I don’t suppose you’ve considered my offer any further?” Any traces of his accent have disappeared and he sounds like a native speaker now, someone who grew up where you did. He’s had plenty of practice, you suppose, and he’s given you just as much in turn. 
“The one where you keep me like a pet? No thanks, I’m good.” 
“Not like a pet. Like a khethlirren,” he says, the word rolling off his tongue with enticing flair. 
“Same thing.”
“I know you’re well aware it isn’t the same thing. I explained it to you.” 
You fiddle with your equipment, tuning back into friendly frequencies. It’s dead silent. Not all that unusual nowadays. More of them have started learning human languages, too, and nothing essential is broadcast anymore unless it’s twice-encoded. Still, those thoughts start creeping in—what if everyone else is gone? What if this is the end of it? What if you’re all that’s left? Everything is dead drops now, enemy communications and battle plans scribbled down, tucked into envelopes and left under rocks in the woods when the weather’s right. You haven’t seen another person in weeks. You don’t even know who’s taking your envelopes anymore. 
You’re ashamed to admit that you’ve started looking forward to hearing Nloshe’s voice. It’s calm and soothing and he’s good at making all the creepy shit he says sound almost appealing. It’s a nice break from frantic frontline orders. 
“Today’s the day, just so you know,” Nloshe says casually. “I’m not boosting my signal. We found your location and we’ll be inside shortly.” 
You roll your eyes. “I’m sure you really, seriously did this time.” It’s occurred to you that he does it on purpose, claiming in every single session that he’s right outside and about to break down the door. The threat is simultaneously meaningless and has you on high alert, fraying your already weathered nerves. Was that crumbling sound just some twigs and acorns rolling down the windows, or was it a Crawler, the freakish cybernetic exosuits glaldrikth soldiers wear, climbing onto the roof? You can never be sure. You’ve only moved your home base once since the war started, scared out of your last foxhole by a troopship flying so low it clipped the radio tower.
“I wonder what you look like,” Nloshe muses. “There’s such variety to humans. Do you have hair? How tall are you? What color are your eyes? You must be curious about me, too.”
“Not in the slightest,” you say. 
But you’re lying. You are curious. You’ve never been on the frontline so you’ve only caught glimpses and seen blurry pictures, back when the internet was still up. Crawlers are bulky, stark silver and cover them completely from head to toe, a mass of articulated, spider-like joints and grasping limbs built to navigate rugged terrain and debris fields. But are all those arms real? Cybernetic? Just part of the suit? No one’s sure. They never take them off, even when wounded. You don’t know if they need them, if Earth’s air might be hazardous to them, or if they’re just for a tactical and defensive advantage.
Maybe there’s a quiver in your voice you can’t hide, or maybe Nloshe is just being an arrogant douchebag again. Either way, he says, “I’d be happy to show you when we get there. I think you’ll find me to your liking. Most humans do.” 
You find yourself drifting off to the sound of his voice and startle awake when you sway, knocking into your tower of equipment. A few things clatter and get bent out of position but nothing falls or breaks, thankfully. You let out a long sigh and sit on the floor with the CB radio mic clutched against your chest. You’re a mess, hungry, sleep-deprived and so starved for conversation that these snippy conversations with the enemy are one of the only things that gets you out of your sleeping bag anymore.
Humanity wasn’t exactly winning the war to begin with. You bought some time, a solid month of stalemates and hard-earned victories clawed from the jaws of death, but the glaldrikth figured out where they were leaking information quickly. 
People have come and gone. Towns have been wiped off the map, evacuated, consolidated for use by the invaders to build new, fantastic megacities. Propaganda leaflets blow across the radio station lawn sometimes, sleek flyers promising peace, safety and a new life for any humans left in the wastelands who turn themselves in at the nearest processing checkpoint. Some nights, they flood the airwaves with khethlirren testimony, human or human-sounding voices describing the wonders of glaldrikth city life and technology, the advanced medicine, the cuisine, all the work going into preserving and amplifying Earth’s beauty.
“I’m happy I was found,” these people say. Not that they surrendered. Not that they chose this life of their own volition. That they were found, plucked out of hiding. It’s smart, you think, for them to reward the last holdouts of resistance among those they conquer, adding a footnote of generosity to the end of their bloody campaign. The khethlirren are the most esteemed of war trophies, the ones who fought to the bitter end, and soldiers compete to earn them.
Nloshe has told you that your mastery of the Glaldrikthian language and contributions to the resistance movement have made you extremely valuable. He assures you every chance he gets that no one has outperformed yet, that you’ll be his when the time comes.
He’s quiet, you realize. That’s not good. Nloshe loves the sound of his own voice and harassing you every chance he gets. There’s a scraping sound outside that makes you flinch. A branch dragging across the side of the building? A Crawler’s sharp maneuvering pincer digging into the brick? Maybe it wasn’t there at all. Your head hurts so much. You want to slip back into your sleeping bag. You’re so tired. Did he get bored? Did he leave? 
Are you all alone again?
“Are you still there?” you say, your voice small. You clear your throat and try to sound more alert, less miserable. “Did your superiors catch you fucking around and make you go do something important?”
“I’m here,” Nloshe assures you. It’s embarrassing how relieved you are by the sound of his voice, all the tension leaking out of your shoulders. “And my superiors are perfectly content with how I’ve been using my time. Your apprehension is a fairly high priority.” 
“Guess I should be flattered.” 
You forget he isn’t human sometimes, but then he’ll make an odd noise that almost sounds like an audio distortion, a rumble or a static burst. That strange chirping noise, you’ve learned, means he thinks you said something cute. But then he gets quiet again. You hear the other receivers crackling on the desk, more Glaldrikthian chatter about nothing in particular coming through. There’s a new fusion restaurant opening in one of the megacities where some ambitious chef and his khethlirren are going to try and approximate glaldrikth cuisine with Earth ingredients, and the soldiers are curious but skeptical. 
You do wonder about it sometimes. Being found. Being taken away from this decrepit radio station and into the empire. You don’t buy the propaganda, of course. You just wonder. You’re too tired to make responsible decisions, like putting the mic down, because you ask, “What would you do if you found me?” 
You don’t get a response at first. It’s quiet. Water drips out of a pipe somewhere. There’s a nest of squirrels in the roof and you think you hear one of them scurrying on the other side of the ceiling panels. You think he really might’ve left this time. Off to quash another rebellion or mow down whatever’s left of Earth’s united military strength. But then, very softly, Nloshe begins to speak.
“I’ll carry you,” he says, “all the way back to the transport shuttle. You’ll want to walk because you’re stubborn and because you’ll think you can still get away, but you wouldn’t get far. You probably haven’t had proper rest or a decent meal in a long time. So I’ll carry you. You can fall asleep in my arms if you want to. The shuttle will be small, just the two of us. I’ll take you home. I have a small apartment with mostly Earth furnishings. Everything’s already set up for your arrival.” 
Your eyes flutter shut. You’re not comfortable, sitting with your back against one of the rigid desk legs on a concrete floor, surrounded by darkness and strange noises, but Nloshe’s voice gives you an anchor. Something reassuring, something to hold onto. You have so little left. The thought of being found terrifies you. You have a lot of nightmares about the metallic clatter of Crawler legs creeping down the hall or chasing you deep into the woods, skittering through the trees with inhuman speed and grace like giant spiders.
But sometimes they aren’t nightmares at all. Sometimes you dream that you walk out of the radio station and into the arms of something you can’t see clearly, something with Nloshe’s voice that tells you you’re safe and cherished, that your struggles are over and the pain is behind you. 
“When we get home, I’ll draw a bath for you,” Nloshe says. “You don’t have to lift a finger. I’ll undress you, rinse your hair, and wash your body for you. We have a variety of medicinal soaps and waters that will relax you and soothe your muscles. After that, I’ll dry you off. You’ll wear something exquisitely soft and comfortable to bed. You’ll sleep as long as you like. I’ll watch over you, stroke your hair. I’ll memorize the face of my khethlirren. When you wake up, we’ll talk. I want to know everything about you. What you like. How you spend your time. What pleases you. I’ll bring you comfort and luxury like you’ve never known.” 
Your image of Nloshe is ever-changing. He’s spindly. He has fins, or maybe legs like tree roots. He’s rigid and insectoid with segmented limbs and a chitinous face. He’s strange and liquid, a quivering mass inside of his Crawler that adjusts to the shape of whatever holds him. He’s nearly human. It’s so easy to close your eyes and imagine him like that, two arms and two legs and eyes where you expect them, hands to hold you, soft lips that speak his soft, beautiful words. 
“How much of that is the truth?” you ask. 
Nloshe makes a sound of purring laughter. “You’ll see,” he says.
You can’t keep your eyes open for much longer. He’s bluffing. The proximity alert hasn’t gone off again. Another false alarm. Another night of Nloshe toying with you. Another night in this cold, empty place. You don’t know how much more you can take. You set the CB radio aside and slouch back into your sleeping bag. Nloshe says something, maybe rambling more about his fantasy, but it’s all just lulling white noise to your exhausted ears. He talks you straight into the welcoming void of unconsciousness.
You sleep well that night. You don’t hear the squirrels, the branches tapping the windows. You don’t hear the tower creak as the wind blows through. You don’t hear renewed chatter over the invader’s favored frequencies, gossipping about the Induction Commander suddenly leaving in the middle of the night. 
You don’t hear the proximity alarm squeal one last, desperate time before a clawed, metallic limb seizes it from the corner of the desk and quickly deactivates it, or the softest click as it is gently, silently, set back down.
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the-invisible-queer · 3 months
I didn't have cable until high school
Growing up I had whatever channels we could pick up on our antenna which to my best memory:
ABC (NOT ABC Family)
Unknown offshoot of CBS but not CBS but it was related because that's how I watched Criminal Minds but I don't remember what it was called
Public access that was mostly town hall/court footage/politician shit
We somehow got NY channel 1 news in CT which was great because my grandmas would call my mom like "TURN ON CHANNEL 1"
But most of the stuff my brothers and I watched were VHS and DVDS
My parents raised us on a lot of old media like I Love Lucy, Star Trek (all series and movies), The Three Stooges, M*A*S*H, Happy Days, All in the Family, Police Academy
But even after we got cable I spent most of my time on
The only new channels I took advantage of were
Food Network
Disney Channel
Cartoon Network
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dentalnet32news · 6 months
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swldx · 8 months
BBC 0427 16 Jan 2024
12095Khz 0359 16 JAN 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55434. English, ID@0359z pips and newsroom preview. @0401z World News anchored by Chris Berrow. Donald Trump is projected by the BBC's US partner CBS News to have won the Iowa caucuses, cementing his status as frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Iowa is the first of the state-by-state contests where Republican voters pick their White House candidate. Votes are being tallied at locations around the state, despite temperatures plummeting to -23C (-9F). South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are still in a battle for second place. Iran's Revolutionary Guards said they attacked the "spy headquarters" of Israel in Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, state media reported late on Monday, while the elite force said they also struck in Syria against the Islamic State. The U.S. State Department condemned the attacks near Erbil, calling them "reckless," but officials said the missiles were tracked and no U.S. facilities were targeted and there were no U.S. casualties. Guatemala's new liberal president, Bernardo Arevalo, took office early on Monday after an extended delay that underlined the uphill struggle he faces to meet high expectations and enact a sweeping anti-graft agenda in opposition-controlled Congress. Arevalo, an academic and former diplomat, powered to victory in August, vowing to lift up millions of poor Indigenous Guatemalans, crack down on corruption and protect a democracy that has been under attack. Houthi rebels have hit a US-owned cargo ship with a ballistic missile off the coast of Yemen, the US says. The vessel, Gibraltar Eagle, reported "no injuries or significant damage", according to the United States military command for the Middle East (Centcom). The Houthi attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea have led many of the world's biggest shipping companies to change course, thus causing major disruption to global commerce. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Monday called for the constitution to be changed to ensure that South Korea is seen as the "primary foe" and warned his country did not intend to avoid war should it happen, state media KCNA reported on Tuesday. Golriz Ghahraman, a New Zealand Green party MP and its justice spokesperson, has stood down from her parliamentary portfolios after being accused of shoplifting from a high-end clothing store in Auckland. In her first public comments since the allegations surfaced, Ghahraman said: “It is clear to me that my mental health is being badly affected by the stresses relating to my work. This has led me to act in ways that are completely out of character. I am not trying to excuse my actions, but I do want to explain them." Succession, Beef and The Bear are the big winners at the Emmy Awards, which are taking place in Los Angeles. Sir Elton John also won his first Emmy Award, making him an EGOT. That means he has joined an exclusive club of performers who have won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony award. Elton Live: Farewell From Dodger Stadium won best variety special live, marking the British singer-songwriter's first Emmy nomination and award. @0406z "The Newsroom" begins. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2159.
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c3s6 · 10 months
i dont like the news. CBS ruined it for me :(
Cbs is like: hey lets report on celebs as soon as they die!!! And: lets fuckin milk current events! Hey look another celeb died again! Dont let your kids on social media!!
you know what? I DONT CARE. I DONT GIVE A DAMN.
The local news (on my affiliate) is ok but i live in an area where they dont report (on any weather OR news) and the only representation for said area is an ad for a restaurant. A FUCKING RESTAURANT. The commercial only aired two times. (Where the station is located is basically 30mins of interstate just to get to the said restaurant. Are cbs fans THAT willing to go to some unheard of part in the state?? Lol)
Only good thing about cbs is price but i will NEVER forgive them for replacing a perfectly good day worthy of price with a funeral of one of the price hosts.
Screw cbs and their messed up news.
My mom watches this crap. Its the only thing the TV will pick up where i live (besides the subchannels and a glitchy variation of PBS cuz of the 95% plastic 5% metal antenna). She used to watch ion but now its always on cbs. How do i get her to watch ion again cuz cbs is being more fucked up each day.
Dont get me started on the talk, they were selling fuckin dollar store bluetooth headphones for like, 15 dollars. Or something like that lol
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championsyedm · 1 year
The majority of TV stations are still only broadcasting...
Clearstream 4MAX vs 2MAX The 4MAX is easy to put together and does not include a metal reflector. The performance is comparable to the C4-V-CJM. Unlike the original C4-CJM, both contain a dedicated VHF element. I'm not acquainted with Dish, but I used my Spectrum cable box to feed my. I retained my cable internet and just watched the cable programmes I wanted. This arrangement suits us perfectly. We went from paying over $200 each month to about $95. I hope this information is useful. If I were you, I'd test the box anyhow; the worst that might happen is it doesn't function. With two conditions, yes, you can paint it. 1) The coax connector should not be painted. 2) Use a non-metallic paint instead of a metallic paint. It depends on the "digital spectrum" of the country in question. Years ago, the United States requested that networks convert from analogue to digital (and they all had to comply by 2010). If you're in a country with the same set of rules, what would you do? The antenna should therefore pick up those digital channels / digital sub-channels in principle. It's nothing more than a marketing word. Even though any antenna, including an old coat hanger, can receive 4K broadcasts, the majority of TV stations are still only broadcasting 720P and 1080i signals, and it will be a long time before they spend the money to upgrade all of their cameras, transmitters, and other equipment to broadcast anything in 4K. Another issue is that 4K would necessitate far more bandwidth than current broadcasts, and bandwidth is at a premium these days with all of the channels available. For a long time, I wouldn't be concerned about 4K OTA Broadcasts. But, to answer your question, if we ever get 4K OTA broadcasts, this antenna, along with every other antenna ever produced, would very certainly be able to receive those signals until the entire industry moves to a different set of frequencies, which is unlikely. I tested indoors and discovered that out door is far superior; mine was in my attic, but I received 9 additional channels outdoors. Best performance among all Antennas rated in the 60 Mile range category [note: location, obstructions, and building materials effect reception] Receive free TV from networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CW, PBS, Univision, MeTV and more in full HD 1080 where available Dedicated UHF and VHF multi-directional elements deliver range and reception in less than ideal locations Includes clear stream 1Max antenna, all-weather mounting hardware, and instructions (coaxial cable sold separately) Lifetime on parts – French/English Packaging Best performance among all Antennas rated in the 70 Mile range category [note: location, obstructions, and building materials effect reception] Receive free TV from networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CW, PBS, Univision, MeTV and more in Full HD 1080 where available Dedicated UHF and VHF multi-directional elements deliver range and reception in less than ideal locations. Beam angle: 470 to 698MHz: 45 degrees horizontal Plane reception pattern Includes clear stream 4Max antenna, 20in mount, all-weather mounting hardware, and instructions (coaxial cable sold separately) Lifetime warranty on parts
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newstfionline · 1 year
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Leaked secret documents detail up to four additional Chinese spy balloons (Washington Post) U.S. intelligence agencies were aware of up to four additional Chinese spy balloons, and questions lingered about the true capabilities of the one that flew over the continental United States in January and February, according to previously unreported top-secret intelligence documents. The Chinese spy balloon that flew over the United States this year, called Killeen-23 by U.S. intelligence agencies, carried a raft of sensors and antennas the U.S. government still had not identified more than a week after shooting it down, according to a document allegedly leaked to a Discord chatroom by Jack Teixeira, a member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard. Another balloon flew over a U.S. carrier strike group in a previously unreported incident, and a third crashed in the South China Sea, a second top-secret document stated, though it did not provide specific information for launch dates.
Leak Suspect Charged (1440) A Massachusetts air national guardsman, allegedly responsible for the worst US intelligence leak in a decade, made his first appearance in court yesterday, facing two counts, including one under the Espionage Act. Federal prosecutors revealed 21-year-old Jack Teixeira will be charged with unauthorized transmission of national defense information and unauthorized removal of classified documents or material. He faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted on both counts. The 21-year-old Teixeira was arrested Thursday, roughly one week after circulation of the documents on the social chat platform Discord became widely known. According to reports, the documents—which Teixeira accessed through a global Air Force intelligence sharing network—first appeared as early as last summer, eventually migrating to larger Discord groups and other online forums.
The Primary Breadwinner Is Disappearing From More Homes (WSJ) Nearly a third of marriages today have no primary breadwinner, as women continue to make strides toward greater equality at work and home. About 30% of U.S. opposite-sex marriages are egalitarian in earnings, according to new data from Pew Research Center, meaning each spouse earns somewhere between 40% and 60% of the couples’ joint earnings.
California’s superbloom is so big and bright, it can be seen from space (CBS News) California’s superbloom phenomenon is so big and bright this year it can be seen from space. NASA’s Landsat 9 satellite, which was launched in 2021 to capture images of Earth’s land surface, sent back images of bright purple and green blooms in Carrizo Plain National Park. A superbloom occurs when desert areas in Southern California receive more rain or cooler weather through the fall and winter, allowing more flowers to thrive.
In China, Lula seeks help to build back Brazilian industry (AP) The trip by Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to Beijing has made clear he is counting on China to help reinvigorate the South American nation’s ailing industrial sector—particularly by picking up the slack of exiting U.S. companies. After Lula met Friday with China’s President Xi Jinping, Brazilian finance minister Fernando Haddad told reporters the nations are planning a “leap forward” in their relationship. “President Lula wants a policy of reindustrialization. This visit starts a new challenge for Brazil: bringing direct investments from China,” Haddad said. He added that Brazil wants strong bonds with the U.S. as well, but noted with regret that recently “some American companies made the decision to leave Brazil.” Industrial policy is near and dear to Lula, a former steelworker who became a union leader. Brazil’s national statistics institute said in July 2022 that Brazil had lost 1 million industrial jobs over the prior decade, a decline of 11.6%. The institute said in 2021 that the country’s industrial sector represented 18.9% of Brazil’s GDP, down from 38% three decades earlier.
Food or medicine? Inflation squeezing retirees in Argentina (AP) With trembling hands, the bingo players at a Buenos Aires retirement center put the buttons they use as markers on their cards. Small containers hold their betting money, coins and crumpled low-denomination bills that every day seem able to buy less. Monthly inflation was 7.7% in March, up from 6.5% in the same month in 2022, Argentina’s National Institute of Statistics and Censuses announced Friday. Analysts project annual inflation—the measure used commonly internationally—will come in at 110% in 2023, one of the highest rates in the world. The impact has been particularly devastating on Argentina’s retirees, 85% of whom receive a state pension averaging 58,500 pesos a month, the equivalent of $265. That barely covers a third of their expenses for food, medicine and rent.
Drought will cause crop failures in Spain, farmers warn (AP) Drought now affects 60% of the Spanish countryside, with crops like wheat and barley likely to fail entirely in four regions, the main Spanish farmers’ association said on Thursday. Spain’s long-term drought is causing “irreversible losses” to more than 3.5 million hectares of crops, the Coordinator of Farmers’ and Ranchers’ Organizations (COAG in its Spanish acronym) said in a new report. Some cereals need to be “written off” in the prime growing regions of Andalusia, Castilla La Mancha, Extremadura and Murcia, and are likely to be lost in the driest areas of three other regions, according to the report. In the wine-growing region of La Rioja, farmers were in the exceptional situation of “having to irrigate cereals ... when normally they are never watered,” the association said. Nuts and vineyards are also struggling, and olives will be badly affected if rain does not arrive in the next few weeks, the report stated.
Germany ends nuclear power era, shuts down last of its plants (Washington Post) Germany is ending its nuclear energy era with the shutdown of its last three nuclear reactors by midnight on Saturday night—a moment pushed by the country’s steadfast anti-nuclear movement for decades and promised by successive governments, though it comes at a time when many other countries are moving in the opposite direction. Originally scheduled to be turned off by December, the three plants won a brief extension as Germany dealt with the fallout of the war in Ukraine and scrambled to find substitutes for cheap pipeline gas from Russia. German government leaders worried that the country might not be able to power itself through the winter. Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced he would keep the nuclear plants going for an extra 3½ months. In the end, a mild winter, a natural gas buying spree and the firing up of old coal power plants helped Germany avoid energy shortages. Government officials insisted it was time to make good on pledges to end nuclear power. But many Germans aren’t so sure. The latest polls show a majority wanted to keep these reactors going, for now, even if they don’t support nuclear energy indefinitely. Objections to the shutdown came even from within the ranks of Germany’s three-party governing coalition.
US, Vietnam pledge to boost ties as Blinken visits Hanoi (AP) Fifty years after the last U.S. combat troops left South Vietnam, Secretary of State Antony Blinken looked Saturday to strengthen America’s ties with its old foes in Hanoi as it seeks to counter China’s growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific. Blinken and Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh pledged to boost relations to new levels as they met just two weeks after the 50th anniversary of the U.S. troop withdrawal that marked the end of America’s direct military involvement in Vietnam. And it came as Blinken broke ground on a sprawling new $1.2 billion U.S. embassy compound in the Vietnamese capital, a project the Biden administration hopes will demonstrate its commitment to further improving ties less than 30 years after diplomatic relations were restored in 1995.
Japanese leader Kishida evacuated after apparent smoke bomb thrown at him (Washington Post) Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was evacuated from a campaign event Saturday after what appeared to be a smoke bomb was thrown at him. There were no injuries reported and Kishida was unharmed. Authorities detained a man at the site, Japanese media reported. Video footage from the event showed attendees tackling the man after the attack, which took place in western Japan. The incident served as a chilling reminder of security concerns for Japanese politicians, who typically appear in public with little visible protection.
Dozens killed as army, rivals battle for control of Sudan (AP) The Sudanese military and a powerful paramilitary group battled for control of the chaos-stricken nation for a second day Sunday, signaling they were unwilling to end hostilities despite mounting diplomatic pressure to cease fire. A doctors’ group said at least 56 civilians were killed and that it believed there were dozens of additional deaths among the rival forces. The Sudan Doctors’ Syndicate said close to 600 people were wounded, including civilians and fighters. The clashes capped months of heightened tensions between the military and its partner-turned-rival, the Rapid Support Forces group. Those tensions had delayed a deal with political parties to get the country back to its short-lived transition to democracy, which was derailed by an October 2021 military coup.
Christian faithful flock to ‘Holy Fire’ under restrictions (AP) Christian worshippers thronged the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem on Saturday to celebrate the ceremony of the “Holy Fire,” an ancient, mysterious ritual that has sparked tensions this year with the Israeli police. In the annual ceremony that has persisted for over a millennium, a flame—kindled in some miraculous way in the heart of Jesus’ tomb—is used to light the candles of fervent believers in Greek Orthodox communities near and far. Little by little, the darkened church is irradiated by tiny patches of light, which eventually illuminate the whole building as the resurrection of Jesus is proclaimed. Chartered planes then ferry the flickering lanterns to Russia, Greece and beyond with great fanfare. Many trying to get to the church—built on the site where Christian tradition holds that Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected—were thrilled to mark the pre-Easter rite in the city where it all started. But for the second consecutive year, Israel’s limits on event capacity dimmed some of the exuberance. Israeli police say they must be strict because they’re responsible for maintaining public safety. But Jerusalem’s Christian minority fear Israel is using the extra security measures to alter their status in the Old City, providing access to Jews while limiting the number of Christian worshippers.
Christian man in Gaza brings dates and water to Muslims stuck in Ramadan rush hour (Reuters) In the hour before sunset during Ramadan, Gaza’s roads become choked with cars as people dash home in time to break their fast with their families. Frustrated drivers beep their horns or try to cut through the gridlock, and there are more accidents than usual as a whole day without food or water dulls concentration and shortens tempers. For those unlucky enough to miss breaking the fast altogether as they stand in solid traffic, Ehab Ayyad is a welcome sight. The Christian man from Gaza offers dates and water to Muslims held up in traffic or late home to break their fast, in keeping with the Prophet’s tradition. Five years ago, Ayyad began by offering neighbours dates and water, the first thing Muslims normally eat when they end their fast at sunset, and decided to make the offer general. “It isn’t their month and they don’t fast but they feel for us and this is something good,” said coffee shop owner Louay Al-Zaharna, after receiving one of Ayyad’s gifts. Gaza, the coastal strip under an Israeli-led blockade since 2007 and run by the Islamist Hamas group, has only around 1,000 Christians, most of them Greek Orthodox, in a population of 2.3 million.
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tonkicurrent · 2 years
Cbs live tv
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Cbs live tv for android#
Cbs live tv trial#
Cbs live tv license#
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DIRECTV STREAM – Streams CBS in most of the US.
FuboTV – Streams CBS in 95% of the U.S.
Paramount+ – Streams CBS in most of the country and offers a 7-day free trial.
Cbs live tv trial#
Keep in mind not all of these services carry CBS in every market in the country, so you may not be able to take advantage of each one, but if you only need CBS for a short period of time, you can take advantage of the following free trial offers to watch CBS: Each of these services offers a free trial period to try out the service. The next section covers the various streaming services that carry local CBS in their channel lineup.
Cbs live tv tv#
Check out our guide on choosing the best TV antenna for more information. This antenna has a money-back guarantee, so it’s no risk if it’s unable to pick up your local CBS station. You can pick up an inexpensive antenna like the GE Ultra Edge for around $20. Nearly every television market broadcasts CBS over the air, so all you need is an antenna, and you are enjoying CBS free of charge. TV AntennaĪnother free option to watch your local CBS affiliate is using a TV antenna. The current owner purchased the station from “Nexstar Media Group” on 19th September 2019 and operating it until the current date.Before we look at the pay services that carry CBS in their channel lineup, let’s look at three free options to watch CBS without cable. “Nexstar Media Group” acquired Tribune Media in a deal of $6.4 billion, so ultimately WTVR was transferred to Nexstar Media. In late 2018, the station was the property of Tribute Media Group. Raycom Media swapped the broadcaster with “Local TV LLC” against WBRC and giving $83 million along with WTVR. The ownership rights were transferred to Media General as a result of its merger with “Park.” However, the company had also owned a newspaper, which was against the rules of FCC, so Media General swapped the channel with “Raycom Media.” In 1993, the company was acquired by Lexington, Kentucky Group of investors. In 1966, the WTVR News was sold from Havens to Roy H. The wining team of Channel 6 Richmond consist of well known news casters, political analyst’s, anchors and meteorologists.Ĭhannel History Stunning Nikki Dee Ray, Weather Anchor Here is the WTVR Weather Authority Team The Weather Authority CBS 6 | Credits: Meet CBS 6 WTVR News Team
Cbs live tv download#
WTVR 6 News has a dedicated weather app by the name “CBS 6 Weather,” which you can download to not only remain 24/7 in touch with the weather updates but also get alert notifications in case of any alarming weather condition. The team of expert meteorologists provides the latest weather updates to its audience. Other hot topics of WTVR 6 News include breaking news, talk shows, sports coverage, health, technology, and global trending stories. The primary focus of CBS 6 Richmond is to highlight the local news and stories related to Virginia. If you cannot access any of these mediums, then you can enjoy the live streaming of the channel through web streaming via the internet. The station also airs digital 1080i transmission and also 480i transmission via Antenna TV and CBS 6 Xtra. The audience of Richmond can tune on virtual channel 6 and UHF digital channel 23 to watch WTVR 6 live stream 24/7. Evening News CBS 6 | Source: Twiiter Transmission Mediums
Cbs live tv for android#
CBS 6 keeps you always in touch with the updates through its smartphone apps, available for Android and iOS platforms, and social media hubs. You can signup for the newsletter of Channel 6 News Richmond by your email. WTVR TV also organizes various contests for its beloved fans and distributes put prizes among winners. Wherever you live in the world, WTVR TV is the best source to get news updates related to Virginia. Channel 6 News Richmond also covers admirable stories and puts them in dedicated “Heroes Among Us” section of the broadcaster. You can share your captured story, pictures, and videos through CBS 6’s platform by sending them to the broadcaster. CBS 6 is a DT-classed broadcaster and broadcast by using 410 kW of transmitter power. “Working For You” is the tagline that WTVR uses to introduce the station commercially. NBC ended affiliation agreement in 1955, CBS in 1956, ABC left Channel 6 Richmond in 1960, DuMont in 1956, as new stations started their operations and took these affiliations. As it was the only in the region until 1955, it used to carry programming from NBC, ABC, CBS, and DuMont, all four major networks. NBC became the first affiliation partner of the broadcaster on 1st June 1948. The iconic tall tower of Channel 6 Richmond became operational in 1953.
Cbs live tv license#
At that time, the channel was the first TV station to get license south of the Mason/Dixon line, and 16th TV operator in the entire United States. WTVR News aired its first broadcast on 22nd April 1948 after receiving approval from the Federal Communications Commission. But in some instances, it might take few minutes. Usually it takes 5-10 of seconds to play live stream.
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campusjust · 2 years
Best car antenna booster
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✔️ FULL HD CHANNELS: With Our UPGRADED TV antenna no more need to pay a HUGE bill on TV.Enjoy a high-quality product with confidence. If you have problems with our HDTV Antenna, just contact us at any time and we will provide a full replacement or refund. ✅Our team of TV tech professionals is ready to help you with any problem.Smart IC USB Power Adapter with built-in overvoltage protection will help if in your TV there is no USB output for connecting dtv antenna to the power supply. ✅18 FT LONG COAXIAL CABLE & USB POWER ADAPTER: Makes amplified antenna easier for you to place it in your house to get the best reception, especially for customers whose televisions are quite far away from windows.Visit - "dtv gov maps" information is useful. NOTE: Always remember re-scan for channels after moving the Antenna. Hang the indoor antenna on a window or wall, or better position where owns better reception of your House. Digital antenna constantly scans for new channels as they're made available for broadcast. ✅UP TO 200 MILES RANGE: The indoor HDTV antenna can reach up to 200 miles and can be placed almost anywhere in your Home.The new technology filters out cellular and FM signals resulting in clearer picture, low noise and access to more free broadcast TV signals with enhanced gain, range and frequency performance. ✅FULL HD CRYSTAL-CLEAR TV & HD SOUND QUALITY: Our smart tv antenna adopts upgraded with new type Smart Switch control Powerful 2022 Amplifier Signal Booster with built-in Smart IC Chip Next generation & Crystal Clear Filter Technology to picks up signals within 200 miles range.With amplified tv antenna start to access all of the news, sitcoms, kids and sports programs! ADVANCED TOOL FOR LIFE TO RECEIVE THE CHANNEL WITHOUT MONTHLY BILL! Our HD antenna can receive FULL HD Channels like ABC, CBS, NBC, PBC, Fox and SO MUCH MORE. ✅FULL HD CHANNELS: With UPGRADED 2022 TV antenna no more need to pay a HUGE bill on TV.
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honey-dont · 3 years
kinda want you to talk about CB's clusterfuck of a hat xD
for @aweega who asked about cb too! going to divide this up by production bc he's had so many hats
since cb was originally inspired by truckers, his hat is modeled after a baseball cap/trucker cap! he also has an antenna for picking up cb radio waves. original cb had a much more working-class feel to him, so it's fitting that he has a working-class, blue-collar hat.
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his design motif changed, and so did his hat! cb's now a tin soldier with a military pillbox hat to match (or perhaps a short, flat-peaked forage hat?) the cutouts on the side represent cupola windows.
unlike rusty, there's no reason for his brim to have a grille, so it's probably just so you can see more details of the hat and to keep his face from getting shadowed
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bochum rewrite:
ok i just wanna get something off my chest real quick! caboose's hat is NOT a fedora!! i know people call it that bc fedoras have kinda become a catch-all for any wide-brimmed hat, but it hurts me :(
(mostly joking, don't take it too seriously)
his hat is a pork pie! you can tell bc the brim is shorter and curls up and bc the crown is circular. it also doesn't have the pinched front a fedora does. pork pie hats have a strong association with jazz and Black music culture which i guess...fits with the rest of his weirdly appropriated/stereotyped look...? it also has the cupola windows like the pillbox hat did except now he has like 3 or 4?? that's too many windows go put some back
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sshbpodcast · 2 years
Top 3 Star Trek The Original Series alien races
By Ames
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Join A Star to Steer Her By for the last leg of this miniseries of blog posts celebrating Star Trek: The Original Series. We’re wrapping up our side trip this week after reminiscing about our favorite one-off characters and our favorite villains from classic Trek. Now we’re hitting on something a little bit more alien: our favorite alien races!
While a lot of them are just humans with a little bit of extra makeup, there’s still a great variety of people, creatures, and critters through the galaxy for our valiant crew to encounter. Read on below for our favorite pointy-eared, blue-antennaed, fuzzy, slimy, magical, or primitive friends; listen to our chatter at the end of this week’s podcast episode (alien discussion starts at 49:00); and come in peace. There is indeed Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.
[images © CBS/Paramount] 
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Ames – The last of their kind
The Old Ones’ creations (“What Are Little Girls Made of?”)
M-113 Creature (“The Man Trap”)
Horta (“The Devil in the Dark”)
I find there’s something simultaneously lonely and hopeful about critters who are the last vestiges of their kind just trying to keep on keeping on. We see this perseverance in Ruk the android who was created by the Lovecraftian Old Ones, in the M-113 creature (AKA the Salt Vampire) who can shapeshift into whoever, and in the much beloved Horta who succeeds at guarding her young so that she won’t be the last for long!
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Jake – The construction company
Horta (“The Devil in the Dark”)
Talosians (“The Cage” / “The Menagerie”)
Sigma Iotians (“A Piece of the Action”)
All of Jake’s picks illustrate very specific and very different types of intelligence: specifically, they all really love building stuff! From the familiar Horta who digs tunnels and engraves words in rocks, to the super intelligent Talosians who can create a whole society with a thought, to the fan favorite Sigma Iotians who construct their whole existence from what they’ve read in a book, you should call any of these folks next time you have a project.
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Chris – It’s only logical
Talosians (“The Cage” / “The Menagerie”)
Sigma Iotians (“A Piece of the Action”)
Vulcans (“Amok Time” et alia)
Chris has gravitated toward species who really define what sci-fi is all about. Roddenberry would be proud. We start at the beginning with the most cerebral race we will ever meet in the Talosians, square off with the Sigma Iotians who are as clever as they are hilarious, and round things off with TOS’s crowning glory with the always logical Vulcans – probably the Trekkiest people out there. Without them, where would this franchise be?
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Caitlin – Beloved background sightings
Tellarites (“Journey to Babel”)
Tribbles (“The Trouble with Tribbles”)
Edosians (The Animated Series)
The aliens we see on Caitlin’s list are all familiar faces we see laying the foundation for the diverse, multi-faceted universe that is Star Trek. Throughout the various series, we spot the Tellarites as one of the founding members of the Federation, numerous tribbles who form the backbone of the franchise despite not having any bones, and the Edosians who were one of the more palatable elements of The Animated Series!
While you’re here, make sure you’ve checked out our classic blogposts: Top Five Star Trek TOS Episodes and Bottom Five Star Trek TOS Episodes. You’ll see a lot of familiar faces over there, wink wink.
That’s all the time we have for looking backwards for now. Next week, we continue to propel forward as we also voyage further into Voyager. Keep up with us in the Delta Quadrant over on SoundCloud, begin peace negotiations with us on Facebook and Twitter, and be sure to tip your yeoman!
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Our antenna for whatever reason does not pick up cbs.
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chrisodonline · 4 years
We’re one week away, and I’m finally able to get semi-excited. Still stuck with just a digital indoor antenna, but it does pick up CBS pretty well. Here’s hoping no weird vehicles pass by next Sunday night or my cats don’t walk in the wrong path. (They seem to impact the signal. Weirdest thing.)
Internet’s not back either, though some nearby blocks are starting to get it. (It’s only been, oh, 2+ months.) However, I broke down and bought a cellular iPad and a keyboard case for it. So, I’m sort of back, or enough to maybe liveblog. Or at least bombard pals with messages during the broadcast. 
Try to stay safe and sane this week, guys. It’s going to be hard, and if you’re work is like mine, the staying safe part is getting trickier and trickier. 
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