#The denizens of makai
dxrknessembr8ced · 6 months
As the venture further through the ruins Rei grabs his shoulder stopping him from taking photos and moving.
" Hey-! What the...-! "
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Both he and Rei stand there staring what appears to be a stronghold right in front of them, everything is quiet which placed the half breed at a uncomfortable spot while with Frank? He starts acting like a fool and calls out to see if there are any survivors.
" Chill out kid I got this, hey guys we're survivors to- "
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' BANG ! '
" SHIT-! "
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Well that worked well, both of them hid behind a vehicle as Rei shook his head in disappointment.
" Idiot, are you TRYING to get us killed? "
Grabbing his hunting rifle from behind his back aiming through his sights towards his targets only to see that the survivors that are attacking are not human, its a stronghold for horrors. Which means it's open season.
" They're not human, darkstalkers it's alright to kill. "
' BANG ! '
' CH-CHAK! '
Rei fired and got a clean headshot at one of the horror snipers, as its mangled body fell into the ground.
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Frank groaned getting out of the hiding spot pulling out his baseball bat.
" Oh greeeaaat more darkstalkers to kill, just my god damn luck! Alright kid cover me while I bash some of their skulls in. "
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Rei nodding his head for the first time he trusted Frank with this one time as a group of feral horrors emerged leaping out of their stronghold wearing clattered armor made from rags, human skin and other material they could scavenge reducing them into a more savage lifestyle. Not only that these makai beasts now use and rely on automatic weapons and swords and bats made from wood, nails, teeth, belly buttons, all sorts of body parts they use to craft their weapons for they dashed towards Frank as he swung his bat bashing a few of these darkstalkers across the face while being provided with support.
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One by one the journalist evaded their attack swinging that bat like no tomorrow while a few try to gain the advantage but as expected from Frank.
' BANG ! '
' CH-CHAK! '
Rei-Rei is the only half breed that would never back down from protecting Frank's head from these makai parasites, one by one each they fall one bullet at a time as he focus on his sights carefully not missing a shot. One of them got closer to Frank as it tried to attack but thankfully his brains got splattered before it could harm him.
' BANG! '
' CH-CHAK! '
With the last of them taken out he placed his rifle behind back running over towards Frank as he pulled out an powerful elephant killer out of his holster as the two bust into the stronghold pressing forward as they all must be careful for more darkstalkers to deal with as this is their territory.
" Thanks for the save kid! "
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Rei nodded.
" Mhm.. "
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brighth0pe · 2 years
{ Cont @purehatredincarnate }
Uncloaking his entire ship and letting him know was quite possibly the worst mistake the red cloaked being has ever made and alerting the entire legion of makai beasts was not bad enough but also the blue fairy whose in charge of it is even worst.
" Well, that looks like a fun lil' toy. Thanks for letting us know you weird warlock... "
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With a snap of her fingers the entire legion of horrors sprout their wings and like a big black swarm of locusts the horrors fly into the sky in groups swarming the individual and his entire ship showing how merciless and vicious to the core these creatures are as they feasts upon the darkness of humans for centuries and hater comprised a good enough source of evil within him providing them as a great source of food. They smell and feed off that darkness like no tomorrow.
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Red gargoyle and inga horrors alike as they finally came close to his ship they began to punch, claw, bite and gnarl the entire ship breaking it apart with relative ease while more of them come. They're trying to get into his ship to kill him and everyone inside if there is more prey inside of it. The makai fairy Mai stand there watching the entire scene played out laughing and clapping her hands.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
"Ruki! What's the demon world like? I heard Azusa mention it once. Is there really a buncha different types of monsters walking around? I'm so so soooo curious! I wanna visit~! Can I?"
"First of all, don't take any of my brothers' suggestions to heart, Sunny. Especially when it entails the unknown, lesser still the forbidden for mortals such as yourself. Second, if you visit that place, then you might as well harbor a death wish. Humans can only survive for so long in the demon realm before succumbing to a slow, infectious death... I'm serious. Do you hear me, Sunny? I don't know the context in which Azusa mentioned Makai, but regardless I can assure you you'll never step foot in that place."
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Exasperation crossed the Vampire's face as he held his temple, a sigh caught in his throat. Despite her eager demeanor and unyielding curiosity, Ruki swore at all costs to never take Sunny there—unless her life depended on some sort of supernatural cure, as unlikely as that would be.
"Why do you care so much about the 'monsters' walking around, anyway...? It's just as you would expect. Other Vampires, purebloods to be exact, live there. Not just Vampires, either. There are other types of demons, however we all share common ground in feeding off the life force of others; so, if the suffocating conditions of the demon realm don't kill you first, then one of its denizens will. I'm done discussing this with you, Sunny. If you're going to pester me, then at least inquire about matters far less perilous than what the likes of which few humans could possibly fathom."
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rasenkaikyo · 2 years
Lore and scripture in the Far East reflect a broadly-held belief that there is more than one world - or more aptly, reality. The world that we plainly see, or Mikai, may be all that most ever know. With the right perception or focus, however, one can observe nature and realize there is more to it all, above and below.
Close in the distance and the most evident is Yukai, the hidden or ghost world. As what can be considered on just the fringe of our reality (a liminal space), it is the one that is most like ours, though often described as a world of different hues; even here, worldly logic begins to distort. Here is where spirits with some sort of anchor to the world dwell, unable to truly pass on without intervention. Also able to engage with and hide within it are beings of a certain supernatural disposition: yoi and yokai, as well as the kami.
It is separated from the natural world by a proverbial veil, just beyond plain sight, but this veil can lift or fray under the right conditions (like abnormal fluxes of qi), and the two worlds can interact. Yukai is the source of many a ghost story as such, but more importantly it is key to the practices of us shrine priests. Those adept or gifted can exploit the fragility of the veil, and we can make contact with the hidden world and its denizens. Most often this plays a key role in the exorcism of threats to life, or helping lost souls find closure.
Beyond Yukai, there are variable accounts of other worlds; less tangible and more disputed, not all of which may fall into one's chosen beliefs or may have intermingled qualities. Yomi, the land of the dead overseen by Izanami, a shadowy neutral realm. Tengoku, the heavens for the righteous and redeemed. Meido, the land of trials, an arduous path for souls who have passed on with considerable metaphysical baggage. Jigoku, the hells where soul and sin are cleansed in fire. Shinkai, the demesne of the kami. Makai, a realm of demons, sometimes considered a fringe world of Jigoku.
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thek0ifish · 6 months
The shit can be said about horrors in this story horrors are parasitic darkstalkers sure but they have their own problems back in their world with makai being a fucking hell hole with technology and dictatorship at the hands of this fucking dork Jedah sparking a massive civil war. Thats why horrors left to the human realm not only they're attracted by the inga but they wanted to get away all the bullshit since like in real life things have change from better or for worse and makai is not safe from change since they have now adapted to modernity and it's modernity at its worse
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Thanks to Jedah every legendary makai denizen are pissed off while the rest within suffered from the awful shit in now modern makai. Large cities, industrial work, and the cities of makai have the worse and highest crime rate than the outside world. Half of the makai denizens live in squalor as the cities through out makai are a combination of new york and tokyo Japan in terms of the aesthetics. The traditions of makai were all as gain they're in the modern age.
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lastgenesis · 1 year
“I am capable of choosing my battles, so that I may win the war.” (From Hayden to Morrigan)
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"My, my. You must have that much faith in your own strength."
Morrigan was not one to question, but this was another matter. A war between the denizens of the Makai, and souls in between, and the mortals? His faith in his own strength and ability to discern his battles meant that he was wise.
"What do you choose to face, then? What is the move that will ensure your Checkmate?"
YA book villain meme
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dontf8arthereaper · 2 years
4:13 P.M. The gas station
Shinki from the darkness of the inga gates in a gas station she watched Mato and his friends, all the while preparing a gift for the ady slate horror such as tomatos, sweets and of course meat. Like the mother of all the denizens of makai that she is she really have to provide the second son of the black dragon some food or else he be hungry also some unique spell cards added all in one big package .
" Such a sweet child Mato is, do not worry sweety. I will provide you with snacks as always. "
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" Shinki? What are you doing? "
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" Providing our little champion of some things he need! I'm sure you have not heard of Mato yes? "
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" ...The psychopathic bloodthirsty smug ady slate horror? What? From what I heard he consume a child during the ancient times you can't be serious in choosing HIM as your champion. "
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" ....Well, Gogeet isn't like that, not anymore. "
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" ....Explain. "
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And then the goddess of makai grabs and shows him the ady slate horror and his new found friends now in the gas station.
" For goodness sake, look at him Zedom. "
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Watching through the inga gate hidden into the gas station. The clown horror Asmodai is checking if the gas is still there inside of the station. Luckily he found some gas and now starts pouring into their vehicle while orin is inside the gas station store taking snacks for the road while Mato sits outside of the store just humming don't fear the reaper as usual since it's his favorite song. Abysscore is just is still stating at the map all the while there's orchestra music playing from the radio while Luzagin and Exta started talking about their time in makai, and Granda is being..... Him.
" Hey Orin! "
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" What' s up clown? "
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" Get me one of them beers and a kit kat bar! A clown needs a quick pick me up okay? "
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thedrag0nking · 2 years
The Horrors (ホラー, Horā) are a race of parasitic demon like entities that are the sole inhabitants and civilians of the dark realm of makai. They are the parasitic race of abominations that plagued gensokyo and upon humanity for a millennia when crossed over into the realms. Not only are they the citizens of both the uncivilized and civilized regions of makai but are also the physical manifestation of negative and dark energies by man. Whenever there's a great build-up of hate, rage, sadism, and acts of violence are committed, these negative energies seep into the Makai Realm, a place where the Horrors exist and feed on such energy.
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Shinki the benevolent goddess of makai is the one responsible for the creation of the horrors along with the creation of the realm alongside the few noticeable and more well known inhabitants such as Sariel and along with the progenitor of these creatures that long ago during Gensokyo' s creation and when the realm was young do was the dark realm of makai with her blood spilled into the emptiness of the void, and the dark essence known only as inga spilled all in the emptiness birth not only the realm but also the progenitors of the horrors she and the others call the messiahs which lead to the birth of the horrors and Makai's residents.
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Legend speaks of the very first creation of Shinki the Messiah, mother of all Horrors that gave birth to this demonic race and her spawn has continued to thrive without their progenitor for generations all are drawn to negative energies and human flesh, Horrors break into the mortal realm to feast upon humanity. The messiahs are the immortal beings that can only be defeated, but not destroyed by anything. Not even the dragon god or the shrine maiden could not destroy her. The messiah is not only the only being that could not be destroyed by anything but are the Messiah is the most unusual Horror, even among legendary ones because she' s the only Horror that appears, well, almost perfectly human in form, resembling a giant snow white skinned half naked woman with long-clawed fingers and unique jewelry and tattoos around her head and shoulders. Her back contains a Taoist halo but despite the messiah being completely unkillable as long as the darkness are within the hearts of all races of gensokyo mainly with humanity her spirit requires immense levels of darkness to resurrect herself (approximately 1,000 Horrors) and a girl born on the sixth day of the sixth month which marked upon her 6th birthday as her new vessel to give herself a physical form.
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For millions of years until the precent day the horrors have plagued gensokyo terrorize both yokai and humans alike as well as the humans of the outside world. This was the at the time the birth of the makai order and the golden age of the ronin come to it' s aid striking and fought back against all form of horrors from the east, the west and all other across the realm. Sendai no miko one of the first ever shrine maidens in the hakurei line have fought the horrors endlessly with no end until her death by the legendary in the karakuri incident. Today in the precent the lunar descent ceremony, the lunar insanity plague, the racism against the lunarians and the constant wars play a key roll into their horrifying resurgence and this time there are no other knights or priests anymore in the land that has long forgotten both the makai order and the ronins. The darkness within all of gensokyo is greater than thet anticipated before. The horrors have return and no one but the crimson dragon can stop them.
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Which of the following is NOT a real Touhou character, round 2:
A) A cow-woman who used to run this folkloric con in which she would drown people with a stone baby, but monsters in the setting aren't allowed to just kill people en masse anymore, so now she runs a fishery in the Sanzu River (basically the Buddhist equvalent of the Styx), where you can fish for like ancient dinosaur-fish and stuff.
B) A formerly-human Celestial who got into Heaven through nepotism. Since she's not enlightened like other Celestials, and she was a teenager/child when her family ascended, she's kind of ... well ... use your imagination.
C) Alice in Wonderland but with dolls. In the PC-98 continuity (the first five games were on the NEC PC-9801, and the first Windows game was essentially a reboot), she was introduced as a denizen of Makai, the realm of demons, but in the Windows continuity this was basically retconned as her being a formerly-human witch-species, and her "Alice in Wonderland" connection is more-or-less forgotten.
D) The creator's OC self-insert, a man with the power to see the name and purpose of any object, but not how it's used, with hilarious results. Such as the time he mistook a Game Boy for a world-destroying artifact because he didn't realize that the "world-destroying" part was fictional. The kind of dumbass who is willing to expound at length upon topics he doesn't actually know anything about.
E) A "tube-fox" ("kudagitsune") living in a bamboo forest, whose only appearance was in the side-stories about a pair of ambiguously gay college students. She tried to eat one of them while the two were astral-projecting back in time in their dreams, causing the two to "wake up" with the fox's intended victim injured in real life.
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crossoverworldtree · 3 years
Beastfolk/Junin (6-Point Quality)
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Sometimes called "Mimi” this represents the denizens of the Makai or Spirit World that have animal parts--mostly, just ears and a tail (the word “Mimi” actually means “ears”). These people are just like any other people, only the live in a world similar to the fairy realm of Avalon. This does not make them innately magical though. Their inhuman ears rest near the tops of their heads, and a small tail points out from their rear. For somee reason, this gives them an Attractiveness of +1. It also gives them Acute Hearing. They also have Acute Smell/Taste by being more in touch with their animal-sides. They gain a +1 to Dexterity, Constitution and Perception. The most common type of "Mimi" are as follows: Nekomimi (Cat Ears), Inumimi (Dog Ears), Usagimimi (Rabbit Ears), Kitsunemimi (Fox Ears), Torimimi (Who have “bird Ears” that really manifest as heads full of feathers rather than hair), and Okamimimi (Wolf ears).
Just to note on the Nekomimi, the females tend to be rather aggressive and only slightly bipolar, while the males tend to be submissive and brooding. No one is quite sure why.
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shadowjackery · 4 years
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Elis, the “Innocent Devil”, a denizen of Maki. The Makai-jin – Shinki’s many daughters – are handcrafted by their Goddess and incubated in crystals, but are otherwise more-or-less human... so they can be turned into vampires, zombies, etc. Somehow, Elis got vampired. After her Embrace, she took to claiming to be a “fairy of gothity”, but she’s only joking.
She collects weird bugs, and will trade a wallet for a complete set.
Makai-jin traditionally wear face markings to denote caste. ★ is “Apprentice Strife Wizard”. (Her hair and other makeup can take hours.)
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dxrknessembr8ced · 8 months
Few Hours Later....
As the ruins of metro city continues to be a playground of death and destruction for the makai denizens waging war against another while feeding on and killing survivors left and right but none are prepared for what the mado forces have unleashed upon the realm of humans. Makai has their own bio organic weapons, made from live horrors subject into experimentation into biomechanical abominations of the makai realm. Faster, stronger and far more deadlier than even the red gargoyle horrors these monstrosities of the makai realm are the cyber horrors and they're the finest and most destructive ones made to kill and decimate stronger beings in seconds they're unleashed to feed upon any human in sight including their own kind for cybernetic horrors are cannibalistic and far more hostile than the standard inga horror. They're as of now terrorizing survivors in a sanctuary for humans, feeding on them and slaughtering a few more as their screams echoing through out the night.
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The bloodshed continued on as cybernetic makai beasts tossed the poor survivors around and crushing them like ragdolls as they feast on their flesh. As it seem all hope is lost, unbeknownst to them someone has stood up to the helpless survivors two twin sisters stand forward into the killing spree of the horrors. Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling arrive into the scene, they're here to rescue any and all survivors while searching for two of her children still lost into the cold city of the damn. The cyber horrors stopped killing as they shift their focus towards the twins as they sense their power, unlike anything the abominations have witnessed. The ring on her hand Zaruba chuckled.
" Ready to get back into dark hunting? "
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Hsien-Ko smiles nodding her head.
" Always, Sis lets give them a big show.. "
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She nods.
" Of course! "
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Hsien-Ko with her smile still intact opened her eyes now turning into a glowing emerald green. Her older sister now transformed into a talisman planted into her forehead and she raised all four of her arms with modified and stitched sleeves attach to the waist of her dress, clawed gauntlets on both hands while additional weapons on the other pair of her arms all modified and created using the old ancient mado weapons. What's even more impressive as she activated the power of the golden makai knight Garo mixed in with both the powers and abilities of her sister and the T-Erebus virus as golden crystalline structures emerge around her face forming into the mask of garo while adding more golden crystalline shoulder pads around her shoulders and a long black cape behind her showing how powerful she have become as both the creature and the savior of the night that will inspire hope through the helpless and those who cannot stand for themselves.
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It was the night that Erebus is dead and thus the birth of the one that makes darkstalkers tremble in fear before her, the golden fang wolf garo. The cyber horrors upon seeing this have made them tremble in fear for they had thought the makai knight is gone and now they now face a true dark hunter but also the makai knight of legend. Despite this the horrors will never back down without a fight for the cyber horrors dashed forward along side the standard inga horrors and like the apex predator that she is Hsien-Ko dash forward delivering powerful slashes into a few of these cybernetic abominations into nothing but inga.
One by one the horrors are slain but what next for the jiangshi is her absorbing them. She absorbs the inga into her mouth and ate these makai beasts. Upon consumption the dark hunter become powerful, she grows stronger the more she feeds upon these ancient darkstalkers without stopping as more of them charge into the fray with no signs of stopping. Like the predictable ones they are Hsien-Ko chuckles tossing out a mado bomb out of her sleeve hitting the face of the group of horrors right before it explodes blowing these demons to kingdom come.
Turning around not even bother looking at the explosion and absorbing the inga left behind with energy surged through her body empowering her to the brim as she folds her sleeved arms together while her other pair of arms rolled out large swords showing off her skill of multi-tasking with such weaponry.
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The horrors enraged begun their assault on the jiangshi once more using their claws and brute force but Hsien-Ko evades each of their attacks while dismembering them to pieces with both blades leaping into the air from one of the horrors right there she has slashed the horror to absorbing more of the inga. There while into the air she slashed apart more inga horrors taking flight.
Each slash their bodies exploded into inga now absorbed into her body and now she lands on her feet safely onto the body of a horror crushing it, then absorbed its inga afterwards.
" Whose next? "
{ " You left a few of them behind us sister! " }
{ " Focus Hsien-Ko! " }
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The last remaining horrors leaped into as they prepare to tackle and tear apart the jiangshi but Hsien-Ko has one last trick up her sleeve. Turning around she pressed all weapons in all four of her arms together and scrap them together, coating her weapons with mado flames.
' KRSH! '
Now its time for the big finale where she set them all ablaze! With a power swing of all four of her weapons mado flame burned through the horrors turning them into ashes.
Their bodies incinerated to nothing but ash along with their inga which made her a bit sad but it was a job well done for the dark hunter. Saving survivors and having herself an all you can eat buffet. What a delight!
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brighth0pe · 2 years
Alice being the fourth child that is Human raised by Shinki and the denizens of makai being HORRORS is shocking to a lot of you because horrors eat humans but nah not the doll maker. It be actually cool to see her just react to the fact that her siblings are all the most powerful legendary horrors.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
Laito has become Adam as well as the new Vampire King and has turned the demon world into his own lustful “paradise”
“How deplorable. If the most promiscuous of the Sakamaki brothers has inherited the throne, alongside his powers, then what am I to do? It hardly surprises me that the denizens of Makai would succumb to his rule with the promise of luxury and other carnal desires. All this means for my brothers and I is that we must keep Eve far away from that place. As much as I hate to admit it, Sakamaki Laito is more intelligent than we give him credit for. I imagine he won’t let the demon realm fall to complete ruin, but should it ever escalate to that point, I will not hesitate to intervene.”
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: Looking for a New Show? Check out Hime's Helpful Recommendations!
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  If you’re reading this now, then chances are you’ve checked out anime sensations that is Jujutsu Kaisen or The Promised Neverland. But what is there to do when you’re stuck between episodes and waiting a whole week for the next exciting installment? Or worse ... what do you do when you've finished your binge? Luckily, there are plenty of anime in Crunchyroll’s catalog for you to check out!
  When it comes to scary demons, dark magic, and captivating stories, there’s no shortage of shows that can satisfy your cravings. From your genre-defying battle shows, popular fantasy worlds, or quirky titles with crazy fights, you're sure to find something from this list that will quickly become your next favorite binge:
  That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
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    Fantasy world anime are all the rage these days, and one of the most popular right now comes in the form of an adorable amorphous blob slowly building up their own nation in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime.
  As 37-year-old Satoru Mikami suddenly began to take a spiritual transition from one life to the next, they unwittingly made requests that resulted in their reincarnation as a lowly slime in an RPG-like high-fantasy world. In this new life, they gain new abilities and use their apparent charisma to acquire powerful allies and develop their own nation that unites all species under his guidance. 
  As far as fantasy world shows go, this rags-to-riches story has a little something for everyone. There are few things as inspiring and necessary in our world as seeing an insignificant slime creature rise up the ranks and unite everybody. Packed with compelling world-building, exciting fights, and a spoonful of emotion, Slime scratches plenty of itches, and the ongoing second season will definitely leave you begging for more.
  Demon Slayer
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    There are plenty of great anime centered around fighting denizens in the dark, but Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba certainly stands out among them all.
  Tanjiro Kamado’s tough but rewarding mountain life was suddenly disrupted when his entire family was mauled by a demon, with his little sister on the verge of becoming one herself. But after showing his potential as a fighter and vowing to protect his sister who still clings tenuously to her humanity, he is recruited to undergo demon slayer training in order to harness his latent abilities and find a way to return his sister to normal.
  Ufotable, Inc. is an anime studio renowned for its unparalleled animation, and Demon Slayer is the perfect example of the team’s skill. The show is renowned for its seamless integration of digital effects to generate flowing animation and has previously topped our list as one of the best anime of the 2010s. Since its premiere, Demon Slayer has raked in several Newtype anime awards, and its first opening — “Gurenge” by LiSA — topped Oricon’s digital charts for weeks. With all these accolades under its belt, Demon Slayer is most certainly well worth checking out. 
  Mob Psycho 100
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    If stylish animation and gorgeous fight scenes are up your alley, look no further than the psychedelic psychic battles of Mob Psycho 100. 
  Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama is an abnormal boy trying to live a normal life, despite his unique telekinetic abilities leading him to crazy situations. Under the misguided tutelage of con artist psychic Arataka Reigen, Mob takes on several malevolent spirits while trying to navigate his turbulent adolescence. Through his adventures, he slowly but surely develops his understanding of human emotion, especially when they gradually build up to various explosions of psychic energy.
  Mob Psycho is packed with stellar action and hilarious gags, but still finds room to offer a refreshingly heartwarming story about trying to be your own self. With two seasons' worth of episodes, this is a great option for fans of people throwing telekinesis at each other.
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      The only thing more interesting than a fantasy world show is a fantasy world show with a villain as the main protagonist. Enter Overlord.
  The massively successful, highly interactive MMO, YGGDRASIL, is about to have its servers shut down after 12 years. Momonga, the skeletal leader of the strongest guild of the game, makes it a point to stay on until the final minutes of service. When the countdown runs out, Momonga’s player finds himself inhabiting the world as his character and still commanding his guild, Ainz Ooal Gown. Taking on the name of his guild, Ainz Ooal Gown begins to expand his rule with an iron fist while trying to find any other players who may also be trapped in the game with him.
  Overlord is unafraid to make its protagonist undergo some dark transformations. Despite Ainz’s intentions to create a stir in this new world and unite all species under his rule, he becomes gradually less hesitant to use his immense power to achieve his goals by any means necessary. With its dark overtones and unique protagonist, Overlord truly makes a name for itself among the genre. 
  Hunter x Hunter
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    Love the action genre but wish the formula could be tweaked a little bit? The infamous Hunter x Hunter may just have what you’re looking for.
  Gon Freecs is a young boy who sets out to become a professional Hunter while searching for his missing father. Along the way, Gon learns how vast and diverse the world is as he meets new companions, fights terrifying monsters, and becomes stronger at every turn. There’s no telling what new adventure or threat awaits Gon and his friends as the world of Hunters opens up wide to them.
  Subversion is the name of the game when it comes to this popular and influential series. While there’s plenty of intense action to be had, Hunter x Hunter isn’t afraid to go deep into mafia politics, race relations, and even gender identity. At almost every opportunity, Hunter takes the usual tropes and turns them upside down to tell a story that’s all too raw, emotional, and impossible to look away from.
  Garo: Vanishing Line
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    Jujutsu Kaisen director Sung Hoo Park has plenty of notable works under his belt, including directing The God of High School. But you might be surprised to know that JJK isn’t his first foray into demon-slaying action. He also directed Garo: Vanishing Line.
  While searching for her missing older brother, Sophie is led to the metropolis of Russell City where monsters known as Horrors prey on humans in the night. Luckily, she comes under the protection of Sword; as Garo, the strongest Makai Knight, Sword and his crew are tasked with defending the city and eradicating Horrors.
  As part of a popular tokusatsu (live-action with heavy special effects) franchise, Garo is known for its modern gothic aesthetic and compelling action. Vanishing Line continues that tradition in spectacular fashion with intense fights and an exhilarating soundtrack, not to mention an intense first opening by Jam Project of One Punch Man fame. From start to finish Vanishing Line never takes its foot off the pedal and is sure to keep you pumped all throughout its high-octane 24-episode ride. 
  The Rising of the Shield Hero
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    Fantasy world shows often put their protagonists up on a pedestal, but the eponymous Shield Hero is practically dropped into adversity from the get-go.
  Naofumi Iwatani is one of four different high schoolers plucked from their dimensions into a fantasy world in peril. As each of them is armed with different weapons to combat the impending threat, Naofumi draws the short stick by becoming the Shield Hero, who is traditionally marginalized and maligned by their peers. To make matters worse, he is accused of debauchery amongst royalty and shunned by the entire kingdom he was summoned to protect. Broken and disillusioned by this strange new world, the Shield Hero must now climb his way to redemption alongside other unfortunate souls neglected by society.
  A Cinderella story in every sense of the word, The Rising of the Shield Hero draws its appeal from its protagonist having to overcome the odds and fight back against the forces that oppose him. While it can be hard to sit through when it comes to raw emotion and some questionable content, this anime has plenty of inspiring moments as marginalized folks work their hardest to become heroes of their own repute.  
  Attack on Titan
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    Chances are you’ve at least heard of the anime sensation that is Attack on Titan, and with the show approaching its end, there’s no better time to see what all the hype is about.
  Humanity has spent thousands of years walled off from the outside world in order to keep Titans away lest they feast on humans. Eren Jaegar has long wondered what the world beyond the walls was like, but he gets a rude awakening when Titans break down the walls and begin a violent invasion. Vowing revenge on them, Eren joins the Survey Corps and swears to do everything he can to eliminate every Titan in existence.
  This popular anime is known for its unparalleled animation and mysterious story that takes several unexpected turns. As long as you can stomach the violence and sit through some terrifying visuals, there’s something for everyone in Attack on Titan from heart-warming relationships to intrigue and high-stakes drama. As the show comes to a close with its final season, there’s no better time than now to jump onto the giant-slaying phenomenon.  
  Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-
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    Nothing messes around with the rules of the fantasy world genre quite like Re:ZERO: Starting Life in Another World. 
  In typical fantasy world fashion, gamer shut-in Subaru Natsuki is summoned into a medieval fantasy world rife with magic and monsters at every turn. For all intents and purposes, he now lives in a game world, especially whenever he dies and comes back to life sometime before his death like a checkpoint revival. With his newfound power, Subaru attempts to survive in this strange new world and help out his growing band of companions, especially when it comes to Emilia, a young elf who’s in the running to become queen of the Kingdom of Lugunica.
  Re:ZERO is rife with powerful drama as Subaru uses grim knowledge of his past lives in order to do good. This darkly compelling fantasy has been praised for its complex world and nuanced characters, and has even accrued many Newtype anime awards in 2016, including best director and best protagonists. If you like the idea of traversing murky corners and tough moral choices, then Re:ZERO might just be your next big obsession.
  Which of these shows do you think you'll check out? Comment below and tell us!
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      Carlos (aka Callie) is a freelance features writer for Crunchyroll. Their favorite genres range from magical girls to over-the-top robot action, yet their favorite characters are always the obscure ones. Check out some of their pop culture editorials on Popdust as well as their satirical work on The Hard Times.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Carlos Cadorniga
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thek0ifish · 6 months
Now lets talk about horrors in the original Kouga continuity and possibly other toku and anime continuities the horrors are parasitic demon beasts of makai that are the physical embodiment and representstion of the darkness within the heart and soul of humanity such as murder, rape, sexual assault, torture, pain, death, and suffering and are created by the mother of horrors herself the messiah. In the darkstalkers / erebus story universe horrors are an ancient powerful and cannibalistic darkstalker race that remain the same but with slight and very dark differences. The horrors in this universe are far worse than the KKHTA:R and other continuities for the horrors are not only more dangerous but also they feed on their own kind. They feed on both humans and darkstalkers alike from inside and out of the makai realm. They're a separate race of darkstalkers inhabited wide spread into the makai realm that defied belial and every one of the lords of makai rule. The horrors do not care for belial, the aenslands or anyone with the exception of their progenitor that is the strongest and most powerful entity in the realm the messiah.
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The messiah in the makai realm is the one only the lords of makai and other demonic denizens feared the most. She is beyond an S class entity, her power and strength is all immeasurable and she is the only being all of the makai realm including Morrigan's own father feared the most. She could not be killed by mortal or magical means so long as evil within all races including humanity are still thriving. The messiah and Belial once had a duel and she came victorious but she didn't kill him. She didn't eat him whole she spared his life to remind him to know who is the top of the food chain. Despite her very destructive and sadistic nature she's quite the charismatic entity. Both he and her have mutual respects, but Belial despite this still fears her for he thinks that the messiah and her children are both of or not of the realm of makai.
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Years later after the defeat of Jedah he had returned to seek vengeance against and to try to take over the human realm once again this time stealing the messiah's power and wreaking havoc upon makai using legions of horrors that became loyal to him. This have enraged the messiah and all of makai thus sparking the greatest conflict within the realm makai civil war. The makai civil war is a massive gruesome catalytic event that had spark a horror outbreak into the human realm during the erebus outbreak while many horrors of all shape and sizes fight for their home and defend their food supply others chosen to flee only to die into the human realm by the outbreak. Ever since makai has entered the age of technology where the old ways had died out turning parts of the dark realm into more civilized advanced cities across death and despair the war and the lives of many darkstalkers have become far worse truly feeling what it means to be human.
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