#The ghost told Danny about the boogie man
moonlight-stalker · 1 year
# 18 Mha x Dp
Danny was left at an orphanage when he was 5 he did not develop a quirk on time and was abandoned.
Danny turned 7 his quirk finally came in, he was running away from some bullies, he turned a corner and came to a dead end he wanted to disappear so they could not hurt him anymore. When they turn the corner they started to call out to him, but they could not see him even though he was right in front of them, and after a couple of minutes, they left him. He then look down at his hands he could not see them. He can turn invisible he does not tell anyone.
When Danny was 8 some of the kids in the foster home lock him in the shed when people were coming to adopt. It was one of the hots days of the year. For some reason, he did not overheat ice had formed on his arms. Later one of the adults that were working there came and got him, he got in trouble for hiding when they had people over, and that night he got no dinner. He learned he can make ice he does not tell anyone.
10 it was the end of school and on the last day the school, the school had brought all the kids to the park to play and wait to be picked up, some other kids from school had come up to him and asking if he wanted to play with them, and like an idiot, he agreed. They played a couple of games before they suggest hide and seek all of the kids ran off to hide Danny found a hole in a tree to climb in, it started to get dark and he had not been found. Danny climbed out of the tree and walk back to the park he looked around but no one was there he had been left behind. He slowly made his way back to the school and from there he can figure out where to go. As he made his way back he heard an echoey voice telling him to run and hide, and that's when a person called out to him he turned around and saw a person with a hood they were walking up to him. He heard the echoing voice again telling him to run and that the person was bad, Danny took off running and he can hear the person chasing him, he was running out of energy that's when he heard the same voice he saw an older girl waving at him to follow her, as he followed the leads him thought out the ally's until she pointed to a door that had been border up there was a little hole that he can fit into. After going into the hole he heard the person that was chasing him run past, he look at the girl to thank her when he notice that she is transparent and had bruises around her neck. That day he learned he can see the ghost he does not tell anyone.
When he is 12 some kids stuffed him in a chest and lock it they left him there. Danny started to panic because it had got harder to breathe he pushed on the top of his chest trying one last time to get out When he went through it. It was nighttime when he freed himself he ran back to the house knowing that he was going to get in trouble. He can faze through things he does not tell anyone.
Danny is 14, school just let out he was wandering around, ever since he was 10 he had been working with the ghost as a broker he will sell information to the police and heroes. Over the 4 years, he had gotten the money he would then hide it in the park in the tree hole, he had been working so he would not need to stay in the foster home he plane to go to UA, and he had the ghost help him create a new Identity that he can use he did not put down any of his quirks, instead he put down that he had an intelligence quirk. He is going to use the inventions that he has made to be a hero. A lot of his inventions come from dreams, he has even based his hero suit on one of his dreams. The suit in his dream was red he made his black and white. He decided to become a hero without using his powers.
He won't tell anyone want he can do he does not want to be seen as a monster.
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ghostsray · 4 years
You are my brother (boogie woogie)
(my first @phicphight 2020 fic! based on @dp-marvel94‘s prompt: “Vlad successfully clones Danny again. When Danny meets this new clone, the boy is nothing like he expects.”)
(word count: 2625) (AO3)
Danny sunk onto his bed, the soft matress feeling like heaven after a long day of school and ghost-fighting. He was so exhausted that he wished nothing would interrupt his brief moment of respite. Thus he released a deep groan when he heard his bedroom door creak open.
"Oh, don't groan at me," his sister said. She entered the room and sat next to him on the bed.
"What do you want, Jazz?" Danny's voice came muffled from where it was buried face down on his bedsheet.
He lifted his head high enough from the bed to see Jazz staring at him with crossed arms. "You could have told me you went to Vlad's," Jazz said.
Danny scowled. "What are you talking about?"
Jazz faltered. "You mean...you didn't?"
"No, of course not. Why the hell would I go to that froot loop's place?" He sat up beside Jazz, who was busy fidgeting.
"I thought he looked like--nevermind. It was probably someone else."
"Who looked like me?"
Jazz pulled out her phone and opened it to a photograph. There was Vlad Masters standing in front of his mansion. By his side was a teenage boy who looked an awful lot like Danny.
"Someone took a photo of the mayor in front of his house with a child," she explained, then hesitated and added, "When someone asked him who it was, he said it was his son."
Danny's face darkened. He took the phone from Jazz and observed the boy in the picture. Although he was dressed more smartly than Danny normally would, there was no denying that they were related. On first glance, he looked identical to Danny: everything from his pale skin and short stature to the way his mouth sloped when he smiled. But after looking at him more closely, he could make out a few minor differences: his black hair was streaked with messy white stripes, his eyes were a shade darker blue than Danny's, and his face was just slightly slimmer. None of that fooled Danny, though. Danielle also looked somewhat different from him, and she was still his genetic clone.
Danny stood up, the day's exhaustion from a minute ago completely forgotten. "I think I need to pay our Uncle Vlad a little visit," he said grimly.
"Wait, now?" Jazz asked just as Danny transformed before her in a flash of light. She shielded her eyes as he changed into ghost form, and when she looked up again, he was already gone.
The way to the mayor's mansion was quick. As he flew in Phantom form, Danny kept thinking up insults he would throw at Vlad once he saw him. He slipped intangibly into the building and began to search for the man.
He didn't find Vlad, but he did run into his son.
He was sitting in the library, reading a copy of Dracula. On a regular occasion, Danny would have found it hilarious that the vampire-looking ghost would own the book in his library, but he wasn't feeling very festive at that moment. As he stared invisibly at the boy, Danny couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in his stomach from looking at him. He had spent lots of time with his other clone, Danielle, but she was younger than him, so it didn't bother him that much. This clone in the library was much closer to Danny's age, and therefore, much more similar in appearance. Even with the darker eyes and streaked hair, Danny felt like he was looking in a mirror.
As similar as the clone was in physical appearance, though, Danny would never be caught dead(er) in his clothes. The dude reeked of Vlad's ill-gotten wealth. He wore the kind of polo shirt that only snobby rich kids wore, and his feet were in loafers that Danny could never afford. It was clear that the clone had tried to comb his hair into an orderly position, but just like Danny's hair, it was impossible to tame and was sticking out in various places. Danny thought he even saw him wearing some of Vlad's mascara, but that might have been his imagination.
Once he got over the shock of seeing a wealthier copy of him in person, Danny toughened his expression, floated in front of the clone, and dropped his invisibility. The clone jumped in his chair and nearly dropped his book in surprise.
"Let me guess," Danny drawled. "Daniel Masters?"
There were many different outcomes that Danny could have expected. The clone could have been like Danielle, held under Vlad's control against his will, and begged Danny to help him. Or he could have been the opposite, completely under his evil influence, and released an evil laugh and said something like Yes, it is I, now prepare to die and let me replace you. Or maybe Vlad could have decided not to risk another Danielle incident and hid the fact that he was a clone from him, thus making him deeply confused by the similar-looking ghost in front of him.
What happened was none of the above.
The teenager's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed in a voice full of excitement, "You're Danny! The original!"
Danny faltered for a moment, put off by the sudden admiration in the clone's voice and the smile that had plastered itself onto his face. "Um, yeah," he replied. "And you--"
The clone extended a hand and said, "I'm Daniel--but you already knew that. I also go by the name Niel!"
Danny was so flabbergasted that he shook the hand without thought. "Niel?" he asked.
"N-I-E-L. Daniel, Niel. It's a different pronunciation, but close enough to my written name. Plus, it's not like I want to go around using your name. Well, even though Dad still insists on calling me Daniel because he's boring like that."
"Dad," Danny echoed. "You mean Vlad."
That stupid grin was still on Niel's face as he said, "Yep. He created me, didn't he? By combining your DNA with some of his. Mostly yours, but he said he couldn't get your mid-morph DNA and had to use his own, which was hard because you two are really different and it took him a while to make me, but now I'm here. It makes sense for me to call him Dad. Or Father, but that's boring. I mean, who even uses that word anymore? Fa-ther."
He giggled, and Danny stared. The Fenton struggled to make sense of this clone. He was so...childish. Unlike neither Vlad nor Danny, except maybe for when Danny was six years old and still filled with childish glee. Now that he thought about it, he supposed Niel was technically even younger than that.
As soon as Danny remembered how to speak again, he said, "You're awfully calm about being a clone."
Niel shrugged. "Sure, I was cloned from you, but I like to think I'm still my own person. I mean, I know Dad probably made me to replace you, but that's dumb." His eyes sparkled, and he concluded, "I think we should be brothers."
"Brothers?" Danny asked, then a gear clicked in his brain and he responded, "Hold up, I am not going to live with you and Vlad. We're not brothers."
Niel seemed a little disappointed, but he pressed on. "Why not? We are brothers; our DNA is close enough. Unless you want to call me your son, but that's too weird." (Danny had to agree.) "Anyway, I know you're okay with calling your clones family because you call Danielle your cousin, even though she should be our sister. We should all live together--me, you, Dad, and Danielle, even though I don't know why she ran away exactly, but I'm sure she and Dad can make up."
He seemed so passionate about the idea of living as a family that Danny almost felt bad for bursting his bubble. "Sorry, but my answer is still no," he stated. "I don't know how nice Vlad is to you, but from my experience, he's a terrible dad. You were right about me calling Danielle my cousin, but that's because she didn't have a family after Vlad refused to accept her."
Niel's face scrunched up in confusion. "But...Dad said she left by herself because she was confused about being your clone."
"You must have mixed up confused with abused," Danny replied dryly. "Vlad tried to kill her. He wanted to melt her down to make you."
Niel looked like he was either constipated or in pain. "But--That's not--I mean, he wouldn't--" he stammered. "He's a good father to me!" He finally exclaimed, forgetting his previous statement that no one used the word father. "I'm sure he's changed!"
"Yeah, right," Danny said with a roll of his eyes. "That's about as likely as Mr. Lancer saying a real swear word."
"Who's Mr. Lancer?"
"Unimportant. What I'm saying is, your "Dad" majorly sucks. I'd say no offense, but I mean full offense to Vlad."
Niel gripped the copy of Dracula in his hands until his knuckles turned white. Danny half expected him to either start attacking Danny or to break down crying. However, after a few seconds passed, Niel took a deep breath until he calmed down, then he said, "He'd still be a better parent to you than those Fentons."
Danny snorted. "No doubt. Did Vlad tell you that? I bet he had a lot of words to say about my dad."
"He did," Niel confirmed, "but I don't really care about his petty grudge with Jack. I could tell the portal thing was an accident. It's silly to still hate him for something that happened twenty years ago."
Danny faltered. That wasn't what he expected Niel to say. "Then why..."
"Why?" Niel's dark blue eyes bore into Danny's light blue ones, and he said simply, "They hunt you."
Danny felt like he had been sucker punched in the gut. He swallowed down the lump that had formed in his throat. "Ah. That..."
"I watch the news," Niel pressed on, digging the metaphorical dagger deeper into Danny's hide. "They go after you every day. They want to kill you. They say they're going to tear Phantom apart molecule by molecule."
"That's because they don't know it's me," Danny argued weakly.
"Then why don't you tell them?" Before Danny could respond, Niel held up a hand and interrupted, "That was rhetorical. I know why you keep your ghost half a secret. You're scared of them."
Danny balled his hands into fists. "I'm not scared," he growled.
"Really? You seem pretty scared to me."
It was true. Sweat was pouring from his forehead. Danny wiped it away and pressed his lips into a thin line. "I'm not scared," he continued to lie, "and I know they're better parents than Vlad. They may hate Phantom now, but I'll get them to change their minds."
Niel laughed--a villainous laugh that reminded Danny heavily of Vlad. "Yeah, right. The Fentons becoming buddies with Danny Phantom?" He grinned at Danny and added, "What was it you said? That's about as likely as Mr. Lance saying fuck."
"Lancer," Danny corrected.
Danny glared at Niel, who smiled pleasantly in return. "Join Vlad," Niel told him. "Be my brother. We can keep you away from them, and then you won't have to be scared anymore." Niel frowned slightly and amended, "Well...we'll keep you away from Jack, at least. Dad still has this dumb infatuation with Maddie...but I think he can be content with letting her go if he got you."
Danny's glare melted into something sadder. "Do you really believe that?"
"Yes," Niel answered with conviction. "I'll get Dad to take you away from them. We'll be brothers, and maybe Jazz and Danielle can be our sisters. We'll be a happy family."
Danny's gaze lingered on him a moment longer, then it wandered down to the book he still held with an iron grip. "Niel," Danny called the clone's name hesitantly, then he sighed. "You're too young."
Niel was puzzled by the sudden change in subject, but he told him, "Dad said I'm fourteen. The same age he got the DNA sample from you, even though you're sixteen now."
"Yes, but your literal age is, what, one?" Danny lifted his eyes again to look at Niel as he spoke. "You don't have a lot of experience."
"I have knowledge. I read."
"It's not enough. You haven't spent a lot of time with Vlad; you don't know him like I do. He'll never let go of my mom. Danielle and him will never make up. And I--and Jazz--will never join him because he's a horrible person."
Niel looked like he was one tick away from bursting. "Why not?" he challenged, but he sounded more desperate than mad. "What's so bad about him?"
"Let's see...he's a cheater, a liar, super creepy, and a huge jerk," Danny listed on his fingers. "He kidnapped me, like, twenty times, and he always sends deadly ghosts after me to either kidnap me again, or kill my dad. That's not someone I would ever want to be family with."
Niel's jaw was taut. "So you won't change your mind."
Danny shook his head.
Niel's hands shook as he breathed, but he was eerily calm as he placed his book on a table by his chair and stood up. "Dad told me you wouldn't listen, that you're too stubborn. I guess I should have believed him."
Niel's face was relaxed as he looked at him, but his eyes burned with dark fire. Suddenly, twin rings of light flashed across his body, transforming him into a ghost.
Though Danny knew that Niel had some of Vlad's genes, that fact was made more obvious in his ghost form. He still looked like Danny and even wore the same black-and-white jumpsuit, but he had blue skin and red eyes like Plasmius. Streaks of black ran across his white hair where the opposite color had been in his human form. He must have inherited his dad's dramatic sense of fashion, because a high-collared, Dracula-esque cape draped over his jumpsuit, similar to the one Vlad wore.
As Danny stared at the ghost before him, he felt a cold spread through his body, and it wasn't his ice core. Niel's form reminded him too much of another ghost who was mostly Danny and a little Vlad. Suddenly, Danny felt less like he was looking in a mirror, and more like he was looking at a younger version of the alternate future self of his that killed his friends.
No, Danny sternly told himself, forcing the panic back down. Niel wasn't Dan. He wasn't a genocidal adult ghost with fiery hair and an icy heart. Niel was just a snobby little rich kid who thought Vlad was the balls and didn't know much about the world. He felt himself relax a bit as he successfully kept himself together, but his hands were still in fists by his sides in case Niel attacked.
"Calm down, brother. I'm not going to fight you," Niel assured him calmly. "At least, not today. Knowing Dad, he'll inevitably make us fight each other someday, unless you change your mind about joining him."
"In his dreams," Danny spat. "Tell him to shove a froot loop up his ass."
Niel sighed, like he was disappointed but not surprised. "Goodbye, Danny," Niel said, and he floated off the floor as he said it. "I'll see you soon."
He abruptly dropped through the floor below and out of sight. Danny turned intangible and followed him, but when he emerged in the mansion's lower floor, Niel was nowhere to be seen.
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silveragelovechild · 5 years
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As part of the marketing plan for Stephen King’s new movie “Doctor Sleep”, some theater scheduled showing of Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” (1980); since I am planning to see the new film I though I’d refresh my memory of the events at the Overlook Hotel.
“The Shining” is one of my three favorite King books (it’s easy to guess the other two).
“The Shining” was about a young boy named Danny with extra-sensory perception and his father who is influence by ghosts at the snowbound hotel where they are staying; “Doctor Sleep” is King’s sequel set many years later, following an adult Dan (played by Ewan McGregor) still trying to cope with the horrific event from his childhood.
There is a 2012 documentary that describes three theories about “The Shining” that have cropped up of the years: 1) Kubrick uses the film to confess he helped NASA fake the moon landing (Danny wears an Apollo 11 sweater); 2) the film is about the genocide of Native Americans (the Indian motifs on the walls and the cans of Calumet baking power); the holocaust (the Big Bad Wolf reference is suppose to be anti-Semitic).
But I think the film is actually about violence in the home - Jack Torrance has a history of alcoholism and clearly a misogynist who regularly brow beats his wife into submission, with a history of child abuse - that’s the real horror of the story, not ghosts.
King himself disliked Kubrick’s film - both because of the changes to the plot, but especially that Jack Nicholson was wrong for the role - the audience knows Nicholson’s Jack Torrance is unhinged almost immediately, whereas in the book is slowly become overtaking by the evil influences of the hotel.
I agree with King on this point; while fan of the actor seem to relish Nicholson’s scenery chewing, Nicholson comes off as a wife’s nightmare and a child’s boogie man in every shot; while another actor might have taken Jack from an emotional scale of 2 and gone up to 10 by the end - Nicholson starts at 5 and reaches level 20; he’s “Here’s Johnny” is more comic than threatening, it’s Shelley Duvall reaction that makes it frightening (he’s done something like this before).
And speaking of Shelley Duvall - King didn’t like her performance either, he has said, “She's most misogynistic characters ever put on film. She's basically just there to scream and be stupid." Duvall has a unique performance style - perfect for Olive Oyl, but I find her ticks and quirks off putting, watching her puts me on edge - especially when she’s running in fear - but it’s a weird slow trot with her arms flailing in the air like a chicken.
A favorite character is the film is Dick Hallorann (played by Scatman Crothers) - he plays the hotel chef who also has the “shining” and is the most human character; but it’s always bugged me how Hallorann is handled - in the book he rushes to the hotel and is instrumental in saving Wendy and Danny, but in the film his killed with an axe moments after entering the lobby - the moment felt like a big cheat.
The true standout performance is by Danny Lloyd as Danny Torrance - he was about 6 when the movie was made and wasn’t aware of the horror nature of the story - Kubrick told him it was about a family living in a hotel. So he was directed to show the appropriate emotions and reaction. What ever the technique - it worked because I think Danny gives a trusty outstanding performance.
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ratbonesroyalty · 7 years
NARRATOR 'Twas a long time ago, longer now than it seems, in a place that perhaps you've seen in your dreams.  For the story that you are about to be told, took place in the holiday worlds of old.  Now, you've probably wondered where holidays come from.  If you haven't, I'd say it's time you begun. This Is Halloween SHADOW Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange? SIAMESE SHADOW Come with us and you will see This, our town of Halloween PUMPKIN PATCH CHORUS This is Halloween, this is Halloween Pumpkins scream in the dead of night GHOSTS This is Halloween, everybody make a scene Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright It's our town, everybody scream In this town of Halloween CREATURE UNDER BED I am the one hiding under your bed Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red MAN UNDER THE STAIRS I am the one hiding under your stairs Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair CORPSE CHORUS This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! VAMPIRES In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song MAYOR In this town, don't we love it now? Everybody's waiting for the next surprise CORPSE CHORUS Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll scream HARLEQUIN DEMON, WEREWOLF, AND MELTING MAN Scream! This is Halloween Red 'n' black, slimy green WEREWOLF Aren't you scared? WITCHES Well, that's just fine Say it once, say it twice Take the chance and roll the dice Ride with the moon in the dead of night HANGING TREE Everybody scream, everybody scream HANGED MEN In our town of Halloween CLOWN I am the clown with the tear-away face Here in a flash and gone without a trace SECOND GHOUL I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?" I am the wind blowing through your hair OOGIE BOOGIE SHADOW I am the shadow on the moon at night Filling your dreams to the brim with fright CORPSE CHORUS This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! CHILD CORPSE TRIO Tender lumplings everywhere Life's no fun without a good scare PARENT CORPSES That's our job, but we're not mean In our town of Halloween CORPSE CHORUS In this town MAYOR Don't we love it now? MAYOR WITH CORPSE CHORUS Everyone's waiting for the next surprise CORPSE CHORUS Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back And scream like a banshee Make you jump out of your skin This is Halloween, everybody scream Won't ya please make way for a very special guy Our man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now EVERYONE This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! CORPSE CHILD TRIO In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song EVERYONE La la-la la, Halloween! Halloween! (etc.) EVERYONE [applause] WITCHES Cackling CLOWN It's over! BEHEMOTH We did it! [tummy bump] WEREWOLF Wasn't it terrifying? HYDE & CYCLOPS What a night! MAYOR Great Halloween everybody. JACK I believe it was our most horrible yet!  Thank you everyone. MAYOR No, thanks to  you, Jack.  Without your brilliant leadership - JACK Not at all Mayor. VAMPIRE (fat) You're such a scream, Jack WITCH You're a witch's fondest dream! WITCH (little) You made walls fall, Jack WITCH Walls fall?  You made the very mountains crack, Jack DR. FINKELSTEIN The deadly nightshade you slipped me wore off, Sally.   SALLY Let go! DR. FINKELSTEIN You're not ready for so much excitement! SALLY Yes I am! DR. FINKELSTEIN You're coming with me! SALLY No I'm not! [Sally pulls out the thread that's holding her arm on] DR. FINKELSTEIN Come back here you foolish oaf!  Ow! CREATURE FROM BLACK LAGOON Ooo Jack, you make wounds ooze and flesh crawl. JACK Thank you, thank you, thank you -- very much MAYOR Hold it!  We haven't given out the prizes yet!  Our first award goes to the vampires for most blood drained in a single evening. [applause] MAYOR A frightening and honorable mention goes to the fabulous Dark Lagoon leeches SAX PLAYER Nice work, Bone Daddy. JACK Yeah, I guess so.  Just like last year and the year before that and the year before that. [entering graveyard] Jack's Lament Performed by Danny Elfman There are few who'd deny, at what I do I am the best For my talents are renowned far and wide When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night I excel without ever even trying With the slightest little effort of my ghostlike charms I have seen grown men give out a shriek With the wave of my hand, and a well-placed moan I have swept the very bravest off their feet Yet year after year, it's the same routine And I grow so weary of the sound of screams And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King Have grown so tired of the same old thing Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones An emptiness began to grow There's something out there, far from my home A longing that I've never known I'm the master of fright, and a demon of light And I'll scare you right out of your pants To a guy in Kentucky, I'm Mister Unlucky And I'm known throughout England and France And since I am dead, I can take off my head To recite Shakespearean quotations No animal nor man can scream like I can With the fury of my recitations But who here would ever understand That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin Would tire of his crown, if they only understood He'd give it all up if he only could Oh, there's an empty place in my bones That calls out for something unknown The fame and praise come year after year Does nothing for these empty tears [leaving graveyard and entering forest] SALLY Jack, I know how you feel.   [Sally gathers herbs] [back at Dr. Finkelstein's castle] DR. FINKELSTEIN Sally, you've come back. SALLY I had to. DR. FINKELSTEIN For this? [showing her arm] SALLY Yes. DR. FINKELSTEIN Shall we then. That's twice this month you've slipped deadly nightshade into my tea and run off -- SALLY Three times! DR. FINKELSTEIN You're mine you know!  I made you with my own hands. SALLY You can make other creations.  I'm restless, I can't help it. DR. FINKELSTEIN It's a phase my dear, it'll pass.  We need to be patient that's all. SALLY But, I don't want to be patient. [forest] ZERO bark JACK No Zero, not now.  I'm not in the mood. ZERO bark JACK All right.  [giving Zero a rib from himself]  Here ya go boy. [Zero gets rib and shows off his nose] [Back to Halloweentown] MAYOR Morning gents [to the band] [humming This Is Halloween, walks up to Jack's front door and rings bell] MAYOR Jack, you home? [getting worried, switches face and knocks with desperation then switch back to happy face] MAYOR Jack?  I've got the plans for next Halloween.  I need to go over them with you so we can get started.   MAYOR (with worried face) Jack, please, I'm only an elected an official here, I can't make decisions by myself.  Jack, answer me!! [falls down steps] ACCORDION PLAYER He's not home. MAYOR Where is he? SAX PLAYER He hasn't been home all night. MAYOR ooooo [back to forest] JACK (yawning)  Where are we?  It's someplace new. ZERO bark bark JACK What is this? [Jack sees Valentine's tree, shamrock tree, Easter egg tree, turkey tree] JACK [gasps] [sees Xmas tree] [turns knob and gets sucked in] ZERO bark bark JACK Whoa!!!! What's This? Performed by Danny Elfman What's this? What's this? There's color everywhere What's this? There's white things in the air What's this? I can't believe my eyes I must be dreaming Wake up, Jack, this isn't fair What's this? What's this? What's this? There's something very wrong What's this? There's people singing songs What's this? The streets are lined with Little creatures laughing Everybody seems so happy Have I possibly gone daffy? What is this? What's this? There's children throwing snowballs instead of throwing heads They're busy building toys And absolutely no one's dead There's frost on every window Oh, I can't believe my eyes And in my bones I feel the warmth That's coming from inside Oh, look What's this? They're hanging mistletoe, they kiss Why that looks so unique, inspired They're gathering around to hear a story Roasting chestnuts on a fire What's this? What's this? In here they've got a little tree, how queer And who would ever think And why? They're covering it with tiny little things They've got electric lights on strings And there's a smile on everyone So, now, correct me if I'm wrong This looks like fun This looks like fun Oh, could it be I got my wish? What's this? Oh my, what now? The children are asleep But look, there's nothing underneath No ghouls, no witches here to scream and scare them Or ensnare them, only little cozy things Secure inside their dreamland What's this? The monsters are all missing And the nightmares can't be found And in their place there seems to be Good feeling all around Instead of screams, I swear I can hear music in the air The smell of cakes and pies Are absolutely everywhere The sights, the sounds They're everywhere and all around I've never felt so good before This empty place inside of me is filling up I simply cannot get enough I want it, oh, I want it Oh, I want it for my own I've got to know I've got to know What is this place that I have found? What is this? Christmas Town, hmm... SANDY CLAWS Ho Ho Ho Ho ho ho ho ho JACK hmm.. [Halloweentown] CLOWN This has never happened before. Witch It's suspicious. Witch (little) It's peculiar. VAMPIRES It's scary. MAYOR Stand aside. WEREWOLF grrrr MAYOR Coming through.  We've got find Jack.  There's only 365 days left till next Halloween. WEREWOLF 364! MAYOR Is there anywhere we've forgotten to check? Clown I looked in every mausoleum. WITCHES We opened the sarcophagi. Hyde I tromped through the pumpkin patch. VAMPIRE I peeked behind the Cyclops's eye.  I did!  But he wasn't there. MAYOR It's time to sound the alarms. [DR. FINKELSTEIN's castle] SALLY Frog's breath will overpower any odor.  Bitter.  [coughing]  Worm's wart.  Where's that worm's wart? DR. FINKELSTEIN Sally, that soup ready yet? SALLY Coming....lunch DR. FINKELSTEIN Ah, what's that?  Worm's wart, mmm, and...frog's breath. SALLY What's wrong?  I-I thought you liked frog's breath. DR. FINKELSTEIN Nothing's more suspicious than frog's breath. Until you taste it I won't swallow a spoonful. SALLY I'm not hungry... [knocking spoon]  Oops! DR. FINKELSTEIN You want me to starve.  An old man like me who hardly has strength as it is.  Me, to whom you owe your very life. SALLY Oh don't be silly.  [eats soup with trick spoon]  Mmmm, see.  Scrumptious. [Dr. Finkelstein eats soup] [Halloween] MAYOR Did anyone think to dredge the lake? VAMPIRE Ah, this morning! ZERO barks Witch Hear that? Witch (little) What? Witch Shh! ZERO barks VAMPIRE Zero! [fanfare as Jack and Zero arrive] Kid Jack's back! MAYOR Where have you been? JACK Call a town meeting and I'll tell everyone all about it. MAYOR When? JACK Immediately! MAYOR [in his mayor truck] Town meeting, town meeting, town meeting tonight, town meeting tonight [at meeting] Clown [giggles as he hits Sally] JACK Listen everyone.  I want to tell you about Christmastown. Town Meeting Song Performed by Danny Elfman and Cast JACK There are objects so peculiar They were not to be believed All around, things to tantalize my brain It's a world unlike anything I've ever seen And as hard as I try I can't seem to describe Like a most improbable dream But you must believe when I tell you this It's as real as my skull and it does exist Here, let me show you This is a thing called a present The whole thing starts with a box DEVIL A box? is it steel? WEREWOLF Are there locks? HARLEOUIN DEMON Is it filled with a pox? DEVIL, WEREWOLF, HARLEQUIN DEMON A pox How delightful, a pox JACK If you please Just a box with bright-colored paper And the whole thing's topped with a bow WITCHES A bow? But why? How ugly What's in it? What's in it? JACK That's the point of the thing, not to know CLOWN It's a bat Will it bend? CREATURE UNDER THE STAIRS It's a rat Will it break? UNDERSEA GAL Perhaps it s the head that I found in the lake JACK Listen now, you don't understand That's not the point of Christmas land Now, pay attention We pick up an oversized sock And hang it like this on the wall MR. HYDE Oh, yes! Does it still have a foot? MEDIUM MR. HYDE Let me see, let me look SMALL MR. HYDE Is it rotted and covered with gook? JACK Um, let me explain There's no foot inside, but there's candy Or sometimes it's filled with small toys MUMMY AND WINGED DEMON Small toys WINGED DEMON Do they bite? MUMMY Do they snap? WINGED DEMON Or explode in a sack? CORPSE KID Or perhaps they just spring out And scare girls and boys MAYOR What a splendid idea This Christmas sounds fun I fully endorse it Let's try it at once JACK Everyone, please now, not so fast There's something here that you don't quite grasp Well, I may as well give them what they want And the best, I must confess, I have saved for the last For the ruler of this Christmas land Is a fearsome king with a deep mighty voice Least that's what I've come to understand And I've also heard it told That he's something to behold Like a lobster, huge and red When he sets out to slay with his rain gear on Carting bulging sacks with his big great arms That is, so I've heard it said And on a dark, cold night Under full moonlight He flies into a fog Like a vulture in the sky And they call him Sandy Claws Well, at least they're excited But they don't understand That special kind of feeling in Christmas land Oh, well... [Jack's house] JACK There's got to be a logical way to explain this Xmas thing. [Dr. Finkelstein's castle] DR. FINKELSTEIN You've poisoned me for the last time you wretched girl. [locks Sally away] [dingdong] DR. FINKELSTEIN Oh my head...the door is open. JACK Hel-lo DR. FINKELSTEIN Jack Skellington, up here my boy. JACK Dr. I need to borrow some equipment. DR. FINKELSTEIN Is that so, whatever for? JACK I'm conducting a series of experiments. DR. FINKELSTEIN How perfectly marvelous.  Curiosity killed the cat, you know. JACK I know. DR. FINKELSTEIN Come on into the lab and we'll get you all fixed up. SALLY Hmm.  Experiments? [Jack's house] JACK Zero, I'm home. [Jack examines & experiments with Xmas stuff] JACK Interesting reaction....but what does it mean? [Sally's room] [after Sally jumps to give Jack his basket...] DR. FINKELSTEIN You can come out now if you promise to behave.  Sally.  Sally.  Oooh!  Gone again! [Jack's house] [Sally gives Jack his basket and sneaks off and picks a flower which catches on fire] Jack's Obsession Performed by Danny Elfman and Cast CITIZENS OF HALLOWEEN Something's up with Jack Something's up with Jack Don't know if we're ever going to get him back He's all alone up there Locked away inside Never says a word Hope he hasn't died Something's up with Jack Something's up with Jack JACK Christmas time is buzzing in my skull Will it let me be? I cannot tell There's so many things I cannot grasp When I think I've got it, and then at last Through my bony fingers it does slip Like a snowflake in a fiery grip Something here I'm not quite getting Though I try, I keep forgetting Like a memory long since past Here in an instant, gone in a flash What does it mean? What does it mean? In these little bric-a-brac A secret's waiting to be cracked These dolls and toys confuse me so Confound it all, I love it though Simple objects, nothing more But something's hidden through a door Though I do not have the key Something's there I cannot see What does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean? Hmm... I've read these Christmas books so many times I know the stories and I know the rhymes I know the Christmas carols all by heart My skull's so full, it's tearing me apart As often as I've read them, something's wrong So hard to put my bony finger on Or perhaps it's really not as deep As I've been led to think Am I trying much too hard? Of course! I've been too close to see The answer's right in front of me Right in front of me It's simple really, very clear Like music drifting in the air Invisible, but everywhere Just because I cannot see it Doesn't mean I can't believe it You know, I think this Christmas thing It's not as tricky as it seems And why should they have all the fun? It should belong to anyone Not anyone, in fact, but me Why, I could make a Christmas tree And there's no reason I can find I couldn't handle Christmas time I bet I could improve it too And that's exactly what I'll do Hee,hee,hee JACK Eureka!!  This year, Christmas will be ours! MAYOR Patience, everyone.  Jack has a special Job for each of us.  Dr. Finkelstein, your Xmas assignment is ready.  Dr. Finkelstein to the front of the line. VAMPIRE What kind of a noise is that for a baby to make? JACK Perhaps it can be improved? VAMPIRES No problem! JACK I knew it!  Dr. thank you for coming.  We need some of these. [showing picture of Santa and sleigh] DR. FINKELSTEIN Hmm.. their construction should be exceedingly simple.  I think. MAYOR How horrible our Xmas will be. JACK No--how jolly. MAYOR [switches face] Oh, how jolly our Xmas will be.  [gets pelted]  What are you doing here? LOCK Jack sent for us. SHOCK Specifically. BARREL By name. LOCK Lock SHOCK Shock BARREL Barrel MAYOR Jack, Jack it's Oogie's boys! JACK Ah, Halloween's finest trick or treaters.  The job I have for you is top secret.  It requires craft, cunning, mischief. SHOCK And we thought you didn't like us, Jack. [giggles] JACK Absolutely no one is to know about it.  Not a soul.  Now-- [whispers to LS&B] And one more thing -- leave that no account Ooogie Boogie out of this! BARREL Whatever you say, Jack. SHOCK Of course Jack. LOCK Wouldn't dream of it Jack. [all said with their fingers crossed] Kidnap the Sandy Claws Performed by Paul Reubens, Catherine O'Hara, and Danny Elfman LOCK, SHOCK, AND BARREL Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws LOCK I wanna do it BARREL Let's draw straws SHOCK Jack said we should work together Three of a kind LOCK, SHOCK, AND BARREL Birds of a feather Now and forever Wheeee La, la, la, la, la Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him up real tight Throw away the key and then Turn off all the lights SHOCK First, we're going to set some bait Inside a nasty trap and wait When he comes a-sniffing we will Snap the trap and close the gate LOCK Wait! I've got a better plan To catch this big red lobster man Let's pop him in a boiling pot And when he's done we'll butter him up LOCK, SHOCK, AND BARREL Kidnap the Sandy Claws Throw him in a box Bury him for ninety years Then see if he talks SHOCK Then Mr. Oogie Boogie Man Can take the whole thing over then He'll be so pleased, I do declare That he will cook him rare LOCK,SHOCK, AND BARREL Wheeee LOCK I say that we take a cannon Aim it at his door And then knock three times And when he answers Sandy Claws will be no more SHOCK You're so stupid, think now lf we blow him up to smithereens We may lose some pieces And then Jack will beat us black and green LOCK,SHOCK, AND BARREL Kidnap the Sandy Claws Tie him in a bag Throw him in the ocean Then, see if he is sad LOCK AND SHOCK Because Mr. Oogie Boogie is the meanest guy around If I were on his Boogie list, I'd get out of town BARREL He'll be so pleased by our success That he'll reward us too, I'll bet LOCK, SHOCK, AND BARREL Perhaps he'll make his special brew Of snake and spider stew Ummm! We're his little henchmen and We take our job with pride We do our best to please him And stay on his good side SHOCK I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb BARREL I'm not the dumb one LOCK You're no fun SHOCK Shut up LOCK Make me SHOCK I've got something, listen now This one is real good, you'll see We'll send a present to his door Upon there'll be a note to read Now, in the box we'll wait and hide Until his curiosity entices him to look inside BARREL And then we'll have him One, two, three LOCK, SHOCK, AND BARREL Kidnap the Sandy Claws, beat him with a stick Lock him up for ninety years, see what makes him tick Kidnap the Sandy Claws, chop him into bits Mr. Oogie Boogie is sure to get his kicks Kidnap the Sandy Claws, see what we will see Lock him in a cage and then, throw away the key OOGIE BOOGIE Sandy Claws..hahaha [city hall] JACK It goes something like this.  [Jingle bells] How about it?  Think you can manage? PERSON INSIDE BASS a one, and a two, and a three, and a. . . [Jingle in a flat key by the band] MAYOR Next! JACK Fantastic!  Now why don't you all practice on that and we'll be in great shape.  Sally, I need your help more than anyone's.   SALLY You certainly do, Jack.  I had the most terrible vision. JACK That's splendid. SALLY No, it was about your Xmas.  There was smoke and fire. JACK That not my Xmas.  My Xmas is filled with laughter and joy and this--my Sandy Claws outfit.  I want you to make it. SALLY Jack, please, listen to me--it's going to be a disaster. JACK How could it be--just follow the pattern.  This part is red, the trim is white. SALLY It's a mistake, Jack. JACK Now don't be modest, who else is clever enough to make my Sandy claws outfit. MAYOR Next! JACK I have every confidence in you. SALLY But it seems wrong to me, very wrong. [to Behemoth] JACK This device is called a nutcracker. LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL Jack, Jack we caught him we caught him. JACK Perfect!  Open it up.  Quickly! [opens to reveal the Easter bunny] JACK That's not Sandy Claws! SHOCK It isn't? BARREL Who is it? BEHEMOTH Bunny! JACK Not Sandy Claws...take him back! LOCK We followed your instructions-- BARREL we went through the door-- JACK Which door?  There's more than one.  Sandy Claws is behind the door shaped like this.   [shows Xmas cookie in shape of tree] SHOCK I told you! [LS&B start fighting] JACK Arr!!  [making scary face at LS&B] JACK I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, sir.  Take him home first  and apologize again.  Be careful with Sandy Claws when you fetch him.  Treat him nicely. LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL Got it.  We'll get it right next time. [Dr. Finkelstein's castle] DR. FINKELSTEIN You will be a decided improvement over that treacherous Sally. IGOR Master, the plans. DR. FINKELSTEIN Excellent, Igor. [throws him a dog bone] Making Christmas Performed by Danny Elfman and the Citizens of Halloween CLOWN This time, this time GROUP Making Christmas ACCORDION PLAYER Making Christmas MAYOR Making Christmas, making Christmas Is so fine GROUP It's ours this time And won't the children be surprised It's ours this time CHILD CORPSE Making Christmas MUMMY Making Christmas MUMMY AND CORPSE CHILD Making Christmas WITCHES Time to give them something fun WITCHES AND CREATURE LADY They'll talk about for years to come GROUP Let's have a cheer from everyone It's time to party DUCK TOY Making Christmas, making Christmas VAMPIRES Snakes and mice get wrapped up so nice With spider legs and pretty bows VAMPIRES AND WINGED DEMON It's ours this time CORPSE FATHER All together, that and this CORPSE FATHER, WOLF MAN With all our tricks we're CORPSE FATHER, WOLF MAN, DEVIL Making Christmastime WOLF MAN Here comes Jack JACK I don't believe what's happening to me My hopes, my dreams, my fantasies Hee, hee, hee, hee HARLEQUIN Won't they be impressed, I am a genius See how I transformed this old rat Into a most delightful hat JACK Hmm, my compliments from me to you On this your most intriguing hat Consider though this substitute A bat in place of this old rat Huh! No, no, no, now that's all wrong This thing will never make a present It's been dead now for much too long Try something fresher, something pleasant Try again, don't give up THREE MR. HYDES All together, that and this With all our tricks we're making Christmastime (Instrumental) GROUP This time, this time JACK It's ours! GROUP Making Christmas, making Christmas La, la, la It's almost here GROUP AND WOLF MAN And we can't wait GROUP AND HARLEOUIN So ring the bells and celebrate GROUP 'Cause when the full moon starts to climb We'll all sing out JACK It's Christmastime Hee, hee, hee [Christmastown] SANDY CLAWS Kathleen, Bobby, Susie, yes, Susie's been nice.  Nice, nice, naughty, nice, nice, nice.  There are hardly any naughty children this year. [door chime:  jingle all the way] SANDY CLAWS Now who could that be? LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL Trick or treat! SANDY CLAWS Huh? [back to Halloweentown] [to Jack in Sandy garb] SALLY You don't look like yourself Jack, not at all. JACK Isn't that wonderful.  It couldn't be more wonderful! SALLY But you're the Pumpkin King. JACK Not anymore.  And I feel so much better now. SALLY Jack, I know you think something's missing.  But -- [pricks Jack's finger with needle] JACK SALLY Sorry JACK You're right, something is missing but what?  I've got the beard, the coat, the boots -- LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL Jack, Jack  this time we bagged him! LOCK This time we really did! BARREL He sure is big Jack! SHOCK And heavy! SANDY CLAWS Let me out! JACK Sandy Claws in person.  What a pleasure to meet you.  Why you have hands!  You don't have claws at all. SANDY CLAWS Where am I? JACK Surprised aren't you?  I knew you would be.  You don't need to have another worry about Xmas this year.   SANDY CLAWS What? JACK Consider this a vacation Sandy,  a reward.  It's your turn to take it easy. SANDY CLAWS But there must be some mistake! JACK See that he's comfortable.  Just a second fellows.  Of course, that's what I'm missing.   SANDY CLAWS But -- JACK Thanks!  [took Sandy's hat] SANDY CLAWS You just can't...  Hold on where are we going now? JACK ho ho ho SALLY This is worse than I thought, much worse.  I know... SANDY CLAWS Me?  On vacation on Xmas eve? BARREL Where are we taking him? SALLY Where? LOCK To Oogie boogie, of course.  There isn't anywhere in the whole world more comfortable than that and Jack said to make him comfortable.  Didn't he? SHOCK & BARREL Yes he did. SANDY CLAWS Haven't you heard of peace on earth and good will toward men? LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL No! [Dr. Finkelstein's castle] [getting fog juice] SALLY This'll stop Jack. [working on new creation to replace Sally] DR. FINKELSTEIN What a joy to think of all we'll have in common.  We'll have conversations worth having. [Oogie's] LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL [laughing] SANDY CLAWS Don't do this.  Naughty children never get any presents. SHOCK I think he might be too big. LOCK No he's not.  If he can go down a chimney, he can fit down here! [in Oogie's lair] Oogie Boogie's Song Performed by Ken Page with Ed lvory OOGIE BOOGIE Well, well, well, what have we here? Sandy Claws, huh? Oh, I'm really scared So you're the one everybody's talkin' about, ha, ha You're jokin', you're jokin' I can't believe my eyes You're jokin' me, you gotta be This can't be the right guy He's ancient, he's ugly I don't know which is worse I might just split a seam now If I don't die laughing first Mr. Oogie Boogie says There's trouble close at hand You'd better pay attention now 'Cause I'm the Boogie Man And if you aren't shakin' There's something very wrong 'Cause this may be the last time You hear the boogie song, ohhh THREE SKELETONS Ohhh OOGIE BOOGIE Ohhh TWO SKELETONS IN VICE Ohhh OOGIE BOOGIE Ohhh THREE BATS Ohhh, he's the Oogie Boogie Man SANTA Release me now Or you must face the dire consequences The children are expecting me So please, come to your senses OOGIE BOOGIE You're jokin', you're jokin' I can't believe my ears Would someone shut this fella up I'm drownin' in my tears It's funny, I'm laughing You really are too much And now, with your permission I'm going to do my stuff SANTA What are you going to do? OOGIE BOOGIE I'm gonna do the best I can Oh, the sound of rollin' dice To me is music in the air 'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man Although I don't play fair It's much more fun, I must confess With lives on the line Not mine, of course, but yours, old boy Now that'd be just fine SANTA Release me fast or you will have to Answer for this heinous act OOGIE BOOGIE Oh, brother, you're something You put me in a spin You aren't comprehending The position that you're in It's hopeless, you're finished You haven't got a prayer 'Cause I'm Mr. Oogie Boogie And you ain't going nowhere [LS&B laughing] [back to Halloweentown] [Sally pouring fog juice into fountain] [Jack appears from coffin and there's applause] MAYOR Think of us as you soar triumphantly through the sky outshining every star.  Your silhouette a dark blot on the moon, you who are our pride, you who are our glory, you who have frightened billions into an early grave.   [the fog starts to get worse] MAYOR You who have eh, devastated the souls of the living... JACK Oh no!  We can't take off in this!  The reindeer can't see an inch in front of their noses. SALLY Whew! VAMPIRE This fog's as thick as, as... CYCLOPS Jelly brains VAMPIRE Thicker! JACK There go all of my hope, my precious plans, my glorious dreams. Kid [crying]  There goes Xmas. ZERO barks JACK No Zero, down boy.  My what a brilliant nose you have.  The better to light my way!  To the head of the team, Zero!  We're off! SALLY Wait Jack, no! [Jack is off!] [cheers] JACK ho ho ha ha ha SALLY Good bye Jack, my dearest Jack.  Oh how I hope my premonition is wrong. Sally's Song Performed by Catherine O'Hara I sense there's something in the wind That feels like tragedy's at hand And though I'd like to stand by him Can't shake this feeling that I have The worst is just around the bend And does he notice my feelings for him? And will he see how much he means to me? I think it's not to be What will become of my dear friend? Where will his actions lead us then? Although I'd like to join the crowd In their enthusiastic cloud Try as I may, it doesn't last And will we ever end up together? No, I think not, it's never to become For I am not the one [Jack playing Sandy] JACK ho ho ho ho ho ho he he he [lands loudly & wakes up little kid] A little kid Santa! [sees Jack] [gasps]  Santa? JACK Merry Xmas!  And what is your name? Kid uh uh JACK That's all right.  I have a special present for you anyway. There you go sonny.  Hohohohehehe [goes back up chimney] Mother And what did Santa bring you honey? [pulls out shrunken head] [mother and father scream] JACK Merry Xmas! Cop [ON PHONE] Hello, police. [frantic peanuts-type talk] Attacked by Xmas toys?  That's strange.  That's the second toy complaint we've had. JACK hohohohehehe [killer wreath, snake, vampire toy, killer duck] [screams] [Jack puts toys down chimneys] [screams] [Jack in the box chases fat kid] JACK You're welcome one and all! Cop [on phone] Where'd you spot him? ---Fast as we can, ma'am ---Police ---I know, I know a skeleton ---Keep calm ---Turn off all the lights ---Make sure the doors are Locked ---Hello, police Newscaster Reports are pouring in from all over the globe that an impostor is shamelessly impersonating Santa Claus, mocking and mangling this joyous holiday. Halloween residents [cheers] Newscaster Police assure us that this moment, military units are mobilizing to stop the perpetrator of this heinous crime. SALLY [over the Newscaster] Jack, someone has to help Jack.  Where'd they take that Sandy Claws? Newscaster --Come back and save Xmas JACK Look Zero, search lights!   [firing at Jack] JACK They're celebrating!  They're thanking us for doing such a good job. [almost hits Zero] JACK Whoa, careful down there, you almost hit us.   ZERO bark JACK It's ok, Zero.  Head higher! [Oogie lair] OOGIE BOOGIE Are you a gamblin man, Sandy?  Let's play.   [sees sally's leg] OOGIE BOOGIE Mmmm.. my, my....what have we here? [Sally's hands start to rescue Sandy] SALLY [whispering]  I'll get you out of here. OOGIE BOOGIE Ah, lovely.  Tickle, tickle, tickle.  Tickle, tickle, tickle. [Sally's hands untie Sandy] [Oogie realizes that there's no body to the leg] OOGIE BOOGIE What?!?  You trying to make a dupe out of me? [Oogie sucks Sandy and Sally back in] [back to Jack] JACK Who's next on my list.  Ah, little Harry and Jordan.  Won't they be surprised. [sleigh gets hit] JACK They're trying to hit us!  ZERO! ZERO Bark [sleigh gets hit] [as Jack's falling] JACK Merry Xmas to all and to all a good night... [Halloween] WEREWOLF howl! MAYOR (with white face) I knew this Xmas thing was a bad idea.  I felt it in my gut.  Terrible news folks.  The worst tragedy of our times.  Jack has been blown to smithereens.  Terrible, terrible news. [back to "normal" town] Cop [in car] Attention, attention citizens.  Terrible news.  There's still no sign of Santa Claus.  Although the impostor has been shot down, it looks like Xmas will have to be canceled this year.  I repeat the impostor has been shot down but there's still no sign ...... [Jack in cemetery] Poor Jack Performed by Danny Elfman What have I done? What have I done? How could I be so blind? All is lost, where was I? Spoiled all, spoiled all Everything's gone all wrong What have I done? What have I done? Find a deep cave to hide in In a million years they'll find me Only dust and a plaque That reads, 'Here Lies Poor Old Jack" But I never intended all this madness, never And nobody really understood, well how could they? That all I ever wanted was to bring them something great Why does nothing ever turn out like it should? Well, what the heck, I went and did my best And, by god, I really tasted something swell And for a moment, why, I even touched the sky And at least I left some stories they can tell, I did And for the first time since I don't remember when I felt just like my old bony self again And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King That's right! I am the Pumpkin King, ha, ha, ha, ha And I just can't wait until next Halloween 'Cause I've got some new ideas that will really make them scream And, by God, I'm really going to give it all my might Uh oh, I hope there's still time to set things right Sandy Claws, hmm [Oogie lair] SALLY You wait till Jack hears about this.  By the time he's through with you, you'll be lucky if you... MAYOR The king of Halloween has been blown to smithereens.  Skeleton Jack is now a pile of dust. SALLY [gasp] JACK Come on Zero.  Xmas isn't over yet! OOGIE BOOGIE What's that you were saying about luck, rag doll? SALLY Help, help, help, help OOGIE BOOGIE Sandy, looks like it's Oogie's turn to boogie. SALLY [scream] OOGIE BOOGIE one 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- hahaha SANDY CLAWS This can't be happening! OOGIE BOOGIE Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust.  Oh, I'm feeling weak...with hunger. One more roll of the dice oughta do it.  Haha [rolls dice] What!  Snake eyes.  [bang on table] Eleven!  Haha  looks like I won the jackpot! Bye bye doll face and sandman. Ha, ha, ha [about to dump Sally & Sandy Claus into the lava] What the... JACK Hello Oogie OOGIE BOOGIE Jack, but they said you were dead.  You must be double dead. Well come on bone man. ZERO bark bark OOGIE BOOGIE oooo ooo ooo.  Pull an arm.  ha ha SALLY Jack look out! OOGIE BOOGIE So long, Jack.  haha JACK How dare you treat my friends so shamefully. [Jack pulls the thread that came loose that held Oogie together] OOGIE BOOGIE Now look what you've done.  My bugs, my bugs, my bugs, bye bye bye JACK Forgive me Mr. claws, I'm afraid I've made a terrible mess of your holiday. SANDY CLAWS Bumpy sleigh ride, Jack?  The next time you get the urge to take over someone else's holiday, I'd listen to her!  She's the only one who makes any sense around this insane asylum! Skeletons.... JACK I hope there's still time-- SANDY CLAWS To fix Xmas?  Of course there is, I'm Santa Claus! [and laying a finger aside of his nose, up Oogie's chimney he rose] SALLY He'll fix things Jack.  He knows what to do. JACK How did you get down here Sally? SALLY Oh, I was trying to, well, I wanted to, to -- JACK to help me SALLY I couldn't just let you just... JACK Sally, I can't believe I never realized...that you... MAYOR Jack, Jack! BARREL Here he is! LOCK Alive! SHOCK Just like we said. MAYOR Grab a hold my boy! JACK & SALLY whoa! NEWSCASTER Good news, folks.  Santa Claus, the one and only has finally been spotted.  Old Saint Nick appears to be traveling at supersonic speed.   He's setting things right, bringing joy and cheer wherever he goes.  Yes folks, Kris Kringle has pulled it out of the bag and delivered Xmas to excited children all over the world! Finale Performed by Danny Elfman, Catherine O'Hara, and the Citizens of Halloween CHORUS La, la, la, (etc.) Jack's OK, and he's back, OK CHILD CORPSE AND CHORUS He's all right MAYOR AND CHORUS Let's shout, make a fuss Scream it out, wheee CHORUS Jack is back now, everyone sing In our town of Halloween JACK It's great to be home! SANDY CLAWS Hohohohoho Happy Halloween! [Sandy Claws brings snow to Halloween] JACK Merry Xmas! CHILD CORPSE What's this? CYCLOPS What's this? HARLEQUIN DEMON I haven't got a clue MR. HYDE What's this? CLOWN Why it's completely new OFF-SCREEN VOICE What's this? WOLFMAN Must be a Christmas thing OFF-SCREEN VOICE What's this? MAYOR It's really very strange CHORUS This is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! What's this? What's this? (Repeat) DR. FINKELSTEIN Careful, my precious jewel! [Dr. F. with his new wife!] JACK My dearest friend, if you don't mind I'd like to join you by your side Where we can gaze into the stars JACK AND SALLY And sit together, now and forever For it is plain as anyone can see We're simply meant to be
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pandacakeswithsyrup · 7 years
The whole script to “Nightmare Before Christmas” By: Time Burton
The script to Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas NARRATOR 'Twas a long time ago, longer now than it seems, in a place that perhaps you've seen in your dreams.  For the story that you are about to be told, took place in the holiday worlds of old.  Now, you've probably wondered where holidays come from.  If you haven't, I'd say it's time you begun. This Is Halloween SHADOW Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange? SIAMESE SHADOW Come with us and you will see This, our town of Halloween PUMPKIN PATCH CHORUS This is Halloween, this is Halloween Pumpkins scream in the dead of night GHOSTS This is Halloween, everybody make a scene Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright It's our town, everybody scream In this town of Halloween CREATURE UNDER BED I am the one hiding under your bed Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red MAN UNDER THE STAIRS I am the one hiding under your stairs Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair CORPSE CHORUS This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! VAMPIRES In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song MAYOR In this town, don't we love it now? Everybody's waiting for the next surprise CORPSE CHORUS Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll scream HARLEQUIN DEMON, WEREWOLF, AND MELTING MAN Scream! This is Halloween Red 'n' black, slimy green WEREWOLF Aren't you scared? WITCHES Well, that's just fine Say it once, say it twice Take the chance and roll the dice Ride with the moon in the dead of night HANGING TREE Everybody scream, everybody scream HANGED MEN In our town of Halloween CLOWN I am the clown with the tear-away face Here in a flash and gone without a trace SECOND GHOUL I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?" I am the wind blowing through your hair OOGIE BOOGIE SHADOW I am the shadow on the moon at night Filling your dreams to the brim with fright CORPSE CHORUS This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! CHILD CORPSE TRIO Tender lumplings everywhere Life's no fun without a good scare PARENT CORPSES That's our job, but we're not mean In our town of Halloween CORPSE CHORUS In this town MAYOR Don't we love it now? MAYOR WITH CORPSE CHORUS Everyone's waiting for the next surprise CORPSE CHORUS Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back And scream like a banshee Make you jump out of your skin This is Halloween, everybody scream Won't ya please make way for a very special guy Our man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now EVERYONE This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! CORPSE CHILD TRIO In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song EVERYONE La la-la la, Halloween! Halloween! (etc.) EVERYONE [applause] WITCHES Cackling CLOWN It's over! BEHEMOTH We did it! [tummy bump] WEREWOLF Wasn't it terrifying? HYDE & CYCLOPS What a night! MAYOR Great Halloween everybody. JACK I believe it was our most horrible yet!  Thank you everyone. MAYOR No, thanks to  you, Jack.  Without your brilliant leadership - JACK Not at all Mayor. VAMPIRE (fat) You're such a scream, Jack WITCH You're a witch's fondest dream! WITCH (little) You made walls fall, Jack WITCH Walls fall?  You made the very mountains crack, Jack DR. FINKELSTEIN The deadly nightshade you slipped me wore off, Sally.   SALLY Let go! DR. FINKELSTEIN You're not ready for so much excitement! SALLY Yes I am! DR. FINKELSTEIN You're coming with me! SALLY No I'm not! [Sally pulls out the thread that's holding her arm on] DR. FINKELSTEIN Come back here you foolish oaf!  Ow! CREATURE FROM BLACK LAGOON Ooo Jack, you make wounds ooze and flesh crawl. JACK Thank you, thank you, thank you -- very much MAYOR Hold it!  We haven't given out the prizes yet!  Our first award goes to the vampires for most blood drained in a single evening. [applause] MAYOR A frightening and honorable mention goes to the fabulous Dark Lagoon leeches SAX PLAYER Nice work, Bone Daddy. JACK Yeah, I guess so.  Just like last year and the year before that and the year before that. [entering graveyard] Jack's Lament Performed by Danny Elfman There are few who'd deny, at what I do I am the best For my talents are renowned far and wide When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night I excel without ever even trying With the slightest little effort of my ghostlike charms I have seen grown men give out a shriek With the wave of my hand, and a well-placed moan I have swept the very bravest off their feet Yet year after year, it's the same routine And I grow so weary of the sound of screams And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King Have grown so tired of the same old thing Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones An emptiness began to grow There's something out there, far from my home A longing that I've never known I'm the master of fright, and a demon of light And I'll scare you right out of your pants To a guy in Kentucky, I'm Mister Unlucky And I'm known throughout England and France And since I am dead, I can take off my head To recite Shakespearean quotations No animal nor man can scream like I can With the fury of my recitations But who here would ever understand That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin Would tire of his crown, if they only understood He'd give it all up if he only could Oh, there's an empty place in my bones That calls out for something unknown The fame and praise come year after year Does nothing for these empty tears [leaving graveyard and entering forest] SALLY Jack, I know how you feel.   [Sally gathers herbs] [back at Dr. Finkelstein's castle] DR. FINKELSTEIN Sally, you've come back. SALLY I had to. DR. FINKELSTEIN For this? [showing her arm] SALLY Yes. DR. FINKELSTEIN Shall we then. That's twice this month you've slipped deadly nightshade into my tea and run off -- SALLY Three times! DR. FINKELSTEIN You're mine you know!  I made you with my own hands. SALLY You can make other creations.  I'm restless, I can't help it. DR. FINKELSTEIN It's a phase my dear, it'll pass.  We need to be patient that's all. SALLY But, I don't want to be patient. [forest] ZERO bark JACK No Zero, not now.  I'm not in the mood. ZERO bark JACK All right.  [giving Zero a rib from himself]  Here ya go boy. [Zero gets rib and shows off his nose] [Back to Halloweentown] MAYOR Morning gents [to the band] [humming This Is Halloween, walks up to Jack's front door and rings bell] MAYOR Jack, you home? [getting worried, switches face and knocks with desperation then switch back to happy face] MAYOR Jack?  I've got the plans for next Halloween.  I need to go over them with you so we can get started.   MAYOR (with worried face) Jack, please, I'm only an elected an official here, I can't make decisions by myself.  Jack, answer me!! [falls down steps] ACCORDION PLAYER He's not home. MAYOR Where is he? SAX PLAYER He hasn't been home all night. MAYOR ooooo [back to forest] JACK (yawning)  Where are we?  It's someplace new. ZERO bark bark JACK What is this? [Jack sees Valentine's tree, shamrock tree, Easter egg tree, turkey tree] JACK [gasps] [sees Xmas tree] [turns knob and gets sucked in] ZERO bark bark JACK Whoa!!!! What's This? Performed by Danny Elfman What's this? What's this? There's color everywhere What's this? There's white things in the air What's this? I can't believe my eyes I must be dreaming Wake up, Jack, this isn't fair What's this? What's this? What's this? There's something very wrong What's this? There's people singing songs What's this? The streets are lined with Little creatures laughing Everybody seems so happy Have I possibly gone daffy? What is this? What's this? There's children throwing snowballs instead of throwing heads They're busy building toys And absolutely no one's dead There's frost on every window Oh, I can't believe my eyes And in my bones I feel the warmth That's coming from inside Oh, look What's this? They're hanging mistletoe, they kiss Why that looks so unique, inspired They're gathering around to hear a story Roasting chestnuts on a fire What's this? What's this? In here they've got a little tree, how queer And who would ever think And why? They're covering it with tiny little things They've got electric lights on strings And there's a smile on everyone So, now, correct me if I'm wrong This looks like fun This looks like fun Oh, could it be I got my wish? What's this? Oh my, what now? The children are asleep But look, there's nothing underneath No ghouls, no witches here to scream and scare them Or ensnare them, only little cozy things Secure inside their dreamland What's this? The monsters are all missing And the nightmares can't be found And in their place there seems to be Good feeling all around Instead of screams, I swear I can hear music in the air The smell of cakes and pies Are absolutely everywhere The sights, the sounds They're everywhere and all around I've never felt so good before This empty place inside of me is filling up I simply cannot get enough I want it, oh, I want it Oh, I want it for my own I've got to know I've got to know What is this place that I have found? What is this? Christmas Town, hmm... SANDY CLAWS Ho Ho Ho Ho ho ho ho ho JACK hmm.. [Halloweentown] CLOWN This has never happened before. Witch It's suspicious. Witch (little) It's peculiar. VAMPIRES It's scary. MAYOR Stand aside. WEREWOLF grrrr MAYOR Coming through.  We've got find Jack.  There's only 365 days left till next Halloween. WEREWOLF 364! MAYOR Is there anywhere we've forgotten to check? Clown I looked in every mausoleum. WITCHES We opened the sarcophagi. Hyde I tromped through the pumpkin patch. VAMPIRE I peeked behind the Cyclops's eye.  I did!  But he wasn't there. MAYOR It's time to sound the alarms. [DR. FINKELSTEIN's castle] SALLY Frog's breath will overpower any odor.  Bitter.  [coughing]  Worm's wart.  Where's that worm's wart? DR. FINKELSTEIN Sally, that soup ready yet? SALLY Coming....lunch DR. FINKELSTEIN Ah, what's that?  Worm's wart, mmm, and...frog's breath. SALLY What's wrong?  I-I thought you liked frog's breath. DR. FINKELSTEIN Nothing's more suspicious than frog's breath. Until you taste it I won't swallow a spoonful. SALLY I'm not hungry... [knocking spoon]  Oops! DR. FINKELSTEIN You want me to starve.  An old man like me who hardly has strength as it is.  Me, to whom you owe your very life. SALLY Oh don't be silly.  [eats soup with trick spoon]  Mmmm, see.  Scrumptious. [Dr. Finkelstein eats soup] [Halloween] MAYOR Did anyone think to dredge the lake? VAMPIRE Ah, this morning! ZERO barks Witch Hear that? Witch (little) What? Witch Shh! ZERO barks VAMPIRE Zero! [fanfare as Jack and Zero arrive] Kid Jack's back! MAYOR Where have you been? JACK Call a town meeting and I'll tell everyone all about it. MAYOR When? JACK Immediately! MAYOR [in his mayor truck] Town meeting, town meeting, town meeting tonight, town meeting tonight [at meeting] Clown [giggles as he hits Sally] JACK Listen everyone.  I want to tell you about Christmastown. Town Meeting Song Performed by Danny Elfman and Cast JACK There are objects so peculiar They were not to be believed All around, things to tantalize my brain It's a world unlike anything I've ever seen And as hard as I try I can't seem to describe Like a most improbable dream But you must believe when I tell you this It's as real as my skull and it does exist Here, let me show you This is a thing called a present The whole thing starts with a box DEVIL A box? is it steel? WEREWOLF Are there locks? HARLEOUIN DEMON Is it filled with a pox? DEVIL, WEREWOLF, HARLEQUIN DEMON A pox How delightful, a pox JACK If you please Just a box with bright-colored paper And the whole thing's topped with a bow WITCHES A bow? But why? How ugly What's in it? What's in it? JACK That's the point of the thing, not to know CLOWN It's a bat Will it bend? CREATURE UNDER THE STAIRS It's a rat Will it break? UNDERSEA GAL Perhaps it s the head that I found in the lake JACK Listen now, you don't understand That's not the point of Christmas land Now, pay attention We pick up an oversized sock And hang it like this on the wall MR. HYDE Oh, yes! Does it still have a foot? MEDIUM MR. HYDE Let me see, let me look SMALL MR. HYDE Is it rotted and covered with gook? JACK Um, let me explain There's no foot inside, but there's candy Or sometimes it's filled with small toys MUMMY AND WINGED DEMON Small toys WINGED DEMON Do they bite? MUMMY Do they snap? WINGED DEMON Or explode in a sack? CORPSE KID Or perhaps they just spring out And scare girls and boys MAYOR What a splendid idea This Christmas sounds fun I fully endorse it Let's try it at once JACK Everyone, please now, not so fast There's something here that you don't quite grasp Well, I may as well give them what they want And the best, I must confess, I have saved for the last For the ruler of this Christmas land Is a fearsome king with a deep mighty voice Least that's what I've come to understand And I've also heard it told That he's something to behold Like a lobster, huge and red When he sets out to slay with his rain gear on Carting bulging sacks with his big great arms That is, so I've heard it said And on a dark, cold night Under full moonlight He flies into a fog Like a vulture in the sky And they call him Sandy Claws Well, at least they're excited But they don't understand That special kind of feeling in Christmas land Oh, well... [Jack's house] JACK There's got to be a logical way to explain this Xmas thing. [Dr. Finkelstein's castle] DR. FINKELSTEIN You've poisoned me for the last time you wretched girl. [locks Sally away] [dingdong] DR. FINKELSTEIN Oh my head...the door is open. JACK Hel-lo DR. FINKELSTEIN Jack Skellington, up here my boy. JACK Dr. I need to borrow some equipment. DR. FINKELSTEIN Is that so, whatever for? JACK I'm conducting a series of experiments. DR. FINKELSTEIN How perfectly marvelous.  Curiosity killed the cat, you know. JACK I know. DR. FINKELSTEIN Come on into the lab and we'll get you all fixed up. SALLY Hmm.  Experiments? [Jack's house] JACK Zero, I'm home. [Jack examines & experiments with Xmas stuff] JACK Interesting reaction....but what does it mean? [Sally's room] [after Sally jumps to give Jack his basket...] DR. FINKELSTEIN You can come out now if you promise to behave.  Sally.  Sally.  Oooh!  Gone again! [Jack's house] [Sally gives Jack his basket and sneaks off and picks a flower which catches on fire] Jack's Obsession Performed by Danny Elfman and Cast CITIZENS OF HALLOWEEN Something's up with Jack Something's up with Jack Don't know if we're ever going to get him back He's all alone up there Locked away inside Never says a word Hope he hasn't died Something's up with Jack Something's up with Jack JACK Christmas time is buzzing in my skull Will it let me be? I cannot tell There's so many things I cannot grasp When I think I've got it, and then at last Through my bony fingers it does slip Like a snowflake in a fiery grip Something here I'm not quite getting Though I try, I keep forgetting Like a memory long since past Here in an instant, gone in a flash What does it mean? What does it mean? In these little bric-a-brac A secret's waiting to be cracked These dolls and toys confuse me so Confound it all, I love it though Simple objects, nothing more But something's hidden through a door Though I do not have the key Something's there I cannot see What does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean? Hmm... I've read these Christmas books so many times I know the stories and I know the rhymes I know the Christmas carols all by heart My skull's so full, it's tearing me apart As often as I've read them, something's wrong So hard to put my bony finger on Or perhaps it's really not as deep As I've been led to think Am I trying much too hard? Of course! I've been too close to see The answer's right in front of me Right in front of me It's simple really, very clear Like music drifting in the air Invisible, but everywhere Just because I cannot see it Doesn't mean I can't believe it You know, I think this Christmas thing It's not as tricky as it seems And why should they have all the fun? It should belong to anyone Not anyone, in fact, but me Why, I could make a Christmas tree And there's no reason I can find I couldn't handle Christmas time I bet I could improve it too And that's exactly what I'll do Hee,hee,hee JACK Eureka!!  This year, Christmas will be ours! MAYOR Patience, everyone.  Jack has a special Job for each of us.  Dr. Finkelstein, your Xmas assignment is ready.  Dr. Finkelstein to the front of the line. VAMPIRE What kind of a noise is that for a baby to make? JACK Perhaps it can be improved? VAMPIRES No problem! JACK I knew it!  Dr. thank you for coming.  We need some of these. [showing picture of Santa and sleigh] DR. FINKELSTEIN Hmm.. their construction should be exceedingly simple.  I think. MAYOR How horrible our Xmas will be. JACK No--how jolly. MAYOR [switches face] Oh, how jolly our Xmas will be.  [gets pelted]  What are you doing here? LOCK Jack sent for us. SHOCK Specifically. BARREL By name. LOCK Lock SHOCK Shock BARREL Barrel MAYOR Jack, Jack it's Oogie's boys! JACK Ah, Halloween's finest trick or treaters.  The job I have for you is top secret.  It requires craft, cunning, mischief. SHOCK And we thought you didn't like us, Jack. [giggles] JACK Absolutely no one is to know about it.  Not a soul.  Now-- [whispers to LS&B] And one more thing -- leave that no account Ooogie Boogie out of this! BARREL Whatever you say, Jack. SHOCK Of course Jack. LOCK Wouldn't dream of it Jack. [all said with their fingers crossed] Kidnap the Sandy Claws Performed by Paul Reubens, Catherine O'Hara, and Danny Elfman LOCK, SHOCK, AND BARREL Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws LOCK I wanna do it BARREL Let's draw straws SHOCK Jack said we should work together Three of a kind LOCK, SHOCK, AND BARREL Birds of a feather Now and forever Wheeee La, la, la, la, la Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him up real tight Throw away the key and then Turn off all the lights SHOCK First, we're going to set some bait Inside a nasty trap and wait When he comes a-sniffing we will Snap the trap and close the gate LOCK Wait! I've got a better plan To catch this big red lobster man Let's pop him in a boiling pot And when he's done we'll butter him up LOCK, SHOCK, AND BARREL Kidnap the Sandy Claws Throw him in a box Bury him for ninety years Then see if he talks SHOCK Then Mr. Oogie Boogie Man Can take the whole thing over then He'll be so pleased, I do declare That he will cook him rare LOCK,SHOCK, AND BARREL Wheeee LOCK I say that we take a cannon Aim it at his door And then knock three times And when he answers Sandy Claws will be no more SHOCK You're so stupid, think now lf we blow him up to smithereens We may lose some pieces And then Jack will beat us black and green LOCK,SHOCK, AND BARREL Kidnap the Sandy Claws Tie him in a bag Throw him in the ocean Then, see if he is sad LOCK AND SHOCK Because Mr. Oogie Boogie is the meanest guy around If I were on his Boogie list, I'd get out of town BARREL He'll be so pleased by our success That he'll reward us too, I'll bet LOCK, SHOCK, AND BARREL Perhaps he'll make his special brew Of snake and spider stew Ummm! We're his little henchmen and We take our job with pride We do our best to please him And stay on his good side SHOCK I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb BARREL I'm not the dumb one LOCK You're no fun SHOCK Shut up LOCK Make me SHOCK I've got something, listen now This one is real good, you'll see We'll send a present to his door Upon there'll be a note to read Now, in the box we'll wait and hide Until his curiosity entices him to look inside BARREL And then we'll have him One, two, three LOCK, SHOCK, AND BARREL Kidnap the Sandy Claws, beat him with a stick Lock him up for ninety years, see what makes him tick Kidnap the Sandy Claws, chop him into bits Mr. Oogie Boogie is sure to get his kicks Kidnap the Sandy Claws, see what we will see Lock him in a cage and then, throw away the key OOGIE BOOGIE Sandy Claws..hahaha [city hall] JACK It goes something like this.  [Jingle bells] How about it?  Think you can manage? PERSON INSIDE BASS a one, and a two, and a three, and a. . . [Jingle in a flat key by the band] MAYOR Next! JACK Fantastic!  Now why don't you all practice on that and we'll be in great shape.  Sally, I need your help more than anyone's.   SALLY You certainly do, Jack.  I had the most terrible vision. JACK That's splendid. SALLY No, it was about your Xmas.  There was smoke and fire. JACK That not my Xmas.  My Xmas is filled with laughter and joy and this--my Sandy Claws outfit.  I want you to make it. SALLY Jack, please, listen to me--it's going to be a disaster. JACK How could it be--just follow the pattern.  This part is red, the trim is white. SALLY It's a mistake, Jack. JACK Now don't be modest, who else is clever enough to make my Sandy claws outfit. MAYOR Next! JACK I have every confidence in you. SALLY But it seems wrong to me, very wrong. [to Behemoth] JACK This device is called a nutcracker. LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL Jack, Jack we caught him we caught him. JACK Perfect!  Open it up.  Quickly! [opens to reveal the Easter bunny] JACK That's not Sandy Claws! SHOCK It isn't? BARREL Who is it? BEHEMOTH Bunny! JACK Not Sandy Claws...take him back! LOCK We followed your instructions-- BARREL we went through the door-- JACK Which door?  There's more than one.  Sandy Claws is behind the door shaped like this.   [shows Xmas cookie in shape of tree] SHOCK I told you! [LS&B start fighting] JACK Arr!!  [making scary face at LS&B] JACK I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, sir.  Take him home first  and apologize again.  Be careful with Sandy Claws when you fetch him.  Treat him nicely. LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL Got it.  We'll get it right next time. [Dr. Finkelstein's castle] DR. FINKELSTEIN You will be a decided improvement over that treacherous Sally. IGOR Master, the plans. DR. FINKELSTEIN Excellent, Igor. [throws him a dog bone] Making Christmas Performed by Danny Elfman and the Citizens of Halloween CLOWN This time, this time GROUP Making Christmas ACCORDION PLAYER Making Christmas MAYOR Making Christmas, making Christmas Is so fine GROUP It's ours this time And won't the children be surprised It's ours this time CHILD CORPSE Making Christmas MUMMY Making Christmas MUMMY AND CORPSE CHILD Making Christmas WITCHES Time to give them something fun WITCHES AND CREATURE LADY They'll talk about for years to come GROUP Let's have a cheer from everyone It's time to party DUCK TOY Making Christmas, making Christmas VAMPIRES Snakes and mice get wrapped up so nice With spider legs and pretty bows VAMPIRES AND WINGED DEMON It's ours this time CORPSE FATHER All together, that and this CORPSE FATHER, WOLF MAN With all our tricks we're CORPSE FATHER, WOLF MAN, DEVIL Making Christmastime WOLF MAN Here comes Jack JACK I don't believe what's happening to me My hopes, my dreams, my fantasies Hee, hee, hee, hee HARLEQUIN Won't they be impressed, I am a genius See how I transformed this old rat Into a most delightful hat JACK Hmm, my compliments from me to you On this your most intriguing hat Consider though this substitute A bat in place of this old rat Huh! No, no, no, now that's all wrong This thing will never make a present It's been dead now for much too long Try something fresher, something pleasant Try again, don't give up THREE MR. HYDES All together, that and this With all our tricks we're making Christmastime (Instrumental) GROUP This time, this time JACK It's ours! GROUP Making Christmas, making Christmas La, la, la It's almost here GROUP AND WOLF MAN And we can't wait GROUP AND HARLEOUIN So ring the bells and celebrate GROUP 'Cause when the full moon starts to climb We'll all sing out JACK It's Christmastime Hee, hee, hee [Christmastown] SANDY CLAWS Kathleen, Bobby, Susie, yes, Susie's been nice.  Nice, nice, naughty, nice, nice, nice.  There are hardly any naughty children this year. [door chime:  jingle all the way] SANDY CLAWS Now who could that be? LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL Trick or treat! SANDY CLAWS Huh? [back to Halloweentown] [to Jack in Sandy garb] SALLY You don't look like yourself Jack, not at all. JACK Isn't that wonderful.  It couldn't be more wonderful! SALLY But you're the Pumpkin King. JACK Not anymore.  And I feel so much better now. SALLY Jack, I know you think something's missing.  But -- [pricks Jack's finger with needle] JACK SALLY Sorry JACK You're right, something is missing but what?  I've got the beard, the coat, the boots -- LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL Jack, Jack  this time we bagged him! LOCK This time we really did! BARREL He sure is big Jack! SHOCK And heavy! SANDY CLAWS Let me out! JACK Sandy Claws in person.  What a pleasure to meet you.  Why you have hands!  You don't have claws at all. SANDY CLAWS Where am I? JACK Surprised aren't you?  I knew you would be.  You don't need to have another worry about Xmas this year.   SANDY CLAWS What? JACK Consider this a vacation Sandy,  a reward.  It's your turn to take it easy. SANDY CLAWS But there must be some mistake! JACK See that he's comfortable.  Just a second fellows.  Of course, that's what I'm missing.   SANDY CLAWS But -- JACK Thanks!  [took Sandy's hat] SANDY CLAWS You just can't...  Hold on where are we going now? JACK ho ho ho SALLY This is worse than I thought, much worse.  I know... SANDY CLAWS Me?  On vacation on Xmas eve? BARREL Where are we taking him? SALLY Where? LOCK To Oogie boogie, of course.  There isn't anywhere in the whole world more comfortable than that and Jack said to make him comfortable.  Didn't he? SHOCK & BARREL Yes he did. SANDY CLAWS Haven't you heard of peace on earth and good will toward men? LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL No! [Dr. Finkelstein's castle] [getting fog juice] SALLY This'll stop Jack. [working on new creation to replace Sally] DR. FINKELSTEIN What a joy to think of all we'll have in common.  We'll have conversations worth having. [Oogie's] LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL [laughing] SANDY CLAWS Don't do this.  Naughty children never get any presents. SHOCK I think he might be too big. LOCK No he's not.  If he can go down a chimney, he can fit down here! [in Oogie's lair] Oogie Boogie's Song Performed by Ken Page with Ed lvory OOGIE BOOGIE Well, well, well, what have we here? Sandy Claws, huh? Oh, I'm really scared So you're the one everybody's talkin' about, ha, ha You're jokin', you're jokin' I can't believe my eyes You're jokin' me, you gotta be This can't be the right guy He's ancient, he's ugly I don't know which is worse I might just split a seam now If I don't die laughing first Mr. Oogie Boogie says There's trouble close at hand You'd better pay attention now 'Cause I'm the Boogie Man And if you aren't shakin' There's something very wrong 'Cause this may be the last time You hear the boogie song, ohhh THREE SKELETONS Ohhh OOGIE BOOGIE Ohhh TWO SKELETONS IN VICE Ohhh OOGIE BOOGIE Ohhh THREE BATS Ohhh, he's the Oogie Boogie Man SANTA Release me now Or you must face the dire consequences The children are expecting me So please, come to your senses OOGIE BOOGIE You're jokin', you're jokin' I can't believe my ears Would someone shut this fella up I'm drownin' in my tears It's funny, I'm laughing You really are too much And now, with your permission I'm going to do my stuff SANTA What are you going to do? OOGIE BOOGIE I'm gonna do the best I can Oh, the sound of rollin' dice To me is music in the air 'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man Although I don't play fair It's much more fun, I must confess With lives on the line Not mine, of course, but yours, old boy Now that'd be just fine SANTA Release me fast or you will have to Answer for this heinous act OOGIE BOOGIE Oh, brother, you're something You put me in a spin You aren't comprehending The position that you're in It's hopeless, you're finished You haven't got a prayer 'Cause I'm Mr. Oogie Boogie And you ain't going nowhere [LS&B laughing] [back to Halloweentown] [Sally pouring fog juice into fountain] [Jack appears from coffin and there's applause] MAYOR Think of us as you soar triumphantly through the sky outshining every star.  Your silhouette a dark blot on the moon, you who are our pride, you who are our glory, you who have frightened billions into an early grave.   [the fog starts to get worse] MAYOR You who have eh, devastated the souls of the living... JACK Oh no!  We can't take off in this!  The reindeer can't see an inch in front of their noses. SALLY Whew! VAMPIRE This fog's as thick as, as... CYCLOPS Jelly brains VAMPIRE Thicker! JACK There go all of my hope, my precious plans, my glorious dreams. Kid [crying]  There goes Xmas. ZERO barks JACK No Zero, down boy.  My what a brilliant nose you have.  The better to light my way!  To the head of the team, Zero!  We're off! SALLY Wait Jack, no! [Jack is off!] [cheers] JACK ho ho ha ha ha SALLY Good bye Jack, my dearest Jack.  Oh how I hope my premonition is wrong. Sally's Song Performed by Catherine O'Hara I sense there's something in the wind That feels like tragedy's at hand And though I'd like to stand by him Can't shake this feeling that I have The worst is just around the bend And does he notice my feelings for him? And will he see how much he means to me? I think it's not to be What will become of my dear friend? Where will his actions lead us then? Although I'd like to join the crowd In their enthusiastic cloud Try as I may, it doesn't last And will we ever end up together? No, I think not, it's never to become For I am not the one [Jack playing Sandy] JACK ho ho ho ho ho ho he he he [lands loudly & wakes up little kid] A little kid Santa! [sees Jack] [gasps]  Santa? JACK Merry Xmas!  And what is your name? Kid uh uh JACK That's all right.  I have a special present for you anyway. There you go sonny.  Hohohohehehe [goes back up chimney] Mother And what did Santa bring you honey? [pulls out shrunken head] [mother and father scream] JACK Merry Xmas! Cop [ON PHONE] Hello, police. [frantic peanuts-type talk] Attacked by Xmas toys?  That's strange.  That's the second toy complaint we've had. JACK hohohohehehe [killer wreath, snake, vampire toy, killer duck] [screams] [Jack puts toys down chimneys] [screams] [Jack in the box chases fat kid] JACK You're welcome one and all! Cop [on phone] Where'd you spot him? ---Fast as we can, ma'am ---Police ---I know, I know a skeleton ---Keep calm ---Turn off all the lights ---Make sure the doors are Locked ---Hello, police Newscaster Reports are pouring in from all over the globe that an impostor is shamelessly impersonating Santa Claus, mocking and mangling this joyous holiday. Halloween residents [cheers] Newscaster Police assure us that this moment, military units are mobilizing to stop the perpetrator of this heinous crime. SALLY [over the Newscaster] Jack, someone has to help Jack.  Where'd they take that Sandy Claws? Newscaster --Come back and save Xmas JACK Look Zero, search lights!   [firing at Jack] JACK They're celebrating!  They're thanking us for doing such a good job. [almost hits Zero] JACK Whoa, careful down there, you almost hit us.   ZERO bark JACK It's ok, Zero.  Head higher! [Oogie lair] OOGIE BOOGIE Are you a gamblin man, Sandy?  Let's play.   [sees sally's leg] OOGIE BOOGIE Mmmm.. my, my....what have we here? [Sally's hands start to rescue Sandy] SALLY [whispering]  I'll get you out of here. OOGIE BOOGIE Ah, lovely.  Tickle, tickle, tickle.  Tickle, tickle, tickle. [Sally's hands untie Sandy] [Oogie realizes that there's no body to the leg] OOGIE BOOGIE What?!?  You trying to make a dupe out of me? [Oogie sucks Sandy and Sally back in] [back to Jack] JACK Who's next on my list.  Ah, little Harry and Jordan.  Won't they be surprised. [sleigh gets hit] JACK They're trying to hit us!  ZERO! ZERO Bark [sleigh gets hit] [as Jack's falling] JACK Merry Xmas to all and to all a good night... [Halloween] WEREWOLF howl! MAYOR (with white face) I knew this Xmas thing was a bad idea.  I felt it in my gut.  Terrible news folks.  The worst tragedy of our times.  Jack has been blown to smithereens.  Terrible, terrible news. [back to "normal" town] Cop [in car] Attention, attention citizens.  Terrible news.  There's still no sign of Santa Claus.  Although the impostor has been shot down, it looks like Xmas will have to be canceled this year.  I repeat the impostor has been shot down but there's still no sign ...... [Jack in cemetery] Poor Jack Performed by Danny Elfman What have I done? What have I done? How could I be so blind? All is lost, where was I? Spoiled all, spoiled all Everything's gone all wrong What have I done? What have I done? Find a deep cave to hide in In a million years they'll find me Only dust and a plaque That reads, 'Here Lies Poor Old Jack" But I never intended all this madness, never And nobody really understood, well how could they? That all I ever wanted was to bring them something great Why does nothing ever turn out like it should? Well, what the heck, I went and did my best And, by god, I really tasted something swell And for a moment, why, I even touched the sky And at least I left some stories they can tell, I did And for the first time since I don't remember when I felt just like my old bony self again And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King That's right! I am the Pumpkin King, ha, ha, ha, ha And I just can't wait until next Halloween 'Cause I've got some new ideas that will really make them scream And, by God, I'm really going to give it all my might Uh oh, I hope there's still time to set things right Sandy Claws, hmm [Oogie lair] SALLY You wait till Jack hears about this.  By the time he's through with you, you'll be lucky if you... MAYOR The king of Halloween has been blown to smithereens.  Skeleton Jack is now a pile of dust. SALLY [gasp] JACK Come on Zero.  Xmas isn't over yet! OOGIE BOOGIE What's that you were saying about luck, rag doll? SALLY Help, help, help, help OOGIE BOOGIE Sandy, looks like it's Oogie's turn to boogie. SALLY [scream] OOGIE BOOGIE one 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- hahaha SANDY CLAWS This can't be happening! OOGIE BOOGIE Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust.  Oh, I'm feeling weak...with hunger. One more roll of the dice oughta do it.  Haha [rolls dice] What!  Snake eyes.  [bang on table] Eleven!  Haha  looks like I won the jackpot! Bye bye doll face and sandman. Ha, ha, ha [about to dump Sally & Sandy Claus into the lava] What the... JACK Hello Oogie OOGIE BOOGIE Jack, but they said you were dead.  You must be double dead. Well come on bone man. ZERO bark bark OOGIE BOOGIE oooo ooo ooo.  Pull an arm.  ha ha SALLY Jack look out! OOGIE BOOGIE So long, Jack.  haha JACK How dare you treat my friends so shamefully. [Jack pulls the thread that came loose that held Oogie together] OOGIE BOOGIE Now look what you've done.  My bugs, my bugs, my bugs, bye bye bye JACK Forgive me Mr. claws, I'm afraid I've made a terrible mess of your holiday. SANDY CLAWS Bumpy sleigh ride, Jack?  The next time you get the urge to take over someone else's holiday, I'd listen to her!  She's the only one who makes any sense around this insane asylum! Skeletons.... JACK I hope there's still time-- SANDY CLAWS To fix Xmas?  Of course there is, I'm Santa Claus! [and laying a finger aside of his nose, up Oogie's chimney he rose] SALLY He'll fix things Jack.  He knows what to do. JACK How did you get down here Sally? SALLY Oh, I was trying to, well, I wanted to, to -- JACK to help me SALLY I couldn't just let you just... JACK Sally, I can't believe I never realized...that you... MAYOR Jack, Jack! BARREL Here he is! LOCK Alive! SHOCK Just like we said. MAYOR Grab a hold my boy! JACK & SALLY whoa! NEWSCASTER Good news, folks.  Santa Claus, the one and only has finally been spotted.  Old Saint Nick appears to be traveling at supersonic speed.   He's setting things right, bringing joy and cheer wherever he goes.  Yes folks, Kris Kringle has pulled it out of the bag and delivered Xmas to excited children all over the world! Finale Performed by Danny Elfman, Catherine O'Hara, and the Citizens of Halloween CHORUS La, la, la, (etc.) Jack's OK, and he's back, OK CHILD CORPSE AND CHORUS He's all right MAYOR AND CHORUS Let's shout, make a fuss Scream it out, wheee CHORUS Jack is back now, everyone sing In our town of Halloween JACK It's great to be home! SANDY CLAWS Hohohohoho Happy Halloween! [Sandy Claws brings snow to Halloween] JACK Merry Xmas! CHILD CORPSE What's this? CYCLOPS What's this? HARLEQUIN DEMON I haven't got a clue MR. HYDE What's this? CLOWN Why it's completely new OFF-SCREEN VOICE What's this? WOLFMAN Must be a Christmas thing OFF-SCREEN VOICE What's this? MAYOR It's really very strange CHORUS This is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! What's this? What's this? (Repeat) DR. FINKELSTEIN Careful, my precious jewel! [Dr. F. with his new wife!] JACK My dearest friend, if you don't mind I'd like to join you by your side Where we can gaze into the stars JACK AND SALLY And sit together, now and forever For it is plain as anyone can see We're simply meant to be [at the end of FINALE, Zero zooms off into the heavens]
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