#The giant tree is fun tho
solardee · 2 years
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Okay so I have been INSANELY busy with all the shift changing, and learning stuff so I haven't drawn too much And it's about to get even busier next week so here have some concept art for Dawn's tower LOL Not entirely sure how I want the whole castle to look but I'm getting there. excuse my notes, I thought I put them on a DIFFERENT layer than my lineart. I was wrong.
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favcharacterpoll · 10 months
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I Want Die from RTGame faces Goodtimeswithscar from Third Life. Who do you like more?
I want die Propaganda:
"despite his name, he has no intention to die. also he’s gay for obama."
"✨You can't put I Want Die in here and expect him to NOT win" [yes i can try and stop me]
"eats homophobes for breakfast, lunch, dessert, and dinner."
Scar Propaganda:
"Swindling everyone is always great"
"The best time ever. Scitties. Jellie the cat. Mr Rizz himself. Ect."
“scar is the server con man. he’s absolutely delightful. he’s got max charisma so he WILL sell you anything and everything. it will be useless but you will buy it anyway, sometime later this week he will also murder you. he tries to run a monopoly on sand whilst living in a giant desert. he sells “reputation points” to people under the promise that he won’t murder them if their scores are high enough (he’s lying), he will burn your precious tree down. he will turn and look to you with the sweetest voice and the most precious smile and declare that he’s going to murder everyone. and he will, you will too. and then he will let you beat him to death at the end of this brutal game. you won but at what cost? then you will jump to your death, because you cannot handle being the lone survivor.”
"VOTE SCAR OR ILL KILL YOU NOW in a chill and fun way tho"
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signanothername · 8 months
A personal headcanon, and I shall die on this hill, is that Blades is stronger than HW. This bitty bot goes from carrying a giant boulder in season 1 to the MHQ WITH all 4 Bots on it in season 2, to holding up a whole ass oil rig in season 3. Optimus THE Optimus was having trouble pulling the rope under ground and Blades (smaller than OP and waaaaay weaker than Bulkhead) was the one who helped him. I still think Boulder’s stronger, but Blades has some muscle to him, or maybe it’s just core strength XD. I like to think and if he ever took a swing at HW sparring for whatever reason they’d both be impressed (HW) and horrified (B) by this. He’d still lose tho, I doubt he knows how to fight aside from basic self defense or how to restrain a patient. HW would definitely react like Tylong in that bridge scene, while Blades would run like Po when they told him Tylong escaped.
Oh my god I love the way you think CHCHCHHCHC
I feel like Blades’ strength mostly comes whenever he’s focused on the job he has to do, his anxiety is usually what makes him clumsy and/or easily distracted, like in the Hightide ep, he trips and falls when he started backing away cause he got too anxious from Hightide’s intense attitude
When he’s focused though? Damn it’s like Blades is a different bot (he isn’t different he’s just badass <333)
And we even see him hold on his own in multiple episodes, like the virtual video game episode when he fights so many trees on his own, or when he and Bee fight the Energon eater, Blades is far from weak and I’ll literally fight anyone who tells me he’s weak /lh
The thing is tho, I feel like Blades relies on his agility than strength most of the time which is pretty fitting for him
But yep it’s really funny to think of the scenario that Blades would knock down HW, HW would probably feel so proud of Blades for it chcchhcjc
Blades probably wouldn’t like sparring with Heatwave cause HW tends to be a tiny bit rough and very competitive and we even see that whenever they play in the show and it’s always fun and wholesome to see HW and Blades bickering <33333 (and that’s mostly the reason i like to think Blades and HW are the youngst of the Sigma team)
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That of course doesn’t mean Blades himself isn’t competitive to an extent and it’s always a delight to see Blades boasting whenever he does something that HW couldn’t hcchchchch
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But honestly i’d die for the idea that Blades and HW roughhouse sometimes <333333
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katiekatdragon27 · 1 month
I was listening to "All Eyes on Me" and "Respectless" during a car ride and had an epiphany.
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Progress shots and lore below cut:
Design choices and character motivations are very much based on my own hcs (such as Wizard being woman, Wizard being Ales's twin and having his hair as a result, the whole Rabiteen/Hopiteensy lore situation, Bad Rayman and Goth being homies, etc.) I love self-indulgence, what can I say?
Here is a synposis since ik most of you looooooooove my essays below my posts:
This AU takes place between Origins and Legends. Instead of Goth being the 4th player, it's Wizard (like in the concept art). She and Ales are the magician twins that Polokus talks about when pulling on his beard in Origins.
During Origins, Wizard and Ales are working together to harvest lum magic. However, the two of them are not that good at it. So, Ales has the brilliant idea to have Wizard hang out with Rayman and help convince him to help with lum collection. The game proceeds as normal, until they get to Moody Clouds.
While the build is falling apart, the Raygang, minus Wizard, fall to the groud bc of a magic spell Ales casted while they were all busting it down. They fall asleep in the random-ass tree they're found sleeping on in Legends and that's why they're all out of the plot. Wizard, fueled on anger and betrayal of her brother's evil plans, chases his ass onto the ship and stops it from hitting the giant lum ball. Ales thinks his sister is protecting him, but then gets socked in the gut and thrown in a cage. Wizard then hijacks the ship and returns to the port in Moody Clouds, leaving Ales in a dark basement under his office. She returns to the lum ball and considers letting all the lums go but goes back on that decision and decides to keep them.
By enhancing some of Ales's mechanics (all of it is fueled with lums) with her natural strong magic, she goes on a massive power high, capturing all the remaining yellow lums on her own. She then turns her attention to the blue lums.
The ones that are inside of people.
At first, she goes for objectively bad people. The baddies who beat up all the teensies in Teensies in Trouble and so on, but then goes for the bigger fish. The fish like Jano. And she wins. Kills his ass so fast. It's terrifying.
She then starts trying to get the Fairy Council in on her tech and lum magic usage. No one (especially Betilla) vibe with this, cuz they're too busy looking for Rayman or a replacement. She then shows of her Jano kill and everyone is utterly flabbergasted. All the teensies are onboard tho, so that's a win. They start doing public executions of bad nightmares and dreams. Then... it turns into executing people who dislike executions or people who just dislike Wizard in general.
(This is the point where she starts dressing like this. The orange is a ref to her old concept art and the purple with yellow is pieces of Jano's hat she turned into cloths. Also, the stick's not wood. It's actually very strong steel that is incredibly sharp.)
Fun times.
The fairies really don't vibe with any of this, especially Voodoo Mama and Betilla, but for different reasons. For VM, it's because her populations are in dwindling numbers at this point. For Betilla, it's because the lack of lums is stunting/destroying the growth of the Glade and is lowkey incapacitating Polokus. The two of them then come together to figure out a way to stop this girl. They decide to recruit two individuals, a young looking Rayman clone that Betilla remembers a certain dark magic user creating, and a little nightmare teensy who is a massive nerd when it comes to lums. Those being bad Rayman (Shadi) and Goth Teensy.
We love recruiting kids to kill grown ass baddies cuz the authority figures are all shit at figuring their own problems out.
Together, the two of them, plus some other figures like First King and Rabbiteen, go to fight this overpowered scary woman who could easily smite them if she wanted. Good luck soldiers🫡🫡
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I have more, but I'm still working on the story not bc I'm lazy noooo neeeeeverrrr.
Anyways, have a lovely day :))
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rorynn · 1 year
A strange little human but brave. pt 2
Authors note: here @angrycoffeebean sorry guys i didn’t post pt.2 already. I had too much stuff to deal with.. enyway Enjoy reading. In this part you. (The reader and her older sister are teenagers.)
Reader is trained to as a warrior in their lab (even tho you are human) and your sister is studying to be a sciencist. And Aunt Gigi is my Oc.The firt pic is not mine. Reader is 13-14. And her sister is the same age as Spider.
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When you met Lo’ak and Spider, you think you won’t see them again.
Turns out you were wrong.
When you went out to try to climb a giant tree. You failed.
Then you heard noises coming from the bushes. You took a rock out of your pocket, ready to throw at someone or something.
When it came out you throw at it and threatened it.
Then you stopped when you saw it was just Spider with his hand on his head.
You then scolded him "SPIDER! I'VE COULDEV KILLED YOU WITH THESE!! What are you doing here anyway?"
He said he wanted to see you again after what happened yesterday..
then he asked you what were you doing?
You then told him you were trying to climb a tree like a Na'vi does.
So he teaches you how.
First you failed but it was weird to Spider that you brushed it off like you didn't fall on your butt. (that could hurt).
You said you were fine and tried again.
You then succeed.
Then you and Spider went climbing other trees, literally having fun.
Until your sister interrupted saying you AND Spider needed to come back to labs because other scientists came and are having a discussion.
You and Spider looked at each other confused about what your sister meant.
You two got down from a tree and followed your sister.
When you three ran back to labs you saw some unknown people that are your species and the Na'vis you met yesterday.
You didn't see Lo'ak anywhere. Seems like they didn't bring him.
"What a shame, seems like they didn't bring your friend." your sister said.
You narrowed your eyes and smacked her arm after that whined a little 'ow'. You then mocked her winning like a baby then you felt Spider pulling your arm a little while his facial expression said 'Stop, they are looking at you'.
you then saw Jake and the other scientist looking at you confused while Neytiri glared at you.
You still had narrowed eyes and a group of unknown scientists. Then you see Spider running to a weird guy calling him Norm and asking what's going on.
then you went to your aunt (you call a doctor aunt which your sister tells you not to). and asked.
"Hey Aunt Gigi, what's going on? why are these Na'vis here and who are these people."
then Jake stepped in while you backed a bit.
"You, your sister AND the scientists that stayed here in Pandora are coming to Hell's Gate for safety near High Camp. Out here, deep into the forest is way too dangerous, it would be good idea if you guys come with us."
then this guy 'Norm' came "If you guys w-want to".
Then you looked at Gigi, she smiled warmly. Then you looked at your sister who looked not very happy.
she doesn't want to do anything with the Na'vi people or Pandora. She wants to go to Earth. That's where she thinks she belongs. Where we humans belong.
You brushed that off and nodded.
The next week Lo'ak and Kiri were following Spider because he wanted to show sm.
When they reached Hell's Gate. They noticed that it was larger.
then they heard a voice calling Spider.
Lo'ak recognized that voice a saw a girl running to them. It was you.
Lo'ak was sooo happy.
but Kiri asked who are you.
Then Lo'ak got enoyed and said "The girl that I met days ago, you know? Y/n?".
You and Kiri are strange friends. She sees you as a female version of Lo'ak. That first enoyed you but later growing up getting used to it.
You were terrified when you saw Kiri befriending an ikran. Her ikran when she was ready to have her own banshee.
But you brushed it off saying that you're overreacting too much.
But you also didn't like when she was also bullied by some kids in High Camp.
You came for Kiri needing a defense by telling her bullies that there will be a reason why they will be crying for their parents and why their tails are cut off.
The Na'vi kids were about to mock you for what can you do cuz you are a human. yk?
Then you threw some mud on their faces like a maniac.
They went running for their lives crying for their parents.
then you followed them shortly at threatening them.
you went back to Kiri asking her if she was alright until she quickly hugged you. And thanked you.
then you became her hero.
That's why you are not leaving her side when she is alone. NEVER.
Then.... you've met Neteyam before. The meeting was very short.
you would like to know more about him than being The older brother. Just knowing Neteyam.
Neteyam will feel wrong. His mother will not be happy about it. Not after what happened to her family. Her home.
You understand that. But you tried to invite him to your place but nicely refused. He said that he was busy.
"Okey, maybe next time?"
Then you met Tuktirey.
She is soo adorable.
But you will never admit it.
You know that she is younger. You are protective of her. You don't want her to see things that were not meant to see.
Once when a Thanator approached to harm you.
You hid Tuk behind and warned Lo'ak and Spider not to shoot or call Jake for help. Not now.
If Lo'ak called Jake for help he is going to be blamed and Neytiri will also blame Spider AND you. (What's wrong with that woman.)
The Thanator came closer and closer.
You were facing the Thanator.
you can hear Kiri praying for Eywa.
Spider was trying to calm her.
Lo'ak was whispering to you to run.
you can barely hear him. Tuk was quietly sobbing hugging you tightly, fearing what would happen.
You quietly/softly shushed her and said. "It's a-alright, I won't let it hurt you. Just c-close your eyes and don't open them until I say so, you understand?".
Tuk nodded and closed her eyes hiding her face behind your back.
Your heart was racing right now. You don't know what you're doing. That thing came closer and closer it growled which caused you to look at the ground not facing it anymore.
it was sniffing your face on the left side then the right side. Tuk was whimpering not knowing what was going on.
then the Thanator immediately backed up and ran off to who knows where.
Kiri, Spider, and Lo'ak were relieved. They jumped off the tree that they were hiding.
Tuk hugged Kiri then Lo'ak. Spider rushed to check on you.
You signed that you were alright, it almost caused you a heart attack.
Then Lo'ak hugged you thanking great mother that you were alright.
You guys needed to go to High Camp already because it was Eclipse.
You guys knew that you ALL were in trouble so you said that this whole Thanator thing never happened.
"Listen guys, if someone says where we've been, just say we were catching some fruit but it got stolen. Okay? And that I and Tuk were almost eaten by a Thanator NEVER happened. Okay?"
Everyone nodded. You looked at Tuk.
"Tuk, don't tell you're parents that there was a Thanator. Cuz we are not going to see each other anymore and we don't like it when Jake upsets Lo'ak. Okay? For me do not tell them, especially Jake. You know how he is."
"She is going to tell them anyways" Lo'ak whinned.
"Well.. Kiri, Spider can you distract her. Me and Lo'ak are going to handle them. ok?"
they both nodded.
You all guys went home.
When you all reached High Camp. Nereyam was the first one to approach.
[Fisrt one] [there is NO Pt 3 ...]
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screemnch · 1 year
I (a Russian&English bilingual idiot with horribly unbalanced priorities) have recently decided to compare the different language voice acting in patho 2, purely to assess the difference and uh…
English speakers, Idk if anyone has told you, but you’re missing OUT. There’s a very distinct vibe, that I fear may be exclusive to slavic languages, that makes the dialogue feel like it’s being said by fairytale characters. They don’t sound like abstract voices in the void, they sound like regrets, passions, fears, etc and I hate that it’s not something that can be simply grasped through their tone of voice. It genuinely made me feel like I was back home, even tho I grew up in the big city, long after the USSR collapsed. (That’s putting aside the fact that finding out there are people in the west who love something Russian has been a comforting experience, given how neglected most of our culture is due to stigma).
With that, I’ve come to some conclusions.
1. I like talking about translations and linguistic differences, etc.
2. I’ve got access to this giant dialogue tree website that’s got both English and Russian lines in it.
3. I may have a problem getting overly attached to pieces of media.
So with that being said, would y’all be interested if I systematically went through the overwhelming amount of dialogue in both classic and p2, and pointed out some of the more fun or interesting differences in translation? I mean, I’d do it in my own time anyways, but I’m also curious if anyone has done that before?? Or if y’all would wanna hear about it?
So yeah I guess uh… How does that sound?
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xler0 · 4 months
nobita's classmates
so i got bored and made a relationship chart between the classmates (drawn in a very confusing chart) (yeah i got lazy and decided to just not draw the male classmates lol) this is all just my interpretation, of course. additional infos added below the tab, i referenced some manga but without citation bcs im away from home and could not provide the panels/ story i meant. hopefully it's not too out of pocket, and i probably remembered wrong but yeaaaaa this is how i view their relationshipss lollll
long read ahead
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okay so to start
somone alrd pointed out how shizuka is the closest with gian and suneo and not with nobita, and i agree wholeheartedly! Shizuka is an active child, liking sports, only restraining herself bcs she's a girl and she's supposed to be "prim and proper". once she became a boy (switching bodies with nobita) (gadget that reverse gender roles) she became very active and able to play baseball, climb a tall tree like gian and suneo, and she excels in all. even in girl form, she still maintained being active by playing badminton and can compare to gian's ability in it. the three of them would often leave nobita behind bcs of his lack of ability to join in, whether in swimming, riding a bike, even riding a 'horse.' so yeahh i do think she probably had more fun with the other two compared to with nobita.
other than that, i also thinks she probably has the most friend in her class. i do think she's the only one that was able to know dekisugi the closest and the best, compared to other kids. other than being friends with gian, suneo, dekisugi, and nobita, she's also on a friendly basis with the other girls in her class (5 named girls in her class + musuko) and occasionally would hang out/ play with them. while gian, suneo, and nobita are also friends with their guy classmates, from what i've seen and felt in the anime, they're not as tight-knitted as the girls (only haruo and yasuo being the most used boy classmate NPCs), added they sometimes antagonized each other and their friendly behavior can be just a facade (mainly when they fear gian).
With gian and suneo's relationship, i do feel like it's a ride or die. for bestfriends/ partner in crime, they can still be mean to each other. gian would still constantly be violent towards him, and suneo would mock him on his intelligence/ look/ wealth. many stories where they ended up on opposing sides, fighting against each other, but somehow they tolerate and stick with one another. they can be friends, soulmates, partners, enemies, bestfriends. honestly wouldnt be surprised if they just started going out with one another or even ended up in domestic partnership. they're just inseparable.
compared to shizuka who has many friends, i think dekisugi is the opposite. true, everyone in class admired his abilities. but that's it. other than shizuka and nobita (begrudgingly bcs shizuka asked), no one really cares to look out for him when he's troubled by late night calls terrorizing him. then again, maybe it's mostly bcs of dekisugi himself. he's rarely seen playing with the other kids. in fact, in the canon manga, the only time he's there with the other kids and everyone had fun can be counted (the living rope that could turn into things, the ultra dora movie, observing underground ants, the straw rocket, nobita making underground country although this one ended up with nobita being a dictator). in manga, he's even rarely seen in gian's concert, and some speculate gian thought of him as a busy guy and respected him. But honestly, i think gian just forgot to invite him. Im sure dekisugi knows abt how big of a bully gian is, even tho dekisugi sometimes would defend nobita when gian bully him. In gian's dinner show, dekisugi had shown concern over getting hit by gian, so i dont think gian "respect" him in that way. one time he got invited to play baseball with the giants and he aced it all, only to leave gian, suneo, and nobita pissed and jealous by how good he is. this might also be a factor, but dekisugi himself never really bothered to butt in or familiarize himself with his other classmates, other than shizuka, who he felt like can be allowed in topics he's interested in. he even opted for having foreign friends or writing pals instead of getting close with the other kids. of course foreign friends can be as important as classmates friends, but sometimes it can be isolating, since you'll get absorbed with other type of activities and didn't even try to maintain real life relationships. whether it's bcs of the classmates that felt intimidated to talk to dekisugi bcs they feel he's too smart or it's dekisugi himself who didn't even bother to interject his self in class, i'm still not sure yet. i think both are contributing factors.
Nobita is part of the close group, made of gian, suneo, and shizuka. Gian and suneo would often tease him and shizuka would sometimes laugh or even defend him. They're their own circle in the class. but honestly, i think that's all thanks to doraemon. if doraemon did not arrive from the future, i do think nobita would be some social outcast, kinda like dekisugi, but the class just literally forgot he existed, since he's such a boring guy who has not many interests. He does not excel in academics nor athletics, his hobby is playing cats cradle and sleeping. In the first chapter, he spent the new years laying in his room reading comics, while his classmates were out in the streets playing. He originally has no interest in outdoor activities, therefore his classmates would probably not invite him to play. He's a passive guy, he rather stay quiet and away from danger, hence his classmates would probably forgot he exist. He cannot eat as quick as his friends and had trouble keeping attention in class and doing homeworks, he's literally made to be the butt of the class' joke "well i got low scores but at least not as bad as nobita" and nobita himself didn't realize how laid-back he's being and how he was wasting his reformative years, bcs that shit sticks until you're an adult. doraemon honestly is a god-send for him, and even if nobita somehow did not manage to marry shizuka, he still learned a lot of things with him. He was given an outlet to express his own creativity and explore new interests, and that made him a more interesting guy. He can play and found fun in playing outdoors with his classmates. He got close to shizuka, gian, and suneo. He got to fricking rewind time and met his grandma one more time and appreciate her more and make her proud. He was able to bring joy to his classmates thanks to doraemon's gadgets. if doraemon did not exist, nobita will be stuck alone, getting bullied and picked on in a serious manners by gian and suneo since he couldn't pick up after himself and he can only admire shizuka, who sometimes defended him, from afar. that's what i think
and that's all. again, this is just speculations. of course it can be read as something not serious (fujiko prob forgot dekisugi existed, drawing gian being violent is peak comedy, etc) but i think it's fun to interpret their dynamics, especially with dekisugi since he's not shown as often as the others (even jaiko had more appearance, i bet). but yea lol thankyou for reading these walls of texts haha
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fonulyn · 6 months
fon's 2023 in fic
so in order to distract myself from yet another fic flopping miserably i'm gonna do the compilation of all the flops from the entire year! :'D
a big big thank you to those of you who said nice words about my stuff, who left comments on the fics, and who helped me finish surprisingly many works this year. i am truly grateful for every single lovely comment i got! 💖 that is what kept me going, what made things feel worthwhile, and what helped me through many a dark moment.
i do still have works in progress but at the same time this sort of feels like a goodbye. idk. we'll see. but I can't keep pouring from an empty chalice and the fandom clearly does not want to help me fill it so we're at an impasse :'D it feels increasingly much that exiting stage left is the right move, as much as i don't want to and as much as it hurts to let go. but I digress.
on a more positive note, I can, hand to heart, say that I am extremely pleased with pretty much everything i wrote this year :D it's got to count for something, right!
ANYHOO I posted 217k words this year, and it includes:
21 Piers/Leon
5 Krauser/Leon
3 main Piers/Leon and heavily featured past Krauser/Leon
2 OT3
1 Chris/Leon
1 Tyrants/Leon
1 Jake/Piers
1 Marcus/Dom (Gears of War)
fic links and short summaries under the cut.
good to be prepared | E | 9k | Leon gets stuck in a snow storm when his car breaks down, and a handsome stranger saves him from the roadside. It ends up in a fun night together but that's only the very beginning for them.
'cause you know the love we have is always gonna be | T | 6.7k | Finally they get to say "I do" to each other.
bad exes and a better future | T | 2.9k | Leon's very jealous ex does not know when to quit, and refuses to believe Leon wants nothing to do with him. So, logically, Leon kisses Piers to prove a point. Thankfully Piers is all in.
i crave therefore i am | E | 7k | Piers has been half in love with Leon for what feels like forever, but there's nothing he can do about it when Leon is in a long term relationship. ...Except he's not.
as long as you'll have me | T | 5.2k | Leon gets infected on a mission, then has to suffer through treatment for an infection. Thankfully Piers is there to help, in more ways than one.
you're a dream | E | 23k | Piers Nivans is eleven years old when he starts dreaming of death and monsters. It takes him well over a decade to find his soulmate, and even then, it's not all easy.
that heaven in your eyes | E | 2.7k | They finally get the honeymoon they deserve.
light in the darkest place | M | 3.6k (WIP) | Leon and Piers grew up together, and when at twenty-one they both got a job at the RPD they thought it was a giant stroke of luck. They had no idea their first day was going to be one hell of a long day.
a shadow of devotion | M | 6.9k | There's a new superhero in town, and Piers ends up being more closely acquainted with him than he ever expected. He's not complaining, tho.
before i even knew your name | M | 6.6k | Leon gets an accidental text sent into the wrong number and it ends up changing his life for the better. Soon he's flirting via texts with this stranger, and before he even notices he's grown feelings.
a dinner to remember | E | 4.4k | Leon wears a nice dress to welcome Piers home.
too much is all that I can feel | T | 4.2k | Leon gets hurt, again, and while he’s concussed and loopy from bloodloss he tries his best to flirt with Piers.
memories beneath the dust of years | T | 1.2k | Piers relives the worst time of his life in a dream, and Leon is there to support him through it.
in the end it's you and I | T | 3.5k | The sound of metal crushing was the worst. It screeched in Leon’s ears even when the car had stopped completely, finally meeting a big enough tree trunk down the hill. He's alone, injured, and unable to leave his car. Might this be the end?
time to finally breathe again | T | 3.4k | Leon tries to bury his feelings but then gets buried underground. Thankfully Piers is there to help. On both counts.
those nights | M | 5k | Leon and his difficult relationship with sleep throughout the years.
life is a chance to try | T | 5.2k |  Piers and Leon have been parents for mere months, and it’s become obvious their daughter isn’t entirely an ordinary human.
everything I've kept inside me | T | 5.5k | The one with severe injuries, some reminiscing, and finally sort of a retirement. Oh, and a blowjob pillow.
at the shore of the unknown | M | 26k | The world ends, but Piers and Leon find each other.
a merry little christmas (make the yuletide gay) | T | 5.7k | Piers and Leon and their first holidays as a married couple in their own home, of course with a visit from those closest to them.
right from the start | E | 19k | Leon gets some unexpected backup on his rogue mission in the Eastern Slav Republic. And it doesn't end there. (Much to his delight.)
question all my doubts | E | 10k | Leon gets back home from Spain only to find none other than Jack fucking Krauser bleeding onto his living room floor. And no matter how many times Leon tries to walk away from Krauser he always ends up back to him.
(it might've been love but) it's over now | T | 1.4k | Krauser is dead and had no next of kin, so Leon goes through his scarce apartment to sort through the meager belongings left behind, while also sorting through his own mess of emotions.
(no one ever died from) wanting too much | M | 1.4k | Krauser gets injured but he can only focus on the dirty thoughts he has about Leon, while Leon tends to those injuries.
my tragedy and my desire | M | 2k |  Leon struggles through the mission to rescue the president's daughter, constantly feeling like he’s being stalked. He has no idea how right he is about that. And how bad things will end for him.
my religion my certain death my salvation my sacrilege | E | 2k | Krauser keeps Leon as his sex-slave. (sequel to my tragedy and my desire)
Piers/Leon with heavily featured Krauser or Krauser/Leon
all the tears and the fears and the lies and the cries of the past | E | 16k | Krauser kidnaps Leon on Wesker’s orders to use as bait. Piers heads out to save him, together with Chris and Jill. Things get really messy.
tear me open (and make me whole again) | M | 7.6k | Piers disappears, and soon after Leon starts receiving videos from an unknown email address. It's bad enough that Krauser is back, but watching him torture Piers to get back at Leon might just be the worst thing Leon has ever been through in his life.
haunt you like it's part of you | E | 3.7k | Krauser brands Leon as his own, ruining him for all others. For a while it seems he's won, but eventually Leon gets the happy ending he deserves.
OT3 (Chris/Leon/Piers)
never without you | T | 1.6k | Leon is tired, so tired, but Piers and Chris will not let him give up.
wish you were here | T | 2k | (pre-OT3) Chris is pathetically pining after Leon, doesn't even let himself examine his feelings for Piers, and then on top of it all he gets kidnapped.
whatever comes our way | T | 1.1k | Leon almost drowns and Chris panics.
buried so deep within | E | 3.6k | Leon finds out there's two tyrants. The tyrants find out that Leon can be used for all sorts of fun things.
pull me closer to life | T | 3.8k | Jake and Sherry save Piers when he thinks he’s left behind to die at the underwater facility. Then somehow, Jake never leaves.
Marcus/Dom (largely featured past Maria/Dom)
no battle like that of life | E | 3.7k | After losing damn near everything, Dom learns to live again. Marcus helps.
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cleolinda · 2 years
Story time: yard chaos
[I told this story on Twitter today, 11/29/22, because I like to be as dramatic and ominous as possible.]
Friends, you may be aware that I often tell Neighborhood Gothic tales about the happenings on my street. I have another one.
So yesterday I look out the kitchen window and see about 15-20 fluorescent-vested workers (who do they work for? We just don’t know) hanging out about 1-2 houses down. Just chilling on both sides of the street, sitting on the storm drain, in the yards, what have you.
And they are more than welcome to; I just don’t know why. Tons of trucks around. Including multiple USIC trucks: People What Identify Your Underground Utilities. You may remember that I ran into one while I was tripping on yard nightshade. Good people, necessary, ideal.
I go about my business (cleaning out my tea kettle). Sometime later, loud machine noises. Bear in mind that I live in an area where there is always someone working loudly on something. Cutting down dangerous trees (RIP🌲), building new houses, eternally landscaping. I shrug.
I look out the window again. The corner of my neighbor’s yard is thoroughly dug up. Now, this summer, I watched a man cut down a whole-ass tree and every single bush (including two beautiful gardenias) of hers branch by branch. There are naught but stubs now.
Am I now that old lady who peers out the window at the doings of the street? Yes. Do I know Debra’s life? No. Do I have any idea why twenty workers are needed to dig up one corner of her yard? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some hours later, my mom comes home for lunch. She is INCANDESCENT with rage. I assume it’s because our street is clogged with trucks. Why u mad tho? “WHY AREN’T YOU MAD?” After some confusion, my mom gets it through my placid head that the workers
are digging up
I hadn’t looked out the FRONT window; our dog had been asleep and hadn’t needed to go out. There are three GIANT HOLES, like 3x3 and half a grave deep, at the street end of our yard, like prairie dog holes from hell. Nobody said FUCK ALL to me about this.
My mom’s higher self is a capable, savvy woman who knows her worth. My mom’s shadow self is a Karen. She marches out there to ask what the FUCK is going on. A foreman steps forward. “Oh, they didn’t put a letter on your door?” NO!!!!
I can’t tell if this [a tweet that did not in fact go through] went through or not, because they keep cutting off the wifi. There is a crane over my street now
What is GOING ON, asks my mom. “Something about fiber optic cables,” the foreman says. SOMETHING?? “Something about phones.” IN 2022??? We Just Don’t Know.
Holes begin to spread up the street.
By sundown, every single yard upstreet of mine has a minimum of three deep pits exposing Unknown Cables. Turf has been skinned off and thrown aside. I’m just like, this might as well happen. My mom now has a contractor’s business card. Neighbors are mad. Nobody was warned.
I’m out with Cooper on the deck (where he likes to chase falling leaves) in the dimming sunlight, and I happen to look around at the street.
Water is cascading down the road.
I live on a hill. You know how it looks during a hard rain, just little wavelets washing down the road? That. Water pouring down the entire width of the street, gutter to gutter. The deluge has already reached the intersection and shows no sign of stopping.
My phone has no wifi.
The Workers from Somewhere have hit a water main up the street. In front of a lawyer’s house, I’m told, so have fun with that. What I learn later is, despite there being 3-4 USIC trucks on the street, no one ever marked any utilities. Somebody told the workers not to wait.
Birmingham Water Works trucks, flashing their lights in the darkness, show up at 9 pm to fix the busted water main. Neighbors are wandering around fretting that the Great Flood of ‘22 is going to show up on their utility bills. The lawyer is very popular.
I get up this morning. By 6 am, they are back out there, doubling down. This is not the workers’ fault, btw. Honest day’s work, dishonest employer.
Every single house on my side of the street has a minimum of four (4) fiber optic prairie dog pits now.
I don’t know WHAT and I don’t know WHY. And now, there is a crane over my street for something happening underground. Orange cones and a giant wheel of orange and blue cable have appeared. Someone is brandishing a rake. End transmission for now.
UPDATE: The crane is ripping out a small tree (RIP 🌳) near the top of the street. I do not know if this is related or not. Either shit just got real with the cable digging, or we have dueling contractors.
[Situation in progress, more later]
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izthepup · 1 year
Your Best Friend + Friends
- Probably Mimir. 
- Mimir likes to compliment you.
- You sometimes give Mimir riddles, he gives you plenty of them. 
- Well, he compliments you mainly if he ever gets on Kratos's bad side.
- Freya is a close second.
- She helps you with some things that need magic.
- She gives you almost sisterly vibes.
- For you, Atreus is more like a little brother.
- With Atreus, you just.. hang out and talk.
- Not awkward.
- Once he almost called you Mom (or dad, if you're gender neutral then parent.)
- But yeah Atreus is a friend, too.
- Sometimes you might spoil him.
- Brok and Sindri
- It's fun just to chat
- You hang out at their place most often
- Kratos. 
- Sometimes you two battle for the fun of it.
- Well, Kratos says for training, but he might have fun too.
- Also to teach him to give mercy more often.
- Surprisingly, he is close to you and Freya.
- He sorta reminds you of a big brother.
- Freyr would be a friend.
- Well, once Freya made up with Freyr, yeah you guys were cool.
- In his sort of village, he got the light elves and dark elves to give you and Freya a discount if you guys ever bought anything. 
- He tried to end the war but it didn't work
- But the elves did agree to giving you guys discounts if they don't attack you 
- so that's cool
- Before tho?
- Mmmm yeah not really.
- Atreus too.
- With Atreus, you two sometimes hunt deer.
- Mimir would be that one annoying friend who you really like. Except he's pretty smart.
- Probably Angrboda
- Atreus once had a crush on her
- Y'all cool now though, don't worry. 
- Sometimes you race against each other 
- Sometimes you ride on Atreus (like a horse)
- He has a tough time with you on him being a kinda small wolf
- Other times she lets you borrow wild animals
- "borrow" as in you have to tame them 
- Kratos is sorta a friend
- Sometimes it's awkward 
- Plenty of awkward silences
- Mimir is the one who strikes up conversation 
- He's a good friend too
- "Ah, young love. Tell me again, how did you two fall in love?"
- Kratos gives Mimir a look
- Freya gives you cool aunt vibes mixed with big sister vibes
- Sindri and Brok
- You hang out with Sindri more
- Sometimes Brok does hang out but he sometimes teases or annoys you guys
- You two still like him though
- Kratos
- duh
- You two train in battle sometimes
- He lets you stay in his house- or a little house he might help you build
- Atreus is also a friend
- He tries to teach you archery 
- If you already know it you two practice archery
- Freya might be a friend as well
- She would just hang out
- Brok and Sindri
- Absolute greatest trio
- You hang out at their place the most
- Just talking is fun
- You shone light in Brok's eyes
- Probably Sindri's too
- Sindri got you to stop
- Mimir finally got his vengence
- You and Brok like messing with Sindri every so often
- Maybe make an "accidental" mess, like a trail of mud or enemy blood for him to clean up
- Poor dude
- Brok
- He annoys Sindri sometimes
- You love Brok like a brother
- He doesn't annoy you as much
- Kratos too
- Sometimes you literally put a welcome mat by his feet
- "Wipe your feet"
- He does it sometimes
- Other times he YEETS THE MAT- (Ahem) I mean
- "No."
- Mimir too, don't forget him
- He gives you and Brok riddles, sometimes Sindri too
- Atreus
- You once threw a snowball at him
- It turned into a snowball fight 
- He got hit with another snowball
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tf2yall · 1 year
who do the mercs have the best friendship with? why are they friends? etc
Here you are! Apparently the tl:dr of this is that Demo is everyone's best friend (as he should be lol)
Scout doesn't get on well with a lot of his team. He thinks most of them are boring old farts, besides Demo and Pyro. (Sniper is technically the closest to him in age, but he's an honorary old fart)
Demo gets "cool" status in Scout’s mind because he doesn't mind engaging in whatever nonsense Scout wants to get up to. He also has a lot of cool stories about Scotland and magic and weird mythological creatures and Scout could listen to him for hours.
If he's not hanging out with Demo, he's probably with Pyro. They draw together, watch TV, and read comics. It's also not uncommon to find Scout and Pyro huddled together, burning shit.
Scout also has a kind of brotherly bond with Sniper. They both go out of their way to be annoying little shits to each other (Scout will tease Sniper about looking like he's 40, Sniper will put giant spiders in his room, etc). They are close tho and are kinda ride or die about each other, despite the fact that they're constantly on each other's nerves
Soldier gets along best with Demo. Specifically the other team's Demo. For some reason same team Soldier-Demo pairs never work out. They find each other boring?? Despite the fact that they're essentially carbon copies of each other?? Oh well...
Their mutual love of explosions and 'boys will be boys' vibes help them gel really well! They have a tendency to be really fucking stupid together but hey respawn exists and they're having fun so just let 'em be.
Because they're on opposite teams, their relationship is a bit different than the other friendships. When they're on the battlefield, the match is essential just one big friendly competition. They're always trying to one-up each other with new gear or who can wear the most ridiculous hat to work contests. They hang out a lot outside of work too, going fishing, to gun shows, alcohol tastings, and whatever else they happen to find fun at the moment.
On his own team, Soldier gets on best with Pyro. They're one of the few who has the patience to put up with him for long and he's made it his mission to instruct Pyro in the ways of a true American soldier! This usually means lighting things on fire and using Spy as target practice.
Pyro is okay with pretty much everyone. They like Scout and Soldier's high energy. Demo shares their love of fire/explosives. Heavy can match their level of enjoyment at being on the front line destroying everything. Engineer and Medic like to ramble to them while they're working. And Spy lets them hang out in his smoking room when they're overstimulated or tired. He does get cranky if Pyro burns stuff tho
Sniper is absolutely deathly terrified of Pyro. Pyro knows this and thinks it's hilarious. They will go out of their way to freak Sniper out just cause they think it's funny. They have been yelled at (multiple times) for chasing poor Sniper up a tree with a flamethrower.
Pyro likes everyone but they're closest with Scout and Engineer. Scout occasionally brings them shit to burn just for fun. Medic and Engineer keep confiscating Pyro's lighters. Spy is an absolute nuisance tho and is absolutely thrilled to supply Pyro with more. Usually on the condition that Pyro will stare ominously at Sniper while flicking them on and off
Pyro likes to spend time with their friends, but only in small doses. They'll spend an hour or two with someone before going to hang out with someone else or just leaving to be alone for a while.
Demo is everyone's best friend/drinking buddy/confidante. He's just genuinely one of those guys that gets on with everyone and whom everyone likes.
He does spend a lot of time with Scout and he definitely views himself as kind of a mentor to him. He is, however, never going to trust Scout with any kind of explosive or flammable substance. Bad things happen when Scout has flammable things.
People seem to forget that Demo's smart? Like, you need to know a lot about chemical reactions to not blow yourself up. Spends a lot of time with Engie and Medic, bouncing ideas off each other. That being said, he is considerably less "mad scientist" than the other two and is more likely to dip when they start getting REALLY weirdly into it (ex: cutting engie's arm off for shits and giggles)
Likes to just drink and vibe with Sniper too. He's one of the few people Sniper actually likes
Heavy and Medic get along great. I feel like that's a really obvious answer lol but its true. (Altho they may or may not be more than friends) They share a love of classical literature and old music, although Medic tends to get a little heated when they discuss the themes of their reading. Not uncommon for the bonesaw to come out.
Heavy is mostly a loner and is very introverted. He does have times where he enjoys loud noises and destruction and doing things as part of a team, but he always knows when he's pushing too far and he needs to step away. A lot of his energy is spent on the battlefield so he tends to pass most of his free time alone. (I seem to have given Heavy my autism oops)
Besides Medic, Heavy is closest with Spy. It's nice to talk to someone in his native language and Spy also shares his interests in things like chess and poetry.
Probably finds the louder members of his team (Scout, Soldier) too much sometimes and tries not to spend a lot of time with them if he's already stressed. Altho it's not like he hates them. If he's in a certain mood he will totally 100% blow up buildings with Soldier
Close to all the members of his team in wildly differing ways. Some of them, like Sniper, he has a very chill workplace relationship with. Others he has a more familial relationship to
Has a tendency to keep an eye on Scout, sometimes unconsciously. Will notice if something's up with him and give him someone to talk to. Scout does eventually come to look up to him as a kind of fatherly figure. Spy has mixed feelings about this.
A very private, yet still sociable man. His teammates only really know superficial details about him. He's very easy to talk to and has definitely acquired enough blackmail to put the whole team out of business. It's a good thing he just straight up doesn't care.
The closest thing he has to a friend on the team is Medic. If you can call getting drunk and sawing off your arm on a whim fun friendship bonding behavior
Medic is friends with anyone who even vaguely humors him. You want to talk?? With him??? About medical things??? Congratulations, you're never ever getting rid of him.
Most people tend to find him off-putting and creepy and he pretends like it doesn't bother him, but it really kinda does. He spent a large portion of life not having any friends so he tends to get very very excited and into his friendships. Loves his job partly because he gets to ignore all known laws (like he's definitely committing war crimes lets be real here) but also because he finally found people who get him.
He vibes best with Heavy because Medic really needs someone to be a good listener to him. However, he also needs them to be smart or he'll get frustrated with them and just stop talking to them. He likes having someone to debate with and experiment on with
Second best is Engie because hey fellow mad scientist!! Look, Medic just wants someone he can talk to about the things that he loves. And what he loves happens to be crimes against humanity
This is going to sound really REALLY weird but like: it's Soldier. Now hear me out here. Spy has a hard time trusting people and believing that they're not up to something, so the perso he's automatically going to trust the most is the guy that's shit at lying and is too stupid to be hiding anything.
Like many members of the team, he's a loner and prefers to spend time by himself. Does like to spend time with Heavy tho. Fine wine and overly fancy conversation is a must. Spy likes to be a snob, what else can i say
He is not immune to Demo's powers of being everyone's best friend. Demo is Spy's go-to person to bitch to when the other team members are getting on his nerves.
Spy pretends like he's above childish pranks and petty revenge but he's not. He's really really not. Demo knows this. Demo encourages this. Demo is part of the reason why all of Scout’s socks mysteriously turned pink.
Doesn't get on with Medic, Pyro, or Spy for various reasons. Has occasionally been known to have a coffee with Engie but the two don't really have a lot in common. Neither do him and Soldier.
Likes hanging out with Heavy a bit more than his other team members. They both have a shared love of hunting and guns, although that is where their similarities end.
Probably vibes best with Demo. Demo's chill enough to make Sniper relax and they have a similar sense of humor, so even if their hobbies don't match up sometimes, they still enjoy talking to each other. They like to sit outside and swap stories about their adventures, Demo's with weird mythical creatures, and Sniper's time in the outback.
It's a shame that he's terrified of Pyro because they really would get along :( They both love to display their friendship with parallel play and they both think weird bugs are really cool
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miquella-everywhere · 9 months
Miquella Hunt Part 5: Caelid
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Boy Caelid is so much fun to explore :) But despite the harrowing rot infested landscape Caelid is filled with Miquella's Lilys, as well as several areas of note that made me go "Hmmmm 🤔" lmao
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1. By a big tree right by the Minor Erdtree
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2. The Forsaken Ruins are positively littered with St. Trina's Lilys and not only that you can also get the St. Trina's Sword here. Interestingly, this is the only place in all of Caelid you can find St. Trinas Lilys.
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3. This place.... is weird. Like what is going on here???? Like there's all these Redmane Soldiers, some Noble Sorcerers, and a Mad Pumpkin Head, all standing around this cluster of scarlet rot staring at it, and there's a single Miquella's Lily at the side just chilling lol I am so confused???? something weird will happen to this place during the DLC im putting money on it lol
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4. On top of a ledge looking over a minor Scarlet Rot swamp, as well at the Caelid Waypoint Ruins. Surrounded by Servants of Rot.
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5. Off to the side by the Dragon Communion Church. Now this is just a theory but when Golden Order Fundamentalism began to yield less and less results on how to cure Malenia, Miquella likely turned to other methods that could help, maybe even Dragon Communion as well?🤷 After all you find several St. Trina's Lilys at Lake Agheel too
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6. Located on the path to Redmane Castle, which-! Leads me to one of my theories that Miquella spent some time with Radahn in Caelid, mostly likely before they abandoned Fundamentalism entirely.
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7. Okay. Now this Lily is very special to me. It is by the tree in the back of Redmane Castle where the graveyard is. This is just a theory, but perhaps Miquella spent some time here at Redmane Castle in Radahns company along with Melania? I can imagine them sitting here, looking out over the ocean as they read over books and scrolls for any information on how to alleviate their sisters Rot; as well as paying their respects to the deceased laid to rest here UwU
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8. There are two Miquella's Lilys here in Sellias streets. One in the alley and one in the waaaay back of Sellia. Just like at Redmane, I believe that Miquella spent some time here learning about the Sellian sorceries, and perhaps about the Eternal Cities? This is just speculation tho lol
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9. Ah, the Chruch of the Plague. This is where you meet Millicent and it is also filled with many Sacramental Buds. My theory is that eventually on Miquellas journey to find a cure for Malenia they turned to their own blood to find a cure; and the Church of the Plague could be the very first spot where they started cultivating the buds to help alleviate Malenias rot.
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10. I've noticed that a lot of the Lilys, Trina's Lily especially, are found by water, and they also seem to be surrounded many Land Octopi as well 🐙 Guess it makes sense since they are described as water Lilys
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11. Guarded by Those Who Live in Death, this Lily is on the cliff overlooking the Wailing Dunes
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12. Behind Fort Faroth by a big tree is a Miquella's Lily. Behind Fort Faroth there is also a ledge were a Lily is which is guarded by a surprisingly chill Winged Dame lol
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13. These Lilys can be found on the path leading up to the Minor Erdtree, and also looking up at the Caelid Divine Tower.
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14. There's is so much going on here at Lenne's Rise that I'm literally gonna have to make a separate post about this place lmao. But for now, a Miquella's Lily rests in the courtyard at the Rises center.
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15. By a big tree on the hill overlooking a giant waterfall as well as the isolated Divine Tower. Interesting considering that's the Divine Tower were you activate Malenia's Great Rune.
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favcharacterpoll · 9 months
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Goodtimeswithscar from Third Life faces Soundwave from Transformers. Who do you like more?
Scar Propaganda:
"Swindling everyone is always great"
"The best time ever. Scitties. Jellie the cat. Mr Rizz himself. Ect."
“scar is the server con man. he’s absolutely delightful. he’s got max charisma so he WILL sell you anything and everything. it will be useless but you will buy it anyway, sometime later this week he will also murder you. he tries to run a monopoly on sand whilst living in a giant desert. he sells “reputation points” to people under the promise that he won’t murder them if their scores are high enough (he’s lying), he will burn your precious tree down. he will turn and look to you with the sweetest voice and the most precious smile and declare that he’s going to murder everyone. and he will, you will too. and then he will let you beat him to death at the end of this brutal game. you won but at what cost? then you will jump to your death, because you cannot handle being the lone survivor.”
"VOTE SCAR OR ILL KILL YOU NOW in a chill and fun way tho"
"you are not immune to the good times"
"you are not immune to the good times"
Soundwave Propaganda:
"In like every show ever once he's not there/kidnapped/dead the entire Decepticon fucking faction goes to shambles. Ex: in transformers: Prime, (SPOILER!)
once he was "banished to the shadow realm" Megatron literally died and they lost the war 💀💀"
"Soundwave never loses in a poll"
"SOUNDWAVE MY BELOVED his back is so so sore from single-handedly holding up the Decepticon cause every vote for him is 1 more ibuprofen tablet given to him"
"Soundwave is the funniest fucking character in transformers because he's literally the straight man in every situation he's in with the decepticons, because all of them are absolutely incompetent at their job due to them being too focused on infighting. When Megatron died in FOC Soundwave was the one who literally put him back together and by extension, fucked everything over for everyone else because in this specific continuity Megatron just happened to be addicted to space meth.
However it can be so easy to see Soundwave as emotionless because of his straight-man role and his monotone speaking patterns, but Soundwave has plenty of emotions that he displays throughout the years, most notably being when he's dealing with the cassettes (aka his children), and can range from being soft-spoken with them, to full-out enabling their violent tendencies and letting them go ham at beating the shit out of teammates (shout out to that one g1 clip where Soundwave tries to hold back his kids for like a single second before saying "fuck it" and letting them go for the eyes).
Even outside of the cassettes though, he's very expressive in his own way. In fact, he's the KING of pettiness and sass when he wants to be. He literally plays his own supervillain music when walking the halls, he's not above insulting the other deceptions when their arguments are bullshit to him, even when faced with the destruction of the world he was like "nah" until he saw his boyfriend getting injured and went "REAL SHIT" (there's literally memes about this it's so funny). Speaking of friends, he actually has a lot of interesting dynamics with the people around him, especially when it comes to the decepticon high command. He's described as Megatron's most trusted advisor, he's somewhat amicable with Starscream (who's his own brand of frustration), and he and Shockwave even seem to get along pretty well (to the point they have a biologically fucked up tube son together?? It's been years since I've watched Siege but I swear that was what lead to Soundblaster), and did I mention he's gay? I'm pretty sure he and Cosmos are in a relationship together in the IDW comics or at least have a mutual attraction, it's cute.
Also speaking of IDW Soundwave: he likes elephants. They're his favourite animal and he loves them to the point where after he died in the comics, his kids specifically started targeting elephant poachers because they knew Soundwave would want that.
Have I mentioned he has a cat dad in the IDW comics. Like his dad is a literal robot cat that found him when he was having a sensory overload in the middle of the streets. Have these panels from when his dad died and he wasn't even there to see it! He just knew 💖
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And have I mentioned he's met Fluttershy? Because he canonically met Fluttershy and let his cassettes play with her (while DELAYING HIS MISSION. THAT'S HUGE IN SOUNDWAVE LANGUAGE.)
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There's also him being the reigning champion of best robot husband, but that's a whole other situation which is also really funny."
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mamamittens · 4 months
Had a hilarious thought of like, Nikia in Wano and naturally word spreads about this... Actually, what would they call a 'skypean'? They use different words in this country for all sorts of things so I wonder...
Well, they likely call King that too, so anyway! Word gets out and I can't imagine the various Beast Pirates aren't nosy shits who investigate a bit for some excitement.
It's obvious to at least King that she's not what he is, or at least not totally, but the wingspan is definitely not skypeian so he has different questions. More to follow if he learns she can actually fucking fly without a devil fruit. And those complicated 'last surviving member' feelings are not helped when Nikia thoughtfully adjusts her height to talk to him eye to eye.
They're rude tho so I imagine at least light kidnapping for this interrogation, which means wardrobe change time so I'll have something fun to draw later ig
Perhaps they think she's a seraphim given her strong resting bitch face.
"Do you know Doctor Egghead?"
"Wow... What a rude way to address a doctor..."
"that's his name."
"...ah. like yours is King? I imagined it was since no one uses the 'liege' or 'your Majesty' but it's hard to be sure sometimes. Not totally confident in the politics of Wano to say for certain."
"oh. Neat. Nope. Don't know Doctor Egghead. Why?"
If she does have Lunarian in her family tree, the good doctor would probably be able to find out through testing.
This also means a nice rescue scene with more WBP, so I'm down for that too. It'd be fun all around, honestly. With Nikia just awkwardly sitting around like "wtf do you do when you're kidnapped??? There's nothing to do here but stare down this giant ass bdsm weirdo on fire and his weirdly intimate questions about my family history." While the Bois are running around trying to figure out where the hell she is and how to get her back from the Beast Pirates.
Maybe she's given a kimono setup with King's colors since she's sorta 'his guest' (and every anime kidnapping have the kidnapped do a wardrobe change so its basically a fun trope at this point) but she sneaks Thatch's foulard into the ensemble cause she doesn't trust any of them with it and it's a nice reassurance. She's definitely not telling what it means to her though, cause she absolutely knows by now the importance of color/style for pirates and her new threads are pretty obvious. Let them think it's her personal wear. Still not sure what she'd have from Izou so I'll shelve that.
Finally finds Izou and is like "I managed to put it all on myself!!! Not my style but your lessons weren't wasted!!!" And he's just like 😮‍💨 "that's nice, sweetie, but we should find you something else before Thatch sees and gets pissy. U know how he feels about wearing someone's colors" lmao
Izou is more chill about it but Thatch likely gets pouty on sight once he connects the dots. It's sorta their thing, the colors, ever since he gave her it.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
bully darling,,,, <3
a bully darling with any type of subby yandere but i think the most interesting one would be the "secretly mean" yandere! mean yandere tries to, well, be mean and darling returns it ten fold, making the yan a giant blushing mess and it has them stuttering through their next sentence.
i think sensitive yandere would be the most satisfying tho... or a new subtype: discord mod yandere (but in a greasy lil gamer way, not a sexist asshole way) <3
eeee discord mod yandere (which i think is the most chronically online thing ive ever typed oml, i need to go out more) who shows up to things in 'cringe' clothes. cat ears, a tail, gaming tshirt, looking adorable while doing it and spending their time stalking bully darling in a very traditional "hiding behind the tree and hoping for the best" way yet it works somehow despite how much attention they draw towards themselves without meaning to. and, well, bully darling does eventually notice them and its pure hell/heaven for the yandere afterwards.
however, as cute discord mod (and riddler like) yandere is, i dont think theyd be the masochist bully darling needs.
CEO yandere however... rich, pretentious, arrogant, prideful... a perfect target for bully darling. or girly yandere (who fills the bff who is secretly in love with you role so so perfectly!!!)
just image bully yandere trying to bully CEO yandere before they even realize theyre talking to the CEO, calling them a perv when they go red in the face, making fun of their clothes, their hair, their shoes, maybe insulting their work and when someone walks up and called the yan by their proper title... bully darling thinks its the end of the world. they scurry away, waiting for their "FIRED" letter, already packing up their stuff when the yan's secretary comes up to them and tells them they're getting moved to the top floor by special request of the CEO
'im fucked. im doomed. this is my last moment on earth. my hubris has finally caught up with me.'
but darling does as theyre told and moves (luckily they were already packing their stuff up!) and instead of getting the scolding of their life when the CEO summons them to their office, they get a teary eyed puppy who, through sniffles, asks if darling actually thinks of them like that
what. the fuck!
and darling, very unwillingly, admits that no, their hair and clothes and shoes aren't stupid and they are actually very attractive and the way they do their work is fine, they were just having a hard day and wanted to take it out on someone else.
when they finally admit to that, the yandere takes a complete 180. "what happened?? is everything okay?? is there anything i can do? is someone bothering you? do you need a spa day or a day off? i can get you lunch if youre hungry! from anywhere you want! shipped from anywhere you want! you want clothes? new shoes? ill get them for you!"
just. bully yandere awkwardly accepting this ray of sunshine into their lives (and absolutely getting turned on when they see their yanderes angry side but only when its directed towards other people. the only time the yandere snapped at them without noticing, they spent a week being a kicked puppy about it)
and i KNOW CEO yan loves getting a bit of physical pain from their darling. a slap, maybe stepping on them with some nice shoes, making them kneel for hours under their desk, maybe a spanking or two but whats important about ceo yan is that they need kindness and praise to balance it out or else they get dominant. the bully provides the perfect balance by being a classic tsundere, giving them a few embarrassed compliments in private but plenty of punishment as well. calling them a fucking idiot one minute and then praising them for being such a perfect boss the second, their darling just drives them insane and bully darling just adores humiliating them which is absolutely a giant kink of the yandere. kneeling and getting their 1,000$ pants dirty just to shine darlings shoes (that dont even need shining. CEO darling would never allow their darling to have scuffed shoes) or maybe darling undermines them all the time (in a very consensual way) and humiliating them in front of clients, subordinates, service industry workers, random strangers, doesnt matter! everyone feels bad for the yandere at first until they see their flushed way, loving look and the way they hand on every single word the bully says. its not a healthy relationship by any means but god, is it p hot
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maria-ruta · 11 months
How's Argentina- you and your family doing alright? and what's the best food you've had there?
oooooh Argentina es muy buena y hermosa jajaja
But srsly, I like it here! People overal are more kind and friendly and willing to help! Lot's of very good and well made public spaces where you can hang out and chill - I enjoy that! (in russia its something almost nonexistent)
Something is always blooming here, all year around! Lots of beautiful fancy trees and plants and also lots of birds, parrots and giant butterflies (for a person who used to live in a cold country it seems like im in paradise garden all the time hahaha)
Me and my family are doing good, thank you! We are strugling with money most of the time, but we have enough to live modestly (my commissions are opened btw lol) My brother gets lots of help from local hospitals, schools, migration center and etc - thats very good
ABOUT FOOD - to be fair everything is sooooo tasty here! I mean... the general food quality is just better than in Russia, but its mostly bc Argentina has lot of warm areas where anything can grow and does it all year around, so all the fruits and vegitables are more tasty and fresh and cheeper than in russia, meat and milk products are also good and fresh bc cows can eat green grass all year around... it's just simple as that
BUT!!! I gotta say that I absolutelly love empanadas, they are great! They are similar to russian pirozhki but still a little different
Medialunas are also nice and I think I like them more than croissants that they evolved from lol
I also really liked Peruanian kitchen from local Peruanian restorant, I gotta find out what are those salad salsas made of so i can make them myself!
ALSO ALSO just the fact that avocados just grow here??? drives me INSANE! I love avocados soooooo much!!! they are called paltas here
I love making guacamole or just put palta on bread with salt or just eat palta with whatever food I have cooked at the moment (like rice or whatever)
I do miss enormous amount of russian sour milk products tho... ряженка, сметанка my sweet darlings... ;u;
The thing is that Argentina just doesn't have same bacterias that spoil milk in Russia, so... most of those products not only nonexistent here but imposible to make, if you don't have this specific bacteria plantation BUT my mom has kefir bacteria so we are able to make our own kefir at least!
Also sushi here are expensive and they are like Faaancy food for rich bitches, while in Russia they were more like regular fastfood alongside with pizza XD but I at least treated myself with some sushi on my birthday bc I love them so
anyway THANK YOU FOR THE ASK I hope you'll have fun reeding all that rumbling haha
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