#The king of Fighters 12
dorianthedoll · 5 months
the capcom vs SNK boyz 12
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r3djy · 4 months
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kof-xiii · 2 years
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lordgodjehovahsway · 27 days
1 Chronicles 12: David Is Joined By Brave And Loyal Warriors
1 These were the men who came to David at Ziklag, while he was banished from the presence of Saul son of Kish (they were among the warriors who helped him in battle; 
2 they were armed with bows and were able to shoot arrows or to sling stones right-handed or left-handed; they were relatives of Saul from the tribe of Benjamin):
3 Ahiezer their chief and Joash the sons of Shemaah the Gibeathite; Jeziel and Pelet the sons of Azmaveth; Berakah, Jehu the Anathothite, 
4 and Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty warrior among the Thirty, who was a leader of the Thirty; Jeremiah, Jahaziel, Johanan, Jozabad the Gederathite, 
5 Eluzai, Jerimoth, Bealiah, Shemariah and Shephatiah the Haruphite; 
6 Elkanah, Ishiah, Azarel, Joezer and Jashobeam the Korahites; 
7 and Joelah and Zebadiah the sons of Jeroham from Gedor.
8 Some Gadites defected to David at his stronghold in the wilderness. They were brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. Their faces were the faces of lions, and they were as swift as gazelles in the mountains.
9 Ezer was the chief,
Obadiah the second in command, Eliab the third,
10 Mishmannah the fourth, Jeremiah the fifth,
11 Attai the sixth, Eliel the seventh,
12 Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth,
13 Jeremiah the tenth and Makbannai the eleventh.
14 These Gadites were army commanders; the least was a match for a hundred, and the greatest for a thousand. 
15 It was they who crossed the Jordan in the first month when it was overflowing all its banks, and they put to flight everyone living in the valleys, to the east and to the west.
16 Other Benjamites and some men from Judah also came to David in his stronghold. 
17 David went out to meet them and said to them, “If you have come to me in peace to help me, I am ready for you to join me. But if you have come to betray me to my enemies when my hands are free from violence, may the God of our ancestors see it and judge you.”
18 Then the Spirit came on Amasai, chief of the Thirty, and he said:
“We are yours, David!     We are with you, son of Jesse! Success, success to you,     and success to those who help you,         for your God will help you.”
So David received them and made them leaders of his raiding bands.
19 Some of the tribe of Manasseh defected to David when he went with the Philistines to fight against Saul. (He and his men did not help the Philistines because, after consultation, their rulers sent him away. They said, “It will cost us our heads if he deserts to his master Saul.”) 
20 When David went to Ziklag, these were the men of Manasseh who defected to him: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu and Zillethai, leaders of units of a thousand in Manasseh. 
21 They helped David against raiding bands, for all of them were brave warriors, and they were commanders in his army. 
22 Day after day men came to help David, until he had a great army, like the army of God.
Others Join David at Hebron
23 These are the numbers of the men armed for battle who came to David at Hebron to turn Saul’s kingdom over to him, as the Lord had said:
24 from Judah, carrying shield and spear—6,800 armed for battle;
25 from Simeon, warriors ready for battle—7,100;
26 from Levi—4,600, 
27 including Jehoiada, leader of the family of Aaron, with 3,700 men, 
28 and Zadok, a brave young warrior, with 22 officers from his family;
29 from Benjamin, Saul’s tribe—3,000, most of whom had remained loyal to Saul’s house until then;
30 from Ephraim, brave warriors, famous in their own clans—20,800;
31 from half the tribe of Manasseh, designated by name to come and make David king—18,000;
32 from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do—200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command;
33 from Zebulun, experienced soldiers prepared for battle with every type of weapon, to help David with undivided loyalty—50,000;
34 from Naphtali—1,000 officers, together with 37,000 men carrying shields and spears;
35 from Dan, ready for battle—28,600;
36 from Asher, experienced soldiers prepared for battle—40,000;
37 and from east of the Jordan, from Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh, armed with every type of weapon—120,000.
38 All these were fighting men who volunteered to serve in the ranks. They came to Hebron fully determined to make David king over all Israel. All the rest of the Israelites were also of one mind to make David king. 
39 The men spent three days there with David, eating and drinking, for their families had supplied provisions for them. 
40 Also, their neighbors from as far away as Issachar, Zebulun and Naphtali came bringing food on donkeys, camels, mules and oxen. There were plentiful supplies of flour, fig cakes, raisin cakes, wine, olive oil, cattle and sheep, for there was joy in Israel.
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God I love Dustin Henderson so much man, I know Will is in love with Mike because only a deeply down bad homosexual would be able to say Mike “is the heart” when Dustin is alive and in the party. Dustin is the one constantly mediating in S1 between Mike and Lucas, he’s even insecure of his own newness to the group when he conciliates. Because even though the party are all HIS best friends he is able to rationalize why they might have a hierarchy based on seniority. Mike makes it clear that isn’t the case. It’s partly why Dustin is quicker to accept Eleven and partly why he’s so open to including Max “as the new kid” because that was him once. Dustin’s iconic “she’s our friend and she’s crazy!” Dustin and Lucas having parallel deviations from their code of honor in ST2 and Dustin being (so dramatic ik) literally ready to fall on the sword for his misdoings. Dustin basically involving Steve out of necessity but then cultivating that relationship to make Steve a good friend, Steve who had the shittiest friends in high school and attention for all the wrong reasons. Steve never had a true friend in his life and then some 12 year old basically gave him a crash course. In ST3 when Dustin earnestly challenges Steve’s socially conditioned need to be seen as cool only for Steve to become bffs with a band geek. A band geek who is also a lesbian that Steve would rather be seen as a rizzless hack of a womanizer than out her to anybody, even Dustin. All of Dustin and Steve. Dustin going from calling Steve a douchebag, to Eddie saying the kid worships him and thinks he’s a total badass. Dustin who in ST4 is once again demolishing social norms of high school vs middle school because FUCK, his friend is in middle school! His friend Erica, his comrade Lady Applejack, is a black girl in junior high and he dgaf what anyone thinks about it. ALL OF DUSTIN AND ERICA. Dustin teaching Erica to embrace her inner nerd, to Erica staunchly declaring “I’ve bled with him!” When asked if she knows Dustin. Dustin who is the FIRST person that Max goes to when shit hits the fan in ST4 because god damn dude Dustin is the heart. Dustin’s unwavering support of Eddie even when the evidence is stacked against him, Dustin always believed in Eddie Munson. Dustin is the only one who truly offers Wayne condolences. He is the friend of all friends. Dustin is constantly carrying the party through crisis and discomfort, he’s dedicated, he’s unabashedly caring, and he’s the character that is able to socially move across the board in every direction. I fuckin love this little curly haired drama king because these geeks would be LOST without him!!! If Dustin isn’t the heart; he’s the Central Nervous System, he’s the nucleus, he’s fucking vital to not only the party but every other tertiary character of importance. He’s constantly inspiring and providing direction. He’s a goofball, he’s wise beyond his years, he’s a lover and he’s a fighter, he always has a plan and he always has a bad idea, he’s the voice of reason and the resounding falsetto alarm of things gone wrong, he’s never done anything wrong ever in his life, one time something ate his cat but besides that. He’s my heart of the show damn it!
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batbabydamian · 4 months
DC August 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Juni Ba
Art and Cover by Juni Ba
Variant Cover: Valentina Napolitano
Damian Wayne may have been struggling to live up to his father’s legacy…but the last thing he ever wanted was to be returned to the clutches of his grandfather, the Demon King. But when his worst nightmare comes true, can he rely on his mother to defend him? Or has he lost her forever to the same horrific legacy he’s tried to escape?
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Juan Ferreyra
Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant covers: Juan Ferreyra, Vasco Georgiev (1:25), Simone Di Meo (Batman 85th Anniversary)
Years ago, Bane killed Alfred Pennyworth right in front of Damian. And now, on Dinosaur Island, there is nothing stopping Robin from getting his revenge! Except his father, Batman! And the giant dinosaurs, of course.
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Written by Matthew Rosenburg
Art and cover by Otto Schmidt
Variant Covers: Jae Lee, Steve Beach, Homare, Riley Rossmo (1:25), Nikola Cizmesija (1:50)
The smash-hit series returns! It’s the dead of winter, and any hope for a fragile truce between the Green Arrow-led human heroes and vampire queen Barbara Gordon’s army has been dashed by Damian Wayne and his guerrilla fighters. He’s the only one fighting back against the bloodthirsty hordes, leaving Green Arrow with a choice: Does he stand and fight or sacrifice the boy in the name of peace?
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Written by Tom King
Art by Tony S. Daniel and Belen Ortega
Cover by Daniel Sampere
Variant Covers: Tony S. Daniel, Jorge Fornes, Julian Totino Tedesco, Guillem March
Meet the new dynamic duo! Wonder Woman teams up with the unlikeliest of allies, Robin, on a top secret mission to save their fellow heroes. Will Damian and Diana’s quest to break into Waller’s Gamorra supermax prison be a successful one? Or is it all part of a more elaborate trap for Wonder Woman and her new sidekick?
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*Damian mentioned in summary
Written by Tony Fleecs, Alexis Quasarano, Michael Conrad, Dan Watters, and Kyle Starks
Art by Mike Norton, PJ Holden, Sami Basri, Chris Mitten, and Kyle Starks
The Super-Pets are back—and this time, they’re all BITE! Haley, the beloved bark-out star of NIGHTWING, finds herself to be a fish out of water when she arrives on Kent Farm. As our big-city mutt tries to adjust to country living, she’s shocked to discover a kennel of courageous critters is already waiting for her! Bitewing, meet the SUPER-PETS—and you might want to hold on tight because things are about to get hairy! Also featuring—stories of misch-woof and mutt-hem! The dark side of the dog bed! The many pets of Damian Wayne! You’ll have to squeak it to believe it!
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otdiaftg · 7 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Twelve
Day: Friday, March 8th / 9th* Time: 10:45 PM EST
Neil swallows against the stone in his throat and tries to school his expression into something calm. He continues down the hall on feet that wanted to carry him anywhere but here. Nicky jumps to his feet when Neil steps into the den, grinning ear to ear. "Hey, Neil! We were starting to think you'd drowned in there." "I'm sorry," Neil says. Nicky waves it off, thinking Neil is apologizing for the wait, and goes to grab his bag. Neil watches them gather their things, looking from one face to the other and trying to savor these last impossible seconds. Wymack watches over them all from the corner, an unlit cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth and a triumphant smirk still twitching at his lips. Abby is repacking her bag; she'd likely been checking on the scrapes her team picked up in the brawl. The five feet between Neil and his team could have been five thousand miles. Looking at them all, Neil is as sad as he is proud. He is destroying their chances of making it through the season, but the girls still have one more year. They'll be bitterly disappointed by the near-miss but they are fighters. They'll come back swinging next year and they won't let anything stop them. He is sorry to leave them with all of his lies, sorry they'll have to get the truth from Kevin after the fact. They are all right here with him still but he misses them with a ferocity that threatens to turn him inside-out. Only Andrew see's the strain in Neil's mask. He crosses the room to stand in front of Neil, a silent demand in his stare. Neil wants to answer that, but he doesn't know how. German is the obvious answer because it will afford them a little bit of privacy, but Romero and Jackson don't understand German. They won't know what he is saying and they will have to react like he is spilling every dark secret. Neil can't allow that. He doesn't want to leave Andrew with nothing, but what can he possibly say? "Thank you," he finally says. He can't say he means thanks for all of it: the keys, the trust, the honesty, and the kisses. Hopefully Andrew will figure it out eventually. "You were amazing." He meant it for Andrew's ears only, but Allison is close enough to overhear. She sends Matt a significant look. Neil see's it in his peripheral vision but doesn't take his eyes off Andrew to see Matt's reaction. He doesn't want to look away, as if by holding Andrew's gaze he can somehow save this moment. Then Wymack is motioning for them to head out and Neil has no choice but to turn his back on his teammates.
Art used with permission by I-Am-Weis. Thank you @i-am-weis!
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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strawberryspence · 2 years
Wayne’s trying his best to get the picture hung as straight as possible.
There are kids screaming at the yard, he can hear Hopper arguing with Jonathan from the backyard, something about the movers or something, Eddie’s in the kitchen trying to hang his mug collection in display, Dustin and Mike are trying to carry more boxes to the house and the others are scattered everywhere in the new house, trying to do their own thing to help him out.
There’s a box full of framed pictures just beside his legs. Wayne’s still trying to level the frames. He was never one for pictures, until Eddie came home to him.
The first framed picture, he remembers buying the frame from a dollar store. No glass, just a flimsy plastic and plastic frame. Eddie was 12 in the picture, teeth crooked, hair growing, with the acoustic guitar Wayne bought for him. It’s secondhand but, Wayne still had to work double time for it. Every minute of it was worth with how big Eddie’s smile on the picture was. He just finished learning his first song and just finished playing it for Wayne. It’s Stand By Me by Ben E. King.
There’s more in pictures taken, more pictures developed and slipped into an album he bought from Melvald’s. But the second picture to be framed was when he was 15. It’s a picture that would make any person stop and think, “Who would frame a picture like that?” Eddie’s 15 in the picture, curly hair long and frenzied, but the highlight is his beaten up face. He has a growing black eye, there’s is crusty blood on his nose and Eddie Munson is beaming. He got into a fight, his first fist fight, and Wayne shouldn’t have framed it. But it’s also the same day Eddie came out to Wayne and Wayne will forever keep it close to his heart.
The next picture framed is when he’s 18. It’s the day Eddie’s supposed to be graduating High School, but didn’t. Eddie thinks he hides it well, the stress and disappointment that he’s not graduating, hiding it in sarcasm and witty jokes but Wayne can see through him even blind. He takes him out for the day to Indiana, they walk around, going to stores Eddie would love and ending it in a diner. Wayne asks the waitress to take a picture of them. Eddie breaks down that night, telling Wayne he didn’t deserve this and that he should be more disappointed, more angry before shutting himself to his room. He wakes up the next morning with Wayne trying to hang another framed picture in the trailer, Wayne tells him, “School’s not everything. You’re a good person, Ed. That’ll always be the most important thing to me.”
The first three framed pictures and album full of pictures are gone, eaten by the four fault lines that swallowed Hawkins whole in 1986. Wayne doesn’t care, not really, not when his son was being chased down by the whole town. His kind, weird, loud Eddie, who doesn’t even want to hurt bugs or spiders, always opting with setting them free rather than squashing them.
Eddie comes out alive, and free at the end of it. Because beyond everything, beyond being kind, generous, loud, funny, Eddie has always been a fighter. Between fighting real life monsters, signing NDAs and recovering from literal feral bat bites, Eddie gains a family. It’s weirdly shape, contains an actual 15 year old with super powers, the Mayfield girl who rose from the dead, those two comes with a gaggle of children, Chief Hopper who also rose from the dead, Joyce Byers, the Buckley kid, the reporter, two potheads. It’s a weird family, and still the weirdest part is Steve Harrington. Harrington. Still it was a family, held together with tape, trauma and love.
Wayne’s not Steve’s biggest fan. Not until Wayne gets the full story of how Eddie survived, he doesn’t get it until three months later. Only because Eddie wasn’t ready to talk about it. Eddie tells him that it was all Steve. Steve who gave him CPR, wrapped his wounds properly and carried him out of the hell hole with his own injuries. Wayne was kinda mad at Eddie for not telling him immediately, especially because he’s been giving Harrington the stinky eye for three months now, when in truth Wayne is forever in debt with him.
Eddie’s also babble mouth who told Harrington that more than anything Wayne was devastated to learn that the “Upside Down” goo washed up all of the pictures. For his birthday, Wayne’s not even sure how he knows, Steve buys him a secondhand camera, an empty album and a stack of empty frames. That starts a tradition that spread all throughout the family. It somehow culminated to them taking pictures of Eddie, and when they think it’s special enough, they frame it and give it to Wayne. Eddie hates the tradition, because why do you guys keep framing my picture???
That’s how he ended up here, in his brand new house, the one Eddie bought for him just after his second successful tour, with a big box full of pictures.
Wayne backs up from the wall full of frames, it’s accumulated so many different pictures now, now it’s not just Eddie. Now, it’s a burst of different pictures. Somewhere in the left, you will find the framed picture of when Eddie finally graduated, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan beside him with the same graduation gown. Beside it is a picture of the Party in their own graduation, beside it is a big collage frame with a picture of each kid when they also finally graduate college, there’s a picture of all of them when Joyce and Hop finally got married, a picture of when Robin, Steve and Nancy all graduated college, all separately. Pictures of weddings, and birthdays, and kids from the kids who he watched grow up, who now call him Grandpa Wayne.
Eddie’s pictures are still there, Eddie will always be there. Eddie in his first apartment, Eddie and his band when they first open a concert, Eddie signing his first contract, Eddie on his first radio interview, Eddie and his band on their first magazine cover. Just Eddie, living his dream.
“I think that one’s a little crooked.” A voice tells him. He turns to see Steve, a little older now, hair shorter, glasses thicker, a hearing aid always on his ear.
“Which one?” Steve points at the large picture. It’s a little bigger than the other frames.
Wayne smiles, moving closer to adjust the picture. In the picture, it’s with Steve and Eddie, both in their tuxes, Wayne in the middle as Eddie’s arms is hooked around Wayne’s shoulders and as Steve is laughing at something Eddie has said. Wayne’s just smiling at the two of them, the sun bright, brand new rings sparkling in the sun.
When satisfied, he moves back just as Eddie enters the room, a box in his hand, “I got you some new pictures.” He gives Steve a knowing smile, as Wayne accepts the box.
“I don’t remember the pictures very well, but I tried my best to describe them to Will.” Wayne’s hand flies to his mouth as he sees the framed pictures. They’re drawings, and they’re not the exact same, but it looks so similar to the pictures he lost in the earthquake, the pictures he long accepted he’ll never see again. It’s Eddie as a kid again, and it’s enough to bring tears to his eyes.
“This isn’t fair, Ed. You can’t just make me cry.” Eddie laughs as he gives his uncle a hug, a whisper of thank you’s exchanged.
They watch as Wayne hammers a new nail on the wall, placing it just beside the picture of Wayne standing beside Eddie as he holds his first award.
He straightens the pictures.
Takes a step back to look at it all.
Some of the frames fraying from the age, some pictures fading on the edges, some of it are crooked.
All of it filled with pictures, radiating a life lived with joy and happiness.
It’s perfect.
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artstatues · 4 months
Yield, darling? - k.a × reader
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wc : 817
pairings : kai azer x fem! reader, from powerless.
synopsis : you and kai grew up together, trained together, and now you guys were what people called best friends, until one particular training session.
a/n : this is my first x reader and my first time professionally writing a kiss so god bear with me but yeah and its been 2 hours so idek man
requested tag : @thisiskaylin, @urbanflorals, @reminiscentreader, @moondust-on-the-hijabi, @lxvebelle.
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Malakai Azer was your best friend. He’s been your best friend since you were 12. Since you were old enough for your dad, the general, to take you to the castle. He’d take you there on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. You loved and cherished every visit. You met the Princes of Ilya on your 4th visit, as the king saw how well you behaved. Well, of course you behaved, the only thing you did at the castle all day was walk around, explore more and more. By now you’ve memorized the entire layout of the castle. All 4 floors, you know how to get out, get in, noticed or unnoticed. But during those visits, you also began to train with the princes. At first, you preferred training with Kitt, since he was older than you, so was Kai, but you always felt like Kitt knew better, fought better. You were so wrong. He was a good fighter, yes, but the thing was, he’d always let you win. It wouldn’t be called training if he kept letting you win, so you tried training with Kai. You assumed he didn’t know much, since he trained with dummies and figures but oh boy were you horribly wrong. He terribly beat you up. Bruises everywhere, leaving your mother to scold you. You’ve barely talked to him before, but he eventually grew warmer, and didn’t absolutely beat you up all the time. Sometimes, you even switched mediums to using swords instead of hand to hand combat.
“Darling, enough, you’re going to ruin my gorgeous face.” Kai teased before sidestepping to avoid your stab of an attack. “Oh it’s not so gorgeous right now Kai,” You smirked before ducking to protect yourself from his blow, immediately taking advantage of his position to get behind him and pressed your dagger to his neck. “Yield?” Your smirk from earlier had returned. You’ve never been this close together before. Yes the both of you trained endlessly, but it never got this close. Well excluding the one time Kai had you pinned against a tree, knife to your throat. Even that wasn’t as close. You were pretty sure that he could feel your chest heaving. “Not so easily darling,” He smiled before making use of the fact that you were breathless, and the grip on your dagger was sloppy, since you were in fact, breathless. He flipped you over, your back landing harshly on the ground. Oh yeah, something’s definitely wrong in your skeletal system now. You audibly groaned, your face scrunched up in pain. Your dagger did do its job, though, it lightly tore Kai’s skin, resulting in a harsh hiss leaving his kissable lips. He wiped off some of the blood before you got up. Kai held his dagger, backing you up to a tree. Your back hit the tree, you winced because you were really done with this shit. “Kai I can’t-” You finally spoke up, but because of that, he strode to you in one long step, weapon hitting your throat. “Yield then, darling.” He leaned in to whisper in your ear. You could feel his smirk through your skin, but at the same time something tingled in your stomach, you were sure that your face was flush red now. You tried looking down to hide it only for Kai to tilt your head back up with his dagger. “Don’t hide away now, darling.” He still had that stupid smirk on his handsome face. His hand, equipped with the dagger, fell to his side. The tip of his dagger met your hand, trying to convince you to drop the weapon, and you did, because by his body language, you could tell that the atmosphere had changed. “Kai-” You whispered. He dropped his own weapon with a soft thud, or a clatter, you couldn’t even tell at this point, your mind hazy at him, the smell of his cologne, his body being this close to you. He leaned closer, tucking a piece of loose hair behind your ear. All this training likely made your braid loose. “May I?” He asked, his eyes darkening. You could feel your knees weaken and your face getting hotter. You gave him a subtle nod and with that, it felt like you just entered the gateways of heaven, literally. His hands were on you, they were everywhere, one on your neck, the other pinning your hips to the tree. His lips were soft, so soft- delicate- gentle, tender- but also hungry, impatient- You ran out of words to describe it, but it sure as hell was the best thing you’ve experienced. Kai pulled away, “Plagues, darling, you really are something-” He gasped before kissing you again. You were breathless at this point, but even so, you couldn’t bring yourself to pull away. Kai did, eventually, “So, darling, what do you say? Yield?” He smirked, his tone laced with husk.
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dorianthedoll · 10 months
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might draw something for his birthday, but in case i don't
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Hello, I see that questions about relationships and courtship are open :D If it's okay with you, could I have Jamil and Leona, please?Number 5, 12, 16 and 28 ;)Thank you in advance!! You have a great blog! <3
Leona Kingscholar:
5. ♥ Do they wait to be intimate until after marriage or break all the social rules?
Leona breaks rules because he can, or pushes the very limits just to see how far he can go before it all falls apart. All eyes aren’t on him, at least most aren’t, aside from his nosy family members and those in the guard who may not trust his ambition. He knows how to pull the wool over Fareena’s eyes for the most part, though his sister-in-law is a different case. He’s not a patient man but he’s not pushy either; if he only wanted a night or two of fun he would’ve never committed to begin with, so you can take that to heart if you doubt his feelings.
12. ♥ Do they seek to find a partner purely to further the bloodline and name, is it for true love, or is it for pleasure alone?
Leona laughed at the thought of furthering his bloodline. Subject his child to 2nd place by default their entire life? Yeah, right. It’s a thought that drifts with time as he can’t help but want an heir himself, he refers to it as his natural kingly want even without being a king, but you think he just wants to raise a fighter willing to look out for the ‘little guy’ too just in case Cheka doesn’t do a good enough job. There is something to be said about the kinds of people he’d choose to date, ones that would be suitable for family life if they wanted it. Dating is mostly left to his own whims and he doesn’t do it often, if at all, as getting to know new people was a hassle and he hated wasting his own time.
16. ♥ Do they have at least one bonding activity they devote to doing with their partner exclusively?
Napping. Yes, yes, very stereotypical for the lazy lion but he didn’t trust just anyone to join him. Sleeping soundly around another person was like exposing your belly in a room full of predators; you wouldn’t do it if you felt like you’d be torn to shreds. He’s placing his trust in you to keep him safe and warm while he slumbers. He doesn’t reveal his expectations of you being his pillow until it’s far too late for you to run.
28. ♥ Do they understand their partners/person they are courtings feelings without them having to say anything?
Leona is as sharp as a carnivore’s claw. Many things could be said about him but his intelligence was rarely in question. He might not always verbally confirm things, but the longer you’re together the more familiar he is with you. Conscious or unconscious, he noticed the way you move or hold yourself, the way you speak and the specific words you pick whether you’re coddling someone or in an argument. He’s aware when you divert from your norm, whether its due to anger or sadness or embarrassment. It’s like chess, a game he’s quite good at, and you’re always stunned when he finally calls you out when he asks for the ‘why’ behind your changes.  
Jamil Viper:
5. ♥ Do they wait to be intimate until after marriage or break all the social rules?
Jamil doesn’t have any strong feelings one way or the other, but you do notice he’s the type to take it slow. He’s not embarrassed by physical affection per se but the closer you get, the more you feel him tense. He’s worried about getting too attached too fast, and while the sanctity of marriage isnt the first thing on his mind, there are some interactions you have that are so domestic Jamil can’t help but daydream about what married life might consist of with you.
12. ♥ Do they seek to find a partner purely to further the bloodline and name, is it for true love, or is it for pleasure alone?
Jamil isn’t entirely game to have children, for a variety of reasons that include not wanting them to be in servitude from birth. He has doubts, feeling guilty if a family is something you had always wanted, but he had never really seen that for himself. But he also can’t say he’s seen romance for himself either, or that anyone would want to date him despite his loyalty being sworn to another, so there’s a chance for change and he might be willing to reconsider a childless future.
16. ♥ Do they have at least one bonding activity they devote to doing with their partner exclusively?
Sightseeing. This only applied when you were out of the country, likely at the whim of Kalim going on his royal duties, but Jamil is given enough ‘personal time’ when he’s surrounded by the royal guards of other families. He liked to drag you around with him to places of interest, from the markets to the ruins that seem to line every city; his eyes always glow when he’s left to adventure on his own with no obligations to reassure the safety of who he’s with, though he is wary about going anywhere dangerous when you’re tagging along with him.
28. ♥ Do they understand their partners/person they are courtings feelings without them having to say anything?
Wires can get crossed from time to time, but Jamil isn’t stupid. He knows how to read people to an extent and he can be hyperaware of his surroundings due to his job, so he noticed plenty about you. Some little habits, the way you acted when you were happy or upset or contemplating existence, he just never knew how to use that to his advantage. Learning how to use the information you present him is more the issue he’s presented with but never doubt that Jamil will figure it out for the sake of keeping you as his.
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shannonsketches · 3 months
Rewatching Battle of the Gods and mAN. If you're ever scrolling my dbTag and going 'Sketches, what do you mean Toei does the same plot but completely changes the story, that makes no sense.' I'm talking about Character-Driven Storytelling. And the difference between Toriyama's Character-Driven Story and Toei's Plot-Driven Story is Most Glaring in comparing Super's movies and the anime retellings of Super's movies, because the screenplays for the last four movies were written by Toriyama, and obviously the show was not.
I saw BotG back first when it came out, before the anime was released, and The Point Of It was that it was the very first Dragon Ball story in which Goku failed and Vegeta was left in the position of The Protagonist, due to all of the growth he experienced in DBZ (Beerus in this movie takes Goku down immediately, and does not compliment him at all. King Kai, in this movie, has nothing rude to say about Vegeta and just warns him not to engage with Beerus because Goku just tried and lost, which freaks Vegeta out). So even while Goku still is the guy who gets to fight Beerus in the end, the majority of the movie is about Vegeta's efforts to not have a fight at all.
Like this is the Whole Thesis of Super (as Toriyama wrote it). Vegeta is being handed the mantle of Earth's Guardian (because as Piccolo points out later, he was a Prince and is becoming nostalgic as he gets older (as so many do), so his role is slowly coming full circle back to a proud inherited leadership position, which Goku has no interest in.)
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You may have seen me complain about Vegeta and Bulma's dynamic being weird and bad in the anime despite them having been married for ~12 years by this point.
That's because the reason for and the dialogue from when Vegeta gets to the party was completely revised. In the show, Vegeta goes because Bulma yelled at him.
In the movie, he is still wearing his armor because he left training and went straight to the party with the Express Purpose of keeping everyone safe. Bulma not only knew Vegeta was training and expected would be there eventually, but also immediately recognizes something is wrong when he does finally arrive, because he is still wearing his armor, and she notes that him being broody like this is, by this point, unusual.
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His behavior is, of course, is because he because he is trying to sense Beerus -- who he has just been told would destroy the Earth if anyone engaged with him. The game of the whole movie becomes Vegeta acting Completely Insane and throwing his pride aside to make sure everyone is safe, because protecting Earth and his family has become his top priority.
His frustration isn't because he finds her or any of the Z Fighters annoying. It's because he is trying to manage a problem that he can't tell anyone about, for fear that the other fighters will get involved and try and solve the problem -- especially if they learn this man's harmed Goku -- and Vegeta knows their good intentions will only make matters worse.
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His outburst is because Bulma is (two glasses of champagne into her day and) trying to talk to him while he's trying to concentrate on locating this massive incoming threat he can't find. And what's more is that his raising his voice to Bulma is a shock to everyone.
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Including Bulma.
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Because the point is he is not normally like this.
And even though Vegeta can't sense Beerus' ki, he knows when Beerus is present, because he is suddenly terrified.
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And then the gag becomes that Beerus speaks to Vegeta only, and Vegeta doesn't yet remember exactly who Beerus is or what he looks like, so he looks Completely Insane trying to find him,
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When Vegeta does finally find Beerus, he immediately remembers who he is and treats him with the utmost respect, because he understands how Heirarchy works (this is completely changed in the anime, and turned into an attempted fight, for some reason).
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Because he will not tell anybody what's going on, who Beerus is, or why he's there, because the risk is JUST too high, he just plays along with Bulma's assumption that they're friends of his. Which means Bulma (who is absolutely plastered) happily invites them to come party with everyone, leaving Vegeta the incredibly comedic task of running context-free interference for the universe's most temperamental god while the most fight-minded people on the planet are getting drunk.
Toei loves pretending Vegeta can't interact with people in a normal way, but Toriyama loved reminding the class that Vegeta is a seasoned professional with 25+ years in a semi-corporate military force who can and regularly does behave as one.
The whole bit of this arc is Vegeta being so scared of his planet and his family being destroyed (again) that he is willing to sacrifice his pride to herd a cat, because Dragon Ball has always been a comedy and Toei is so bad at remembering it's a comedy
I will also die mad that in the anime Gotenks fights first, when in the movie Trunks (as he has before) got involved when he saw Beerus beat his dad, and Vegeta begged him not to fight. Gotenks getting spanked (literally and figuratively) by Beerus is also what got Vegeta back on his feet.
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Then there's this (y'all when I tell you someone at Toei fucking hates Vegeta,,)
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For context, in the anime Beerus compliments Goku and insults Vegeta. Surprisingly no one, in the movie it is The Opposite. Beerus never says a bad word about Vegeta (and doesn't say anything to Goku after their first fight), and compliments his fighting instincts. And that's before Bulma gets hit.
In the anime, Vegeta can't do anything to Beerus, who drags him for like two minutes straight. Then he walks away from Vegeta, who cannot bring himself to stand, and takes his aim.
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In the movie, Vegeta gets back up when Gotenks is knocked down, compliments Beerus, and accepts that the gap is too wide between them. Beerus decides it's time to be done here and charges directly at Vegeta.
Vegeta does not defend himself, does not dodge, does not flinch, and does not break eye contact. Then he says it might be an honor to be killed by Beerus (complimenting Beerus) (where in the anime he says it might be a proud way to go (complimenting himself)), and is ready to die on his feet.
(note: He doesn't say anything about pride, because his actions speak for him, as is very commonly the case with Toriyama's Vegeta, whose pride is loudest in his quiet confidence, not in his insecure outbursts).
The other major difference I absolutely hate in the anime is that for some reason they decided Beerus hitting Bulma was a long, drawn out, dramatic thing.
In the anime almost a full minute passes between her hitting him and him hitting her back. She hits him first, then lectures him, then the rest of that time is spent cutting between Beerus winding up and Vegeta reacting to him winding up, despite The Rest of the Party standing Right There and anyone could've easily pulled her away (Piccolo, for example, is unharmed and standing, and is literally like ten feet from where it happens. He has expanding limbs. Non-Issue of Moving Bulma).
NO. [spray bottle sounds] BAD WRITING.
The point of that moment, in the movie, is that it's a 'blink and you'll miss it' moment. THREE SECONDS pass between the moment she strikes Beerus and the moment he hits back. Vegeta only has time to be shocked that Bulma slapped him, because Beerus' rebuttal happens So Quickly, absolutely no one could've reacted fast enough to stop it. And even if it had been more drawn out -- because Vegeta had Beerus follow him away from the party to fight so that nobody else got hurt, Gotenks and Bulma both end up following him out there, and while everyone else stayed back and watched, nobody was close enough to stop it.
The point of that moment is to be Shocking. There is no wind up, there's no drama, there's not even a music cue. It is Completely Unexpected, for the characters and the audience alike, and that's why Vegeta has such an extreme reaction. He had No Time to brace himself for what was about to go down and No Time to change it.
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This is another scene that was fully About Vegeta that Toei made About Someone Else (Beerus), changing the shot to a group shot of his power up and immediately having Beerus block all of the attacks, where Toriyama said, "Vegeta's strength scared the SHIT out of Beerus for a hot sec"
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And if you've been following along in my vent tags about why Toei's writing is so bad and what they constantly center everything around, you can probably guess why the premise for this movie was changed so dramatically. But if you're new here, it's this:
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It's because Vegeta's SSJ1 could do what Goku's SSJ3 couldn't.
And Vegeta didn't even notice, because he is not Trying to beat Goku. After his own fight and until he shows back up, Goku's probably only mentioned twice, because this ain't about him. Vegeta's not even really trying to beat Beerus here. He's not trying to prove anything. It's not about power or pride or saiyans or being the best, it's PURELY about protecting the people (specifically in this instance, the woman) he loves. ALL of which become the theme of, "Vegeta you are stupid powerful when you can stop overthinking everything."
But that's not allowed in Toei's writing room, nO SIR!!!
Bonus Part 1: Someone at Toei Hates Vegeta part 41238712: The episode About Vegeta's Response to Bulma Getting Hurt is basically titled 'Yay, Goku's Back', because despite stretching this 1hr45m movie out into 14 Episodes, the one that is about Vegeta surpassing Goku (in the movie) and fighting to defend his wife of Over a Decade is a five minute fight scene followed by twelve minutes of Oolong's two minute rock-paper-scissor gag.
What was the fight scene, you may ask??? Instead of having Vegeta know he's not strong enough and still stand in Beerus' way, for Beerus to say 'chill out, I told you it's over' and tap Geets on the forehead to knock him out cold, like the movie --
They decide to have Vegeta just stop trying mid-fight, have Beerus tell him he's too weak to be a threat, then add that he had more fun fighting Goku before knocking Vegeta on the chin and having him land on his back fully conscious.
God I hate Toei's writing aksldjlaskdalkj
Bonus Part 2: That thing Vegeta spent the entire movie trying to avoid telling his wife because it would've scared the shit out her and ruined her party, scares the shit out of her and definitely would've ruined her party.
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Crazy that he knew that and did everything in his power to keep it from becoming her problem. He treats her like she's his wife or something ahahaha 🔪 toei 🔪 hahaha
anyway if you figure you've seen the anime so you don't need to watch the movies cause they're basically the same no they're not they're only the same in terms of Basic Plot Points, PLEASE do yourself and your writing skills a favor and watch the movies
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nesiacha · 2 months
Mini Portraits of Three Revolutionary Women from Overseas Territories
French womens revolutionaries from mainland France are largely forgotten in France. But those from the Overseas Territories and Haiti are even more overlooked.
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Victoria Montou aka Aunt Toya (presumed portrait)
(? – 1805)
A former slave working for the colonist Henri Duclos, she would be considered a second mother by Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the future Lieutenant General under Toussaint Louverture, who briefly allied with General Leclerc as a strategic move before fighting against him again and becoming Emperor of Haiti. It is believed that she taught Dessalines about African culture and some combat skills while they were enslaved. Duclos saw their association as dangerous and decided to get rid of them by selling them to different slave owners, ensuring their separation.
On her new estate, where she was exploited again , Dr. Jean-Baptiste Mirambeau, who would later become the Emperor’s physician, noted, "Her commands are identical to those of a general." This observation would prove accurate as events unfolded. Toya led a group of slaves she was affiliated with, and together they took up arms, fighting against a regiment. According to Mirambeau, "This small group of rebels, under Toya's command, was quickly surrounded and captured by the regiment. During the struggle, Toya fled, pursued by two soldiers; a hand-to-hand combat ensued, and Toya severely wounded one of them. The other, with the help of additional soldiers who arrived in time, captured Toya."
Upon the proclamation of independence in January 1804 and Dessalines’ coronation as Emperor, he made Victoria Montou an imperial duchess. However, she fell gravely ill in 1805. Jean-Jacques Dessalines tried to heal her, saying, "This woman is my aunt; treat her as you would have treated me. She endured, alongside me, all the hardships and emotions while we were condemned to work the fields together." She died on June 12, 1805. She was given a grand funeral; her funeral procession was carried by eight brigadiers of the imperial guard and led by Empress Marie-Claire Bonheur.
Marthe Rose-Toto (1762? – December 2, 1802)
Marthe Rose-Toto was born around 1762 on the island of Saint Lucia, which became free following the abolition of slavery in Guadeloupe in 1794. According to some sources, she became a close companion of Louis Delgrès, an officer and fervent republican revolutionary, so much so that he was called a "Sans Culotte" by Jean-Baptiste Raymond de Lacrosse ( I've already discussed Louis Delgrès here: https://www.tumblr.com/nesiacha/751677840407330816/on-this-day-die-louis-delgres-freedom-fighter?source=share) . However, in 1802, Bonaparte sought to reinstate slavery and sent General Richepance. Louis Delgrès and many others took up arms. It is noteworthy that women were as present as men in this struggle to maintain their freedom and dignity. When all was lost, Louis Delgrès and 300 volunteers chose to commit suicide by explosives, shouting the revolutionary cry "Live free or die," after ensuring the evacuation of the estate for those who were not willing. The repression was brutal.
According to historian Auguste Lacour, during the evacuation, Marthe Rose-Toto broke her leg and was brought to the tribunal on a stretcher. She was accused of inciting Louis Delgrès' resistance and inciting the murder of white prisoners. It should be noted that these accusations were generally false, intended to legitimize death sentences. She was hanged, and according to Lacour, her last words were, "Men, after killing their king, left their country to come to ours to bring trouble and confusion: may God judge them!" In any case, Marthe Rose-Toto is considered one of the most important women in the fight against the reinstatement of slavery, alongside Rosalie, also known as Solitude. Their struggles and sacrifices should not be forgotten, and they were not in vain, as slavery was once again abolished in 1848.
Flore Bois Gaillard
Flore Bois Gaillard was a former slave and also a leader. She was reportedly one of the leaders of the "Brigands" revolt on the island of Saint Lucia during the French Revolution. Little is known about her as a former slave, only that she lived in the colony of Saint Lucia. Local historian Thomas Ferguson says of Flore Bois Gaillard, "A woman named Flore Bois Gaillard—a name that evokes intrepidity—was among the main leaders of the revolutionary party," and that during the French Revolution, she was "a central figure in this turbulent group that would be defeated by the military strategies of Colonel Drummond in 1797."
The group that included Flore Bois Gaillard consisted of former slaves, French revolutionaries, soldiers, and English deserters. They were determined to fight against the English regiments, notably through guerrilla strategies. This group won a notable battle, the Battle of Rabot in 1795, with the help of Governor Victor Hugues and, according to some, also with the help of Louis Delgrès and Pelage. However, this group was ultimately defeated by the British, who retook the island in 1797. At this point, Flore Bois Gaillard’s trace is lost. Writer Édouard Glissant imagines in his book that she was executed by the British after the island was retaken in 1797. Nevertheless, she remains a symbol in this struggle and a national heroine. The example of Flore Bois Gaillard is also interesting because it clearly shows us once again that the French Revolution was also taking place in the overseas departments and that slaves or former slaves played a crucial role there in order to make her revolution triumph and were in all the battles.
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spicyvampire · 7 months
Man, I cannot stop thinking about Chalothorn coming to save Tharn and listening to Tharn when he asked to not kill Montree (and u know it's serious cuz i'm using his actual name)
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Like that is when Tharn understood what he had to do to break the curse isn't it? Like this is when he went from grieving having to leave and accepting it because he knew what he was going to do while he was gone and he didn't know if it was going to work but he was going to try like this is a man with determination right there, like he isn't only looking at Montee he also has a goal in mind
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and I feel like talking about this process Tharn went through but also just going through the trio's "character descriptions" as in Chalothorn being a fighter (maybe not talk about Chalothorn in this specific post I want to give him a whole post for himself), Wansarut/Tharn being an healer/protector (mediator?) and Sakuna/Phaya being a fighter (somewhat a little bit of a protector Wansarut/Tharn kinda rubbed off of them akasghjsgajhad like literally) and also just talk about power levels and who would match who in a fight and how that affected Tharn's decision or something idk we will see
Disclaimer : pulling all of this completely out of my ass from watching the show but it makes sense to me, might not make sense to anybody else cuz these are just raw out-of-order thoughts
I think I'll put everything under a keep reading cuz I know We about to spend an hour on this cuz this is taking too much space in my brain and I got school assignments to do so we just gonna throw it up right now
Let's start with the fact that Wansarut is a healer/protector (and a mediator of some sort maybe? idk) like from the get go you got Wansarut saving Sakuna and healing him, simply because Sakuna was still alive (ep 8)
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Like they are enemies at that point??? and what if Sakuna decided to kill Wansarut when he got better? And you can see that Sakuna does not understand Wansarut's actions cuz like they are enemies! That is a big risk Wansarut took simply because he was still alive, because it's not in Wansarut's nature to just sit there and watch someone die, whether they are from the enemy side or not, and Wansarut tells Sakuna to leave as soon as he feels better too, because Sakuna is clearly in Naga territory and it's dangerous for him there, and Wansarut didn't ask anything in return until Sakuna proposed it, and what Wansarut asks is just so goddamn UUUGHHHRBSGUYAHFG [tv static noise]
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I literally do not know how to describe it but like Wansarut has an entire Garuda that is the literal Garuda king's brother saying he will give Wansarut anything as a favor because Wansarut saved him and Wansarut asks for peace between their people??? That's why I was like Wansarut is kinda a mediator, also later Wansarut says this
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Really showing even if Wansarut would be happy with Sakuna, this situationship they got going on, Sakuna's presence in these woods, could make the war both of their people are living worst, and Wansarut do not want to cause harm, it would go against Wansarut's healer/protector nature
Also random sidenote : the way Wansarut talks the human world and about that Naga legend of a Naga turned human that wanted to be a Monk, is such a benevolent and loving god way of talking, also the fact that Wansarut is showing this whole part of Naga culture (Naga offering and breathing fire to pay respect to Buddha, on the 15th nigh of the 11th waxing moon) to Sakuna an outsider??? a literal enemy of Wansarut's people???? mind fucking blowing if you ask me
Ok enough about boyprincess time to talk about babygirl Tharn and how Wansarut's healer/protector (mediator) nature translated to him
Let me start with the fact that Tharn almost never attacks anyone first, and is always ready to put his gun down, and literally never shoot if he doesn't have to, let's just take a look at how fast he put his gun down in ep 12 and the fact that he didn't just shoot Montee goon in the back which gave him the time to disarm Tharn
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Also when he could have literally shoot Narong possessed by Chalothorn back in episode 5, the coast was clear Phaya was out of the way and Narong was attacking Phaya so he had "reasonable" reason to just shoot the guy, like hell they even made eye contact and Narong (Chalothorn) just fully ignored him cuz he knew Tharn was not gonna shoot and Tharn really just didn't shoot
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And don't get me started on the fact that Tharn took that stab for Phaya i'll be here till next year like!!! All that was in his mind was protecting Phaya and if he get hurt doing it so be it, which is literally exactly what his past self did, they will protect what they love, whatever the cost
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Like it almost doesn't make sense that Tharn is a cop in this lifetime because of his healer/protector nature, if they still were making him a first responder, it would have made more sense if Tharn was a paramedic or something, but because his parents were killed it and he had to get justice for them he was knocked off the typical healer/protector path slightly, but he was still doing his cop job like he was a healer/protector (which is what cops should be tbh. but that's another discussion), like i wouldn't be surprised if Tharn's other reincarnations were in the medical field in some ways (but again how do you tell this story if they aren't in the same field of work? that's another problem innit)
Unfortunately I gotta stop talking about babygirl Tharn and talk about our resident bird
Sakuna is fighter first and foremost like there is no questioning that, but I think he is a level lower than Chalothorn, like Sakuna is a high ranking soldier, probably his brother's right hand man but both time Sakuna tried to fight Chalothorn he lost, first time he was hurt very badly and Wansarut had to heal him, second time cost him and Wansarut's life and that's how the cycle started
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And it honestly doesn't look like he match Chalothorn's powers even in garuda form, I think the garuda that would match Chalothorn would be Sakuna's brother (ep 12), unfortunately Sakuna would never get to a level where he could win since he died, and just keep dying every reincarnation after that, and I assume he just keep dying before he reach his full powers
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But anyways by the end of Sakuna's life he wasn't only a fighter, you can see he genuinely was worried and wanted to protect Wansarut and he didn't care for his brother's war all that much, he did fight but that was to prove his love
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And that's kinda beautiful isn't it? that's the effect Wansarut has on people Wansarut is close to and that's honestly the most powerful talent, like more powerful than the actual magic Wansarut can do
Phaya bird man extraodinaire is yet again a fighter (soldier) in this life, quite literally in the investigation team, but you can see that he has leadership qualities real early on (ep 2)
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He is honestly a natural leader and I'm sure Sakuna was too, but on the powers side, his garuda powers like dormant/just under the surface this whole series, the best we get are little sparkles (ep 5 + ep 12)
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His best qualities : his sparkles
Sidenote : let me just mention how protective Phaya is of Tharn, guy put his whole body over Tharn when there is a blast near, he is always in front of Tharn when they are fighting, not just episode 12 but simply all the time, like both time we saw his sparkles were related to protecting Tharn in some ways, like this man has a very fighter way of being a protector
But anyways my little birdy you are doing amazing tweety and I love you, but like how is he supposed to fight this fucking thing with goddamn garuda sparkles????????????
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Well the answer can only be that he was never supposed to fight it. Like let's think about this for a sec, every goddamn reincarnation before phayatharn died why do you think? well idk but I can at least say for certain Sakuna and Wansarut died because Sakuna chose to fight. Literally every goddamn time this shit has always gone down south and we can assume it is because they fought Chalothorn. Fighting was literally NEVER the answer, but they kept doing it and honestly isn't insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results???? They've tried Sakuna and Chalothorn's way and the only thing it got them, is them both killed in all their past reincarnations and Chalothorn being honestly one reincarnation kill away from turning into a Naga forever
Also like sidenote : there is no sign of Tharn's Naga form, like what we got from Tharn are some somewhat powerful sparkles but you can't seriously tell me he can fight Chalothorn literal king of Nagas with that, like the sparkles were only there to protect Phaya, Tharn/Wansarut were never meant to be fighters (ep 5), like even with Phaya and Tharn's powers combined it wouldn't work tbh
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Problem is, this whole situation with Tharn's parents dying and people Tharn love dying did make Tharn forget who he was, so much suffering and hurt and grief from a young age can change a soul, Tharn was looking for justice for his parents and frankly was kinda impulsive and reckless about it, and thats why the abbott's role in this show was so goddamn important, he was here to remind Tharn of who he is (the lion king simba and mufasa style REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE), and that is a healer, a protector and a mediator first and foremost, he even said this in episode 3 and he is right Kindness is Tharn's biggest weapon (and Phaya's btw because Sakuna's soul has changed a lot over the courses of reincarnations and he is such a sweetie, that is until Chalothorn walks into the room)
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bro where was I even going with this? Idk but back to Chalothorn listening to Tharn in episode 12, I think that's when Tharn got a declic as to what the abbott meant by all of his mediation and precepts stuff, Tharn understood then that first of all Chalothorn is not only a killer, the person he has known all these years that cares about him and his wellbeing is there, he literally came to Tharn's rescue twice, in ep 11 when Tharn was falling off the cliff and with Montee in episode 12, the problem is you cannot talk calmly to Chalothorn with Phaya in the room, it's just never going to end well, you put those 2 head strong (mostly) fighters in a room and all hell break lose and people literally die
So Tharn knew he had to leave, but this time, in contrary to the end of episode 11, he had a purpose, the purpose was to change Chalothorn's mind from the inside, because Chalothorn's has show signs of caring and kindness (again he probably got that from hanging out with Tharn tbh), but Tharn didn't know if that would work, he didn't know if he was going to be able to come back to Phaya, and that's why he was saying goodbye like that
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That's why it felt like, contrary to episode 11, this goodbye from Tharn had an air of acceptance of his fate, because he knew it was his time to go and fight for his and Phaya's love, but this time he was going to do it his way, and that way is with kindness, love and empathy, like the healer/protector that he is
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first-edition · 9 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- mention of pregnancy, mention of sandors past, mention of scars, 18+ words and themes overall. Slight angst.
Previous chapter here
Slightly proof read sorry for any errors
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You sit on the horse joss holding onto you as sandor walks beside the horse holding it by the reins. 
“Ser. I can walk.” joss speaks. 
“Shut up.” Sandor says. 
“M-my lady should have the horse to herself-” 
“I said shut- up.” Sandor speaks. 
“Joss…if you’d like to stretch your legs you are more than welcome but you are injured and if you are to make it to Volantis without further complication i suggest you stay put on the horse with me… is what my dear husband is trying to say.” you speak. 
Sandor stops and so do you both as he looks up to you. You give him a reassuring smile. He huffs looking away but then his head snaps to the side. Of the canyon not. 
“Th-thank you ser.” joss says to sandor. 
“Be quiet,” he says. 
“Sandor must you be so ru-” you begin but he puts his hand over your mouth as well as he hands you the reins of the horse. 
“Quiet.” he speaks slowly. Drawing out his sword. You and joss stay quiet. The horse begins to shift uncomfortably. He walks some feet away looking around only for an arrow to barely miss him and zip across you spooking the horse as it lodges itself into the rock behind you. 
Men appear from behind the rocks and begin an amish of an attack. Sandor easily takes out two of them. 
“Sandor!” you cry out trying to regain control over the horse. The men charge at you and joss, before they begin to pile on top of your husband. 
“When you reach the clearing go left until you hit the edge of Westeros in sunspear!” Sandor speaks.
“NO not without you!” you cry but regardless sandor slaps the haunches of the horse. 
“I’LL FIND YOU GO!” he yells as the horse takes off with you and joss through the canyon the men running after you shooting arrows past you both only to miss. The speed of the horse overtakes the power of the men running and you both zip through the rest of the canyon of prince’s pass. Coming to a clearing of sand presumably in sandstone at the edge of westeros. You pull on the reins of the horse stopping it. 
“We have to go back.” You speak, your voice breaking. 
“My lady no.” joss says hopping off the horse calming it down. 
“My husband is back there with God knows how many men! He needs help.” you say beginning to cry. 
“With all do respect my lady NO! With Gods know how many men attacking him back there, he’s the lord hound of house clegane, a fighter , a man of the kings guard most feared in all of king's landing and im a squire and you are a princess. With what skill are we able to fight? He said he will find us whether that be in the clouds with our lord or here on land  but for now we need to get to safety!” joss says looking you dead in the eyes. 
Tears stream down your face and you nod. 
“Volantis is east, left, as ser clegane as said if we go now we can get to hellholt inn nearing dark and sleep then head sunspears dock in the morn.” he speaks. You nod he takes the reins of the horse and begins to lead to hellholt town. You look behind you not seeing anyone, not seeing sandor.
Sandnor is pushed down to the ground and hand tied behind his back before a bag is thrown over his head and pushed into the ground. 
“It's sandor clegane ser” a man says its muffled do to the linen on his head but he can hear enough. 
“Hmm…lets take him back to the tavern well ask what to….he will have a word.'' The middle and probably most important bit of sandor needed to hear had been muffled with the new sound of horse hooves hoping it's not you coming back to “save” him. But it's not. 
Sandor is dragged up to his feet before the rope around his hands is attached to another on the end of the horse as he's led somewhere else. Trying to scope out his surroundings as they head through the canyon trying to get a general sense of direction, but with a potato sack on your head it's kinda hard to do so. 
Without realizing it he allows his mind to wander to you, wondering if you're trying to ride back or if you listened to him and continued to head east. No of course not with how demanding you were with him to join you to your home, you would've told joss to turn around or left him there to get back to him, but then joss would keep you safe and that gives him so peace of mind. 
The thoughts of you and wondering if your safe block out the extended amount of time to the miles of walking. The sound of people laughing and talking quietly when he seemingly enters a tavern just barely missing the door frame as he almost hits his head against it. 
The bag is pulled off his head after further muffled talking, exchanging victory of how they had caught Sandor in the first place. 
“Aha not a man at all then…A HOUND!” thoros speaks, turning around and smiling at him. 
Thoros…the fuck you doing here?” Sandor grumbles. 
“Talking, drinking, fucking the usual! Same as old! And you?” Thoros asks. 
“I don't need you in my business top knot.” Sandor huffs out. 
“Oh come now clegane be kind.” Thoros prods. 
“He was with a woman and a boy.” another man says. 
“Hmm..a woman and a boy..musta been your lady wife then hmm? How's that going, lots of babes?” thoros chuckles causing sandor to retaliate in the ropes that hold his back from absolutely smashing thoros’s head against the table.
“Ooh feisty. Come on let's take him to the lord of light.'' Thoros says. Before the bag is placed over sandors head once again he notices a kid her hair short yet still long enough to be recognized. 
“Girl!?” Sandor barks out. All the attention is now placed on the child who is trying to hurriedly leave. 
“Arya stark! What are you doing with her?” Sandor speak.
“You know her?” thoros asks. 
“And you don't..how fitting.” Sandor scoffs, rolling his eyes. 
“Hmm well if you know she's valuable, well take her too.” thoros demands as a man grabs her as well. 
“What! NO! You said I could go free.” she squeals trying to fight the man who has her easily in his grip. 
“Yes. That before you were valuable. lets go '' he says putting the bag back over sandors head after there's one now on arya. They are both led out of the place this time and Sandor does hit his head on the door frame making him duct with an annoyed groan. 
Once again sandors mind wanders to you it's getting dark and he wonders if you and joss had made it to the inn before sunspear or if you had run the horse all the way to the edge before dark where you got on a ship or if you had headed the other way to find him. He knows you're stubborn, especially since you love him. 
But then his mind snaps to the feeling of his hand on your stomach, how he can feel your heartbeat and swears he feels the babe inside your belly’s heart beating too. He needs you to be safe. He knows how dangerous child bearing can be. His mother died trying to give birth to what would've been sister. He remembers hearing the men of the town saying they were expecting her death as how she could possibly give birth to another large baby. 
‘Then next baby that bitch bear will be just as big as the first two might as well split the poor lady in half.’ he remembers the merchant speaking to the farmer who then told half the town about his mother's pregnancy and then how his mother wouldn't look at him after he was burnt. He doesn't want the same fate for you. 
Being pushed into a cave with one source of heat snaps him out of his mind fog. The bag is taken off his head once more before seeing many others, a large fire burning before him forces Sandor to take a step back from the heat. 
“Sandor clegane.” a deep raspy voice from the darkness is heard before a man with an eyepatch emerges into the light. 
“Beric Dondarrion…” Sandor huffs looking at the man who's known for cheating death many times before. 
“If I untie you will you try to kill everyone in this cave?” Beric asks. 
“Just the bald headed cunt would keep mocking me.” Sandor grunt in annoyance to thoros. Beric gives thoros a look, a mixture of disappointment and amusement before nodding his head. The ropes are cut off of sandors wrists allowing him to rub the bruises that have formed. 
“Now then… shall we talk like civilians?” Beric suggests. Only leaving Sandor to sigh.
Next chapter here
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dewdropdinosaur · 5 months
Smoker, Mid-Night Joker for Love
LUCIFER X READER Summary: You’re a ring fighter at the most popular bar in Hell. Maybe your cigarette break lights a spark in the King of Hells heart. Warnings: Smoking, implied illegal fighting. Rating: PG-12 For the amazing @tsukiko26
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In the bustling streets of the demonic underworld, where sinners sought refuge in the vibrant chaos of the afterlife, stood a peculiar establishment known as the "Sinners' Sanctuary." It was a haven for the damned, where drinks flowed freely, laughter echoed through the air, and mischief lurked in every shadow.
On this particular evening, the eclectic crew from the Hazbin Hotel—Charlie, the hopeful and compassionate princess of Hell decided that team bonding was necessary. Angel Dust, of course, recommended “Sinner’s Sanctuary” and the princess, distracted by the face value of the name heartily agreed. So Charlie, Angel, Husk, and Alastor; were accompanied by none other than Lucifer himself, per Charlie’s invitation. Charlie, ever the optimist, had insisted on a night of bonding to strengthen their camaraderie.
Amidst the cacophony of voices and clinking glasses, they found themselves at the heart of the Sinners' Sanctuary, surrounded by a motley crew of sinners and demons indulging in various vices. As they settled into their seats at the bar, Lucifer's piercing gaze swept across the room, his crimson eyes alight with curiosity.
His attention was soon captivated by the sight of a fighting ring nestled in the far corner of the bar—a spectacle of sin and violence that drew a crowd like moths to a flame. Within the ring, a figure moved with effortless grace, their every movement a symphony of precision and power.
“Your winner and ten-time champion - Y/NNNNNN!”
The mysterious and powerful demon whose allure was as captivating as her prowess in combat raised her hand in victory. Her form was a blur of motion as she danced around her opponents, delivering swift and decisive blows with a grace that belied her demonic nature.
Lucifer found himself transfixed by her beauty and skill, his heart quickening with each victorious bout. There was something undeniably alluring about her, a magnetic pull that stirred something primal within him.
As the night wore on, Lucifer found himself drawn closer to the fighting ring, his gaze never leaving Y/N's mesmerizing form. He watched in awe as she emerged victorious time and time again, her confidence never faltering even in the face of the fiercest opponents.
Finally, as the last challenger fell before her, Y/N stepped out of the ring, her breath coming in exhilarated gasps as she basked in the adulation of the crowd. As the clamor of the bar gradually subsided and the last patrons stumbled out into the darkness, Lucifer approached her in the backalley behind the bar with a confident smile, his charm as potent as any spell.
"Quite the impressive display," he remarked, his voice smooth as silk as he offered her a charming smile.
Y/N turned to him, her eyes flashing with a mixture of surprise and intrigue. "And who might you be?" she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief.
"I am Lucifer." he declared, his tone imbued with a regal confidence that left no room for doubt.
Y/N's lips curled into a playful smirk as she studied him with a knowing glint in her eyes. "Well then, Lucifer, to what do I owe the pleasure of such a compliment from a gentleman as yourself?," she said, her voice dripping with promise.
"Oh nothing owed, I promise. Just impressed by quite the spectacle you put on tonight," Lucifer remarked, his voice a low rumble that cut through the silence of the emptying bar.
Y/N turned to him, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of exhaustion and defiance, unwrapping the bandages from her wrist. "It's a living," she replied, her tone edged with bitterness.
Lucifer arched an eyebrow, sensing the weight of her words. "A living, you say?" he pressed, his interest piqued.
Y/N's lips twisted into a rueful smile as she met his gaze with a shrug "More like a curse," she admitted, her voice heavy with resignation. After unwrapping her wrists, she pulled out a small cigarette. Struggling to get a light, Lucifer snapped and it sparked into flame.
Intrigued, Lucifer leaned in closer, his eyes narrowing with curiosity. "You can thank me by explaining." he urged, his tone gentle yet insistent.
“It’s nothing, the owner and I just ain’t…getting along with it comes to my job.”
Lucifer began, his tone tinged with urgency as he drew closer to her. "I couldn't help but notice... the owner of this establishment, do they own your soul?"
Y/N's eyes widened in realization, a shadow passing over her features as she nodded slowly. "Yes," she confessed, her voice heavy with resignation. "In exchange for my safe existence in this realm, I am bound to fight in the ring every night. I know I know, some safety right?”
Lucifer's resolve hardened like tempered steel. With a steely glint in his eyes, he spoke steadily “The safety of my citizens is my top priority. I—I think I can help you. I would like to at least.”He wanted to break the chains that bound her and grant her the freedom she so desperately craved.
“But what could you do? And what would you want? Every action comes with a price down here.”
"But what do you want, Y/N?" Lucifer asked, his voice soft yet resolute. "In exchange, would you allow me the honor of escorting you on a date?"
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, her breath catching in her throat at the unexpected offer. For a moment, she hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her gaze like a fleeting shadow.
But then, with a defiant tilt of her chin, she met Lucifer's gaze head-on, her eyes blazing with newfound determination. "You flatter me, your majesty. I would not mind that at all.” she replied, her voice ringing with conviction.
“But first, mind giving me another light.”
And as they made their way out of the dimly lit confines of the Sinners' Sanctuary, a sense of hope blossomed in their hearts—Lucifer metaphorically setting off a beacon of light in the darkness, a promise of redemption in a world consumed by sin and despair. One could hope they didn’t snuff out like that cigarette.
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