#The last two that haven't been brought up aren't really based off of anything?
tvntheatre · 11 months
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My FL OCs and crap! Though, slightly outdated!
..As you can assume, I came here from the Fallen London musical, and I liked a character in particular and now I can't think of a different name for them.
and other reference thing.
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... I should probably make digital references but if I tried I'll take forever to, so too bad.
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midnightdevotion · 2 years
Part 4 of the Safe Series
Rooster x reader
Not ready to end it here though so there will be more parts of their relationship evolving and them in future based settings :)
Warnings: This story features domestic violence, please do not read if that triggers you, mention of injuries, Swearing? mentions of not eating/sleeping (PLEASE EAT AND DRINK YOUR WATER) Hangman being a soft good friend to rooster. there's fluff in this one too.
a/n: ummm this came out of me like word vomit, fingers typing so fast it was insane. if there's mistakes which there probably will be just let me know. SORRY FOR THE ANGST
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It's been 8 days. 192 hours. 11,520 minutes. The doctors have stopped giving you the medication that induces the coma, you still haven't woken up. The brain swelling went down after the fourth day, you went off the medication officially on the 7th day.
Rooster hasn't left your side, he uses the shower in your hospital room and eats shitty hospital food or whatever the dagger team brings him. Mav has told him not to come to work, to take all the time he needs but he doesn't know how to tell Mav all he needs is you.
He hardly sleeps. He almost hears your joking voice calling the bags under his eyes designer. Every time he shuts his eyes, he sees you, laying on the ground lifeless. He see's the way your eyes lose their sparkle and they flutter shut. He see's the blood that pools around you, oh god so much blood. He hears someone walk in, but he doesn't bother to lift his head.
"Bradley, I brought you some food" it's Phoenix. He swallows hard, knowing they are worried about him but god his stomach feels like a rock. How is he supposed to eat when you're not okay. How is he supposed to sleep, shower, breathe, like you aren't in here fighting for your life.
When he doesn't make a move to grab the food, staying hunched over your hospital bed, gripping your hand like a lifeline. To be fair, in his mind if he lets go he might drown. In the silence, in the nothingness that he feels, in the chaos of his mind.
"Roos you gotta eat, you know she'd want you to eat" He knows that, of course he knows that. In the few weeks you were basically living with him, you'd get up and make him breakfast. Teasing him that a granola bar and protein shake was not breakfast.
Maverick tried to get him to go home to sleep the first few nights, but he couldn't. Not when he'd walk in and be reminded of you humming melodies while cooking, or crying at the sad part of a show you were making him watch with you. Not when he'd walk in and smell that candle you loved to burn, or hear your laughter echoing in his head as he thinks of the night he made you dance with him to the end credit song of some cheesy movie.
He snaps out of it when he feels Phoenix shake his shoulder, the emotions of it all still thick in his throat. He finally glances up at her, and he sees the worry in her eyes. He doesn't want his team to be worried about him, but he can't go on like things are normal. Like his heart isn't shattered around him.
"when's the last time you slept" and it's a good question really, he's not even 100% sure. He can feel his eyes are dry and most likely bloodshot, but he can't find it in him to care.
"I uh- yesterday I think" they both know he's lying, it's been closer to three days ago that he last slept. Thankfully Phoenix doesn't say anything about his obvious lie.
She just puts his food in front of him, on a little tray the sweet nurse brought in. He knows Phoenix well enough to know she won't be leaving until he finishes the food. It doesn't bother him, he does feel bad that they clearly need to babysit him, but he's so grateful to have people in his life like this.
He can't help but wonder how his mom went through this, all alone, with no hope that her husband would be okay. That thought startles him a little bit, because yeah clearly you two were headed down a path of love, but he thinks he might be farther down the path than he thought. He looks over at Phoenix, dropping your hand to pick up his sandwich.
"Phoenix I can't lose her"
"You won't" Her tone is confident, and leaves no room for what ifs.
"I-I think I'm in love with her" If it were any other time Phoenix would respond with a resounding 'no shit' but he's fragile enough right now so she's gentle.
"I know you do- and you will get to tell her rooster" she adds the last part because she knows, she knows that he's so worried he's gonna lose her before she was ever even his to lose. She's relieved when she sees him finally take a damn bite.
His chewing is slow, methodical almost. He hasn't had it in him to ask if the piece of shit that did this to you is getting what he deserves. He's talked to the cops, not that he remembers his conversation with them.
"Is he... he can't touch her again" his voice is so rough and gravelly, mostly from not using his voice much over the last week.
"No Bradley, never again. He's going away for attempted murder, assault of Serviceman, stalking, Harassment and several counts of domestic violence. He won't ever see the light of day again." Her response should make him feel relieved, but if he's 100% honest with himself, he wishes the man was dead.
He wishes it for multiple reasons, so you wouldn't have to live in any fear, if he's dead he can never touch you again. He wishes it because it's not fair, you're here struggling to live, not waking up and he's alive. It almost scares Bradley, he's never been an overly violent man, but here he is wishing he could've killed someone.
He finishes the sandwich before Phoenix speaks again.
"I spoke with the doctors, they were saying she should be waking up soon.."
"I hope so" His voice is just a whisper. He's never felt so desperate, not when his papers got pulled, not when he was in the back of that plane with maverick seconds away from death, but here he is, desperate to the point his leg doesn't stop shaking, his hands tremble and he can't sleep.
All he wants is for you to open your eyes, to see the beautiful sparkle shine back at him. To see your smile and hear your laugh echo not only in his memories but out loud where it's tangible.
He wants to walk into the living room and see you passed out on the couch, or your tired eyes and sleepy smile when you insist on waking up with him. He wants it all, he wants all of you. It scares the shit out of him.
Natasha sticks around for another hour, before making her way out. He knows it'll be a few hours before Jake shows up. Every evening like clock work at 7:00 pm the cocky blonde walks through that door. With dinner, sometimes home cooked, sometimes take out, but every night without fail.
He presses the back of your hand to his forehead. His daily ritual of talking to you, hoping eventually you will wake up and respond.
"Please darling... you gotta wake up soon. I-I can't stand seeing you like this, lifeless, when you and I both know you're the most lively person. Hell sweetheart you always make me feel alive, more than anything i've ever done."
"You gotta be okay, you-you're a fighter and you're so so strong baby girl. I need you to be strong for me." he talks to you like you're a god he's praying too. In his eyes, you are godly. The way you got through this and didn't lose your softness, the way you still shine like the goddamn sun. His sun.
"I-I love you sunshine... you can't leave me before I get to tell you that" His eyes feeling too heavy to keep going, drift shut. Finally getting at least some semblance of sleep after three days.
He's startled awake by none other than Jake 'Hangman' Seresin. That man is anything but subtle. Tonight he brought the broken aviator some pizza, figuring it's a hell of a comfort food. Jake would never admit it, but he's spent time researching the best comfort foods, and has been making his way down the list.
Tonight, He places two little blue pills down next to his food. When Rooster looks at them and then up at Jake, he sees how worried even hangman is for him. The thought kind of grosses him out, he never thought he'd see the day the smug pilot was well, anything but smug.
"Sleeping pills, you're taking them" and there's no room for argument, not that rooster wants to argue. He's desperate for sleep, his headache that's lasted two days is getting a bit unbearable at this point.
So he nods, and he takes the pills and then continues eating. The most he's eaten all week, which makes it sound like a lot but 3 pieces of pizza and a breadstick is pretty small considering the normal portions he eats.
Hangman stays, eating the rest of the pizza, until Rooster falls asleep. Hoping the pills give his friend some semblance of peace. He researched what sleeping pills to get too, and these ones are supposed to have the least dream activity. He can't help but leave with some parting words to you.
"c'mon already, he's gonna waste away" and he walks out of the room, knowing Maverick will be back in the morning with breakfast.
You could hear everything. The entire week, hearing roosters cries, hearing him beg and plead and talk to you. None of it was easy, but hearing him say he loved you, when you couldn't even respond. Torture. At the beginning of the week, you weren't sure what was happening, too weak to fully comprehend. Then you heard the word 'induced coma' and it started to make more sense.
You'd heard stories of people in coma's being able to hear the people around them but you never knew it was true and it would happen to you. All you wanted to do was wake up and kiss the man who wasn't left your side for more than 10 minutes at a time usually when people forced him to get up and shower, or go for a quick walk. You were so so thankful that they were taking care of him like this. You were also going to give him a stern talking to. He wasn't taking care of himself and that just would not fly.
Slowly though, you were more and more aware, the fogginess going away ever so slowly. Until it finally happened. Your finger twitches, and you wiggled your toes.
It felt like an eternity before your eyelids fluttered open. It was about two in the morning, and you had no interest of calling in a doctor to check on you, not yet. They could do it in the morning. You still felt sore and tender just about everywhere, but when you looked at the curly haired pilot on your lap you didn't care.
You let him sleep, softly playing with his hair. God you missed him so much. Content you just let him sleep on your lap, despite the uncomfortable way his back looked. You knew if you woke him, he would refuse to go back to sleep.
It was around 6 in the morning when Maverick walked through the hospital door. You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you when you saw the surprise on his face. Wincing as your bruised ribs jostled with the laugh.
"Well you're certainly not who I was expecting to be the awake one" his voice is teasing but you can see the smile in his eyes.
"god it took way too long to wake up" he raised his eyebrow at this, because how could you possible know. You explained to him that you heard everything, and all you wanted was to wake back up.
"He's been a shell of a person without you" your eyes tear up a bit, because you know, and it's all your fault.
"i-i know... I'm so sorry" and you're shocked by what maverick says next.
"don't be, that's the abuse talking. I'm just telling you that he needs you, and it's a good thing. Bradley deserves to have someone that fills him up with love and joy and everything else, just please don't willingly leave him empty" The tears are streaming down your face, and you admire maverick so much, he clearly loves Bradley like a son and only wants the best for him.
Rooster starts to stir, and you thank maverick for everything he's done, for Bradley and for you. He just grins, and waves you off, but you know it means a lot to him based on the watery look of his eyes.
"make sure he eats, and we will all be back later to see you" he squeezes your free hand before leaving you two to talk.
It takes a few more minutes for rooster to fully wake up, he groans and rubs his eyes, glad his headache is gone but not ready to face another day with out you.
"morning handsome" and his heart freezes, stalls out, can he breathe? You see the look on his face, as he slowly turns to you, eyes meeting yours and you give him a gentle smile.
"Oh my god" it's a small mutter, barely heard over your heart monitor. you squeeze his hand lightly, and he springs into action.
"oh my god oh my god. Nurse! Doctor! she's awake!" you can't help the laugh that leaves you, he's so frantically sticking his head out the door. A nurse rushes in, and when she gathers that it's just you have woken up she grins.
"you know this man here hasn't left your side, definitely a keeper" she whispers to you when she does a quick check of your injuries, mostly to appease the pilot. Said pilot is watching, standing by the door arms folded and eyebrows raised so high you'd think you're in trouble.
You were correct.
"What the actual hell were you thinking!! Goin outside like that ALONE when you know he was after you!!" it makes your heart feel light and airy.
"Oh uh-uh Lieutenant you didn't sleep for like three days, let alone you hardly ate or took care of yourself at all!" You watch him freeze, a sheepish smile taking over his face.
"who told you that" It's a mumble, like he's embarrassed he got caught.
"nobody, I could hear everything roos" Realization dawns on his face and it changes to panic after about ten.
"e-everything?" you can't help the smile that graces your face.
"You can tell me now" it's cheeky and you know it but the way his cheeks turn red and he swallows hard has you so so happy.
"well I wanted to do it in a more romantic setting, but I love you sunshine" and yeah okay you heard him in your coma, but seeing his eyes soft and cheeks pink with the tiniest of smiles makes your heart stop.
"I love you too roos" he moves delicately closer, still so aware of your injuries and you're pretty sure he's gonna treat you like you're made of porcelain now.
He brings a kiss down onto your lips, but he's gone as quick as he was there. He laughs at the shock on your face and shakes his head.
"sorry honey but you're injured so no getting frisky with me" You roll your eyes, a smile on your face. You know recovery is going to be a long journey, mentally and physically, but with Bradley holding your hand, you can do anything.
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benignbucky · 3 years
Whiplash Pt. 2
AN: (MINORS DNI) This is probably gonna be the final part, I'm not super feeling this series anymore in all honesty so I'm gonna leave it as a mini series so we can get that resolution. I may come back to it later but for now I am happy with this ending. This could honestly be a standalone but the first part is linked above. Thank you for being so patient with me while I got this out, last weekend was stressful but this weekend is so much better. You may need a fan for the last half of this. ♡
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PAIRING: stucky x reader, john walker x reader briefly
Word Count: 2.4k
WARNINGS: John Walker is the ex because absolutely no one likes him and we all know this man radiates tiny pp energy and would be the worst in bed, fighting, minor angst, mostly fluff and smut, unprotected sex (wrap your wang before you bang), threesome, overstimulation, squirting, HELLA praise kink, pet names (baby, peach, good girl), brief mentions of dub-con/non-con with ex, unbeta'ed (all mistakes are my own)
The memories of that night were burnt in the back of your eyes. Seeing your ex, John, for the first time in 6 months and he still had so much power over you.
The second you opened the door, tears sprung to your eyes as a barely audible 'w-what are you doing here?' escaped your mouth before he was walking in, clearly not noticing Bucky and Steve walking over with fury in their eyes.
"You need to leave before this gets messy." Steve and Bucky were easily twice his size, not so much in height but in pure muscle.
"Oh, so you're moved out and fucking both of your roommates. A whore like you would do that, huh?" John
You backed behind Bucky as Steve took the lead. "Listen, I don't care who you think you are but you don't just get to come back around after how you treated her. Let alone call her something she most certainly is not seeing as you're the one that cheated on her with how many women?"
"You may look all big but I doubt you even know how to fight. Useless muscle if you ask me." Little did he know that both incredibly skilled in combat, especially hand-to-hand combat. And that's all it took for Bucky to leap forward and land a bone breaking punch to John's jaw, almost knocking him out cold. This had him backing out the door, learning his place.
"And don't even think about coming back here because next time you'll have to be dragged out," The tone of Bucky's voice was firm and aggressive but only until John walked out of the building before he joined Steve in comforting you.
It had been three hours since John tried to pry himself into your life again. You were still trembling even though you were in the arms of the two people you trusted most. The idea that John could just show up again out of nowhere terrified you more than anything. You were well protected by Steve and Bucky but just having John in the same room, no, same building as you brought on heart shattering fear and anxiety.
You had all migrated to your room, the three of you barely fitting on your queen size mattress. It really showed off how much bigger they were compared to other guys, especially compared to you. Both of them were easily at least a foot taller than you. Their biceps easily closer to the size of one of your thighs than your arms.
Around you, they were gentle giants. That was until they needed to protect you. And they would, with their whole being. They just wanted to show you how much they valued you, how much you lit up their lives. They wanted you to know that it wasn't one sided. The two of them were pampering you in kisses and praise, gentle caresses, doing everything they could to make you feel safe and loved.
Eventually your breathing and heart rate had calmed, turning on your back so you could look at the two men. Their overwhelming appreciation towards you made you want to show your appreciation for them but you were mustering up the courage. You hadn't been intimate with anyone, let alone with yourself since before you moved in. Any experience with John had been too rough, basically forced from you but you didn't know any better.
This one moment with Bucky and Steve, everything felt different. They asked if they could play with your hair, caress your face in their hands, or even to soothingly rub your back. Every touch required you to tell them yes. If it made you even the slightest bit uncomfortable, they would stop and move back to something else you had already agreed to, which only made your core dampen more than it already was.
Fighting the nerves, you kissed them both with nothing but love and passion, hinting for something more. It took them a minute to take the hint but when they did, their actions only got softer.
"Are you sure? You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with." Steve whispered. His and Bucky's eyes had darkened, pupils blown out. This only made you want them more.
You nodded at them both even though you knew they wanted a verbal answer. You gulp before mustering up a soft, "Yes, I want this. Want you. Both of you."
Slowly, you sat up, starting to tug at the hem of your oversized shirt before you felt one metal and one flesh hand move your hands away, removing your shirt for you.
"This is about you, peach. Don't worry about us. We want you to feel good." Bucky whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine but in the best way possible.
Steve was behind you, rubbing circles into your back as Bucky trailed kissed down your jaw and neck. You leaned back against Steve's chest as Bucky's kisses went lower to your chest. "Can we take this off?" Looping his flesh fingers under the strap of your bra.
"Please…" You breathed out your answer, feeling Steve's hand loop under you to unclasp the article of clothing. You gasped at the cold sensation of Bucky's metal hand brushing over your hot skin and he chuckled softly. "You're so fucking beautiful, you know that? Isn't she, Steve?" You leaned back once more only to gasp again at the light flick that Bucky gave to your nipple. "Absolutely gorgeous." Steve hummed his answer, you could feel his length growing underneath you.
The moment you felt Bucky's mouth over your chest left your mouth agape, your back arching at his touch. His mouth didn't linger long as it started moving lower and lower until he was in between your thighs, kissing over your biker shorts but not over where you wanted him the most.
Out of instinct, you reach down to pull off your remaining clothing but Bucky just shakes his head and replaces your hands with his. This time it's him gasping at how absolutely dripping you are. "Oh you poor baby, probably haven't had someone focused on your pleasure in so long."
Steve's hands moved up to tease your chest, massaging and caressing everything he could reach before pulling his shirt off with you still on top of him. Bucky did the same before placing your thighs over his shoulders, looking for any sign of you being uncomfortable but only saw your eyes shut in pleasure.
Dipping his head down, he licked a broad stripe up your dripping cunt, not even giving you time to be shocked as he got to work. Your sounds were only making him work harder as you took his hands in yours at your side.
John only went down on you once and that was after begging him because it was 'only fair' seeing as you had always done it for him. Steve and Bucky didn't even ask, didn't want you to because unlike John, they cared more about your pleasure than their own.
"Such a good girl," Steve mumbled in your ear before leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck. This only fueled your needs.
"More, Bucky. Please…" You had let go of one of his metal hand only to tangle your fingers in his hair, pushing him even further into your core. He was groaning against you at your neediness, which sent vibrations throughout your entire body.
You were about to beg again but before the words could even come out, you felt two cold fingers at your entrance before they slowly slid in and bumping into your g-spot, which wasn't something you had ever experienced before.
"B-Bucky… oh my god! What was that?" You were a blubbering mess at this new found sensation.
Looking up at you and only moving his mouth away to say, "You can't tell me no one has ever?-" His fingers were curling up at an agonizing pace, your hips bucking on his hand was the only response he needed before he started moving at a faster pace. You were almost at your peak, legs trembling, as he put his mouth back on you and sucked your bundle of nerves into his mouth.
You had never felt this much pleasure before in your life. Only a few more strokes of his hand left and you felt like you had exploded, seeing stars. The sounds you were making and your grip on Bucky's hair had him groaning against you, only heightening your peak and making it more intense. Bucky wasn't done yet though, he was going to drag out your high until you couldn't take anymore, Steve nearly forgotten behind you.
Any words you tried to make were incoherent as Bucky finally slowed down and kissed back up your body. "Such a good girl for us, aren't you, baby?" Chuckling at how you could only nod as a response. The two men would have been happy with at that but you were already sitting up and turning around to give Steve attention, which took them both by surprise.
You were a shy person in general let alone during a situation like this but your orgasm only gave you more confidence. Bucky laid down as you crawled up and straddled Steve. As much as he would love to watch you ride him, you were spent. You looked it to. With a swift motion, you were back on your back, legs spread again as Steve pulled down his pants and his briefs, Bucky following behind shortly.
You knew both of them were packing at the one too many times you had walked in on one of them getting out of the shower so you weren't that surprised to see how big they were in the moment. "I would love to taste you but I can't wait any longer, needa be inside you. Is that alright?" Steve accepted your whimper of a yes and draped his body over yours, giving you a tender kiss before reaching down and running a finger in between your folds and lining himself up to your entrance.
He didn't even need to look up at you for approval, you were already snaking your legs around his hips. "Eager girl, aren't you?" Steve smirked before pressing into you slowly, earning a soft moan from you before rocking his hips slowly as you got used to his size before working up to a faster pace. Both of you moaning and groaning as you raked your nails down his back.
"Fuck, so tight. Don't know how long 'm gonna last." You were already squeezing around, trying to milk him for everything he had.
"F-faster… harder…" You begged and he happily obliged. You didn't care if he didn't last much longer, you knew Bucky wanted a turn and you wanted to give them both a chance at you. "Oh my god, Steve. I'm gonna cum… please." Your begging only made Steve's release come sooner, only letting go when you had reached your peak as well, pulling at his hair as he groaned into your neck before his thrusts slowed to a halt.
You were still catching your breath before the two men swapped places. "Think you can handle one more, peach?" Bucky hovered over, looking for any sign of you wanting to stop. "I sure hope so." You chuckled out of breath still before gasping as Bucky flipped you over onto your stomach and pulling your hips up to meet his, his hands resting at your hips.
"That's a good girl," lining himself up, Bucky groaned at the wetness that was Steve's release mixed with yours as he pushed in. Steve was longer but Bucky was noticeably thicker as he pushed into you. "You weren't kidding, Steve. So. Fucking. Tight." Bucky growled out. Steve reached over to moved your hair out of your face before Bucky started thrusting into you.
"If it's too much, just say and we'll stop and take care of you." Steve reassured you before nodding to Bucky, encouraging him to pick up the pace.
And he did, his thrusts were relentless but were all for your pleasure. Neither of you would last very long but he wanted this one to be the best orgasm of the night. "Steve," Bucky managed, nodding his head to Steve, motioning for him to touch you. The whine you let out when Steve scooted down to rub feverish circles around your clit which was only bringing your third incredibly intense orgasm of the night only moments away.
"Oh god… of fuck fuck FUCK…" amongst another string of curses cam out of both you and Bucky's mouth as you came, covering Bucky's thighs, Steve's hand, and your comforter. It only took that sight and a couple more thrusts as Bucky was filling you to the brim. "Fuck…." He groaned, "Can't say I've ever had that happen before."
You drop to lay flat on your stomach on the bed, clearly oblivious to you squirting all over the two men and your blanket, only humming in response. "Did you know that you could do that, baby? Did you know you could squirt?" Your eyes widened at Steve as he asked, he took that answer as an obvious 'no' and chuckled softly.
You wished you could move but you were so fucked out that your limbs were limp. Steve got up and grabbed a new t-shirt and underwear for you to put on as Bucky eased out of you, causing another whine from you at the sensation. Steve left the room temporarily just to get a warm washcloth and a different blanket for the three of you as the other one was deemed in need of a wash.
The two cleaned and dressed you before laying out the new blanket over you. Bucky laid down first, pulling you to lay on his chest before Steve crawled behind you, spooning you. You were barely conscious but you heard the small I love you's and praises from them about how good you did. You breathed out a small 'love you too' before falling asleep.
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
July 2nd - Daniel Ricciardo
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Based on New Year's Day by Taylor Swift and this request by @spikejonzed
Fluffly, mentions of sex, banter, nothing graphic.
BTW, I don't know how I've never paid attention to this song, it's so so beautiful and honest. I've thought about this concept before though: the "Sunday afternoon effect", when all the excitement of the weekend wears off and you're just hanging out with your friends, laughing about silly stuff, or cleaning up the house after the party. The thing is, the friends that stay till then are the ones you wanna hold on to, and the same goes for lovers. I feel kind of bad... well not BAD but you know, must be hard... when you're famous and rich, to recognize the good ones from the beginning before you give yourself too much away and it's too late.
To be honest with you guys, I think Daniel must feel a bit lonely sometimes. We all do, but to think that people are only interested in you for your fame and money must be tough... something you worked so hard, that you keep dedicating your life to, to think that that thing is the reason for your heartbreak, to your loneliness... It's a two-edged sword, isn't it? Anyway, I wrote this little something with Daniel in mind, hope you guys like it. Hope he finds someone to be like this someday. Hell, hope I find someone to be like this someday. I think everyone deserves that.
Daniel woke up in his bed, no shoes, but jeans and party shirt still on. The light coming through the windows, shining directly on his face, threatening to make his headache even worse. He let out a groan and turned to the side. There's someone on his bed with him. Shit. He just remembered. Last night was the first time he was introducing (y/n) to his friends. His birthday "small get together" (or at least that's what it was supposed to be) was the perfect opportunity for testing the waters and giving the "next step" without making too much fuss about it, after all, they've only been going out for a couple months and with his tight schedule it meant a lot of facetime calls and weekends, but almost no weekdays and routine stuff.
Yet, he was absolutely smitten with her, she was fun and easygoing, passionate about her own work and friends, but still caring and interested in him. They had amazing chemistry, mind-blowing even. But Daniel had lived enough to know that hanging out with someone on the weekends and knowing their best side was one thing, living through daily and mundane stuff was a completely different thing. Where this could go was still a mystery to him and he didn't want to raise too many expectations before he was sure. Still, she looked so beautiful sleeping, a true vision. He tried to remember if something had happened last night, but judging by his clothes still on, and hers as well, he guessed not. As if on cue, she smiled, with her eyes still closed.
"Stop being creepy" she said smiling. "I can feel you watching me sleep"
"You're not even asleep anymore" he smiled and she opened her eyes. He was taken back by her eyes staring directly into his.
"Still creepy though" she laughed, getting closer to him. He held her and they stayed like that for a while.
"Are you ok?" he asked her.
"What do you mean?
"Aren't you hungover, or sick?" he asked again and she laughed.
"Not at all. I have this really weird superpower, you know, I don't get hungover. Ever, actually" she laughed.
"I don't believe you. I have the headache"
"No, it's true. We did drink a lot yesterday, though" she commented.
"Yeah, well, welcome to having Australian friends. No such thing as light drinking with those guys" he laughed but grimaced at the pain in his brain.
"I'll get you something"
"For the pain" she explained getting up from the bed.
After a while she returned with a pill and a glass of water, passing them to him.
"Thank you, baby" he took the glass, finishing it. "Come back to bed now"
"Your house... like, I'm not even sure if I should tell you to take a look or just pack your essentials and abandon it" she smiled.
"Uhh" he groaned. "I'll call someone later"
"Like a constructor with a wrecking ball?" she laughed.
"It can't be that bad"
"It's bad" she started. "But we can manage it" He looked at her intrigued. "After a shower" she pulled his hand. "Join me?"
"If I ever say no to that question, just put me in an asylum" he said. "I need a kiss though, as motivation" he smirked.
"Noo... I have morning breath"
"What? Me too" he said pulling her down and kissing her anyway. "Uh, no. You're right. Yours is worst" he said laughing while getting up and walking into the bathroom.
"Asshole!" she laughed following him.
They stripped and got into the shower, taking turns in letting the water run through their bodies.
"Come here" Daniel said, putting some body wash in his hands and spreading them over (y/n) body.
"Hum... this feels nice" she said.
"You're so beautiful" he said kissing her shoulder.
"You're so wasted" she laughed lightly.
"Hey! I'm sober. I'm just too tired. Give me a couple hours to recover, and I'll claim my birthday privileges"
"Birthday privileges? It's not even your birthday anymore" she laughed.
"Okay, but first, it's the weekend of, and second, I didn't get any time alone with you yesterday"
"Fair. And what will be your requests, may I ask?" she asked teasingly.
"Humm... you're so creative" he said kissing her. "I'm sure we'll think of something"
They finished the shower after a while, enjoying each other's company and the comfortable silence.
"Did anyone crashed here?" (y/n) asked when they were stepping out of the shower.
"I have no idea" Daniel answered. "I just remembered going to take a nap and waking up this morning. Shit, we didn't... did we?" (y/n) laughed out loud at that.
"Wow! Really, Dan?"
"We did not. I would've remembered"
"Good save. Such a gentleman" she laughed.
"I drank way too much. Sorry. Don't be mad"
"It's fine. I'm messing with you, I don't remember anything either. To be honest, I don't even remember joining you on your 'nap'" she said making air quotes.
"We're the worst hosts" he said getting out of the bathroom and going into the closet to get some clothes.
(y/n)'s heart swelled at the thought of hosting a party with Daniel. There was something so intimate about that statement, so homey.
"You want a shirt?" Daniel asked from the other room, waking her up from her daydream.
"Yeah, sure" she took the shirt, some underwear, and some sweats. Then brushed her wet hair and looked in the mirror. Not a trace of makeup left. She sighed thinking about how falling into a routine with Daniel meant letting the barriers down.
"Alright, snap out of it" she said to herself, getting out of the bathroom and walking outside, to the living room where Daniel was standing rubbing his neck and looking around.
"This is bad" he said when he saw her joining him. There were empty beer bottles and cups all around the living room and balcony, pizza boxes (with half-eaten slices left behind) in the coffee table, party decorations hanging from the ceiling, and the kitchen was even worse, with liquid spilled on the ground and bottles everywhere. There was glitter all over the floor and the couch - someone had brought some of those party poppers, which looked so much fun yesterday, but no so much now. But the best part was the polaroids, left all over the house with the craziest poses.
"Pack your stuff, we're deserting this goddam hellhole" he said and she knew he was joking, he said that about everywhere, but she still shook her head and rolled her eyes, picking a polaroid photo from the ground.
"Everyone had so much fun" she showed it to him. "I loved meeting your friends"
He took the photo from her hand, it was one where (y/n) was sitting on the couch with two of his buddies from Australia, making funny faces while holding cups. He remembered the moment because he was the one who took the photo.
"How's the headache?" she asked him.
"Almost gone"
"Good. So you don't have an excuse. Move your ass, where are the trash bags?" she laughed going into the kitchen.
"Hey! That was very sneak of you" he laughed but followed her anyway.
They spent the next hour collecting bottles, vacuuming glitter, and just cleaning the whole house. Daniel complained the whole time, but in truth, he was very glad to have her there. Sure, he could just ignore the whole mess and hire someone on Monday to clean everything (he probably would still do that anyway, for the heavy cleaning like bathrooms), but it was really nice of her to just stick around, seeming unbothered by the housework. When she finished tying the last trash bag and putting it on the entry hallway she flopped on the couch besides Daniel, who had called it a day some good 10 minutes ago.
"Done?" he asked her.
"I feel like punching you for asking me that" she answered playing annoyed. He lifted his hand in defense.
"What? I did my part!"
"Men" she shook her head. "I'm surprised you haven't complained about being hungry yet"
"Well, I'm starving! Was just waiting to suggest going out, or ordering in"
"Ordering in, please. I don't want to get off this couch any time soon"
Daniel got his phone out to order some food. It was almost noon, so he thought about something like pasta, some carbs would be nice right now. Then he felt (y/n)'s head drop on his shoulder, her hand caressing his arm. It was such a sweet gesture, so understated, he just stopped what he was doing and looked at her.
"What?" she looked at him.
"I'm really glad you're here. Thank you"
"It's nothing" she smiled.
"I don't mean the cleaning. Well, that too. But just, thank you for being you and wanting to hang out with me, you know, after the party"
"I'll always wanna hang out with you, partying or cleaning bottles" she said and leaned in to kiss him. "Happy birthday old man" this made him smile through the kiss.
"Thank you, young lady" he said still smiling. "Let's feed you now, yeah?"
"Please! Let's get some carbs on this house!" she smile.
"Hey, guys!" (y/n) and Daniel looked up to see Luke, one of Daniel's buddies walking out of the guest bedroom.
"Dude! I didn't know you were here" Daniel laughed.
"Yeah, just woke up. Definitely wasn't hiding in the bedroom waiting for the cleaning end to get out" he grinned making (y/n) and Daniel laugh.
"You know what? Just for that, you're going downstairs to pick up the food when it gets here, and taking out the trash!" (y/n) teased him, tossing a pillow from the couch at him.
Daniel just observed while his friend and his girlfriend joked and laughed. He thought about how right now he was enjoying a feeling of contempt that wasn't really natural or much appreciated by professional athletes, but this time felt right to indulge in it. He felt safe like someone's got him, finally. He took (y/n) hand on his and squeezed it three times, he knew this was already a good thing, something to last. She looked at him, she knew exactly what he meant.
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alyssapoprocks · 3 years
I want to preface this with that fact I haven't, nor do I really plan to, watch all of BNHA or read the entire manga, this is just based on the things I HAVE read or watched, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on anything.
Okay, the traitor. I did read that Horikoshi apparently actually forgot about this plotline, so there's a chance it will actually never be brought up again, but the latest chapter really got me thinking. Edit: I have been informed this isn't actually true!!! My hope that this theory will come into play is bigger than ever now!
So, in the last few chapters, everyone had a moment with Midoriya, even the smaller side characters like Kouda and Satou. They all got to tell him how they felt about him, how he's helped them at some point in time, ways he's inspired them. Kirishima, Hagakure and Aoyama being the only ones who hadn't, until 322.
Kirishima finally steps in and says what he needs to to Midoriya, bringing up the slime incident and protecting him from falling to the ground and getting hurt.
That makes every single student in Class A, except Hagakure and Aoyama. They are the only two that don't say anything to try to convince Midoriya to come back with them, they didn't get their moment with him.
Now, I don't know a lot about Hagakure, as she hasn't really shown up in the canon content I have seen (I mostly focus on the BakuSquad), but I know it's been a theory for quite some time that she's the traitor, due to certain things that have happened. I actually read the theory before I got into Kirishima (specifically him, he's the only reason I'm here and invested now), but I can't remember the whole theory.
And then we have Aoyama, he's just low-key weird in general, the cheese incident standing out specifically to me. Due to this incident, Aoyama actually became friends with Midoriya, and thinking back to that, it's kinda weird he didn't say anything to convince Midoriya to stay. In the cheese incident he points out that they're similar in the fact their Quirks aren't compatible with their bodies, so I do find it weird this wasn't brought back up in the past few chapters.
I did also read another theory that Aoyama is actually quirkless, and the belt was potentially a gift from the LOV. This does add up with what Aoyama says to Midoriya about wearing the belt since he was young, no one has seen him without it (I don't know how much strength is actually behind this theory though, I just thought it fit with that comment).
In that same couple of chapters, Midoriya makes two comments about Aoyama.
1. None of us have any idea what Aoyama is ever thinking.
2. He doesn't go out of his way to talk to anyone.
Not knowing anything about Aoyama, I thought this was strange, as he definitely gives off a talkative, look at me, kinda personality, so the fact he actually doesn't go out of his way to usually make friends, but fully went out of his way to befriend Midoriya, kinda fishy. Especially as this happens not long after the whole saving Bakugou bit, which is where the villains revealed they knew who All Might had given his power to (right? I vaguely remember the conversation between All for One and All Might).
Then, there is the Class A Vs Mirio battle, in which he just straight up shoots his laser at Mirio's head, this is mostly based on the comments on the YouTube video I watched, so I don't know how much backing it has. Mina also shoots her acid at him, but I read she can control the acidity of her acid, but no one said Aoyama can control the power of his laser, and if that's true, he just straight-up tried to kill Mirio in front of basically his entire class.
And finally, USJ. When the fight is over, and the class are all back in one spot, Aoyama says to Tsuyu, "As for my location, where do you think I was?" To which Tsu asks where and he replies, "it's a secret." Now, sure, this can be seen as him just being weird, but when you mix it with a few other factors of the USJ surrounding him and Hagakure, it seems a little fishy.
For one, the map at the start of the chapter that shows where everyone is, Aoyama and Hagakure are together with a 'where?' under them. They're not given a location.
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Later on, Hagakure congratulates Ojiro for holding his own again a villain all by himself, but when asked where SHE was, she says she was with Todoroki. There are a couple of issues with this statement, obviously.
1. How would she have known Ojiro was on his own if she was with Todoroki. The areas that Todoroki and Ojiro were in were on almost opposite sides of the USJ arena, she should have had no way to know Ojiro was on his own.
2. Why would she have not let Todoroki know she was there? Why would she take her shoes and gloves off, and just stand in a place Todoroki could have done her harm by accident. If she WAS with Todoroki, she literally just stood there and did nothing, while putting herself in complete danger of not only the villain Todoroki was fighting, but Todoroki himself.
I find it odd the person she claims to have been with, and the person she knew was alone, were the only people she speaks with. The only two people that were on their own, everyone else was with at least one other person. They were the easiest options to lie about.
We also have to add the why the characters are split up in that scene anyway, Hagakura being with Todoroki wouldn't have even made any sense when you look at how everyone was split.
Kirishima and Bakugou are together, because they were together in front of everyone after duo attacking Kurogiri. Iida, Uraraka, Shouji, Satou, Sero and Mina were standing close together. Momo, Jirou and Kaminari were standing together. Todoroki moved further from the group as it went out, so he was alone. Midoriya, Froppy and Mineta were almost standing together. And then there's Ojiro and Aoyama. Aoyama was directly next to him, so isn't it odd, following the pattern from the rest of the students, that Aoyama wasn't with Ojiro? Instead his location was unknown. And then Hagakure, she was directly in front of Satou, so realistically she should have been with that group as well, but she wasn't. She was apparently with Todoroki, which just doesn't fit the pattern, especially as Todoroki throws himself further from the group as they're teleported, which is why he was alone in the first place.
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Everyone who was sent off together, are standing together. Hagakure can be seen standing with Satou and Shouji, she definitely should have been with them.
So, the fact both Aoyama and Hagakure's actual whereabouts during this attack are unknown, seems really odd all things considered.
I then come to the Training Camp situation, the only other villains attack on the school I know anything about (was there another one?). Once again, Aoyama and Hagakure are together in this arc. Sure, Hagakure is passed out, and Aoyama is hiding behind a rock but just the fact they're inexplicably together AGAIN in a villain attack, weird.
And finally, back to the latest arc, which isn't technically a villain attack arc, but again, they're together. When Midoriya let's the white smoke off, Kirishima, Aoyama and Hagakure are split from everyone else. Kirishima makes up for this, he plays his part, helps save Midoriya, but Aoyama and Hagakure don't. They both agree when Kirishima says he has things he wants to tell Midoriya, but they don't. They don't say anything. Even Mina gets a second attempt at convincing him, but Aoyama and Hagakure say nothing. They could have shouted something before Bakugou's apology, but they don't.
There may be things within the stuff I haven't seen or read that disproves this theory, but I think, from these facts alone, both Hagakure and Aoyama being the traitors TOGETHER makes a lot of sense in my opinion.
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
Alive Again
Warnings: necromancer!hyunjin, death, fingering, themes of satanism, necromancy, witchcraft etc.
Wc: 1.9k
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There he was, again.
You let out a long, annoyed sigh as you watched from the shadows. Leaves crunching under your feet, you stepped out from behind the bush, having had enough.
The man crouching before the gravestone glanced up, raising an eyebrow as his eyes landed on you. He looked you up and down, a small smirk growing on his features.
"Uh...can I help you?" He asked, straightening up and taking a step towards you. You immediately took one back, swallowing as you registered just how tall he is- he was basically towering over you.
Your words caught in your throat for a second as you tried to remember exactly why you'd been mad at him. His gaze, directed at you, was thick with intrigue and another emotion you can't decipher. It's throwing you off.
Your mouth opened and closed as the man rolled his eyes, turning around and heading back to the grave at your lack of response.
He looked over his shoulder, his eyes cold this time. "What? Spit it out, little girl. I haven't got all night. In fact, you just interrupted my ritual."
Ritual? Suddenly, the candles and chalk circles on the tombstone made sense. You swallowed, mind swimming with a million thoughts. So, your suspicions were correct.
"I..." You clenched your fists. "I see you here everyday. This- this is my spot." You mumbled, realizing just how stupid you sounded as the words left your mouth.
The look he gave you only served to reinforce that.
"Your...spot?" He chuckled, crossing his arms and walking back towards you. "Do you own this graveyard, princess?" He asked, his tone filled with mock curiosity.
"I- no. But- there's never been anyone else in here with me-"
Hyunjin put his finger on his chin. "Why do you like this place so much, anyway? Someone your age should be out there, partying with your friends and what not." He said, sounding like he was talking to himself more than you.
"I like this place. It's quiet here. I've spent every night here for more than ten years." You explained, swallowing.
"Hm. Bad home life?"
"Understatement." You said softly, shaking your head. "It's been more than a year since I left home for good. Now I live here."
Hyunjin hummed, his tone filled with what seemed like genuine sympathy. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that...but unfortunately, I can't just pack up and leave. I have work to do. " He gestured to the pentagram. "I expect I'll be here a while."
"But..." You don't want this. You don't want him encroaching your space, leaving his arcane items and trinkets everywhere. You hated unfamiliarity, the way it made you feel cold and fearful. You'd spent all these years alone, after all...gotten used to the solitude.
"No...you c-can't." You muttered, steeling yourself to deliver your reply. It was extremely difficult denying this beautiful man. There was a part of you that was inexplicably pulled to him. Something about him excited you, sending tingles all over your body and melting away your inhibitions one by one.
"I can't? This place is big enough for the two of us, love. Why don't you want this?"
You grit your teeth. All these questions were irritating you. "I don't have a reason to let you stay."
Hyunjin bit his lip at that, nodding slowly. He pursed his lips, staying silent for a minute before his eyes slowly lit up with an idea.
"Tell you what...why don't I give you one?"
"Give me what?"
"A reason to let me stay."
You didn't miss the way his eyes sparkled with mischief as he uttered the words. Feeling your cheeks flush, you internally reminded yourself to stay strong. 
No, you weren't going to budge, no matter what he offered you. Although...you had a small idea of what he was insinuating, and you'd be lying if you said the thought wasn’t enticing. 
"Elaborate." You said cautiously, eyes widening a little when he backed you up against the statue behind you, catching you off guard.
"Why do that when I could just show you?" He asked, voice low and deep. His eyes bore into you, searching yours with an urgency.
"S-show me? I-"
He cut you off, leaning closer until your lips were brushing. His proximity made the words fizzle and die on your tongue, your cheeks burning as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
"So flustered. I haven't even done anything of significance yet." He chuckled, a finger coming up to trace your jawline.
"I don't-"
He rolled his eyes, closing the minimal distance between the two of you to press his plump lips to yours.
It felt like stars were exploding in your belly. You'd never been kissed before, and it seemed a little unfair to you that he would be your first. This devilishly handsome intruder, barrelling into your life without prior notice.
You kissed him back, though. Any shred of rationality left in your form was quickly disappearing as he nipped at your lips, letting out a soft moan into the kiss. He snaked his hands under your thighs, spreading them apart to fit himself in between. "Fuck..." His lips wandered down to your neck, kissing the spot gently before sucking on the smooth skin.
Pulling away after a few minutes to catch his breath, he grinned down at you. Your lips were red and kiss-bitten, your neck covered with marks. He prided himself in the masterpiece he'd created.
Inhaling, he leaned in again, lips ghosting your jaw. "Do you want this? Tell me you want this, Y/n."
"I...I do..." You said softly under your breath, avoiding his eyes as the embarrassment flooded your being.
"Louder." He hissed, pressing himself against you to let you feel the bulge growing in his pants.
"I want you!" You cried out, holding onto his shoulders as he lifted you up slightly. "Please, it's been years since I've been touched- I n-need it."
You closed your eyes, having caught a glimpse of his triumphant smirk and not wanting to see it for any longer than you had to. He had started to squeeze your thighs, warming you up as he placed a line of wet kisses down your neck.
"Good girl. Don't worry, I'll make you feel good. Promise." He assured, setting you on top of the base of the statue. The statue was that of an angel, and you would have found the situation funny if Hyunjin wasn't sliding his fingers up and down your covered clit, causing your brain to blank.
"So wet. You weren't lying when you said you haven't been touched in years, hm?"
You stayed silent, biting your lip in order to prevent a moan from bubbling out. He chuckled, pressing another kiss to your lips. "Thought so."
He grabbed the waistband of your panties with one hand, dragging it down and discarding them on the floor. Bringing his long fingers up to your lips, he pressed them in. "Suck." He ordered, staring at you intensely. His stare was so deep, You realized the undecipherable emotion had been lust all along, and your heart pounded.
You obeyed him immediately, sucking on his digits eagerly as your pussy throbbed, needing attention. You bucked your hips slightly, a needy expression directed at the man in front of you.
"An impatient one, are you?" He winked, pulling his fingers out of your mouth, travelling downwards to stroke your entrance.
"Lucky for you, I'm feeling pretty impatient tonight, too." He breathed, leaning forward to suck on your jaw as he pushed the digits past your walls, hissing at how tight you were.
"Fuck, I can't wait to feel you around my cock-" You exhaled shakily at his words, whining as he crooked his fingers up, finding your sweet spot with no difficulty. The sensations flooding throughout your body as he thrusted them into your cunt were incredible, ones you had never experienced before. It felt like your drab, dreary world confined to the cemetery was exploding with a burst of color as his fingers brought you to the edge.
"So pretty for me, baby. Am I making you feel good?"
What kind of question was that? Your moans were loud despite your best efforts to hold them back, your legs shivering and your lips quivering. The answer to that should be fairly obvious, you thought.
"Y-yeah. Love it- ah!" You cried out when his pace increased, his fingers almost a blur from how fast he was slamming them into you. He was able to fill you up so well even like this, and you found yourself drooling at the thought of what was to come.
"Fuck, you look so beautiful like this." He hummed, his thumb pressing onto your clit and rubbing gently. His other hand came up to your breast, flicking your nipple over the fabric and causing you to let out a gasp.
You were nearing the edge, hurtling towards it. Hyunjin didn't let up, adding a third finger and moving the trio at a speed that was almost inhumane.
"Fuck, you're close, aren't you? I can feel you clenching."
You nodded, tears pricking at your eyes as he slowed down his thrusts, making his fingers go as deep into your heat as he possibly could before pounding into you once more.
"You're a sight to behold." He mumbled, pressing his lips to yours gently, sucking on them. It was the last push you needed to fall over the edge, combined with his movements down south.
You'd never felt any sensation more otherworldly than the one taking over you at the moment. Your orgasm seized you mercilessly, sending electricity shooting over you and leaving you quaking in its wake.
His lips were still on yours as he groaned at the feeling of you squirting all over him. Pulling away, he observed the amount of juices that had spilled out of you and let out a wry chuckle.
"Fuck, I really want to make you do that again. On my cock, this time."
You spoke through pants, chest heaving. "Yes- yes please. Want." You mumbled incoherently, your brain turning into mush as you slumped in his hold.
He kissed your forehead, smiling. "And you will. Let's continue this at home, shall we?"
"Home?" You asked in confusion, peeling your eyes open. The graveyard was your home. What was he talking about?
"My home." He repeated, rubbing circles on your skin. "You'll be living with me from now on, baby."
You averted your eyes from him, disappointment filling you as he said the words. Tempting, but it would never happen. Your fate lay in this graveyard, your destiny an eternity of floating just beyond the veil.
"I..." You closed your eyes, a sob caught in your throat. "I can't...leave. I'm not-"
"I know."
You looked up, puzzled as his expression softened. He pulled you close to his body, picking you up. "You don't have to worry, love."
"You knew?" Your eyes widened in shock. You looked back over what had just happened, small clues that he was aware revealing themselves. You remembered suddenly that he'd known your name, even though you hadn't told it to him outright...he'd touched you, even felt you. The tiniest flicker of hope lit up your heart as he stared at you fondly.
"Yes." He kissed your forehead as he started moving to the gate. "You're no longer stuck here, darling." He said firmly.
You could barely contain all the emotions tangled in your heart as you tried to make sense of it all. Looking over his shoulder as he carried you, you ran your eyes over your tombstone and the candles he'd placed in front of it. The pentagram on top was still shining, illuminating the grave and setting it apart from the others.
"You're alive again, Y/n. And this time, you're mine."
Happy Halloween!
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itsadamcole · 4 years
fix you
fem!reader x finn balor
(requested) reader loses someone really close to her and Finn is the only one who can "fix her" ...
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word count: 2.3k+
warnings: mentions of someone dying, the grieving process, crying, upset!reader
— this is based on “fix you” by coldplay. thank you to anonymous for requesting this. it’s one of my favorite things i’ve ever written —
masterlist || request an imagine here
The first feeling you felt was numbness. It didn't seem real when your brother called you to tell you the news. You couldn't believe what your brother was telling you. It was shocking and very unexpected.
"Y/N, Mom and Dad were hit by a drunk driver," your brother said to you over the phone. "They went to the hospital but they didn't make it. They're gone."
The funeral was the same day that you had an opportunity for the NXT Women's Championship so you couldn't go, but you won the title. Nothing felt any different. You didn't feel happy or in a celebratory mood. Yeah, maybe you felt borderline content with winning the title, but it didn't help you feel better like you thought you would. You put on a fake smile but cried real tears that day. The confetti fell, everyone was celebrating, and all you wanted was to see your parents' faces in the crowd. They weren't there.
It's been a week since you won the title, and you're still in denial about your brother's call. You've tried calling your parents' phones, hoping they'd answer. You only spoke to their voicemails. You just wanted to hear their voices. It had been a few weeks since you last talked to them, and you wish you talked to them more recently.
You've pushed all your friends away since you've tried to cope with your parent's deaths. You've been so tired, but you haven't been able to sleep at night. Non-stop tears streaming down your face for days, maybe even weeks. You don't even know.
What am I supposed to do when I lose something I can't replace? you think to yourself every night when you lay in bed. The thoughts constantly ring through your mind when you're trying to sleep. Does it get worse than this? Can you handle it if it does get worse than this?
One of your friends, well your boyfriend, asked you if he could come to your apartment today. You told him he can come over. You saw him the day you won your title but you haven't seen anyone in days
You've been hiding out in your apartment, barely eating and not showering. You haven't had any motivation to do anything. Your little one-bedroom apartment is a disaster. Clothes are thrown everywhere in your room, the living room is covered in trash and glasses, and the dishes are piling up in the sink. The title lays on the arm of one of the chairs in the living room.
At almost one in the afternoon, there's a light knock on your apartment door. You get up, brushing your hair out of your face and wiping the tears away that have stained your cheeks. You unlock the door and open it.
Finn Balor stands at your front door in his signature black leather jacket, a black t-shirt, and jeans. He's holding a bouquet of flowers, a bag with snacks, and an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts. The tears start again at the kind gesture. "Finn," you cry, walking toward him and hugging him.
"Don't cry," Finn coos. "Come on, let's go dig into these snacks, yeah?"
Nodding, you let Finn walk into the dark apartment. The curtains are all closed, making it darker in the apartment than it is outside. Finn looks around the apartment, setting the bag of snacks down on the kitchen island counter. You stand behind him and look at his view.
"I, um," you say, clearing your throat. "I haven't had the chance to clean it up." Finn turns and looks back at you. Tears well in your eyes. "Actually, that's a lie. I haven't had the motivation to clean it up in weeks."
Your boyfriend sees the tears in your eyes and says, "Hey, that's okay. Ya are going through a lot, Y/N. We can clean it up together and I can help ya in any way ya need me to help."
Nodding, you say, "That sounds nice, Finn. Thank you."
Finn nods and says, "Anything for ya, my love." He walks over to the silverware drawer and grabs spoons. "So, I brought over your favorite ice cream and we can watch some Netflix or Disney Plus. Whatever ya wanna do."
He hands you a spoon and a tub of your favorite ice cream flavor, chocolate chip cookie dough. You take the tub and walk to the couch. You throw the empty boxes of tissues off the couch so Finn can sit. He joins you and grabs the remote, putting on Netflix. You open the tub of ice cream.
"You've been starting a lot of things but ya don't finish watching them," Finn observes. "Ya started so many shows."
You stab at the ice cream and say, "Yeah, I watch it then I get sidetracked with crying." You stab harder at the ice cream and get frustrated. "Why won't this stupid spoon go into the ice cream?"
Finn looks over at you and says, "It's a frozen food, Y/N. It'll defrost a bit if ya give it time."
Getting irritable, you mumble, "Time's not something a lot of us have." His facial expression softens when he hears what you say.
These comments and thoughts aren't uncommon, especially recently. You've been thinking about this a lot while you've spent hours upon hours crying.
You're still stabbing at the frozen ice cream when Finn reaches over. You snap, "I can do it myself."
"I was just trying to help," Finn says, pulling his hands back from you. He's looking at you while you finally get a spoonful of ice cream onto the metal spoon. You take the bite.
"I don't need you to help me with getting ice cream onto a spoon," you say.
Finn looks at you and asks, "Why am I here then? All you're doing is snapping at me and making these comments that you didn't make before."
You say, "You're the one that asked to come over, Finn."
He blinks at you and says, "Because I missed my girlfriend, Y/N. I still do. I don't know who ya are anymore. I don't know this person. Ya disappeared after ya won the title and I didn't hear from ya until I reached out to ask to come over. I probably wouldn't have ever heard from ya if I didn't ask to come over."
While Finn talked, you put the tub of ice cream on the table. When he's done, you say, "My parents died, I didn't get to say goodbye, and you expect me to just be the same Y/N I was before they died. I didn't even get to go to their funeral, Finn. I was too busy winning a title I'll eventually lose anyway. I was winning a title that I don't even deserve." You begin crying again for the millionth time in weeks.
Finn turns so he's facing you as he says, "I never expected ya to be the same Y/N ya were before. I one hundred percent never expected ya to be the same Y/N. I've never lost a parent let alone two so I can't understand the pain and the anger you're feeling right now." He takes your hands in his and holds them while you cry. "Especially because they died so unexpectedly and you didn't get to say goodbye to them."
"Fix me, Finn," you cry to your boyfriend. "I can't keep doing this. I can't keep crying when the smallest thing sets me off like this. I can't have my apartment looking like this." You motion to the messy room around you. "For the first time in weeks, I felt genuinely happy because you were here. I feel like you're the only one who can fix me."
He pulls you into a tight hug and your bury your face into Finn's neck. You cry silently as Finn says, "I'll try to fix ya, Y/N. I can't promise that I can but I'll try. I can't be the only one putting in effort though, baby. I need ya to work with me on this too."
You look up at Finn and you nod, saying, "I can do that." He gives you a soft smile and wipes away your tears before cupping your face. You meet his eyes before he rests his forehead on yours.
Your boyfriend says, "Ya know I'm always here for ya, Y/N. Ya don't have to push me away like I know ya probably want to. I'm in this with ya. Tell me what ya need and we can get started."
"Can we clean my apartment so it looks halfway decent again?" you ask.
Finn laughs a little bit and says, "Of course. I'll get some trash bags and we can start."
Nodding, you pull yourself away from Finn and he gets up. He grabs trash bags from the kitchen and you gather the empty tissue boxes that litter the floor. You grab the used tissues too that missed the tiny trash can you have in the room. Finn returns with an open trash bag and you throw them out.
Then you walk into the kitchen to do the pile of dirty dishes. Finn brings you any glasses, plates, or silverware he finds throughout the living room and dining room areas. He does the same in your bedroom. You do them as he brings them to you.
Your boyfriend being here has given you a little extra motivation you failed to find over the past few weeks. He's helping you clean, and he promised to help try and fix what's going on with you.
You know it won't be easy learning to cope with your parents' deaths, but maybe Finn being around can help you begin to cope. Sometimes having someone to be there for you isn't a terrible idea. So, you make a mental note to see your other friends when you go to NXT tonight.
Step one is to cope with the fact that your parents are gone. Learn to deal with all the emotions you're feeling without keeping them bottled up or snapping on someone because you're feeling emotional. Finn can help you with that, and you're grateful.
It's one step at a time from now on while you learn to cope. You'll figure out step two when you eventually get past step one.
It's close to four when the apartment is cleaned, dusted, swept, vaccummed, and washed. You've even showered and shaved by this time, and dressed in clean clothes that aren't stained with tears or snot. Your hair doesn't look like a bird's nest and you were actually able to put on some makeup so now it looks like you've slept.
You walk into the living room after your shower and find Finn on the couch watching Netflix. You walk up behind him and cover his eyes. "Guess who?" you say by his ear.
"Hm, I don't know," he tease. "Whoever it is actually smells clean."
After gently tapping the back of his head, you uncover his eyes and say, "Jerk."
Finn turns his head and looks at you. He smiles and says, "Look at ya. Ya look good in actual clothes instead of a t-shirt and sweatpants. Not that ya don't look good in a t-shirt and sweatpants but ya have probably been wearing them for days."
You say, "You're the reason I'm actually dressed. You give me a little extra motivation and kick just by being here. Thank you."
He gets on his knees and faces you. "I'm just here to help ya get through this," he says. "Start to finish."
You wrap your arms around his neck and say, "You're the best. I don't deserve this."
Finn says, "Ya don't deserve what happened to ya. We can fly to your hometown so ya can see your family if ya want."
"When I'm a little stronger and I can handle my emotions better we can," you say. Your face falls. "My parents never were able to meet you."
He says, "I don't have to meet them to know that they gave birth and raised one of the most intelligent, athletic, strong, and most beautiful women on this planet. I know they would have went off and started telling me how smart ya are, how strong ya are, how well ya wrestle, and how beautiful ya are. I already know all of that."
Your face gets all flustered as you listen to what Finn has to say. You let him finish before you say, "I wanted them to know how amazing you are, Finn. I wanted them to know that you're taking care of me while I'm thousands of miles away from them."
Your boyfriend climbs over the couch and stands in front of you. "I'm sure they know," Finn says. "If not, I'm sure they do now."
He engulfs you in a hug and you rest your head against Finn's chest. "I know," you sigh. "I'm just glad you're here and trying to help me."
"Fix ya," he reminds you.
You look up at Finn and say, "Yes, fix me." You give a small smile.
Finn says, "Woah, was that a smile? Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen that pretty thing."
Your face gets hot again and you say, "Finn, if you don't stop making me get all flustered."
He chuckles and says, "I'm sorry, mo ghra. Anyway, ya ready to head to the arena? We do have a job to do tonight."
Nodding, you grab your bag and your title. You grab your keys and leave your apartment with Finn.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 10
Word Count: 5,487
POV: Reader then changes to Sid
Warnings: Language
Notes: This is fluf again, but I think we’re getting a little closer to the smut...haha. Sorry this chapter is a little long. Happy Reading!!! As always feedback is welcome!
Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
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 It felt like the last twenty-four hours hadn't really existed. One minute you were celebrating with the team that you were going to the Stanley Cup finals and the next, you were waking up laying on top of Sidney. As if that wasn't enough, you'd actually agreed to go out with him. What were you actually thinking? You shouldn't be mixing business and pleasure. There was part of you that was screaming that you were becoming everything that Christian had said that night in DC. Your rational side told you that things with Sid weren't like that, that he genuinely cared about you.
 It was in the way he held you when the elevator stopped and the lights when out. The way he came running after you, after your encounter with Christian, and also the way he talked to you into staying and working for the team. All those things added up and showed you just how much he really cared for you. The problem was you didn't want to be a distraction right now for him. It was your job, to help these guys not make think about bringing you flowers and taking you on a date, especially not at a time when he needed to solely be focusing on hockey.
 Though you couldn't help remembering the feel of his fingers as they ran up and down your arm this morning, or the way he smelled as your head lay on his chest. Just the thought of it all gave you butterflies. Butterflies that you shouldn't be having; you told yourself. You needed to focus on the team, just like Sid needed to focus on hockey. The only thing you could do was immerse yourself in work. Of course, you were at every practice, just like always, but you took extra time making sure the guys had everything they needed. When you weren't at the rink you were planning ahead for when you were in San Jose. Coach Sullivan had approached you that afternoon about doing an outdoor workout again. So, you were busy getting that set up for when you were in California.
 You also took extra time making up care packages for all the teams' families that would be coming in for the game. They weren't staying at the same hotel as you guys, but you did know where the arrangements had been made and you wanted to make sure that they knew they could reach out to you as well. That was the whole point of this job.
 The first home game against the Sharks, the Pens were on fire and while Sid didn't have a goal, he did have an assist. After the game, Sid did a bunch of interviews and was the last one to leave the locker room. You were finishing up a few things in your office when he stood in the doorway. "I thought you'd still be here."
 "Oh, really, and what made you think that?"
 "Because you take this job as seriously as I do." Well, maybe not quite that much. "Come on, I'll walk you to your car." You gathered up a few folders you needed to take home and your coat and headed out the door with Sid. The hallways were somewhat bare, as most of the players had already left. The garage was eerily quiet and you were glad Sid was with you. He walked you down to your car which was parked a lot further away than his, but then he was the star of the team.
 "Nice game tonight." You told him when you finally got to the vehicle.
 "Thanks, I could've been a little better, but at least we got the win." He rubbed the back of his neck and you couldn't tell if it was just sore from a hit that had happened in the second or if he was stalling for more time with you.
 "Your neck ok? I saw that hit. It was kind of jarring."
 "What? Oh…uh ya. It's a little sore." He brought his arm down then and put his hands in his pockets.
 "Can I?" You'd been told you were pretty good at giving massages and you really just wanted to help him out. He turned around then. Thank god you were wearing your heels. You were still a couple inches shorter than Sid, but it made massaging his neck a little easier. You slid your fingers into the chords of his neck muscles and could feel the tension there. "Damn Sid, didn't you have Chris look at this before you left?"
 He sighed as you hit a particular spot and the knot worked out. "I was too busy with interviews." You circled your thumbs down at the base and felt some of the tension leave him. His shoulders could use some work, but it was a little hard to get to them through this suit.
 "Well make sure you get to the rink early tomorrow, so he can squeeze you in before practice."
 He twisted around; your hand falling away as he turned. "If he can't, I'll just come over to your office." He said with a wink. You were starting to wonder how bad his neck actually hurt. Shaking your head, you opened your car door to leave.
 "Thanks for walking me to the car. Now go get some rest."
 "Trying to get me into bed, eh? And we haven't even had our first date." That damn crooked smile of his came out and you wanted nothing more than to kiss him until the sun came up.
 Instead, you told him, "Oh you'll know when I'm trying to get you into bed." For added effect, you went up on your toes and whispered into his ear. "And you may not want to leave once I have you there." You pulled back to a see his jaw go slack. "Goodnight Sidney." With that, you ducked into the car and headed home.
 The next two days were a whirlwind. You were getting everything ready for the game the next night while trying to prep everything for the away trip as well. Coach Sullivan had decided that it would be easier to just fly out to San Jose right after game two; so you also needed to pack as well. Suitcase packed, you threw it in the car and headed to the arena. The Pens fans came out in full support of their team, covering the seats in a sea of gold, towels waving nonstop. The guys played their hearts out and ended up coming away with a win in overtime. Everyone was exhausted as you headed on the plane, and while you normally sat with Beau; you decided to head to the back and get some sleep.
 Horny had the very last seat behind you and was fast asleep before the plane even took off. Your nerves still got the best of you during takeoff, so you waited until the captain stated it was ok to turn on your devices before grabbing your travel blanket and pillow and curling up in the seat. You were just about to close your eyes when you heard. "Is this seat taken?"
 You looked up to see Sid, already sitting down beside you. "No, but then I think you knew that." Sid just simply shrugged. "Why aren't you sitting up there with Flower?"
 "He's sleeping." Funny, you'd plan on doing the same until a moment ago. "And he's not near as pretty to look at when he's asleep as you are."
 "Shhh." You chided him as you looked to see who was seated in front of you. Thankfully it was just Dana Heinze and he was out like a light.
 He leaned over then and whispered in your ear. "Why can't I say how pretty you are when you sleep? I love how your lashes lay against your cheek and you have the cutest little…"
 "Sid," you said, a blush staining your cheeks. "You shouldn't be saying those things. Especially here." That crooked smirk came out again, and you just shook your head at him as he muttered fine. "Now is there something you need help with, or are you just tormenting me since everyone else is sleeping."
 "Well, I wouldn't call it tormenting?" You giggled softly, you wouldn't necessarily call it that either, but you liked making him flustered. "Can you massage my neck again? We didn't really have time after the game." You looked across the aisle and saw a couple of the trainers chatting, and knew he could've asked one of them, but who were you to argue.
 "Turn sideways." He had shed his jacket once you were on the plane, so it was a bit easier to rub his shoulders this time. His neck did feel tight, but not as bad as the other night, so you were pretty sure this was just his way of flirting with you. He slowly relaxed under your hands as you massaged him for a good ten to fifteen minutes. "Better?"
 "Mmm," he hummed out, turning so he could recline in the seat beside you.
 "Anything else you need?"
 "Some of your blanket. It's freezing back here." It was always cold on the plane, so you learned early to bring a small throw.
 "Don't you have a seat, that's missing you? Like I'm pretty sure I heard that you always sit in that seat for luck." It was just another one of his superstitions, but you actually thought they were kind of cute.
 "I did sit in it, and now I'm sitting the rest of the way with you. Now fork over some blanket, so we can get some sleep." You just shook your head at him and spread the blanket between the two. "If you come over this way, we'd both have more." You scooted to his side instead of leaning against the window.
 "There, now go to sleep." You shut your eyes when you felt his knuckles brush across the back of your hand. His fingers lightly caressed your skin, before lacing his hand with yours. It was so incredibly sweet, yet you found yourself asking. "This doesn't seem like business as usual?" referring to the fact that he was not supposed to be pursuing you until after the playoffs were over.
 "Maybe it's going to be from now on. Now be quiet so I can go to sleep." He shut his eyes, but a huge grin was spread across his face. You closed yours as well and tried not to think about the man next to you. You weren't doing anything but holding his hand under a blanket, yet it felt so intimate, and you hoped no one would notice. It took a few minutes before the motion of the plane lulled you to slumber.
 When you woke up, your head was resting on Sidney's shoulder and his was leaning down on yours. You could only imagine the picture that the two of you painted. The plane was still quiet, as it seemed most people were still asleep. His hand was still interlaced into yours and you took a moment to just breathe in his scent and cherish this moment. You knew you couldn't stay like that for fear of someone seeing the two of you. The small pillow you brought was on the other side of you, and you grabbed it to prop Sid's head on as you carefully extracted yourself. Luckily, he slept on.
 A quick check of your phone showed you were only about thirty minutes from landing, so you expected everyone to be waking up soon. You tried to unlace your fingers from Sid's but even in sleep, he wasn't having it. As much as you were trying to keep it business, you couldn't help but smile sitting there holding his hand. You took a moment to just look at him as he slept, even though it was dark and hard to make out some of his features. He looked so peaceful and so carefree in sleep, and you wondered if he ever let go this much when he was awake.
 You weren't sure how long you sat there gazing at Sid, thinking about what it would be like to wake up in his arms again, but all too soon the captain came on and told everyone to fasten their seatbelts as you would be landing shortly. Most of the guys woke up, but Sid just slept on. Gently, you rubbed his bicep, the one that was still holding your hand. "Sid, time to wake up."
 His head tilted over to you, and he whispered low. "Mmm, I know. Just wanted to see if you'd kiss me awake." You shoved his shoulder then.
 "How's that instead?" He just chuckled at you, and you had a feeling he'd been awake a lot longer than he was letting on. "You can go back to your seat anytime now." You teased.
 "Nope. You're stuck with me until we land."
 "Fine, but I'm stealing my blanket back."
 Sid stopped you. "You might not want to do that, as I don't plan on letting go until we land." He squeezed your locked hands.
 "Seriously, what am I going to do with you?"
 "I have a few ideas," he muttered raising his eyebrows suggestively at you, to which you just rolled your eyes. Thankfully, the stewardess came by checking your seatbelts and effectively changing the subject.
 The two of you made small talk the remainder for the flight. Sid did finally let your hand go before heading off the plane.
 The next couple of days were filled with practices and watching films. There was really wasn't any time that you got to spend with (Y/N) alone or even semi-alone for that matter. While the team was off watching endless hours of tapes, she would head over to the hotel where all the families were staying and make sure everyone there was fine. The only reason you knew this was because of your mom. She mentioned that she ran into (Y/N) in the lobby and how she was checking on everyone.
 Your mom also mentioned how (Y/N) had done gift baskets for everyone and how that someone should snatch that girl up. Of course, she was insinuating that someone should be you, to which you simply told her you were trying. That comment led to a whole conversation about what you should be doing to win her over. You took in all her advice but thought you were pretty much on the right track at the moment. You just needed to win the cup and then (Y/N)'s heart. The fact that you lost game three, didn't help your endeavor in either case.
 The following day, coach had you all train at the beach again. Which of course, (Y/N) had made all the arrangements for. It was again the pick me up the team needed and helped you to a game four win. As you headed back to Pittsburgh, you knew everyone had one thing on their mind and that was to win and to do it at home. Tensions were high, the entire flight home and all into game five. You felt the pressure pouring down on you, from everywhere; the team, the fans, the city, even your family, everyone but (Y/N). You'd pass her in the hall and she would always send you a reassuring smile. One time you waited to walk her to her car like you did before. She held your hand the entire time and refused to talk about hockey, trying to take your mind off of everything. Unfortunately, it didn't help and the team lost its chances of winning at home in game 5.
 As you headed back to San Jose, (Y/N) took the seat way in the back again. She must have sensed you needed some time with her. It was a morning flight, so you couldn't really cuddle up with her as you had previously. "Are you doing ok?" She asked.
 "Yeah," you breathed out. "It's a lot but I know we're going to get it this time."
 She smiled over at you, totally agreeing with your statement. "You will." She stated simply. "So, let's focus on something else. I think you have enough hockey on your mind for three seasons at the moment."
 "True. How about we talk about where you want to go on our date?"
 While she shook her head at you, a becoming blush started to creep onto her cheeks. "Sid, we're not supposed to be talking about that until after this is all over."
 "I thought you were going to take my mind off of hockey?" It was a cheap tactic, but one you used to your advantage.
 She side-eyed you before giving her reply. "Point taken. Where would you like to go?"
 "Well, I have a few thoughts." You said with a suggestive raise of your brow.
 "Sid," she whisper yelled at you.
 "What? I was thinking of that cute little restaurant on Mount Washington and then maybe ice cream afterward." You didn't point out that you wanted to lick the ice cream off of her body.
 "Yeah, sure you did." The rest of the way you talked about anything and everything, well except hockey. By the time the plane landed, you were feeling good about the game and your upcoming date. Which hopefully would be taking place soon.
 Game six was intense. Halfway into the first Dumo put you on the board, and you could almost taste the champagne coming out of the cup. The Sharks rallied though in the second as Couture, put one in the back of the net. Not a minute later, you got the puck on a pass from Shears. You weighed your options as you dangled the puck back and forth, finally flipping it over to Tanger who slapped into the net for you guys to take the lead. The rush was amazing, and you couldn't help but wonder if (Y/N) saw that; knowing, of course, she probably did.
 Minutes ticked by and it seemed like the slowest third period you'd ever played in your life, but with every passing one, it put your closer to winning. Finally, you were down to a little over a minute in the third, you were able to steal the puck away from the Sharks and pass it on to Horny who threw it into the empty net, sealing your fate as the new Stanley Cup Champs. The bench erupted and it took everything in Coach Sullivan's power to settle everyone down for the few seconds. You stayed out on the ice and when the buzzer sounded gloves and sticks were thrown in the air. The crowd was somber, nothing like if you'd had been in Pittsburgh, but it didn't matter. Everyone piled on top of each other to celebrate and as you emerged from the pile your eyes scanned the bench looking for (Y/N), yet she wasn't there.
 Handshakes commenced; a tradition long upheld at the end of a playoff series. It was only after, as you still celebrated with your teammates that you saw her, standing in the back, waiting with some of the other staff members to watch you receive the Stanley Cup. Her smile was brighter than the sun and while you knew you had a perma-grin plastered on, yours grew wider just looking at her. You were awarded the Conn-Smythe trophy and you were able to hear her say congratulations when you skated it back for someone to take back to the locker room for you. It wasn't enough, but it would have to do for now.
 The Stanley Cup presentation took place next, and you raised it above your head, cheering and skating around the ice. You passed the trophy off and quickly had microphones shoved in your face, giving a few quick interviews as it was passed from player to player. Finally, it was time for the team photo and you saw Mario drag her out on the ice. You knew she didn't feel as though she should be there, but you were glad she was. As soon as the was over, everyone's families crowd out to congratulate them. Your parents and sister were right there in the front and after a few pictures with the cup and them, you skated around joining in the celebration. Over to your left, Anna had her legs wrapped around Geno, the two sharing a passionate kiss, and to your right, you saw Vero and Flower doing the same. It was then you realized how incomplete the cup win actually was. Oh, you were still thrilled that you'd won your second championship; it just finally hit you that it would've been so much better to celebrate it with (Y/N). You wanted her legs wrapped around you, kissing you senseless, and pictures with just the two of you and the cup. You vowed right then and there that you'd win another one, just so that you could have a moment like that with her.
 You spotted her then. She was standing off to the side with Tanger's son Alex, crouched down low talking to him about everything that was going on. You skated over to him, lowering yourself to his level as well. "Hey bud, are you excited?"
 He shook his little head. "Uncle Sid, Nous avons gagne la coupe!"
 "Yes we did, win the cup, Alex."
 "He was teaching me how to say it in French, weren't you Alex?"
 "Oui." You scooped him up in your arms then, for even as excited as he was, you could see that the late-night was taking a toll on him.
 "I was just watching him for a minute, while Kris and Catherine had an interview or something." Alex rested his little hard on your shoulder and (Y/N) moved closer to the two of you to brush his hair out of his face. "Are you sleepy buddy?" He reached out his hand for (Y/N) to take him.
 "What, Uncle Sid is no good now or what?" You teased the toddler.
 "She sings better than you, Uncle Sid."
 You handed the boy over, and he wiggled around in (Y/N)'s arms trying to get comfortable. The problem was you were all still on the ice, only (Y/N) was still in heels. You reached around to support her more until Alex finally determine what obviously was the place he wanted to rest his little head, her breasts.
 Things winded down on the ice and everyone moved back to the locker room. You waited until almost everyone was back there, then brought the cup in. Everyone was cheering, champagne was flowing everywhere, in the air, in the cup; it was complete chaos in the best sense. You were soaked head to toe in some form of alcohol. After pouring several bottles into Lord Stanley's Cup, you took a drink then held it up for your teammates, coaches, and staff. Eventually, Tanger and Flower coax (Y/N) over to partake as well. You tried to pour as little as possible but of course, it ended up all over her just like it was everyone else. She was just as soaked as everyone else.
 The team partied in the locker room for a couple hours, then headed back to the hotel. As the captain, you were entitled to keep the cup for the night, so you carried it into your room and set down next to all the things (Y/N) had put in your room for this trip. You still really hadn't gotten to celebrate with just her, you'd only had that brief moment with her and Alex. Pulling out your phone, you shot her a quick text. If you have a sec, can you come down here? You didn't have to tell her where for you knew she'd assigned the rooms and would know where you were staying. Be down in a minute. She sent back.
 About five minutes later there was a knock on your door. "Everything ok?"
 You opened the door for her to come in, then shut it behind her. Her hair was slightly damp, probably after the shower she'd just taken to get the alcohol off, and she had an oversized Pens Championship t-shirt, the same as you, and a pair of leggings on. She looked adorable and sexy at the same time, a combination that wreaked havoc on your senses. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"
 "When you text me, I thought something happened with the cup and you needed me to find fairies with little metal hammers to take the dents out."
 That caused both of you to laugh. "Fairies, really (Y/N)?"
 She simply lifted her shoulder in a shrug. "With a trophy this old, you never know. Anyway, what did you need?"
 "Oh, well I just realized something."
 When you paused a second, she asked. "What's that?"
 "Just that I haven't got to celebrate the win with you at all tonight." A sweet little smile graced her face.
 "We celebrated in the locker room." She countered.
 "Yeah, that wasn't what I meant." You took a step closer to her, now only inches separating the two of you. "There's been something I've wanted to do all night."
 "And what's that?"
 "This," you stated as you closed the gap between you, capturing her chin between your thumb and index finger, before closing your lips over hers. She was taken back for only a second, and then her hands slid up around your neck and she pressed her body to yours. You took possession of her mouth then, your tongue sweeping in and swirling with hers. Kissing (Y/N) was everything you had dreamed; your only regret was that you hadn't done it sooner. She was soft and pliant under your hands, as you skated them down her back. Her mouth molded to yours, as she returned the kiss.
 When you finally broke apart, you were both breathing heavily. You rested your forehead on hers, cherishing the moment for a minute longer. "That was…" she sighed out, eyes still closed.
 "Perfect," you told her and hoped she felt the same way.
 "So…I was thinking?" You pulled back to look at her.
 "Then we must not have been doing it right." A light laugh escaped your lips.
 "I was thinking of this before we did that." She raised her eyebrows at you. "Stay with me tonight?"
 "Uh…um…" she sputtered out.
 "Hear me out, before you answer." You quickly continued before she could protest. "Tonight has been perfect; everything about it. There's only one thing that could make it better and that's spending it with you in my arms." You felt her sigh before you actually heard it, and you weren't sure if it was one of acquiescence or rejection. "I just want to hold you, like I did that night at my house. Nothing more…not yet at least." She blushed then and you may have as well.
 "But Sid, what if someone sees us?"
 "No one will care (Y/N). Besides, they'll eventually find out, once I officially get to take you on a date."
 She closed her eyes again, shielding you from her thoughts. Your hand rubbed circles on her hip, coaxing her to say yes. "Ok," she softly whispered.
 Her agreement was like winning the Stanley Cup all over again, and you dropped a swift peck to her lips. "By the way, this looks good on you." You tugged at her shirt pulling her towards the bed before she changed her mind.
 "It's a bit big."
 "I have some pants that would go with it." You told her referring to the ones she wore when she was at your house.
 "Oh my god, I still have them." Her face turned a delicious shade of red.
 "Keep them. I have a feeling I might need them for when I stay over at your place."
 "You seem pretty confident, about that happening, Mr. Crosby." She playfully swatted at your chest, before spinning around to turn down the bed, shimming out of her leggings before climbing in.
 "I'd say hopefully optimistic."  She crawled into the bed, scooting over to the other side, while you shucked off your identical t-shirt and shed your sweats so that you were only clad in a pair of boxers. You were under the covers before she even knew you had discarded the clothing.
 "Hmm, maybe I should sleep on top of the covers." You gave her a questioning look. "Can't have you getting overconfident." All you could do was shake your head and pull her close; her head resting on your chest, just as it had days ago. She still fit perfectly in your arms, and you took a moment to appreciate everything you had at that moment. "This is nice, just you, me, and that big silver trophy. You played a hell of a game Sid."
 "Thanks, but it wasn't just me."
 She propped her chin up on her hand to look at you. "There are no cameras at the moment, take the compliment."
 "Only if it comes with a kiss." She leaned over then, her lips hovering above yours for the briefest moment before they gently caressed yours. She sucked on your bottom lip, before sweeping her tongue in and stealing your breath away. You moved your bodies so that you were both laying on your sides, as your hands roamed over her hips and back. You deepened the kiss even more, and she moaned into your mouth, the sound causing your cock to stiffen. It would be so easy to just slide her onto her back, coax her out of her shirt and make love to her. However, you'd all but promised her you wouldn't go that far; so you found yourself pulling away from the kiss earlier than either of you liked. You rolled onto your back, pulling her so that half her body was on top of you. "We should sleep before this goes any further."
 She planted a kiss on your chest and you returned it with one to the top of her head. It wasn't long before both of you were fast asleep. Sunlight stole through the curtains causing you to wake up. (Y/N) still lay sleeping on your chest. It was around eight in the morning and you knew everyone would be getting up soon and meeting for breakfast, before heading back to Pittsburgh. You hated that you had to wake her, yet it couldn't be helped. "(Y/N)," you whispered lightly shaking her, then rubbing your hands across her back. "Baby, it's time to get up."
 She moaned slightly, still in a sleep fog. "Mmm, did you just call me baby?"
 "Um…maybe?" You hadn't realized you'd let the term of endearment fall from your lips. "Is that ok?"
 "Mmm…" Every time the light hum slipped out of her lips it elicited wicked thoughts from you. "Yeah…I kind of like it."
 You kissed her nose then. "Good, because I have a feeling, I'm going to use it more often." Your lips dropped down to hers then, stealing a kiss.
 She pulled back too quickly for your liking. "I should go."
 "I can't wait until you don't have to." She giggled then, before squirming out of your arms and out of bed. "I'll meet you down at breakfast then?"
 "Yeah, I'll be down as soon as I pack." She tossed her leggings back on, before throwing her hair in some type of messy bun. You got up and reached for her, pressing her close to you.
 "Let me make sure no one is in the hall first." You didn't release her though, instead, you kissed her again, letting your mouth worship hers one last time before having to pretend there was nothing going on between you. "You know next season; you're going to have to make our rooms next to each other."
 "Oh really?"
 "Mmmhmm, better yet they should be adjoining. I'll be sure to put it on my paper so you remember." She just laughed and shook her head at you. "Wait, I have an even better idea." She pulled back, to get a better look at your face. "We can just share a room; it would save the team money."
 "You'd be sick of me."
 "Never," you answered before kissing her again.
 "I better go." You released her, before opening the door to check and see if anyone was in the hall.
 "All clear. I'll see you in a bit." She went to leave, and you pulled her back one last time for a quick kiss before she headed down the hall and back to her room. The last twenty-four hour had been the best of your life and you had a feeling they were only going to get better from here on out.
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rueloffandon · 4 years
surrender // ruel van dijk fanfic
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friends to lovers fic, mostly fluff but gets more heated towards the end.
this is my first fic!!! so please feel free to tell me about anything that needs correcting because i didn’t go through this lmao. please enjoy :)))
"you're going down van dijk, and there's nothing you can do about it" you sneer as you and ruel circle each other in his room, ready to attack at any moment
"i'm not too sure about that midget, i have more range" ruel shoots back.
"i'm fast though, and i have more skill"
"who lied to you??? you're clumsy as fuck!" he said while smirking
"shut the hell up before i make you" you retorted, already riled up.
this whole affair happens more often than expected between you two, as you both hate studying, yet still decide to try to study together in a vain attempt to be productive on saturdays when you two hang out. most of the time it ends up with you two watching netflix or play fighting, based off of how much energy you two have on any given saturday.
it's been a best friend tradition ever since you were in elementary, hanging out on saturdays to keep your friendship strong. ruels mom suggested it as you both were always free on saturdays, the one day your schedules didn't conflict.
this play fight was created by you two poking each other with your pencils when you got bored of reading the textbook required to complete your notes, to the point you got enraged and threw your textbook across the room, declaring war.
you can't be blamed, after all, with ruels 6'5 body, it gave him an unfair advantage in pencil poking. every time you tried to retaliate, he would simply move out of reach to get you again.
"yo stop being such a pussy and attack me already, we haven't got all day" you taunted, still circling ruel. this fight was less about winning and more about making him mad, as they always are.
considering he had already succeeded at irritating you, he was winning.
"look, you already know you're going to lose, so why don't you just give up already? save you the trouble of an inevitable defeat" he said in a mocking tone, the stupid smirk on his face still going strong.
apparently, that was the last straw for you, as you launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms and legs around his torso and sending him tumbling onto his back with a grunt.
you were now straddling him, putting all your effort into tickling his stomach before he gained his senses and flipped you over, pinning you below him and tickling your sides
"ruel,, please,,,, stop,,, ah!" you managed to say between laughs and gasps for air
in the meantime ruel was having a blast tormenting you, laughing as he saw you struggling in vain to escape from his hands. "sorry sweetheart, but you asked for it!" he said, giggling, as he continued digging his fingers into your sides
you were managing to wriggle out from underneath him when he noticed, and took both of your hands and pinned them above your head with one of his own, preventing your escape.
"no way out now" he said with a smile, leaning towards your face to gloat about his victory
any smart remark you would've had ready died when you saw how close his face was to yours. you could feel his breath on your face, his front hairs almost brushing your cheeks as your eyes met. you glanced down to his lips briefly before looking up at his eyes again out of instinct, making you blush out of embarrassment.
this wasn't the first time that it hit you that ruel was attractive. after all, it was kind of just a fact of life. however, this close up, has been the first time you've been prompted to do something about it.
weirdly, it seems like he had the same idea, as he glanced down to your lips as well, bringing the hand that wasn't pinning yours down to smooth over your bottom lip.
at this point, your heart was beating out of your chest out of anticipation. you weren't even sure what you wanted him to do. i mean, you knew what your heart wanted, but what if this kiss ruined your friendship? you didn't want years of your childhood gone to waste because of a spur of the moment thing.
you had made up your mind to stop him, and opened your mouth to do so, but never got the chance as he smashed his lips against yours before you could respond. he released your hands from a over your head to cup your face as he kissed you.
fuck it, it's too late anyway
you closed your eyes and returned the kiss, running your hands through the hair at the back of his head.
when he ran his tongue over your bottom lip, asking for entrance, you opened up to taste him, tasting apples and grapes from the snacks you brought up to study.
eventually, you two had to break apart for air, but ruel didn't stop kissing you. instead he began to leave kisses down your neck, making you gasp and tug at his hair. he seemed hell bent on leaving as many hickeys as he could, tugging the collar of your t-shirt down to leave hickeys on your collarbones and chest as well.
when he started travelling back up he sucked on your pulse point at the base of your neck, making you moan involuntarily.
he looked back at you, again, with that smirk on his face, seeing your face bright red from making such a sound. you could barely meet his eyes yet you knew he had something to say just by that dammed smile.
"shut up-" you said, pointedly avoiding his gaze.
"make me" he said, voice raspy and deep from arousal, the tone making you shiver.
you pulled him down for another kiss, which was getting more and more heated by the second. as your arms slipped down to grab at his shoulders, he slipped his arms around your waist, lifting you off the ground.
he picked you up, while you wrapped your legs around his waist for support, and manoeuvred you around to lay you on the bed, only breaking the kiss for air.
he lifted himself up off you, breaking the kiss and moved to take off his shirt when his phone started ringing. you, wide eyed and stunned, took a deep breath as you finally started to process what had happened.
he sighed and ran a hand through his hair before taking his phone out of his pocket and answering "hello" in a raspy just-got-kissed that made your heart go into overdrive
"hey ruel, are you in the house? i forgot my keys" you heard coco's (ruel's sisters) voice speak through the phone
as soon as he realized who was calling, he cleared his throat, a little blush of his own spreading across his cheeks.
"umm.. yea coco, i'll... be right there man" he answered before he hung up. he glanced back down at you with a soft look, disheveled from his kisses, and he leaned down to fix you with another kiss before he ran downstairs to open the door for coco.
once he left the room, the high of the kiss left your body, leaving you with huge doubts. what did this mean? does he like you or does he just want your body? what will this do to our friendship?? can we ever go back to how it was before??? why is my heart still beating this fast even though the kiss is over????
these thoughts swirled around in your head and sent you into a panic. by the time ruel came back to the room, you had managed to fix yourself up, found a bandanna to wear around your neck to cover most of the love bites, and packed up your things to leave his house, post-kiss glow gone from your face. it was almost as if you had just walked in. as if nothing happened here in this room.
the smile ruel had been wearing since he left the room after kissing you vanished after seeing you all packed up and ready to leave. he was hoping you two could talk about what happened but when you muttered a small "bye" when brushing past him through the doorway and downstairs to the front door it was clear to him that you regretted it.
in truth, he had been wanting to do that for a long while. you were the only girl in his life he would trust with his heart and soul, and the only girl he found beautiful. to him, you were the only option, and he would go any length to make you his.
he had wanted to take a different, slower approach, maybe try to make you fall in love with him before he started making moves that bold, but the opportunity presented himself, so he took it, following his impulses. 
he's cursing himself out now because of them, with his head in his hands, wondering if he really screwed over his relationship with you for good.
your eyes watered as you walked out the door, heart breaking a little as you had come to a terrifying conclusion. ruel didn't really want you. he wanted your body. of course he saw you as a friend, but you assumed to him, sex was sex and it didn't matter who it was with.
yet you still liked ruel. you really liked him. and it only took a kiss to realize it.
i'm so fucked aren't i.
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jaex2 · 4 years
Failing | Yoongi Imagine
I was listening to the song "I Wanna Know" by The Hunna and was instantly inspired to write this AU. It's such a bop, I encourage you all to listen!
Preview: You've been feeling neglected, and you're ready to give up. But, Yoongi doesn't give up easily.
Genre: Mafia/gang AU, some angst and fluff
Warnings: Nothing much, mentions of violence/drugs
You were fully aware things had not been going well the last 6 months. The gang had lost some valuable hideouts to rivals, a couple members defected, and some profit loss. When things aren't going the way Yoongi wanted them to, everyone around him paid the price. You couldn't remember how many people you've watched him verbally degrade and physically slap around.
You were lucky enough to have the prestigious position of being his girl, so he didn't do anything that drastic to you. It was more like...emotional warfare. He came to bed late, left early, and probably had only spoken two or three sentences to you recently. And they weren't exactly warm and fuzzy.
You didn't require much affection. You knew getting into this lifestyle you weren't going to get a boyfriend who brought you home roses and took you to nice restaurants. Those things didn't matter to you anyway. The only thing that did was him.
It was Friday evening at about 10pm when there was a light knock on your door.
"Come in?" You said hesitantly, confused who would be knocking on the door.
"Hey." Hoseok's voice rang out as he slid the door open.
"Oh, hey." You half smiled; it was really the best you had to give anyone these days.
"I hadn't seen you in a few days, I got nervous." He admitted sheepishly, standing in the door way.
"Yeah, I haven't wanted to be around anyone. Is Yoongi around?" You asked cautiously, though you knew the answer.
"He left around 7pm, saying he had to take care of something. Just took a couple guys and one of the cars." Hoseok shrugged, looking as defeated as you felt. He sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed next to you.
"Don't take it personally. I haven't seen him for more than five minutes in the 6 months." You replied.
"Wow, really?" Hoseok looked shocked. "I always figured you were his weak spot."
"I used to be, but I don't know whats happening. He doesn't speak to me, hell he doesn't even look at me if he sees me around the compound." You spat, clearly feeling the emotions you'd been shoving down rising up.
"You've never called it a compound before." Hoseok pointed out. Fine, technically it was a mansion. But it was the main base for the gang, as well as where you resided with Yoongi.
"I can't call it home. He's what makes it home. And he's not really here." You said. "I can't take it anymore."
If you were a crier you'd probably be crying, but this life had hardened you.
"I think I'm going to leave." You finally said.
"That's crazy, Y/N." Hoseok retorted, practically choking on his saliva.
"Is it? Would he even notice?" You replied, looking at him.
"Of course he would. And how would you even get out with all the guards? And where would you go?" Hoseok looked slightly panicked.
"Pretend you didn't talk to me tonight. You can't be liable for knowing information about me if I'm successful." You stated, standing up. "Just go."
Hoseok stood up with you, and stared at you hard for a few moments. "Don't do this to him."
"He's fine." You crossed your arms tightly.
"We both know he wouldn't be...It's just a phase." He tried to defend his best friend and boss.
"6 months isn't a phase! I was patient. The first few months, I figured he'd snap out of it. But it's been half a year. How much of my life am I supposed to spend being ignored by the man I love?" You asked softly, avoiding Hoseok's gaze.
Without another word, he nodded slightly and left your room. He couldn't bare the idea of saying goodbye and he was hoping you would calm down and change your mind.
You felt a moment of bravery after finally getting your feelings off your chest. You grabbed a bag out of the closet and starting shoving clothes into it. You couldn't think clearly on what you needed. You looked around the room frantically, trying to figure out what to take. Your head was so foggy with sadness and fear that you couldn't collect yourself enough to form a plan.
The door crashing open caused you to jump and drop the bag, spinning to face the bedroom door.
"Y/N." Yoongi said flatly, looking down at the bag.
You swallowed hard and couldn't find words to spit out. What were you going to say? You were caught red handed.
His eyes never left the bag.
"What are you doing?" He asked, low and stern. Still not meeting your eyes.
You started to stutter out an answer but he cut you off.
"You...were going to leave me?" His eyes snapped up to meet yours. He tilted his head to the side, and waited for an answer, no emotions on his face.
"Yes." You answered, regaining your composure. You straightened your shoulders and stared him down confidently. Now wasn't the time to come off weak.
To your surprise, he chuckled lightly. You watched him carefully.
He grabbed the picture frame off the table next to the door and threw it, the sound of the glass shattering made you jump.
"Yoongi..." You warned, trailing off.
"It's been almost three years, and you're going to leave over a rough patch?!" He shouted, and you were sure the whole compound could hear him.
"A rough patch!?" You yelled back, your fiery spirit matching his. "It's been 6 months! How long did you expect me to deal with this shit?"
"Deal with what?! You live comfortably. You don't have to work. You have more money then most people ever see in their life." He explained, exasperated, fists balled up at his sides.
"Well, I don't care about any of those things! All I wanted was you to love me!" You screamed at him.
He span around and punched the wall behind him. You heard a crack, presumably his knuckles, but he didn't falter. He leaned his forehead against the wall and punched it one more time. When he retracted it you could see the blood dripping down his fingers.
"All of this...because you think I don't love you?" He whispered. He turned around and there were tears in his eyes. You had never seen Yoongi cry. You don't think anyone had.
You swallowed all the mean things you had to spit out the moment you saw tears dripping down his cheeks.
"Why do you think I've been so absent? It's because I was failing, Y/N. I was failing you and everyone that relies on me. How could I face you when everything I promised could've been lost? I put my head down and went to work to preserve our future. I'm sorry that that was uncomfortable for you, even though I was the one risking my life day in and day out so some day I would be able to look you in the eye again!" He shouted, stepping towards you, grabbing your face with his hands. "Those were all things out of love for you, whether you're strong enough to acknowledge it or not." He growled, his face inches from yours.
You breathed out, locking eyes with him. "You could've included me! I would've been there for you." You exclaimed, wrapping your hands around his wrists and pulling them off your cheeks.
"I had to do a lot of dangerous things. You think I was going to put you in harms way just so you could feel needed?" He spat. "That's immature thinking. I did what I did to protect you. And if you hate me for that, that's fine. At least I know I kept you safe." He sighed in defeat, his tear stained face making your breath catch in your throat.
Everything about you wanted to be angry and stand your ground...
You opened your mouth to speak, but he beat you to it.
"Do you know what I'd have to do if I ever lost you?" He asked, stepping towards you once more, but keeping his hands to himself.
You hesitated before speaking. "...tell me."
He reached for your hand and took it in both hands.
"I'd have to destroy everything that reminded me of you. I'd burn this place down." He looked up at you, the connection you two had always had making itself known with a gravitational pull you couldn't resist. You took your free hand and grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him to you, crashing your lips together. He immediately responded, grabbing your face and deepening the kiss. Every emotion you felt in the last half of a year poured into the kiss. It was rough, needy, passionate. He pulled away and inhaled.
"Yoongi. You need to either live life with me by your side, or spend the rest of your life wondering where I am. I'm not asking you to drag me into every fight and drug deal. But you made me strong. You toughened me up. So embrace it, and let me be with you." You explained, hoping your words didn't fall on deaf ears.
He stared deeply in your eyes, before exhaling slowly.
"Fine." He agreed stubbornly. "You don't get to leave, then." He huffed, crossing his arms. You giggled, you knew you are the only one who ever saw him with his guard down.
He reached out a hand to you, and you obliged, giving him your hand. As soon as he did, he pulled you towards him and wrapped one arm around your waist, and the other hand resting on the back of your head.
"How did you know I was packing?" You asked into his chest.
"Hoseok is my best friend, not yours." His chest rumbled with a chuckle.
"Damn it."
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getitinbusan · 5 years
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Kim Taehyung
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After leaving Seokjin's you just sat in your car trying to process the mental breakdown you were in the midst of having.
Your phone rang displaying the name Kim Taehyung. It had only been 3 days since your last date so this was a little unexpected.
His assistant was on the line as usual "Hi Y/N, Mr Kim was wondering if he could see you tonight?"
Did you feel like going on a manhunt right now? Taehyung was one of your most important customers and despite feeling defeated by Jin you agreed.
"Sure what time should we arrive?"
The line was quiet for a minute "He actually wants you alone."
The car picked you up and brought you directly to the Trimage.  Pulling into the garage you swear you saw Jungkook getting into a Blacked out Range Rover. You really must be losing your mind, why were you even thinking of him.
Making your way up in the elevator your mind was racing, why on earth had Tae ordered you here?
Maybe he wanted to try something new? Maybe he picked a partner himself? Usually you let yourself in but the circumstances today were different.
Knocking gently on the door he opened it a few seconds later. 
Your heart skipped a beat, you'd only seen him in the dim lighting of the bedroom, he was breathtaking. His flawless honey skin caught the light making him look ethereal.  Always serious as he watched you, he now faced you with the most beautiful smile. "Please come in" he said holding the door wide for you.
There was an awkward silence, he wasn't sure how to begin.
"I was jealous of the boy you brought here the other night, You liked him didn't you?"
You didn't respond, you just stared into his eyes as he spoke.
"I've never been jealous of the others, I always felt that you were doing it for me, putting on a show. I like having you around me, you're so beautiful, the way you let yourself be so vulnerable and open. I wish I could be more like you" 
You couldn't help but let out a little laugh, "it's not so fun being me, I'd be careful what you wish for."
You walked away from him and picked up a glass of wine from the counter. "May I?" He nodded. 
"I'd like it very much if you could teach me how to make you feel like he did."
You swallowed the entire contents of the glass and Tae filled it again.
"You must think I'm a real creep, wanting to watch people have sex."
It was bad business to call people out on their fetishes so you just shook your head no. "People like what they like and nobody should judge them."
He laughed, "Is that the professional answer? I'm lonely Y/N, I lost someone I loved and I haven't been able to be with anyone since. What's your story, what's in this for you?" 
You weren't sure why you were so comfortable with him, his presence just set you at ease. "I needed money and this seemed like a quick and easy fix. That was two years ago. I'm just numb now, I'm sure it's really no worse than selling your soul for an office job." 
He laid his hand on your cheek "But are you happy?"
You shook your head no and he thumbed away the tear that was rolling down your cheek. Instinctively you pulled him closer, you always had the bad habit of returning kindness with sex.
"We don't have to be intimate tonight, I just want to know you." His offer was sweet and as much as you'd love to be on a real date you didn't know how to do that.
 "Tae, I think the best way for us to know each other is to make love. I've wondered what it would be like to be with you since my first visit. "
His cheeks grew pink and he became shy as your hands traveled over his chest.  He placed his hands on top of yours stopping them from moving any further, "I'm scared." 
You moved very slowly and attached your lips to his exposed collar bone. Placing small delicate kisses up his neck you could feel him relax into the moment. "We can take care of each other, I can be everything you need okay?"
He agreed by kissing your lips, it wasn't hard or passionate, it was a hovering kind of kiss that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Starting to unbutton his shirt your lips moved over his chest, his hands were tangled in your hair and he pulled your head back to find your mouth. His tongue swiftly found its way past your lips, thank God you were leaning against the island as your make out session was leaving you weak. 
"Tae, can we go to the bedroom?" You asked between kisses. 
"I don't want to make love to you in the same bed you fucked the others in." He took your hand and led you to the open balcony doors.
You had to stop and take in your surroundings, The terrace was huge, luxurious patio furniture adorned the area and there was candle light and music helping to set the stage.
He walked over to the bar and was pouring two glasses of wine when you wrapped your arms around him. Leaning your head against his back you closed your eyes, inhaled deeply and wished really hard for this to be real.
He turned in your embrace and smiled at you giving you a small peck on the lips. You walked over to the railing and took in the view.
 Seoul stretched out before you, it made you sad that only a few privileged people would ever get to see it like this. 
Tae came up behind you and kissed your neck, he slowly undid the back of your dress and slipped his hands in to push the fabric down your legs. He trailed kisses down your back, "I could look at you all day."
You laughed, "I thought we already established that fact. I was hoping for a lot more than watching tonight." 
Turning to face him you got down on your knees and unzipped him. Reaching into his pants you pulled out his already erect cock,  "are you okay, is this alright?" You asked looking up at him.
He gave you a slight nod, knowing you needed to be gentle with him you explored him with your hands. You let your fingertips brush his tip and move down his shaft. Looking up at him, his eyes were closed and his lips were parted, soft breaths escaped as you touched him. Wrapping your hands around his balls you gave them a light squeeze and he moaned loudly, he was ready for more.
Gripping his base firmly you began sliding your hand up and down over his shaft, he was leaning into you hungry for the sensation.  You couldn't take it anymore you needed him in your mouth. You began with your tongue just as you did with your fingers, lightly running it over his head. 
"Please," he begged you.
Obligingly you slid him past your lips. Slowly you moved your mouth in time with your hand, you were so wet and ready for him to be inside you.
He was moaning with this eyes shut tight, "Tae, look at me baby"
He opened them, watching you take him in and it sent him over the edge, he came hard and fast into your mouth.
"I'm so sorry, " he kept apologizing.
"You don't need to be sorry Tae, we have all night,  besides, that kind of was the expected outcome wasn't it?"
Pulling you up from your knees he hugged you and led you to the large lounger.
He took the rest of his clothes off and laid down beside you. His skin was soft and warm and he smelled like lavender.  His tenderness was so strange to you, it was as if he was just taking your presence in by touching every inch of you. His large hands cupped your breasts and he moved his mouth to mark the flesh around them.
"Tae, you make me feel so good." 
He stopped and brought his face up to yours "I want more than that, I want to make you feel happy"
He kissed you passionately and your head was spinning, there was no way this was real, no way he could mean what he was saying, you'd never meant anything to anyone.
 Trapped in your own insecurities you could only offer him what you knew best. "Tae, I need you, please. I can't take another minute without you inside me." 
He seemed hesitant, like he knew that this could possibly be the worst way to connect yourselves.
Not wanting to disappoint you all he could do was treat you better than anyone else ever had, make love to you and try to make you feel special. 
"Are you sure?"
You nodded grabbing his hair to pull him close again. "I need to be connected to you, if you aren't touching me you can't be real."
He understood, he'd spent the last few months not touching you because he was afraid to make you real. He moved his body on top of yours and pushed himself inside you.
The stretch was delicious, you could tell right away that this was going to feel amazing. You were both lost in ecstasy, lifting your leg up he slid deeper inside you hitting you in all the right spots. He was slow and deep, kissing you while he made love to you.
You were sure you could be happy like this forever, you didn't want your mind to think about it, it would only end in disappointment. 
"Are you ok?" He asked "Come back here to me, stop thinking about anything but this" he could read you like a book.
You dug your nails into his back and thrust your hips harder into him, letting yourself finally go, your walls clenched around him as you came in the most pleasurable waves.  He followed right after you as you felt his hot cum slide out of you and down the insides of your thighs.
Collapsing on top of you he kissed your neck and kept saying thank you. You wrapped your arms and legs around each other, each of you afraid that the other would disappear at any moment.
He pulled a blanket over top of you both and you fell asleep for the first time in a long time, happy.  
You woke up to the sound of the city coming alive, horns honking, birds chirping and sunlight trying to nudge your eyes awake. Looking beside you Tae was gone.
Except for you, the balcony and apartment were empty.  All signs of what happened last night other than your dress puddled on the floor were gone.
You walked over to the railing and took a long look at The Han River below, beautiful things like this view and this apartment belonged to people like Tae. No matter how hard you hoped,  you didn't deserve to live like this, you knew you didn't belong here.
You picked up your dress and slid it back on, the note from Tae lay on the floor under the table unnoticed.
Tae: Y/N, I felt so good this morning, better than I have in a long time, Thank You 💜 I went for a run around the river and I'll be back soon. Wait for me and we can shower together, I'll bring back some breakfast.  
You pressed the down button in the elevator and collapsed in the corner crying.
End note: The end of this series depends on YOU! Who do you want Y/N to end up with? Please read Chapter One and comment Tae or Kookie.
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