#The movie has. A LOT of stars i didnt expect to be in it
tarczar · 5 months
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boys will watch Monkeybone (2001) starring Brendan Fraser and immediately start following a tutorial for HTML
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skenpiel · 2 years
ok so! uh! normally this is the moment where id go "i have a normal amount of feelings about this movie [through tears]" but that actually isnt the case this time. guess i just didnt like it as much as all the other movies in the franchise
#there were a lot of things i didnt like#for example there were a handful of plot holes to me most notably the fact that scotty was on the enterprise b when kirk 'died'#because. if that was 73 years before the movie takes place‚ and THAT was roughly 2-3 years after the tng episode relics took place#then after being freed from the transporter pattern buffer after being in there for 80 YEARS#he would have KNOWN kirk was dead#but in the episode he says 'i bet jim kirk himself hauled the old gal out of mothballs to come looking for me'#thats usually not how you talk about someone who has (to you) been dead for 7 years.#now of course that kind of timeline fluke isnt the end of the world but. well........ i guess i kinda expected better?#i sound sooooo fuckin mean and nitpicky here but trust me thats not the only reason i was disappointed#i was also upset that they essentially made data a comic relief character throughout the majority of the movie?#he had like 3 actual emotional moments and the rest was just silly goofs. he doesnt deserve to be treated like that#(although his life form song was sick. i will admit)#and soran as a character was just kinda...... disappointing. he was a cheesy villain with a pretty iffy motive#not to mention they COMPLETELY missed the chance to give us the opportunity to explore guinan more. she DEFINITELY deserved more screentime#all she was in this movie was. well? just a support character who offered a little advice and explanation and then left#that upset me a bit too bc i love guinan soooo much#i guess overall it didnt. have like. a distinct feel to it. it kinda just felt like a long tng episode with a higher budget#(but evidently not that much to show for it)#the other star trek movies were so very obviously their own THING‚ separated from the original series#though i think that may have had a little to do with the movies taking place a while AFTER tos ended#whereas this movie took place like. really pretty shortly after the end of tng#that said i wanna make it clear i liked the movie. it just doesnt really hold much of a candle to the first 6#also what kinda gayass last words are 'oh‚ my' like htrghoieruhgoug ok gayboy#ANYWAY!!!!! thats my thoughts on star trek generations i guess. it wasnt as good as id hoped but still good for the most part#i only cried like. once. and that wasnt even actual crying it was just tearing up a little bit -_-#and i didnt have to take that many hyperfixation stim breaks either....#well either way im glad to have finished it! now i can go back to rewatching tos ^___^#also reading first best destiny YAYYY#can u believe its only 4am. i finished this movie like. super quickly compared to the other ones LAWL
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justarandomgirly · 10 months
My RWRB review WITH SPOILERS so dont read if you havent watched yet
Beautiful fresh movie. But horrible book adaptation.
It starts like...it has no proper beginning. We simply find ourselves at the wedding at thats it. I would have opened it at a White house when Alex is given instructions or something.
First cca 10 minutes of the movie were already spoiled to me in all released clips.
Star wars convo? Gone. And it was important in the book for us readers to understand how characters think. Even the whole convo as they lay on the ground in that closet was short and rushed.
Turkey scene was the best & funniest in the book. Here it was smushed into like 20 seconds and all the fun and their convo taken away limited into like 3 lines no David no Mr Wobbles...
No phone call after parents had a fight.
The texting montage...in the book this whole thing with texting is crusial. Its when they fall in love. How they open up to one another so when they see each other at NYE, its like Alex is meeting whole different man. This was again rushed.
Mails leaked. But which emails?? We saw none. We didnt see them writing any emails, like the juicy erotic and romantic ones in the book, just couple of texts. So what exactly leaked? As book reader you know. But imagine you didnt read the book.
I liked the party tho. And first kiss.
Scene in red room also shortened.
But I loved Amy.
I expected lot more intimacy since it was R rated.
No Wimbledon.
No shouting under the windows of KP. The scene I was mostly looking forward to. The Henry you motherfucker!
Even this was changed. After Alex says Ill leave if you tell me to leave they passionately kiss then make love then comes museum. Here there is no kiss nothing Henry just immediately takes him to the museum. We just see them in bed next morning.
Karaoke scene way too short,again.
Emails being leaked were so stressful in the book I was nausiated when I read those pages. Here it was...kinda brushed off. And the guy who leakec them wasnt punished or anything like in the book. They gave us hint people know their emails were hacked, but its not resolved in the movie. So if you havent read the book you might have impression Miguel got away with it.
Election night or talking to king and Philippe... it was all like...
It felt like i wasnt watching a movie, but a recap of what happened in a movie, before watching volume 2. Almost all scenes sounded like they took the most important parts of conversations in the books and characters spoke them because the information had to get to the viewer, but it felt shallow.
Poorly written rushed writing. Thats how I would put it.
Yes actors are awesome. Taylor is so damn hot and charming it hurts.
Tay and Nick have chemistry straight movie couples can enwy them.
Im not complaining about acting. That was great. Uma as president? Pls Uma run for president in real life.
Nick and Taylor perfecrly embody Henry and Alex in every way. I couldnt wish for better casting.
But again. Rushed horrible writing. If i didnt read the book, i wouldnt believe boys love each other so much. Writers just had to get into this scene after that scene, because thats how this story goes, and thats it.
As a book adaptation, Im only giving it 3 out of 10.
But as a movie...sweet romantic funny fresh and a beatiful message to the LGBT community...im giving it 7 out of 10.
Agree or disagree, I wont fight you.
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fipindustries · 7 months
scott pilgrim vs the canon
boy you better have this tagged against spoilers because otherwise this is going to ruin a lot of stuff. all im going to say is, this show cannot be watched without having read the comic first so. keep that in mind.
scott pilgrim was the seminal work of my generation, it was the thing that defined us and the internet to a large extent after it came out in full back in 2010. now we are all here back again, in our late 20's, 30's and even 40's to take a second look at this franchise after everything that has been going on.
and this franchise had things to say.
i went in expecting scott pilgrim the comic, this time more lavishly (and faithfully) adapted than the movie could have ever been. suffice to say i was not dissapointed at all because i didnt get that in any way what so ever.
this is in some senses the modern cannibals of the scott pilgrim franchise, perhaps less cynical and bitter. this is an examination of this story from a slightly askew angle. this is a what if that takes itself to another level.
those who say that this "feels like fan fic" are half right, but if so i want to see what fan fics they are reading because i never saw a fanfic that take the world and its characters so wildly out of context, put them in outrageos new situations they would have never been in, do some genuine crack slash ships and yet still feel so genuine, so true to the original. just because none of what is happening here happened in the comic that doesnt mean these arent the characters we know and love and that this isnt the world and the mood and the vibe that that we all grew up with.
the brian lee o malley style is so incredibly hard to capture. its this wonderful mix of over the top anime/cartoony action mixed with incredibly grounded, down to earth, super chill vibe. we've seen the wonders that came out during the 2010's made by other artists inspired by it or directly trying to emulate it, and yet none of them were able to capture it quite right and this show is the bona fide real deal. it made me remember why scott pilgrim captured me so much back when i read it as a teenager, its a mood impossible to reproduce and yet reproduced all the same here in this show.
the animation is of course out of this world. the voice acting could do some work but im willing to let it slide considering that they went with the original cast from the movie.
this story feels almost like an answer to the observation many people made at the end of the comic and specially the end of the movie. that scott and ramona were obviously not meant to last. that they were still too young and too messed up as people and the relationship was probably going to end badly. the show examines all that with raw honestly and concludes at the end that, sure, maybe this is not going to work out. but that doesnt mean they shouldnt give it their best shot.
as i said at the beggining, this has to be understood as an addenum to the comic. it starts as an adaptation, it lulls you into thinking its a wacky what if and ends up being a covert sequel. with that in mind, this show understands that you already understand and know who scott is and what his deal is, so it chooses to focus squarely on ramona and the exes, and let me just say. the exes are the fucking break out stars of this show. i love every single one of them. the fact that each of them get their own little mini arc and a chance to either redeem or at the very least become genuenly sympathetic was absolutely brilliant. these guys are amazing.
this story in general just presents such a feel good, likeable, chill athmosfere, where even villains who seemed irredeemable can still have just a calm conversation with the hero and just chat for a while. share a coffee, wind down.
if i had one single complaint at all is that i was a little sad by the implication that scott wont learn his lesson at the end of the original story and will continue to be kind of a clueless immature douche. but it is tempered by the fact that this story still has a lot of sympathy for young scott and it makes the case that the guy still very much deserves a chance.
so yeah
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loved it, great work, it tried to do something super weird and it somehow succeeded. good job 9/10
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lostcryptids · 8 months
26, 1, and 6 for the ask game :]]
ty TY
1.the most recent horror movie you watched the most recent horror movie i watched was Piranhaconda 2012 LOL. for a less goofy one, Haunter 2013. this is about a girl that's stuck in a time loop and it's like a time loop/serial killer/haunted house movie all in one.
6. a horror movie you liked but wouldnt recommend to most people (give a reason if youd like to) hermmmmm.... actually not sure if there's one i wouldn't rec to most people since i know a lot of horror fans. Maybe Smiley 2012. I think most people hate this movie and also shane dawnson is in it but i think he dies. amazing movie though rus and i are the only people on letterboxd who gave this 5 stars it literally has 1% 5 star ratings. we are so special
26. a horror movie you didnt expect to like but you did the slender man movie tbh. I thought it was very entertaining LOL.
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okthatsgreat · 4 months
An odd sort of situation to put your ocs in but how would they handle being the 'face' of Danganronpa like Makoto and Junko, with all the burdens this entails. I don't know how to justify it, maybe they got so popular that Team Danganronpa decided to add them as a mascot, or it's an au where their season was the first and they were the main character.
everytime i get an ask like this i hop out of my chair and start busting it down peanuts style i hope you know this
I'LL DO IT FROM MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED TO LEAST LIKELY!!!!!!!! plus i will talk a LOT because oruughugr pr and how danganronpa is perceived by a general audience is so so important to me in this au i loveeeee just how fucking awful and dystopian it is it is so fun to write.
for anybody who doesnt know a lot of my writing centres around a post-game universe where danganronpa is an extremely successful company worth billions, and ALL former participants are expected to remain "in character" for pr reasons so the company can continue to shill them as products essentially. think of it like an extremely popular disney movie, except all of the characters are actually real people who do not get treated as such, most if not all of them have horrific emotional and physical trauma from participating in a killing game simulation, most of them are not the age they are actually SUPPOSED to be, and the movie has been rebooted more than 50 times until it is extremely watered down and repetitive. imagine you are sixteen years old recovering from an extremely painful execution and having nightmares constantly only to have to wake up in the morning and greet a hundred pr people who are going to make a tiktok of you. i would go a little crazy
• rie: now i should start this off by saying that this will in no way shape or form be GOOD for her. like nobody on this list is going to reap any benefits from being the face of the company and constantly expected to perform. but rie is somebody who has become very accustomed to performance and PEOPLE PLEASING. she already is one of the main spokespeople of her season in most post game settings, just because she is extremely articulate and knows when to agree or disagree!! now she IS unfortunately going to have to endure fan service to an extreme degree just by virtue of being this beautiful person whose brand centres around her beauty and charm and years down the line she is ABSOLUTELY going to crack. like anybody in this position is eventually going to crack (even makoto). but until then she'll last a LONG WHILE. i can definitely see her being well liked early on but dividing a lot of the fanbase way down the line, like twitter changes their minds on her every other week LMAOOO. she has to be SO fucking careful what she says because everybody is out to get her ass. one part of twitter thinks shes a boring fanservice nothing character, another part of twitter thinks shes snobby and stuck up, another part of twitter thinks she is the most angelic person on the planet who couldnt possibly do any wrong or have any flaws as a teenage girl. rie yawned at a convention once because she didnt get any sleep the night prior and she got cancelled online the next day
• erin: another girl with identity issues YAY!!!!!! team danganronpa would definitely make her stay as pippy (which they already kinda do in a postgame setting), but this time to the WAY extreme. she is NOT allowed to call herself erin. ALL of her clothes are to be on brand for pippy, including any pajamas in case paparazzi snap a photo through her window. also because of the paparazzi, pippy needs to be smiling AT ALL TIMES NO STOPPING, because even a neutral expression implies that she is not enjoying herself and team dr can NOT have their main star suggesting they are unhappy. erin is somebody who has been trained from an extremely young age to be a commodity and performer, and being in this position would likely get rid of any chance of her truly being erin ever again. her brain would flick into survival mode and it would likely be permanent at that point. what is also awful about erin being the face of the company is the fact that her talent is so targetted towards children that there is not a doubt in my mind she would be used SPECIFICALLY to advertise to that audience. it would kill what was left of her honestly. most of her days are likely filled with her looking over a crowd of young and hopeful teenagers looking to audition for their favorite show, and instead of warning them of the absolute hell that is about to arrive she instead has to wave her arms and go hi hi it's me pippy!!!!!!! im so happy to be here and im so happy to have joined danganronpa!!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD ALL DO IT TOO!!!!!!!!
• yoshito: he would not have a good time, and he is NOT prepared for pr as he had grown up being a very "behind the scenes" kinda guy. but yoshito is a hard worker and he knows what would happen to him and those he cares about if he gives up now. because he is another "hope guy" and his character is supposed to mirror the watered-down traits of makoto, yoshito likely would experience a very similar situation to makoto in that he needs to keep up this hope act as long as he possibly can. he is no longer yoshito sawa, he is an idea. a concept. he represents one side of the hope vs despair argument. who cares about nuance-- not team danganronpa, not the audience, and certainly not yoshito anymore!!!! i can see him dividing the fanbase, not as extremely as rie but there are definitely a few arguments about him being a bland cookie cutter character
• ryobe: as the antagonist of his season, ryobe would be shoved into box IMMEDIATELY. he is already a """performer""" in a way, but not to the extent of rie or erin where he is instantly good at lying and playing his part. for the first few years he would really struggle to stay within the boundaries of what team dr is telling him to do, because ryobe is a guilty ass guy who feels TERRIBLE for that simulator and is genuinely trying to become a better person. but NOPE! he no longer gets to grow up. he needs to stay goofy and arrogant and reckless forever, for every new season he makes a cameo in and every press conference he does forevermore. similar to erin i think he would definitely lose himself in the character to the point where he struggles to truly identify who he actually is and who danganronpa is trying to get him to be. even worse i can really see the audience LOVING him to the point where he's had to change addresses like three times
• sae: she can be a leader when she needs to be but she is far from the most charismatic person alive, not to mention she will NEVERRR adapt to the fast paced environment that team dr calls for. sae is built on independence-- she knows how to be a captain when necessary but she is a fairly private person who thrives in silence. she is wise and very patient, but even she is going to reach an extremely fast boiling point and start yelling LMAO. the internet would HATTEEE how slowly he gives speeches, how long he seems to drawl on, how he doesn't exactly look the part of all of the other dr women they've seen for years prior, etc etc. she'd take it all on the shoulder if it means lessening the burden for the rest of her class but eventually she snaps, starts screaming loudly at a fan during a press conference, and her whole career plummets from there GFDJGD. and honestly it might be for the best. she would suffer severe consequences absolutely, and team dr would likely try to get her to do press stuff again, but she would be left alone far more often
• billie: she's young as hell, an extremely insecure teenager, and is absolutely NOT a leader in any way shape or form. her first few speeches in front of a crowd will have everybody on the planet wondering why the fuck they even chose her to be the spokeswoman in the first place BHFDSJGFD. however i have her above mika and naomi because i really think she mightttt be able to adapt. if shes one of the very first danganronpa participants ever and has to basically pioneer this role for herself (like makoto and junko did) then oh god no she's gonna fail hard and her mental health is immediately going down the drain. but if she had some kind of mentor, she MIGHT be able to make it. i really think there is a universe where she grows into it. now this doesnt mean she ENJOYS it, and she is going to seriously struggle with her anxiety and depression regardless, but she might be able to adapt just enough to survive. i can not imagine team dr ever letting her speak for them so its a little hard to say what they would possibly be asking her to do LMFAO, i guess they would try to keep her as relatable as possible? her clothes would be selected by a stylist and she would have zero creative freedom anymore. similar situation to ibuki where her style would change with the trends to fit what is "alternative" that year. billie would become this relatable moody teenager that a lot of teen girls can project onto, and team dr would NEVERRR let her grow up, which is frankly her worst nightmare
• mika: the only reason she is this far down is because she would hate the role she's been shoved into SO badly it would honestly tank her career. because she would JUST be the love interest and that is it lmfao. no ultimate talent for anybody to latch onto, no big ideal she could represent (as she was far from the most hopeful/despairing person in that class). mika would be allocated to yoshitos love interest and she actually for real would go crazy about it because COME ONNNN. similar situation to sonia i reckon where team dr wont actually CONFIRM any sort of relationship, just so her "options are open" and fans can speculate about who she's going to get with and all of that. two months in and mika would punch a guy FHJDKG. she reads none of the speeches provided to her if they mention anything about yoshito. she spirals in the dressing room and then refuses to walk out on stage. normally she is so good at making rational decisions, like she KNOWS it would be smarter for her to just go along with the company, but in this specific instance i really can not see her lasting for long under this serious amount of pressure from the company and millions of fans. team dr would hate her, most fans would hate her, and she would be keeping herself alive by a hair. mika in a postgame setting is very usually standing behind yoshito and using him as a shield rather than taking the spotlight for herself, and for good reason
• naomi: i think ive briefly mentioned this before in the ask blog but naomi is not in any kind of mental space to be in front of a camera or a large crowd of people lol!!!!!!!!!! in postgame settings she is very rarely seen at large gatherings, and if she IS she leaves early because team dr knows her very well at this point and they are not willing to let her fuck things up again lmfao. naomi as the face of the company would spell immediate disaster. she can't handle the pressure, she's never had so many eyes on her at one time and would become even more paranoid than she usually is, she would struggle to talk and make speeches honestly to the point where she goes nonverbal, she would act weird and flighty, twitter would hate her ass immediately, etc etc. i can't see her adapting or getting better at being a spokesperson, i truly honestly just think she would suck so hard hgfdjksgf. its adapt or die and brother she is dying
andi would kill everybody and then itself
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lonestardust · 8 months
Extremely belated ask day!!! What are your favorite tropes in fics, books, media, etc.? Are those also your favorite tropes in Tarlos fics and canon Tarlos? Also, is there any character whump you want to see next season?
heyyy k @tailoredshirt <333 extremely belated reply i apologize (this didn't show up in my notifications and if i didnt randomly check my inbox I wouldn't have seen it 🫠)
hmm, for books, I mainly love poetry and nonfiction stuff especially autobiographies and music memoirs. and beside lone star, i don't (or rarely) watch tv or movies, that's why my fanfiction reading experience is exclusive to lone star alone however i used to read until recently RPF for 1D and other bands and this varies in tropes so much but i mainly preferred AUs
for tarlos i love everything that fills the off screen moments and all the fix it stories and canon compliant ones and codas. just give me the missing conversations, the headcanons, everything you have that shows what canon didn't have time to show, everything that expands the story and the relationship. other than that i generally read everything. anything that's gripping enough, well narrated, cathartic and has a well built world and true characterization. but definitely love whump!! who doesn't! anything that's angsty and has lots and lots of hurt and comfort. and fluff! domestic fluff for tarlos is just *chef's kiss*. also AUs where there is mutual pining/slow burn, old flames/ reuniting with first love, humour, also ofc smut everywhere.
we definitely expect the opening arc (depending on what type of season we might be getting) to be filled with whump and carlos still dealing with the early stages of grief and how he's still in a high threat area if he's going to keep looking for his father's murderer
i made a little moodboard here and i'm not saying i want to see precisely another kidnapping/hostage situation storyline but i want to see TK WHUMP (i miss my boy being put through the wringer) i want to see carlos COMPLETELY LOSING HIS SHIT trying to save him, i want to see all good stuff, carlos getting caught in whirlwind and being in a really complex headspace between guilt and absolute terror and anger and being in a full fierce protective mode. ofc It depends on what kind of situation it's going to be. they could be apart or together in the same place where it's instant and sudden. it could be a stalker storyline — which I'm DYING to see happening in lone star!!!! it's perfect!! and carlos and tk could easily develop a stalker from a call!! I just want to see it happening! It could also be something along the lines of tk getting worried about carlos and so he follows him but get into trouble instead where it keeps intensifying badly from there
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slice-of-magenta · 1 year
Choose a character and tell us:
1is an open secret
2is a secret the people close to your character know
3 is a secret that your character wouldn't really care about getting out
4is a secret exactly one person knows anything about
5is a secret no one knows about but they sort of want to come out/to tell someone
6is a secret no one knows and they desperately don't want anyone to know about.
You can also decide who knows and how
@rhyslahey ! 😁 (Im finally ANSWERING THIS) Idk how much of this would make sense tho.
An open secret:
He is trying his best but has too much on his plate.
Secrets ppl close to the character know:
I would say him being a werewolf, but it seemed a lot of people who dabbles just a little in the supernatural out of town knows about that! So it would be that Scott tries finding another way to do things.
A secret that your character doesnt care about getting out:
Stiles still climbs through the window! So what? Doesnt everyone now?
A secret exactly one person knows anything about:
*My brain grows distant as I imagine headcanons with my otp*
But if I was to suggest a plain answer, it would be knowing certain foods, movie genres, and video game preferences between him and Stiles.
After all that time that Stiles has known Scott, he certainly thought he told scott to watch star wars that one summer without him and he didnt which was later exposed. (Because Scott was with his dad, but Scott doesnt say that part.)
If we want some good scisaac stuff, there is def a few things scott didnt think was important enough to tell his best friend that he tells Isaac. Its a lot of the things he considered silly before!
A secret no one knows about but they sorta want to come out/to tell someone:
How it was being with Rafael as a kid. Like the hotel stays, for example. He has JUST hinted at it recently with Stiles in high school, but even then, he isnt so sure if he wants to talk about the details. For keeping it in so long, he isnt so sure how tender he still is, or when it will ever be the right time.
A secret no one knows and they desperately dont want anyone to know about:
Time of Death (S5) where Scott hacks into Liam with the mute's axe. He vividly recalls liking it. When they referred to good or bad dreams, he didnt expect it to be that. No one has to know.
Their plan had kinda worked (with reviving him) and thats all that mattered for the people around him.
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phaeton-flier · 7 months
The season (series?) Finale of Lower Decks was, like almost every other one, very ok compared to the average episode. It's not bad, but the writers are. Less than skilled. At mixing the comedic and serious moments of the show, and that causes a lot of tension to get lost. Ooooh, we need a ship so we can DISOBEY THE ORDERS OF THOSE STUFFED SHIRTS AND DO THE RIGHT THING, fine, it's cliche as hell and honestly has its own problematic elements but sure. Now we're going to do a DUEL and BETTING OUR SHIP to get theres. UH OH, I BET YOU DIDNT EXPECT WE WERE GONNA MAKE THE MILQUETOAST BIRD GUY FIGHT? OOHH, WE'RE SO CLEVER AND WACKY.
C'mon, this is never half as funny as you pretend it is AND he's going to lose anyways so you can an extra layer of drama. Just do the bit where she has to agree to leave star fleet to save her friend and let's get moving.
Honestly felt the stuff with the friend would've more interesting to play straight. Like, a major part of Star Trek is that despite being a glorious luxury space communism they also have military hierarchy with the sort of boot-licking bullshit that often entails and exploring that more would've been interesting!
But that a) would require having an entire extra episode of arguments and counterarguments, which in 10 episode season means someone's baby gets cut (and as much I disliked some b-plots I can respect that they were loved)
b) would thematically require the Cerritos to have bad or at least sometimes grating management, and that's something the shows dropped in favor of "Cerritos Strong" where most everyone gets along. And that's good for most episodes because episodes about having to scrape and respect some jerk higher on the food chain than aren't as good (see the hazing subplot). It does the Lower Decks idea seems sorta lost, in a way, and especially cuts out ideas like I'm suggesting here.
Still, though, the idea of putting together a fleet of like-minded lower deckers to produce a less hierarchical, or at least less stand-at-attention and yes-sir-no-sir, fleet, is much riper for the sort of deep philosophical discussions that are Star Trek at its best. Him just being butthurt about getting kicked out for killing someone through overconfidence and then being conveniently competent enough to shut down ship weapons but charismatic enough to sell crews on doing a coup with 100% rate is less interesting. His grand plan flops in 5 minutes and it's unclear what he even imagined doing, really.
The show is a lot better when it has a proper theme it wants to explore, but the finales sorta gets swallowed in having Big Epic Movie-like Moments that they feel sorta empty in the same way the Crisis Point holodeck adventures were.
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denimini · 8 months
This is gonna be a very long ask (sorry about that) but there were three different things that I wanted to talk about.
1. I really dislike when cishet jikookers try to assign heterosexual standards to whatever potential romantic-sexual relationship Jimin and Jungkook could have/ have had. I dont know if you are queer or not, but many queer people tend to have more *situationships* than meet-like-become bfs/gfs-love-marry relationships. When you add the layer of them being celebrities since they were teenagers I think that would only decrease the likelihood of their relationship ever being like an average heterosexual relationship. I will also add as a disclaimer that I am a queer woman and cannot speak directly on how mlm relationships develop. Having said that, my thoughts on what their dynamic is/was (if it really has been sexual or romantic) are that it was probably a combination of experimentation, convenience, and chemistry, and less serious than the average expectation of male-female relationships. During the 2017-2019 years where most of us seem to think there was undebiably smth going on between them beyond a friendship or brotherly bond, they had a lot of proximity and very busy schedules. Ironically, the two times where Jungkook has had dating rumors (with evidence) have been during times where they are not in close proximity and have different schedules (i.e., the break they took in the fall of 2019 and early this year when Jimin was extremely busy while Jungkook was not.) I am not trying to diminish their bond by saying it was purely out of convenience. Its possible for love to come out of that convenience, but what I am saying is that that type of dynamic also might have left them wondering if there was every anything more out there for them. Similar to the whole ch2 situation, when we remove the whole enlistment thing out of the equation, its probable that some of them wanted to try something different but that didnt mean they didnt like being in the group.
2. Tomdaya. Why tf am I bringing Tomdaya up? lol
Back during the shooting and promotion of the 1st Spiderman movie there were a lot of rumors of whether Tom and Z were together. Most of the gen public wasnt keeping tabs on that but Zendaya fans were quick to realize that he would often fly out to see her but they were very secretive about what they then referred to as their “friendship”. Sometime after, there were pap pics of Tom with a woman that clearly did not look platonic so her fans immediately realized that they either broke up or were never a thing in the first place, only friends. After that, they both went on to have semi-public relationships with other people. Then, a few years later they get papped kissing and are officially a couple. At that point, most people werent even aware that there were some sus things early on in their *friendship* and just assumed that they just got together much later after they met. I don’t want to over explain it, but Im hoping some of the parallels Im trying to draw are clear.
3. Finally, I am really curious about who that anon thinks Jimin might be dating. Right now the only sus thing Ive seen that could be interpreted as a “thing” is his friendship with Lee Saeon. Not only is he the only person Jimin has been spotten out with casually, but it also looks like he wears a lot of Jimins clothes. He was even spotted with Jimin AND JK a few years ago. He starred in a BL and did say that he was strictly an ally, but he would not be the first or last closeted queer person to call themselves an ally lol. Despite Jimin spending so much time with him he has never brought him up and always talks about his friends in plural even though its always the two of them alone (except for that one time with jikook in i think 2021). Im sure he has other friends so its interesting to see why its only ever the two of them going out. Him and Eunwoo have also been kinda sus sometimes but its been a hot minute since we’ve seen anything from them lol.
I do agree on your point about queer relationships. Personally, Ive been in a heterosexual one for years, but I know from friends and family that comparing heterosexual relations to queer ones isn't very fair. The challenges , expectations and risks when you're queer are completely different and the way to acceptance and a steady relationship , especially in a country which doesn't support you, is a very different than what straight people go through.
On this topic, I find something Jimin once said very interesting. He said he used to think he was just living life and having fun but it didn't turn out that way and had to accept some things and come to terms with them (not an exact quote). Many people, including myself, thought he meant coming to terms with his sexuality (for the record, I believe he's shown us clearly he is queer, possibly bi).
That being said, I believe in your theory about his and JKs relationship. Given their age, profession and country, if there ever had been something between them, I doubt it had been linear and straightforward, as some would like to imagine. Them being young, busy, and constantly together with one being bi and other (probably) at least bi-curious is not something to be dismissed. I genuinely don't think that if they had something more than friendship, it was superficial, but it most likely was complicated.
I see Saeon's name being brought up a lot when talking about a potential partner for Jimin. I don't want to speculate much about someone who said they're heterosexual, but it's not impossible for them to share something more. At least the physical stuff he has mostly gotten out of the way already 😁
Does someone know when him and JM became close?
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jimsmovieworld · 1 year
BEAU IS AFRAID- 2023 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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The strangest movie of the year.
A bizarre three hour comedy starring Joaquin Pheonix as Beau.
Beau lives inside a nightmare. No matter what he does, everything goes wrong for him in the worst way imaginable. He lives in constant fear of everything and everyone.
All his issues seem to go back to his troubled relationship with his mother who was recently decapitated by a falling chandelier.
The film is about Beau attempting to get back home for her funeral.
A very interesting film. Didnt enjoy it as much as Ari Aster's first two films Hereditary and Midsommar but liked a lot of it.
Its confusing and frustrating but also has some genuinely hilarious moments that you wont see in any other films. Although not a horror film it has a creepy hellish atmosphere i really liked. I did find that the movie is split into different sections, and some of them i liked a lot more than others so the films quite uneven. But its a real rollercoaster ride. Very ambitious and very weird.
10/10 Bill Hader cameo.
Originally titled "Disappointment Blvd".
The longest runtime for any A24 film.
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Beau is Afraid is also the next stop on PARKER POSEY PALOOZA!!!
Parker plays Elaine Bray. Elaine and Beau met as children and hes been in love with her ever since. I was getting a little impatient waiting for her appearance. You only see her briefly when Beau is watching the news, then the younger version of her, then the dream version of her where face is distorted. When she finally enters the movie fully though i couldnt have been happier. This is Parker's best film appearance in years. She was absolutely amazing. I was so surprised by the sex scene i didnt expect that at all. She worked well with Joaquin who she previously co-starred in "Irrational Man" with. This is her first film role in four years and im glad shes back to doing what she does best. Stealing scenes and looking totally cute.
Looking good Parker.
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vampiricmetalhead · 1 year
Imngoing so fucking mental over the mario movie so im gunna talk abt it. Spoilers below cause I cant make this spoiler free with how much im gunna talk abt. You have been warned
OK SO!! I was already pretty excited abt the movie but it totally surpassed my expectations. I loved it so much honestly a really good film hehe
Firstly like the expansion of the Mario family was cool I loved seeing their ideas and the character design was really good. (Somewhat biased cause i also have sunday dinners with my italian family) like thats cool
LUIGI AND MARIOS BOND!! Another thing I really liked. When they’re on screen with eachother (which isnt most of the movie :( ) they play off eacj other really well!! Also Mario’s motive being protecting Luigi in all of this was really nice to see. I liked it
The little bits of lore sprinkled throughout and the fact it’s not super built up or time consuming!! They did it sooo well. We get little snippets of character struggle and building but it feels a lot more human than a regular exposition dump you’d get from a movie
ok now it gets a little spoilerly but Mario’s internal struggles!! I actually really like how it was handled and how Mario has his own insecurities!! And the fact he learns to be ok with what people have told him he’s flawed for (never knowing when to quit, etc) was really well done imo. AND LUIGI AT THE END STANDING UP AND PROTECTING HIS BROTHER!! AND THEN BOTH OF THEM GETTING THE STAR AND DEFEATING BOWSER!! It was awesome!!
I will say the only criticism i have is just luigi not having much screen time. They made him such a likeable character and then he was cast off for a bit but I think it still works well in a sense cause Luigi is kind of cast off in the games but still I really liked him
Also just some of the quips and whatever got overused. Not really a movie sin but still just eh, whatever
Peach was cool. I actually really liked Peach she was such a badass in the movie. I like that they made her cool and not just a wet blanket of a character. She can hold her own and her and Mario’s chemistry was great :)
Bowser was so silly. Him and Kamek were cool I liked them. Bowser also just being a huge simp for peach was silly. The part where he’s talking to kamek after the peaches song and he’s just like “jam with me” while getting jealous over mario made me laugh. He’s a cool guy
Anyway thats my kinda ramble thingy. I didnt talk abt donkey kong too much but he was silly :) enjoyable guy
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pigeonneaux · 2 years
Wanna know about Reylo ? 👀
(Spoilers ahead)
So, in the new trilogy, the main character is Rey (no last name), an feral gremlin of an orphan who lives ona desert planet and has learned about the rebellion in ancient texts and loves them. One day she meets Finn (ex stormtrooper) and bb8 (adorable nb droid) and they both say they have to bring bb8 to The Rebellion. Rey, being an adorable nerd, absolutly beams with joy and does this, with adventures along the way. There's also Poe Dameron, super cool pilots and best bud with bb8, who keeps doing heart eyes to Finn and has helped him escape. The bad guy of the story is Kylo Ren aka Quiche Lorraine aka the poser emo son of Han and Leia, who idolizes Darth Vador and wants to rebuild the Space Nazi Dictatorship (it's not subtle : theit logo is black thing in white circle on a red background).
So what kind of ship do we have, here ? Rey(white woman) with Finn (black man), about overcoming what you're born into and being your own hero. There's Finn (black man) and Poe (latino man), about being bickering best friend and saving eachother. Or, there's the white man (Kylo Ren), and you can ship him with Rey to make the Heterosexual White Couple where the woman has to redeem the man.
Please note that during the first film, Kylo tortured Rey (and Poe), and they fought a lot. And Kyle was like "uh maybe i can be saved... SIKE it was a ruse to kill my dad".
In large, the internet flocked to FinnPoe... or to Reylo. The Reylo stan were *unsufferable*, attacking people who were saying that the SpaceDictator was a bad man (one unironically said that people should be nicebeing seeing his dad die in frontof hiseyes surely traumatized him, forgetting that he *killed* him) and making up Tumblr Fake Stories about recieving free crepes by a fellow Reylo shipper, The Most Opressed Group Of All time. Dont get me wrong, there was definetly a large anti-reylo movement, because of the inherent mysoginy of the "she can can save him from himself" trope, the "shipping a woman with her abuser" and the obvious need to thirst on the single white man when John Boyega and Oscar Isaac here here, but the Reylo were sooo much more vocal.
The 2nd movie was super divisive for a lot of reasons, mostly that it didnt look like any other star wars film and subverted a lot of expectations. I wont get into,but i really liked it. There was this whole thing about a secret bad guy forming a mental bond between Rey and Kylo, and Kylo trying to manipulate her to come to the dark side and Rey thinking "Leia is nice, i will do all i can to bring her son back to her and save him". But at the end of the film she realizes he can't be saved if he doesn't *want* to be saved and she cuts the connection bc she's badass. She has empathy for him but she cares about *the million of people he opresses and kill* more. The reactionto the film were EXPLOSIVE, and the Reylo shipper kind of harassed everyone (to be fqire they werent the only one, Mary Tran, the only asian woman of the whole star wars universe, had to delete her social media in part bc he character kissed Finn and in partbc she dared to be an asianwomanin a star wars)
The the 3rd film arrived, and it was... a shit show. Jj abraams retconned all the interesting bits of the 2nd film, Mary Tran character basically disappeared, the latino man was revealed to be a drug dealer, palpatine (bad guy from trilogy 1 and 2) arrived out of NOWHERE, i cant emphasize enough how he was dead and not even metionned before that film, Rey was revealed to be a Super Special hereditary mc guffin and she can bring people back to life now, Finn says "Rey i have something to say to you!" and never says what it is, and Kylo Ren said "mh maybe palpatine is evil, i should repent and be a good guy now". So him and Rey join force in a (granted, impressively choreographed) fight scene, and he dies and she kisses him (which does not bring him back to life despite the tchekov's gun before) and the good guys whin. Jj abraams said later that they should have written a 3 movie scenario instead of making things up as they go. A lot of people theorize that the retcon and the reylo change of heart/redemption arc had come bc of the reylo stan outcry online.
So, there. A brief history of Reylo and why a lot of people (me included) think it sucks. I'm gonna be honest, the Reylo stans are a big part of it.
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
ahh i havent sent anything in a while but i just wanted to let you know that im very much present on your blog and reading every single ask you answer !! i also read the last star lost update and in all honesty among all the aus and books ive read in my life (and ive read a lot) this is my absolute favourite!!
i’ll try to comment on the chapter a bit more detailed once my semester is over and im on a break but !! as always the way you write hyunjin and yn is amazing 🥺 actually while im at it lemme comment on the chapter as a whole lmao
despite the whole situation and general (hyunjin and hana, hyunjin and yn, felix and yn etc etc) i just wanted to say that the whole friendship dynamic is really cute and fun to read 🥺 i love it a lot (despite the whole hana situation) also hyunjin and yn are just sooo cute together and i love their convos a lot but i feel so bad for felix 😭 (also him interrupting every time theres a ‘moment’ 👀 pretty sure hes doing that for his own sake hehe) guess we’ll have to see how that plays out… but also excited for more yn and felix interaction especially on his bday party but also the whole chocolate making thing…
also yeonjun 😳 you mentioned he’d appear in the au but i didnt expect it so soon (and the convo him hyune and yn had was very insightful to say the least; poor yeonjun, hes such a nice guy 🥺) omg im really excited for when yn and hana actually get to have a real talk about the whole situation especially after her and hyunjin called things off for now (which im not too excited about even though i wanted it to happen, but i cant help but feel like this is just the calm before the storm (and its not like hyune and yn will just suddenly be able to date each other 😭))
hmm what else… if i could i would comment on every single dialogue but i have to get back to studying 😭 but also yn sleeping on hyune in the train reminded me of only fools 😭 and all the tiny things like the streusel bread shjdjdjd youre such a great writer 🥺 and just the whole scene at the end was just adorable i love star lost so much 🥺 but as previously mentioned, i cant help but think of this as the calm before the storm but that depends on your plans for the future chapters 😵‍💫
on another note! im so excited for the book you have coming out soon because you’re genuinely my favourite writer ever 😭 ive never felt so enthralled by anyones writing like this before so im looking forward to it a lot 🥺 please take care of yourself (i remember seeing you say that you were sick a few days ago) and don’t remember to take breaks eat well and stay hydrated!! hope you have a great weekend and following week as well 🫶
ah also! im curious about you as a person as well so i wanted to know if you have any hobbies? i think your work has something to do with digital arts (sorry if i got that wrong) but hows that like? (if its not too personal) and are there any tv shows movies youve watched recently? (sorry i have this habit of wanting to know a lot about people haha..you can just ignore questions if they make you uncomfy) also last but not least, i love the star lost playlist you made 🥺 i always listen to it while reading the chapters 🫶
hi cutie ! im sorry for the delay in getting around to this ask about part 7. first of all, whaaat ?? of all the books youve read ? you will make me cry 😭 i hope your semester is going well <33
im glad you love their friendship dynamic, i love writing all the little relationships and connections to each other. it was my favorite thing to do in only fools. hyunjin and yns convos are so so so cute indeed 😭 they make me smile crazily.
you’re absolutely right about it being the calm before the storm haha ! things will not be that easy for hyun and yn even after they ended with hana. i guess you would have seen that in part 8 itself.
this whole message is so sweet and so full of love. thank you so much, don’t worry im not sick anymore and im taking care of myself, you’re so kind.
the fact that you’re curious about me makes me giggle haha😭 i am really really into pop culture, half of my personality is that haha. i do work with digital arts and designing packaging and brands 🫶🏻 it’s not too personal, don’t worry ! it’s really good actually, i love the arts and anything to do with the creative process so ive pretty much always wanted to do this! and for recent movies and shows, umm i have to think about that cause i watch a lot of random stuff when i get the time haha. but i can tell you my favorite movies ! it would probably be: arrival, interstellar, scott pilgrim vs the world, black swan…warm bodies, everyday, the day after tomorrow, and i can’t think of more but there are tons lmao 🎬 im so glad you like my playlist, im surprised people heard it 😭😭🥺🥺
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ylojgtr · 3 months
i just watched patrick willem's video from 2018 on the last jedi called "what do we want from a star wars movie?" and im going to share my thoughts because no one can stop me, im 6 years late and i don't care
i like his channel a lot and i think he did a good job explaining it, but i agree maybe 50% with his main point. he says that fans who were upset with tlj were looking for the Star Wars Feeling™️ from a star wars movie, the feeling of nostalgia essentially, and that the eu normalizing explications for everything made fans less open to new stuff. the main thing *i* want to say though is about one of his supporting points: that the prequels didnt feel like star wars in that they weren't relatable like the ot.
i love the prequels man. of course, i grew up with them in a way many didn't (as well as tcw which just serves to heighten the movies), so there's definitely bias, but one thing i love about the prequels *is* that vastly different feeling. looking back, the ot could be described as campy, but every person ive talked to who saw Star Wars in 1977 said the effects and presentation were beyond any immersion they'd ever experienced before. the same cannot be said for ep. 1, even people who got into star wars from that movie (at least that ive heard), despite also being on the cutting edge of movie technology, and obviously the dialogue is way cheesier than anything written by anyone other than george lucas, but all that just adds to the vibes, ya know? the galaxy was in a different time then too, and i can't explain how much fun it is to experience these completely separate times in such a visceral way, intentional or otherwise, when watching through the saga
i hate the sequels. of the 3, tlj is far and away my favourite. i would have LOVED to see what trilogy rian johnson and his team could have cooked up if they'd been given control over the whole thing. i love tfa visually, and introduces some great characters (ahem, KYLO...also finn i love him) but just *feels* like anh remastered. if that's what you wanted, great! but for me, i was just sooo stoked to see what a new era would feel like that it really disappointed me. the main thing i hear from people who like tlj is that it takes the story in a different direction. and while i really appreciate that, and do like the force dyad stuff and finn and roses subplot and the not-lightsaber fight at the end AND what all that stuff means for the saga, it still has that feeling of sameness, at least to me, because it's trying to be something so different. the way i see it, it's trying to be *opposite* of what everyone expects, which means it needs to have that same feel in order to subvert it. which, again, is fine by me! tfa was already done and it has to fit that aesthetic to fit into the trilogy, and im just one fan. of course everyone hates ros which i guess tried to do opposite of what they did opposite in tlj? i don't know what they were on making that movie
another thing i wanted to bring up was the whole interconnectedness of the franchise. patrick brought up the eu to show how fans were taught that every detail has an explanation. no second of the ot was without a dozen books detailing what every character was doing in the background and how they came to be there. his point was that, when new characters are doing new things in unexpected ways, people don't like it cause there isn't a wookiepedia article on it yet to explain it exactly, and that that ties into why people hated tlj. i don't doubt it, but i also want to point out that that eu is a source of a lot of enjoyment too. i don't think he was denying this, or saying it was bad at all, but i just wanted to share that the eu is basically the reason im as big a fan as i am. the idea that everything is connected is appealing to me, and the way that star wars does it, where expanded material takes place in all different times and settings with no correlation to publishing date, just really appealed to me in contrast to the marvel way or any other big franchise like that. in any other series, each new installment progresses time forward. in star wars, we have infinite time to explore any era we want...which brings me back to how much i love the completely different aesthetics from the ot and pt. the variety is so refreshing. the galaxy feels so different between eras where the sequels just make it rebels vs empire again. we already have a billion books on rebels vs empire so...what expanded stories can i look forward to thats different in the sequel era? im sure there are lots, but the difference just won't be as great. also, star wars *is* goofy. patrick says it himself, bringing up that there were a lot more jokes in the ot. id argue the prequels take themselves so seriously that the seriousness becomes the goofiness (and i love it). ive said many times on this blog that i LOVE the stupid part of star wars lore. like yes, the fact that it's explained who the stormtrooper is that han killed and stole armour from and that he's fucking tarkin is SUPER UNNECESSARY but it's FUNNY AS FUCK. no one needs to know palpatines name is sheev but that's the best name ever? the problem isn't the lore, it's when people take it too seriously and don't allow for that innovation to happen that leads to more fun lore and stories. which i think is exactly what patrick was saying, he just didn't emphasize how enjoyable the unnecessary-ness of it all is and how distinct feels in different star wars eras are imperative to all these diverse avenues for story and fun to arise. (now do i think people should be able to survive lightsaber wounds? only cause of how much i love qui-gon, i admit to being a bit angry about that...but at the end of the day i don't really care that much? im here to have fun and yeah ill complain about it sometimes but just cause complaining is also fun)
that's why i love tcw (it fleshes out this distinct time period and political setting) and rebels (again, fleshes out the distinct era of extremely fleeting hope between the empire's reign and the coming of the saviour) and the heir to the empire novels (they establish a new era with a different feel—much more similar to the ot than the prequels are to the ot but still) and kotor (same as with htte but more similar to prequels) and the new jedi order and legacy (although it's also basically rebels vs empire, it has enough of a divergent story and tone that i like it) and the high republic in the disney canon (although i haven't digested as much of it as id like cause fuck disney)
but my main point: the thing i want from new star wars is a mix of things patrick seems to love,l AND things he seems to hate. yes i want it to be star wars, so there's some sort of familiar feeling there that needs to present, but i also want a twist on it. the ot was a classic fairy tale. the prequels were political thrillers (sometimes not so thrilling, but still). other stories people really liked act completely differently again, like the mandalorian being a western and also a heartwarming family bonding adventure or andor being a spy thriller and also the best star wars show. each era or sub-franchise has their distinct aesthetics and feels that future artists can make feel even more distinct and special yet theyre all connected which is just fun don't you think? the sequels would have made me a lot happier if they gave us some new ground for new feels the same way the prequels did. anyway that's my official response no one cares about to a 6 year old video. yay!
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baekhvuns · 1 year
If you're asking for my favorite, I'd say rewrite the stars. It was my second ff from you; the first one was Duke and the general, yet, rts has done something to me. Ngl, it reminds me a lot of when in Rome, expect it's Budapest ig. WHEN IN ROME WAS A MASTERPIECE ALR?? but I can't seem to find it anywhere now that i want to watch it again.
KAI AND SANHWA????? REALLY? IT ALREADY HAPPENED??? MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN HEARD??? 😭😭😭😭AND HWA'S HAIR ARE LONG???!! BROOOO- *a lego set to kai?* (dies) Whenever hwa talks about kai it's actually like he's in love. god, i'm so proud of him 🤧🤧 and sannie too. I mean finally, THEY'VE UNITED.
no im gonna wait for jimin and wooyoung, baekhyun, and jongho.
and take a look at this baeks....
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There was also a san one but i lost it :') but ykw pinterest feeds my delulu heart. It def knows a lot about me BCZ DAMN MY HEARTTT- i mean they could've been with any other artist they had to be ateez nd now im soft
omg it’s rare to find a rts fan 😭😭😭 IT DOES DOESN’T IT THATS WHAT I FELT LIKE WRITING IT AS WELL SO GLAD U LIKED IT!!!!! 123 movies or movies 2 watch.tv may have it 👀
jimin wooyoung and baekhyun jongho,, BUT IM WAITING FOR YUNHO AND KAI WHY DIDNT HE GO 🔫🔫🔫 omg those images,,, pinterest always just gotta do the most of out of everything 😭😭
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