#The perfect date fr
Eddie and Steve going to see The Princess Bride in cinema when it comes out in '87 and Eddie loves it because it's a fantasy movie and Steve loves it because it's a cheesy romance movie and they both leave the theatre with tears in their eyes after they kissed in the dark, making it the actual Most Passionate, Most Pure kiss since the invention on the kiss, leaving Westley and Buttercup's far behind
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feliciamontagues · 8 months
Was anyone going to tell me that there was a Sister Boniface Christmas special last year, or was I just supposed to happen upon that information while trying to find out when S3 comes out?
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platoniccapitalp · 1 month
Ok i finally remembered I haven’t stopped and heard the whole DECIDE album
Cuz i knew I’d like the whole djo sound, however it’s a vibe i love but haven’t got the mood to listen to in a whiiile, so i just put the album while i took a shower and…
I think i just straight up listened to everything on Djo’s spotify non stop at least three times…
It’s everything that i needed I’m not shitting you, it’s like crack cocaine to my ears, it’s chappell roan all over again, holy shit it’s so over…
It’s a genre/sound/vibe so tied to an integral part of my childhood, but like I can’t really put a finger on the exact band/artist that i listened this much with this style/genre, for me it’s incredibly tied to:
Daft Punk(duh), Gorillaz, Beck, Tame Impala and (last two albums)Arctic Monkeys
Which now thinking is hilarious cuz it’s basically synth-pop…
ya know, a big genre in the 80s…
Also all the bands are 2000ish bands which is why they were a big part of my childhood, and maybe in Joe/Djo’s childhood/teenage years he also had similar influences, plus he’s from the 90s so not that far from the 80s either (+staring in ST duh) kkkkkk
I cracked the code, case closed everyone…
Now if you’ll excuse me i shall listen to Djo’s entire discography all over again, and again, and again…
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elliesbelle · 1 year
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misssclumsy · 2 years
She's 10 but she sleeps 11 hours then she's 12
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beatlesforsale · 24 days
Genuinely flabbergasted that the dude I went down to see in Melbourne messaged me out of the blue after nOT APOLOGIZING for his abhorrent behaviour towards me after I sent him a detailed message of said behaviour and how it was incredibly disrespectful to me and he has the audacity to say "I've been in the hospital since you left Melbs fml".
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
His Perfect Victim (Mickey Altieri x OC!Dahlia Levine)
Chapter Seven: Beginning of the End
Words: 3.5k
Warnings: language, Mickey being a dick, (again, shocker) a little angst, a little fluff, phone call, (yes it’s a warning) confession of feelings.
The smut is COMING I PROMISE! We’re getting there, just slowly. As I’ve said before I’m putting a lot into this fic and for it to work out the way it’s going to, there’s a fuck ton of twists and turns. But we are progressing I swear. Mickey is really going to ruin Dahlia (in more ways than one)
Thank you to the wonderful @bisexual-horror-fan for beta and editing this for me! I love how much you love them and see just so fucking awesome at helping me bring the fic to live. Love and appreciate you so so much dude!!!
@lizey-thornberry as you wanted to be tagged :)
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As it turns out, Mickey was right. Things couldn’t just go back to normal after I made the stupid and monumental decision to kiss him. I don’t know why I thought that they would, or could. Maybe because I never had before, I hadn’t realized the impact the small action of pressing my lips to his would have, the ripple effect it would cause outward like throwing a stone into a pond.
Talking about it with Sidney in my dorm room the next day like we were a couple of fourteen-year-olds, I was met with a reaction I hadn’t expected. The words, “I kissed Mickey” left my lips, and then I felt her warm arms throw themselves around my neck as she pulled me to her, taking me a little by surprise. Sid was very similar to me in some ways, not huge on casual physical contact, but I suppose being with Derek was beginning to coax her into it. The change wasn’t unwelcome. Happiness looks good on Sidney, she looks best with a smile on her face and warm in her eyes.
I laughed, a little surprised, moving my hands to rest on her back as she pulled away, her infectious grin lighting up her face, “Look at you!” She said, dropping her arms back to her side, the beginning of the question slips out quickly, “Was that your first-“
I respond even quicker, “Yeah, it was. I mean, I don’t think Paul Miller in the fifth grade really counts.” I said with a nearly coy smile.
“Oh no, I saw that “kiss,” it definitely does not count. So what made you do it?” She pressed, pulling her legs up to sit crossed legged on my bed. I had no morning classes, so Mickey hadn’t met me with his usual coffee and a bagel, and for a brief moment I had a passing thought of how weird that was, he didn’t know my schedule that well. I did have a class twenty minutes from then, but I knew he had his film class with Randy at the same time. The thought abandoned me as I sat with Sid, blushing furiously as I recounted the experience.
“I don’t know, I mean, I guess it just felt right?” I looked down at my hands, twisting one of the rings on my fingers around and around as I spoke, “He was just being so… Mickey. But not in the way I’m used to. He was asking me if I’d ever look at him in a romantic kind of way. I guess I realized that I was starting to look at him like that, so I kissed him.” I shook my head, loose hair cascading around my shoulders as I did so, groaning a little, “It was stupid, right? I’m not ready!”
“Dahlia, you won’t know till you try.” Sidney’s friendly brown eyes looked at me as her hand found mine with a reassuring squeeze, she offered up in a show of comfort, “Maybe someone like him is exactly what you need right now?”
I furrowed my eyebrows at her, my head tilting a little to the side as I asked, “What do you mean?”
Sid hesitated for a moment, teeth sinking into her bottom lip before she let out a small sigh and answered me, “You’ve been through a lot, D. I know you’re only just getting back to your old self, but you have to admit, he’s been a big part of that,”
I opened my mouth to object, but she shook her head at me once, making me immediately clamp my lips together when I took in her serious expression, “You can’t deny it, we’ve all noticed it. When you’re around him, you get the light in your eyes we haven’t seen in, God, forever!” Sidney’s hands squeezed mine again as she bent her head down to catch my eye, “Would trying it really be the worst thing in the world?”
“I-“ I mouthed words, but nothing came out as my brain churned.
Would it?
There was no denying I was attracted to him, but so was half the student fucking body. He’d also fucked half of that same half of the student body, and I knew myself well enough to know I didn’t just want to be another notch in his bedpost. I had no idea if he really cared about me, or if this whole thing was just another game to him. I didn’t want to be a toy, I didn’t want to just be viewed as something for fun, to be played with and then be discarded when he was done.
I thought of the way he looked at me, friends didn’t look at friends like that. It was like he knew me, more than I knew him. He looked at me as if I was something to fucking eat, and it was almost too intoxicating.
I thought of the way his lips felt on mine, how right it felt, how he tasted and smelled, how his fingers dug into my hips and traced my spine. It felt so right, but there was something else behind it. A kind of urgency that at that moment I could quite put my finger on.
“All of this is moot if you don’t like him.” Sidney interrupted my train of thought, making me blink a couple of times and glance up at her. She was standing in front of me, I didn’t even notice her hands let go of mine or her standing up and putting her jacket on, “Just think about it, alright?”
I nodded my head, and she smiled down at me before giving a goodbye, a casual wave over her shoulder upon her exiting my dorm room, leaving me sat crossed legged on my bed staring at the door long after it clicked shut.
She was right, when was she not? I knew I liked him. But I had no idea if he liked me.
Fuck, I felt like I was in middle school all over again.
I groaned, falling back against my pillow and placing my arms across my face, squeezing my eyes until I saw spots behind my lids.
Then my phone rang.
I sighed, pulling my arms from my face and grabbing my shitty cell from my bedside table and flipping it open without looking at the name with a, “Hello?”
No answer, just the subtle, quiet sound of breathing at the end of the line.
I frowned, pulling the phone from my ear and glancing at the name.
Unknown Caller.
I pressed the phone back to my ear, propping up and asking more clearly, “Hello?”
The line went dead.
“Weird.” I muttered, tossing the phone back on the bedside table, forcing myself to stand up to start making my way to class.
The phone rang again, making me jump with a small gasp as I hesitantly picked it up.
I felt relieved as I saw Mickey’s name lighting up the small screen, answering him happily enough with, “I told you I don’t like getting calls.”
“Well, hello to you too, Dahl.” I could tell he had a smile on his face judging by his tone, and I couldn’t help one from spreading across mine, “What are you doing right now?”
I glanced at my watch before responding, “I’ve got class.”
His voice came through the receiver undeniably tinged with mirth, “Wanna ditch? Or are you too scared?”
He sounded so teasing, as if the words themselves were curling inside my ears, beckoning me to come out, and play. I rolled my eyes, scoffing slightly as I defend myself. “Christ, how much of a square do you think I am?”
Next he was explaining his line of thinking, “Sorry, I automatically assume you're a prude when it comes to your education as well as your lack of sex life.”
“Ouch.” I laughed, not even really feeling slightly hurt by his taunting comment. That was just the kind of guy he was.
“But seriously, I think we have stuff we need to talk about. Meet me outside your building?”
Fuck, he wanted to initiate that conversation? That, I didn’t expect.
I mumbled something about being down in a few minutes before hanging up, looking in my absent roommates floor length mirror and quickly combing my hair with my fingers, thanking the lord I had washed it last night, quickly tying a bandana around my head.
Passable, I decided with a shrug.
I quickly locked my door behind me as I left, leaving the building, and there he was, looking unfairly attractive but dressed, so simply, it made me want to bite his head off. Did the fucker know how good he looked without even trying? It’s maddening.
“Hey.” He remarked with a smile, his less than subtle once over not going amiss.
“Hi.” I suddenly felt shy, diverting my eyes down to the ground. What the hell was wrong with me? I’d basically thrown myself at this guy yesterday, and now I couldn’t even look him in the eye?
He said as much, eyebrows arching slightly as he asked, “You good? Feeling a little shy, are we?” His tone was teasing yet again, and I scoffed, forcing myself to meet his eye.
“No. Shut up, why am I ditching class?” I quickly changed the subject, maintaining casual eye contact. Well, as casual as I could muster without giving into the fact that all I wanted to do was kiss his stupid fucking lips again.
He seemed to already know that, a smile making the corners of his mouth tug up at my very obvious attempt to divert the conversation, “I want to take you somewhere.” He spoke lightly, holding his hand out for me to take.
I looked down at his outreached hand blankly, my own eyebrows raising a fraction as I asked hesitantly, “Where, exactly?”
He sighs with a nod, “Ah right, you don’t do ominous, I forgot.”
Fucking asshole.
“Library. It’s pretty dead right now because almost everyone has class around this time, so we can talk there.” His hand reached down and grabbed mine as he spoke, intertwining our fingers together, and I felt that jolt of electricity spark the moment we made contact. I tried not to show it, act like the sensation didn’t claw its way up my arm, shoot through my bloodstream and settle in my chest.
Was I crazy? Did he feel it too?
He tugged me alongside him, his winning smile lighting up his face. God, he was beautiful. I couldn’t help but look up at him as I walked alongside him.
His eyes were still bright as ever, with somewhat of a wicked gleam lurking below the deep surface of his light brown irises, and they just looked so… Inviting. He glanced down at me for a moment, his eyebrows raising a hair as he took in my clearly admiring expression. “What?” He asked with a laugh as we neared the entrance of the library. I tore my eyes away, looking at the double doors in front of me instead as I muttered, “Nothing, nothing.”
With another chuckle, he pushed the doors of the library open with one hand, still gripping mine in the other as he hauled me along with him between one of the many stacks of books and shelves.
I loved libraries. The smell of the old books and crisp paper, how quiet it was. It was like an escape, one you actively want to lose yourself in the same way you can and do lose yourself in the pages of a book.
Mickey’s hand released mine as he sat down, crossing his legs and leaning against the back wall between the stacks, gesturing next to him for me to sit down. I obliged, settling down beside him and resting my hands in my lap. He was right, of course. It was deserted, not a student, a professor or even the librarian in sight. It was quiet, comforting. I could only hear Mickey’s light breathing beside me before he spoke, his voice softer than I’d ever heard it.
“You want to talk about yesterday?”
I shrugged my shoulders timidly, not wanting to meet his gaze that I knew was concentrated on my face.
“Do you?” I asked, keeping my voice as soft and quiet as his was.
“I do. You took me a little by surprise, didn’t know you had it in you. You don’t seem like that kind of person who just-“
“I’m not shy or anything.” I interrupted him, suddenly feeling a little defensive, “It was stupid, I know. But honestly? I’m not upset I did it.” I made myself look at him, watching as his expression shifted to one of subtle surprise as he asked in mild disbelief, “You’re not?”
I shook my head, moving my arm to prop my elbow on my knees, so I could rest my face in my hand as I looked up at him, “I’m not. I know that may come as a surprise to you because you see me as shy, but I thought about it a lot last night, and I’m glad I did it.”
He was quiet for a moment, this time him dragging his gaze from me to stare blankly at the wall far ahead of him. His full lips pursed slightly, clearly deep in thought, before he asked, “Why?”
“Why am I glad?” He nodded once, still not looking at me. I knew how I felt, I knew I had to tell him. I’d spent too long as an emotionless zombie and just surviving rather than living. As both Sidney and Randy had pointed out, he was the only person that’s been able to reignite the fire I used to have, to make me feel like a person again. I couldn’t deny I had feelings for him, that was pointless. I was sick of playing pretend, acting like I didn’t. What was the use in pretending like I just wanted him to be a friend?
I knew there was always the chance he didn’t feel the same way, but it really didn’t bother me. I had to do what I never did and just shoot my shot because I knew that if I didn’t, I’d regret it for the rest of my life. In hindsight, maybe it would have been better for me if I just kept my mouth shut. But alas, I opened my mouth and said it. Six words that were going to change the trajectory of literally everything.
“Because I have feelings for you.”
There was no taking them back once it was all out there. This head practically snapped in my direction as soon as the words were out of my mouth and his jaw seemed to relax slightly, his eyes boring into my face.
“Feelings? Come on, Dahl.” He didn’t say it in a rude or snarky kind of way. His tone was off slightly however, a slight edge to the words as though it was almost a warning.
I ignored the hidden tone, dropping my hand from my face and turning to face him properly, looking him dead in the eyes. “I’m not the kind of person who throws myself at people, but you… You’re just…” I couldn’t find the words as I watched his expression soften, the hard brown in his eyes switching to something I could only describe as melting chocolate. I felt his hand gently touch my cheek and I leaned into it slightly, eyes fluttering closed.
“Feelings.” He whispered it, so quietly I wasn’t even sure he’d really said it, as if he can’t believe it. He must have known there was something going on here, but this was not what he’d been expecting, clearly.
My eyes stayed closed as I felt his lips gently brush mine, soft as a feather and just so… Careful. Like he was afraid he’d break me.
I hummed, light, an involuntary reaction without a melody as I felt his lips against mine a little more firmly before he pulled back, making my eyes open and look at him confused.
“You can’t have feelings for me.” He sounded sad and his face completely gave him away. He looked tormented by something in his own head, his head shaking from side to side, “You were right with what you said last night. You don’t know me.”
“But I know enough.” I insisted.
He laughed a humourless laugh, his hand moving to run across his hair as he continued shaking his head, “You really don’t, Dahlia. If you did, there's no way you’d have feelings for me.” He said the word feelings as though it disgusted him.
Fuck, this guy switched up fast. I decided to match his energy.
“What the fuck is your problem, Mickey? You make me skip class, drag me to the deserted fucking library to talk about what happened last night and what, now you’re mocking me for being honest with you?”
“I’m not mocking you, Dahlia. I’m stating a fact.” He rolled his eyes, refusing to look at me.
“I asked you if we could pretend like it never happened, if we could be just friends. You’re the one who said we could never be “just friends.”. Fuck.” I stuck my fingers up in air quotations as I spoke, feeling stupid and naive. Of course, he didn’t want me, why would he? The whore that was Mickey Altieri sluts around campus, why the hell would he want to start slumming it with the resident freak?
He speaks and it is so annoying and thoroughly him, “I was gonna tell you if you want to fuck, we can fuck. But I don’t do… That shit.”
I laugh bitterly and bite out, “Oh, don’t worry. I don’t want ‘that shit’ with you now anyway. God, you’re an asshole, you know that?”
He didn’t speak, eyes still staring down at his clenched fists and his brows furrowed.
“Whatever, I don’t need this shit, especially not from you. Bye, Mickey.” I moved to stand up but felt his large hand grip my bicep tightly, keeping me beside him on the floor. “Get the fuck off me.” I snapped, struggling, but his grip hardened, refusing to let me move.
He speaks louder than he has all afternoon, louder than he should in a library. “Can you just let me explain? I don’t do relationships, Dahlia. I never have. Like, come on! Do I seem like that kind of guy interested in monogamy to you?”
He had a point.
“I fuck, I leave. It’s a habit that I don’t think I know how to break. But you. You fucking get to me and I absolutely hate it.” The words are genuine, and he seems so upset that they are, like he wished that they weren’t true.
I stopped struggling, pausing to look at him in confusion as he continued talking.
“I know I’ll hurt you eventually, and I don’t want to do that. Really, you have no fucking idea how much I don’t want to do that. I’m giving you an out.”
“I don’t want an out, you stupid asshole.” I snapped, frowning at him as his lips twitched in a slight smile at my choice of words. Dick. “You don’t know that you’ll do any of that unless you try. How fulfilling is it, screwing without purpose? Banging and ditching over and over?”
“Very. Very fulfilling, maybe you should try it. That’s all I can offer you.” His smile widened as he took in my expression, clearly feeling me waver just slightly before I shook my head.
“I’m not fucking you just to fuck you, Mick.” I insisted, hoping I’d reach him.
He sighed, he’s falling back against the wall behind him as he finally let my arm go, but I didn’t move. He had some kind of spell over me, I didn’t want to go anywhere.
“So you’ll only let me fuck you if I’m dating you, huh? How long into it can I, a week?”
I scoffed, shaking my head no.
He asked next, tone hopeful, smile small, looking over at me through the corner of his eye, “Week and a half?”
“When the moment is right, maybe.” I told him, my own smile lurking on the corners of my mouth.
“And I can’t fuck other people in the meantime?” He asked with an honest curiosity.
“No.” I say firmly.
He looked thoughtful for a second, his eyes scanning over me in the way I once hated, but now was growing to love. I liked the way he looked at me like I was something to eat, and it honestly made me want to force him to wait even longer before he could touch me.
“Fine.” He said quietly. I pretended not to hear, cupping my ear and leaning toward him with a sly, “Hm? What was that?”
He laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me close to him, adjusting himself against the wall, so he was face to face with me as he said, with the most beautiful smile I’d ever fucking seen on his face, “I said fine, let’s try it. Let’s date.”
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girlcrushau · 6 months
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#me? about to use tumblr as a diary again? in 2024? unfortunately:/#but here have a waterfall i saw on a hike last week as payment#i am sO tired and exhausted emotionally after dating#there's this guy that i fr thought was going to last and be around for a long time. we spent like every moment together that we could for 2#months straight and if we werent physicaly together we were texting or calling or on ft . just every part of our day had the other in it#not once did i ever feel unwanted undesired or uncared for. not once did i feel that i wasnt sure of his intentions. i felt safer with him#in those 2 months than i ever did with any one else i could think to compare to.#until one day he just didnt think it important to communicate any more. after 3 days of nearly nothing .. hardly any talking . i asked if#he was ok if we were ok. what was going on in his head. he said some ive just been with my buddies and family and havent been on my phone#and just. immediately thats heartbreak yanno. thats :// thats what they say when theres a new girl. but there'd never been a reason to think#there was another girl so i was like ok we're gonna trust bc this dude has been So good in every way. so i said imy but i understand. enjoy#your time with your buddies and with your fam -- i cant wait to hear about it (and hold you)#and i havent heard from him in the 3 weeks since. just randomly#so last night#i send the dreaded 'i miss you' text.#i dont expect to hear back and i accept the hurt that will come with that and the confusion that i've felt settles deeper into my heart#until this afternoon i hop on ig and see a hard launch that was posted an hour after my text was sent#that shit kinda hurt different. but also sent me into a bit of a delirious state where all i could do is laugh bc are you for fucking real#did she see my message? i know it. bc i know him and i know that he wouldnt hide anything from the person he's giving his heart#and his softness to. i can almost imagine how he showed her and promised her theres nothing to worry about#and there really isnt anything to worry about because he genuinely is the type to give his all to the relationship he's in#which feels silly to say after what happened w us. like no there wasnt a title ever#it sucks to call it a situationship because a month ago we were laughing in bed together about how we could never bc we were all in.#just the timing of the hard launch makes me giggle. did my text push them to have a conversation about what they are. was she really the#reason that he went away on me.#im trying not to blame myself . trying not to think about the phone calls i didnt answer. about what i could have done differently. trying#not to think about where we would be if i didnt let my anxieties hold me back. if i wasnt scared about what he'd think of the parts of me#that i keep hidden just a little bit longer than the rest.#and at the same time im trying not to put him on a pedestal. but that pedestal is just where i wholeheartedly believe he belongs#he set the bar for me. he set the standard. i was never too much. i was never too little. he made me feel perfect just as i am
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tehzeldamaster · 2 years
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Steinbell Week Day 5 Prompt: Respite
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widevibratobitch · 7 months
aaaaaaand it's starting. mom's bestie just texted me asking to come over this weekend cause it's Bad and it's probably the last chance to talk and maybe say goodbye to my mom's husband and i need to take care of her. god. i wont get through this weekend unless im high or drunk istg.
#time to slightly overdose my depression meds again ig lol#anyway. it is a little better with me these last two weeks. turns out the meds do work when you actually take em regularly#but first my best friend's break up that she's blowing up to unimaginable size#acting as if she just got divorced with the love of her life after 20 years#and not ended a few months long relationship with a guy who's been the source of most of her troubles since the moment they started dating#(ofc she's valid and id never tell her that because like. i get it. some people feel stuff more deeply. but its hard to be supportive#when you genuinely feel like this is the best possible outcome for her and that the relationship was only dragging her down all this time)#and now this. and this is gonna be infinitely worse. and then it's gonna get a million times worse when he actually does die.#and i feel like the worst most selfish person ever which like. probably am. but i did tell my cousin who actually knows my mom really well#and she said she understands and that my fears ARE valid because SHE'S terrified of how she's gonna handle my mom#and she wouldn't wanna be me in that situation cause it's gonna be so much worse for me lmao#like i feel like people who know my mother casually really dont understand just how unhinged emotionally she is#anyway. i feel so overwhelmed. i cant handle this jesus.#but im also emotionally unavailable and refuse to actually confide in another person because i dont want to be a bother <3333#god i love tumblr. i can literally type anything in those tags lol it's the perfect form of venting since you can just scroll by#but i will still have let it out of myself anyway uwu i literally dont need that therapy fr#anyway. i feel so unbelievably fucking lonely and on one hand it's my own fault for withdrawing and refusing to ask for help.#but on the other hand. i AM alone. like there's no one who can help me in this particular situation.#i have no siblings. obviously my dad isnt gonna help. it all falls down to me. good god. i wanna throw up.
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godnectar · 8 months
our goddess showed us her beautiful hands again!!
but no fr I'd love to hold hands with you and spend valentine's day together 🩷🩷🩷
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ghxstic · 2 years
guys, i love gyutaro.
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archipelagolago · 2 years
good things but personal so hiding in the tags
#its been a year now and WHEN will the honey moon phase be over im going ridiculous fr fr#our anniversary is literally on new years which is so fucking picturesque or whatever the word is i hate it (lying)#i got us matching bracelets and she lost hers that same day im literally so in love with her#and she told her siblings about us and her sister was just like. yeah obviously 🤨#and then later her brother when her parents waiting in the restaurant for a table and me & her & him were in the car and he said yeah.#i figured 🙄 and then he came out to us and i love him. i love her family so much i feel unreal#and her parents literally dont know were dating. like genuinely. i dont know what they think but it works. they said next time they all go#home to the philippines they want me to come. i dont understand why they like me so much & im so scared of the day theyll find out im#dating their daughter and start hating me. but rn i feel so happy so its ok#and her mom said shes thinking of taling spamish classes at my community college and i should take them with her. even though i speak#spanish from home but i can help her#her family is just so kind to me and it makes me feel soooo i dont even know. everything#i just never thought i would be this happy its so impossible for me to understand or accept it#and everything with us is never perfect but its so much love and i feel so lucky its scaring me#i feel like im dreaming im so scared to wake up and lose it all#and its all been so hard and is going to be even harder but its worth it. more than anything and thats even more terrifying than#all the bullshit#but its good its good its good#louie type
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noxtivagus · 2 years
happy weekend ! 🤍 ( technically pulled an all-nighter but i have newfound energy for some reason ) 🥹
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mbat · 3 days
i cant stop remembering the best minecraft cave i ever saw that i will never find again 🫠 i know mc servers dont let just anyone do /seed so that they dont cheat but fuuuck sometimes i wish they did
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m00sebaby · 19 days
just having a bit of a ramble dont mind me
#having a boyfriend who likes sports is wild and exciting to me#its been a year and its still like#oh? you want to put the tennis match on one monitor and the football game on the other while i watch baseball on my phone?#you want to wake up early to watch liverpool?#he asks me questions like about why luke weaver was so excited to get his first save on the yankees#and despite bemoaning it at first shows genuine interest in footy matches when theyre on#to the point of learning all of the players and already knowing we love darwin no matter what he does#and then to the point of agreeing to extend our trip to dublin in case liverpool made it to the europa final#and THEN to the point of asking if anyone else interesting was playing in the final after liverpool lost against atalanta#and further to the point of saying if i won a kit if he could have it#and even FURTHER to the point of sitting with me in a pub in dublin to watch the last liverpool match of the season#and then when we watch american football he explains different positions to me and like knows so much?#and same for hockey#and when he was asked to go to a hockey game in front of me all of 4 months into our relationship#he said 'i should ask liza if she wants to come because she'd be mad if she missed out on a game like that'#meanwhile the guy who asked him had his gf next to him and she was like 'can i go?' and he said 'if you want to'#like just the fact that my mans knows how stupidly important sports are to me and hes fully embraced it#and absolutely listens to me hurl absolute abuse at the television when my team lets me down#and not that i've ever vibed with the idea of subconsciously dating a guy who is like your dad#(i love my father dearly but many core facets of his personality drive me insane to no end plus i did that for many years and boy howdy. no#but the only other person to ever fully embrace and actively try to enjoy the sports i like is my dad#and its just such a loved feeling. i have never felt so so loved before.#like in a way thats not predicated on what i do or how i act its just like he loves me for me. everything else is a bonus.#i feel lighter. i feel like hes a gift. i have never experienced so much trouble in such a small amount of time while feeling so... ok??#like he isnt perfect at verbally comforting me all the time but he makes up for that by just being present and warm no matter what#i just could not be happier and feel more secure#sometimes i say 'i want to date you forever' and he hits me with '... and never get married?" and i have to fight to be vaguely normal#like oh lmao you like. you like me fr fr?? wild#anyways back to sports ignore me
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