#The test of the soundproofing? Oh you know
milksnake-tea · 1 month
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━━ say you still dare to dream .
Sunday has lost everything. His status, his home, his sister, all of it has slipped through his fingers, all for a failed attempt at salvation. Now imprisoned and destined to live his life in shameful shadow, you, his former subordinate, appear to offer him one last chance of redemption.
sunday x gn!reader
contains: aftermath of 2.3, depression, sunday at his lowest
word count: 1.5k
a/n: depressed sunday is my favorite sunday. like damn bro you got BROKEN ig this is what being rammed by a train 8 times does to a man... ANYWAYS. DONT TAKE THIS TOO SERIOUSLY THIS IS JUST ME DOING SOME WRITING PRACTICE WITH BEING DRAMATIC hunches over and dies
taglist: @sh0jun , @themoderatelyawesomeninja , @xphantasmagoriax , @rainswept , @lucensei , @akutasoda , @naraven , @scribs-dibs , @apathicace , @flurrina
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“I can only allow you a few minutes at most,” says the woman in purple.
A devil in velvet, that was what they called her. Although she may not look like much - from a distance, you’d mistake her as yet another filthy rich vacationer of Penacony - up close, her snake-like eyes and elegantly poised stature, always ready to strike unsuspecting prey, told you just how dangerous she was.
Lady Bonajade, the Stoneheart of Credit and the most deranged loan shark the galaxy had to offer. She who does the impossible and creates miracles for the price of one’s livelihood.
She, who is currently the master who holds the life of the fallen Oak Family Head in her perfectly manicured hands.
You meet her chilling gaze with steeled eyes. With a deep breath, you force down the lodge in your throat.
“I understand.”
Jade smiles. It is neither threatening nor comforting, although you cannot help but feel unsettled by her calm amusement.
“Most of the Family has turned their back on Mr. Sunday,” she comments, crossing her arms and tapping one nail against her arm. “Why haven’t you, I wonder? Surely, a mere subordinate wouldn’t be so loyal to a traitor of this degree.”
You know better than to answer her. After all, all of her questions are rhetorical - tests. She already knows their answers, she just wants to hear them come from your lips.
But you don’t give her that satisfaction. Your silence is answer enough.
You walk past her and come before a heavily armored vault door. A bit much, in your opinion, for a man who has spent the majority of his life asleep. But he is also the man who had taken control of the Asdana system and nearly ascended into Aeonhood, so this level of security is to be expected.
Hundreds of locks and gears turn before the doors open with a hiss and a billowing of smoke. With a mental prayer to Xipe for strength, you step into the dark cell.
There’s little to no light in the small room, leaving you to wonder how Sunday had managed to stay sane all this time. You already know the cells are essentially soundproof, and with so little light, the Family’s prisoners were shut off from the rest of the world and their senses.
The brief rustle of chains catches your attention, and you turn your gaze to the iron throne at the center of the room.
Oh, how far he has fallen.
Once gleaming gold has lost its luster, reflecting not sympathy nor love like you had known them to, but defeat and a resigned acceptance. Fair skin has become drained and faded like that of a corpse. Feather-like hair, once so meticulously cared for, is ruined and frayed.
Bound are the hands that would never raise against another, and shackled are the wings that have never known flight. Caged is the bird who has known no other home; only now, his gilded shackles have become sullied, ugly, disdainful.
He is hollow, empty in every sense of the word - drained of what little vitality he once had.
“Sir,” comes your whisper. He doesn’t respond.
Your footsteps are heavy as you approach. Sunday’s head is bowed - something his pride would’ve never allowed back in the day.
Once upon a time, you had found his arrogance annoying, hypocritical even. Yet at the same time, it was endearing, knowing that even the perfect and saint-like Sunday had his faults. In a sense, it had brought him down to earth, it had made him human.
Seeing him like this, so despondent and defeated, makes you long for the days where he’d scoff at the IPC or make back-handed compliments for his own sick pleasure.
“Sir,” you repeat. You stop before him, and kneel down to one knee.
Sunday’s eyes flick to meet yours, before dropping down to his lap, as if he couldn’t bear to look at you. Out of guilt, or out of scorn, you don’t know.
“Why have you come?”
Your heart aches at his voice. It cracks from the days without use, deeper than his typical chirp.
“I am a sinner, a traitor to the Family.” Not once does he meet your gaze again as he speaks. “Visiting me…”
He exhales.
“You should leave.”
“I won’t.”
His hands clench from where they’re bound to the arms of his throne. Briefly, annoyance flashes over him, before he lets it wash away with a slump of his shoulders.
“It would be easier if you just- left me here,” he says painstakingly. “I am of no use to you anymore - if anything, I am a stain. Abandoning me… is the logical thing to do.”
“You and your logistics,” you sigh. “Did it never once occur to you that I cared for you as a person, and not just as my superior?”
His eyes are shaking. Sunday’s expression is pained, like that of a grieving mother.
“Why?” he asks again, his face straining as he tries to understand. “Why are you here?”
Your answer is simple. “To free you.”
Bitterly, the corners of his lips twitch in a cynical chuckle.
“You of all people should know that I was not meant for freedom,” he mutters.
You shake your head. “That is what you believe. Lady Bonajade and I agree that you deserve to have this chance.”
“Lady Jade, huh?” Resentment flashes in his irises as he scoffs. “So you intend to coerce me into accepting charity from the IPC?”
Hurt pangs at your chest and you flinch. “That isn’t-”
“Spare me the concern,” Sunday spits, turning his head. “I may have fallen, but I still have my pride. If that’s all you have to say, you can leave.”
For a moment, you are speechless. Then you are indignant, and you rise slightly, your brows furrowed.
“Why are you so willing to accept your fate?” you ask, almost angrily.
Sunday exhales. “What else am I expected do?”
“This can’t be how your story ends." Your fist balls up the fabric of your pants in its grip. “Locked away, isolated from the rest of the world - that can’t be what you want. It is too cruel a fate for you.”
For you, who loved humanity so deeply.
“Tell me,” you say, gazing up at the man who had torn his skin and carved his heart for the people. “Tell me you want to be freed, and I will do so. I’ll take care of everything. All I need is for you to say that you want it.”
He shakes his head, his eyes squeezing shut.
“I don’t understand,” he whispers after a moment of silence. “Why, for me…”
“What is there to understand?”
“This is unreasonable,” he starts.
“Not for me, it isn’t,” you say softly. “If it’s for you, nothing is unreasonable.”
His voice raises, trembling upon its crumbling pedestal, panic seeping into every word. “I don’t deserve that kindness - that mercy. I am a sinner, I am a traitor, I am-”
“You are a man worth saving.”
Sunday’s eyes fly open. He stares at you, eyes wide with surprise, his lips parted as to say something, only for the words to die on his tongue.
Your neck is beginning to hurt from how long you’ve been looking up at him, but you push the pain aside.
“The Sunday I knew was kind and gentle,” you say, subconsciously leaning forward. Pent-up emotions, cumulated through the years, begin to bleed into your voice, weighing it down. “He always looked out for the weak, and cared when no one else did. He put others before himself, and even if he was a little arrogant, he was selfless.”
“No,” Sunday protests weakly. “I am not- You- I-”
“You are so much more than you allow yourself to be.”
Rising from the floor, your knees aching slightly, you gently take the face of the fallen angel in your hand. Cradling him like glass, you force him to look at you, to look one of the many he’d betrayed in the face, and see the love for him despite it all.
“Sunday, do you wish for freedom?”
For the many years you’ve worked under him, his eyes have always been a cold gem, calm and unfettered. Never have you seen them glossy with tears, threatening to break at any moment.
You see fear and desire clashing as he grapples for the first time, a choice not for the people, but for himself. You see the beliefs that have been molded into him beginning to crack. You see the caged bird gaze at the world beyond his bars, and for the first time, want to soar beyond them.
Sunday’s lips open and close as he struggles to find the right words to say.
“Where will I go?” he asks instead, tearing his gaze away. It is answer enough.
You smile softly.
“Anywhere you desire.”
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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shujohajohaminnie · 7 months
Be louder for me
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Genre: Smut
Content: 18+ Minors dni
Word Count: 1714
Summary: During a late night at the studio, things get heated, will the rest of the members find out. 
A/N: I read through it but there could be a couple of things I missed
Afab!reader, Profanity, Pet names, Raw Sex, Public sex, Cunnilingus
It was late, you were starting to doze off. You were hoping that Chan meant it when he said five minutes. He had already told both Han and Changbin to go back to the dorm, it was extremely late. Even for them. “Channie how much longer” You whined failing to hold your head in your hands. He had practiced his part of the song so many times you couldn’t keep track. “Alright… I’m ready to record now” he nodded with a smile. “How long is that gonna take” You groaned pushing the red button to connect you to the sound booth. “About ten minutes… then we can go home” “Promise?” “No” “Ugh” You placed your head on the table trying to gather the strength. “Okay to record press the green button on the board”.You lifted your head looking at the board in front of you. What Chris failed to mention was just how many green buttons there were on this board. “This one?” “No the one on the top” “This one?” “To the left” “This one?” “Okay down one” “This one?” “Yup that's the one baby” He smiled sending you a thumbs up. How could you stay mad at him, he was just so cute. 
“Cut” You pressed the blue button to stop the recording. “Scrap it” he waved off, running his hands over his face. You turned to the computer, taking the clip he just recorded and deleting it. He was frustrated, and rightfully so, this just wasn’t working the way he wanted it to. It was nothing you were doing, but him. He couldn’t hit the note like he thought he could. He was coming in too late and cutting off too early.  “Honey you’re tired we should get you to bed” You yawned taking a sip of the energy drink you were sharing with Chan. It wasn’t doing its job, because with every sip you were feeling more and more tired. “I know” he groaned throwing his head back” “Let me try one more time” He groaned rubbing his face awake. You pressed the record button then pressed the voice button. “You want more monster?” “Yeah let me see if it’ll work” You nodded, grabbing the can and walking over to the booth. You opened the door and handed it to Chan. He reached, but not for the beverage. He took your wrist pulling you closer. Planting a kiss on your lips. “Chris” You gasped, you almost dropped the drink. The last time someone spilled anything in the booth you didn’t hear the end of it from-. “Let's put this down… before we get yelled at by Seungmin again” He whispered, taking the can from your hand and placing it on the side table that was in the booth. He turned back to you, placing a hand on your waist and pushing you against the wall. His plush lips placing butterfly kisses on your jawline, and down to your neck. 
“Chris… what if someone hears us” “It’s soundproof baby… we could be as loud as we want” He smirked kneeling in front of you. Maybe it was the tiredness talking but you really wanted to test that theory. “What if someone see’s us” “Its four in the morning honey… who in their right minds is going to be here at this time” He was right. You really couldn’t be as loud as you wanted to in your daily lives. No with the boys constantly at the dorm, and your elderly neighbors complaining about everything you did back in your apartment. He pulled both your sweatpants and underwear down slowly. Taking them completely off and helping your leg onto his shoulder. Oh were you excited for him to hear just how good he made you feel. He kissed up your thigh closer and closer to you sopping pussy. How could you not be horny. Producer Chan was your weakness. You loved the way he spoke when he was in producer mode. So professional, so concentrated, so hot. He placed a single kiss on your clit before he began to suck and swirl his tongue around it. 
“Oh my-” You moaned, grabbing his hair. Hearing your filthy moans turning him on quicker than anything. He’s been wanting to hear you so badly lately, already getting a little taste after one evening that he got the dorm for himself. He wanted more, he needed more.  "That noise...keep making it." He encouraged bringing his fingers to your entrance not wasting any time to sink them into you. “Oh fuck” You moaned loudly throwing your head back against the soundproof wall. “Fuck CHRIS”. You only ever called him Chris on two separate occasions one, when you were angry with him or wanted him to understand how serious you were about a situation. Two, when you both were having sex and he was making you feel really good. You call him Chan and Channie, all day it wasn’t anything special anymore. Someone could say it could be confusing for him when you do it, but it wasn’t because it was all in the way you said it. One way you would say it in a stern serious voice in the other- “Chris” You moaned loudly tightening around his fingers as you felt that all so familiar feeling in your lower stomach. 
“You gonna cum baby? You want to cum on daddy’s face?” He groaned roughly on your pussy, you bit you lip and nodded, he couldn’t see you. Not with his head buried into your heat, oh but he knew you. “Use your words my pretty girl” “Yes” You moaned out loudly tugging on his hair to keep him there in between you legs, but really he had no intention of moving. “Yes what… you wanna cum on daddy’s face and fingers” “Yes yes” You whined nodding you head. “Then cum for me… cum for me baby” He says, speeding up the rate in which his fingers dove in and out of your pussy, his tongue swirling around and sucking on your clit faster as well. You moaned loudly arching your back off the wall. Not a second later your were cumming on his fingers and face. “FUCK CHRIS” You scream feeling your legs shake subtly, threatening to give in right undereath you. Chris toke note of this and stood up quickly pulling down his pants and boxers. He pulled you closer and grabbed you by your hips picking you up. 
You wrapped your legs around him and kissed his plump lips. “So wet for me baby” He whispered against your lips causing chills to run down your spine. You gasped feeling the tip of his hard cock rub against your clit and entrance. “You ready for me baby?” He whispered against your lips looking into your eyes hungrily. You bit your lip and nodded. “Yes” You whispered looking down. “Good girl” He smirked pushing into you, your mouth dropped open and you threw your head back giving him the opportunity to kiss your neck, and he took it. Placing messy kisses on your neck as you stretched around him. He held you still knowing you needed some time to adjust to him. You always did. You bite your lip out of habit. He shook his head looking at you. “No baby, don’t bite your pretty lips, I want to hear you, wanna hear how good I’m making you feel” 
“Chris” You breathe out moving your hips against him. He knew you were ready, so he pulled out slowly and slid back in. “Fuckkkkkkk” He groans his eyes rolling back in pleasure. “You feel so good around me baby. So tight baby”. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer. “Fuck Chris feels so good… s-so big” You cry out kissing his neck sucking his soft supple skin. “Marking me baby… want everyone know i’m yours” Chan grunts picking up the pace slamming into you. “Yes” “Yes what baby” “Yes… youre mine” “I’m yours baby… and your mine… my pretty girl” He whispers his fingers digging into your hips as he fucks into you faster and harder, surely leaving marks to remind you of your sinful actions tomorrow. 
“Ah oh my God CHRIS” You scream tightening around his cock. He groans leaning his head back. “Fuck princess you gonna cum… you gonna cum for daddy” “Yes” “Cum baby… cum around daddy’s fat cock” “Chris FUCK!” 
Han sighed a smile on his face, for the first time in a while he slept really well, and all thanks to Chan releasing him early. As soon as he got back to the dorm he skipped his nighttime routine immediately laying in bed. The second his head hit the pillow he knocked out. He was definitely well-rested. Changbin walked in behind him with two coffees in hand. It was just going to be them too for now. Chan asked them to come in an hour before so they could go over the vocals and see if there was anything that needed adjusting. “Bin look at this” Jisung laughed seeing the length of the audio recorded last night.  “He always does that… he always forgets to cut it off” Changbin laughed sitting down next to him. “Let's get just his part and cut the rest yeah?” Han nodded pushing the play button” “Ahh oh my God CHRIS” They both turned to look at each other in shock, it couldn’t be. Oh but it was, an audio recording of the two of you having sex. Having sex in the booth everyone had to use. “Gross” Changbin immediately paused it 
“Dude” Han sighed running his hand over his face. “I know were gonna have to move studios again” “Not that… he didn’t record his part… he’s not coming in till later, we’re going to be behind” “That's what your worried about” “Yes… I don’t want to stay late… I value my sleep thank you very much”
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jedi-luca · 1 year
Something’s in the Air - Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x Beefy!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk (graphic image inside)
Summary: Natasha returns from a mission after being exposed to a chemical that makes her extremely, extraordinarily feral for you. 
Reader has a penis; no pronouns used.
Part 1 can be found on @dirtyvulture page
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3 Hours Later
“We should probably get out of here.” You chuckled looking at the destroyed hospital bed before looking back at your girlfriend. She was looking at you in a way that simultaneously scares and turns you on. “Nat?” You croak feeling her clench you.
“Oh we’re not going anywhere.” Natasha used the sheer power of her thighs to straddle you. “I need you Y/N. So badly it’s like I'm in pain without you inside of me.”
“Babe, we've been going at it for like 3 hours now. I want breakfast and sleep.” 
“I need you so badly it hurts.” She mewled, rocking her push against your flexing abs.
“Maybe Dr. Cho has an antidote to this exposure.” You say, hating the thought of her in pain. “Give me a chance to get hard again. Get on my face.” you say already pulling her by the hips.
Natasha eagerly turned around lowering her hips. She needed to squirt and when she relented control she would be shaking, eyes rolling to the back of her head, Russian words fleeting her lips because she can’t even distinguish English from Russian. She shook with anticipation, feeling your lips kissing her thighs.
You swiped your tongue causing the ex-assassin to let out a long moan as she felt your lips wrap around her bud. You enter her with two fingers making her gasp. Her hips were rocking roughly against your mouth and fingers. You kept one hand against her abdomen.
Your voluptuous girlfriend looked down at your semi. Her mouth salivated. She was embarrassed to say she definitely drooled a bit on you before lifting your member, and fully stuffing you down her throat.
You groaned, sending vibrations against her clit causing Natasha to moan. Sending the same vibrations with you down her throat. She could feel your abs flexing and your toes stretching. It always made her unbelievably wet when she made you moan or twitch. She gasped feeling your fingers tapping inside of her. Winding up her coil in a way only you know how.
Meanwhile outside the door of an Un-soundproofed room
“Bruce you know how I feel about bringing your work in here.” Steve furrows his brows walking into the kitchen seeing Bruce and Cho typing on their laptops. Test tubes along the table.
“Yeah Natasha and Y/N are occupying that area at the moment.” He chuckled, taking his glasses off looking at a giggling Cho.
“Well then just move them!” Steve huffed before turning on his heel.
“Cap, I don't recommend going that way.” Cho and Bruce said in unison.
“Why?” He huffed.
“Natasha was exposed to a hydra chemical.” Doctor Cho said with a sigh. “We’re trying to find an antidote now.”
“Oh well I’ll go check on her.”
“Cap, Y/N is with her.” Bruce said, looking at him in a way Steve couldn’t comprehend.
“Oh good, I needed to talk to Y/N anyway.” He smiled Before Cho or  Bruce could say another word Steve was going up the stairs and down the hall.
“This should be good.” Tony cackled watching him go up as he brought his team an iced coffee and a boom box that dummy was carrying.
Steve stopped in his tracks the moment he heard the moaning and ran back down. “They’re doing it.” He said cringing as running past them. 
“Oh I can’t make this shit up.” Tony laughed before blaring some AC DC.
Back in the medbay
“Y/N.” She breathes out, popping you out of her mouth suddenly. Natasha’s mouth went agape feeling a great pressure in her core before feeling herself release into your mouth like a waterfall. “Oh my God yessss.”
Natasha moved away from your mouth and gripped you with her hand.
“Fuck baby.” You both moaned as she slid her velvet walls down your shaft.
“You feel sooooo good.” Natasha gasped, placing one hand on your chest and the other on your thigh. Using momentum to rock her hips. “So good, so good!” She chanted rocking and rocking until she quivered above you. Squelching sounds of your combined fluids filled the room, and the pristine crisp smell of clean chemicals was long gone. The only smell was the scent of sex.
You caught her before she fell against your chest. You could see tears in her eyes as her pussy convulsed around you. “I love you so much.” She cried against your forehead.
“I love you too baby. So much.” You say softly in her ear before taking her wrists behind her back with one hand. The other hand wraps around her throat as you thrust up.
“Yeah! Ooooh!” She lets out a throaty groan trying to meet your thrusts. Wiggling and circling her hips. She was so wild, more so than when you were both stuck on an island for 3 weeks.
You moan pulling out quickly causing Natasha to clench around nothing. “No back inside.” She muttered trying to grip you, but you sat up with her in your lap. You slip back inside of her. 
“Yes!” She cries out gasping for air kissing you with both hands roughly before breaking gasping for breath. She chanted yes as you suckled on her neck her breathing picking up and her hips rocking faster and faster. 
Natasha hooks her arm around you moaning as she arches back, throwing back her hair. “Fuck.” She groans using her other arm to help with momentum. You trail your lips from the nape of her neck down to her rosy nipples. Squeezing and sucking leaving marks in your wake.
You can feel the pressure inside of her. She's so close. Her clit is hitting your flexed abs with every rock she makes. Your hands felt like they were everywhere and your lips and tongue took a hold of her. The red head wrapped both arms around you squeezing you as she came apart. You could feel the rush of liquid and drops of her tears against your skin. “Ooh fuck ohhh Y/N it feels so good!” She cried against your neck. “It feels - so fucking good.” She moaned humping you over and over again as her orgasim continued.
You grunted pulling out before you exploded.
“Fuck Nat!” You say throwing her around until she was on all fours dripping like a fire hydrant. She loved when you were at this stage almost like a caveman. She loved how tiny she is compared to you. She looked back looking at the way your muscles gleamed with sweat. The veins running down your abs to your thick cock made her impossibly even hornier. 
“You’re so insatiable.” You pant, sweat running down your body.
She whined.
“Get back inside.” She whimpered against the pillow with her ass up in the air. 
“Don’t be a brat baby.” You say gruffly slapping her ass before palming her ass cheeks.  
She whined. “Please keep going, don't stop.”
You slap her ass a few times before sheathing yourself deep inside of her.
“Yes, yes, oh Y/N, don’t stop! Don’t ever fucking stop.” She moaned, meeting your harsh thrusts. She could feel the tension in her shoulders begin to melt away when you held her back letting your hands massage her.
You felt Natasha reach below her body to massage her clit meeting your thrusts as you railed into her.
“You like that baby?” 
She groans in response, drooling on her pillow as her pussy convulses around you. You slap her ass at her lack of response. “Yes! Oh so much! So much. I’m so close.”
You began drilling your hips faster and faster against her favorite spot.
“Just like that! Just like that! Don’t stop! Don’t stop im so close! Im so close.”
You could feel your own release nearing. You grunted drilling faster and harder than before making your girlfriend speak in Russian begging for you to keep going.
“Oh fuck Nat this is it baby I can’t hold it anymore.”
“Let go baby, fill me up.” She spoke in her mother tongue. “I'm so ready.” you felt her convulse knowing she was near and so were you.
You groaned shooting ropes and ropes of your seed deep within her womb. “Fuck!” You both moaned loudly when the door opened. You were too busy twitching inside Natasha to see Maria walk inside with two syringes in her hands.
“Go to sleep.” Was the last thing you heard the woman say before you and Natasha pass out.
40 hours later
You and Natasha stirred awake at the same time.
“Good morning, gorgeous.” You grinned sleepily as you brought her over closer to you.
“Hmm, good morning my love.” She giggled feeling you pepper her face with kisses.
“It’s actually 9:30PM on a Tuesday evening.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. chimed in.
You and Nat look at one another with wide eyes as the sex marathon comes to mind.
“Would you like to hear a voice memo from Maria Hill?” F.R.I.D.A.Y. Asks.
“Yes.” You sighed.
“Natasha you were exposed to sex pollen which is why you two were having a sex marathon in the medbay which is destroyed by the way. I took you both off missions for the rest of the week. Rest up bitches.”
“The team is going to hold this over our heads for years.” Natasha groaned.
“…Eh…Worth it.” You shrugged, laughing when she smacked your chest before giggling herself. 
“You’re terrible.” 
“But you love me.” You shrug, smirking.
“I do.” She sighs snuggling into you. Her ass wiggling against your crotch.
“Watch it babe don’t start a fire you can’t put out.”
“My ass isn’t sore. Wanna make it sore?” She smirked looking back at you.
This woman was going to be the death of you.
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circeyoru · 7 months
Darkest Confession _ Part 2
[Human!Alastor x Serial Killer Enthusiast!Reader]
Part 1
Part 2 (here)
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You’d say that it was a joke if you didn’t see those eyes and that smile. You’re not obsessed and addicted to serial killers without knowledge. No. You could only keep this self of you that hidden because you adapted some skills these serial killers use to blend in and be ‘normal’ like theyy haven’t killed, only you use it to hide your interest
You were attracted to serial killers, now there’s one that was holding you, presumably in his hunting and killing ground, confessing his love(?) to you and wanted to court you. Though the biggest question you had was, “Why did you confess?”
“My dear dear unusual soul, my feelings for you are like a raging ocean. What started as mere interest became fondness. Even now,” Alastor’s grin widened as his eyes narrowed to make way, “You have that spark in your eyes instead of fear. I love that about you. I love you.”
Was it Christmas or your birthday? Or was this April Fool’s? All in one? It was no sick joke. Alastor jokes and all, but this was a serious matter
This had to be your luck all put into one. Not only was he the serial killer that held your interest the longest, but you also cared for his civilian self. The previous killers that held your interest was over once the case was over or once you had figured them out from every perspective. Maybe it was because Alastor was the one killer that you connected as a person?
The tightened hold of your smaller hands brought you back to reality, your killer was waiting for your response. “My darling, your answer? May I court you? Will you be mine and in turn I yours?”
“Yes, you may.” Your voice came out firmer than your current rush of emotions. You hardly caught yourself when Alastor got up in the blink of an eye and twirled you around, dancing with you under the moonlight as he sang you a train of petnames and how he was glad there’d be no drastic measures taken to receive your interest
Changes were made, namely you had Alastor’s attention a lot more than the unspoken meet-ups you two shared. He’d be at your place, waiting for you by the door with a bouque of flowers and a poem to woo you, he’d back you home when you were done with work, all that romantic stuff. It had the jealous fans at a frenzy as they watched from somewhere or happened to see it
Though, you weren’t complaining
“Filthy thing, you better say away from Alastor! We’re destined for each other! You break of with him if you know what’s good for you! I’d kill you for him!” You merely keep your face neutral as you listened to the death threats, please, words are cheap and actions. Actions speak louder than words
“Darling! Sorry to kept you waiting!” Alastor burst through the front door with a smile, beaming happily like always, but more. You waved it off, saying you didn’t wait long. You had been sitting in the living room enjoying tea with a book on dissection, you recall Jack the Ripper had those skills. “Come, dear, I have something to show you.”
He’d lead you down a well hidden staircase to a soundproof basement, holding your hand like a gentleman so you wouldn’t trip from the darkness. He playfully covered your eyes, saying it was s surprise gift. You half joked if he was leading you to a room prepared to be your torture chamber to which he replied, “Oh heavens no! I wouldn’t even dream of it, dear. Your beauty is not to be locked up in this dingy place.”
When he finally removed his hand, he showed you with jazz hands at your gift
Alastor watched like a hawk. He debetted whether or not he should show something like this to you. But your case files you stored like precious family heirloom proved him otherwise. You weren’t afraid of blood and gore. He even once tested it when he brought you back into the forest, showing you how he hunted his favourite prey, deers. You were watching intensely as he cut the shot deer up, even whispering if that was how he did with his other prey
Your keen and observant eyes would catch onto details like no other. A skill even he couldn’t match to your degree and he considered and was praised for his preciseness. It was a skill you kept to yourself, you explained that’s why you’d return to previous crime scenes or where the bodies were found, because you’d find some clues that were missed
“Why didn’t you tip the authorities?” He remember asking when you added that you never phone the police even when finding something very very incrimadating. You answer saying you didn’t want to, you knew good and bad, right and wrong. It was right to tell the police, but it felt wrong for you to betray your interest, that being serial killers and their art. He fell for you all over again
However, he didn’t like that you gave so much of your time and energy to other serial killers. Sure now he had you, what if there was someone more interesting and you turn to that instead of him like you are doing now? He was lucky that he was the first serial killer you met during active moments. Hell, you were lucky you were never preyed upon
“There was one time where I tracked an active serial killer to his place. I was knocked out before I could investigate more. When I woke up, I was tied up and he wanted my eyes, wanted me to feel the pain and agony while I was tortured.” Oh how furious when he hear that but continued to listen. “As much as it’s a dream to be killed by a serial killer, I wasn’t feeling that ‘spark’ with that one and I escaped. After that, I phoned the authorities anonymously.”
“Why was he different? Won’t you feel like a betrayal?”
That look in your eyes when you remarked, it sent him a shiver while his smile widened at your words. “He wasn’t ‘the one’ and I didn’t like him. I look into every serial killer and he falls short. Can’t let him dirty my collection, so I had to put him out of his work.” When your eyes met him, there was interest and something more, “Have I told you your case is the most interesting and loving by far. There’s actually that ‘spark’ that I never felt before.”
That was it. He knew you were the one. The one for him. And him the one for you
Oh, how his blood boiled when some fan of his threatened for you to leave him. “This piece of flesh had the audacity to threaten the love of my life. My dear, my gift for you, is her life.”
You feel your face heat up as Alastor smiled brightly at you. As morbid as it was, you, a normal person off the streets, caught the attention of a serial killer that just so happened to hold your obsession and addiction for the longest time. Even having you to care and love him like a lover. Well, your family would be happy you have a lover, just not one they wanted you to have
Alastor hated physical touches unless he initiated it, but you were his exception to a lot of things. You ran up and hugged him, planting a kiss on his lips, a gesture he melted into and returned ten fold as the seconds passed
So this was love? A twisted and dark love
As Alastor got to work, you stood at a safe and suitable distance away to observe and note down everything. You wanted Alastor to be in his serial killer zone without outside interruptions. You wanted him to be in his element without a worry
This was the change you love and wouldn’t complain. You merely wish you met him sooner, so you didn’t have to waste your time and energy, as Alastor would phase it, on other unworthy serial killers
But all good things must come to an end. You were diagnosed with an incurable disease. Alastor used his fame and wealth to find you the best doctors and gave you the best treatment, yet you were getting no better with time. You didn’t have long to live and both of you can’t stand for that. The two of you were about to get married and everything would be all the more better!
“Love.” Alastor held your hand, the other held his signature weapon. “My Muse, are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You smiled up at him innocently. It was a request before you were killed by something you’d regret and detest. No way were you dying from that. “Please, show me your first hunt.”
Out of nowhere, Alastor took out a hunting knife and jabbed it into the side of your stomach, it didn’t hit any major organs or blood vessels. You instantly fell back, immediately gripping onto your side to keep the blood loss at a minimum. You looked up to Alastor, the loving look changed
“My father was my first prey. I stabbed him like so.” Alastor explained, then he pointed his shotgun in your face, “And then I gave him hope that he can escape.”
You kicked the gun out of his hold and got up, running deeper into the forest. A gunfire rang behind you and pain came to your left shoulder. You hit into a tree when your right ankle was shot through. Stumbling into the ground as everything became blurry. When you came too, the barrel of the gun was once again in your face
“I caught up to him and I did to you now.” Alastor narrated. “And fired.”
“And that was our love story.” You sighed dreamily as you finished the last of your tea, putting it down on your saucer. “Married and happy~”
The members of the hotel all stared at you with horrided looks, save for Niffty as she seemed to be taking notes for her own bad boy catching.
“But he killed you!” Vaggie exclaimed.
“I asked him too! He rejected it so many times that I loss count! Well, not really, but you get the idea.” You mused as you snapped your fingers, making a tea pot appear and refill your cup. Sipping it with grace and a small smile. “It’s my dream to be killed by a serial killer, you see, but none gave me that spark like Alastor. Honestly,” You lowered your tea, staring into the surface of the liquid to see your own reflection, you don’t understand what ‘look in your eye’ you got like Alastor does, “I’m forever grateful that Alastor made the first move to confess. Else I’d never have such a fulfilling life!”
Angel gave you a disgusted look, “That’s messed up on so many levels.”
Static came as pressure built in the room, while you sat comfortably in your seat, drinking your tea. The shadows twisted and rose to form your darling husbands enraged with radio dials for eyes and voodoo symbols around him. “Dear Angel, what did you say about my darling wife’s words?”
Angel hide behind Charlie and Vaggie as he peeked his head out, looking into your direction as if to beg for your help. 
You smiled, “He means messed up in a good way. You need to keep up with the modern terms, love.”
Alastor snapped to you, his demonic aura all gone as he took your hand and kissed it like it would break with the slightest force. “And forget the wonderful time when we met? Never.”
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Note: Hehe, added a bit of more formal writing for the ending. That's what I usually write in, this bullet-point format is new to me but very fast to write everything I want with limited time~ (⚈ᴥ⚈)
Circe Y.
Taglist: (the people who wanted a part 2 for this)
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xo-kyeong · 2 years
Laughter and mild snickering are all you hear from behind the door.
God, this is embarrassing
“COME ON Y/N!” Mina shouts from the living room of your shared dorm, all 5 of them waiting for you to test if your shared dorm had soundproof walls.
“WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SEX NOISES?” You ask in humiliation. Fuck they’re gonna have a field day with this. “Y/n! My arms are getting tired from holding the phone! Get on with it already!” Denki whines.
“WHY DON’T YOU GUYS DO IT, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME?” You cry out as you bang your head dramatically onto the door. Am I really doing this?
“Should I like- moan like how a normal person would moan?” You ask sheepishly. Sero and Bakugou are behind Denki trying their hardest to contain their laughter.
Kirishima, Denki, and Mina on the other hand are ruthless. Absolutely dying of laughter.
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO!!” You cry out in protest, but they’re all insisting you do it.
“Y/n, how are we supposed to know if one of us can invite someone over?” Sero insists.
Then again, you’ve been dying to get yourself off for a while now because of your hectic schedule. Maybe knowing if your roomies can hear you pleasuring yourself is useful information after all.
“Okay okay- OH MY GOD I CAN’T” you laugh a bit out of embarrassment and they all laugh with you because this is pretty stupid.
“Sero will go in and test with you! That way you won’t be the only one feeling embarrassed!” Mina suggests, and that idea actually made the situation even worse.
There’s nothing more humiliating than to hear your friend’s moans and him hearing yours!
“WHAT? I DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS-“ Sero protests, eyebrows raised and arms up as if he was adamant. But then after a few minutes of teasing from Mina and Denki, he finally caved in and joined you in the room.
“You really don’t have to do this you know?” You tell Sero, I mean, he’s probably uncomfortable-
“I don’t mind, besides, I’ve always liked your voice in bed” you’re full-blown red and flustered.
“We’re roommates Sero! You can’t be saying shit like that” you turn away, hiding your reddened face from his devilishly handsome (and irritating) face.
“Who says we can’t? Why don’t I start first, hmm?” He gives Denki the go signal and starts clapping.
“Sero- omg” you were hysterical, this is just downright stupid.
“Go on, just say ‘oh’ or whatever, better yet, say my name instead” he gives you a wink and you roll your eyes at him, fighting the urge to actually tackle this man and literally make this “fake” scenario into a reality.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this-“ you take a breath and started whimpering as Sero was clapping his hands at a steady pace.
“You’re so tight y/n- fuck” Sero shamelessly moaned, causing everyone outside the room to cackle.
“You’re brave” you whispered.
“But I should be the one making sounds here” you teased. And that riled him up, the way you went from utterly humiliated to bold and daring just did something to him. You effortlessly matched his energy just like that.
“Mhm, oh my god Sero- Oh keep going” you closed your eyes dramatically, trying to make this scenario as realistic as possible.
Sero quickened the pace of his clapping, groaning with you.
“Oh my god Sero, I’m gonna-“ you whimper and moan as you would if you were actually having sex. And Sero isn’t going to lie, he didn’t know if he should be worried because you moan so well that when he DOES have sex with you he might think you’re just faking it for his ego.
Both of you calmed down and stepped out of the room, looking at Mina for their final verdict.
“Well, it’s slightly soundproof- we all just have to make sure that none of you boys go too rough on whoever you bring home. Got it?” Mina says while holding the phone and placing it in front of you and Sero.
You and Sero re-watched the clip, hearing most of Sero’s clapping. Your own moans weren’t that noticeable, other than your “oh’s” and Sero’s groans.
“Well- y/n you sure do know how to act like you’re getting railed- have you ever faked an orgasm before?” Mina curiously asks, and you couldn’t say anything other than a whispered “kind of”
“GIRL- WE WON’T KNOW IF YOU’RE BEING WELL TAKEN CARE OF! WE WOULD BARELY KNOW THE DIFFERENCE” Mina screams, making you turn your head away from her booming voice.
All four boys were equally shocked at your revelation, you’ve faked an orgasm before? their eyes were wide, and jaws dropped.
You sheepishly brush them off though, as if it wasn’t that big of a deal. but to Sero, it clearly is. The others let you off, except for him of course. The rest of them finally went into their own rooms, bidding everyone goodnight, you were about to go to your own room after you refill your water bottle, that is until a pair of hands wrapped around your waist. You knew who it was going to be, his long and slender arms are easily distinguishable. “Sero?” you hum, “why aren’t you going to bed yet, huh?” you close the lid of your water bottle so that you could turn around and face him. “you’ve never faked with me... right?” he looks down at you with pleading eyes, he looks just like a begging puppy.  “oh, Sero. my poor baby, couldn’t get your mind off of that?” you chuckle at him when he holds you closer. “I’m serious y/n! do you actually feel good?” he whines, and that has you laughing lightly at how needy and desperate he sounds. “Sero, I’ve never faked an orgasm with you. in-fact, you’re the one and only guy who ever treated me right” you smile, wrapping your own arms around him to comfort him. Sighing when you savored his warmth and comfort. The fact that none of your other roommates know about your relationship is thrilling, yet sometimes it still manages to boil down to calm and quiet moments like this. “I love you, Sero” you look up at him, your eyes droopy due to the sudden sleepiness.  He reaches down to kiss you on the forehead, “I love you so much, Mi Amor” he rubs your cheek with his thumb before leaning in to kiss you on the lips. It’s nice to have a secret relationship, calm and quaint.  But you’d be surprised to hear that 3 other people are listening in on your conversation, fully containing their excitement at how sweet you and Sero are to each other.
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xsezzie · 4 months
The Table
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Warnings: Tickle fic?? Maybe some slight suggestiveness because it is Kaveh's butt we are tickling
Characters/Ship: Alhaitham/Kaveh
Okay I just really wanted to write a little something about that damn table that I am not jealous of at all.........
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Again. Kaveh was putting his ass on the table. The place they eat, drink, and read. And now here he was, sitting right next to the fruit bowl on the table.
“Kaveh, how many times have I told you not to sit on the table?”
The blond scowls, but quickly turns to a smug smile and crosses his arms defiantly.
“I can sit where I damn well please!”
“Next to me or in my lap would be nicer.” Alhaitham deadpans, causing Kaveh to sputter.
“H-How are you able to say stuff like that without getting flustered… please teach me!”
“If I teach you, then it won’t be fun anymore to mess with you.”
Kaveh sighed in resignation, leaning further back on the table, lightly bumping some of the bowls and cups.
“Anyway, I am going to continue planting my butt here. Since when did you start to care about the state of the home? I am the one always cleaning up after you.”
“As cute as your ass is, I don’t want it near the food.”
The architect flushed red and squawked, “Cute!? Alhaitham!”
An amused huff came from the Scribe as he put his book down and stood up to approach his partner.
“Yes, cute. You already know how nicely it fits into my hands.”
To prove his point, Alhaitham leaned between Kaveh’s legs and slid his hands under the blond’s butt on the table, causing him to squirm immediately.
“What? It’s just us.”
“I-I know that but… that tickles!!”
A curious squeeze was enough to make Kaveh kick at the younger man and fall backwards amongst the various items on the table. “Bwahahaha!! Cut it out!” Alhaitham dug his fingers into the soft part where the thighs meet the butt, causing the blond to thrash about and squeak.
“Stahahap!! Alhaitham p-please!”
Alhaitham couldn’t help but smile affectionately, but both of them were suddenly snapped out of it by the sound of a glass shattering on the floor.
“You’re the one squirming around on the table you know? You should have sat in my lap.”
The younger man easily hoists his senior over his shoulder, causing more giggles and frantic kicking. The sounds of Kaveh’s nervous protests are music to Alhaitham’s ears, the only thing worth turning off the soundproofing in his headpieces.
“Y-You have to clean that up! Don’t even think about tickling me more! Later, you can tickle me later EEK!”
The scolding was silenced as Alhaitham threw Kaveh onto the divan and pressed him underneath him, resuming the prodding and squeezing of his, in Alhaitham’s words - ‘cute butt’.
“Alhaitham I SWEAR stahahahap~!”
“No, this spot needs to be tested. I must know all your ticklish spots and determine where they will sit on the scale.”
“Whahahat scale!?”
“The one in my head where I store important information, like how ticklish you are.”
“Dehehehelete iiihihit!!”
The Scribe’s fingers continued to explore Kaveh’s backside, testing which areas seemed to get the best reaction. So far it was still near his thighs, so Alhaitham dug in.
“Alhaaahahahahaitham!! C-Come onhohon! Quit tickling my butt!”
“But it’s such the perfect shape.”
Alhaitham couldn’t resist testing this new spot, especially with the way that Kaveh squirmed and flailed, unable to push him away or even kick him. Meanwhile the architect thought he was going to die, this was way too ticklish, and he doesn’t even know how he could possibly even be ticklish in such a place.
His thoughts were interrupted by Alhaitham lifting his shirt up, intent on tickling two places at once.
“Dohohon’t!” Kaveh laughed even more, pushing the hem of his shirt back down, but his partner was too persistent, letting go of his tush to start tickling his stomach instead. Of course, this is just a million times more ticklish.
“I don’t think your butt will ever beat this spot though.”
The Scribe relishes in the sounds that are coming from his roommate, a loud but pleasant noise.
“And yet, you still love me.”
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Hi, could we get a prim and proper Nanami but he has a foot fetish. Kneed his thighs with your feet and he'll turn into a moaning mess. Test him /unintentionally/ in public by showing of your cute pedicure and new heels. Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
cw: foot fetish, established (secret) relationship, boss/employee relationship, smut.
Author’s Note: ANON you might have awoken something in me because oh boy, this was SO much fun to write. Thank you for this request and I hope you like it!
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You and Nanami have been hooking up in secret for the past three months. You keep it that way because you are coworkers. Well, actually, Nanami is your boss. So, naturally, the truth makes your little arrangement a teensy bit complicated. 
Aside from this very minor deviation, Nanami is absolutely prim and proper, particularly around the office. He’s maintained that demeanor for most of his career, and he’s not going to let you of all people ruin that for him. Still, that doesn’t stop you from teasing him, especially when he’s so easy. You know exactly what to do to unravel him. Is it mean? Sure. Is it fun? Absolutely. 
You truly don’t mean to torment him. Honestly, it’s his own fault for being so fucking filthy. It was recently discovered that Nanami has the nastiest foot fetish. Everything came to light the first time he held you in a mating press, your legs up in the air as he pounded into your wet cunt, ankles draped over his shoulders. Thankfully, you showered beforehand; you’re not sure he’d do what he did if you hadn’t (and part of you doesn’t want to find out). He turned his head, your precious feet at both sides of his face. Without warning, he kissed you, first at your ankle, then along your heel, lips pressed gently to the arch of your foot. You watched him nervously as made his way to your toes, eyes locked on yours, latching his mouth around them. This was a first for you, and honestly, it was much sexier than you expected it to be. And maybe because it’s Nanami, the sexiest fucking man you’ve ever had the pleasure of sleeping with. After that, it’s been on your mind since, and you just can’t help yourself when you’re in the office with him, knowing this little secret he carries. 
The two of you are scheduled to do interviews all day today. After the third candidate leaves, you finally have a short break to yourselves. Nanami stacks his notes neatly in front of him, avoiding eye contact. You smirk to yourself, knowing he’s probably thinking about you. Wishing he could ravish you on this big, round conference room table. That’s because today, you’re wearing your prettiest open-toed heels with a fresh pedicure you got done yesterday. And while he’s managed to focus most of his attention on the interviews, you’re too keen to let those quick glances of his go unnoticed. 
You swivel your chair towards him, crossing your legs beneath the dress you’re wearing. Letting the heel part of the shoe dangle freely from your toes. Behind his glasses, you can see his eyes dart to your shoe before looking back at the stack of papers on the table. 
“Do you like my new pedicure, Kento?” you ask coyly.
Through gritted teeth, he mutters, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. And please do not refer to me in my first name. You know the rules.”
“Oh, come on, Kento. I saw you staring. You can’t fool me.” You slide your chair forward, closer to him, letting your heel drop with a heavy thud to the floor. 
This time, he glares at you, eyes narrowed with frustration. “Don’t even think about it.”
“We have a couple of minutes before our next interview. And we know this room is soundproof. Why don’t we have a little bit of fun?” 
“You know we can’t do that.” His voice softens, resolve gradually cracking.
“Why not?” you whine, uncrossing your legs. You rub his ankle with your bare foot, pant leg riding up his shin. 
He’s losing his composure, stiff in his seat, taking deep breaths through his nose in an attempt to keep his cool. Your foot travels farther up his leg, extending your knee straight to knead at his thigh. His jaw is clenched, watching as you reach closer and closer to his crotch, the obvious bulge protruding from his slacks. You press your toes lightly against his erection, resulting in a guttural moan escaping his lips. 
“You can touch me, too, Kento. I won’t tell. Promise.”
In an instant, he’s on you, fingers wrapped around your ankle, shoving your pedicured foot closer to his cock. “You’re a naughty fucking slut, aren’t you? Seducing me like this.”
You spread your legs wide, revealing the sheer panties you specifically wore for him today, already wet with arousal. “Then fuck me like a slut.”
He pounces forward, kneeling in front of you, knees on the carpet, your leg hanging from his shoulder. He flicks his tongue at your clit, sucking on the fabric, collecting your juices in his mouth. Thrashing his head side-to-side, eating you out through your panties, hand gently massaging your toes. With the other, he unzips his pants, whipping his cock out of his briefs to stroke himself. 
“Fuck, Kento,” you moan, head thrown back against the chair.
“Hold your panties for me,” he muffles, drooling on your pussy. 
You reach down, stretching your lingerie to the side, giving him what he wants. His tongue dips into your leaking slit, collecting your juices and smearing it onto your swelling bud. He wraps his lips around you, sucking until you’re whimpering with pleasure, coming all over his mouth. He scatters delicate kisses along your leg, ending up back at your foot, his wet lips surrounding your painted toes. With a loud pop, he releases you, expression hazy with lust. “Strip and get on the fucking table,” he demands. 
Thrilled at this switch in personality, you obey, sliding out of your soaked panties and hoisting your dress up. Bare ass sat on the smooth laminate of the conference room table. His pants and briefs pool around his ankles as he shoves your thighs up towards your chest, bending you into a mating press, guiding his thick cock inside you. When he bottoms out, he rests your ankles at his shoulders, lips around your toes again, sucking. His thumb rubs at your swollen clit until you come again, coating his cock in your creamy mess. Soon after, he orgasms inside you, spilling his load into your throbbing pussy, pulling out slowly to watch it drip down onto the table. 
“You’re a very, very bad girl, you know that?” he says, collecting the cum dribbling from your slit and fingering it back in. He retrieves your panties from the floor, slipping them back on you. “Keep my cum inside you the rest of the day. That’s a direct order.”
Grinning, you close your legs and hop off the table, saluting him. “You got it, boss.”
He slides his arms around your waist, hands squeezed at your ass, kissing you. You stay like this for a moment, melting into each other’s touch. Nanami’s phone buzzes, indicating a new email.  He breaks away to check it, eyes scanning over the message quickly before he places it back on the table, staring at you. 
“Our next interview is running late. Looks like we’ll have to wait another half hour,” he answers, smirking.
You bite your bottom lip, tugging at his tie to pull him towards you. “So…round two?”
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 6 months
Im begging pls doo another part for longing 😭🙏🏻 i just love that series.
𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 — 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 5:
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 2k
𝙖/𝙣: omggg this was roughhh 😵‍💫
𝒍𝒆𝒆: jisung
𝙡𝙚𝙧: machine
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpagess @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry @channieissocute125 @soap143 @seungsluvv @skznccmlee
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛s🖤
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“Really!? Hyung, thank you so much!” Jisung squealed as he unwrapped his presents, a warm sweater in his hands. 
Chan grinned sheepishly. “Anything for you, Hannie.”
Minho nervously fidgeted with his fingers. He was quite certain Jisung would love his gift the most, but there was still a chance the boy would be weirded out and would probably never talk to him again. 
Lino insisted on giving his gift last, knowing that Jisung would probably get distracted if he showed his gift before anyone else’s. 
When it came to his turn, everyone’s heard turned expectatingly, and Jisung gave him a heartwarmingly sweet smile. 
Minho took a deep breath before standing up, leading Hannie to a new room constructed connecting to his room.
“Wait. I thought they were upgrading the kitchen in there or something.” Jisung commented, and Minho shook his head. 
“No…I paid for the construction to fit…this.” He gestured to a huge machine placed in the center of the room. 
“What’s this?” Jisung asked, walking around it while squinting or try and determine its purpose. 
“None of the staff or anybody knows about this, by the way. I took adequate precautions to assure that doesn’t happen. But it’s a…tickle machine.”
Hannie immediately shot his head up. “What?!” 
“Well, it’s a soundproofed room for a reason.” Minho grinned. 
“Wait wait. A tickle machine? What—how—” Hannie was confused, to say the least. Minho shut the door and locked it, but he wasn’t nervous. 
“Sit here.” Lino guided his legs onto foot rests and hoisted him onto the table like structure of the machine. “Lay down.” 
Nervous giggles built up in Jisung’s throat as he laid back into the mattress of the table, and he squeezed his eyes shut as Minho guided his arms to straps above his head. 
Once his arms and legs were strapped down completely, Minho switched it on. 
A voice immediately began to speak. “Scanning.” It scanned over the quokka’s body and asked a few questions. 
“Age? Height? Weight?” 
Minho answered all the questions and set up a safeword for Hannie, which the machine had him repeat 10 times to assure he knew the word. 
“Okay. What do you want it to do first?” Minho asked, and Hannie’s face flushed at the question. 
“Waist?” Jisung asked. It was a classic warmup for him. So perfectly torturous but somewhat tolerable at the same time. 
“Okay!” Minho imputed a few settings on the hand sized display.
One of the screens ahove Jisung’s body turned on, a large one minute timer set up. 
When it started to count down, hands were mechanically raised from the sides of the table, tapping twice against the area of Hannie’s waist before it began to vibrate in place. 
The fingers teasingly wiggled towards his sides, and Jisung’s body twitched in anticipation, his eyes squeezing shut. 
The second they reached the sides of his waist, Jisung began to cackle, the feeling of the vibrating rubber tickling oh so much into his skin. 
“OHOHO GOHOHOD IHIT TIHICKLES MOHORE THAN I THOUGHT IHIT WOULD!!” Jisung began to shriek as the fingers lifted the edge of his shirt up, slipping underneath and tickling him mercilessly. 
“Try using the safe word.” Minho wanted to test the machine. 
He was pretty skeptical about trusting a machine with his lee tied up, so he wanted to make sure it would stop. 
“PEAHA—PEACHES!!” Jisung yelled, and the fingers quickly slipped out of his shirt and off of him. 
Minho breathed a sigh of relief. “Either way, the kill button’s there.” He pointed at the red button near Jisung’s hip. 
Jisung grinned as Minho unstrapped him from the machine, and he sat up and hugged the older warmly. “Best gift ever.” He mumbled, and Minho hugged him back with a smile; He knew what Hannie would like after all. 
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Jisung groaned into his pillow, he really missed Minho and was honestly craving the older’s touch. 
Sure, he had gotten wrecked by Chan and Seungmin earlier, but nobody knew him as well as Minho did. 
Then Jisung had an idea. What about that machine? 
His lee mood killing him, Hannie headed into the room, shutting the door and locking it. 
He walked over to the display, and then saw something. 
Minho had saved a plan. Jisung quickly looked through it; It looked like a work in progress, but he didn’t seem to find anything wrong. 
He set the timer for five consecutive minutes, and then climbed onto the machine and slipped his hands through the straps. 
Once they had tightened and the machine tested him on his safeword, Jisung watched as not one, not two, but three pairs of hands emerged from the sides of the table. 
His eyes widened as suddenly, two hands slipped under his shirt, while one pair rested over his armpits, and the last one aimed for his sides. 
‘Wait. This wasn’t a part of the plan.’ Jisung thought, but he let it happen anyway. He trusted Minho and knew he would never hurt him on purpose. 
Suddenly, all the hands changed direction and began running up and down his sides, leaning Hannie howling with laughter and twisting on the table as the vibrating fingers tickled his bare sides senseless. 
The rest of the hands travelled back to their respective spots and began to dig in.
One hand suddenly spread oil over the boy’s sides, leaving him whimpering as the other hand spread it around his skin before tickling him again. 
“AGHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Jisung twisted on the table, finding himself immobile and unable to escape as the hands tickled his sides, armpits, and belly until he squealed in ticklish agony. 
They gave the same oil treatment to his underarms before scribbling over them with longish nails that certainly weren’t there before. 
Either way, they certainly pulled the loudest of laughter from the trapped boy beneath it. “NOOOHOHOHOHOHO!!” 
Hannie couldn’t remember if the oil was in Minho’s plan. He didn’t count on it. The older hated the feeling of the slippery oil and would never use it willingly unless Hannie had asked for it. He was sweet like that. 
The oil was beginning to melt slightly, only slicking up Hannie’s body more as more hands emerged and joined in at his thighs.  
That was what got him. “AHAHA!! NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!! IHI CAHANT TAHAKE IHIT THEHERE!!” He pleaded, but the machine was ruthless in its torture, cold and unforgiving. 
Jisung regretted wearing shorts the second they were pushed up a little and his thighs had oil spread on them. ‘This machine really enjoys killing me, doesn’t it?’ 
Before he could get another thought out, more vibrating fingers prodded the area, and Jisung fell apart into more laughter. 
“IHI NEEHEHEED A BREAK!! PEHEHEA—PEHEHEACHES!! PLEHEASE STOHOHOHOP!!” He screamed as the four pairs of hands ruthlessly tickled their respective spots until his brain turned to mush. 
But he wasn’t even able to get his safeword out correctly, laughter always interrupting him. 
Hannie began to thrash and scream as more hands emerged, spreading the dreaded oil on his now bare feet before using a rubber spiky glove to scrape up and down his trapped soles. 
“AAAAGHAHAHAHA!! NONONO FUHUHUHUHUCK STOHOHOHOP!! STOHOHOP PLEHEASE!! PEHEHEACHESSS OHOHO MYHY GAHAHAD!!” Hannie was pretty sure he sounded insane, screaming his head off as it became too much, quickly overwhelming him. 
Jisung tried to free his hands, actually managing to free them from the straps binding them and shooting his hand to the kill button near his hip. 
Two hands left his armpits to grab harshly at his wrists and yank them above Hannie’s head again.
Jisung realized with horror that he couldn’t escape no matter what.
The timer was counting down. 3…2…1…
His eyes widened as he realized…wait. It was a trap. The machine had trapped him.
He thrashed with a harsh scream when the fingers returned to his underarms again, and he glanced upwards to notice another pair of hands. 
Hannie cried out, tears of joy and frustration rolling down his face, but he couldn’t help the wide smile of joy that didn’t allow him to cry. 
“PLEHEHEHEASE LEHET ME GOHOHOHOHOOOO!!” Jisung sobbed desperately as the tickles in every direction made his head spin.
Funny how ironic that was, considering Minho would usually cheer him up this way. 
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“Hannie! I’m home!” Minho cheered, happiness overwhelming him at the prospect of being able to see his baby after such a long time. 
He walked to his room, but wasn’t able to find him, the only thing greeting him was an eerie silence. 
Nervous, Minho travelled around the house and even checked the other dorms, to find that Hannie was nowhere to be found. 
Until he noticed the room he had installed for him. Minho rolled his eyes as he thought of Jisung having such an unbearable lee mood that he had to go to the machine to relieve it. 
He tried to open the door, just to find it locked. That’s fine, he had a key. 
The second he opened the door, sounds of strained giggles wafted through the air, along with…sobbing? Minho slammed the door open and almost had the biggest whiplash of his life. 
The timer displayed numbers going into the negatives, -2:34:07. 
Multiple pairs of hands were holding Hannie’s whole body down, and Minho watched in horror as the younger twitched away from the hands that wouldn’t stop tickling him no matter how much Min could hear his broken pleas. 
He has basically became desensitized to the intense tickling, but he still cried and even squealed when a hand hit a sensitive spot.
Minho ran to the kill switch, yelping when another hand tried to grab his, and another tickled at his side suddenly, startling the hell of the older. 
“Wahait!! Whahat—AHAHAH!!” Minho suddenly screamed as a singular vibrating finger slipped into his v-line area on accident.
The hands tried their hardest to grab Minho and stop him from reaching the kill button. 
But he managed to hit it, shutting the whole thing down. The hands released Jisung and Minho’s wrists, and Hannie sobbed tears of relief as the timer display turned off. 
“H—Help me…” Jisung whimpered, twitching in place and curling up on himself.
Lino scooped the boy up in his arms, taking note of the slippery substance the boy was covered in, presumably oil? 
Hannie twitched in his arms, exhausted and still sobbing, and all Minho could think about was how stupid he was that he left Jisung alone with the thing without helping him, and  he didn’t anticipate the machine going rogue. 
‘I mean, it’s AI. What was I thinking?’
He set up a warm bath for Hannie as he laid on Minho’s bed, tired and exhausted. 
Minho picked him up, startling a loud scream from his throat, almost making the older drop him. “Shit, I’m sorry. Hannie, it’s me. It’s Minho hyung, yeah?”
Jisung finally gained the courage to open his eyes, and he visibly softened at the sight of him. 
“Hyung, weren’t you supposed to come tomorrow?” Jisung’s voice was exhausted from he constant screaming he had been doing.
“You’re lucky I decided to come early. My poor baby, three hours?” Minho asked. 
“I—I only put it for five minutes, I swear. I set it on one of the random plans you made, because I didn’t really know how to use the thing and I trusted you to be safe and—” Jisung began to cry again. “Hyung, I was so scared…w-when it didn’t let go…”
Minho cooed and wrapped his arms around the boy, rubbing his back gently and promising him he wouldn’t do anything like that again. 
“I-It wasn’t like you at all.” Jisung sobbed. “You know w-what’s good for me.” 
Minho sniffled a little, dropping his head so Jisung wouldn’t see. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, Jisungie. It was all hyung’s fault, yeah? You didn’t do anything.” He suddenly began to feel really guilty. 
The two hugged warmly, Jisung still trembling lightly, and Minho treated him to a warm bath and soup, along with a trip to Hannie’s favorite bakery for his favorite cheesecake. 
All Hannie could say was that he definitely preferred his ler to the heartless machine. 
Hey, what happened to that machine?
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“Hey…what’s this?” Hyunjin approached the machine, clicking a green button. 
His eyes widened when the screens turned on and hands grabbed at his sides.
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jk i know you guys love me so much BUT I EXPECT TO SEE REACTIONSSSS
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Brat Tamer! Noah Head Cannon
A/N: So me and @artificialbreezy were talking and the topic of noah sebastian of Bad Omens and well...this happened 😅
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In all fairness, He just looks like he doesn't play that shit!!!
He said "Behave" you heard "Test my patience"
I also want to point out that he is 1000000% an ass man
ANyways, let's say you and the boys have been chilling in the house and you've just been running your mouth all day
As you're getting up to go to the kitchen the boys all ask for something including Noah
you're go into the kitchen and grab all the items requested except whatever it was that Noah wanted
"Here you go guys!" you say with a smile and hand them their respective thing and you go sit back down next to Noah. he lifts an eyebrow and clears his throat you completely ignore him and continue watching tv munching away
he pokes your thigh "where's my stuff at?" and without a second to spare you say "oh in the kitchen i figured since you had legs you would get it yourself" and turned back to look at the tv and eating
The boys nearly choked upon hearing your response
Noah is glaring daggers into the side of your face and simply sighs and gets up to go to the kitchen to retrieve the items
Later that night when everyone is getting ready for bed you walk into your shared bedroom Noah walking behind closing the door behind him and locking the door
THankfully he soundproofed the room cause bOI was it about to get loud in here
He yanks your arm and turns you around so you're facing him and grabs your chin so you are looking at him and can't look away
"Wanna explain what that fucking stunt was? Don't act fucking dumb either" you of course try to put on your best innocent act and say "I don't know what you're talking about sir"
he tightens his grip on your chin and says "oh yeah? well then i guess you don't mind me refreshing your memory"
tears running down you face along with spit as his hold on your hair doesn't let up as he drills into your mouth (your jaw will def be hurting tomorrow) "This is the quietest you've been all day baby...cat got your tongue?"
He'd gag your mouth and tie your hands together while attaching a vibrator to your clit because you've been running your mouth you must obviously want him to make you cry from overstimulation or edge you whichever works best right??
Other times he'll just put you over his knee or the couch or the bed or against the wall and make sure that your naked waist down he wants full contact with your skin when he lands a hit
He'd make you count every. single. one. regardless of your tears and sobs you better count "Oh what? Where did that attitude from before go huh? You were so tough earlier in front of the boys"
Couldn't keep counting? "Oh well it looks like you still haven't learned your lesson we'll just start again" and then he gets the belt
He wants to make sure you don't forget who has the power so he might tie you to a chair or the bed and make you watch him as he gets off
A/N: OMG this is long asf I got carried away my bad y'all 😅😅💙
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yanderehsr · 1 year
I really enjoying reading your work. For this time, can I please have headcanon what kind of rules Natasha, Himeko, and Kafka would set for their darling? Also, who is more likely to want their darling to be dependent on them?
I think I know your 3 favorite hsr characters😂 I hope you enjoy this
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapped reader
Natasha: Do not leave the room, whatever you do, don't leave. This may be the only way to actually make Natasha angry. The world is filled with dangers, why would you leave.
Take care of your health, Natasha wants you to take care of yourself, she wants you to do exercise and to eat whatever she cooks for you, drink a good amount of water, she just really wants you healthy so you'll live a long life.
Natasha is the one of these three that want you the least dependant on her, she still wants you a bit dependant, but it would be better if you had your independance and could keep youself healthy while she was working.
"Sweetheart, I'm leaving for work, don't try to leave"
Himeko: Don't be too loud, it's not that she doesn't want to hear your voice, it's just the fact that there are others that visit the train from time to time and the rest of the trailblazers can hear you. She just don't want them to notice.
Soon this wont be a problem, she will get soundproof walls and then you can talk as much as you want, so her only rule is that you can't be too loud. Himeko knows that you can't leave the room anyways, she has made sure if it.
Himeko is probably the one who wants you most dependant on her, she wants you to think of her all day every day, you wont even need to move a finger. Himeko will take care of everything, she thinks that the faster you become dependant on her, the faster you will be happy.
"Please quiet down, Honey.... I said quiet, they aren't allowed to hear you"
Kafka: Don't run away, where would you even go, there is no one as far as the eye can see. Kafka sees this more as an annoyance, and if it is one thing she hates, it's annoyances.
Also don't talk about anyone other then Kafka, she hates having to listen to you talking about other people, so she made a rule where you can't talk about them. Don't test her on these rules, the punishment is severe.
Kafka is in the middle of these three of how much she wants you dependant on her, she wants you independant enough that you can survive while she is out on missions, but dependant enough that you will only accept her love.
"Darling, why did you have to run. Oh well, we can discuss your punishment when we get home"
Had to think about this one for a while, I hope it's good enough😅
As always will feedback be appreciated
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sadly-in-active · 4 months
when you have time could you do a vampire reader x butter roll? I feel like he'd be really excited about it for "some" reason xD
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Butter Roll Cookie x Vampiric Reader hcs
Summary: You, a vampire, had been searching for a new victim for quite some time. However, you didn't expect your next meal to be a scientist named Butter Roll. Strange name, but you happily followed him back to his place. Unfortunately, you didn’t realize he already knew you were a vampire. Well, he was a mad scientist, so of course he was clever. He proposed a deal: you let him study you, and you get to drink his blood. Totally normal, right? Just try not to mind that he can be... a bit vocal while you drink his blood.
TW: Obvious blood, vampire stuff, you guys NEED to get a room with soundproof walls because all the other researchers can hear you two, bickering, nothing is proofread and I forgot to save so now I have to redo this entire thing omg-
Right from the start, Butter Roll makes it crystal clear: you're essentially his test subject, and this arrangement heavily favors him. He's never encountered a real vampire before, just read about them in books, so he's eager to learn how you came to be. Prepare for a barrage of questions.
During the day, you're confined to his private study while he conducts his experiments. But at night, the real "fun" begins—though it's a stretch to call it that. You're only permitted out three times a week, so make each blood-drinking session count.
When it's time to feed, he casually places you on his lap, seemingly unfazed. Expect him to ramble about the future of science while you drink, and afterwards, he meticulously records the effects and quantity consumed. And let's not overlook his ongoing commentary, especially when you playfully lick the remaining droplets from his neck and shoulder. He insists it's for "research," but who's to say he isn't just messing with you?
“Oh, y/n, are you sure that you’re eager for the blood? Or, are you just savoring it all because it’s me? I know you like to lick for more then you have to…”
“Shut up…”
“Is that a new reaction? Oh! Do I have to write ‘gets flustered and tightens grip’ after some harmless teasing?”
After the sessions, things usually quiet down. You often appear drunk from the blood, and he's equally drained. Wrapping up his notes in his journal, he gently wipes away any drool and blood from your lips before carrying you to his bed. Since he doesn't typically sleep, he lets you rest there while he continues his work at his desk.
Occasionally, you become a bit clingy afterward, attempting to coax him into bed. Initially, he brushes it off with a laugh, pushing you away. However, as these encounters become more frequent, he eventually gives in and joins you. Sometimes, witnessing your blissful, intoxicated expression as he climbs into bed with you makes him feel…almost attached, in a way. But then again, you were merely a part of an experiment...right?
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nicolefaw-blog1 · 9 months
Paintball Bucky Barnes
It was uncommon for the Avengers as a group to have no missions during the week, let alone a whole weekend of no missions, no paperwork, and only basic training. Taking advantage of that were you and your boyfriend Bucky. You were both currently laid in your bed enjoying the peace and making use of the soundproofing. After another round testing the soundproofing (at this point you weren't sure how many rounds you'd gone) your cuddling was interrupted by JARVIS making an announcement.
"MR Stark is requesting all avengers in the meeting room as soon as possible"
You rolled your eyes, knowing Bucky was probably thinking the same thing... You knew this was too good to be true, a weekend with no missions, impossible. Begrudgingly you and Bucky slowly got out of bed and got dressed. As Bucky went to walk out of your room he stopped suddenly noticing you weren't following. Turning with a smirk he gestured to you, "Come on doll we need to go see what Tony wants."
You looked down for a second before looking at him, opening your arms and making grabby hands. He smirked again and let out a little chuckle. "Do you need something doll?"
Rolling your eyes you replied. "You know I do buck, we don't all recover that fast."
Laughing at you as he came closer he whispered in your ear. "Oh i know doll very well, but you did soooo good at keeping up beautiful." With that he picked you up and walked out, towards the meeting room.
As you entered the meeting room most pairs of eyes turned to you two. Ignoring them you directed Bucky to where you wanted him to sit, knowing you weren't gonna be leaving his lap anytime soon. Hearing you enter Tony turned from where him and Steve were talking at the front to address the whole team.
"Hello everyone. As you all know we have not had anything to do this weekend so i have decided that we are going to do something as a team...." He paused as there was a collective groan from the team. "Before any of you object, I think you will all enjoy it as I've decided that.... we... are going....... PAINT BALLING."
You watched as the team finished gearing up and paired off. You had already decided you were with Bucky and were confident you were going to win, I mean a former hydra agent and the 'winter soldier' what could go wrong. You had been Hydra's best team after all. The rules were simple, no powers or suits, the last pair standing wins. You were given 10 minutes to find your starting positions and discuss strategy. When the whistle blew you all ran off in different directions.
As the game progressed, you and Bucky having eliminated your fair few of players, you knew you had to find Natasha, she was after all probably your biggest competition. You scouted the area looking high and low knowing she was defiantly hidden away somewhere just watching. Unfortunately for Natasha you and Bucky were just that little bit better as a team. Before you could find her you saw Tony approaching your current hiding spot. You rolled your eyes, how he was still in this game you didn't know. Suddenly you jumped up from your spot taking Tony by surprise as you quickly shot him in the head. You didn't have time to celebrate as suddenly Bucky jumped up from where he was hiding. You turned to see him walking towards you, with an unhappy Natasha following behind. He'd found her, you'd won.
You jumped into his arms smiling before the four of you walked back towards the rest of the team. When you finally reached the team they all looked a little worn out but like they had enjoyed themselves. You were glad Tony had suggested this. You suddenly stopped walking, causing Bucky to walk into you.
"Whats Wrong doll?"
Without saying anything you turned to look at Bucky with a smirk on you face. Before he could react in anyway you pulled him down into a kiss. He dropped his paintball gun and pulled you in by your waist. The kiss lasted until the need for oxygen was too strong, instead of pulling away you lent back slightly grinning again. Before Bucky can register what is happening, he feels paint splat on his clothes. Pulling away completely you laugh and walk away, leaving your boyfriend in shock.
Bucky looks down at his clothes then back at your retreating form. "Your gonna regret that doll."
You just smirked and walked away, you were defiantly in for it now.
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bluem00n007 · 11 months
The artw boys hear Summoner play violin (or any other instrument) and sing for an audience (maybe for a competition) for the first time. Later, they find out that Summoner used to be a part- time musician back home and was a literal music prodigy. Could you write their reactions, please?
OH THAT IS SO CUTE! (Vanessa was an idol and played the piano back in mid earthium btw!)
Summoner who plays the Violin
The guide committee were walking down the halls of Contel, arguing amongst themselves over a recent issue and want is the best way to solve it, or in Alpheratz's case, how to avoid taking part in it
As they pass the music room they hear the masterful playing of a violin coming from the inside
"My my, I wonder who this talented individual is?" Sirius wondered out loud, before anyone could protest he had already opened the door ajar to take a peek
In the class in front of a French window as the setting sun's red glow bounced off the soundproof white walls of the music room, acting as a spotlight knowing well enough it was the violist's moment to shine brighter than it stood a familiar figure
It was the summoner, engrossed in playing a song on the violin, it was a classical from mid earthium, "The Four Seasons" as well as it can be played by a single person
The silent crowd stood in the doorframe while the performer was unaware of the admiration they received
To spica it was like finding something new about you he could regard you highly on, to hone ones craft at such a young age to such degree was amazing and to top it off it's such an important cultural aspect too, he would love to take time off just to listen to the strings under your fingers and bow
Sirius is already thinking of new stories to write for plays as you play, creativity sparks creativity and the love of it can only inspire
Arcturus feels like he can stand and watch you all day, he will especially start helping you with your work so you can have more time to practice and he will happily be your test audience
Vega, for him it hits hard, there were so many mid earthium songs he had forgotten, so many he never got to hear and now he sees you playing them, he feels like he is meeting you again and his feelings are same as ever, filled with love and devotion
Alpheratz is an appreciator of talent and people who hone their skills, he will silently listen and even pick up an instrument to practice with you
Pollux can never sit still or quiet, except for now, summoner is so cool he thinks, he really is looking up to you now and wants you to teach him some songs as well
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final-girl96 · 2 years
Wednesday 5:30 PM
September 27, 1995
I was pushing my food around my plate as my mother and sister laughed about something. Dad was away for work and wouldn't be home until this weekend. I hated when he was gone. I didn't have the best relationship with my mother. Not for about a year now, after I saw her with a guy that wasn't my father. Sidney was off with Billy when I came home from hanging out with Casey, one of my best friends. I came home to find her kissing some other man before he snuck out the back door.
She knew she had been caught and begged me not to tell dad or Sidney. And me not wanting to be the one to ruin our family I kept her dirty, filthy secret. Sidney still thought she was the best mother in the world. They were best friends. I mean they were always close. I had a relationship with our mother before I caught her but it wasn't like her relationship with Sid. Sid was always her favorite. Sidney was a good girl while I was the one who liked to test my limits. Sidney was also a year older than me so she was the first.
I was always closer to dad. Spent most of my time with him because he accepts me for who I am. Mom was always complaining about something I was doing. My music was too loud. Music would get me anywhere in life. It wasn't a realistic dream. But Sidney wanting to go to school for drama and theater to be an actress was a realistic dream. She didn't like the music I listened to most of the time. I liked to listen to basically anything but mostly rock or even mental. You know stuff from Queen to Metallica. Maybe a little pop, electropop, or electronic rock.
But really it didn't matter what I was playing, it was always too loud. She even complained when I would be downstairs in the basement playing and making my own music. Dad had made one of the rooms down there into a mini studio for me. It was soundproof and she still bitched. And okay maybe I would be a little definite and would play my guitar too loud with the door open. But only when she pissed me off badly enough.
I looked over at the clock to see it was almost six. Stu should be here soon to take me to work. I could drive myself but he was going over to Billy's so he offered to take me. "I'll miss you for the three hours I have to go without seeing you." I pushed my chair back and stood up. "What're you doing? You haven't eaten anything on that plate?" I looked over at my mother. "I'm not hungry and I have work," I told her. I cleaned my plate off, dumped the untouched food in the garbage, washed my plate and walked out the door. Just as I shut it behind me Stu pulled into the driveway.
When I got into the car he pulled me closer to him and connected our lips. "Your mom's watching from the door. She doesn't look happy," he said against my lips. I hummed, "yeah, I didn't eat her food and threw it in the trash. Let's go please." He nodded and kissed me again before pulling out of the driveway. I looked over to where my mother stood, her arms crossed. I would probably get some fucking lecture when I get home tonight.
After work Stu was there waiting for me. It was ten at night and I was tired. "There she is!" I rolled my eyes and laughed when he picked me up and spun me around. "Put me down!" I laughed. He set me back on my feet, kissed me like he hadn't seen me in years and then looked behind me. "What's up, geek boy?" I heard Randy sigh behind me. "Fuck off, Stu. I'll see you tomorrow," he said, walking to his car after locking up the store.
As I had predicted I got a lecture when I got home. "I told you I wasn't hungry. Don't you have some guy to meet? Cheat on dad some more?" I asked. I kept my voice low so Sidney wouldn't hear me. My mother's eyes widened then my head snapped to the side. "Oh, my god. Yn, honey, I'm sorry." I shook my head and scoffed, ran up the stairs and slammed my door shut. She has never laid her hands on me like that. I wiped at my eyes, harshly wiping the tears away. I just wanted to climb into bed and go to sleep so that's what I did.
Thursday 9:30 PM
September 28, 1995
I stood at the counter, leaning on my elbows trying not to lose my eyes in the back of the head at how hard I keep rolling my eyes. "Oh, my god, Randy! Shut the fuck up!" I groaned. He's been going on non-stop about my sister and how she should break up with Billy and go out with him. I never liked Billy all that much but I tolerated him because he was my sister's boyfriend and Stu's best friend. Plus we all grew up together.
"What? It's true! I could totally treat her better and give her more!" I let out a loud laugh at that. "Oh yeah, you can give her more? Like what Randy? You're a fucking virgin and have zero experience. You've never even had a girlfriend. Have you ever kissed a girl before? Don't answer, that was rhetorical." He glared at me, "I kissed a girl!" He huffed, turning around and putting the rest of the returns away. "Oh yeah, who? Your mom?" I laughed. "Oh ha ha, very funny!"
After closing I got in my car and headed home. When I walked inside the house was dark. "Sid! Mom!" I called out. Nobody answered so I started up the stairs. When I got closer to the top I noticed the bedroom light to my parents room was on. "Mom!" I got to the top and listened for any movement or voices but heard nothing. I walked closer to the bedroom door when I heard a noise downstairs. "Hello? Sidney?" I called down over the railing. Again I was met with silence.
I shrugged and turned around to face the bedroom door, raised my fist and knocked. "Mom, you in there?" I asked. The door creaked open a little so I grabbed the handle only to touch something wet. "Gross." I wiped my hand on my shirt and pushed open the door. "M–" I gasped, stumbling back when I saw the room. Mom was on the floor, eyes wide, staring up at the ceiling. Everything was covered in blood.
The ceiling, the walls, the furniture, the floor. The floor was soaking in blood where she lay. She was covered in blood. I dropped to my knees beside her. "Mom?" I whispered. Her eyes were glossed over and vacant. "Mom?" I shook by the shoulder. I could feel the blood soaking into my jeans. A loud sob left me when my brain finally caught up and it recognized that she was dead. She had been murdered. I fell back onto my ass and pushed myself away from her to try and stand. I was covered in her blood.
I used the dresser to help me stand, my hands shook. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't process anything. "Mom! Yn! Anyone home?" My head whipped to the side towards the open bedroom door. I heard Sidney's footsteps coming up the stairs. "Mom?" I forced my feet to move and rushed out of the bedroom. "Sidney stopped in her tracks when she saw me. "Yn? What–why…" she looked at the bedroom and tried to rush past me but I grabbed a hold of her before she could get into the room. We both fell to the floor Sidney was screaming after seeing the room. Our mother was dead m, brutally murdered.
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filthforfriends · 1 year
Just imagine Ethan as a Dad that would be just *chefs kiss* 💋
I imagine his 4 year old kiddo running up to him with a "drawing" thats just scribbles on a page for the 7th time today. Ethan is sitting at his computer, trying to produce music, but he's also hellbent on encouraging his child's creativity, regardless of how it tests his patience.
So when he hears the high pitched screech of "Papà, papà, look what I made!" Of course the child bursts into the room without knocking and interrupts him mid-thought.
"Ah, okay. One moment," he'd placate while halfway lost in rhythm. (I can so clearly hear those words in his tone of voice.) His kid has at least learned to wait for this. Of course they're also vibrating with excitement, next to some very expensive, very breakable equipment. Ethan can't really focus while worried that his child is going to trip over a bass drum petal and take the skin of their entire shin. This was supposed to be dad's special room, where only grownups were allowed, but he'd broken that rule before the little ones could even talk by showing them his music.
"Aright, what do we have?" His hands would land on his thighs as punctuation while Ethan turned his chair and refocused attention.
"I made a present for you!" Cue piece of notebook paper with a bunch of red and green lines thrust into Ethan's hands.
"Oh, wow. A Christmas tree in May!" He'd act excited and his kiddo would know not to be put off by his almost monotone way of speaking. Thats just how papà talks.
"No, papà its a crab! Don't you see it?" Ethan couldn't bear the disappointed expression that children make when adults don't understand their drawings. He would tilt his head to the side and pretend to have a revelation.
"Oh, now I do! Of course I can see right here" gestures vaguely to a part of the page. "It is clearly a crab, yes."
"That's its leg."
"And how many legs do crabs have?" Ethan gets up and grabs the tape he keeps in the desk drawer expressly for this purpose. He hangs the paper on the one wall that isn't soundproofed next to many other drawings. A composite of his favorites would become the cover art of a future album.
"Almost..." he coaxes, encouraging.
"Um, eight. Like a spider. A sea spider!"
"A sea spider?" he'd repeat, using his most theatrical voice. Ethan would lift his little one off the ground with an exaggerated groan, making them burst into giggles.
"How many claws?"
"Two! Thats easy."
"Alright, do you know if mamma or dad are home, yet, my little marine biologist?" The Torchio household nanny would be waiting right outside the door, ready to take the kid from Ethan's arms. He had made it clear that the children were allowed to interrupt him to give him their art.
"Your mamma just pulled into the driveway." Their nanny would speak directly to the little one, as per request of Ethan and his partners. He wanted his children to be treated like equals, talked to not over. Upon hearing their mamma come through the door the child would wiggle around until set on the ground so they could go running through the house, squealing. Ethan doesn't bother reminding them to knock for the 7th time today.
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
The Little Moments [Aether]
The little moments in which the ghouls realize that the feeling in their chest when they see you isn't just instincts anymore, it's love and their drowning in it.
A sequel of sorts to mate. Can be read alone.
[Dew] [Mountain] [Rain] [Swiss] [Poly]
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            Aether sat with the other Ghoul’s outside of the no ghoul room, it was the dreaded tea time. The bane of their existence. The worst thing they could go through. They all Hated it. 
            Mountain, Rain, and Dew were all more adjusted to it since they had had their mates for longer. Aether and Swiss were still new to it. While they all could be doing something, the fact they couldn’t be with their mate during that time made it impossible to even consider doing something. 
            Every once in a while they could hear some laughter but the room had been soundproof so they couldn’t hear much at all. They could pick up a little bit of their scents but that was it. They were practically abandoned. No longer loved. Betrayed. 
            Aether had just reached the point he could actually stand to be separated from you for this long but he sure as hell didn’t like it. He really didn’t like it. Right now, he wanted to be sleeping in his nest with you next to him so he knew you were safe. But no, you had to have a ghoul free tea party once a week. 
            Tea time was a whole 2 hours too! The longest time. Too long. He was very much neglected by his mate. This shouldn’t be allowed. 
             The door finally opened and all of you came out, no one wasted any time sweeping up their mate and taking them back to their rooms for some quality time before they had to go back to work. 
            “Aether, I know you're big and strong and it’s honestly impressive, but I can walk and I would like to walk.. Don’t you make that noise at me I will start taking your hand off my waist.” Well Aether was never making that noise again. “Now please let me down.” He wasn’t going to put you down unless it was to put you in his nest. 
            And that was precisely what he did, once he was sure you were settled he climbed in only to be met with your giggles. Oh how he loved hearing you laugh, even when it was at him. Which he was pretty sure you were laughing at him this time and he wasn’t sure why.
            “What’s so funny?” He laid on top of you and rested his chin on your chest, his purr rumbling against your stomach. 
            “You look high.” He had no idea what you were talking about. He hadn’t gotten high in a few days. He must have looked confused because you just started dying. Aether moved so he wasn’t on your chest in hopes you would start breathing between laughing fits.
             Aether stood in the shadows and watched as you talked to some of the other siblings of sin. He was pretty sure you knew he was there, you had gotten good at sensing him. It startled him a few times as to how well you could sense him. 
            One of the siblings kept looking you up and down, he knew you noticed. The girl wasn’t subtle. He was trying to subdue the urge to just murder them for the sole reason that you would be upset and probably sleep in the no ghoul room for at least 2 nights and he couldn’t go two nights without you. 
            So instead of just jumping out and ripping the sister to shreds, he walked out, his appearance startling the group you were chatting with. Once he made it to you, he wrapped his arms around your torso and rested his chin on your head. The one eyeing you had the audacity to look annoyed which tested what little patience Aether had at the moment. He must have tensed against you or something because immediately after the murder thoughts came back, you grabbed his arm and gently squeezed it.
            He still wanted to murder them but maybe later. He knew their scent now so he could track them later and kill them, maybe make it look like an accident or suicide. Maybe he would just say fuck it and tear them to shreds.
            “Aether, you better stop figuring out how to murder them because If i hear she died I will be requesting a temporary transfer to another church for two months and for it to be kept a secret so you can’t come.” He visibly deflated against you, pouting under his mask. “Stop pouting.” 
            Maybe being clingy had its downfalls because he hadn’t heard any of the other ghouls saying their mate could basically read their thoughts. He’d ask next time he saw them. For now he decided to hold you while you continued talking.
            This was his favorite part of the rituals now. Ever since the people had first seen you they had demanded you come out at least once every ritual. Copia had left it up to you and the other mates when you would come out and what you would do. Today it seems you had chosen his favorite one, just chilling on stage with them for a while. 
            At the moment you were sitting at the edge of the stage, just out of the crowd's reach. Sometimes you would hand them one of the cards the clergy had custom made for the mates. Aether stood behind you, his favorite place to be in these situations because every once in a while you would just lean back against his legs or reach back and pat whatever part of his legs you touched.
            He loved being able to stay with you on stage, the rituals felt so much shorter when you were up there with him. Copia enjoyed seeing his ghouls happy so he didn’t really care what you did even laughing as you stole the spotlight on purpose sometimes. Sister Imperator liked it because the numbers went up and more people joined the church, meaning overall it was a win win.
            Aether handed you his pick once the song was over, grabbing a new one to play with and watching as you handed the pick and a card to a lucky person. Copia started on a ramble that didn’t look like it would end anytime soon so he stepped around and sat down next to you and rested his head on your shoulder. 
            You wrapped one of your arms around his waist and the ghoul practically melted against you. Aether really did love you coming on stage with him.
            Aether hated interviews, he stood to the side with Copia and the other ghouls watching as you and the other mates were interviewed. They had already done theirs but since your rise in popularity the interviews started asking for you as well. 
            “So you all seem comfortable with the ghouls. How did that come to be? It must be scary dealing with demons.” It was obvious the interviewer was joking that they were demons, fully believing they were humans like all the other fans. Aether would admit he was interested to see the answers. 
            “I mean, it was definitely scary at first. Mainly because all of them kinda just suddenly latched onto us. One moment we were just living our lives, the next there was a ghoul connected to our hip. But after a few week we realized that with us, their basically puppies in a humanoid form.”
            “What do you mean they just suddenly latched onto you?” He leaned forwards in his seat. Aether looked at the clock. Only 5 more minutes before the interview time was over. 5 More minutes.
            “Well, I was sitting in a meeting and Aether just came up to me and carried me back to his seat where I had to sit in his lap until the end of the meeting.” The interview seemed to get more confused as all their mates mentioned how they met. It was a little amusing and took up 3 of the five minutes. 
            “So how did you feel when you found out the people loved you?” You had always avoided that question. None of the ghouls had been able to get an answer from their mate, Copia and Sister Imperator hadn’t even been able to get that answer from you. 
            “Honestly, None of us really liked it.” Aether felt his heart sink, had you been doing something you didn’t like for him? Was he making you do it?
            “Oh? Why is that?”
            “We went from being unknown to millions of eyes on us in one night. So it was a lot to get used to. Now, after three months of it we’re getting used to it. It definitely took some adjusting but it wasn’t the worst and we’d all probably do it again.” Probably?
            The last 2 minutes had passed so the ghouls joined you again, all feeling a bit upset with themselves for not noticing that you weren’t happy. You didn’t even flinch when Aether sat down at your feet and hugged your legs.
            “One last question, what's something all the ghouls do but one is worse than the others?” 
            “Well, they all like to give us little shiny things they find. Mountain the most, I have so many shiny rocks I’m running out of space for all of them. I do however like shiny rocks so it's a win win.”
             “Swiss always wants me to wear something of his. If I’m not, he’ll randomly trying putting a scarf on me or hand me one of his sweaters.
             “Aether is a bit clingier than the others. He always has to be touching me somehow if we are in the same room. It’s really nice when it's chilly.” He tipped his head up to try and get more of the pats you gave him. The interview was ended after that and you were finally able to go back to the bus.
            Aether was about to try and con so many snuggles out of you. It didn’t work, you caught on and called him out on it but he still got his snuggles in the end so he didn’t really care.
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