#The thing about that is like. Then we'll maybe miss notifs and stuff like a lot?
branzycrafted · 2 years
I'm gonna maybe sound dumb saying this but I wish you could just like easily switch discord accounts fhsjg
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manonamora-if · 2 years
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Word Count: 19.729 (+ 5.959, so far this week) Coding: started coding the story
One week later and a lot more has been done. My trello board is slowly emptying :D
Also this is a collection of notes/threads about the progress. It is not link properly together and may not make sense.
The Player Creation and Introduction of the Tavern/Boss/Staff has been written and added to the game. This includes the tutorial rounds as well. I have one more scene to add for the first "day" before the game starts-starts.
I've also started a bit on the one-off NPCs. I kinda want to have hopefully 10 ready (1 per "day") for the DL in 18 DAYS!!! We will see how it pans out. Maybe I'll manage like 5 and we will call it a day for the Comp.
Right now, I am writing about a cute little one that may make your heart go aaaaaw.
I have to figure out the end still... Like I know how I want it in my head but not in words.
I've had some fun coding the prologue/intro/tutorial with some animated text/flickering colours and stuff (there is a setting to disable it). [but i am missing some text for ONE thing]
I have fixed and finished a bunch of code. Especially the drink check. I am still missing a bottle or two and a drink or two. Actually more for non alcoholic mixes. And fix the hovertip too...
The frenzy mode is this close to be done (I want to finish writing and coding the missing first scene first, before rearranging the code). You will see all the drinks you will need to make during each "frenzy time" and the list will crossed out each time you've made a drink.
There is a end of day page with a tally of how many drinks you made and how correctly it is (need to "time" it) {very à-la Door Dash types of games}. But I need to add a transition between days.
If you want to reach the the goal you would need to make 40-ish drinks perfectly (which shouldn't be hard AT ALL). With frenzy counted, this should take between 2 to 6-ish "days"? (depending on the frenzy amount in drinks.. maybe I should make that a setting too). I don't know if it is too little or not? We'll seee....
Also the tutorial pages are DONE. One page teaching you how to play and one where you can choose your difficulty (included in the settings too: Easy, Medium, Hard - i should rename those) {there is a timer in Hard Difficulty}. The ingredient notification also takes the difficulty into account. But I still need to add a penalty in restarting the drinks and how the recipe appears.
ALSO Key biding has been added! Mouse/touch won't be necessary to play (though not recommended in Hard Difficulty).
ALSO a tracker for tips you receive in the player page + some stats of drinks you made.
So much done but still so much to doooo....
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The ChoiceScript to Sugarcube Guide is out!
When I am done with the IF Comp, I'll finish and release the Sci-Fi/Old Monitor theme I've been wanting to do for a while now.
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helloalycia · 3 years
my happy ending [two] // kara danvers
summary: the secret Kara has been putting off for months finally comes to light, leaving you both in a precarious situation
warning/s: mentions of a breakup (let's be honest, this isn't a spoiler lol)
author's note: here’s the second part! hope you like it :)
part one | masterlist | wattpad
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It had been a few months since Kara and I said 'I love you' and it was around that time when things between us were moving forward. We were still going strong and I had never been in love with someone as much as I was with her. No relationship I'd had in the past was as amazing as it was with Kara – she was magnificent.
I was sure nothing would get in the way of us; we were going strong and despite small, petty arguments we'd had in the past, we'd never truly fell out over something. I couldn't imagine us doing so either, because our relationship was built on honesty and trust. What could possibly break us up?
I was in charge of all social media content for CatCo, so I wasn't one who usually went with reporters to cover stories. In fact, I rarely did unless it was to help a colleague, like now. My friend, Cara, was covering a story at L-Corp – something science-y to do with the labs. I wasn't too into the details, but she didn't want to go alone, so she asked me to accompany her.
So, that's where I found myself now, standing with Cara as she was being shown around the labs of L-Corp by a scientist.
Cara was a professional, asking question after question and digging for the nitty gritty details in which the scientist would try to avoid. It was pretty cool to witness.
"So, that's everything we're working on so far," the scientist finished the tour, stopping by some glass doors.
"What's in there?" I asked, nodding behind the scientist.
The woman glanced behind her before forcing a small smile. "That's something I shouldn't discuss."
I quirked an eyebrow. "Seriously? Now I definitely want to know."
"Look, this isn't a scrutinising article," Cara explained, her voice sounding convincing. "We're not trying to uncover L-Corp's secrets. The last thing we need is another 'evil Luthor' recycled news story."
"I appreciate the sentiment, but I still can't share what's in there," the scientist said, apologetically.
"Off the record?" Cara offered, and I could sense her curiosity, too. "We won't tell anyone. I won't report it."
The scientist seemed reluctant. "It's not a secret, I can tell you both. But it's just, you're the media..."
"Technically, she's the reporter," I pointed out, literally pointing to Cara, who smacked me in the arm.
"C'mon, we'll sign an NDA or whatever," Cara promised.
After some puppy dog eyes and pouting, the scientist (whose name I couldn't remember) gave us some NDAs to sign before finally taking us inside the glass room.
"As you know, we manufacture many different products," she explained, leading us to a desk with some microscopes on. "We're working on recreating Kryptonite."
I furrowed my brows. "That's that stuff that Supergirl and Superman have right?"
"Their weakness," the scientist corrected. "We've managed to recreate the properties of Kryptonite and can use it in case of an attack from Kryptonians."
"But the only Kryptonians we know of are Superman and Supergirl and they would never attack," Cara stated with confusion.
"Not necessarily true," the scientist said. "Remember Astra?"
"The woman who tried to kill us all at the start of the year? Yeah, we remember," I replied, shivering at the memory.
"It's for cases like that," she explained. "It's not a big deal, but we're keeping it on the down low to avoid public scrutiny. As you said earlier."
Cara nodded and began to look through the microscope, studying the Kryptonite on the slides. I looked at the green glowing rock beside the microscope, picking it up and wondering how something so beautiful looking could be so dangerous to an alien.
"Amazing, isn't it?"
I looked up at the scientist. "I guess. This stuff really kills Kryptonians?"
"Too much can, yes," she answered. "Small doses can inflict pain, and manageable doses can strip them of their powers, making them similar to a human. This piece you're holding is a highly-concentrated dose."
"Best keep this far away from National City's only hero then," I joked, feeling a tad uncomfortable that I was holding such a powerful object.
I placed the Kryptonite back on the desk and tapped Cara. She got the hint and concluded the tour.
Cara and I headed back to CatCo after and she thanked me for accompanying her to the tour. It wasn't a big deal, so I smiled and left her be to write it up, promising to give it a read before she submitted it.
I decided to head to Kara's afterwards, seeing as she was working from home today. I brought some food – her favourite, Potstickers – to surprise her, and knocked on with a smile on my face. Just the thought of seeing her got me all giddy, like a little kid.
"It's open!" Kara called out from the other side.
I rolled my eyes playfully and walked into her flat, setting the food on the kitchen counter. "What did I say about leaving your door unlocked, Kara? It could have been anyone!"
Kara grinned from her position at the dining table, standing up to approach me. "But I knew it was you and– ah!"
I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Kara stumble over her feet when walking towards me.
"Kara, what is it?" I asked, moving forward to help, but when I touched her, she pushed me away and held the table for support. "Kara!"
I looked closely and realised her veins were glowing bright green. That could only happen if...
"Wait a minute," I said, staying stood still as she gulped hard, still hunched over with pain. "You're in pain... and that can only happen if you've been in contact with–"
"Kryptonite!" she cut me off breathlessly, before staring at me with startled eyes.
I stepped back, feeling my heart drop to my stomach. "You're a Kryptonian."
"Why do you have Kryptonite?!" she questioned, still clutching the table and cowering away from me.
I shook my head, still in awe. "I was at L-Corp and we saw some Kryptonite... but only Kryptonians are affected, and there's only two known Kryptonians on Earth... Superman and..."
She avoided my eyes and that's when my suspicion was confirmed. I felt my mouth go dry as I looked at Kara carefully. Her glasses, that was it. That was the only thing separating her from her other identity, her other life. How could I have missed that?
"I've gotta go," I got out finally, my throat closing up.
"Y/N, please wait," she said desperately, stepping forward, but she stopped herself when overcome with pain. Her skin was glowing green now and I realised that there was still Kryptonite residue on me from that highly-concentrated piece I held earlier.
I turned around and left, feeling my heart beat fast in my chest. Kara was Supergirl. I didn't know what to feel because that very fact was still trying to sink in.
I had no choice but to go back to CatCo after, needing to get the rest of my work done for today. But I couldn't concentrate because of what I'd just discovered. Kara was Supergirl. She was an alien. She had a whole other life I didn't know about.
My phone kept getting notifications from Kara – she wanted to explain herself, but she couldn't see me until she was sure the Kryptonite residue had dispersed. I didn't care about that anyway, I didn't want to see her right now. I wasn't sure what I would say if I did – she'd hidden this from me!
I thought we had something special and unique. I thought I'd finally found someone, something, indestructible. I thought I knew Kara inside and out, I wanted to believe I did. But I was wrong. She was pretending this whole time.
I went home after work, leaving a little early because I wasn't actually getting anything done. I was confused, lost, unsure what to do with this information. Kara was Supergirl. When she disappeared randomly, that's probably why. When she would sneak off with James and Winn... they probably knew, too. It seemed that everyone important to her knew. But I didn't. Maybe I wasn't as important to her as I thought.
When I reached my flat, I saw Kara leaning against the doorframe. She perked up when she saw me, clearing her throat.
"Y/N," she muttered, her voice breaking.
I wanted to ignore her, but I couldn't. I simply stared at her, noticing her red, teary eyes and puffy face that were hidden behind her glasses, the same ones that had hidden her identity. It was literally right in front of me and I hadn't noticed. She hadn't shared it with me. I was so sure we would last. A relationship built upon honesty and trust. Huh. What a joke.
"I don't want to speak to you right now," I said as calmly as I could muster, before fumbling with my keys.
"Y/N, please, I know you're angry, but I need to explain to you," she said desperately. "I don't want to hurt you."
"It's too late for that," I mumbled, swallowing down the lump in my throat before managing to slot the key in the hole and push open my door.
"I'm sorry," she said, following me inside. I rolled my eyes as she watched me with a guilty expression. "I didn't want you to find out like this."
"It seems that you didn't want me to find out at all!" I snapped at her, slamming the front door and spinning around to face her. "I found out by accident, Kara. You lied to me. You didn't trust me."
"I do," she tried, but I shook my head, disguising my hurt with irritation.
"No, you don't, otherwise you would have told me," I stated. "I feel stupid for not figuring it out sooner."
"I'm sorry–"
"I don't want to hear it!" I cut her off. "At first, maybe you didn't trust me enough to tell me, that's fine. Then we admitted we liked each other and okay, fair point, you didn't know if we would last so you didn't want to tell me. It's fine, understandable even, that you didn't tell me. But then we told each other we loved each other. And that could have been your chance. But no. You kept pretending that I actually meant something."
"I wasn't pretending!"
"If you weren't, then I would mean something to you, Kara. I would be important enough in your life to have known the truth!" I shouted, my vision blurry with tears. "You let me fall in love with you! Believing we could go somewhere when this whole time, you were living a whole other life! And apparently everybody else knows but me! Right? I presume that's why you're always hanging out with Winn and James?"
She stayed quiet, watching me with tears streaming down her face, but I couldn't care less. She was hurting me.
"Get out," I said, breathing out.
"I said get out," I repeated, glaring at her.
She nodded slowly, looking down to her shoes. "I'm so sorry, Y/N..." She walked past me, and I didn't turn around until I heard the door close.
I released a shaky breath, closing my eyes as tears fell. So much for a happy ending.
A lot can happen in a month, which is funny because it goes by quite quickly.
That's how long it had been as I tried to come to terms with how I felt about Kara hiding a big part of her life from me. I couldn't just forgive her and pretend it didn't hurt. The more I thought about it – which was a lot, as much as I tried not to – the more I felt like an idiot.
I was in love with somebody who I truly believed was my perfect someone. I believed she was everything to me, but she was pretending the whole time. I was convinced God was out there, letting me know not to get too attached, too safe with someone, because I would just be setup for disappointment.
Obviously, seeing as Kara and I worked in the same office, it made for, well, pretty much every day an awkward encounter. I tried my best to avoid her presence, which I thought wouldn't be too difficult, but gosh it was. It was like she was everywhere I went – the photocopier, the coffee machine, the toilets. It was infuriating, especially because I began to miss her a lot.
I had to put up with avoiding her eyes and stares from across the room for a long time. I knew she wanted to speak with me, because at first she tried to, but then she gave up and I think everybody knew. Nobody in the office brought it up, but it was obvious they knew, judging from the tension in the air when we were around each other.
And if all of that wasn't enough, it didn't help that I was reminded of Supergirl pretty much every day. She was all over the news and it was literally in my job description to tweet about her when I could. Seeing her – Kara – in all of those photos, reading about how she was literally saving people's lives... it hurt. She didn't trust me enough to tell me about all of it. Was it something I'd said? An impression I gave that made her deem me untrustworthy?
I didn't know anymore. I just knew that by the end of the month, my heart ached more and more, craving for the arsehole that was Kara Danvers. I refused to admit it at first, but when I kept finding myself searching for the blonde around the office, I knew I'd finally accepted what had happened. I wanted her back. I missed her.
It took a while to find the guts to go forward with this, but when I did, I tried to find Kara at work. She wasn't at her desk and nobody had seen her around. I did a quick search around, calling her name, but nothing. Only, when I was on my way into the hallway, I found her standing by the coffee machine. She wasn't alone.
The new-ish guy, Mike or whatever, was stood with her, pretty close to her side, his hand resting on hers on the table.
I knew I had no right – I'd literally blown her off for a whole month – but my heart began to ache at the sight. Whatever they were talking about must have been important. She was staring at him like he had hung all the stars in the sky. Unless that's just what I saw, I wasn't sure. I just knew that I hated it.
The two of them turned around when they heard me call Kara's name and I froze, meeting Kara's eyes for the first time in a long time.
"Y/N?" she breathed out, surprise in her voice and expression.
I licked my lips, backing up. "Sorry, I– sorry. I left it too late. I'll go," I mumbled, my voice breaking.
"No, Y/N, wait!" she tried, but I'd already turned on my heel and speed-walked away.
I felt my eyes tear up like an idiot as I walked away. Of course she'd moved on. Why wouldn't she? I'd wasted her time.
"Y/N, please wait," her voice broke me from my self-pity, and she stopped in front of me, eyes searching mine. "Let me explain."
"I didn't mean to interrupt," I said, clearing my throat. "You don't need to explain anything, Kara. I– I made you wait too long without saying anything. You don't owe me anything." I sucked up a shaky breath and avoided her eyes. "I've gotta go, sorry."
I didn't give her chance to respond, not wanting to hear her comfort me out of pity or obligation, and instead pushed her out of the way before leaving abruptly.
I just felt like an idiot.
I sat at my kitchen counter and opened the pizza box, tucking in there and then instead of getting a plate. I was tired, upset and wished today was over with.
After seeing Kara with Mike earlier on, I felt embarrassed and couldn't wait for my day to be over with so I could sulk over a box of pizza. I guess I should have seen it coming, since I practically pushed her away and gave her no benefit of the doubt. I deserved it, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less.
As I was halfheartedly eating my pizza slice, I heard a knock on the door and groaned inwardly. I really couldn't be arsed with the company.
"Go away," I called out, hoping they'd take the hint.
"Y/N? It's me."
I groaned loudly this time, recognising the voice as Kara's. I paused, glancing at the door, debating whether to tell her to go away. But I realised I'd have to face her eventually, and she was way too stubborn to take my word and leave.
With a heavy sigh, I dropped my pizza slice into the box and wiped my hands on my jeans before going to answer the door. Kara was standing there with a small smile on her lips as I avoided her eyes, cheeks growing warm.
"Hey," she said softly.
I nodded awkwardly. "I– er– hi..." I swallowed hard, saying, "Look, if you're here about earlier today, I'm really sorry, Kara."
"No, you don't need to apologise," she was quick to reply. "It wasn't what you thought, I–"
"You don't need to explain," I cut her off, finally lifting my eyes to meet hers. I didn't want her to explain it. "It's your business. I shouldn't have assumed anything."
Her eyes softened as she clearly had more to say. "Can I come in? Please?"
I would have rather ended the conversation there, but the part of me that missed her deeply was telling me to let her in. Next thing I knew, I was stepping to the side and letting her come in, hoping she couldn't hear the racing heartbeat in my chest.
"Mike isn't just the new guy," she said when I closed the door. "His name is Mon-El. He's an alien."
"He's an alien and I've been helping him to settle into living on Earth," she cut me off, continuing hurriedly. She held my gaze, not giving me chance to interrupt. "Supergirl has been helping him. That's all it is. That's all it'll ever be."
I pressed my lips together, nodding slightly to show her I understood. Her shoulders relaxed and I felt a bit more at ease now myself. She wasn't moving on. Or at least, not with him.
"I didn't know that because I pushed you away," I admitted, frowning. "I didn't give you a chance... I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologise," she insisted, shaking her head.
I smiled sadly. "I get it could be too late, but–"
"It's not too late," she said quickly, eyes glistening with hope. "I... I was waiting."
I felt butterflies in my stomach as I felt my embarrassment return. "I needed time, that was it." I sighed to myself as I began to pace uncomfortably. "It was silly, really, how I didn't realise the truth. Everybody else knew and I... I should have known."
"Don't say that," she said, and I felt her hand grab my arm reluctantly. I stopped and faced her, seeing her shaking her head. "I didn't mean for you to feel like that. It wasn't your fault, Y/N, it was mine. I should have told you. I wanted to tell you."
I couldn't help but feel betrayed again. "But you didn't."
She let go of my arm and frowned. "It just happened that Winn was the first person I told. And James already knew because of Superman. And then I wanted to tell you next, but being Supergirl was hard at first. It was demanding. And being Kara with somebody who didn't expect anything more was nice. It was selfish, but I had you. And I wanted to tell you after, but I was scared. And once again, I was selfish because I knew I was falling in love with you and I didn't want to scare you away because of this lie."
I swallowed the lump in my throat as she searched my eyes for something.
"It got out of hand and I was in way too deep," she admitted regretfully. "You won't believe me, but I did want to tell you, Y/N. But now you know. And I know you hate me, but I wish you didn't because I am truly sorry I ever hurt you. I never wanted that."
"I don't hate you," I told her, eyes glassy with tears. "I don't think I could hate you even if I tried, Kara."
"I love you," she whispered, a tear slipping from her eye.
I couldn't stop myself as I pulled her in for a hug, squeezing her tight. I had missed her so much and to have her back in my arms was a blessing, even if it hurt me at the same time.
"I don't completely trust you right now," I muttered truthfully, before pulling away and holding her close.
"I understand," she said, nodding and sniffling.
"But I love you, too," I added, knowing that deep down I couldn't stop. "I want to be with you, Kara. You mean too much to me."
She seemed confused as she furrowed her eyebrows. "What does this mean?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I'd like to start again, but go slow. I still care about you and seeing you with Mike– Mon-El– whatever, made me realise that I can't see you being with somebody else."
"I'll earn back your trust," she promised, tucking a strand of her behind my ear. "I never meant to hurt you."
"I know you didn't," I said, grabbing her hand and kissing it gently. "And I know you will."
She smiled through her tears and I felt my heart beating quickly again, glad I had her back. I moved forward for another hug, relaxing into her arms as she squeezed me comfortingly.
We'd get through this. She was still my happy ending, Supergirl or not.
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iwavibes · 4 years
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 ;; thirty five
----haikyuu social media au
iwaizumi y/n, nekoma's second year manager, has always been in love with kozume kenma. in an attempt to get her to move on, her two best friends introduce her to the prettiest boys they know.
besides, the only way to move on is to actually move on, right?
prev • masterlist • next
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word count: 1k+
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You took a deep breath as you came face to face with the gate, the only thing separating you from the boy on the other side. You took a quick glance at the opened messages on your phone. Seen. It hurt you to know that your best friend was purposefully ignoring you. You were fine two days ago. You wondered what changed or what you might've done to make him act this way.
Your eyes sparked up at the sound of a message notification, your eyes zeroing in on the message Shirabu sent.
'it will ♥️'
And you felt the weight on your shoulders lighten at that. Even though he didn't know what it was about, his words comforted you like no other. Especially at this exact moment.
Mustering up every bit of courage you have in you, you pushed the gate open. The moment you lock eyes with the tired but nervous ones he held, you could feel your earlier bravery dwindle away almost instantly.
"Kenma…" you breathed out. Your voice sounded like you've run a marathon when in fact, it was your nerves eating you away.
"Y/n…" he replied, almost as nervous as you were.
"L-look…" you started. "About what happened last week…" you couldn't seem to look him in the eyes, instead fixating your gaze on the ground. You sneaked a glance his way, only to see a pair of expectant eyes staring back.
You didn't know what he wanted you to say nor what he was thinking. But you've rehearsed this a hundred times, a thousand if you counted the ones you did in your head, and so the words tumbled out of your lips before you could stop it. You looked away.
"It was a mistake." You say with every bit of faux conviction you could conjure up. "It was all just a rush of emotions, you know? I didn't know what came over me when I did it. A spur in the moment. Like one of those time limited missions in story games and you have to pick a choice fast? I'm sorry. That was a very dick move and the fact that I'm telling you it was a mistake is even worse. I just… don't know what I was thinking." You were rambling now, you know you were but you can't seem to stop. "We've been friends for years now and you're one of the rare people that stuck to my side even after that incident. I cherish that. The fact that you didn't care and that you were happy to be friends with me. It sucks that I have to move away so abruptly. I really want to leave everything on a good note and not awkward… but I can't help but think that I just ruined everything."
"I-is that what you want?" His voice was soft. Like a newly fluffed pillow and gentle like a sweet lullaby.. But there was also a twinge of hesitancy imbued in the way he spoke. You can sense it.
You closed your eyes before nodding your head. "Yes."
You hear him sigh. What was it? Relief? Defeat? You didn't know. A flurry of emotions raged through your body and you stiffen at the silence.
If you could only look his way. Look at the expression he was wearing. See the disappointed eyes that bore on your turned skull. Maybe you would've thought twice about what you've said. But it was all out there now and you felt too ashamed to even steal a glance as you felt his arms wrapped around you.
You felt your cheeks burn at the contact, not really expecting him to hold you this close nor initiate something so intimate.
He rested his chin on your shoulder, holding you firmly by your waist as you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him.
"You didn't ruin anything y/n." He whispered. "I don't think you could, even if you tried. You're my friend. And I would pick you over anything."
You didn't understand what he meant by that last statement, too relieved to even process anything right now as you pulled him closer.
"I'll miss you, Kenma. I'll miss you so much." You whispered, voice shaky as tears began to form in your eyes.
At this, you feel his hand on your head, stroking the strands of your hair in comfort. "I'll miss you too, y/n. More than you'll ever know."
If you could just pull away to look at him, maybe you would've seen the few tears that streamed down his cheeks. You would've seen the desperation, and the longing those glossy eyes of his held.
He wiped them off once he was ready to pull away. A small smile on his lips as you tried to give him one back.
He patted your head one last time. You watched as he took a step back before reaching down to one of his pockets. He held a small trinket towards you, a small blank cat with a wide smirk.
"To remember us by." He said, placing it on your awaiting hands.
You looked up at him in appreciation. "Thank you."
"I'll see you soon, y/n." He knew how much hated goodbyes. He's observed it with the way you always tell him and the others that you'll see them soon. Because soon holds a promise and you didn't want to say goodbye just yet.
"See you soon, Kenma." You say with finality.
And that was it. You probably needed to fix your stuff again and Kenma didn't want to hold you out for too long. So with one final wave, he begins walking away.
You watched him for a moment, staring at his retreating form as you hoped to see him turn around. To give you one final glance, a smile, anything. The moment felt too short that you almost felt like it was all a dream.
You sighed, looking down on the small keychain on your palms. You turned it around to see a small note of sorts written on the back.
'Connect. No matter what. We'll see each other soon.'
Meanwhile, as Kenma walked blocks away from your house, he couldn't help but sigh once more in defeat. The hot air of the day pinching at his cheeks as he looked up to keep the small tears threatening to spill at bay.
"Ahh I lost."
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NOTE: when i said this was gonna be long i meant it. that's the end of act one!! thank you all so much for the support you have given this smau so far. pretty setters will be back on DECEMBER 1 6AM ph standard time and will be updated every tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday!!
TAGLIST: @jesquisser @peteunderoos @rye-li @sophie-duck @elianetsantana @angrylittleriri @kpop-kk @winunk @mint-mai @applekenm @hoe4hq @atria-avior @kimkai-is-my-man @dabisdominion @yumeneji @courtneypaigemartin @misssugarless @sempiternal-amour @cleopatera @stickystrawberrysyrup @heavenini @that-chick212 @the-amaranthine @vanillakylee @atetiffdoesart @starryleafy @franko-pop @miyaosamusgf @peachiikichu @ughxghoul @bombardia @micheleinumaki @angelsbarebody @marissaraeblr @quiche-inoya @haengbokpixie @normalisthenewnorm @yeet-dude @luhvsnoir ((can't tag)) @what-dose-nani-mean @respectfullysimping123 @pandauniverse
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ladylynse · 3 years
Hello 👋🏻👋🏻, I guess I'm answering all the questions in one go :) :) Hopefully, I don't make it confusing. Well, I guess now that's tumblr for us. It just got really tricky to send questions, but that's something I had said before. (It's an aventure that's for sure). Good to know that I haven't done any explanation so far confusing. Well, the rest of my week wasn't that bad, it went a bit slower than expected, or I think, it felt like that, you know? I got you, that feeling when you know the worst is coming isn't that nice. Let's hope that everything goes well and smooth as it can be. (Good luck with what you know is going to be the busiest time). Mmmm... yeah, that's true where someone use or not excel, normally depends or not in the type of job and if it is necessary. So, having those times where you are like, wait is it right or not? and then check again it can be normal. So, I think that it's good you do so, ask someone to check it over, you know? Time can and would mess up with memories, so it's all right :) :) (Obviously, the topic of memory is something else and more complex and well, not everyone does the same with it, if you know what I mean :) :)). I think that I just went from a to z in a blink XD XD Let's just leave it there, before I finally manage to made it confusing... I know, right? Saying that so quickly and first thing doesn't came that naturally. It would be funny, I think if that was the case. But who knows, maybe in the future? XD XD Wellllll... yes, it's a good sign. Enjoyment is always good. That's why I finally did it, I did sign with my username, as you can see :) :) (Although, I'm more like using @arisu-artnfics for communication and such but tumblr isn't allow me that- loooooong ago, I managed to send questions using my other blog in this case @arisu-artnfics to do that, now not possible). About your tags on the long question, that is the one I started... if that wasn't clear 😅😅 I just hope you are doing better and are all good with that snowfall warning. I only get thunderstorm warnings and floods... but that's getting better. Good luck with work again, it is painful being under staff because covid or stuff (We just got out of lot of lot of rain, some parts got bad in flood so... yeah, it wasn't pretty, but everything should go back to normal on Monday). I really hope that isn't that bad over there with the snow. Now, the shortest one, the news about ML. Sorry that it looked that bad, I was on the phone and extra spaces are a thing there. I hate it. Anyway, well you do as you do. Either way, the idea is to have fun :) :) I'll try to watch it, not life because that's in a working time for me, so not lifestream fun there. Normally subs (fans subs) appear in a couple of hours. The longest, would be next day, but still US was going to air it 2 days after, so the English version would be up not that long after anyway. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Let's have fun at the end, with it :) :) And that's it, I had wait until you are free to reply the long one to well, reveal myself and here it is. (oh btw, I'll keep waiting until your free to reply, I don't mind, I know the meaning of being busy, you know?) Nice to meet you :) :) As always have a nice day, take care and hopefully we'll talk soon :) :) -Le Fantôme anon, no more ;) ;)
(re: this ask and this ask)
Hello! Nice to officially meet you! *grins*
True enough! Tumblr updates tend to be fairly hit and miss on how much I like them/can ignore them/can't do anything but fervently hope the bugs are fixed quickly. Showing tags in the notifications list is probably one of my favourites for changes I like.
Slower than expected isn't bad! You're still happy when the work week ends but slower tends to mean that at least it wasn't stressful and possibly less tiring, depending on the nature of your work.
Things might be tight for us at work since we're down four people from last year, but it will not be worse than 2020; we will not be as severely cut back as we were when everything first shut down except for the handful of us allowed to go in. It'll be stressful, but I will not be so exhausted that I get home and go straight to bed. (You probably know how slow I am at writing in the first place, but I barely wrote a word for three months, and editing the little backlog I had at the time still took me ages.)
That's really weird that you can't send messages from that blog anymore. I wonder what bug that is. You might be able to get it fixed if you report the issue if you haven't already? I have no idea. (I don't have a secondary blog because I don't think I could keep it straight, so you all have to suffer with me putting absolutely everything on this one.)
It's all good! Your messages were clear. And for me, the snow stopped a couple of hours ago and now the sun is out. It's still cold, but the sun is out! (Temporarily; more snow is coming.) And it's a light snow. Fluffy and easy to shovel, not heavy and wet. It wasn't bad at all. We only got maybe 15 cm? It drifts in spots so it's hard to tell. I brushed a good 5-7 cm off my car after work yesterday, and it didn't stop till mid-afternoon today. We did not have the wind like we did the last time we were under a snowfall warning; that created whiteout conditions and you could not see very far to drive in the city, and it was impossible in the country. A flood warning being a more common thing would be scary, though. I'll take snowfall warnings any day. You can at least dig out from snow; with flooding, it's already spilling into your basement, ruining stuff, and bringing potential future issues with it.
That's a fair point re: subbing. The trailer looks good, though!!!
Thank you! It's appreciated.
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taeyungie · 3 years
To the anon who was feeling overwhelmed imma just give a little tip
This was my first full year of being army (I became Army end of July 2020). And I was so 😶😶😶 wide eyed about everything and there was so much content and I just SOAKED IT ALL INNN for hours and hours every single day for at least 8-9 months. And then it all started getting overwhelming because the pressure of keeping up with new content and having all the albums and photocards and djeuru and getting stressed when the boys weren't interacting and feeling left out and just SCRREEEEAMS And now im like... Its all okay.. Ive realised what part of bangtan brings me joy and try to focus on that. Ofc I get excited with new pics and stuff. But with some of these releases I know they're not meant for me, they're for full-time collectors with extra funds for this. And that's okay.
I will watch the runs because that's 1 hour/week of happy that I adore. And I have notifs on for vlive and weverse because I love hearing from my actual boys. But everything else I'm just like... I'll see gifs on tumblr.. I dont need to keep up with it. And when they tour we'll have fun fan cams to enjoy. But like.. I just want to have fun with this. They're not my job. They're my fun. And I want to be able to create a schedule of work/fun/personal life as the world opens up again and I return to school and maybe seeing friends again and just.. bangtan is supposed to be a place of inspiration and a source for army to go to and find eachother to create networks of likeminded people. Like.. it shouldn't feel not fun at any point. We're not paid to be fans. We're not paid to force community. This is supposed to be a fun thing, and you need to find what parts of it feel fun for you and focus on that. If it's just album releases then enjoy those. If it's award show performances/interviews. Watch for those. Just enjoy what it is you enjoy. I'm sure I've missed several performances of Butter/Dynamite. But I'm like... that's okay.. ive seen at least a dozen and im sure those songs won't be retired anytime soon xD. Just have fun okay b?
oh my, i'm sorry for taking so long to reply to this :( but thank you so so much for your words!! ❤️❤️ i hope that anon will see this too ;; let's just have fun!! and when we feel something is starting to be too much, it's good to take a step back ❤️
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artsyxloner · 4 years
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Not Just a Monster
Warning: severe Bullying, death, violence, very sad, eating disorder
[ So this Chapter is going to talk about some parts of Min Soo-Nico's past and leading up to what happened. I think you guys deserve some insight. Chapter 18 will return to normal. ]
17: Past Time Revealed
To be honest, the school was a place for kids just to be Terrorized and shrunken down to their little last fuck. I had walked out of the art class gripping my Sketchbook in hand.
I had bowed to my teacher Mrs. Choi before going. Just to be polite most kids weren't here. She smiled and waved me off, it was lunchtime and I had brought my Dosirak ( packed lunch) with me.
I had to stop by my homeroom to put away my sketchbook.
I decided not to eat at the canteen because it was too crowded. Plus I didn't like certain people that were there. So I eat outside it was much prettier not to be eating in.
Sitting down on a bench, I opened my container there was Tofu kimchi, white sticky rice. Taking my chopsticks I began to eat. It wasn't much because my mom has been limiting my portions.
She wants me to be like one of the skinny girls that didn't have to wear a large size skirt. Munching slowly, I heard a group of kids laughing Hysterically behind me.
Maybe they were laughing at something funny. Turning around to see what it was, there was nothing I got confused about? Where was it? But they continued to laugh.
The thing was they were staring at me laughing. But why? Their phones were out too. Like they were taking pictures or videos I didn't know for sure.
Calling to them I asked what was so funny. " what are you guys laughing at?" I yelled, they whispered to one other ignoring me. Soon they ran over to where I was.
" I think if you see this, you'll understand why we are." It was Kim Ji-Mun the new girl with the best visuals in our grade. " have a look." She turned the expensive phone towards me.
And what I saw next made me drop my chopsticks. My eyes were stuck on the screen I couldn't take my eyes off of it. " delete that!!" I begged to get up, trying to fix myself.
" Now why would I do that?" She scoffed, " no way, I think we'll be posting them?" I shook my head. " no you can!" I yelled my body started to shake. It was a picture of my skirt it had been brought up showing my underwear.
Students gathered around, seeing what the commotion was. I gulped, staring at the ground, " please, don't show anyone." I mumbled not able to take the embarrassment. If the others were to see I would the laughing stock of the whole school.
" wow this is embarrassing, fatty I just" she paused, " can't pass up this opportunity." She then took a photo of me either the flash on and posted the two pictures together to show the person with their skirt up was me.
There were some Notification alerts, everywhere, people looked up at their phones and busted out laughing. Show it to each other. My face was red hot, not knowing what to do I took off feeling my Chubby thighs jiggle as I did.
That was the day it all started.
I laid down on the ground, in one of the empty classrooms the teachers don't use. I was hugging myself breathing hard, they were all around me my body stiffened my eyes frantically looking up.
" awe, she looks so pitiful poor thing let's give her some food." Ji-Mun announced as the students came over. " this should cheer you up!" She implied as they dumped all of their lunch over me.
" come on eat it fatty!!" they all chanted, but I didn't even touch it. This seemed to make them angry because Ji-Mun came up to me grabbing a first full of my hair pulling my hair yanking my head back. " what did we fucking say?!"
She took some food trying to stuff it in my mouth. But I jerked around preventing her from doing it. I think she was having enough of my Resisting because she Signaled others to come.
I screamed out, wanting help but knowing no one would come it was after school plus someone was outside blocking the door. I was then pulled up by one of the boys, " if she won't do as we say they she needs to get beaten!" Ji-Su walked over to the classroom room closet.
Coming back out with a thick wooden stick. " it didn't have to come to this Soo-Nico, do worry everyone will get a turn." She grinned evilly, rising the stick I closed my dark eyes waiting for the impact.
And it came down hard and fast, sucking in my breath as it made contact with my stomach, tears leaked from my eyes one after the other. I was hit in different places with My skin busted opened, and bloodstains in my clothes.
This wasn't even the worst of it.
I Ignored my family when they would ask about the bandages I had put on myself. I couldn't talk about it though. It would just cause more trouble for me.
I've lost a lot of weight since a couple of months ago. My mom was proud thinking I was working on myself to look better but no I wasn't. It's We're I haven't been eating it's gone so far to where I made myself puke up my food if I ate.
But I gained it all back and more, my mother noticed and even made side comments. I knew she was just wanted me to be like the other girls for once and feel good In my skin. But She didn't realize how much it hurt that she didn't see me for who I was.
She did it with good intentions but the outcome well not much.
I was tired and numb. I didn't want to deal with anything or anyone even my family. I stayed in my room not coming out. I went as far as to say I hated them and I wish they weren't here.
I hated everyone from that point.
I walked down the hallways of the school, I glared at everyone that looked at me. I had lost so much sleep that the eye-bags under my eyes were so huge and dark it was hard not to miss.
I had gone to my homeroom, sitting in the middle of the class, everyone was staring, I Knew they eventually talk about me they gave me little papers with messages that said.
worlds fattest pig
Let see your underwear again
Must suck to be poor
I would find them in my bag, them sticking out of my locker. Even one was written on the homeroom Board. You can guess which one it was.
Ji-Mun arrived, in-class noticing me she stood in front of the Podium. " as you know if there's a rumor going around that one of you has talked to Soo-Nico?" Everyone that was in the room got quiet.
She must have found out about the new girl that had come, I dumped into her. She was sitting in front of me. One was loud to talk to me.
" I better not catch you because if anyone and I mean anyone who talks to Soo-Nico is dead!" The bitch threatened right before the bell for school starts ringed.
I couldn't be myself anymore, all I wanted was to be a decent person but they screwed that up for me. I was fine before all this even I still didn't like my weight I was working on it.
It was late and I was waiting for my bus to take me home. I wore a thick coat because it was cold out, as the wind whipped at my red-fleshed cheeks.
My nose ran a little, I think I was getting sick. But I didn't care, at least if I got sick. I wouldn't have to go to school I think I'll wait here for the next bus that comes to make sure of it.
Taking out my phone I put one earphone in listening to my song Magic shop from BTS. My bias was namjoon, and my bias wreck was Taehyung, Bobbing my head to the music I heard a commotion on the other side of the street.
It was Ji-Mun and her gang, they were standing around someone that was sitting on the ground on their knees. Who was she tormenting now?
Getting up I checked before crossing the road, making my way over. I saw it was the new girl,  I could hear her squeaky voice from here. " this will teach you not to talk to Soo-Nico again." 
" no please I didn't know!!" She cried, but Ji-Mun just gave her an irritated look. Stepping on her hand I Hearing a crack the girl screamed out in pain as she dug her heel in further.
I couldn't take this anymore watching this girl tormented others just to have control, " why don't you-" before Ji-Mun could finish her sentence I punched her right in the face.
She fell to the ground, holding her bleeding nose, " what the fucking hell!" Her eyes glared recognizing me. " why don't you!" I suggested,  knowing what she was going to say to the girl.
The next day my parents found out and told me I had to write an apology letter to Ji-Mun for almost breaking her nose. I was lucky enough they didn't press charges.
But What about the poor girl they were bullying? Did they have to apologize no! That's how the system works.
You get bullied they don't say anything, when they bully others, you try and Stan up from them but all you get in return trouble for doing so. Fuck them fuck everyone!
I told my parents to fuck off.
I didn't want anything to do with them at least that's what I thought.
It's been two weeks since the incident and I haven't gone back to school since. I laid on my bed with the lights off. I wasn't feeling good. Soon my mom came to the door knocking on it.
" Please just go away!!" I yelled hitting the door with one of my pillows. " please just come with me to the airport to pick up your brother. He wants to see you." She spoke of Jin-Woo.
I haven't seen him in forever since he aboard in the states. He was the only one that I didn't hate, at the moment. Groaning I got up getting off the bed, as I did I felt faint.
Steadying myself I went on and changed into a new pair of clothing. Opening the door. I was faced with my mom for the first time in a while. She had a worried look on her face yeah right?
" Are you feeling okay? you look, pale honey." But all I responded with was I'm fine. Sitting in the back seat my mom kept glancing at me asking questions.
Trying to start up a conversation, but I stayed quiet. " please god just leave me alone." I mumbled, but my dad heard, "your mother is trying to talk to you, stop being a little brat!"
He was turned in his seat facing me. " you haven't talked to use two weeks, when we get to the airport, you better be on your best behavior!"
Little did I know that would be the end of There's and my world.
Parking the car we got out and headed into the building. The places were crowded, with different types of people mostly Korean but there were some Foreigners.
Waiting nearby the gates, Jin-Woo should be landing anytime now. Sitting down I felt like I was going to throw up, I was sweating like crazy.
My mom noticed but didn't say anything afraid I'll fuss at her. I wondered where a restroom was in this place getting up I was stopped by my dad.
" where do you think you're going?"
I rolled my eyes, but he didn't see because his eyes were too focused on the magazine he was reading. " just to the restroom," finding out he shooed me away.
I had to ask some people where the restroom was. As doing so I passed a man, that was standing in one place, with some cotton balls up his nose. He was Turing his head side to side looking weird.
Getting away I finally found the restroom, standing in the stalls, I began to puke, rubbing my stomach as I did. I was sick I should have stayed home and waited for my brother.
After I was done, I wipe my mouth off with a sheet of toilet paper, I made sure that I was finished. Getting up I went over to the sink Turing it on splashing my face with cold water.
Looking up I was surprised at my reflection, my skin was ghostly pale, my eyes well they had strange veins in them, but I didn't think much of it probably just a symptom of this virus I have.
It wasn't long before I got more symptoms. My body got a cold rush feeling, as shivers went up to my spine. This is probably the flu, shaking my head I went on.
The weird man I noticed before was acting normal, maybe he's on meds? But he saw my eyes wide and hurried over to me. " you have the symptoms to right?!" He asked grabbing my arm shaking it.
"It is starting!!"
I look at him strangely jerking my arm away. " No, what are you talking about?" I backed away leaving the crazy man. Not knowing he was the first Infected.
As I went on it felt like the area was tipping, I staggered a bit trying to steady myself trying not to fall. My brain had that swelling feeling it seemed like I was being dragged into my head.
Not understanding what was happening I felt my body move but I wasn't the one moving it, I felt like I was stuck in my head and couldn't get out.
I then soon heard some gasps as something wet gushed out of my nose, It was blood and a lot of it. I looked into the window of the airport. That was right beside me.
And was horrified at what I saw was my reflection smiling back at me with pitch-black eyes. It waved slowly blood all over its mouth and neck.
Is that what I looked like to people right now? Because if I did I would be scared shitless. " you know you want to!" My reflection spoke to me. Grinning evilly. I felt my body backed away not believing what I was seeing.
What was this?
" what are you?" I breathed out scared. I covered my nose trying not to get blood everywhere. " I'm you but much worse." It giggled. Coming out of the window standing right in front of me.
" This was you're own doing Soo-Nico, 'tsk tsk' I'm not going to be enemy here." That is when I started to feel funny like I was losing my grasp on my mind it began to fade.
Then hearing inhuman sounds I began to dash towards people for no reason. Hearing them scream trying to get away, jumping over stuff pushing each other down.
It was all so quick and fast, that I didn't recognize the people standing before there was an older man, a woman, and a teenage boy. Their faces had a pure shock but I smiled creepily at them.
Then lunged for them.
Waking up my head hurt, slowly getting up, I looked around me seeing blood everywhere. My heart began to beat fast. Why was there so much blood? And why can't I remember a thing?
I almost screamed when I looked down. Not believe who was dead on the ground, I covered my mouth as tears immediately began to fall.
" No... No, God No!!!" I cried getting down on the blood-soaked floor seeing my family lay there lifeless. I grabbed my mom putting her head on my lap. " what I? –What happened? How—" I then remembered my creepy-looking reflection.
It was the last thing I saw before going Berserk. More eyes began to unfolded realizing I'm the one who killed them. And I didn't know why? My body shook not knowing what to do or who to call?
" I didn't mean to! I didn't– I wouldn't!! I'm sorry!" I screamed into my mother's shirt. Beating the floor with my fist, " I'm sorry for being mean to you!!"
I sucked in a couple of breaths, feeling my lips and chin quiver. As I sob from there on out, I had to live with the guilt of the death of my family never forgetting that moment.
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silentdescant · 4 years
26, 27, and 28 from your fic-writer wrap up?
Oh hello sorry I didn't get a notification for this ask so idk if it was sent days ago or just now but sorry if it's been a while.
26. Hardest part of writing?
Laaaaately, smut. Which is terrible, because I love it so much, and I really miss being able to push boundaries and explore like that. I want to get back to it, because it used to be incredibly easy for me, and I think I just need to force it and get back in the habit. We'll see.
In a more general sense, though, I find really detailed introspection difficult, and whenever I read some of the introspective fics that are fairly common in dnp fandom, I'm just like... HOW???? *___*
27. Easiest part of writing?
Dialogue! Usually, at least. I sometimes write just the dialogue of scenes, and like the important actions, and then have to go back through and add descriptions. I tend to mainline a bunch of media all at once and really get a feel for how the person/character talks, and it's very easy for me to make that flow with fic. If I'm ever having trouble, I'll just go back to youtube for a while and kind of bask in compilation videos or livestreams or whatever, to let the cadence seep into my brain.
28. Best part of writing fanfic?
I answered this in another ask, I think I said filling in the gaps of what we know irl or in episodes of a show. I stand by that, but another thing I really love about fanfic is that it's so easy to really explore characterization, because you don't have to do the typical fiction thing of introducing every aspect of your character. In most fandoms, there's a shorthand. It's understood that Dan and Phil are a certain type of person, even in an AU. It's undetstood for a character like Stiles to be snarky and intelligent and frenetic, even in like a historical AU or a fully human AU or whatever. You can twist those commonly understood aspects however you need to, you can reintroduce the audience to YOUR version of the character, but you have a baseline that you don't need to give too many details about.
For someone like me, who doesn't like dwelling on physical descriptions of people, I love it. I have an image in my head of what Dan looks like, and guess what, even if you picture a different era of Dan, it's still Dan. That descriptive work is done for me just by using his name, which means I can spend my time on dialogue, action, new scenarios, all the fun-for-me stuff.
It's sometimes considered a kind of... Shortcut, or like fanfic writers are cheating? And yeah, maybe an aspect of that is true; if I were to write original fic, I'd really need to practice MAKING my characters. But it opens up a lot of opportunities for fanfic writers to get deeper into other areas (like the introspective fic I mentioned earlier), and it makes it easier to really dig into things like trauma characters experience that isn't really touched on, like with teen wolf, it's canon that Stiles experiences symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, other effects of all the trauma of the events in the show. It's dealt with a little bit in the episodes, he has panic attacks and he speaks to a counselor, but to really explore the toll on his mental health, you gotta turn to fanfic, because a network TV show just doesn't have time or the right audience to get really in depth with that sort of thing, especially with a comic relief character like him.
That was a very long answer but I love talking about fandom/fanfic, so thank you for the ask!!
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
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"I'm home, V." You told him as you held him close with the warmest of embraces. "My love."
"My love!" The man answered as he lifted you and twirled you around like a princess. He, then, put you down and pressed his lips against your forehead. "I can't believe it! You're here! With me!"
"Yes!" You answered as your arms went around his neck. "Finally! If this is truly Heaven, I don't ever want to leave! I want to stay here with you. Forever!"
"I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you, too, V."
"Welcome home, dearest."
For a time, you knew nothing but peace, and calmness,...
... and above all,...
... love.
For the harsh hammer of death in the form of a storm that was brought down upon this land opened a new door of hope for the two of you.
And thus, in this so - called stormy hammer of death, the lovers were finally reunited.
He no longer greeted you, nor led you to that same old worn - down bench, nor read poetry to you.
You did,...
... so much more.
For the not - so good things that occurred in the past has granted you so much more access to this utopia that the man so lovingly took care of for a very long time.
Who knew there was a little forest of golden trees not far from that white gazebo? Who knew that, on that forest of golden trees, there were very peculiar, very curious little species of flowers that grew nowhere else but there? Who knew that, along with those very peculiar, very curious little species of flowers, there were some kinds of magnificent plants that glowed and sparkled and showed the way to lost travelers during nighttime? Who knew that, deep within that forest, there was a bubbling brook that reflected all kinds of colors like a real prism?
Who knew that anyone could explore these wonders, as much as they could, and never get tired of them?
For a time, you knew nothing but peace, and calmness,...
... and above all,...
... love.
Hand in hand, you explored all the places, both known and unknown, that your feet could reach without getting tired. As promised, you enjoyed the nice and peaceful night sky with him as you walked.
And as he so lovingly declared to you, he was able to hold you the way he would want to.
You loved him, and he loved you.
... was perfect.
... was,...
... perfect.
Then, there came a time in that eternal utopia when being together felt,... somehow lonesome.
Yes, you loved each other. You swore to never leave each other's side. You promised to stay with each other until the end of time but,...
... somehow,...
... something,...
... felt missing.
For a time, you knew nothing but peace, and calmness,...
... and above all,...
... love.
... you,...
... nor the man you loved above all else,...
... could never stop the force that was coming swiftly upon this little utopia of hope.
For it was stronger than the hammer of death, the storm that could end everything within mere moments.
It was called,...
... the winter of emptiness.
And this emptiness, this strange power that was taking a hold of your own heart,...
... has forced you to open your eyes to the truth of this world.
On the seventh night of this harsh winter, the man found you sitting on that same old worn - down bench where he used to greet and read poetry to you.
As always, for the man, you looked beautiful.
The most beautiful woman in all of creation.
And yet,...
... you looked so sorrowful, and lonely.
He found you clutching your abdomen.
"My love." The man called you as he sat down next to you.
"My love." You answered, your eyes still locked onto the vast, white, empty horizon before you.
"Are you,... in pain?"
Your eyes wide open, you turned to look at his worried face and cupped his cheeks, hoping that your simple gesture would reassure him.
"Dearest, no!" You replied. "No."
But, the man would not believe your words. "Please, talk to me. Tell me what's been bothering you. I'll do anything I can,... anything,... to make you feel alright again."
With a weak smile, you pulled the man close to your heart, not wanting to let him go.
"V," You began. " ... forgive me. Please."
"What? Why? There is nothing to apologize for! My love, tell me what's wrong,... please,... "
And with one simple gesture, he finally realized.
With his hand that you put on your abdomen, his eyes, and mind, were finally opened.
He knew, right then and there,...
... the root of the emptiness that was suffocating you.
"I'm so sorry, V!" The man heard you cry, your delicate body trembling against his own. "I can't! I - i c - can't give you,... everything!"
The man, although having a hard time accepting this sad truth, only shook his head and pulled you into his arms even closer.
"As I've told you, there is nothing to apologize for. What matters the most is I love you! I love you, (Y/N). I,... love you. And nothing could change that. Nothing." He, then, cupped your cheeks and made you look at him as he brushed those tears from your face. "So, please, smile. Seeing you happy,... is the only thing that keeps me going,... please."
For a time, you knew nothing but peace, and calmness,...
... and above all,...
... love.
Despite this long period of harsh winter, you pulled through. He helped you with everything.
He helped you,...
... despite your weakness.
And above all, he stayed with you. He made good on his promises.
... never left you.
And as the reign of this winter of emptiness finally started to diminish, you both knew,...
... that much awaited spring of hope,...
... was coming.
And with it, the voice, that mysterious voice, that kept calling you in the night.
And you knew what it meant.
You knew.
And you're fully aware that it would only make him sorrowful and lonely even more.
"V, did you hear that?" You asked him one morning as you watched how the snow melted, showing the first signs of the early spring bloom.
"Hear what, my love?"
"That voice. It's calling me." Turning towards him with such torn emotions of both happiness and sorrow, you began confessing to him. "It's time, V."
"What time? What do you me - ?"
And you did not give him enough time to finish his sentence. Pulling him into a hug and keeping him there locked into your arms, you spoke. "I know you know what I mean. They're calling me,... back to the surface. I'm given,... another chance to live."
Of course, he knew. Of course.
He just didn't expect it to be this soon.
Yes, he wanted to be with you. To keep you close everyday of his life. To lovingly hold you forever.
But, he knew you have so much more to give.
You deserved,…
… another chance at life.
And for that,…
… he must let you go.
He must let,…
… the woman he loved go.
"Then, go." He whispered, his voice shaking, his eyes getting blurry, his chest hurting with so much pain.
Of course, he wanted you to live. He wanted you to be happy. And he's willing to let you go.
It's just,...
... why,...
... does it hurt so,… so much?
"Go,... and live the life you choose."
"I will." You answered. "And I will find you."
Eyes wide with surprise and brows knitted in confusion, he watched you as you took out something from the pocket of your immaculate white skirt.
It was,...
... a simple red string.
You carefully tied it around his wrist as you spoke. As tears fell from your own eyes. 
"I do believe that someday, in this lifetime or maybe the next, or even after that, if we're truly meant for each other, our separated souls would surely find their way back home, and we'll finally meet. I don't care how long,... I'll wait for as long as it takes. And when that happens, I would know. 
"By this red string of fate, I would know. 
"Even if we have different names or different preferences, or even if we're born in different places, I would know it's you. I would know, because both the heart and soul knows. We would surely meet,... someday."
"But,... what if I never get the chance to live again? I'm tainted. I'm full of sin! My past,... is too dark to behold. What if I never see you again?"
"Then, I will beg the gods to give you another chance! I don't care if you say you're tainted, or full of sin, or your past is too dark! I love you! I love you, V! I,... love you!
"And that's all that matters.
“We will see each other again. I know.
“I swear,…”
And with one last passionate kiss,...
... and one last embrace,...
... you proved to him,...
... everything you've said.
You will find him, and that's a promise.
For a time, you knew nothing but peace, and calmness,...
... and above all,...
... love.
And with the remnants of the winter of emptiness, you were taken away from him.
Leaving him alone in this world,...
... once more.
"See you tomorrow, Avery!"
Laughing and shaking your head, you waved goodbye to your friend after a hard day's work. You considered inviting her for a nice cup of tea from your favorite cafe' in the heart of the city but, you knew she would refuse. She has a date with her amazing boyfriend, Roman, after all.
And you? You're just happy. Happily employed, happily living your own life,...
... and single,...
" ... and on Valentine's." You said to yourself with a deep sigh, gaining the attention of the couple sitting right next to your table in that favorite cafe' of yours. 
Sipping your earl grey and ignoring the young college couple as they started whispering about you, you took out your phone from your (B/C) bag and checked for some notifications.
They're just the usual boring stuff: Ebag online shopping e - mails, MeTube video notifications, some tumbler updates from your favorite fanfiction writers and artists, and a few messages from your local telecommunications company. Nothing,... really new.
However, one, sudden call caught your attention. It was from one of your online friends, Nicoletta, and she sounded hyped.
"Hey, hon!" She screamed at the phone. "Outta work?"
With a little laugh, you replied, "Yeah why?"
"Dude! Vitale is there!"
"Vitale? You mean your pal from that agency? What is it again? Devil May Weep?"
"Yeah, yeah! Him! And that's Devil May CRY!"
Huh, you thought as her words finally sank into your head. You've known this Vitale for almost a year now. In fact, you've known him from Nico and this strange dude named Griffon that she always called, birdbrain, or little chickie. Said you and the guy had a lot of similarities. That you both liked tea, video games, art, reading, yes, reading,... a lot. And above all, he, like you, claimed to remember a bit of his past life. You both claimed to remember,… something about an endless garden, a field of beautiful white roses, and a certain red string bracelet. They actually said that the guy was interested into getting to know you more because of those things.
So, shit happens. You exchanged anonymous messenger user names, introduced yourselves to each other, and talked, or chatted.
And to make the long story short, the two of you got along with each other quite well.
However, your friendly relationship with him remained stagnant like that. You were just too far, the both of you living away from each other, across the other sides of the globe, in fact. Not to mention the time zones killing the both of you and your sleep schedules. And,... you couldn't really invest in a long - distance relationship like that.
And now,...
"Wait a sec," You answered. "What's he doing here, anyway?"
"Devil hunting mission. Mr. Lovesick guy actually volunteered to hunt it down after knowin’ that the Demon went straight across the sea towards where ya are right now."
Mr. Lovesick guy?! "Wait, I don't understand. A Demon? Right here in the city?"
Grabbing your bag and standing up, you lowered your voice as you spoke. "Should I be scared with that? I thought you're just joking when you told me you run a Devil Hunting agency there!"
"I'm not joking! And don't ya worry about a thing, V's got yer pretty little ass."
"Oh, shut up, you!" You almost yelled at the phone. "And he's called V now?"
"Yeah! He says he prefers it like that instead of his full name. Anyway, be goin' now! Kyrie's losin' her mind with the orphans. Have a fun Valentine's with the poet, hon!"
"Wait! Nico, wait!"
And before you could even say anything else, the woman hung up.
Sighing and swearing under your breath, you hid your phone back to your bag and waved at barista behind the counter.
"See you tomorrow, (Y/N)!" The friendly Italian barista said.
"See ya, Cagliostro!" You replied. You were about to leave the cafe' when the Italian called the name of the customer who ordered the cup of tea he was holding.
"V! One earl grey for V!"
Eyes wide open with surprise, hands terribly sweaty and  trembling in anticipation, you turned back, and saw him,...
Shoulder – length, jet – black hair, a metal cane in one hand, a very distinct posture, that familiar way of walking,…
… and those deep green eyes,…
Yes, those deep green eyes,…
You remembered,...
... everything,...
"V?" You called his name.
The man heard your voice, and when he finally laid his eyes on you, he finally remembered.
The endless garden, the field of those beautiful white roses, the red string bracelet,…
… and the beautiful woman,…
… who wore it to his wrist.
As the lips of the mysterious man called V curved up in a smile that made your heart ache and jump in gladness, he finally spoke.
“My,… love,…”
“We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.”
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Jac & Amelia
Jac: How was your first day? Amelia: 🥱😴 Amelia: What about you? Jac: Oh dear, it was a lot more observing rather than doing I suppose, but I kind of expected that, if you want to get experience somewhere that isn't willing to just let anyone come in and do a shift so Jac: You'll never guess who was on my placement too though Amelia: Connor following you there wouldn't surprise me Amelia: he can't take a hint Jac: Thankfully not Jac: Swerving him during school is basically an extra-curricular Jac: I suppose it isn't all that surprising when you think about it, but I still was taken aback by the turn of events Amelia: thrill me Amelia: who is it? Jac: Savannah Moore Amelia: oh god, that sucks Amelia: if you don't wanna change placements, we'll make her Amelia: it'll be okay Jac: That's the surprising thing Jac: she was like, a different person Amelia: like really fake, you mean? Jac: No, like, a normal person Jac: maybe because she was away from her friends, her audience, or I don't know Jac: but she was just getting on with her work too, being chill about the whole thing Amelia: 🤔 suspicious Jac: Well, you can't say anything Jac: but why would you Jac: she's having like, a really hard time at home right now, she was a bit upset at one point Jac: it just broke the ice, and it makes a lot of things make sense Amelia: did it or did she throw you off with a convincing 😥💔 story? Jac: She was having a breakdown in the toilets basically Jac: I don't think she wanted anyone to see that, least of all me Jac: we knew her dad was like A LOT anyway, it tracks Amelia: it's Savannah, she wants everyone to see everything, especially you Jac: Come on, what would she even get out of tricking me with a sobstory Jac: bar work experience not being a total drama, which surely she'd love more, by that logic? Amelia: your attention Jac: 🤔🤔 I just don't see it this time Jac: I can't explain how sincere it was, what she said Jac: it definitely wasn't made up, at any rate Amelia: if you believe her, I believe you Jac: Like, I'm not saying we were wrong Jac: but too harsh, maybe Jac: we don't need to waste any energy on being her enemy or whatever Jac: not that we were ever THAT childish but, she really isn't that bad Amelia: I can be a bit harsh Jac: You're a softie, really Jac: but I'm not going to spill all your secrets to her Amelia: it's not a secret that I missed you today Jac: Was it seriously that boring? 😞 Jac: Who are you with again, anyone not awful? Amelia: yeah Amelia: my 🧠 has turned to mush Amelia: they put with with Valentina Hernández, I've had detention with her before Jac: You poor thing Jac: we'll have to do something fun when this is over, if you're going to hate it so much Jac: and I'll keep to a minimum how much I'm enjoying getting some industry experience 🤐 Jac: Oh yeah, she's cute Jac: I don't have many classes with her, but I know who you mean Amelia: she said I look like her ex, do you think that means she hates me or I'm her eye candy of choice for the next week? Amelia: can't we do something fun tonight!? Jac: How weird Jac: sounds like a really bad pickup-line a 40-year-old man would use Jac: Guess you'll see what she meant Jac: That's not going to make your early start tomorrow any easier, is it Amelia: I'm already planning to sleep through my alarm Amelia: and Is is up for it Jac: I'm totally wiped Jac: and trying to save you from yourself 😉 Jac: Is can make her own poor choices Amelia: vodka redbulls were invented to change wiped to wired Amelia: you know she'll get drunk and throw herself at some boy, that's what you'll be saving me from Amelia: dark corners are no fun when I'm being left in them on my own Jac: so I can be hungover tomorrow Jac: if she is tricking me, I'm going to need ALL my wits about me Jac: maybe Val will come and keep you company Amelia: and if she's as nice as you say, she can pick up the slack Amelia: please come Jac: Are we talking about a house party or a club or what, you've not even told me 😅 Jac: also, you know I don't want to drop anything, I need to ace this Amelia: it's a club you'll love Amelia: so you won't have to drink loads to have fun anyway Jac: If Is or any of her conquests have picked it I SO doubt that 😏 Amelia: I picked it in case you needed cheering up but it works for a pat on the back too Jac: Okay, I'll see what the parents say Amelia: if they look like they're leaning towards no, it could've been me having a breakdown in the toilets Jac: I'll tell them you'll be heartbroken Amelia: the truth works too Jac: they're not that understanding so I wouldn't hold your breath Jac: I'll corner one of them when they get in though Amelia: more understanding than mine, not to be Savannah-ish about it Jac: I assume you will be sneaking out, as per Jac: or staying over one of ours to catch up with your work Amelia: 😏 Jac: 🙄 how you ever get away with it when your mother knows everything about everyone is beyond me Jac: if you applied yourself, you could be seriously impressive Amelia: could be? Amelia: you just said I am Amelia: she knows everything about me that I want her to know Jac: duh Jac: gotta give you something to aim for though Amelia: oooh a challenge Jac: I know how you feel about them Amelia: unless it's going to be something about applying myself this week Jac: am I a teacher? Amelia: you've taught me loads like why would I waste my energy buckling down with Valentina 📠 when I could spend it doing something that isn't 🥱😴 with you Jac: You have a point Jac: or, I do? 😂 Jac: and I can come out for a while, but I need to be home to get at least 5 hours sleep minimum Amelia: can I stay or does Jude still need 15 hours minimum? Jac: if you keep the noise down and promise to talk less than her Amelia: I'll be so 🤫🤐 Jac: another person at mine in the AM makes no odds Jac: but I will be leaving extra early, FYI Amelia: why? Jac: Mainly because I want to get there on time Jac: but also because Savannah said she'd bring breakfast, as I listened to her when she was upset today so Amelia: bribery is her style 🤑 Jac: I guess so Jac: but it'd be rude of me not to accept any coffee or pastries she wants to throw my way Amelia: what if they're toxic Jac: You're giving her too much credit now Jac: she isn't going to have the time to poison them AND not be late Amelia: she's probably baking them right now, what else are her and her invisible mum going to do to bond? Jac: You're the one that takes home ec 🍳 Amelia: yeah and if you wanted me to kill her, all you had to do was ask Jac: Feel free to note my silence any time you like 😏 Jac: What are you wearing, how smart/casual is this place? Amelia: [pictures of potential outfits on the bed so she can see the vibe] Amelia: which one will you break your vow of silence for? Jac: You know I love that colour [hi khaki moment] Amelia: 😉 Amelia: if you want to know what Is is wearing, the group chat is full of her maybes Jac: I am purposely ignoring that notification 🙄😑 Jac: like yeah, I'm probably going to wear my black tank dress again but the difference is, I'm not pretending it's getting any crazier Amelia: it got her to shut up about all the 'hotties' at the sports centre that she got to 'service' today Amelia: 😣 Jac: Ew Jac: she's so graphic sometimes Jac: it's a good thing she has her reputation tbh if those are her lines Amelia: this is before a drink too Amelia: I need you, I wasn't even laying it on thick Jac: God, she is a lot Jac: hopefully one of them asks her out, she's at least less gross when she's in a relationship Amelia: 🤞 Jac: I do need to plan my outfits for the rest of work experience though Amelia: god, I can imagine what Savannah looked like today Jac: Right? Jac: She was so on point Amelia: for a stepford wife Amelia: it's unsettling Amelia: her mum probably stays invisible because she takes the clothes off her back Jac: Come on, she looks good Amelia: so would I in head to toe chanel Jac: Exactly Jac: so I need to keep up so I don't look like a scrub Amelia: you don't have to try as hard as her, that's the difference Amelia: you actually look good Amelia: not just expensive Jac: You're biased but I love you for it Amelia: you could ask anyone in our year and they'd tell you the same thing Amelia: even her boyfriend would probably want to agree with me Jac: I doubt his eyes ever leave her, they're totally inseparable aren't they Amelia: it sounds like you'll be getting all the gossip Amelia: you'll be able to tell me everything by Friday Jac: not that that has any real use now Amelia: maybe or maybe not Jac: ?? Amelia: we've got loads of school left, you can't say never Amelia: today could've been a weird fluke Jac: Nah, it was a total ceasefire if nothing else Jac: it's not like a feud Jac: Oh my God, what is that skirt she just posted Amelia: okay Amelia: 😳 on her behalf Jac: should I tell her to wear it? Amelia: yeah 😂 Jac: 😏 Amelia: what are you wearing though? Jac: my lbd 😂 Jac: I don't know if it's classic or predictable but if nothing else, I can say this was short notice Amelia: if I couldn't predict you I'd be worried Jac: but you love a challenge 🤔 Amelia: but I love the way things are Jac: see, so soft and soppy Jac: nothing has changed yet Jac: still think transition year is pointless 🤷 Amelia: your 🧠 didn't turn to mush Jac: it might Jac: I just wanna pick all our new classes and get started Jac: but it is cool we get to do stuff like this, I suppose Amelia: you just want to find out if Savannah will be in every single class again Jac: 🙄 Amelia: [like I'm gonna say she was joking then but now the posts have appeared so it's like oh you actually do and she leaves her on read which I cannot overstate how much that would NEVER happen because she always answers immediately no matter what] Jac: Hello? Jac: are you picking me up? Amelia: are you ready? Jac: you aren't talking to Isabelle Jac: of course I am Amelia: nothing she's saying needs a reply Jac: 'Fashionably' late is her vibe Amelia: yeah I know, Is hasn't changed since I met her Jac: Like that's a good thing? Amelia: I wouldn't go as far as to call her perfect or anything Amelia: but at least I get her Jac: Funny, Meels Amelia: like totally weird, that kind of funny Jac: You are being weird Amelia: that isn't even a worthy deflection Jac: What do you wanna say? Jac: It's just a post Amelia: I've never heard you describe anything as perfect, what are you saying? Jac: Did you see her post? Amelia: yeah, it's obvious why you're tired Amelia: I was exhausted reading it Jac: Well I couldn't just say nothing in return, could I Amelia: I never caption anything, it's easy Jac: you're a girl of few words Amelia: why does she think she knows you on such a 'deep level' now? Amelia: you said she was the one who overshared Jac: You know her friends Jac: Paige G and Becca Jac: I doubt they do 'deep' Jac: it's just in comparison Amelia: I know you, there's things you aren't telling me Jac: like what, I told her all my secrets Jac: if you know me then you know there's no way that's true Amelia: then you're keeping hers Jac: No I'm not, I told you, it's her home life Jac: and I'm sure she doesn't want everyone to know so I shouldn't but I did Amelia: okay Jac: You don't like her, you don't have to Jac: but don't be off with me Amelia: neither did you yesterday Amelia: but now you're going to [whatever that market location was] together Jac: She needed cheering up Jac: and I was going to go anyway, my last bouquet was dead Jac: it's not a big deal Amelia: it was so chill you weren't going to say anything before she outted you with a post Amelia: obviously Jac: I didn't say anything 'cos I didn't think you'd be bothered Jac: it's not your thing Amelia: right, why would it be news that you've changed your entire POV on Savannah Moore Jac: Well I told you about that Jac: scroll up Amelia: it's one thing putting up with someone during work experience, which is what you said Amelia: do you see me taking Valentina out when we're allowed to leave? No, because it'd be totally weird Jac: Why would that be weird? Amelia: we're not friends, I barely know her Jac: you're free to get to know her Jac: you may as well Jac: like I said, it's totally childish having some kind of grudge against her Amelia: it's too late to invite them both Jac: so you want to? Amelia: no, but you think I'm being childish Jac: I think it would be childish for me to decline this peace offering Jac: if it makes life easier, it'd be stupid not to Amelia: I don't see how it'll make anything easier if she's going to be that extra Amelia: Is is already a lot Jac: I can deal with them both Amelia: okay Jac: You don't need to be jealous Amelia: of her? oh please Jac: right Amelia: she's not the only one who has had a bad day, that's all Jac: what's wrong? Amelia: I got in trouble, they might not even have me back tomorrow Jac: What did you do? Amelia: nothing! It wasn't my fault Jac: Alright, what happened then Amelia: I didn't think it would crash the whole system, I was just trying to get done quicker Jac: Oh God Meels Amelia: it would've been impressive if it had worked Jac: they can't get rid of you for a mistake Jac: just be really, really sorry, yeah Amelia: I am sorry, it was really 😳 Jac: I bet Jac: you won't do it again Jac: did she tell you to Amelia: who would tell me to do that Jac: You said she was your detention buddy Amelia: no I didn't, I said I've seen her there before Amelia: everyone gets detention except you and Savannah Jac: Hardly Jac: well, you could say it was her idea Amelia: you've been having a go at me for being childish Jac: you'll be in so much shit if they refuse to have you back Amelia: I'll go work with my dad or something, it'll be even more boring but it's only a week anyway Jac: it'll still reflect really badly on you Jac: it's not childish, it's practical Amelia: it was an accident, I won't be the only one who's done something stupid Jac: Yeah, but you said they were arsey about it so Jac: just saying Amelia: maybe I was a bit defensive Amelia: don't worry about it Jac: Hmm Amelia: I'll smooth it over Jac: Good luck then Amelia: trust me Jac: You always end up alright Amelia: you're my lucky charm Amelia: I just ask myself wwjd Jac: You're such a loser 😏 Amelia: you're so cruel to me 💔 Jac: You love it Amelia: I love you Jac: I love you too Amelia: are you coming out or am I coming in? Jac: You'll just get waylaid by dogs and siblings Jac: be right out Amelia: the hair isn't an accessory I should wear to the club Jac: I've not done anything with mine, don't judge Amelia: it always looks perfect whatever you do or don't do Jac: 😘 Amelia: if you're going to use that word, at least throw it in the right direction Jac: oh yeah, that's a caption I wanna write 😂 Amelia: I'll write it for you, if anything's worth breaking the rules for Jac: You want to compete with Savannah's word count? Amelia: I don't want to, but I will if I have to Jac: I'm not that desperate for validation, you're okay Amelia: Isabelle meanwhile Amelia: has NOT shut up Jac: It's a wonder anyone is getting past her on reception Amelia: 😂 Jac: maybe she should ask if she can work the door when she finally shows Jac: [you go out now though gal, don't need to be messing about] Amelia: [go forth and be messy gays at this club instead] Jac: [no wonder, the tension henny] Amelia: [all the useless lesbian awards to amelia for not making a move tonight] Jac: [blink and you miss it babe] Amelia: [literally does not think she's running out of time, soz gal] Jac: [oh it's sad[ Amelia: [it is, we've been doing this dance for years ladies, obvs we think we'll just keep doing it until uni forces us to stop and do something else and at that point that's years away still] Jac: [when you think you got another three years to have gay angst and drama, nay nay] Amelia: [mhmm] Jac: [well, a different kind of angst and drama will be happening but nobody is loving that Amelia: [except me haha]
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