#The underground
taheeeeti · 24 days
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byelacey · 9 months
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me on oct 1
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karmaspidr · 5 months
Clover in Genocide Run: You all wanted war with Humanity. This is what war with humanity looks like. Are you happy?
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mernolan · 1 year
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my old hyper fixations coming back to haunt me
The half feathered half webbed wings is to a) make things weirder b) giving him the shape of scapular feathers and/or a tail to fill in that "gap" and maybe serve as some sort of steering structure (a detail I've just ignored because its ~fantasy~).
Grabby wing hands for climbing or holding onto stuff, kinda just going all in on the idea of the wings being the stronger more developed structures compared to the arms/hands and otherwise exploring what interesting things we can do with anatomy while preserving that human torso silhouette.
Playing around with the idea of there being some kind of flexible extension from the vertebra to visually anchor the wings more to the body and give some stability in flight. Our (human) center of gravity is in our hips which is ideal for walking upright and not ideal for being horizontal so the question is how do you keep the lower body from dragging during flight. If you're stubborn like me and don't want to give this particular character a tail or chicken legs to solve this problem, maybe he's just not an efficient flier and that's also kinda interesting!
anyway, if you really wanna get good at something like any kind of anatomy, having a character that you're invested in and willing to draw over and over again is a good way to go about it.
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genericdragon · 6 months
I barely remember making this.
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thethirdbear · 3 months
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1-n3on-l1ght-1 · 9 months
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HI NEONIES!! like I said in my late post I just wanna keep the content flowing so here’s a drawing I did a little while ago :)
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anne-chloe · 6 months
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Trust me | Three |
Jareth/Goblin King x F! Reader
Summary : As Sarah's next door neighbour, you're often Mrs Williams' last resort as a babysitter. Sarah had never liked this, but she can be extremely unreliable at times. One stormy night, Sarah grows frustrated with her baby brother and babysitter, resulting in saying a phrase that she later wants to take back. Now, you are stuck in The Goblin Kings realm with little hope to returning home again, unless Sarah can reach the castle and defeat Jareth in time.
The smell of flowers and greenery happened to be thick in the air. The scent wafted towards you from the only open doorway, enticing you forwards and into the unknown.
You were aware that everything was some sort of trick set up by Jareth, so you reminded yourself to remain cautious while heading forwards.
Inside the room lay a lot of flowers. You were fascinated to see that the ceiling was made entirely of glass, and that this room appeared to be a greenhouse. You wandered further in, sticking to the main path and refusing to stray, but you allowed yourself the opportunity to gaze at the gorgeous bundles and bunches in the room. Flowers of all sorts, roses, daisies, hydrangeas, peony's... thousands of flowers and all a rainbow of colours.
You paused in delight when you came across a patch of sunflowers. Sunflowers happened to be your favourite flower, and just the very sight of them brought comfort and joy. Your parents had planted them in the garden a few years ago to bring some colour to the house. In your eyes, it did more than just being colour to the house—it brought bee's, sunshine, happiness and an overall warmth that made you skip everywhere.
You reached your hand out the touch the sunflower, to assure it was real and not another trick that Jareth was playing on you. Sure enough, as the tips of your fingers brushed against the petals, you smiled truthfully at its realness.
But you couldn't linger over flowers for too long.
You pulled your hand back and turned on your heel, continuing onwards to the other side of the room, where you were starting to see the entrance to another room. You willed yourself to pick up the pace, wanting to find Tobey and leave as quickly as you could.
Your thoughts drifted to Sarah. Had she noticed yours and Tobey's absence at all? It seemed as though The Goblin King had made it so that she couldn't hear your yelling through the door. You didn't want to think of the possibility that Sarah had simply gone back to sleep, enjoying the quietness of the house.
What would happen when Mr and Mrs Williams returned home to find you and Tobey missing? Would Sarah explain that she had wished you both away? Would she feel even an ounce of guilt that she had condemned you to The Goblin Kings twisted games?
You didn't want to doubt that Sarah would have a change of heart. You wanted to believe that she'd make a wish for you and Tobey to come back. But that seemed extremely far fetched and unlikely as you navigated the castle deeper and deeper, finding yourself no closer to Tobey or an exit.
A stray sunflower caused you to stop before reaching the doorway. It lay on the ground, completely out of place. You stepped up to it, reaching down to pick it up by the stem, but something in your mind suddenly warned you against it.
You retracted your arm immediately and stood up straight, frowning down at the lonesome sunflower. As much as you desired to hold it and twirl it between your fingers, you felt as though something might befall you by doing so. It was obvious that Jareth had placed this for you to pick up; but why had he done so? It must be another trick.
You inhaled deeply and stepped over the flower before continuing through the doorway. If you had looked back, you would have seen the way the petals withered and curled into themselves.
You don't know what trick could have come from picking up the flower, but you didn't want to find out. For all you knew, another trap door was underneath it, and picking it up would only trigger the trap. You didn't want to risk being stuck in a hole again, where you might have no other choice but to ask for Jareth's help.
You decided that if you could withhold from asking for his help for as long as possible, then your chances of escaping would be much greater. You didn't trust Jareth, and asking for his help meant that you did.
Coming into an empty room, you paused directly in the centre. You looked at all four corners, your heart sinking into your stomach when you realised the doorway you had come from had now disappeared. But there was nothing inside the room. However, looking up, you saw a doorway higher than you could reach on your own.
Your brows furrowed together in focus, a frown deep on your face as you scanned the room again. And again. But nothing was there that could possibly help you. How were you supposed to reach the top?
Your answer came in the form of rumbling. The ground shook for a moment as stairs started to rise from the floor. You blinked rapidly at the appearance,  and immediately you made a start for the stairs.
Just as you reached the top, where the doorway was, it suddenly closed off and reappeared in the ceiling above you. You gaped at the trickery, feeling betrayed at your hope being snatched so fast from you. Is this The Goblin King's game? To dangle hope in front of you and then snatch it away last second?
You steadied yourself against the wall and stretched your hand upwards, trying to touch the doorway. You were too short. So you jumped to try and grab the side, so you could attempt at pulling yourself up, but again that was a futile attempt.
Jareth then appeared standing normally in the doorway. You squinted as he came into view, wondering how he had somehow altered gravity in a way that made it possible for him to stand like that. He crouched down and leaned his hand through, offering for you to take it.
You stared at his hand for a beat, your own hand beginning to rise to take it. Just as your own fingers brushed against his, rumbling caught your attention as several more staircases started to rise from the floor, the walls and the ceiling. None of them directed to where you wanted to go, which was up, so you ignored them and continued to stand on tip-toes to grab Jareth's hand.
Then, like the doorway had done, at the last second, the stair case underneath you turned into a slope. You immediately lost your footing. A gasp left your throat as you felt yourself falling, then sliding down to the bottom of the staircase.
You rolled across the floor. Sitting up, you hissed at the throbbing in your bottom and your hands, which had taken the brunt of the fall. Then, you accusingly looked back to Jareth, who remained crouched in the doorway, his smirk wider than ever and a devious glint in his eyes.
You pushed yourself to stand and clenched your fists by your sides. "What was that for? I was accepting your help!" You whined, feeling deeply betrayed that he had, again, snatched away your hope at the very last second.
"You rejected my gift," Jareth pointed out smoothly.
His gift? Did he mean the sunflower?
Your bottom lip trembled slightly. "I thought it was another one of your tricks, so I ignored it," you explained, now feeling rather silly for thinking that a flower could set you back. But you couldn't cross it off as a possibility when everything was so incredibly odd.
Jareth shrugged. "And I decided to not help you here."
You couldn't believe how sensitive The Goblin King was. He was seriously offended that you'd ignored his flower, and because of that he was punishing you for it. It was clear that Jareth did not take being rejected very well.
You tried not to stamp your foot out of throwing a temper tantrum. This entire situation was incredibly against you. It was like Jareth was deliberately keeping you away from Tobey.
"Maybe if you had given me the sunflower yourself, I might have actually accepted it," you quipped back, growing frustrated with this entire conversation.
"Maybe if you trusted me, you wouldn't be stuck all the way down there," Jareth countered in a teasing voice.
Trust him? You felt like screaming at the implications. How could you possibly trust him when all he had done was tease and trick you? He had stolen you from your world and forced you into some sort of game, which you didn't want to play, and was now keeping Tobey away from you. You wanted to blame Sarah for all of this, but how could she have possibly known her wish would come true?
Jareth stood up, tapping his cane against the doorframe, a sinister smile playing his lips. "Oh, [Name]. My dear, we could be so great together, if only you'd open your heart and trust me."
Then, he swished his cloak and disappeared, leaving you to stew in your emotions. You wanted to scream loudly in frustration, but that would do no good and would probably give Jareth the amusement he wanted.
Instead, you huffed and tried to reassess the situation. Lots of stairs leading to nowhere, some of them upside down, others protruding from the walls... how would you even begin to go about climbing the staircases on the ceiling?
Then, as if answering your question, new doorways appeared at the top of each staircase. You gasped and made your way to the nearest one, peering in and being confused when it only lead back to the same room. However, you noticed that you were now standing on the staircase that came from the wall.
You didn't feel unsafe. It was like gravity had shifted and made it so you could stand there. If it weren't for the actual situation, you would have found it to be extremely cool, and you would have complimented The Goblin King for his creativity.
So you began rushing up the steps and entered another doorway, now finding yourself on the opposite side of the room, across from the actual doorway you wanted to be in. You frowned and stepped to the side, eyeing the staircase that had attached to this one. It would mean you'd have to somehow be upside down, and you couldn't see how you could make that happen.
Trust me.
Isn't that what Jareth had said?
Sure, he played lots of tricks on you to throw you off your course, but he'd never actually put you in danger. When you fell through that trap door, you had landed so softly that you wouldn't have even believed that you'd actually fallen. And when the staircase turned into a slope, the fall down hadn't hurt as much as it should have done, considering it was made of stone.
You peered over the side, eyeing the upside down staircase with great skeptism. You decided to sit down and dangle your legs over the sides, and you took a deep breath in, squeezing your eyes shut as you pushed yourself off the edge.
You expected a falling sensation to take over, but instead your feet came into immediate contact with something firm. You gulped, opening your eyes, now aware that you were standing upside down on the staircase.
So, if you now flipped the room, you could get to the bottom of the staircase and run to the other side, and all you'd have to do is slip into the doorway that was now on the floor.
You took cautious steps down, but once you assured yourself that you wouldn't suddenly fall up, you darted to the other side. You reached the doorway and stepped inside, watching as the walls shifted and altered to match your gravity.
You breathed a sigh of relief. You had taken a chance and decided to trust The Goblin King, which is exactly what he said you should do. In a way, didn't that mean he had helped you? Would that mean that you had accepted his help, or had you just taken his advice?
Either way, you had escaped that room at last, and now you could move on to the next, to face whatever the next obstacle may be.
And as you left the room behind, Jareth watched with great interest, his smile wider than ever at the fact that you had listened to him. And wasn't obedience always rewarded?
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forbearne · 3 months
Which is better—cheap happiness, or lofty suffering?
Notes from Underground, Fyodor Dostoevsky (P&V Translation)
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ask-understuck · 1 year
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Long ago, two races ruled over Earth:
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One day, war broke out between the two races.
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After a long battle, the humans were victorious.
They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.
Many years later…
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Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return.
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Welcome to:
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ghostinb00ts · 1 year
all my monster culture hcs
(may be based in things we see in game, may be random stuff)
monsters’ ages of maturity vary a lot and it’s very difficult to tell what monsters are adults and who are children since there are so many different kinds, that’s why all monster children wear striped shirts.
once a monster child reaches their species’ equivalent of around 16 years in maturity, they have a big, special celebration (like a bar mitzvah or quinceañera in human culture). the main event is the monster’s friends and family gifting them new clothes. for some families, it is tradition to pass on a single garment to the first-born child for generations, although this is not always the case. (for the royal family, it’s asgore’s cape)
when monsters were first sealed behind the barrier, the underground was much smaller than it is in the game. originally, it was just the ruins, snowdin, and a small bit of waterfall. but due to erosion over time and many wanting to mine further to avoid overpopulation, it’s size grew a lot.
all monsters are immortal (in the sense of that they can’t die of old age) until they choose to have children, in which they give up that immortality.
this is done by a soul bond, when two (or more) monsters fuse their souls together and the part of immortality in them leave to form a new one. this can only be done if both monsters want to create a new life, therefore accidental and/or non consensual pregnancy can’t happen.
we know a lot of human stuff has been repurposed for the underground, but a lot of the stuff containing images or videos of actual humans (except for stylised animation) have been confiscated by the royal guard. the government said it was because many monsters could have pstd flashbacks to the war by seeing real humans. this is why many monsters don’t actually know what humans look like.
monsters species that possessed wings live primarily in new home due to its open nature.
education in the underground is usually pretty good. to make things easier on monster students that age faster/slower than their peers due to species, formal education in a standard grade system is not required. in order to become a legal adult, a monster that reaches the age of maturity would have to pass a government-made exam to prove they can function independently.
while new home, the core, and hotland exist in a modern capitalist system that functions as well as it can, waterfall and snowdin operate on a more trade-based economy while maintaining use of g’s.
i’ll probably add more when i think of them, but feel free to add on your own!!
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Presenting!!! The Fanmade Cores competition!!!
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Jumping on the bandwagon to these things!!! This competition is gonna be for the fan-made cores in some portal series and games! Obviously I probably didn't get everyone, but The Underground is already sort of obscure enough I didn't want to use more unknown ones that were definitely going to loose anyways because only 5 other people knew about them!
All of the cores I'll be using are from Meet the Cores 1-3, Portal: The Underground, Portal Stories: Mel, and Aperture Tag! And these are ONLY the Cores, so no turrets, P-body/Atlas variations and others won't be included here!
With that out of the way! Here are the matchups (no links right now since I'm still setting up the polls!)
Avery vs Enrichment Core
Ray vs Gaming Core
Chuck/Security Core vs General Core
Fergus/Gel Supervisor vs Rusty Core
Narrator Core vs Dr. Alma
Omni Core vs Oxygen Core
ST4NL3 Core vs Humour Core
Glitchy vs Music Core
Loose Screws Louis/Jazz Core vs Ohnothan/Ego Core
Rose vs Turret Core
Legal Core vs Quest Core
Virgil vs Heavy Metal Core
Rainbow Core vs Nigel
Paranoia Core vs Storyteller Core
Friendship Cores vs Optimism Core
Ambition Core vs Interview Core
Protocol Core vs Elite Core
Once I get the polls set up these will all have links! For now please rb to spread this to other Core fans :]
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karmaspidr · 9 months
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A visual reminder of what Frisk and the other children went through.
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pansexualkiba · 7 months
Pokemon region where the entire game takes place completely underground. There's little caverns with entire biomes within them and like, dome cities and whatnot. Your starters are little machines who "Evolve" when you earn compatible upgrades from the Professor. Dig into the walls and find resources that can be sold for money. Field weathers are replaced with old and new terrains. The Elite Four fights take place at different stops on a really long elevator up, and when you fight the Champion, you've taken your very first steps above ground. (The Aboveground is the postgame area, and is the only place with a cycling weather pattern - or weather at all)
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mernolan · 1 year
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some low key panel redraws from this page because I love it when this man is cranky and miserable
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icatconowo · 9 months
who needs a portal movie when you have meet the cores + the underground
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