mediamonarchy · 2 months
#PumpUpThaVolume: July 23, 2024 ♬
#PumpUpThaVolume MP3: #July23, 2024 w/#TheAllergies x #OhmegaWatts, #FieldMusic, #LAvenue & more! ♬
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/20240723_PumpUpThaVolume.mp3 Download MP3 Media Monarchy plays The Allergies x Ohmega Watts, Field Music, L’Avenue and more on #PumpUpThaVolume for July 23, 2024. ♬ Goldie Alexander – “Show You My Love” (Vinyl) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwmIepnrhE0 Lukas Lion – “Poison” https://lukaslion.bandcamp.com/track/poison The Allergies – “No…
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ageingslacker · 4 years
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The Allergies are #tshirtoftheday because they are wicked lush. #theallergies #pushon #aswedoourthing #stealtheshow #hiphop #funk #soul #bristol #brizzle https://www.instagram.com/p/CBWMWWzna8C/?igshid=1bph59fnkq1db
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cliggomusic · 5 years
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Listen to The Allergies for free: https://music.cliggo.com/artist/2961834-The_Allergies
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pol-von-betta · 6 years
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#TheAllergies #marulabcn #funksoul #hiphop @theallergies @andycooper75 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtrgGTeBYUa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dwiz3lg4zs9n
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redinkrain · 3 years
Beautiful madness.
Waverly left the Vera-Vaughn-Greenwood manor moments later, promising Abby to reach out as soon as her daughter was in safety and that she gathered some more information on the artifact Abigael was looking for.
It let an odd feeling in the Demon Overlord mind, like a blur she couldn’t quite figured out. After a lifetime of loneliness, hatred and resentment, here she was, making plan with her long lost sister to burglarize the only antique allowing her to restore Macy’s fire power. A step closer to her long journey to redemption.
Will she even get there someday?
Lost in her own torturous thoughts, the British Lady didn’t hear the witch that changed her whole perspective, talking to her.
“Abby?” Mel repeated, a concerned frown marking her face.
No answer. So the witch held out her hand and took one of Abigael’s in her own trying again “Abby, are you okay?”
It worked. The Demon Overlord seemed to get out of her hypnotic state, looking at their joined hands. Eyes fascinated; like it was the most precious thing in the world. Suddenly something must have clicked in her because in a movement of panic she brutally let go of Mel’s hand and took two steps back.
“Have this unannounced pregnancy made you lost your mind as well as your memory? What about theallergy, Mel?” Abby asked in an irritated tone but the concern was crystal clear for the Vera sister.
Mel voice was soft when she simply replied “Shush it, demon spawn!”.She then closed the distance between them and took both of Abigael’s hands in hers. “See? Baby and I are good! Don’t worry.” Her smile grew some more at Abby’s awe.
“But- How?” it was so quiet that Mel almost missed it.
“I’m not really sure, but it must be the baby.”
Abigael said nothing. Eyes glued to their hands as their fingers intertwined. They stayed silent for some times. Abby didn’t dare to move an inch, a bit scared that the moment might end. For her part, Mel attentively observed The Demon Overlord’s expression the entire time. She would be lying if she said that nothing in her was liking the way Abby was looking so adoringly at their joined hands. But then, their eyes locked and Abigael had that same look on her face than the one she had when Mel asked her if she was doing this just to make amends with Macy. They were telling more than what Abby was actually able or willing to say. In that instant, everything around them ceased to exist. They were so close that Mel’s round belly touched the half-demon half-witch front. Abby wouldn’t do anything unless she was certain of Mel’s consent and for now she wouldn’t ask…
Minutes passed by and still, they were looking at each, like it was the first time they actually saw one another. Without fuss. Without judgment. Mel’s heartbeat went crazy, she couldn’t clearly figured out what it was that made her breathless, but she let herself be lost in those hazel eyes that she learned to appreciate more than she should have.
Stuck, neither of the two women knew how to act around each other in this private moment, so Abby decided to crack a snarky remark to ease whatever was going on.
“Careful there Potion Princess, one might think that you want to steal a kiss from The Demon Overlord!” Abigael said on that tone that drove Mel mad. So she rolled her eyes in exasperation, but kept her hands firmly in the British Lady ones. Then a smirk appeared on her lips when she just retorted to that flirty comment with a sultry tone.
“What if it’s exactly what I want to do?”
She then started to caress Abby’s knuckles softly while The Demon Overlord lost her voice once again. She just kept those eyes on Mel’s, more piercing than ever. And Mel finally get what Abigael meant by “I care deeply about her” when the truth serum kicked in at her trial… Just like that, her heart stopped beating at the realization. Abigael didn’t care about her in a weird frenemy way. No. It was deeper. She cared about her in a romantic way. Everything kind of fell in place. “Our child”resonated in her head. How could she missed it? The change in the woman behavior before her, how she just stopped having one night stands and orgy with Susans. Yes, plural. How didn’t she saw it sooner? How her relationship with Abigael Jameson-Caine had grown and how close they had become.
After all, a few hours back, she confessed to the woman how scared of failing her baby she was. And in all of her softness Abigael find the right words to wipe away her doubts. She didn’t laugh, didn’t used this knowledge to make a sarcastic comment. She just comforted her.
And now Mel’s mind went crazy. Loaded with questions she didn’t wanted to acknowledge till now. What did she felt for the half-witch half-demon herself?
She cared about her, a lot. A lot more than she thought she actually did. But Ruby. Mel loved Ruby. They had been through so much and still, they were together. Stronger than ever. That was what the witch was thinking. What she was feeling. And yet, she couldn’t stopped herself to wonder who was the baby’s other mother?
Abigael kept her lips sealed at first, but after some times she titled her head slightly to the side a bit worried about Mel’s own thoughts.
“Are you alright Angry Spice?” gently tightening the hands in hers.
Mel took one last look in The Demon Overlord’s eyes and give her a small smile before letting go of her grip on Abigael, who already missed the contact she craved.
“Yeah. I’m a bit tired I guess with, you know, the baby, the demon, meeting your sister.” It wasn’t a lie, she was kind of exhausted of the day, but it wasn’t the entire truth.
“If I had known about your impromptu pregnancy Mel, I would not have come bothering you asking for your assistance when danger was involved. I swear.” The hybrid stated embarrassed.
“I know Abby. As you said at the door earlier, my sisters and I are usually the ones running to you for help. I’m glad you came and trusted me enough to introduce me to your sister and let me help you.” The Latina responded. “And, for what it worth, I’m proud of you Abby.”
“It worth more than you know.” Abigael smiled with her eyes. “I should go and let you rest then. You are, after all, bearing a tiny human in that belly of yours. Thank you again, for you help. I’ll see you Potion Princess”.
The Demon Overlord started phase-shifting when Mel gently wrapped her fingers around Abigael’s left wrist. She blocked her power and waited patiently for Mel to pursue what she had on her mind.
“Thank you for the crib and for those things you said about me having what it takes to be a good mom.” Mel really appreciated this reassurance the hybrid provided her.
“Well, you have nothing to thank me for. It’s all you Melanie.” She winked at the Vera witch and disappeared in a dark smoke.
Mel stayed in the middle of the room, closed her eyes, and let out a breath she didn’t remember holding back.
That night, Mel hadn’t slept a minute. Sure, when her sisters came home and told her all about The Whispering Evil, her freak out level went high. But if she was being honest with herself (which she usually is) her mind was preoccupied by all the questions she had about a certain brunette. “Ugh! Damn you Abigael Jameson-Caine!” she muffled in her pillow. She decided to go to the kitchen and for a drink, maybe that Valerian tea Waverly highly recommended her.
Then cup in hands, the witch sat on the couch in the living room. The one Abby slept on, when her demonic form tried to get rid of her. Sighing for thinking yet again of The Demon Overlord, the Vera witch took her phone and looked at the time. 3:00 AM. “How fitting!” she exhaled. She quickly taped a text to her girlfriend. Thirty minutes later, Ruby still hadn’t responded. “I guess some have less troubles to find sleep than others” Mel spoke a bit bored. Before she could changed her mind and against her better judgment, the witch decided to text Abigael.
3:33 AM – Potion Princess : Are you awake?
A minute later, dots appeared on Mel’s screen indicating that the hybrid was typing.
3:34 AM – Demon Spawn : No. I am actually asleep.
Mel rolled her eyes and cracked a smile at this response.
3:35 AM – Potion Princess : So… How are you able to answer my text if you’re asleep?
3:35 AM – Demon Spawn : My subconscious is especially productive at this time of night.
3:35 AM – Demon Spawn : I had some business to attend actually. Why are you awake?
3:36 AM – Potion Princess : Business? In the middle of the night? I can’t sleep.
3:36 AM – Demon Spawn : The perks of being The Demon Overlord if I may say. Is everything alright? Is our baby keeping you up that late?
The witch scrutinized her screen for a good minute, particularly those two words “our baby”. Again, Mel’s heart just stopped beating in her chest and she felt her cheeks burning. She debated with herself on how to answer properly.
3:38 AM – Potion Princess : Well, you’re the one that claimed the title… So, suck it up and deal with it! ;). Our baby uh? How did you come by this conclusion? But no, it’s not the baby that keeps me from sleeping. I just got a lot on my mind I guess.
Abby’s text was nothing but fast.
3:38 AM – Demon Spawn : You’re so sarcastic at this hour of the night. It’s quite delightful. Is there something you want to talk about? Maybe I can be of some sorts of assistance?
Mel didn’t missed how Abigael just eluded a part of her text.
3:40 AM – Potion Princess : You should go to bed. It’s late and your day was longer than mine apparently...
3:40 AM – Demon Spawn : Nonsense.
And just like that, Abigael appeared in the middle of the Vera-Vaughn-Greenwood living room, wearing a black trousers and a garnet satin shirt with a cleavage that left not much to imagination. Her hair were impeccable (as usual), and she wear those discrete gold hearings. She was still wearing her make-up. Mel glanced at her guest a little too long to go unnoticed by Abigael who just smirked at her when sitting next to the witch.
“So Velma Dinkley, what in that little head of yours prevents you to fall asleep?” Abby asked softly.
Melanie Vera rarely panicked at the thought of talking about feelings. Not with her sisters. Not with Harry. Not with Ruby. Ruby her girlfriend if she hadn’t mentioned it. But now, in front of one Abigael Jameson-Caine, she would gladly take off in a heartbeat. Also, she knew that if she wasn’t having this conversation, she’ll be self-deprived of sleep for the rest of her life. So, here she was…
“You, actually.” She confessed when meeting the half-demon half-witch eyes.
Abigael’s smirk was so infuriating, Mel already knew what was coming for her next.
“Having naughty thoughts about us?” Abby couldn’t bring herself to not take the bait on this one which just made her host rolled her eyes even more exasperatedly.
“Abby! Can you stop please. I’m trying to have a serious conversation here.” the Latina said. Because having this particular talk at almost 4 in the morning was the responsible thing to do. Good job, Mel.
The British Lady took one look into the Vera sister eyes to know that this conversation was important to her. So, she clenched her jaw, and silently promised herself to do her best.
“I apologize. What about me, Potion Princess?” She asked curiously facing the Charmed One.
“We never spoke about what you said during the trial…” Damn it! She completely sucked at starting this topic.
“Oh, you mean when Perky Peanut gave me truth serum against my will and so forced me to answer truthfully at questions I would have rather lied about?” A hint of resentment was obvious in her tone.
Mel put a hand on Abigael’s forearm to soothe her. It seemed to work, because the hybrid closed her eyes for a second before pursuing.
“I imagine you want to have a conversation about what I said about you, isn’t it?” She didn’t dare to look at Mel.
“Yes.” the witch whispered. “Did you meant what you said?”
Abby laughed at that. It wasn’t a full laugh, but still, the Latina hadn’t heard her guest laughed a lot.
“Mel, you do know how truth serum works, right?” The British Lady furrowed her brow in question.
“Yeah I do, but you know what I meant.” Melanie replied as if the question was crystal clear.
“So, what you truly asked was if I still mean it right now?” Really, she guessed her best.
The witch only nodded in approval.
“Well, in all honesty, it is a question that is hard to answer to.” The Demon Overlord observed Mel’s reaction.
“How come?” Mel simply asked, when she could heard the frantic beating of her heart in her chest.
Abigael gave her a small smile, one that would be imperceptible for a stranger.
“I do not know any words that would reflect what you mean to me, Melanie.” Again, the witch heart skipped a beat at the use of her first name. “I do not know when neither do I know how you became such an important part of my life but every chance I get to spend time with you I learn to know why.” She paused to gather her thoughts. “So yes, Melanie Vera, I care deeply about you. More than I ever cared about anyone to this day. Really, I just want you to be healthy, to be happy.” Mel sat still, incapable of breathing, too struck by Abby’s confession, by the vulnerability that she was showing to her. Speechless. “And, don’t be mistaken, I expect nothing from you. I would not dream of it. I know my place and how unworthy I am to ever be a part of your happiness. I woul-”.
The half-demon half-witch was cut off by a pair of lips on her own. Surprised, she closed her eyes and kissed Mel back. It was gentle, like caressing velour for the first time. They were both afraid that the moment was in fact a dream. Then the witch place a final peck on Abby’s lips before retreating.
“Sorry, I didn’t asked for you consent.” Mel whispered.
“For this? You always have it.” Abby replied softly. “Will my answer be of any help?”
“I’m sure it will. Thank you for being honest.” The Vera sister replied, even though she wanted to say more.
“Alright, I leave you to it then. Have a good night, Melanie.” The British Lady focused on Mel’s eyes.
“Goodnight, Abigael. And again, thank you.” The which said just before a cloud of dark smoke made her guest disappeared.
Mel didn’t slept better after that. Her lips haunted by Abby’s and the taste of her tongue against hers.
It’s 8 AM sharp when she got a text from Ruby. And then, a storm was raging within the witch heart.
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omanxl1 · 5 years
Fresh Start - A Trip Hop Mix
Fresh Start – A Trip Hop Mix
Digital Crate Digging Continues on a Saturday afternoon, we were O-Dog Day Partying earlier..
Still on that same kind of vibe, but dropping something else on the tribe, O-Dog Day Partying mixed with some Afternoon Jazz, so who’ll work with me?
Still on that same kind of vibe from 2019 into 2020? naw, I don’t think we can go back to that; the portal closed due the Cancer Full Moon /…
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djmordecai · 7 years
Listen/purchase: "Here Comes Another One" b/w "The Perfect Definition" by Andy Cooper
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ubuntufm · 2 years
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The Allergies | "Say The Word" 🇬🇧 The Allergies are out to provide the soundtrack to your summer with ‘Say The Word’. Rackabeat and DJ Moneyshot continue to bring their A game on another quality album, that’s jam-packed with their patent blend of party #funk, #soul and #hiphop. Released during the pandemic, ready for your party now! #UbuntuFM #World #Radio @theallergies https://buff.ly/3uWXUX8 https://one.ubuntu.fm/3ziyRz0
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djpaulette · 2 years
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Posted @withregram • @funkandsoulwknd 🚀 Friday tickets for The Funk and Soul weekender are now available! Expect incredible music from @ccfunkandsoul , @normanjaymbe @hypnoticbrass , @hueymorgan , @dj_paulette1 , @theallergies (live) & much more! 🎪 Tickets from only £25 at the Link in Bio! ☝️🔥 . . . . . . . #dreamlandmargate #funkandsoulweekender #friday #fridayfeeling #festival #seasidesquad #djpaulette #craigcharles (at Dreamland Margate) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeAEzuKqeCH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ageingslacker · 5 years
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My man #andycooper is also #tshirtoftheday because he’s bringing his super fast rhymes to #colstonhall to add to the dopeness. #2much #colstonhall #theallergies #djcheeba https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIoQ7kHlY7/?igshid=164y3g2yjg6xw
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thewickedsound · 4 years
The Wicked Sound Playlist June 2020/06/4 New Music Jazz Funk Soul Reggae Beats
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The Wicked Sound June 2020/06/4 new playlist with new music across Jazz, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Electronic music and Hip Hop Beats. New music from Thijsenterprise, John Beltran, Photay, Miles Francis & Jas Walton, LCSM (Likwid Continual Space Motion), Ghettolette String Ensemble, Farnell Newton, Toranpetto, BrandonLee Cierley, Jazzinuf, Etymology Records, Rymden, Bugge Wesseltoft, Magnus Öström, Dan Berglund, Nautilus, Vibration Black Finger, JAF Trio, Ezra Collective, The Stance Brothers, Teppo Makynen, Souleance, The Greyboy Allstars, The Allergies, The Cuban Brothers. You can listen to this playlist also on Spotify, Deezer, Soundcloud or YouTube. The Wicked Sound weekly playlist June 2020/06/4 Jazz Funk Soul Reggae Beats Tracklist: Thijsenterprise - Another Digital Handshake John Beltran - Entardecer Photay - The People Miles Francis & Jas Walton - Ruffing It LCSM (Likwid Continual Space Motion), Ghettolette String Ensemble - 12th Planet Farnell Newton, Toranpetto, BrandonLee Cierley - Stormy Sunday Jazzinuf, Etymology Records - With U Rymden (Bugge Wesseltoft, Magnus Öström, Dan Berglund) - Terminal One Nautilus - Ain‘t No Sunshine Vibration Black Finger - Acting for Liberation, Pt. Read the full article
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Super Bad
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milesbutterball · 3 years
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pol-von-betta · 6 years
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#TheAllergies #andycooper #marulabcn #funksoul #hiphop @theallergies @andycooper75 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtreEkJBFF5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=97zwq894y31g
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2tuff · 3 years
Funklectic 45 (Special 45s with live Visuals & Video syncing set) from DJ Tanner on Vimeo.
Funklectic - an eclectic mix of music that is funk related! Ranging from Funk, Hip Hop, Ghettofunk, Disco, Boogie, Soul, Breaks, D&B, Bangers & Mashups, Latin & Cumbia anything funky from around the globe! #Funklectic takes place every Friday with DJ residents holding it down - Fort Knox Five, DJ Maculate & DJ Tanner. The pandemic has brought the DJ community even closer, through twitch.tv.
We wanted to do something special for Funklectic 45 and reached out to some legendary 45 djs from around the globe. We wanted to have a day and night full of 45 Disc Jockeys!
BIGGEST UPS TO THESE LEGENDS !!! Please follow each Artist on twitch.tv & checkout their bandcamp pages & IG pages for more information!
The Hong Kong Ping Pong Club twitch.tv/h0ngk0ngpingp0ng mixcloud.com/hongkongpingpong/stream/ instagram.com/hongkongpingpong
Rackabeat The Allergies: twitch.tv/theallergies theallergies.bandcamp.com/ instagram.com/theallergies/
DJ Tanner - 2 Turntables With Video #ohmylanta twitch.tv/djtanner98 vimeo.com/djtanner1998 instagram.com/djtanner98
Tommy T twitch.tv/tommyt_dj waxnerds.bandcamp.com/ instagram.com/tommyt_dj/
Jim Sharp twitch.tv/jim_sharp jimsharp.bandcamp.com/ instagram.com/jim_sharp_uk/
The Gaff twitch.tv/thegafflive thegaff.bandcamp.com/ instagram.com/thegaff
DJ Spinna twitch.tv/djspinnabk djspinna.bandcamp.com/ instagram.com/djspinna
Sam Tweaks twitch.tv/sam_tweaks samtweaks.bandcamp.com/ instagram.com/samtweaks/
Fort Knox Five twitch.tv/fortknox5live fortknox.bandcamp.com/ instagram.com/fortknoxfive
The Funk Hunters - Dunks twitch.tv/thefunkhunters thefunkhunters.bandcamp.com/ instagram.com/thefunkhunters/
DJ Maculate twitch.tv/djmaculate youtube.com/c/maculate instagram.com/djmaculate
From the bottom of my heart, thanks all that were involved in FUNKLECTIC 45! BIG UPS and much respect! #Funklectic 45 Event Page: facebook.com/events/202816961440232
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emcorral · 4 years
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JOIN ME TONIGHT 8/11/20 at 9p, on THE K-BU COLLECTIVE, FOR MUSIC FROM @bobdylan @black_shakespeare1 @thelionsreggae @ianpooley.ofc @theallergies @laportuariaoficial @tessaviolet @lizzobeeating @sofitukker AND SOOO MUCH MORE! ONLY ON 99.1 FM Malibu, and streaming at radiomalibu.net Don't forget to show me some love, and like The K-BU Collective Facebook page! And tell a friend! https://www.instagram.com/p/CDxGDlghsE_1nXwYp2ETprXdrpM94LT_CPBSOg0/?igshid=l92l40azyraa
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