#Then I probably wouldn't really want to get closer to them (in any sense)
666writingcafe · 22 hours
"Would you mind answering a question for me?" Barbatos asks me once we've exchanged pleasantries and settled down in the parlor.
"Depends on the question." A faint smile crosses his lips.
"I was just wondering how you could choose to associate yourself with Solomon." The irritation in his voice is rather evident, and I'm reminded of the staredown the two men engaged in a couple days ago.
"What do you have against him?" I sound a bit too defensive for my liking. I'm not trying to pick a fight with Barbatos; I simply want to know why he seems to detest the sorcerer so much.
He sighs before replying,
"Perhaps the version of Solomon that accompanied you here has cleaned up his act--and good for him if he has--but the one I know is fiendish, a blight upon the world, and destruction incarnate. He throws anyone he can under the bus if it meant avoiding trouble for himself. Being here for an extended period of time may cause your sorcerer to revert back to old habits, and I don't want to see you get hurt."
"Why? You hardly know me."
"You're right." He pauses. "I'm not sure, really. I mean, you seem like a good, honest person, but what do I know? Maybe you're just as bad as him, and I shouldn't have even bothered taking you under my wing." While coming from a practical place, his words do sting.
"And yet you did." Barbatos sighs again.
"And yet I did," he repeats, taking a sip of his tea. "The decision came from a gut feeling I had, and those rarely fail me. I just hope that you don't prove me wrong."
My turn to drink some tea.
I'm not used to Barbatos being this open about his emotions, especially while he's on duty. Perhaps time has granted him the ability to remain calm and composed when he's on the clock, but still. It'll be a bit before I get used to this particular attitude of his.
"Are you ready for your first lesson?" he asks, pulling me out of my head and back to the present moment. It takes me a second to remember exactly why I'm over at the castle today in the first place, but once I do, I quickly nod my head.
"Good. We'll start with a fairly basic anatomy topic: pheromones." Interesting place to start. Is he finally going to let me ask the question I had about Lucifer?
"In a lot of ways, demons bear a closer resemblance to animals than to humans," he continues. "While their strength in the latter is fairly minimal, the former uses them as a effective method of communication. Our pheromones can tell others what we're feeling as well as mark our territory, among other things.
"Demons have a baseline scent that's present no matter what they do. For example, I smell like mint, and Lord Diavolo like old leather. Different pheromones will bring out specific notes of the baseline scent. Positive emotions tend to make it sweeter, while negative emotions bring out its bitter and sour side. If those emotions are tied to one of the seven sins, then the scent becomes more potent, sometimes to the point of being nauseating to anyone that happens to catch a whiff.
"Am I making sense to you so far?" I nod my head. I don't have any questions yet, but I have a feeling that even if I did, Barbatos wouldn't let me ask any of them just yet.
"Now, Lucifer and his brothers have stayed in the castle for the last couple months, and in that time, I've picked up on all of their scents. Lucifer had one of the more pungent ones. Understandably so, since he's probably the most emotionally scarred from the war, but it got to the point where I couldn't be around him for longer than a few minutes. And making some of my favorite dishes proved to be impossible after a while, for even the smallest amount of nutmeg would make my stomach turn.
"But the moment you returned his credit card to him, Lucifer's scent noticeably shifted. For once, he actually smelled pleasant. And then it became stronger. By the time he left my side, I was craving a giant slice of coffee cake." At this point, he stops talking, allowing me to finally speak.
"So, you're telling me that my simple nice gesture was enough to turn him on?"
"It would appear that way, yes." Unbelievable. "If I pointed it out at the time, though, Solomon probably would have run after Lucifer to tease him about it, and that would most definitely piss Lucifer off. Plus, he would adamantly denied feeling that way at all, and given his initial behavior towards you, I didn't want to see you upset by him completely disregarding your kindness."
As I mull over Barbatos' words, I'm suddenly reminded of a specific moment. One where Lucifer had his mouth covered with a handkerchief, looking like he was about to throw up.
I wonder...
"If it's not too much trouble, would you mind telling me what I smell like?" I ask, causing Barbatos to smile.
"Not at all. In fact, I was just getting ready to ask you if you wanted to know, so this works out great." He sets his tea down on a nearby table and gets up, walking around and stopping behind the chair I'm sitting in. I momentarily feel part of his face on top of my head as he audibly sniffs. I'm sure that if someone walked past us right now, they'd be weirded out by what they saw.
Or maybe not. I don't know if intentionally smelling someone like this is standard demon behavior. Maybe it is, and I'm overthinking it.
"Vanilla buttercream frosting," Barbatos announces. Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. It at least explains a few things, if nothing else. Frosting can get overwhelmingly sweet.
"That might actually work," he mutters to himself as he sits back down.
"What would?" Barbatos finishes his tea before clasping his hands in front of him.
"There's a creature on the grounds that needs tamed. He's both ferocious and extremely dangerous, so Lord Diavolo had me put a spell on him to prevent anyone from coming into contact with him. If I told you how to undo the spell, would you like to take a stab at it?"
"What makes you think I'd be successful?"
"You don't smell threatening."
"No; I smell like a goddamn dessert. The creature will probably think I'm food and try to eat me."
"And if that's the case, I'll bail you out." He pauses. "There are creatures like this one that are very selective about who they will submit to, and I believe that you fit this particular one's criteria. Plus, you'll earn the title "Ruler of the Underworld", and you can use that as a way to get people to quit treating the brothers like shit." I find myself snorting in amusement.
"Like a mere title is going to make people change their entire ideology."
"People can think whatever they like. They just have to learn to keep some of those thoughts to themselves or else face severe consequences." The grin on his face is lowkey terrifying. I don't know if I want to be on the wrong end of that smile.
So, I end up agreeing to take on the responsibility of taming this creature.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr
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nazmazh · 1 month
Tonight's Mission:
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Time to give some dragons (And a wizard) a bath!
So, I've had these statuettes since like, high school [My brother also has a set of his own, which was likewise dug out of storage this past summer, when my folks and I moved out to the farm - Lest you think I was alone in my coolness], but when I moved out east after my first stint in university for my first post-university job, they got packed up and put into storage.
And they've been sitting there, in the shop, since, like 2009.
But now that I've got more room (and found some decent bookshelves on FB marketplace for a reasonable price, so I have enough storage space), it's time to bring them back out into the world, I think.
But, yeah... 15 years of sitting in a box in the workshop hasn't exactly been great dust-wise.
(Seriously, the old beat-up box they were in was a Sears box, because Amazon delivery just wasn't as big of thing by that point).
And their individual boxes weren't exactly great to begin with.
So, like, there's dust deeply embedded in some of the grooves and such:
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(I probably wasn't super diligent about dusting them thoroughly when I was younger, either, if I'm being honest).
So, we'll see if a quick rinse in the sink with some dish soap can shine 'em back up!
Thankfully, my pewter ones (which were better quality overall anyway) came in nicer boxes and seem to have been largely spared the extra dust. Which is good, because they probably are a lot more touchy about cleaning methods, and it means I don't have to cross that bridge today.
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The Results:
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Looks like the rinse worked perfectly, no weird effects because dish soap is pretty safe for most materials, I'd imagine resin/acrylic/whatever these were made of included. Got into those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies and looks like the dust has been rinsed out.
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The one downside - I apparently have precisely one statuette (even including the pewter ones) that has a felt-lined bottom.
I only realized that once it was already in the water.
Ah well, as long as it dries properly, I can't imagine it being a big issue in the long run.
Once these bad boys dry, they're going up on my bookshelves and returning to their duties of being rad as hell.
Might even have to look through my dice bins and find some sets to pair with them all for some photos or something.
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suna-cerely-yours · 2 years
i know ft kiyoomi
warnings: fem!bodied reader, dirty talk, public indecency, mentions of bondage, unedited.
“kiyo would you rather fuck someone wearing a black dress or a white one?”
sakusa lifts his eyes from his phone, fixing you with an incredulous look.
"why are you asking me that in the middle of a very public dressing room, which i'm probably not even supposed to be in right now?"
"it's literally 2pm and the store is practically empty kiyo. besides, i doubt the workers are paid enough to care anyway."
"that's not what i asked."
rolling your eyes, you push the door of the dressing room open further, revealing the short, white dress you had on.
"i haven't been laid in such a long time, and i have a good feeling about this weekend. i wanna make sure i look, y'know, fuckable or something."
a muscle in sakusa's jaw twitches as he glances over the dress, still leaning against the wall opposite to your dressing room, phone clutched in hand.
"okay, first of all fuckable isn't a real word. secondly, what sort of bastard are you dating who'll decide if he likes you based on your dress?"
pressing your lips together you squint at him, walking forward to grab his arm.
"ki-yo-omi, it's not that deep, just tell me if you would rather fuck someone in a white dress or a black one."
"if it's someone i'm interested in, their clothing would not matter."
hiding a grin, you shake your head slightly. your best friend really was leagues apart from most men you had met.
"okay so the white one then?"
shrugging, sakusa straightens, slipping his phone into the pocket of his dark slacks. "get whatever dress you want, if you'd like i could buy you both."
"kiyo, just say you wouldn't fuck me next time," you whine, "stop avoiding the question."
a hand catches your wrist as you turn to go back to change your clothes, sakusa's fingers warm against your skin.
"i never said i wouldn't fu- i wouldn't have sex with you. stop putting words into my mouth."
"fuck kiyo, fuck me. say it properly c'mon, we're not kids anymore."
scowling he lets go of your hand, "don't be a brat."
"oh yeah? and what are you going to do about it?"
you hear him scoff as you move to close the door, only to have the door be pushed back and find yourself pushed against a mirrored wall, the door clicking closed behind sakusa.
"kiyo, what the hell-"
"you think i don't want to fuck you? you think i don't fantasize about tying you up and making you beg for me?"
he moves closer, pressing a hand to the mirror beside your head, the other hand slipping inside your dress to grip your hip.
"do you have any idea what you do to me? how i feel like a complete caveman, devoid of any sense of rationality every time you show up in those little skirts? all i can ever think of is how much i want to flip them up and fuck you until you cry."
you whimper, pussy clenching around nothing as sakusa's lips brush against yours', his thumb lazily stroking hipbone.
"every time you come whining about how some boy couldn't make you cum, or left you unsatisfied, all i can think of is how i could make you cum without even making you take any clothes off- how i could make you cream around my dick so many times.
your lips part, as you moan, sakusa's fingers now slipping into your soaked panties.
fingers lightly tracing your pussy, he sighs into the crook of your neck.
" i would fuck you in each and every one of your dresses."
your eyes slide shut as he presses down your throbbing clit, head hitting against the mirror with a thud.
however instead of continuing, he moves away, "i'll pay for both dresses and meet you outside, i'm sure he'll fuck you regardless."
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mariasont · 26 days
hi hi hi!!! i know you’re working on the bau sleepover buttttt i was wondering if you could write a aaron hotchner x reader fic where like what happened to garcia, reader gets shot and she’s in hospital and they don’t know if she gonna be okay and stuff. her and hotch have this mutual pining for each other and when she gets shot he kinda spirals. after being released, hotch takes her to her apartment and stays with her until they catch him and stuff. i know this is really long, thank you!!!
Some Profiler You Are - A.H
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a/n: hi hi hi thank you so so sooo much for requesting <3 i kind of took this a more fluffy route and focused more on the recovery so let me know if you like it :)
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
warnings: reader was shot, comfort, angst like a teensy bit, fluff, changing of bandages, kinda shitty ending per usual
wc: 2k
"Do you want to sit down?"
No, you really didn't. After spending the last six hours in a state of near-motionlessness, sprawled across various surfaces, the last thing you wanted was to do was sit down. Your legs had taken on the consistency of overcooked noodles, so you made the grave mistake of misreading the quiet of the house as Hotch's absence, a mistake punctuated by the garage door's sudden rumble.
You should have known better than to assume he would leave you alone for even a second. Now, you were face to face, his scrutinizing eyes boring into yours, arms crossed across his wide chest. He was in a casual zip-up--a rarity that you never imagined him wearing before practically moving in with him. But you really did enjoy this relaxed side of him, he wore it exceptionally well.
Taking work off was a concept you knew was foreign him, yet here he was, not at his desk, hovering over you like a concerned parent. The entire office, yourself included, gaped at him as if he had sprouted a different head when he told them. His next move was even crazier--he insisted you stay with him while you recovered.
You protested. A lot. Shocker. But he wouldn't take no for an answer. Again, Shocker.
You winced as you stepped forward, your hands automatically gravitating to the bandage that spanned around your thigh.
"You can't baby me forever, Hotch," you murmured, though your conviction wavered under the dull throb in your leg.
You braced yourself against the counter, trying to mask the discomfort you were sure was etched all over your face.
Filling the shoes of the communications liaison for the FBI post-JJ's shift to profiling, you signed up for a life of managing the media narrative, being the conduit between local and federal levels, and choosing the cases. You provided assistance in ways that aren't glaringly obvious.
What you didn't sign up for is getting shot.
The movies, the stories, even the firsthand accounts from coworkers--none of it could brace you for the raw, blistering pain of a gunshot wound. It fucking hurt. And the recovery? It was a different kind of torture, and you'd even argue that it was worse.
"It's not babying, it's common sense," Hotch countered.
He was frustrated. You had that effect. He stepped closer, his hand dragging down his face. "You took a bullet. It's still in your leg. It's perfectly rational for me to want to prevent any unnecessary strain on you."
"Feels dramatic," you shrugged, but he was right, like always.
Your grip on the counter tightened, knuckles growing white as you struggled to keep the pain under wraps. His brows lifted in response.
"I'm fine, really, Hotch. I hate this. You're probably dying to get back to work--don't let me be the reason you don't. Despite popular belief, I'm quite capable of fending for myself."
"I'm aware," he said, his attention briefly shifting to your bandaged leg. You were wearing shorts, a choice that felt less than appropriate, but practicality trumped formality under these circumstances. "Work will survive without me. I'm not sure I can say the same about you."
Your laughter was short-lived, swiftly turning into a stifled grimace as your footing slipped. Hotch's reflexes were quick, his hands steadying you--one against your ribs, the other just shy above the hem of your shorts.
"Point in case."
"Poking fun at a wounded woman? Shame on you, Hotch," you chided, your lower lip jutting out in a pout. His eyes darted to it momentarily.
He didn't move, his hands staying put, stirring a gentle, jelly-like feeling inside of you.
This was an odd sort of comfort, the kind you're not supposed to feel with your boss. You shouldn't be talking to him like this, shouldn't be in his kitchen, and certainly, his hands shouldn't be where they were. But the ache in your heart didn't seem to care about shoulds and shouldn'ts.
Hotch's presence was hard to ignore. He was reducing the space with every word.
"You're hardly acting like a wounded woman," he pointed out. "You should be in bed."
You tilted your head, sliding onto the barstool to carve some much-needed space between you. The scent of his cologne was intoxicating, and you needed distance to gather your wits before you did something that HR would definitely not look kindly upon.
The action was a mistake, a fact that became painfully clear as the feeling of something stabbing into your leg took hold. You tried to muster a smile, but you were sure it came across as a snarl. The last thing you wanted was to inflate Hotch's ego by showing that maybe, just maybe, he was right.
You followed his line of sight, landing on the fresh red seeping through the bandage and staining your shorts. Oh. That's not great. Don't think you can fool him with this one.
Hotch didn't hesitate, his response outpacing your own surge of panic, which was incredibly fast, because you were panicking and frankly not that great with blood. His hands were on your skin, easing the hem of your shorts upward to lay bare the wound you had stupidly  underestimated.
You're never going on a date again.
I mean, the only reason you even went was to get your boss of your mind. Since the first day, you'd been hopelessly drawn to him--how could you not be?
But there are a couple factors to consider.
Firstly, he was your boss, and the whole notion of a coercive relationship dynamic seemed problematic.
Secondly, there's the age difference; it had never been an issue for you--perhaps a reflection of your daddy issues--but you knew it would raise some eyebrows.
And thirdly, he didn't even like you back. That was, of course, the biggest issue. If not for this, the other concerns could definitely be overlooked. 
Before this whole incident, he barely acknowledged you beyond was professionally required of him. You knew you hadn't been part of the team long enough to bond--though you weren't sure Hotch did bond in the usual sense, but the point was made.
You were fairly sure you hadn't made much of an impression on him.
"Hold still." That was a tall order, considering it hurt more than a mother fucker.
You found yourself glaring at him--not that he was to blame, but you needed to anchor your frustration on something, or someone. Unknowingly, your grip had latched on the fabric of his zip-up, but he seemed unfazed. He grabbed a clean cloth from the drawer, pressing it against the wound, only furthering the colorful vocabulary going on in your head.
"Fuck, Hotch."
You didn't make a habit of cursing in front of your superior, but the sharp sting forced tears to the brink, your body going rigid as you snapped your eyes shut. 
His other hand found its way to your uninjured thigh, giving it a firm squeeze--a clear attempt to divert your attention. It worked for a second. "I'm sorry, just keep this pressed here, okay?"
He motioned toward the cloth, and you complied, too drained to consider otherwise. Your brows knitted, and you bit into your lip until you tasted something metallicy, your mind desperately racing trying to think of anything other than the blood flowing freely from your thigh.
"Where are you going?" You knew how panicked you sounded as he turned away, stepping towards a cabinet. 
He rummaged briefly before holding up a first aid kit. Catching the brief alarm in your face, he quickly returned to your side, his hand finding the crook of your neck as you instinctively clutched at his shirt once again.
"If you dare say I told you so, I swear, Hotch, fists will fly," you ground out through clenched teeth.
He laughed, and now that did distract you, your eyes zeroing in on his perfect teeth. It was a rare display, and it only served to aggravate you further. Of course he had perfect teeth.
"I didn't say anything."
"I could feel you thinking it," you said, your voice rough as you willed the moisture in your eyes not to fall. "Maybe I should be a profiler."
"Sarcasm doesn't suit you." You were lying. Everything suited him. He stepped back, and you reluctantly peered at the wound, only to find a neatly sutured leg. "Where did you learn to do that?"
"In this job, you learn to be handy with more than just a gun.”
You’d love to know what else he’s handy with.
He pulled your leg up to rest on his as he took a seat on the opposite stool.
Your body was buzzing, from the closeness, from his hands on you, and also from the pain, but you were trying to ignore that. He grabs a new bandage from the counter, hands trailing up your thigh so slowly you thought you might pass out. He was so gentle. There was no other word for it.
"How's it feel?"
You paused. Eyes fully locked on his precise movements as he wrapped you up. You were closer than you realized, practically sharing the same breath.
You nodded, and he finished up his task, his hand lightly patting your thigh to show he was done. You didn't move your leg from his lap, and he didn't move his hand.
"I couldn't sleep for three days."
"What?" Your brows were furrowed, your focus sharpening on his face as the words left his lips.
"When I found out you had been shot." He cleared his throat, his thumb making gentle rotations on your calf. "I couldn't close my eyes without seeing red for days. I wanted to kill the son of a bitch who did that to you. I almost did."
You weren't sure how to process this information, or why he was telling you. "You and me both."
"I'm serious." And you could tell he was, his eyes narrowing slightly as his hand firmly encircled around your leg. You felt a lump in your throat form as heat rose from your neck to your ears. "Do you know what that was like? I felt like my heart stopped."
"Why?" It was more a scoff than a word. He blew out a breath, his fingers pinching into the space between his eyebrows. "Is it not obvious?"
Your heart was beating a lot faster. You wanted to say something, anything but your throat was dry and every time you opened your mouth you found it snapping shut.
Hotch's expression softened ever so slightly, his voice low and bouncing off the walls as he spoke. "Because I'm in love with you."
Your breath stalled, as if every ounce of oxygen had been vacuumed from your lungs. The air felt heavy, almost tangible.
You stared at him, heart skipping a beat.
"That's not funny," you said. It wasn't. You weren't in the mood for jokes, and your brain couldn't comprehend he might be telling the truth. "You...you don't even notice me."
He shook his head. "I notice everything about you." His thumb stilled on your calf. "I'm your boss," he said, as if that explained everything. "There are rules, protocols. I couldn't...I still shouldn't..."
The confession stripped the room of its warmth, leaving a raw aching silence in its wake. You searched his face.
"When you got shot," he continued, "I realized that if I lost you, I'd regret not telling you how I feel for the rest of my life."
"Hotch, I..."
He leaned closer, causing your words to catch in your throat. His hand moved from your leg to your face. You were speechless, the world narrowing down to the man in front of you, to his eyes, the warmth of his hands.
"Say something."
"Are you kidding me?" Your heart was pounding like it was trying to escape from your chest. "I've been in love with you since I started. How could you not see that?"
He looked taken aback, as if your words were the last thing he expected. "Well—,"
But you didn't let him finish. "Some profiler you are."
You were practically climbing into his lap, hands framing his face, pulling your lips to his.
He chuckled against your lips, the sound vibrating through you. "Easy," he murmured, "don't make me fix that bandage again."
You laugh, the sound muffled by his mouth. He tasted like cinnamon and coffee. "Shut up, Hotch."
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna
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toji-girl · 2 months
Toji finngering u from behind while having his biceps crushing ur neck position does it make sense
18+ only content
the way I started giggling as I read this please this is so hot
tags: fem reader + explicit smut + he has you in a chokehold but he isn't choking you or anything although I wish he would :(
Toji would grumble when it came to your antics, such as when you wanted him to tie a ribbon around his bicep after watching those videos on your phone and having him do a pushup with you on him.
Seeing that light in your eyes is the reason he does it even though he pretends that it's going to kill him and you know him well enough he does that to make you giggle and roll your eyes and whine for him.
However, he wasn't expecting you to text him with a request.
He had just left for the gym after letting you drown in honey-sweet kisses that had him gripping onto your ass for dear life not wanting to go but Toji was well aware of how you acted when he got back home.
Incoming Message
You: I want you to put me in a chokehold when you get home, please? 🥺🙏🏻
When he read the message he couldn't help but chuckle and decided to work a little on his arms, the burning in his muscles was a pain he welcomed and of course, your marks down his back and love bites.
During his session with a few friends he met at the gym, Toji thought about you and what you were doing at home waiting for him, probably getting ready to take pictures to send and tease him with.
Two hours passed by like it was nothing and before he knew it Toji was unlocking the front door to a dark apartment. "I'm home darlin'!" He called out kicking his shoes off leaving them by the door as usual.
He knew you'd probably tell him not to and with the way you do it, Toji couldn't deny that it made him a bit turned on so sometimes he likes to get you riled up and bouncing up and down on his dick like a cowgirl while you whine and cry about him being too big to handle.
While lost in his thoughts he pushed open the door to the bedroom to see you belly down writing in your journal with your earbuds in, makes sense as to why you didn't hear him come in or anything.
A lot of the time people wouldn't think Toji is listening but he is, and he knew you would really enjoy being surprised, it's something you talked about before falling asleep or when you didn't think your husband was paying you any attention, but he was.
When the bed dipped with his weight you shrieked feeling his large hands grip your ass while kneeling between your legs. "Good thing you keep the door locked or I could've been someone else." He scolded slightly with a soft ass slap that made you squeal with glee.
"A masked intruder?" You teased feeling him drop his weight a little as he straddled you leaning over to press a wet kiss to your cheek.
"You'd like that, ya pervert." Toji teased back letting his hands follow the curve of your body until he reached his shirt you always wore after he did during the day, it smelt like him and it calmed you.
Like now.
His scent was musky and all male, his pheromones drove you wild with lust and need making your cunt slick with arousal. "Who's the pervert now?" You teased feeling his hands slid under your shirt.
"Takes one to know one." He shot back and moved to kneel between your legs again, you were in the perfect position for prone bone, one of your favorites. With the material bunched around your waist he saw you didn't put on any panties making him chuckle and groan.
You tried to roll over but Toji stopped you with one palm on your back as he moved closer to snake an arm around your neck letting your chin rest on the crease of his elbow as he played with your pussy.
Your soft whines made his dick twitch as did the warmth and wetness of your cunt that tried to suck his fingers in. "Isn't this what you wanted, sweetheart? Wanted me to have you pinned down while I take care of your needy pussy?" His words were thick with desire as he whispered in your ear grinding his hips on your ass when he could.
Toji was careful to make sure he didn't hurt you, but it was enough that you felt the pressure of him, his fingers thrust in and out of you with wet squelching that roared in your ears as he rubbed your clit.
His fingers were thick and always was able to provide you the stimulation you needed, and he knew your body like the back of his hand so it was easy to have you coming for him, hearing you sing his name so prettily like a dove.
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elucubrare · 1 year
What are your biggest turn-offs when reading/watching historical fiction or retellings of myths?
this is really complicated - i can put it in two boxes, both of which are packed very full.
disconnection from the material reality of the past
when characters display a very specifically modern mindset (about social issues especially, but other stuff too)
(I also get bothered by some kinds of modern language - I don't mind it when, idk, an author uses "sensible" with the modern connotation of "practical" and not the 18th century "emotional" or "empathetic", but "yeah" or "okay," or even, as i found out when someone used it in medieval fantasy, "holy shit" will get on my nerves.)
there are modern things where (made up example!) a character who's supposed to be a cook will talk about making caprese salad for a fancy restaurant in December, and someone snarking on the book will say "yeah, right, they should know better than to make something that depends on a fresh summer vegetable!" and even with greenhouses, that's pretty fair. and that's even more extreme in the past. it's 1650 in Verona, it's December, you cannot obtain fresh tomatoes. i don't think this means that people in the past were, necessarily, more emotionally or spiritually in tune with the cycle of the year, or the labor it took to get clothes, or furniture, or any other material item, and of course wealth can insulate people from some of that difficulty, but it does mean that the seasons had more direct impact on people's lives. It's possible to, for example, buy clothes ready-made, but for anything fancy, it's more likely that it'll be made to fit if it's new, or altered extensively and painstakingly if it's not. that means that tearing or staining a fancy dress isn't just an issue of looking bad - you can't just replace it, and you probably won't throw it out - you figure out how to reuse it. those concerns of access to material goods are just a lot closer to the surface of the world than they often are now.
my objections to modern attitudes about the world are not that people in the past 100% accepted the views of their contemporaries - there were always people who didn't, and it makes sense that a protagonist would be one of them. but people wouldn't phrase those objections in the same way that modern people would - say your main character doesn't want a woman accused of being a witch burned. "God's power is such that the Devil cannot give this woman the ability to sour milk" is most likely going to be more persuasive to the crowd than "witches aren't real." and sometimes that's rough - it's not super fun to read about a Roman with Roman attitudes about provincial wars, or slavery in the city, but I put something down because a Roman character said (in internal dialogue) that he was disgusted to see that a man had been tortured because "Romans simply didn't do that." Historical Romans did do that, routinely - a slave could not testify in a law court unless they had been tortured. Even with distasteful things like that, I'd much rather it just be glossed over than to have them say the "correct" modern thing. It just makes it feel too much like the theme park version of the culture.
Both of these are because of specific things I come to historical fiction for - I want that sense of alienation, the gulf of experience. I hate that most historical fiction (and fantasy set in semi-recognizable periods) characters don't really care about Honor, except as a joke, because I love when characters organize their lives around arcane rules and systems that cause tiny things to escalate into blood feud. I just think they're neat! I like it when people's worldviews are shaped by their lack of scientific certainty about what causes crops to fail! If I wanted to read about people who thought and acted like me, and had lives that were mostly similar to mine, only cooler, I'd just read contemporary fiction.
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effetsecndaires · 11 months
— 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐥-𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠. (𝐡𝐜𝐬)
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INCLUDES: kazutora hanemiya, ken ryuguji, manjiro sano, hajime kokonoi, hanma shuji, keisuke baji, izana kurokawa
CONTENT WARNING: some misogyny
NOTE: I made these into headcanons, hope you don't mind 🤍 your gang is called 'jotei rengou' (literal translation: empress union) idk it sounded cool
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When Kazutora finds out about your gang, he's surprised, to say the least - and not in a good way. To him, women don't belong in the delinquent world and he'll act hostile towards your gang in response, immediately seeing you as an obstacle to overcome, something to get rid of before it can cause too much trouble.
He has some deeply ingrained beliefs about strength and power so he finds it hard to believe that a women-only gang could rival any of the male-dominated gangs of Tokyo anyway.
However, when a fight breaks out between your gangs, Kazutora finds himself intrigued and slightly impressed by your strength. He watches you, analyses your technique, and he eventually recognizes that you are worthy of your title and are obviously not here by mistake.
He ends up developing a strange but genuine sense of respect and admiration for you — though you'll never catch him admitting that out loud.
"So...you're the girl who claims to be leading one of Japan's biggest gangs?" he looks you up and down. "Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're a woman."
"Ha. I wouldn't expect you to. I've heard a lot about you, Hanemiya. You've got quite the reputation, you know?" you smirked. "But let's see if you can back up that talk with action."
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Draken's calm nature leads him to be open-minded and respectful towards you and your gang — doesn't matter if your first encounter is friendly or a little less amicable. He's surprised to see that a gang like yours exist, that's for sure, but he admires your strength and leadership qualities more than he worries about the 'women only' aspect of it.
He probably wouldn't want to get involved with you, though. He's totally against hitting women no matter what, so, with Mikey's approval, he'll try to find a common ground with you and offer compromises that could benefit both sides in order to avoid confrontation.
He might also harbour a tiny crush on you or one of your gang members.... But that's none of anyone's business.
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Mikey takes you and your gang very seriously right from the start, and he quickly learns that: 1) you're not to be messed with, and 2) underestimating and belittling you would be a huge mistake.
However, just like Draken, fighting and hurting women in any way is a no-no. Not because he doesn't think you're capable of fighting back, far from it, but because keeping women safe has always been one of Toman's top priorities. He'll only fight you if he absolutely has to, that means only if your gang is pure evil or an actual threat to Toman.
On the contrary, if your gangs grow closer over the years, he'll gladly accept a friendly fight with you or your girls.
Although he doesn't really show it, Mikey is very admirative of you — a feeling that only intensifies when he finds out that the Jotei Rengou actually shares most of Toman's beliefs and is really similar to it in multiple aspects. He's also surprised by your strength and strategic thinking, which earns his silent admiration.
It kind of makes him want to welcome women into his own gang.
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Koko will treat your gang like any other gang. The fact that you're all women matters very little to him. You know what you got yourself into when you entered the world of street gangs and delinquency, therefore you must know what you're doing and you probably know how to fight back.
Koko immediately sees the power and influence you hold over your gang as you lead and command them, and he soon starts to see you as a valuable ally or potential rival, depending on how your gangs' first interaction unfolds.
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued by your backstory and your rise to power, because he knows you must've gone through hell and back before people actually started taking you seriously and accepted you as one of Japan's most notorious gangs.
"I don't remember inviting outsiders to my territory."
"I couldn't resist the chance to meet you!You're a hard one to find, you know?" he said, opening his arms and sticking his tongue out. "I've dreamed of this moment, Jotei Rengou."
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The first time Valhalla and Jotei Rengou come face to face, Hanma laughs. He laughs because it's evident to him that you don't belong at the head of a gang, and he makes sure you know how unserious he thinks your 'pathetic little gang' is.
He tries to provoke you by insulting you and your methods, clearly wanting to test your patience. However, he quickly realizes that you're not easily swayed by his manipulation tactics, having no trouble firing back at him.
Hanma finds you intriguing, and although he won't openly admit it, he's secretly impressed by your ability to stay calm and command respect and loyalty from your gang members — who all look extremely hot and badass, he must admit.
Hanma quickly starts thinking about how he could use your influence and power to his own advantage. He sees you as a potential ally or a stepping stone to achieve his goals.
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Baji is absolutely thrilled by the idea of facing such powerful women as opponents.
Though he can't do much without Mikey's approval, he sees this encounter as an opportunity for a great adrenaline-pumping battle. A rival gang is a rival gang, your gender doesn't hold him back in the slightest.
He's heard the rumors and whispers about the Jotei Rengou so he knows how serious you are about this — and although he'll approach you with a his usual cocky attitude, the last thing he'll do is underestimate you. The things he knows only fuels his determination further, and he looks forward to testing his skills against such interesting opponents.
"Well, well, well...what do we have here?" Baji smirks. "The Jotei Rengou and their infamous leader in person. Bold move showing up here, ladies."
"Hey, let's cut the small talk and make this interesting, shall we?" you smirk back, getting off your bike. "I'll show you what my gang's made of, and you boys can try to keep up."
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Izana is intrigued, but he doesn't take your gang seriously. He's heard of you and the damage you've done around Tokyo, but he's convinced that someone else is behind your crimes. He firmly believes that a woman's strength couldn't possibly match up to a man's, let alone his own.
But when you effortlessly take down some of Tenjiku's strongest members, Izana's initial arrogance towards you immediately starts to fade. He finds himself getting more and more frustrated as your fighting style proves to be just as efficient as his own.
Despite being impressed, Izana refuses to let his feelings show. Instead, he starts analyzing your moves, determined to find a weakness to exploit and make you regret ever crossing his path.
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taurder · 1 year
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top!dom!reader x bottom!miguel o'hara.
contains: exhibitionism kink, voyeurism kink, begging, biting, oral (character giving) degrading, dirty talk, anal, dumb-fucked, implied villain reader.
note: i'll continue to be self indulging until i get requests.
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"just like that, yeah, yeah, mgghh– i love your mouth so much– yeah, fuck. you can go deeper, ah– c'mon" his small choking sounds make it more pleasant for you. seeing him on his knees in this dirty rooftop with scratches on his suit showing his chest, with your dick in his mouth and one of his hands touching his own covered member is just delightful.
You didn't even think in the fight you two had before, because the newest of your schemes didn't matter, or his sense of justice or the police sirens that were still on in the distance with several cop cars looking out for you. what mattered was that you were fucking his throat. there was fresh blood in your nails from scratches and punches you gave him, you probably were going to sport several bruises tomorrow along with a swollen lip and nose, but the only thought in each others minds was if you were close enough to cumming.
"that's it, that's ohmygod– yeah, swallow me whole, c'mon you want this. if you don't swallow it all i'm gonna cum all over your face and tits, slut" you made your words sound mean, awful, but you saw his enthusiasm to every single one of them. the way he rubbed harder into his member to touch himself over his suit, how his cheeks hollowed to suck you off better. "you'd like that, wouldn't you? fuck, of course you do, you love my cum so much" a whine from his throat made you swear too loud, jerking your hips on and on to make him swallow every inch of your cock.
"you're watching your fangs for me, yes? i can't fuck you later if you paralyze me, kitty" a half choked laugh was the only thing you could muster before you reached your limit. his tongue flicked before flattening entirely when he knew your climax was near and he allowed every ounce of semen to go directly into his throat as you pushed his head towards your pelvis. you grabbed his hair for your own balance, but he took it as a silent request of keeping himself there.
"fuck, fuck, just fuck. if i knew you liked my dick in your mouth this much i would've made you my cock warmer sooner" spider-man's body twitched and he closed his eyes tighter, still sucking a little to get every drop of your seed. "is that another idea you like? at this rate i could tell you i want to fuck you while the police and your spider-society friends watch us and you would consider it". he moaned, and by the way the hand that was rubbing his member stopped you could tell he had just cummed too.
you pushed his head away, swearing low when you saw a string of saliva connect from his swollen lips to the tip of your cock. "look at you, miguel. you want everyone to see you like this?" coming out of his daze he groaned a little in annoyance, but his face was hot. "i'd like to. make everyone see how much of a cock hungry slut you are" you came closer to him, offering your hand for him to stand up, and you immediately after took his glutes in your hands, getting him to jump a little so you could carry him, pushing his back into the wall where the door to the rooftop was.
"idiota" he hissed at the rough treatment, shutting down any other complain he had when you really grabbed at his ass, making sure your fingers would get imprinted there. he squirmed in your hold, ultimately pushing back at your hands. "este idiota quiere cogerte, precioso" you said back, already leaning to have a go with his neck, kissing and slightly biting as he reached with his right the other hand, touching some buttoms to deactivate his suit completely, groaning when a bite from you made his fangs instinctively go out. [t: this idiot wants to fuck you, gorgeous]
"naked in the wild.. anyone could see us from here, don't you think? maybe even a spider-person of yours doing a late night patrol.." you got the lube out of your pocket with ease, still assaulting his neck when your first two fingers went inside him. he pushed back again, so turned on with your words and the way you could carry him as if it was nothing that you could feel the heat radiating from his skin ".. they'd see the menacing miguel right here, being finger fucked by ol' bad me" he threw his head against the wall when you added a third finger. "dying to have me inside to fill him up and–"
"please just fuck me!" he growled, hands on your shoulders while he hopped up and down to reach deeper inside himself with your fingers, but it wasn't enough. "please, please, you can call me anything, please, just fuck me already" his desperate eyes looked foggy, as if he was near losing himself. and you did love to make him go dumb in your cock.
so you whispered more filth into his ears, pushing him into the wall, biting at his broad shoulders and calling him a slut for having such big tits, all shiny with the slight coat of sweat that covered his body. and he said yes to all of it, screaming and pleading with pretty whines as you guided your cock to his hole. you called him desperate, a bitch in heat, a poor excuse of a hero who truly just wanted to be dicked down by every strong man available that could handle him.
and just as he agreed to all of it you sank deep, letting go of his body and leaving him no other option but to take all of it in one go with no support. his eyes went up on his head, mouth hanging open as he taked what he craved. you carried him again, giving him only a little to adjust before you started thrusting into him with force, making his body go up and down (and he'll probably be mad at you for the red marks the uneven wall is leaving on his back but right now he doesn't care).
right now he can only wail and moan deep once you find his prostate, going on and on into that same spot just to watch his face show how much he loves this. his pecs are moving just as quickly as he tries to regulate his breathing in-between thrusts but it's just as hard as to keep his legs hooked into your body. "you want to open up, big boy, don't restrain yourself" you say and he nods in gratitude just before really letting go of his body. the hands that were touching your shoulders travel down to his own dick, not really jerking off but only putting his palms around it, holding them in position so your movements can also dictate the rhythm in which he touches himself. you feel more weight, but it doesn't stop you from going harder and faster into him. his legs keep opening up more and more, practically bouncing at your sides as you hook your arms under his knees, hearing him bitch about the momentary stop.
the new position allowed you to keep him open, and even if you had to really push him against the wall you don't think he cared as long as he was getting fucked. "you look so hot like this. quite a whorish hero, yes? maybe you should call up layla, make her record this whole thing". a moany sob comes from his throat and he closes his eyes, you could swear he's imagining everything you said while he lets out a line of ah, ah, ah, ah from his mouth. "that way you can watch it at your headquarters and jerk off to this. you could finger yourself so in our next fight you're nice and ready for me to just– fuck! you're getting really tigghhh.."
and just like that he cums, hard. squeezing your dick in the process, forcing you to reach your climax too, filling him up as he keens for the sensation, holding you close even if there's semen in both your chests and stomachs. you two breathe in and out some seconds in the same position before your dick twitches again inside of miguel, and you push in a little, swearing at the wet sound and the feeling of fucking your fresh cum out of him. you're about to pull out when his walls contract against you, spider-man's hips starting to move once more and as you look at his face you catch him opening up his eyes again, a lazy smile on his lips. he moans once more, trying to milk your cock again.
"you're insatiable, you know that?" you chuckle, thanking to yourself that you both sharing a short refractory period and a strong libido is a blessing. your schemes and his morals could wait a couple more hours.
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ribread03 · 8 days
tummy problems
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Content Warnings: mentions of throwing up, Talk of being/going to the hospital and or emergency room. Probably fluff to.
AN: This holds a place in my life due to the fact that I have a chronic illness that deals with my stomach #chronicilless so yeah. I think this is really cute and I hope this all make sense to other people.
lowkey got lazy at the end [the whole thing bc I'm in a block rn] but yeah, I just wanted to get something out, I have some good ideas in my head but request are always appreciated.
"Baby" I say whining slightly. I am currently curled up into a ball on mine and Matt's bed. Trying to fight off this god awful pain in my abdomen.
"What's up with my love?" Matt ask, concerned that you haven't taken any pain meds yet. You have refused to take any knowing that they wouldn't do anything for your pain. "What can I get for you?"
"Can you get me the heating pad and just come and cuddle?" You ask looking at him.
"Of course baby" Matt answers you, giving you a quick peck on the lips before leaving to go and grab what you asked for.
"Thank you" You speak softly. You know that you're not really "sick". You've been dealing with the same pain since the 4th grade and now you're almost 20 years old. You know that it will go away after a week or so, so you just push through the pain trying to make the best of it.
Matt comes back into the room and kneels down next to you to plug the heating pad in. "Here you go" He says with a soft smile. He walks over to his side of the bed and lays down next to you.
"I love you so much" You tell him. You've been friends with the triplets since your freshmen year of high school. They are the only people that have really stuck by your side through all of your medical experiences. Being truly grateful for them.
"I love you to y/n" He kisses you cheek. "Wanna watch a movie? It might help you distract your mind"
"Yeah" You grab the remote next to you and turn the TV on. Moving closer to Matt to snuggle into his warm body. Slowly you are finally falling asleep when all of the sudden you have this horrid pain wash over you causing you to move uncomfortably which Matt notices.
"y/n? babe, come on talk to me..." He pauses for a moment. "What can I do to help you?" He asks concern laced in his voice. "Pain med, food, water, a bath?"
Coming to your defeat you finally decide to take some pain meds "get me the ones my doctor gave me please, they will help the most." You speak so softly afraid if you talk too loudly you'll experience more pain.
"Of course my love." Matt says as he gets off of the bed and heads out into the hall to grab your meds.
Matt comes back into the room with the pain meds, but you are up and out of bed rushing towards the bathroom. As soon as you step foot into the bathroom everything that you ate in the last 12 hours comes out of you. You feel Matt behind you gently rubbing your back.
"sweetheart this is normal, do you want to go to the emergency room?" Matt ask. He knows that you hate it there knowing there isn't much they can do for you, but will go if you need more then what you have at home.
Whipping your mouth and standing up you nod your head yes. Walking back into the room you grab your phone, water, and a phone charger as well as a hoodie. "I didn't think it would be this bad." You say defeated.
"I know sweetie. It's okay tho I'm here." Matt says grabbing the sweatshirt from you and heading to the car.
Once in the car and on the way to the emergency room you start to relax a bit, knowing what's going to happen once there.
(I'm skipping the whole time they are in the emergency room bc I think it would be boring)
"Ready to go" Matt says yawning. We've been in the emergency room for 6 hours now.
"Mmh" I say as I cling onto him. "I'm ready to sleep to."
"Same here." We are walking back out to the car now hand in hand.
On the ride home we stop and grab a snack at the gas station. Once we are home I head straight for the bed room flopping onto the bed and opening my arms for Matt to come and lay with me. Matt climbs into bed and wraps his arms around me peppering my face with kisses.
"Thank you babe." You tell him, really great full he took you to the emergency room and got you some better pain medicine.
"Anytime, you know that all I want for you is to feel better." He speaks, still holding you and lightly kissing you.
"Still, thank you for everything and for sticking it out with me." You say, now kissing his face. Ending up falling asleep in that same position.
an: hoped you guys liked this even if I feel like its a little poopy and short but oh well. BYE LOVE YOU!
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iammattswife · 5 months
Matt Sturniolo Fluff Alphabet Headcanons!!
warnings: mention of sex, idk i think that's it?
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Everything. Literally everything. He would be so love sick that everything you do would be adorable to him. He likes the simplicity of being with you, sleeping in the same bed together, waking up together, getting ready together in the morning, being able to have long in depth conversations without any judgment or awkwardness.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Huge physical intimacy guy, caressing your hand, tighs, cheeks, arm, etc. Anything that allows him to give both of you a sense of comfort. Also your boobs. Definitely napping on them 24/7.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
I think he's a huge switch, not just sexually but also when it comes to simple things like cuddling. He likes to hold you, he likes to know that he can provide you that sense of comfort and safety that no one else can. But he also likes to be held, he loves when you run your hands through his hair (he will also play with yours because it "relaxes him") or when you gently caress his back, he likes to lay his head on your boobs or on your stomach. (especially if you were pregnant as it would make him feel closer to the baby)
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Honestly, probably staying in a lot. Movie nights, baking dates, legos, maybe a spurr of the moment karaoke night where you both laugh at each others terrible vocals, driving around or walking around a park or on the beach (specifically at night) anything that's a normal activity but with you, he'll love.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Very very well. Huge communication guy, what's to know how you're feeling about everything. Won't pressure you into talking tho but will definitely make sure you know you can talk to him whenever you want/need to and it will remain between you and him. He also displays his emotions through his body language a lot, so whenver you're in public/social setting and he starts to get anxious or just wants to leave with you he'll start to be more touchy and whisper sweet nothings to you.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. Did i mention yes? Wants to be a dad so bad and wouldn't want to do it along side anyone but you, I don't think he'd have a specific age, he could literally have kids right now as long as you both want it and are ready. But also if you did get accidentally pregnant he definitely would be so so excited, obviously nervous as it wasn't planned but so so excited. And speaking of accidental pregnancies, he probably would be the type to just go off all protection (condoms, birth control) so it wouldn't be planned like "we're trying for a baby" but you also wouldn't not be trying. Yk? He'd def have at least 2 as he wouldn't want them to be an only child, but if you wanted to stop after 1 cus the pregnancy was bad or just whatever reason he would 100% respect that and wouldn't pressure you at all. I like to imagine him with 2 twin girls. And than maybe like 3yrs after you'd get pregnant again on accident (how i said earlier, trying but also not trying) and you'd have a cute lil baby boy and he'd be smothered from his girly older sisters all the time. (Sorry that was REALLY long)
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He doesn't like to make gifts a big deal, he'll just randomly see something that he knows you'd like, were thinking of buying or knows you need and just buy it for you. For birthdays and christmas he'd prob he'd have one big main gift and than a bunch of little things like matching socks, hoodies, jewelery, etc.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
As I already mentioned he loves to hold hands, literally everywhere. He's not huge on pda like he won't randomly make out with you in a public setting but he will definitely hold your hand (and a few kisses). Holding your hand while driving, eating, sleeping, sex, walking around, shopping, etc. Also if you 2 are just chilling both on your phones he'd have one hand on his phone and one holding your hand (or thigh)
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Oh boy he'd definitely panick, i think it would depend on the injury tho. If you clumsily got a paper cut or scrapped your knee he'd probably laugh at you a bit but still make sure you're ok. But imagine you got in a car accident. Worried sick. Literally hyperventilating. And if he was the one driving?? He'd blame himself constantly and apologise profusely. Also the type to cry at your hospital bed while holding your hand even tho it was smth minor like getting your appendix taken out.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
He loves like sarcastic remarks and inside jokes but not really pranks? Like I've seen some couples do cheating pranks or where they pretend smth rly bad happend or that they're made at their partner. He definitely wouldn't do that and would hate it if you did it to him. He would definitely overthink it and question himself/your relationship especially if it went too far. Also would never want to be the reason you overthink or are stressed.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
He LOVES kissing. Just a bunch of repeated pecks after eachother while caressing your cheek or neck with one hand around your waist or holding your boob??? Would definitely kiss passionately especially if you won't see eachother for a while or one of you has to go out without the other. Also loves to be kissed, loves when you kiss his forehead or his hand while he's driving. Anything that's gentile and delicate and natural, he just loves kissing.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
HUGE on physical touch. Also quality time, would literally text you to go fill up gas with him or drag you with him to the bathroom cus he doesn't want to leave you. He also loves acts of service, he knows you can do it but why do it when he can do it for you?? Princess treatment all over. Tbh I think all the love languages fit him in some way or another.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
That one night you both stayed up together cuddled up going from sloppy kisses all over to talking about everything that crosses your minds, like the deep overwhelming thoughts to how many dots does a ladybug have. He just loves the simplicity of it all and how you can turn everything into magic. Also your first time having sex, it would've been so gentle and delicate he would think about it all the time.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
You cheating on him or breaking his trust in any way. HUGE HUGE HUGE on loyalty, trust and secrets. Not necessarily secrets but keeping things to yourself, like wouldn't want you to talk about your sex life with someone other than him and he also wouldn't want you to share anything personal he tells you. Basically just you breaking his boundaries and trust. He would definitely be devastatingly heart broken if you cheated on him, it's a great intimacy and connection to him. Something that is so vulnerable and special to him. He'd definitely feel used and would rethink everything if you betrayed his trust/wasn't loyal.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
"No I'm not hungry" *steals your food*
"No I'm fine don't worry about it" *sobbing on your shoulder 2hrs later*
"No I'm not tired let's go for a drive" *nearly falls asleep behind the wheel*
"Who's that?" *someone you've both known for years*
Just random stupid stuff like this, he doesn't do it on purpose and feels bad as he definitely doesn't want to annoy you but you find it cute and adorable so it's fine. It also doesn't happen that often just when he's having a rough time with his anxiety or is upset.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He'd definitely be all "nah I don't like pet names it's stupid" and than would be calling you baby 10 seconds later. I think he'd use baby a lot during intimate moments, not alot in public just in situations between you two. Angel, sweetheart, princess (maybe?). Wouldn't rly like babe but it does slip out sometimes. Loves when you call him pet names too.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
This man would spend every second of his life with you as possible. He just wants to do and share everything with you, having there also just makes him hapoier and makes the time more special.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Honestly every song can be associated with him. But Slut! and stay stay stay always make me think of him immediately.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Very open, not immediately but very open, if you ask him about smth he'd tell you the honest truth, he hates secrets and doesn't like to keep things from you and doesn't want you to keep things from him. He understands your boundaries tho so if it's a sensitive topic he definitely wouldn't pressure you to talk about it but would also love to know your story and would listen to you any time.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
He was rly rly nervous at first, you were probably friends first, flirty friends. He would know you two are just friends but would also be loyal to you, you'd probably be hanging out one day and end up kissing, just a lot of unoffical dates and kisses until they become official and frequent. Would probably ask you to be his girlfriend right after you two kiss one day, wouldn't take him too long maybe like 2weeks or a month depending on how often you hang out. (SO you are in love coded)
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Wants to be around you all the time to make sure you know he's there and also to keep track of how you're doing but would also understand if you want time alone. Checking up on you constantly, cooking for you, cleaning up around the house for you, constant reassurance and affirmations. Lots of hugs and cuddles.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Definitely talks about you all the time, doesn't even realise he's doing it he just does. Posts abt you too. Would probably post one of does shadow pictures of you two or a picture of you two cuddling. Also would post you for international gfs day. Just imagine "it's my birthday today but it's also international girlfriends day-"
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Definitely sticks by you through everything, even if you're wrong. He would talk about it later in private if he thought you were in the wrong but would definitely stick up for you. Even if you're in an argument and someone brought you up he would def be protecting/defending you. (Also speaking of arguments they def wouldn't last longer than a day or two if its rly bad cus he hates arguing sm and constantly apologises)
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Knows you better than he knows himself.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
You'd probably have a cute romantic dinner at somewhere expensive that serves your favourite food and than a walk around the park as the sun is setting while you two sit on a bench somewhere quiet snd private and he pulls out a ring. Wouldn't want to make a big deal out of it as he doesn't like grand gestures and thinks this is a more personal intimate moment. Also he'd def know if you were a silver or gold jewellery girly and get you a ring he knows you'd like. He knows the ring isn't the most important part of a marriage but he can definitely afford a beautiful one that would be exactly how you'd want it. I can also see him making a custom one.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
You. Cuddles. Kisses. Hugs. Hugs. Hugs. Holding eachother. Back rubs. Talking with you. Knowing you're there and he isn't alone.
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Winter Nights (Vere x gn!Reader) (Touchstarved)
content: verex reader, gender neutral reader, I tried to write this so any origin will work with this fic, SFW but Vere makes his usual jokes, cannon typical swearing, reader bullies Vere just the smallest bit but he does the same.
summary: Vere has a horrible day, not enjoying the ice-cold weather at all. you decide to help out your favorite sassy fox boy.
word count: 5.5k
A/N: In honor of us getting VERE LORE i made this little fic of him. ngl i just saw how much he hated snow and ran with it. im so obsessed w this bitch yall i love him sm.
Vere had had a shit day. In your first few weeks of arriving in Eridia you probably wouldn’t have noticed it. That demon Fox was notoriously good at hiding his feelings when he really wanted to. He'd misdirect your attention, complaining about how shitty the drinks are in the Wick when he was really upset about something else entirely. Something deeper he didn't want you to know about. Honestly, in the first few weeks here you probably didn't care much to know what he was upset about anyways, you were too busy trying to survive. But life in Eridia had settled down a bit after the first month or so. You had stable lodgings, you had picked up some odd jobs, using your specific set of skills to give yourself some income. You even had allies of sorts. 
Leander had shown you the ropes of the cities and how to fit in with his Bloodhounds, Kuras had welcomed your assistance at the clinic (even if your help just amounted to laundry or organization), Ais enjoyed your occasional company in the red spring, and even Mhin had gifted you a well made dagger, their face blushing red as they insisted it was simply so you wouldn't be as useless as you had been that night they had met you. You'd even consider some of them almost friends now.
Yet out of all the characters you'd met since entering this city, Vere had been the one you had chosen to align yourself with in the quest to cure your curse. There was something dangerous beneath the surface of all of your new acquaintances, yet with Vere it was different. He knew more than he was letting on. He was more than he was letting on. Vain people like him usually loved to flaunt just how wealthy, powerful or clever they were, but he had always slyly dodged the topic. He was putting on an act, a performance where he was simply a beautiful face, and you knew it was bullshit. You’d be lying if you said curiosity was not a catalyst for choosing Vere as your closest companion, but you also had the sense that staying close to him was infinitely safer than opposing him. Something about keeping friends close and enemies closer. 
But that was the other problem. Over these months, you saw Vere as less of an enemy and more like-
-Well, Saying friend was probably inaccurate. You kept your secrets close to your chest and Vere was far too fake with you for you to assume he trusted you. Yet, you found yourself genuinely enjoying his company. He'd try to get a rise out of you by being an asshole and you'd reply with something snarky, clever, or just downright outrageous and Vere would let out a surprised bark of laughter. Real laughter, a high pitched guttural cackle, not like the fake laughter he uses around most, that breathless smooth chuckle you'd quickly figured out was fake as fuck. 
Getting closer to Vere also meant learning things like that, when he was being fake or when he genuinely meant something. And although you'd never admit it, you loved that. Getting to know Vere better and getting rewarded with a real moment with him was like having a stray cat you'd been trying to get to trust you finally approach and sniff your hand before hissing and running off again. You knew that cat would be an asshole the next day, but you also know you'd be back the next day to see if you could get that cat to trust you a little more. 
Though said cat (or more accurately fox) had been in a worsening mood recently. The months were getting colder, and when the first snowflake fell Vere’s scowl became more frequent, plus leander had been trying to get closer to you lately, and that man's mere presence could put Vere in a pissy mood for hours. You didn't quite understand his hatred for Leander, but you also had the feeling leander was just a little insane, so it might be genuinely good judgment on Veres part instead of him just being an ass to people for fun, like what he did with Mhin and Kuras. The real icing on the cake to complete Veres' bad mood was his hunting session that happened today. The Senobium had dragged him out at the crack of dawn to kill monsters and only loosened his leash late into the night, after the light snowfall had become more of a brutal sleet, the ice cold rain coming down in sheets. The temperature in Eridia always drops much lower in the nighttime, so by tomorrow you'd put money on the outside either being a slushy mess with ice coating every road, or be covered in a dusting of snow. Though you weren't too sure how likely either of those realistically were to occur, it was your first winter in Eridia. You hadn't even realized that you'd been here for so long the seasons had begun changing around you, but it was clear Vere had hated the colder months. 
Your persistence in getting to know Vere, for reasons even you couldn't really explain, along with all these reasons, was why you knew he was going to be in the worst mood yet when he got back. You were by the bar, nursing some hot mulled wine when the door to the Wet Wick slammed open, Vere stomping in (probably to knock some of the slush off his boots and also because he was angry) and taking a seat at the bar next to you. 
He didn't say a word to you, silently seething as he gave the bartender a silent look that meant “make this drink strong or i'll make your life miserable”. 
Thankfully, the bartender was as reliable and quick on her feet as ever, ignoring Vere’s death glare but pouring him some non-watered down liquor. You were ever grateful for her ability to deal with the people of this city. 
Veres' long scarlet hair was slightly plastered to his cheek, wet and freezing, with snow and sleet mixed in, tangling the long strands. You wagered a quick look at his tail, and it was just as bad, if not worse. A bit of mud had caked on the bottom of it, along with the blood of whatever monster they had had him hunting that evening. And the fine fur was drenched to the bone. He looked absolutely horrible, and hadn't said a word to you the entire time, just bitterly drinking his liquor and motioning for another pour.
That's how you knew this bad day was different from the rest. Usually when Vere was upset he'd let you know somehow. Whether it was turning up his nose at you to let you know your presence isn't wanted nor needed, or sometimes he'd rant for hours on how much he hated the Senobium or whatever else was bothering him. And no matter how mad he was, he'd never let you see him in such a disheveled state. It was hard for you to remember even a handful of times where Vere looked less than perfect. 
But now? Looked like an absolute mess, and even stranger, he was just-
-just quiet really. If you didn't know better you'd almost think he was a little defeated. Like a person at their breaking point. 
You couldn't help but feel sympathetic. Not too long ago you had felt that way, the face he wore now was like the one you wore on the caravan on the way to Eridia reminiscing about how you were betrayed, how your former life and everything you had up until that point was basically nothing but ashes now. It was not a good feeling. 
You wanted to do something to help. For some reason you really wanted to do something to help. Luckily you had an idea. Well, hopefully luckily. You knew people who looked like that usually wanted to be left alone to seeth for a while. Or cry, depending on the person. But you wanted to help. If he didnt like it, then he could always leave, it's not like you'd force him to accept your help. 
While he sipped what must have been his 3rd or 4th strong drink, you quietly slipped upstairs to your room, and began filling up the tub. A while back you had splurged and purchased a small mesh bag of a few bathing items, all of them lavender scented. You dumped them out to see what exactly you had to work with
A small bar of lavender soap
A single vial of Lavender bath salts
Some lavender hair oils 
Lavender shampoo
And a small white comb, most likely made of some mid tier material, enough to do its job, but nothing stunning. This seemed like a passible amount of stuff for Vere right? You knew he was fancy and he probably had much higher quality items in greater amounts back wherever he lived, and what if- 
Wait a damn minute. You were doing this out of the kindness of your frickin heart. If it wasn't nice enough for his stuffy ass then you'd just use the items yourself. Hell you already were a bit disappointed you didn't get to use this stuff yourself, more for you if he decided he didn't like it. 
With that settled in your mind, you turned towards the now full tub and a smaller basin next to it, both filled with clear water, and began to use a simple spell to heat the water. Almost all humans had some potential to learn magic, and being able to heat water to steaming hot was an extremely basic magic, almost anyone could perform it if they knew what to do. You finished it off by pouring the bath salts into the tub and grabbing two towels out from your closet, one large one and one suited for drying hair, and laid them to the side along with the assortment of small lavender products you had gotten out. You then lit a few candles set on the sink, considering it was dark outside, and candles were now the only source of light in the bathroom. With that prepared and the bath still steaming hot, you headed back down to the tavern.
Vere was still there, still drinking some strong amber liquid. At least he was no longer shooting them back, but instead nursing the drink with slow sips. He was definitely at least a little buzzed, judging by the way he slightly tilted off the barstool. 
You walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Vere. Hey Vere, are you still with me? Or are you more drunk than you look?”
The fox glared up at you for a second before he fixed his scowl, a look of boredom and slight amusement painted on his pretty face in an instant.
Fake bitch. 
“Well, well, well. Here to keep me company now? I'll be honest, my standards are lowering with every glass I down, so keep trying and maybe you'll get lucky.” a lecherous smirk spread across his face as he spoke. 
Sigh. he was so going to take this the wrong way.
“Lets go to my room”
“W-” Vere momentarily stumbled over his response. Probably only because he was drunk. Any other time and he would have absolutely dominated this situation easily, poking and preening about how you were not immune to his charms. And yet up till now he didn’t think you were the type to fall for his flirty act so easily.
And he was right, you were smarter than that. If you hadn't been he probably would have killed you by now. 
“Hey.” you practically scolded. “Get your mind out of the gutter. Not for those reasons. Come on, up we go.” you said while grabbing his elbow gently to steady him as he got off the stool, just in case. 
Mercifully, he let you lead him upstairs without complaint, probably out of curiosity on what the hell you were thinking. 
When you opened the door to the bathroom, Vere was momentarily stunned looking at the steaming bath, but quickly put two and two together. It seemed this unexpected scenario had sobered him up a little bit. He instantly became more alert and aware of his surroundings.
Fair. it's not like you two were very soft and caring to each other. If anything you got along best when you were trying to out-snark each other. This was definitely out of character. But regardless his mask of calm indifference didn't falter a bit. 
“Oh I see” he drawled. “Set to join me in the nude aren't you? My goodness you could have just asked if you were this desperate to see me undress, I might have only made you beg a little.” 
His smugness was palpable at this point. Why were you doing all this for him again? Bitch-ass sad soggy fox. 
You pushed your annoyance to the side. If you reacted to his bullshit he'd get what he wanted.
“Actually yes I was planning on joining you. But not in the bath.” you responded.
“Oh? And what exactly are you planning on doing?” his questioning was genuine, as if he actually had no idea what you were thinking. 
You held up the comb that came with the rest of the bath items you planned on using. 
“I'm going to rip those knots out of your hair if it kills you.” you deadpanned.
The look of genuine fear on Veres' face for a split second when you said that was worth all the effort. 
After assuring him that you wouldn't actually rip out any of his hair (on purpose at least) and then additional promises that you would be gentle, Vere finally relented and began to strip down. As soon as he did you turned around, waiting until you heard him submerge himself in the tub before turning back around. You knew he thought about making a comment about you turning around to let him undress, but thankfully he seemed too worn out to poke you any further. 
He let out a slight gasp, and then sigh of contentment as he sank into the waters. When you had left to go fetch Vere from the bar the water was basically boiling, but it had cooled in the time it had taken you to get him up here, so it was just a little too hot to be perfect, but that meant a longer time in the warm water. Something Vere definitely needed, it was going to take a while to detangle and clean this mess. 
You handed him the soap, then took the smaller basin and poured a gentle stream over his head before grabbing the shampoo and lathering it up into a froth in his hair. If there was one thing you had learned, it was how to make a little supply last a while, so you only used about half the small bottle on his hair, making sure to massage all the way down to his roots and ensuring every inch of dirt would be rinsed out. You also made a conscientious effort not to disturb the chains around his neck. Tonight was not the night to try to sneak a peek at them. Not that it would do much good with how low the lighting was in here. 
True to your words, you tried to be gentle for the process, and you could feel Vere eventually relax under your touch, taking a break from scrubbing himself with the soap to lean back and close his eyes while you continued to work the shampoo into his hair. You were glad he was relaxed, but the last thing you needed was him falling asleep in the tub, especially after all the booze he'd had. You grabbed the basin and poured another stream of water on his head to wash out the shampoo, the water in the smaller container now closer to mildly warm than hot. 
After the shampoo was out it was time for the oils. And the comb. As you Began to massage the oils in, you felt Vere tense up once again. It was like he was fighting between exhaustion and being on high alert. Was your presence really this stressful to him?
You leaned down right next to his velvety ears and tried to keep your voice as quiet and non-stress inducing as possible as you spoke.
“Hey. I promised I would be gentle. Relax” you whispered, the fur of his ears slightly brushing up against your lower lip as you spoke. 
For some reason when you said that Vere went completely still for a second. 
Seriously? Was your entire presence just so annoying to him that he absolutely could not relax around you? Honestly that felt a bit hurtful. You could be so nice when you wanted to! Just look at what you were doing for him now!
You shrugged off the sting of rejection at Veres discomfort at you and began to massage the oils into his hair. 
First you gently felt out the knots with your bandaged fingers, taking care to rub the oils into each one and loosening the knot. Then you started to comb them out. Taking extra care to go slow and try not to tug too much, Vere eventually relaxed again and finished up using the bar of soap on his skin, saving his face for last so he could dunk his head under to rinse out the soap and hair oils in one go. 
It took a hot second, but Veres' hair was smooth as silk once again. A selfish part of you wished you could run your fingers through it without the bandages, but that wasn't likely to happen anytime soon, if ever. 
Satisfied with your work, you fully stood up and handed Vere the remainder of the shampoo, oils and comb. 
“For your tail” you said as you passed along the objects. “Do not fall asleep” 
Just before leaving you tested the waters' warmth. Lukewarm. You quietly summoned the magic needed to add a little more heat to the water. Just enough so he’d have enough time to properly wash out his tail. With that you gathered up his pile of clothes and headed out of the bathroom.
Usually you just washed your clothes in the basin in the bathroom with a cleaning solution and then left them to dry on the very, very small balcony your room hosted, but Veres clothes were of infinitely higher quality than yours, so doing that might ruin them. Not to mention your modest balcony was currently being blasted by the cold weather. 
There wasn't anything you could really do, so you just folded up the clothes and opened your closet to see what other options there were. You could let him borrow something of yours, but something told you he wouldn't appreciate that, not even considering the fact that it definitely wouldn't fit him perfectly like all his outfits did. His clothes were definitely custom made. 
Then, something caught your eye. Last time you were helping at the clinic, someone had kindly gifted some linens and basic white clothes to the patients who might need some (like you had), and in the mix there had been a few fluffy bathrobes. Kuras had kindly gifted you one considering there wasn't too much use for that in the clinic, and it had been sitting in your closet ever since. It wasn't fancy by any means, but it was good quality. And as long as you didn't tell Vere you got it from Kuras he probably wouldn't protest too much.
You walked back over to the bathroom door and rapped your knuckles on the door twice. 
“Hey I’m going to hand you a bathrobe. Are you out of the tub?” You called through the door.
You heard the faint sound of bare feet on tile and the door open as vere stood before you, the smaller towel currently in his hands being used to dry his hair while the larger towel was draped over his now clean tail.
Needless to say, you kept very strong eye contact as he took the robe from your hands and slid it on. 
You watched him feel the plush of the robe, a very tired but somewhat satisfied look on his face. The quality of the fabric had met his standards apparently (probably just barely). Then he turned towards your bed, walked over, and flopped down on said bed. 
Well, you weren’t exactly expecting him to go back out in this weather, but still. You really wanted to sleep in your bed tonight. 
Veres' muffled voice snapped you out of your thoughts, his words muddled by the pillow he was currently face planting into.
“What???” You responded. 
“I said brush my tail” he huffed before nodding to the comb from earlier he left on the other side of the bed, which he had left untouched, seemingly content with just half the bed.
Well, this kinda meant he was willing to share right? No floor for you tonight, and all you had to do was preen this peacock of a Fox. 
You situated yourself on the bed and began to gently brush out the mountain of damp fur in front of you. Luckily he had done a solid job of washing his tail, it was a lot easier to brush out than his hair had been. 
He flicked it occasionally, the fur brushing up against your nose more than once. His normal spiced scent was now overpowered by lavender. You involuntarily inhaled the scent, remembering it was known to relax people into sleep. (Kuras had told you that once).
“Please, try to contain yourself.” He cooed at you before flicking his tail at your face once again. “I always smell incredible, no need to act all enamored” 
You let out an annoyed huff.
 “Sure you do.” You mumbled under your breath.
“Excuse you” Vere turned on his pillow to look at you through half lidded eyes. “What exactly is that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing.” You quipped, focusing on his tail to look busy.
You were avoiding the question instead of bantering with him, that’s how Vere knew you were being honest. You actually thought he smelled bad.
“What?” His eyes narrowed as he spoke.
“What do I smell like to you?” 
You avoided eye contact and continued to really focus on brushing his tail.
“Hey!” He sat up now, and looked ready to wrestle the information out of you. “What do you think I smell like?”
“Well-“ you conceded, “you kinda smell like a Fox.” 
Vere looked at you unmoving, mouth slightly open. 
“It’s not like it’s super noticeable! Or like an inherently awful smell!” You assured him. “It’s just- once you notice it under all the fancy perfumes you usually wear it’s  kinda hard to not pick up on it.” 
Vere grabbed the pillow from beneath his head and smacked you with it. Hard.
“How dare you!” He seethed. “I smell incredible all the time! Take back what you said.”
He finished his sentence by wacking you with the pillow again. 
After receiving the second pillow smack, you gave Vere a quick glare, but your annoyance quickly gave way to amusement, and you were now struggling to hold in your giggles. A slight blush had graced veres normally stoic face, along with a look of affronted shock. He was embarrassed. Oh this was actually too funny. 
Normally Vere would never let himself look embarrassed in front of anyone. But he had a shit day. He was exhausted, and his mask of arrogance  had washed away with the lavender soap. 
You began laughing. Quietly at first, but after those first few giggles an enraged, red-faced Vere had gotten up from his longing position and was now attacking you with your own pillow. The slight giggles on your part has turned into full on laughter, occasionally muffled by a repeated pillow to your face.
*Smack smack*
You knew you would get noise complaints from the other tenants tomorrow, because you were absolutely overcome with laughter. Genuinely, you could feel your stomach start to cramp from how hard you were cackling at Vere. 
You looked up at him, towering over you with a pillow at the ready. You could see the tips of his fangs. He was smiling too. He was so pretty when he smiled. 
“Ok, ok” you conceded. “I take it-“
“Vere wait!” You squealed. “Wait, I said I take it back!”
“Not good enough anymore.” He responded. “You owe me a compliment, for telling me I smell like a wild animal.”
“So get with the complimenting asshole.” he smirked, readying his pillow for if your answer was not satisfactory. 
“I’m not going to-“
“Alright, fine! Your hair looks great!”
“Your eyes are stunning!” 
“Hey those were good! Stop attacking me!” Your smile was so wide you thought your face might split for a second. 
“Try harder~” he cooed. “You’ll need to get creative in order to earn my forgiveness” 
Right as he was about to bring the pillow down to your face once more, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards you. 
He let out a yelp as you did so, but you knew he let it happen. The truth was if Vere didn’t want you to touch him, you’d never get close enough to even think about it. He knew the second you began reaching for his wrist, and he let it happen. He let himself fall against your chest, still heaving with laughter.
Chest to chest you looked at eachother, faces close enough that your noses nearly touched, both of you still smiling like idiots. 
“Vere, You have the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen in my life.” 
Vere smile shifted at your words. He wasn’t  cackling to himself anymore, instead he was looking directly at you. Studying you almost. 
You didn’t mind. You knew he wasn’t one to trust. Neither were you. But at this moment you didn’t particularly care. 
“I feel like it’s rare to see a real smile from you,” you continued. “It feels rewarding, knowing I can make you smile. I want to see it more, but-“ 
You couldn’t finish the sentence, but you knew what you wanted to say. 
But I selfishly want you to look at just me like that. Not anyone else. 
“Well. I like seeing it regardless.” You finished.
You saw the look on Veres' face. Most would call it indescribable, but you knew exactly what he was thinking. You had said something real just now. Real in a way he didn’t want to respond too or process right now, and he wasn’t sure how to proceed. 
“Was that a good enough compliment?” You asked, an easy smile falling over your face. One that said you were willing to brush off what you had just said as nothing more than a game if he was. 
The tension seemed to melt from his face as he playfully rolled his eyes and flopped down next to you.
It amazed you how expressive he could be when he was exhausted.
“Fine, I suppose I’ll forgive you. Just this once.” He mumbled.
Speaking of exhaustion, sleep was overtaking him quickly now that the fun had died down. He turned around and  pulled the covers up to his shoulders, fur and hair now dry. Despite this, you could tell he was still cold. It seemed this weather didn’t agree with him.
You pushed yourself out of the bed and went back over to your closet. In the bottom was a thick scratchy fleece blanket. Not comfortable, but great for keeping the heat in. The perfect blanket to lay over someone already covered in other blankets. 
You walked back over to the bed and draped it over Vere before waking back to your side and getting under the covers yourself. 
A few moments of silence went by, and you were sure he had fallen asleep, until you heard him whisper, so quiet you might have missed it-
“I hate the snow.” 
“Mhm.” You replied. “One of my earliest memories was about snow.”
Vere turned to face you once again, barely still awake. 
It was true. It definitely wasn’t your oldest memory, but you remembered being a child and seeing snow for the first time. The person who had betrayed you was there too. They had told you, “every snowflake is unique, no two are alike.” You had spent the rest of the day catching snowflakes and trying to look at the patterns before they melted in your palms. 
“Is it a good memory?” Vere asked. 
“I’m…not sure.” You responded. 
Something told you Vere already knew that would be the answer, he just wanted you to know the same. Sly Fox. 
“Goodnight Vere”
No response. 
That night your dreams were filled with snow. And when you woke you saw it was already late morning. You had been out cold.
You looked over to the other side of the bed to see it empty. Not shocking. What was shocking was the items on the bedside table next to you.
You unfolded the note. It was undoubtedly Veres' handwriting. 
“Mhin told me that bathrobe I used was given to you by that fucking doctor. I’m burning it. Here’s a replacement.
Sure enough there was a blood red bathrobe neatly folded underneath the note. It was definitely higher quality than the one Kuras had given you, but less fluffy. 
Besides that, there was also a black wicker basket placed on top of the robe as well. Replacements for the lavender set you had given him last night. But these products were far nicer than what you had used on him, and far more greater in quantity. 
You sifted through the many hair oils, heavily scented bars of soap, lotions, and vials of perfume. The whole set was probably worth more money than you had ever had at one point in your entire life.
You opened a bottle and inhaled, and immediately recognized the scent. This is what Vere normally smelled like. He’d given you some of his products. It was shockingly sweet of him to do so, you didn’t think he cared that you were basically dirt poor. 
Speaking of, it was time to get up. You had odd jobs to complete and were supposed to help Kuras later today. 
Over the next few weeks, what had become what you would assume a one time thing had now become commonplace. Veres work would often end in the lowtown in the winter months it seemed, the Senobium only leaving hightown after all soulless had been cleared out, then heading to lowtown to kill maybe just one for their reputations sake before letting Vere off his leash.
Sometimes he’d just flop down in bed and immediately go to sleep, other times he’d demand you pamper him a little. Sometimes with a whole routine like you had done before, other times he just handed you a hairbrush and his tail and expected you to get to work.
“Didn’t you say to me you’d never be caught dead slumming it in the wet wick like the first day I was here?” You teased him.
“It’s literally a blizzard outside shut the FUCK UP.” He replied, stealing all of your blankets as punishment. (After that you kept an extra one under your side of the bed just in case) 
Over time you had to make space in your closet for a few of his outfits as well. He’d made a joke about how if you didn’t want his clothes here he’d gladly walk around in the nude, and you had agreed to let him keep some things here just a little too quickly for his liking. 
You didn’t think it meant anything. Yes, if it had been anyone else but Vere you could see how people might perceive this as romantic or something but not with him. Vere would never see you as more than a means to an end, and you would never open up to him. That’s just how the two of you were
Or that’s what you told yourself, wearing the robe he had given you while wearing the same perfume as he did, as you brushed his tail in comfortable silence while the snow fell outside.
Vere hated the snow. He always would. But as spring began to arrive and he no longer had any excuse to spend the night in your room, he began to miss those winter nights. Vere still hated the cold, but somehow that time with you had been anything but.
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Can you do resident reader x toby who has a massive crush on them and gets super akward around them? (Also how the creeps probably tease him about his crush, mostly masky to get back at him)
I mostly just went with Masky teasing him because I feel like the others wouldn't really bother Toby about a crush because they know it'd upset him.
He's been trying so, so fucking hard to be normal around you. It's the first time Toby has had a crush this big on someone, and it's also the first time that he's happened to live in the same building as them, thus putting him around you constantly. He wants you to like him so desperately that it's almost painful for anyone else to watch, but he can't help it, and he wants you to like him so much that he's turned into an absolute mess whenever you're around him, and he doesn't know what to do anymore because now the others are starting to tease him for it, which just makes the entire situation worse.
It started with his stuttering. His stuttering was already pretty obvious, but now it was like he could barely get a word in. He constantly wants to impress you or say the correct thing around you, so whenever he goes to call out to you or respond to you he just ends up mumbling random words half the time, his brain trying in live time to come up with the right answer, and it never works. He just feels thankful that you never judge him for it and let him take his time, and if anything that you find his shy stuttering cute. The other side effect of his stuttering (and just being around you in general), is that a lot of the time his face is flushed red with blush. You've probably started to think that his face is constantly red normally because of how frequent it is, and it just makes him more embarrassed and awkward when you check on him in concern, lightly touching his cheeks and asking him if he could be getting sick, which is all fun and games until someone like Masky has the nerve to but in and say, "Yeah, he's getting sick alright. Lovesick."
Of course, you don't take him seriously because he's Masky, but he does shit like that all the fucking time. Tim does his best to apologize to Toby and not cause any more damage, but the second Masky is in control, it's like he's hellbent on fucking with Toby and trying to expose his crush on you. He'll flirt with you to try and make Toby jealous, or try and provoke Toby into talking about his love life in front of you. Luckily, you've seemed to catch on at least to the point that this annoys and upsets Toby quite a bit, so you've made an effort to talk to Toby away from Masky and for the most part just avoid him outright, much to Masky's chagrin. Toby truly isn't sure how you haven't noticed his crush on you yet, although he's heard whispers from the others that you like him too. He isn't sure if that's true or not, but he constantly finds himself hoping that it is. He just wishes he could look at you in the face without being overcome with a sense of awe and adoration leaving him breathlessly choking on air so that he could finally ask you out and make all of the teasing stop, but he'll get there someday. Right now he's fine and content to just keep gradually growing closer to you in this blissful state of mutual ignorance. 
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keyotos · 11 months
book lover
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summary ⎯ you rant about your book to alhaitham. he takes the time to admire you during your tangents.
tags ⎯ fluff. idk its just really cute. soft alhaitham idk what to tell you. you and alhaitham are two little book nerds that read physical books together and rant abt them. u2 are giving old happily married couple tbh.
tana's words ⎯ idk mane im in love. but BLADE trailer came out today so idk..... feeling a little bit i'm abt to commit an infidelity
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you looked very conflicted as your eyes scanned the words of the book you were currently reading. to any other person, you looked rather focused. your face was pensive and your eyes were fixated on the novel you were reading.
but to alhaitham (who thinks and hopes he's the one that knows you the most), he realizes you're disconcerted by the novel you're reading. it's the way you're slightly pouting (almost frowning) your lips as you continue reading, like you're dissatisfied. your eyes aren't focused, but instead they were crinkled with confusion. what you're actually focused on is how much more ludicrous this book could get.
alhaitham picks his book back up again and continues his book, "murder on the orient express," by margaret atwood. something you recommended to him. alhaitham started it right after he finished the book he was reading previously, forgetting about the other books on his shelf.
alhaitham was nearly halfway into the novel when he turned his head to check on you again. this time, there was no doubt you looked pained. your eyes were narrowed with incredulity as you read the rest of the passage. you were biting your lip and your grip on the book was tight. you wanted to say something, alhaitham figured out.
so alhaitham puts down his book on the nightstand and stretches. he wraps his hands around your waist and moves closer to you, his head now resting on your shoulder. he reads a few passages here and there. and the way you slow down as you read does not elude him: he knows you're just waiting for him to finish his passage.
you two stay like this for a while. alhaitham's hands are wrapped around your body as his head lays comfortably on your shoulder. he presses a few kisses to your neck here and there, never failing to make you heat up. he's pulled you closer into him by now; you're on the verge of sitting on his lap in the bed. but even during this relaxing moment, you couldn't help but feel stress. it's probably because of this god-awful book you're reading.
you let out a loud sigh, slamming your book shut and not even bothering to bookmark it (you're a dog-earer; alhaitham thinks you're despicable for it). you lay it down on your nightstand before you take the time to melt into alhaitham's touch. once you've put your book down, you take a deep breath, and alhaitham swears he feels life return back into you.
alhaitham presses a quick kiss to your jaw, "are you okay?"
you faintly smile at him, "fine." and alhaitham knows what will come next. alhaitham studies you; he tries to dissect your every word and expression; and most of all, he always wants to find out more about you, despite having being with you for a long time already.
your smile disperses, now followed by a scowl, "i lied. i'm not fine," you rubbed your eyes with your hands as alhaitham listened to you, "can your brain hurt after reading something so terrible? my brain feels like it aged fifty years and i'm not even finished with this god-awful book. nothing in here makes sense, the plot is rudimentary at most, and the characters are making me want to rip my hair out," you ranted, your hands going to massage your temples because of how angry you were getting.
"and it's not just that too," you continued. alhaitham's eyes were on you; listening to every word, watching your eyes, and your lips. he wanted to kiss you into peace, but he also loved hearing your tirades. the way your voice became so passionate and wild made him feel things that he thought he wouldn't have felt before.
"the plot barely makes any sense. like, you're telling me grown people act like this? these people are two decades older than us, haitham," he feels himself melt at the sound of his name, nodding along to your tangent so you know he's listening, "but they act like teenagers! like... don't you have jobs? lives?" you pick up the covers that enshroud your body and proceed to let out the loudest groan into them.
you pulled down the covers, letting out a deep sigh. "sorry, i had to get that out," you turned to look at alhaitham, only to see him staring right back at you.
"i guess you're not recommending that one," alhaitham joked, removing his hands from your waist and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, pressing you against him. he presses a kiss to your temple as he feels you breath slowly.
"definitely not," you shook your head, now leaning onto alhaitham's shoulder, "the thing was, my friend recommended that to me. so, i don't know if they hate me or not, because there's no way they'd genuinely think this book was good."
alhaitham hummed, "maybe they were trying to gauge your reaction," alhaitham's hand slipped under your shirt and started tracing shapes on your bare collarbone, "like you did to me that one time," alhaitham adds, tone lifting with mock-exasperation.
you laugh, and alhaitham thinks the sound is absolutely heavenly. sometimes, especially during long nights in the akademiya, he dreams of your laughter and your smile. the sound is so melodic that any other laugh became incomparable and unrivaled by yours.
"okay, that was pretty funny though," you poked his cheek, grinning, "i almost spit out my drink when you got to that one sex scene. i thought you'd never take any recommendations from me ever again," you joyfully reminisced, letting yourself sink into alhaitham's warmth.
"'how fast you go. you arrive at a conclusion much sooner than i would permit myself to do,'” alhaitham quotes. his hands travel farther down your shirt as he allows himself to kiss your neck.
you ignore his actions, turning to him suddenly, "you're reading murder on orient express?" your eyes widen.
alhaitham's expression remains neutral, still kissing your body, "of course. i read everything you recommend me." he didn't expect you to be so shocked. he regards your opinion with high value.
your eyes still remain wide, not moving away from his face as alhaitham mindlessly rubs his hands up and down your torso, "even the bad ones?"
alhaitham chuckles, "even the bad ones. but, if it makes you feel better, you haven't recommended me any terrible books yet. at least, not as terrible as the one you're reading currently."
you sigh, looking at the disgraced book on the nightstand, "yeah... i don't think books can get worse than that one," you turn back to run your hand through alhaitham's hair, sorting out a few strands here and there. alhaitham quietly hums as you do so, sounding pleasantly satisfied.
"why are you reading murder on the orient express so soon? thought you had that other book to read about," you quietly asked.
"because i love you. and i want to experience what you experienced," alhaitham says it like it's the easiest thing in the world. i love you. i want to experience things with you. it makes your heart flutter infinitely through the stars. you've read countless romance novels through your years, yet no author would be able to word love as well as alhaitham did.
you smile wide, and alhaitham thinks if he was a dying man, seeing your smile would allow him to survive for decades. too flustered to say anything, you tuck yourself into the nape of his neck, hiding from his prying eyes.
you know alhaitham. you are aware that he knows you just as well as you know him. you know that, with one glance, alhaitham is probably able to determine every single thought you're thinking. with one word from your mouth, alhaitham understands you immediately, no need to elaborate. it's long lasting, the mutual understanding the both of you have.
yeah, alhaitham can read you like a book. he takes great satisfaction in doing so, as well.
you grab his chin and tilt his head down to meet yours, giving him a chaste kiss on his lips. you grin once again (a sight alhaitham will never get sick of) and turn off the lamp next to your bed. you whisper, "good night," in his ear and cover yourself with the sheets as you drift off into sleep, content with this night despite the horrible book.
alhaitham softly smiles, even chuckles a little bit about how fast you went to bed. he traces your jawline with his thumb before turning off his light and pulling you closer into him.
alhaitham usually does not reread books. but, if you were a book, he'd think he would reread you over and over again, because every time he finds something new to love about you, there is always more. you reel him in more than any hook. you interest him more than any other topic. you grab his attention more than any other story.
maybe he's over exaggerating. but that's no big deal for now. for now, alhaitham will just enjoy you and your presence. and he will reread you the next time he has a chance.
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umm idk if that ending made sense but it's like 4am rn and idrc. alhaitham is prob ooc in this but whateva bc i like my men to be nice bc I CAN CHANGE THEM!! anyway srry if this don't make sense its 4am rn
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mazeofyeni · 1 year
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♡. BANG CHAN (seobang) !
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when 16 year old chan met 12 year old kaia, the only thing on his mind was to protect the girl from anything harmful.
he packed her lunches for school; he walked her to school, he brought her food, and came to all the showcased she was in , people thought they were really brother and sister.
when jyp came to him about forming a group; she was the first person to come to mind, he went to her one day and the rest was history.
he's helped her a lot throughout the years, and he's always there for her when she needs it and is struggling.
♡. LEE KNOW (kaiho) !
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wasn't too keen on a girl joining the group, but the second he met kaia all the discomfort went away.
something about the girl made him draw closer to her. the heartbreak she felt when he was eliminated was unreal.
he was more pissed off when she was eliminated than when he was eliminated.
a popular ship because of how much he takes care of her on and off camera, people who've met them says that minho always has kaia close by to make sure she doesn't get hurt.
♡. CHANGBIN (changa) !
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sunshine and sunshine protector duo fr.
changbin has and will call out someone's weird behavior if he even senses that she is uncomfortable in any situation.
knows that she has a lot of stress of being the only girl and he tries to understand her when she's going through something and gives her the best advice that he could give.
and older brother figure, she probably has a better relationship with him than what she does with her own step-brother because she doesn't have any blood siblings.
♡. HYUNJIN (hyuna) !
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the most dramatic duo you'd ever meet in your life.
lowkey didn't like each other during predebut days, he didn't understand why chan was so keen on her joining, he felt like adding a girl was unnecessary, and she didn't like the shade he was throwing so she kept away from him.
when they debuted, they were close, but not to the point where they rest were. they really connected during his hiatus.
they actually talked out their problems and they began to spend a lot of time together working through their issues, now they're bond has never been stronger.
♡. HAN JISUNG (kaisung) !
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the only one jisung didn't have beef with when they were trainees.
because she'd come right back with the comments she wouldn't let win a single argument.
now they argue, but it's mostly for fun, he makes a smart comment and she gives him a kiss on the cheek just to annoy her, it's her way of letting him know that she isn't upset with him.
besides that, they understand each other on a level that maybe none of the other members do.
♡. FELIX (yonga) !
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two babes with a lot of love to give. as
much as he wanted to get to know her, the poor baby didn't know how to communicate with her when they first met, due to his lack of confidence.
but it didn't stop her, she'd always come up to him and offer him food. she always spoke in english to make him more comfortable when he was still having trouble with it.
her personal moodmaker, she claims when he hugs her, it makes her mood go up 1000x more.
♡. SEUNGMIN (kaimin) !
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a pain in her ass part 1, oh he knows how to get under skin, more than han does.
at first she thought he was making fun her her for real, so it made her upset, but then she realized the only way to beat him was to beat him at his own game.
so then it became this never ending thing, he annoys her and she annoys him.
but it's completely out of love, because then they also like to make fun of chan together (help him plz).
♡. JEONGIN (jeonga) !
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a pain in her ass part 2, except she'll put him in a head lock if needed.
these two show love by physical touch, and i mean throwing hands with each other. regardless what they show on the camera,
people who went to the same school they did said that they spent most of their time together and were extremely friendly around each other.
except the three times she put him in a headlock and he dragged her by the ear down the hall.
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pinguwrites · 8 months
Kinktober 2023 | Day Three — Raymond Leon + car sex
Pairing -> sub!raymond leon x reader
Warnings -> smut (minors dni), maybe kinda sorta dub-con just to be careful (but not anything big, it can be looked over), road head (don't do this irl be smart),
Disclaimer: In Time characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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Sometimes Raymond was a little boring. Not in any insulting way, only that he tended to be more stern and strict, and he always had to have things in control. It was probably something about being a timekeeper. That’s how they all were, at least the one’s you’ve met. But with Ray it was a little different, more . . . old. You didn’t know how to describe it. He wasn’t out of touch with anything, but he just had that sense of dullness in his personality that he carried around with him like a raincloud.
It wasn’t physical or anything — sex was great, and the stunts he did when he was out policing the timezones proved he was in great shape. He was twenty-five, after all, everyone nowadays was. But he was fifty or something mentally (what age exactly, you didn’t know, and didn’t dare ask). 
You loved him, so it wasn’t a major problem, but you did have to admit, sometimes you wished he would so something unprovoked, unpredictable, hot.
Deciding to take matters into your own hands (literally), your reached over and placed your hand on his thigh. Raymond noticed, but focused his attention on driving, not making any move to push you away. It wasn’t until you crept closer to his crotch did he say something about your behavior. 
“What are you doing?” he asked sternly. He glared at you, something you learned not to take personally. 
“Nothing.” You shrugged innocently. “Just tryna have some fun.”
Your fingers brushed over his crotch.
Keeping one hand on the steering wheel he took off the other and grabbed your wrist.
“Stop that,” he growled. “Can’t you see I’m driving?”
“Yeah. That’s why it’s fun.”
You gave Ray’s cock a little squeeze through the fabric and he let out a little gasp, one you wouldn't be able to hear unless you were listening for it.
To your surprise, he didn’t say anything after that. He just stared dead ahead at the road, not giving you any indication he wanted you to stop.
So you didn’t. You continued to tease him thrugh the fabric, waiting for him to get hard, and when he finally did, you unzipped the zipper and pulled his hard length out.
You caught your boyfriend glancing at the side of the roads, looking out for other cars. But it was night and no one was there, like they could see anything in the darkness even if they were. 
“Relax. No one’s gonna see us,” you reassured him.
“I know that,” Ray breathed out as you rubbed his precum all over the tip of his cock. He shuffled a little in his seat. “Are you really going to do this? Now?”
“Do you want me to stop?” you asked, halting your hand movements.
“. . . No.”
“Say the magic word,” you teased with a grin.
He sighed, not wanting to prolonge the foreplay. “Please?”
“Please what?”
“Touch me,” he said, exasperated. 
“Good boy,” you said, giving him a long stroke.
He threw his head back, in annoyance or pleasure, you could not tell. He always denied it, but you knew he liked it when you called him your ‘good boy’.
“Go slow,” he pleaded, when you picked up the pace.
You chuckled. “Loosen up, Ray.”
You and Ray tightened your grips, yours on his cock, pumping with precision, and his on the steering wheel, desperately tyring to stay in control. 
You took your hand off for a brief moment, prompting Ray to glance over at you, only for his breathing to hitch in his throat when he saw you lean over spit on his cock, resuming your pumping.
“Fuck,” he moaned. “Yeah, that’s good.”
You fondled his balls, giving them a little pinch. He squirmed in his seat.
“Don’t move,” you demanded, taking off your seatbelt to fit his entire length in your mouth. 
The car swerved a little, but it immediately got back on track.
You gagged, but kept yourself down for a bit, before getting up for some air.
Ray groaned loudly. “Oh, don’t do that, I can’t focus.”
You both knew that he could easily push you away. He was stronger than you, but his desire was getting in the way of reason, and all he wanted to do was relax in the car seat, you here to give him a blow job like there wasn’t anything else the mattered.
You ignored his words, continuing to suck of his cock, hollowing your cheeks out and timing your breaths so you didn’t choke as much. You bobbed your head up and down, revelling in the way he wriggled away from you. 
Ray had enough, and pulled the car over to the side of the road, parking it on some grass. He stopped the engine and spread his legs, relaxing his arm on your back.
He came soon after with a whine. You swallowed his seed, making a disgusting gulping sound. 
You took the paper wipes from the backseat and wiped his cum off your face, leaving his now soft cock out of his pants. He tried to put it back in but you stopped him, wanting a nice view of his length. You put on your seatbelt and playfully slapped his thigh.
“Well? I wanna get home. Start driving.”
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rosazoldyckk · 1 year
-Yandere! Illumi X Kidnapped! Reader-
⚠️warning⚠️ mentions of physical violence and abuse, un-consented NSFW moments (ONLY KISSING but still worth the tw) and needles.
Fandom: Hunter X Hunter. Character(s): Illumi Zoldyck, butler(s) (not specific)
A/N: I’m sorry if this is absolutely crap. I’ve got a lot of drafts about yandere Illumi, Chrollo and Hisoka so I didn’t really proof read this one😅 hope you enjoy my writing anyways❤️
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"You know how I feel about repeating myself Y/N." Illumi muttured, harshly sticking his needle into your already needle-covered head. His heartbeat increasing as your pained screams filled the room.
"I told you not to engage with them, didn't I?" He questioned, shoving another needle into your skull. You nod weakly, shivering at the cold chains while the burning sensation drew tears to your eyes.
Them, the them he's speaking of were simply butlers, which over time you considered friends after all the things they did to ensure your safety, that's all! Though he is probably no more. Your "lover" hated when you talked to anyone else, whether it was his butlers or even his own family, Illumi hated when you talked to anyone but him. That was the only thing that scared him, that was something he wouldn't allow happen. As long as he's alive he won't allow anyone to taint you, to see things in a different view than him.
It's unacceptable.
"Answer me."
The usual coldness of his voice had a tint of anger in it, which almost scared you, how could doing something so simple manage to make him this angry? "Y..es"
The dark-haired man smiled, a sick one at that. Moving closer, giving a thankfully soft tug on your blood-covered hair, pulling you into his arms. His hands being a bit closer to your back than you'd like. You simply attempted to ignore the sharp pain from the impact, thinking that it couldn’t get any worse than this.
As much as you tried to ignore the pain, it was enough for you to loose strength in resisting when Illumi fully closed the gap, placing his lips against yours experimentally. They were so oddly warm compared to the rest of him, molding to yours with ease as he moved against you. All you could sense was him. The dangerous may strong scent of pine with metallic undertones nearly becoming overpowering and almost intoxicating has he continued to kiss you breathless. It was almost enough to forget the pain shooting throughout your body.
You attempted to protest with whatever strength you had left in your body but Illumi continued to cling onto you; the whine you let out muffled from his mouth over yours.
When he finally let you go, he left you breathless - chest heaving while you stared at him once more with eyes as wide as plates.
Illumi rubbed his thumb over your soft lips. Using his other one you run over your bruised back, snickering at your small flinches.
"Why must you disobey me like this Y/N? Why can't you make my job easier?" He whispers against your skin, talking more to himself than anything else.
"I love you so much," He sighed, kissing away from the salty tears streaming down your face. Being hardly able to contain himself in your disheveled state. "I'm only doing this because I love you, because others can and will seek to hurt you. You know I can't have that, don't you?"
You didn't have anything to say, there was nothing you really could say. You were confused beyond comprehension. How could he possibly hold you in his arms, look at you with such loving eyes after doing such unspeakable things to you? He doesn't want them to 'hurt you' but hasn't he hurt you more than they ever could? What could you possibly do now? Were you even in a position to go against his command?
You hiss at the sudden pain from the numerous questions racing through your head. Alerting the assassin much to your distress. The assassin could read you like an open book, studying you and your reactions longer than you can remember. As if knowing exactly what was going through your mind he scoffed, switching from his much nicer expression.
"And what could you possibly be thinking about?" Illumi asked, tapping on your cheek. "Ah, don't tell me it's those fools from earlier. It must be."
You let out a shaky sigh at his challenging tone. He knew he was right and so did you; that look you gave him only confirmed his suspicions. But the little bit of hope in your heart for them to be kept alive regardless of their so called ‘betrayal’, for them to continue helping you get back home. It would be your fault for their deaths after all.
Illumi gathered his needles from your head and freed you from the chains, catching you in his arms as you collapsed onto the floor. He let you go, still staring down at you as he licked your blood off the needles.
Crouching back down to you, he holds your face in one hand. "You'll stay here until you are properly disciplined, I have things to do." Though not realizing what they were you knew they were nothing but good. Pressing one last kiss to your cheek he leaned forward to whisper in your ear.
"Just remain by my side and behave, and everything will be alright."
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