#Then I'm gonna cry
artheresy · 9 months
Hcq Lore-ish Rant
I've been reading Jingliu's character stories and oh... OH... dear God am I in pain
First off, I'm not entirely sure who Jingliu's line of "I should kill you first... but you will have your own torment to bear for all of eternity." It could very well be directed at Yingxing like the structure of the paragraph seems to want to imply, HOWEVER countpoint
Yingxing falling into the mud almost gives the image that he is unconscious to me in some way, additionally, there is no actual dialogue/response that he gives to Jingliu which could support the idea that him falling into the mud is meant to describe him unconscious or unresponsive in some way. Which in that case, it could be seen that Jingliu's line was actually directed at Dan Feng who she right after saying that then points her sword at him. After all, her saying that line to someone unconscious (if we interpret the line as him falling unconscious etc etc. as I explained) wouldn't make the most sense to me?
If it was directed at Dan Feng there are two things, both of her lines would connect which I could see, she's saying that she really should kill Dan Feng first, that if his death could return everything to how it was she would do it, but since it won't he will have his own torment to bear for eternity. Additionally, we don't know? The actual exact timing of things yet, who's to say Yingxing had yet been turned into Blade at this point which would make the whole eternity , it's kind of unclear and all.
However, that interpretation could be wrong and it could in fact be directed at Yingxing, I dunno yet, we'll see.
Also goddamn the way The Preceptors absolutely set Dan Feng up is fucking cruel 😭 that man was set up!! And now for eternity his name is smeared and even his current incarnation hates him because of them and what he's been taught to the point of refusing to acknowledge how Dan Feng is an inseparable part of himself.
Also ALSO MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE CHARACTER STORIES, THE TRAGIC YURI OF JINGLIU AND BAIHENG IM IN SO MUCH PAIN! The way she speaks about her so personally, the way she can still even remember small details of happy memories they shared together, likely the happiest memories Jingliu experienced in her life, though parts of it may all be fuzzy. Like that's so... that hurts so much, Baiheng was taken too soon, Hyv was cruel to kill a character as kind as she 😭
And I saw Jingliu's animations and just the fact that her ultimate starts with her on the bow of a starskiff like truly hurts me deeply inside. AND THE FOX ON HER CASE TO REPRESENT BAIHENG WITH THE MOON BEING HERSELF
I hope we get more Baiheng lore, I'm so invested in her especially??? After learning from Jingliu's character stories that she was apparently a Nameless?? I hope we are able to hear about her time at some point even if it's just through like written archives or something. I just love Baiheng so much, she was such a clearly kind character evident from her travelogues and from what we have of Jingliu's character stories and voicelines
Sbe makes me so sad
#Also WOW Yingxing and Dan Feng's motives in their plans are still such a mystery to me#But the fact that they were trying to create a new high elder???#Like were they literally creating a child together or#Because if so then#Goddamn#If it was as a way to free Dan Feng since the whole loss of identity of being the High Elder#Then I'm gonna cry#THINKING ABOUT THE HIGH CLOUD QUINTET HELPING DAN FENG LEARN TO BE MORE SELFISH#AND HELPING CULTIVATE THAT “HUMAN HEART”#AND YX GOING TO THE POINT OF HELPING DF WITH THAT PLAN TO FREE HIM#God that hurts so bad#Especially if the way things are supposed to go is that#Dan Feng by carrying out that plan with Yingxing may have sentenced his lover to death without knowing#Like how crushing is that#Imagining YX helping DF try to free himself and in the end that attempt to seek freedom and be a bit more selfish like he deserves results#In him losing the man he loves most?#DAN FENG GOT SO SET UP#I need Dan Heng to clear his name... like pls free Dan Feng from that smear campaign#Also also#Still don't think the beloved was Baiheng like#I doubt it's baiheng bc even if their plan is meant to be bringing her back or making her into Vidyadhara looking at the bail theory#The actual description of killing the beloved and turning them into a monstrosity gives the impression that#The actions of doing such are simultaneous or at least occur in short succession if they aren't concurrent#And at least my understanding is that Baiheng's death did not in fact happen so suddenly as when their plan occurred?#Of course I may be wrong#There could be info I'm not seeing and there's obviously info we still don't have yet#Anyways another reason she's not the beloved is bc that mentioned beloved is Dan Feng's and we all know she's literally Jingliu's wifey#Jingliu will not STAND for her wife being considered Dan Feng's beloved /j#Anywahs#I'm so tired
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sunsestart · 1 month
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Doomed siblings
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lemeduartes · 2 months
My lil sister just showed me the Mystery Shack she build from scratch using pizza boxes and I'm literally so proud of her that I have to share it here
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dolceaspidenera · 7 months
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We all know at this point that the name Astarion is connected to the word "star" (starry or little star).
But Larian decided that they wanted to go all in with the details and they delivered!
The flower you can place on his tomb in the final romance scene (which I think is such a cute and tender gesture and I love his reaction to it), seems to be an Ornithogalum umbellatum, a star-shaped white flower with six petals. Among the plant's many common names, there are summer snowflake, starflower, and star-of-Bethlehem.
Moreover, in the language of flowers, its meanings are related to trauma, mourning, and welcoming pain without repressing it.
According to Doctor Edward Bach (1886 – 1936), these flowers are "For those who find themselves in a state of great anguish due to situations that, in a given period, have caused so much unhappiness", and can be used to help with the aftermath of a trauma, the alleviation of pain and the mourning process.
Edit: every time I see an artist include this flower in their Astarion fanart my heart swells with joy. Love this community
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girlatrocity · 5 months
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it's never over, all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter
inspo credits to "Veil" by @/_K0TTERl_
toga ver
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kimtaegis · 28 days
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my life's harder without you. cr. jung-koook, 0613data
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i-wanna-hug · 6 months
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just.. shart talking about wanting to grow flowers and be surrounded by colors because she's sick of darkness & lae slowly falling in love with faerun's flora over the course of the game... y'know..???
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hualianschild · 5 months
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he's so soft-possessive HOW CAN YOU NOT FALL FOR HIM ?????
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louisdelac · 1 year
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pov you're roman roy, and you have a body that has reactions you can't control, and those reactions are pathetic and freakish and prove just how much you've gotten it wrong. you can't laugh, you can't talk, you can't even cry at your father's funeral without everyone seeing what a failure made flesh you are.
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beif0ngs · 10 months
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softichill · 7 months
I love fnaf literally no one can agree on anythjng
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modmad · 6 months
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LADS IM FREAKING OUT my dear friend @cartoon-kitsune sent me a present and I was literally wearing this outfit when BAM. POPPY.
WE MATCH??? THE HAIR AS WELL this was not planned I can't. I can't believe how gorgeous she is or how funny it is that I'm literally the same colours rn THANK YOU SO MUCH KIT ;A;
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trashmammal-7 · 6 months
What if I sobbed, huh? What if I cried my eyes out?
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draculadrawalong · 22 days
May 11
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While our friend Jonathan is doscovering horror tropes, our dear Lucy is living her best rom-com life, for now...
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I think it's so adorable that early humans took wild gourds - a tiny fruit that hollows out as it dries, making it float - and decided to make something out of it
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they thought the tiny fruit was so good that they bred it for thousands of years, making it larger to form into bowls and cups, and different shapes to become bottles and spoons
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and musical instruments
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And then, people took the hollow gourds they farmed, and they turned them into houses for birds. We adapted them into the perfect houses for birds, and now there are specific breeds of birdhouse gourd just for making into birdhouses
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And humans dedicated gardening space and time and thousands of years of breeding to make the gourds so absolutely perfect for birds, that there is a species of bird that lives almost exclusively in them
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livrere-green · 18 days
the fact that charles was so gentle and sincere with his answer to edwin's confession is something I could never forget... because that's what love is about, right?
love is in the way charles could never hurt edwin on purpose, is in the way he protects him, in the way he knows when edwin needs to be seen; love is in the choice of every one of his words, in the way he knows that being honest is the only right answer.
there's still forever waiting for them, there's still forever waiting for charles to figure it out, to discover if he loves edwin in a romantic way too, and it doesn't matter if is not romantic in the end, because that it's just a side of the love they share.
i think is so important not to overlook something like that, not to let that pending romance overshadow the fact that they already love each other in every other way.
because in the end, we are talking about two boys that have experienced excruciating pain, that have seen horrifying things during all their existences, and in spite of it, or maybe because of it, are capable of loving each other in a way that's so pure and strong and relentless...
reducing the importance of it to a reciprocated romantic love seems so simplistic and inconsiderate to me.
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