#Then realizing he enjoys Gil's friendship and feeling guilty for that because he believes Gil deserves better
thefandomstorage · 2 years
A part of me wants to write a fic with Gil-Galad somehow meeting up with an injured and still heavily traumatized Maeglin who now has white hair after the fall of Gondolin and just “Well I obviously can’t just leave you alone and injured in the wild, so I’ll take you with me.”
Gil-Galad then proceeds to lie his ass off to everyone about the strange elf he brought back and is obviously hiding. What elf? Oh that one! He’s just a friend. What’s his name? Uhm...What a coincidence, it seems to have slipped my mind! Gottagobye!
Gil-Galad keeps telling himself that he’ll exile Maeglin or hand him over to the Gondolin survivors, but he keeps putting it off, even when Maeglin is majority healed. Next thing they know, the armies of Valinor have arrived and the War of Wrath ramps up. With nothing left to do, Gil gives Maeglin a disguised name, armor and a sword, and together, they fight. They are quite surprised to discover that they work very well together. That’s probably when they start becoming friends. 
And then Elrond comes in. And Gil is trying so hard to keep his two friends separated. Which is hard when you’re friends with a very curious and nosey peredhel who is very suspicious about the mysterious white haired elf who is always with the king.
It’s even funnier if Elrond is hiding Maglor 
Elrond: Is that Maeglin?! Gil-Galad with an obvious Maeglin behind him: No no no, you’re seeing things. 
*Maglor passes by behind Elrond*
Gil-Galad: Is that Maglor Feanorian?!
Elrond: No, you’re seeing things.
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thatsamericano · 4 years
The Unawesome Assumption
Characters/Pairing: Awesome Trio (Denmark, Prussia, and America), with America having an obvious crush on Romano and established Gerita. If you squint, there might be mild implications of one-sided Pruita and Prumano. Also mentions of Spamano, but that’s pretty much all in America’s paranoid brain. (Note that America does rant about the idea of Spamano in an anti-ish way, but it’s based on jealousy. I have nothing against Spamano shippers.)
Summary: The Awesome Trio is enjoying a day out at a carnival when America gets a phone call from “Little Italy” and acts strangely during the call. Believing that “Little Italy” is his brother’s boyfriend, Prussia warns America that Italy is off limits and gets a response he wasn’t expecting.
Rating: Teen for some crude sexual humor, cursing, and mentions of violence
Word Count: 1971
Notes: Credit to @bitchapalooza for the idea of what the Awesome Trio would do when hanging out together, including some specific details that got mentioned in this story. This will be posted on my AO3 account soon, if you’d rather read or comment there.
America took a bite of the snack he had just purchased from the carnival booth and made a satisfied noise. “Damn, these things are good. I swear, deep frying an Oreo just makes it better.”
Denmark grinned at him. “Try dipping it in that huge Slurpie you’re holding.”
America dipped his deep-fried Oreo into the Slurpie, took a bite, then closed his eyes and moaned in a way that was, quite frankly, obscene. “Holy shit! It’s like a flavor orgasm in my mouth!”
Prussia laughed at him. “You like having orgasms in your mouth, Al?”
America’s face turned red as Denmark joined in on the snickering too. “Shut up, dude! You know what I meant!”
Prussia reached over and ruffled America’s hair fondly. “Of course we do, kiddo.” America wasn’t really a kid anymore, but he was younger than Prussia and Denmark, and not just in physical age. And as far as Prussia was aware, America had never been in a relationship or done anything that would involve orgasms in his mouth. Maybe he just wasn’t into people that way, Prussia mused.
America rolled his eyes. “Whatever. What do you guys want to do next?”
Denmark glanced around. “It looks like there’s a petting zoo over there,” he said, pointing with his index finger. “That could be fun.”
“I’m up for it,” Prussia agreed. They’d already done most of the rides anyway, and seriously, who would pass up the opportunity to pet a cute farm animal? Not Prussia.
America nodded too, and they all started heading towards the petting zoo, which was a fair distance away from the deep-fried Oreo booth. Right after they finished up their deep-fried Oreos, an old-fashioned song began to play. Old-fashioned as in more than 50 years old, but still played often enough that most people could recognize it from the first line.
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore
Prussia looked around in confusion, wondering what could have been playing a Dean Martin song over carnival music and kids running around and screaming with delight. “Does this place have an Italy-themed booth?” Prussia wondered aloud.
“I think it’s coming from America,” Denmark replied. When Prussia glanced at him, America was scrambling to retrieve his cell phone from his jeans pocket and trying to shift a giant inflatable alien he had won at the bottle shooting booth into his other arm at the same time. In the process, his cell phone bounced out of his pocket and fell to the ground, but the screen didn’t crack. Denmark swooped in to pick up the phone before America could bend down to get it.
His eyebrows lifted in amusement as he read the contact name on the screen. “Little Italy is calling you?”
America scowled, face flushing just as red as it had earlier when Prussia had been teasing him about his accidental sexual innuendo. Prussia felt a strange, foreboding sense that something just wasn’t right. “Give me back my phone, Denmark.”
“Sure.” Denmark handed the phone over. “Wouldn’t want to keep little Italy waiting, huh?”
America shot Denmark an irritated glare as he answered the call. But as soon as Italy started speaking to him, America smiled fondly and took a few steps away so he could speak to Italy without Denmark and Prussia overhearing everything he said.
“Well, that was weird,” Denmark said.
Prussia’s eyes narrowed as he watched America talking to Italy. “Ja, it was.” America had a lot of customized ringtones for his cell phone, and it made sense that he would have one for Italy. But Prussia had never heard America’s phone ringing with a love song before. And America’s demeanor was strange too. Prussia had spent a lot of time around America, and he wasn’t normally this quiet. He smiled often, but it was a big, bright grin, not the small, almost shy smile on his face now. Did America have a crush on Italy? If he did, Prussia couldn’t really blame him. Both of the Italian brothers were cute, and Italy was especially sweet and adorable. But Italy was Germany’s boyfriend. Everyone knew that. America knew that.
America giggled in response to something Italy said. “Aww, Vene, you worry too much! I doubt I’m gonna get sick from the carnival food. But if I did, I wouldn’t mind having you nurse me back to health. I know you’d take great care of me.”
“Dude. Isn’t Italy dating your little brother?” Denmark whispered in a worried tone of voice.
“He is,” Prussia answered, nearly growling out the words. “And if America keeps talking to him like that, I’m gonna have to beat him so badly he won’t be able to walk for the next two weeks.” America was clearly picturing Italy “taking care of him” in more than just in a medical way. He was flirting with Ludwig’s boyfriend, and that was an incredibly stupid thing to do right in front of Prussia. Gilbert would protect his baby brother with his life, and he would not allow anyone to hurt him by attempting to lure Feliciano away. Not even one of his closest friends.
America talked to Italy for a couple more minutes, but Prussia didn’t overhear anything else he said, other than the goodbye that was way too affectionate for a friend. America hung up the phone and walked back towards Denmark and Prussia with a content expression on his face, and Prussia immediately began to question him.
“What the fuck were you just doing?”
America’s eyes widened. “What do you mean? I answered a phone call?”
“We saw you trying to flirt with Italy over the phone,” Denmark explained. “Your attempt was so cheesy I doubt it was effective, but it was also really obvious. Iceland’s puffin could have picked up on what you were doing.”
“What? Dude, that’s crazy! I don’t like Vene that way.” America wheezed with phony laughter, and he shifted his gaze around like he always did when he was attempting to lie. America was a notoriously horrible liar, and that’s why Denmark and Prussia usually got the beers for Alfred if they wanted to hang out in the US and drink together. America might have an excellent fake ID that said he was 21, but no bartender would believe Alfred when he showed them his ID with such a guilty expression. And Prussia didn’t believe him now.
“Listen, I don’t care if you’ve got some silly little crush on Italy,” Prussia told him. “That’s something you can’t help. But you can’t talk to him like that ever again. Italy is off limits.” Gilbert thought he was being incredibly reasonable, given the circumstances. The fact that America wasn’t lying on the ground bleeding was a goddamn miracle.
But apparently, America didn’t see it that way. He scoffed and put his hands on his hips. “Off limits? Why? Because you’ve got a thing for him? You can’t claim dibs on a person, Gil. That’s not how it works.”
“What?! No, this isn’t about me!” Why the hell would America even think that?
“Oh, I see. This is about Spain.” America’s lip curled into a disgusted sneer, but before Prussia could interrupt to correct America’s bizarre assumption, he continued, launching into a tirade against Prussia and Spain. “I guess he’s your real friend, and I’m not! It doesn’t matter how I feel, because Spain has a permanent claim on Vene just because he’s known him for longer. Well, you know something, I think you’re full of shit! And I think it’s up to Vene who he wants to be with! Maybe he wouldn’t want to be with the guy who fucking raised him from the time he was a toddler! But guess even considering that makes me the crazy one!”
Prussia was aware of some nearby humans turning to stare at them in surprise, and many of them seemed almost as shocked as the lady who guessed people’s ages had been when Denmark told her his real age. But he was pretty startled too, because America was much more bitter than he had been expecting. Prussia was also startled by the realization that his righteous anger had all been based on a ridiculous misunderstanding.
“Really, Spain too?” Denmark murmured. “I don’t get it. Is Italy emitting some kind of magic love pheromones or something?”
Prussia shook his head without taking his eyes off America. “He wasn’t talking about Italy. He was talking about Italy’s brother. Romano.”
America’s face cleared in understanding. “Oh… oh! You thought I was talking about North Italy! No wonder you got so mad at me!”
Prussia nodded and chuckled a little, at both himself and the situation. “You didn’t exactly help when you started calling him ‘Vinny.’ I thought that was short for Veneziano.”
“No, dude, that’s based on his human name, Savino. I started calling him that back when we lived together.” America sounded pretty damn nostalgic, and Prussia felt a little silly for assuming Alfred had been talking to Feliciano. He’d sounded nostalgic about the 1920s before, but Prussia had assumed it was just a friendship thing.
“Did you come up with the Little Italy thing around then too?” Denmark asked.
“Yeah.” America smiled, and his eyes went all soft, like he was staring at the world’s most adorable kitten. “It’s not just ‘cause he’s little compared to me, though he is. It’s ‘cause most of the people who lived in those neighborhoods were from his part of Italy. It would feel pretty weird to call North Italy that.”
Prussia rolled his eyes as all three of them started walking towards the petting zoo again. “Right, and we’re supposed to believe you don’t have a crush on him?”
“I don’t!” America insisted. “I swear.”
Denmark snorted. “Okay, then why’d you pick that song to be his ringtone?”
“Well, it mentions Naples. It’s a nice song, and it reminds me of Romano. Honestly, you guys should’ve known I was talking to him based on the ringtone alone.”
Prussia exchanged a smirk with Denmark. “He knows where Naples is, but I bet he couldn’t locate either of us on a map.”
“That’s not true! I know for a fact that Prussia is East Germany. Denmark is directly to the left of Finland and right above Norway.”
Denmark burst into a fit of raucous laughter, and Prussia did too. America sounded so confident about Denmark’s location even though he was completely off, and it was hilarious.
America pouted as they all got in line behind a group of children. “You guys are mean.”
Denmark shoved America’s shoulder playfully. “Cheer up, Al. We’re just teasing you a little.”
“Yeah. And for what it’s worth, I don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about with Spain,” Prussia added. “I mean, sure, he might go overprotective on you if you try to date Romano, but I don’t think he’s into him like that. So, you’re in the clear there.”
For someone who had denied having a crush on Romano twice in the past few minutes, America looked incredibly relieved that Spain was not going to be romantic competition for him. But then, the guy running the little petting zoo announced that the next person in line would get a chance to milk a goat, and Denmark pushed past multiple children to the front of the line, so Prussia naturally turned his attention to that. The man running the zoo had a flabbergasted expression on his face as Denmark ran up to him and the goat, and both America and Prussia found it hysterical. This carnival was turning out to be one of the most awesome things Prussia had done in a while, and he was glad he got to hang out with his friends today and make entertaining memories like this one.
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kingotabek · 8 years
do you have any fic recs?
EBuckle up. This is only took me three weeks to formulate an answer for okay because I read SO MANY FICS (like not kidding sometimes upwards of ten or twelve a day) and this ask is MAKING ME PICK????
I’ll put them in neat little ship categories too, so I don’t look like a completely uncultured reader.
**** = My faves. 
 I’ll designate my fics too, because why not shamelessly promote myself while I’m here. 
Victor/Yuuri (Victuuri):
Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too [T, 1.6k] by shingeki_no_llama  | Victor Nikiforov thinks he knows just who has their thoughts scrawled so carelessly on the back of his hand. He can only pray he is right.———Soulmate AU where the thoughts of your soulmate inscribe themselves on your skin in a temporary ever-changing tattoo
Viktor!!! on Ice {E. 2.3k} by timelordofrassilon | Yuuri sent a prayer of thanks to the gods for whoever invented ice cubes. He stood in the onsen, body hot and steaming from the water at his waist, while Viktor’s cold tongue slid up the curve of his neck.————————–Fluffy, in-character onsen sex that is also 100% raunchy ice skater porn. They confess their fantasies. There are ice cubes. Yuuri talks about his body pillow.
****Unwritten {T, 34k} by kaizuka | Soulmates AU where whatever you write on your own skin appears on your soulmate, but when there is a language barrier, meeting becomes just a little more difficult than it should be.
hold me hard and mellow {M, 3k} by YuuriVityaNyan (NarryEm) |Training with Viktor is … hard.  In more ways than one.It doesn’t take long for Yuuri to realise that if Viktor is going to coach him, there are few things that he has to work out first.  One of which is his not so little crush on the Russian skater.  And, of course, he has to figure out how the heck he is going to skate to ‘eros’ for the skate-off.
****************Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches  {E, 197k} by Reiya   | ‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
all the world’s a stage {E, 112k} by braveten | Everyone has a guilty pleasure.For Yuuri, it just happens to be romance movies starring famous heartthrob Victor Nikiforov.(And, honestly, on the spectrum of guilty pleasures, he figures that his is on the far, far more innocent side.)
****Even if I Tried {T, 6k} by deathbycoldopen | He took his place next to Viktor in the kiss and cry, floating like ash over the wreckage of the fire. He took the water bottle Viktor offered with a murmured thank you, and stared out at the ice. Distantly, he couldn’t quite believe that the surface was still frozen.“Did it really feel that good?”His eyes flickered over to Viktor, then back to the ice. There was a different kind of heat invading his cheeks now, all too familiar and unwelcome. “Um,” he said quietly. “Mostly I just wanted people to feel good watching it.”Lie. He’d only thought of one person. The man who’d regularly had underwear thrown onto the ice along with the flowers, the man who’d had four scandalous and highly publicized affairs with models and other skaters before the age of twenty, the man that Yuuri couldn’t hope to keep but desperately wanted to.
My Victuuri Fics:
Like The Ache Of Life {T, 1k} | Victor lives a life of aching limbs, high spins, and blades against ice.He’s trapped.——–Or that one fic that’s not as angsty as the description makes it sound, and where two boys fall in love.
Otabek/Yuri (Otayuri):
Sonata in A Major {T, 8k} by Lumieres | Yuri is like a meteorite, caught in his atmosphere. If he doesn’t take care of him, he’ll completely burn up, and there won’t be anything left for him to salvage.(Or: Three times, Yuri and Otabek kiss, only to never speak about it again.)
****Teach Me Just What Fast Is {E, 3k} by Zee |  “You don’t like it when other people tell you what to do,” Otabek said, “but you accept it from me. Why is that?”Yuri likes it when Otabek bosses him around, and Otabek calls him on it.
How Long You Walked For (til you got lost tonight) {T, 3k} by LiviKate | “Stop apologizing,” Yuri snapped at him. “You told me you loved me, and now you’re just thanking me and apologizing. It’s weird.”Or, in which Otabek falls in love and doesn’t notice when Yuri does, too.
*****fingers crossed my obsession with you is tameable {E, 5k} by seaworn | “I think I didn’t quite grasp it. Show me again?” Yuri asked breathlessly.Otabek bit his lower lip, eyes lighting up in joy.“Alright.”**Yuri and Otabek meet on New Year’s Eve.
**********  From Almaty, With Love {E, 71k} by BoxWineConfessions ( @boxwineconfession ) | It’s quiet here. Even if the car alarm on the neighbor’s goddamn BMW has been going off for the past twenty minutes. Quiet, even though the alarm’s got the neighbor’s dog howling like crazy, and the neighbor works second shift and isn’t there to comfort the dumb dog.It’s quiet…They haven’t spoken to each other since that morning, when Yuri went off to go see his tutor, and Otabek went off to do whatever the hell it was he did in the mornings before he hit the rink.“You’re used to the noise?”“Yeah, but…I think I like the quiet too.”Or: Yuri spends the summer with Otabek in Almaty. (this one is my fave I WOULD DIE FOR IT and im not at all biased. Just check out the author’s profile and read all the fics there okay? Okay.) 
****Endurance and Peach Tea {G, 11k} by chapstickaddict | Yuri hummed. His body didn’t uncurl, but instead of pressing his face into the fold of his legs, he rested it on his crossed forearms. Tilting his face towards Otabek, he looked for the bronze metal. The colorful ribbon snuck into the folds of his jacket, hiding his prize from view. Yuri reached out, and Otabek let him pull the ribbon to bring the metal into the light.It was beautiful. Heavy and ornate, with the front masterfully detailed. The perfect symbol of success. Yuri flipped it over, admiring Otabek’s name carved along the back.Wait.“Did they spell your name wrong?” he demanded, straightening. Otabek made a noise beside him.
****Yours, Mine, Ours {T, 5k} by aphhun   | Otabek blinked himself back into the conversation and turned towards Viktor. Without thinking, against what he tried his hardest to keep from happening, he inquired-“Your Yuuri’s, or my Yuri’s?”-In which Otabek has always been careful not to use Viktor’s “My Yuuri/Your Yuri” reference system but indulges in the habit on Live television, and Yuri has a damn heart attack.
Permanently {T, 14k} by HugsandButterflyKisses | What’s with you assholeOtabek sat stunned before looking at it again. That couldn’t be right. His soulmate wasn’t going to say that the first time they met.Otabek looked once again.What’s with you asshole was neatly printed on his left thigh.orThe soulmate au where the first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed on your skin. Otabek can’t wait to get his but the mark is not what he expected. Neither is his soulmate.
************Shutter-Release {M, 7k} by kaijoskopycat | Otabek Altin has been a fashion photographer for longer than he cares to think about and he’s never been as moved by a model as he is when he meets Yuri Plisetsky, one of the most unconventional personalities for a top model out there. (all i can say is HOT DAMN)
My Otayuri Fics: 
Raincheck {T, 1k} | “You’ll be better before I leave.” Otabek hums; tracing the patterns of his upcoming routine on Yuri’s thighs.Yuri meets his eyes. “And if I’m not?”“Then I’ll just take a raincheck.”——–Or that fic where Yuri is sick and Otabek is simply the best.
A Journey To Love {Not Yet Rated, WIP, Currently 6k+, 2/10 chapters} | For Otabek and Yuri, love is a journey.—Or, ninety-nine scenes of them falling in love and one where they finally say it. (WIP)
An Errant Spark {E, WIP, 14k+ Currently} | The future, convoluted and ever-changing as it is, doesn’t come to Yuri easily. ——- Or that Hero/Fair AU will all kinds of other things thrown in. (WIP)
With Us Went The Sun {T, 1.5k} | It’s one forty-five in the morning and the sky is bright. Not with stars or the lights of buildings rising through the night, but bright like day. Lit with shades of pale yellow like some old forgotten painting; phosphorescent as it burns, and blinding.Otabek forces his stinging eyes away, and looks to Yuri. (Warning: ANGST)
Someday, In This Morning Light {G, .6k} | This life is filled with simple beauty, and Otabek relishes silent moments such as this one, where he can do no more than observe and collect memories. (Drabble)
Hear Me Roar {Explicit, 13k+} | Yuri can’t remember when it started; has no idea when the first instance of Otabek’s control over him was displayed. But somewhere over their three years of friendship, Yuri realized that not only does he listen to Otabek, he enjoys  it. (A Six Part Series)
Phichit/Seung-Gil (SeungChuChu):
Bite Me {T, 3k} by EttaMills |  Phichit Chulanont looks so innocent. Who knew, underneath, was a sharp-tooth predator who is very protective of his friends? Feature Seung Gil’s first date and him not knowing how to act around this ball of sunshine and Yuuri and Phichit being adorably supportive of each other.
take a picture (it’ll last longer) {T, 4k} by aozu | Phichit takes a lot of photos.And by a lot, Seung-gil means a fuck ton.
That’s all for now folks. :)
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chaldeaposting · 7 years
A Clueless Romance
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It all started with a simple question.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?”
Shǒu had popped the question while he was walking back to his room with Jeanne in tow. Jeanne had fetched him, with towel in hand, after one of his weekly workout sessions with Kintoki.
Ever since Jeanne had been summoned, they’d been together as a couple, but they haven’t exactly done much that anyone would consider couple-like. While they’ve been stuck together for the majority of their time in Chaldea, the most they’ve done is just hold hands. Jeanne herself doesn’t seem to be bothered with the current state of affairs, given her apparent lack of romantic experience. However, Shǒu, even with his obvious lack of romantic experience, firmly believes that they should do something romantic at least once.
Shǒu was too preoccupied with his thoughts after popping his question that he had failed to notice that Jeanne had fallen behind. Concerned, he immediately rushed to her side.
“Jeanne, what’s wrong?”
“Um…” says Jeanne as she twirls her fingers in front of her.
Shǒu notices that Jeanne’s face is slightly tinged red.
“It’s nothing much. It’s just that dating wasn’t really a thing that a simple farm girl like me could even think about.” Jeanne tries to look at Shǒu’s face and immediately averts her eyes. “While I know that the modern era has become loose with these kinds of things, I’m trying to cope with it… but I’m honestly just very happy just spending every day with you, Shǒu.”
“Geez, now you’re making me embarrassed too, and I was the one who asked you out!” he half-heartedly complains.
“Well, it’s true though. I am quite enjoying myself with Chaldea’s hustle and bustle. My fellow Servant’s seem very enthusiastic every time they see you.” Jeanne says with a giggle.
(You mean very enthusiastic about us.) Shǒu thinks to himself.
Thanks to Gilgamesh, word about their relationship spread immediately within Chaldea. Shǒu already knew he had no chance of hiding their relationship so he wanted to personally break the news to everyone. Or at least that was the plan.
Not that there were any problems with their relationship, as everyone was pretty happy that their Master had finally allowed his own happiness for once. It also helped that it finally decided the stalemate over on who will win Shǒu’s affections.
“Jeanne I’m still serious though. I would really like it if we were to go out together, just the two of us.”
“Oh, you.”
Jeanne pretends to pout and replies.
“I really can’t say no when you make that kind of face so…”
She beams.
“Yes, I would love to go on that date.”
“Then let’s meet tomorrow at the Rayshift room around noon then?” Shǒu asks, trying to keep his voice level.
“Then it’s a date.”
Having settled that, the two continue their walk back to Shǒu’s room, in blissful silence, hands locked between each other’s.
Shǒu’s Side
Immediately after he closed the door, Shǒu sighs and leans his back to the door.
“Geez, my heart's still beating so fast. Why am I so nervous about asking my own girlfriend out on a date?” He chastises himself.
“It’s definitely all that inexperience talking…” Shǒu trots over to the communicator and calls over certain Servants to his room.
After a quick shower, he’s greeted by Hans, Gilgamesh, and EMIYA.
“Well this is certainly an odd group you’ve called over, Shǒu.” observes Hans.
“Odd is quite pushing it. I wasn’t expecting to be in the same room as the King of Heroes.” EMIYA mutters with some slight distaste.
“For once we agree, faker. There are a lot of Servants in Chaldea that I’d rather share company with.” said Gilgamesh.
“Now, now guys. We’ve been allies for the past two years. Can’t you drop the animosity already?” Shǒu tries to settle down the two, who are starting to stare daggers at each other.
“As you wish.” Gilgamesh concedes. EMIYA similarly backs down.
“So. What could be so important that you’d gather us like this?” asks Hans.
“Er….” Shǒu scratches his head.
“So I just asked Jeanne out on a date. I was hoping you guys would give me some tips about that….”
All three suddenly got very interested on the topic of discussion.
“Hahahahahahaha! So you finally manned up, did you? It took you long enough.”  Gilgamesh looks amused.
“I was honestly beginning to worry that you’d settle for the status quo.” said Hans.
“Either way, I’ll do my best to help you prepare for your date.” said EMIYA.
“That’s great. I specifically asked you three because it seems like you have some experience with these kinds of things.”
“I’m not sure if you’re mocking me if you call all my pitiful attempts at courting “experience” “.  said Hans.
“At least you tried! I mean, I didn’t even try to court someone back at school! All I know of romance is from anime and manga. I’m probably more pitiful here.” said Shǒu, slightly in mockery.
“Yes, you probably come out as the better man here, Andersen. At least you went through with your attempts and accepted your rejection. Shǒu here hasn’t even been rejected.” scoffs Gilgamesh.
“Way to hit a man where it hurts, Gil.”
“Hmph. Well at least you are not being a passive male. So I suppose I can praise you for that.”
“Anyway, Shǒu, so what is your plan for the date anyway? I can at least tell you if what you think is feasible or not.” offers EMIYA.
“Well, what I was thinking is….”
Jeanne’s Side
“....and that’s the story.”
Jeanne had finished telling her guests about how Shǒu had asked her out on a date.
“Oh my, how lovely.” said Marie Antoinette with a giggle.
“Ara ara, my son is finally starting to be a man. Mother is conflicted.” croons Raikou.
“I’m actually surprised he took this long to take you on a date. How pathetic.”  said Meltililth.
“Ahahahahaha…. Nevertheless, I was quite happy that he wanted to go on a date with me. So that’s why I gathered you all here today. I wanted advice.”
Jeanne gracefully bows.
“Please help me to make our date a success!”
“Now, now, Jeanne. No need to be so formal. As your sworn friend, Of course I will help you! Don’t worry, I’ve been at Chaldea for more than a year! I know my way around these modern era trends.”
“I give my thanks, Your Highness.”
Marie pouts. “Jeanne, how many times do I have to tell you? It’s Marie. Not Your Highness.”
“Y-yes, Your High--, i mean, Marie.”
“That’s better.” Marie smiles.
Marie has been one of Jeanne’s closest friends, with their friendship dating back from the Orleans Singularity. Marie was one of the first ones to greet Jeanne warmly after she was summoned to Chaldea, and they spent quite a while catching up on what happened to them after Orleans.
“Honestly, Jeanne dear, while I am really overjoyed for the two of you, I don’t think Mother knows enough about dating to give any concrete advice.” Raikou says sadly.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, um, Mother. Any ideas would be appreciated.” says Jeanne respectfully.
“Ooooh, I’m so happy to have a daughter-in-law like you!”
Raikou grabs Jeanne in a ferocious hug, with her face getting smothered in Raikou’s humongous bust.
Jeanne had gotten quite close with Raikou over the past month, since they’ve been mobilized together to handle the more challenging encounters back in Ishtar’s Summer Race. Jeanne had just been politely making conversation with Raikou (mostly about Shǒu) which somehow turned into a mother-like interrogation. But after having been able to weather through all those trials, Jeanne had managed to win Raikou’s seal of approval. Now she insists that Jeanne call her “Mother”, and considers Jeanne her “daughter-in-law.”
“Umm...Raikou-san, I can’t breathe…”
“Ara, sorry dear. Mother was just too happy.” Raikou then lets go of Jeanne.
“But I’m pretty sure that Meltililith-chan over here can give you a better idea than me, since she’s particularly close with Shǒu.”
“Hmm, well if it’s to talk about that man’s likes and everything, I suppose I can tell you all about that..” Meltililth says nonchalantly, combing her hair with a sleeve.
Jeanne had heard the stories after she came to Chaldea, about how Meltililith was looking like the first one who could break the romantic stalemate in regards to Shǒu. Even though it was Shǒu’s decision to pick her instead of Meltililith, she still felt guilty over the fact and decided to confront her about it.
Jeanne’s sincerity made Meltililith realize that Jeanne was most likely the better choice. She was hurt, but she was sincere in telling her that “if he’s happy, then I’m happy.”
It also helped resolve the situation that Jeanne made Shǒu apologize to Meltililith for leading her on.
Jeanne’s thoughts must’ve been plain on her face because Meltililith slightly whapped her with her sleeve.
“Jeanne, we’ve been through this. Stop being guilty over what Shǒu decided.”
Meltililith then gave an amused smile.
“I considered the debt paid when you made that fool apologize. And I was serious on what I said, as long as he’s happy and you keep it that way, then I’m satisfied.”
“Meltililith-san…”  says Jeanne, slightly teary-eyed.
“Fool, stop looking at me like that!” Meltilith looks away, embarrassed.
“Anyway, if we want to keep him happy, then I’ll do best to help make your date a success? Got it?!”
“O-of course!”
“Then, let’s start with your clothes…..”
As the others start to chime in their ideas, Jeanne starts to feel excited about her upcoming date with Shǒu.
With a giggle, she starts to chime in with the others.
The next day.
Fifteen minutes before the agreed time, Shǒu was already waiting at the Rayshift room.
He had decided to go with a casual look. An unbuttoned button down checkered polo shirt over a regular light brown T-shirt, with denim pants and sneakers. His parents had always told him that this kind of style always suited him, and EMIYA seemed to agree when he walked past the kitchen to show him.
Yesterday’s advice session did not turn out all well for him, as it quickly deteriorated into a men’s party, with Gilgamesh providing some steamy stories and Hans providing some bitter ones. EMIYA had tried to get things back on track, but it was a futile struggle.
In the end, the only good advice he got was: “Just do what you think is best.”
“Well, I guess all those anime and manga can give me a good idea on what NOT to do.” Shǒu mutters.
Suddenly, the door creaks open.
“Um, Shǒu. You’re early.” Jeanne says.
She steps closer and Shǒu manages to get a good look at her.
Jeanne seems to be wearing an unbuttoned navy blue blazer over a white undershirt, a dark blue knee length pleated skirt, and sandals. In a way, it was also pretty casual.
Shǒu had to devote a few seconds to look over Jeanne, completely mesmerized on how she looks in casual clothes.
“Hello? Shǒu? Are you okay?” Jeanne said, with a tinge of worry, which snaps Shǒu back to reality.
“O-oh, it’s nothing. I was just noticing how beautiful you look in that outfit. I couldn’t help but stare.”
“T-thank you. Marie and the others helped me pick it.”
“Oh? You wanted to ask for some advice for our date?” Shǒu asks with a sly smile.
“H-how did you know?” Jeanne seems surprised that Shǒu had guessed correctly.
The sly smile changes into a guilty one.
“Guilty as charged.”
Jeanne starts to laugh at that and Shǒu starts to join in. The Rayshift Room is filled with their laughter.
“I guess I have to thank Marie for giving me this perfect first date.” Shǒu said with gratitude.
“Don’t forget about Mother Raikou and Meltililith.”
“Of course.”
Shǒu then offers his hand to Jeanne.
“Well, then. Shall we?”
“Yes.” Jeanne takes the proffered hand with a smile. As if on cue, Chaldeas suddenly glows with a white light.
Shǒu casts a quick glance at the control room, with Hans flashing a thumbs up.
A grateful smile forms on Shǒu’s lips, and after giving a look on his beloved girlfriend, he starts to walk toward the light with Jeanne in tow.
Shǒu knows that this is but a clueless romance. Both of them know nothing about how the inner workings of love and romance. But he is confident about one thing, and he’s sure that Jeanne feels the same.
That this day will be a day to remember.
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