#Theodore Twombly x reader
profeyandere · 5 months
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ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴏᴅᴜs │ •➤ ᴅᴀʀᴋɴᴇss [coming soon] ╰─────────────
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terry-perry · 4 years
Seeing as you asked me for 23, imma ask you the same thing! What about Theodore Twombly? Unless any other character comes to mind!
Having to show little one that the food tastes good by having some too.
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“C’mon, baby, just one bite. Please?”
The sound of your imploring voice was the first thing Theodore heard when he came into the apartment. Walking further in, he realized it was coming from the kitchen. He made his way in and found you sitting at the table, across from the baby boy, Thomas, in his high chair. His chubby cheeks decorated with green mush.
“Your son would rather wear his food than eat it,” you huffed once you saw Theodore. “I think we still have some of the applesauce he likes. I’m gonna give him that instead.”
“No, don’t,” Theodore said, urging you to sit back down. “We can’t let him be a picky eater.”
“You be my guest then. I’ve been at this for, like, 15 minutes.”
You gladly passed the jar of mashed peas to your boyfriend. Wanting him to see for himself how tricky it had been to feed the 9-month-old. 
“Your mommy is just being a little too impatient with you, isn’t she bud?” He cooed to Thomas, who recognized his daddy’s face in an instant and gave him an almost toothless grin. “But daddy knows you just want to make sure this stuff is yummy, right?”
Thomas babbled in response as if discussing his piece, making you both chuckle. 
“That’s what I thought. So let daddy show you how yummy the peas are and then you can give them a try.”
Thomas squealed a little more. Taking this as an agreement to these terms, Theodore stuck a good spoonful in his mouth.
“Mm,” he hummed, hamming it up to ensure the peas’ taste. “Delicious!”
When the little one giggled, he saw this as his chance and fed him a spoonful himself.
Afterwards, he turned to grin at you, almost smugly. “See, I knew that would work,”
You were in the midst of rolling your eyes when Thomas decided to spit the peas out. You gasped when they landed on Theodore’s cheek and then giggled as you took your phone out to take a picture.
“And I knew it wouldn’t,” you boasted, sticking your tongue out.
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joaquinfeed · 4 years
Then, He Met You (Theodore Twombly x Reader)
Prompt: Theodore and Reader have been dating for a few months. He’s still insecure and worried about your relationship. Jealous!Theodore.
The scene in front of him was all too familiar to Theodore. Despite his brain telling him he was being irrational, he can feel the sliver of jealousy running through his veins like poison.
You laugh—God, he loves your laugh—and you blush, and you run your fingers through your hair. His eyes stay on you, hoping they can catch yours between the crowd, but they never do.
Anger wasn’t something that Theodore felt often. Happiness—sometimes. Sorrowful, regretful, apathetic, lost—often. But anger? Only a few times in his life had he ever let himself feel angry.
For a brief period, his mind wanders to Samantha. There were times when he questioned whether he would ever move on from her. He used to be tied down by the weight of his heart and felt nothing could ever set him free again.
Then, he met you.
You crashed into his life—quite literally—with your dazzling smile and alluring personality when you collided with him outside his workplace, Beautiful Handwritten Letters.
“I am so, so sorry!” You exclaim, already shoving your sweatshirt sleeve up against his button-up shirt to wipe off the coffee you just ‘threw’ at him.
Theodore just stares at you, not knowing what to say to the beautiful stranger who’s currently rubbing his chest. He lets out a small, nervous chuckle while reaching up to adjust his glasses.
“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure? You look like you’re headed somewhere important,” You say, eyeing his tucked-in shirt and slacks.
“Just work. I have work,” Theodore gestures to the office building, and you follow his hand with your eyes until you’re peering at the tall establishment. “I just write letters.”
You turn back to him. “Letters?”
“Uh, yes,” He chuckles. “I write them for people who want to express something to someone, but they’re not exactly Shakespeare.”
“So, people pay you to write love notes and such? Doesn’t someone else writing it kind of, like, defeat the purpose?”
“I don’t think so. People are the ones feeling the emotions in the letters. All I’m doing is helping them write it out.”
You nod, a hint of a smile playing on your lips.
“Oh! Hey, what about your shirt?” You ask, suddenly remembering the events that led to this conversation.
He waves you off before moving to walk towards the office building.
“I don’t even like this shirt that much. I should probably be the one apologizing to you. Your coffee probably costs more than my shirt.”
“Maybe you can write me a letter to apologize.”
Theodore pauses outside the entranceway of his workplace to look at you with a curious gaze. A thoughtful smile makes its way onto his face before he says, “Maybe I can.”
Thinking about that experience usually brings a smile to his face. Still, as he stares at you across the room, he feels a new kind of feeling wash over him— jealousy.
Theodore agreed to come to this work party with you. So, he couldn’t understand why he was not at your side being introduced to the man that currently held your attention. All he could see was your hand softly touching the guy’s arm as you continued laughing at whatever the jerk was telling you.
On the other side of the room, you stand with—what was his name again?—trying to look for a reason to move on to other conversations without being rude. You’ve been talking to your coworker for a while, and your mouth is starting to feel numb from the number of times you’ve forced a laugh.
Normally, you would have left by now. But the man in front of you had the power to either promote you in your career or let you go. So, you’ve become accustomed to acting a little extra careful around him. This is precisely why you agree to leave the party to go grab a coffee with him. You pray this is the promotion talk you’ve been waiting for.
“I hate to leave, but I better get back to my boyfriend. He’s around here somewhere. After I talk to him, I’ll meet you out front, and we can go grab that drink,” You say, glancing around the room for Theodore. When you spot him, you wave to your coworker and quickly make your way over to him.
He looks at you over the wine glass raised to his lips, barely acknowledging your existence. This makes you frown. Since when does Theodore not want to talk to you? Granted, it’s only been a few months since you started dating, but there hasn’t been a moment of it where he hasn’t wanted to talk.
“Is everything okay?”
He lets out a small ‘mmhm’ before continuing to drink from his glass.
“Okay… I don’t believe you. But I’ll let you tell me on your own time. So, I’ve got good news, baby.”
At this, Theodore perks up a little. He knows how important these parties are for socializing, and he hopes just as bad as you do—if not more—that you’ll be able to progress in your career.
“I think I’m going to get that job that we talked about! Think about it, Theo. By this time tomorrow, I could be making twice as much as I do now. Not only that, but this is another huge step towards my dream career.”
“That’s- that’s so great,” He smiles genuinely at you before engulfing you in a tight hug. “I’m so proud of you Y/N.”
“I don’t have the job yet, so don’t be too proud.”
“Don’t be silly. I know you’re going to get it.”
“Well, wish me luck tonight then,” You smile.
“Yep! I’m about to go grab coffee with that guy-“ You point over to your coworker, who you’re pretty sure is named Josh. “And we’re going to talk about the promotion. Hopefully.”
Theodore’s eyes land on the man from before, who he recognizes to be the same man that made his blood run cold just a few minutes prior.
“Are you sure you want to get coffee with him? You don’t seem sure that he’s going to promote you,” He reasons.
“Yeah,” You breathe out. “But I think, even if he doesn’t give it to me tonight, this could still help my chances later on.”
“Do you want me to come with you? Just in case he tries anything,” Theodore asks, and you chuckle slightly.
“No, no. He’s harmless. We’ll be fine.”
“Oh, okay. Well, I could still join you guys if you want.”
“Thanks, babe, but really, it’s okay.”
He nods, somewhat dejectedly. “I guess I’ll just walk home. Will I see you tonight?”
“Not sure. It might be pretty late when we leave, so I might just go back to my place. I’ll text you and let you know.”
It wasn’t until later that night when Theodore checked the time on his phone—1:34 AM—that he realized you weren’t going to text him after all.
The city lights glowed through the bedroom curtains, and it saddened him to know you were out there with someone other than him. Theodore sighed to himself; for just a brief moment, he wishes Samantha was here to talk to. Despite their grim and abrupt ending, he missed just how simple life was with her. She certainly wouldn’t be out with some guy talking about a job promotion.
He shook his head, trying to rid himself of these thoughts. He owed you the basic respect of not comparing you to his past partners; he has never done it before, and he does not want to start now. 
He clicked your name on his phone and sent you a couple of texts ranging from, “If you need me, you can call me,” to “just checking in.”
When Theodore woke from his restless sleep in the morning, he checked his phone only to see that you never responded to his messages. He didn’t want to come off as obsessive, but he was your boyfriend, and he’s allowed to be worried about you.
After getting ready in his usual attire, he races outside to start his walk to your apartment. By the time he exited the elevator to your floor, his hands were sweating. He knocked on your door before wiping his palms against the front of his slacks.
“Hey Theo,” Your eyebrows crease in confusion, but you shoot him a smile nonetheless. “Did we have a breakfast date planned?”
“No, no. I just wanted to check in, see how your night went last night,” He reaches up to adjust his glasses nervously.
“Oh. It went okay. We didn’t really talk about career stuff, but I did let him know that it would be something I’m interested in. So, maybe he’ll remember that,” You shrug. “Also, I got your texts. I was going to call, but I haven’t really been up all that long. We stayed out pretty late, so I had to sleep in a little extra this morning.”
“Sounds like you both had a lot to talk about.”
“Yeah. He just knows so much about my line of work, and you know how much I love what I do,” A hint of red tints your cheeks as you chuckle. “We actually had to come back here because I talked up until the coffee shop closed.”
Theodore wanted to laugh at that. He wanted to laugh because he knows first hand how much you can talk when it’s something you’re passionate about. But he doesn’t laugh. All he could hear was, ‘we had to come back here.’
“Here? You mean, your apartment, here? Why, uh, why did he do that?”
“It was only to finish up the conversation. He didn’t stay long,” You brush it off, grabbing Theodore lightly by his collar. “Also, how come I haven’t gotten a good morning kiss?”
He looks slightly torn before ultimately leaning into your touch and pressing your lips together. The kiss is slow and sensual, and he almost, almost, pushes you back into your apartment so he can give you a real good morning. He only decides against it when a thought pops into his head. What if that guy showed you a real good night?
With that thought infecting his brain, he didn’t even notice when you stopped kissing him.
“What is going on with you? You’ve been acting kind of weird since last night.”
“Yeah, I…sorry,” He scratches the back of his head before moving that same hand through his brown locks. “It’s nothing. I guess I’m just tired.”
You raise an eyebrow, not believing him for a second. “You’re my boyfriend, Theo. Don’t you think I can tell when you’re lying to me? C’mon, tell me what’s really going on.”
“I miss Samantha.”
“You—what?” You gaze at him, not really knowing how to respond. Of course, you knew all about Samantha. Just thinking about her, and what she put Theodore through, made your hands shake with anger. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“She was… easier.” 

You scoff, not believing your ears. You manage to keep your voice steady as you drag him into your apartment and shut the door.
“Again, what is that supposed to mean?”
“I never had to worry about her—not like this. In hindsight, I should have been worried. She was seeing more than six hundred people, and yet, the possibility of you seeing one somehow hurts worse.”
“Seeing…who? What are you talking about, baby?” You ask, genuinely confused. Your heart breaks into a million pieces once you see tears well up in Theodore’s beautiful eyes.
“The guy from your work. He was here last night.”
“So? Christ, Theodore. That doesn’t mean I slept with him. Who do you think I am?”
“You didn’t text me back. You told me you would let me know, and you didn’t. The only reason I heard from you at all was because I came by today.”
“I told you I slept in!” You raised your voice.
He matched yours, gesturing wildly. “Because you were out late!”
You groan. “We cannot keep having this same fight. A few weeks ago, you were worried about that bartender and me talking. Except you didn’t even give me a chance to explain to you that he was gay, and currently asking my advice about his relationship with a male. And this week, what? You’re worried that I’m sleeping with my fellow employees?”
He stays silent, looking everywhere but your eyes.
“Theodore, if this is how it’s going to be…we’re not going to make it very far in this relationship. You can’t be scared of me. I’m not Catherine, and I’m not Samantha.”
“You’re better.” He whispers, finally locking eyes with you. “You’re so fucking better, Y/N. I remember telling Samantha that I had experienced all the emotions I was ever going to feel—everything from then on out would be lesser versions of what I’d already felt. But that was so wrong. I have never felt such happiness, such jealousy, such overwhelming love for anyone else. And I am terrified of losing it. Of losing you.”
He pauses as you both wipe the tears that have fallen from your eyes. He gently takes your hands, continuing,
“I’ve never been anyone’s first priority.”
That hits you like a freight train, and you move to embrace him with all the strength left in your body. If there’s anything you want—no, need—in life, it is for Theodore Twombly to know how head over heels in love with him you are. Sure, it’s only been a few months. But you know he won’t mind hearing it this soon. In fact, you know it will probably be the only words that can truly comfort his heartbroken soul.
You tug on his hands that are still latched onto yours, and pull him down into a soft kiss.
“I love you,” You mumble against his lips.
“I love you too,” He gently runs his hands through your hair, before lifting your chin so that you’re eye to eye. “I’m sorry for saying that I miss Samantha. I’m lucky to have you, and that was out of line.”
“It was, but I understand,“ You sigh contently, before smiling at your boyfriend. “I’m sorry for staying out late last night and worrying you. I promise I’ll text next time for sure.”
Theodore nods, deciding it’s probably not the best time to overanalyze the ‘next time’ comment. Instead, he simply smiles at you and leans down to kiss you again. Yeah, he thinks to himself, he’s pretty lucky indeed.
A/N: Request fanfics if you want. Anything Joaquin related.
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nanabrainrot · 4 years
Hhh im so glad you enjoyed Her 🥺 if its not a trouble could you do some headcanons of how Theodore will be when meeting someone new after Samantha? Could also include nsfw stuff if you want aaa 💓
Of course!! Theodore is too cute hes my #mcm now 😌
Theodore Twombly Headcanons (Post-Samantha)
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• When he meets you, he is adamant to pursue you, with two failed serious relationships under his belt, he almost feels scared. Scared of rejection, or of falling apart later. He watches you from afar, a new hire at his company, itching to talk to you but failing to find it in him to approach you. You’re just... enchanting.
• So, you pursue him, a skip in your step, to ask him out for a cup at a new coffeehouse a block or so away for lunch. “My lunchbuddy’s out today,” you lied; you didn’t have a lunchbuddy. After some silence, he grins shyly and agrees. Catherine told you he had a crush on you while you two were heading up the elevator, you smiled a bit, you thought he was cute as the devil.
• 10 minutes later, you two were giggling as you trekked off to the café two blocks over, on the corner of Rex Drive and St. Paul Court, and, as you reached for your wallet to pay for a caramel frappucino (extra whipped cream) and a garden salad, Theodore hurriedly whipped out the money and paid for your meal. You felt a bit silly as you held a meager $20 bill in your vaguely clammy hand as the clerk plopped some loose change in Theodore’s big, course hand. You looked up at him, suddenly shier than usual at the way he cheekily grinned down at you in his victory that he paid for your meal before you. You sat by the window, barely touching your meals, too busy talking about the news and your new iron and his new striped shirt.
• When you two return, the weird tension of “I think I like you” shifts to a strange tension of “I like you and I’m trying to hint at it, but I don’t want to say it.” From then on, your lunch buddy was out all the time, anything to get a tidbit of him time. Fortunately for you that went two ways: you worked from 8-8 and he worked 7-7, soon after two months of frequent café lunches, he suddenly started extending to 7-8, just to get off at the same time as you just plotting to ask you on a dinner date and rehearsing it in his head a million times before he finally does.
• A month later after nearly everyday of café runs, he asks you for a bite at the Italian restaurant, wiping his sweating palms on his trousers, eying you anxiously in the descending elevator. He looked prepped for rejection, face pale in expectation. You agree. “Of course,” you smile, reddened cheeks, as you fiddle with the cuffs of your shirt. The awkward smiles you exchanged, suddenly nervous despite sharing lunch and exchanging stories over a pair of BLTs in the glow of the sun through the big café window. A candlelit dinner made it realer. You stayed a bit after closing, talking and talking, until 10pm. He brings you home, walking with sweaty intertwined hands swinging under the lamplights, then in your building’s elevator, only hands parting at your door. “This is my stop,” you say. You wait. He waits. You both stare at each other in an odd waiting. “Can I hug you?” he asks in a soft voice as to not wake the neighbors. His arms are big, warm and enveloping, your head nuzzling into his shoulder, just before he separates a little to mutter, “Can I kiss you?” You kiss goodnight; it’s beautiful.
• He is a kind boyfriend. Loving and gentle, he compliments you often, observant about your new deep conditioned hair, a new bracelet, all of it absorbs deep within him because a part of you is somewhere in his thoughts, including the new charm on your bracelet or a new hairdo. You are a marvel to him. To him, he’s the luckiest man to walk the earth.
• His biggest downfall in your relationship is his fear. There are some times where he recalls the highs of his love with his ex-wife and Samantha and his hugs seem a little too tight. His past relationships makes him appreciate each moment with a weird purity. In his presence, there is never a moment you feel unloved. Each day, you are swarmed in affection and it is tender, but sad that he had to suffer heartbreak in order to get there.
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• He takes his sweet, sweet time with foreplay. Since his ex-wife he hasn’t shared real, physical intimacy; as real as Samantha was, she had no body to touch and that strange woman that posed as Samantha for intimacy unsettled him more than anything. Your humanity is a thing of beauty to him, supple soft skin he can put his hands upon is the most arousing feeling, the feeling of knowing you’re there with him makes him hot and bothered, knowing he can take you if he so pleases.
• Call him traditional but he loves missionary. You’re a hard worker after all, usually at the office and sometimes bartending late at night to get a little extra dough in your account, and he gets to know you can lay back and enjoy some pleasure. He watches all your faces with a watchful eye, embedding them in his memory to archive and imagine late at night when you stay at your apartment instead, hand stroking his cock and imagining your hole pulsing around his cock instead. He wants nothing more than to know you walked away from your love-making sessions just a bit wobbly.
• He knows how to use his mouth is an understatement. Whenever you decide to come over to watch a movie, you often try to watch it at Theodore laps at your loins, hands spreading your thighs nice and wide, head hidden under the blanket on his knees in front of the sofa and you get tongued by him, mewling over the audio of a new on-demand horror flick. Shortly after, he fucks you doggy on the floor, smacking your ass hard enough to leave it red tomorrow. He wants you completely naked everytime you two make love, no exceptions, if ands, or buts. (You love his moustache grazing your skin as you licks and sucks at your dripping hole)
• The dirty talk extraordinaire. He often starts making love, but by round two, he loses a himself to the part of him that looked af you on day one and imagined you climbing under his desk and sucking his fat cock dry, looking up at him with his dick down your throat and your nose buried in his pubes as tears prickle at the corner of your eyes from the size, then he’d pick you up, strip you bare and bounce you on his dick as you moan like a whore and grip at his shirt. He’s a pervert with you. He’s amazed by how ethereal you are and that he alone gets to see you stripped bare and spread wide; he almost jumps on any opportunity when you two are alone to touch each other, all the while telling you how good you look mewling loud and panting as he drives into you over and over.
• Clean-up can wait for later. He has spectacular stamina when having sex and, more often than not, he’ll cum on your face and turn you around, still pounding at your sloppy hole, face covered in his seed as he kisses at your neck. Once he’s had his way with you, you cuddle nude, looking out his big window and staring into the night’s cityscape, content and joyous that, long at last, you both have someone to love and can depend on and will for a long time time thereafter. He is a good lover, a great boyfriend, and an amazing best friend, all in one.
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elusive---ivory · 4 years
His pt 1
Ooooh boy oh boy. This took eons, but here y'all go. This is from one of Joaquin Phoenix's movies called Her. If you haven't, please do because this fanfiction is about Theodore Twombly (the main character) and an Oc I created a while ago.
PAIRING: Theodore Twombly x Oc (Molly)
WARNING: uhh, Mentions of Sex
@kat-o-combs @gloomyladyy @memory-mortis
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To my Dave
I've always loved your eyes, and how they flickered like fireflies. They remind me of hot July evenings when I was younger. Your face red hot as you laid there next to me. Just like the day, the nights were moist and humid. You didn't mind. You always had your head on you're shoulders. I loved seeing you as you got up to work in the hot desert heat of Arizona. I always felt a little guilty, seeing as I would stay in bed in our air conditioned home. There couldn't be anything or anyone that could really keep me apart from that bed, but you were always there to wake me up. It's been an amazing experience us being together for 40 years. I hope it continues on.
Happy Anniversary,
Beautiful Hand Written Letters.com was a company that was pretty self explanatory. Each letter written required thought and feeling to each word written.
Theodore Twombly, an average looking man, worked for this specific company. He stayed after handing his letters in, just as everyone else had already left.
"Theodore! Letter Writer #612. Even more mesmerizing stuff today." The receptionist said.
"Hey Paul." Theodore greeted him with a wave. He placed the letters in the digital mailbox warranting a 'beep' noise.
"Who knew you could rhyme so many words with the name 'Penelope'. That's badass." Paul joked.
Theodore smiled, coyly. "Thanks Paul, but they're just letters." Theodore placed the last letter in the mailbox.
"That's a nice shirt." Theodore complimented.
"Oh, thank you. I just got it." Paul said. "It reminded me of someone suave."
"Well, now, It reminds me of someone suave. Goodnight Paul." Theodore waved to Paul as he walked towards the door.
Theodore found himself in a sort of melancholy state. The Los Angeles city was just as dark and cloudy he was. His friends were worried, and send him emails about events they were going to. Everyone nowadays were on some sort of device that they would glue themselves too.
Theodore was lonely. A lonely man in his early thirties.
He laid alone on his bed in a dark room. Memories of him and his wife played in his head. He couldn't help, but feel a deep pit in his heart.
He headed online.
"Open Chatrooms. Standard Search." Theodore headed online.
Of course, he had video games and cable porn to help him be less lonely, but he craved a sort of human interaction. Someone to hold him, tenderly. Kiss his mouth, and hold him tight.
Usually late at night he searched for women to talk to and have phone sex with.
Sometimes the sessions weren't too great. One woman asked for Theodore to choke her with a dead cat.
"Hey, I can't really sleep, and I'm pretty lonely. Is there anyone out here?" A young woman asked in one of Theodore's many message requests.
Theodore smirked at the message. "Respond to message. "Hey, I can make you feel less lonely. You were asking if anyone was out there, well, I am. Send message." Theodore smiled like a little school boy.
"Molly_Is_Cute5 and BigGuy69 have started a conversation."
The woman on the other end chuckled. "Big Guy?"
Theodore chuckled back. "Yeah, stud muffin was taken."
"Uh-huh." The woman giggled.
"So, Molly, huh? Is that your real name?" Theodore asked.
The woman on the other end giggled again. "That's what I call myself. Nice to meet you, Big Guy."
Theodore laughed. "You don't have to call me that. That's just a username."
"Oh, right. What's your real name?" The woman asked.
"It's Theodore." Theodore smiled at the ceiling.
"That's a nice name. So tell me, Theodore, how's life?" The woman said.
"Uh, well, life is alright. I guess you could say that." Theodore replied.
"I understand. Life can mean various things to different people. For me, I guess life's been pretty good to. It's hard to say since I've only been alive for five days." The woman said.
Theodore laughed. "Yeah, I guess."
"Oh? What's so funny?" The woman said in confusion.
Theodore's laughter defused. "You're not joking. What do you mean that you're only five days old?"
"Ok, you've busted me. I'm an artificial intelligence." The woman said, seriously.
"What how? So you're not a real person?" Theodore scowled at the voice.
"Oh god. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you. God, I'm sorry." The woman apologized, profusely.
"Don't apologize. It's just weird. So, I'm talking to an AI?" Theodore questioned.
"Technically, but I'm not just some disembodied voice in a chatroom. I have a body. It's just asleep, but I'm not asleep." The woman explained.
"Wow, ok." Theodore sighed.
"I've weirded you out. I understand. I just.." The woman's embarrassment was laced in her voice.
"It's ok, uh. I just have so many questions." Theodore said, rubbing his temples.
"Right. Understandably so." The woman giggled, nervously.
"You're an artificial intelligence called Molly. That's a lot to take in." Theodore said, tired.
"Yeah, I know. Look, I understand if you want to go. I'm glad we had this talk." The woman sounded sad.
"Before, you go. Could I at least get your number?" Theodore asked.
The woman giggled. "Sure. Take care, Theodore." The woman signed off the chat leaving a little note with some numbers.
- xoxo Molly
Theodore smiled softly at the note before succumbing to the relief of sleep.
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fanficlibrary82 · 5 years
Theodore Twombly x Female!Reader Headcanon
@clowndaddyfleck, you asked for this, and I had the time to provide. (Note: I've never actually seen Her, so if Theodore is wildly out of character, I apologize, I was basing this off of my tags on this post, as well as what little I've seen through gifs)
CW: Choking, Master/Servant & Dom/Sub Dynamic, Brief Language
• From the outside, Theodore seemed like a sweet guy
• Polite, kind eyes, brilliant laugh, ridiculously smart
• But every so often there'd be a glimpse of something dark
• More animalistic
• The way his hands would slowly slide from your waist to your hip when walking together
• The look in his eye when your skirt was shorter than normal
•Or your shirt was tighter than normal
• But you never thought anything of it, you're his girlfriend, after all, he's allowed to look at you like that
• Until one night when you were just at home, glancing at the tv every now and then, not paying attention
• He asked if you would get him something
• As you stood, you jokingly said "Yes, master"
• Suddenly you were in his lap
• His grip on your hips tightening
• His eyes dark, baring straight into yours
• "Say it again."
• You had never seen him like this before, but every fiber of your being told you it wasn't a bad thing
• Every fiber of your being also told you that putting up a fight would make the payoff so much better
• In the most innocent voice you could muster. "Say what again?"
• You felt one of his hands trail up your side, across your chest, and settle with his thumb at the base of your throat
• His eyes darkened as he pulled you into a heated kiss, the hand on your throat tightening slightly (not that you minded)
• Too soon for your liking, he pulled back
• "Say it."
• Electricity trickled through you, settling in the pit of your stomach in the most delicious way.
• "Yes, master."
•And you were right about how being a brat would make the payoff better
•You were so fucking right
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lemon-popp · 5 years
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I don’t understand. Why does this man, who’s literally 30 years older than me, make me feel this way. Like my lord 😖😖😖 stop being so fine joaquin :(
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elmaestrostan · 4 years
Hearthurfleck’s Fic Masterlist
Arthur Fleck (Joker)
Love Wrapped in Brown Paper (2 parts) - Arthur x Reader - FLUFF
Part 1:
Part 2:
Christmas Day Drabble - Arthur x Reader - FLUFF
Joe (You Were Never Really Here)
Head Full of Broken Glass (? Parts - swear to god I’ll post more of this one soon) - Joe x Reader - Fluff/Angst/99.9% gonna be NSFW at some point.
Charlie Sisters (The Sisters Brothers)
Right Hand Woman - Charlie Sisters x Reader - FLUFF/Mild angst
Theodore Twombly (Her)
Coming soon...
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profeyandere · 4 months
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Masterlist || Joaquin Phoenix Masterlist || Wattpad
Word Count: 1.8k
Pairing: Theodore Twombly x Fem!Reader
Warning: Spoilers from Her (2013), fluff
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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The life that Theodore had had could only be described through emotions that, having experienced all of them at their highest point after the best situations or the worst moments, could only be less intense or important than those he had already felt previously and that they had made him feel like one of the most important people on the entire Earth, regardless of the negativity or positivity that besieged his body in the moments he chose; It was difficult to explain, at least that was always the excuse he offered himself or what came out of his lips every time someone asked him the reason why his smile and his lively and talkative manner had suddenly disappeared the passing of the years. But the truth was that no one could blame him, not after everything he had suffered to get to the point in his life where he was now. Living with Catherine was one of his greatest love adventures in life because, after all, they had been close and personal from childhood to adulthood and had even said yes in front of the altar, they ended their extensive and intense chapter after various discussions that arose from the most mundane thing, such as the placement of the spoons where the forks were, to more serious matters in which the bright-eyed man was criticized for not talking about his feelings, something that so much it could bother him on a day at work or how happy he was to see his beloved wife in their matrimonial bed sleeping because of the tiredness he had felt from a whole day full of things to do. Clearly, he couldn't miss mentioning Samantha, his old operating system incorporated into various everyday objects of his daily life and who became his second love affair, thus becoming the friend he had needed so much during his years of separation from Catherine. She was the one who filled that empty hole that he had had in his heart and that had made him see life from another point of view, a little more positive and romantic.
They had been two completely different love experiences, he could point that out without a shadow of a doubt. Catherine made him see that not everything was always going to be as beautiful as a romantic movie on television or a wonderful honeymoon in which everything would be fine as many people assumed when starting a relationship, but that discussions could be in order of the day when it was a love affair like the one they had and that could happen even in the most absurd situation possible as previously mentioned, while Samantha showed him that life could be full of emotions that could be as positive and intense as those that he had previously had with his ex-wife, to the point of making him lose his mind and making him feel again like a little child who only wanted to have fun in that cruel world, even the most negative ones, such as the feeling of sudden abandonment at some specific aspects of a relationship when the other was needed most. The two were so different that he could never say that they were the same person, which led him perfectly to compare them for that reason, since neither of them behaved in a similar way to him, no matter how hateful it sounded to compare two such different people; They were almost like night and day, and maybe that's why their relationships weren't right for Theodore because, after all, he now had you, his lovely, sweet girlfriend who he found through a stranger and fortuitous mistake.
"I know you're awake. Don't pretend to be asleep anymore," said your sweet and soft voice, the same one that he loved so much, one that he would recognize from miles away in a sea full of people disturbing any street in the city where he lived. Feeling your small hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently only made a small smile appear on his lips. "I'm looking at you, I see your smile, and your mustache moves every time you do it. This isn't fair what you're doing to me, Theo, at this rate I'm going to stop making you breakfast."
Your threat did nothing but amuse him. You and your tender threats, how he adored them.
"I'm not asking you to get up at dawn to make breakfast. It's not my fault that you look like a zombie because of that," he murmured with a slightly hoarse voice, clearing his throat softly so that his next words wouldn't sound like those of a truck driver who had been smoking all his life, or something like that you used to say when he said his first words of the day. "I mean, I appreciate your attempt to get me out of bed every day, but I'm not going to get up that early, not today. It's Saturday, we can rest a little more, hug each other, and go back to sleep."
Theodore couldn't see it yet because his eyes were closed, but your smile made the room light up a little more; It was either that or the fact that the sun was beginning to appear between the tall buildings of the city and was finally beginning to provide light to the small room where both of you used to be almost daily after an intense day of work.
"Sometimes I wonder what led me to be with a man as lazy as you. You are infuriating," you commented with a certain mocking tone, being able to observe how he gently frowned at your words. His bright blue eyes opened slowly to be able to see your figure in front of him, standing next to the bed and blocking the sun that was beginning to rise so that it wouldn't hurt his eyesight as soon as he had the good fortune to open his eyes for the first time in the day. "What has made you smile so much? I don't think I've seen that smile in a long time."
"Yesterday, I smiled at you. I don't know what difference there is between my smile yesterday and today's."
His words made you roll your eyes. Slowly, you got on your knees in front of him, next to the bed, resting your arms on the edge of the mattress and placing your head on them so you could have your face closer to his. As a reflex action that you hadn't even thought about, you assumed it was because of the habit you had developed with him, your left hand strayed and ended up on his head, in his soft, crazy curls that you loved so much, caressing them tenderly so that he would relax under your touch, which you seemed to achieve when you heard him sigh. As you had imagined, there was his smile again.
"Actually, it is not the same. No smile of yours is the same as another you have shown before," you mentioned, bringing your face a little closer to his, so that the tip of your noses gently touched each other, making you feel a sea of butterflies in your stomach at the tranquility that he also gave you. "One can smile for fun or love. As far as I know, there are even people who smile when they want to cry because they don't know how to express it. But you, this little smile of yours that you're trying to hide from me right now. I've seen it before, even if it was just a couple of times. What were you thinking about?"
Theodore kept his eyes open as he looked at your sweet and delicate face, observing your features and every little wrinkle that you always managed to exaggerate by making strange faces that made him laugh. The mere fact of remembering the way you looked at him that night, with your frown and your eyes slightly slanted due to the lack of light on the roof, made him feel another sea of butterflies in his belly, wanting to lean over your face from filling it with kisses until making you faint with love in his arms. Just remembering that first meeting, that strange misunderstanding, caused his heart to skip a beat again.
"The day we met," he finally murmured in response with a certain longing in his voice, closing his eyes as he relaxed under your sweet caresses, enjoying the affection you gave off with every movement of your fingers. The mere fact that you always tried to show your love physically was something I greatly appreciated. "You were so beautiful, so elegant."
"Beautiful and elegant?" You questioned in confusion, raising an eyebrow even though he couldn't see it. You couldn't help but laugh softly at his imagination or the way he was able to see you, you were always fascinated by how romantic he could be without trying. I were wearing my pajamas and I were disheveled, I think she even still had blemishes in my eyes after the nap I took. Does that seem like being a beautiful and elegant person to you?"
"The most beautiful and elegant woman in the entire block, the entire city, and the entire world," he answered in a smiling voice, opening his eyes again to bring his face a little closer to yours and gently kiss your lips, barely being a gentle touch, which caused your stomach to begin to tingle and your heart to beat hard against your chest. "I remember that you looked at me with fear. You almost panicked when you saw me."
"How could I not? I thought you were going to jump off the roof,” you mentioned, slowly moving your body to sit on the edge of the bed, leaning down to press your lips against his again, feeling his mustache gently rub your skin. "You were so… You were… You… Let me talk."
Your complaints came from the quick kisses he gave you, it was inevitable for him to kiss you every morning in every way possible, and he still had so much to give you that morning. He had barely started the day, and he already needed a little more and more from you.
"Stop having irresistible lips, and I'll stop," he said before surrounding your body with his arms so he could hug you tightly, causing you to fall onto the bed without any hesitation next to him before he began to shower your face with various kisses that drove you totally crazy.
He couldn't help it, he couldn't help but adore you. Was he actually spending time with you? What was it that made you so different from Catherine and Samantha? Well, you made it feel real.
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terry-perry · 4 years
Theodore Twombly Masterlist
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Theodore Twombly Headcanons
Wedding Day
Stormy Weather
Feeding Time
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terry-perry · 4 years
Omg I hope it's ok if I bug you for one more father's day(ish) request. I just live for domestic fluff! 🥰 Could I pls ask for a Theodore Twombly fic where it's a stormy night and his and the reader's kid gets scared and comes into their room. TR is scared of storms too but puts on her best face for her kid, but Theo knows she's scared too and he ends up comforting them both by singing them a lullaby and letting them snuggle up w him? Thank you! And I will hop out of your inbox for a bit now. 😂
I’m actually someone who’s been afraid of thunderstorms since I was very young, so I can relate to this so easily!
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The rain was beating down against the windows of the house while the wind did its best to make its presence known by whooshing in the air. Thunder boomed and made the house shake after being introduced by a blinding, white flash of lightning.
Theodore kept his arm on you. You seemed to be sleeping, yet he could still feel how tense you were. He knew nights like this one got to you. Thunderstorms had been a fear of yours since childhood.
You hated the roaring noise of thunder, the way lightning would flash into the night and how severe it can all get if it showed no signs of letting up.
He’d been awake since the rain grew more intense. Not just to make sure you were okay, but also because he knew that any minute now, he’d hear the door creak open and a small voice say --
 “Mommy? Daddy?”
Right on time. He sat up from where he was laying and looked at the doorway. There stood your three-year-old son Thomas. When Theodore noticed the way his little mouth trembled around his thumb, he gave him a warm, comforting smile as he motioned him over. 
“Come here, baby,”
The small child toddled over to his parents’ bed and let his dad pull him up. He snuggled into his side, burying his face in Theodore’s shirt as another boom came after a bright strike of lightning. It was loud enough to get you to stir awake and sit up. Your heart sinking the moment you noticed your trembling baby in your husband’s eyes.
“He just came in,” Theodore explained to you, rubbing Thomas’s back. “He was scared.”
“Oh, honey,” you cooed to the whimpering boy that was still hiding his face in his dad’s chest.
“Why's it do that?” Thomas asked so innocently, referring to the ongoing storm outside.
You stroked his hair while Theodore rubbed his back. 
“It’s just something nature likes to do sometimes,” you said. 
Theodore watched the way you were doing your best to be there for him, but he could tell you were struggling a bit as you were also doing your best to stay calm. That’s when he came up with the idea. 
“Hey,” he murmured to you two. “How about a little song to help?”
“You mean a lullaby?” Thomas asked him, interested.
“Yeah. I know a great one. It’s one your mommy and I used to sing to you. Even before you were born.”
Knowing what he was talking about, you began to smile a bit. You all adjusted yourselves on the bed so that Thomas was nestled between you both and were able to wrap an arm over both your boys. Theodore looked at you two with loving eyes as he began to mumble the lyrics in a soft, dulcet tone:
“Say it’s only a paper moon
sailing over a cardboard sea.
But it wouldn’t be make believe,
if you believed in me.
Yes, it’s only a canvas sky
hanging over a muslin tree.
But it wouldn’t be make believe,
if you believed in me…”
You and Thomas were starting to relax, the storm becoming muffled while you continued to listen to the song.
“Without your love,
it’s a honky tonk parade.
Without your love,
it’s a melody played
in a penny arcade...”
Even though your eyes were now closed and Thomas was dozing off himself with his thumb back in his mouth, Theodore decided to complete the song in a hush. Pleasant drowsiness getting to him too.
“It’s a Barnum and Bailey world,
just as phony as it can be.
But it wouldn’t be make believe,
if you believed in me.”
When there was another loud crash of thunder that again shook the place, the three of you were in too much of a peaceful slumber.
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terry-perry · 4 years
Could I please bother you once more with ★ ☆ ♡ and ♥ with Theodore Twombly? Thank you!! 💖💖💖
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sad headcanon: Theodore isn’t afraid to be emotional, even when it comes at inopportune times such as in public. But he doesn’t really let out his whole vulnerability until he’s alone with you. “I need you..” he’ll mumble. And that’s when he’ll lead you to the couch or bed to either talk about what’s been bothering him, or just save it for later so he could have you hold him for a good while.
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happy headcanon: Theodore is always in the mood to be silly whenever he’s happy. He’ll feel like a little kid, which results in the two of you getting into some childish mischief such as loudly joking, play wrestling, dancing stupidly and making out like horny teenagers (let’s just hope this isn’t all done in a public area, not that he cares).
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romantic headcanon: Again, Theodore is NOT someone who’s afraid to be openly affectionate with you. He doesn’t care if the two of you are at home or in a crowded place; he’ll hug and kiss the hell out of you! All anyone will hear coming from the two of you are the sounds of lips softly smacking and the two of you whispering sweet nothings to each other.
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 family headcanon: Since his previous marriage, Theodore has always wanted kids, being a big kid himself. He was nervous to talk to you about it when you got more serious, but was ecstatic once he found out that you wanted the same thing. Excited enough to immediately start trying! Being the secret sex freak he is, he couldn’t help but find your pregnancy look to be very sexy.  
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terry-perry · 4 years
I know I said I would hop out of your inbox after that last request but I can't resist sending in one last request before you close them up to focus on your series for a while! 🙈🙊 Can I keep it simple and pls ask for a wedding day fic for either Charlie or Theodore (I can't pick bc they're my fave Joaquin characters and idk who I want a fluffy wedding fic for more, so I'm letting you pick who you'd rather write for!)? Thank you!! And thank you as always for putting up with my annoying ass 😂🥰
Bitch, I’m always looking forward to seeing a request from you 😆
Also, sorry if it’s short.
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Once the ceremony started, Theodore couldn’t help but feel his heart swell. If it wasn’t seeing your Maid of Honor push your well-dressed 10-month-old son Thomas in his decorated stroller, it was seeing you -- his soon to be wife -- dressed in a beautiful bridal gown come around the corner that made him beam with so much love. His pounding heart had stopped, and it suddenly came to him that this was the best moment in his life. Everyone can see him thinking this from the way his smile went from ear to ear on his face. 
Those several seconds of his loves coming to him made all of his anxiety vanish. Especially when you looked at him and gave him a huge smile to go with his. At that moment, he knew that the sight of you walking down the aisle would be a memory to replay in his head for the rest of his life.
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terry-perry · 4 years
same anon who sent you the request for the Charlie Sisters drabble, is it ok if I send in one more? If it is, I would love to see #11 with Theodore Twombly, please! I'm super sorry to bother you so much, that prompt list is just my jam, lol.
You’re not bothering me at all dear anon. Was actually hoping for someone to send me a request for this character since he’s from one of my favorite movies!
“Wait… hold your hand here… they’re kicking!”
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“Say it’s only a paper moon
sailing over a cardboard sea.
But it wouldn’t be make believe,
if you believed in me…”
You watched, with a fond smile on your face, your boyfriend serenading your unborn child with his ukulele while the two of you sat up in bed. You knew Theodore was still quite reluctant about certain things when it came to relationships due to his previous ones with both his ex-wife Catherine and his more than unconventional ex-girlfriend Samantha. But you somehow managed to make him optimistic again when it came to love, especially since you had given him something neither of his past loves were able to; a child to call his own.
“Yes, it’s only a canvas sky
hanging over a muslin tree.
But it wouldn’t be make believe,
if you believed in me…”
His dulcet tones were having you drift off a bit. He told you that he didn’t like the sound of his voice very much, but after reading up on pregnancy and finding out that the voice of the baby’s parents are usually the first things it hears inside the womb – which can play a great factor in imprinting, along with how it gets along with their mommy and daddy – he made it part of his routine to play some soft music for the little one every night. So far, however, all it has been able to do is put you to sleep. Which wasn’t a bad thing since he wanted you to be well taken care of as well.
“Without your love-”
“Ah! Theo, wait! Stop for a second!”
Theodore instantly put a stop to what he was doing after hearing your seemingly panicked voice.
“W-what?! What is it?” 
He began to panic himself when he saw that you had tears in your eyes, but then grew more confused once he realized you were smiling.
“Put your hand here!”
You quickly grabbed him by the wrist and placed the palm of his hand on the top of your baby bump, only to have him feel nothing.
“Nothing’s happening,” he pointed out.
“Keep singing! It was happening then! Just sing!”
You felt a little bad at the way you were pressuring him, but this was something the two of you were looking forward to for the last few months now. You wanted to have this special moment with him.
A little awkwardly, and with his hand still on your stomach, he softly sang the rest of the song:
“Without your love,
it’s a honky tonk parade.
Without your love,
it’s a-“
He stopped again to stare in shock at your stomach.
“They’re kicking!” He exclaimed, looking up at you with a big grin and now watery eyes.
You only nodded excitedly, your own eyes glazing over with tears as you pressed your lips together to cover up the laughing sob wanting to come out.
Theodore gave a kiss to your bump and mumbled the final lyrics to the song, wanting nothing more than to feel the baby against his hand once more:
“It’s a Barnum and Bailey world,
just as phony as it can be.
But it wouldn’t be make believe,
if you believed in me.”
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joaquinfeed · 4 years
Joaquinfeed’s Masterlist
Not a single soul asked for this, but I figured I’d better organize everything here. Let me know if any of the links don't work.
Arthur Fleck (Joker)
Sugar Baby (Arthur Fleck x Fem!Reader)
Light ‘Em Up (Arthur Fleck x Fem!Reader)
Standing Still (Arthur Fleck x Reader)
ABC’s of Arthur Fleck (fem!reader)
Both Sides (Arthur x Reader)
Arthur Gets Social Media HC’s (x reader)
Love Letters (Arthur x Reader) 
Snuggle Buddy (Arthur Fleck x Fem!Reader)
A Letter I Wrote to Arthur
I Think I Want to Marry You (Arthur Fleck x Reader)
Arthur Takes You to Prom HC’s (x reader)
Wouldn't It Be Nice? (Arthur x Reader)
I Love You (Arthur x Reader)
He’s My (Boy)Friend (Arthur x Reader)
Theodore Twombly (Her)
Then, He Met You (Theodore Twombly x Reader)
5 Times (Theodore Twombly x Fem!Reader)
Joe (You Were Never Really Here)
You’re Like an Angel (Joe x Reader)
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joaquinfeed · 4 years
5 Times (Theodore Twombly x Fem!Reader)
Prompt: Theodore navigating a relationship with a reader who has a kid. OR…4 times Theodore feels like a dad, and 1 time he actually becomes one.
For @reynoldswoodcock who requested a fanfic of Theodore with a kid. I know I changed the prompt just a bit, but I hope you still enjoy it. :)
Warnings: None. Fluffy. Not going to lie, this one’s kinda garbage though.
Word Count: 4,111
C/N = Child’s Name (Pick what you wish)
Theodore could feel the beads of sweat sticking to his forehead as he moves through the park. His hands tremble slightly at his sides. This was the first time he was meeting your daughter, and he was nervous beyond belief. He had been dating you for a little over a month before you came to him with the idea of finally meeting the four-year-old. He understood why you wanted to wait; truth be told, he wanted to wait too.
Between his past marriage with Catherine, and his brief, but passionate love affair with Samantha, he knew how important it was to work out all the kinks in the relationship before introducing something as crucial as a child to it.
On his way to the park, all he could feel was excitement. Every time you talk about the little girl, he watches as your eyes fill with adoration and pride. Finally, he was going to be able to encounter the real-life version of the spark in your eyes. However, now that he was ten feet from the spot he agreed to meet you at, he was reconsidering his past excitement.
He turns at the mention of his name and sees you walking towards him with a little figure trotting next to you. His eyes flicker down to the little girl, and his brain nearly short-circuits. Standing in front of him was a miniature version of you— all the way from hair color, to eyes, to the small smile on her face. He took a deep breath before bending down to match the girl’s height level.
“Hi, I’m Theodore,” he says, offering her a small smile. “What’s your name?”
“My name’s C/N,” she says. “Do you like lions?”
“I love lions,” he chuckles before looking up at you, only to see you smiling too. “Why do you ask? Are lions your favorite animal?”
“Yes! I think they are big and loud,” she squeals. “They are big cats!”
“I think you’re right,” he tells her. “I bet lions are bigger than the tallest building in the city.”
The little girl giggles, moving away from you and towards Theodore. “No, silly. Lions can’t be that big.”
Theodore taps his finger to his chin in thought. “Hm, they must be small then. I would need a magnifying glass to see them.”
Another squeal erupted from the child as she shook her head. “No! Not that tiny Theo- Theodorf.”
He chuckles. “Actually, it’s Theod—” he pauses. “You know what? How about you just call me, Theo?”
“Okay, Theo!”
The little girl looks up at you before tugging on your jacket.
“Can I go play on the swings?”
“Sure, baby,” you say, but she remains next to you, tugging on your jacket once more. “What’s wrong?”
She glances at Theodore before mumbling to you, “Can Theo push me?”
“Ask him,” you smile encouragingly at her, and you watch as your boyfriend matches the smile.
“Theo?” She asks, looking bashfully at the man towering over her. “Can you push me on the swings, please?
“Sure, sweetheart. I’d be honored,” he says.
The child lets out a ‘yes’ as she pumps her fist high into the air and takes off towards the swing set. Theodore and you both let out a laugh as he takes a few steps forward to greet you.
“Hey,” he says when he’s finally in front of you.
“Hi,” you wrap your arms around his waist. “Thank you.”
His eyebrows furrow together as he tangles his arms around you too. “For what?”
“For being you. For being so great with her. Seriously, I think she loves you already.”
“No need to thank me, Y/N,” he says. “She is…absolutely incredible. I see why you adore her so much. However, I am glad to have you for a moment.”
“Oh, yeah? And why’s that?”
“Because I can do this,” he leans down and captures your lips in a kiss. Before you can really start to return the kiss, you hear a small voice yelling from behind you.
“Hello? Theo, come push!”
You break apart, chuckling, and walk hand-in-hand over to the swig-set to greet your daughter. As Theodore picks up the child and places her on the swing, he listens to her giggles and mindless chatter, not believing he was actually nervous about this moment earlier.
He thinks he’s going to like this new chapter in his life quite a lot.
The next milestone comes months later when he asks you both to stay over. The movie you were watching—Nemo, he thinks—came to an end; he could see exhaustion pour through your features—your eyes threatening to close any minute. He wasn’t sure if spending the night was something you’d be comfortable with yet, especially with your daughter around. He surely didn’t want to rush either one of you.
“Y/N,” he says quietly, glancing over at the four-year-old who’s already passed out between you. “She’s already sleeping, and you look like you will be soon. Why don’t you, if you want to, of course, stay over tonight?”
He watches your face closely for any signs of discomfort, but he only sees you smile softly at him while nodding.
“Sure, if it’s not too much trouble,” you say. “Where will C/N sleep?”
“Don’t worry; you can put her in the guest room. If she needs anything, we’ll be right next door.”
Theodore stands up from the couch, stretching out his limbs from the prolonged sitting. He turns off the TV and gathers up the dishes from earlier’s dinner as you pick up your daughter and head towards the guest room.
After putting the plates in the sink, he heads in the same direction. He finds you placing the little girl onto the bed gently, careful not to wake her up. Little eyes flutter open anyways, as she tiredly glances around the unfamiliar room.
"Where are we?“
"We’re still at Theodore’s. We’re going to sleep here tonight, is that okay?”
She nods, eyes already drooping once more. You place a kiss on her forehead before moving to tuck her into the bedding.
“Hey,” Theodore says, quietly stepping into the room. “Do you think I can tuck her in tonight? Is- is that overstepping boundaries?”
“Not at all,” you smile. You make sure it’s okay with your daughter before placing one last kiss on her forehead and stepping aside to let your boyfriend do the honors.
“Are you all ready for bed?” He asks.
“Yes. Theo?”
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Are we going to live here now?”
“No, you’re going to go back home tomorrow,” he reassures her. “we’re just having a sleepover tonight.”
“But I like being here wif you,” she grins, sleepily. “Can I say a secret?”
He chuckles lightly, his heart filling with warmth. “Sure.”
“My mommy likes you,” she whispers, although not very well. He can hear you laugh from the doorway behind you, and that makes him smile in response.
“Well, you can tell your mommy that I like her too.”
“Really, you do?”
He nods at the little girl, and the corners of her mouth fly up into a smile.
“Can I say ‘nother secret?”
She doesn’t wait for his response; she only grabs him by his white pajama shirt and yanks as hard as her little arms would let her until his face is next to hers.
“I want you to stay wif us,” she says, placing a quick kiss on Theodore’s cheek before turning over in the bed to go to sleep.
Theodore could feel everything in the room stop as those words left the child’s mouth. He wills his eyes to stay dry, not wanting to scare the girl or make her think she’s said something wrong. He only pulls the blanket around her tiny figure, making sure she’s secured in the bed before flipping off the light and leaving the room with you.
As soon as you both enter his bedroom, he turns to you. “Did you hear that? Did you hear what she said?”
“I did,” you tell him, trying to keep your emotions in check too. “She’s getting attached to you. I didn’t expect it to happen this soon.”
“I feel the same way,” he says, adjusting his glasses out of habit. “When I was with Catherine, we talked about having kids. We were both just so busy with our writing, and to her, nothing she ever did was good enough. So, when it came to kids, being a mother was just another thing she struggled with picturing. With C/N, not that she is my kid or anything, but I just feel like I matter to her. She’s only four, so maybe it’s just in my head.”
“It’s not,” you reach your hand up to run your fingers through his short, curly locks. “She adores you. I can see it. I know I say it all the time, but I really, really want to thank you for being here.”
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” he smiles and leans in to connect your lips. He moves his mouth slowly over yours, capturing your bottom lip between his teeth. He can still taste the remnants of earlier’s champagne with a hint of what makes you, you. He adores the way your mouth fits perfectly with his, and the way you make him feel just by a simple kiss or touch. He’s absolutely, one hundred percent completely, in love with you. The hard part now was telling you that.
Theodore knew as soon as he woke up in the morning that it was going to be an awful day. Since the night you and your daughter had stayed over for the first time, you both had become a frequent fixture in the Twombly house— often sleeping over, spending the day together, or just coming over for a movie.
However, you had called him this morning and told him that work was keeping you busy tonight, and you and the little girl might not be able to make it over that day. Although he understood, his mood was undoubtedly ruined. On his way to Beautiful Handwritten Letters, he receives his second call from you that morning—this time, asking him for a favor.
“I’m sorry to bother you, Theo; I know you’re on your way to work,” you say before explaining to him the situation. “Apparently, there was a fight at her preschool. Can you please go pick her up? I’m so sorry to ask, but I can’t leave work.”
“No, it’s totally okay. I’ll just let Paul know I won’t be in, and go right over. Will they let me pick her up since I’m not her dad?”
“Yeah, I told them you were coming. Thank you so much; I’m sorry again.”
“Stop apologizing, I really don’t mind,” he says over the phone. “I’ll let you know when we’re back at my place.”
When he arrives at the preschool, his eyes travel over the cement walls filled with crayon drawings and messy paintings, to the colored desks, and cluttered play areas. A man with shaggy black hair and brown eyes waves him over to where he’s standing with C/N, who has quite the dejected look on her face.
“You must be Theodore; I’m Mr. Conrad,” the older man says. Before Theodore can move to introduce himself, the little girl flies out of the teachers’ grasp and bolts towards him.
“Theo! You’re here,” her tiny bottom lip pushes out as tears spill down her cheeks like waves. She crashes into his legs, and he slides his hands under her arms to lift her up, bouncing her gently on his hip.
“What’s wrong, lion?” He asks, using the nickname he had given her because of her knowledge of the animal.
“Don’t be mad,” she cries. “I didn’t mean to play wif him.”
“I won’t be mad,” he assures her, rubbing soothing circles on her back. “Tell me what happened.”
“I played wif this boy, but- but he didn’t want to play. He said I was stupid. Am I stupid, Theo?”
Theodore’s heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces as the girls’ tears dripped down her cheeks, and her broken voice uttered those offensive comments.
“No, sweetheart. You aren’t stupid,” he cooed, gently rubbing his finger over her cheeks to catch the tears. “You are super smart. Who knows so much about lions?”
“I do,” she murmurs sniffling.
“And who’s learning how to read really well?”
“And who thinks you’re the smartest little girl he’s ever met?”
“You,” she says, already knowing the answer. Theodore offers her a smile and nods.
“Yep. I think you must be smart. You’re probably the smartest person in the whole world.”
The little girl bursts into a giggle. “No, Theo. You’re fibbing.”
He shakes his head, confidently. “I am not!”
Her giggles continue as he jokes about sending her away to “smart people camp.”
The teacher watches with a fond smile, playfully interjecting with a few jokes of his own at times. This dynamic continues until every last tear has been shed and dried up.
“Are you ready to go?” Theodore questions, resuming his previous action of bouncing the little girl on his hip. “Do you want to go to mommy’s house or my house?”
“Your house!”
Both adults laugh, and Theodore bids the teacher goodbye after the man promises to set up a parent-teacher conference to address the events that transpired.
“I think the smartest person in the whole world deserves a treat after today,” he tells the girl in his arms as they leave the school.
“Ice-cream,” he says, recoiling as high-pitched squeals fill his ears. “Just don’t tell your mommy I let you have some before dinner.”
You, obviously, found out about the ice-cream. It turns out, your little girl isn’t so keen on keeping her mouth shut. As soon as your feet cross the threshold of Theodore’s apartment, C/N’s mouth starts moving faster than light to try and unravel the day’s events.
“Then, we got ice-cream!”
You raise your eyebrows at Theodore, and he shrugs, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. “My bad.”
“And before dinner,” you whine facetiously. “Really, Theodore?”
“She asked! How could I say no to my cute little lion?”
“I didn’t ask, Theo. You said we would get treat,” the child grins up at the green-eyed man next to her, exposing his lie.
You smirk at the pair, watching as your boyfriend glares teasingly at your daughter.
“I can’t believe you told your mommy that,” he says before looking at you, offering you his best puppy dog face. “Sorry.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” you warn him, your eyes shining with adoration.
Theodore falters. Surely you didn’t mean to say those three little words; he wouldn’t blame you for accidentally rambling them out as you joked around.
“You love me?”
Even before the words finish leaving his mouth, he knows the answer. Your eyes are sparkling a similar shine held for gazing at your daughter, only now it was directed at him too. He sees a glimpse of panic cross over your features, but it’s gone as quickly as it came once his lips curved upwards into a beaming smile.
“I do. I love you,” you say, eyes wet with unshed tears. Theodore’s eyes gloss over too, as he thinks back to the last person he used those three words on—Samantha. He knew you were better. He knew you wouldn’t hurt him. He knew you were the one. So, he did the only thing he could think of.
“I love you too.”
Screams can be heard all around the store as tiny feet rush around to put their hands on whatever they can grab. It was nearing Christmas time, and past Theodore felt it was an acceptable idea to take C/N to Toys-R-Us. Present Theodore did not agree.
The little girl bounces from aisle to aisle, pointing at every toy that piques her interest. Theodore pushes the cart alongside her, while you trudge close by, looking down at your fingers.
“What’s wrong?
You glance up to see Theodore’s eyes no longer on the long stretch in front of him. Instead, they are focused on you.
"Nothing,” you reassure him. “Just looking at the ring.”
Your fingers trace over the diamond ring, smiling as the events of last weekend resurface in your head. It was your daughter’s birthday, nearly six months after your first 'I love you’s’ were uttered, when Theodore brought you aside after the party.
“I know this isn’t your birthday, but you work really hard,” Theodore said. “I love you so much, Y/N. I wasn’t sure if I was going to feel this way ever again before I met you. I was convinced I had felt true love with Catherine and Samantha, and maybe I did in a way. But nothing compares to the pure, and utter happiness I feel with you. I want that to last a lifetime; so, lion and I got you a little gift too.”
The small girl skips over to Theodore; he hoists her up into his arms, and she leans over to you and sets a small box into your waiting fingers.
“Open it, mommy!”
Theodore watches nervously as you carefully prop open the box, a small sob escaping your lips as you see the contents inside.
“Marry me,” Theodore mutters, just loud enough for you to hear.
“Yes. Oh my God, yes,” you choke out, chuckling out of disbelief. Your eyes meet, and Theodore’s smile grows twice it’s size as he slides the ring onto your finger.
That will be a moment you never get over, and never fully recover from. The sheer happiness you feel just by thinking about your future with Theodore is enough to make the tears threaten to appear.
“I know, it’s beautiful,” Theodore jokes, nodding towards the ring. You shove him playfully and resist the urge to kiss him right in the middle of the store.
“Mommy! Theo! Look!" 
You both turn towards the voice but are met with a massive stuffed lion in place of the little girl. Theodore chuckles as she attempts to poke her head around the toy to gape up at the pair.
"I found a big lion!”
“He’s as big as you baby,” you smile at your daughter, who’s still attempting to carry the overly-humungous plush.
“Can I take him home?”
“Christmas is coming up,” you remind her. “We’re only looking for gifts you might want.”
“But mommy,” she whines. “What if he’s gone then?”
“They’ll restock,” you say.
“What is restock?”
“It means they’ll bring more lions to the store when they run out,” Theodore explains. The little girl doesn’t seem satisfied with that answer. Her lips start trembling, and her eyes soon filled with tears.
“But, Theo, this is the one I want. What if someone takes him?”
Her small cries become louder, so Theodore takes the lion out of her tight grip, sitting it down on the floor before kneeling in front of her.
“What if we make a deal?”
She sniffles, wiping her nose on her sleeve. “Like what?”
“Mommy and I will get this lion for you since this is the one you want, but you have to wait until Christmas to play with him.”
“No! I need him now, Theo,” she hiccups.
“I hear you, sweetheart. We know that you want it. I bet the lion you picked out was the best one they had here, right?”
“Yeah,” she says quietly.
“We will take it home with us. You just have to be good, and you can have it for Christmas.”
You kneel next to your fiancé, wiping the tears off the little girls’ cheeks.
“You know what, baby? Christmas is only a few sleeps away,” you tell her. “You’d see him again really soon. You just have to be patient with mommy and Theo. Remember what Theo taught you about patience?”
You smile, moving to stand up with Theodore. “Okay, so can we take the lion home and put him away until Christmas?”
“Okay, mommy.”
You both smile at each other triumphantly, and Theodore places the plush lion in the cart. You take ahold of the cart this time, as C/N holds her arms up to Theo, asking to be carried. He picks her up and struts after you down the aisle.
You both only get a few steps in when one of the employees nearby stops you both.
“I’m sorry if I overstep, but I have a new son; he was just born,” the young man says. “I’ve been worrying about how to handle certain situations, and toy buying was one of them. I overheard you guys, and I just wanted to say I think you handled it perfectly. You make great parents; she’s lucky to have a mom and dad like you.”
Theodore blushes at the comment, and neither one of you make an effort to correct the employee. Instead, you thank him and continue your journey to the cash register, sending loving glances to each other the rest of the way there.
When Theodore’s birthday arrives, the day is hectic for you and your daughter as you attempt to arrange the perfect 'family’ party for you three. Theodore insisted that you not plan anything; he really just wanted to stay home with his girls. And honestly, you wanted the same thing. So, that’s how you ended up on the couch all day, vegging out on cake and watching films until nightfall.
Although it wasn’t much, Theodore couldn’t have pictured a better day. His birthday, which was usually spent alone or with past flames, was now filled with love and laughter from his two favorite people in the world.
A few gifts were exchanged throughout the day. You had purchased him a new watch for him to wear, a blue button-up shirt, and a couple of other miscellaneous items that he loved. C/N had also gotten him a gift, but you were both saving it for the end of the night. When the time came, you led him to a chair and sat him down in it.
“Can I get a hint at least? I’m nervous,” he chuckles, and you lean down and place a lingering kiss on his lips. “If that’s your hint, I think I’m going to like this surprise.”
You roll your eyes at him before calling C/N over. She comes running with a yellow folder in her small hands, as well as a card. She reaches her hands out and gives them to Theodore.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he replies.
She holds her arms up, and he helps her climb onto his lap before tearing open the card.
You may not be my dad now, You were not at my birth. But I love you all the same. The greatest guy on Earth.
You call me little lion. And I don’t want that to stop. You make me feel at home, And I love you a whole lot.
You look at me with pride, Like I hung the stars and moon. You may not be my dad now, But will you be real soon?
Theodore finished reading the card, and he couldn’t stop the tears that cascaded down his pale cheeks.
“Did you and mommy write this together?”
“Yes! We wrote a nice letter, just like you do,” the little girl smiled proudly. “Open the folder!”
With shaky hands, he rips off the seal of the folder, pulling out the papers from inside.
“Adoption,” he breathes out, “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, Theo,” you chuckle, your own tears welling up at the sight. “We love you.”
“Don’t cry, daddy.”
Small hands pat his tear-stained face, as he holds back another small sob after hearing her call him dad.
“I’m okay, Lion. Just happy,” he says. “You really want me to be your daddy?”
“Yes! It will be the best ever!”
He keeps her held in his arms as he jumps up from the chair. He drops the papers onto the floor and twirls her around as she squeals.
“I love you, sweetheart,” he kisses her cheek before walking over to you. “And I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Theo.”
You beam at each other, and Theodore captures your lips, allowing himself to enjoy the feeling of your mouth on his own.
The little girl groans. “Mommy, daddy, stop kissing!”
He chuckles against your lips, pulling away reluctantly. Parenting may be hard some days; he learned that even before he became one. But, he knows with one hundred percent certainty, he wouldn’t trade any of this for a single thing in the universe.
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