#There's no attached cabin BTW (unless people want one-- I can make one!) so no pressure there either.
yvesdot · 2 years
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Are you doing Camp NaNoWriMo? Do you need a place to stay for the duration? Do transgender Victorian lesbians sound like good housemates?
Well, you should join HOUSE RAINIER, a Camp NaNo word-crawl-meets-RPG event in my server (colloquially known as the yvescord) starring the three main characters in KAY RAINIER, which I will doggedly be writing. Join a team, search for items, and gain stats in a completely non-canon Choose-Your-Own-Adventure side episode.
In this game, YOU choose what you write (or draw, or edit, or brainstorm), YOU choose when to participate (or spectate), and YOUR actions decide how many times Atlas calls Constantine a bitch. (There is a max of two.)
HOUSE RAINIER is low stakes, open to everyone, and completely on your own terms. Bring your friends! Reblog to spread the word! WELCOME TO HOUSE RAINIER!
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not-wholly-unheroic · 2 years
Do you ever wonder if Disney's hook has mommy issues? I mean hook went his whole life thinking his mom wouldn't be proud of him unless he was an epic pirate treasure hunter until his mom clarified she would've been proud not matter what he did. At least that's what I got from the Jake and the neverland pirates section of hooks wiki. Its a bit sus if ya ask me. (Im not saying mama hook is evil btw)
Oh, Hook absolutely has mommy issues. (So does Peter, for that matter.) Many versions of Hook touch on this at one point or another. For example, in the novel, when Hook is explaining to Smee what a mother is using the Neverbird and her eggs as an example, he seems on the verge of breaking. You get the impression that his voice is probably cracking as he speaks and there is a deep sadness there. Maybe he didn’t have much in the way of a mother figure. Maybe his mother wasn’t a good one. Or maybe she was great and he is mourning the fact that she isn’t alive anymore. We don’t know and Barrie never tells us. But there’s definitely something there. Especially given that the pirates seem to want to make Wendy their mother almost as much as the Lost Boys do. In Fox’s Peter Pan and the Pirates we learn that that version of Hook has a portrait of his mother (who he seems to care for very much) in his cabin. However, it remains covered at all times because apparently she’s very unattractive. (The audience never sees what exactly she looks like, but other characters react with gasps.) Hook is incredibly defensive of his mother’s portrait and she seems to be one of very few things that can bring out a moment of softness in him.
In all likelihood, Hook and Pan both have mommy issues because Barrie himself had some mommy issues. When his brother David passed away as a child due to an ice-skating accident, Barrie’s mother mourned him deeply to the point where Barrie would dress up in his brother’s clothes and pretend to BE his brother just to see his mother smile. Barrie himself wasn’t enough to rouse her from her depression. He had to take on his brother’s persona.
Disney’s Hook—particularly the Jake-verse which explores Hook’s personality pretty well for a kids’ show—seems to have some serious self-esteem issues and comes off as bully to make up for the fact that he feels far less confident than he actually is. Perhaps one might speculate he underwent something like Barrie did as a child and felt like he couldn’t live up to the perfect vision his mother had of another child who passed away. Mama Hook in the series seems to be a good person but a bit overbearing. That might have something to do with his self-esteem issues as well. Personally, I have a theory that Hook is very attached to his mother because he did NOT have a good relationship with his father (who we never meet). It is well known in psychology that experiencing long-term abuse as a child can severely impede one’s emotional development…and while I love Hook, there’s no denying that he can be emotionally very childish sometimes. Additionally, an absent parent can lead to abandonment issues, while a parent who is emotionally closed off and rarely offers praise or approval can lead to a child who feels they have to hide “weakness” and their anxiety comes off as anger and/or people pleasing. Hook, in my opinion, fits the bill for a lot of this…and it would explain why he’s so drawn to Smee as a sort of replacement for the father-figure in his life.
So yeah, Hook just has family issues in general. Poor guy needs a lifetime of therapy.
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mariesunflowerchild · 4 years
dating pernico would include: (PERCY JACKSON)
so..i kinda ship pernico now..lmao, it’s really cute but sadly won’t be canon,
so take these headcanons, :D
and yes, this is pernico x reader poly-
don’t @ me, 
also i literally head smashed my keyboard to come up with the name furuhani lmao 
warning, there is homophobia in this, if you can’t deal with a lgbtq+ couple being excluded, i suggest you don’t read this. 
also my next update’s probably gonna be an angst, can’t wait to write that- heheheheheh
requests are open btw, dm me for requests, 
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~so, you’re a year older than nico, and a year younger than percy.
~as an aphrodite kid, you look a bit older than you actually are, 
~most people assume you’re 16, maybe even 17.
~but then- once they get to know you, OHHH BOYY-
~you’re quite childish ngl, you absolutelu love board games and video games, just games in general,
~you came from an extremely wealthy family so, you had basically everything you could ever want.
~an xbox? you had it. tv? you had it, a phone? you had it.
~you didn’t get your father or step mother’s attention though,
~so you did have your issues.
~once you arrived at camp halfblood, you were ecstatic, 
~”i’m finally gonna meet people like me!”
~you became quite close with silena beauregard, she introduced you to annabeth.
~”hi, i’m [y/n]! it’s so nice to meet you!”
~later on annabeth introduced you to percy and grover,
~cue the lightning theif!
~you went on the quest, you were really useless ngl, but you were able to charm people into giving you money, so you guys could buy food.
~”wow [y/n], you’re manipulative.”
~”ehh, not really..i just wanna see us survive this.”
~you and percy became closer, staying up ‘till 12 am, and things of that nature.
~”yo, why is water tasteless?”
~”don’t look at me, i’m the son of the sea god, not the sea god.”
~once nico came along, you were attached to the hip.
~”i’m gonna sit this adventure out, make sure nico doesn’t get into trouble,”
~”oh okay..”
~percy was bummed out but, meh, they were already a large group.
~once he returned and told nico about bianca, you went after nico.
~you two went on adventures together! for like a year or two,
~once you guys were reunited with the squad, you couldn’t stop smiling,
~”oh my god, it’s been so long! god i missed you guys,”
~”we did too, believe it or not, it wasn’t as lively without you,”
~so, some time later, you and nico started going out-
~it was a wholesome relationship right, but..dun..dun..dUn
~nico had a crush on percy too!
~you were shocked, but you did too.
~”uhh..i kinda like him too.”
~”oh my god, we’re the same garbage.”
~ after the epic battle between kronos’ forces and camp halfblood, you and nico confessed to percy.
~”it might be weird, but. we both like you, like, like like, like you.”
~percy was SHOOOK.
~he nearly fainted,
~”i like you guys too, but aren’t you two together?”
~then, dun dunn! nico had the idea of a poly relationship 
~you were 100% onboard,
~all you needed was percy to be okay with it and boom! happily ever after.
~”i’m in,”
~lots of handholding,
~cuddles like, every other day.
~you guys have the messiest of cuddle piles, 
~”who’s arm is that?”
~”that’s mine.”
~”oh okay,”
~random hugs, and kisses-
~”you guys are too nice- oh my god-”
~even aphrodite herself ships you guys.
~”hm! this is the first time i’ve ever seen 3 halfbloods fall inlove! what a phenomenon!”
~some people hate though, smh.
~one time, you guys were at this high end restaurant with some of your mortal friends from primary, and the waitress skipped you guys, just because you were poly!
~”hi uhh, my boyfriends and i have been standing here for 15 minutes, and by the looks of it you’re not doing anything, can you please attend us?”
~you were so polite ngl, but this lady just, looked at you like, ‘bitch are u serious?’
~ “i’m sorry ma’am, but we’re packed,” 
~oh HELL NO, they weren’t packed, like at all. they had a bunch of tables open, this lady was being rude smh.
~”but..why are there tables open? can’t we sit there?” 
~nico was beginning to get impatient, percy took notice of this and put his arm on nico’s shoulder.
~if it wasn’t for you and percy, nico would’ve already bitch slapped the lady, he decided to cut to the chase and tell you why she wasn’t serving you guys.
~”she doesn’t want to let us in, cuz we’re poly.”
~you’re school friends over heard and demanded she let you guys pass, 
~”guys! it’s okay, we can just have takeout and watch a movie, this restaurant’s over-priced anyway.” 
~okay so like, even percy was pissed at this point, being the eldest he was protective over you two, (especially you ngl, you’re an aphrodite kid, your cabin doesn’t really do sports)
~nico whispered something in your ear, you had an evil idea. 
~“listen, ms. do you know who my father is?”
~the woman scoffed, 
“probably some low life drug addict if he raised a whore like you.”
~nico was seething with rage, and so was percy, even your friends were mad, they were quiet though, knowing what you were gonna do.
~”well, ms. my father is the C.E.O of furuhani enterprises, unless you want to be fired, and black listed; i suggest you let us in, and stop treating customers differently for their sexuality,”
~the woman paled, 
~”r..r..ight this way miss! please excuse my actions!” 
~nico, percy, and your friends were so proud of you 
~”that’s my girl!” nico and percy wrapped their arms around you, your friends awwed and smiled, perhaps this evening wasn’t completely bad. 
remember to please follow my tumblr and share! ^^ 
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shakesonaplane · 7 years
Throwback Blog Post: “Top 5 Airplane Personalities”
Season’s greetings my intrepid band of misfits. I hope the coming weeks bring some sort of wonderful holiday cheer and joyous good times. If you’re like me, you’re huddled around something warm right now as the Northern Hemisphere plunges into the cold abyss that is the winter (#brr). In my meandering on the internet and my old archives, I somehow stumbled upon a blog I wrote from back in College / University. In reading through my realized how frightfully embarrassing that whole thing is (not that this is any less embarrassing mind you), but I did find a gem that really brought a smile to my day.
So instead of some trip recap (and because I’m lazy), I’d like to offer you a throwback post from 2008 where I decided to tell the world that I’m a pathological liar when I travel. Given the upcoming increase in your travel plans, I figure what better time to remind everyone that airplanes are sincerely a fun place to make some new friends. So, without much further ado, I present an “anshubhaiyya” special from 9 years ago on how much I enjoyed messing with people on airplanes as a young adult.
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In case you’re wondering what I looked like in 2008 when I wrote all of this insanity (only things that haven’t changed are the hairy arms)
Hi I’m Ken Adams - Top 5 Airplane Personalities
I love airports…well, I take that back, I don’t like being in them when I’m in a rush or when I’ve just had my fourth cavity search, but I love to people watch. When you go to an airport, everyone is so busy and so hustled that people’s real, unfriendly selves come out. Whether its the angry mother with her four kids being rowdy, who she normally handles well but given the lack of Sesame Street or toys, she’s stuck keeping them occupied…or the busy business person who doesn’t seem to notice there are other people in lines or on escalators and always has a damn bluetooth headset attached (btw its funny to talk as the other part of their conversations and watch their reactions)…or the harassed traveler who is stuck in a place they don’t want to be because of weather and they’re either yelling or sleeping due to exhaustion from too much yelling…
But, when you get on that plane, you’re forced to sit and be nice to a person who is far too close for comfort…and if you’re like me you’re usually alone in traveling so you don’t know this woman/man and have to be cordial and polite for any amount of flight time while all you wish was that you could land and do something mildly interesting…..the best, though, is how people tend to strike up conversations with each other in order to make the time fly….maybe even asking thought provoking questions but usually just trying to keep the conversation going because, let’s face it…if you start and stop abruptly it’s just awkward
So, this guy sitting next to you on the flight, they don’t know you and chances are you’ll never meet them again….so what do I do? I lie….I make up who I am and where I’ve come from and what I’m doing because, to me, that’s more interesting…the more exciting you are the more fun you can have with people and in turn, the more fun they have….it’s fun to meet someone interesting, so much so that you feel better about your trip given a fun tidbit of information or a cool personality (see Fight Club)…
1) The Child Prodigy
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A lot of us like to travel as comfortable as possible, and in doing so we tend to wear shirts, hoodies or hats that have our school’s name on them….so usually a good way to start a conversation with this person is to see their age and ask, “oh do you go to school there?”…to which one can simply reply…”oh no, I actually teach”…the cover story I used was that I was a child prodigy and graduated high school at age 14, college at age 17 and got my Ph. D. last year (usually I’m about 21 or 22)…people are usually astounded and I say “no, it’s not that great, I don’t have tenure yet, just an assistant professor” and when asked about what you teach, make up some information about the last final or test you took and run with it….whether you’re an economics guru or a biological whiz or whatever…this one is always fun because the first look you get is the “what the hell?” look to which you can laugh and say “I know, sounds crazy…”
2) The identical twin
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This particular way doesn’t usually work, unless you sit next to someone who barely recognizes you (someone from school or an extracurricular or someone that hardly knows who you are)….this is actually what started, for me, the lying on airplanes…One day when I met a girl I recognized from high school debate (nerdy, yes), she ended up sitting next to me in the small hometown airport….she was a HUGE ass kisser/gunner/bitch/etc. but wanted to befriend me on the plane….she led with a “have we met”…so I countered with the “no, I’m sorry” and when she said I looked familiar and had I done debate I said, “oh, no that was my twin brother Abhishek….yeah my name is Neil, I didn’t do all that…he did”….after which I spoke about myself in the third person to her and just basically made up whatever I liked…where I went to school, how I was doing, what I had said about debate/her/Harvard (where she went)….sometimes talking about yourself as someone else to someone else who actually thinks they know your original self can be fun…write that down
3) The Arranged Marriage-er
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This one always kills because of the ethnic card I have…see being a young Indian man flying to and from random cities can get really annoying…people tend to glare at you, almost afraid you’re a ticking bomb…so when you sit down next to your John/Jane Doe…you start to fidget, act uncomfortable, and ultimately ask them if they’re married (it usually helps if they are)…when they reply, you start asking interesting, thought provoking questions about married life in America (accented is a plus), and ultimately end the line of questioning with…”well that was probably easier bc you met your spouse well before”…after they try to figure it out….you start with the ethnic barbaric nature so many people think exists….I’m only 22 but it’s a good marriage age…my parents found a wonderful person from India who is our caste and all the stars and signs agree we’re a great match…I’ve met her a few times but I’m on this plane to go to my wedding…they live in ______ (insert town) and basically I’m going to be married in a few days….then just sit back and watch as they ponder the crazy arrangements, they congratulate you, or they are shocked….my ultimate goal is to have a champagne toast or something with the cabin after several people hear about it…but yes, this is one of my favorite airplane personalities bc marriage makes people happy
4) The Professional Dancer
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This tends to work best if you’re flying to and from a major city….I first used this on a trip from LAX to Chicago…sometimes when people ask you what you’re doing in a certain city, this is a good way to go….it’s hard to be a professional singer or actor or athlete because more people will attempt to look for you or even know if you’ve been in certain things (unless you want to be totally aspiring but that’s no fun)…so I went the dancer route…you’re traveling from your home in City A to a concert in City B for _______ (insert obscure musician) in which you’re a backup dancer….you can start talking about influences, styles and even tell the person of where they might’ve seen you (“If you ever see a video with a group called N’Sync…called Pop, I was in the background of the ____ scene)…then you can start talking about the business, people you know, potential sexualities….it’s always quite fun
5) The Young Entreprenuer
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Sometimes you find yourself sitting on flights and you’re dressed better than you should….you might be wearing a suit or just a nicer outfit than most and we all tend to own nice electronics like iPods and things…so this one I’ve devised on a trip back from NYC when I changed into my only clean (but very dressy) clothing…go with what you like but I tend to start my young millionaire personality as an online store that sells something really random…chairs are a good one, also random software, designer kitchenware, video gamer sites…basically anything that most people wouldn’t look at as millionaire making….when people ask what you do you say, oh well I’m just outta college but I’m working on my company, which I started in HS…right now we’re private but we’re getting enough buzz to warrant publicly selling to google/ebay/apple, whatever…basically running with the idea that you’re set for life and all you want to do is make more money…it’s always a good idea to have a company name in mind in case, but usually you can be small enough to be under the radar of most people….being a young millionaire can be fun too, because you can talk about the dream cars you own, the trips you’ve taken and, if you have an elderly person, it’ll melt their heart if you say you’ve made it so you’re parents don’t have to work anymore…
…Just to let you know, I don’t think lying is a great thing to do…the idea is that having fun is important and this person who you’ll never see again will only understand you as that interesting person they met on a plane….in a way you’ll brighten their day…people usually live their lives in such an ordinary, routine and mundane fashion that a little spark is always fun….so if you get away with your personality, you’ve made someone’s day more interesting and made yours more fun…it’s a win-win….
Well, that was generally an odd experience to re-read :) Hope you enjoyed that little trip down memory lane and have some fun ideas for what you’d like to do on your next holiday travel flight. Next year I’ll be back with loads more travel and hopefully some great stories to go along with them. Till then, Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever it is you celebrate!
Cheers (and, for the throwback, jsk)! Abhishek
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