#These sort of soft colours are such a sweet aesthetics
knightmareaceblue · 8 months
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Cyberweek 2024 Day Two: Science
Time travel is one of my favourite sci-fi tropes, so there wasn't any chance of me choosing anything else. Painting this thing was surprisingly relaxing, despite how complex the device is.
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kozachenko · 1 year
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So last night I got the idea to do my own design of Doremy Sweet and I am so happy with how it turned out omg.
Artists note below:
My main sources of inspiration were dreamcore aesthetics, Rayman (never played the game but I like the design of the main character), the ENA series on Youtube (tbh IDK how much that influence did show in the design, it's more of the general vibes of that series) and by proxy a lot of Oliver Bucklands music which I listened to while drawing this. As I was doing the hands, I was also reminded of Welcome Home, mainly cuz they were soft round muppet hands and I kinda liked that. Much like what I did when doing my own design of Hisami, I made Doremys features very simplified, giving her a simple line for her nose and blacking out the eyes. I think it gives a really neat inhuman/alien like quality to a characters face. I wanted to lean into rounder and softer shapes with Doremys design. I would definitely say that this is a mix between her LoLK design and her AoCF design, as I really like the shapes present in her AoCF design so thats the one I took the most inspiration from (also the comically large hat), but I also like some of the details in her LoLK design. I noticed that a reoccurring motif in dreamcore aesthetics are eyes, eyes everywhere, heck even in the beginning stages of the design I knew I wanted to make the little pom poms on her dress eyes. It adds a little bit of irony to the design where the character associated with dreams and sleeping has a bunch of open eyes on her dress (lol). Also, I wanted her tail to sort of extend out and wrap around the bottom half of her hat cuz I thought that was cute. I wanted to detach the hands and feet to once again bring in an etherial feeling into the design. I also found a really nice colour pallete that I wanted to use, but the red of her hat was an addition by me to bring back an element from her original design. I also did two versions of the drawing where one of them has shading and the other doesn't.
Fun fact, when I introduced a friend to Touhou, they wanted to play the hardest game first (which was LoLK) and now they are terrified of Doremy :D
Also this is in complete contrast to the last drawing I did of Doremy Sweet lmaoooo
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Styling Mr. Styles Series Masterlist.
word count - 5.7k
authors note - hiya! welcome to my first series, i hope you all enjoy!! this may not be the best thing you have ever read as i’m still fairly new to this whole thing but please go easy on me, i’m hoping my writing will improve as more chapters come out <3
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in which, harry is in desperate need of a hair stylist, so when his good friend recommends you, with a lot of persuasion you decide to take the job. having no idea what the future will have in store for you and for him.
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In the vibrant world of music, the boys of One Direction found themselves backstage in Montreal for the Canadian leg of their tour, amidst a flurry of activity. The air crackled with anticipation as the stage crew scurried around, meticulously preparing every detail for the upcoming concert.
It was going to be a big one.
Amidst the organised chaos, the distant sound of the Icona Pop, the support act reverberated through the corridors. Melodies filled the air, intertwining with the excited chatter of fans and the occasional burst of laughter from the boys themselves.
Backstage was a sight to behold—a tapestry of colours, textures, and energy. The walls were adorned with posters, reflecting the band's journey and connecting the present moment with their glorious past. Soft lighting bathed the area, casting a warm glow on the bustling crew members, who moved with purpose and precision.
Equipment was meticulously arranged, wires coiling like serpents as they connected instruments, amplifiers, and soundboards. The hum of machinery and the occasional clink of metal blended harmoniously with the distant soundcheck, creating a symphony of backstage ambiance.
As the boys prepared themselves for the stage, their tour crew darted around, ensuring their attire was impeccable. Mirrors became portals to self-reflection, as each member meticulously adjusted their appearance, adding the final touches that would captivate the waiting audience.
The aroma of fresh coffee mingled with the sweet fragrance of flowers and cologne, creating a unique backstage scent that lingered in the air. And amid this vibrant backdrop, the energy surged, fueled by the shared excitement and the knowledge that magic was about to unfold before a sea of devoted fans.
In this atmosphere, the boys of One Direction found solace and camaraderie. They shared laughter, words of encouragement, and the unspoken bond that had been forged through years of shared dreams and experiences. Amidst the buzzing energy and the carefully orchestrated chaos, they stood united, ready to embark on another unforgettable journey on the stage they called home.
And so, against the backdrop of a backstage aesthetic, the boys prepared themselves for their performance, drawing strength from the charged atmosphere and the unwavering support of their dedicated team.
Harry Styles, with his shoulder-length, tousled hair, caught Liam's eye as he playfully ruffled his locks.
Liam's brow furrowed with concern as he approached his bandmate. "Hey, Haz, something troubling you, mate?"
Harry's gaze met Liam's, a hint of frustration in his expression. "You know, Li, it's getting warm right here, isn't it? And m’hair ain't helping none. It's like a bloomin' sauna on me 'ead!"
Liam chuckled softly, understanding the struggle. "Ah, I get you, mate. Can't have them curls wilting under the heat, can we?"
Harry nodded earnestly. "Exactly! I've been thinkin'... maybe it's time for a trim. A little snip-snip to keep it manageable, yeah?"
Not a huge trim, just something to sort out the humidity his head was currently experiencing.
As they chatted and laughed, Niall glanced over at Harry's shoulder-length curls and playfully teased, "Ey, Hazza, ya know what? I reckon you should get yourself a personal hair stylist just for you!"
That didn’t sound like such a bad idea.
Harry raised an eyebrow, amused by the suggestion. "Oh, really? And why's that, Nialler?"
Niall grinned, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously. "Well, mate, your hair's a lot longer than mine or Li and Lou’s, but it's still a fair bit to manage, innit? Plus, with all the styling and primping we do before every show, you deserve someone who can give your lovely curls the special attention they need!"
That was true, the band did have a hair stylist and her name was Lou Teasedale. She was good, don’t get Harry wrong but he needed someone who could do a bit more than just some hairspray and a brush.
Louis chimed in, nodding enthusiastically. "Absolutely! Besides, you're our resident style icon, Haz. Having a personal hair stylist would only enhance your legendary image!"
That was true.
Harry chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "You've got a point there, lads. I do love m’hair, and sometimes it can be a bit of a handful. Having someone who knows how to handle it just right would be fantastic."
Liam, ever the practical one, added, "Well, it's settled then. We'll find you a talented stylist who can cater to your hair's needs and make sure it's always looking its best."
As they exchanged ideas and banter, their dear friend and renowned hair stylist, Lou Teasdale, entered the room, cradling her four-year-old daughter, Lux, in her arms.
A playful grin adorned her face as she overheard the boys chatting about Harry's hair.
"Ey, what's all this fuss about Harry's hair then?" Lou chimed in, her voice filled with a teasing tone.
Startled by her sudden appearance, the boys turned their attention to Lou, a mix of surprise and delight on their faces. "Lou! Didn't expect to see you here with Lux," Liam exclaimed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Lou smirked, adjusting Lux in her arms. "Just thought we'd drop by and see what's happenin'. And it seems I've arrived just in time for some serious hair talk."
Harry chuckled, running his fingers through his tousled locks. "Seems like my hair's become the center of attention today. What do you think, Lou?"
Lou's eyes twinkled mischievously as she leaned against a nearby chair. "Oh, you know how it goes, Hazza. Can't have One Direction without some major hair game. But speaking of which, I've got someone in mind who can take your locks to the next level."
The boys leaned in, their curiosity piqued. "Alright, Lou, spill the beans. Who's the lucky stylist?" Louis asked, a grin spreading across his face.
Lou flashed a sly smile. "Well, her name's (Y/N), and she's a real gem. Works at this quaint little salon in London. I've known her for years, and let me tell ya, she's got the skills to pay the bills."
Niall raised an eyebrow. "Skills, huh? What makes her so special, Lou?"
Lou's voice was filled with admiration as she spoke. "Oh, lads, where do I begin? (Y/N) knows her stuff, no doubt about it. But what sets her apart is that she's one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Genuine, down-to-earth, and always up for a laugh."
Harry's interest was piqued, a smile tugging at his lips. "So, she's not just a talented stylist, but she's an all-around great person?"
Lou nodded, a playful glint in her eyes. "Absolutely, Hazza. She's looking to spread her wings a bit, gain more experience, and I thought she'd fit right in with our crazy crew. Plus, I reckon she'll give your hair that extra touch of magic."
The boys exchanged excited glances, the thought of having someone skilled and easygoing on board filling them with anticipation. Harry beamed. "Well, if she's as amazing as you say, Lou, I'm all for it. Let's reach out to (Y/N) and see if she's up for the challenge."
And so, with Lou's recommendation and their shared enthusiasm, the boys embarked on a mission to connect with (Y/N), the talented stylist from the bustling streets of London. The prospect of bringing her aboard their wild journey filled them with excitement and the promise of even more unforgettable hair moments.
After an exhilarating performance that left the crowd in awe, Harry and the boys of One Direction stepped off the stage, their energy still electrifying the air around them. Sweat glistened on their foreheads, testament to the passion and intensity they had poured into their show.
As they made their way towards the backstage area, they were met with a wave of congratulations from the dedicated tour crew. Hands clapped on their backs, voices filled with excitement and pride. The energy was infectious, an outpouring of admiration for a job well done.
Harry's face lit up with a radiant smile, his eyes sparkling with gratitude. He exchanged high-fives and heartfelt hugs, expressing his appreciation to the crew members who had worked tirelessly to ensure a flawless show. Their camaraderie was a testament to the tight-knit family they had become on the road.
But amidst the jubilant celebration, Harry turned to his bandmates, a sense of urgency in his eyes. "Hey, lads, I need to have a quick chat with Katie," he explained, his voice filled with determination. "I'll catch up with you in the car in just a bit, alright?"
His bandmates nodded, understanding the need for his timely conversation. They exchanged knowing glances, a mixture of curiosity and excitement in their expressions. With a pat on Harry's back, they bid him farewell, allowing him to venture off to seek Katie's guidance.
Harry manoeuvred through the bustling backstage area, a trail of vibrant memories and shared triumphs lingering in his wake. The hum of excitement filled the air as the crew members continued to revel in the success of the show, their cheers echoing in his ears.
With each step, Harry's anticipation grew. He knew Katie, the tour manager, held the key to transforming his desires into reality. She was the one who could orchestrate the logistical magic necessary to fulfil his request. And he had an inkling that his conversation with her would set a plan into motion, a plan that would bring about a new chapter for his hair and his journey as an artist.
As he neared Katie's office, his heart beat a little faster. The moment was ripe with possibility and the promise of change. And with a deep breath, Harry stepped through the door, ready to embark on the next phase of his hair transformation journey, knowing that his conversation with Katie would pave the way for the exciting path that lay ahead.
With a determined knock on Katie's office door, Harry waited for her response, anticipation bubbling within him. The door swung open, revealing Katie, the tour manager, engrossed in her work.
Katie glanced up, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Harry! Come on in. What can I do for you, love?"
Harry stepped into the office, his voice filled with eagerness. "Hey, K, I've been thinking... about what the boys said earlier. And I reckon it's time I have my own personal hair stylist."
Katie had overheard parts of the conversation and just before the boys were about to go on stage, she pulled Harry aside quickly and told him that it may be a good idea, that if he wanted to talk he should come to her if there’s any questions about how to go about it.
Katie raised an eyebrow, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Oh, really? You want to take your hair game up a notch, huh?"
Harry nodded, his curls bouncing with enthusiasm. "Absolutely, K. The boys were onto something. I want someone who can help me take care of my hair, bring out its best, and try out new styles. Just like we do with the music."
Katie leaned back in her chair, considering his request. "Well, if that's what you want, Haz, then you'll have to go and see her. If you want a personal hair stylist, it's time to make it happen.”
His eyes widened with excitement, a grin spreading across his face. "Y’mean, you'll support me on this?"
Katie smirked mischievously, reaching for the phone on her desk. "Of course, Haz. If you're serious about having your own stylist, then I'm here to make it happen. Just give me a moment."
With a sense of determination, Katie dialed a number, a glint of anticipation in her eyes. "Paul, it's Katie. I need you to come to my office, please. It's urgent."
Within moments, Paul, the head of security, arrived at the office, a puzzled expression on his face. "Katie, what's going on? Is everything alright?"
Katie motioned for Paul to take a seat, her excitement barely contained. "Everything's perfectly fine, Paul. I just have a little request that involves you and the security team."
Paul raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "A request? Alright, spill the beans, Katie. What's this about?”
Katie leaned forward, her voice brimming with excitement. "When we head to Europe, I want you to clear Harry's schedule for a day. We've got a special appointment lined up for him."
A smile crept across Paul's face as he caught onto Katie's plan. "Ah, I see. A special appointment, eh? Well, let's hear it then. Who's he going to see?"
Katie's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "He's going to visit a hair salon in Hampshire, and meet (Y/N), the stylist the Lou recommended. We want to give Harry the chance to have his own personal hair transformation."
Paul grinned, his excitement matching Katie's. "Ah, I get it now! Well, if that's what the lad wants, then consider it done. I'll coordinate with the security team and ensure everything goes smoothly."
Harry's face beamed with joy, gratitude welling up in his heart for his supportive team. "Thank you! Thank you!”
Katie chuckled, her eyes gleaming. "You're welcome, Haz. We're here to support your creative vision, and if this is what you want, then we're all in. Get ready for a hair transformation like no other!"
With plans set in motion and an agreement among them, Harry left Katie's office, a spring in his step. The thought of meeting (Y/N) and experiencing a personal hair transformation filled him with an overwhelming sense of excitement. As he walked back towards the waiting car, his mind whirled with possibilities and visions of the new looks that awaited him.
The vibrant energy of the backstage area enveloped Harry as he made his way through the corridors. The crew members he encountered congratulated him once again on the outstanding show, their words fueling his anticipation for the upcoming salon visit.
Reaching the coach, Harry found his bandmates waiting, their eyes gleaming with curiosity. They couldn't contain their excitement any longer and bombarded him with questions.
"Hazza, what did Katie say? Are they really letting you see (Y/N)?" Louis exclaimed, a grin stretching across his face.
Harry beamed, his heart filled with gratitude for the support of his friends. "Yes, lads! Katie and Paul are on board. They've cleared my schedule when we head to Europe so I can go and see (Y/N)."
Niall's eyes widened with excitement. "That's brilliant, mate! I can already imagine the incredible hairstyles she'll create for you."
Liam chimed in, his voice filled with anticipation. "I can't wait to see the transformation, Harry. Your hair is going to be even more legendary."
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The moment one stepped into the quaint Hampshire salon, a symphony of sounds and a feast for the senses enveloped them. The air carried the gentle hum of hair dryers, creating a rhythmic harmony with the soft snip-snip of scissors diligently at work. Amidst the buzz, the warm and inviting ambiance was further elevated by the soft strains of classical music that wafted from hidden speakers, casting a soothing spell upon the space.
As customers entered, their eyes were drawn to the bustling scene before them. Behind the front desk, Kyle, the owner of the salon, meticulously attended to the administrative tasks on his computer, his focused demeanor a testament to his dedication. His passion for the craft emanated from him, infusing the salon with an air of creativity and professionalism.
The salon itself was a sight to behold, designed with meticulous attention to detail. The walls adorned with elegant artwork and vintage mirrors, reflecting the soft glow of warm lighting. The combination of earthy tones and pops of vibrant colors created an atmosphere that was both trendy and inviting, a sanctuary for self-care and beauty.
Amongst the stations, where skilled stylists worked their magic, was Clarissa. Her disinterest was palpable as she sat behind a station, her attention consumed by her phone, seemingly unbothered by the customers around her. It was a stark contrast to the warm and engaging environment crafted by Kyle and the rest of the team.
Yet, despite the lack of interaction from Clarissa, the salon thrived with an undeniable aesthetic. The atmosphere buzzed with creative energy and a sense of community, where customers and stylists alike found solace and inspiration. The scent of fresh hair products mingled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, creating a sensory experience that was as comforting as it was invigorating.
Within this picturesque setting, (Y/N) stood out like a gentle star. Her shy demeanour and anxious nature were almost imperceptible amidst the vibrancy of the salon. With a constant smile on her face, she worked her magic, transforming hair with precision and care. Her presence added an extra layer of warmth and a touch of magic to the already aesthetic environment, captivating those around her.
As clients settled into the plush salon chairs, entrusting their locks to the skilled hands of the stylists, they were enveloped by a sense of tranquillity. The combination of the symphony of salon sounds, the visual splendour, and the dedicated professionals working with passion created a sanctuary where beauty and self-expression flourished.
In this realm of artistry, where style and innovation harmoniously danced, the salon became a haven, an aesthetic oasis where one could escape the world for a brief moment and emerge transformed, both outwardly and within.
Amongst the energetic ambiance, (Y/N) meticulously worked her magic, her hands gracefully maneuvering through a client's hair. As she cut and styled, she engaged in a conversation, her shy and anxious nature subtly evident.
With a soft smile, (Y/N) focused her attention on the woman whose hair she was transforming. "H-hello, Mrs. Thompson. How are you feeling today? Are you ready for a new look?"
Mrs. Thompson smiled warmly, her eyes filled with trust. "Oh, hello, (Y/N). I'm excited for a change! I'm putting my trust in you, dear. You always do wonders with hair."
(Y/N)'s fingers trembled slightly as she combed through Mrs. Thompson's hair, her voice hesitant. "T-thank you, Mrs. Thompson. I appreciate your trust. Let's discuss what you have in mind."
As Mrs. Thompson described her desired hairstyle, (Y/N)'s anxiety became more palpable, causing her words to stumble. "S-so, you want a bob with layers, right? I-I can definitely do that for you."
Mrs. Thompson nodded, her confidence in (Y/N)'s abilities unwavering. "Yes, that's right, (Y/N). I believe in you. You have such a talent for creating beautiful hairstyles."
(Y/N)'s smile grew, her voice softening further. "Th-thank you, Mrs. Thompson. I'll do my best to give you the look you want.."
As (Y/N) began cutting, her hands displayed steady precision despite the underlying nervousness. She engaged in conversation, her voice often faltering with hesitation. But her dedication to her craft shone through as she meticulously crafted each layer and brought Mrs. Thompson's vision to life.
Mrs. Thompson watched the transformation unfold in the mirror, her eyes filled with admiration. "You're doing an amazing job, (Y/N). I can see your passion and dedication in every movement."
(Y/N)'s cheeks flushed, her voice barely above a whisper. "Th-thank you, Mrs. Thompson. Your words mean a lot to me. I'm glad you're happy with it."
With a soft smile, (Y/N) once again focused her attention on the woman whose hair she was transforming "S-so, how are you liking the new style, Mrs. Thompson?"
Mrs. Thompson, a kind-hearted and chatty woman, gazed at herself in the mirror, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Oh, (Y/N), I absolutely love it! You're a true artist. You always know just how to make me feel beautiful."
A gentle blush graced (Y/N)'s cheeks as she thanked Mrs. Thompson, her voice slightly faltering. She was known for her attention to detail and the care she put into each client's hair. Yet, despite her talent, (Y/N) carried a timid demeanour, often hesitating and stuttering when speaking to people.
Mrs. Thompson, noticing (Y/N)'s reserved nature, continued, her voice filled with warmth and understanding. "You know, (Y/N), you have such a gift. You bring more than just skill to this salon—you bring kindness and genuine care for your clients. It's one of the reasons I keep coming back."
(Y/N) lowered her gaze, a mix of gratitude and anxiety washing over her. "Th-thank you, Mrs. Thompson. Y-your words mean a lot to me."
As the blow dryer whirred and the scissors glide through Mrs. Thompson's hair, (Y/N)'s shyness seemed to melt away, replaced by a deep sense of dedication. She may be hesitant with her words, but her work spoke volumes.
Despite her anxious disposition, (Y/N) wore a constant smile, channelling her passion and love for her craft into every hairstyle she created. Each snip, each brush stroke was executed with precision, leaving a trail of satisfied clients in her wake.
As Mrs. Thompson admired her new look in the mirror, (Y/N) carefully removed the hairdressing cape, her hands gentle and her movements calculated. "There you g-go, Mrs. Thompson. Y-you're all set. It was a pleasure as always."
Mrs. Thompson beamed, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. "Thank you, (Y/N). You truly have a gift. don't ever doubt yourself."
(Y/N) nodded, her voice barely above a whisper, her stutter more pronounced in her nervousness. "I'll try, Mrs. Thompson. Th-thank you for your kind words."
As (Y/N) put the finishing touches on Mrs. Thompson's hair, she gently guided her towards the front desk where Kyle, the owner of the salon, stood. With each step, (Y/N)'s heart fluttered with anticipation, her anxiety causing her words to stumble even more.
Approaching Kyle, (Y/N) managed a shy smile. "H-hey, Kyle. Mrs. Thompson's all done. I'll let you handle the payment."
Kyle beamed at (Y/N), his eyes reflecting a deep friendship and understanding. "Thanks, (Y/N). You did an incredible job as always. I'm lucky to have you here."
(Y/N) blushed, her voice barely above a whisper. "Th-thank you, Kyle. I-I appreciate your support."
Mrs. Thompson handed her payment to Kyle, who graciously accepted it with a warm smile. As she reached into her purse, she discreetly slipped an additional bill into (Y/N)'s hands, her eyes twinkling with gratitude for the exceptional service she had received.
(Y/N)'s cheeks flushed even deeper, her voice quivering with surprise. "Mrs. Thompson, y-you didn't have to do that. Thank you so much."
Mrs. Thompson chuckled softly, her voice filled with affection. "Consider it a little something extra for you, (Y/N). You deserve it. Keep up the amazing work. Kyle, tell her that she’s deserves it, if anyone knows she does it’s you.”
“That’s right,” Kyle nodded, pushing some hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear, making her smile. “She’s my bestie after all and there’s no one else that knows her better, you deserve the tip (Y/N) trust me.”
Touched by the kind gesture, (Y/N) managed a heartfelt "Thank you" before turning her attention back to Kyle, her anxiety causing her words to stumble once again. "K-Kyle, I...I appreciate everything you do for me. You're...you're the best."
Kyle's eyes softened, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Right back at you, bestie. You're not just a talented stylist; you're an invaluable friend. I'm grateful to have you by my side."
As (Y/N) and Kyle exchanged a knowing look, their unspoken bond spoke volumes. Through her stuttering and anxious nature, (Y/N) found solace in the unwavering support of her best friend, Kyle. He had seen beyond her insecurities and embraced her for who she was—a talented stylist with a heart of gold.
As Mrs. Thompson left the salon, (Y/N) watched her go, a mixture of pride and apprehension swirling within her. Though she may be shy and anxious, her dedication to her craft and the ability to make her clients feel beautiful pushed her to overcome her insecurities.
Later that day, As the soft melodies of classical music continued to fill the cozy Hampshire salon, the entrance chimed with the arrival of three unexpected guests. Harry, Katie, and Paul stepped inside, the energy in the room shifting as heads turned in recognition of the famous face.
The warm glow of the salon's lighting seemed to caress the contours of Harry's face, casting a golden halo around his wavy locks. His charismatic smile illuminated the room, his presence instantly captivating. The soft whispers and curious glances exchanged among the customers and staff hinted at the excitement that pulsed through the air.
Kyle, the owner of the salon, fought to maintain a composed demeanor, despite his excitement and slight nervousness. He approached the trio with a warm smile, his voice attempting to exude normalcy. "Hey there! Welcome to our salon. How can I help you today?"
Harry's emerald eyes sparkled with intrigue as he glanced around, taking in the salon's aesthetic. His charm and genuine nature put everyone at ease, creating an atmosphere of familiarity. "Thanks! I was wondering if anyone named (Y/N) works here?"
A flicker of surprise crossed Kyle's face before he quickly composed himself, not wanting to reveal the inner excitement that threatened to burst forth. "Ah, (Y/N). Yes, (Y/N) does work here. Why do you ask?"
Harry's gaze locked with Kyle's, a sense of eager anticipation in his voice. "Well, my friends have been raving about (Y/N)'s talent, and I was hoping to meet them, maybe get a haircut."
Kyle's excitement mixed with a touch of disappointment as he spoke, his voice laced with anticipation. "I'm sorry, Mr. Styles, but (Y/N) is currently on her break. She'll be back in about fifteen minutes. Would you mind waiting for her?"
Harry's warm smile remained unwavering as he nodded eagerly. "Of course, I'll happily wait for her. Take your time."
As the minutes slipped by, the anticipation in the salon grew thicker. The melodies of classical music seemed to harmonize with the gentle whispers of excitement among the stylists and clients alike. The door chimed softly, announcing (Y/N)'s return from their break.
(Y/N) stepped into the salon, their demeanor exuding innocence and a hint of shyness. Clad in a delightful summer dress and a cozy cardigan, their eyes hidden behind a pair of earphones, they seemed oblivious to the presence that awaited them. Unbeknownst to (Y/N), Harry Styles himself sat patiently in the corner, his gaze fixed on the doorway.
Kyle, unable to contain his excitement any longer, subtly nodded his head in Harry's direction, silently urging (Y/N) to turn and discover the surprise that awaited them. As if sensing the unspoken cue, (Y/N) turned their head, wide-eyed and innocent, their gaze meeting Harry's.
And in that moment, time seemed to stand still. The collision of their unsuspecting eyes sparked an undeniable connection, an intangible thread weaving between their souls. The air crackled with electricity, anticipation hanging in every breath.
And there, in the cosy Hampshire salon, the stage was set for an extraordinary encounter that would forever alter the course of (Y/N)'s life. The moment held infinite possibilities, as two worlds collided in a collision of fate and destiny.
“Hi…excuse me…(Y/N), right? m’names Harry,”the singer smiled at her politely. “— I was wondering if I could possibly speak to you somewhere in private? It’s okay if not.”
As the weight of the moment hung in the air, Harry's eyes locked with (Y/N)'s, a silent request passing between them. Sensing Harry's desire for privacy, (Y/N) glanced at Kyle, their trusted confidant and supporter.
(Y/N)'s gaze pleaded for guidance, and Kyle, understanding the unspoken need, smiled warmly. "Of course, Sir. (Y/N) would appreciate speaking with you in private. I'll make sure they're comfortable."
A mixture of apprehension and curiosity danced in (Y/N)'s eyes as they nodded in agreement. The safety net of Kyle's presence and the knowledge that they had someone they trusted nearby provided a sense of reassurance.
With a gentle smile, Harry gestured towards a quieter corner of the salon, away from the prying eyes and curious whispers. The anticipation swelled as they found a secluded space, cocooned from the busyness of the salon.
In the secluded corner of the salon, Harry's gaze was filled with anticipation as he spoke, his words carrying a weight of recommendation. "(Y/N), my friend Lou, who happens to be a dear friend of yours too, recommended you. She told me about the incredible talent you possess."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened, a mix of surprise and nostalgia washing over them. Their voice trembled with the remnants of their anxious personality, stuttering as they spoke. "L-Lou? Oh, yes, I know her. She used to teach me when I was learning to be a hairdresser. We've kept in touch since."
Harry's expression softened with understanding, his voice gentle and reassuring. "Lou speaks highly of you, (Y/N). She mentioned how talented and dedicated you are. That's why I'm here. I wanted to ask if you'd be willing to be my personal hair stylist."
The weight of the decision bore heavily upon (Y/N), their anxiety surfacing as their voice faltered. "I-I'm honored, Harry, but I'm... I'm really hesitant. It's such a big responsibility, and... and I'm not sure if I'm ready."
Harry's eyes reflected empathy as he placed a comforting hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "I understand, (Y/N). It's a big ask, and I don't want to pressure you into anything. You don't have to say yes right away. Take your time, think it over. Your happiness and comfort matter above all else."
Feeling torn, (Y/N) turned to their trusted friend Kyle, who was sat behind the desk and pretending not to listen in on there conversation, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Kyle, what do you think? Should I take this opportunity?"
Kyle's smile was filled with unwavering support as he met (Y/N)'s gaze. "Oh, (Y/N), I've seen your talent and dedication firsthand. You've grown so much since those early days with Lou. This could be an incredible opportunity for you. I believe you're ready for it."
The weight of Kyle's words, coupled with the encouragement that had always surrounded (Y/N), began to lift the fog of anxiety. Though their voice still stuttered, a newfound determination crept into their words. "Th-thank you, Kyle. Your support means the world to me. Maybe... maybe I should take this chance."
In that moment, (Y/N) felt a surge of resilience and bravery, ready to step into the unknown and embrace the possibilities that lay ahead. With the reassurance of Kyle's wisdom and the memory of Lou's guidance, they were prepared to embark on this journey, even if their anxious nature continued to accompany them.
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As the sun rose on a new day, the cozy Hampshire salon brimmed with anticipation. The air hummed with excitement as Katie, Harry, and Paul returned, ready to discuss the next steps with (Y/N).
Katie, with her warm smile and approachable demeanour, took charge of the conversation. Her voice carried a reassuring tone as she explained the details to (Y/N). "(Y/N), I'm here to talk about the next phase of your journey as Harry's personal hair stylist. Before we proceed, there's a requirement we need to discuss."
(Y/N) listened attentively, their anxious nature momentarily overshadowed by the genuine kindness radiating from Katie. Their voice quivered with curiosity as they asked, "W-what is it, Miss?"
Katie's eyes sparkled with understanding as she explained, "We'll need you to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). It ensures that the collaboration between you and Harry remains confidential. You won't be able to share that you're working with him, except with your immediate family and close friends."
A mix of excitement and nervousness welled up within (Y/N) as they processed the information. Despite their apprehension, Katie's warm demeanour made them feel at ease. They could sense a genuine connection forming, a glimmer of a friendship that had the potential to blossom.
"I-I understand," (Y/N) replied, their voice tinged with a blend of enthusiasm and caution. "I’ll happily sign, Miss. I want to make this work."
Katie's smile widened, her encouragement palpable. "That's wonderful to hear, (Y/N). I have a feeling we're going to get along just fine. Together, we'll navigate the journey ahead and create something truly amazing."
As (Y/N) engaged in conversation with Katie, discussing the details and signing the necessary documents, Harry couldn't help but find himself captivated by her presence. With each word, each gesture, she exuded a certain grace and beauty that resonated with him.
He watched as (Y/N) delicately held the pen, her fingers gliding across the paper with a mixture of confidence and a hint of nervousness. There was an air of sincerity that surrounded her, her genuine nature shining through every interaction. It was in these moments that Harry found himself drawn to her like a moth to a flame.
(Y/N)'s choice of attire only heightened Harry's admiration. The light blue cardigan draped gently over her shoulders, contrasting perfectly with the pristine white summer dress that flowed around her figure. The casualness of the ensemble, combined with the pair of vans on her feet, gave her an effortless allure. Her hair, neatly styled into two French braids, framed her face in a way that accentuated her features. With minimal makeup, her natural beauty radiated like a sunbeam.
To Harry, (Y/N) was like a burst of sunshine in a world that often seemed dim. Her genuine personality and the way she carried herself resonated deeply within him. As he watched her sign the document, he couldn't help but be captivated by her presence.
A sense of awe washed over Harry as he quietly observed, his heart fluttering with a newfound appreciation. In that moment, he recognized the remarkable blend of beauty and authenticity that made (Y/N) so captivating. It wasn't just her physical appearance, but the way she effortlessly exuded warmth and kindness, making those around her feel seen and valued.
As the ink dried on the paper, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this unexpected connection. (Y/N) had become more than just a talented hair stylist; she had become a beacon of light in his life. And in that moment, he silently acknowledged the beauty that resided within her, both inside and out.
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tag list: @kaverichauhan @teamspideyman @victoria-styles
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
Personalization Prompt #2 – ShoheiAkagi
So, for the reader appreciation day of the event, I used the second personalization prompt for the lovely @shoheiakagi! As always, their blog is definitely a recommended K blog for any fans and the person themselves is wonderfully supportive! I hope they’ll enjoy 😊
BLACK: what face claim from an anime, comic book, or cartoon do I associate with you?
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So, though you’re Lenalee Lee in The Ever Young, when it comes down to the image of you I have in my mind, the closest face claim I could come up with was Nana Komatsu. I don’t know much about the character themselves, I’ve mostly just seen the amazing artwork of the manga, but she has the colouring and the sort of elegant but sweet ‘good girl’ look to her I imagine you having.
WHITE: what flame type and box weapon do I think you’d have in the khr!verse?
Hmm, this was a fun one to think about for you, especially since KHR isn’t a universe I’ve pictured you in a lot, as it’s not one of the fandoms we share in common! I do think you’d be a Cloud Flame user though, with your box weapon animal being a pair of swans, one white and one black! I’m using both just imagery and the spiritual meaning behind swans and I think it’s a pretty cool box weapon for a cool person 😊
RED: what aesthetics do I associate with you?
High heels clicking along crowded city sidewalks. Head held high, confidence and elegance. Imagination and longing for something beyond just this one life. Pastels and sweetness combined with wicked grins. Angels and demons, the juxtaposition of good and wickedness. The draw of a danger. Remembered love. Freshly manicured fingernails. Cocktails. Velvet and steel, softness and strength. Concerts, packed full of people, the energy at an all time high.
BLUE: what are three songs I’d put on a playlist for you?
DATE WITH THE NIGHT, yeah yeah yeahs
BEST OF ME, morningwood
YELLOW: what fictional world out of all my fandoms would I picture you in?
Of course, the answer is really obvious here in that it’s K Project! Not only is it the fandom we share and talk most about, but before I even put it up on my fandom to write list, I was following your K blog.
GREEN: who would I pair you with out of all my fandoms?
For KHR, it’s Dino. For K Project, it’s Shouhei. For Nanbaka, it’s Uno. For Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun, it’s General Furfur. For Bungou Stray Dogs, it’s Tachihara. For Servamp, it’s Mikuni. For Saiyuki, it’s Gojyo. For Eyeshield 21, it’s Hiruma. For Ronin Warriors, it’s Sage. For Kekkaishi, it’s Makio. For GetBackers, it’s Kazuki. For Black Cat, it’s Jenos. For Karneval, it’s Tsukitachi. For Gangsta., it’s Worick. For Bleach, it’s Renji. For Naruto, it’s Kakashi. For Deadman Wonderland, it’s Yo Takami. For Ouran, it’s the twins, both of them. For Durarara, it’s Izaya. For Yu Yu Hakusho, it’s Yusuke. For Gintama, it’s Takasugi. For Mystic Messenger, it’s Saeyoung. For Ikemen Revolution, it’s Dalim. For Blush Blush, it’s Eli. For Date Warp, it’s Linds. For Hatoful Boyfriend, it’s Kazuaki. For The Outsiders, it’s Dally. For Class of the Titans, it’s Neil. For Ultimate Spider-Man, it’s Flash. For Gravity Falls, it’s Stan. For The Mighty Ducks, it’s Portman. For The Covenant, it’s Pogue. For Jungle Fury, it’s R.J. For Ninja Storm, it’s Hunter. For Mystic Force, it’s Xander.
PURPLE: what gif reminds me of you?
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PINK: if you were an AU, what type of AU would you be?
Just because I have an AU inspired by your ideas on this, it’s definitely a delinquent! AU with strong bad boy meets good girl romance vibes.
RAINBOW: if i were to write a khr sequel, following Tsuna’s demise, and could only use my reader’s as characters, who would you be?
I see you as the next head of CEDEF. You stand apart from the family, but are a strong and supportive resource for them whenever you’re needed and your intelligence and good leadership skills allow you to supervise and recruit people into the division.
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kallistcs · 10 months
Things your muse will notice about mine - Ganymede!
What they look like ; Ganymede is built slender, like a runner, with sleek, subtle musculature distributed evenly all down his body. He's a little shorter than he would've been if he'd been left to have his last, late growth spurt, but in all honesty he would still have been the shortest between his brothers even if he had been immortalized a year or two later. He's ridiculously proportionally built, all over, gracefully harmonious to look at in ways that make him simply very aesthetically pleasing even if someone's not attracted to men. He's got perfect, picturesque curls, and always has, even before he was immortalized. Through the years he's played with the length, mostly, but sometimes in other ways, though in the end Ganymede does prefer his hair somewhere around shoulder-length. He has developed a fondness in modern days for wearing it in a high bun. Ganymede's eyes have always been an intense, deep green colour, which would definitely look 'unnatural' to what mortals can usually achieve. What immortality did was give a slight glittering shift to the iris, even in the slightest light. Generally, what it looks like is like his eyes is the surface of a sun-lit bit of water, full of reflections.
What they smell like ; He doesn't really wear perfume or such, not even when he was mortal, so back then it would have been normal "human" smells. Clean skin and a slight salty edge from the wind from the sea. Very quickly after Ganymede was made immortal he took on the scent of nectar. At first only subtly, but it's gotten stronger through the years, so he always smells vaguely sweet, in a pleasant, fresh sort of way. (When Ganymede first noticed the scent, he might have contemplated how to hide it, but he still didn't want to play with perfumes/perfumed oils, and didn't even know what was causing the scent, so he quickly gave up. By the point he figured out what it was, he'd long since gotten used to it.)
What they sound like ; Well-spoken, basically always enunciates clearly and phrases himself eloquently. Not loud at all, but he's also not shy in the way that might make his voice easily disappeared in a room with several conversations going on. Ganymede's just pretty quiet; it's rather in how pleasant his voice is to listen to what makes it notable/easily picked out in a crowd if you're standing reasonably close by.
What they feel like ; His skin is perfectly soft and smooth. Ganymede has basically no scars (only a small, faint one on the ball of his right thumb) or callouses. He had very little in the way of that even before being made immortal, and upon being made so especially any callouses he'd developed were gone. He doesn't run particularly hot or cold, but if it's cool/cold out it'll be noticeable if he's touched that he might be a little warmer, more steadily so, too, than expected. If you're expecting a mortal human, that is, of course. (It's not that he won't grow cold if he's not dressed properly if the weather is cold, it's that it just takes a little longer for it to affect him.)
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Next Dog Thoughts
So I'm between a Collie and a Cocker Spaniel in terms of thinking about my next dog and being realistic about the sort of energy levels I can do even on bad mental health days. And also a dog that would work for a friend for Mozart
Smooth Collie - would have to be a tri colour, and need to find a dog with a less "blocky" looking head. The more I look at them the more I like them. They also seem more common in sports like agility and look a lot more pointy and greyhound-like, which my greyhound would probably love.
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I just think they're neat
Rough Collie - Would have to be sable because I need a sable collie. Perfect energy level for me. Kind of always been the dream dog since I looked after one as a child. I can deal with coat blow outs, I used to be a dog groomer and I enjoy brushing out coats. They just seem very sweet and lovely but my partner thinks they look weird with the big floofy coat and prefers the smooth collie look... I disagree, I think they're stunning.
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I just love their floofy softness tbh
Working Cocker Spaniel - I love their look, aesthetically. But I don't know if I could keep up with their energy needs. I just think they're gorgeous and way cuter than the show line. And I really love their happy joyful energy it's wonderful. And they'd be so fun to do agility with. But I'd have to be really committed to meeting this dog's daily needs.
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They're always on a little mission with their jolly little full body wags
Show-line Cocker Spaniel - The long ears and the droopy eyes are not a vibe for me but they have a more manageable energy level and I could still do sports with them. And I could clip them to not be so floofy. And they're more likely to be cuddly, which I really would like to have.
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Soft and floofy... good for cuddles
So many thoughts about so many dogs! But I feel like I'm starting to narrow down what I need in my next dog now!
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microsuedemouse · 2 years
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it turns out that I actually kinda remember how to draw?? (please kindly ignore the janky proportions in the bottom image… I am. out of practice lmao. I love how their faces turned out, but his neck and their hands are weird, and her head might be too small? oogh.) I might try to mess around with my scanner and get a decent scan of this tomorrow, but in the meantime here's a hastily-edited photo.
back in uhhh, August? I started toying around with these new OCs, just kind of… for fun. I realised that I hadn’t created characters Just Because in literal years. every character had been for a Project. and I wanted someone just to play around with!
so, these two are Paz and Winnet. more rambles about them beneath the cut:
I’m starting to get Paz’s appearance down; Winnet’s still a little bit of a work in progress but I know more or less what I’m aiming for, at least. might end up darkening her hair colour... idk.
my starting point with these two was that I wanted to make a pair of super-squishy soft romantic characters - and specifically, I thought it'd be fun to design a couple with two very different aesthetics. annnd that eventually led me to Paz the (dorky) punk and Winnet the cottagecore/sort of mori girl-ish wheelchair user.
Paz is of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, and pretty heavily into the punk/diy scene, as well as being really dedicated as an activist. he spends a lot of time volunteering, going to protests/demonstrations, or going to shows. he's also super protective of his trans little sister, and ever since she came out, he's made a point of learning a lot more about trans issues in particular. (he also makes sure to have a prominent pronouns patch on every one of his vests and jackets!) he's a severe hemophiliac, and as a result doesn't have any piercings (or tattoos), but he enjoys wearing other jewellery like the ear cuff you see above.
Winnet is very sweet and feminine in her style, and values her independence and a simple, happy lifestyle. she can walk, but mostly sticks with her wheelchair, as a variety of health problems make her unsteady on her feet and also inclined to fainting spells. she works remotely as a transcriber, and is close with Alfio, her elderly Italian neighbour (who also owns the laundromat downstairs from their apartments). he calls her paperotta, a term of endearment something like 'little duck' <3 she's an avid crocheter in her free time, and a slightly less avid knitter. she also has a service dog, but I haven't decided on any further details on that front haha
they're both in their early twenties, and absolutely, ass-over-teakettle in love with each other. both are easily flustered, though probably Paz moreso; they get embarrassed by one another pretty often. their fashion senses converge at 'plaid.' they're both really interested in learning more about one another's hobbies and interests and overall worlds - he loves learning about all her houseplants, and wearing things she crochets or knits for him, whether they go with his look or not. by the same token she starts learning to be more politically active with him (and he's very good at helping her make sure that her accessibility needs are taken care of at, say, protests, or other events), and absolutely adores the battle vest he makes for her, and eventually even starts going to shows with him. their music tastes are as different as their fashion choices, but they learn to love one another's favourites :)
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fragiledewdrop · 2 years
For Lovely calm asks to enjoy a nice up of tea to ☕ Pt. 2: Prime Numbers! And welcome back :)
Hello Zeyd🎄 Thank you, and Happy Holidays!
You just made me realize that I only know prime numbers up to 29. I had to look up the rest. You can tell I love math.
2. Do you find the soft glow of a candle relaxing? Or is it the sound or smell?
Yes, very. It is the smell, even when it's not a scented candle. I don't think I have ever noticed the sound it makes.
3. What season do you find most aesthetically pleasing?
Autumn. The colours are just stunning. Although there's something to be said for the vibrant greens of early spring.
5. Do you like vintage stuff? Would you buy vintage stuff?
I do, and most clothes I own are vintage. It's not really an aesthetic though: ever since I was little, my mother has brought me to thrift stores because they were cheaper, and it has sort of stuck. I really like owning things that have a history, though. And don't even get me started on the marvel that are second hand books!!!
7:  Favorite 80′s movie? Amadeus and The Princess Bride
11:  Houseplant you’d like to have? Mostly I try to keep fresh herbs for cooking. Rosemary is my favourite because it is hard to kill, and, well, nothing beats a giant pot of fresh basil.
13: Do you use a different profile picture for every social media or is it consistent?
Always different. I am a multifaceted woman.
17: Whether you think you’d suit it or not what’s a clothing item you want or fashion style you’d like to have?
A cape!
19: gummy worms or gummy bears?
Gummy bears, duh
23: Water park or just regular theme parks?
Medieval themed parks
29:Thoughts on honeycomb?
The flavour? I have only tried it once in Ireland and it was good, but way too sweet.
31: Do you have lots of pictures around your house?
Yes. They are the Most Important Thing.
37: Rice or noodles?
Noodles, especially if we include pasta noodles. I am italian after all.
41: Do you doodle on yourself often?
I used to when I was younger, but now I find it grating. I let my friends do it though.
43: Jetsons, Flintstones, or Looney Tunes?
I have only ever watched the Looney Tunes
47: Do you wear a bathrobe often? 
I use a bathrobe when I shower.
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highwaydiamonds · 2 years
I was tagged by the spiffy @mountainmaven
fave colour = Rainbow Glitter or I guess maybe pale aqua? i don't really have a solid favorite. It changes a lot.
currently reading = Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner
last song = Inside Out by POSTDATA (their newest release from last year and it kicks ass)
sweet/spicy/savoury = i like them all. i like sweet and spicy together too. it just depends on the mood i'm in.
fave alc drink = i like a good paloma a lot - but i'm v changeable - as long as i don't taste the booze i'm happy. (in a mixed drink anyway. but i'm more often going to be having wine or cider)
currently working on = lol trying to figure what the hell i'm doing with my life hehheh... heh >.<
traditional or modern = eclectic - antique stuff but comfortable and colorful soft furnishings- a happy mix
fave writer = Jane Austen,
fave dessert = ooh this is hard - i love creme brulee but uhhh i also love a decadent cake with some chocolate ganache in it or some sort of lemon raspberry cheesecake..
fave rapper = uhhhhhhh idk man - i'll let you know when i have one?
fave soccer/hockey/tennis player = i don't have one? Like if i named one of the few players i could think of ( I can think of a very few) it wouldn't really be because they were my " favorite" it would just be "i know of their name and maybe a couple things?" so I'll abstain.
fave politician = ever??? or now? Maxine waters is p dang cool - I appreciate Alexandria Occasio-Cortez decently... Shirley Chisholm was a kick ass politician... But is this open to people who might not have held politial office but were activists? Because Dolores Huerta is p dang cool.
colour of bedroom = ideally I like somewhat lighter colors- because i like colorful cheets and pillows... either warmish white or light light yellow or light robin's egg blue, or light light pink - because those lighter tones i feel like are easier to work with
loyalty or lust = i mean por que no los dos??? but in terms of more than romantic relationships : loyalty. In terms of romantic ones - I want both! I feel like I have some very loyal people - i'm over due on people lusting after me frankly lol - i would like to correct that balance a bit ok???
pizza or pasta = i hate this choice. this should not be an OR question. But I make pasta too often to go without pasta, s i guess pasta. (But Pizza - I LOVE YOU- don't leave me!!)
are you vegan or veggie = nah, I like some vegan and quite a bit of vegetarian options but i eat eggs and honey and meat.
fave time period = This is just for historical and aesthetic reasons ( because lbr i don't want to live in a time without all the technological advantages and antibiotics I can get) Latter half of the 18th century ( particularly French style) and the British Regency period (Georgian stuff is my fucking JAM ok?), late victorian and some edwardian period stuff, Ancient Rome - under Augustus through Marcus Aurelius, the Dutch golden age ( especially for art), the 1950s for fashion was amazing, and probably more - i mean i love some stuff from ancient egypt - but that's way too long to be " a period" and i can't narrow down particular dynasties or kingdoms, nd same with some ancient mesopotamian stuff.
love or hate = they don't say it's hate that makes the world go round - so clearly the answer is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. It's easy. (just ask Paul and Ringo.)
last series watched = I'm always watching several things. Handmaid's Tale, House of the Dragon, The Serpent Queen, Interview with a Vampire, I just binged Dark Winds, and there are other things i've just watched the odd episode of but not stuck onto.
classical or rock music = I guess on balance, rock? But I'm not sure that what i listen to is necessarily "rock" music... I listen to a lot of stuff but I guess it's closer to rock than it is classical - but calling it rock feels weird?
fairy or dragon = Fairy. Dragons are fun but I am way more into fairies. Plus i'd rather have a gryphon than a dragon, unless dragons are extra friendly. (Like w/ GoT and HotD I enjoy the people and political machinations - I'm not as psyched about dragons)
GOT or LOTR = In terms of the books - I read all of LotR and watched all the films. I haven't read any of the ASoIaF books, while idid watch all of GoT and am currently watching House of the Dragon... I also don't know that i will ever read the ASoIaF books... Idk maybe i will in time, we'll see. I enjoy both but I'm not sure I'm a diehard for either.
Okay, so I'mma tag: @seashells-and-bookshelves , @theselkiesea , @usedtobeanothername , @waitingtogethome , and @ndb-123 ! No pressure if i did tag you, and if i didn't, consider yourself tagged if you'd like!
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alexjames2022 · 2 years
Top 9 Wedding Anniversary Cakes in Jaipur You Must Purchase
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A very significant day has come. The two haven't been dating for at least a year, and possibly much longer. For any relationship, an anniversary is a highly precious day. A celebration would be appropriate, and no celebration would be complete without a wonderful scrumptious cake that makes your mouth water. There may be a large selection of cake designers available to you. That you can get with online cake delivery in Jaipur service. Which cake would you pick, though?
1. Cream cheese frosting on a red velvet cake
A pretty conventional cake is the red velvet one. This is a lovely tiered cake that is typically found in shades of dark red, bright red, or reddish-brown. Adding colour or beetroot is the main way to get the red colour. The cake is very wonderful because of the cream cheese frosting.
2. A vanilla cake topped with apricot and pistachio buttercream:
A vanilla cake is the epitome of elegance. The cake primarily serves as a basis for various flavours. Nut flavours, namely pistachio and apricot buttercream, are the best ones to pair with a vanilla cake for a wedding anniversary.
3. The Traditional Black Forest
For many people, the black forest has consistently been a traditional favourite. The cake, which has a chocolate base and is covered with fresh white cream frosting and shredded chocolate, is perfect for a variety of events. In today's world, ordering and receiving delivery are also among the easiest.you can order cake online in Ajmer from top websites. 
4. Angel food cake with lime, coconut, and blood orange buttercream:
The Devil's food cake is usually something that most of us have heard of. The angel food cake, however, is its prettier twin. The cake is soft. Typically, lime, coconut, and blood orange buttercream would be the best topping choice for a cake with a vanilla foundation.
5. Honey Buttercream on Pistachio Cake:
The white cake with light green honey buttercream icing is both aesthetically pleasing and delicious to eat. The pistachio nuts flavour and the honey buttercream make this cake the perfect choice for an anniversary.
6. Toasted Almond Cake with Amarena Cherries and Mascarpone Cream:
With layers thick with mascarpone cream and embellished with amarena cherries, the cake appears to be divine. The cake appears to be a work of art, thus it is undoubtedly a luxury for an anniversary.
7. Lemon Cake with Frosting:
Although very moist, lemon cakes have a dense texture. The cake has a buttery, sweet flavour. The cake has a mild tang from the lemon flavour. The frosting is a straightforward lemon glaze.
8. Milk chocolate muffins:
Slowly but surely, classic huge cakes are giving way to cupcakes. (Saves time cutting and serving food). Even though the cake is really straightforward and has a chocolate foundation and milk chocolate icing, it is classy for an anniversary.
9. Chocolate frosting on a banana cake:
Although the cake is dense, it is moist. The chocolate icing enhances the flavour of the cake, which is already great even without the frosting.
A Few Advices Prior to Cake Purchase:
either the cake designer or the baker Look for references and some examples of the prior cakes the potential cake designer has created while choosing them.
Cakes come in all different shapes and sizes. They have numerous layers in traditional ones. Determine the quantity based on the expected number of guests so that the appropriate shape and size may be sorted.
The cake fillings and icing: It would be best to consider the couple's preferences before making this choice. Some of them are also allergic to a handful of the chemicals and nuts utilised.
The decoration's subject: Make sure the cake fits into the theme if the wedding anniversary has one. If not, the cake could seem out of place.
Enjoy your food and celebrate your anniversary in style!
10. Bohemian theme cake 
We reasoned that since the bohemian theme is currently fairly popular for wedding celebration themes, why not include a cake with such a gorgeous and vibrant design? The gorgeous three-tier wedding cake with whipped cream, drip chocolate sauce, and toppings is the centrepiece of the drip wedding cake design for this theme. The cake, which comes in both vanilla and chocolate flavours and has layers of cream inside, has a mouthwatering flavour.
11. A wedding cake with fondant icing
Another delightful surprise is this stunning three-tier fondant icing cake with a marble design. The minimalist wedding cake design has fondant and icing with a garden-themed topper to give it a classy and endearing appearance. For orders of 3 kg or more, a vanilla-flavoured cake can be made. You can send cake online to your loved one. 
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callistolivia · 3 years
Sun w/ Venus Romantic Types
*this was mostly just for fun, so don’t take it too seriously if it doesn’t fit you. It also doesn’t take into account aspects in one’s chart, the Moon, and Mars.
*The Sun and Venus are never more than 48 degrees apart which means there are only five possible Sun-Venus combinations. It also means that most people, but not all, born with Venus in the first and last sign Venus can fall into (per Sun sign) will have their Sun in the first or last decan of a sign. These extra layers can really colour Sun/Venus interpretations; so while decans are not mentioned in every interpretation below, it would be worthwhile investigating the decan your Sun is in along with Venus’ description. ❤️
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Aries Sun
With Aquarius Venus - The Pickup Artist  If you have this combination, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of Aries which expresses the very assertive, passionate, and active nature of Aries. Combined with an Aquarius Venus, it makes for individuals that love to chase when it comes to romance. They have a way with words too, absolute effortless charisma. The initial impression and connection with people is very important to this type of Aries, it ignites the most passion and excitement in them. This type tends to go for people who strike them as unique and exciting. They are not usually in it for the long run when it comes to relationships and may even appear aloof when things get too comfortable. They also feel comfortable going long periods of time just being single and may even value their platonic relationships over their love life. However, what keeps this type of Aries interested is a constant change in scenery because they are often pleasure and thrill seekers. This also plays a role in what this type of Aries is drawn to aesthetically. Their eye is often drawn to innovation and provocation– those who are artistically inclined with this combo may emphasize those two conventions in their art quite a bit.
With Pisces Venus - The Hopeless Romantic If you are this type of Aries, there is an obvious softness to you. The curious and innocent nature of Aries is prominent in this combination. There is an openness and optimism towards romantic opportunity with this type. These individuals spend lots of time daydreaming romantic or uplifting scenarios; they ponder a life stumbling upon them or a perfect meet-cute. The firsts in a relationship are very important to them, any sort of relationship milestone must be celebrated. They would do well with a partner who is also sentimental in this aspect and will also take the lead in making these milestones happen. They are very attracted to knight-in-shining-armor and princess-like characters; people who will play a role in their true love fantasy. They are very giddy and excitable over all pleasant things– overall this is a bubbly variant of Aries. This type is usually adored by all of their friends because of their sweet personality. Venus being exalted in Pisces, there is considerable ease in terms of creativity for this type of Aries. When the rose-coloured glasses stay on, they can actualize their daydreams through creative mediums. Their artistic endeavours usually involve projects that are grandiose in nature. Sometimes unachievable ideas, but the achievable ones end up being masterpieces.
With Aries Venus - The Unapologetically Infatuated  If you are the double Aries, you are not going to waste your time when it comes to getting your needs met and you have a lot of needs that need meeting! If this type of Aries has a crush on you, you will know. This type of Aries is extremely forward when it comes to romantic and sexual intentions. If they want something serious, they will tell you; if they want to play games, they will literally tell you this is a game. They are looking out for what they want and do it with confidence. This type of Aries, similarly to the type with Venus in Aquarius, is also very much a thrill seeker. Their eyes are drawn to excitement, anew-ness, and spontaneity; they lust over the bad boys, the bad girls, and challenges. They want pleasure that’s risky and new to them. In relationships, this type retains excitability throughout. Relationships remain steamy and passionate even several years down the road. If you ask this type why they fell in love with you to begin with all those years down that road, they will surely give you an answer and a gaze that will makes you melt. If this type is artistically inclined, their work will likely be provocative or inspired by unorthodox conventions.
With Taurus Venus - The Boy/Girl Next Door  If you are this type of Aries, you are literally like the lead protagonist’s romantic interest you see in movies. There is a general coolness, headstrong, and heart-throb worthy nature to you. Underneath what one might sonder to be the Martian persona is the tender, loyal, and reliable Taurus Venus heart. This is an Aries that is in it for the long run because they figure one in the hand is worth two in the bush. Venus being at home in Taurus will make this type of Aries definitely favour life’s luxuries and comforts; they are drawn to comfort and familiarity more-so than the other Aries types. They are usually attracted to others with a similar persona and similar interests as described. In relationships, this combo really knows how to facilitate romance, probably better than some of the other Aries combos. Massages, home cooked dinners, date nights, thoughtful gifts out of nowhere, vacations... They know how to keep things ignited several months or years into the relationship. This is an Aries that will take care of you for life. This type of Aries may also be drawn to artistic endeavours because their Taurean Venus will likely bless them with an eye for beauty.
With Gemini Venus - The Eloquent Flame  If you are this type of Aries, there is a good chance your Sun is the last decan of Aries which is ruled by Jupiter. The jovial decan gives an extra layer of optimism and curiosity to this Aries. People are very drawn to this type’s way with words. This is the most flirtatious of the Aries types, even if most of their interactions are not intended to be flirty, they often come across as warm, articulate, and alluring to others. They also have a wicked sense of humour; they know this is the way to anyone’s heart (and bedroom). If you have this combo along with the Jupiter decan, Jupiter really draws out the curious and explorative nature of Aries; this type of individual may particularly seek out adventurous partners to satisfy their need for new experiences. There is no lack of wildness with this type of Aries as well; their idea of comfort is fast-paced fun. They want to drive down an endless highway with the car roof down, the sun kissing them, and their favourite songs on to sing along to. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any endeavour where they can utilize their voice and words; particularly creative writing and acting suits this type extremely well.
Taurus Sun
With Pisces Venus - The Soul Hugger  If you’re this combination, there is a good chance that your Sun is in the first decan of Taurus which is ruled by Venus. It actually doesn’t get much more elevated for Venus than this combination because Venus is also exalted in the sign Pisces! This ultra Venusian individual loves all things pleasure and comfort. People are often drawn to this type’s beauty (this type is literally drop dead gorgeous, even when they don’t think they are) and natural grace. In relationships, the physical aspect is very important to this type of Taurus, they are major cuddle bugs. This type of Taurus sees physical connection as the way to soul connection. They have the softest hands, the softest touch, and the calmest voice; they want their partner to just sink into them. This Taurus has the lowest energy of all the Taurus types which means they prefer low energy or calm activities, low maintenance relationships, and harmonious environments. Spirituality can be quite important to this type; they often enjoy meditating, manifesting, and aromatherapy (for evoking spiritual mindfulness). This is a great combo for the artistically inclined– this individual would be great at anything they put their mind to in this aspect, whether it be visual arts, music, dance, or anything hands-on. 
With Aries Venus - The Selfish Pleaser This contrasting combination of a Venusian Sun with a Martian Venus is exactly how its “Selfish Pleaser” title might indicate. There is an immense impulsiveness and indulgence when it comes to love and pleasure. It’s paradoxical in that they can be very other-focused when it comes to fulfilling romantic needs; They can be so aggressively eager to fulfill other’s needs it’s almost, or rather is, their form of self-fulfillment. These individuals love to give love, but may need to loosen their grip a little bit. Luckily, Taurus are good listeners though they can be stubborn, so they will tame the smothering, hot-blooded Arian Venus to their partner’s liking, maybe. They are clearly extremely affectionate, especially physically. This type really likes to play up the Aries innocence; they desire to be adored by their partner. They also tend to do really well with partners who wear the pants in the relationship which may be surprising for an Aries Venus; they need someone they can look up to and depend on. Unlike the other Taurus combos, this Taurus is more open to trying new things to keep relationships and the world around them exciting, the Aries in them demands it. Not always artistically inclined, but can be as Taurus have their eyes and hands in the natural world, the Aries Venus can provide a more fiery, raw, and bold essence to this type of Taurus’ aesthetic expression.
With Taurus Venus - The Slow-burn The double Venusian warmness from this combo makes for slow-burn mutual attraction. Their interest in people and things grow with time and consideration. Once their attention is caught though, they are locked in and possibly even obsessed. Their expression of love is unconditional, surrounding, and sometimes even smothering. People are drawn to this individual’s softness and glamour. The double Venusian can seduce with their melty-caramel gaze. People feel a sense of security and predictability from this combo. In relationships, this type tends to be quite possessive. They hate being out of the loop on plans, instability, and unpredictability. They would do well with a partner who is reliable, honest, and possibly as equally paced as this type. This combination is likely artistically inclined and very good at hands-on artistic mediums such as painting or any sort of craftsmanship. They may also have particular interest in singing, even if they are not skilled or looking to sing professionally. Singing is a Taurus’ lozenge to the world. They soothe themselves and the environment this way. Taurus want to beautify the world around them like a flood of molasses; slow and caressing.
With Gemini Venus - The Carpe Diem If you are this type of Taurus, you generally know what you want in terms of relationships and romance. There is a lot of quick decision making with this combo– they have a now-or-never attitude which goes both ways in that if they desire something or someone, they don’t beat around the bush, but they also don’t linger on attachments or relationships that are not right for them. The instant decision making can occasionally bring about regret when they drop things too quickly, but this Taurus ultimately knows what’s best for them. In relationships, they are very hyper-focused on their partner and the journey that is the relationship. They express romance through the documentation of the relationship, whether that be capturing every picturesque moment or writing down memories. They are invested in romance as if its activity or hobby rather than an aspect of life. They pick it up and put it down at different chapters in their life. This type of Taurus is the least somber out of all of the combos, there is a lightness about them and they often have a great sense of humour. This combo may have some artistic inclination to any sort of creative writing or visual arts.
With Cancer Venus - The Eternally Devoted  With this combo, there is a good chance your Sun is in the last decan of Taurus which is ruled by Saturn. This type of Taurus is the most devoted, sentimental, and locked-in when it comes to relationships. This Taurus is also very cautious in choosing a partner– lots of consideration of the future and longevity of the relationship is involved. If you are this type of Taurus, you find comfort in familiarity and predictability. This equally describes this individual as well, as they are one who can be depended or counted on. This combo is the least driven towards glitter and gold, they are very much content with the simpler things in life. When life isn’t complicated by huge desires, there’s ease– and ease is very important to Taurus. This type also finds themselves attracted to people who express this same value or people who seem simple or classical. The artistic eye that comes from this type makes for great culinary artists, pastry chefs, beauticians, and painters. There’s often a love for presentation and creating or following recipes. This type has a large capacity for patience and a great attention to detail which is why they enjoy activities such as baking, hairstyling, painting, and so on. Venus in Cancer individuals tend to also have a love for what is timeless or of antiquity. Their idea of a perfect date is watching nostalgic movies or thrifting!
Gemini Sun
With Aries Venus - The Firecracker  If you are this combo, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of Gemini which is ruled by Mercury. There is something particularly seductive and enchanting about this combo as they tend to be charismatic and outspoken. This individual knows how to win someone over using wit and humour. Additionally, they do have a tendency to play games in their romantic endeavours. It’s all in good fun, but the other person involved may feel frustrated or feel as though Gemini is immature or ill-intentioned. This individual loves mingling and new relationships, but isn’t always too keen on anything long term as they tend to get bored or distracted easily. This is a Gemini with hungry eyes, as Aries Venus folk tend to have large desires– this combo has a sense of fearlessness and strategy towards obtaining their desires. They will go to the extremes for art, pleasure, and beauty. In relationships, this type doesn’t like when things get too serious, they like things to stay casual and carefree. They need a partner who won’t be bothered by this type juvenile antics; who is childish, fun, and has a good sense of humour. If artistically inclined, this Gemini would do well in any artistic endeavour that celebrates their youthfulness and light heart.
With Taurus Venus - The Poet  This type of Gemini has a way with words, whether it be articulation or the sound of their voice. They may have a natural muse in music, poetry, or creative writing. This combo is easily inspired by the natural world and beauty, there is a great appreciation for both of those things. People are drawn very drawn to this combination as it may be quite romantic to fall in love with an artist. Venus being at home in Taurus will make this type of Gemini more pleasure driven– they prefer ease and comfort over wildness, excitability, and unpredictability that a Gemini is usually inclined to. Dating this type of Gemini has all the benefits of their charismatic and sharp mind without Gemini’s tendencies to get bored or distracted. There is much more commitment when Venus is in the soft and passive sign, Taurus. In love, this combo expresses themselves through their natural creativity. They will sing ballads, write poems, and talk about dreams with their lover. Obviously artistically inclined, they would do well exploring their talents for words and prose. 
With Gemini Venus - The Sitcom Heartthrob  The double Gemini is a unique and lovable combo. This individual is goofy, off-beat, campy, and clever. There is something truly authentic and magnetic about a double Gemini that has nothing to do with conventional beauty or romance (though they can be these things as well), but rather their persona, expression, humour, and intelligence. In relationships, this type often ends up with their best friend or someone who falls for their quirkiness. The double Gemini is quite a talker, they will have a lot to say to their partner, as Gemini tend to be sponges for information and they want to share that information. This type does make room to listen to their partner, they can be very attentive and emotional bonds are almost exclusively formed from verbal communication. These individuals are also great story tellers and if artistically inclined, make for fantastic fiction writers. This type does have a love for traditional conventions of romance. They have a huge capacity for loyalty and longer term relationships as well, despite Gemini’s tendency to get bored easily. There is something about the double Gemini that finds comfort in the rhythm and monotony of life; stability is beneficial to them as well, as it aids the Gemini nerves.
With Cancer Venus - The Unassuming Sensitive  This type of Gemini plays it off like they are just a care-free intellectual, but their Venus in Cancer demonstrates a hidden soft side to them that really appreciates romance, sentiment, art, and beauty. This type is really good at hiding this side of them, it only really comes out once they find a partner they really trust who they can let their guard down to. In relationships, they are very attentive and much less talkative than other Geminis. They would rather be a listener first before lending their mind to the matter. This type expresses love through vulnerability and their ability to protect or care. This type also has a great sense of humour, though it tends to be dark. There are a lot of layers to this Gemini which will continuously surprise or shock others as they get peeled back– a Gemini with mystery. If not particularly skilled in art, this type still has a deep appreciation for it, especially historical fine art pieces. They are easily moved by all forms of art and identify themselves in fine art and music especially. 
With Leo Venus - The Lost Boy/Girl  This combination is like a picture with the sharpness and saturation turned up. This combination emphasizes Gemini’s wildness, playfulness, curiosity, and curls. If you are this type of Gemini, there is a good chance that your Sun is in the last decan of Gemini which is ruled by Saturn. There is a magnetic strangeness to this type and they use that to their advantage! This individual’s glamour, wit, and charisma can be a showstopper– they often turn heads everywhere they go. In relationships, there is a playfulness to them and a bit of naivety. Just as the Gemini-Aries type, they too like to play games in relationships. This, however, does not reduce the amount of fawning and adoring that is paid to their partner. Words of affirmation is their go-to love language; it’s not uncommon to hear this type brag about their partner. The Saturn decan find longer term ones more fulfilling; they fancy the concept of being an item and think of life in extension to their partner’s. This type rarely gets bored in relationships, this is a Gemini that knows how keep themselves entertained and the relationship fresh. Flirting never gets old and the honeymoon stage is never ending. Artistically speaking, this type of Gemini would do well in performative arts, whether that be stand-up, acting, or dance. They are fantastic at putting on a character.
Cancer Sun
With Taurus Venus - The Westley If you are this type of Cancer, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of the sign, which is ruled by the Moon. This makes for someone who is extra aware of their own presence and actions as well as others. One might consider this type to have a very worried or cautious disposition based on the amount of care and consideration that goes into how they carry themselves through life. There’s often a sternness or strictness about them as well, like how a parent advises a child on what they can and cannot do for the purpose of keeping them out of trouble. Out of all of the Cancer types, the Taurus Venus type is the most protective of their relationships– sometimes they can even be quite possessive of their loved ones. They are extremely devoted too, this type often seeks out long term connections over short. This is the most physical Cancer type as well, physical affection is very important to them. They are often the big spoon, but need to be the little spoon at times too. There is something very healing about this type of Cancer’s touch, they are quite the natural healers with hands that heal and kisses that cure. With Venus at home in Taurus, there is a natural inclination to artistic endeavours. Like most artists, their art is inspired by emotion– this is heavily translated through fine art and music. Even if it isn’t particularly their feelings, they often like to explore darker, complex, or more intense emotions through art.
With Gemini Venus - The Rockstar  This is a very complex combo because it is as if on paper they are extremely romantic, express love and what it means eloquently, and perceive the world through a lens that is possibly the epitome of beauty, but their relationships generally don’t demonstrate the same amount of “fairytale” depth or vulnerability very openly. This is because their artistic mind and their romantic mind rarely collide; they like to keep these things separate and feel more authentic when they aren’t being serious and sappy all the time. They are very playful and carefree in their relationships. While others may fall in love with their art or perception of beauty, people are also drawn to the real person that is this combo; the real person that is sarcastic, humorous, and laidback. This type generally doesn’t view commitment as exclusivity and may be more drawn to open relationships or a relationship that isn’t labeled. With this said, they are very considerate of what their partner wants in the relationship. While this type doesn’t usually do stereotypical romantic gestures, they are the type to write a song about you or create a playlist for you. This type may be musically inclined and would be great at anything to do with writing or composition. 
With Cancer Venus - The Sweet and Sappy  The double Cancer is a double dose of sentiment. This type feels love deeply and may be a bit of a hopeless romantic. This type loves seeing love, especially if its accompanied with tragedy or star-crossed circumstances. This is because they enjoy feeling moved and expressing compassion. This is definitely the type to fantasize about unlikely scenarios just for the drama of it. Romantic gestures are very important to this type, they will go to a lot of trouble to demonstrate their love and care for their partner. If the gesture is reciprocated, they will literally be over the moon about it and may even get teary eyed. Commitment is also valued quite a bit and this type tends to move quickly in relationships to secure them. They want to be able to plan ahead with whoever their with so there’s a track to follow and a bit of predictability. It also adds comfort in knowing their partner is on the same page as them in terms of life plans. Those who are artistically inclined with this combo do well with visual-focused art, especially photography. They are great at capturing an idea or feeling through their art. 
With Leo Venus - The Sugar and Spice  This type is a Cancer with spunk and allure. On the surface, everyone gets to know this individual as bubbly, timid, and sweet, but in relationships there’s definitely a wilder and excitable side to them. Their wild side is accompanied with a willingness and curiosity; they are all for trying new things in relationships, in fact they welcome it. There’s nothing this type loves more than their partner demonstrating enthusiasm towards the relationship as it feels like more attention– another thing this type loves almost more than anything. This type wants to be showered in attention, they might even nag a little bit or get frisky just to get some! Overall, this combo is extremely loving and needy of their partner. Pampering this type goes a long way. This type may be artistically inclined, if not, they are usually in awe or have a deep fascination for art. This type usually does well in fine arts or visuals arts; they often make for a great painter or sketch artist. 
With Virgo Venus - The Star Gazer   If you are this type, there is a good chance your Sun is in the last decan of Cancer which is ruled by Jupiter. This is an extremely complex and fascinating combination with a Jupiter decan involved as it makes an individual somewhat poetic and philosophical in their personality. This type of Cancer thinks very deeply and often goes for partners who are this way also. This is the type who will lay under the stars with you and talk hours upon hours about life; this is how they really connect with people and it’s often a deep-soul connection that they want. They aren’t very outwardly affectionate a lot of the time, much like the Cancer with Gemini Venus combo– they are much better at expressing affection through their words or writing. They will have a lot to say about their loved ones as there’s often a keen attention to detail. They flatter others with their ability to remember their interests. This type usually has a very ironic or sarcastic sense of humor which is sometimes accompanied with underlying negativity. Overlooked though, this type is hilarious and fascinating to be around. They always have something thought provoking to say. If artistically inclined, they often do well in visual arts or writing due to their attention to detail.
Leo Sun
With Gemini Venus - The Adonis  If you are this type, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of Leo which is ruled by the Sun. There is something truly magnificent and glowing about this combo. This type embodies a young, naive angel tempted by the mortal pleasures in life and is filled with curiosity. With this sort of personality in mind, this type gets into a lot of interesting romantic entanglements and may break a couple hearts here and there, but this type also has a huge heart, a lot of determination, and plenty of room for growth. In relationships, they may be a little difficult to hold down and keep interested because of their forever curiosity. There’s generally a playfulness and enthusiasm that comes from Leos, this is especially true for this type. They certainly know how to keep their partner excited and entertained. The individuals with the solar decan tend to have a powerful voice. They will speak up for their loved ones and the underdogs; they often have tremendous courage. It takes a lot to hurt this type, and when one manages to, the magnificent angel that is this combo becomes a fallen one. A bruised ego can be difficult to fix here. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any sort of writing or acting because of their bright and attractive personalities.  
With Cancer Venus - The Melodrama  Leos are often known for their exaggerations and drama– this combo is probably the most dramatic out of all the Leo combos. The two placements really feed into each other, where Venus in Cancer desires sentiment and compassion and the Sun in Leo often draws these desires from drama. This type’s love life is often a self written epic. Every step of a relationship is a profound experience for them and every breakup is a tragedy. In relationships, this type can be quite needy; they love physical affection and being doted on. This is very much reciprocated back as they are very caring and protective lovers. They get really into “through sickness and through health” modes which is all a part of the draw towards drama. This type really needs a partner who can play along with them, but also be their rock and place of rationale. This type does have the ability to switch modes and be calm and collected, especially if their partner is in a state of panic. This type also has a particular calmness around children and animals. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in anything that can release that exaggerated energy– so perhaps stage acting or music.
With Leo Venus - The Kitten  Leos don’t get any more cat-like than the double Leo combination. This type generally has a great level of independence and don’t particularly feel like they need a relationship. With this in mind, their standards are usually high or they prefer more open relationships. In relationships they can be incredibly uplifting individuals to be around; they love building their partner’s confidence and overall making them feel good about themselves. They are also very physically affectionate, this is their primary love language– being a literal cuddly kitten (or seductive and wild). Though a huge component of the relationship with this type is building their partner up, there is somewhat of an expectation to be a queen/king and treated like one. They need constant reminders of how important they through their partner’s words and actions. If their partner fails to meet the standards of this Leo, things will fizzle out and hearts will be broken because after all, relationships aren’t a necessity for this Leo! The double Leo is also often artistically inclined, they do well in almost anything that requires creativity. They would do particularly well in design or performance art.
With Virgo Venus - The Queen/The King  People with this combo know exactly what they want and only settle for exactly that. Their standards aren’t super high/unrealistic and they don’t have the same neediness as the other Leo combinations, but they are very particular in their interests, desires, and relationships. This type can often seem distant or up in the clouds because they keep their pursuits or love interests at an arm’s length for quite awhile until they are certain it’s a worthy shot. In addition to this, in relationships they demonstrate affection through what they can do for their partner to make their life easier or happier, unlike some of the other Leo combos that express affection a lot more through physical means. They need to be with someone who really understands this aspect of them, isn’t very needy, and perhaps shares a similar love language . In relationships, there isn’t a lack of playfulness– this type has a great sense of humour, they love to tease, and they often playfully nitpick just to rile their partner up. They also tend to give off a vibe that they are “above it all,” but after getting to know them, they are actually the most humble of all the Leo combinations thanks to their Venus in Virgo. This type is very stoic and the least flashy of the other combos. If artistically inclined, this type would do particularly well in illustrative arts or painting.
With Libra Venus - The Biggest Flirt  If there is something to be said about this Leo combination, it is that they LOOOOVE to flirt! It could be that if you have this combo, there is a good chance your Sun is in the last decan of Leo which is ruled by Mars. They are all about the passion, the excitement, and the game of the dating world. They are often great at wooing and charming people since their Venus is domicile in Libra as well. This type is really fun to be around, there is something about them that feels lavish and alluring. It wouldn’t be uncommon for this type to become popular and have an abundant amount of friends because they are so likeable. With this all said, they can still be guilty of being a heartbreaker. There is a level of indecision and inability to commit with this combo. They often don’t know what they want in the long run, but rather just for the moment. This type is best off spending their youth without any long term commitments so they can really learn and grasp what it is that they want down the road. This combination is often artistically inclined and would do well in almost any artistic endeavour that interests them. Particularly illustrative arts tends to be the muse of Leo/Libra combinations; they have a keen eye for colour theory and beauty.
Virgo Sun
With Cancer Venus - The Nest Builder  If you are this type of Virgo, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of Virgo which is ruled by Mercury. This type is particularly organized and has set-in-stone plans in mind for their life and desires. They may be a bit of a homebody– they definitely like to be in control of the household and know the ins-and-outs of how it functions well. This type looks for a relationship with someone who shares similar goals, specifically in the context of building a foundation. They love people who really understand and are compatible to their “system” so-to-speak. While practicality is the most important aspect of a relationship, this type doesn’t lack romance or affection. This type is very protective and nurturing and equally loves being cared for in this way as well. Holidays and celebrations tend to be quite important to this type, though the events are usually quite close-knit. This type may be artistically inclined and would do particularly well in writing or culinary arts! The combination of an earthly, Mercury decanate Sun and a water Venus gives this individual very clever, practical, efficient ideas balanced with magical, flavourful, flowing creativity.
With Leo Venus - The Serendipitous  This type of Virgo often surprises people, in a good way. Initially this type may be perceived as cold, shy, or unapproachable, but after getting to know this type, people realize they are quite the opposite. In relationships, this type is extremely warm, affectionate, and playful. This type may even be much more reckless, spontaneous, or less self-restrictive in comparison to the other Virgo types. This type dispels a lot of the stereotypes of Virgos being rigid, compulsive, cynical, and closed-off. This unexpected personality is what attracts more fiery, rebellious romantic interests to compliment this Virgo’s wild side. This type of Virgo likes a lot of attention, but may not directly communicate that. They may indirectly make little complaints or nudges in that direction as a Virgo does, but often in a playful, non-resentful manner. This combo loves to show off and talk about their partner– they often take great pride in their choice of partner, especially when the relationship is having a ton of highs. This type likes people who push them out of their comfort zone and build their confidence. Having Venus in Leo is a great placement to have if you’re an artist. This combination would do particularly well in illustrative arts or painting. 
With Virgo Venus - The Eyes of the Room  The double Virgo is a double dose of Mercurial energy influencing this type’s interests, values, and desires. This type is observant, practical, and careful when it comes to dating. The type of partner they seek must meet this Virgo’s standards which are often high or carry some sort of expectation that the relationship is low maintenance or drama-free. In relationships, the double Virgo makes for a great partner because of their observant qualities– they are amazing listeners, they remember the little things, and go out of their way to make their partner’s life easier. This combination is very attracted to tidiness and uprightness– people who really have their shit together, that are reliable and can give this Virgo peace of mind. With this said, this type is very attentive to their partner’s emotional needs. They express romance through what they can do for their partner, especially if it’s something their partner has forgotten about or has been stressing over. They will go out of their way to help their loved ones during lows. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any sort of design, especially interior design.
With Libra Venus - The Art Kid  This Virgo’s domicile Venus in Libra gives them a little more desire, pizzazz, and maybe even eccentricity. The Venusian influence really makes this type explore a very self expressive, show-offy side to their Virgo sun. This combination really likes to dress to the nines, especially for or with their partner. In relationships, this type is one of the more romantically expressive Virgos. They love to go on dates, even well into the relationship, and are very attentive. They really put in the extra effort even when things have settled in. They constantly are checking in with their partner’s needs and feeling for how they’re feeling. Spoiling their partner with lavish or thoughtful gifts is common with this type. This type doesn’t mind spending a good chunk of coin on their partner. They also wouldn’t mind the same treatment in return! This type is often artistically inclined and would do well in any artistic endeavour they choose. They also like to express their love through their art! 
With Scorpio Venus - The Insatiable Spirit  If you are this combination, your Sun is more than likely in the last decan of Virgo which is ruled by Venus. There is suppressed desire within this complex combination, as both the Virgo and Scorpio archetypes are very much to themselves and often secretive, but with Venus in Scorpio and and Venusian Sun decan comes insatiable desires. This combination is not obvious at all with their interests or pursuits which can be difficult for potential relationships. They tend to open up more as they spend more time with an individual. Eventually they can reveal their interest which often comes as a surprise. In relationships, this type values intimacy the most. They feel loved when their partner shares with them openly and when there is a close physical bond. They really desire unification. Without those things, this type can feel extremely hurt and will close themselves off again. This type is usually in it for the long haul, especially if the chemistry is right, but they really need to be with someone who can really understand the level of desire that comes from Venus in Scorpio. The overwhelming and surrounding love this type has to give can sometimes be too much for people, especially since this type is so unassuming! If artistically inclined, this combination would do well in areas that allows them to express complex feelings such as shame, guilt, and desire.
Libra Sun
With Leo Venus - The True Aphrodite  If you are this combination, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of Libra which is ruled by Venus. The mutual reception in this combination makes for an extra creative and artistically inclined individual. This type of individual often loves art and is drawn to events and venues for art. This type also tends to have a great sense of style and loves dressing up! When it comes to seeking out a partner, this type, unlike other Libras, knows exactly what they want. This type is seeking out someone to be their muse. In relationships, they really know how to dote on their partner and show them their pride in them. This combo is very charismatic and flirty. They can be very showy and don’t mind a little PDA to celebrate their love to the world. This type has an inclination to settle down, but if the attention isn’t on them consistently, their eye may wander! Keep this Libra inspired by taking them on dates to art museums and the great outdoors. As described, this type is often naturally creative, so they would do well in any sort of artistic endeavour.  
With Virgo Venus - The Friend to Lover  If you are this type of Libra, you may be somewhat shy around love. There can be a lot of indecisiveness coming from Libra’s influence and a lot of criticism coming from Virgo’s influence which can be quite difficult for this individual to confess their feelings. Usually this combo befriends their love interest and just hopes and prays they will take the initiative to confess feelings for them. While romance isn’t their strong suit, this type is really great at making friends. They can really hold a conversation and introduce new ideas to the table. People often fall for this type’s interpersonal skills and it’s up to the other person to warm this combo up romantically. Since this type is so indirect with romance, the “I love you”’s will hold a lot more meaning and should be cherished, along with other moments of vulnerability. The shyness definitely carries through even in the relationship. This type would do well with someone who can really open them up and encourage them to fulfil their, often neglected, desires. There can be a bit of shame around desire, something that is not uncommon for Venus in Virgo. If this type is artistically inclined, they would do well in any sort of writing. Their ability to express feelings is often stronger and more graceful through writing than it is through words.
With Libra Venus - The Evening Star  If you are this type of Libra, you have a double dose of Venusian energy coursing through you. All that is Venusian is intensified and significant, therefore romance and relationships will play a dramatic role in this individual’s life. Whether that be one big love story with a singular person, or a journey through several relationships, each one with a lesson, big or small, to be taught. In relationships, this type is often tested on some of their traits, specifically the Libran traits of indulgence and superficiality. This type is so involved in consuming what is desirable and being social in a way that fits their environment that it can draw in some quarrels with their partner. This type can sometimes behave like a leaf in the wind which is frustrating to their partner and people close to them. People will often question this type’s genuinity and frankness as they can be people-pleasers. Aside from that, this type is a real charmer and people are undoubtedly drawn to this combination. People fall for this type left and right as the Venusian influence is all-encapsulating like the evening star itself. They have a very pleasant and peaceful presence. In relationships, this type loves to be spoiled with dates and gifts. This type loves all things romance, beauty, luxury, nature, and art. They would do well in almost any artistic endeavour, especially illustrative art or anything that really captures their love of beauty and nature.
With Scorpio Venus - The Obsession  If there is something to be said about this combination, it is that they are COMMITTED and they do not move on easily! This type can be quite flirty in their social circles, but when it comes to an actual relationship, they are completely obsessed with their partner and loyalty is of utmost importance. Venus in Scorpio gives this Libra the intensity you’d expect from Scorpio placements. The intensity can be dramatic– the highs and lows of relationships can be quite turbulent with this type. This type can’t handle being with people that provoke boundaries and break trust; people who could be described as out of control don’t mesh well with this Libra. This type really values stability and dependability. Additionally, it must be recognized that Venus in Scorpio is Venus’ detriment placement which adds an extra layer to the Venusian sun. This type may have a large appetite of desire and sometimes prone to selfishness which is quite a contrast from a typical Libra. This type also tends to know what they want in contrast to Libras typically being indecisive. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any art form that allows them to express their intensity and desires.
With Sagittarius Venus - The Life of the Party  If you are this type of Libra, there is a good chance your Sun is in the last decan of Libra which is ruled by Mercury. For these individuals, this puts communication as a theme at the forefront. This type usually has a large social circle and they are the most flirty of the Libra types! This type also may be open to open relationships or non-monogamous relationships– commitment or exclusivity isn’t huge for this type unless Saturn is prominent in the birth chart. With that said, this type is often a believer in soul-connections and will remain a strong presence in the lives of their soulmates. The Venus in Sagittarius does gives some spiritual inclination as well, but pleasure and reality tend to outweigh its importance particularly in this type’s youth. Experiencing life at its fullest before pondering it and God is the order in which this type tends to live. This Libra values fun the most when it comes to dating and relationships. They get bored easily, so new experiences and people are what keep them interested. You can expect to go on some very interesting dates with this type! This type is great at conversation, they are usually quite charismatic, warm, and humorous. They may have a more excitable presence in comparison to the other Libra types; they are best described as the life of the party, truly. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any art form that allows them to express their wildness and excitability.
Scorpio Sun
With Virgo Venus - The Paradox  If you are this type of Scorpio, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of the Scorpio which is ruled by Mars. This intensifies the Martian sun’s need for action as well as desire. Accompanied by Venus in Virgo, the need for action feeds into Virgo’s desire to serve. There’s complexity to this type’s personality; strong themes of autonomy in the paradox that is them serving their own desires through their desire to serve others. This type’s love language is, well, acts of service of course. This is incorporated in mundane aspects of life as well as intimate ones. This type is an excellent homemaker, but wouldn’t do well with a partner that doesn’t share the work of a household. There may be some shyness or coldness with this type even after they have, what they would consider, opened up. Their attentiveness intimately makes up for being difficult to read or unaffectionate. This combo’s capacity for big desires and fetishes may be of intrigue to those who are equally secretly freaky... Typical with Virgo in Venus, this type can be picky when it comes to starting and sustaining relationships. Imperfections in their partner can often be deal-breakers so this type either puts off relationships entirely or only pursues casually. This combo’s ability to understand complex concepts would make for a great writer or poet, if artistically inclined.
With Libra Venus - The Femme/Homme Fatale  Of all the Scorpio types, this one is the most flirtatious and one of the more out there Scorpios. This type is sizzling and charismatic– don’t be surprised when you fall for this type’s charm. This type doesn’t play games, they get straight to the point when it comes to pursuing someone. In relationships, their loveliness and charm doesn’t fade, they retain and express their mysterious allure forever. Very affectionate and warm; they never let their partner feel confused on where they stand in the relation and they really know how to make them feel secure. With that said, this type is a very different person when you’ve hurt them, Scorpios hold grudges after all! This type is very artistic and will often incorporate their artistic mind and abilities in their romantic gestures. For example, they really know how to create a great atmosphere for dates through the classic mood-setters like food, scented candles, certain fabrics, colours, etc. The senses and art go hand in hand greatly with this Scorpio. As this type tends to be artistically inclined, they do well in most artistic endeavours, especially those in which Scorpio’s provocation and Libra’s beauty can go hand in hand.
With Scorpio Venus - The Hungry Like a Wolf  A double dose of Scorpio makes for an individual with an ocean of depth and intensity. There isn’t a love that’s deeper than a Scorpio’s. However, with this said, Venus is in detriment when in Scorpio which may add a layer of complications. There’s a tendency for this type to be untrusting, secretive, and stingy with their vulnerability. This type demands a lot of attention and focus on them, exclusivity is a must. The double Scorpio can be best described as very love-hungry. They really need to be with their partner constantly and may even be borderline obsessive at times. This type values a spiritual/emotional connection either as equally as or over an intimate/physical one. The passion and intensity this type exudes is consistent in highs and lows. They can be particularly cruel and punishing when hurt by a loved one. It wouldn’t be wise to get caught in a lie with this type! Their affection feels all-consuming and maybe even a little aggressive. This combo would do well with someone who doesn’t mind or even enjoys being with someone who’s quite possessive and protective over them. They really need to be with someone who is always on their team, so to speak. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in artistic endeavour that allows them to explore the complexity of a detriment Venus; endeavours that are emotionally and spiritually explorative. 
With Sagittarius Venus - The Bloom from Gloom  While it’s common for Scorpios to be quite secretive, this type is the quickest to become an open book for the sake of love. The fiery, gregarious Sagittarian Venus can really aid to making this Scorpio appear sunny, warm, and extremely approachable. This type is loud and forthcoming, it will be very obvious if they like you. This type can also be considerably more social and pleasure driven than the other types– they are very much party goers like the Libra type unless indicated in their chart otherwise. In relationships, there is no lacking in the fun and physical aspects. This type values the physical aspect of relationships quite a bit and tend to have a very carefree and relaxed attitude towards sexuality. This type likes to be quite goofy and humorous with their partner, there’s really no bigger turn-on than making their partner laugh! As with all Scorpios, the intensity is still there with this type; you can expect as much passion in this type’s love as the others. Their value in spiritual connections or spirituality in general may be more prominent with a Sagittarian Venus. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in an endeavour that honours their value in spirituality.
With Capricorn Venus - The Dark Side of the Sun  If you are this type of Scorpio, there is a good chance your Sun is in the last decan of Scorpio which is ruled by the Moon. This Scorpio is the most emotionally expressive and focused out of all of the types, which may seem surprising as a Capricorn Venus is so readily labeled as cold and calculating! There is actually nothing calculating about this combo; there may be a bit of coldness or rigidity, but as lovers they are very considerate and adoring. In relationships, this type may be a bit controlling– it stems from their feelings of foresight and protectiveness. This type definitely needs to wear the pants in the relationship. Financial security can be particularly important to this Scorpio. As mentioned, this type is quite emotionally focused, therefore they may be quite sensitive and have tendencies to lash out when hurt; obviously this type’s Moon sign will be more telling in terms of sensitivity. This type values exclusivity and predictability, they can’t handle people who are aloof, hard to read, or in need of constantly indulging in their freedom/free will. This Scorpio desires long term, deep connections with a foundation that facilitates vulnerability. People find themselves attracted to this type because they have a very sure and safe presence, like you know you’re going to be well taken care of. This combo’s ability to be in touch with lunar dwellings makes for a great artist; they would do well in anything that allows them to express lots of emotion such as writing, music, or acting.
Sagittarius Sun
With Libra Venus - The Mystic  If you are this type of Sagittarius, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of Sagittarius which is ruled by Jupiter. This is Sagittarius in its true mystic expression. This type is magical, extravagant, and fair. Venus is in its ruler with this combination, so the themes Venus holds importance over will be prevalent in this type. That means themes of relationships and values are quite strong. This type is very spiritually attuned and values very deep connections with people. With this said, this Sagittarius is difficult to hold onto. They are always onto the experience in their life despite being committed to the moment. In relationships, this type’s attitude is very optimistic and diplomatic. People are very attracted to the overall vibe this combo gives as it tends to rub off on others. Their extravagance comes from this types desires for big and luxurious things. This Sagittarius manifests big time since they have a lot of dreams of luxury. This type’s love of spiritual and philosophical concepts may give urges to go on journeys to further explore their curiosity; their partner, of course, is invited to this spontaneity. This is how the deep connection is fostered; being spiritually on the same page and experiencing things together. Being inspired by the natural and supernatural world, this type is often quite artistically inclined. You can get a glimpse of their mystique through their artwork.
With Scorpio Venus - The Sultry Sage  If you are this type of Sagittarius, then you might get mistaken for a Scorpio a lot! The intensity of Venus in Scorpio really feeds into this type as they much more dark, brooding, and desire hungry compared to the other types. While still retaining the deeply spiritual qualities Sagies tend to have, you will notice with this type that they are much more needy of affection and closeness. In relationships, this type can be a bit aggressive or jealous over their partner; they need a lot of reassurance and affection to keep this at bay. Exclusivity and long, committed relationships are often valued in this type. People find themselves attracted to this type’s seductive personality– their desire for deep discussions, their cleverness, and charisma. If you’re looking to lay under the stars with someone, this is the one, but there probably won’t be a whole lot of star-gazing! They also tend to have something completely unforgettable about them, whether that be their gaze or perhaps their voice, just something to not be forgotten. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any artistic endeavor that expresses the sultry darkness within their Venus in Scorpio.
With Sagittarius Venus - The Brightest Star  This type of Sagittarius is quite similar to the Libra Venus type, but less materialistic and a lot wilder. This is the double Sagittarius; a double dose of Jupiter! All the joy, mystique, and abundance of the Jovian planet is apparent in this type. If there is something to be said about this type, it is that they are extremely passionate about their values/interests; they literally love their joys to death and become the brightest person in the room when talking about them. In relationships, this type is very spontaneous, excitable, and optimistic. They love nothing more than goofing off with their partner or loved ones and fulfilling urges of wanderlust. In relationships, the pursuit of just feeling happy is most important. They want to be with someone who can make them laugh and vice versa, someone who is open-minded and with a hopeful outlook and willingness. While this type tends to have a high tolerance, they don’t stick around negative crowds or relationships. When this type isn’t trying to make you laugh, they can seem quite philosophical as Sagittarius tend to be. If you’re looking for both silliness and deepness, it can be found within this type. This type can get bored easily, but they are also easily committed– they just need someone to keep feeding the fire so they don’t blow out. If artistically inclined, this type should find an endeavour that captures their love of abstract ideas, philosophy, culture, and spirituality. 
With Capricorn Venus - The Breadwinner  This combination really slows down and brings a Sagittarius back to earth. This is a Sagittarius that lives in the present (and maybe a bit in the past as well..) and one most people can easily keep up with! People are drawn to this type for their stability and dependability. In relationships, this type is much more cautious and conservative compared to the other combos. They may even be a little bit opposed to PDA or a bit rigid when it comes to expressing affection. This type still lives up to the Sagittarius’ stereotype of needing freedom; the freedom they want is control over their life. They often want to be the one to wear the pants in the relationship and make the big decisions. A plus to this icy Venus is that this type is actually quite good with money– far better than the other types! Sagittarius dream big and this combo knows how to save for those big dreams. Because of the nature of Capricorn energy, this combo tends to have two types that they are attracted to; people they can take care of and people with status; bonus if someone happens to fit into both these types! This type likes to express love through acts of service primarily whether that be completely spoiling you with gifts and quietly doing the dishes after an argument to show they’re sorry and that they love you. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in the makeup or fashion world as they really know how to take things to the next level with professionalism, sophistication, practicality, and attention to detail. 
With Aquarius Venus - The Freedom Chaser  If you are this type of Sagittarius, there is a good chance your Sun is in the last decan of Sagittarius which is ruled by the Sun. The cocktail of this combination of solar influence and an Aquarian Venus can give some complexity, especially for this type’s attitude towards relationships. The solar decan really makes this type stand out and for others to be drawn to their light. While shiny, attractive, and unique, this type is hard to get with! Extremely independent and always on the move; they always have an excuse as to why a relationship won’t work or how it isn’t right for them at the time, which is totally fine. This type’s autonomy and value over freedom is very commendable. They know what they want and they aren’t desperate! With this said, this type is attracted to people who share the same dreams or ideals as them. If they find someone who is running in the same direction as them, it may spark some romance. They also like individuals who are unique like themselves. In relationships, this type may be a little bit hard to read and their mind may seem like it’s elsewhere when affection is being requested from their partner. This type still retains the silliness Sagittarius tend to have, letting loose and having a good laugh can really bring them back to earth. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in endeavours that allow them to express their value for freedom and demonstrates their glistening uniqueness. 
Capricorn Sun
With Scorpio Venus - The Master  If you are this type of Capricorn, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn. There is an inquisitive and clever nature to this combo. They are very smart and never easily fooled! It can be difficult to break down the walls of this type, particularly because of the crystallizing Capricorn Sun accompanied with a detriment Venus; vulnerability is hard to come by unless the Moon tells otherwise. If one were to actually get to know the secrets this type holds and be in a relationship with them, they’d discover a surprisingly needy and amorous side to them– maybe even a kinky side! Martian Venus’ have quite the capacity for desire, after all. What people love about this combo is their loyalty, dependability, and wit. This type is very committed in relationships and isn’t the type to stir things up; keeping the peace (and quiet..) in the relationship is important to them. While they strive for steady sailing, it can lead this type into somber and cynical moods; they tend to sink into stillness and are prone to seriousness. A partner who is more cheery and optimistic will keep this type afloat. This type expresses love through their demonstrating deep respect for their partner and physical closeness. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any endeavour that can express their provoking thoughts and ideas.
With Sagittarius Venus - The Philosopher  This combo is the steady head of a Capricorn and the endlessly wondering Sagittarius. This is a Capricorn with optimism and joviality; the glass is always half full with this type. This type is very fascinated by the world, as Sagittarius influence tends to express; they love learning about different cultures, philosophy, theology, and spirituality. People are attracted to this type’s curiosities and likewise this type tends to be attracted to those who walk an off-beaten path and have plenty of stories to share. Venus is quite comfortable in Sagittarius, so it can really warm up a Capricorn’s iciness. In relationships, this type values honesty and happiness the most. They approach relationships with a particular openness and energy. You can expect the most adventure from this one in comparison to the other types! This combo can get bored and move on from interests rather quickly, so relationships that are dynamic are a must to keep this type hanging around. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any endeavour that expresses their love for different cultures and philosophy.
With Capricorn Venus - The Chivalrous Lover  The double Capricorn is a combo of coolness, chivalry, and classiness. You can expect to be blown away by this type’s respect and politeness to others, especially the people they care about most. Venus in Capricorn however does have its iciness; this type can be quite difficult to get in touch with romantically. Warmness is overshadowed by chronic seriousness and concern for their responsibilities. Sometimes this type prioritizes their their career, goals, or projects over relationships entirely. When this type is in reach, they express their love through planning their future with their partner, their protectiveness, and actually letting go and having a good laugh with their partner. This type is surprisingly humorous, especially when it comes to cynical or dark humour. This type tends to be attracted to people who seem to have their shit together, who are quite traditional in some way, and present themselves with the same seriousness or classiness that Capricorn has. Capricorn looks for stability, it is one of the things they value most in relationships. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any endeavour that harnesses their sophistication and professionalism, such as fine arts, cosmetology, or fashion. 
With Aquarius Venus - The Unconventional  This is the quirky and odd Capricorn. There is absolutely nothing traditional or predictable about this type; this combo really takes the Saturn energy to the next level with Venus in the rebellious and unique sign, Aquarius. This combo is truly the manic pixie dream girl (or... whatever the male version of this is) of the Capricorn types. People will be drawn to this type’s uniqueness and incomprehensibility. This type can be rather confusing and hard to read; they often have very odd ways of gesturing their attraction to people. This type could literally write a song about you with no romantic intention, but in the same vein do something entirely unnoticeable as a gesture to show they like you. This type is equally attracted to unique individuals. They also like people with a coolness, independence, or stand-offishness. It works well for this type if their partner is equally a puzzle to be figured out. With this all said, this Capricorn does value its independence and does have a tendency to not seek relationships at all (it won’t stop them from flirting though!). If artistically inclined, any endeavour that demonstrates their oddness would be optimal for this type. Mixed media and anything experimental would be great for this type. 
With Pisces Venus - The Musician  If you are this type, your Sun is more than likely in the last decan of Capricorn which is ruled by Mercury. As Capricorn comes to a close, we see the magical concoction that is this type. With the influences of a refined Capricorn in a Mercurial decan and an exalted Venus, this type is particularly blessed in the realm of art and love. This type values true love, sacred love, or higher love. They may be particularly spiritual and attuned to the natural world. This type is extremely sacrificial and would carry the world on their back for anyone they considered deserving of that. In relationships, this is the most attentive and expressive of the Capricorn types and in some ways they are similar to the Sagittarius Venus Capricorn, but in contrast to that type, this one does have a tendency to negativity and catastrophic thoughts. This type has a tendency to be attracted to “broken” people or people that need “saving,” so there should be some caution or warning for this type to stray away from people that may take advantage of their selflessness. This type can be quite sensuous, again thanks to earthy Capricorn accompanied with an exalted Venus, they love physical affection and care. This type is usually artistically inclined and would do really well in practically any artistic endeavour– however this type would do particularly well in music because this combo is naturally poetic and refined. They are fantastic at communicating love and beauty through music.
Aquarius Sun
With Sagittarius Venus - The Traveller  If you are this type, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of Aquarius which is ruled by Saturn. This provides extra uniqueness and wisdom to the already genius that is Aquarius. With Venus in Sagittarius, this Aquarius fulfills their desires abroad and as far away from familiar as possible. This type loves to be the foreigner and often gets attention for being so. While broadening horizons in far away lands, this type falls for people who are totally different from them or from a completely different background. They love people who can share a good story about their life and teach them everything they’ve ever known. This type’s overall presence is that of someone who’s happy-go-lucky and positive to be around. They’re often quite wise and well versed in multiple worldviews. In relationships, they value honesty and integrity the most. Additionally, communication is quite important with this type because there is some level of obliviousness with this type. An authentic connection with this type can often feel absent unless there is dedicated time to discuss feelings. They are always very much in the moment and striving for the peak of experiences. They express their love through living through experiences with their partner. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any endeavour that demonstrates their vast knowledge and wisdom.
With Capricorn Venus - The Gentleperson  This Aquarius tends to be quite a bit more formal in their expression and conservative. They like things clean cut and refined. There is a tendency to really like modern design (especially in terms of living space, work space, and how they dress) and enjoy tradition (in the sense of values and nostalgia) simultaneously. The very industrial and professional vibe this type gives off obviously has some difficulty translating into their romantic life. While they can be very polite and gentlemen/lady-like, there is some rigidity, coolness, and difficulty winning the heart of this type. They typically don’t play the dating game, they prefer people who fancy the word “court” and people who go out of their way to impress them with their morals, values, and efforts on this world. This type tends to be very rational and may have difficulty being around people who are the very opposite. Reserved, but blunt; they tell things like it is. People often find themselves attracted to this type’s strength, stoicism, and intelligence. In relationships, this type will kick off their boots and let their hair down sometimes– and it’s encouraged as this type would greatly benefit from relaxing every once in awhile. Their biggest expression of love is being comfortable around you. This type would do well with someone who’s independent, clever, and able to make this Aquarius laugh. They prefer lasting relationships over short ones, but they know what they want and don’t want. They won’t keep a relationship going or lead someone on if it isn’t what they want in the long run. If artistically inclined, this type would do really well in any sort of design, particularly interior design, drafting, or architecture; anything that peaks their interest in modern aesthetics.  
With Aquarius Venus - The Storm  The chaotic and misunderstood combination that is the double Aquarius forever puzzles most. The double Aquarius lives their life paradoxical and shifts gears experience to experience. It is true that this type can be a bit wild– they do go after all of the boys/girls, are at all of the parties, indulge in all of the conspiracies theories and yet simultaneously if you actually ask this Aquarius what they want, they will tell you something along the lines of one true love, stability, and truth. This type actually does value commitment, settling down, and they are extremely intelligent, confident, and well-spoken. With that said, it is not without this type having feelings of doubt and suspicious of themselves and others. While being outwardly strong, this type can have some tendencies towards imposter syndrome. People find themselves attracted to this type’s hidden talents, their trippiness, quirkiness, and unconditional acceptance for others. This type will put others before themselves and will go to great measures to protect their loved ones. They are often drawn to people who are also natural weirdos themselves; people who are youthful and fun; people who they feel like they’ve known forever. This type values honesty, open-mindedness, and quality time the most in relationships. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any endeavour that expresses their uniqueness such as crafting, mixed media, or abstract artforms. 
With Pisces Venus - The Alien  This type is unusual and magnetic; otherworldly even. This type tends to be the “weirdest” out of all the Aquarius types. They have particular tastes, whether that be in music, values, foods, or romantic partners! They just have a liking towards kooky things. This type is also the most humanitarian driven as Venus in Pisces encompasses unconditional love and immense compassion for others and the world. Very spiritually driven as well. This Aquarius is very emotionally expressive, particularly so if the Moon’s position agrees. They are attracted to equally sensitive people; they need to be with someone who can facilitate their main outlet of catharsis which is wallowing about the world’s pain and flushing emotions out like a toilet! To be in a relationship with this type means going on a mission and using love to benefit the world. Moreover, this type tends to have some unusual talents which people will be drawn to, whether it be their beautiful voice, synesthetic mind, or their attunement to the supernatural. They are often artistically inclined and tend to do well in any artistic endeavour. Particularly music and fine arts are the most rewarding for this combination.
With Aries Venus - The Wild Thing   If you are this type, there is a good chance your Sun is in the last decan of Aquarius which is ruled by Venus. This additional ray of Venus can really benefit a Venus in detriment, which Venus in Aries is. The natural sextile between the Sun and Venus in this combination compliments this too. We see the nativity and curiosity expression of an Aries Venus really come out in this combination. There is a thrill and desire for anew-ness and discovery; this attitude is what dominantes this type’s realm of romance and art. This type is drawn to anything and anybody that is new and exciting to them. This type has a willingness to try everything at least once. Relationships tend to be quick and short-lived as the next big thing seduces this type away. However, in relationships this Aquarius always gives 100%. This type imprints a loveable unforgettable-ness onto others with memories of good times and pure fun. This type pioneers with their partner and shares experiences of adrenaline. This type is one of the more physical Aquarius types; they are very passionate when it comes to intimacy. This Aquarius is warm and very connected or attuned to their partner. They, however, don’t lack independence; they do need their space and they like having the challenge to fight for or chase affection. This type is quite creative; they are filled with innovative ideas and would do well in any artistic endeavour that demonstrates their talents.
Pisces Sun
With Capricorn Venus - The Guru  If you are this type, there is a good chance your Sun is in the first decan of Pisces which is ruled by Jupiter. There is a sense of maturity and wisdom from this combination; they are a capsule of knowledge open to everyone around them who wishes to be bestowed with this Pisces’ teachings. Even young individuals with this combo seem way beyond their years– they are old souls. This type’s sense of knowingness tends to draw in lots of people who are eager to learn or could be characterized as having some naivety. For that, this type tends to attract people who are much younger or older than them or people who come from a completely different background (culturally, religiously, or educationally). Relationships can often feel like teacher-student relationships as there can be a particular sense of mentorship or overfunctioning coming from Pisces. Relationships aside, this type is somewhat of a recluse. They dedicate their time and love-energy to learning or spirituality. They can even be somewhat detached romantically as they are always invested in the bigger picture whether that be the meaning of the relationship or future plans or even financial aspects of the relationship! There’s somewhat of a seriousness about them. They tend to have high morals and expectations for themselves and others. If artistically inclined, this type would do well in arts that require great skill and patience (as if all art doesn’t require this...), particularly music and illustrative tends to be this type’s muse and talent!
With Aquarius Venus - The Dream Drifter  This combination has some complexity to it. While this type truly seeks deep love connections, they repetitively have difficulty finding contentment in relationships, dreams, and desires. People and places get old fast. They drift from one direction to the next trying to find identity in something. This type tends to be attracted to people who inspire them and feel like a “new leaf” to their life. They also seek acceptance and have deep desires to fit in somewhere; they dread being alone. This type’s love language is primarily acts of service; they feel immense love when people go out of their way to do something for them or teach them something. It’s what gives them that sense of acceptance they are looking for. In relationships, this type expresses love through their creativity. They tend to have a talent for some sort of craftsmanship or a way with words in an artistic sense. They try to search deep within themselves that feeling of a deep love connection and put it into whatever they’re creating. This type loves to write letters in this way. This Pisces is very difficult to hold onto; even when they feel like they’ve found themselves in a relationship and years have gone by, the discontentment creeps up on them and something shiny, new, and far away looks like the cure– and poof, they’re gone. This type is often artistically inclined, clearly, and often do well in music, fine arts, and film. 
With Pisces Venus - The Healer  The double Pisces is comparable to the deepest parts of the sea. Mystical, deep, all encompassing are just a few words to describe this potent Pisces combination. This type is deeply spiritual and filled with compassion and charity. They are a fighter for free love and unconditional love. This type tends to attract people who are in deep need of help or misfortune; it is because the double Pisces is a natural healer. They should be cautious of people who will use this type for everything they’ve got. Pisces are extremely self-sacrificing, even to those who don’t necessarily deserve it. This type equally tends to go after people who may need helping or “saving” and caution should be practiced here as well as not everyone can be saved. This type values a spiritual connection with people the most and desire long term connections (but not necessarily exclusivity). They often have deep fantasies, especially in the realm of love. Escapism is common with this type. Sometimes their fantasies involve some unrealistic expectations of their partner or life in general so this type should find someone who can gently take the rose-coloured glasses off when necessary. Venus being exalted in Pisces, this type tends to be artistically inclined and would do well in any artistic endeavour they choose. 
With Aries Venus - The Siren  This Pisces is seductive, passionate, confident, and forward in the realm of love. The harsh Venus in detriment is completely masked by the Pisces’ soft voice and calmness. It gives way to the Martian Venus to pursue their desires and be openly flirty– and boy does this Pisces love to flirt! They have a spectacular way of facilitating chemistry with just about anyone; they are very attuned to others and curious. They pursue interests very quickly and move on just as fast. This Pisces is that one friend that has a new crush every week. Excitement and passion in relationships is important to them, as typically expected from Venus in Aries. They need joy, warmth, and anew-ness to stay interested. It’s easy for this type to fall into a pit of misery and insecurity which is why a bubble of optimism is necessary for this type. They also deeply value the physical connection in relationships; not just sexually (though that is important), but just general physical closeness and affection is what makes this type feel very loved. This type has some tendencies of being impulsive and naive, so a partner that can keep them level-headed would be very beneficial to them! If artistically inclined, this type would do well in any artistic endeavour where the can utilize their intense magnetism.
With Taurus Venus - The Daisy, Daisy  If you are this type, there is a good chance your Sun is in the last decan of Pisces which is ruled by Mars. In a lot of ways, this type is quite similar to the Aries Venus type; very passionate, intense, and flirty. However, this type is a lot less on-the-nose when it comes to their pursuits; they prefer to draw people to them with a bit of mystery (it also has a lot to do with the fact that this type is a bit lazy, but hey, there’s nothing wrong with that!). This type often has a natural beauty to them anyway, they don’t need to say much for one to be completely enthralled by the nature of this combo. Additionally, in comparison to the Aries Venus type, this combination is not impulsive at all. They really like to weigh out the validity of their decisions and desires before doing anything. They like relationships to last and exclusivity. Relationships must provide some dependability and stability. Unlike the other Pisces types, this type can very well be impressed with luxury. The Venus in Taurus does create some desire material things and value for hedonistic lifestyle. This is a Pisces that wants to be spoiled and doted on. The physical connection in relationships is also important, especially if the Sun is in the Mars ruled decan. Being sexually compatible sometimes sits at the top of their list when it comes to relationships. This type is typically artistically inclined in someway; they are often great singers, dancers, or artists thanks to Venus being domicile. They have incredible voices and graceful movements; very in tune with the rhythms of the earth.
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© - @star-astrology​ / All rights reserved. IG - @0livia.star / @0livia.astrology
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nyxoholicwrites · 3 years
hi!! i saw that your requests were open and i wanted to drop in and ask for some domestic fluff headcanons for nightowl,
i played the game just last week and i can’t stop thinking about him, i crave soft and sweet moments with him. maybe cuddling on the couch with him while watching some movies, dates to theme parks, or cute picnics,,, pls my crops are dying
(also the fic u wrote for him was the sweetest and it’s like my favorite thing to read whenever i think about him) <3
Hey Anon! Dw I will try my best to save your crops!
Nightowl brainrot can truly be a powerful thing
Fun fact this was written during my Drama and English class, gotta have my priorities straight yk
Awee tysm! I’m makes me so happy to hear that you liked it! :)
The idea of going to a picnic with nightowl is the sweetest thing ever so I hope you don’t mind me going with that
Hope you enjoy! Be sure to ready your picnic basket
Nightowl Picnic Headcanons
Nightowl x GN! Reader
TW: none!
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I can see nightowl being the type of person to like going to different places for each date. He would definitely take you out to a fancy restaurant if you desired, but I feel like he prefers something more chill, he gives off the vibe that he wants to go to places where he doesn’t have to be so careful about etiquette.
I think that his mom forced a lot of table manners and proper ettiqute when he was still with them, everything needed to be perfect and he was no exception. Ever since he was freed from his cage, nowadays he doesn’t care for formal occasions.
Which is why going to a picnic is perfect. I have a strong feeling he saw those tiktoks with people preparing elaborate picnics and decided to try it with his cutie
Ever since he moved away from his parents, he has been experimenting and trying new things he never got the chance to during his childhood years, and style is definitely one of them.
Imagine this, the two of you preparing for a cottagecore picnic, wearing matching outfits, doesn’t matter if you choose a dress or a skirt, he will definitely be determined to wear either of them.
I don’t think he would match everything to the last detail, he would probably do a light twist like it could be a similar piece just different colours
It would be sort of symbolic of the bond between the two of you but, even though you guys are together, both of you still retain your individuality. He finally has the chance to be himself and so he is going all out.
I vaguely recall robo mentioning that his favourite food is omurice and especially if it's homemade, so I can see the two of you just secretly making each other's favourites. Even if you might not be the best at cooking he would have the biggest smile just because he knew you did it for him
After witnessing the amount of effort he is putting into this date, Mc would definitely get him something he had his eyes on, or maybe even a bouquet. I personally envision peonies and baby’s breath ( I may love roses but man peonies <3)
As for the location, I can see one of two things, either a flower field where its just the two of you, which helps if the Mc feels more comfortable showing affection privately instead of in front of people, or, if they are comfortable, he would pick out a place where it’s aesthetically pleasing, like those fancy parks with gazebos.
I see the two of them playing Uno, idk why, like picnics can be fun and romantic, but like, playing the game with your beloved in the light breeze and beautiful scenery is a dream. Nightowl seems like he is good at Uno, but he is also a simp so if you are really bad at Uno he would purposely let you win a few times
During the entirety of the picnic, you will easily gain over 50+ pictures, some of them will be of either the two of you together or separately, in rare moments it will be the environment around you. Photo sessions are a must in this relationship
After the food has been finished, both would cuddle on the soft blanket and gaze at the sunset, holding one another in comforting silence, constantly stealing sneaky glances at one another
Cards and various delicacies decorated the pastel pink blanket as the two lovebirds were surrounded by a floral valley. All was silent except for the quiet breaths and sweet nothings whispered in each other's ears, peaceful moments such as these were sacred, time always felt as if it stopped. All worries vanished, it felt as if they were the only ones in the world. “ Cutie, I could stay with you here all day, are you sure we can’t just call in sick tomorrow?” He pouted, nightowl wished he could take this moment and have it last forever, but sadly, responsibilities existed, in this world, nothing came for free.
They gently cupped his face, tracing the intricate lines that shaped him, the same lines they gazed at every morning, evening and night. “ You know what? Sure, let’s call in sick, I think we can afford to enjoy a little long weekend.” He shouted in excitement, fists raised to the sky, a triumphant grin never leaving his face. They laughed at his reaction and held him tightly until a batch of daisies caught their gaze, slowly they rose from their position and picked a couple of them, an idea had sparked in their mind as their hands slowly wove the petite flowers into a floral crown.
As they grasped the crown, they gently placed it onto nightowl’s head, he chuckled at their focused gaze as they adjusted the strands of hair, assuring that the final piece looked nothing short of perfection. “ Since you constantly call me your majesty, I thought it's time I crown you as my king, a ruler must have their love beside them.” He sat up from his previous position and placed a peck on their soft lips as thanks, he had always shown his affections and gratitudes physically, he never hesitated to hold them by the arm, waist or hand.
Some would call him clingy, however, to them, his behaviour and soft touches were comforting, they had always served as a form of reassurance or it helped them to stay grounded in the moment, focused on nothing but the warm squeeze. “ Well who am I to refuse such a title from my liece?”
“Thank you for bringing me here love, I really needed to get away somewhere, anywhere to be perfectly honest, just as long as you are by my side.” A heart warming smile had placed itself on both of their faces as they focused on each other and leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was so sweet, nothing but pure love behind every peck. They had returned to laying on the blanket and basking in the warm hues of the sky, a mixture of scents in the air as the wind led the flowers of the field in a dance.
“ Beautiful, you have no need to thank me, instead I have to thank you because you have given me the two things I thought I lost. Love and hope, and I will never stop thanking you till the end of my days.” He softly stroked their skin, they felt as if a flame had spread itself onto them, along with his sweet words, it set their heart ablaze. They burnt brightly for each other, eternal flames with no means of extinguishing, forever guarded by their own Vestal priestesses. For they would always burn for each other.
AN: I am terribly sorry for this taking a while to write, something personal things came up, expect a second post today! Thank you for your patience! Have a wonderful day :)
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lilithsrecord · 3 years
𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖟𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖑
part 2
♱ 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
outward appearance means nothing if your are unable to carry yourself with grace and confidence. it’s important to radiate an aura that is unique to u and is beautiful and enchanting to others. find your essence. are u an ethereal innocent angel or a bombshell femme fatale? Just by channeling in a sort of character in your demeanour can drastically change how other people view you. you might be wondering “hey this is a bit much just for school,” and ur right but it’s all fun at the end of the day
𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬
𝔣𝔢𝔪𝔪𝔢 𝔣𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔢:
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femme fatale: noun
an attractive and seductive woman, especially one who is likely to cause distress or disaster to a man who becomes involved with her.
"a femme fatale who plays one man off against another in pursuit of money"
a femme fatale is a women who shows power through how well she can toy with a mans brain. in hindsight she might seem like a women catered to the male gaze due to the strong enchantment she has upon men, but do not be fooled. a femme fatale is a strong willed and powerful women who only caters to her own needs. she achieves her goals by seducing her pawns to use them to her own advantage. channeling in the characteristics of a femme fatale can make one feel powerful, sexy, and oh so alluring. to become a femme fatale you must ooze with seduction. femme fatale examples include gilda, from the movie “gilda”, jane smith from “mr. and mrs. smith, and amy dunne from “gone girl”.
feel powerful when you walk from one place to another. let other people stare at you while they feel intrigued by ur allure but never completely give them what they want.
make your appearance look bold and striking. be sexy. dress to show off what other people want for themselves. wear dark and luxurious colours. let your hair be free and voluptuous. a bold lip and sharp eye makeup brings attention to the most seductive parts of your face. a femme fatale is nothing without a striking appearance
have your voice sound like smooth whiskey. speak slow to captivate others. make sure your voice comes out prominent and clear. add a slight rasp into your voice. each word u speak should be carefully chosen. people should be addicted to hearing you speak. be sassy and smart but always with class.
smell expensive. pick a scent that exudes class. examples: black orchid by tom ford. mugler alien. good girl by carolina herrera.
a femme fatale makes sure to always get her way. don’t be afraid to use ur seductive quality’s to get what u want whether that is good grades or social status. [ however do not put urself in dangerous positions. please don’t sleep with a teacher lmao ]
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coquette: noun
a woman who flirts.
in my own definition a coquette to me is a girl who is delicate and radiates innocence. she is more commonly known as the girl next door or the pretty girl. people become attracted to this essence due to the childish ways of a coquette. though that sounds concerning, a coquette isn’t a women who tries to act like a child on purpose. she is just a women who is naturally sweet and innocent. they hold onto a childlike quality that the rest of us have lost and so desperately crave. the allure of the coquette is ultimately her adorableness. her demeanour is light hearted and youthful. no one feels the need to do her wrong because she is just too cute for any harm. she is an ingenue. examples of coquettes are lizzy grant, cat valentine from “victorious”, alice cullen from “twilight”, and marilyn monroe.
wear clothes that make u look cute. the coquette aesthetic has been around for quite a while. the main aspect of a coquette outfit is its innocently teasing nature. wear bright colours that compliment ur skin like a blush pink, bright reds, and pretty lilacs. make people around u appreciate ur innocent look but know that there imagination is running wild. the makeup for these looks are more natural and rely on the condition of ur actual skin. take good care of ur skin. have a set routine but remember that it’s completely okay if u have pimples! you can still be a pretty little coquette even with acne.
vanilla or any kind of sweet scents are a staple for the coquette essence. ariana grandes perfumes are perfect for making people mouths water for a sweet snack when u walk by. olympea by paco rabanne is my personal favourite.
be kind and sweet to people who deserve it. people need to see u as a sweet and innocent doll who can do no wrong. but don’t be afraid to be risky and be the complete opposite of that once in a while. the rare moments where u show ur femme fatale side will have people incredibly intrigued by you.
perfect your voice. your voice should sound pleasant like some sort of princess. make your voice sound higher but not ear screeching high. add a beautiful mix of air and softness to ur voice. a breathy voice is incredibly intoxicating and suits the coquette.
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pêle-mêle: adverb
in a confused, rushed, or disorderly manner.
also known as the manic pixie dream girl, a pêle-mêle is the essence of a girl who is described as whimsical, eccentric and is quite literal the life of the party. though at first glance she’s all rainbows and sun shine, the shadow side of the pêle-mêle can be described as a tortured artist. her optimism is delightful. she is not afraid to take risks. she’s a mess but people can not help to be intrigued by her free spirited ways for she is a drug to people who crave adventure. examples of a pêle-mêle include ramona flowers from scott pilgrim vs the world, mia wallace from pulp fiction, harley quinn from the DC comics, and holly golighty from breakfast at tiffany’s.
don’t be afraid to take risks. risks and adventure is what the pêle-mêle lives off of. be brave. do things you are afraid to do. start small and work your way up like from riding that roller coaster your so afraid of to having a motorcycle race with your friends (trust me those are so fun!). show people just how daring you can be and immediately people will be magnetized to you.
wear clothes that are unique and you feel comfortable with. the pêle-mêle rejects conformity and the way you appear should reflect that. wear clothes that harmonize with your crazy personality. be daring and bold with your makeup. make sure you stand out from the crowd and that you do not care what people think. the alternative style perfectly suits someone who embodies this essence.
be confident. obviously this rule applies to all the essences but confidence and self love is at the core of the pêle-mêle. you need to show people that you do not care what they think of you and that at the end of the day, you are just here for a good time. the more you practice self love, the easier it will be for you to express yourself without the fear of judgement from others.
be a socialite. don’t be afraid to speak your mind to people. pêle-mêle’s are usually people persons. they love good company that they can go on adventures with. make friends by being your true self and don’t hold yourself back. even a few mishaps by saying the wrong thing from time to time can make people fall in love with your clumsy nature.
obviously there are plenty of other essences you can achieve for yourself but these are my top three favourites. to find out who exactly who you want to become try the few tips listed below!
how to find your personal essence
what kind of people captivate you? what type of personalities do you see that you wish you could be? do you find yourself being envious of the pretty girl next door, the man eater, or the mysterious persona? figure out what kind of a person do u wish to truly become and inherit their manner. find out the characteristic of ur desired essence to the littlest of detail. this can include from the way you walk, talk, eat, sleep, look, smell ext. think of this as becoming your ideal best self. take the female archetype quiz to get a better understanding of your self.
what kind of aesthetic catches your eye? do you enjoy the glamorous high fashion life or do you like the softer cherry coke and heart shaped sunglasses niche? maybe you enjoy completely different things or a blend of a few. live up to this aesthetic. do this by expressing this aesthetic in the way you dress to how u decorate your room.
what kind of environment do you feel the most comfortable in? are you someone who loves education and school? or do you love the idea of being free and living in an RV for the rest of your life? maybe you just want to live in a cozy high rise new york apartment or a huge mansion up in beverly hills. envision where you see your ideal self in 10-20 years. your ideal environment can reveal a lot about what kind of lifestyle choices you want to make.
you might be thinking to yourself hey these aren’t the best tips for school. and at an educational standpoint you’re right. but it’s important to embody your best ideal self to truly enjoy this lifetime. these are little things that can be used to motivate you. i believe that inner self work should be prioritized over your school work though both are important. make sure you are taking some time out of your week to find out more about yourself and who you want to become. be the best you.
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Thank you @eldritch-and-tired for commissioning this lil’ /Reader piece of @megalommi‘s Sans, Baggs. I will ALWAYS be a simp for this sexyman. Enjoy!!
Tw: injections, unwilling hypnosis/mind control
You giggled.
The light was so pretty. Swirling, undulating, cyan and magenta warping and shifting in and out of one another in an endless hypnotising rhythm. It made you think of a funfair... spirals everywhere, from the tops of the stalls to the decorations on the rides, to the signs leading you around to those huge lollipops that tasted tooth-meltingly sweet. Happy memories, carefree, far away and non-solid but still wonderful. What were you doing? You couldn’t remember anything. You liked blue and purple, they were everywhere, all around you, such pretty colours. 
Pretty, pretty...
“... there we go. easy now.”
... You didn’t realise he was even there until he (somewhat cautiously?) spoke. Your senses were just colours. The voice was odd and a bit disembodied at first but slowly, slowly, you became aware of its source- a face hovering just over you. The awareness spread to your body, too... you were bent at an odd angle with your feet just barely lifted off the floor, your back flat on a rather uncomfortable table, gravity pulling your hair and cheeks. And he... he was just a few inches over you, pinning you by one of your wrists.
A tight and tense, cutting smile, clear signs of stress around his face and shoulders making it obvious that this was the smile of a man on the edge and not one of any particular joy. Deep sockets, so wide they looked borderline painful, glaring down at you with so much intensity...
... You could feel his body heat. And his breath against your face. Your heartbeat, your slightly itchy nose, how tight he was holding your wrist.
“... Mh... Huh?” You said, ever-so articulately, vision spinning in the same direction as the swirls emanating from his left socket. A similar way to how the world rocked when you were dizzy... except for you, it never righted itself. It just kept spinning and spinning and spinning. Everything was so bright, as you fell under a pleasant fuzzy sensation burrowed into your chest and mind, blanketing your thoughts as if you were just in the middle of a nice dream where nothing much mattered.
When he gently closed his gloved fingers around something you had gripped in your pinned hand, you put up no fuss, loosening your hold and allowing him to take it... when did you pick up a scalpel? What an odd thing to have. The back of your head hurt and your knuckles felt the telltale aches of having been tense a few moments ago, even though they were now just an unwound coil like the rest of you.
... Dr. Baggs let out a long slow, breath. You could feel it against your nose and neck, he was that close... his mouth open barely a crack, the magenta hue of his tongue glinting against his fangs. 
“... alright.” He said, voice silky, gentle on your thrumming ears and head, sockets easing around the edges as he calmed down. The bluish shadows of sleep deprivation under them became more apparent as the tension in the room, face and posture waned. “that’s better.”
... Yeah. You thought, relaxed and calm. It is.
... He gave you the bare minimum of personal space, leaning back and helping you to sit, lifting you with the perfect combination of gentle but firm as if he knew you’d immediately feel so dizzy when you became upright. Your hands moved up and held onto his shoulders to steady yourself- the fabric of his lab coat was surprisingly soft, it was very nice to touch. 
... He was so close. Supportive but strict hands on your elbows, your knees on either side of him, he smelled like... the artificial flavouring they added candy that just wasn’t quite natural. And a specific, scented brand of antiseptic; clean and sterile and prepared.
“... well.” He hummed, reaching out of sight for something with one hand. Your forehead would bump his collarbone if you leant forward any more. His voice was so soothing and calming, especially since you were only a few inches from his clavicle... you were getting pretty close to shutting your eyes at this point, but a prick in your arm kept you from completely nodding off- you barely noticed it, too busy studying the aesthetically pleasing purple trim to his coat and enjoying the funny fuzzy sensation in your chest and temples. Oh, he suddenly had a full syringe in his hand that he was putting a cap on... where did he get that? 
“i knew from the start you’d be uncooperative, but... not that kind of uncooperative.”
He held something up to your face. You opened your mouth, (wait, why am I opening my mouth...) and he quickly placed it on your tongue. You swallowed, again, without knowing why... it was like your body was following a list of instructions that you couldn’t see or hear. Someone else had taken the wheel; tugging the right strings to make the right parts of you move when they were needed. 
... You didn’t think about it much. No panic, no confusion, no considering the implications. The thoughts were disconnected... just ships in the night, sailing by your muffled brain. All you could really think about was how whatever he’d given you was very strange and bitter and ew, you cringed, an odd acrid taste lingering in the back of your throat.
... Another prick in your arm. That’s weird, he keeps pricking me. Oh well. This time, you looked just in time to see him removing a now-empty syringe; he wiped where he’d poked your forearm with something very cold, then placed a little circular red band-aid over it.
There were six other band-aids on that forearm. Two green, three navy, one black... and now the red one.
Hm... I feel like I should be alarmed by that...
Again, all you could think about was how nice you felt right now. Dizzy, warm, safe. Like you’d had a little too much to drink, but now you were laying out in the sun with your friends... I miss the sun...
“most of my ‘patients’ are at least... consistent.” Baggs hummed, continuining to hold you carefully by the elbows, predicting your post-jab swaying. He didn’t seem to realise he was talking aloud, just a scientist observing his experiment, and you weren’t really paying enough attention to what he was actually saying- too many words to process, boooring. “uncooperative awake, uncooperative under. you’re always displaying aggression toward me... and yet as soon as you have no control, there’s an obediency so immediate it’s borderline subconscious. rather fascinating.”
Instead, you...
“... Sexy voice.”
“... what?” 
Apparently, that was enough to finally break him out of his thoughts. You glanced up at Baggs’ face, still only a few inches away, you kept forgetting where things were around you... the cushion around your soul never wavered but for a moment there was a little blip in the swirls. A slight interruption.
... His expression sort of... well, ‘melted’ was the wrong word. It was more akin to the sun peeking out from between two clouds. The detached, observational, scientific air to him thinned and began to evaporate... revealing something a little more warm.
The razor and unfriendly edges of his smile were rounding into something organic. Perhaps even, daresay, resembling forward. 
“my.” He purred. “how forward of you.”
“S’very nice. Very smooth...” Your tongue felt... eh. And your arm, where he’d poked you, was starting to itch. “And you have a nice face too... handsome man. I think so.”
His smile started growing even more, and he leaned back an inch or two as if to look at all of you and make sure you were really the same person he’d brought into this examination room less than an hour ago. “... oh really?”
“Yeah...” ... Your hands had been just holding onto his coat... but, spurred on by your sudden drunken confidence, you properly looped them around his neck.
... He blinked, but he only let himself appear taken aback for a moment or two. Despite how ominously his magenta eyelights glowed in his dark, shadowed sockets... you could tell he was enjoying himself, and this sudden turn of events. “i’m flattered.”
You laid your head on his chest. It was getting kinda hard to stay upright. 
... Your nose scrunched.
“Funky smell, though.”
That was enough to get an actual laugh out of him- albeit shortlived, his skull cocking like a curious mirthful bird. “are you... genuinely telling me that i smell, darling?”
“Yeah. Because it’s true. You’re gremlin.”
 “i’m... gremlin?”
“stars. i wish i could tell pap about this.”
Your body shifted, enough to make you lightly squeak- things were spinning so much that it took you a minute to realise Baggs had picked you up, an arm hooked under your legs and another around your back.
“you’re all done for the day, pet.” His eyelights had become a thrumming, almost amethyst colour as he looked at you, a far gentler shade of purple than his previous headache-inducing magenta. You weren’t sure what’d caused that but you weren’t complaining. You weren’t sure what’d caused him to carry you either, considering he usually just brought someone to collect his ‘patients’ for him... but, again, not complaining. “it’s time to get back to your room.”
“I feel funny.” You mumbled.
“that’s normal.”
He started walking. The halls all looked the same, as he moved through them, blending into one another... white and sterile, a few doors dotted inbetween if you were lucky but mostly just the exact same tiles and patterns and lack of anything that would clue you into the fact that people had actually (at some point) existed in this area. 
“Hm... is this where you work...?”
A little chuckle. He was sounding further and further away. “yes. this is my job, dear.”
“It’s so g... ug-ly.”
“oh? you think so?” Baggs’ tone had become... light? Perhaps a little teasing. 
“Jus... put up some nice posters, or something.” Your head was so heavy. Since when was it this heavy? You had to rest it against his chest, feeling that nice fabric against your cheek, hearing an equally nice humming sound from inside his ribcage. “Paint the walls. It’s so... white. Clini... ...clinicic... Calic...” 
“... Yeah.Tthat.”
A gloved phalange touched your arm. It was probably an attempt at a comforting gesture- stroking the skin. “good to know. i’ll make sure to pass that eloquent advice along to the decorating team.”
He brought you to a cell-like room. It was... vaguely familiar? A bed with one pillow, thin white sheets... some strange posters and a window with bars over it. You felt like you’d spent a long time in there, but it was impossible to think straight enough to actually muster up any memories.
Baggs laid you down on the bed, slowly, handling you like you’d fall apart at any moment. You made a little noise- it wasn’t a very soft bed... but it was good enough. And your body felt so strange and tired that any soft surface honestly was nice enough to lay down on forever.
“comfy?” He asked. Since when did he inquire if you were comfy?
“M... no. S’whatever.”
You peeked at him, crouched by your bed... and you reached out, pressing your inexplicably heavy finger against the top of his nasal cavity in a booping motion. You mumbled a little victorious “Silly skeleton.” 
He took your hand in his gloved one, gently, before it could go limp and flop down. You couldn’t really make out his expression at this point.
“don’t tell the other subjects...” He murmured... he sounded amused, at least. “but i think you’ve become my favourite.”
“Course.” You shut your eyes. “I’m... m’amazing.”
“... yes. course.” 
A feeling, like a kiss on your hand, before he placed it by your side.
“... go to sleep.”
And just like that, your body obeyed him before your head could even process what he’d said, and you were asleep.
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jaykayblr · 4 years
NCT 127 ideal types!
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Note - This is solely based on my knowledge and experience in astrology. This is only meant for entertainment purposes.
I will be considering their Venus signs for this.
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– Taeil – [ Venus in cancer ]
He wants his partner to be very sweet, affectionate and attentive
He likes a partner who is motherly and nuturing
A partner who is emotional and family-oriented
He likes a partner who is a bit like his mother
Someone who is the mom of the group,
Who takes good care of everyone around
Someone who is soft spoken
Someone intuitive, emphatic, compassionate
Someone who dresses up in vintage or old fashioned clothes
A gentle person overall.
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– Johnny – [ Venus in Capricorn ]
He likes a person who is stable
Someone who isn’t afraid of commitment
He likes someone who is mature yet very fun to be around with
He likes someone who is family-oriented and goal-oriented
Someone who is successful in his/her field
Someone who is very formal
He might be attracted to people who are older than him
He likes powerful people
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– Taeyong and Haechan – [ Venus in Gemini ]
He likes people who are mentally stimulating.
He likes people who are -
Smart or intelligent
He likes people who are very interesting, or who can keep his interest.
He likes to have a intellectual connection with the person
He likes the courtship stage of the relationship.
He likes that person to be flirty with him
He likes people who are a bit complex
Good talkers, good listeners are attractive to him
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– Yuta – [ Venus in Scorpio ]
Kinda expected it
He prefers someone who is -
Someone with a strong will power
Someone who has a strong, forceful personality
He likes people who are very magnetic
With an overly sexual appreance
He likes someone who he can share secrets and have deep conversations with
Feisty or hard to control people are his type.
( basically I am his type 😅 sorry )
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– Doyoung – [ Venus in Pisces ]
He likes people who are very Romantic
Someone who is -
Ultra feminine
Old fashioned
I am seeing all pink visuals
Someone who appears innocent and demure
He likes people who are compassionate, caring and selfless
Possibly someone who works in a public service - oriented field like a ….. Nurse?
An intriguing and Mysterious person
Someone who probably wears a lot of pastel colours
Aesthetic person?
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– Jaehyun – [ Venus in Aquarius ]
He likes to have this friendship sort of dynamic with his partner
He likes freedom in his relationships (I have repeated this again )
He is attracted to that rebellious types
Someone who is-
Someone who stands out
Someone with a detached demeanor
Someone intelligent
Free spirited
He likes someone who is a good conversationalist and he might become bored with people who don’t have anything to talk
A person too complicated will not attract him
Someone unconventional!! That is it!!
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– Winwin – [ Venus in Sagittarius ]
He is attracted to someone who is -
Fun loving
Care free
And athletic
Companionship is very important to him
He likes to become friends with the person he has a crush on first and then..
He likes people who are honest and direct
And doesn’t like people who are complicated.
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– Mark – [ Venus in Virgo ]
He likes a person who is -
Well organized
He is attracted to people who are shy and sweet and somewhat passive
He likes people who dress conservatively
Someone who appears proper.
Intelligent and good mannered
Someone who is very attentive to him might attract him
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ahtsumu · 4 years
what your haikyuu!! fave says about you
hinata: wholesome; there’s something pretty big standing in the way of your current goals that you hope to overcome; you send those heart memes into group chats; your life motto is to have courage and be kind; aka you are a hufflepuff; you tend to stan/identify with protagonists; aka your favourite harry potter character is deadass harry potter (… or neville)
kageyama: you want to be a bad bitch; you started drinking cow juice milk out of a little box with a straw bc you saw that kags does; wildin’ online but you’re a lil shy irl; “little shit” is one of your favourite insults/terms of endearment; you refuse to play any position other than setter for pickup games
tanaka: wack af; don’t know how to use your inside voice; short temper but usually very sweet; you like walking around barefoot; you have a pretty sick party trick–– probably something physical and reckless, like a headstand LMAO; high alcohol tolerance
nishinoya: also wack but you’re short so you’re even weirder; you probably play libero on your volleyball team; you’ve tried copying the rolling thunder move and your first attempt was also your last
tsukishima: all your faves are tsunderes; dry af sense of humour; probably spends an unhealthy amount of time on reddit; people who know you irl call you a troll; definitely a complainer; hate-watch reality tv shows; people ask if you’re anemic/sick/tired a lot–– you’re probably not, you just never sleep; drinks too much caffeine
kuroo: thirsty
kenma: you play(ed) at least one of the following: legend of zelda, any final fantasy, the elder scrolls, fallout; you wear thick-frame glasses; cat-person; you’ve dyed your hair before; probably watch(ed) danisnotonfire and pewdiepie; definitely went through an emo phase or is currently going through one; you like “smol” things
bokuto: life of the party; you may be a little self-centred/vain but you milk the shit out of it for comedic purposes; you know your way around a grill; VERY COMPETITIVE; you listen to nicki minaj and cardi b unironically; probably lowkey famous on twitter for memes; definitely know too many tiktok dances
akaashi: pretty boys are the bane of your existence; you definitely draw or make art of some sort; you do well in school and have “intellectual” interests; pink is one of your favourite colours; soft aesthetic; you watch yuri!!! on ice; you either can’t stop cursing or struggle to say “fuck” irl; you want to start a bujo or you currently keep one
atsumu: you were originally an oikawa stan but you switched lanes when he said that fucking goody two shoes line because his voice is pure sex; you text with HAHAHA instead of 😂; probably curse like a sailor; you flirt by comparing hand sizes; you have a sweet tooth; active on twitter; a little self-centred; you laugh at fail compilations
osamu: atsumu was too much of a dick, immature, or cocky; you’re drawn to quiet people; most if not all your interests revolve around food; you intentionally root for the underdog in most movies/books; not very competitive, you prefer to just go with the flow; you can relate to being in someone else’s shadow; you probably stan loki over thor too oh my god you do don’t you
oikawa: your fave fic genre is angst; hoe for astrology, sci-fi, and crystals/palm reading; you’ve probably gone through a HELLA rough patch in your life (possibly depression); you like writing and probably have written an in-depth character analysis about him; you struggle with finding balance in your life; you get played by fuckboys irl but you never learn bc they’re just so hot
iwaizumi: you know an oikawa irl; you also watch free! but not for the plot 👀; your favourite fanfiction trope is enemies to lovers; you flirt by being mean to your crush; probably a beast at arm-wrestling; you’re physically strong but might not seem like it; owner of a resting bitch face for sure
terushima: two words: tongue piercing
ushijima: very slim chance you have crackhead energy; you’re ambitious and tend to stan powerful/successful characters; most likely also “gifted” with some sort of talent or skill–– and you’re damn good at whatever it is; one of your hobbies is a sport; you’re doing well at school; people say you’re a chill person; definitely have a thing for his thighs; you want ushijima to r u i n you
tendou: you watch at least one of the following: hunter x hunter, one piece, naruto, or bleach; unconventional-looking or ugly anime characters are your type; massive fucking troll; you openly thirst on main; you shitpost on your main instagram; you fear nothing, god fears you
semi: be honest you just like anime boys with silver hair
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