#They are scared that u will treat them the same way they treat u rn.
theparadoxart · 10 months
fucked up parents and their fucked up parenting
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muzicgenerator · 1 year
pls could u do a tom kaulitz angst? like he’s arguing w reader and mentions something he knows the reader doesn’t like bringing up, and he has to make it up to her, then it can turn into fluff <3
yep here it is!!
hope u like it and sorry for late reply T_T
(BRO OHHH MY GOD THE ORIGINAL STORYLINE DIDNT SAVE 😭😭😭 so i just made a new one which is this one AGHHH SO MAD RN btw i didnt proof read the entire thing)
Pairing: Tom Kaulitz x Reader
Genre: a bit Angsty, Fluff
Warnings: None
Request Status: closed :(
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮ Last Night on Earth : Green Day
Playful bantering was one of the things you and Tom would do everyday in your relationship.
Sure, serious arguments would rise up which a simple kiss and genuine apology would quickly fix.
However those two won't do it right now.
"The hell do you mean I have trust issues?!"
"What?! It's true! Your ex cheated on you so you're scared to trust me; It's not like I'm gonna do what that guy did!"
Definitely, Tom shouldn't have brought your ex up who has no relation to this quarrel.
He knew how much of a prick he was to you and how he treated you; he even witnessed how devastated you were when you once came to him to seek comfort when you found out for the second time he had been cheating.
And he knew damn well you never wanna hear about the jerk ever again.
However, you did appreciate him admitting he wouldn't repeat the history you had with your past lover.
"The fuck, Tom? That bitch has no connection whatsoever about what we're fighting about right now.
And I saw the way you looked at her! It's like, if I didn't interrupt you both would've shared spits by then." enraged by what he said; you raised your voice to match his volume - which was unlike you since you're the composed one out of you two during serious arguments.
"Sorry but he kinda does! This issue you're having surely started with him. I remember the way you wasted your snot and tears on him and I dried it off.
And please stop being overdramatic, she's just a fan and I wanted to make sure she's happy. Not only with her; I mean with everyone of them!"
Tom tried hard to defend himself instead of admitting his wrongdoing.
"You are such an ass for bringing that shit up again when you know damn well your ass had issues too that I helped you get over with and all I've ever done was try my greatest to understand and care for you!
All I ever wanted was for you to stop looking at other people and look at me.. Am I asking for too much?" your voice whispered in offence and slightly croaked which made you resent yourself more.
Tom realized with wide eyes of what he had done,
"No, no of course not ____. No, look- I'm really sorry for what I said, I really am and-"
"Just shut the hell up, Tom. Save it, I don't wanna hear it right now." you harshly brushed past him to storm off to your apartment's bedroom in fear of hot tears falling down to your cheeks.
He sighed; ashamed in himself. Tom truly regrets letting those harsh and unnecessary words slip his blunt mouth. He knew he was better than this - definitely, he should control his mouth more and think about what he should say carefully during times like this.
The night spent alone in the bed you'd always share with Tom felt cruel.
Not for the reason he's not by your side; it's rather the fact that you're in bed without properly making up with him since you'd always forgive one another the same day.
A big part of you wanted to forgive him - believe that he truly didn't mean what he told you and only accidentally slipped because of the heat in the moment; that we all say things we don't mean when we're mad, and that he really wouldn't stab you on the back with a woman like your past lover did.
The smaller part of you scolded for being such an idiot; for believing a man would stay loyal - that you should call it off before he could do any further damage.
Honestly, you felt devastated just thinking about not being with him; so you eventually came into terms with yourself that the fire will settle down and you'll forgive him and he'll do better.
Don't know when it'll die down but it will. Hopefully soon.
Some relationships are worth fighting for, like you have with Tom.
Hence you will stay strong and prepare for many wars.
But tonight; you wanted and allowed yourself to fall asleep being upset and disappointed at Tom.
You'll let tomorrow do its thing.
It was the next day and the back of your head was pounding alongside a stiff neck.
You sat up and glanced at the digital clock placed on your night table that read 11:37 AM.
After stretching your limbs out while reminiscing the night before; you decided it's time to wash your face and start making lunch for yourself.
When you turned the knob and pushed it open; you were greeted with the aroma of your favourite dish; one that was always served to you as a child when you still lived with your family - one that you shared its recipe and process with your lover.
"Tom?" you asked in disbelief. You were certain he had left since your ears picked up the sound of the front door being pushed open then close in the middle of the night.
Certainty assured your mind that you'd rather not see his face first thing in the morning after such a night. Boy, were you wrong.
Your lover turned his head quickly; unaware of your presence since he's so caught up finishing, as well as perfecting the dish.
"Oh- love, you're awake. I um.. made breakfast but you didn't get up and it's uh, it's almost time for lunch so I thought I'd make your favourite." he stumbled over his words; which is bizarre.
"The pancakes are on the table, you can eat them later as a snack."
You nodded your head with a tight lipped smile and mumbled a thanks before heading to the bathroom.
Once the door had shut; you quickly drowned your face with water to remove the image of Tom cooking without a shirt on.
It's not like it's the first time you've seen him like that; but the way you're reacting right now is how you feel when you catch him in these types of situations - preferably without the post-fight shit going.
After peeing, washing your hands, brushing your teeth washing and drying your face, and doing your skin care - you forced yourself to go back outside for you cannot stay in the bathroom forever.
When you opened and closed the baby blue painted door; your eyes wandered off to the table and drooled at the sight of the newly cooked meal.
Tom patted the seat beside him with a smile; gesturing you to sit beside him.
You had no choice but to join him for lunch; after all, you are starving.
Instead of giving in to his request, you sat in front of him.
Instead of painting a frown on his lips; he still kept his genuinely proud smile (from cooking such a delicious dish) and handed you your plate and utensils - to which you accepted.
"Let's eat?" Tom asked.
"I don't wanna eat without talking about last night." you said with a straight face.
The man in front of you softly breathed a sigh,
"You're right." he agreed with a nod
"I'll start by saying I'm really sorry, and I didn't mean what I said. I just want you to know I would never even dare to think about betraying you like that, and I was an ass for what I did." Tom seemed to look everywhere but your eyes.
He couldn't bring himself to look at your mesmerizing hues for he was certain his shredded heart would be turned into dust.
"I don't even know why I said those things, I- I know this sounds like bullshit but I swear I really don't mean those things and you're the only person who I have my eyes on.
Please give me another chance I- I'll be better now, promise!" he trailed off and fearfully continued;
"But y'know if uh.. if you don't and wanna call it o-"
"Shut up Tom we're not breaking up." you sighed
"I know you said those to defend what you did, and it slipped out because of the heat of the moment. We all say shit we don't mean when mad, I understand. But what I don't understand is why you'd caress her cheek and look into her eyes like that?" your eyes examined his facial expressions and only saw genuine regret on his face. You hoped he'd look at your eyes and tell you directly why.
Hence, before his ready mouth started to explain; you tell him, "Tom, look into my eyes, please."
You caught the way the ball of his throat bopped up and down; swallowing his saliva. His eyes slowly trailed up from the table to your chest, neck, chin, nose, then eyes.
"She said she'd been a fan since the very beginning of the band's debut. She loved all us a lot, especially me. I asked her if meeting us was a dream come true, she said yeah, and we talked a bit more. Then she asked me to touch her face because she really couldn't believe that it was all happening, which I did."
Tom would look away from the two windows of your soul for a second before meeting again.
He was replied with silence; which kind of scared him.
"____? Please say something."
"For God's sake Tom, why didn't you just start with that last night when I brought it up?"
Tom rapidly blinked once, twice, thrice, then for the fourth time. "... I must've forgot to bring it up because I was so caught up in the moment."
You laughed; a true one, "You mean too focused into bringing my ex up?"
He was speechless by how just a second ago you were dead ass serious, and now crying laughing at what you said.
"Sorry, I'm done laughing now." you giggled before continuing, "Fine, I'll forgive you if you tell me where you went last night."
"I went back to my apartment and did some thinking how to make it up to you and slept there. I went out really early to buy groceries so i can cook your favourite food here."
It was your turn to be speechless.
"...You seriously did that?" you asked with doubt in your voice.
"Yeah, I mean the proof is on the table." Tom chuckled.
You said nothing and finally dug into the 5 star looking meal, soon your lover did as well.
"Sooo, are we good?" Tom hopefully asked after sipping his water from the cylinder glass.
"I guess so." you blessed him with a small smile to which he returned with a big one.
Conversation flowed naturally between you as you ate the savoury food.
If Tom didn't make it as a famous guitarist, he'd definitely be a winner in Hell's Kitchen.
After Tom cleaned put the dishes to the sink; you insisted to wash it since he cooked. He declined numerous times but it wasn't going anywhere since you're more stubborn than him.
"All right, fine. Only if you let me hug you from behind." Tom made a deal.
"Pshh, why're you asking as if you don't do that whenever I do shit in the kitchen?"
Tom rolled his eyes with a smirk drawn on his lips as a reply and proceeded to snake his large hands to your waist; then pressing his chest to your back and resting his chin on the crown of your head.
Nothing could be heard other than the clanking of pans, plates, and utensils, along with the flow of the running water from the faucet.
The comfortable verbal silence and physical contact was very much needed after a fight.
After drying your hands with a cloth; you walked towards the couch and sat with your boyfriend still embracing you from behind.
"What do you wanna watch?" you turned your head to the side to look up at his face.
"Whatever you want, I'm fine with anything." Tom looked down to your eyes, then lips.
Slowly, he leaned his fave closer to yours so he could taste your lips.
Once contact had been made; you couldn't help but melt even more to his touch and wrap your arms around his neck - and he couldn't help but deepen the kiss and caress your waist and back.
Soon enough, the passionate kiss had come to an end to catch their breaths.
"I love you so much. You know that, right?" Tom stared into her hues as the tip of their noses touched.
You slowly nodded and brought your hands up to his hollow cheeks, "I love you more." you said before pulling his face closer to kiss each other's lips once again.
Tom mumbled in-between the kisses, "I love you the most, sweetheart." before deepening it. His tongue soon entered your mouth and both your hands rubbed and caressed your bodies.
The hot post-fight make out session would last as long as half the length of the movie you played in the middle of the session; playing Atonement for the millionth time from your entire life.
After pulling your mouths away due to your jaws hurting; you slept and cuddled like babies.
Feeling the safest in each other's arms.
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love-toxin · 2 years
omg are we talking p5....i wouldn't mind ryuji being my yandere because he's just so cute 🥺 yes we can go get 5 bowls of ramen and yes we can do whatever u want bc i love that one brain cell floating around
you are touching my brain wrinkles rn i love u......mwah.....my hand has been coerced.....
Yandere Ryuji Sakamoto HCs
cws: yandere, jealousy, college-era phantom thieves, stalking, mentions of murder, intense worshipper complex, ryuji being well-endowed, rough sex, bruises, pregnancy mention
☆ hc / ♡ spicy hc / ♀️♂️ gendered hc / ‼️ dark hc
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☆ Ryuji just happens to bump into you everywhere, primarily at school but also around the city when you're out and about. Each time it happens he tries to strike up a conversation, a couple times you've heard him psyching himself up and practicing beforehand, but when he doesn't he just slinks away and you think that's the end of it--not that he's hanging around and watching you from afar, which he is. It's rare that he's not, not that you've ever noticed.
☆ When he awakens his Persona, he feels unstoppable. It just hits him like a train that he has power, he can protect you, and he gets so much bolder than he was, though he still has to work himself up to talk to you or look you in the eyes. He just fantasizes about rescuing you from villains and getting a kiss from you for his efforts, wondering if he'll ever get to hear you call his name first when you're in trouble.
☆ While his friendship with Akira is too strong to crumble completely, he does get wildly jealous when you show any kind of affection for him, no matter how benign. It could be as simple as chatting away with him on the train or between classes, and Ryuji will be biting his tongue and clenching his fists to keep from throwing something or punching someone. Even if he can't identify exactly why he feels so strongly about it (because it's more than just jealousy, he can feel it) he knows that it's a feeling he has to tamp down as much as possible, because it'll surely scare you away if he shows that side of him to you.
☆ Speaking of friends, his whole friend group knows and routinely teases him for treating you so differently than he does anyone else. He's soft with you and gentle like he isn't with other people, he drops everything to talk to you and you make him laugh so hard even when your jokes aren't the least bit clever. Sometimes they poke fun at him for being so crude and loudmouthed and that he doesn't have a chance with you, especially since he can barely string together a sentence when you fluster him, but they know how much he likes you--some of them have an inkling of just how much, and although it's concerning, those people keep their mouths shut for the most part. Especially considering the tongue lashing they know they'll get if they say a bad word about you.
☆ His love languages are gifts and acts of service, both of which can have a lot to do with food. He'll give you things you never asked for either because he knows you need them, because he snooped on you or because it just reminded him of you and he thought you'd like it. It could be anything from little trinkets, drinks from the vending machines, pens, snacks, bread from the school store, or even an offer to join him for dinner which he promises will be on him. Usually that's ramen, with loooooots of ginger!
☆ In this same vein, acts of service encompass a lot of things, too. He'll sneak an extra pencil or an eraser into your backpack in case you lose yours, and he'll insist on offering you his water bottle because it's important to stay hydrated, and no it doesn't matter if you're playing sports or not. It's still important. Give him his indirect kiss. He'll run things for you if you mention needing to drop something off, he'll pick up things like library books or study materials from your teachers for you (and ignore the scrutinizing looks and disparaging comments from them), and he even risks being late to class when he runs all the way to your house and back to get the assignment you needed to hand in that day and forgot. For lack of better term, he does husband duties at a friend price--he's hoping to change that one day, though.
☆ You know that Ryuji will do anything you ask, he's practically waiting in anticipation for you to ask something of him so he can show you how devoted he is and how capable he can be. He doesn't care if people look down on him for hanging around a nice person like you, but he does get irrationally mad if someone makes a comment about you because you're hanging around him. He's completely convinced that you're nothing but an angel, that even your flaws are beautiful, and that's probably the only way you'll truly understand how he feels about you--when he blurts those feelings out while he's arguing with one of those guys spreading rumours about you, all while you're standing in earshot. So if you ask him, no matter how meekly, if he can do one more thing for you--if he can be your boyfriend--Ryuji is obviously more than eager to fulfill that wish, even though he's embarrassed about the way he confessed.
☆ And being your boyfriend means there's much more room for him to stretch his overprotective muscles. Just being your friend and defending you against rumours or ill whispering just doesn't ring as right as your boyfriend. Trust him, he'll use that term a lot, and in an especially smug way whenever someone either compliments you or tries to ask you out. "See that one there? That one's mine. I'm their boyfriend." he'll say with a grin, his arms folded over his puffed chest, because how much better does it get than this? Even though he's even more scrutinizing about people getting near you, it's totally worth it to have you look at him like he holds the world, even though you're the one that makes it better just by existing. And he's quite happy with that arrangement.
☆ It evolves, though, his obsession with you. Talking about you and showing off your pictures to people isn't enough, it doesn't fully encapsulate how wonderful you are, and he needs more. He both wants people to keep their filthy hands off you and to realize that you're better than anyone they'll have ever met--he wants you to be untouchable to everyone but him, maybe even him, because he's the one that deserves you the least. The worshipper complex develops in him slowly, but it'll come to a head, rest assured. There will come a time when things between you aren't as sweet, and Ryuji will be willingly destroying his life just to lift you up. Abandoning school, ignoring his friends, forgetting about his future.....nothing matters unless it has to do with you.
☆ The only one who can stop him is you. You're the one who has to stop him in his tracks, and encourage him to attend to the things he has to do to get by and will make him happy (even though he insists you're the only one he needs to do that). If you don't facilitate that regression back to his usual self, Ryuji will completely unravel--and that's when he's the most likely to end someone for your own good. That's when he might turn on his own friends just to make an example out of them, while you watch on in horror.
‼️ The worst of this would be if you're also a Persona user, but you're not like him or the others. If you share a similar power to Akira, and you have access to the Velvet Room, Ryuji will be consumed with jealousy over the fact that you two share something he doesn't. You two have a bond that's just different from everyone else's, and you can be sure that Ryuji will be trying to inject himself into those whispered conversations you have--and if he can't, he'll be listening in on them. He can be so stealthy that even Akira won't notice him, and if he hears one word of perceived flirtation or affection, then your black-haired friend might suddenly become indisposed for your upcoming mission. Maybe permanently, depending on how much force Ryuji ends up using in his rage.
♡ Ryuji doesn't know his own strength in many aspects, and the bedroom is also one of those places. Sweet, sensitive Ryuji is not a virgin, but he's not experienced either. His first time was some girl in his third year of high school that he barely even remembers, only that it was embarrassing and a bit unsatisfying to boot. Mostly because he wasn't able to please her, didn't know how, so he's determined not to make the same mistake with you. Meaning, of course, that he's desperate to prove himself--and that he may leave some bruises on you and ruin your ability to walk straight in the process.
♡ He's well aware that sticking it in and calling it a day is not the way to go--so he does what most would be too anxious or proud to do, and he asks you what you like. It's just as good if you don't know, cause you can figure it out together. But if you do, Ryuji pays close attention to everything you say and every area you reveal is most sensitive. He's mostly a neck kisser and a thigh grabber, so if those places are your sweet spots, he'll have quite the fun time seeing how he can get you to react to his mouth and his fingers. He might even suggest touching yourselves in front of each other before trying anything too serious first, to get a feel for what each of you like. And while it's definitely a plus for Ryuji to get to see you so vulnerable and cute, you'll also get to see how totally ruined he can look when he's getting off (because he definitely doesn't hold back) and get a gauge on the size you're working with, cause wow. Whatever you were expecting, it doesn't do his real self justice--it doesn't even begin to measure up to what you're gonna face, which may be either thrilling or anxiety-inducing depending on your experience.
♡ He's completely content with spending the initial moments of foreplay with his clothes on, his lips on your neck, and his hand down your underwear as he lies next to you in bed. He'll lick and spit on his own fingers to make it nice and easy to move around down there, but he won't spend much time away from that soft spot above your collar--he leaves mark upon bruise upon sore little teeth imprint, all spelling out the warning "this belongs to me" without having to say a word.
♡ By the time it gets to penetration, which doesn't always happen if he can get you off sufficiently before then, Ryuji is riled up. This is where strength often becomes a problem--he can barely keep it together long enough to get a condom on, so when he slides in for the first time of the night, he's almost totally gone within seconds of the sensation hitting him. Ryuji will just go hard, pounding your poor guts into mush with hips so wide and strong that it feels like he might crush you, and he could if he really wanted to. But he would never--he much prefers you to be alive, especially when you make such sweet mewls and squeaks and moans when there's air in your lungs and your body's pinned underneath his.
♡ As one might expect, he's a big fan of hitting it from behind. The act of dragging your hips back to meet his thrusts, his blunt nails dug into the fat there to leave visible marks, just strokes that spot inside him that makes him feel like he could cum just thinking about it. Each buck of his hips is so strong it's enough to bruise, and his size doesn't make it any easier, so it's almost certain that he's going to leave you bedridden more often than not if you don't ask him to be gentle.
♡♀️ If you're a female or you're able to carry a pregnancy, yandere Ryuji will beg you to think about having a baby with him. He's on track to getting a good job, he's got money now, and he wants a little product of your love so badly. What better way to flaunt you around as his precious partner than to have a baby cradled in your arms? And he would treat you like such a princess when you're pregnant, it would be just like when you first started dating, except to an even higher power. He would literally ban you from walking as soon as you get to the third or fourth month when you're really starting to show, and would insist on carrying you and your baby around whenever he's home. Refer to him as "papa" or "daddy" when you're talking about him as a father, and Ryuji will just melt right in front of you.
☆ He's just such a good man at heart, such a sweet man, that luring you in to his love is not nearly the task that one might think it is based on his reputation. He can make you love him without really trying, or trying so hard he abandons every other thought in his mind--because you're really all there is residing in there anyways.
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yamatologistt · 1 year
im like, what, 10 years late to the whole walking dead game thing but i was way too young back then to understand the game. i hope people still enjoy it, its a really good game (and sad) but im only up to season 3 right now (i only really liked s1 and s2) but im not finished so i cant really make decisions rn
i just want to talk about ben rn and evaluate him cause im rewatching it and now that hes my favourite i notice more things about him now. (i literally look at him everytime hes in frame even if its just showing the back of his head oml)
but anyway i see a lot of ben hate and sure i get it but i dont at the same time ben is so silly how can u hate him
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- to start, when we first met ben in the woods, he’d already been through some stuff, like he saw his classmate off herself and turn into a walker, his camp got raided and he was left with 1 friend and his teacher (who both still die btw) so most of what he had left before the apocalypse was gone
- when lee is rationing out the food, if he gives ben food first, kenny comes and tells lee that there’s kids that need food too, and ben literally is like ‘sorry i didnt want any trouble’ like cmon, and he’s literally a kid too he deserves the food as much as anyone else
- on the train he is interested in the controls and being up there, so we can see that he generally enjoyed it. but once lee gets the engine going, kenny comes and ben immediately has to go babysit katjaa clem and duck (he is also visibly upset) AND THEN later on lee asks how ben was doing and he says ‘im watching the girls and not working on a mega cool train’ (let him on the train immediately 😠😠)
- ok, so maybe he did sneak supplies to the bandits and i think this is just me being biased but i feel like him giving the supplies held off the bandits a little. i mean think about it, they moved on from the st john’s farm and started taking from the motel, right? im not sure how the bandits asked ben (if they made it clear then i forgot) but if he refused wouldnt the bandits come attack even earlier? i mean they needed the supplies right, and if ben didnt give them anything to begin with they would have raided the motel anyway. i mean they knew where they were even before the st john incident. idk its just a thought
- i think it was cool how ben managed to confess to lee that he was the one who slipped the bandits supplies. like you can tell ben is a good guy cause the guilt was almost literally eating him from the inside. and even though ben isnt one of the bravest people, he still confessed knowing that lee’s reaction wouldnt be pretty. (also his stance when leaning on the train railing was so silly to me)
- after they meet christa and omid, ben tells lee that his biggest fear was to be eaten by the walkers. i mean he literally said that if he got bitten he would off himself 😢😢
- also ben was always referred to as a child but he was never treated like one, everyone excpected him to be brave and strong but in reality he was just some scrawny highschool student who was scared and couldnt live up to his impossible standards. man, i really just wanna give ben a big hug
- if you tell ben to “kill anything that gets in” he responds with “you know you’re talking to me, right?” poor ben
- even though his biggest fear is getting eaten by walkers, you still have the option to leave him behind, and let him go at the bell tower. i mean how could u do this to him hes already gone through enough
- lastly, the part where ben tells off kenny is literally iconic, that scene singlehandedly made ben one of my favourite characters of all time, i was like everyone else, i didnt care about ben because i thought he was a bad guy since i never really payed attention to him. but i swear when he was telling kenny off it felt like i was being told off too. i mean his point was valid too, kenny had his family to say goodbye to, and ben (and literally everyone else) never got to see their family, (or they saw them as walkers, lee and clem,, :( )
- i know the last point was meant to be the last one but cmon its ben i could type this for ages longer but yeah. he had the literal best character development in the game. at first he was some stupid kid who was always messing up and before he died he was an amazing character who deserved literally everything. omg i cried so hard when he died cause when he fell i was like, oh i think its ok the fall wasnt too far and he said he only hurt his leg, but bro once we saw what really happened my heart sank bro it was so sad i really hoped nothing bad happened to him ☹️☹️ but i think kenny did the right thing cause like we said, his worst fear was the walkers getting to him. gosh i feel like i watched his death for the first time ages ago and i still cant stop thinking about him man
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anyways, i would literally do anything to give ben a massive hug, he did his best and he was literally so funny too :((
(thanks if u read this far btw, i just wanted to rant about this man i love him so much and i will defend him with my life) 😠‼️
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vacantgodling · 25 days
holds microphone up to u
may i hear about tmc
gimme your thoughts
WELL <3 since you asked so nicely <3 (jkjk but thank you eeeee)
so-- surprisingly atm i'm trying to figure out The Plot. i wasn't sure if i was ever going to make ?? a proper plot for tmc just because like. i love tmc and the kiddos so much but bc i know i want it to be a webcomic style thing that's just scared me off from working on it. basically bc art hard. But i should do it because i want to have fun and i had a few like. lingering dream-thoughts about some things so i thought i'd try and push it more.
rn i'm toying with the idea of expanding what's going on with society. because right now basically, there's the "city thing" that chidori and co live in which is dominated by trains. but i don't think anyone knows the kinda Back Drop for tmc?? cuz i never talk about it?? but basically this is a futuristic wip where humanity had to adapt to earth's sea levels rising WAAAAY up (in a way that is totally improbable but like i'm not hard worldbuilding this world at all bc this is supposed to feel shonen anime like PFFFF. basically anything goes cuz i said so energy). so they use train rails and special train types to get around. tm.
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this is old art from an old ask but this is the gist basically LMAO im sorry its so shit PFF
i was originally thinking of making wholly different societies that have something different instead of train masters BUT TBH, i think everywhere has train masters like its a global thing but chidori's city is just a big ass city and governments are still different like how bangkok, nyc, and paris all have different currency pff. basically my scope of the world is just expanding.
anyway tho, chidori's city has the largest population and by virtue of that its the one most prone to diseases, struggling, and economic stagnation. rich people gotta rich so they hate this.
my thought for the plot is actually around the strength of the sturgeon dollar. tl;dr the money in chidori's city is called "sturgeons" like the fish (and is colored similarly) but its actually got a poor exchange rate with the other cities. this is something that is concerning to the herme family who bellamy is the youngest child of. (bellamy below--the diamond prince and one of the s-rank train masters tm)
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bellamy is technically the "odd one out" of the herme family and is treated very poorly behind closed doorsaside from his illustrious and beloved image by the public. his family is full of law makers and politicians, but they also have heavy ties with crime (which is what i'm kinda developing now) and they have links to crime various other syndicates across the flooded world. the problem is, because the sturgeon dollar is so weak it puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiations with other politicians and syndicates. so with the under-the-table go ahead from the government, they have begun operations to start working towards destabilizing pretty much every city society (at the expense of civilians obvs) to try and either make the sturgeon dollar stronger, or to introduce an entirely new method of currency only for the elites.
me playing with the idea of yagmur being a double agent has to do with the fact that yagmur is a secret train master branch basically akin to the fbi or z-rank. they're covert ops. he's technically been assigned to work for the government of chidori's city to help with whatever tf this plan is but at the same time, he and bellamy are in a not-so-secret secret relationship and despite coming from money, bellamy hates his family. so yagmur is loyal to bellamy before anything else. but at the same time, bellamy isn't necessarily concerned with citizens--he's concerned with revenge and tearing down his family. so if i were to classify things as they currently are:
chidori and his main friend group (amehana, solange, bev, folami, and markis) are on the side of their city and protecting it from like everything.
bellamy and yagmur on their own side trying to take down the herme family.
the herme family and government (and some other entities) are on their own side trying to sabotage other cities to strengthen thier own dollar and since yagmur works for the government he's also kind of involved in this too.
so that'sssss currently where i'm at. i still need to figure out how the train academy works, what's up with these semi-magical weapons, redesigning folami (AGAIN but thankfully i think i have a good idea this time) and just other stuff to uhhhh make this make sense. maybe figure out the city situations as well?? just a lot tbh LOL
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liauditore · 1 year
So you know how once Scott made an off hand comment about how Jimmy is a puppy?
I got an idea rn, about an angsty toixc!FH moment.
Imagine Scott thinking/saying this:
and he forgives you. dogs are like that. so loyal.
That man just knows he has Jimmy wrapped around his finger. He cannot help but love him and think of him fondly, but at the same time he would love to squash him like a bug, and think of him as a pathetic idiot
i LOVE the idea of scott treating jimmy like a pet omg. cute lil puppy who can't survive on his own, here, let me take care of you. kinda like 'i can fix him' but. evil a bit.
i know what clip ur talking abt and it gave me so many thoughts u have no clue. just thinking about the way scotts like just do something nice for him afterwards, and he'll forgive you. it drives me insane i think.
scott getting used to getting his way cus jimmy will always let up. and the horror and heartbreak he experiences when jimmy refuses to say "i love you" back in limlife. can u imagine.
i give u, in return, romeo: imagine limlife mean gills talking abt jimmy cus they've both been with him before and martyn opens up for once and says he's scared that jimmy might hate him now because of whats happened between them. to which scott responds with what u wrote but maybe more casually worded. martyn might be horrified but kind of tempted to try out his advice 👍
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aeirithgainsborough · 2 years
i just finished playing parts 1 and 2 of tlou for the first time and, as someone who has grown to love joel and ellie very much within the span of 72 hours and found their characterization in pt 2 to be straight up bizarre, your takes on the game are a godsend. the rage in my heart cannot be extinguished but it can be soothed. thank u for ur service 🫡
you’re welcome!! it’s baffling to me how many people seem to have mindlessly taken it all in, just letting themselves be force fed some bullshit morality tale with no thought cus… yeah it’s bad ajsjjs. the gameplay is good although a little repetitive since it’s more open, the graphics are stunning, and as a disabled person who can struggle with games sometimes the accessibility is next level. they definitely get credit for that!
but the narrative is terrible. for a start it’s chock full of contrivances. abby happens to find tommy and then when she’s looking for him after making a FOURTEEN DAY JOURNEY across a dangerous world she gets into trouble and who should save her but joel! who then runs into a lodge unarmed with a group of strangers after 20 years of being on his guard. and then ellie runs into the room too unarmed despite the noises she can hear coming from it, even though she took on david and his cronies at 14 and got the better of them lol? then they all travel another FOURTEEN DAYS no problems, they find who they need in a huge city, ellie leaves a handy map for abby to find her. it’s absurd. one or two contrivances i can ignore but when you’re that reliant on them for your plot it’s not good writing!
then there’s ellie ‘im scared to end up alone’ ‘you’re the only person to never leave me and id be more scared without you’ williams. a girl who lost her best friend/first love traumatically and had a whole ‘let’s make the most of the time we have left’ thing with her… and she doesn’t speak to the most important person in her life for 2 years?? not my ellie lmao. i can see her being mad. i can see her being cold to him. I can see that relationship being different bcus of joel’s lie. i can’t see her going cold turkey whilst living on the same property as him for that long. i can’t see her never asking him for a proper explanation in that time. she leaves everything behind eventually despite her fears and how important the notion of family is to her. bye dina and jj. and then at the end… it’s pointless! she didn’t even get her revenge after becoming unrecognisable, leaving her loved ones behind, and killing a slew of people to get there. nor does she develop lol AT ALL. at 14 she had survivors’s guilt and was ready to sacrifice her life bcus of that and a belief her life doesn’t matter and then at 19 she’s the same! there’s no lightbulb moment where she’s like OH my life does matter it does have value none of my friends’ deaths were my fault and i don’t need to die for absolution. there’s no moment she realises why joel saved her. she’s stagnant. it’s so miserable. and it haunts me what we could have had if joel hadn’t been killed off for torture porn shock value. if they’d had to go on some journey with their relationship cold and not As It Was and along the way ellie has that understanding that her life DOES matter. ‘no one wants the same story they played in tlou blah blah boring’ LOL YES?? ellie and joel are why ppl loved part 1 and that’s why they had to lie so much in the lead up to the game and marketing. ‘this is a story about joel and ellie that’s why we decided not to have it about new characters’ lie ‘we love joel and ellie and we’re going to treat them with respect’ lie, plus aging joel and ellie up in the trailers and inserting joel into the trailer in a way that made ppl think they were going on a journey. it was a deliberate lie to make ppl who wanted more joel and ellie buy the game and they told it for a reason. and besides there’s a difference between ‘i just met you and i don’t like you rn but slowly im gonna love you’ and ‘i love you but i don’t much like you’ and that difference is actually fascinating and could have been used to rlly good effect instead of… all those stupid contrivances and torture porn!
and then there’s joel lmao. even the opening when he says ‘i saved her’ is so funny his expression his tone it’s literally disney/marvel villain sjsjsjd i cannot take it seriously. beyond that there’s such a dissonance between a) what actually happens in part 1 and what they say in part 2 and b) the violent world they’ve put him/us in and then asked us to get across in one piece with a kid in part 1 and how he’s then judged for that in part 2. ‘get this kid across the country but when WE make it so you’re attacked in every chapter and have to defend yourself/ellie we are going to say joel is a cruelly violent man’ ‘get this kid across the county without letting her die when you’re attacked pls and btw in part 2 we are going to say you taught her violence and corrupted her’ never mind that it’s impossible joel could have done the job in the world THEY created and then punished us for acting accordingly in, but also that he doesn’t even give her a gun until using one makes her sick and it’s not a fun toy to her. and even then it’s for emergencies. he never attacks first, he only defends. and they made it that way! that specific world is useless in moralising to us about violence bcus of that dissonance. none? of? us? can? help? it? ‘be violent when ur attacked or you’ll die and can’t progress the story but we are gonna punish and villainise and demonise you for it in part 2’ ‘kill hundreds of people and dogs, torture people, but did you know violence is bad actually??’. ABSURD. and in that hospital joel was NOT the aggressor. honestly the whole thing would have worked better if abby’s revenge had been for pointless violence. but from the point we know him joel is never violent until they are attacked first. that’s inarguable fact. even tommy in part 2 tells ellie joel wouldn’t have gone to seattle for revenge if it had been one of them! it’s been a long time since he did terrible things and im not saying that makes it ok (except he’s hot and not real so idc) BUT that aside the point is, he doesn’t go looking for it, and it’s never pointless anymore. but he’s the Big Bad Evil who deserves to die like a dog and we know you all love joel but we’re gonna make you hear it and watch it and also in the whole game we are gonna make him the punching bag we are not even going to ONCE let him open his mouth and explain what really happened in that hospital and why he saved ellie (yeah he’s so terrible for not letting a suicidal 14yr old kill herself)! which rlly brings us back round to the dissonance cus they’ve ALL done shitty stuff to survive including abby but she’s gonna be the one to ‘stop horrible evil villain joel in his tracks’ when he’s been living quietly in jackson for 5 years and she’s gonna get her revenge and then after get a happy hopeful ending all to show us violence and revenge is bad which a) falls flat bcus what? revenge makes you lose everything and end up alone except not for abby! and b) she’s objectively just as awful if not more so than joel but she’s the one who has to stop him and gets a nice redemption arc with a hopeful happy ending and joel has to die! abby:
shows great pleasure in slowly torturing joel and then killing him brutally
does the above in front of his screaming kid who’s being held down and forced to watch even though just finding her dad’s body is traumatising for her
is in an authoritarian militia who is intent on wiping out anyone else out in seattle lol?
kills people for that militia including kids
after torturing joel and killing him is so deeply unaffected by it she laments the fact she hasn’t got time to torture some seraphites who are chained up in cells
kills jessie when he’s unarmed cus she rlly learnt violence and revenge was so awful and took everything from you. wait, no, only ellie had to learn that lesson and end up alone. she also shoots and injured tommy!
once again shows sadistic pleasure in the idea of killing when she’s about to slit dina’s throat. this pleasure is bcus she’s pregnant so again yeah she rlly was so affected by her violence and revenge lmao.
never shows any great remorse beyond a throwaway line, meanwhile ellie loses absolutely everything including her fingers and joel, peacefully minding his business in jackson is the villain who deserves to brutally die and even after he’s dead he’s further villanised by the narrative lol even tho he was right to kill jerry fuck that man!
it’s just completely nonsensical! not only are they moralising to us in a world that doesn’t suit it, but they can’t even do it well!
it’s also just relentless misery and torture porn. kill all these ppl kill these dogs watch joel die horribly beat ellie up as the person who killed him even though you love her and are attached to her (really struggle to understand where im meant to find empathy for abby during this, esp after jessie and then the whole dina bit) watch ellie lose her family lose her fingers and end up alone which was her greatest fear. don’t even get me started on the section that posits ellie as a david figure down to gameplay mechanics and the theatre set up which is beyond vile when he tormented her when she was a fucking kid and the voice actor has talked about how he was going to r*** her. it’s vile enough that they took the first lesbian protagonist of an AAA game and tortured her for 25 hours straight and turned her into the villain but to also position her as her own fucking predator is straight up horrific. cus that’s not a stereotype in the lgbt community… as an aside, troy saying joel is the same as david is the stupidest thing ive ever heard and he should shut up forever.
on top of all that the game is homophobic, transphobic and racist. neil got the idea when he fantasised about killing palestinians in revenge… yikes. you can even see how the conflict between the wlf and the seraphites mirrors what’s going on in palestine. it’s actually a plot that’s very similar to an early iteration of tlou1 that was stopped cus... it didn’t make sense for anyone in that world to travel when it’s so dangerous just to get revenge ajsjsjs come back bruce! (ppl like to forget he was integral to part 1)
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this game doesn’t respect the characters, it doesn’t respect the world, and it sure as heck doesn’t respect us. it takes the ambiguity from the end of part 1 which made it SO great and rips it to shreds. instead of being allowed to make our own minds up they ram down our throats that joel was completely wrong in the way they punish him through the narrative and ellie (the ellie part just makes it worse :/). goodbye nuance goodbye grey area. the reaction to it from gamers who hail it as a narrative masterpiece and love abby whilst arguing joel is a villain who deserved to die show what propaganda was invented for actually! and then ppl have the audacity to say if you don’t like the game you’re a homophobic woman hater with no depth or nuance ITS LAUGHABLE.
i found the experience of playing the game so genuinely traumatic it was that full of torture porn but the good news is the further out i get from playing the game the better it gets. i haven’t cried for days and days about it which is a record!! and at that point it gets so much easier to disengage from part 2 and just enjoy the actual masterpiece part 1 was.
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hearts401 · 10 months
Vanessa's life goes pretty much the same as canon as far as childhood goes except! Gregory is her biological brother. Originally they were seperated in the divorce but when her mom died he had to come live with them and vanessa HATED THAT. she really didnt want greg here with her dad it made her SOOO UPSET and then her dad was an asshole so she. uhm.
Stabbed him. to death.
Will, who was around to see it (totally not having just killed someone himself, the irony) is like "wow. i should call teh cops on u for killing that guy." and vanessa BEGS HIM NOT TO and ehs like "mmmmmmmmmmokay but u can actually help me since you're already a criminal haha" and basically makes her clean up HIS murder while he helps sweep hers under the rug.
And tghen he keeps it going because she doesnt wanna go to jail or die or anything rn and hes holding that blackmail over her (plus if she gets him in trouble that only reflects badly on her bc she helped clean it up)
but when she decides that she deserves prison anyways, wills like "cool but my sons called the cops on me before and i came out innocent so theres a good chance I wont get caught" and he threatens to use gregory next/hurt gregory or smth like that so vanessa is forced to stay
she hates being called vanny because thats the nickname will coined for her
Luis is here too hai!!! he is constantly trying to cheer her up with like. the most surface level bullshit and at first william finds it amusing so he pairs them up a TON even when luis starts flirting with her because william thinks its the funniest shit but of course luis starts digging too deep and him and vanessa become chill (ish) with each other because she basically tells him to fuck off. with that same energy he PISSES HER OFFFF but he eventually does but hes still suuuper ignorant and pretty selfish and he keeps digging and snooping around but doesnt wanna tell ppl bc hes scared it'll hurt their relationship. vanessa wants to shake him by his shoulders and tell him to get her someone who will help her but william has caught on to luis by now and keeps an eye on them when theyre together (or gets henry to do it, either one) and eventually luis catches them killing someone and william kills him. oops!
vanessa is a bit uneasy about that because a) luis was ehr only hope of getting away from william atm and b) lots of people knew luis and theyd notice he was gone
but williams a smart guy and manages to shove that under the rug lol
Vanessa HAAATES henry btw. she thinks hes crazy and annoyign and he's constantly getting into fights with william. she also hates him bc he built the mimic which escaped and is now causing chaos and ruining their plans.
also she LOVES williams kids and she brings gregory over a lto to hand out with evan and theyre buddies but she is so worried about them because the way william treats them sometimes reminds her of her own dad and she doesnt want them to end up like herrr
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
The hell you mean, we don't talk about Yoonmin. I don't talk about Vmin. Vmin have me sweating sometimes. I'm not gonna lie. Tae be staring at JM like he's ready to eat him. Just watch the Dynamite dance practice during JM's solo. Tae for real gasped when he looked at JM and could not take his eyes off him. I don't blame him. JM in those loose jeans and that loose grey shirt, with his fluffy blond hair and licking his lips too. Damn, I don't blame Tae. I mean he did describe JM's eyes as temptation. Then I'm like naw, they're just best friends, then Tae drops a song about bring in love with his best friend. And then I'm like no way, he means another best friend or its just for the show. Then he goes on record saying it was a personal song and Jimin is his ONE AND ONLY best friend. Then I suddenly find it hard to swallow & my collar getting tighter. LOL. Then I'm nah, its all good, Jikook real. Then I see JM post he's watching The Notebook for like the 7th time during his recovery and a few days later on Valentines Tae requests JM's favorite song, Nothing by Bruno Major where the song talks about watching the Notebook for the 17th time. And then I'm like ain't no way, like hello, JM gave JK a hickey, FOCUS. Oh and JM calling Tae My Love and not long ago Tae played a snippet of a song in his car & posted it on his IG story & the song says My Love & mentions 4 am (which is Vmin time cause of Tae's 4 o'clock) also mentions stars, driving, etc and Vmin did say they go on long drives together & watch the stars together. So yeah, I don't talk about vmin. They scare me. LOL I have just come to the conclusion all of BTS members are in love with JM at one point or another. LOL
I'm kidding honestly, I am confident in Jikook, but Tae acts sus as hell toward Jimin and you all know I'm right. Even with how much he's been talking about JK, hell no, not even comparable to how Tae acts toward JM. They all wanna eat Jimin.
I......... just woke up anon. I'm not mentally equipped rn. Nope nope nope.
On second thought, let's talk about it.
Jimin is Hellen of Troy. Agreed. Sometimes they all be fighting for his attention. Facts. They treat him like an artifact. True. (Which is why its so funny to me when Army shit on Jimin when the Tannies worship the ground he walks on. Watch enough of their content and tell me he's not the unofficial BTS leader)
Now idk about no notebook or Bruno something. All those things they have in common that u listed, I will take your word it.
But first let me clarify why we don't talk about Yoonmin. Suga is probably super gay or bi/pan. But there is more proof of him being interested in men than women. But then he also says his tongue can drive both sexes mad so there's that. Anyway, Suga has been caught in 4k eyeing all his members. Even JK 👀 Suga is me and I am him 😂😂😂 but the reason we don't talk about Yoonmin is because JK sees that shit and hates it.
JK is not threatened by Vmin. He's reacted to all members doing skinship with Jimin, yes including V. But its not that often. And definitely not as strongly as with Minimoni and Yoonmin. JK alot of the times will chuckle at their antics or ignore them all together. Cant say the same for Yoonmin though.
The other thing u mention. Jimin calling V my love or baby. That's not... anon that's not idk...I wouldn't put too much weight on this one. Even international fans do this with their bestfriends. And he did the baby one to comfort V and Jimin comforts all members. They go to him for comfort coz he is good at being there for them. Plus he's always babied Taekook from jump. (JK being less receptive of the two since he dont like Jimin to treat him like the maknae he is)
About V looking at Jimin like he wants to eat him he does this with all the members. I recently shared this Vmon post i mean.. isn't that what u mean by him looking at Jimin like he wants to eat him? And then this compilation where again, all members
And then you're saying their moments are fire? Have you seen Taejin? I'm sorry but that ship in my opinion has all V ships beat.
V and Jimin taking long rides together, I have never heard about this but didn't we see Vhope take a long ride together ITS2? Did they take a trip with both their families? I've never seen Vmin do that 🤔
Maybe in the beginning Vmin were super close and shit Anon, but damn. They done drifted apart over the years. More especially recently. I do not see the same Vmin from before I'm sorry. I have a higher chance of believing Jihope is real before I ever buy into Vmin.
My bottom line is, all those things you're talking about can be copy pasted to every. single. member. When it comes to V he does this shit with all of them. Yeah, he called Jimin his favourite but is that even the case anymore? Idk anon. I do not and have never found Vmin to be the least bit suspicious. A member won't be sus to me if they do the same thing with everyone else. And I like to pay attention to JK when it comes to these things. He's the one you look for to know if someone is sus or not. And JK just isn't bothered by Vmin.
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whoslai · 1 year
Helloooo I’m back!! I finally had time to read the new chapters of “Off the Menu” and lets j say I am v frustrated 🙂 can’t help but feel the same uneasiness that yn has expressed about heeseung like he j gives off a weird vibe and it’s uncomfy T T not talking abt ur wiring Becuz ur wiring his absolutely AMAZING that ur able to make me feel this way. Heeseung was def with someone when yn drove over cuz usually ppl would be touched but he was so oddly mad 😭😭
Yn has been nothing but understanding and yet he still says she’s asking for too much T T like is wanting to feel loved by someone u love too much 💀💀and again I do not believe heeseung has absolutely no time throughout the day, i work at a restaurant too and I have time to be on my phone and the whole bullshit abt him not texting a lot until he’s home is stupid too like if u rly cared abt yn u would text her. Like when u truly care abt someone ur willing to change and its not like she’s asking for too much T T
And our girl yn sigh, Idek what to say. I can’t even blame her cuz this is her first time and it seems she likes him more than he likes her and when u like someone that much plus the level of manipulation heeseung is doing she can’t help but be caught in this cycle. Heeseung’s truly been driving her in circles like always promising more always promising that he wants to take it further but instead it j gets worse and worse :(( I am so so mad and frustrated lol everytime heeseung is mentioned I wanna cry 🥲
The fact that he works with lots of girls isn’t even the problem like sire u might not be able to change that the problem is that he lacks the ability to give yn security and make her trust him
Honestly I was hoping she’d get with Jake and make heeseung realize that he doesn’t want her with anyone else but yn was loyal and I respect her for that j didn’t know if heeseung deserved it being the way he is 👀
Now I’m not been confident that heeseung removed Hana cuz it’s so easy to refollow and unblock like I’m so scared for yn 😭😭not ready for her to be hurt ✋🏻
I have so much to say but idk how to get it down in words💀this just how good ur writing is 😭😭if heeseung doesn’t start having his character development soon yn should break it off like girl doesn’t deserve to be treated like this 💔💔
Anyways love u girl can’t wait for the update 😚
(Intensely looking at cute heeseung rn so I stay sane😭)
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OH MY GODDDDD this message literally just made my ENTIRE year 😣😣❤️❤️ thank you so so so so much for your kind words, omg, you mean the world to me. tears are falling from my eyes rn 😓😓😓
i love your interpretation of everything, you have an amazing mind. hopefully some good things happen between the both of them or else they’re both doomed 💔
i had so much fun reading this, you don’t even understandddd. got me giggling and kicking my feet reading this 😭😭 if you want, you can totally message me the rest of your thoughts, i would absolutely love to hear about it. you’ve got my mind goin.
love you smmmm and thank you for reading, you just gave me so much motivation 🙁❤️
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hyunverse · 2 years
yes i do! i grew up in boston and ended up getting a rly good scholarship at a school here in nyc so i live here now :)) it’s not too bad. tbh it’s pretty much the same as boston just a little bigger. andddd what’s ironic is even tho i’m from two of the like most known cities in america, i am terrified of rodents 😭. i see them quite often in nyc but not as much in boston. no matter how many times i see them i’m still terrified of them and i am fortunate enough to not be rodent infested 🙏🏼🙏🏼. also yep teef in the muscles is the best way to do it. i want to eat minhos thighs. like chomp is an understatement for what i want to do to those thighs and i have no shame in explaining. the gods ddu du ddu performance …. that’s all i need to say
omfg what is even the point of dating someone like that ?? it’s exhausting. i agree with just wanting to do your own thing. when i was younger i always wanted to date but now i just want to be aloneeeee. i do miss aspects of being a relationship but tbh i’m fine w waiting to experience that w someone like every day yk ?
hey man technique is technique 😏. also yes hyunjin and felix hand comparison makes me crazy. ngl i’m big on size diff and hyunjin just does it for me. so tall and lankyyyyyy he’s just my type. like no joke he is my exact type all around but especially physically. nothing better than a feminine man with so much androgynous energy and duality. like it makes me insane. when i get home i want to measure my hands so i can compare mine w everyone’s. im sure it will be drastic so i will keep you posted ! how tall are you?? im 5’1 .. 😟 it’s bad ik
watch me cry at how sweet you are rn 🥲. u make me blush 🙄. i did take some earlier this morning and i’m trying to drink as much as i can (maybe i’ll purposely forget to do all of this just so you can come here but you didn’t hear that from me 😇😇😇). CONGRATULATIONS THAT IS SO AWESOMEEEEE!!!! you should be so proud of yourself and know i am very very proud of you as well <33 that is literally so amazing, hard work pays off my love 🫶🏻 that’s so awesome. if we happened to not live all the way across the world from each other i’d treat you to a delish meal but i guess our lives failed us on that one >:|. what’s ur fave food btw ? sending hugs back to ur sweet self 💗💗💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕💕 and a happy heart attack bc u deserve it hehe
- 🐈‍⬛ much love from ur g <333
that sounds nice!! honestly, from experience, moving from one state to another is quite tough. i’ve been living in the city my entire life, but had to make an entire 180° for university life ‘cause my campus is in a village! like an entire village — on the way to my campus, there’s a sign that says, “welcome to ***** village!” good god u can imagine my terror 💀 the facilities are not bad but definite different compared to the city </3 okay i sound like a brat, don’t i? anyway! bae, i’m dead terrified of them nasty rodents too. i feel like puking at the sight of them </3 so i 💯 understand you honestly.
CHOMPING ON HIS THIGHS YEP YEP. minho needs to drop the workout routine cs god his thighs are. . . sighs dreamily. love em. wanna bite em. talking abt that performance. . . lee yongbok. i will never forget that signature ab showing move tbh. gonna show them to my kids being all like this is ur uncle felix! (get it? cs imma marry hyunjin frfr! yes pls entertain my delulu pls pls)
RIGHT i feel like my past experiences and friends’ relationships are the cause of me not wanting one </3 scared me off legit. i think imma stick to writing 🙏 why experience it rn when i can be delulu with u?
UR TYPE AND MY TYPE MUST BE THE SAME THEN CS I LOVE TALL AND LANKY MEN MMM EAT THAT GENRE UP ALL THE TIME! when they’re 90% legs and have big hands? call me up. call me up‼️that is my type right there.
yes keep me posted with the hand comparison, baby. tell me ur hand size too so i can compare with me 🙏 i’m 5’2 so we’re both not that far off HELP. short gang ig 😔
PLEASE DONT FORGET 💔 MY ANGEL I AM TOO BROKE TO FLY TO AMERICA 💔 ONE DOLLAR IS ABOUT FOUR MYR 💔 PLS TAKE CARE OF URSELF 💔 AND THANK YOU BABY!! means a lot from u hehe. i have sm fave food dang. . . it’s hard to choose. i like steak, and ramen and this malay dish u call tomyum! very yummers. also loveee hotpots. i could eat hotpot everyday of my life. and donuts!! what about yours, darling?
you make me blush too ^__^ kisses to u frm me!!
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lycanstonebutch · 2 years
for the questions!! 16, 17, 58, 68!!
15. Do you have any of your own nudes on your phone right now? Yes i do,,, I have both some of mine and some of Sapphe's since we share a phone. AHAH ( I realized you asked me 16 17 but i already answered... so free bonus answer )
16. Do you have anyone else’s nudes on your phone right now? I feel like i try to avoid saving ppl's nudes bcuz it makes me feel creepy, i think ive never saved anyones nudes for any horny reasons ive only ever saved nudes art art references or to reference an OC? And i try to delete them afterwards AHAH
17. Do you have anyone from Tumblr’s nudes on your phone right now? FOR THE SAME REASONS AS ABOVE YES AND NO... I think i get way too scared of being creepy and if im ever like.... rlly rlly gay abt a picture i'll just go back to the post my mutual made and look at it again,,, but tbh i rarely interact with pictures overall bcuz even if im encouraged or told its fine im always more scared of being creepy. IDK!!! I mean smtimes im worried about interacting with ur pics cuz im like. Hope he doesn't think im being WEIRD and EVIL and FUCEKD up rn. 58. Do you have any recurring fantasies you keep coming back to? Do you think they’ll ever happen? Oh like a lot, I think one of my favourite is really like.... flustering someone until they get really dizzy and buzzy in the head and they're like so horny they start getting all 🥺 Another one is. Breeding..... the idea of bending someone over particularly grabbing their hips and fucking into them and feeling the way they feel around me, the way they feel around my knot, and seeing how good they feel once I cum inside them bcuz they want me to.. Hot. And a third one would be consensually intoxicating someone as a planned lil thing, but specifically in the context of petplay. I like the idea of using it as treats until they get so high and buzzy they're all confused and needy and I can just guide them further into the scene. I'd wanna know what their usual limit is though beforehand, lots of talking would have to go into it but theres just smth so hot abt both knowing you're getting the other completely blissed and high out their mind and soon they'll be a buzzy dumb needy lil thing behaving like its in heat bcuz all they can think about are the thoughts I'm putting into their head and that is 'You're a poor thing in heat and im here to help' SORRY FOR THE LONG ANSWER... 68. Admit something sexual that you’ve never told anyone else before. Mmmmm Im pretty open about my fantasies or sexual stuff so i can't think of anything i haven't told at least ONE person before.... maybe mmm, im kinda into sheathplay? Like. There is smth hot abt the sheath part of having a werewolf cock. I also just think overall the gender euphoria of fur is amazing and there's this one scene in beastars, the scene where Haru misunderstands the context and starts undressing Legoshi- okay she puts her hand on his stomach and softly compliments his fur and says she wants to see if its the same color below. That scene killed me, like in many ways ITS SO EMBARASSING TO ADMIT. BUT LIKE IT GAVE ME?? SM GENDER ENVY?? THAT I ALMOST STARTED CRYING?? BUT ALSO THEN I GOT SO HORNY IMAGINING SOMEONE SAYING AND DOING THAT TO ME. OKAY THERE. I DONT THINK IVE TOLD ANYONE THAT BEFORE>
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equizona · 2 years
Hi hii<3 may i request general sfw/romantic/family headcanons for Sanemi & Genya (separately)? Tysm in advance❄️💙 bUT feel free to ignore b/c ik u got a lot on ur plate rn🙈😭~
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— DEMON SLAYER: Shinazugawa Sanemi, Shinazugawa Genya
— NOTE: Was a bit confused on what you wanted for this? Anyhow, I'm not great with these two but here ya' go!
— WARNINGS: Spoilers for their backstory.
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TO start off, Sanemi is a very loyal partner. If you're able to get into a relationship with him, then best believe he plans that relationship to last the rest of his life. He won't even look in the direction of other people. Though he wasn't really doing so before either..
He will treat you like glass, and shockingly, he doesn't really raise his voice whenever you're around? He is terrified that he'll be like his father, or that you will ever hate him.
At least, that's how he is at the start. Eventually, he might be a bit more relaxed around you, which might make him more willing to playfight or get rowdy and loud with you.
He really likes playfighting, actually.
He's really good at cooking, so he'll do that whenever he can for you. He likes doing it too, and he's good at remembering what you like and what you don't like, so really, husband material. <3
He does sort of easily. He's pretty scared that you'll find someone you like more than him and abandon him on his own again.
His love language is without a doubt acts of service. He'll bring you water throughout the day along with snacks he knows you like to remind you to take a break, and he'll rub your shoulders if you look tense. He'll help train you so you're okay, and he'll absolutely help carry anything around if you have a lot to carry or if you're not great with heavy things.
He wants to keep you as far away from Demon Slaying as he can. If you're in the corps, he's borderline begging you to quit and get a job somewhere safer, somewhere you aren't at the risk of dying every single day.
He doesn't want to, but honestly if him quitting will make you quit, you might be able to get him to. Might be able to convince him to leave the corps and enter a more domestic life style with you.
Along with that, maybe you can make him put an effort with Genya. Though it would take a lot of persistence.
Moving on, fights with Sanemi are rather gentle. He's borderline desperate for you to stay with him, so with the exception of a few things he'll mostly bend to your will. And whenever he feels himself getting angry, he'll just apologize and go away. So scared of losing control like that bastard–
Oh and also, he will absolutely carry you anywhere if you want him to. He will not complain at all.
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IF he likes you, no matter your gender, he's super flustered around you all the time! And he's sort of confused on why you would date him.
Like his brother, he's very scared that he's going to end up treating you badly. He's already done a bunch of things he regret, and he's scared you'll be involved with one of them. He's very gentle with you, both physically and mentally, both before and after dating you. Though it's going to be more difficult to get him a bit more secure compared to Sanemi.
He's too nervous to hold your hand or tell you that he loves you, so quality time is how he wants to spend time with you. He's invite you to come train with him, or he'll insist on taking breaks together. The more time he gets to spend with you, the happier he is.
He really wants to introduce you to Sanemi. And if you're bad mouthing his brother, he's quick to defend the white haired pillar. The same goes the other way though, if Sanemi bad mouths you Genya will gently stand up for you as well. He just wants his two favorite people to get along, why is that so difficult.
He's looking at you, Sanemi.
He's decent at cooking. He's not as good as Sanemi, but he's much better than other characters. He too, will make you snacks he knows you like and bring them to you. He hopes they make you happy. (:
Fights with him can get.. rough. He's emotional and has strong opinions. He let's his emotions get the best of him, and he won't back down on a lot of things. While he never lays a hand on you, he does start yelling rather loudly. The best course of action is to distance yourself from him for a while, so you can both think things through.
You can't convince him to leave the demon slayer core, even if you try. He's dead set on becoming a pillar to reconnect with Sanemi, even if Sanemi would have preferred if he did leave the corps with you.
Genya won't try to convince you to leave the corps either, if you're with them. He understands that you must have your own reason for being here, so never will he try to get you to abandon whatever the reason his.
He will carry you if you ask him, but his face will be on fire the entire time.
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iwritemush · 3 years
hi i hope youre well! is it ok if i request a platonic matchup for tfp? :D
i'm pudgy and a little bit on the shorter side, but also very strong!! >:-) i am very unsure of my gender rn but usually i do like to present myself in a feminine way and i use all pronouns!!
i would describe myself as optimistic, cheerful, simple-minded and pretty silly! i do like to have fun and explore cool places, and despite being very shy and awkward around new people, i want to socialize and make new friends!! usually im rather quiet and prefer to listen and observe. im not very good at talking because it makes me nervous so i appreciate when people are ok with that and dont expect me to engage in conversation :^] buuut i can get really talkative when talking about my interests, so i appreciate when people do listen!
i am a big people pleaser and the thought of someone disliking me makes me very sad, so i sometimes get into uncomfy situations just because i cant say no. also i really dont like when people yell at me! it scares me a lot. im very sensitive and cry easily, but it's also very easy for me to laugh x) i laugh at every silly little thing
i really like cute and happy things but i love scary things too >:) horror movies are my favorite and im really interested in dark and supernatural cases!! funny thing is im very skittish and get scared easily. im also kinda stupid and naive oops
i like to draw, paint, sew (i make plushies!!), play the piano, collect pretty shiny things and give them to my friends as gifts! i am a very curious person, and when i find something cool (like a leaf, rock, sea shell, etc) i pick it up right away!! i also like to (gently!!) pick up tiny bugs and caterpillars and show them to others, cause i love insects a lot :-) i try my best to be always kind and polite to everyone, including all the cool creatures of this planet! i rarely get angry or show dislike to anyone and most of the time i go by the "treat everyone nicely because u dont know what they went through" thing
sorry this is so long x[ but thank you for reading all of this and i hope u have a wonderful day/night!!
🌻 <- flower for u !!!
First off I must say you seem so cute and sweet! Ahh! I just wanna hug you!(i also love my flower now-thank you!$
I feel like I’ve had the sweetest anons and asks lately, you all seem so nice and I just love making these for you guys!
And don’t worry if it was too long! Honestly, I didn’t even need to think while reading I just immediately thought of who would be your guardian:))
You will be so annoyed bc I will not be shutting up
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Your personalities are so clashing I love it
At first probably has a love hate relationship with your personality, like there’s something so nice about you but??? You should be in fear right now-also she doesn’t really wanna babysit
After a while probably really starts liking your personality, like?? Something about you just makes things feel more at ease
She becomes over protective real quick tho lmao
Due to the fact that she has lost so many people she was close with, she is very scared for you too meet the same faith
If (hot) spider lady even comes near you she will be facing a new type of pain
You guys probably gonna have an arc(this is an anime now) about how she has to learn that you are not weak and she doesn’t need to be THAT protective
She knows you like cute things so she probably will associate cute things with you
Doesn’t understand the appeal of creepy things really-Lowkey scares her when you like REALLY scary
Like sis??? Why are you interested in this??
If your interested in true crimes you can talk about them together and if it’s one of those unsolved cases you can try and figure who did it
If your into like creepy fantasy creatures PLEASE tell her they are not real, she doesn’t know that much about earth! You might bring up the jersey devil and she will wonder why people even live there.
If yoy get skittish with anything she’s quick to tell you that your okay
Like the smallest thing-creepy noise while your on the drive? She will try and comfort you(though her guard will go up with the surrounding as well)
Even if it’s a big thing like your stuck in an energon mine, she will tell you that she will try her best to keep you safe
Always ask questions about the random things you picked up, really likes it when you get interested and talk more about whatever the ugly lil bug is in your hands
I beg you to draw and show her everything
Draw her
Do it
Okay but she loves your art! She’s not very artistic herself, so she is interested in your artist ability
“Idk what happened to that drawing-it just disappeared” - you probably after she took one of your drawing so she can keep it and think about you when your not there
You guys gotta both work on your emotions
She wants you to show your anger, she can work on showing her softer side
Really tries to teach you not to care about what others think of you
Ignoring the fact that if anyone said anything negative about you she would drop kick them
It’s double standards okay???
I love you guys sm
She usually isn’t that into music but she likes when you play, though it isn’t that often where the both of you are near a piano
Get a recording for her-k??
You being naive KILLS her internally
Like Jesus keep your guard up please
She never becomes THAT mad when you’re naive but she mig scold you or refuse to take you out some where
She just wants to keep you safe
Okay so sorry if it’s not much soriidkf I tried
Also before you go ! 🌹 here!
You seem very rad and I hope you liked this and had a fantastic day!
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youn9racha · 3 years
can you do dilf tropes for skz? (each member has a dilf trope kinda thing) 🙏🏼
Ella’s Thoughts #14 (??) (requested)
hmm i’m not sure about that one, but i’ll give it a try. also i assume you mean it in a wholesome way, so i practically made it as them as dads 💀💀💀 i hope its not a problem.
Headcanons: Stray Kids as dilfs/dads
Unpopular opinion: i see chan being more of a stepdad dilf rather than a biological dilf (no i do not mean it like that, GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER !!) he strikes me as the type to not want children but he would love to take care of them nonetheless. like a non-dilf dilf type of guy (like he is rn lmfao.) he does not by any means hates children, he would love to have kids with you if you both want to. he just feels having a kids is too much, and its enough that he serves as a father figure to not only seven boys, but also to some stays, i think he would better off taking care of the boys’ kids or your kids of a previous relationship rather than having actual ones.
BUT if he were to have kids, its not any different from the way he treats his members. i mean there‘s an obvious difference, but he would still be that goofy, caring yet slightly strict father who constantly looks after his kids, especially if his kid is a girl, but it wouldn’t be any different if his kid was a boy as well.
oh and he’s a silver fox dilf like i’ve mentioned in the past :)
I mean ain’t he technically a dilf (along with chan) ???? mans already has three cats, ain’t that enough ??? no jk, minho’s the type of dilf who’s very chill and nonchalant about the way he’s handling his child. Like he strikes me as the type of dad dilf who would ignore his child’s cry for attention, but obviously it would be a totally different story if his kid, lets say, gets injured, there he would be this comforting dad who would both tend his child’s wound and also try to make them smile by making goofy sounds and faces.
I can also see him enabling his child’s chaotic antics. as long as no one’s hurt or crying, he’s not stopping them.
all in all; Minho’s a 3 c’s dilf; chill, chaotic yet cherishing.
Oh boy is this man’s a child. i think he’d be more like Minho, but has a little bit of Chan element to it. He has the tendency to be very childish and he allows himself to be kid-like with his kids, however he does happen to discipline his kid when his kid has done something wrong. He still however acts all goofy and he sometimes makes baby faces and noises to his kid in order to make them laugh when they’re younger, or endearingly embarrass them when they get older
He‘s definitely more freeing than Chan, but he’s less lenient than Minho when it comes to parenting, however he’s a baby dilf, so be it.
Again, this man’s already a father of a dog, kami, so he’s a technically dilf as well. He’s the type of dilf who’s very stylish and attractive to anyone of all age demographics, and he knows it. He would also SPOIL THE SHIT out of his child. he may also match his child with his outfit. like if i’m wearing burberry, my child’s wearing burberry.
All in all, Hyunjin’s a stylish rich daddy >:)
How can someone gives off teen dad vibes despite being in his twenties and does not even have a pet, let alone a child? for some reason, jisung gives off that vibes. Don’t get me wrong, he’d definitely be affectionate and caring, but you can’t tell me that this man isn’r the most unprepared and anxious dad ever. Like every new parent, he does feel scared to carry a baby, in fear of dropping it, but his child would be 18 years old and he’d still be anxious as fuck.
All in all, he’s a caring and kind dilf but this man is a nervous wreck, he’s a cause for disaster most time. But he is cute, so he can get a pass lmffaooo.
ngl i’ll probably cry writing this…. cry of laughter, because gOD IS HE MORE EMBARRASSING THAN JISUNG !!! idk whats my vendetta against felix, but on god i love this kid so much. YES KID, because you going take care of two kids rather than one, you’re a single parent, i’m sorry.
in all seriousness, he’s a child parent, and he often is seen silding down the slide with his child in his lap. He constantly makes that baby voice he makes at times. He’s also the perfect guy to read his kid a bed time story, and he would also have a bake day with his child as well <3333 nahh he’d be an adorable ass dilf no joke.
this man… he is a savage in itself, and you think his kid, the literally creature that came out of his testes, would get a special treatment? think again, because he would absolutely drag his child through the mud. i obviously don’t think this man would do anything to hurt his child, emotionally or physically. think of it as a father-child banter between them. bonus if his child happens to have the same personality as him.
he does get all intimidating when mad, which envokes fear onto anyone close to him, however i still do think he’d be a fine ass dilf…. he just needs to shut his smart ass up before i beat him and his child u—
He’s giving felix and jisung here as well. clueless, scared, and anxious. mans a baby, why the fuck would you give him a child? he’d hold the child with his eyes wide open and be like “…. wait thats mine?! help me!” in a panicking voice making him and the baby cry.
he would be the type of dad who would let his child off the hook most of the times. he gives off “my child isn’t wrong, you are” vibes highkey. He also is the type of dad who would yell at his child for not cheating at an online class. what i’m saying is he’s a weird dilf thats all im saying lmfao
oh you disagree ? THATS TOO BAD I DON’T CARE !!! //j
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bambisgirl · 2 years
maria as one of the older kids on sfw enhablr (not saying ur old !! 😭😭 it’s just that there’s a lot of minors on here) how do you feel abt the current content for the maknae line? like ik it’s not always super sexualized or anything but sometimes i see stuff that’s just the way it’s worded really rubs me the wrong way ☹️ esp bc some of the kids on here are so young it makes me feel like if they see stuff like that , they might start think it’s okay for others to treat them the same or vice verse … whenever i see edits of niki on tiktok , i have to avoid the comments bc there’s almost always like a “daddy” , “how is he 16” or “you don’t know what you do to me” like wtf he’s a literal child ?? it makes me so mad and honestly so uncomfortable :( and i saw an article on kboo today too that said niki apparently has around 200 explicit or mature fics written abt him on ao3 … sometimes even the fboi trope usually when it’s written abt minors bothers me bc i see minors writing abt it (like 13-15 y/o) and i don’t understand why they don’t just use the term player or smtg … bc they’ll go out of their way to mention how the character has sex a lot an whatnot when they’re not legal , even that feels way too suggestive for me personally for a minor too write let aline abt a minor too , sorry for the rant,, i was just wondering how you felt … omg also though tbh i noticed that some of the minors on here / blogs in gen seem way too comfy on here like they’ll be sharing where they live , their actual names and sometimes like giving a lot of personal info … like did they not learn abt internet safety or do they just no care? as one of the older kids , i kind of worry abt them :( i really hope everybody stays safe on here <3 & some reminders: never be afraid to block anyone ! bc i’ve seen a lot of minors on here get sent stuff from the p*rn bots or just weird dms :( & u don’t need to force yourself to interact with someone , make sure ur comfy with them first !
jokes aside, i havent been too up to date with the current enha works on tumblr,,, WHAT DID U SAY IS GOING ON?? 🥹🥹 literally what the actual fuck????
okay so sunoo is legal,,, for me personally i could never write something suggestive / nsfw for him bc i dont feel comfortable w it :’) jungwon just turned 18 BUT hes korean & lives in korea & he’ll become an adult at 19 (20 korean age) SO 😀 seeing suggestive works for him is absolutely disgusting. i wont even talk about riki HES NOT EVEN 17 YET… like what… its not his fault that hes really tall & looks older, hes literally just a teenager. its terrifying.
the tiktok community is a different breed like whenever i see a maknae line tiktok with a suggestive audio i ignore the comments completely since we all know whats going on in there anyway 😭😭
you know what im scared of??? when riki becomes an adult. its so scary already LIKE 😃😃 so many people are WAITING for him to turn 18 to have an excuse to post their nsfw drafts of him 😶 like i actually have no words.
and youre so right!!! ppl need to be careful, tumblr is such a nice place but it could get unsafe real quick 🫠🫠 please stay safe >:(
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