#They could be doing couples street dance but I feel like the should also be ina tango competition on the side
bb-blu-love · 3 months
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆when the world is asleep⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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tags: idol!bangchan x reader, established relationship, fluff, slight hurt comfort (really just a couple doing their best in a bad situation), reader has ~anxiety~
3:00 AM in the quiet part of town is your favorite place in the world. On the outskirts of the city, where only families and old folks live and the streets are empty this time of night, you have found what seems like the only place in the world where you and Chan can feel truly at ease.
You’d been waiting for him to come over all day, so when he finally called around ten saying he just left the studio you became giddy with excitement that soon turned into anxiety. It’s not like he had never been to your apartment before or that you felt uncomfortable around him; it’s just that you can never shake the fear that this time is when everything will go wrong. That this is the night you’ll be caught by photographers or fans and soon everyone will know and your relationship will change forever. That your whole life could change forever. These worries echoed in your brain as you went down to the entrance of your building to let Chan in. 
Your nerves were obvious; you didn’t hug him as tightly as you wanted to--trying to maintain the illusion that you could just be friends should anyone see you--and your smile twisted into a grimace as you kept an eye on your surroundings.
The summer night air ruffled the hair that stuck out from his hat “Hey, Baby!” he said with a soft smile “You feeling alright?”
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m glad you could come over tonight,” You shyly smile, still not being able to shake the tight feeling in your stomach. 
He hummed a response and, sensing how on edge you were , looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was around before asking, “Should we go upstairs? I brought ice cream,” and lifted up a convenience store bag in his hand.
After heading up to your apartment the two of you spent hours just talking in your room. You were mostly catching up—you hadn’t seen each other in a couple of days due to your schedules—but eventually, it dissolved into a mess of inside jokes, you showing him all the Tik Toks you’d saved for him, him showing you videos of the boys messing around in dance practice in return, and whatever other nonsense made you both smile. Even though your relationship could be stressful, actually being with Chan was the easiest thing in the world. Honestly, you would be happy staying here forever; cuddled in his arms in the dim light of your bedroom, listening to his laugh get all squeaky as he worked himself up over some dumb video you won’t even remember in the morning. 
What you will remember, however, is how hot you are right now. Turns out your fourth-floor apartment with one broken AC unit could spell quite the sweathouse in the summer—especially with the amount of physical contact you two are prone to after some time apart. Chan had already shed his shirt sometime in between his first and second popsicle, and you had all of your fans on high pointed at your bed where you both laid tangled up with each other.
Chan, after finally calming down from his laughing fit, let out a sigh as he stared up at your ceiling. "You know I love you, right?"
"Yeah, why?" You asked, confused by his sudden declaration.
He continued quickly, "And you know that I really like coming over to your place-"
"-because of the lack of roommates and overall better smell?"
"Also, I have HBO."
"Yes, also that—so will you not take offense if I, hypothetically, say that I’m going to die of heat stroke if I stay in here any longer?" He looked over at you with a rueful smile.
You laughed silently as you looked into his eyes. "I’ll go get my shoes."
He let out a triumphant "Yes!" and pumped his fist into the air as you got off of the bed, satisfied with the result of your banter. As you continued to get ready, he moved to the edge of your bed and was brought back to how anxious you seemed when he first arrived. "We don’t actually have to go out if you don’t want to, though," he said, scratching his arm as a nervous tick. "I know that we both get all paranoid when we’re not in private, and I don’t want to ruin the night or anything."
You turned to face him and put a reassuring hand on his arm, whilst you tried to shove your own concerns to the back of your mind."Don’t worry about it. I was thinking we could go to that one spot—you know, where we went on your birthday?"
"Yeah, that sounds perfect." He said with a relieved smile.
And that’s what brought you here; after checking for paparazzi from your apartment windows, and after you went outside and checked again, ensuring you both had your incognito face masks and baseball caps on. Finally, you were able to make the epic journey two blocks down and one over to a small playground surrounded by some trees and a fence: your safe haven. Taking in the warm night air as the wind lightly blows across your face--gently wicking the sweat on your brow--and hearing the leaves softly rustle as you both sit on the old swing set and let your legs dangle. You did what you loved to do most with each other: you talked.
"I’m sorry it’s always like this," Chan said as he looked at his feet, the toe of his shoes sputtering over the rubbery ground as he swayed, "that we can’t just get together and go to restaurants and the movies or—I don’t know— win you a big teddy bear at a carnival," he laughs half-heartedly, "or whatever regular couples get to do."
You smile sadly. "I’m sorry too. Maybe I’m just being overly cautious." 
He reaches over, grabs your hand, and rubs gentle circles on the back with his thumb, letting you know he isn’t mad and that he doesn’t blame you for anything. 
"I could tell the company, and they could release a statement or something." His tone hitches up at the end, almost like it’s a question—or maybe just the only thing he can think of to ease your guilt.
Not wanting to worry him, and always the best at avoiding the hard topics, you raise your eyebrows and sarcastically remark, "Oh yeah, and that would go over really well."
"Hm, yeah, you’re right. What do you think they would say, though?"
You lower your voice and attempt your best soulless executive impression. "'How could you, Chan?! You’re being so selfish by having desires and feelings! How do you expect us to monetize you when we can’t sell you as a fantasy boyfriend? Blargh rargh raa!'" You both chuckle at the absurdity of your situation: "And then of course you’ll get punished by your company, and everyone on Twitter is going to eat you alive when they find out, and you’ll get a tidal wave of hate thrown at you-"
"Oh, for sure." He nods along to your pessimistic prophecy (and excellent impression).
"-and I’ll be, like, assassinated by a bunch of teenagers whose identity hinges on the fantasy that they are secretly your one true love." You finish with a breathy chuckle.
He smiles at the ground. "Hey, Stays are much more than that," he says in an only half-serious defense.
"Heh, not the ones that I’ll have to deal with," you reply, almost to yourself. He seems to draw back at that comment, whatever clever response he had lined up dying on his lips.
You press your toes into the soft ground and push your swing over to his so that your shoulders touch. "I’m joking, Chan," you say in a soft voice.
"No, you're not." He shoots back in defeat. You sigh and try to meet his evasive eyes.
"You’re right, I’m not," you sigh, leaning in closer to him, "but that doesn’t mean I regret any of this. I can wish things were different while still loving how they are now." He finally meets your eyes, and his gaze goes soft. You share a fond look and, without words, reach an understanding: you're the best thing that has happened to each other, and eventually your love may see the light of day, but for now, just this is more than enough.
He brings your hand up to his mouth and lightly kisses your knuckles before letting your arms fall in between the both of you. "You’re right. I love this too. I’ll love anything as long as we can do it together." His words are full of tenderness and a rom-com sincerity that only he can do right.
"Except sit in my hot apartment." You smile as you lean towards him, and he smiles too as he goes in for a kiss.
"No, I loved that too. Just a little less than this." His lips touch yours, gentle and grinning, as your giggles float up into the night sky and you feel truly at ease once more.
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veryberryjelly · 1 year
Hi! I love your fan fictions! I was wondering (First time requesting ever) if you could do a FIC for Mattheo or Theodore based on exile and the readers dealing with self hate, and anxiety , and they feel so alone and push him away because the readers scared to accept her feelings and afraid she’ll get left, and no one loves or cares about her? ALSO THAT FANFIC U JUST MADE WAS SO CUTE OMG-
🥰 thank you, this request is so up my street, i hope you enjoy it
also, i took this to mean body issues kinda self hate, i hope that's what you were going for. <3
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this was unprecedented.
you had a date to the yule ball.
your best friend had asked you a couple of weeks ago and you were more than excited to accept his offer.
you had been crushing on him for two years.
and even though you were pretty sure he was asking you as a friend, this was an opportunity you could not pass up.
you and your girl friends had dedicated a saturday to dress shopping three weeks before the ball at a shop in hogsmeade.
while your friends had no trouble picking the perfect dresses very quickly, it took you a lot longer to find one that didnt accentuate every single flaw you could pin point in the mirror.
in the end you chose the dress you felt looked best.
you wanted to look beautiful for mattheo.
but even with a beautiful dress you didnt feel good enough for him. he was perfect and you really weren't.
in the few weeks between getting your dress and the dance, you seemed to recede into yourself.
keeping quiet during meals and spending most of your time in your dorm with the curtains drawn around your bed.
as you stood there in your dorm before the dance, you couldnt even bring yourself to look in the mirror.
you knew you didnt look as good as your friends.
or any of the other girls in the school for that matter.
one by one your dorm mates filtered out of the room in their dresses and down to the common room to meet their dates.
sitting on the edge of your bed, you could not move.
you didnt want to go down there and disappoint.
but it seemed that staying in your dorm didnt stop mattheo from seeing you in your dress.
a knock at your door attracted your attention and you picked up your eyes from where they had been focused on your fiddling hands.
you found mattheo stood in your doorway.
you were almost floored with how good he looked in a suit.
" hey, what're you doing up here? been waiting for you downstairs " he spoke simply, approaching where you sat on your bed.
" 'm sorry. i didn't mean to keep you waiting for so long..." you dropped your eyes back down to your hands, running the fabric of your dress between your fingers.
" don't worry about it, love. just want to know how someone who looks so beautiful can seem so upset. " his hand lifted to brush some hair behind your ear.
" i- i don't feel beautiful.." were the only words you could muster to come out of your mouth.
" what..." his words were quiet and stunned.
he stood from your bed and you feared he was realising that you were right and leaving.
so you clenched your eyes shut to prevent any tears falling from your eyes and to prevent you from seeing him walk out that door.
but when you felt his hands on yours, your eyes fluttered open again and you found him crouched infront of you with both of your hands clenched in his.
" sweetheart, you are the most beautiful girl i've ever seen... "
" you're just saying that, i know i'm not as pretty as the other girls here-"
" you cannot compare yourself to those girls. they're rude and dull and none of them hold a candle to how stunning you are "
suddenly you felt like you should cry for a whole other reason.
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agreyraincloudd · 2 years
Could you do a Sihtric x reader with the promo “don’t act like you don’t know I’m in love with you” ??? ❤️❤️❤️
Sihtric x Reader
Prompt 22. "Don't act like you don't know I'm in love with you"
Words 1.6k
Season 5 spoilers
Thank you to @mrsaugustwalker who also requested this I hope you like ittt
Lots of you requested this with Osferth too but I felt it just fit Sihtric more and I have loads lined up for our baby monk dw
Finan and Uhtred imagines are on their way too you thirsty people
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It was Aelfwyn and Cynlaef’s wedding day and your face ached with the pain of smiling so much. You were close friends with the late Aethelflaed and had sworn on her deathbed to protect and guide her child as if she were blood, a task you were willing to die for. Following the battle of Bebbanburg and the safe retrieval of your Queen’s daughter, you returned to Mercia before a Dane messenger sent word of your Godchild’s nuptials. A horrid storm in the midlands had kept you on the road longer than anticipated causing you to miss the vows but as you rode into Bebbanburg, the night creeping in, you realized the festivities had only just begun. 
The city glowed bright with the amber of bonfires and lanterns, tables lined the courtyard piling out from the ale house and the streets were filled with people dancing in arms while others raised their tankards to the happy couple laughing besides who you recognized as Lady Aelswith and her son King Edward. You swallowed, your throat grew tight as you were reminded of your lost friend, how happy she would be at the sight of her family together, her daughter happy. 
“Are you going to stay up there all day?” You looked down from your horse at the voice. Sihtric stood tall, his fingers clasped around your horse's bridle as he pulled you to a stop. Seeing him now made a flood of emotions drown you in seconds. You knew him well having fought beside him many a time. You could recall every moment you spent standing watch with him while Aethelflaed and Uhtred reunited and you could almost recount the various drunken nights Finan had shoved you into him at a table or in an Ale House, but how those evenings ended were left a blur in your memory. 
“I’m trying to consider whether you’re all real standing before me-” You pulled your leg overs your horse and slid down. Both of you knew you could easily manage such a task by yourself, but it didn’t stop Sihtric bringing his hands to your hips, helping place you on the groun as you slid down. Your eyes met his, your expression untelling. “I feel as if we should all be ghosts by now”
He laughed and as if realizing his hands remained on your side, he took a step away and tucked them behind his back. 
“You know we’re all too hard to kill”
“Oh I know” Your face was growing warm as he kept that stupid smirk on his face.  
“Y/N” A drunken voice bellowed from the otherside of the courtyard. 
Both you and Sihtric turned as you took a step past him. 
“Trust me, I’ve tried to kill you all many a time now” 
Finan strode over to you, the ale you presumed he drank offering a more loose and smiley warrior as he met you half way with a hug. 
“You’re late. A certain someone hasn’t stopped asking for you all day” He pulled back and attempted a wink.
“Aelfwynn? I tried to send word I’d be late” 
Finan laughed as he looked behind you, smothering his smile with his ale cup. 
You went to question who he was on about when Sihtric shoved his way between the two of you. 
“Come, I’ll get you a drink. You’re already several behind”
“I can see that”
Sihtric led you through the crowd and with a few stops in between to reunite with friends and congratulate your Godchild, you finally made it to a barrel. The cold liquid rushed down your throat and it felt as if the ale had breathed a relief of life back into you as you looked over the crowd. 
“It’s nice isn’t it?” 
“It is Uhtred” 
The Lord engulfed you in a strong hug that squeezed you into a laughed. You had grown close with him over the years and a strange bond had formed from your protectiveness of Aethelflaed and the loss of both your friend and his lover, only your joint memories left standing. 
“You look well” He smiled as he held you back to fully take you in. 
“I am. But of course the last time you saw me I was caked in blood attempting to help retrieve your homeland”
“And for it I am eternally grateful”
You both smiled as you looked upon a dance circle formed around the biggest fire. 
Aethelstan had his arm looped with Aelfwynn as they circled each other through laughter. Their grandmother stood beaming at them from the edge of the crowd. Finan and Cynlaef’s were doing a similar sort of movement but it resembled more of a strange stumble of drunken old men as they danced. And then your stomach dropped. Sihtric became clear in the firelight, a woman you didn’t realize with her hand in his as she tried to teach him the steps. 
“You should dance with him” Uhtred took a gulp of his ale as you both watched, your arms crossed. 
“He is already dancing”
Uhtred chuckled “So go and take him. He is yours, is he not?” 
You choked on your drink, attempting to cover with a laugh.
“He is not. What makes you think that he was?”
“You are in love with him and he is you”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not-”
“I can see it with your eyes. The first moment you saw him all those years ago in Wessex, your heart burns for him”
You tried to act nonchalant “My heart does not burn-”
“You can lie to me Y/N but I can see it. The way you search for each other during battle, how he stays close to your side whenever he can, how you look at each other. You both breathe for one and other Y/N. It is about time you saw that”
You shook your head.
Uhtred sighed loudly, smiling in disbelief. 
“Why is it Saxon women always give such retaliation to the confession of men? My friend is in love with you, you know that. He has told you many a time-”
“You are both fierce warriors but it seems your bravery falls short when it comes to words Y/N”
Those drunken nights at the ale house. 
You scoffed. Questioning your bravery? You’ll show him. 
You chugged the rest of your drink, slamming the cup down on the barrel behind you. 
Uhtred smirked. You took the bait so easily. 
The ale led you through the rows of people as you joined the clearing around the bonfire. You made your way over to Sihtric but changed in the last step, linking your arm with another man as you spun. 
“Lovely to see you again Pyrlig” 
The monk laughed at the sight of you. 
“Y/N my God’s child. I’m glad to see you have safely returned to us once more” He laughed as you both changed directions and spun away. 
“Good to see you too Father”
Pyrligs smiled as he looked over your shoulder.
“I’m afraid for my safety you must change partners”
Your brows furrowed as you turned to where he looked over your shoulder. 
Sihtric appeared once more behind you. He stopped short before linking his hand with yours, pulling you against his chest. 
“I didn’t know you could dance?” You laughed but his face remained void of tells as he looked at you. 
“I don’t but-” God’s the way his hand slid down your back, pulling you closer. “I will dance if it means no one else will get a chance with you besides me”
“You so suddenly want to dance with me?”
He notched his head to the side trying to hide a smirk. 
“ Don’t act like you don't know I'm in love with you”
You froze. 
He pulled his hands out of yours, snatching the ale of some bystander, downing the liquid. 
“Why do you never answer me back when I say such things?” He questioned, his eyes saying far more than his forced smile did. 
“Every time you have confessed you have been drunk. How am I to believe your word?”
He pulled you out of the way of the moving dancers. 
“Because you make my mind fog. Every time I look at you it’s as if the words melt away in my mouth. I do not know fear of battle or blood” You moved further through the crowd until you both stood under an archway separating two buildings. -”But every time I have tried to tell you how I feel, I get swallowed by this this breathlessness. But it turns out drunken me forgets all about that when he sees the way you look at him”
You tried not to smile, taking a step toward him.
“And how do I look at you?”
“Like you love me too”
You responded with your lips on his. The kiss was desperate and breathless. His hands fell down your sides and held you tight as he walked back against the wall. Your fingers curled into his hair as you moved. 
“They're kissing” A cheer sounded. You broke the kiss to see Finan with his arm around Uhtred as the two of them raised their cups, the rest of your friends joining in with laughs as they looked upon you and Sihtric. 
The man before you buried his head in the side of your neck in embarrassment before trying to shoo off the others. It was only when Hild appeared, ushering her boys away, did they all disperse leaving you in the arms of the man you loved. 
“Have you really loved me since Wessex?” You looked up at him. 
He went to deny the accusation when he realised it was a lost cause and smiled, red blushing his cheeks. 
“Since the very first moment you pointed your blade at me when we met”
“And everytime after?”
His lips met the skin of your throat, moving down. “I love you more and more” 
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mirisss · 11 months
SKZ Mafia AU
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SKZ OT8 x afab! reader
Featuring Ateez, SKZ’s rival mafia
Wordcount ≈ 1.3k
Warnings: attempted kidnapping, violence, fighting, mention of weapons, 
I changed the story a tiny bit but I hope you still like it. 
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Third person POV
(Y/n) had been out for a girl’s night with Lia and Chaeryeong, first some shopping, a dinner, some dessert, and now the next stop was a club. Lia and Chaer were excited and looking forward to dancing and singing their hearts out at the club. (Y/n) on the other hand, was feeling very tired, and she was contemplating going home to her eight boyfriends instead of going to the club. After thinking it over, she decided that she wanted to go home. 
“Hey, girls, not to ruin the night or anything but I’m really tired so I’ll head home, but you guys should go,” “Are you sure?” “Yes, Chaer, I’m sure. I’m really tired so even if I went to the club it wouldn’t be any fun, you know having me yawning and asking when we’d be going home. Besides, we can always go out some other time,” “Want us to wait with you until the taxi comes?” “Nah, it’s fine, I’ll just call the boys and they’ll come. They’re eating dinner about two streets away from here,” “Alright, text us when you get home,” “Will do,” 
As the two girls began walking again, (Y/n) took up her phone and dialed Chan’s number. “Hey, baby, what’s up?” “I’m really tired so I decided not to go clubbing, I just parted with the girls, are you guys still at Chang’s? I’m not too far from there so maybe we could meet up halfway?” “Yeah, we were just leaving, but I think it’s better if you stay where you are, if you’re alone you could become a target, just stay there and wait for us, we’ll be there in 5,” And so they hung up, (Y/n) spent the time scrolling through her phone, waiting for SKZ to show up. 
Suddenly, she saw two pairs of shoes coming into her view as she looked at her phone. She didn’t recognize them so (Y/n) looked up from her phone, hoping her boyfriends had just gotten new shoes. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. She met the eyes of two men that she did recognize, she turned and prepared to run, only to meet 6 more men, all sporting nasty smirks. “Where are you going, sweetheart?” The shortest man spoke, sending anxious shivers down (Y/n)’s spine as she hoped SKZ would arrive soon.
(Y/n) knew that her boyfriends were the leaders and members of a mafia gang, Stray Kids, also known as, SKZ. Though, previously, she had barely noticed it except for them carrying weapons, having a bunch of money, and often dressing the part of the Mafia. She had seen pictures of one of their rival gangs, Ateez. SKZ and Ateez were the two strongest mafias in town, they didn’t fight a ton but recently a conflict had sparked between the two gangs. And (Y/n) had now become caught in the middle of it. 
“Please don’t hurt me,” In an attempt to call for help, (Y/n) threw herself down on the cold, slightly wet ground. Clutching her phone close to her to hide it, she managed to dial Seungmin’s number but before she could actually say anything, Yunho lifted her off the ground causing her to drop her phone. Seungmin answered the call, calling out her name, with no response, all he heard was a familiar voice saying (Y/n)’s name and something along the lines of  “Cooperate and we won’t have to hurt you,” Seungmin hung up the call and told the others of what he heard, the eight of them ran full speed, hoping to arrive in time to save (Y/n). 
(Y/n) tried to run away, but failed miserably, the odds were against her. One vs eight, yeah, it didn’t look good for her. While trying to run away, she had fallen over a few times, resulting in a couple of scrapes and bruises, her phone had been shattered once Jongho noticed that (Y/n) had called Seungmin. Now, Ateez was trying to get (Y/n) to come with them away from the street. A few people were glancing at them but doing nothing as they recognized the gang and also noticed Mingi holding a gun completely visible in his hand, threatening anyone who might think of stepping in. 
“Come on, princess. Nothing bad has to happen, just shut your mouth and come with us,” Seonghwa said, (Y/n) wasn’t sure who he was but she faintly remembered seeing the name Seonghwa under a picture of a man who looked very similar to this one. “If you think I’ll just surrender to you, then you must be dumb,” It was evident that Seonghwa did not like that (Y/n) was talking back to him. “Darling, you’d be much happier if you did as we said. It wouldn’t be good if we had to resort to violence, now would it? Hmm, would you prefer to come with us or lose a limb?” (Y/n) would be lying if she said she wasn’t frightened by the demonic look in the eyes of the man who now stood before her, if she recalled correctly, this was San. 
Running on pure adrenaline and bravado, (Y/n) mustered up the courage to spit in San’s face. “I’d never stop fighting, now let me go,” “You bitch!” They all shouted at her action. (Y/n) was shaking, scared that she made the wrong decision and had commisioned her own death. She shut her eyes, preparing to be shot or stabbed or anything. She heard a lot of noise around yet she felt nothing until a pair of arms enveloped her in a warm hug. 
“(Y/n)” The familiar, warm voice of Felix greeted her ears as she let out a relieved breath. “Come on, (Y/n), let’s get out of here,” Felix shielded her view as he led her out of there, the other’s staying to resolve the conflict. No gunshots were heard, (Y/n) hoped they could resolve the conflict peacefully. Wishing that all her boyfriends would get out safely. Felix led her to their car, where the two sat and waited for the rest. A few minutes later, the seven remaining boys returned to the car. (Y/n) scanned them for injuries, happy to see that her eyes couldn’t find any. 
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” Changbin asked as he frantically looked over (Y/n). “I’m okay, I have a few scrapes and light bruises, mostly I’m just shaken from it all,” All the boys gave (Y/n) a hug each, mostly to calm their own worries for her safety. “Let’s go home,” Hyunjin said as they all got into the car. 
Once at home, Lee Know and Han helped treat (Y/n) bruises and scrapes, then they all changed into comfortable clothes and sat down in their extravagant living room to watch a movie or two and cuddle. Happy they were all safe and sound in their home. 
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sanjithesimp · 1 year
♡ next door ft. min yoongi♡
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a/n: i wrote this fic in under 1 hour, the idea popped into my mind and couldn't stop thinking about this.
warnings: nsfw (minors DNI). pwp. unprotected sex. creampie. choking. fingering. mention of alcohol.
summary: yoongi is your neighbor, he complains about everything you do. you hate him. is there something that you could do so he will finally leave you alone?
playlist suggested to listen while you read this <3
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it was a cool night, your boyfriend and you got to your apartment. the party was boring so you decided to head back home and maybe do something that might be even more fun.
“babe, c’mere” he said as he pressed your body to his, feeling his heart beating fast as he started attacking your neck. pushing all the way to the little balcony from your apartment, his hands roaming all over your body.
you both were a little drunk and horny, so it didn’t matter at all to you that everyone on the street could see you. or not until you heard a voice “hey! can you please take this somewhere else, i’m kind of in the middle of something” you jumped in surprise and covered yourself immediately.
it was your annoying, grumpy neighbor, he was about your age but acted like and old man. he always complained about everything.
“you should be the one to go, we are also kind of in the middle of something…aren’t we babe” your boyfriend said, as he started kissing your neck passionately while keeping eye contact with your neighbor. but you pushed him away immediately, you started feeling uncomfortable.
“let’s just go inside, ok?” you said pulling your boyfriend inside.
“no, no, i mean- is this the dickhead that always complains about you?” your boyfriend was pissed, you were scared as he could be very aggressive.
“don’t worry about it, let’s just continue inside.” you said holding your boyfriend “babe, please…i need you” you whispered in his ear teasingly, hoping that it would work and he would just forget about it. surprisingly it worked, avoiding any more conflict with that hateful neighbor of yours.
you could never understand why your neighbor was like that, but he was the main reason why you wanted to move out of the building. ever since you got there he wouldn’t stop, if it wasn’t the noise, it was your small dog that always fought with his cat, it was like if you were just meant to be enemies.
it had been weeks since the incident with your neighbor, and you stopped hearing complaints from him. everything was peaceful. birds were singing, and the days were brighter than ever. had he finally moved? had your dreams come true?
but no, unfortunately no. he was just on vacation and he would be back in a couple of days, or so your other neighbor said. you had to enjoy while it lasted, or you would regret it. so you blasted your music while you danced until your legs were tired to even walk to your room.
one night as you smoked a joint while reading a book in your balcony you heard a familiar voice “did you miss me?” he had a smirk drawn across his face.
motherfucker. you thought, it was like he enjoyed annoying you.
“can’t you see that i’m in the middle of something, and you’re interrupting?” you said looking back at your book and ignoring his stupid face.
“please turn that shit off, it reeks” he said. that was it, it was the last time you would take it and his attitude.
“you know what reeks? being your neighbor and hearing your complaints, i’m fucking tired of it!” you yelled, and it woke up a few neighbors.
“could you please keep it down?” another neighbor appeared.
“sorry, i am so sorry” you apologized, your face burning from embarrassment.
“see, it’s not only me-” he started saying, but you interrupted him
“we should talk inside” you said and opened your door. it was the first time he had actually been inside your apartment, but enough was enough he needed to understand that you were fucking tired of hearing his complaints.
“so what you want to talk about, huh?” he said.
“about you complaining all the time about every single thing i do, i can’t take it anymore” you said not losing eye contact.
“and what are you going to do about it? are you going to cry?” he said. that was it, you lost it completely and slapped him. the silence after it made it even more uncomfortable than it was already was. you weren’t sure why you decided to slap him instead of yell or cry like you always did when you were frustrated. you could see the hand print on his face, red and painful.
“i- i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have-” you started apologizing and suddenly tears started running down your face, you started sobbing uncontrolably.
“no, i’m the one who should be sorry…i didn’t realize what i jerk i have been with you” he said, suddenly his face had changed. he was worried.
“let’s sit down, here” he placed his hand on your back and guided you to your couch, and sat down next to you. when you had calmed down, you cleared the tears off your face. you were a mess but he stayed there with you, not saying a word.
“sorry you had to see that, i- i’m not usually like this but-” he interrupted you again.
“you don’t have to keep apologizing, you have apologized enough and i should be the one doing it.” he said, his voice soft and sweet. was this really your neighbor?
you kept talking as the night went on, and realized that yoongi, your neighbor wasn’t that terrible after all. and you wouldn’t admit it out loud but he was kind of really hot. you hadn’t realized until now, or maybe it was because you hated him so much before that you ignored his soft features, his smile, or the way his shirt tightened in all the right places, his long hair that made him look like a rockstar. black looked so good on him…
for fuck’s sake what where you thinking? you weren’t just having that kind of thoughts for a guy who you hated just a few hours ago. and you also had a boyfriend who cheated on you repeatedly, but you loved him…right?
“whatever” you said and pushed yourself closer to your hot neighbor, your lips centimeters away from him.
“do you really wanna do this?” he asked, and you rolled your eyes.
“just fucking kiss me” you said and without any doubts he crashed his lips on yours, he tasted like whisky, you placed your arms around his neck. his kisses were passionate, you could feel the hunger and desperation as his lips traveled to your neck, his teeth grazing your skin as he left small marks.
he pulled you closed until you were sitting on his lap, making you feel the bulge forming under his black jeans. you moaned as you felt him over your clothed cunt.
“fuck, if this was going to end up like this i should have made you snap sooner” yoongi said as he started taking off his shirt.
“do you want to fuck me or not?” you said pouting.
“more than you think..” he said moving his hands under the hem of your shirt, his hands cupping your breasts, he knew exactly what he was doing. you rolled your hips, you couldn’t wait to feel him inside you.
i bet he’s so big. you thought, your pussy getting wetter than it already was.
you got rid of the rest of your clothes until you both were almost naked. the light of the small lamp on your living room was the only thing lighting the room, your bodies melted into one, your moans and his groans filled the room.
“i want you” you whispered in yoongi’s ear.
“wait for a bit longer, love. i promise you i will make you scream louder than that stupid boyfriend of yours.” he said, showing that characteristic smirk of his. you whimpered audibly, making him laugh, he was teasing you.
“i wanna see that…i mean you constantly complained of the weird noises at night or were you just jealous that it wasn’t you fucking me?” showing him that you could tease him too.
suddenly his face changed, his eyes darkened and were filled with lust. he pushed your panties to the side. “you’ll be begging me to stop” he said, his fingers slowly travelling from your belly to your pussy, feeling the wetness in between your legs making you feel embarrassed.
“fuck, you’re so wet and i haven’t even started” he said, pushing two fingers inside you, as your clawed your nails on the couch.
“feels so good” you said as he started pumping his fingers in and out of you, your juices covering his hand as he started moving his fingers in a scissoring motion. your moans drowned the room, tears welled up in your eyes as you could feel your orgasm building up.
“babe, i think you’re ready” he said in a low husky voice, as he removed his fingers making you miss being filled. he takes off his boxers, revealing his throbbing cock, precum leaking from his tip. and you don’t have to imagine, because now you know for a fact that he is big, you gasp thinking that maybe it won’t fit inside you.
“i know you can take me, love” he says and with that you convince yourself that you will take all of him.
he pumps his cock a few times, and then teases you with his tip. you moan feeling his heavy tip as your juices combine with his precum, you’re so sensitive that his touch makes you squirm. he then aligns with you, and pushes himself inside you slowly until you are filled completely.
“fuck, you’re so tight…” you can feel him pulsating inside you, he’s just as needy as you are. the burn hurts but at the same time feels good as he thrusts into you, it disappears later on as his pace increases and your cunt adjusts to his length.
he rips out the loudest moans that have ever come out of your mouth, you scream his name like it is a prayer and you are immediately embarrassed at what will the neighbors say about it. but you don’t think about it much as yoongi fucks you into oblivion. each thrust making you see stars hitting that sweet spot every time until the coil on your belly snapped, squirting and coating his cock with your cum.
you were to fucked out to do anything else, so you let him do whatever he wanted with you while he chased his own high. his hand wrapped around your neck, fuck it almost made you cum again. the sight of the mess he made out of you, tears running down your face, your makeup ruined and his hand around your neck was all he needed to cum hard inside you.
he then pulled out of you and laid on top of you, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. his heart beating so fast, while you both recovered.
suddenly you heard a loud knock, followed by a neighbor yelling “keep it down! it’s 2 a.m!” making you both laugh.
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vidavalor · 8 months
Hello dear,
Sweets are on me this time. Ginger hot chocolate?
Very interested in your opinion about this: What exactly do you think Crowley suddenly realizes after his conversation with Nina? It seems impossible to me that he realizes that he is in love…
Hi @margotmignard-blog! Hope you're having a good day today. :) Ginger hot chocolate!!! Do you know that I've somehow never had one of those? You've inspired me to try it this week. Thanks for the ask.
Imho, Crowley doesn't realize he's in love with Aziraphale when Nina's peppering him with questions about his and Aziraphale's relationship-- he's known that forever. He realizes he might want to consider again whether or not he should tell Aziraphale that he's in love with him using the whole real 'love' word itself here. That was actually what I think he was considering doing here, if Aziraphale had said yes to getting a glass and having a little date with him:
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If you look at the scene with Nina and Crowley, Crowley actually admits to loving Aziraphale in which of her questions he chooses to respond to and how he responds, all of which proves he already knows he is at that point. In only really addressing the "bit on the side" bit, Crowley says that Aziraphale is "far too pure of heart" to be anybody's bit on the side, which is defending Aziraphale's honor from the accusation of him being willing to have an affair with someone in a committed relationship (very gentlemanly of Crowley :)) but is also at the same time admitting that he loves his pure of heart angel Aziraphale by describing him this way.
The irony of the conversation is that here's Crowley, right-- sweet, romantic Crowley-- who has spent the past week trying get Nina and Maggie together and doling out free love advice to everyone from Muriel to Shax lol and he and Aziraphale have been in love for millennia and use every word under the sun to describe what they are-- except for any of the words that Nina has just said... all of which are typical words for romantic relationships lol. In 2.06, Crowley is hesitating to say "couple" and turns into Merriam-Webster to speak around it-- "a team; a group of the two of us". Language is everything in Crowley and Aziraphale's insular world and it's not like they don't know how they feel about one another. They both know they're in love with one another. They use words around it because they've always been only a matter of time away from potentially losing one another forever.
That's even worse after S1 than it was before because at least back then they knew that they had "about 6,000 years" until Armageddon but after S1, Armageddon: Round Two could show up anytime. It could be tomorrow, it could be next month, it could be ten years later. They don't know. Their best source of information is Shax, who doesn't know that much and whom Crowley wisely doesn't really trust. It is hard to build a future when you're waiting for the world to end, right? Aziraphale is shown to be so on edge over it that his 1827 trauma has been triggered and he thinks every time he sees Crowley could be the last time he ever sees him-- but he's still terrified of just asking Crowley to stay because he's afraid to lose him if they were to get caught or when this all ends, which could be any day. So they're stuck running in neutral a little while trying to move forward together.
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They're doing their bests by one another. Aziraphale's apology dance for his half of their argument in 2.01 is our car/our bookshop. It's to try to suggest that if they really want a life together, they both have to stop making unilateral decisions and make decisions together. During the week, to help Gabriel and Maggie, they both get pushed out onto Whickber Street a bit more and their relationship is reflected back to them by the shopkeepers. The Crowley and Nina "bit on the side" conversation, imo, causes Crowley to think about Aziraphale's our car/our bookshop moves during the week-- the way Aziraphale's really been trying hard to have it be their life and how he seems a little more ready for it than he has been in the past-- and it gives Crowley pause. Part of the humor of this moment is that Crowley can talk about love all day long when it's in reference to other people-- "just gotta get Nina to do the love thing with Maggie", asking Muriel if she's interested in learning more about "humans falling in love", etc.-- and enjoys doing so in front of Aziraphale as like a way of kind of skirting around the edges of the rules of their language and their relationship but get him considering again just saying "I love you" and this is about as far as he can get it out of his mouth lol:
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He repeats "love" to himself a bit after Nina says "love lives" because he's struck by how easy it was for her to say it. Here he and Aziraphale are, in love for thousands of years, running around trying to matchmake the humans, and they've never said this. Crowley and Aziraphale are Earth's longest-running love affair. They are ridiculously old lol and so is their love but the coffee shop human in her late '30s has more experience with saying "I love you" than these two semi-immortal, supernatural beings who have been mad for one another since before the literal beginning of time do lol.
Cupid over here has never confessed he's in love before and Nina's words, plus the events of the week of S2-- namely, Aziraphale's actions during them-- lead him to think maybe he could and should make that fantasy into a reality. He's spent the week doling out solid love advice and matchmaking everyone else and now Nina is making him realize that he needed some himself as well.
Other people's love lives always seem more straightforward than our own is what Nina says and she's (rightly) shading Crowley a little bit for messing about in her and Maggie's love lives but she's also just expressing a bit of disappointment, in the sense that she really likes Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship. She wants what they have, which is why she was asking a million questions of Crowley. Ironically, Crowley and Aziraphale come up with plans to try to get Maggie and Nina together but what really does it is Nina just seeing them together and being like they are fucking adorable-- that's what I want. Both Crowley and Aziraphale are a little successful but fail at it a bit-- the vavoom is a partial success and so is the dance-- but it's really just *them* that helps Nina to see that it's Maggie that she wants.
Nina knows she's a Crowley and she's charmed by Crowley's faux-long-suffering thing with Aziraphale, how he follows him around and dotes on him, flirts with him, calls him "angel" and their sweet banter and how completely besotted they are with one another. Crowley's a snarky, jaded bastard like how Nina herself can be-- he radiates 'have been hurt, will bite, tread carefully'-- but he's also just as soft as Nina also really is underneath and she can tell that. She can see how he trusts Aziraphale enough that he's able to be unguarded with him, which is something Nina doesn't have with Lindsay but thinks she could have with Maggie. Nina can see the peace in it for Crowley that he himself expressed to Aziraphale earlier in S2 and she wants that for herself so she's asking Crowley a million questions to figure out how to emulate it. What are Crowley and Aziraphale? Nina needs to know because she thinks Maggie could be her Aziraphale and she feels a bit lost and needs a path. What she finds out is that Crowley doesn't have words she can understand for it.
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It's not that he doesn't have words at all. He and Aziraphale have words-- have all the words but for the traditional ones. They love words. They mess around with language constantly and have for thousands of years, speaking a language that only they really speak. What is missing, though, are the words that they're afraid to say. What they said to each other at The Ritz at the end of S1 ("little bit of a good person"/"bastard worth knowing") was "I love you" in a roundabout way. Crowley has obliquely referred to himself and Aziraphale as humans in love but in an indirect way. Aziraphale has come just as close, maybe even closer-- he covertly referred to him and Crowley together as lovely in 1.01. But we know they haven't ever just said I'm in love with you or I love you because Crowley nearly hyperventilates just trying to say "couple" in 2.06 and admits that they've spent their existence pretending that they aren't one. Maybe a little less so "the last few years", as he says, but if Crowley can't say "couple", neither of them have ever called it "love" aloud directly before. That is what I think Crowley is thinking about when he repeats "love" to himself at the end of that conversation with Nina.
He thinks about how when he looked over at Aziraphale just a couple of days ago when he was doing that whole queer 'humans in love' dark joke about the police force that, even though Crowley was speaking to Muriel, was meant just for Aziraphale, that Aziraphale looked very into hearing Crowley refer-- even a little obliquely-- to their relationship in a way that aligned it with love.
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That and Aziraphale's our car/our bookshop and everything the past week makes Crowley think maybe he should say the love thing and it's ridiculous in a way and he knows it, right? It's not like it's going to be breaking news to Aziraphale. They have been in love for thousands of years lol. They know it's love. They're long past any notion of wondering if it really is love in a way like the humans feel, if they're capable of it, all of that. All of that is bullshit anyway-- they've known all along, whether or not they were ready at different times to admit it to themselves. But saying it, when language is everything in their relationship, is still a huge deal and it's become even more of a thing since they've gone so long without doing so.
He and Aziraphale are both spooked a little by Gabriel showing up naked and memory-wiped-- it feels foreboding. If Gabriel can fall, the end of days seem to be circling closer again, so they're both going a little faster out of anxiety a bit so Crowley apparently decides he's going to tell Aziraphale right away and then has to think of how to do it. The next time we see Crowley-- minutes after the conversation with Nina-- he seems to have come up with a plan. He does always like a good plan. He'd probably rather do it in the bookshop but it takes a bit of the romance out of it to have to send Gabriel with a hot chocolate to his room for a bit for it lol and Crowley's thought of a better plan anyway-- Marguerite's.
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They probably really do owe Justine the purchase of an expensive bottle of 1938 wine in exchange for her putting up with Aziraphale's French earlier lol but, more importantly, just look at the place, yeah? It's all romantic and lovely-- the ivy and the lights and the roses. It's French in the sense of their everything-French-is-romantic thing. It's a gorgeous little date spot and Crowley whistles Aziraphale over and tries for cool and does he want a glass? and Aziraphale, you absolute fool lol. You went for this place, closed, and The Metatron but you should have gone for it open, right here, and said yes to a glass and let Crowley tell you he's in love with you... The irony, of course, is that Aziraphale is working on his own romantic gesture in this moment and just doesn't want Crowley to know about it yet. The ball is really for Crowley-- the whole thing is to dance with Crowley. It's to take our car/our bookshop into we're having a ball.
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Odds are solid that this Aziraphale above here was going to ask Crowley after the ball to stay and to stop leaving at night before everything went to hell and he went missing for the entire night and then the epic disaster that was the next morning happened but Crowley knows none of that back in the scene at Marguerite's and Aziraphale doesn't share it because he's planning for it to be later so the conversation at the restaurant goes quite differently.
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Aziraphale not wanting to sit and have a glass of wine with Crowley leaves him disappointed. He makes such a pretty picture, though, and he looks upset, so Aziraphale does sit to talk with him. He tries to get Crowley to wait for him inside the bookshop and the "you like waiting inside" is both flirty and ridiculously married. It's a continuation of the bookshop-is-Aziraphale sexual innuendo but it's also like "sweetheart, why don't you go take a nap?" in tone, which makes the idea that Crowley is trying to confess love here all the darkly funnier as here's Aziraphale with a line that implies Crowley is just frequently in the bookshop when Aziraphale is out doing errands, etc., and they're all but living with one another now. They're married but forgot to say "I love you."
Crowley winds up telling Aziraphale that he was up all night with anxiety over Gabriel and that becomes the conversation topic, with Crowley still thinking about how maybe the timing isn't right for this after all-- maybe it's already too late-- because they're going to be distracted by Gabriel and Heaven and Hell and Armageddon and there might not be any 'after' after all of that. As they're talking, Crowley's dialogue (the way he talks about anxiety over Gabriel and then steers it towards the "smitten" flirting) indicates he might be thinking about the afternoon he wanted instead that maybe isn't really possible in the moment: Aziraphale sitting there, not having to look over his shoulder, having a glass of wine in the romantic restaurant with him, talking and flirting a bit and Crowley thinks that he could have gotten up the nerve to say it, if that had happened. You know he was rehearsing it in his head a little until he spotted Aziraphale and called him over. Instead, it lives underneath the flirtation when Aziraphale suggests he just talk to Gabriel and Crowley uses their love of wordplay and their language to set up the conversation so that Aziraphale will wind up saying "smitten" back to him.
'Smite' is in the same realm as 'wily' and 'thwart' in their language-- a word that has a dramatic, dark, religious meaning but also another, equal meaning related to love and/or sex. (Crowley, who totally wrote Aziraphale's entry in the guide to angels thing that Furfur had, wrote that Aziraphale was a known "demon-smiter", showing that the use of that word for them predates this scene in S2.) "To smite" is one of the rare verbs in English that has two, different past tenses, depending on which meaning of the word a person is using. Crowley flirts with Aziraphale by pretending that he can't remember the correct past tense of 'smite'-- but which one is correct depends entirely on the intended meaning.
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"If Gabriel smites you, you've been... smited? smote?" Crowley starts.
'Smited' isn't a word at all and indicates that Crowley is flirting and does genuinely know the answer to the question. 'Smote' is the past tense of 'smite'-- if the intended meaning is in reference to being attacked with the righteous fury of an angel. Aziraphale teases Crowley in return by saying that the past tense of Gabriel smiting someone would be that his target is now "smitten, I believe"-- meaning, now a bit in love. This is both a play on the fact that Gabriel did try to smite both Crowley and Aziraphale in S1 but now it seems to have boomeranged back because, since the arrival of Jim, Gabriel is basically smitten with the two of them-- he's just a big marshmallow who hearts his new friends lol. It's also, though, really more of a joke on Crowley's unwillingness to try to talk with Gabriel, which Aziraphale has been trying to facilitate the whole week, because he knows that Crowley and Gabriel actually have a lot in common and could be good at helping one another through the similar traumas they've been through. He's joking that if Gabriel smites Crowley, as he tried to in S1, then the end result is that Crowley will wind up "smitten", not "smote", which is to gently tease Crowley about how Crowley is secretly big-hearted and warm and they both know he's going to wind up befriending Gabriel. It's also a joke on the fact that they both know that Crowley finds Gabriel attractive, which is part of the reason why Crowley takes the bottle of wine with him from the table when he goes to talk to Gabriel. Alcohol is sex in Ineffable Husbands Speak so if Aziraphale was going to leave Crowley to drink alone but now joke about how hot Crowley thinks Gabriel is while encouraging him to go to talk to him, then Crowley's taking the wine to Gabriel out of flirty spite lol. (And will drink it himself because he really just only has eyes for Aziraphale, as they both know.)
The end result of the wordplay set up, though, is one Aziraphale sees coming a mile away and indulges. He could have said "smote" but he knew Crowley was angling to hear "smitten", which is a word they've used to talk around how they feel about each other by using it in its Biblical euphemistic way while knowing they mean it in the "strongly attracted" definition. It's still not saying love, per se, and it's not the moment Crowley wanted but it was a sweet one anyway because Aziraphale's tone and expression indicated not just the teasing him over Gabriel but the fact that he is smitten with Crowley himself. It was meant to be Crowley telling Aziraphale that he's in love with him and it wound up being Aziraphale reminding Crowley of his feelings for him in their language.
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In S3, though, you must allow him to tell you how ardently he admires and loves you, Aziraphale... (just with the second Pride & Prejudice proposal ending, please)...
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hippolotamus · 8 months
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Tagged by my love @disasterbuckdiaz (with a super hot snippet) @daffi-990 (with a whole lotta feels) @tizniz (with a super cute new fic 🦖) @buddierights (with a sweet fic of V-day past) thank you lovelies 💖
Today I bring you two snippets because Fuck It, amirite??? The first is because I was rewatching Fellow Travelers last night and a moment in Episode 2 hit me like a freight train.
But then the skit starts.
Caroline and Carlos, dressed in a suit and skirt respectively, playing as a couple having dinner at home. Caroline sits at a small table while Carlos stirs an empty pot of imaginary soup.
Even though it’s all pretend, the whole scene is so terribly, achingly domestic. A reminder of an unattainable dream. Within seconds Tim feels as though he is submerged, drowning in heartache. It fills his lungs, taking up precious space where air should be. Every silently jagged breath burns as he tries to take in oxygen, but only receives more pain. He doesn’t know how he’s not making a spectacle of himself, attracting attention to the way his heart cracks, just short of breaking completely.
It is a relief when Carlos approaches him, holding out the wooden soup spoon. The gesture is silly but provides a much needed reprieve. Tim finds it in himself to be able to laugh again as he’s fed the invisible offering. A bright feeling that bursts forth, genuinely happy as it displaces his gloominess.
When Carlos and Caroline have bickered and teased their way to the ending, they bow and curtsy as the group claps and cheers. Some even call for an encore. Instead Caroline insists Mary put a record on so everyone can dance.
A lesser version of Tim’s earlier distress settles over him like a thick fog. It blankets him in loneliness while he watches Mary and her lover sway to the music, holding each other close with their cheeks pressed together.
Snippet #2 is noticeably more zesty (any guesses from the banner???) but with no fewer feels. Find a bit of honey, when you call my name under the cut 😏 Hoping this one will be posted very soon.
“You okay?” Buck’s face is etched with such concern and care it makes Eddie’s chest tight. A squeezing around his heart that makes him wish he could pull it from behind his ribcage. To clutch it in his palms while he shows off all the places Buck’s mended and healed for him. A way to prove that Eddie is more than okay, and only improving as they continue to intertwine their lives together.
“Yeah, baby. I’m good.” Eddie lifts his head, angling his neck so he can kiss Buck again. He pours all of his gratitude and overwhelm into it, hoping the message is clear. That their unique brand of silent communication applies here as well.
It must because Buck continues to slide in, albeit slowly. He goes inch by inch, periodically checking in with a questioning look that Eddie returns with a small nod until Buck’s fully seated. And it feels… unusual. Not in a bad way, but an altogether different sensation than the times he’s fucked himself with his fingers or a toy. Of course it would be, because it’s Buck. It’s novel and precious and life changing. An event that Eddie would scribble in his diary if he had one. But at the same time — it’s Buck. So it’s also an inevitable homecoming, like being able to finally set down his burdens and breathe a sigh of relief.
“So good, Buck,” Eddie tells him before the question can be asked, because he knows it will be. He can see it in the infinite blue staring back at him, sparkling with affection and love.
Buck dips his head down, brushing their noses together, and Eddie doesn’t miss how bright, sunny blue turns darker, like dusky twilight.
“Gonna move as soon as you say so,” Buck murmurs against his lips. “‘ve wanted to fuck you for so long.”
Eddie’s belly swoops and his muscles clench in anticipation. Because it’s a two way street and this has been years in the making for both of them.
“Oh, yeah?” Before Buck can answer he tacks on, “Do it then. You’re not the only one waiting here, y’know.”
He’s rewarded with a mischievous smirk just before he feels Buck pull back. A moan — closer to a growl — rips out of him when Buck thrusts forward again, making him feel so, so full and whole. Complete.
no pressure tagging @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @jesuisici33 @diazsdimples (I know you have something to share by now!) @stereopticons @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @theotherbuckley @monsterrae1 @buckaroosheart @indestructibleheart @thewolvesof1998 @loserdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @elvensorceress @honestlydarkprincess @spaceprincessem @apothecarose @barbiediaz @chaosandwolves @eowon @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites @statueinthestone @singlethread @the-likesofus @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @watchyourbuck @your-catfish-friend @vanillahigh00 and anyone else who wants to share
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countryrebel1995 · 1 year
I didn't want to have to make this post, I've seen enough shipping drama on Tumblr over the years that I usually steer clear of it, but there’s been so much Nooshy bashing in the tags lately that I feel compelled to weigh in on it.
Why do people like Nooshy? Well, to put it simply, even though she’s never the center of attention in "Sing 2", Nooshy manages to be a girl with layers, and there's a lot to appreciate about her. When we're first introduced to her, she's a street performer so she can make the money that she needs to survive, but she’s also genuinely passionate about her craft - she loves to dance - and she enjoys getting a chance to share that passion with someone else whenever they come along.
While she can be snarky and prickly and slow to trust strangers, she’s also very nice once you get to know her. After a young turtle kid almost screws up her performance, she's still very playful and accommodating towards him. When she’s brought backstage to the Crystal theater, she compliments some dude's hat just to make him feel good about himself. While she initially agrees to help Johnny because he offers to pay her, she starts to stick up for him and genuinely support him, because the way Klaus treats him isn't right. She decides to help the Moon Theater troupe put on their big show, even though she's only known these people for about a week and their plan will surely be very dangerous, because the way Jimmy Crystal treats them isn't right either and she wants to help them stick it to the man. After Johnny tells her that he and his family used to be a gang of notorious criminals, Nooshy never judges them for their shady past, and is actually quite happy to see how close he and his father are now (especially since it's implied that she might not even have parents herself). And during "A Sky Full Of Stars", she encourages Johnny to never give up and follow his heart, because he's her friend and she wants to see him succeed.
Nooshy is snarky and mischievous, but underneath it all, she's actually a very kind girl, and very loyal towards the people who earn her respect. And by the end of "Sing 2", she gets her happy ending when she not only gets a new paying career doing what she loves, but also finds a place where she belongs among the Moon Theater troupe.
The reason why I just went off on that rather long tangent, dissecting her character, is to drive home the point that Nooshy has done nothing in the canon films to warrant the way people talk about her sometimes.
I've seen people insult everything about her and her fans for shipping reasons, because they see her as a threat to their preferred ships (even though she and Johnny are not even canonically a couple by the end of "Sing 2"). And there's a real double standard when it comes to this too, because no other character who's been shipped with Johnny over the years gets this kind of treatment. Meena doesn't, Ash doesn't, Ryan doesn't (even though the claim that Nooshy haters sometimes make - that people only like her as one half of a ship - could just as easily be said about him).
And this is really nothing new. Characters getting trash-talked over shipping wars is a tale as old as time when it comes to fandoms, and people are entitled to their opinions. The reason why I made this post is because lately, the Nooshy bashing is starting to cross a line.
Over the last few months, I've been seeing a growing number of comments complaining about people including Nooshy in their fanart. I've also been seeing a growing number of posts outright insulting people who like Nooshy or like to ship her with Johnny, saying that they're stupid and shallow and should just go away because they’re a blight on the fandom.
How about no.
In a fandom, people are allowed to like whatever character they like, or ship whatever couple they like, so long as they're not hurting anyone. If you hate Nooshy so much that you can't stand seeing any fanart of her or fanfics of her, because you don't want to be reminded that she exists, then I'm sorry but you're either just going to have to deal with that or stop engaging with the parts of the fandom where people want to appreciate her. Because quite frankly, your hatred for this character is no one else’s problem except your own and people are not going to stop liking her just for your benefit.
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ask-icancraft-it · 3 months
(( A slightly NSFW short story, which alludes to a definitely NSFW fic I wrote a while back: 'Plus One'. A somewhat drunk Felix lets some things slip about his early days in the arcade. ))
“Alright,” Tamora interjected, taking another swig of her beer. The Niceland New Year’s party had wrapped hours ago, and all who remained sitting among the streamers and bits of confetti were her, Ralph, and Felix. Vanellope was also present, but had fallen asleep some time ago. 
Sitting up to place her drink on the coffee table, the sergeant had a pink hue on her face as she formulated her next question. Ralph had already turned towards her on the adjacent couch, but Felix remained still, head on the armrest, looking close to joining Vanellope in dreamland.
“You two have been around for thirty-something years–”
“Thirty-three,” Fix-It muttered.
“Right. You’ve been around for thirty-something years; you’ve seen it all…Who takes the title of sexiest man in the arcade.”
“These questions are feeling more and more like we’re high schoolers at a slumber party,” Ralph chuckled. He was buzzed, but in far better shape than the couple. “I’m going to have to think…”
“Luigi,” Felix mumbled upwards to the ceiling, pulling the brim of his cap up from over his eyes. “No contest.”
“No contest— are you kidding me?” Ralph looked dead into the handyman’s sleepy eyes. “Luigi?”
“Yyyep,” Felix replied smugly with a pop. 
“Yeah, well, I guess that figures. He’s seems just about as vanilla as you.” A defiant laugh rumbled in the fixer’s chest. “Oh, Ralph…Vanilla may be my favorite flavor of cake, but not my taste in pixels.”
The wrecker opened his mouth for another retort before a tiny cushion collided with his face.
Across the way, Tamora held another pillow at the ready.
“Elaborate,” she commanded, leaning towards her husband. She was very interested in what he had to say.
“Honey, that man can touch you in ways that will make you feel like the most special person in the world, and he’ll do it all while serenading you in Italian. He is unbelievably sexy…what?”
As he spoke, Felix caught Ralph and Tamora’s wide-eyed stares.
“Well that all seems very specific,” Wreck-It smiled, wagging his eyebrows. “I think you may have a biased opinion.”
“N-no, I don’t!” Felix’s face turned bright red, realizing just how revealing his explanation was. 
“More like an informed opinion,” Tamora joined in on the ribbing. Embarrassing the handyman was a pastime she and Ralph would regularly bond over. “He take good care of your pipes, Fix-It?”
“It was a long time ago…” he admitted, delighting his companions.
“Wait…what about Daisy?” Ralph questioned. “I thought she and Luigi have been a thing since forever.”
“She was there too.”
“What?!” Ralph was aghast. “Both!? At the same time?!”
“It was the 80’s…” Felix chuckled. “Not so vanilla now, am I?”
“I could have told him that,” Tamora raised her eyebrows and took another sip of her beer. “Time’s up, Wreck-It; your answer?”
The wrecker’s face flushed as he wrung his large hands. “Zangief…”
“Oh, talk about a bias,” the sergeant cackled, knowing full and well the crush Ralph has on the Street Fighter. 
“Shut up,” the large man growled. “You asked for our opinions; he’s hot, alright?”
“He is,” Felix smiled, nodding. “You’ve got great taste, brother.”
Ralph squinted at the handyman, dubious. “Is there something else you’d like to tell us? Should I be worried?”
Felix shrugged, ending off with a playful wink as he pulled the brim of his cap back over his eyes. 
“What the fuck?” the wrecker mouthed to Calhoun as the handyman settled back into the couch cushions. What bothered him the most was that he didn’t know if the little guy was pulling his leg or not, given what he’d learned. Who was this person, and what had he done to the innocent good guy who danced the night away just hours before? 
All Tamora could offer up was a shrug of her own, a hearty chuckle escaping her lips as her husband began to snore.
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your-nanas-house · 1 year
During a night
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◇ Pairing: Professor Ominis Gaunt X fem!Reader
◇ Warnings: slightly smut, angst, forbidden relationships, alchol
◇ Summary: Ominis Gaunt accept to go at a pub with his friend Sebastian Sallow.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. I'm not posting so much lately but I'm alive and I have already wrote a lot of stories...I just need to find the willing to translate them all. There will be a part 2 and a part 3 where Sebastian will meet Y/n again. Let me know if you are interested, darling..and if I should write it.
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The evening when Sebastian Sallow managed to convince his friend Ominis Gaunt to go out with him for some fun was an evening that everyone would consider to be 100% English with rain that started and stopped whenever it wanted, fresh air and lots of people with umbrellas ready.
The streets were not very crowded, Ominis could only hear the sound of the rain tapping softly but firmly against the surfaces it encountered on its path, there were no shouts or voices of other people apart from that of his brown-haired friend.
The Gaunt had only accepted the invitation that evening because he had nothing else to do and needed a break from the demanding tasks that a Hogwarts professor had, he had also agreed to wear what Sebastian had chosen for him which was a very British outfit but one that made him feel comfortable and that was also quite comfortable despite being made up of several pieces.
He didn't know for sure the plans for that evening because Sallow had decided to keep him in the dark, taking him to a place unknown to him; it wasn't a familiar place, there were a lot of noises, music in the background, different smells that could confuse anyone and voices of all kinds. Ominis had no idea where he was, he didn't feel very comfortable there, but Sebastian assured him that he would have a good time after he had a couple of drinks and forgot his job.
The young man spoke as if it wasn't the first time he had done so, which worried the Gaunt's heir but not enough to engage in the conversation right then and there, so he decided to accept the firewhiskey he was given as he made an attempt to relax listening to his friend complain about life and badmouth his fellow Aurors.
The evening continued in this way until gentle footsteps followed by female voices interrupted them, Ominis could not see who had stopped to speak to them but from Sebastian's tone he could guess they were young women; there were three distinct voices, two squeaky and one sweet as honey.
He heard their clothes move and then guessed that they were moving to sit at the table with them, Ominis could hear from the tone of voice the girls' visible interest in them but dared not say anything, letting Sebastian enjoy himself and speak for them both.
That was until the two girls proposed to go dancing with the others, Sebastian accepted almost immediately getting up and turning to the third girl hoping she would go with them, a slight hint of his interest hidden in his tone of voice, probably also in his gaze but the young girl refused not wanting to dance amongst so many people.
This way Ominis Gaunt and the young stranger were left alone at the table; she was the first to open her mouth and start a conversation with him, her voice was sweet, seductive and decidedly pleasant just like her perfume.
It had been some time since the young Gaunt had thought about interacting romantically with a person of the opposite sex but that evening, perhaps because of the alcohol, he wanted to get to know this witch better, whose name he discovered to be Y/n.
They drank a few drinks together, talking and joking, their bodies grew closer and closer, their legs almost brushed against each other, they could almost hear the soft sound of the fabrics of their clothes touching and they could also feel each other's warmth with the scent that was slowly driving Ominis crazy.
When he opened his mouth again to speak he was interrupted by Y/n who warned him that he had seen Sebastian leaving the pub without him; this statement made Ominis pause for a moment not knowing how to react, whether to follow Sebastian or to stay there with Y/n. The decision was soon than made, it was practically immediate as soon as Y/n hesitantly placed her hand on the man's muscular thigh, slowly caressing it as she made him a proposition that Ominis would never normally have accepted if it had been another stranger asking him, but with her he accepted it immediately trying not to look so desperate.
They both stood up and he let her take his hand, guiding him to a more secluded area of the club until they entered a room, Ominis could recognise the fact that he had changed areas because now the noises were more muffled and less deafening than before.
He didn't have to do anything because Y/n took the initiative, pushing him gently against the nearest wall, her lips connected with his neck leaving small wet kisses followed by little licks that reached his collarbone before they ended; the wizard's breathing was heavy, his head was leaned against the wall slightly tilted towards the ceiling, his arms motionless at his sides as he let Y/n take care of him, driven by lust.
Their lips met in a hungry kiss, Ominis' arms wrapped around her small body like a snake, drawing her even closer to him.
Her legs latched onto his side and their positions quickly reversed, leaving the wizard in control as well. He was grinding rapidly against her, almost like an animal in heat, causing her to moan in pleasure followed by gasps and meows.
They both needed more but a voice all too familiar to Ominis interrupted them 'Ominis? Are you in here? It's getting late shall we go back to Feldcroft?"; it was Sebastian's voice.
Sadly that deep voice brought some sense back to them both and the two slowly parted awkwardly, exchanging a quick kiss as a farewell before going separate ways.
The sweet and delicate smell mixed with the spicy act continued to haunt Ominis' thoughts until school started again and he had to concentrate on his lessons like he was doing at that very moment, lost in thought as he waited for his students.
His thoughts came to an end when a voice brought him to reality, a warm, honey-sweet voice, a voice he had heard months ago and was now speaking to him again "Good morning Professor Gaunt".
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter, @huntress-valkyrie
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gayf1hoe · 1 month
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Part 3
We are currently in some bar Max found on Google which he said had, and I quote “good enough reviews' ' the air is thick with the smell of sweat and alcohol. Throughout the night I basically clung to Max and George who were more than inebriated, I on the other hand have only had one drink of water, not wanting to jump on the bandwagon of getting drunk. Throughout the evening I could feel Charles' death staring at me and I could tell he was still more than pissed at me, however I remain resolute in not breaking character.
As all the drivers who attended were on the dance floor, Charles approached me with my only thought being “oh shit”, he nonchalantly collapsed in the seat next to me as he did so he spoke, “How come you aren't drinking like the out of control nutter you are?” I can tell he is trying to provoke me but I know freaking out is what he wants, but I also know if I do loose it there literally will be ‘a murder on the dance floor’, so I simply reply “drinking is for those who need an artificial catalyst for having fun, I can have fun without downing that shit”. He gives me a blank stare clearly not expecting that response. As he does so, it sends a weird feeling through my body, not one I had ever experienced before.
After 10 minutes of awkward silence, I got up to leave when Charles finally piped up and said “where are you going?” I simply say “I have a headache so I'm going back to the hotel” he pulls a slightly disappointed face but I assume it's him trying to look sympathetic.
As I leave the Bar I text max to make sure he doesn't wait for me:
Me: Hey Max, I left early and have gone back to the hotel. Enjoy the rest of your night. :)
As I leave the club I walk down the streets I am totally zoned out listening to my music when I bump into someone and knock them over. I immediately stop in my tracks and help the person up when I realise who it is.
“Oh my god, I'm so sorry Mick I didn't see you there.” I say completely out of breath and flustered
“Nah no worries it's fine” he says charmingly
“So I heard you were here to watch the GP, I have honestly missed you so much” the words now just flowing out of my mouth
We chat away in the dimly lit street which now had rain slowly pouring down, typical England, when Mick says “do you want to go and get a coffee or tea at the local café” whilst I stand there contemplating whether or not I should go for a drink with my ex-boyfriend, I blurt out a simple “sure” and think ‘What's the worst that can happen”.
Little did I know a fan had seen us and taken a photo and soon an F1 page had a post with the caption
"M/N L/N was seen with his ex boyfriend Mick Schumacher, could we see a return of the couple?"
Whilst me and Mick are sitting at the table we are discussing how the season is going: when he comes out with "So you and Leclerc hey, what's the deal there?" he asks interrogatively I huff at the question, "there's nothing to comment on he's rude, egotistical, can't take criticism and lacks basic common courtesy and he's in denial" my response is harsh but Mick can tell my harshness isn't directed at him. "Funnily enough isn't that what you said about me when we raced together", "well yes, but at least you were good looking" I replied but Mick adds "and you think Charles is ugly?" The thing is I want to answer that question but I don't even know the answer myself. It's no secret that people think Charles is gorgeous but I am still yet to make up my mind, I mean I have only known him for less than a month, and he's already pissed me off. So instead of answering the question I simply say "he's....anyway how's things with you".
As the evening comes to an end I decide to head to my hotel and as me and Mick part ways we give each other an embracing hug and in that moment I forget how much I have missed this and how much I have missed him. To give context, Mick and I broke up because he moved to F1 and I was stuck in F2 and the distance and time apart was not good for our relationship so we came to the mutual agreement to stay just friends however we hadn't really spoken since then apart from the odd ‘Happy Birthday’ text.
It's now the next morning and I wake up to some very angry texts from my media manager Luca,
You need to come in for a media meeting at 10:20.
I get dressed throwing on a pair of black jeans and a team T-Shirt, as I arrived at the team media office I was given some indescribable looks from the employees. I reach the conference room where I find Toto, George and Luca. They are all looking at me and whilst I'm early it looks like they have been sitting there set in stone for ages. I semi waddle towards and seat adjacent to Toto, when he pipes up:
“We have brought you to our team for what you can offer on the track, you have an amazing talent, you have made history not only with your racing but with your openness about your sexuality . We sincerely appreciate what you do for us however you have been with us for only one race and have caused a media catastrophe, you were seen hanging out with your ex but he's not any ex he's Mick Schumacher. The drama doesn't arrive from the fact you are both men this is a race track not a reality TV set we don't bring relationships to the track, what you do outside reflects us as a team, so please accept this as your formal warning, do not, and I mean do not, cause anymore drama”
As the meeting goes on for what feels like an eternity I am lectured on the importance of PR and media and my mind remains unchanged, the media are dicks and don't deserve my kindness, if I have any.
So like a child who hasn't learned their lesson, I go back to my hotel and text Mick
Me: Hey Mick, I have a free ticket for Monaco and my parents can't make it so I was wondering if you wanted to come?
Mick: Hey thanks for the offer. I would love to go. It would feel great to be in the paddock again.
I really never learn my lesson, but hey life is more fun that way.
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rruhlreviews · 7 months
Book Review - The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
After reading, I learned this book was first published on 28 February 2017, which makes this a timely review at its seventh anniversary.
It’s difficult to write a book with social justice themes without the narrative dipping into a lecture-style and the author’s voice bleeding through. Angie Thomas pulled it off masterfully, and never once was the immersion broken while discussing themes. This book is clever and chooses each word meaningfully. The Hate U Give gripped me by the collars and would not let me put it down. The story is compelling and highly readable, covering emotionally heavy material and educating the reader on racial justice while also presenting a coming of age tale and lots of humor. This style represents its core message: despite growing darkness, we have to keep living. The narrator’s voice, the unfortunate ongoing relevance to current events, and the unrelenting suspense make this book a modern classic that I think should be in every high school.  
The voice of the protagonist and the ways in which she interacts with her world and the people around her immerse the reader. Starr is a likable character, funny, resilient, and brave even when she doesn’t think she is. Her characterization was so strong I felt like I could meet her in passing on the street or follow her tumblr blog. She collects sneakers. She knows how to put price tags on groceries. She’s embarrassed by her parents’ dancing. The driving plot of The Hate U Give is the murder of Khalil and trial of 115, but the book is about so much more. The book is about Starr and how she grows into self-confidence and realizes her power to change her community. We care about Starr’s conflict with her friends and boyfriend, her worry about her parents’ marriage, and her complicated feelings with attachment to the place she grew up versus moving to a better life. Suspense never relents, lending a thriller feel to the story. Will Starr decide to speak up? Will 115 be charged? Will Hailey apologize? Will the family be able to protect DeVante from King? The people and places are described with such care they leap off the page. The appeal and success of this story is not from larger than life characters and events, but painful and heartfelt realism.
I had a few tears in my eye at the end of the novel, in a good way. There was no justice for Khalil, just like continues to happen in the real world. The Hate U Give was published in 2017, and it feels like little has changed since then in police reform. But there is still hope. Starr and her family get a better house, her mom gets a new job, the community help rebuild the store, Starr stands up for herself against Hailey, and she’s closer than ever with Chris who has shown he’ll support her in anything. The central message of the book is not loss but hope, a story about fighting for a better world because we live in it. This is what we need in face of rising darkness. The audience cares about the characters, cares about the tragedy, cares about justice, but the ultimate reason The Hate U Give hits so hard is that it doesn’t lean into despair. It says, “we must do something, and we can.”
I think this book should be taught in high schools. I certainly wish it was taught in the one I attended (a semi-rural, predominately white community). I know people would have a fit about the strong language, especially “that one news channel” as it was called in the novel, but the message is more important than a couple swear words the students would hear in the hallways anyway. It’s an introduction into learning about activism, written in a voice that is relatable and easily comprehended, wrapped in the attention-grabbing vibe of a YA thriller. Teens and adults alike can enjoy the storytelling and learn a lot from it. I certainly learned a lot about a culture that is not my own, and I’m grateful Angie Thomas created this and shared it with us. It surely took a lot of emotional labor, and the author’s emotional connection to the story shows and makes it all the more impactful.
Stories have the power to change the world, and if they didn’t, there wouldn’t be massive censorship efforts all throughout history. We’re living amongst the worst of modern censorship waves in the United States right now, with any book that mentions race or sexuality being challenged, even children’s books about things as unprovocative as doing hair. The Hate U Give covers dark subject material, but we need to not look away from the darkness in the world we live in. The enemy of hate is care. Through trying to understand one another and our struggles, we can be the light, like a star.
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ruinedbylanadelrey · 1 year
Loved your Javier Peña fic! Could you write one where the two are in a secret relationship (because relationships in the DEA can be risky). One day when they are out on an assignment Javi almost gets killed but Reader saves him. Javi gets mad at her for throwing herself in harms way. They eventually make up and Javi thanks Reader for saving her.
Secret relationships<3333
warnings: 18+, violence, usage of guns, javi having a small masculinity complex
Javier Peña was the first person you had a connection with in years. You weren't looking for a relationship when the DEA shipped you off to Colombia as a rookie. Your mentor was to be Javier Peña and he showed you how things worked in the world of Colombia, how corrupted everything was.
It left you feeling uneasy every day and would fear going out on the streets knowing there is a price tag on your forehead. "No one is stupid enough to kill an agent," Javi told you on your first day on the job, you were out in the field chasing around some sicarios. 
Working so closely with someone for almost your whole day had you telling Javi about your life back in the States. He loved that you were also from Texas, you missed your hometown and expressed that to him one night. You would close your eyes when you were back at your apartment and imagine you were in your bed back in San Antonio, listening to the cars pass on the street with the faint sound of crickets in the grass.
"Wanna go to the bar, I could use a drink and I think you could too," Javi asks as you gathered your things before leaving the office for the couple of hours you'll have to yourself. You were stunned by his question, you always thought he merely tolerated you.
"Sounds better than sitting in my apartment drinking alone," your answer had Javi moving you both out to the jeep fast. 
The live music was playing and the drinks you had were running through your veins. You seemed so relaxed and it was a good look on you. Javi admired how you weren't ruined yet but the career you chose.
You asked him for a dance, he couldn't turn a dance with a pretty woman. You captivated his mind since the day he met you, it was hard to let you do any work when he just wanted to keep you safe and out of harm's way.
You rested your head on his chest while he led you in the dance, just swaying in time with the music.
"Do you want to get out here?" you looked up at him, that question led to many nights spent in bed with him, and soon blossomed into becoming partners outside of work. You and him kept everything under wraps, relationships were dangerous and frowned upon in the field. 
The sky was black and the stars sprinkled across it, you admired the beauty of the nights since you and Javi had those late shifts a lot more since you came. Javi was smoking his cigarette outside the jeep.
"I think you should quit," you poked your head out the window and smiled at him. It was your favorite thing to say to him, you liked how aggravated he got by it because you were right. He looked back at you and flicked it to the ground, grabbing the pack from the seat and lighting another one. You rolled your eyes at him and sat back in your seat. 
The night was quiet, too quiet for you. Two cars pull behind you and caged in your only way out,
"Get down!" Javi yells at you, he grabs his pistol at the same moment you did. A man from each car got out and held their weapons up and pointed at him. You could see him calculate how he was going to get you both out of there.
You watched in the mirror of the car as the two men stalked toward Javi. They were passed the car unknowing of your existence, your palms were sweaty and the weight of your gun felt heavier than usual. You've been in danger before but it was never at arms length. 
Javi was keeping a cool demeanor with them, his finger next to the trigger ready for anything they might do. His eyes flickered at you for a second and returned to them. You knew you had to do something fast or he would be killed. One man pushed Javi to the ground and stood over him, you moved faster than you could think of a plan.
You crawled out the open window and snuck up on the other man, the cold barrel of your gun pressed the back of the man's head. Your finger lingered on the trigger. Javi looked at you and he saw red while the bang of the gun went off, the other man turned around and scrambled for his gun and another shot rang through Javi's ears. Two bodies littered the ground, you took a breath after holding it. 
You stood there frozen in place, and the realization of you had just killed two people hit you like a ton of bricks. Javi stands up, he takes your pistol from your hands and turns on the safety.
"Get in the car," he mutters before calling in the police to take care of the bodies.
The ride back to the station was quiet. You were still processing what happened, Javi was angry mostly at himself for putting you in the situation. It made him feel small and he hates feeling that way. He never really thought of himself as macho but when you started dating he took on that role to keep you safe.
When you walked to your desk and sat down Javi trailed in sitting himself on the corner of your desk and set down a drink for you.
"You were reckless and shouldn't have done that. You could've died out there," he scolded you, you stared blankly at him. The tears ran down your face.
"What was I supposed to do? Let you lay there and possibly die?" You spat at him, and you became angry with him.
You couldn't let that happen, he was a mentor, partner, and boyfriend.
"If I die, I die. You are to let me handle my life. How can you be so stupid throwing your life away for me?" his words stung, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if anything happened to him especially if you could've helped. You looked at him in disbelief because if the roles were switched he would've done the same thing and you wouldn't have scolded him a like child. 
Since that night he treated you like you were a ghost, just didn't exist in front of him until he had to acknowledge you. It was suffocating to be around him and be ignored, you wanted to leave and never go back. Javi put you on probation and left you to do clerical work while he went on raids and rides.
He watched you pack up your things for the night, your face seemed drained, the dark circles under your eyes has gotten worse since you haven't slept next to him in weeks, and you would stay up most nights scared of the world outside your window. You barely ate, being nauseated every day from your heart breaking. 
Javi walked up to you before you walked out the door, he tugs at your hand and spins you around. His lips crash into yours, you were taken back by his actions. You gave in and your lips moved with his. He breaks the kiss and cups your face in his hands, his eyes dart around taking your feature that he studied when you were in his bed at night.
"I'm sorry...I was angry at myself...not at you, I hate feeling helpless and that you had to something that you shouldn't had to do, forgive me, cariño," you could tell Javi was uneasy with being vulnerable. Your heart swelled when he licked his lips wanting for this fight to over with.
"I forgive you, mi amor, I need you to know that your life matters to me," you said sweetly and he took a deep breath to let his walls come down for you. 
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sparxaf · 5 months
Season 8 Thoughts:
I haven't said much of anything about the new season because I have very little to complain about, and honestly, I'm only funny when I'm complaining. But I figured I should say that I love it. It's messy. It's frustrating. I love the guys. I love the girls. I love the friendships. I'm rooting for couples even if I like someone in that couple. This is the first season where I'm genuinely ecstatic to do the wlw routes. Claudia is so freaking hot and lovely. Bea is a sexy sass queen. I want Hazel biblically (though I'm pretty sure she's not an option).
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My complaints are pretty minor overall (and thus are pretty boring):
As always the clothing options are... questionable, and we got the worst dance outfit as per usual.
The dance scenes are particularly bad. What's with all the finger sucking? And what the hell was Theo doing squatting and popping up? I can't even visualize what that was supposed to be 🤣
Poor Hari. I like him, but his sprite is not it. The way his mouth is drawn it looks like he's always talking through clenched teeth.
I wish Sienna was a little more developed. The guys keep saying she's fun but we've never experienced it. It would be nice to see what they actually like about her.
My biggest frustration is that they've still never figured out how to handle love triangles and break ups. The characters always break up and then act like they never broke up. It's weird for your LI's partner to dump them because LI said they liked you, and then act confused about why the vibes are off in their relationship. It doesn't feel intentional, like it's meant to be messy, as much as it feels like a failure of the branching to give us a distinct route.
That's kind of it, though. I'm sure I have a few more nitpicks but overall the heat is back and so is the romance. I honestly haven't had this much fun with a season since season two and that's high praise. I wouldn't say it's as great as two. The branching will simply never be that good again because the platform they use can't support it. The characters also had more complexity back then, because the season was longer and it was all scripted by humans (though I'll admit, I'm happy to not have as much filler now we did back then). That said, this one IS great. I'm living for the romance, and for the first time in the entirety of the game, I'm living for the messiness! Emel is the worst, but I also love her? I'm genuinely struggling with my choices too, which is fun.
Oh and Theo... sigh. I never do the love triangle routes. I have no patience for them or for wishy washy pixels. I liked Ozzy but I stopped doing his route mid game because I couldn't deal with the frustration of it. But I am EMPHATICALLY HERE FOR THEO AND I WILL FIGHT CLAUDIA IN THE STREET FOR HIM (AND THEN MAKE OUT WITH HER). I fell hard for Max and dumped him the moment Theo showed me some attention. They really starved us in the first half with him, but now... no crumbs, baby! The way Theo stopped the sexy talk for a romantic conversation about the future and how he says he believes in us so much and wants to travel together so we can be his muse, and the way he said he's falling for us. And the way he ASKED, HE FREAKING ASKED if he could touch us. I AM A PUDDLE OF MELTED HONEY. PLEASE TURN ME INTO BAKLAVA.
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Do you think you could write about Kyojuro and a reader that has separation anxiety?🤔🤔🤭
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Demon Slayer
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Character(s): Kyojuro Rengoku
Genre: Fluff + Comfort
Type: Headcanon
Description: Who knew a lunch trip and an impending departure would end with more than a few feelings spilt?
Warning(s): Gender-Neutral Reader(My Default), Reader is Part of The Corp, Pre-Relationship(We've got Pinning :D, Can Also be Read Completely Platonically)
I sure can!
Thanks for requesting btw, I appreciate it <33
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The morning sun encroached upon the harsh shadows, filtering through the rustling leaves as if dancing across his figure was it's only purpose. Hugging the apples of his cheeks and glittering in his amber eyes. His voice, though boisterous, was gentle upon your ears, breathy but not overbearingly so. He sung praises and inquired what you'd both eat upon reaching town. Something he did perhaps too often when he was with you
"It all sounds good, Kyo." A hushed laugh fell from your lips, a smile tugging at your cheeks. "Perhaps we should visit them all, then! Having good food before we part is a must and having more wouldn't hurt." With how he marched on, he couldn't see the way your face froze mid beam
Clammy hands clenched and tugged at your layered pants, releasing only once your anxious heart settled enough to seem okay, "You shouldn't spend so much, you know." His hair moved with the shake of his head, falling over his shoulders and tickling his neck, "If it's for lunch with you, then how much I spend means nothing!" You nudged his arm when he looked back at you in earnest, your face warm, "Be responsible!"
Empty paths soon met bustling streets and your personal spaces met invasion. Shoulders were bumped and distance was inevitable. He would stop each time and stand as an impenetrable wall until you reached him again, however
Sunlight was blocked by buildings both short and tall, alleys were painted gray by blocked shadows and towering walls. Yet it was warm, smiles passed and laughs exchanged. Some couples, some families. Everyone seemed to feel at home. The subtle aching in your soul felt far, but pinched with every scare.
"Ah, there it is!" His calloused hand found yours, grip firm but gentle, "C'mon, (Y/n)!" He tugged you forward, guiding you like the breezing wind. You stumbled once he pushed from the crowd, sides knocking with another's. Relief of pressure settled on your bones, shaking them with each calming breath. He was still smiling, beaming just like the blazing sun. Everything about him was bright and it drew you in just as it had the day you met him. It made you feel like a gullible moth, doomed to die at the wailing flames arms
Someone sat you both down quickly, a nervous energy shaking them similar to you. The building smelled rich and spices tickled your nose with every breath. "What are you going to have? I'm thinking of ramen or miso." Of course you are, you wanted to say, but you remained quiet instead. "(Y/n)?" You breathed deeply, "Ramen." He laughed, "Can never go wrong with that!"
You wondered how he could do that, smile when death and heartache looms at every corner. Usually he put you at ease, but today all he seemed to do was squeeze your heart in his hands. How many more times am I going to see you beam? Is today the last day I have with you? You could only hope his eyes didn't recognize your boiling anguish. Nothing ever went your way though, did it?
With your orders placed, he continued chatting idly despite the one sidedness. His voice was quieter than normal, as if he was more focused on gauging your engagement. "Hey, (Y/n)?" You lifted your head with a hum, eyes curious from his call out. "What do you call a cat without whiskers?" A huff jumped from your chest, exhaled as a light wheeze, "I don't know, Kyo. What is it call?" A grin stretched across his face, "A whiskful cat!" It was ridiculous, the joke. It shouldn't have made you laugh the way it did yet you hadn't the gull to be mad at that. The silly punful joke shook your very core and stole every bit of air from your lungs
The aching pain you felt was replaced with the rattling of your ribcage and tensing of your tired muscles. "That's..." You took a moment to breathe, leaning against your hand, "That's so stupid, I love it." His smile brightened with yours, "I've got more!" Shifting, you shake your head, "You're going to send me into an early grave, Kyo."
Once your stomachs were full with warm food, you both left and made way to the outskirts of town. The sun layed upon the horizon and the sky became a gentle pink...and your heart sunk lower and lower. All until it pressed uncomfortably against your twisting gut
He moved forward with his head held so high, as if there were no doubts within his mind. A part of you envied that despite it being far from the truth. But perhaps you envied in his strength rather than his stature. "(Y/n)?" He called you, stopping with a turn. "Yeah?" You found the cloth of your pants within your hands once again. "Are you alright?" Your breath caught in your throat. "You've been a little out of it today and...well, everytime we have to go you seem to be." Steeling yourself, you managed to speak beneath your breath, "I...I hate leaving- you leaving.."
"It gets..hard to function when I realize we won't be near each other...I can't breathe right knowing that-" Warmth rests on your shoulder, like a blanket placed over you by a loved on a chilly night, and only moments later...it finds your body. Enveloping your heart and mind, drowning doubts and bubbling fears, soothing any weeping from your anxious soul. The weight pressed to your chest alleviates some of the pain, little by little until it's just the shaking of your figure
Your lungs ached as if you ran miles to reach his arms. "We'll always come back to each other..." He squeezed, "I promise." Carefully, he leaned back from you, "No matter the rivers or mountains, I'll come back to you." And as the stars began to rise, he smiled as gently as they twinkled.
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cherienymphe · 9 months
This Rafe fic is slightly reminding me of this guy I️ dated for literally five days who was showing his crazy and possessive side already.
STORY TIME! (This gets progressively worst)
The next couple of days he clingy, blowing up my phone, asking to see me. And I️ did see him, and he wanted me to stay over so bad but I️ live with my dad so if I️ ever stay out later than 11 he gets concerned so I️ told him I️ couldn’t and he got pissed and swore I️ wasn’t into him?
The third and last time I️ saw him was the worst. I️ was at a family friend’s quincenera and earlier that day I️ told him a friend from out of town was visiting and that we would be going out to the club and I️ invited him to come. He agreed. While at the quince, he asked if I️ could pick him up from bourbon street (during Mardi Gras mind you, like that’s crazy) and me being kind, agreed. So I️ was forced to leave the party early to get him. When I️ picked him up, he asked if I️ was staying over that night and I️ was confused and reminded him of our previously agreed upon plans and he had the nerve to flip out on me in MY CAR?? And said that he was tired and didn’t want to stay out till late like a teenager (I️ was freshly turned 23, he was 25 so like???) and then when I️ reached his house he sarcastically told me thank you for the ride and slammed my car doors. I’ve never been treated horribly like that before (I️ always demand princess treatment, my father would’ve killed him if I️ told him all this) so I️ broke down in my car wondering what the fuck just happened 😭?
And you would think this would be the party where I️ just go drink with my friends and forget abt him but NO. Just as I️ finished my 5 min crying session and calling my friends for support, he texts me that he’ll go with me but said he’s not gonna enjoy it 💀? And I️ was like okay…maybe we can just talk abt this? (You know, LIKE ADULTS!) but he got back into my car and was silent the whole time I️ drove to the club. I️ parked in the parking lot, told my friend I️ was on my way but my phone was dying so that was the last she heard from me for a while. I️ go to change in the backseat because I’m still in a gown from the party and change into a shorter dress and he follows trying to feel me and kiss me and I️ let him because truthfully, I️ am 4’11 and he’s like 6’3 and we were alone so I️ was kind scared for my life 😭 when he felt my hesitation, he went off on me again saying I️ wasn’t affectionate and in my head I’m like bro, we just met and you already showing your crazy like u scaring the hoes rn. At that point I️ was so tired of arguing, I️ was just like omg pls shut UP! We go into the club, I️ paid the $30 cover (10 for me, 20 for him) and we get inside and before we went in he told me to not leave him alone. I️ also need to mention that we are at a Latin club filed with mostly Hispanics because me and my friends are Hispanic (mainly Mexicans and Honduras). (Yes this is an important detail later). I️ head to the bathroom because get this, I️ asked him earlier if I️ could use the bathroom at his house and he straight up said NO because I️ don’t care abt him so why should he care abt me. 😐 After I️ came back we started a search for my friend, because I️ couldn’t ask her where she was at, my phone had died so my only option was to search the entire club. We searched the main areas like the bar and hookah lounge but the only place I️ haven’t searched was the dance floor. So I said let’s go look and he refused because it was full. I️ said okay let me go search and I’ll be right back and he flipped again and said “SERIOUSLY? I️ told you not to leave me and what do you go ahead and do?!” He then proceeds to walk off and get a drink at the bar. I️ follow him, feeling…idk what and that’s when he noticed he was the tallest guy there (because duh 6’3 white man). He then started to get paranoid that everyone was staring at him and I️ tried to play it off like yeah haha you’re the tallest one here. He was mad I️ had to order his drink for him because the bartenders only spoke Spanish and at some point I️ disassociated because I️ was like what is happeninggggggg. But as I️ stared into space, he took it as me looking at another man and he went off on me again “OH why don’t you go be with HIM then?!” And pulled his phone out to call an Uber.
And you think this is where it would end but NOPE 😭 my dumbass ain’t learned my lesson. I️ was likening I’m sorry damn! Let’s go since you wanna leave so bad! We was in the club for abt 15/20 minutes like…..
So we get back to my car and he’s like laughing all sarcastically like “guess Louisiana girls aren’t for me” (he’s from North Carolina), and then asked him why I️ would bring him to a bar with Mexicans who wanted to JUMP HIM??? I️ was like WOAH?! Bro was delusional as fuck, ain’t nobody wanted to jump him, what the hell 😭? And he talking bad abt my people like that did not sit well with me all ALL! I️ wanted to tell him to gtf out my car so bad but I’m a nice person so I️ wanted to bring him home and just be done with this shitty night. Like it was so bright at that quince and when so downhill. So I️ start crying, AGAIN! This time in front of him, and he started getting softer and semi apologized but basically said it was my fault for not being more affectionate? So we get Burger King (as if I️ wasn’t already suffering enough) and he asks if I️ could stay the night and since he was like being a bit nicer than earlier I️ agreed. But when we got to his home, first of all, I️ just cannot sleep in a bed that ain’t mines, and second that whole night wore me down and I️ was building resentment so bad 😂 so when he passed out, I️ tried to sneak out the door but he woke up and got MAD. I️ was like nope, it’s like 3 am at this point, I’m TIRED. I️ just said I’m leaving and that’s it.
Girl he started blowing up my phone, telling lies like I️ was trying to use him for his money (he never bought me a single thing that entire time except the Burger King), that I️ was trying to get him jumped by Mexicans, I️ brought him to the club just to sleep with other guys. I️ was really taken aback by his delusions! And then he demanded I️ come back because he lost his vape and crystal given by his mom and his cashapp card, and you would’ve thought I️ would’ve just left but nope, I️ was like ugh fine let me see if I️ got his stuff. Pulled over to a McDonald’s, searched my car, nothing. I️ told him that too and he claimed I️ was a liar and demanded I️ come back. I️ turned around, let him look, he demanded I️ help him, I️ refused at that point, and then he slams my car doors AGAIN and calls me a useless fucking bitch and stuck his middle finger out at me and yes besties that was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back for me!
If I️ could show yall screenshots I️ WOULD. Once I️ drove off he then continued to insult me on text abt how I️ stole his things and demanded I️ pay him back and me being a Capricorn, that’s where I️ decided to draw the line. You can play with me but my money??? No ma’am 😭! I️ finally blew up on him and told him he was the worst person I️’ve ever met (and I’ve been r worded and I️ think my r pist is more polite than this omg) and that he was a fucked up, paranoid and delusional mf and that I’m glad the bitches he met before me robbed him because he deserved it. And that’s when he started calling my phone. I️ almost risked an accident trying to block his number because he kept blowing it up the entire 30 minutes I️ was trying to get home, he was PISSED.
So he never physically abused me by that mental and emotional torture was crazyyyyy. And I️ just wanna say that the reason I️ put up with him for so long was because 1. I️ actually did think he was cute and I️ thought we had a connection so I️ naturally wanted to work things out. I️, like TD reader, was caught off guard by the way he acted because this was the first time a man has ever been MEAN as fuck towards me, like in my FACE. And I️ just didn’t know…like I️ was really thrown and caught off guard. 2. Like I️ said before, our height and weight difference had me intimidated, he could’ve really thrown me like against my car or choked me out so I️ was trying hard to placate and calm him down because he was physically bigger than me. I’m glad he didn’t get physical because it really would’ve been over for me. This why I️ never say never because it really can happen to you out of NOWHERE.
Anyways yall don’t worry abt me, he’s blocked forever and im now dating a super sweet lawyer 🥹
Even after all this the one thing standing out in my mind is you pretending Burger King isn't good
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Anyways in all seriousness wtf 😭 I'm glad he's blocked bc ain't no way. He would've had one time to slam my doors and asking to be picked up off bourbon street during Mardi Gras? He would've been SOL I'm sorry
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