#They're not dead right?
taxinealkaloids · 2 years
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girls will literally turn their parents’ corpses into meat puppets to prevent the House of their birthright from being annexed by other powers 
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bitegore · 7 months
Zionists want you to conflate Judaism and Zionism. Zionists want you to believe that Judaism cannot exist without Zionism and that all Jews are Zionists. Zionism would have Jews believe that a Jewish state is the only way that they can be safe from antisemitism and will point to any instance of antisemitism as proof that Zionism is the solution- so Zionism wants gentiles to be antisemitic in their support of Palestine. They want you to conflate all Jews with Zionism and the state of Israel, and they want you to treat all Jews regardless of political affiliation as the face of Israel. Antizionist Jews exist, and incidences of antisemitism ostensibly acting against Zionism will not help dismantle the forces propping Zionism up.
Don't do their work for them.
#red rambles#viva palestina#antizionism#i haven't actually seen a lot of antisemitism personally. not recently anyway. but that's more a feature of me not following antisemites#i DO however see a lot of people talking about the people they're seeing throw their support behind antisemites using palestine#as an excuse to conflate all jews with israel#and i cannot stress enough that that is literally what israel and zionist forces abroad WANT.#i am jewish. my entire family is jewish. i want to see palestine free. and i have SEEN how the jewish community gets conflated with israel#both from the inside and out#and i am dead serious when i say that every time someone is antisemitic it strengthens the conviction from people abroad#that it's a terrible sad situation but there's 'no other choice'#if you're being antisemitic you are doing the enemy's work for them. Stop it.#like... look. i am putting this in the tags bc im talking in the tags but i mean this. I do not give a single flying fuck if you personally#are a giant raging antisemite at the moment. Your personal beliefs are your problem and not mine. I do not fucking care. But if you are#being openly and loudly antisemitic *in your support of palestine* you are absolutely not fucking helping. I am so dead serious right now#if you want to raise awareness and you're being antisemitic because of deep held beliefs or whatever i want you to look around and read the#fucking room. Do you understand how much of Israel's international support comes from the idea that they are the only country where jews ar#safe from antisemitism? do you see how every time palestine comes up people point at incidences of antisemitism in anti-genocide actions to#discredit the entire movement? do you not understand how your actions are cutting the movement down at the knees?#i'm jewish and proud of it. i don't like antisemitism. but there's a genocide on and i'd rather work against it than quibble over who i#work alongside. i dont fucking care. you can be as antisemitic as you like in private. stop fucking the movement up.#there are bigger things to worry about here. if i can put aside my own concerns as to who i'm talking to you can hold your tongue#and fight the good fight instead of handing weapons to the people who are trying to fucking flatten gaza.
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graciousdragon · 5 months
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everyone needs to look at this fucking tweet from chelsea rebecca that had me cackling
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tei-to-tei · 7 months
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December 6 - Pillow Fort
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ...
closeups under cut:
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upslapmeal · 8 days
"but Pyramids of Mars established that Sut-" my friend this is the three-separate-explanations-for-Atlantis show, as far as I'm concerned they can have a free-for-all when it comes to real-world mythology
"but they're ruining the canon!!" buddy I got good news for you, Doctor Who canon is a buffet and you don't have to eat anything you don't want to
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sleep-nurse · 2 months
after 3 centuries i finally managed to properly redesign my dumbass sona, i was gonna initially just change their hair for a more androgynous look but then i. changed their lore a bit too
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basically they volunteer for various jobs like delivering mail and milk, nursing and gardening (even though that's also their hobby)
no one knows their gender or their real name but they go by various plant/nature related names (like willow or sunflower)
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local-rascal · 1 month
Here's an observation/theory I have about Edwin's time in hell, since I rewatched it yesterday. (Spoilers!):
In The Case of the Devlin House, Crystal is the first to hear the sounds of that monster from hell living in the attic. Makes sense that Charles didn't hear it, he was going through his own things in that episode, but what about Edwin? Wouldn't it make more sense for Edwin to be the first one to clock that sound when, as he said, he had seen many of those creatures in hell.
A similar thing happens in The Case of the Very Long Stairway, when the baby-doll-spider-thing starts coming, Charles is the first one to react to the sound. Edwin only aknowledges it once everyone else already has.
Keeping this in mind, do you think he's still haunted with the sounds of hell? He's already got a huge fear of baby dolls, so maybe he keeps hearing these things to. Maybe at the beginning he jumped at every odd sound and would spiral into a panic, and as to not keep worrying Charles (and not have him ask about hell) he just got better at hiding it.
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katabay · 5 months
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trains :)
this is a very rough and scribbly comic, but sometimes that's all a comic is going to end up being lmao. the guy with the jacket is darren, glasses is andy. not featured, andy's dead brother who nevertheless insists on haunting the subtext
the main thing I wanted to draw was the train tho
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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licollisa · 1 year
How does Chara feel about seeing Flowey? And the realization that it’s Asriel. How do they feel knowing that their plan caused Asriel to become like this. A twisted mirror version of them that’s come to hate monsters where they hated humanity. How do they feel about it.
Guilt. So, so much guilt. From both of them, actually. Asriel idolizes Chara and being Flowey, he still thinks it was his fault that their plan failed (why'd he wimp out? He should've just killed those humans. Idiot). Chara thinks it's their fault for even doing said plan in the first place (foolish foolish foolish I've killed us both).
Now, when Chara woke up after Frisk fell down, it was after dying together with their brother. They likely felt Asriel die. Asriel likely felt Chara die. And suddenly they're reunited, both undead one way or another. And they didn't even know.
The pacifist route wasn't just an epic underground adventure -- It was terrifying to witness firsthand how these monsters were attempting to take Frisk's soul. But didn't they wish for this, like once they wished for Asriel? For monsters to kill humans? Point is, Chara already got these Complicated Feelings long before they even thought of Flowey being Asriel.
But at the same time, the pacifist route was also a healing journey. It was undeniable that they got through it together as a team. Chara felt like they redeemed themselves, somehow, by guiding Frisk who's hellbent in sparing every single monster that tried to kill them. They could find it in them to forgive humans. To give humanity a chance. And by extension -- themselves.
Yet what happened with Asriel can't be undone......... Sikeee. When they discover the truth in True Lab, Chara went through what I'd call the Emotion Tornado. Good ol' guilt is back, horror, denial,...relief, hope? By the time, Chara is already familiar with the 'monsters are now the twisted image of who I had wanted them to be' thing and have partly made peace with what had happened. And the last part's going around in the form of a golden flower.
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solargeist · 2 months
Wait students protesting? Context pls?
University students are protesting on campus for Palestine, either in solidarité or to pressure their university to divest in israel's genocide on palestiniens.
the two i see often are Columbia in New York and Sorbonne in France
The students of Columbia University took over Hamilton Hall, which hasn't happened since another student protest in the 60s
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The flag says "Hind's Hall" after a six year old Palestinien girl who was killed along with ambulance by israel.
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echofades · 2 years
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You’re fine. No, you’re fine. - DEAD TO ME | 3.05 | We Didn’t Think This Through
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midnight-skylie · 1 month
I know most of the DBDA fandom probably thinks at paineland at the trope of "x fell first, xx fell harder" is Edwin falling first and Charles now falling harder; because Edwin was obviously shown first to express his feelings.
But consider this-
Charles falling in love with Edwin slowly a little more every day, falling a bit deeper for him every day they spent side by side.
And at some point later- Edwin is crushing hard. Realizing "oh shit, I love him-" and falling hard in a chaotic storm of feeling he doesn't know how to deal with, he's a complete mess.
Idk, I personally prefer the second version more but both options can be great interpretations of their dynamic.
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rcmclachlan · 5 days
wip wednesday
From THEE most self-indulgent thing I've ever written:
When Tommy walks into the living room, Jee-Yun is bent over the couch and kicking her legs. She smiles smugly. "I beat you!"
"Yeah, you smoked me," he agrees. "You going to hog the whole thing or can I sit down too?"
"It's all mine!" Giggling, she shimmies onto the couch on her belly and spreads out. She then pushes up with a disgruntled look. "I don't like Uncle Buck's couch."
"Jee-Yun, I'll give you twenty bucks if you tell him that."
A couple of weeks ago he gave Evan a handjob on that couch and then had to see a chiropractor about it—not to mention the leather was so slippery that Evan slid off the damn thing mid-orgasm and nearly gave himself a concussion on the coffee table.
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dixondean · 6 months
you can't tell me pretty privilege isn't real because despite it being a roast, Anthony had basically everyone telling him how hot he was the entire time
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pillowenvelopchair · 7 months
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lloydfrontera · 28 days
one of the funniest things bk moon ever did was make you believe lloyd was Gone™ by having javier be all wistful and yearning about his old master convincing you that this is an old heartbreak that never healed right and that he's still mourning him centuries later. only to then reveal that not only is lloyd alive and perfectly okay he's literally one phone call away. javier can literally just pick up the phone and have a direct line with him any time he wants. he's just being dramatic about not being at his side 24/7 like he used to. it's so fucking funny asjkhksfjs
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