#They're so much stronger than me it makes me swoon
my butch deadlifting and squatting more than I weigh..... 😩
Pick me up and hold me against the wall why don't you
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The Arcana HCs: M6 with an oblivious MC
~ In case you're wondering how I understand this situation so well, it's because I share in MC's level of obliviousness :') For headcanon purposes, MC and M6 do not progress past the "friend" stage until the M6 confess - brainrot ~
Oh goodness, he's never been so genuinely confused in his life. He's absolutely, completely, entirely lost
He knows that he tends to come across a little strong. He knows that he couldn't hide his attractions to people if he tried. He knows that he's a shameless flirt
So HOW on EARTH are you somehow so convinced that he feels nothing more for you than for a friend? Has the sun started rising in the West? Has gravity stopped working?? Is he turning blonde???
Constantly second guessing himself because of it. Maybe this is your way of letting him know that you're not interested
Maybe you find him so completely unattractive that nothing he does can come across as remotely romantic? Is that it???
Everyone who watches this dynamic play out thinks it's the funniest thing they've ever seen (Asra and Mazelinka especially)
The infamously suave Dr Devorak, fumbling and blushing after someone who looks way too innocent to be receiving the comments that he's making
On a more serious note, your obliviousness pushes him to think through his romantic actions, which makes all of his efforts at wooing you much more intentional
Confesses because he doesn't know what else to do and is genuinely surprised when you tell him you feel the same way
So excited once you're together to find out what it's like when you decide to flirt with him. Now that you two are on the same page everything you initiate makes him swoon
The things they've lived through and sacrificed for you were not done with any kind of reward in mind - they genuinely just wanted to give you a second chance
But you're growing stronger every day now, and soon you might be able to handle the truth, and you're somehow so indifferent to him
On the other hand, they're secretly relieved because it means that if they slip up and show you more affection than they intend to you won't notice
Poor Faust tries to step in and help at one point, but she can't use that many words at a time which is useless where you're concerned
Love Master? "Aww, Faust loves you, Asra!" No! Master! Love Friend! "Oh, you meant that you love me, Faust? I love you too!"
Asra watches the whole thing play out in disbelief, hands in his hair, because it's more cuteness than his heart can handle and he wants to be the one you're saying that to so badly it hurts
Eventually assumes that you're playing dumb and confesses to get rid of the elephant in the room, is surprised when you're surprised by it
Doubly shocked and delighted when you say "I love you" right back
They have literal years of pent up emotion to let out and now that all the cards are on the table it's like a dam has burst (be prepared)
He's determined to teach you how to read the signs of seduction so you never run into this situation again
Is this some kind of sick joke? Do you not know that she is not the type of woman to be trifled with?
Almost instantly recognizes that you're truly that oblivious, has absolutely no idea how to get her point across any more obviously
Nothing seems to be working. Not the touches, not the praise, not the gifts, nothing. You keep interpreting them as signs of closeness (which, technically, they are) and don't see any of the romance!
Does briefly wonder if this is your version of gentle rejection
Maybe you're hoping that if you accept the relationship without acknowledging the interest then that's all she'll offer you
But no, she's not stupid
She sees the way you look at her, the way you get flustered around her, the way she makes you fumble. She knows there's some level of attraction there, she just has no idea how to tap into it
She finally confesses once she's as sure as she can be that it won't be unwelcome
Relieved but unsurprised when you tell her you like her back
Will grill you relentlessly afterwards on how you missed the signs
The clothes? What did you think she was doing? The bath? What did you think she was doing? The romantically charged praise? What did you think she meant? She loves you so much, now please explain!
Now that she knows that you know, she has a lot of flirting to catch up on
You're about to be a constantly flustered mess for the next few weeks at least
So relieved, he's thanking his lucky stars that your insightfulness has a blind spot when it comes to his attraction to you
He likes to do things at his own pace. If you're not aware of and responding to his feelings, that gives him space to process them and decide what to do
That said, how is it possible for someone to be this blind?
Morga has noticed and she keeps looking at both of you with increasing levels of pity, concern, disbelief, and annoyance
Don't get him started on how hard Inanna is laughing
And the worst part is - it's still anxiety inducing, because he's never 100% certain that his next slip-up won't be the thing that clues you in to his emotional state
He's living on pins and needles, and he's even tempted to try doing something actually flirtatious just to see how far your blindness goes
He compliments you one time, and nearly buckles with relief when your response is just "Oh, thank you Muriel."
He's not oblivious the same way you are, though, and he can tell that you're interested in him
It's what gives him the courage to confess. That and Inanna's, Morga's and Khamgalai's constant judgemental looks
Very proud of the shocked and delighted reaction he gets from you
He got so comfortable going unnoticed that now he malfunctions every time you notice him adoring you and take that as an invitation to flirt
Is this a challenge? She thinks this just might be a challenge
Or at least, it's her cue to not hold back
She's going to flirt with you relentlessly, obviously, in every genre she knows how to, until she finds out what your obliviousness threshold is
For science, of course, and also because she thinks you're hot
Physical touch? She's putting her arm around your waist to steer you through the crowd. Acts of service? Stand back, that's her forte. Affirmation? She can quote pages of compliments
Quality time? Spend the afternoon in her cottage! Gift giving? Here, she snuck so much food out of the Palace kitchen to share
More delighted than disappointed at your blindness, it's more opportunities for mischief and a good story to look back on
Does her best to see how interested you are in her, just in case. She doesn't want to find out that you were actually ignoring her all this time and that her actions made you feel uncomfortable or disrespected
Orchestrates a few heated moments that tell her the flush on your face is out of interest and not embarrassment
Confesses to you because she got tired of waiting and is impatient to start dating already. Unsurprised when you confess back
Very surprised by what it's like to have you respond in kind when she flirts with you
She used to say way more suggestive things to you, this is all it takes to get a kiss??
Oh no, he is not used to this kind of neutrality at all
Floating around Vesuvia for three years made it pretty clear to him how the people close to him really felt. It was all fawning and flattery to his face and manipulation and politics behind closed doors
Everybody wants something. Everybody will spring at a chance to exploit. Hell, that's how he's used to functioning himself
But you're just ... helping him? Without expecting anything in return?
One moment, you compliment him, so it must mean you adore him
The next moment, you're confronting him about his mistakes, so that must mean you despise him
And now he's flirting with you because you're hot and it's like everything goes in one ear and out the other!
He's so frustrated but he can't even begin to get mad because oh look at that, you're being kind to him again while he's vulnerable
Multiple private freakouts when you keep missing his signals. Watching you snooze on his shoulder was just the beginning of it
He'll never forget it, marveling at the trust you must have to sit next to your enemy while his sword is drawn, fast asleep and oblivious to the way the first human touch in years is making his heart pound
Finally confesses to you out of desperate honesty. He's going to be a new man now, and he's not going to fake it around you
Borderline panics when you say it back
Get ready, he's been craving more of that physical touch and he intends to indulge
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM ELLA ENCHANTED *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film, adjust as necessary
i gotta work on that.
quiet, please. i can't concentrate here.
isn't it wonderful?
i have a no return policy.
why don't you go back to where you came from?
what a stupid name.
nobody wants you here.
i always knew something was wrong with me.
can't you take the spell back?
you must never tell anyone else.
i don't want anyone using it against you.
what's inside you is stronger than any spell.
take this. then i'll always be with you.
your father would like to speak to you.
it was either get married or sell the house.
is this the right address?
the house looks delightful.
my clothes need more room than this.
please don't touch it. it was my mother's.
admit you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about.
hold your tongue.
your coronation is next week.
i've kept my promise, haven't i?
i don't need your chivalry, thanks.
you're the first maiden i've met who hasn't swooned at the sight of me.
i want peace in the kingdom as much as anyone.
so you have a new plan once you take the crown?
that's what i thought. you're all just the same.
perhaps that's why i find your obvious disdain for me so refreshing.
i'll try and be more considerate next time i'm saving you.
next time? what makes you think we'll see each other again?
stop flirting with him.
i need you to do me a little favor.
a felon in my own family. i could die from embarrassment.
you are forbidden ever to see her again.
thank goodness you're all right.
i should have told you about this years ago.
i think it's only fair to warn you that i'm practiced in the ancient art of... origami.
don't let him scare you, sweetheart! kick his butt!
i am going to need so much therapy after this.
that's very sweet, but i'm on a tight schedule.
i'm on a tight schedule. were i not... i would love to have dinner with you.
great. i knew it. a talking book.
i think i may have found you another chance at your future husband.
elves aren't that short, you know.
the rustling always comes before the screaming and the running.
it never hurts to be on your guard.
i led a rally on your behalf the other day. maybe you heard about it.
we just did this. didn't we just do this?
who's to say it wouldn't have worked if you hadn't come barging in?
you're bleeding.
you'd better let me help you with that.
it makes it so much easier rescuing you if i don't have to commute.
your girlfriend doesn't mind being left alone?
that's not really my area of expertise.
you have the power to make a difference in the world and you don't even care.
they're not so bad. i thought they'd be all so big and scary.
i thought that maybe this would be a good time to possibly have a heart to heart.
do you know where the bathroom is?
i had no idea things were so bad.
you have to stay for the night.
i wish you would stay.
i hope you don't mind me saying this, but you're much prettier than i would have expected.
your father would have been proud.
i think he would have really liked you.
kiss me.
that wasn't an order, you know.
i trust your journey was pleasant?
might i trouble you for a moment?
you will tell no one of this plan.
i will do anything you ask.
please tell me you never wanna see me again.
we're together now. and when we're together, it's like magic.
will you marry me?
you tried to kill me.
i can't believe i'm saving you after you tried to kill me.
i should have disposed of you when i had the chance.
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urfriendlywriter · 2 years
otp prompts!♡!
(feel free to use <3 I'll get back to the asks as soon as i can guys! my exams are also over :) THE 1ST AND THE 5TH ONE WILL GO SO WELL TOGETHERRR )
massaging your loved one's shoulder and they melt into your touch
you're friends, but, "if i had to choose it'll be you, [name], it'll always be you"
always feeding your lover the first spoon of food whenever you eat together >>>> (my besties do this and i feel babied af i love it)
you're enemies, but, "you don't think this will work do you? us?" and they smile, "I'm not completely paranoid about the idea :)"
"tell me why i married you again." you sit on their lap, rolling your eyes. They grin stupidly, "because I'm funny, smart, handsome and---" they kiss you, and say, "I'm all yours."
watching your partner work while you sit in the corner of their office, swooning over their shirt rolled up to their elbow
^ "uhoh, aren't you loving this a little too much?" "it turns out i love the sight of you being focused more than i can ever imagine." "oh then you should definitely see me focused on you."
being completely under the sheets while holding up the corners to create space for air as your both take turns to rant about your day .。✰*.♡
"i can't wait to marry you. Is it just me who's counting the days?" they wrap their hands around your waist, kissing your temple. "Makes the two of us.. Or three." They blink for a good heartbeat, and they realise. "Oh my god."
"Just because they're your wife/husband, why should i respect them??" "Because they're a much more better person than you. They are respected in the society, and hold a position much stronger than yours. If I were you I'll shake in my knees a little infront of them. They're not the loml for nothing afterall ;) "
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mamamittens · 11 months
I absolutely adore your series, Sweet Child
My favorite One Piece reader story for sure.
So I'm not sure if this question has been asked, but what would've happened if Akainu won?
Also you somehow got me swooning when he holds reader in his arms and you describe his expression of awe??
That probably wasn't even intentional but it's got me wondering what an ending with him would be like.
Is a yandere too? Platonic? Romantic??
Well, actually, there is one pending request for a yandere Akainu end (with smut). Though by default all characters are platonic (Akainu was the surprise yandere by secret vote actually). Hopefully I can finish the au endings next month but I've been meaning to write them for quite some time now so... I guess we'll just have to see?
And anyway, an ending with Akainu would have him miraculously survive the blast and find reader at the inn before Marco and Ace do. Reader was smart enough to act in a way that would leave them relatively clear if they couldn't get away, but Akainu doesn't need much encouragement to excuse anything reader does as somehow innocent.
Thing is, every since he'd heard of them (in a meeting where the higher ups were considering where best to assign reader given their devil fruit), he's been enchanted by the idea of them. An agreeable, fresh recruit with a devil fruit to match. And seeing how most devil fruit users match their fruit, he made the not so crazy assumption that reader would also be supportive. And as someone so much stronger than his subordinates, he's used to having to do the heavy lifting to accomplish his goals. His equals so different in personality and power they inevitably clash, right down to their ideas of justice.
But, in his eyes, reader just needs to be taught. They're still weak (though now he knows they can be very clever) so it's understandable that they may have picked up on some bad habits.
So, when he finds them again he personally takes them under his wing. No more 'other partners'. Just him. And he sort of slips into the headspace that he's the only one that can keep reader on the right path. That their time with Whitebeard has caused permanent psychological harm (like, not immediately immolating civilians that help pirates--obviously this isn't an issue of ingrained morals but brainwashing to think it's okay to help criminals). This isn't helped by reader not being stupid enough to argue with him under normal circumstances.
And since reader can't be trusted to make good decisions on their own, they just need to stay with Akainu so their 'real' true potential can be met. The fact that this means Akainu will never have to feel alone in life or his pursuit of Absolute Justice is not a coincidence. Having a 'perfect match' is intoxicating (Marco himself ran into this issue since physical contact makes the reader also feel like a phoenix so his instincts without the power to oppose him). Having your perfect match be incapable of threatening you on any real level even more so for people with clear issues like Akainu.
He doesn't chain the reader like Teach did. But they're never too far from Akainu's reach either, other marines under strict order to return them to his side if they're caught elsewhere.
This ending is meant to be a tad ambiguous as well if it's platonic, romantic, or sexual. But it could very easily be any of them since his attraction isn't based on their looks or personality, but what their presence brings him personally. That look of awe could be from seeing first hand how their devil fruit could be used or that someone could influence devil fruits that much and be meant to stay by his side. After all, they were tossed about different bases without his protection and look what happened!
Hope this long post answers your question! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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wolfgirlguts · 6 months
Favorite food? Both sentient and otherwise
Deergirls, dragons, and iced coffee~
Deer and dragons both make me swoon and my hungers are all kinda messily mixed together. Emotional, physical, sexual. The more of those a meal can satisfy the better it's going to be.
Something just feels right and natural about a doe sliding down my gullet. Like it's fated. That's not to say I feel the need to eat every deergirl I meet or anything, just that I feel a stronger pull with the ones who do set off my appetite than I do with most other prey.
And dragons. . . I mean, they're dragons! There's something ancient and powerful and magical and almost holy in them. . . And having all that go BLORP in my guts so it can turn into more of me is the best feeling ever.
I like plenty of other food and I can enjoy a prepared dish just fine but live prey, any live prey, is just so much better for me. I mean, not as far as taste goes, usually, but in every other respect. And taste is only a really tiny part of what I want from food anyway.
And the coffee is just really good idk
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hyuckmov · 1 year
reader is stronger than me fr cause the way i would’ve folded SO FAST if it’s hyuck. absolutely loved the reader and jisungs interaction, I FELT SO SAD FOR JISUNG BUT THEN AGAIN HAPPY CAUSE AT LEAST HE’S NOT GETTING PLAYED WITH. when i reached the part where reader and hyuck were just genuinely talking after the bedroom smut scene, i feel that both of them are scared but bcs of diff reasons, like hyuck was just scared of ppl getting to know the real him 😔 and reader just didnt want to get hurt 😞 the part where hyuck mentions his sister was adorable, shows how hyuck isnt just this persona he’s exuding. PLS I HOPE HYUCK LETS READER GET TO KNOW HIM 😭😭 we love jaemin. jaemin is the goat fr, like he’d drop everything if reader feels even the slightly uncomfortable? we need more men like him 🙏🏻 . all in all settle down is just down right sensational, love the way u write, honestly aspire to write like u 😭 will be rereading it again TONIGHT. 🤞🏼
i always read angst fics like these thinking reader was stronger than me so i tried to write an 'easier' reader for the representation of the weaker-willed and easily-swooned...and you think they're still stronger than u HAHAHA 😭😭😭 it also makes me INORDINATELY happy that the short jisung storyline could get u invested.... i was worried i was setting it up too sudden !!!!
ngl you have such a good read of their dynamic...i'm really happy that you could interpret that in haechan :) he's not really playing with her for the sake of it, but it's a mix of trying to follow rules and ideas he's set in place for himself and his heart wanting a different thing. but having a reason doesn't always excuse the hurt you cause and he definitely didn’t try hard enough. reader and him still have a long way to go and i hope you'll like where it leads!
i only gave jaemin a really short moment but i hope its telling as to how he will be presented in the fic (i NEED to stop using him as this character but its really how i see him...) i will definitely try to develop his character too, i want the story to be more 3-dimensional than my others :) thank you so much for affirming my efforts in writing, it is such a honor for u to 'aspire' to write like me fr you are too sweet 😭😭😭 thank you for reading and reviewing!!!!!
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cobertaddict · 3 years
Hello can i ask you a question. . . what inspires you to like cobert much as i do?
Of course you can ask me a question Anon :)
There are many possible answers/ reasons I can give you to your question, so I'll just give you a few 😅
For one, they are so cute together! I love it when they share a glance or a smile. Robert's little phrases of saying 'I love you' and Cora's heart eyes at Robert never fails to make me smile and swoon! And don't get me started on the handholding and kisses! They love each other and I love them for that ☺️
I love the characters! Cora is such a sweetheart and so kind, she's too pure and must be protected at all cost 😅. I love her backstory, well the little crumbs of information we get, and I wish we could see more of her character. And I love my boi Robert 😅! He's often an nincompoop, or as we often phrase it 'a Donk', but he always means well. I believe he always has good intentions, and he definitely has a good heart. For being an aristocratic couple, they are both kind, generous, thoughtful, and caring individuals, which is expressed through how they treat their staff and love their children
They have quite a stable, secure, & loving marriage/ relationship. I always been a sucker for seeing couples who thrive in their longevity. Everlasting love is just a strong bond and something I admire, who doesn't? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Seeing a couple being in love with each other years (if not, decades) after they've been together, and continuing to be ever so in love is something we can all admire and hope to achieve in life. I just love seeing the security they often portray throughout their older years together, not so much angst but just simple secure love. They seem like the type of couple who doesn't always need constant kisses or touches, just being in each other's quiet company is enough for them to be happy and feel fulfilled & loved. But don't get me wrong, cobert has their downs just as much as their ups, they're not perfect. I like how they will themselves to stay together and resolve their problems. And when they move past their issues, it makes their relationship stronger (that sound cheesey & cliche af, but I think it's true, I'm sorry 😅). They can count on each other and know the other will always be there for them, and sometimes that's all you can ask for in a loving relationship
I also love their backstory. We don't get a lot of their story together, but we do get small hints throughout the show. For what we get, it sounds like something out of a typical love/ romance story and I'm all for it 😅; attractive girl needs a higher social rank/ title, falls in love with an English lord, English lord doesn't love her but cares & respects her and needs her money, unrequited love ensues, as time goes on English lord develops feelings and falls in love because he's only human and can't help it lol 😂. But seriously, I just love how their marriage of convenience grew into something so much more special & loving than what they both (or anyone) anticipated, especially Robert 😅. Plus, bonus points for them being like, "we don't subscribe to your social aristocratic norms, we will sleep together in the same bed!" They were a couple ahead of their time for that one 😅 lol
Hugh's and Elizabeth's acting is just the cherry on top! Their chemistry ties it all together to make the characters and the relationship feel more realistic for the audience. You gotta love their friendship and their hard work! ☺️
Well there you have it Anon! I could list some more, but these are the main reasons that came to mind for me. Thank you for the ask, here's some cobert cuteness for ya! :)
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Sanji having a bit a depressed and kind of down in the dumps/insecure when his brothers try flirting with reader since they're always the loved and special ones and reader just looks at him tired "can i punch these losers" or something like that?
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Sanji was already filled with dread at the thought of his s/o being anywhere near his brothers, but he knew from the second she had insisted to accompany him at Zou that there was no way in hell ____ was changing her mind. Even Bege and his men, who had strict orders to only take Sanji with him, eventually lost the battle of wills when ____ marched in front of Sanji and told them to either make space for an extra passenger or just shoot her in the face now, because that's the ONLY way they would get to leave with just Sanji. Bege was annoyed at getting crap from the Charlotte Family for this little change of plans, but...he had to admire this kid's guts to basically dare his men to shoot them in front of Sanji. He couldn't think of many loved ones who'd go that far without hesitation for their partner, except for his own wife Chiffon. And if you remind him of his Chiffon, you get one free pass to piss him off. As Sanji took ____'s hand and walked into the familiar cold walls of Germa's castle, he felt another creeping sense of dread as he thought about his brothers' reactions to seeing his s/o. Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji always enjoyed taking the things he loved most and either destroying them or taking them for themselves. He clenched his fist and squeezed his s/o's hand, and they turned to face him. "Hey, it's okay," ____ said gently, squeezing his hand back and smiling. "You're not going to face them alone this time. I'll be right here!" Sanji gave ____ a small half-smile, pushing down his creeping insecurity and fear as he looked at them. That's why it's not okay, he thought silently. His thoughts briefly drifted to the late nights on the Sunny with her, feeling her fingers run through his hair while she sleepily murmured praises to him (just because she knew how much he loved hearing those words of affirmation from his dear "princess"): "You're so brave", "You're so strong, I always know I can rely on you when I'm in danger…" Compared to his brothers, he was nothing. He couldn't even protect himself, much less the people he truly cared about and loved. The large doors creaked open, and the two of them entered the fortress. A timid young servant named Cosette, who seemed to recognize Sanji and welcomed him warmly, led the two of them to the throne room. ____ happily chatted with Cosette as they talked fondly about "the young Prince", and Cosette actually laughed out loud when ____ had described how lovestruck Sanji was when they'd first met--he'd swooned so hard that he'd fallen off the ship! When someone else had entered the throne room behind them--three "someones", actually--Cosette's smile quickly dropped and she immediately looked down at the floor. ____ looked over at the three men, immediately recognizing them as Sanji's biological relatives. They hadn't seemed to notice her, and instead circled around Sanji and Cosette like a group of sharks. "Well, well," the redheaded one teased, "Our little brother's finally back, with his tail between his legs." The green-haired one roughly clapped Sanji on the back, shoving him to the ground. "I'd say we missed you dearly, but...we all know that's a lie." ____ flinched, and Cosette's eyes widened in alarm; she knew ____ wanted to say something, or to defend Sanji. But she didn't know the Vinsmokes, and she didn't know that doing that would just make things worse. The blue-haired brother raised an eyebrow and waved Cosette away. "Shouldn't you be getting dinner ready with the rest of the staff? You're not slacking off, are you, Cosette?" His voice was soft but predatory, and Cosette trembled a bit as she quickly backed away. "N-no, Master Niji," she replied hastily. "I...I was…" ____ stepped forward to put herself in between Cosette and the blue-haired brother. "She was the one who brought us here," she said firmly. "She wasn't slacking off, she was doing her job and greeting us as guests." She clenched her jaw a bit and looked him in the eye--a difficult task when the person you're staring down is wearing sunglasses. When she made her presence known, the mood of the three brothers immediately changed and they forgot all about Sanji and Cosette (who took the opportunity to quietly make her way out of the room). The green-haired brother who'd knocked Sanji down stared at her with wide eyes and the beginnings of a nosebleed. "Woah, she's kind of uppity, but she's hot!" He pushed his way past Niji in an attempt to introduce himself. "Are you a new servant or something?" His gaze drifted lower on her body, and his eyes turned into hearts. "I can...ah... take your measurements for your uniform~" ____ raised her eyebrows and fought the urge to laugh at such a godawful attempt at flirting. "Wooow, are you like this with any woman within drooling distance," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Or am I just special?" Before he could respond, she turned away from the three of them and went to help Sanji up off of the floor. The red-haired brother blocked her path and turned her around to face the other way. "Oh, don't bother with him," Ichiji said with a slight purr to his voice that made ____'s skin crawl. "Servants usually deal with the trash we leave behind, but nobody should have to deal with...that." His hand on her shoulder traveled a bit lower down her arm. "I'm Ichiji, the oldest brother. You can call me 'Master Ichiji' for now, but when we're alone, I wouldn't mind you using something more affectionate. And you are?" ____ stared up at Ichiji, amazed at just how stomach-churning he and his brothers were within just a few seconds of meeting them. She always thought Sanji could be a bit much when it came to flirting, but compared to this...she was actually pining for the days when Sanji's flowery monologues and nosebleeds would annoy her. She rolled her eyes and squirmed out of his grasp. "I'm not interested," she snapped. "But you can also call me 'Sanji's girlfriend', if that's not 'affectionate' enough." Sanji failed to look up from the floor,  as he felt a wave of anxiety fluttering in his chest, the shameful tears welling in his eyes, and the cold sweat covering his entire body. He hadn't heard their voices in years, and he'd gotten so much stronger, yet it had been so easy for them to push him around like nothing had changed. He had wanted to get up, to fight back and not leave ____ to face them alone, but...it was too much. Everything was too much. He was shaking, about to cry like a child from one push to the ground. Just being near them left him feeling like he couldn't breathe. When he finally managed to look up, all he could see was ____ kneeling down to help him up. "Hey," she said softly, "You okay?" He blinked up at her in awe, and for a moment the stifling, dizzying heat all around him seemed to fade a bit. When he saw Niji grab her arm and pull her towards him, it came rushing back ten times stronger. "You? With him!?" Niji and the other brothers snickered and laughed harshly. "I was gonna reprimand you for speaking so rudely to your betters, but...now I just want to help you. If I could feel emotions, I'd probably feel bad for you right now." He glanced at Sanji and smirked, seeing his weak younger "brother" close to tears, and then back to ____ as she tried to pull her hand away from his. "Look, a pretty thing like you shouldn't be with him. He's worthless, a good-for-nothing who's only getting a bride because it's convenient for our family. You should be with a real man." He put his other hand on ____'s waist, and Sanji's eyes burned with rage; he knew exactly what Niji was doing, trying to steal another precious part of his life just to spite him. He's right, a small, pitiful part of himself thought. They always get whatever they want, because they're stronger. They're "perfect". I should've known better than to let ____ come here. I'm not strong enough for her...I'm not strong enough for anyone. ____ flinched at the feeling of Niji's hand on her waist and glared at him with slitted eyes. Yonji snorted at her expression. "Careful Niji, I think you pissed her off," he teased. Ichiji crossed his arms and scowled at his younger brother. "Oi, you really think you're gonna take her for yourself? I'm the eldest, so she's mine," he snapped. "No fair," Yonji said, glaring at Ichiji. "Who cares who's older? I should get her since I'm the strongest." "You're joking," Niji said dryly. "Tell me you're joking, Yonji." Yonji gave Niji a cocky smirk and put his fists up as he faced his elder brother. "I'd be more than happy to prove it," he challenged. "C'mon. Whoever wins gets to keep her!" Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji all grinned at each other, eager to prove their strength with another fight. Niji set ____ up onto the throne room's meeting table and mockingly pinched her cheek. "Don't worry, this'll only take a few minutes," he said. "Just sit tight for a minute, and then I'll take you to our royal tailor to get fitted in something pretty." A slight bit of pink colored the visible parts of his cheeks. "You already look gorgeous, but I bet you'd look even better in something...blue." Ichiji barked a laugh and led his brothers outside. "Nah, she'll look great in red though," he replied cockily. As the two elder brothers playfully shoved each other while they walked out to fight outside, ____ could hear Yonji's boisterous voice outside the doors to the throne room. "Screw that; when I win, she's gonna wear my cape and nothing else!" ____ crinkled her nose in disgust and hopped off of the table to help Sanji up. When she saw the shaken look on his face, she immediately took him by the hand and sat him down in one of the nearby seats. There were some nights where he'd wake up in a panic, with that same look on his face after tossing and turning during a nightmare--a night of remembering his childhood here with them. She gently ran her thumb over his shaking fingers and tried to help him steady his breathing, just like she would if he had just woken up from a nightmare. "Sanji, honey, can you breathe with me? Just like that...in, out...in, out…" She slowly reached to wrap her arms around him and when he had finally started to breathe normally again, she sighed gently with relief and kissed his cheek. He bit the inside of his cheek, cursing his weakness and wishing ____ had fallen for someone stronger, someone better, who deserved her. After a few minutes of silence, ____ ran her fingers through his hair and sighed before kissing his cheek again. "I know this is an understatement," she muttered. She held him closer and smiled against his skin. "But...your brothers fucking suck." Sanji turned and stared up at her with surprise. He'd never heard anyone say that about them before. He was quiet for a moment, and then snorted a bit before nodding in agreement and wiping his face with his sleeve. "Um...yeah, that...that's an understatement," he said, his voice a bit thick and shaky. ____ continued to cuddle Sanji as they laughed quietly together. "I mean, seriously? All three of them are total shit. I can't believe they're related to you." Sanji's heart soared a bit at the way she'd said that and emphasized "you". They really weren't anything like him; and to her, that was actually a good thing. She imitated Yonji's voice. " 'I can...uhhh...take measurements for your uniform~' ". She shuddered and groaned with disgust. "Ugh, that Caribou guy was less slimy and he was literally made of mud." The two of them laughed again, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cosette's face peering at the two of them behind the slightly ajar door to the hallway. The maid's face was tearstained like Sanji's, but she was smiling at ____ from behind the door when she closed it and turned around to give them some privacy. She was glad that the young Prince had found someone to give him the love he deserved, after all these years.
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uwuowotf2waslife · 4 years
Hey could maybe do the mercs reacting to a surprisingly strong SO like they're small but can easily carry and move around furniture? Like even accidentally moving the table they're eating at
Relatable af 
★mom come pic me up im scared 
★he thought you were smol and a weakling, perfect for his fragile ego& masculinity
★seeing you lifting up the 3-person couch on the common room with one arm took him by suprise
★lowkey turned on- this boy has conflicted feelings about it, one side hes afraid that you are manlier than him but at the other side something inside him likes that,like really likes that 
★yap, thats his cupcake
★ you two are the biggest american power couple since Superman & Lois 
★he will insist you two train together
★you will be a force to be reckoned with, lowkey you are wife material for him. He wants a partner who can hold their own in both life as a emotional turmoil but also in the more practical and labor taxing part of it
★ when they see you moving a level 3 sentry to the side on your own they are big concerned
★how something so smol have so much power? they are  confusion
★will clap everytime they see you proving your strengh
★will be extremely concerned tho and alwyas insist at least they lend a hand even if you aren’t visibly struggling
★the first time he sees you lifting his toolbox likes its a feather he mnay or may not have a small heart attack
★he is extremely worried one day you will heart yourself - big dad insticts have been activated
★ with some time he will calm down and accept that you are something else
★might challenge you sometimes in all good fun and ask for help with his creations, congratulation Y/N you have been upgraded to his lil helper. Dont worry about payment, hell pay you in gold with love and affection every moment you guys are alone 
★ first time he sees you lifting a whole crate of Engies beers with one hand he might thing he has sliped into a alcoholic stupor, again
★he needs to see you proving yourself sober in order to believe it
★oh boy, he likes that more than he should, way more than he should
★ must and will play-fight with you, since now he knows you aren’t as fragile as you look and you can handle a bit of rough play. He will never hurt you tho, and even if his drunk as a skunk he will demand he helps you.
★he is beyond relieved
★he knows he has the strenght of a professional strongman and at he begining he was beyond scared he might one day accidentaly hurt you 
★seeing you attemting and succeeding  moving Natasha to the side its a weird mixture of reliefand a huge concern
★you two may or may not fight over him being overprotective , he knows you are strong but in his head he can’t accept that. He was raised and crafted to be strong as steel, he is worried and he wants to be the man of the house, but once you insist and prove to him that you aren’t this smol weak cub he sees you as, he will soften. He will insist tho to help, even ifyou are prefectly capable of.
★ he will ask you if he can experiment on you
★how can someone so smol and with so little visible muscle mass be so stronk?
★bravo, you are promotedto his official helper/nurse
★he will smooch you from time to time as a “good job” or “dankenshone liebling” 
“Aw thanks liebling for lifting up the box with the new and improved babboon hearts *smooch*”
‘E! Doc Im dying here! like litteraly my leg is hanged by the bone”
★ his masculinity is threatened- growing up in the testorone chernobyl of Australia he needs to be the stronger one in the relationship
★will try to help you, ends up pulling some muscle on his arm or his back
★ will act like a hurt child, please massage this poor man and let him melt in the safe haven on his van
★he is begging you to act a bit weaker, for the sake of his masculinity but ngl, this man will swoon like a schoolgirl if you pick him up and swirl him around (in his van or his sniper nest)
★ this monsier isnt that suprised, being a spy so many years has seen pretty much every hidden talent a person may have
★deep in his gut he is at ease with that knowledge , his work takes the majorityof his time and he wants to be sure you can protect yourself if trouble knocks on your door when he isnt there to protect you
★he won’t insist to help you around but will take no nos if he sees you clearly struggling with something, he is a weakling but he cares and he might get hurt and whine, but he needs to make it known and clear to you he cares about your wellbeing
★being the smug flirt he is, he might propose you use your strenght in the bedroom *wink intensifies*
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
Magical girl S/o, pretty please, like in madoka magica. (Quick run down if needed: S/o body is a vessel and if their soul gem breaks they'll die. They'll turn into a witch or doppel if they overuse magic or is filled with despair for too long. They're physically stronger and faster than humans and can repair their bodies if needed. Can turn off pain if needed and is often seen with kyubey is despite not really liking him)
Ngl i had to search up what kyubey was lmao
I’m sorry if I got information wrong, I never watched Madoka Magica and when I tried to do research I couldn’t find anything explaining the magic system, only character-specific lore
Asks his S/O a ton of dumbass questions, sometimes multiple times. He’s just trying to wrap his walnut brain around this lmao
Will also ask them to do dumb favors with their magic, many of which earn the response “Magic doesn’t work that way.”
Highkey salty about the fact that his S/O is faster than him. He’ll whine about it sometimes, but he gets over it after a while
He thinks the fact that his S/O is a magical girl is super neat, and doesn’t have a single problem with it
He thinks their powers are super badass and wants them to use them on the battlefield. He’d complain if they say no but eventually he won’t mind as he realizes they’re just being careful
Despite their power, Soldier is a bit protective of them ever since he learned of the soul gem weakness.
They think their S/O’s powers are the coolest thing ever
Also a bit protective, but not as much as Soldier
If their S/O have a stereotypical magical girl dress, they will swoon if their S/O wears it, they’re just so cute!
He’s a little wary of their powers at first but gets used to it pretty fast, and eventually doesn’t have any problems with it.
Often asks them to do favors for him with his magic, and he usually pays them back, but he doesn’t push it so they don’t overuse it
He does not like Kyubey and would square up with him if he could
Also a little wary of his S/O’s abilities, and takes a little longer to warm up to it, but he does  eventually
He always reminds his S/O to be very careful when using their magic
He also does not like Kyubey at all and is constantly giving it the stink eye
He is a man of science, and he will absolutely try to debunk all of his S/O’s magical powers. Man is baffled when he can’t explain any of it
Unlike the others, he doesn’t often ask his S/O to do favors for him with their powers
Kyubey makes him uncomfortable
Does not question his S/O’s abilities. I mean, he also sold his soul for some cool stuff soooooo
Can and has offered to give them another soul
He’s fascinated by all the cool stuff they can do, though he does get a little pouty when he realizes they can heal people with just magic
He’s a little weirded out, ngl. Don’t get me wrong, he still loves his S/O and this doesn’t change that, he’s just kinda “?????????”
He’s also a little protective because of the soul gem weakness.
Always grumbles whenever Kyubey is around
He thinks his S/O’s abilities are extremely useful and finds them very impressive
Always compliments them and their abilities when they do something cool with their magic, he just genuinely thinks it’s super cool
He’s always throwing shade at Kyubey. Like, constant sarcastic insults and things like that
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