#Thief bakura
dominoblues · 1 year
Let's talk characters' eye color...
I've noticed that Takahashi-sensei has not been consistent with the characters' eye color. So this let me to wonder, which ones are actually canon in the end?
The anime had its own version of it, but i don't consider that canon. So, I will limit myself to the original art from Takahashi-sensei himself.
Yugi/Atem Their purple/reddish eyes are mostly consistent; sometimes, depending on the light, they appear brownish. Ther's an instance where they have light blue eyes too (apparently Takahashi-sensei must have loved blue eyes, because the majority of his characters at some point have been colored with blue eyes at least once).
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Jounouchi His eyes are usually golden/light brown, but sometimes you can find him with blue eyes too.
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Seto Kaiba Seto is usually always colored with light blue eyes. Sometimes his eyes are darker. Once I found him with green eyes.
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Anzu She is one of the most inconsistent characters. I think the dm anime giving her blue eyes didn't help. I'm inclined to believe that Takahashi-sensei originally gave her dark brown eyes (which is also the color she has in the first anime series), giving the color of early art and, only after the beginning of the anime, he started using also blue. I like her with brown eyes a lot.
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Mokuba He too has seen some inconsistency. From brown to deep blue his eyes have changed a lot. I believe originally he wasn't supposed to have dark blue eyes. In my canon he has deep grey eyes.
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Bakura/Dark Bakura I was surprised to discover that Bakura actually has blue eyes and only a couple of times he is depicted with goldish/light brown eyes. Dark Bakura has also blue eyes or red eyes. I love his blue eyes, which also fit with my canon that Ryou is actually half-european.
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Ending with one of my favourite art. This is the reference i use for my canon charcaters' eye color.
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unreal · 4 months
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excited to have finally received @thieveszine ‼️ I got the Citron Bundle to gift to my partner, who has already had a really fun time setting up a page for sticker journaling 💌 Every piece of creative work put together by this wonderful team of artists made for a beautiful collaboration! I'm delighted that the stretch goal was achieved; the care & quality of everything truly shines through 🏅
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shiiko529 · 1 year
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worldendercharles · 11 months
still curious why the antimonarchist anarchist bakura is called thief KING bakura. Thief democratic electorate ass
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enneadau · 8 months
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@xx-moonluster-xx drew this absolutely wonderful art of Ba-Khu-Ra! I love her so much!!!
For anyone who hasn't seen or met her before, this is an excellent drawing of my fem!Yami Bakura who goes by Ba-Khu-Ra, which I'm pretty sure translates to "soul like ra" which both entirely fits Yami Bakura’s confidence and ego and explains why the Thief game piece in the final arc answered to Bakura.
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art-of-max · 1 year
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I finally colored this one.
Based off of this Draw the Squad concept: [ link ]
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deepspacedeity · 1 year
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;-; My poor Tozokuo-Sama.
Also... so much UWU...
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Huuuge thanks to @aestromeri for these ADORABLE keychains! I especially want to thank them because there was a problem in shipping and they resolved it quickly and easily for me. ^-^ I'm so so so happy with these guys, TKB is going to live on my desk and the two Ryous are presents for my SO!
Please check out their shop where you can get these and other cute YuGiOh charms and stickers!
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yami-no-kea · 2 years
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Happy new year everyone ! \o/ Even if i’m ghost here the temptation to draw Bakura was too strong !
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whispered-pear · 2 years
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Aggressive Snuggling
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yugioh-why-not · 1 year
One of my favourite things when writing modern Thief King Bakura and Mahado interacting, is making Thief call Mahado, Magic Mike. Partly because it pisses Mahado off, but also because Thief thinks he's low key hot as fuck and refuses to just say that to him directly.
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cartoonus-maximus · 2 years
Here. Have another ridiculous amount of ideas for Tendershipping/Gemshipping fics.
💙 Ryou sits around his apartment all day, designing rpgs, watching tv, reading bizarre books, and sucking down ramen. Bakura is going stir crazy, and he refuses to let his host keep him trapped another day in this ungodly routine!
💙 Bakura calling Ryou any myriad of nicknames, from 'Khonsu' to 'moonbeam' to 'bunny' to 'silly rabbit' to 'Ry-chan' to 'bunnicula' to 'host' to 'little landlord' to a number of things.
💙 Ryou calling Bakura any myriad of nicknames, from 'Kura' to 'dream eater' to 'tapir' to 'baka-kura' to 'ring worm' to 'spirit' to 'stupid tenant' to a number of things.
💙 In Ancient Egypt, Bakura raids the tomb of a recently deceased noble and finds a live slave trapped inside. Deciding he likes the slave (Ryou), Bakura takes him back to his hideout with him. (This plotline is old and often used, but I still enjoy it. ^^)
💙 Ryou creates his own avatar for the Memory World game, entering it of his own accord (because screw you, Shadi!). Inside the game, he encounters Bakura as the thief. The pair is taken aback by the realization that they can truly interact with one another in this manner, and sparks begin to fly, much to their own chagrin.
💙 AU with tall, buff, intimidating Bakura and short, cute Ryou
💙 AU with tall, whip sharp Ryou and short, scrawny Bakura
💙 AU where their positions are switched ; Bakura is a teenager in Japan whose father is a historian who is always traveling abroad, leaving his trouble making pickpocketing son to take care of himself. Annoyed by his father's absence, Bakura steals an Egyptian artifact from among the treasures at his father's museum; it isn't until later that Bakura learns that a spirit called Ryou, an embittered orphan from Ancient Egypt who robbed graves and made deals with demons, is housed within the artifact.
💙 similar to AU above, but Bakura lives in modern day Egypt, and both Ryou and the artifact he possesses come from Japan; Ryou's entire farm village was slaughtered and torched by samurai, and Ryou dedicated his life to avenging his people.
💙 AU with mute!Ryou
💙 AU with partially blind Bakura ; after receiving a knife to the face, rending one eye completely dead, Bakura's vision just isn't what it should be
💙 AU where Ryou plays around with a ouija board and Bakura is a random annoying spirit who comes to haunt him as a result.
💙 When Mani, under the influence of the Ring, sends Ryou away during DSOD, Ryou actually dies and goes to the afterlife. He is greeted by Atem, who assures him that he'll be alright. The pair talk for a bit, giving Ryou time to relax and decompress, before Atem brings someone in to meet Ryou. It turns out to be the Thief, who Atem says has a lot to explain and to apologize to Ryou for. Ryou is immediately on edge, remembering how terrible the Spirit of the Ring could be, but, under Atem's goading, allows his mind to meet with the Thief's, and they share memories and thoughts and emotions. The pair reach an understanding with one another and part on amicable terms when Atem takes Ryou's soul back to the land of the living.
💙 Ryou thinks Bakura must be lonely, and keeps dabbling in arcane arts, trying to summon another spirit for Bakura to hang out with. Bakura has very different ideas and keeps trying to romance Ryou instead.
💙 AU with Demon!Bakura and Angel!Ryou ; both creatures are meant to be pure, one pure good and the other pure evil, and their jobs are simply to destroy one another. But, when your enemy is that pretty and charismatic, it becomes harder and harder to avoid these developing feelings.
💙 AU with both Ryou and Bakura being ghouls (from “Tokyo Ghoul”) and participating in some consensual cannibalism foreplay.
💙 AU where Bakura is a pirate and Ryou is the son of a merchant
💙 AU where Ryou and Yugi die in a car accident ; the two wayward souls are taken in by the demon Bakura and the angel Atem (could be tendershipping and puzzleshipping, could be heartshipping and casteshipping, or could be trapshipping)
💙 AU where Bakura is an FBI investigator and Ryou is the serial killer he's hounding. No one who meets Ryou suspects him – how could someone so kind and polite and gentle be a killer? - but Bakura has his suspicions. Ryou is going to have fun toying with the handsome detective! >:D
💙 AU where Ryou is a bunnyman and Bakura is a naga ; snakes and bunnies are natural enemies, but there's nothing natural about the relationship between these two.
💙 AU where Bakura is a thief who steals a holy artifact from the temple of the moon god, upsetting the cult who worship there. The moon god himself (Ryou) descends from the heavens to find the man responsible, but, meeting Bakura, changes his mind and decides to take the mortal for a lover.
💙 AU where they meet in juvie; Bakura's there for theft, but Ryou stabbed a guy
💙 AU with Alpha Bakura and Omega Ryou
💙 AU with Alpha Ryou and Omega Bakura
💙 AU where they're both werecats, with Bakura being a wild lynx and Ryou being a small white Persian housecat.
💙 AU where Bakura is a human/bat hybrid creature with black wings and covered in dark fur. He is captured from the wild and kept as a pet by Pegasus, who keeps a strange menagerie of monsters. Bakura quickly tires of his enclosure, and plots to escape. That is, until Pegasus adds another one of his kind to the enclosure – a smaller albino version, with white wings and white fur and shiny pink eyes. The albino is Ryou, who was born and raised in captivity and has never seen the outside world. Bakura now has a new choice presented to him: stay in captivity with Ryou, or escape with Ryou to freedom?
💙 AU where Bakura is a birdlike creature, with bright red and gold and purple plumes, and a nest decorated with many shiny things he's stolen over the years. With all these colors and glittering trophies, he attracts the attention of many females, none of whom interest him. It's not until he meets Ryou, a male of their species with bright blue and green and silver feathers that gleam in the light that Bakura decides to take a mate; Ryou is very shiny, and he looks like the living embodiment of treasure, and, like Bakura, he is also often surrounded by female admirers that he's not interested in. Bakura decides to make the pretty male his!
💙 AU where Bakura and Ryou are both cupids; Bakura personifies sex appeal and shoots arrows of lust, while Ryou personifies puppy love and shoots arrows of adoration. Despite their vastly different natures, the two cupids are together and are very much in love. (Their job this week to play a little matchmaker and try to get the humans Yugi and Atem together.)
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are the merperson and the prince from “the Little Mermaid”
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are the cursed prince and the beautiful stranger from “Beauty and the Beast”
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are the thief and the child of the sultan from “Aladdin”
💙 AU where Ryou, Bakura, Yugi, and Atem are characters in a version of “Aladdin” ; Ryou and Yugi are thieves, and Ryou finds a magic lamp, accidentally releasing the genie Bakura from his imprisonment inside. In return, Bakura offers Ryou three wishes, and Yugi convinces Ryou to use the wishes to make them rich and get them close to the prince, a handsome man named Atem. Although Yugi tries to push Ryou into marrying the prince, Ryou falls for Bakura the genie instead; in a similar turn of events, Atem has fallen for Yugi.
💙 AU where Bakura is a dark god, whose name and worship have almost fallen into obscurity. He has no body of his own, and can only interact with the mortal plane by inhabiting the body of a human, and his current body is getting old and feeble. Despite these setbacks, Bakura is fervently worshiped and adored by his acolyte Ryou, who is ready and willing to help give new life to his dying god. Luring another young man into his god's sanctum, Ryou performs a ritual, removing the man's spirit from his body, allowing the god Bakura to enter into the mortal's body to make it his own. The young man's spirit is put into the body that Bakura discarded, and he is quickly killed. Bakura is pleased with Ryou's actions, and takes the acolyte to bed for a reward.
💙 AU where Bakura is an online gamer who makes his living by yelling at computer games and doing ridiculous stuff. Ryou is also an online personality, making art tutorials and selling his own artworks online. The two are very, very different, and don't seem like they would know one another in real life or like they would have very much in common but, unknown to their fanbases, they are secretly dating. (Bakura's fanbase heavily ship him with Marik, Atem, and other online gamers he hangs out with, and Ryou loves finding the worst shipfics he can find to embarrass his boyfriend with at home!)
💙 AU where Bakura falls into Wonderland (as in 'Alice in …') and ends up following Ryou the White Rabbit around.
💙 AU where Ryou falls into Wonderland and tries to get directions from Bakura the Cheshire Cat.
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are the main pair from “Good Omens,” with Ryou being Aziraphale (angel, polite, kind, loves food, fluffy hair, reads occult books) and Bakura being Crowley (demon, rude, likes music, snake eyes, yells a lot).
💙 AU where Bakura is a supervillain in a world of heroes. He takes an interest in Ryou, a superhero sidekick in training, and begins seducing the other to the dark side.
💙 AU where they're both werewolves
💙 AU inspired by the game “I Saw Her Standing There... But Then She Was a Zombie” ; Ryou and Bakura used to date, but Bakura has been turned into a zombie. Unable to turn his back on his love, Ryou keeps catching Bakura and keeping him hidden in a cage, safe from both hunters and other zombies. One day, Bakura breaks out of his cage, attacking cornering Ryou. But instead of eating Ryou, Bakura turns Ryou into a zombie, so he doesn't have to worry about accidentally hurting Ryou anymore.
💙 AU where Ryou is Little Red Riding Hood and Bakura is the Big Bad Wolf
💙 AU where Bakura is a god of cold and death, and he meets Ryou, a god of warmth and joy ; Bakura's heart of ice might just be melting.
💙 AU where Ryou is a pizza delivery boy, and Bakura is the jerk who orders pizza from all the way across town, ensuring that he'll get the pizza for only the half the price. He doesn't even tip! This means war, Bakura!
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are both ancient vampires who have been married for thousands of years
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are both ancient vampires who have been the respective heads of warring clans for thousands of years (enemies to lovers).
💙 AU where Ryou is a witch and Bakura is his demon familiar. Bakura is frustrated because his dark powers are used by Ryou to do good things, like making healing potions and helping crops flourish. Why in all the circles of Hell did Bakura get stuck with a good witch?!
💙 AU where Bakura is a shark based merman whose got his eyes set on the merman Ryou.
💙 AU where Bakura is an anglerfish like merman who lives in the deep dark of the ocean. Ryou, an angelfish like merman, goes exploring too deep, and finds himself drawn to Bakura's pretty lights.
💙 AU where Ryou has given up on seeking relationships with the living. Instead, he learns necromancy and goes to seek romance in a graveyard. He brings Bakura back as a zombie, and the undead Bakura is all too eager to pull Ryou down into his grave with him, seducing Ryou with sweet words and kisses all while dirt showers over them and bugs crawl around them.
💙 AU where Bakura is a death god and Ryou is an occultist who is obsessed with the concepts of death/dying. Bakura is a little perplexed by the human at first, but then becomes amused. Despite his dark interests, Ryou is still a very kind, polite, friendly, and overall cheery individual, and becomes a strangely bright spot in Bakura's otherwise dark and dull existence.
💙 AU where Ryou is a merman and Bakura is a sailor ; Ryou is injured and washes up on a beach, and is found and nursed back to health by Bakura.
💙 AU where Ryou is a siren and Bakura is a sailor ; Bakura is out on his boat when he hears singing in the water. He follows the sound to find the most beautiful man creature he's ever seen. The lovely fish man introduces himself as Ryou, and continues to sing, beckoning Bakura to follow him under the water. Unable to stop himself, Bakura finally abandons his boat, jumping into the dark, dangerous waters, chasing after the beautiful man with the beautiful voice.
💙 AU where Ryou is a bored, sexually frustrated college kid who accidentally summons Bakura the incubus. The sexy demon is more than happy to show Ryou a good night, working hard to fulfill his every kinky desire.
💙 AU where Bakura is a spider monster of some sort, who builds giant webs alongside forest paths, catching and eating anything he can... even humans! But, when Ryou, an eager young man who studies monsters in his spare time, comes along and gets caught in Bakura's webs, and when all Ryou can do is be fascinated and even delighted by Bakura's web building and scary appearance and venomous fangs, even while the monster is actively cocooning him... well, Bakura might just decide to let this human stay alive awhile longer. Besides, it can get kind of lonely up on the mountain...
💙 AU where Bakura is a young man who works at a zoo, caring for exotic snakes. One of his favorites is a shimmering white snake he calls 'Ryou;' the snake is very large and powerful, and can easily wrap around a human's body, but has a gentle, docile personality. One day, when Bakura goes to tend to the snake, he finds Ryou in a different form, having changed into an almost human looking creature. Ryou is actually a naga, and he explains that his kind stay in snake form until they are ready to mate; looking at Bakura with hungry eyes, Ryou says that he's ready to mate now, and eagerly takes his favorite caretaker down into his burrow. Although taken aback, Bakura soon decides that his fate could be worse than having love made to him by a beautiful snake man.
💙 AU where dragon!Bakura kidnaps human prince Ryou ; the prince has silver hair and golden flecked brown eyes and ivory skin and ruby lips... he'll make a perfect addition to Bakura's treasure hoard! For his part, Ryou is delighted to get out of the palace and to avoid his princely duties.
💙 AU where Bakura is a young man in the modern world who visits occult shops for his own amusement, not believing in the supernatural but enjoying the eerie aesthetics of it all. He gets a book on demon summing, treating it like pleasure reading, but then accidentally summons Ryou the incubus. The pretty little demon refuses to leave until he sleeps with Bakura, but Bakura refuses to sleep with a nonhuman creature who he just met (and who shouldn't exist in the first place, thank you very much!). And since Bakura won't sleep with him and Ryou refuses to leave, Bakura becomes the very unwitting roommate to a fluffy demon who keeps teasing him about his lack of a sex life.
💙 AU where Ryou is studying Ancient Egypt and starts learning about a man called 'the Thief King.' Becoming infatuated, Ryou sets about to bring the stranger back from the dead, if only to steal a kiss from the handsome thief that has stolen his heart from beyond the grave.
💙 AU with archaeologist Ryou and undead mummy Bakura
💙 AU where Bakura is a vampire who stalks the mortal Ryou
💙 AU where Bakura is a modern man who goes to rob a mausoleum, but accidentally awakens the vampire Ryou, who was trapped inside. Ryou takes Bakura as a servant, a source of fresh blood, and maybe something more. (This one is partially inspired by the 'Dark Shadows' TV series.)
💙 AU where Amane lives, and she watches her brother fail at dating over and over again. One day, while her older brother is out, Amane goes snooping through his old occult stuff that he thinks she doesn't know about, and she accidentally summons the incubus Bakura. She tries to hide him for several days in her room, not knowing how to send him back. (Ryou knows she messed with his stuff, and he knows she's hiding something, but he doesn't know quite what.) After Bakura finally admits that, as an incubus, he can't leave after being summons unless he has sex with someone, Amane decides to offer up her lonely, sexually frustrated brother as tribute.
💙 AU where Amane is much younger than Ryou, and she keeps sneaking into her brother's room to sleep with him during the night. She insists that there's a scary monster under her bed, and she's too afraid to face him alone. Finally having enough, Ryou takes her back to her room one night to prove to her that this monster doesn't exist – only to find that there is a monster, his name is Bakura, and, unfortunately, he's rather attractive. (Bakura is open to a trade, and soon Amane is sleeping soundly in her own room, while Bakura becomes the monster under Ryou's bed.)
💙 AU where Ryou goes scuba diving and encounters the flirty shark merman Bakura.
💙 AU where Ryou goes scuba diving and encounters an octopus (or squid) merman Bakura.
💙 AU where Bakura and Marik go exploring in the woods when they're children, finding many good rocks and snakes and bugs. They meet another little boy named Ryou, but Ryou is a little naga, with snake eyes and snake tail. Years later, Bakura still remembers meeting Ryou and insists that he's real, while Marik believes that day to be nothing more than their childish imaginations. They go back into the woods to prove one another wrong, and they run into Ryou again, as well as his brother Malik. (can be tendershipping and bronzeshipping, or can be conspireshipping)
💙 AU inspired by the “Beetlejuice” movie ; Ryou, his father, and his stepmother Ms Chono, move into an older house. The house is haunted by an angry ghost named... well, he can't say his name. And he stinks at charades. He's attached to an intricate diorama left up in the attack, and Ryou is quick to befriend the nameless ghost, simply addressing him as 'Spirit.'
💙 AU with fem!Ryou ; I really love the fics where Bakura is this big scary dude and Ryou is this shy gal who happens to be the only person in the world Bakura is at all gentle with.
💙 AU with fem!Bakura ; I like the idea of Bakura being this awful mean gal who carries knives and hates everyone aside from Ryou, who is her kind hearted and artistic boyfriend. Bakura is an absolute nightmare towards Atem and the others, but she also gets this cute little smile whenever Ryou calls her 'pretty' or recites poetry to her.
💙 AU with fem!Ryou and fem!Bakura ; lesbian ghost shenanigans ensue!
💙 AU with fem!Thief, who finds Ryou quite alluring, and quietly plans out many elaborate ways to kidnap him and steal his heart. Ryou is aware of her intentions, and secretly enjoys the attention.
💙 The Spirit of the Ring doesn't want to be trapped in the Ring forever; getting help from the Spirit of the Puzzle, Bakura corners a classmate girl named Miho, trapping her soul in a doll and hijacking her body for himself. Now as Miho, the Spirit of the Ring quickly and easily becomes Ryou's new friend... and maybe girlfriend?
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unreal · 1 year
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shiiko529 · 1 year
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worldendercharles · 10 months
TKB in the Millennium Ring call that a political compass
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enneadau · 1 year
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So I just found out @zackpyo-deactivated20230420 deactivated here and everywhere else on social media and I'm sad because she is an awesome person and does incredible art. I actually was saving for more art from her for Ennead and for Till Death Do Us Part... but I guess I won't be able to now.
I hope she's okay and you enjoy this showcase of her talent.
EDIT: @zackpyosr is on here under a different name and this is her artwork
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