#This Is Sodor: Iron Age
engineer-gunzelpunk · 2 years
Happy Edward Day Everyone 2/2
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Here's a picture of the one known as Old Iron, he will fuck you up if you get between him and his cup of tea.
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dragons-and-magic · 5 months
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(Please check out the close ups for less blurry images. Tumblr butchered the quality. Sorry.😭)
Anyways, the main cast of Dragons Of Sodor is here! These are their designs right now, but are subject to change. Also, here's some lore about each of them! I'll put it below the cut! (@hkpika07😁👋)
Edit: I've been tired all day and I just realized this has a ton of typos.🤣 Also, some info I meant to put down is not there. *Sighs* Oh well. I tried. Lol.
Note: The stories mentioned here actually have a LOT more going on than what is mentioned. This is just a more watered down version so it doesn't get too long of a post. Have fun reading!
Thomas: Out main man! The big hero! So what is Thomas's role in this story? Well, here's the thing. Notice how Thomas's eye are gold, like gold dust? That's because he's Lady's next champion. Aka, the chosen one. Lol, all jokes aside, Thomas has an incredible destiny of being the one to protect all of Sodor someday! And lead the clan! This comes with a number of challenges he must face as he grows and learns what it takes to be a hero. Another important part of Thomas's story or his relationship with his adopted Father Edward, and how they navigate the rapidly changing world, that is becoming less and less safe for all dragons.
Percy: Thomas's bestie and resident messenger from clan Gold Scale! Percy is a very curious dragon and enjoys writing his observations in journals. He also very empathetic and cares about everyone. No matter where they are from. Unfortunately, he's also a bit gullible. And this combined leads to some nasty trickery from the Gold Scales rivals (The Iron Hides), somewhere down the line. (Fun fact! He's also a bit deaf. Hence why he sometimes mixes up long complicated words. Him and Thomas will sometimes use sign language to communicate.)
James: Thomas and James have a complicated relationship. At first, they were on okay terms. But something very important happened. Gordon is James mentor. And since Gordon is the Clan's Patriarch, this lead James to thinking he may have a chance at becoming the next one. But when it was revealed Thomas was meant to become leader next, James became bitter and wasn't as friendly as before. However, this changed after he was caught up in a forest fire, (This Au's version of James crash) and Thomas saved him, despite being on bad terms with him. After that, he had a more brotherly relationship. Competitive, but still care about each other's well-being. (Fun fact! James is a rare hybrid between a Dragon and Wyvern. So he's got scales and fluff!)
Edward: Edward is the one of the clan's elders and a talented wizard. His dragon species, a Moon Moth Dragon, are known for being very close to Lady Arcana, and magic in general. He has quite a large library of spell books and general historical records. And plenty of old artifacts as well. Thomas was adopted by him at a very young age, and the two are inseparable. Edward made sure to teach him plenty of skills he would need as Lady's next champion. Especially since he was the last one. Edward also adopted Bill and Ben, two twin dragons that are Thomas's adopted brothers.
Gordon: Out of all the dragons, there is no denying that the most regale, fastest, and proudest dragon, is Gordon, Clan Gold Scales Patriarch. Gordon has a mysterious past that he seldom talks about. Edward and Henry know everything about it. But all everyone else knows is that he is pretty much the last of his kind, as all others were killed off by humans years ago. This trauma, he clearly doesn't talk about, has definitely effected his relationships. As he has a hard time opening up or showing any softness. It's not that doesn't care about them. It that he doesn't know how to show it. But that does change. Eventually. He also played an important role in James's life. James was found as a youngster by Gordon and Edward a long time ago. The patriarch saw potential in this rare dragon and wyvern hybrid. And took him under his wing. James looked up to him and wanted to be just like him.
Henry: Sodor's local tree hugger! Henry loves the forest and is pretty much their guardian in this story. He even lives beneath a large tree's roots in a cozy burrow. (The Wishing Tree to be exact!) He also has some sort of really rare plant magic? Nobody even knows why he even has it. Especially since Titan Class dragons don't have any sort of magical abilities. But regardless, he has it. And it's a good thing too, since he has a few health issues that his powers can help him with. For example, he uses his plant magic to form his prosthetic back leg whenever he needs it! Oh, and he can also talk to any nearby trees and connect into their communication system. Meaning he can pretty much find out what's happening in every part of the forest whenever he wants... It's pretty crazy. You may also notice he has a beak rather than fangs. That because he eat mostly plants. In short, Henry is the clan's lovable but slightly weird woods man that lives in a tree and has over a ten thousand squirrel friends.
Emily: In this story, Emily is an apprentice under Victor! I thought it would fit with her personality and how she's usually the one looking out for the groups health. And also rescuing them a lot. Her and Kevin both train under Victor as the clan's apprentice medicine dragons. Emily is the closest thing Thomas and Percy have to a sister. They love her to bits, and she's always looking out for them. She's also close with Henry. The two share a close bond, almost akin to a grandfather and granddaughter relationship. Henry will sometimes help he needs the herbs she and the other medicine dragons need for cures and stuff.(Fun fact! Since she's Scottish in this AU, I was inspired by the legend of Nessie and the Loch Ness. Hence the reason she's a sea dragon. I was also inspired by Leafy Dragons!)
Toby and Henrietta: Toby and Henrietta have been mates for many years. They are the clan's only wyvern couple and are also part of the clan's elders group. Toby and Henrietta love each other dearly, and have raised quite a few children of their own over the years. For now though, they are simply just enjoying each other's company on Sodor as the local retired couple. (I feel like I should put down more for them. Because they do have roles to play. But, I can't seem to get it all out of my head at the moment. Hopefully I'll solidify their roles better later! Also, Toby is based off of owls, and Henrietta is based off of robins and cardinals! They are heavily associated with birds, so it just fit.)
Bill and Ben: These two young dragon twins are a handful! Luckily, Edward (Their adoptive father,) is very skilled in the art of handling chaos and disorder, and can usually sort things out quickly. These two are the adopted siblings of Thomas, and they always seem to be getting into and/or making trouble. Even more so than Thomas!
And, that's it for now! Hope you all like this! I worked super hard on it! Bye!
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
Traintober 2023: Day 14 - Young Iron
Ivo Hugh has some Advice for a Young Engine:
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The young engine had only just arrived on Sodor, crossing over the Vicarstown Bridge and steaming onto the fabled rails of Thomas and his friends. She’d heard all about them from her driver, fireman and the trust members – the engines who lived on the Island of Sodor were legendary! All she wanted to do was meet each and every one of them and gush over how incredible it was to finally meet the engines who had so greatly influenced the preservation movement.
Her travels brought her to their Works, where her boiler, firebox and several other important parts had been machined before being sent back to her home in Derby. It was huge! It made her warehouse workshop home look like an ant next to an elephant – the Sudrian Works were built almost as if they wished to impress, with the original works sitting primly at the front, with several acres-worth of expansions behind them, stretching far beyond what the young engine could see. The signal in front of her was red, and she was shunted into a siding beside a small raised retaining wall.
“It’s grown a lot,” chuckled a voice from beside her. The young engine looked down, and her eyes nearly bugged out of her smokebox! Beside her was the smallest engine she’d ever seen!
“What are you?” spluttered the young engine. The little engine frowned – the young engine began to worry she’d somehow offended it.
“I’m Ivo Hugh,” huffed the engine. “Have you never seen a narrow-gauge engine before?” The young engine gasped.
“Like Skarloey and Rheneas? I’ve read about you all! Or at least… some of you. Were you in a book?” Ivo Hugh flushed red and let off steam crossly.
“I was too in a book!” he exclaimed. “I was in New Little Engine!” The young engine winced.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I don’t think we have that book back home. It’s nice to meet you, little Ivo Hugh. My name is Tornado, and I’ve come to Sodor to help out while Henry is being repaired!” Ivo Hugh smiled.
“It’s no problem,” he said kindly. “And I’m sorry I got so cross – Duke would have my bunkers if he heard!” Tornado chuckled – she had read all about the famous old engine who had been buried underground. Oh, the stories that Sodor held were so exciting! And there were more that she’d never been able to read too!
“I’ve never worked in regular service before,” admitted Tornado suddenly. Her signal was still set to danger, and she was curious. “Do you have any advice?”
Ivo Hugh considered the question – there was a lot he could say, like remembering all your passengers so a refreshment lady didn’t chase you down the line, or to not be tricked about backing signals like Percy was, or even to be polite to the elder engines because they would get her back – especially Gordon, who was not above getting even, even in his old age.
But no, there was one piece of advice that Ivo Hugh could think of that stood out above all others. Something he’d been told by three different engines: Edward, Thomas and Skarloey, who heard it from their mentors, who’d learnt from their mentors, all the way back to the first steam engines. One piece of advice that linked all engines together, across Britain, across Europe, across the world.
“Engines must always look after the people who catch their trains,” he said. “They are our coal and water; without people, there are no trains for us to pull and then we have no purpose. You can ask any engine, and they’ll tell you the same. I learnt from Skarloey, who learnt from a little old engine called Neil, who supposedly learnt it in Glasgow from an engine who’d learnt it from Rocket himself.”
Tornado gasped – she’d heard of the famous Rocket, who had won the Rainhill Trials and brought about the rise of steam. He was legendary! Even the diesels spoke of him in reverent tones.
“Thank you,” said the young engine. “I’ll remember that.”
“Oh, and Tornado,” Ivo Hugh added. “Don’t copy the engines from the books. Most of them are as silly as you can get! The other day, Thomas himself had to be brought up to the works because his tank had sprung a leak! I don’t even know how he managed to do that…”
But Tornado could only turn to stare at the workshops excitedly, as if hoping that she would catch a glimpse of the famous Thomas the tank engine. Beside her, Ivo Hugh sighed. It was always the same with the engines from the mainland: they had this weird hero-worship for Thomas that lasted right up until the blue tank engine opened his mouth.
Oh well, Tornado would learn soon enough. She was headed for Tidmouth after all – her owners truly were throwing her right into the thick of it, sending her there. He just hoped a kinder engine like Edward or Bear was there to receive her, or he might be seeing Tornado arrived back at the works in a very different manner to the way she arrived!
Back to Master Post
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ratslovepinktoo · 6 months
What are the relationships between the characters of my au?
Part 2
🩵2️⃣ Edward:
💙1️⃣He views Thomas as the son he’d always wanted but could never biologically have (because my au doesn’t have engines that can reproduce) but even so, Edward views Thomas as one of the most valuable people in his life.
3️⃣💚He quite close with Henry, as he (along with Gordon) were some of the first engines to help develop the NWR, so they had created quite a bond with each other over that amount of years.
💙4️⃣Much like with Henry, he mostly bonded with Gordon whilst helping build the NWR. Their bond has been weakened a bit through Gordon’s disrespect and teasing towards Edward, mostly about his old age and smaller stature
❤️5️⃣When Edward first met James, he thought James was a prideful snob. They didn’t really have a bond with each other until the events of the episode “Old Iron” took place. Edward gradually started liking James more and even started developing feelings for him.
💚6️⃣He mentored Percy for a bit when he first came to Sodor and over that time, they both bonded. He’s not as close to Percy as Thomas, but still cares about him a lot.
Part 3
Part 1
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hazel-of-sodor · 2 years
All my Stories So far
Here is every Fanfic I’ve written for TTTE/RWS so Far!
Multie Chapter Fics:
Gaurdian- Tumblr / AO3  On a cold midnight run, Thomas's crew are thrust into an unexpected quest to help a fallen engine complete its final run.
A Life Well Lived-  Tumblr/Ao3 In 1956, Sir Topham Hatt I is given a terminal diagnosis by his doctor. Upon hearing the news, Thomas asks him and Lady Jane Hatt to come with him on a trip. Its time for them to learn a secret hes been keeping from them for almost 15 years.
A Screech in the Night- In the dying days of Steam, a small railway in rural Wales is visited by a Shadow.
Traintober 2023
Day 1-A Day Off
Day 2-Closed
Day 3-More than One
Day 4-Returns and Regrets
Day 5-Down a Well
Day 6-Summons
Day 7-Fire
Day 8-Seagull Line
Day 9-The Fallen Light
Day 10-Never a Dull Moment
Day 11-Exhausted
Day 12-Of Reds and Ones
Day 13-Corris
Day 14-The Best Day
Day 15-Recovered
Day 16-Too Late
Day 17-Snow
Day 18-Rebuilt
Day 19-The Chocolate Zephyr
Day 20-Lively Polly
Day 21-Rescue
Day 22-Succession
Day 23-Greater than Yourself
Day 24 Stuck
Day 25-RMS Aquitania
Day 26-Loss
Day 27-Thomas and the Rocket Sled
Day 28-Home Now
Day 29-Rise Above
Day 30-Everest
Day 31-For What We Fall
Betla the Steam Outline
Why Thomas is called an E2
Thomas the Engine Thief
Eric backstory
Sad Story of Henry
Diesel 10 heacanons
Henry headcanons
Sheila headcanon
Hiro Headcanon
Gordon Whistle Headcanon
Gordon keeps adopting pacifics
Emotional Support Diesels
The Concept of Family in British locomotives
LNER U1 Garratt Typhoon
Big Emma/Bertha
Sodor in the Age of Social Media
1. Edward
2. Henry
The Cronk and Harwick
Founding to 1914
The Great War
The Quiet Years
The Coal Rush
Star Trek
Enterprise F
Ask Prompts:
Prompt 1 (Dissonance): Impulse- @tigerhawk7109
Prompt 2 (Hazel): Lockdown- @predawnrex04
Traintober 2022:
Night Owl Saga-
Day 3:Owl-Owl by Night
Day 1:Moon-Under the Pale Light
Day 2:Breakdown-Realization
Day 4:Spirit-A Helping Spirit
Day 20:Death-Enaid
One Shots-
Day 5:Out of Service-Reignition
Day 6:Cat-Catnap
Day 7:Bump-Fair Play
Day 11:Jinx-Superstitions
Day 12:Poltergeist-Once A Railway Man
Day 14:Rest in Pieces-Not Again
Day 15:Destination-34090
Day 17:Angel-Of Snow and Angels
Day 21:Stranger-Stranger in my Own Body
Day 23:Squeak-Fidget
Day 24:Mind the Gap-Divide
Day 26:Overgrown-Promise
Day 27:Boulder-Little Problems
Day 28:Last Stop-Sodor, to Welcome You Home
Day 29:Fiery Skys-By His Light
Day 30:Vengeance-The Setup
D5701 Saga-
Day 8:Disgrace-Fall from Glory
Day 10:Torch-All Our Sins
Great Northern-
Day 9:Brace for Impact-To Catch a Lunchbox
Day 13:Lost-No Way to Lose
Lady of Legend-
Day 16:Shadow-A New Legend
Day 19:Fog-Clarity
The Beast-
Day 18:Demon-The Beast
Day 31:The End-Burn
Day 22:Cold Iron-Not Alone
Day 25:Storm-Legacy
The Great North Western Railway
(Swindon Au)
A Swindon Arrival
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fraiserabbit · 3 years
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wanted to keep experimenting w/ stuff also practicing some creative writing below the cut if you wanna read, set approx. around Edward the Very Useful Engine (i’ll title it You’re Still Useful) :]
p.s. in this world the engines get scrapped as soon as their respective drivers retire idk man it’s harsh but they’re linked to their engines...in a way
“Edward’s getting ancient. Shall we help him into his cab every time? Can Edward even tell the difference between the regulator and brake lever anymore? He really ought to be retired, or I fear he’ll drive his train into the fields!” Gordon laughed dismissively and promptly left to pick up the express, never looking back to see his co-worker’s productive spirit falter. No one did.
“Not to worry, old boy. That Gordon’s always had an ego about him,” Edward’s fireman chuckled. “Come on, now. We’ve trucks to deliver.”
The cab was quiet throughout the delivery, as Edward was focused on proving himself still able to drive an engine perfectly fine. But poor Edward’s mind started to wander back to Gordon’s remarks, momentarily distracting him until his fireman noticed. “Chin up, Edward. They may not see it now, but you’ve always been one of the more efficient workers on Sodor -- and will be until this island sinks. Age be damned!”
A thankful grin formed on Edward’s face.
That night at the sheds, while it was quite empty, Percy met Edward sitting by his engine. He joined the older man and they sat in silence for a while until Percy spoke up.
“Y’know, sometimes when I get upset I talk to the trains.”
“Does it help?”
“They listen, that’s for certain! Though I don’t think Gordon’s train likes me very much; he always looks at me funny.”
“Oh, does he now? Maybe he thinks your engine is inferior and should be retired from Sodor.” He sighed heavily, leaning forward in his seat.
“Are you still upset about this morning?” Percy’s fireman whistled shrilly, motioning to the mail trucks. Percy quickly stood up and left, but not before calling back to Edward, “Please don’t be upset -- and do try talking to them, Edward! They’ll listen to you. They always do.”
Edward quietly laughed to himself. Well, I’ve nothing else to do tonight. He turned to his engine, the idea of talking to a piece of iron and paint rolling around in his head. Eventually he managed a small “you must think me silly for this.” He shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
“You and I have worked with Gordon and the others for a while now...to think they haven’t learned to respect us by now! Honestly. It’s just--well, I just wish Gordon wasn’t so rude about it. I know I’m getting old, but so are they! Do they really think they’re not going to age sooner or later? I’m honestly just trying my best with the years I have left. Trying to have fun. Trying not to lose you so soon. You’ll be scrapped as soon as I leave. I hope I do right by you until then.”
Edward could feel a slight creak in his joints as he stood up to leave, though he ignored the ominous feelings stirring inside him.
“After all...” He flashed a tiny, but genuine, smile. “...you’re still useful.”
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
Ok so, I’ve decided I’m going to call this the ‘Sodor Rehydrated AU’ it’s a pun bcuz I’ve not touched TTTE in years so it dried up, and also my favourite two characters were boats but anyway. I don’t necessarily want to touch the fandom with a 10ft pole again (but y’all that were my best friends in there please get back in touch I miss u guys ,, wherever you are dfjsfjjk) 
But!! That doesn’t mean I can’t just do things for myself, which is what it’s going to be :) Making small changes here and there, tiding up bad writing and iffy parts, fixing horrible character design bcuz I was a teen that sucked at humanisations - that sort of thing. So first refreshers being my OTP, didn’t wanna change their designs too much cause I liked where I left off, but I compressed the timeline a lot to make it run smoother and shaved a couple of years off Captain’s age for the same reason. (And cause, ya know, I want em to be together as long as possible fjsdjfk)
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Yes I still think I could have fixed Captain. All I want is to write one (1) episode. I don’t even know if TAF is still going or if it completely switched to AEG now? Probably. Even still I could treat him right I know I could. I wanna write a retrospective episode where Skiff somehow saves Captain. It’s ironic, you see, that the lifeboat would need saving, which I think would give him decent character opportunity. That and a Scotsbees episode. Those 4 are my next for revival >:)
Captain and Skiff (c) TTTE / Thomas The Tank Engine And Friends
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feigeroman · 4 years
Thomas Headcanons: Henry
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It is of course well known that Henry was originally built in 1919, using plans that had been stolen from Doncaster Works. It’s popularly believed that this piece of corporate espionage was carried out by unscrupulous engineers at Derby Works, but research has so far found no proof of this whatsoever. Another popular theory, which seems much more likely, is that Henry was built by a private company, whose owner had known Nigel Gresley during his early days on the GNR.
The most popular theory along these lines is that they’d both worked together in the carriage and wagon department, and later competed for the position of chief mechanical engineer. Obviously Gresley won the job, starting a fierce rivalry between him and our anonymous engineer - a rivalry which was entirely one-sided.
This engineer later attempted a bit of corporate sabotage against Gresley, by sending a spy to steal his plans for what was to become the A1 class. Unfortunately, the spy couldn’t really tell one type of engine from another, and simply stole the set of plans which best matched the description he’d been given - a fact which was not realized until Henry had actually been built.
Henry was originally known as the White Elephant, owing to his various flaws, but it is thought that the name Henry was an ironic choice on the part of his builders - Henry Ivatt had been Gresley’s predecessor on the GNR. Our mystery engineer didn’t approve of this name at first - fearing it might somehow cause the theft of the plans to be traced back to him. However, he soon realized that considering the engine’s diabolical condition, the name would serve as a suitably vicious dig at his rival.
Having been sold to the NWR in a rush, Henry received minimal testing beforehand, and so he turned out to have more flaws than even his builders had realized. Sir Topham Hatt was forced to keep him regardless, as he was in the midst of a locomotive crisis, and the sellers had completely disappeared off the radar after the sale had been made.
Henry’s poor health was exacerbated by his infamous stay in his tunnel, but in actual fact he’d had problems long before this incident. Indeed, the only reason he’d stalled in the first place was because he’d run out of steam. However, he was fully aware of how insecure his position on the NWR was, and so didn’t want to admit what was wrong with him. The excuse he gave for refusing to come out - that the rain might spoil his paint - was made up on the spot, to make it seem like his inability to move was a conscious choice on his part, rather than a result of his flaws.
On a related note, it was most likely during his incarceration in the tunnel that Henry first started to become a bit of a nature-lover. The tunnel was located in a wooded area, and since he didn’t have much else to do or look at during this period, Henry had the chance to pay closer attention to his surroundings than he would otherwise have been able to.
When Henry was rebuilt into a Black Five in 1935, he initially resembled the class as originally built. Over the years, however, he’s gradually received a lot of the same modifications as later members of the class - including a dome, moved top feed, wheel splashers, etc.
All of these modifications had been made by the time Henry’s rebuild was depicted in the RWS in 1951, but the illustrations erroneously depict him as he looked during that year. The simple explanation is that the artist was accidentally given a contemporary photo of Henry to use as reference.
Following his rebuild, Henry’s position became a lot more secure, and he was able to relax a bit. This led to a marked change in his personality. Whereas previously he’d been prone to bouts of hypochondria, now he was much more confident and willing to work. This is still very much the case nowadays, but it is now tinged with the grumpy middle-aged elements which first became apparent during the late 1950s.
This shift in personality actually affects how certain engines treat him. Some who knew him before his rebuild still treat him as a bit of a punching bag (of course, they eventually get their comuppance). Just about everyone who’s known him since his rebuild, however, see him much more as the formidable presence he really is. Even then, some engines still don’t take him seriously, but they almost always get what’s coming to them in the end.
Even though he no longer suffers as many problems as he did prior to his rebuild, Henry is still rather a sensitive steamer, and he still requires a lot of gentle handling to work properly. This means he still falls ill occasionally, but fortunately the other engines now take these spells a lot more seriously than they used to (most of the time, anyway).
Ironically, during the brief period when the NWR attempted to use Sodor’s own domestic coal supply (see this post for how well that went), Henry was the only engine who didn’t have a single problem using it. To this day, nobody knows how he managed it - not even Henry himself.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 years
Edward ask headcanon (4 / 4)
D. unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own: 
I guess as usual the canon I’m rejecting is T&F. I actually think I’m clinging pretty closely here to RWS. 
Anyway, I think Edward and James have a pretty good relationship—and that it has long, long, long ceased to be a sort of “long-suffering, unheeded mentor and rash, jerkass idiot” dynamic.   
I kind of don’t think it ever was? In James’s intro book, we see Edward in charge of training him—on pulling coaches. That’s it. Not because James is insanely young (he’s not), just because he’s never taken coaches before. 
In fact, we also see that when Edward tries to offer to support him with his trucks, James rejects his help… and doesn’t pay a karmic price for it. Because he doesn’t need to be patronized. (“Look, mate, I know what the hell I’m about with trucks… because fml, that’s why.”)   
Yes, at first Edward is “looking after” James a bit, but that seems to be a function of James being a new arrival—it’s hard to be “the new engine” on any line, but especially on a line that has Gordon and Henry. 
Once James is no longer the newbie, and once he learned his bootlace-related lessons so well that he could be entrusted even with the Express, I really doubt that Edward has since been “teaching” James much of… anything. 
Instead, it seems to me that we see them hitting it off and chumming it up right away. Which makes sense—they have by far the most in common, among the characters we have at that point. They had prior careers on railways (unlike the other three, who know very little besides Sodor) and their old railways were in the same region, both worked the 'Great War’ (unlike Gordon and Henry), and have been turned mixed-traffic after coming to Sodor (although they arrived at this point from opposite directions). 
While of very different temperaments, they seem to communicate easily and frankly with each other. They’re even the closest in age of the original five (still with an approximately 15-year gap… but, c’mon, T&F. After so many decades, that’s nothing. Please stop characterizing Edward as Granddad and James as Mentally Four Years Old. I’m begging you.)   
Yes, I also get that following James’s intro book what we get are a lot of canon incidents where basically James is a Dick to Edward, but, c’mon. I read the strike as an anomaly all around, and, as for the bitching and sneering that kick off “Old Iron,” look, that ain’t special, all right? James appears to have spent the ‘50s being an unmitigated dick to everyone. He didn’t completely cool it in the decades following, either, but he was really putting his back into Peak Dickery during that decade. The only things I find special about James’s carping in “Old Iron” is a) Edward just laughs him off (‘oh, you’) and b) James apologizes and they actually make up at the end. For all James is constantly firing shots and burning bridges, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him engage in relationship repair outside this incident! Amazing. (And, I think, this indicates their level of comfort with each other. Like, never bffs, but definitely mates, who recover easily from the occasional conflict.)  
All right, less with my essay on why “no, T&F, I reject the idea that James has just spent decades finding new and interesting safety regulations to ignore and that Edward has managed to magically be on hand to ineffectually lecture for pretty much all of them,” and more on what you actually asked for, which was headcanon! Unrealistic headcanon, at that! 
I like the idea that both James and Edward have Lancashire accents… or, at least, had them. Edward’s had already faded significantly, blending into Sudrian, by the time the big three arrived. James got tons of shit from Henry and especially Gordon for his accent, which he worked very hard to get rid of with improbable speed. Initially, as we see in his intro book, Gordon could sometimes squash him, but I think the whole point of their relationship is that Gordon was able to do that less and less as James found his wheels and challenged him.   
So, at some point, whenever Gordon decided to sneer at bit at his origins, instead of blushing and doubling down on denying them, James would just lean in and go for full-blown Lanc.   
If Edward happens to be around during one of these spells, he jumps into the game with relish. All at once, he sounds like he may as well have just arrived from the mainland five minutes ago. 
The two of them lay it on thick, fast, and heavy until Gordon finally loses his carefully-constructed air of indifference and tells them to SHUT UP. 
Whether it takes a mere hour or whether he holds out for days, once he finally blows up the Lancashire engines just exchange a good-natured grin and indeed drop it. They know they’ve been tormenting Gordon all the while. (And they’ve had a hell of a lot of fun!)   
After this goes down enough times, Gordon finally just shuts up on this particular subject forever. Which is why it’s never appeared in canon. By the time the Thin Clergyman started coming ‘round, he’d already learned his lesson. 
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engineer-gunzelpunk · 2 years
Happy 3/3 (CW: rude gesture)
Happy 3/3 day...
Here's to the one known as Old Square Wheels, the White Elephant, Monster and Green Whale... Henry the Green Engine. From works unknown and shadowy, who spat in the eye of the Fat Controller, went on strike, almost died and was rebuilt (Back in Black...Five).
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Count those fingers...
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alwaysuseful-blog1 · 7 years
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percy was working on sodor in the early 1930s. it was a different time, with no diesel engines at all. he always loved doing his jobs and also really loved pulling the mail train. during that time he would regularly converse with a boy named greggory, who was around 10-12. they would often chat about how everything was going, that school was getting boring, and that greggory wanted to work with the engines when he got older. he did live on Sodor, after all, and had grown up surrounded by steam engines.
Greggory was often teased, mostly because he spent so much time watching the engines working and rarely played with boys around his age. Percy was often teased, too, so he and Greggory really connected on that level. Greggory matured and Percy stayed the same, but their friendship was still close. When Percy was resting on a siding, Greggory had a tendency to walk over and they would talk. They sometimes would laugh about how Greggory might even become a conductor! They’d make an excellent team.
Even when he was still very young, Greggory would be invited into Percy’s cabin. He’d get to drive a bit, too -- if his parents weren’t watching! As he became older, Greggory got a part-time job working with the mail train and would see Percy at night. they were very close, and Greggory always looked forward to working. Percy came to love the mail train even more because he would see his good friend! Not to mention, Greggory’s relatives would send exotic gifts from places like India. And Percy was always so proud to deliver things that brought happiness, even if for a little while.
The 1940s rolled around, and with that, there came war. Sodor was industrial and all the engines worked very hard to deliver goods for the war effort. Raw materials and other goods were incredibly important, and it was vital to get it over to the mainland. one morning, Percy arrived at the station closest to the mainland to see an engine ahead of him, with many coaches connected. Young men that Percy had known on Sodor were boarding and waving goodbye.
As the last of the men boarded, one of them came running over. Greggory was a young man, early twenties or so, and ready for adventure. He was overjoyed to see Percy before the passenger train was departing. He told Percy he was going over to the mainland to assist with the war effort. men were needed as well, and Greggory had taken up the call. They chatted but soon the conductor on the coach train became impatient. Greggory waved goodbye, but not before handing one of the drivers a small item. It was a simple pocketwatch, but on the opposite lid there was a picture of Greggory all dressed up in uniform, giving a wide grin.
Percy would expect that almost every passenger train for the next few months would have Greggory, ready to return home to Sodor. Pulling the mail train was always a little dull when he had no one to talk to. But he kept working and working, always happy to help with the great effort. Occasionally he would ask men who were returning if they had seen Greggory, but to no avail. Sometimes, when Percy would deliver goods like steel or iron, he would think that those items were going to be used by Greggory. After all, this was for the same cause.
One night, delivering the mail to a station very close to the mainland, Percy was stopped and taken by surprise. There was some extra mail from men writing back home to their families. He waited patient as ever, sometimes glancing in the direction of England, hoping another passenger train would arrive. He was very surprised when he heard one of his drivers swear, followed by the thud of a heavy wooden box. The small engine could hear and feel as the heavy object was loaded into one of the mail cars.
“Should we tell him?”
“Let the poor engine be.”
They continued on, with Percy curious about the box. It wasn’t until later that Percy found out what had happened, when a ceremony was being held at Norramby (the town that Greggory grew up in) and the small engine found out that his good friend had perished somewhere many, many miles away, and had returned to Sodor for burial. Percy remembered the box, the heavy box that had been loaded into the mail train. He understood, then.
Greggory had been killed.
Percy mourned the loss of his good friend. Engines probably mourn in a different way than humans. At times (and without warning) Percy would come to a halt while delivering the mail train. He wouldn’t say anything, but he did tremble. A minute or so later and the small engine would start up again. One night, he refused to leave the sheds. His fireman hurried into the back and then returned, holding onto a pocketwatch. It clicked open and Percy could see, plain as day, the photo of Greggory. The friend he had watched grow up. The friend he had unwittingly taken home, many long nights ago.
Percy came to accept the fact that Greggory would never ride in the cabin again, wait at the sidings, or hang on to the side of a mail car as they moved along the tracks. But the mail train was still very important to Percy, and on long nights as he delivered mail all across Sodor, Percy had precious time to remember his friend. All around him he saw a young boy racing along the tracks, a teenage boy who saw himself as a conductor or engineer, and a young man who had been a very, very good friend. At night, in the silence as he delivered the mail, Percy still felt the close friendship he had shared, and that alone warmed his firebox.
In the back of Tidmouth sheds, even now, there sits a small box. Inside is a slightly tarnished pocketwatch that still works, and a small photo of a young man named Greggory.
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merciresolution · 7 years
Some sad captive whale AU stuff involving captures:
-Henry’s mother drowned in the nets that separated the two. (Resident Orca)
-The Iron/Transient Twins’ mother and baby sister also died during capture. Sister fell behind during the drive and ended up getting blasted by one of the bombs. Mother was struck by one of the boats. (Transient Orcas)
-Edward was considered “too old” to be captured, but he was taken anyways due to being one of the first orcas caught for the park, along with another female he was very close to. Said female died within a month. (Resident Orcas)
-Toby and Henrietta were stranded on a sand bank. Henrietta managed to free herself, but Toby was unable to. He was later found by “rescue workers” and was taken to the park where he was deemed unreleasable for unspecified reasons. (Pygmy Killer Whale)
-Gordon, Henry, and James were captured from the same pod when they were two to four years old. James was initially misgendered as female. (Resident Orcas)
-Lady was found alone and injured. The park offered to treat her, but later- like Toby- deemed her unreleasable. (Amazon River Dolphin)
-Stepney and Rusty were captured together, and the captors mistook them as mother and calf pair. (Resident Orca and Ross Sea Orca respectively)
-Molly was captured by a different park but was quickly bought by Sodor Sealand. (Albino Long-Finned Pilot Whale)
-Emily’s podmates were slaughtered in a dolphin drive while she was captured and sold to the park. (Pacific White-sided Dolphin)
-Donald and Douglas were captured near Scotland. The park wanted more males to offer breeding services to other parks. (Offshore Orcas)
- Ryan was captured along with BoCo and Daisy. BoCo was too old to adjust to life in a tank, and passed away soon after. Daisy was sent to a different park on a breeding loan, leaving Ryan the only Pseudorca at Sodor Sealand. (False Killer Whales)
-Arthur was captured after stranding in a panicked attempt to escape an angry fisherman (he had been shot in the dorsal after stealing fish from the line). Again, rescued and deemed unreleasable. (Short-Finned Pilot Whale)
-Billy’s ragtag pod was rounded up in a dolphin drive. After being left in the nets overnight, he was not selected for captivity and was killed for his meat. (Australian Snubfin Dolphin) [Lmao sorry Mutt]
-Flora was captured in hopes of having her mate with Toby, as she was initially identified as another Pygmy Killer Whale. However, her old age did not help her in adjusting to a captive life, and she died soon after entering the park. (Melon-headed Whale)
-Bash and Dash had lost their mother when they were only a year old. Ferdinand came across them and cared for them until their capture two years later. Ferdinand was harpooned, and Bash and Dash were eventually sold to different parks after only spending a few weeks at Sodor Sealand. (Atlantic White-sided Dolphins and Common Minke Whale)
-Salty was captured in a drive hunt with two other podmates. All three were bought by the park, and all but Salty died within two years. (Risso’s Dolphin)
Your casual reminder that this park is set in the 50s to 60s with virtually no regulations whatsoever.
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conceitcd-blog · 7 years
stolen from @bendorama​
Name: James Nickname(s):  Rusty Red Scrap Iron, Little Engine, Show-Off Age:  Bahahaha -- 105 years old, modern time. Species:  Steam Engine
|| personal ||
Religious belief:  None Sins:  lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
Virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice Primary goals in life: Be really useful as a steam engine -- get his own branch line, haul coaches, be a hard worker.
Languages known:  English. Secrets: He doesn’t really have many true friends and is semi-aware of that. Quirks: Talks to himself, meticulous regarding paintwork, eye twitch if his patience is stretched thin. Savvies: Being clean, hauling coaches, being better than Gordon. Having things his way.
|| physical ||
Height:  Good question. Weight:  47.2 tons (46 long tons) Scars/birthmarks:  Crow’s feet wrinkles along his eyes.
Abilities/powers: A tractive effort of 27,405 lbf (121.9 kN). Top speed of 70mph. Technically ageless, I guess? Restrictions: Can’t run on his own without a firebox being lit, ability for very limited movement on his own, can’t do people things, forced to run on a track, requires a fireman and engineer to get started and perform tasks, requires his tender for coal and water, boiler pressure needs to be maintained -- standard steam engine restrictions.
|| favorites ||
Favorite drink: Water. Favorite pizza topping:  Anything but anchovies. Favorite color: Red, gold, black Favorite music genre: British folksongs, marches, orchestral. Favorite book genre: Doesn’t read books, but probably likes books about Sodor or the NWR. Favorite movie genre: Dramas, animated
Favorite season: Summer Favorite butt type: A red fowler tender. Favorite swear word: 'Silly’ in place of stupid, idiot, etc. Favorite scent: Detergent. Plain body wash. Favorite quote: Anything praising him and his looks.
|| fun stuff ||
Bottom or top:  Wat Sings in the shower: Yes, during a washdown. Likes bad puns:  Hates them. Morality: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil Build: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean / baby-fat / pudgy / obese /other Favorite food: ...coal.... Theme music: Somebody has to be the Favorite
Their opinion on the mun: “Silly. Doesn’t quite know what she wants. Favors steam engines which is nice, even if she prefers American steam engines.”
Tagging: gahhhh y’all aaaaah
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justsomehobo · 7 years
Hatt’s Army, Chapter 2
Constructive criticism welcome! 
(Originally published July 6, 2017)
Wednesday: June 19, 1940
The next morning, I was awakened by the warmth of the pilot light in my firebox, set alight by a cleaner who had swept the floor, polished all my controls, turned a small valve that looked as if it were built for a garden hose, checked to ensure my auraphone was rising from a low contralto at a healthy rate, and moved on to Edward on my immediate left. Simmering comfortably, I woke up slowly to see, through the crack in my shed door- for the windows were boarded up on account of blackout regulations- that the morning sky was already beginning to brighten. By the time most of our drivers had arrived on their bicycles, we were all still groggy but beginning to grow sharper.
"Good morning, old boy," greeted Boris as he boarded my cab.
He waited a while, but I didn't bother giving anything above a low groan. "Anybody home?" he joked, looking up and rapping at the glass of my fisheye.
"Stop it!" insisted Maxwell, and all-but-shoved him to the back of the cab. I gave a lazy 'tsk-tsk-tsk' in agreement.
"That's no way to start a morning," yawned Edward to whomever it may have concerned.
"Ah well," I responded, "just, erm... be thankful we're heating up in time for the Report."
Edward, who had heard the rumors of my earlier bank engine fiasco with the Wild Nor'Wester, stifled a chuckle. Henry, Gordon and James didn't bother to hold back.
"AAAW HA HA HO HO ho ho ho huh huh huh…!"
"Eh HAH ha ha ha hah hah heh heh heh heh...!"
Edward kept quiet because he knew better than to give them a rise. I kept quiet because I knew of no other option.
Soon enough, it was six o'clock, and we were all gathered in time for the Morning Report. Yard Boss Havirty stood before us in his spruce-green uniform and Levi trousers, his goatee and thin, deer-like face standing in stark contrast to his naturally curly, unkempt hair that poked out from under his Zuckerman helmet.
"Good morning to you all, sirs," he shouted clearly after blowing his whistle, as he had done for years.
"Good morning, Foreman," we all answered almost instinctively.
"Today, I have some very important news for you all," Havirty heralded, "so please, pay close attention. I'm looking at you, James." James, who had been admiring a flock of crows against the sunrise, balefully glanced back at the Assistant Director.
"Now, we all heard Big Winnie's speech yesterday afternoon, and he said he would have some legal issues resolved so we could concentrate on the war effort. Among these issues was an ongoing labor lawsuit between a local union and the LMS's Faculty Commission. According to recent reports, the suit has been summarily arbited by royal action in favor of the Union; and as part of their demands, our local Commission representative office has been relocated, from Euston House in London to the Gallant Office Park in uptown Crovan's Gate. I expect you'll all be seeing him by my side quite often- especially you, Gordon. From Monday evening until Thursday morning each week, he'll be making his home in a seaside resort just south of here, and you'll be taking him to and from his office aboard the Nor'Wester. So without further ado, now would be as good a time as ever to get each other introduced. Wait here a moment, I'll call him out." And with that, he stepped into the turntable's control box to use the transceiver inside.
He directed our attention to a black Duesy pulling up nearby. Out from the left-hand front door stepped a man with a rather… heavy-set appearance. I have heard many call him 'pear-shaped', but personally his body reminds me more of a mango. He wore a freshly-ironed blue suit jacket and tie, with a yellow cardigan underneath, matching trousers, a pair of leather dress boots, in which he was almost tiptoeing over the ballast, and a top hat, which he was clutching tightly to avoid having it blown away. He walked over to the turntable with a security guard in uniform at his left, and a butler at his right. Both were keeping uncomfortably quiet, for he was in the foulest of moods.
"It's a pleasure to have you with us this morning, sir," said Havirty as he shook the mogul's gloved hand. Then turning back our way, he announced, "I would like to introduce to you all to Sir Charles Topham Hatt, Faculty Commissioner and Chief Inventory Director of the North Western Division of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway. I am- at least, technically speaking- his assistant.”
"So theyse ah Units 1 through 5?" Sir Hatt almost muttered in a curious tone. "I had olways wondahd…"
"Sir," addressed Havirty as he led the stout gentleman down the turntable in my direction, "here is our Fowler 3F, . Hereabouts we like to call him Thomas."
"Hello, kind Sir," I stammered, feeling almost guilty of receiving his attention. He didn't reply, seeming too intent on looking me over. Perhaps he was admiring how my long, slim funnel and dome up above my smokebox and boiler contrasted with the boxy cab and bunker behind and water tanks to the left and right. Sharp-dressed, refined men are always going on about ergonomics and functional form and such.
"Now, Thomas," stated Havirty clearly, "here are your orders for today: 
after reporting to Tidmouth Station at 7:30 this morning, you must
arrange the morning Limited for Edward at Platform 4 by a quarter to eight,
and the express at Platform 1 on the hour.
Then James's stopping goods is due out by 8:30 at Platform 3,
and a scenic train is expected at Platform 1 at 10 o'clock.
Then comes Elevenses, and between then and tea you shall report to the Tidmouth depot and cooled for an inspection, wash-down and a refill of coal and water. Then, once you are re-lighted,
you are to report back to your post by tea to disassemble the scenic.
A train of goods vans is expected in at that time, and when unloading is finished- which should be around 4 PM- you are to sort the vans evenly in the 3 spurs up-yard.
Processing for the Wester is expected to end at 6:45,
and for the Limited at half-past seven.
When you have finished shunting those, you may report to the Depot for the Evening Report at nine."
"Yes sir," I registered.
Havirty went on to introduce him to Edward. Our Number Two wasn't the strongest or newest of us, he explained to Hatt; in fact, he was at least 60 and his boiler was smaller than mine. But his age meant that he was dependable, experienced and understanding, and so Havirty had found a niche for him here, equipping him so that he could move both backwards and forwards just as well. This made him great for more urgent deliveries, as he could assemble light trains without the help of a shunter.
Henry was our heavy mixed-traffic engine, impartial to trucks or coaches. He was always recognized everywhere he went both for his wide boiler size and his unique bright green Mid-Sodor livery. He was built here on Sodor in 1916, our manager then explained when his turn came, in response to increasing pressure on the old Mid-Sodor Railway by Parliament to increase wartime production. The story goes that the technicians at the Crovan's Gate Engine Works simply cobbled him together from the spare parts of other engines, and I've heard many a disgruntled yard worker call him 'Crovanstein' behind his back. Nonetheless, when the war had ended and work slowed down, the bean counters at Euston decided we were better off keeping him than replacing him. He was always willing to prove himself to Havirty, for better or worse, and that, we all supposed, was his saving grace.
While Henry was haphazardly designed but modest in his ways, our express engine Gordon was anything but. He was a Princess Coronation, purpose-born and bred to run heavy express lines, and the way he spoke of it, he may as well have had royal blood in his boiler tubes. In his emperor's cloak of Midland scarlet, he was given the job of pulling the island division's flagship express train, the Wild Nor'Wester, from Knapford to the seaside town of Brendam, then to Vicarstown just across the strait from the Greater Isle, each morning from 8 to 9, and back again to Brendam and Knapford from 6 to 7 each evening. On Saturdays, when the express didn't run, he was often given stopping or scenic passenger trains, or occasionally heavy freight (a job he considered unfitting of an engine of his stature). As you may guess, 'Prince Gordon' often seemed to forget whose railway it was and who was giving the orders.
James, who wasn't as scrappy as Henry or as purebred as Gordon, still wasn't sure just where he fit in here. A Class 28, he had done local freight work in Lancashire in his early days; but then war broke out, the Government took control, and the bean counters decided to transfer him here. That must've been two months ago, and Edward was still showing him the ropes. James would always go back to the Depot each evening with another rumor from the lips of a workman for him to evaluate. Though James still missed his friends back home, the rest of us- along with Havirty- were beginning to count him among us in our boilers and smokeboxes.
"How come I never get to pull trains like the rest of you?" I thought out loud, listening to the other engines' orders enviously as Havirty made his rounds. "All the brave young men are off on the beaches and landing-grounds, defending their King and country. Why is it that I should stay here?"
"Bah!" James was quick to answer. "It's out of your league. You're already slow enough now, just pushing coaches in and out of the station!"
"Besides," put in Henry, "you don't even have a tender. I bet that little bunker of yours can't hold enough coal for you to make it to Crosby, let alone the Channel!"
"Ah," added Gordon slickly. "We are in agreement, then. To everything there is a season, little Thomas, and a time to every purpose under Heaven: a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to mourn and a time to dance. My season is now, and my purpose is to help run the Northwestern line. It is what I was put on this Earth to do, and so I give this cause all I have to give. Your own time and purpose, Thomas, is not so different from ours. I suggest you give it the respect and dedication it is due."
I looked over to Edward in hopes he would be holding out for me, but all I saw was a glare of frustration mixed with a dash of regret. A glare from Edward, it was rumored, could speak volumes, and the lowered eyebrow and widened aperture and eyelid-angle of this one came together to read: "Proceed at your own risk."
"Fine, then," I taunted back. "You just wait! You'll be sorry! 'Cos when all the Shunting is gotten done, I shall run away to the Beaches myself! And when I come back, I'll make you all regret every last word you just said just now, 'cos I'll be pulling a whole ticker-tape parade, I will! With a big brass band and everything! You just wait and see!"
The other engines took no notice, for Thomas was a little engine with a long tongue.
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engineer-gunzelpunk · 2 years
Rail Rage (CW: Coarse Language)
The 3/3 Extravaganza continues in this story of annoying visitors meeting their comeuppance in Rail Rage...
Don't bother the locals...
It was a cold, very windy day on the Island of Sodor sometime in Autumn, not really much different from any other.
A visitor from the Mainland had come to visit the North Western Railway. It is not that unusual in this day and age for steam engines from the Mainland heritage railways to visit the last great revenue paying steam railway in the world.
The fact that during the visit, a “rail rage” incident occurred is.
Most of the time, the visitors are humbled and awed by the fact that there is an Island populated by their cousins that are free to work and run in ways that are meaningful to them as locomotives rather than being kept around as museum pieces or run only occasionally.
Most of them are friendly, like Flying Scotsman and City of Truro.
A few are not, like Mallard.
This one was antagonistic.
BR Pacific Britannia-Class 70013 “Oliver Cromwell” was seemingly bent on annoying absolutely everyone on the Island of Sodor on his visit.
He unfortunately had the attitude a distinct set of steam locomotives had that their particular heritage lines spoiled them and whenever the time came to meet other locomotives, he didn’t treat them very respectfully.
(The fact that a lot of the locos on Sodor were either pre-Grouping or Grouping era engines inflamed his attitude...)
He’d given Edward smacktalk at Elsbridge. “Queen Victoria died 100 years ago, time to retire!”. Edward frowned at him but said nothing, quietly seething.
He’d made fun of Toby for being a tram...”Get off the line you old codger! You’ll give yourself a heart attack! And shouldn’t you be on the electric line, being a tram and all?”.
Toby was very angry and attempted to wheesh him, but the Pacific visitor chuffed off laughing.
“You’ll keep!” grumbled Toby, “You’re gonna get yours…”, and hissed steam in his direction.
“Pay him no mind, love!” said Henrietta, his faithful coach.
He said something so crude and disgusting to Murdoch it doesn’t bear repeating, but the mighty engine could only be gainsaid from laying into his BR cousin by the intercession of James.
When Oliver Cromwell came upon Henry chuffing towards Brendam on the mainline with a couple of coaches, he decided that it was an irresistible opportunity to show off…
He raced past him and called out , “Nice coaches! Glad that they made them empty enough for you to pull, you old LMS piece of junk…”, and he pulled away laughing at himself.
Henry was pissed off. He had, as the kids say nowadays, No Chill.
“’LMS Piece of junk?’ Its not enough he comes to visit our Island and insult my friends, he has to give me shit while I’m on duty…”, but a sudden idea came to his smokebox.
If this uppity, pampered heritage Mainlander was going to give lip to basically his Elder and antecedent (the BR Standard classes were strongly based upon Stanier designs, of which Henry was a proud example of, being one of the first Black Fives), then he was going to put the fear of Godred into him.
The constabulary were often stationed at random points on this section of the mainline to trap engines exceeding the speed limit (a safety measure the Fat Controller put to the Island Council to stop incidences of burst safety valves and potential accidents as well as countering foolish machismo amongst the engines). The prospect of getting their crews fined or suspended without pay was enough to get engines to behave.
Only locomotives with specific lamp codes like the ones for Gordon’s Wild Nor’wester, the Flying Kipper and the Sudrian were exempt, and at any point, Henry could always make a clever excuse if he was clocked.
And Oliver Cromwell knew not the lines of Sodor at all. Or this policy as a matter of fact.
As if knowing what his engine was thinking, Henry’s driver turned away from the window and opened the regulator wide.
“We’ll show him, we’ll show him!” snarled Henry. The coaches started singing, “We’ll get him! We’ll get him!”
Knowing that his stretch of track would eventually curve out towards Brendam by the time the idiot BR Britannia wised up, Henry relaxed into his cylinder rhythm and began to trance out.
Trickity trock trickety trock
He drew level and maintained presence of mind only to whistle rudely at Oliver Cromwell; a high-pitched chirp laden with contempt, then fully locked on into running down the line.
As it was said, it was a terribly windy day and it was blowing a cold gale directly into their faces as they ran, creating an even more thunderous atmosphere for those aboard both sets of coaches.
By now they had noticed that Henry was keeping pace and thought it was part of the trip. They kept laughing and cheering towards the passengers in Henry’s carriages, who would laugh and cheer back.
Oliver Cromwell blinked and realized the Black Five was now running level with the creepiest look of blissed-out intensity on his face.
“What the hell are you doing, you crazed Middy loon?!?” he yelled.
Henry took no notice, he was enraptured by his own exhaust beat, the rhythmic clanging of his motion gear and the roar of the wind.
A long blast of Oliver Cromwell’s whistle didn’t snap Henry out of the trance.
Bear tooted hello as he approached on the opposite line, while Henry shouted greetings and continued to follow and ignore Oliver Cromwell with that self-same look of deranged mania on his face.
Oliver Cromwell pumped his pistons as best he could and pulled ahead easily, but he was starting to get the odd feeling that this… was not as it appeared.
Henry was seemingly racing him without making the customary challenge out loud…and was deliberately ignoring him. Was he stalking him? Was this a Rail Rage incident in the making? Why is his driver letting him do this?
Oliver Cromwell was growing more uncomfortable and unhappy as Henry kept pace.
He kept yelling at the Black Five trying to get an answer but Henry ignored him.
The most terrifying part of all this was that Henry didn’t even look angry… he was ecstatic.
Henry began singing.
“One man went to war, went to war, went to war...one man and his baseball bat, went to war in Vickers…'
“Sing it with me girls!”
Henry and the coaches were running full pelt down the line and singing a violent football song…then the passengers were singing it!
“We are Vicarstown...We are Vicarstown!...”
“You’ve done it now, Ollie…” said his driver, “I told you a thousand times not to antagonise the locals… now one of them seemingly wants to kick your smokebox in…”
Oliver Cromwell began to panic and moved to pull ahead as the lines began to spread out before Wellsworth. Driver scolded him for freaking out and maintained a firm grip on the regulator. The spoiled idiot locomotive deserved a bit of a scare from a local, because he knew Henry couldn’t do anything else other than frighten him.
Before anyone knew, they were both storming though Wellsworth at top speed. Lots of people sitting at the station looked mightily impressed, not knowing this was entirely unplanned.
“Look alive Henry, the turn is coming…” shouted his driver, pulling Henry out of his reverie.
With a clang and a clamor, Henry pulled back to slow down, made the turn after Wellsworth and vanished down the line towards Suddery.
“Byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…” he and the coaches called out as they pulled away.
Oliver Cromwell was somewhat relieved the crazed green Black Five was gone. But now he was by himself at full tilt down the line… without having the proper head code to run Express.
At 200metres down the line, a bright light startled Oliver Cromwell as he approached Gordon’s Hill.
A speed camera?! On a fucking steam railway? What kind of weird Alice In Wonderland bullshit is this?
They ran the rest of the way towards Vicarstown, and without saying a single word to any engine on the way.
He didn’t bother to insult Gordon who was making his own way towards Tidmouth with the Wild’Norwester.
He didn’t say anything to Percy as he was taking the mail train in the opposite direction from Barrow.
He didn’t say a word to Emily who was sitting in a siding, or to Pip and Emma at Vicarstown.
He was too frightened to say a word. But he complained to his driver and fireman that the “crazy LMS loon” had been about to kill him incessantly and pestered them into talking to the Fat Controller.
Also, he was peeved they had been clocked. No other railway had speed cameras! They absolutely must get out of paying the fine!
“That doesn’t sound like Arthur at all…” said the Fat Controller, referring to Arthur the big ex-LMS Ivatt Class 2MT tank engine, who came to mind first. Arthur was notoriously stable, obedient and not crazy at all.
The idea of Arthur being some kind of deranged stalker was actually kinda funny to the Fat Controller.
“No sir, we are referring to the big green Black Five…”
The Fat Controller questioned Henry at Tidmouth Sheds, who tried to look innocent.
‘I don’t know sir, maybe it was one of those other green LMS tender engines…”
Henry gulped.
“Were you threatening Oliver Cromwell with violent songs?”
“Oh Godred no sir! Me and the coaches were singing ‘One man went to mow, went to mow a meadow! One man and his train, peep! Went to mow a meadow…’, Henry nervously sang.
“I recall something mentioned about a baseball bat…”
Henry panicked. He sang the one song that could have probably have mentioned baseball bats in a non violent context, one that Rosie taught him at Vicarstown.
“Take me out to the ballgame!...”
“I appreciate the demonstration of your singing talents, but don’t bullshit me, Henry… if you did that was an unacceptable breach of hospitality… ….’
Thomas spoke up.
“Its true, Sir! Oliver Cromwell was being an arsehole to everyone on Sodor…”
Edward, who was very tired and really really peeved snarled, “He said that Queen Victoria died a century ago and that I should retire!”
Toby raged “He said I was an old codger that would get a heart attack and should be on the electric line, being a tram and all! Electric! Electric!”
Thomas then said, “He also asked Hiro how long he’s been there… Hiro just said, “From before your designer’s father was swimming around in a nut sack…’, which was a pretty killer comeback…”
The Fat Controller contemplated all these claims.
“I must admit, all of these have a ring of truth...”
‘Everyone had been complaining about Oliver Cromwell’s attitude towards the other engines, staff and rolling stock the entire time but no one wanted to say anything…’
And somehow, the people on his train thought that your little rail rage incident was part of the show! They thought it was a train race that we organized as part of the tour! They were very, very impressed...”
Henry fought the urge to take credit, knowing that if he failed the stern warning to ‘Neither confirm or deny” everyone could get into serious trouble, with the Fat Controller, with Oliver Cromwell’s owners, with the Island Council and everyone.
The Fat Controller could see the struggle raging in his smokebox and he understood. In order to avoid that can of worms, he decided that this matter was to end right here, in a swift and decisive manner so that no one could threaten to sue.
You do that again, I’m putting a tent on you! Got that?!”
“Yes, sir…” said Henry, meekly.
“You report to slow goods duties tomorrow afternoon and for an indefinite period!”
“Thank you, sir…” said Henry, deflated.
At least it wasn’t rubbish duty.
The Fat Controller huffed and walked away, trying to stop himself from quietly laughing at the idea at Arthur being a crazy homicidal maniac, Henry’s lame attempts at avoiding responsibility… and Hiro saying “swimming around in a nut sack”.
Henry sat in the sheds; sad, drained and tired. The run had caught up with him and he was exhausted down to the frames, the motion gear aching. The emotional comedown from that ecstatic run was far worse than the relatively mild punishment he was given.
I wish Har’ was here to rub my motion gear down and give me a kiss good night… so sore, so tired.
It was just as well he was resting in Tidmouth for his 3 AM Kipper run, then off to slow goods for Crovan knows how long.
“Onya Henry! Way to scare the daylights out of that arsehole 7F!” he heard.
“Carn Vickers!” was another one. He had no idea who said it, he was sliding into oblivion.
“Thank you…whoever you are!” he said as he passed out.
Inspired by this video of a Black Five seemingly racing BR Oliver Cromwell
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