#This is my discoveries diary after all
csuitebitches · 6 months
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Fearless Social Confidence: Strategies to Live Without Fear, Speak Without Insecurity, Beat Social Anxiety, and Stop Caring What Others Think - Patrick King book notes
Socially confident people:
expect to be accepted. When they meet strangers, they expect to make a good impression. They never approach situations thinking, “What if they don’t like me?” Instead they think, “I hope I like them.”
evaluate themselves positively. Socially confident people are encouraging, positive, and accepting of themselves. They give themselves leeway not to be perfect and don’t beat themselves up too harshly when they are not.
feel comfortable around superiors. Socially confident people feel comfortable because they don’t feel threatened, or that their flaws and vulnerabilities will be highlighted by the other person’s qualities.
With a lack of social confidence, you are usually choosing the thought that is cruelest to yourself.
when navy SEALs recognize that they are feeling overwhelmed, they regain control by focusing on their breath—breathing in for four seconds, holding for four seconds, and then out for four seconds, and repeating until you can feel your heart rate slow down and normalize.
Core beliefs: 
Steps in a thought diary entry can be arranged in the easy-to-remember A-C-B format—
Activating Event. Note down the event/ situation. This is simply the origin point of your emotional change. It’s whatever caused your emotional status to change from calm to agitation (a memory, a song, etc).
Consequences. In this step you identify the specific emotions and sensations that arose. These could be simple feeling words— “anxious,” “unhappy,” “sickened,” “panicky,” “melancholy,” “confused,” and so forth.
Beliefs. This is where the action begins. How do you link the activating event with the consequences? What unconscious narrative or story about yourself was told to achieve the consequence? (“What was I thinking?”  “What was going through my head when this happened?”  “What’s wrong with that?”“What does this all mean?”  “What does it reveal about me?”)
Now you’ve gotten to the bottom of your situation and figured out what your core beliefs are.
The first step is writing down one of the core beliefs you’ve just uncovered. Ask yourself what experiences you’ve had that prove your core belief wasn’t always true. Generate as many experiences as you can and be very specific about what happened.
Write down the core belief you’re examining.  Think of ways that you can put that belief to the test. These are actual tasks that you can perform.  Then, write down what you expect or predict will happen after conducting these tasks if your core belief was true.  Perform the tasks.  Write down what really happened after you completed your task.  Compare and contrast your predictions with what actually happened. Finally, document what you learned from the task and come up with a new, more reasonable core belief that goes in line with your discoveries.
Bushman’s results imply that sometimes the best course of action after being provoked to anger is to just sit quietly and let it pass.
There’s a direct link between social anxiety and negativity. A 2016 Australian research study showed that “elevated social anxiety vulnerability is characterized only by facilitated attentional engagement with socially negative information.” Obsessing over negative details—including by constantly talking about one’s problems—only reinforces one’s social fears and does nothing to inspire real confidence in a social setting.
Personalization is the mother of guilt. In the cognitive distortion of personalizing, you feel responsible for events that cannot conceivably be your fault. While it is admirable to take responsibility for your actions, there are things completely out of your control: the subway schedule, other people’s actions, and a million day-to-day factors.
Common cues of overgeneralization are “always” and “never.” When starting a sentence or a thought with “always” or “never,” consider whether you have the experience or evidence to back up the statement.
Other people aren't only what they are showing to the world. Most people put on a good show. But do you really know what might be going on in their private life? Take comfort from the fact that while there will be many people who are better at certain things than you are, there are also most certainly things that you will be better at.
If you are self-conscious and worried that people will judge you if you say something stupid or “off,” there's an easy workaround to that. The best approach is simple preparation. Create answers to predictable questions and conversations. Run that mental videotape in your mind about your past 10, 20, or 30 social conversations. I guarantee they are not all that different from each other.
Figure out the general questions that people will ask and the topics that will come up in normal conversation and be prepared with story-answers. For example, How was your weekend? What are you doing this weekend? How was your day? What do you do for work?
How can we ease ourselves into social confidence little by little? 
List the social situations you avoid. Ask yourself what kinds of gatherings or circumstances you steer clear of and write them all down in a list. Your list should include both physical situations—parties, family gatherings, work presentations, and so forth—and personal experiences that you don’t want to face.
Give each situation a SUDS level from 0 to 100.
Plan your goals.
Build your goal stepladder. You’ve planned a goal and have decided to start work. Remember, situational exposure is a bit-by-bit process.
2K notes · View notes
erospandemos · 5 months
Winter's mission
Aespa Winter x Reader
Winter finds your secret diary and most importantly, your secret bucket list. Upon the discovery, she decides to fulfil every possible desire. The problem, however, is that every aspiration revolves around Winter herself.
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Minjeong and you agreed to do a marathon to watch the whole drama you had both been saving up to watch. Your friend came to your house right before lunch so you could start eating with the first episode. It was just like the other times: she promised she wouldn’t get too invested and after two episodes she’d start screaming from frustration when the main leads were this close to kissing but backed away. You’d be laughing and she’d be yelling at you because it was a serious matter.
In the late afternoon, Minjeong got hungry. She begged you to get her favorite snack, the pepero sticks. You bought them two weeks ago and put them somewhere in your kitchen but didn’t remember at all. Still, your friend wanted one thing and one thing only. You tried to refuse but when she showed you her googly eyes and puffed her cheeks, you gave in. She was just too cute.
So you stood up and reluctantly made your way to the kitchen.
However, you made a big mistake by leaving the room without checking the stuff on your table, most notably your diary. Minjeong saw it clearly, the weathered journal peeking out from under a pile of books on the bedside table. She knew it wasn’t a notebook because she’d been your friend long enough to have memorized all your preferences and you were too cheap to buy such a nice diary.
Curiosity piqued, she hesitated for a moment to think if she should do it or not. She chewed her lower lip, with a light sense of guilt. You were gone to find some hidden and forgotten snack, so it should have been long enough—she had enough time. The more she waited, the more dangerous it was. 
Minjeong made up her mind. She lifted the books and took out the notebook. She sat cross-legged on your bed, ready to reveal your secrets. As she contemplated opening it, a rush of adrenaline hit her veins, causing her heart to quicken and her muscles to tense up. She hasn’t even read a single letter yet but sweat was already dripping down her back.
“I probably shouldn't be doing this, but... what's the harm?” she whispered to herself, sighing deeply. “Okay, just a peek. It won’t hurt anyone.”
Minjeong took one last deep breath, her fingers trembling slightly as she started to open the diary. The creak of the leather seemed to echo in the room, she was alone. She started reading the entries, a mix of doodles, random thoughts, and personal reflections. 
Some of the pages only had silly ramblings like how you noticed a game’s sale too late and had to pay 5 dollars more. Minejong giggled lightly but the adrenaline was still there. Her breathing became shallow, her gaze scanning the words on the page. As she flipped through the pages, she stumbled upon an entry that caught her off guard.
She raised her eyebrow as she started reading it: 
SATURDAY 21 OCTOBER, 2023 I’m pretty sure Minjeong is playing with my heart. She’s been acting a lot more touchy lately. She was hugging my arm, hugging me and constantly touching me. She hugged me before as well since we’re friends but it just feels different these days. It’s probably because I’m a boy and she’s a girl. Even if we’ve been friends for a long time, she’s too cute for me to ignore. I think I like her. My heart beats faster when she’s around. I get nervous and fidgety. I’ve never felt like this before. It’s quite weird.
Winter's cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and excitement. Her curiosity took over her, she had to know. She had to know more. 
TUESDAY 7 NOVEMBER, 2023 I almost had a heart attack when I saw Minjeong with someone else. They were acting so friendly and I just felt my heart shrink. I’m not attractive compared to them. Maybe I should go to the gym. But that wouldn’t change my face, would it? Dear Diary, I really really like her.
“Wait, this is all about me?” Minjeong whispered to herself. She skimmed through the stupid entries and found even more pages about herself. She covered her mouth, blushing madly. “Oh my… I had no idea.” She couldn’t help but smile and continue flipping through the pages.
TUESDAY 14 NOVEMBER, 2023 Minjeong is back at it again. I’ve met her eyes a couple of times today and it was simply enchanting. The way her face lit up when our eyes connected mate my heart skipped a beat. She looks honest. Happy and amazing. I wish I could see her eyes every day, see every feeling in her pupils, knowing she wouldn’t be afraid to hide anything from me. Of course, I’d do the same. Minjeong is already a great friend, she’d be a great girlfriend as well. I thought about confessing for the first time. It was really a stupid thought. There is no way someone like her would accept me. I’m just a bum. I don’t even like myself, why would she? Eventually, someone will come and take her away, I just have to accept it. I love you, Minjeong.
WEDNESDAY 22 NOVEMBER, 2023 Am I a pervert for looking at Minjeong’s legs? My eyes were glued to her thighs. Maybe for a couple of minutes. Yeah, that’s definitely too much.
Minjeong glanced down at her shorts and bear legs and suddenly she felt too exposed. She regretted wearing such revealing clothes.
MONDAY 27 NOVEMBER, 2023 I want to love Minjeong properly. She’s such a perfect girl. I want her to feel loved. I’d cuddle and hug her a lot if she was my girlfriend. I daydreamed in class instead of listening to the literature lesson and this thought came to me: Minjeong backhugging me. That’s it. That’s the thought. It was enough to make me a blushing mess. Dear Diary, I have a problem.
Minjeong didn’t feel exposed anymore, she just felt warm and flustered. “You silly…” Minjeong said. She glanced around, making sure no one was watching, then hugged the diary close to her chest. “I never knew you felt this way…”
Fearing that you might be coming back, Minjeong thought that she had read enough and it was time to put it away. She just stood up and was about to put the diary back on the desk when a piece of paper fell out. It looked like it was sandwiched between the hardcover and the last page. She picked it up from the ground and read it.
BUCKET LIST Go on a date with Minjeong (skating?) Watch the starry sky Touch Minjeong’s cheeks Top marks Try skiing Confess Kiss MinHold Minjeong’s hand
Minjeong didn’t have the time to put it away when she heard your steps. She just stuffed the diary under the books and kept the paper in her pocket.
Minejong quickly recollected herself. She straightened out the few messy strands and the wrinkled clothes. She took a deep breath and shook off the agitation, anything could have been suspicious in your eyes. You weren’t dumb—although you weren’t exactly smart either—so Minjeong had to be extra careful. That said, she had to think of a way to put the little paper back in place because surely you would have noticed the next time you were going to write about how fantastic the latest wrestling match you watched was.
“Here you go,” you said, throwing Minjeong the box of pepero. “You had me looking everywhere for those… fortunately they were still good.”
Minjeong smiled, picking up the box from her lap, a natural grin on her small lips. “Thank you, you’re amazing.”
You had no words to reply but only another smile. You exhaled, letting your body drop lifeless on the bed, beside your friend. The episode was still at the 26:56 mark, and you were recollecting what happened previous to the still frame.
“Oh, by the way, I also got a bag of chocolates,” you said. You took the plastic bag you left on the corner of the folded covers. It was full of those little bite-sized chocolates you’d buy to decorate your tables in the living room when someone was coming over during the winter; or for a bunch of kids. But you got the smaller version, which also cost a couple of bucks more because it was of “fine quality”.
“No way!” she said, letting go of the pepero, forgotten like it never meant anything to her. You looked at the Oreo-looking box and blinked a few times. Why did it feel so relatable?
“You know I love chocolate!” she exclaimed.
“Yeah, that’s exactly why I bought it,” you said. 
When you pressed the space bar on your laptop and the episode restarted, the room fell into a comfortable silence. You could only hear the dialogues coming from the speakers and Minjeong cutely munching on her peperos. You were grinning widely, having more fun staring at the hamster beside you than the scenes on the screen themselves.
Minjeong on the other hand, wasn’t exactly happy. Sure, the joy from her discovery was still lingering in her mind but so was the shock. The crunchy sticks of chocolate and biscuit took the roles of her nails, on which she nervously munched without stop, box after box. She would steal glances at you from time to time, and seeing you smile so happily, laughing and passionately talking to her, made her feel things she had never felt before.
She wasn’t sure if it was indigestion or butterflies in her stomach, but the thing was, Minjeong couldn’t focus on the screen at all. Her mind was still processing the revelations from the secret diary, she tried to act nonchalant, and fortunately, you couldn’t see her well, but her cheeks were betraying a faint blush.
“The cat is so round, it looks like a bag of potatoes, don’t you think?” you laughed.
“Y-yeah,” she whispered. Winter cleared her throat, “So, what do you think will happen next in the drama?”
“What do you mean? They’re like—they’re gonna kiss. Look at the romantic tension. I bet it’s gonna be a cliffhanger.”
“Right, right…” Minjeong continued to stare at the screen. Didn’t the protagonists kinda look like you and her…? She swore they were very similar at that moment. Somehow she could see herself in the shoes of the girl, while you could have been the protagonist, with that manly shoulders and features—ehem—you had the same eyes. Yes, that’s exactly what Minjeong was thinking, or at least, that’s what she wanted to think.
The protagonists, Ji-hoon and Soo-mi, stood close, their eyes filled with emotions, concealed, to the point of overflowing. Just like her and you.  Ji-hoon tenderly reached out, cupping Soo-mi's face in his hands. With a soft smile, he gently brushed a loose strand of hair from her forehead, his touch lingering. His fingers looked very gentle, you always have been gentle too, maybe if it was you doing, it would feel… 
“What?!” The girl squirmed lightly, suddenly feeling overwhelmingly self-aware. The romantic scene felt really closer than usual and her facade was slowly falling.
“I think it’s about to happen,” you said, still keeping your eyes attached to the screen. “They’re gonna kiss, I feel it.”
“Uh,” Minjeong started, terribly awkward. “These romantic scenes are always so... uh, intense, right?
“What do you…” you turned around and saw her heated cheeks. You looked at her and raised an eyebrow. The corner of her mouth twitched. “You're blushing, Minjeong. Are you sure you're okay?”
“Me? Blushing?” she fumbled. “No, I'm perfectly fine. It's just... you know, the drama.”
On the screen, the air crackled with tension as Ji-hoon kept cupping Soo-mi's face, his eyes searching hers for consent. Without words, their lips finally met in a tender yet passionate kiss. Time seemed to stand still as the world faded away, leaving only the sweet symphony of their hearts and the intoxicating warmth of the embrace.
Minjeong was watching everything but the kiss. 
“You're not usually this flustered,” you observed. Minjeong’s behavior was really weird. You looked back at the screen and it all looked normal. They were in their slowed-down shot with the ballad in the background.
“Yeah, well, it's just a really good episode,” she said, avoiding eye contact at all costs. You tried to look at her by bending down and tilting your head but likewise, she turned around to avoid you. It looked strange but you just continued to watch the drama, accepting her answer.
As the episode concluded, Minjeong heaved a silent sigh of relief. She attempted to divert attention by reaching for more snacks, hoping to distract both herself and you from the lingering awkwardness.
You continue to the next episode. 
You turned around and tried to get one of the snacks that were on her side. As you stretched, your hand brushed against Minjeong’s thigh. At the touch, she jolted with a loud gasp. It was like you sent a shock through her body.
“Oops, sorry about that,” you said apologetically, retrieving the box to your side.
“N-no problem at all,” she stammered.
You continued to watch without thinking much of it but Minjeong was completely on the edge. When you shifted and adjusted yourself, your leg would accidentally brush against hers. Or when you wanted to take the water bottle and you’d hug her shoulder by mistake. The blush on her cheeks continued to grow and she started to want to get out of there.
Your touches continued, all the ones that you were both accustomed to before, now sent a ripple of flustered nerves through Minjeong. 
Eventually, the episodes ended and you came to the end of the drama. Minjeong’s nerves finally relaxed. You helped her gather her things and after chatting for a while, you bid her goodbye. You insisted on bringing her home, especially since it was quite late but she didn’t want to hear any of it and ran outside.
Minjeong slept well that night. She had all sorts of dreams and fantasies—was someone in the hallway, they’d think an actress was rehearsing for her future role. When she woke up, however, it was another story. Thanks to the newly found clarity of mind, the realization hit her harder than ever.
You liked her.
You! You.
You liked her.
Minjeong sighed and sat up on the bed.
She liked you.
Yes, she.
She liked you.
Now she had two options: either ignore it, act like nothing happened, which was both the easiest and hardest choice she could take; or deal with it. Minjeong didn’t like the idea of ignoring what she found. It would be like playing with your feelings. Really, you confessed indirectly, she has read all of your honest words, letter by letter, and now knew all of your feelings. You confessed to her. 
But she also didn’t want to talk to you about it. Because, well, it was embarrassing. 
What if you didn’t feel ready for a relationship? Maybe your journal was an outlet for your stress where you poured out all of your feelings knowing full well you couldn’t be with her.
Maybe it wasn’t a journal, maybe it was a fictional diary that you were writing. Like some sort of diary of a wimpy kid but for lovers.
Maybe you were writing about another girl. You knew that someone could have found your diary, just like Minjeong did, so you used another name. You could have been in some sort of Romeo and Juliet type of affair and the repercussions could have been deadly.
Minjeong was just making stuff up at this point. Let’s face it, you were just a normal person and what she read were real journal entries. 
She sighed heavily. “Why?! Why did I…” she yelled. Minjeong closed her eyes and remembered your words—how sweet they were, how honest and meaningful—then shook her head. “It’s better this way.”
The piece of paper was still on the desk, crumbled and waiting. She got up and held it in her hand, skimming through your bucket list again.
BUCKET LIST Go on a date with Minjeong (skating?) Watch the starry sky Touch Minjeong’s cheeks Try skiing Top marks Confess Kiss MinHold Minjeong’s hand
She just ignored your last desire—the crossed-out line was still pretty readable but it was too embarrassing right now. You have helped her a lot until now, making most of the dreams from her bucket list come true. Yet, she has never had the chance to pay you back. Minjeong thought carefully and realized that this was the perfect occasion. She liked you so she would have liked it too and if you didn’t want to get into a relationship with her, at least she could fulfill a couple of your desires.
Minjeong clutched the paper with determinatione; it was her mission.
Objective 1: Secure the date
When Minjeong made up her mind and got up, two steps from the door of the room, she realized one thing: she had never been on a date. Such a pretty girl like Minjeong should have been asked out at least ten times by now. Especially since she wasn’t exactly shy or intimidating. And truly she had been asked out, but she never accepted. She’d say she had to focus on her studies, or that she wasn’t ready, or that it wasn’t the age for that kind of thing.
Minjeong turned while holding her chin, her eyebrow furrowed in deep thought. She had a location—the skating ring—that was a starter. But now, what do you do on a date? Minjeong tried to recall all the dramas she had watched: maybe she’d get some sort of idea. She has watched plenty of shows, surely there was something useful.
Characters would usually kiss each other ‘accidentally’ for example. Minjeong tried to imagine the scene: you and her walking in the frozen streets, her tripping and falling in your arms… some kids bumping into you, your lips brushing against her in a split second. Minejong started to blush terribly. “No, no, no, that’s not good,” she shook her head to get the thought out of her mind.
She was definitely overthinking this. You probably didn’t know any better than her and couples don’t really prepare that much before a date—it had to be natural. Minjeong decided to call you. There was a skating ring opened in the city during that period so that was the right occasion. 
She gripped her phone, inhaled and exhaled. “Just hanging out,” she pointed out. “That’s right, don’t stress Minjeong, it’s just a hangout between friends.” 
After Minjeong decided what to say and prepared all the possible dialogue options, which took about half an hour, she dialed your number and called. She couldn’t even calm her mind that you already picked up.
“Hello?” you asked.
“Hey,” Minjeong answered.
“Oh, Minjeong, how are you? Why are you calling me?”
“Well, I’ve got an idea for you.”
Minjeong swallowed her saliva. “How about we go skating at the ice rink? They opened it in the city center, I think it would be fun.”
“Skating, huh? Uhm… well, I’ve been thinking about it,” you said, you’ve been really thinking about it. It was such a weird coincidence that Minjeong asked you about it. However, “I haven’t done that in ages. Are you sure I won’t end up flat on my back?” You didn’t want to make a fool out of yourself in front of your crush.
Minjeong laughed jokingly. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back… or, well, I’ve got your back if you do fall. But trust me, you’ll learn pretty quick.”
“Sounds tempting, but I’m not really convinced.”
“Come on, we’ll have fun. They also sell hot chocolate and crepes. I’ll buy it for you if you come!”
“Free food? Okay, you’ve convinced me. When do you wanna see each other?”
“How about Saturday? We should both be free.”
“Sounds good. Alright, thanks, see ya.”
As soon as she hung up, Minjeong started jumping around like a maniac. She felt like she was a kid again, so excited and happy. She just forgot to tell you at what time to come. Whatever. She could have texted the time later. Plans were just going as planned.
The plans did not go as planned.
Objective 2: Find a replacement
Minjeong spent her whole morning preparing for the date. She looked at all the possible cafés and restaurants and food places you two could go to in case you got hungry. Then she looked at all the possible outfits she had in her wardrobe. She called her friend, Karina to help her decide the clothes. They ended up giggling and talking for about 5 hours about Minjeong’s story with you and Karina’s love interest. 
In the end, they decided to go for the simplest sweater and pants they could find. It was to “not hide Minjeong’s natural beauty” as Karina put it. Whatever that meant.
You met right at the entrance of the city. You were already waiting there. 
You found it hard to recognize Minjeong. She was bundled up in a big cozy scarf, a huge hat, and big gloves. The jacket was also quite thick, making her look like a snowman. You knew Karina didn’t let her go out of the house before dressing her up properly. You smiled, she looked very cute.
The both of you made your way to the ice ring talking about uni, friends, work, and so on. Being with Minjeong was always a pleasure as you could confide in each other about whatever problem or worry you had.
Hand in hand, you scrolled through the city, the subtle crunch of snow beneath your feet providing a serene soundtrack. There were a lot of people on the street. You came early but the sky was already starting to darken. 
When you reached the ice rink, you gulped. Minjeong instead, was extremely excited. You paid for the skate shoes, slipped them in, and stepped on the ice. 
The ice beneath your skates glistened brightly, it felt like ice, ready to crack, ready to swallow you in case you fell and gave in to the demons of the cold. Minjeong was still excited. She was already laughing while looking at the small kids tumble down the ice like bowling pins. 
Wrapped in the warmth of your scarf and being alongside Minjeong, provided you enough confidence and comfort to aid your attempt. You stepped slowly, your legs shaking. Your friend held your hand and guided you through the edge of the ring until you found the right rhythm to continue on your own.
Your confidence grew, maybe too much, and you tried to make a tight turn and slipped. Your heart skipped a beat and your life flashed before your eyes. Fortunately Minjeong, with lighting reflexes, reached out and grabbed you. 
“Oh my god, thank you Minjeong, you saved my life.”
“Be more careful!” she laughed.
After the incident, you started to be more careful and continued skating. 
At one point, tiny snowflakes began to fall down the sky, soft and gentle. Both you and Minjeong started smiling brightly, thinking it looked like a scene from a romance movie. It really looked like what you’ve always dreamt of, skating with Minjeong under the snow.
The snowfall intensified, turning the ice rink into a snowy spectacle. It added a layer of magic to their already enchanting evening, and you continued to skate with carefree joy, leaving behind a trail of swirling snowflakes. However, as the snowfall grew heavier, the twinkling lights began to fade, and a voice over the speakers announced the temporary closure of the rink for safety reasons.
Minjeong panicked. She couldn’t end the date this way. 
“Isn’t that a shame?” you said, walking away from the ice ring. “Well, I still had fun nonetheless, thank you for today, Minjeong.”
“Wait, wait,” she interrupted you. “Uhm, it’s still pretty early, wanna go back to my place?”
“Heh? Well, why not? Wanna order out?”
“Yeah, that’s fine by me.”
“Then let’s go.” Good job, Minjeong.
Objective 3: Look at the sky
You entered the pitch-black living room and turned on the lights. The room was well-lighted but still felt small and comfy, it probably was the darkness from outside the window. You glanced at Minjeong as she folded a blanket and tossed it over the back of the sofa. The air held a chill, a reminder that winter had firmly settled outside the confines of your makeshift refuge. 
She nonchalantly dropped a stack of DVDs onto the coffee table, the worn covers hinting at countless movie nights spent in this room. Minjeong leaned over the desk, planting her hands on the edge. Minjeong's gaze shifted to you, What do you feel like watching?"
I shrugged, my gaze scanning the room as if the answer lay hidden in the faded wallpaper. "Anything. Surprise me." She picked a random DVD, its label scratched and worn. She put the disc into the blueray reader and grabbed the remote. The sofa creaked as Minjeong plopped down, patting the cushion next to her. "Grab a blanket. It's gonna get colder."
You complied, dragging a fuzzy throw from the back of a nearby chair. You two draped yourselves in layers of warmth, settling into the groove of the well-worn sofa cushions. The silence enveloped you, a familiar companion that required no words.
Halfway through the movie, however, Minjeong looked at the sky: it stopped snowing. It was like the snow had purged all the previous filth between the clouds and smog and left it a pure black, only decorated by the glowing stars. Minjeong kept slapping at your leg and pointing at the sky until you turned around and the view stunned you.
Objective 4: Hold that hand
“Wow…” your friend whispered.
“Yep,” you said back. The two of you continued to watch the sky, while Kung Fu Panda 2 was becoming noise in the background and your conversation shifted to the sight. You raised an arm, pointing at the bright dots.
“You know, the color of a star indicates its temperature,” you said. “Hotter stars appear blue or white, while cooler ones look red.”
“How is it red if it’s colder?” Minjeong said, puzzled.
“It’s about the waves of light emitted. To put it simply, cooler stars emit less blue light so they look red.”
Minjeong smiled, “That's interesting, but you know, in astrology, stars, and their positions also play a significant role. I'm a Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, and it says a lot about my personality.”
As soon as you heard the word ‘astrology’ you sighed heavily and rolled your eyes, sliding down the sofa. Minjeong has already filled your head with that stuff to the brim. Whenever she had time or whenever she bought a magazine from the news kiosk, she’d start reading the entire thing of the signs, you don’t even remember what it was called.
“Astrology, Minjeong? Seriously?”
Your friend furrowed her eyebrows from annoyance and spoke defensively, “What? It's fascinating! Capricorns are disciplined, ambitious, and practical. I mean, doesn't that sound like me?”
“Disciplined? Sure. But practical?” you laughed. “You're the one who believes in star signs.”
“Well, you're just a typical Capricorn skeptic. But I bet you secretly find it intriguing.”
You chuckled and shook your head. You two laughed it off and the silence resumed. After a brief moment, where your breaths signed the passing of time, you noticed Minjeong’s glow in the dark. Your heart fluttered as you watched her profile against the moonlight. Sometimes you forget your true feelings for your friend, but they always come back. 
You sighed while turning back to the sky. “It's such a beautiful night, isn't it?” you whispered, masking the true meaning of your words because you weren’t really talking about the night. Both of you talked in codes, not on purpose but none of you could be honest. You were too scared of her possible answer and Minjeong was too scared to lose you.
“Yeah, it is,” she said softly. As you continued stargazing in comfortable silence, her mind swirled with a mixture of emotions. The recent revelations from your secret diary still lingered in her thoughts, and her unspoken feelings were twisting and turning inside her. 
Her hand slowly crept up near you, a subconscious action maybe, a planned incident perhaps; but it was the perfect occasion. You felt her touch and didn’t think twice to hold her hand. The initial contact, when your fingers intertwine, sends a wave of warmth through you. The touch is surprisingly intimate, it felt like a bridge between Minjeong and you. In a way, her feelings were coursing through you.
Objective 5: Spill it out
“Today was perfect,” you say. Minjeong silently watches you with a soft smile. “You know, I’ve always been dreaming of this moment. To watch the stars with you…” your air suddenly blocked in your throat, “Well, I—” “I already know.”
“I already knew it. That you wanted to watch the stars—and that you wanted to go skating… with me.”
You opened your mouth to ask her how but Minjeong was faster and pulled out the crumbled piece of paper, the title ‘BUCKET LIST’ was still visible. You panicked, your eyes flicking between her stupidly satisfied smile and your embarrassing, horribly written list of desires.
You gulped and started talking, stuttering, mumbling every word, “S-so did you see the di-diary?”
“Oh my god… I wanna die.”
“No, wait—”
“Forget everything Minjeong, no, well, you obviously can’t,” you blurted out, you didn’t know what to say anymore. “I’m sorry you had to read that. It was gross. I’m going to move out of the country, buy tickets, pack things, you’ll forget about me and I’ll start my new life—”
“I like you too!”
“What did you just say?” you stopped and looked at her with wide eyes.
Minjeong's admission hung in the air, and for a moment, the only sound between you two was the soft rustling of the crumpled bucket list paper in her hands. Your eyes widened, locked onto hers, searching for any sign of jest or misdirection, but all you found was true sincerity. Her pupils stared at you, eagerly waiting for your answer.
"You... you like me too?" you stammered, hesitant and scared that you might have heard the wrong words.
Minjeong nodded, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "Yes. I like you. I read your list, and it wasn't gross. It was... endearing. Honestly, it made my heart race a little."
A nervous laugh escaped your lips, a mixture of relief and newfound anxiety. "I thought I'd scared you away with that stuff."
Minjeong chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Not at all. It made me realize we share the same dreams, the same desires. I've been wanting to do those things too, you know?"
The weight of uncertainty lifted, replaced by a warmth that settled deep within. You felt a connection, a shared vulnerability that made the revelation less daunting. "So... what does this mean?" you asked, your voice soft.
She leaned in, her gaze unwavering. "It means we don't have to dream about those things anymore. We can make them happen together."
A grin broke across your face, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. "Yeah, together."
Minjeong's hand found yours, and this time, it wasn't just for a casual touch but a deliberate, reassuring connection. The stars above seemed to twinkle in approval as you both sat there, hand in hand, in the quiet realization that your shared dreams weren't just fantasies on a crumpled piece of paper anymore—they were possibilities waiting to unfold.
“There’s still a last wish on that list I can fulfill…” Minjeong whispered. She took a deep breath and went for it. 
She kissed you.
Minjeong's eyes, soft and inviting, met yours, and at that moment, the world outside faded into insignificance. 
"I've been wanting to do this," Minjeong whispered, her voice a delicate murmur that hung in the space between you. Her fingers grazed the side of your face, a feather-light touch that sent a shiver down your spine. The proximity between you became charged, the magnetic pull undeniable.
You didn't need words. The unspoken agreement lingered in the air, and with a gentle tilt of her head, Minjeong closed the distance. The first brush of her lips against yours felt like the tentative caress of a butterfly's wings, a delicate exploration that spoke volumes. It was a moment of hesitancy and boldness, a dance between vulnerability and longing.
You didn’t say anything else, the look in your and her eyes understood each other perfectly and you kissed again. The first one was a quick peck, a mix of fear and sudden braveness. The second one was the overflow of your feelings, a long and deep kiss, a slow fusion of warmth and connection. 
The world outside might have continued its relentless pace, but within the embrace of that kiss, time became elastic, bending to the rhythm of your shared heartbeat. It was a stolen moment, a stolen kiss, and yet, it felt like something long overdue, as if the universe itself had conspired to bring your lips together in this tender collision.
When the kiss finally broke, your lips naturally curled into a large smile while she hid under the blanket from the embarrassment. Minjeong emerged only a moment later, red and flustered. “Uhm, I wasn’t too bad, right? That was my first kiss…”
“It was my first too, and no, it wasn’t bad. It was amazing,” you said honestly. “I just like how I dreamed.”
Minjeong and you laughed together. This was just the start of the many more desires you two would fulfil together.
Mission completed
Written, 03 December 2023 - 14 December 2023
474 notes · View notes
xzaddyzanakinx · 2 months
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Four: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, one-sided relationship, sexual content, pervy behavior, male masturbation, panty kink, sex daydreams [eventual warning for smut; be sure to pay attention to future warnings in the series]
Info: Anakin is doing his very best, he just loves you and wants you to be comfy around him. Just let him worm his way into your heart babe [diary entries from Ani] extremely not proofread. I’m illiterate so apologies in advance MDNI 18+
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Diary Entry: July 8th
Mr. Nelson’s funeral was today, it really was a beautiful ceremony as I look back on it. Even more so when my inner self smears the background enough to bring you to the front of the mental image.
You’d spoken to the man a handful of times, but I didn’t expect you to come. When I saw you accept the invite to the event on Facebook I thought surely it was a mistake. That was until you messaged Luke and asked him to accompany you, funerals make you nervous, but feeling obligated to do something and avoiding it makes you more nervous.
So your moral support was happy to attend and fight off dear old Alan’s corpse should he rise from the casket and set his sights on you.
And I though I had irrational fears, geez babydoll, how old were you when you watched Night of The Living Dead for the first time? If I had to guess it was too young. It’s alright though I get it, you know what movie traumatized me? The Mummy. Heebied my fucking Jeebies so bad I avoided the beach on family vacations.
You’re telling me there’s not a sarcophagus under all that sand? There’s at least one under there and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Solid ground for me only, please and thank you.
I had a thought that I initially considered to be a sweet reminder of my dear friend Alan. His obituary was in the newspaper and I happened to swipe one from the guest book table at the viewing as well. Have you ever scrapbooked before? I bet you’ve at least tried it.
Well I thought it would be nice to make him a page in my journal. A little celebration of life for the man who gave me an opportunity to grow and nurture my love for you.
Then I realized mid-glue stick on the newspaper clipping that the idea was something that a clinically insane person would do.
I’m not that guy. That guy’s not me.
But the glue was already on there and it felt wrong to toss Alan’s wrinkly old face into the trash so I pasted him into my journal anyway.
Crazy people don’t know that they’re crazy. I’m well aware that little idea was less than tasteful, just felt like I should mention that.
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July 28th
Anakin Skywalker hadn’t been this happy since… ever. The previous record being his discovery of you, was now toppled into second place and overshadowed by ‘Move In Day’.
He could hardly contain himself. It was a dopamine high that he would ride out until he’d drained every last drop.
The movers lugged in box after box, furniture and books, until finally they dropped off the last load and thanked Anakin for the business. He eagerly shook their hand and shoved them out. He had preparations to make.
He set up his Tv, screen mirroring the live feed of the apartment building entrance to the big screen so that he could easily keep an eye out for you while he unpacked his kitchen.
He’d planned your ‘meet-cute’ meticulously, looking to your bookshelf and streaming services to gather intel on your ideal scenario. You were an odd bird, but he liked that about you. It’s part of your charm, it’s part of the challenge. You’re not as predictable in your tastes and interests as others can be.
Anakin formulated the interaction step by step, frame by frame in the storyboard of his imagination until he had the perfect scene. His box office hit that he’d replay over and over again until the next time he stood face to face with you.
It took quite some time and a load of practice. Discarded dialogue, awkward movements that made him feel stiff and less than human when he practiced them in the mirror. Endless options of clothes, shoes, and hair.
Should he get a new piercing? He wanted to. So he did, he knew you’d like it.
It’d match the one he already had on the opposite nostril. It made him feel more complete to add something so permanent to his body, he wished he could do something similar with you. He wanted you to be permanent, so maybe it’s his subconscious’s way of telling him that this was going in the right direction.
He was on the right path. His journey of life alone was coming to a close and a new trail would reveal itself. No more rocky, unsteady tread. No more sharp turns and blind spots, no more impossible inclines.
Scraped knees and bloodied hands would be distant memories. Maybe even distant enough that he could toss them into The Pit.
He would have no need for anger or sorrow anymore.
How could he feel anything but the warm embrace of love as he strolled down the flowered path ahead with you?
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Who knew that you could position one box in 83 different ways and hate every single one of them? Anakin was so thankful there weren’t any actual surveillance cameras in the apartment building. It’d be really difficult to explain why he was in the hallway for an hour with his hands on his hips, scooting a box of books a centimeter or two at a time. Turning it sideways and then making sure the book on top was perfectly positioned and would effectively fall to the ground to catch your attention.
He checked his watch nonstop, stared at his Tv screen, willing you to just hurry the fuck up before he vomited from anxiety. He’d waited months for this. If he fucked it up now he’d… well he’d probably keel over on the spot.
Which would promptly traumatize you and not even his ghost would be able to peacefully haunt you. It’s hard to peacefully haunt someone if they watched you die, or at least Anakin assumed it would be difficult. He wasn’t willing to test that theory though.
So, he puffed up his chest and walked back into his apartment and rehearsed the upcoming conversation a few more times. He needed, desperately needed to ensure his facial expressions conveyed what he wanted.
Soft, trustworthy, dependable, safe, caring.
He practiced softening his eyes, knowing sometimes he stared alittle too hard. He worked on his facial fidget; chewing on the inside of his cheek was a quick tell of his nervousness. He didn’t want to be perceived as nervous, he wanted to be confident and sure of himself so that you would be confident in your soon to blossom affection for him.
His eyebrows, that’s a hard one, but he’d meticulously watched bar goers trying to flirt. The successful ones he learned, sometimes use their eyebrows in place of questions or words. A difficult concept, but one he studied until he mastered it.
Now, the other facial expressions and mannerisms… he gathered that information from your watch lists on your streaming services. For the visible examples at least, but your books were just as helpful in describing how he should approach you, speak to you, and simply exist near you.
He hadn’t realized these things were this important until now. Standing and posture was surprisingly very, very important to women. As well as hand movements and subtle glances and minuscule changes of expression.
You were worth the time and effort it took to learn all of it. He’d read and research and practice until he couldn’t stand to look at himself in the mirror any longer. He was determined to make sure you were happy with the results.
He was startled by a loud ping, someone had entered to building and holy shit it was you.
Anakin shook out his hands frantically, remembering the breathing techniques he’d learned as a child, he grounded himself quickly.
It’s okay.
‘She’s gonna love you. She’ll warm up to you quickly, you know everything you need to know about her to make her comfortable and loved.’
‘There’s no way she won’t fall head over heels.’
He smoothed out his band-tee and ran his hands through his hair quickly and headed to his door that was propped open slightly. A few boxes sat in the hall, including the most important one, the one instrumental to his plan.
The apartment hallway was ridiculously tiny, which worked in his favor in this situation.
He heard you come up the stairs, counted your steps until he knew you were almost at the door, 17 and a half steps. Then he swung open the door and bent down to grab one of the boxes.
As expected, he startled you and you dropped your keys. You always wore your backpack on one shoulder, one strap. So when you quickly went to scoop up your keys, your bag swung out of place and toppled a few books from one of the boxes.
Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Anakin could gloat to himself about his magnificent setup later, right now he needed to woo you with his sweet words.
“Oh, sweetheart I’m sorry.” He said softly, coming over to offer you a hand up.
“It’s okay, my bad.” You laughed, taking his hand.
He managed to keep calm and collected despite his insides boiling him alive at the willing skin contact.
“No, not at all. It’s my fault for startling you like that.” He chuckled, squeezing your upper arm and using his hand already in yours to give you a small handshake. Smooth.
“I’m Anakin.” He said with a bashful smile, dropping your hand and reveling in the lingering warmth your palm left on his.
You introduced yourself in return, gesturing to his apartment door.
“So I take it that you’re my new neighbor huh?” You said, making small talk as you crouched down to pick up the books you’d knocked over.
“No I’m just a one man moving crew.” He grinned.
“Very funny.” You laughed, standing up as you looked through the titles. “Hmm, you’ve got good taste.”
“You think so?” He asked, remembering to make his eyebrows swoop up toward the middle of his forehead to give a quizzical look.
“Oh yeah, this is one of my favorites.” You said, showing him the cover of The Silmarillion by Tolkien.
“Not many people actually read that one, I’m impressed.” He smiled.
“Impressed? Yeah well I’m jealous.” You laughed.
“What?” He chuckled, holding his hands out to take the other books from you.
“This is a really nice edition, it’s similar to mine. I recently lost it.” You sighed. “I think I must’ve left it the park or maybe it fell out of my bag or something.”
“Ah, that sucks… well, I mean I’ve read that one a few times now. It’s been well loved.” He said tipping the books in his arms toward the one you were holding. “Why don’t you keep it?”
He shrugged, acting nonchalant as though this didn’t mean the entire world to him and if you said no he’d sob about it later.
“You’re serious?” You asked in surprise, he was offering you a 50$ special edition book and you’d barely known him for a minute.
“Yeah, ‘course sweetheart.” He said with a cute, crooked smile. “Think of it as a… reverse house warming gift.” He chuckled.
“Thank you, I- this means a lot to me.” You said, grinning widely. “That’s real sweet of you Anakin. I owe you one.”
“No worries.” He chuckled, “I’m sure we’ll find a way to make it even sweetheart.” His gaze flickered quickly from your eyes to your lips, and he turned to go back into his apartment after giving you an almost-missed wink.
You stepped inside your home, and went straight to the bookshelf to put your new-to-you book where it belonged. After the fact you stood there and buffered, just staring at it.
‘There’s no way, this guy has to be too good to be true.’
But he seemed… so genuine. He didn’t ogle you, he didn’t make you feel weird or like he just felt obligated to speak to you.
He seemed to actually, really be a good guy.
Rare. Few and far of those exist in this day and age. It’s uncommon to meet someone who would do something, even as simple as giving you a used book, without expecting anything in return.
But he didn’t seem to expect anything. He didn’t seem to even expect a thank you, it was like he’d already decided he would give it to you before he even offered.
What are the odds that a hot, tattooed and pierced man moves in next door and gifts you an expensive book that just so happens to be an even better replacement for the one that you just lost? That couldn’t happen twice even if you tried to make it happen again.
What kind of second dimension did you step into? The land of dreamy men?
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Diary Entry: July 28th
It’s late. But I have to write to you, it can’t wait til tomorrow.
Everything went more perfectly than I could’ve imagined. Thank you so much for being you sweet girl. It made my job of curating the scenery so much easier, you clumsy little thing. I am sorry for having to spook you though, but it worked didn’t it?
Research pays off. Always.
And of course there’s the issue of your book, I hated to see your frustration and your mad scowl when you realized it was missing from your backpack. I really did.
But I’d do it every goddamn day if I knew I’d get the same reaction out of you from giving you that new copy.
Oh god you’re… you’re beautiful. You’re so beautiful. You look angelic when you sleep but you look like competition for Aphrodite when you smile at me.
You smiled, grinned. You smiled all the way up to the corners of your bright and beautiful eyes. For me.
You even laughed for me.
It was so sweet I could taste it. The honey of your voice, I could fucking bathe in it. Just the sound of you speaking, knowing you were speaking to me. Really speaking to me.
In the flesh.
It’s intoxicating. It’s emboldening, it’s dangerous. I’ve never been more worked up in my life. I’m torn all to pieces from at two minute and 6 second conversation.
I think I’ll have to fucking recover from this like a damn hangover.
But what has me so drunk you might ask? Was it your laugh at my stupid jokes? Was it your perfect smile, your radiant glow, your soulful eyes? The softness of your skin or you willingness to let me touch you?
No baby. It’s how you said my name.
I wish I could’ve stayed longer, I wish I could’ve spoken to you more. But it’s so hard to concentrate when my dick is leaking precum down my leg at a rate that should probably be concerning.
The minute you closed that door I shoved those boxes into my apartment and locked the door. Took my elated ass straight to the couch and watched you in your living room, admiring your gift from me while I fucked my fist with a pair of your dirty panties in my mouth.
I couldn’t have your honeyed lips soothing my angry red cock just yet, but I sure as hell could imagine licking your gorgeous little cunt while I tasted you.
I tugged my balls and pumped my cock for over half an hour until I was a fucking mess for you in my new living room’s floor. The cool hardwood letting the heat from my flushed skin seep away from me as I came back down to earth.
I made myself dizzy. Didn’t give myself a break, didn’t slow down, just stroked my cock like the desperate little manwhore that I am for you. The only thing missing was you being there to watch me fall apart.
I think you’d like that wouldn’t you? Watching a man like me get on his knees and beg for you?
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Diary Entry: July 29th
I’ve replayed that moment in my head for hours on end. The beginning always stays the same, but the ending… that’s been subject to many changes. It started off simple, we’d chat alittle longer, I’d ask you how your day was; you’d tell me it was ‘fine, thank you’.
Or you’d ask me why I decided to move in, why I chose this side of town, this side of town, this apartment building, across from you. That one always ended questionably and I’d rather not explore that one on paper.
My favorites however were the ones where you’d laugh at a stupid pick-up line and somehow we’d end up in your bed. The bed I’ve sat and watched you sleep in. Those were the best additions.
Now, I’ve been fortunate enough that you’ve been loyal, faithful and devoted to only me since the very beginning. So I don’t really have a clue what you’d actually be like in bed.
But god it’s so fun to imagine it.
You’ve got such pretty, soft skin. You let me mar it up with my teeth and soothe it with my tongue. You let me grip the pillowy flesh of your thighs to spread you open for me. You let me pinch and roll and pull your nipples until they were raw and begging for a break. You let me caress the sensitive slick covered folds between those beautiful pussy lips, plunge my fingers in as far as they’d go.
I took you from behind, watching your perky little ass bounce off my cock while I plowed into you. Your face smushed against the couch cushions and your body folded over the arm rest for me to fuck you like the good little girl that you are.
Against the wall with your arms around my neck while I’ve got my hands holding you spread open and in place by the crook of your knees. You promised you stay real still so that I could drill up into you like you deserved.
God damn. Do you know how good you look like that? Back arched against the wall, tits jiggling in my face with every thrust. Your legs pushed up and back to the sides of your torso, to pin you in place?
It was like a pretty pink flower had bloomed and spread its buttery smooth petals just for me.
Don’t even get me started on how good you suck cock. Have you ever been told you could be mistaken for a warm, wet Hoover? No? Didn’t think so cause that would be rude as hell, but I bet someone’s thought it before.
(Me. It’s me, I thought that.)
Fuck those soft lips. Fuck that smooth snake of a tongue. Fuck that tight, hot throat that just loves to take a beating from my dick.
Can’t wait to prove my imagination right.
Speaking of, my dick has been beat. Like actually. If one didn’t know any better they’d assume it’s on life support, but I’m a freak of nature. Cumming upwards of 16 times in the span of 40ish hours would probably put a weaker man in a hospital bed. Or maybe a psych ward.
But I am not a weak man even if my dick feels raw. I’d still fuck you if you asked.
I’d be curious to know if I’d be able to stave off cumming longer from all the abuse or if I’d be so fucking sensitive that I wouldn’t make it in half an inch.
Probably the latter.
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Diary Entry: August 2nd
Being so close to you is killing me. Truly it is.
You’ve sunken your claws so deeply into my very soul and you don’t even realize it. It’s torture. To you, I’m just the new guy, nice dude who gave you a book. But to me? You’re my entire world.
I’ve been told I have the personality of a guard dog. Soft and squishy on the inside, dangerous and fierce on the outside. Which I suppose could be true, but really I think it’s for a different reason. For a human, a dog is one small but very impactful blip in your life. But for the dog? You are it’s life.
Am I comparing myself to a dog right now? Yes I am.
I’ll beg for you to throw me the scraps of your affections until you finally toss me a bone.
I’ve been trying my best to give you space. To plan accordingly and in advance. I have our next two interactions simmering on the back burner.
I know that if I go too hard, too fast, you’ll be overwhelmed. That’s the last thing I want. I never want to be the thing that causes you stress, I want to siphon it from you. So, in one week I will set out to help you with a few of your errands and plant a few seeds.
But until then, we have late night snacks and couch chats with Boogie.
I’ve also been doing- you guessed it- more research to do with helpful vitamins and medicines. You’ve responded so well to your SleepyTime tea and since I’ve started making sure your birth control packet is plainly visible in the countertop basket directly beneath that cabinet, you’ve been taking it so well.
I’m so proud of you sweetheart, that’s my girl, look at you taking care of yourself. You’ve done so well in fact, that it’s in my personal opinion that you have earned a very special reward.
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Anakin sat on his couch, the live feed of your living room screen mirrored to his Tv. He was watching you cook dinner, he knew you’d be making a stir fry. He’d seen it in your planner, so he’d taken the liberty of ordering himself the same, it’d be here any minute. As would your good friend Sam.
Anakin had originally burned red hot with jealousy at the thought of you inviting a man over to your apartment, that he hadn’t vetted via social media and a quick drop-in. But he was relieved to discover that Sam was just a girl from your book club.
This wasn’t one of his well thought out plans, this was decided upon this morning after you’d returned from book club. So, he was anxious to see if his hunches served him well. Sam seemed like a punctual gal, at least from what he’d seen on social media and the text messages between the two of you from weeks/months before.
Anakin had the wonderful idea to log into your cell service providers website to pull your deleted messages from their data bank. You really should have better passwords.
The thing he was most worried about was his door dasher arriving on time. It was rare that one was too far off on arrival time, but it would be his shit luck and lack of planning that could ruin this little glimpse of you.
The minutes ticked by and he was alerted to the new motion sensors he’d placed near the LED pathway lights on the paved entrance to the apartment building. He quickly switched over to the hallway feed at the front door, seeing that it was his door dasher.
Damn you Trevor. How dare you get there before Sam.
Not to worry, he’d call for the door code and Anakin wouldn’t answer the first time. It wasn’t much but it would buy him a few seconds.
Though it seemed to be that luck was on his side as it often was when it came to you. Sam was so kind, kind enough to let the delivery guy into the building. Which is technically a security concern but Trevor didn’t seem like the type of guy who’d be able to remember a 6 digit door code.
He was too busy staring at your friends ass to pay attention to the numbers she entered anyway.
The footsteps approached your door and his, Anakin waited until he heard Sam knock on your door before he opened his. Trevor stood patiently as Anakin slowly counted out his tip in cash and thankfully you were quick to let your friend inside. After the exchange was complete Anakin gave you a smile and wave.
He could’ve had a heart attack at the response you gave him.
A flirty little finger waggle and smile.
He had to remind himself to breathe and keep his expression a happy-neutral. He’d hate for you to see his blushing cheeks this early on.
“Have a good night girls.” He said as he closed his door and to his surprise you actually answered.
“You too!”
If he weren’t confident that you were a sweet and loving soul, he’d think you were trying to kill him with the siren song of your voice.
Stir fry had never tasted so fucking good.
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Diary Entry: July 8th
Grocery day baby, here I come.
I love that you’re so predictable. I love that you’re so fucking cute and always try to strong arm your groceries in one trip. I love that it takes at least two good whacks to the trunk of your shitty old Nissan to properly close it.
It’s cute to watch you struggle with it, the annoyed huffs and angry scowl.
I thought you’d combust on the spot once when your paper grocery bag of flour and sugar ripped open and sent a plume of flour up on your black jeans. The parking lot was very empty and I was very glad because I’d hate for someone to have seen the cursing contest you had with yourself as you picked up your spilled items. Very unladylike you know. But it’s you so I don’t mind, I just like to hear you talk.
It’s almost time. I’ve been sitting in my car for about 10 minutes. Gotta account for the traffic on highway 76. Do you really have to shop all the way out there just because of the Whole Foods? C’mon baby they have the same shit at Kroger.
I’ve been watching your little blue dot on my phone and you’re rounding the corner so I’ll write you later doll.
I love you.
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You pulled into the parking lot and sat in your car for a moment. Giving yourself the much need quiet to decompress from your work day and the grocery trip. After you’d checked your messages and scrolled for a moment you decided it was time to head inside before your frozen foods got… not so frozen.
You popped the trunk and fumbled with the faulty latch, your fingers feeling blindly under the metal lip until it finally detached and you were able to open the trunk.
You took a deep breath and scolded yourself for buying the extra few things that could’ve waited till next time. Second trips are for wimps and you weren’t one. So you loaded up your left arm bag by bag until you heard a humored puff of air and the beep of a car locking behind you.
“Need a hand sweetheart?” Anakin grinned, shoving his keys into his front pocket.
He waltzed over and took a few bags off your hands without waiting for a response. It took you aback, not because he hadn’t waited for permission, but because of the way he exuded an odd charm that made you falter.
“Anakin, really it’s alright I can get it.” You said, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion by his kind gesture.
“Mmm no, this seems like a two man mission sweet girl.” He smiled, gathering up a few the last few bags from the trunk and shutting it with one solid push.
“You really don’t have to-“
“I know I don’t have to.” He said tilting his head toward the apartment building to encourage you to walk with him. “I want to.”
“Thank you, that’s… thanks.” You smiled, a light blush creeping across your cheeks.
“Atta girl.” He chuckled, tapping in the door code and holding it open for you despite holding many more bags than you.
Something about the low tone of voice or maybe just the way he looked at you with his icey blue eyes… just sent a chill down your spine. A quick one that was gone in an instant, replaced by a warm glow in the center of your chest.
“Guess chivalry’s not dead.” You joked.
“I’m no knight.” He laughed, “but you’re sure as hell a princess.”
‘Oh that was smooth.’ You thought, trying to ignore the heat at the bottom of your stomach.
What is happening? How on earth can one man be so… everything? Kind, caring, chivalrous and gorgeous to boot.
You felt a wave of embarrassment at the squeaky giggle you let out. He had you tore up from one little comment.
True to the gentleman he seemed to be, he chose not to push it and tease you about your beet red cheeks. He just waited patiently for you as you unlocked your door.
“Do you want me to bring these in for you?” He asked, watching your movements closely.
“Oh that would be great.” You said in relief, leading him into your kitchen.
“Cute little place.” He said, looking around the kitchenette and over to the living room.
He sat down your bags on the counter and started unloading them neatly into rows.
“Oh, you-“
“Mmm mmm.” He shook his head with a smirk, “Just let me help, it’s no big deal.”
You let out a puff of air in an amused sort of amazement and pulled out your little step stool to open up the cabinets. Anakin snickered from behind you as you stepped up and started putting things away.
You shot him a glare over your shoulder and almost said something snarky until you realized he was folding your paper grocery bags in the same way that you always do.
“Huh.” You laughed. “I thought I was the only one who did that.”
“Did what?” He asked, his head cocked to the side.
“Fold the bags.” You said, turning back around to continue placing your things where they belonged.
“Oh,” he chuckled, “I dunno it’s just a habit I guess. Fits better in that stupid slot on the recycling bin this way.”
“Yeah I never really understood why they made them that way? I guess so people don’t just shove other trash in there.” You mused.
“Mmhm probably.” He agreed, stacking them neatly and gathering it in his hands. “Do you want me to take these out back for you?”
“I can do-“ You stopped yourself when Anakin raised his eyebrow and cocked his head to the side with a crooked smirk.
You sighed and gave him a downturned smile. “Yes, I would love for you to take them out back for me.”
“Good girl.” He nodded, clicking his tongue and heading for the door. “See ya princess.”
After he shut the door you let yourself breathe alittle easier, blowing out the air in a short puff through your nose. Maybe even letting a little smile cross your lips before you finished up your task.
You’d be thinking about that low rumble of his voice later. Good girl? Shit.
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dannydevitosthiccdog · 2 months
Link, in BOTW uses the journal as HIS diary, its first person, the stuff he learns to cook is saved like actual recipes.
He writes his own notes. It's much more personal, he HAS CHARACTER.
He loves the sand surfing, wanting to beat his previous record, his playful nature comes through in moments in BOTW, with Purah's 'SNAP!!!'
For example, in the entry after locating all 13 memories it goes something like this:
JPN (I) remembered all the things we've been through. Even just a little bit sooner, (I) wish to see her smiles again with my own eyes
Pictures provided from @linkdailyy on twitter
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Original credits for the discovery goes to @atumaruU on twitter.
If you want to read more, I've linked Vadnyl's post about it.
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deanbrainrotwritings · 4 months
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SUMMARY : part III of gimme half. on a mini-roadtrip to the bunker for something dean left behind, she decides to test dean’s word and his promises.
PAIRING : dean winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit (18+), fluff, Dean isn’t allergic to cats in this universe bc wtf, blowjob, hair pulling, dirty talk, road head, risky business 
A/N : silverstein song title. so yeah, I love Dean forever and ever actually, just like I wrote in my diary when I was ten. Omniscient POV to reader’s POV like a good ol’ movie. Xxxxxx
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Dean sort of wanted to impress her. 
She was a hunter, like him, after all. 
If he showed her the Bunker, he hoped she'd be impressed; by him, by it, he really hoped so. There was a lot about the Bunker that impressed him when he’d gotten there. The dungeon, the showers, the lore, the garage, the kitchen, everything. That was his first thought when Sam asked Dean for some boxes of the kitchen items he’d left behind since they couldn’t bring everything with them. Dean saw the opportunity to show off. 
The past two weeks went by quickly. They were together now. Shared a New Years kiss at the behest of Eileen, Jack, and even tiny, baby Dean. 
Sam and Eileen were like kids with Barbie and Ken dolls, thrilled to make their favourite couple kiss at last. Cas and Jack were stunned at the discovery that two of them hated each other at first, but they were happy to see that Dean was happy.
It all just came together, somehow, after falling apart so messily. Her and Dean. Their lives.
It was natural for her to be around all of them. Dean forgot that it was him she had a problem with at first. It made it easy for Dean and hard for him all at once. They knew her better than he did and she knew them well, too.
They began bonding over hunting stories when he told Sam, Eileen, Cas, and Jack that she was also a hunter; she'd ask Cas and Jack a dozen questions whenever she could after finding out they were angels—the other, a nephilim. Sometimes, he’d catch a glimpse at Cas’ phone notifications and see what she asks him with a smile on his face. 
They’ve all been hanging out because of the holidays. She stayed with him during the weekends because he asked her to. He met her family, it was terrifying since they just started… dating… but her family was funny and kind to him. It eased his nerves, but they told him they’d heard of him from other hunters. He knew he was safe, hunters mostly liked him and his brother… except for the parts where they were at fault for all the bad stuff. 
Miracle was happier than ever to have his friend back, her Cat, Bubbles. Dean had a feeling Sam and Jack would take Miracle over to her place or maybe Miracle and Bubbles truly still remembered each other. 
Things are better, hotter now that they are together, more than when they were enemies. Dean was just beyond happy that he had her, that they talked about it… sort of. 
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“You listen to the same music as my big brother,” she chuckled from beside him, the box of cassette tapes resting on her lap as she riffled through them. Dean smiled, taking his eyes off the road to gaze at her momentarily. 
“Yeah?” He asked, turning back to the road as they drove into the long, wintry, still-green forest that would lead them to the Bunker. 
“Yeah, I grew up on all of this music. My dad even loves Led Zeppelin,” she told him distractedly, staring at the clear plastic box labelled as Led Zeppelin. She shrugged and inserted the cassette tape into the deck of the car, Bonzo’s Montreux playing softly. 
“You get more and more awesome the more I get to know you,” he told her, biting his lip when he looked over at her. She pursed her lips as she smiled, entertained by his flirty, deep voice and his suggestive wink. 
“Awesome?” She smirked, putting the box back into its place. He turned to look at her once more, but he couldn’t look away from the softness and mischief in her eyes the whole time. 
“Perfect?” He offered, glancing away from her, taking in the big green trees he’s already familiar with. “Kissable? Hotter?” He suggested, smiling coquettishly. “Mmm, extra fuckable?” She looked at him through her lashes, her cheeks pink, and her breath unstable. 
Dean shifted in his seat and sat up straight, looking away from her arousing fuck-me gaze with his fingers tightening around the black steering wheel of his heavy car. Heat flooded the area between her legs at his reaction. Her clit pulsed in pace with her heartbeat and she bit her lip. A million ideas streamed through her mind. A million ideas to relieve the need she had to be fucked by Dean once more. 
The tension in the car was nearly as thick as the first night they had sex, it made her breathless, her heart pounded heavily with lust in her chest, and her pussy squeezed around nothing, instantly remembering the sex they had in his garage before they left.
She placed her hand on his thigh and he inhaled sharply, quickly turning to look at her with a deep blush on his face. Dean relaxed his grip on the steering wheel, and held it with only one hand, to put one of his hands over hers. She bit her lip and watched the side of his gorgeous face as he guided her hand higher. 
She smiled brightly and lifted her hand beneath his to smack his hand away. He chuckled, taking a quick glance over at her playfulness. 
“You said you’d fuck me anywhere, at any time,” she leaned over slightly, placing her arms on top of the seat, and resting her chin on her crossed arms. He glanced at her, exhaling shakily as she held his gaze through her lashes. “You promised me a lot of things, actually,” she moved her hand away, tracing his jaw with her fingers. His eyes fluttered shut. “Dean…” she murmured, moving her fingers up to his lips, and he opened his eyes before he could swerve too far from the road. “I recall a few things you seemed to really like.” 
She leaned forward suddenly, licking his earlobe mischievously. Dean moaned softly, his eyelids heavy with lust, and his eyes clouded over with arousal. 
“Like making me choke on your cock,” she whispered into his ear, dragging her lips down his neck. He groaned softly and shuddered, squirming as he attempted to focus on driving. “I want you in my mouth, Dean,” she purred, sliding her hand down his chest and stomach slowly, “right here, right now.”
“Fuck,” Dean moaned, lifting his hips up into her hand when she cupped his cock over his jeans. She sucked gently at his pulse, making the faded mark on his neck return. “Yes,” he whispered, biting his lip hard. 
“I love when you get hard for me, baby,” she murmured, squeezing his cock. 
“I need you,” he rasped, “I want to see your pretty mouth wrapped around me.” She laughed softly, unbuckling herself from the seat and then him. He chewed on his lip and focusing on driving as he got closer to the Bunker while she unbuckled his belt. He lifted his hips after she unzipped his jeans, allowing her to lower them slightly until his cock was free. 
“You’re aware of how blessed you are, right?” She teased, biting her lip, sliding her fingers up his cock. Dean gasped and then he laughed breathlessly, his dick twitching at her delicate touch. 
“I’m aware of how much you like my dick?” He smiled down at her shyly. She licked her lips, and rolled her eyes at his modesty. She kissed the tip, then gently placed her hand around the base to kiss her way down.
“Have you heard the sounds I make when you fuck me?” She whispered against the velvety skin of his cock. He grunted softly when she flattened her tongue and licked her way back up. “I don’t make those often, by the way,” she said casually, swirling her tongue around the tip. 
“Here I thought you were a good girl,” he breathed out, lowering one hand into her hair, to try and push her down on his cock. She squeezed his cock, jerking her hand up and down quickly, then sucked on the tip hard, causing him to choke on a moan. She pulled away with a loud suckling sound that made him curse under his breath.
“I went over to your place without underwear, and then I asked you to talk dirty as I sucked your dick, and then I begged you to cum inside me. What part of all that made you think I was a good girl?” She lapped the precum that beaded from his tip, her mouth watering at the taste of him. 
“The morning after,” he answered softly, his emerald eyes flickering to hers. She stopped licking his cock momentarily to consider his words, the tenderness in his voice causing her stomach to flutter. It was things like this, his words, his actions… things like that about Dean that aroused her even more. 
She moaned appreciatively, lowering her mouth over his dick, then pulled up almost all the way off, repeating the motion, and then began sucking, and licking. He moaned her name softly, struggling to focus on driving such a heavy car, but she noticed the slower speed. 
She took him deeper into her mouth, gagging slightly when he touched the back of her throat. Dean moaned out a curse, tightening his grip on her hair, pushing her up and down his cock faster. She moaned softly around him, letting him guide her as she sucked her way up his cock, her tongue moving along the underside of his length. Occasionally, her throat constricted around his length as she swallowed. 
His hitched breath made her wetter, throaty groans, and desperate grunts made her clit pulse uncomfortably in her warm dress pants. She reached down to press her fingers against her clit and took him all the way down her throat. His hips bucked upwards and the leather around the wheel squeaked under his tight grip, but he never pulled too roughly on her hair. 
“Holy fuck,” Dean grunted as she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock when she got to the leaking tip and sucked the taste of his precum. Then, she began to twist her hand around him, following the path of her mouth up and down, until she heard rocks and dirt crunching beneath the wheels of the car, and the Impala coming to a complete stop. 
Dean relaxed completely as he set the car in park, leaning his head backwards. The sounds of his pleasure and the wet sound of her mouth and throat getting fucked competed for volume. Dean lifted his shirt and gazed down at her, thrusting his hips up faster into her mouth.
She blinked away tears to stare into his eyes, her cheeks and ears burning hot, her jaw and lips sore from taking him. She moaned softly again, letting him push his cock up into her throat, catching the blurred ecstasy on his face. His red lips trapped between white teeth, his freckled cheeks rosy, and his brows furrowed. 
“I’m gonna cum, baby,” he panted, lovingly moving her hair from her pink and wet face. She hummed around him in approval and closed her eyes, focusing on bringing him closer to his climax. Dean’s thrusts began to stutter and he started to get more vocal, arousing her further. “God, I love your mouth,” he whispered, thrusting upwards hard as he came in thick, hot spurts down her throat. “Fuck, yeah,” he moaned, shuddering at the feeling of her swallowing around him. 
Dean pulled her off him despite not finishing, his cum dripping down his cock despite her best efforts to collect everything. That seemed to be the purpose. When she opened her eyes, he was watching her with his tongue poking between his teeth, looking both cute and sexy. 
“What?” She asked, and kept tugging at his cock as his cum dribbled down from the slit, and over her hand. She tightened her hold around the heat of him in her wet hand. She bit her wet, swollen lip, and sat up, slowly stopping the strokes of her hand to watch him. 
Dean leaned forward to kiss her all of the sudden, her heart lurching in her chest, the way it always did when he kissed her. He held her jaw, licking her spit and his cum from her lip. He moaned into her mouth, pulling her face closer, meeting her warm tongue with his. She let go of his dick, and smiled against his mouth, before pulling away.
Dean chased her lips, but she pushed his chest roughly so he stayed pressed against the seat, laughing quietly. He smiled leaning forward anyway, his nose brushing against hers, lips agonisingly remaining a few millimetres away from hers. 
“Can we have sex in your old bed?” She whispered, tugging gently at his jacket, her lips brushing against his. He panted against her mouth, whining softly in attempts to make her kiss him. 
“Yes, whatever you want,” he responded quietly. 
She hummed when she kissed Dean once more; a passionate, long, and deep kiss with tongue and teeth that made her needier. She helped readjust him as they made out, a hot and breathy exchange before heading back on the road to the Bunker.
➥ closer than this
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dean’s 45th birthday celebration masterlist
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btsgotjams27 · 1 year
the nanny diaries ~ myg
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it’s your first day at your new job, and you’re nervous about leaving your one-year-old daughter with your housemate, but he assures you, you have nothing to worry about.
✨ title: the nanny diaries (drabble series) | the i-had-no-choice nanny ✨ pairing: yoongi x single mom!reader ✨ word count: 1.4k |✨ genre: fluff, cute / housemates!au |✨ rating: pg ✨ warnings: cute and wild 1yo, yoongi calls her baby girl (as a term of endearment) ✨ a/n: happy birthday my yoongiiii <3 the little human in this story is based on my chunky, monkey niece, who i love so much. enjoy my friends!
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[ DRABBLES MASTERLIST ] | ✨ next ~ the way you are
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You never expected to be moving in with Min Yoongi, but you had no other choice. The two of you have been neighbors for the last five years. He'd seen you go through it all: from meeting the guy who was bad news to watching him move in, knock you up and then leave. He warned you plenty of times, but like the stubborn woman you are, you didn't listen.
“Yoongi, are you sure you can watch her today? I can call out of work if you can’t,” you asked, trying to catch Ara, who kept running away from your grasp. Her newfound discovery of walking kept you busy, along with you trying to ensure she didn’t break any of Yoongi’s expensive music equipment.
Yoongi’s lips thinned into a straight line. He didn’t want to be a jerk and say no. He knew how difficult it was to ask for help, let alone trust someone to watch Ara. He understood that you’d do anything to protect her. So, he wanted to ease the burden in any way he could.
“You can’t call out of work. It’s your first day.”
“I know–but I’m sure my boss would understand.”
He picked Ara up, setting her on his hip, his arm tightly holding her. He looked at the chunky monkey, “We’re gonna have so much fun, aren’t we?” This was a way to convince himself. He didn’t have much interaction with children besides when he was one. Today would be very interesting, he thought.
Ara shrieked at the top of her lungs, squirming to escape Yoongi’s grasp. The two of you blinked and made a face at the noisy baby. You knitted your brows, unconvinced that Yoongi really had it under control. You pulled out your phone, ready to dial your boss’ number. “I’m–just gonna call out.”
Yoongi walked to you, pushing the phone away. “If I have any questions, I promise I’ll call you, okay? You have nothing to worry about. I got this,” he encouraged while Ara continued to wobble on her two little feet, shrieking as she ran around him. “See–she’s excited.”
You had to let go at one time or another. You couldn’t be jobless forever. You needed a way to provide for your little Ara, and Yoongi had already given so much to the two of you. So, the least you could do was make money and get out of his hair. “Okay,” you sighed, stuffing your phone back into your pocket. “If you need anything, anything. I’m only a phone call away.”
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“Okay, baby girl–please be good for Uncle Yoongi. I’ll be back later. I love you.”
Yoongi practically had to kick you out of the apartment, but finally, you were out of the door and on your way to work.
“Ara, we have to run some errands today. It’s time to pick out your outfit,” Yoongi grabbed two shirts - one pink with flowers and the other purple with stars and set them on the table in front of him and Ara. She tilted her head, hands pounding the table, staring at the options before her little chubby hands grabbed the purple star shirt, babbling away. “Good choice. Now onto your pants.”
He laid out black leggings and soft blue jeans. “What do you think, Ara? I personally like the black leggings, but it’s your outfit, not mine.” She began to squirm while in his lap, taking blue jeans along with her. “Blue jeans it is.”
After getting Ara dressed, it was now Yoongi’s turn. Like earlier, he laid out two options on his bed, and like clockwork, Ara came wobbling and babbling away into Yoongi’s room. He picked her up, setting her on the bed. “Which one do you like?” he asked, pointing to one option, then the other.
“Ah-bu. Ah-bu,” Ara cooed, clapping her hands, a wide smile spanning across her face, then she hid her eyes with her tiny hands.
“Are we playing peek-a-boo?” Yoongi flashed a gummy smile. Who knew this little human could make him smile? He covered his eyes. “Where’s Ara?” He looked at her, and she mimicked him, hiding again. “Silly girl. Come on, help me pick.”
She threw herself back on the pile consisting of a black hoodie, a simple white tee, and jeans. “Just what I was thinking.”
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Thankfully, the grocery store wasn’t busy since it was still early in the morning, but Ara was definitely a handful. He had to give it to you, being able to keep up with her. He didn’t envy you one bit, but it did make him earn more respect for you.
He brought everything he could think of to keep Ara busy–her favorite bunny plush and a soft, squeaky book. His last resort would be playing Cocomelon on his phone, but he couldn’t stand the endless nursery rhymes of the pale cartoon child.
Yoongi continued shopping for a few items off his list as Ara babbled away, violently squeezing the squeaky book in her hands. He grabbed a cake and put it in his cart, and then Ara decided to throw the book back, hitting him in the face. “Aye–” he uttered, rubbing his cheek. “Baby girl–this is how you lose things,” he chuckled, grabbing the book and handing it back to her.
Ara resumed pounding the squeaky book and then threw herself back, sticking her tongue out. Yoongi stared at her. Babies are so weird, he thought.
“Oh my gosh. Is this your baby? She’s so cute!” 
“No–uh–” He was unsure how to explain the situation between you and him.
“It’s so nice to see a man caring for his baby. Mommy is a lucky one, isn’t she?” The woman directed the last comment toward Ara, tickling her side, in which Yoongi pushed the cart away from her. Is this what parents with cute children always have to deal with? Strangers coming up and trying to touch their children?
“Has the bar gotten so low for men or something?” The woman stood straight, taken aback by his words. “Why are men praised for doing the bare minimum? I’m literally pushing her in a cart.”
The woman mumbled an apology and went on her way. He didn’t mean to come across as blunt, but he couldn’t help but notice the plethora of women giggling and smiling when he had Ara. He shook his head in disgust and scoffed, “Bet if your mom were pushing you, it’d be completely different, huh?”
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“Yoongi–” you cried out, plugging your ears when you walked through the door. The rap music could be heard from down the hallway, and you wondered who was playing it so loud. You should’ve known it was your roommate. “Why are you blasting rap music right now?”
He brought his pointer finger to his lips, trying to shush you, then pointed to the sleeping baby on his shoulder. He shuffled toward you, hoping he wouldn’t wake up Ara. “Cocomelon wasn’t working, so I had to put on something, and this finally calmed her down.”
You deadpanned. “Big Poppa by Notorious B.I.G. calmed her down?”
“Hey–don’t question Biggie,” he grinned, then shuffled backward, dancing to the song. “I love it when you call me big poppa, throw your hands in the air if you’s a true player.” He threw his arm up, grooving to the beat.
You smiled and shook your head. You couldn’t help but sing along too, and then you looked over at the dinner table, and there sat a cake with cats decorated on top. “Oh my god–Yoongi, is it your birthday?” He nodded, his head nestled against Ara’s. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He shrugged. “It’s whatever. I don’t really care, but my mom ordered this cake and insisted I celebrate it.”
“Here, let me take Ara so you can enjoy your cake,” you stated, holding your arms out for your baby girl.
But Yoongi refused. “I got it. She might wake up if I transfer her to you.”
Jeez–when did Yoongi get so good at this?
He walked into your room, gently setting her in the crib beside your bed. He shushed her as he stepped back, hoping she wouldn’t wake up. Ara let out a big sigh before turning on her side. Whew, he thought. Crisis averted.
“Everything good?” He nodded yes, setting the baby camera on the table beside you. The two of you watched Ara sleeping peacefully. “Thanks again for watching her.”
Yoongi grinned. “Anytime.”
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✨ next ~ the way you are
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icysnails · 3 months
Hello sorry if I'm bothering you but I wanted to share one of my ideas with you. So what if the reader appeared on the Loufu and it caused a small tremor along with a large energy fluctuation so Jing Yuan went to investigate with Fu Xuan going with him and they came across an unconscious person who was not only confused when they awoke but completely exhausted, hungry and with strange markings on some parts of their body and when they got examined by a doctor it was discovered that they had an extremely large amount of strange energy within their body. (This was inspired by the first episode of Aphmau Diaries rebirth, here's the link if you don't know what I'm talking about: https://youtu.be/1Vzq1QZVtuk?si=kyIxOyJTSnTjNaMG) (if you don't want to write this that's completely alright and I wish you a good morning/afternoon or goodnight☺️)
An Unexpected Guest
A/n: Hello anon!! I’m so sorry for the late response- thank you so much for your patience! I really like this idea- I’ve heard a lot about the Aphmau series but I’ve never gotten the chance to actually watch it (^o^) I hope you have a fabulous day!!
Warnings: mentions of severe injuries/wounds + infections + unconsciousness, slight refernces to Honkai Impact 3rd (reader’s markings are implied to be honkai infections + mentions of reader fighting archangels from Hi3)
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Jing Yuan x gn!reader (PLATONIC), Fu Xuan x gn!reader (PLATONIC)
Word Count: 1.9k
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All was peaceful on the Xianzhou Luofu. Beams of sunlight illuminated the vibrant blue sky, tinting everything in a warm shade of gold. Shops operated on every street, the sharp ping of bells and the shouts of shopkeepers echoed out through the streets, attracting clamoring swells of civilians in record time. Children happily played among the crowds, swept up in the rare, shopping-induced excitement of the adults. For a change, there was little distress anywhere on the ship. There was no word of the Stellaron Hunters, no new reports of people being Mara struck, and even no reports of petty crimes. The workload wasn’t too terrible for those in command of the Luofu either- Jing Yuan was able to take a long nap, and Fu Xuan was able to take a break and have some tea for the first time in weeks. Yangqing managed to squeeze in some training time too. All was well. All was normal.
But of course, in a universe as vast and random as this one, the fates wouldn’t let it stay this peaceful for long. And of course, as a general, Jing Yuan must be prepared for anything. It is one of his most basic duties to stay alert and be ready at all times. Even so, the sleeping general couldn’t help but flinch in surprise as an ear-shattering boom echoed throughout the whole ship, followed by an earthquake that managed to toss even him out of bed. Meanwhile, just as Fu Xuan was about to swallow her first sip of tea, the vigorous shaking of the floor managed to knock the teacup out of her hands. Not only did she have to watch as her favorite cup shattered to bits, but she choked on her tea as well, leaving her in a wheezing heap on the floor. 
Thankfully both parties quickly recovered and ran to the windows of their respective offices to see what happened. A pillar of light shone from the Starskiff docks, along with a plume of dust that undoubtedly came from an explosion. Only a few minutes after this discovery, Fu Xuan was given orders from Jing Yuan to go inspect the crisis with him. So much for a peaceful day. 
As the disoriented pair cautiously approached the docks, they saw the silhouette of a crumpled body lying in the center of the dissipating light. Jing Yuan was the first to kneel down and inspect the injured figure. After checking your pulse, it became clear that you were still alive. But just barely. You were covered in deep, razor-fine cuts, and sizeable bruises littered your legs and arms. Jing Yuan didn’t know what had happened to you, but it was clear that what went down wasn’t good. The dark circles under your eyes suggested that you had been fighting for a long time, with no rest or nutrition. Taking a step back, the general’s features morphed into an expression of deep concern. He sighed and turned to his diviner companion, who was practically bursting to comment on the situation.
“Fu Xuan… I imagine you saw this coming?”
“I, in fact… did not. For once, my divinations couldn’t pick up on… well, anything of note happening today.”
“Hm… how interesting.”
Jing Yuan cast his gaze down to you once more, trying to decide what to do next. Fu Xuan merely suffered in silence at his side, completely unsure of what to do as well. After a few moments of heavy silence, the general scooped up your beaten body in his arms and began walking back to the Exalting Sanctum. Fu Xuan stared at him for a few moments before jogging after him, urgently asking him what he was doing. Jing Yuan calmly explained that, given the strange nature of the situation, you would need to be brought in for questioning and given heavy medical attention. The diviner huffed, quietly grumbling something about incompetence before following in his wake. 
Once they returned to the Exanting Sanctum, Jing Yuan called upon his tiny friend Bailu to help heal you. Having called upon her for anti-sleeping medicine many times before, Jing Yuan practically had her on speed dial in case any new problems arose. Hours upon hours passed before you were well enough to awaken, but Bailu’s work certainly did not disappoint. The gashes on your body had faded into nothingness, save for a few scars, and the herbs she used helped you recover after losing so much blood. According to Bailu, you needed much more time to rest, but by tomorrow you would be alright. However, one odd trait resisted her treatment: the glowing lines left on your stomach.
Bailu was the only one who had seen them so far. The markings were hidden by cloth and blood when you were found, so it slipped past the awareness of the general and diviner. She worriedly called them in, asking if they knew what those marks were, but she was given no answers. Perhaps the truth would reveal itself when you woke up, but for now, it was hopeless. Jing Yuan gratefully bid the exhausted healer goodbye, taking a seat by your bed afterward. Meanwhile, Fu Xuan further examined your markings. They were long, branch-like streaks of bright purple that extended towards your chest, almost like an infection. However, they didn’t seem to be getting worse, and they didn’t behave the way a bad infection would. Feeling a bit frustrated, she gave up and resorted to waiting alongside the general. 
While Jing Yuan fell asleep in no time, the poor diviner was left awake and antsy. The room was dead quiet, but the anxious tapping of her foot repeatedly broke the silence. She could see the future, for god's sake! How could she have ended up so clueless in this situation?! She was so used to knowing everything, planning ahead, and having things run as they should. But now, she was at a complete loss. She didn’t know anything about those marks, or about you. And she if there was one thing she hated, it was not knowing things. In order to save her sanity from crashing and burning, she hurried out of your room to browse the Luofu’s databases for information. And oh boy, did she find what she was looking for.
The amount of information locked away in the Luofu’s archives was enough to have anyone floored- even Fu Xuan. As her gaze flickered over each document she found about body markings, she became even more astounded at what she found. The markings you had signified great power, but were also a promise of anguish and ruin. The only other person to have these marks crashed onto the ship centuries ago, in the same way you did. No one knew who they were, or why they appeared. Even after contacting other planets, it became clear that they had never been seen before. Those markings were a mystery, as well as their identity. All anyone knew was that they possessed powers akin to a god, and were classified as a severe threat.
Borderline sprinting, Fu Xuan hauled herself back to your room to tell Jing Yuan everything she found. You could bring ruin to everyone on the Luofu if what she read was true. Not to mention the fact that you were immune to her divinations– you already had an advantage against her. Maybe this was all part of your plan, maybe you had already begun to–
As she opened the door to your room, her spiral immediately stopped. To her surprise, you were awake and pleasantly chatting away with the general. You seemed… polite. Friendly, even. Once you noticed her presence, you kindly greeted her and asked how she was. Fu Xuan short-circuited at this, staring at you in sheer bewilderment. What happened to the flames and destruction she read about? What exactly was going on?! She was still very wary of you, but she mustered up the courage to respond with a terse “Hello. I'm fine”. The way you greeted her showed that you weren’t an immediate threat, so maybe she could entertain small talk with you. For now, at least. 
After Fu Xuan discreetly briefed Jing Yuan on what she found, they began to question you. It was like something out of a good cop/bad cop show. The general was authoritative yet calm, and the diviner was like a defensive chihuahua. You revealed that you had been fighting off a swarm of white, bug-like creatures when you lost consciousness. All you could remember was getting hit in the stomach by one of them before blacking out. Jing Yuan gave his companion a knowing side-eye. Where you got hit was undoubtedly connected to those markings. They’d have to have Bailu examine them again once you were settled in, and testing would be necessary if you were cooperative enough.
But what were they meant to do now? They obviously couldn’t let you roam around the universe to fend for yourself, especially if those lines meant that you were uncontrollably powerful. They couldn’t keep you in captivity either though- it was inhumane, and would only make everything worse. If they wanted to give you freedom while keeping the universe safe, they would have to let you stay on the ship until they confirmed you weren’t a threat. Jing Yuan was intrigued by you- not just because you were an enigma, but because of your personality. You were kind, even in such jarring circumstances. you showed a rare kind of strength, one that pushed him to converse with you more. Besides, with the power you supposedly held, you could prove to be a useful force against the mara. 
“I’m assuming you don't have anywhere to go, yes?”
“Jing Yuan, just what are you thinkin–”
“We would be happy to house you on the Xianzhou Luofu for a while. There’s more we would like to ask you about… and, I have a feeling you’ve got a myriad of interesting stories to tell.”
After a moment of contemplation, you wearily accepted. The offer was very generous- besides, what other options did you have? You had no recorded identity in this world and no way of knowing what dangers awaited you. Heading out on your own was a death wish. Besides, your conversation with the general had been nice, and his pink-haired friend was entertaining. Here, you didn’t feel threatened. Jing Yuan seemed like a kind man, and it had been a while since someone had listened to you so attentively. You couldn’t help but be drawn to the diviner beside him as well. She might have been openly suspicious of you, but you couldn’t blame her. Her grumpy, yet determined way of going about things was amusing, and you could tell that there was a softer side to her behind her defensiveness. It was admirable how well she held herself together despite the chaotic nature of your arrival. 
It would take a lot of time to process all that had happened to you in the last 24 hours (along with a lot of therapy), but at least you had two allies to fall back on now. It was probably a poor choice to trust them so quickly, but the energy they exuded was welcoming– you could tell they were good people. Maybe the universe brought you to them for a reason. It was far-fetched, but if you were going to end up in a completely foreign world, who better to take you in than two of the ship’s leaders? As you fell asleep that night, long after the two of them had left, you attempted to prepare yourself for the next few weeks. The rest of your journey might end up being hell, but you had a feeling that will the help of the general and diviner, everything might just turn out okay.
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quin-ns · 2 years
We’ll Be Okay (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Word count: 2.3K
Summary: steve is injured while half of the hawkins team is stuck in the upside down and finds comfort in you
Tags: ST4 spoilers!!, canon divergent, hurt!steve, slight angst, flirting, friends to lovers, kissing, love confessions, mutually required love, fluff and humor, robin jumpscare
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write for Steve since I first saw ST and finally decided to! He’s my current tv crush so I’ll probably be putting out more fics of him soon :)
cross-posted to ao3 • st masterlist • writing masterlist
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You’d seen a lot of scary things over the past few years, but nothing had terrified you more than witnessing Steve being mauled by the demonic bats in the upside down. It took a lot of fighting from you and the others, but you managed to kill them. There was no chance to be relieved because Steve was hurt badly and there were more coming.
When the five of you fled into the creepy, dark woods, you noticed Steve wincing in pain with every step. It gave you anxiety, so you lingered back with him while Nancy led the way to her house with Robin by her side and Eddie close behind them. You could’ve easily caught up but there was no way you were gonna part from your best friend while he was injured.
“I’m okay, Y/N,” Steve tried to assure you as if he could sense your worrying thoughts. “It’s-it’s really not that bad.” He shot you a weak smile, but it wasn’t very convincing. Especially when he shuddered and his hand fell to his wounds briefly. Nancy had wrapped them in an attempt to stop the bleeding but that obviously did nothing to ease the pain.
“You’re not a very good liar,” you replied, a frown tugging at your lips. You were shorter than Steve and not as strong, but you still moved to tuck yourself at his side under his arm and let him lean on you. He was tired and stumbling—both mentally and physically exhausted—and you didn’t doubt he’d collapse any second.
“Y/N—” Steve said in a protesting tone, but you interrupted him.
“Shut up, Harrington. Just let me help, alright?” You looked up at him and he just sighed and allowed you to help him. You could tell he felt bad but he shouldn’t have. Steve was there for you all the time, it was the least you could do.
You knew Steve in highschool and he wasn’t exactly your friend then, but you never had any issues with him. That’s why after you graduated and got a job at StarCourt Mall (before it burned down), you recognized and were friendly with him. You worked in a shoe store that was opposite to Scoops Ahoy and after going for ice cream on your breaks a few times, it became a normal thing. You’d go get ice cream and chat with Steve—and Robin—until your break was over.
You quickly became friends and that’s what led to him revealing to you the secret message in Russian that he, Robin, and his kid friend Dustin were decoding. Then you learned everything else and the rest was history.
Over time you developed a bit of a crush on Steve, but he was now also your best friend. You, him, and Robin were a trio and you didn’t want to risk messing that up by telling him how you felt.
Robin calling Nancy’s name snapped you out of your head. With your support Steve stayed on his feet as you caught up to them. Sure enough, you saw the Wheeler house.
“Come on,” Nancy announced.
The five of you made your way inside and headed up the stairs into Nancy’s room to look for her guns. Except, they weren’t there. She noticed her room was off—not including the obvious greyish color and all the vines—and with the discovery of a diary, she started to piece together why her room was all wrong.
“What is it?” Eddie asked.
“Nancy? You’re freaking me out,” Robin added.
“I think the reason that my guns are here is because they don’t exist yet,” Nancy said in a way that sounded ominous as she stared at the diary in her hands.
“They don’t… exist?” Eddie sounded sceptical, which you couldn’t blame him for.
“This diary should be full of entries. It’s not,” she explained. “The last entry is November 6, 1983. The day Will went missing. The day the gate opened. We’re in the past.”
Your attention was drawn to Steve as he looked around the room, like he could hear something. Then he frantically began shouting out Dustin’s name as he exerted himself to run downstairs.
When focusing on trying to hear the boy, all of you were able to. Eddie used the lights to signal SOS and then Dustin came up with an idea. The kid was smart—probably a genius. He used a litebrite to allow you to communicate.
You all developed a plan to go to Eddie’s trailer where Chrissy had died and hope there was a gate there. You figured there would be since the gate in the water—or watergate as Dustin called it—had formed where Venca’s most recent victim was killed.
The biggest problem with getting to Eddie’s trailer was the distance, but Robin thought of a solution to that.
Robin’s idea to find bikes renewed the energy in the group. Robin was in the hall quickly with Eddie behind, waiting for Nancy to lead the way. They were eager to get back to the normal world and so were you. Just as you were about to follow, you heard a thud.
You turned your head and found Steve on the ground. He’d tried to stand but failed.
“Hey, you okay?” You asked as you kneeled down in front of him. “Sorry, dumb question,” you apologized quickly.
“Steve, can you stand?” Nancy questioned, obviously worried as well.
“Yeah,” he grunted out. “I just need a minute,” he admitted.
You looked over your shoulder at the others. “I’ll stay with him, go ahead and find the bikes. We’ll be down in a second.”
You could tell the other three were reluctant to leave you two behind, but you planned to keep your promise of making it down to them.
When they disappeared from view, Steve dropped the act. His face contorted in pain and he practically fell over. It was only because of your quick reaction time that you were able to maneuver yourself and guide his head to rest in your lap rather than hit the ground. You managed to lean your back against the bed and your legs were straight out in front of you. Steve laid on the floor, curling his body in himself and using your thighs as a pillow.
Your hand fell to absentmindedly run your fingers through his disheveled—although still soft and luscious—hair. He seemed to relax under the touch, his breath slowing to become more steady.
“We’re gonna get out of here and as soon as we do we’ll get you to a hospital. We’ll be okay. You’ll be okay,” you reassured not only Steve but yourself as well. You needed him to be okay. You didn’t know what you’d do if he wasn’t.
“I’m gonna be fine,” he promised. There was a slight shake in his voice, so small you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t paying such close attention. “Sorry for making you stay with me. I’m acting like such a wimp right now,” he said with a small scoff as he mocked himself.
You let out a laugh at that without even thinking. He was being ridiculous. “Dude! You are not a wimp, you got attacked by evil bats. You’re allowed to be in pain.”
“It’s okay, I’m just using it as an excuse so you’ll play with my hair anyway,” he joked. You could hear the smile in his voice and it made you relax. You two liked to tease each other and it was refreshing to hear his voice sound light and amused.
“Well, if that’s what you wanted all you had to do was ask,” you replied, going along with it.
“You’re too good to me,” he hummed in content. There was a moment of silence before he took a deep breath. It surprised you as he hauled himself up next to sit next to you. He turned his head and you faced him. “Can I ask you something?”
The switch from teasing to sincere stunned you a tad, but you still responded with, “of course.”
“Is it selfish of me to say I’m glad you’re here?” He asked softly, voice laced with slight guilt. “I mean, I’d rather us not be here at all, but since we are it’s better having you with me,” he further explained, rambling just a bit. You didn’t say anything about his quick words and instead smiled at him.
“I know the feeling,” you smiled sweetly, reaching for his hand. You panicked for a second, realizing what you’d said and how you’d said it. “I am pretty awesome,” you added on with fake cockiness in your tone. Just in case. You often used humor to cover up your slip ups of emotion.
Steve laughed a little to himself before saying, “yeah, you are.” The mood in the room stayed the same as before. The way he looked at you was soft yet full of emotion. You’d seen that gaze before but always explained it away. Steve squeezed your hand a little and pulled you back to reality.
“You ready to head down?” you asked, changing the subject.
“Just one more thing,” Steve replied. “And you have to promise not to punch me in the face.”
You let out a confused laugh at that, furrowing your brows a little. “What?” you questioned through a chuckle.
“I’m serious, c’mon,” he urged.
“Fine, I promise.”
He cleared his throat slightly, you could tell he was nervous.
Suddenly, everything felt in slow motion as his hand raised to rest on the back of your neck with his thumb grazing your cheek. You hardly had time to react as Steve leaned in, but when his lips brushed against yours you allowed your eyes to flutter shut as you accepted the kiss.
All too soon, Steve pulled back. Not very far though, your noses were almost touching.
“Was that… okay?” he asked nervously, searching your eyes.
Your cheeks felt warm and your heart was racing, but you managed to get words out. “More than okay.”
He smiled at that before leaning in and capturing your lips once more. The shyness in the first, gentle kiss had disappeared as your lips moved together. He pulled you impossibly close to him and allowed all the built up longing to be expressed through the connection. His lips were just as soft as you imagined and you loved every second.
If it had been up to you, you would’ve never allowed your lips to part, but the need for oxygen got in the way and the two of you reluctantly separated to catch your breath.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” you spoke first, making him blush a little.
“Well, I have too. But I guess that’s obvious,” Steve replied with a little chuckle, loving eyes locked with yours. “I’ve been too scared all this time. About ruining our friendship, y’know? I’d hate myself forever if I drove you away.”
“That’s not gonna happen,” you promised softly. “What made you decide to risk it?” You wondered aloud. “I’m happy you did by the way, you’re a good kisser,” you commented with a cheeky grin.
Steve laughed before he shifted into a more serious tone. “I just… I needed to do that. In case anything happens,” he confessed.
Your heart sank a little with fear. “Nothings gonna happen to us, Steve.” You had to believe that.
“You’re right,” he responded, feigning as if he believed the words that even you didn’t believe. He used the hand that was still touching your face to run through your hair. His hand rested on the back of your head and he pulled you to him to press a kiss to your forehead. “When we’re back home, I’m gonna take you to dinner. Like a real date,” Steve said as he leaned back. “Only if you want,” he added.
You rolled your eyes with a smile and shoved his shoulder a little, causing him to chuckle as well. “Of course I want to, idiot. Did you not hear me before?”
“I guess it’s still hard to believe you like me back,” he shrugged, sounding a little embarrassed with himself for not being confident.
“Well, I don’t just like you,” you said, building up your own bravery before saying, “I love you, Steve,” you professed your feelings. You’d been hiding them for so long and now just felt like the moment to get everything out there, just as Steve had.
The cutest smile that you had ever seen crossed his face. “For real?”
“Well, duh,” you said mockingly, easing the tension for yourself. “That would be a mean joke to play, I’m not that cruel.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he said in the same ‘isn’t it obvious?’ tone you used. “I mean… I love you too. And it’s really, really awesome to hear you feel the same.”
You didn’t get to say anything else before he was pulling you into another passionate kiss.
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” a familiar voice shouted, causing you and Steve to jump apart. You and Steve both looked to the doorway to find Robin standing there. “We are trying to get out of this place and you guys are up here making out!? I mean, I know Steve has been into you like forever Y/N—he made me promise not to tell you even though I really wanted to—and I’m really happy for you guys and we are definitely talking about this later, but we don’t have much time here!” Robin chattered on.
“Robin, chill,” Steve held out his hands, trying to calm her down.
You stood up first and then held out your hand to Steve. “Let’s go, Harrington,” you told him with a small smirk of amusement.
He looked up at you and grasped your hand. He returned your little smile despite the way he winced as you helped him up. “I’ll go wherever you want,” Steve teased. However, from the way he looked at you, you believed him.
You couldn't wait to get back to the real world.
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okay so apparently the post i made at 4am last night about the denholm family legacy and corresponding mental health implications blew up and now i'm receiving all sorts of screaming (/pos) in the tags. on a Related note, i've been brainrotting about p!scott's character intro sequence so much and now i Need to yell about all this somewhere or i'm gonna cry.
"Okay (×7), what do I need? Big day. BIG day. Okay. Okay, um, let's get the spyglass Dad got me and… Mum got me the new journal [to] write down all my discoveries."
the fact that the journal p!scott was using as a diary was meant for THIS. THIS was what it was meant to be used for. i would just like to point this out to y'all.
the EXPECTATIONS from the very start. good god it's so offhand of a comment but i am Stuck here. the Expectation of following in your family's footsteps. it's not just "do what We did" but also "do what you are Supposed to do".
"What else do I need? Ehm… outfit, check… oh, food! Um, Mum said… there we go, she'd made me five mutton wraps, okay, this will- I'm a little bit hungry… no, I shouldn't, I gotta save this; this has got to do me for a while until I can, like, find my own things. Ehm, what else do I need to take? It's Initiation Day, so everything starts here."
i don't have much of a comment on this. i really don't. only thing i can probably say is my headcanon of p!scott learning to cook from his mother.
"Um… the sword. Right. This is a family heirloom; it's served all the other Herons well, it'll serve me well, I'll definitely- I'm gonna discover so many things, I'm gonna make everyone proud, just like I was… born to do. Just like I was meant to do, 'cause I'm a Heron and that's- it's all I've ever been, and it's all I'm… was ever gonna be."
god the RESIGNATION. just. the resignation of having so much pressure put on you that it can crush rocks without using a machine. there's no way out of Being in the heron faction and doing what herons are Supposed to do. we see in the vods it's not that you Don't enjoy exploring and discovering things, but Man, would you prefer to do it on your own terms?
(what was going through your head when your brother turned up on the isles again, after you thought star dead and mourned star for a year? when star decided to join a Different faction from you and go against all you both have been taught?)
(you called the nightingales stars "new family" during the dipper quest. it's undeniable that you still love your brother and we all know that, but do you feel abandoned in that star has left you to join a new faction and have stars own life? do you feel that being in different factions means you Shouldn't have a place in stars life anymore, though you refuse to let your actions show it? do you envy star for having escaped the toxic environment where you both grew up in? that while you were born and saddled with all the expectations, star shouldn't have had to worry as much because your parents put all their eggs in a single basket, i.e. you?)
and the sword. the sword being a physical Reminder of all the baggage that comes with being raised by Internationally Famous parents who Expect you to do the same or risk their disappointment… something you either can't imagine or would rather not imagine?
"Ehm, hm… well, I'm- I guess this is everything. (sigh) Here we go. It's the life I always wanted, or at least, the life that I was given."
ohhhhh god the implication of being told this is the life you are Supposed to aspire to. and going along with it because you were raised to believe this is the life you Should have and internalizing it because you can barely even Imagine an alternative.
even when you ask yourself, "do you Really want to live like this?", do you hesitate to answer? it is just a yes/no question but does your answer Always have a "but" after it? because going against what you've been taught growing up is Not An Option For You, at least in your mind?
oh to think when someone asks, "how do you Live like this?", the response in your heart is "you don't." because in a toxic household, there is only survival and you Build Your Bed on surviving based on what you have been taught. because you can barely fathom a life where this Isn't the case.
"Alright, I'm gonna be late. Look out, world, Scott Denholm, #1 Heron, ready for action!"
this sounds like an assurance of confidence, yeah, but who Are you trying to convince? are you telling the world, or are you telling yourself? with all that you have already said, one might wonder which is truly the case.
(also, when cc!scott said that his character had "anxiety" from trying to live up to the expectations, was this supposed to mean "anxiety (emotion)" or "anxiety (disorder)"? because while the first one is very obvious, i would not be surprised if the second one happens to be the case as well.)
in summary: p!acho is a walking embodiment of trauma and drops it in Moments across many livestreams so you don't forget. p!scott is Also a walking embodiment of trauma but drops it in the first three minutes of the series and Never speaks of it again.
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thesmpisonfire · 9 months
hello! i am not watching cellbits stream right now so i am a little lost, would you be able to tell me what is known about montelyson/romero richas (?? which name……) right now…? like is richas possessed or what…
Sorry for the wait, nonnie! I wanted to gather all the info i had on Montelyson so this can be also a recap on him!!
This post here has the rundown of all we knew about Montelyson until yesterday, today's discoveries I'll add later this post
Now, onto his diaries!!
He did 3 during his first appearances, with also the first Romero Richas paintings
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"I feel limited to the thinner layers of the matter, as if my existence... Is collapsing day after day... I exist just for a couple moments... And my existence changes the world through...art...but is it really significant?"
"My art is inspired by a mix of the elements of an inorganic matter...but what's the reason within all of this? Why do I need that my art makes everyone believe that I'm here, that I'm real?"
"Sometimes I have to illustrate paints that are a bit....different...art that molds itself...that changes and transforms itself..."
"But what would it be? The colorful paintings that make everyone smile, vibrant colors and surreal shapes..."
"Or....my self-portraits?"
Here's a translation for the second book, and here's to the third book
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This is one of Montelyson's "self portraits"
As for today, Montelyson talked directly with Forever and Cellbit. They said they were Richas Comfort and Nothing. They're also directly connected to Richas' grief over Bobby, and they showed up only after his death. They said Richas knows they're there (a given already) and how they were a part of Richas and couldn't really be hurt without hurting Richas. They ended the talk telling Cellbit and Forever they should talk with Richas in case they wanted more info
The answer if he's possessed or if its something he has within his mind is still not clear. To me, Richas has the consciousness of a previous islander, whose memory and thoughts weren't perfectly cleaned and now they're taking hold of Richas when they can
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lyomeii · 2 years
Yandere Maximilian “Max” Ashet
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-> warnings: yandere themes, blackmail, threats,
->request by anon! Can I ask some gen hc with regis and max from father I don't want this marriage?
->a/n: as promised here the max headcanon part! i was supposed to post it earlier but my mother decided to take me to buy stuff to her :/ but let’s not talk abou that and hope u enjoy it :)
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-> you don’t recall of meeting the crown prince maximilian, but you do recall him saying to not call like that, to call him ‘max’ and be his friends, you being just a little stupid noble kid you listen him and become his friend… a stupid decision you made
-> as years passed, max got more physically with you, holding hands with you while walking though the gardens, meeting you after his swords training, even being his dance partner during balls, that what friends do, right? at least, max didn’t saw that way
-> with every event, max brings you, everyone know to never approach you, no one he is the crown prince but with his red eyes, he makes everyone disappear from your sight
-> and the chance he gets to walk around the garden or the capital, he always hold your hands, never letting you go away from his touch, max doesn’t want anyone to take you away from him
-> the moment you offered him to be his friends, your fated was sealed and with the help of the emperor ( the first and last time he asked his father help ), your wedding day was already written in his calendar but you didn’t need to know that yet
-> but eventually you find out, going to the guest room where max sleep when he visited you and your family, you find a little book, a diary! but you decided to put it back where you find it, even though you are friend by many years, you can’t look into his secrets
-> however, when you opened the drawer to put it back, papers flew away the bedroom, showing writings about you, how cute you looked sleeping, how people were killed for talking with you and even plans to destroy your parents if they refused your engagement to max
-> now disturbed, your only thought was to warming your parents and running away with them far away from the reach of max
-> but destiny had other plans, a gloved hand covers your eyes and the other your mouth, and in a blink of eyes, you passed out in someone arms, the last thing you saw red eyes
your new life!
-> waking inside the most fanciest bedroom made you panicked, opening the door to run away but max dragged you by the wrist and thrown you to the bed, then he started explaining
-> discovery him as the crown prince was something you didn’t expected, but getting married to him next week was even worse, you wanted to scream, run away or fight him yet you knew that all would be useless in the end
-> slowly, you started playing your role as the crown prince’s fiancé and future ruler as his side, studying about almost everything the teachers would give you, learning etiquette, going out to social events as his significant other and many more
-> since you didn’t contact with anyone or your parents as used to, you start having affections to max, holding his hand, hugging him and kissing his cheeks before sleeping with in the same bed
-> and as expected, max was overjoyed, seeing you become his! and of course, he algo have you any type of affections, giving you the most precious jewels and clothes you ever saw, maybe even taking you to visit the most beautiful gardens around the capital, so many things he is waiting to do with you~
-> soon, he would like to have children with you, there is the political side but he often find himself dreaming about how you kids would look like, red eyes with your hair or your eyes with his black hair, doesn’t matter to him, he just wants to live his happy ever after with you til the end
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
On Keith and his other personality
Officially Keith is kind!Keith and his other personality’s mean!Keith but I’m going to continue with Keith and Alter!Keith
I think I got everything, or at least all the important bits down. I also hope that this is understandable.
Alter!Keith was born one rainy night in one of the most traumatic moments of Keith’s life, when he failed to protect the one most important to him. More about that here.
Keith is told by a doctor that his mind and body have yet to heal since "that day". People have noticed that Keith has been acting hostile toward some nobles, even if it was for the sake of the common people. He's told to rest and those feelings of days suddenly passing by without notice or of there being another "him" will go away.
One day, Keith had "woken up" with a sword in his hand and a noble who had a cut on their arm cowering before him. When Keith tries to ask if they're alright, the beg for forgiveness. He asks if he was the one that hurt them. He has no memory of this and apologizes endlessly.
It wasn't until some days later that Keith learned that there was another "him".
Some exchanges between the two in Keith's first diary:
Keith: "Who the hell are you? What have you been doing without my knowledge?"
Keith: "People are looking at me weirdly. They’re saying things I don’t understand."
Keith: "Don’t do whatever you please with my body!"
Alter!Keith: "I’ve done all the work for you, you failure. You should be thanking me."
Alter!Keith: "You don’t remember what happened? Then I’ll write it down."
Alter!Keith: "It’s only a matter of time before you’re recognized as a brilliant prince."
Keith: "Your achievements belong to you. They’re not mine."
Keith: "I’m afraid of your very existence."
Keith: "Get out of me, I’m begging you. This isn’t normal."
Alter!Keith: "You wanted to disappear. Then scram."
Keith: "Truly, you are better than me. You’re nothing like a failure such as myself."
According to Keith's "More Love with the Beast" event, the frequency of swapping has increased over the years. It's gone from once a year -> once every six months -> once every few months -> once every few weeks -> once a week -> once every 12 hours. However, I'm questioning the actual frequency in the early years. I think it was more than once a year.
It used to be that Alter!Keith came to the front when Keith was either in very stressful situations or was exhausted. Also in situations that Keith just didn't want to deal with.
However, Alter!Keith has more freedom to swap in by taking advantage of when Keith has a moment of weakness.
Unless Keith's feeling too many negative emotions or is exhausted, or if Alter!Keith "locks" Keith in his mind (a recent development), Keith will "wake up" when Alter!Keith goes to "sleep".
Most of Keith's achievements as a prince can be credited to Alter!Keith.
Until recently, Alter!Keith was the only one that could see what Keith did and keep memories. Keith would not have memories of what had occurred when Alter!Keith was in front.
For the longest time, the two have communicated through notebooks or passing notes to Liam, their butler.
Along came Emma and things start to change
Emma has caused the swapping to happen more often than usual.
Alter!Keith doesn't fully understand the mechanics of it, but even when Keith isn't feeling any negative emotions, Alter!Keith's able to swap in at will. It's easier to swap whenever Emma's involved and he likes to get in Keith's way.
Keith's able to access what I call his "mental world". It's a forest influenced by his emotions. Alter!Keith accesses this world first after locking Keith away for several days. He wakes up in a dark and rainy forest. The floor is stained red. Most likely the exact spot where Keith's brother died all those years ago. Here, the two Keiths are able to converse.
When Keith and Emma were attacked, and Alter!Keith couldn't find a gap to swap until after Keith collapsed plus Alter not letting Keith out, there's concern about one of them never being able to come back.
Since becoming aware of the forest, Keith's been able to understand what Alter!Keith feels and has caught glimpses of him and Emma interacting. Just like how Alter!Keith's been able to freely swap since getting close to Emma, Keith's feelings for Emma may be allowing him to "see" through Alter!Keith's eyes and keep some memories.
As Keith's mood improves over the course of his route, the forest becomes brighter and more lively. It also reacts to his emotions at the moment, such as a strong gust of wind blowing through the trees when he's mad at Alter!Keith.
If Keith's ever kicked out of the forest while talking to Alter!Keith, he wakes up shouting his last sentence.
Current situation
Keith and Alter!Keith can now swap freely and "lock" the other personality up.
Keith now retains some of Alter!Keith's memories by getting glimpses through Alter!Keith's eyes. They get clearer over time.
The two fight for Emma's affections
Emma falling in love with them
To avoid Emma having to entertain Silvio, Alter!Keith as Keith has Emma be his guide in Rhodolite. As Emma and Keith spend time together, she grows to care for him a lot.
In contrast, she didn't like Alter!Keith because of how he hurt Keith. However, she soon grows fond of him after spending time with him too. He may seem mean, but he does have a kind side to him. Remembering the little things about both her and Keith.
She first tells Keith that she likes both of them, "as people" she clarified internally. Meaning, as friends.
She doesn't admit to herself that she's in love with him until a little later, after she's been avoiding him like the plague since telling him that she liked him. Every time she's with him, her heart races and she grows warm.
She loves Keith's kind and gentle nature. Like he went out of his way to go out at night find a hair accessory she had lost during one of their tours. Or whenever he offers his cape to her when it's cold. She loves Alter!Keith who teases her relentlessly but is also very open with her.
As for how the two fell for Emma? I believe it's because of how she accepts them both and believes in them when no one else will.
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carefulfears · 8 months
you technically asked for this: please please please talk about scully & samantha (how scully loves her, their connection, etc etc)
(previous post on this here)
the thing about it is like…scully loves samantha in so many different ways. she has to, first and foremost, by nature of loving mulder the way she does. it comes with the territory. it’s a package deal: mulder and his trailing ghost, mulder and his quest, mulder and what “matters.” there’s no separation. he’s 3 people at all times: the man in front of her, the one in bellefleur, the little boy from the pictures with his baby sister on his back. there are no photos of mulder without samantha, none taken without her, none taken after her. and he tells scully why: “i’m still walking into that room. every day of my life.”
and i guess that scully doesn’t have to love her, but she does, because she loves that man in bellefleur who sat down and told her what matters to him. she also loves her job. she loves the work that they do. she loves being “on the side of the victim,” and chasing monsters, making discoveries. she’s cognizant and respectful of what’s at the center. there is a reason that they do this every day, and it isn’t because they get a kick out of little green men. she’s protective, she really doesn’t mess around, not when it’s this important. as early as miracle man in season one, every time anyone mentions samantha, she’s standing up. she’s on edge, she’s controlling. this is important, but it’s not to everyone.
they’re the same age. they were taken by the same people. endured the same tests. reading samantha’s diary, listening to her talk about how much she hated it, the way scully cried…she doesn’t remember this (or maybe she does) but penny northern told her once that she held her while she cried, after the tests. who held this little girl, just writing in her journal that she wanted her brother?
scully wrote a journal like that too, once, saved her testimony for that same person. in closure the way that she tells mulder to go get some sleep, and she keeps looking. when she finds the police report she tells him: “i got it, mulder. i couldn’t believe it when i saw it. it was like it was looking for me.”
she’s guided, just like missy guides. these sisters linger.
as the years go on, bill dies, then tena. csm is out hiding with the anasazis, or whatever he deems priority. there’s no one else there who knows, but scully does. scully knows that they spent their summers playing baseball. they argued over the television, called each other names. she broke her collarbone on the swing, she was 6. it’s forever his turn on their last board game.
“not fox. mulder.” she corrected her mother with a smile, she knows there’s one person who calls him that. (and still does, screaming in his head, in his dreams).
to most everyone else, samantha is a name in a file, a statistic in a project. but “dana k. scully” is 3 shelves down.
she’s a picture in a frame, a ghost in his head. words on tattered paper. she’s scully’s babies’ angel aunt, one of two, and jackson has her hair. maybe baby2 her eyes, or her smile.
scully is just as haunted, as mulder is, and she’s been closer than he could ever get. she understands more. but when it was her turn, someone held her, and she came back to a person that samantha could only write about. so they chase ghosts forever and ever, because they deserve to be sought.
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rokhal · 7 months
Just watched Scream (2022), thinking about what might be going on with Sam Carpenter.
Young Sam discovered that her mom conceived her in high school with a boy who would shortly thereafter become one of their town's most famous serial killers, and lied to her dad about the pregnancy to get him to marry her. When Sam confronted her about this, Sam's dad left the family. Now, after a spectacular bout of teen angst, adult Sam hallucinates (?) her bio-dad, covered in blood, telling her to kill people.
At the time Sam made her fateful discovery she was at that special age where young girls have only one thing on their minds: boys homicide. Normal little girls write dark poetry and get way too into horror movies and imagine that they are surely the only young woman with similar interests, until they get out of the enforced girlhood pink-and-satin bubble and meet some other heavy metal/horror/goth comic fans. Sam, on the other hand, obsessed about her bio dad, isolated herself, and did drugs. If she didn't have a problem to start with, she does now.
Did Sam have a problem with aggressive urges to start with? I haven't watched Scream VI yet, but there's nothing suggested in Scream (2022). She definitely has intrusive thoughts, but intrusive thoughts and actual interest in carrying something out are very different. It's possible to have both, but so far, all I see is Sam desperately trying to find some way to blame herself for her dad leaving so she wouldn't have to hate him.
She wants there to be something wrong with her, because otherwise the man she loved and respected all her childhood was cruelly abandoned her for something she had no control over, and had never loved her but only stuck around from a sense of obligation. It's less painful if her dad's actions make sense.
Then there's the question of what Sam's visions are. Film is a visual medium, so everything from the supernatural to biologically-based hallucinations to a vivid imagination all tends to be portrayed the same way. The real Billy Loomis didn't care about anyone but himself, but Sam's Billy Loomis seems to be protective and proud of her in a fucked-up way. He is an imaginary Billy Loomis. Antipsychotics don't work on him, and also Sam is...well, let's just say that my impression of schizophrenia is that it's pretty disabling, and while Sam's driving skills leave a lot to be desired, we don't see her struggling with attention, cognition, or motivation. Simplest explanation of Sam's Billy Loomis is that he's an accidental tulpa, providing justification for her self-isolating behavior and her dad's abandonment, while being the fucked-up father figure Sam believes she deserves. And there's plenty of material for Sam to base him on: not just her mother's diary, but also the original Stab movie.
Last and most interesting question is, does Sam actually have any inherited traits that contributed to the real Billy's murder spree? We know she's an over-thinker. She did very much stab her boyfriend to death precisely reenacting a real Ghostface murder, but in context that was a rational and proportional response. Add in Billy Loomis Tulpa, and the availability of the Stab franchise for reference viewing, and it's not surprising that she stepped into the role. Sidney and Gale certainly seem to understand where she's coming from. But does Sam have anything else, like an exaggerated rage response or high prey drive that might have lent legitimacy to her fears?
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inquebrar · 3 months
i want to talk about the discovery of the new "alive egg" and an "unknown dead egg" and richas being from group 04 with his image glitching but i just kind of want to share my thoughts, i don't view this as a theory ok
first and foremost, i see only two options for the "Memories" egg that has been brought up to the conversation: either they are dead or they have always been Richas. personally i love this "richas theory" but i think, realistically speaking that the egg who wrote that diary, died. the reason for that is because when you create a story you need to create weight and depth for the characters as well, so people feel the immersion more deeply too.
i will mention Bobby's death, as it was the egg's death that had the most impact on the overall story and completely changed the course of the characters and their personal lore. Bobby's death was shocking and malicious, the feeling left was also of great injustice and this is perfectly linked to what the Federation and the Cucurucho mean to the story. more and more we have confirmations that they have total control over the lives of the eggs so it only makes all the situations more cruel, the eggs dying is a choice. and when you follow a story where this type of narrative happens, the attachment is stronger, the feelings are more intense and more significant, everything becomes more emotional because if you watch something where the most beloved characters are not at risk of death or when they die, it soon reverses and the character comes back to life... it completely loses the weight of the narrative. Bobby deserved to live, but Cucurucho chose that he deserved to die, the Federation does not see the eggs as children who have family, friends, personality and a life, for them, they are just experiments that can be used and discarded when desired. that's the weight of the story, this is the narrative we have been following for almost a year.
JuanaFlippa and the Codes. i still remember when everyone thought that Juana would come back to life, that she would receive another chance since (once again) her death would have been fraught with the feeling of injustice. there were several theories that she would come back to life after months of death, and when CodeFlippa's plot twist happened it was simply incredible. JuanaFlippa is dead, she will not return is what they reaffirmed once again about the narrative. therefore, rationally speaking, that little egg that was left to die by the federation must have died.
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the Federation left that egg to die, that was their choice. it's unfair... it’s the feeling that remains, right? so it makes perfect sense.
i don't see any reason why it should be changed in the narrative that after 5 months since this diary was found, which was something impactful for the story and the weight of carrying the memory of a child who suffered and was left to die, this egg is alive after so long and after clearly the intention was to show once again how cruel the federation can be, as this also adds to the main story. unless it was the Federation's choice, to have used this egg that had been discarded to be the Brazilians' egg, which there is a lot of speculation that their arrival was something not foreseen by the Federation, so why not use that experiment that was discarded? it would make sense that Richas was a completely different egg that had their memory erased and was altered to be the new egg of the residents who arrived on the island without prediction. this would explain why, unlike Pomme, Richas initially couldn't communicate very well and didn't seem to understand things being said in portuguese, since the diary was written in english for example.
but this is just a theory that i really like, so i prefer something to be done that is more coherent with the story and not just for fanservice, so i believe that the egg from the "Memories" diary died or at least there will be a plot twist of explanation that somehow the little egg underwent experiments to be reused and become Richarlyson. well, that's it i don't know but i just hope to see new people from other countries soon and so there is a new egg to be discovered, i can't wait to meet more people from new cultures and see the new kid experiencing trauma together with their parents
i'm really excited to see what the QSMP 2024 will be like! more people, more countries, more cultures, more kids, more friends, more bonds to be created and more suffering from getting attached to characters and minecraft eggs!! :)
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cheiyunn · 3 months
Kimisute main story [0部 ] Part 4
Tadaomi: (Sometimes it's best to reread my observation diary. There may be new discoveries at bay)
Tadaomi: (Starting first with… EpsilonΦ)
Tadaomi: (EpsilonΦ’s vocalist, Ujigawa Shu. 2nd year of middle school.)
Tadaomi: (Because he keeps thinking about his father, Shu-kun must really love him)
Tadaomi: (Thanks to his help, I’ve been able to see many different facets of emotions in others. I look forward to the future)
Tadaomi: (EpsilonΦ’s drummer, Karasuma Reiji. He’s the same as me, a 1st year in university)
Tadaomi: (Originally known as Fushimi Reiji-kun, because of his family business going bankrupt, he was adopted by a distant relative of his)
Tadaomi: (The perpetrator, Duck River’s president… In order to get his revenge on Shu-kun father, he stays by his side)
Tadaomi: (Well, it was me who told him the reason for bankruptcy. But in order to fulfill his goal, I wonder what emotions he’ll show me…)
Tadaomi: (But recently, his sentiment towards Shu-kun has slightly changed… I wonder what happened between the two)
Tadaomi: (EpsilonΦ’s guitar and vocal, Nijo Haruka. And the bass, Haruka’s younger twin brother, Nijo Kanata. )
Tadaomi: (These two are just so very interesting)
Tadaomi: (Whenever Haruka-kun is pestered by his younger brother Kanata-kun, he always displays an array of wonderful expressions)
Tadaomi: (It's the kind of expression normal people make when they feel distaste towards something. I believe they call this a ‘bitter expression’)
Tadaomi: (Whenever Haruka-kun makes that expression, Kanata-kun smiles with glee)
Tadaomi: (If I recall correctly, Shu-kun said 「Whenever you’re treated like a wicked curse by Haruka, you laugh wholehearted huh~」)
Tadaomi: (And Kanata-kun replied 「Being treated like a wicked curse by him makes me so~ happy」. Fufu, they get along so well)
Tadaomi: (Its so fun to observe the relationship between these twins. From now and so forth I do hope they show me even more expressions~)
Tadaomi: (Shu-kun, Reiji-kun, Haruka-kun, Kanata-kun… and also the other bands’ members who appeared in the LRfes…)
Tadaomi: (Do show me more of your many emotions)
Reiji: …oh, there’s only Tadaomi here?
Tadaomi: Reiji-kun welcome back. Is Shu-kun not with you?
Reiji: No, I came back immediately 
Tadaomi: Is that so. Good work then
[Door opens]
Shu: I’m back. What's this, there’s only Tadaomi here?
Tadaomi: Haruka-kun went out to eat ramen. Kanata-kun chased after him
Tadaomi: I think the should be coming back soon?
Shu: Oh dear me, as always they get along perfectly
Shu: What were you doing alone in the living room?
Tadaomi: I was collecting all my thoughts into my notes. So when you ask me something in regards to lyrics I’m able to respond
Shu: Hm~ You’re all diligent huh~
Shu: I was just thinking about asking for your lyrics again, so perfect timing if I say so
Tadaomi: So that means, a new song?
Reiji: We haven’t set it in stone but we’ve been discussing starting production our next single
Tadaomi: Is that so. If I can help, then I’d like to
Reiji: …that wasn’t expected. I didn’t think you’d ever suggest that
Tadaomi: When I had tried it myself, I felt like I could feel Shu-kun’s emotions being conveyed through the lyrics he wrote
Shu: What nonsense are you spouting
Tadaomi: I had thought that you were ‘really amazing~’ and I learned alot from your example. So if I ever got the chance I would
Shu: Is that so? Well if I feel like it I’ll come around to you then
Tadaomi: Then it's a pleasure
[Door opens]
Haruka: Cut it out you little shit!
Kanata: Eh~ I don’t think it was that bad though~
Reiji: Can you two… ever quietly come in or not
Kanata: I’m normal as always right~? Go ask that question to my brother instead–
Haruka: Well if you weren’t always instigating some shit with me, I wouldn’t be raising my voice either!
Shu: Ha…. could you not show off your brotherly closeness so much here?
Shu: Or maybe… did you practice so much your ears went kaput?
Shu: If thats the case, It seems like our next meeting will be fun. I’m looking forward to it okay~? Haruka, and Kanata.
Haruka: …tch!
Kanata: If he’s retreating to his room then I’m retreating to~
Reiji: Kanata, don’t forget that you’re on trash bag collection duty. Even if we have a housekeeper over, at the very least do that.
Kanata: I know–.  I should get bro to help me out with that then~
--[Kanata goes to his room]--
--[Reiji’s phone rings]--
Reiji: …hm? A call… Shu, pardon me for a moment
--[Reiji walks away]--
Tadaomi: Are you not returning to your room?
Shu: If you’re saying that then touche
Tadaomi: For me, I like staying here if it means watching everyone
Tadaomi: (And if I stay in my room, I’ll end up missing out on everyone’s statuses…)
Tadaomi: (In order to see everyone’s intense emotions swerve violently, I do hope that something wonderful will occur)
Tadaomi: (Since recently Shu-kun has been more calm… he’s become just a tad boring)
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